Saturday, September 5, 2015

Jesus Calling: September 5

I am your best Friend, as well as your King. Walk hand in hand with Me through your life. Together we will face whatever each day brings: pleasures, hardships, adventures, disappointments. Nothing is wasted when it is shared with Me. I can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams. I can glean Joy out of sorrow, Peace out of adversity. Only a Friend who is also the King of kings could accomplish this divine alchemy. There is no other like Me!
     The friendship I offer you is practical and down-to-earth, yet it is saturated with heavenly Glory. Living in My Presence means living in two realms simultaneously: the visible world and unseen, eternal reality. I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me while walking along dusty, earthbound paths. 

John 15:13-15
English Standard Version

13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

Isaiah 61:3
English Standard Version  

to grant to those who mourn in Zion—
    to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
    the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit;
that they may be called oaks of righteousness,
    the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.
2 Corinthians 6:10
English Standard Version 

as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. The devotional thought for the day begins with a reference to the ups and downs each day has in it. As I meditate on this, I realize many of the ups and downs spoken of are my own making. My self-centeredness is constantly judging what occurs by whether I like it or not. When I like it, I make it an up and have a temporary delight and when I don’t like it, it makes me sad, angry, disgusted, etc. Evagrius taught a spirit of apatheia, a spirit of neutrality in the soul so as to be free to discover God in each moment. When I have practiced this, I have found myself most loving in the moment to the blessing of my wife, my family, or anyone with whom I am in contact at the moment.

    1. Bob your responses are a part of my daily reading as well...thank you.

    2. I sure miss you, Bob! God bless.

    3. Me too, Bob As though God died and left me to judge in His Place, ...When I like it, I judge it an up day and have a temporary delight and when I don’t like it, it makes me sad, angry, disgusted, etc. I judge it a down day dismissing GOD's POWER TO ACT and make ALL things work together for good.
      Forgive us, Lord, for we know not what we do. Amen.

    4. Thanks! You made me think, Bob! We all wake up with our human emotions intact. If it’s a gray rainy day, we think it’s gonna be a bad one. But if before our feet hit the ground we are thanking and praising our Father for the new day, chances are the Spirit will renew our tired mind. The rain refreshes and cleanses and the gray sky will make the sunshine seem all the more brighter.
      Amen Brie! Let us just be thankful and leave the judging to the Righteous One. We are blessed just because He has opened our weary eyes to a brand new day of endless possibilities. I was up way too late and I also chose to get up to see the sunrise! A glorious gift! But now I’m dragging myself through the hours. Tonight I must catch up on my sleep.

    5. I love Saturday mornings. No alarm to get ready to go to work. Extended time in prayer, journaling and reading posts here from JC family. This entry sent me to a reminder from God to me from last April:
      The hope of heaven should light you up like a firecracker. The joy that awaits you is an idea that should never take a smile from your face. My love is all you need to remember to feel safe, secure and happy. I've got this. No need for worry, for imagining outcomes, for focusing on finances, searching for answers, and least of all judging others.
      Thank you Jesus for your calling to spend time with you and appreciate the day, no matter what we seen to think is in store for us.

    6. Traveling Grace and Mercy to you and yours today, BOB!

    7. My Prayer:
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      When I hear the term perfect, what comes to my mind? Everything is as I and my ego hoped it would be, shutting out Your Plan, Your Thoughts and Your True Friendship. Why do I allow my limited view of anything to box in Your omnipresent view of everthing? Waiting  for my ego's brand of perfection can lead to barren outcomes. As Ecclesiastes says "Farmers who wait for what they consider perfect weather, never plant anything. Farmers whose watch every cloud waiting for what they consider the perfect one, never harvest anything. When I use my ego's limited capacity to judge the perfect day, the perfect life or the  perfect beach trip, at the point by point level, then I'll never have a perfect day nor a perfect life nor a perfect beach trip. Instead of wasting my time standing on the corner where the perfect bus doesn't stop, can You help me perfectly accept walking hand in hand with You, my Best Friend, and together facing whatever each day brings, perfectly allowing You to bring beauty out of the ashes, perfectly allowing You to bring joy out of sorrow, and perfectly allowing You to bring peace out of adversity?
      A true perfectionist is one who makes this Beach Trip called Life the best it can be, whatever happens. Would You help me update my definition of true perfection, as perfect acceptance of perfect imperfections, and perfect submission in everything to You, my Best Friend who happens to be The King and The Master of Everything? I ask. I pray. I thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen

    8. Thanks for all the sharing learning alot...Lord, I don’t know what lay before me today, but I commit it all to You. Please give me strength and courage to get through the joys, challenges and happenings of the day. I thank You for my life and for all that I have; I commit this day to You. No matter what happens, I know You have me in the palm of Your hand. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

    9. Thank you Bob! Your helpful

    10. Beautiful Audra! The thought of Heaven and seeing the face of Jesus is always a blessed comfort that fills my heart with joy. Amen Brie, I too long for perfect submission in everything to Him. Not easy to do but we can try to focus on Him above other things in our day and in our life.
      Dear Min Ahadi, Your prayer said it all with gratitude, trust and praise. I gave my morning to the Lord and He just kept guiding my day and blessing me. I spent most of it helping my son and daughter in love with the baby and my other grandson. I felt God's presence throughout the day. He helped me get a good dinner on the table and bake an apple cobbler and help my little grandson with his paintings and most of all He blessed me with the joy of holding my newest grandson while he slept in my arms. I am so proud of the wonderful father my son is to his two children. It blesses my heart. I just pray for him to seek the Lord and know Him. I thank God for this brand new baby in our family-this glorious gift of life. Our God is just so good.
      Amen Brie. He is my best friend, The Eternal King and The Master of everything. He is enough and all we need.

    11. Bob - reading your comments in 2022; I love your thinking
      “Free to discover God in each moment.” Thank you for such a simple yet important comment.

    12. Bob, reading your comment 5 years later…the spirit of neutrality really hit me hard this morning. We do make alot of the ups and downs we encounter each day. I’m taking this pearl of wisdom with me today. God bless!
      SC Anonymous

    13. Me too! Grateful for a repeat reminder!

  2. god help me why are all my days just down when will I get some ups days please pray for my family the feeling I have when I get up every morning is so empty I cant stand it anymore.

  3. Hi unknown, I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety throughout times in my life I know that dark empty feeling and you feel like the only person on the face of the planet and no one could possibly understand how you’re feeling. You-are-not-alone. Even though you may feel it. This empty feeling will pass sooner or later. I finally went to a counselor to have someone to talk to and it helped. She gave me some good tools for when I started feeling that way again. Maybe try talking to someone and remember, you are not alone and this feeling will go away at some point.

  4. Although God is a King, feared and revered, God is also our very best friend, whom we can tell everything. Keeping God as our closest confidant allows Him to work in all areas of our lives. A thankful heart, full of praise, is a sure way to build an intimate relationship with God. This opens up your life for many blessings. Even though he is a King, God is always accessible through thanksgiving, praise, and prayer. . . by doing these things with consistency, and being patient, God will begin to reveal the plans He has for our lives.

    1. I was feeling lonely and without a best friend despite having general friends. (I'm also an empty-nester and miss my kid). To read that God is my best friend feels so comforting! Thank you God for loving me despite my weaknesses. Amen

  5. What a friend we have in Jesus. Thank You Jesus!!!

  6. Jesus Jesus Jesus sweetest name I know feels my every longing
    What a privilege to be called friend Thank you Lord for loving us

    1. Good morning runaprilmae😊! Good to see your post! Missed you. Hope all is well with hubby & K&K.

    2. AprilMae - I hope you are well. You are missed!!

    3. Joining GTT in missing persons report RunaprilmaeπŸ€—

  7. Yesterday was so full, such a blessing, walking hand in hand with my Savior that by the time I got in bed last night (very late), I felt as if I'd lived 2 days in one. I barely got 5 hours of sleep. When I finally crawled in bed, I was praying and had the thought, 'As wonderful as this day was - I yearn for balance.'
    "The friendship I offer you is practical and down-to-earth, yet it is saturated with heavenly Glory. Living in My Presence means living in two realms simultaneously: the visible world and unseen, eternal reality." JC
    Then Bob's post, from a year ago, really hit home. "When I like it, I make it an up and have a temporary delight and when I don’t like it, it makes me sad, angry, disgusted, etc. Evagrius taught a spirit of apatheia, a spirit of neutrality in the soul so as to be free to discover God in each moment. When I have practiced this, I have found myself most loving in the moment to the blessing of my wife, my family, or anyone with whom I am in contact at the moment."
    Today, my goal is to walk hand in hand with my Lord but not get so caught up in the high, highs! I pray that it is a peaceful day. That I remember to breaaa-aathe!
    Praying for each of you and thanking you for yours!

  8. My BEST Friend, my Father, my Lord, my Saviour, my EVERYTHING, that is who You are! Thank You for another gifted day filled with possibilities, dreams and hope for tomorrow. A Friend that has your back in the good times and the bad times, a Friend that NEVER disappionts, a Friend that died and rose again so that I may have life and eternity after! That is who YOU are Father! What more can I ask for? Thank You Lord for being the BEST FRIEND that ONLY You can be!

    JC family, the world will disappoint you, family and friends will, but there's just ONE who will NEVER and His name is JESUS! Hold on, hang on, grab a hold off, rest on, walk with, talk with and Trust this BEST FRIEND because He is the BEST THING that ever happened to you!

    Praying for all and lifting up the name of our BEST FRIEND JESUS with Praise and Thanksgiving.

    Bless and fruitful day to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. As to you, Maplewood. Bless your day.πŸ₯°

    2. So refreshing. So timely. Thank you Lord for the words you share through Anonymous and other JC Family Members. Blessings

    3. Thanks dear Maplewood! I have been thinking lately how blessed I am that Jesus is my best friend and how He knows me even better than my dear husband knows me after 46 years together. We dated for 8 years before we tied the knot. Believe me, as much as I love Rick, he sure knows how to push my buttons. But I’m sitting here enjoying the eggs he made so I’d better keep quiet. He is good and honest and I pray he will come to Jesus in God’s good timing. Anyway, my dear sweet Lord knows me through and through and loves me exactly as I am. He is always ready to listen to my heart. He is the best company and never fails to understand me and bring me smiles, strength, rest and peace. What a great best friend!

    4. Still so blessed to have the best Friend I could ever have in Jesus. He understands me through and through. He is my forever friend, loyal and kind, powerful and dependable, and truthful and comforting. There is no one greater. He is always by my side and knows my heart better than anyone and He gave me His life, and rose again so I could have Salvation.
      Amen: Thank You Lord for being the BEST FRIEND that ONLY You can be!
      Thank you for your spirit filled words, sweet Maplewood.

    5. Just the other day, I was outside. I was taking a second to bask in the wonder of Spring budding. I was observing. Until, someone called my attention away. They needed me. I couldn't say no. I felt awkward saying, in a random moment, "Hey, I'll get back to you in a bit, I am spending time with God." Sometimes, our need to please gets in the way, of our need for God. It doesn't mean, we shouldn't value those we most value, but it means we must always value God first.

      I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8)
      Amen and amen RY

    6. Very true Bo. I can relate because I am always baking for people and trying to make their Birthdays special and sometimes I am putting people before the Lord. It is much better to please God than others. But if we can do both in the right way, He will still be glorified.

  9. Amen! Jesus our lord and savior is always the answer.

  10. Hello all and thank you. I truly believe that your prayers and God's will is how I was put on the path of recovery. I am now praying daily for others and for myself. At the risk of seeming selfish I have another request for prayers. I have been unemployed for a very long time. I have misplaced an original legal document that I must submit to a court before I can be legally employed. Please pray for me that I find this document and that in the interim I find any type of work so that I can bring in some money for my family. I am looking for work daily and so far God has blessed me with the opportunity to do some pet sitting. However this is not enough and I truly want to gain legitimate employment preferably in field. I am a bit embarrassed to ask for this while my problems pale in comparison to others. However, I have directly experienced the miracle of prayer and work is important for my sobriety and my family. My life continues to improve and I am very grateful to my JC family for your prayers. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. So wonderful how the God knows our needs..keep an eye out for that job..just stay focused on the Lord..

    2. Since 0ur JC Family prays for situations, without judgment or comparison, ALL Prayer Requests and ALL Praise Reports are welcome here! Thanks for sharing yours.

    3. Hope and pray you are receiving God’s guidance and help in every part of your life. You are always in my prayers my brother. Keep resting in His faithfulness!

  11. Replies
    1. Joing JC FAMILY in prayers for your situation. God promises that "His divine power has granted to us all things.that pertain to life and godliness"(2 Peter 1:3a ESA) and that we can trust Him to provide all we need for life through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

  12. Amazing! I just found the document. I had been looking for this for days everywhere. Thank you Jesus! Thank you JE. I am humbled and amazed at the power of Prayer.

  13. Zfuntastic, if its important to you its important to us. JC has some powerful prayer warriors by the grace of God. I feel prayer in my heart but it just does not come out in writing. I am glad Jesus can hear my heart. God will never fail you; God bless all.

    1. Loveconquersall--- That's no tiny heart you have there--that's a HUGE humble heart that made me say "Wow". I covet your prayers anyday!

    2. We see your heart of love in all your posts, Loveconquersall, and it comes through in your writings as well. Thanks for sharing you!

    3. Amen! Jesus knows well your beautiful heart! Your love and light always shine like the sun!

  14. Thank you JC family! My hope and faith grows stronger. I know I have to take the steps to do my part and there will always be adversity however it is so great to know that I have a friend in Jesus King of Kings! And my JC family.

  15. My day seemed to start off a bit difficult. I wasn't able to read the devotion and comments until my lunch break. Boy, did it help to get my head and heart in a better spot. I just came home after a full day, but I continued throughout my day talking to my friend, Jesus.

    Thank you Jesus for always being there for me and for all of us! A best friend indeed! Thank you for allowing me to walk hand in hand with You no matter what comes my way. What a gift. There is no one else like You. You absolutely can bring joy and peace out of sorrow and adversity. Thank you, God, for everything! Blessings and prayers for all on here. Amen. CO

  16. This is a late Fri Nt post for all of my Early Bird, JC Family! Thank you for your prayers for my dear Daughter in Love,- I shared JC with her this morning and she said, "Perfect Verses!" - PROGRESS! I'm heading to bed SO sleepy but thankful for Pastor Louie's report, Sassy Mom - continued prayers! Dear Jan Gridley - SUCCESS!! SO thankful to read your eye procedure went well! Dear Brie - praying for that 'cool, cool, water (my Dear Hub's song when our kids wanted kool aid or something other than cool, clean WATER! Picturing you with all needs met and the freshest of water running from your taps!
    Also asking each of you to pray for me as the Dr. is requiring the 'dreaded' Mammogram. I don't know why I'm SO anxious, but I need to get OVER IT and just go get the thing DONE. Please help me with your prayers - that I put on my 'big girl pants,' and JUST DO IT. What IS my problem??? I'm SO anxious. My dear Dr. retired and the new Nurse Practitioner is sending me to a Breast Dr, a Dermatologist (leg rash), and an Allergist/Asthma Specialist (allergy cough). I hate going to ANY Doctor and she's sending me to 3?!? I read back a year ago on our prayers and see Zunfastic's incredible progress in the light of what seemed daunting and I know it is available for me. Bob, your prayer from 2018 was answered - look at you now! I hope your return travels are safe and that your heart is blessed. I pray that whatever I'm going through now - in 2 years, I'll look back and give thanks as you are now, Bob. I'll see answered prayers (God has answered SO MANY - why do I doubt??). I'm praying that I give up the things that keep me from believing the best is available for me (esp my on-again/off-again smoking habit) and that I'm rid of ANYTHING that keeps me from the love of God in the Renewed Mind in Manifestation. I want to be the BEST example to my kids and grandkids. I know i'm looking for perfection in this earthen vessel, but, honestly, JC Family - I just want to know I'm doing my best and in all honesty, I'm not. Please pray with me that I sharpen this vessel and shape up. I'm rambling - I'm tired, but had to get this off my chest. Hopefully, tomorrow afternoon, or Sunday, I write a VICTORY post for answered prayer. Love to all and prayers for all. "The friendship I offer you is practical and down-to-earth, yet it is saturated with heavenly Glory. Living in My Presence means living in two realms simultaneously: the visible world and unseen, eternal reality. I have equipped you to stay conscious of Me while walking along dusty, earthbound paths." Yep - that's what I'm striving for. So sorry for the 'RANT,' just had to come clean with the things I'm battling. Sigh. I'll probably regret reading this tomorrow or next year, (God willing). This is where I share ALL. <3

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Dear Norah, I declare the peace of God Our Lord filling your body, mind, soul, spirit and every area of your life.

      I know how frustrated we feel when we want to do our best but feel like we're not. But, the good news is that we don't have to do it alone. He is there with us and for us. All we have to do is telling him everything on our heart and asking Him for help, which He will surely provide.

      Sometimes He takes away our burdens, sometimes He wants us to face them so He can strenghten us to get through it. No matter what He decides to do, the whole situation remains in His hands.
      His ways are not our ways.

      I feel like He might want to train you to face your fear of doctors by sending you to 3 others. He cares so much about you that He's using them to take care of your health. Trust Him, He won't let go of your hand as you rest in His Presence.
      We are there praying for you sweet sister.

      Blessings from France

    3. Norah- lifting all 3 dreaded appts. God will turn them into calm, worry-free appts. He will be with you from beginning to end of each of those days more so than others for He knows when you will need Him the most. You are precious in His sight. We love youπŸ₯°

    4. I love when you spill your heart out, dear Norah, and I love your rants! Even in your human frailty and doubting mind, the Christ in you is so beautiful! Praying along with you for all our prayer requests but most of all for your mammogram and a good report, and also for your other appointments to go well. I am late in getting my physical, my eye exam, my colonoscopy and my mammogram. I’ve been using Covid as an excuse not to schedule them. But I promise I will when I get back from vacation. I have a big sign back in my kitchen to do just that. We all want to do our best to please our Father. I’m sure He appreciate ms our efforts even when we fall short.

    5. Norah, a thought scampered across my mind as I read your post about having 3 Drs appointments....and I had a little giggle! Not about your appointments but it showed me just where I need to be a whole lot more grateful for answered prayers!!! Each morning and night I pray that God grant me the peace, love, joy, HEALTH, kindness, compassion and forgiveness that comes from and through Him and then I have the ungrateful heart to complain about how my prayer was answered (by sending me to an appointment I don’t want to go to!)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. God works in mysterious ways! I hope you don’t think I’m making fun out if the seriousness of your post, I’m not !
      I’m poking fun at how I expect God to do all the work for me!!!
      Love to you !!!
      Monica ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    6. Sweet Norah, my prayer that you close your eyes and that you rest in the Lord. Hold her tight Lord. Jesus we trust in you!

    7. Amen! May God give Norah all the rest she needs and strength she needs to continue her faithful work for Him.

  17. JC friends, I remember reading this devo message but couldn't find what day it was written or recall the exact wording. I'm glad September 5th arrived! Incredibly helpful thought hidden in the devo passage today: "Living in My Presence means living in two realms simultaneously: the visible world and unseen, eternal reality." So, God is saying He will equip you for today and don't fret about tomorrow (eternity) because He is holding your/my hand through the membrane/fabric/mist that exists between heaven and earth.

    This thin separator was incredibly shown to a few of the Apostles when they went with Jesus to pray. At His transfiguration, right here on Earth, somehow a slice of heaven/eternity was opened and they saw Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah. This showed the Kingdom of heaven is TRULY "near". We can read and believe it as being literally true. So friends, let us recognize that while praying in big ways with plans for the distant future is not a bad thing, it can be a futile effort! Because tomorrow, we can very easily slip through the veil into eternity and be at peace forever. Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Thanks for the reminder MadFox, that God is saying, He will equip you for today and don't fret about tomorrow (eternity) because He is holding your/my hand through the membrane/fabric/mist that exists between heaven and earth.
      And thanks to you Bob for turning my head to think about a spirit of apatheia, a spirit of neutrality in the soul so as to be free to discover God in each moment.
      Thanks Norah, for reminding me to be like clay in The Master Potter's Hands and let Him shape up and sharpen the vessel if/as He sees fit @ Isaiah 64:
      Thou, O Lord are The Potter; we are the clay. We are all formed by Your Hand.
      Would you Pray for me JC Family to achieve some semblance of Fret Freedom and Apatheia, while in the Slow Learner’s Pottery Class: Section 101 D: LUMPS?
      I've watched Him do it again and again, so why do I continually need a refresher course at every junction as though He runs out of clay to make ALL (ALL means ALL) things work together for good, even now, even me?
      Isaiah 61 states give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Share with Me. I can bring beauty out of the ashes of lost dreams. I can glean Joy out of sorrow, Peace out of adversity. Only a Friend who is also the King of kings could accomplish this divine alchemy. There is no other like Me!
      Brie is singing off:
      When trouble is in my way
      I can't tell my night from day
      When I'm tossed from side to side
      Like a ship on a raging tide
      I don't worry I don't fret
      My God has never failed me yet
      Troubles come from time to time
      But that's all right,
      I'm not the worrying kind because
      I've got confidence
      God is gonna see me through
      No matter what the case may be
      I know He's gonna fix it for me!
      Good Morning JC Family!

    2. Beautiful Brie. Amen πŸ™.

    3. Amen Madfox! Praying for you dear Brie!

      Blessings from France

    4. I think you speak for many, Brie, or, at least for me. I too often feel I am in that same remedial class as the clay on the wheel with lots of lumps, lol. Thank you for stating is so plainly yet accurately. Couldn't have expressed it better. I love the song you ended with. Josh Baldwin's song, "Stand in Your Love" also comes to mind:
      When darkness tries to roll over my bones
      When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own
      When brokenness and pain is all I know
      I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken...

      'Cause my fear doesn't stand a chance
      When I stand in Your love
      My fear doesn't stand a chance
      When I stand in Your love
      My fear doesn't stand a chance
      When I stand in Your love

      Shame no longer has a place to hide
      And I am not a captive to the lies
      I'm not afraid to leave my past behind
      Oh, I won't be shaken, no, I won't be shaken...

      (Repeat chorus...)

      Blessings to one and all in this awesome and supporting JC family! And, thanks, again, Brie, for your words. As Janet said, they were beautiful!

    5. Thanks Madfox, It’s important to remember that in a heartbeat we can be called to Heaven. Only God knows what the day ahead will bring. Also that Jesus is already sitting at His right Hand also right here beside us at this very moment. We are anchored to Heaven by a very thin but unbreakable thread, and through that connection we are always close to Hus Divinity and glory.
      Thanks dear Brie! Absolutely loved your post and I will try to be a good and neutral lump of clay as God continues to mold me. He’s the best artist ever! I saw His glorious sunrise today and it was totally magnificent!

    6. ♥️🎢

    7. Thanks dear MadFox, One more reminder that God is the only one who knows what our tomorrow will bring. Let us hold His Hand right now and stay close to Him. Miss you my brother. Praying all is going well with your treatment and you are seeing God's faithfulness in your life and health.
      Thanks Brie and Audra! I have always loved that song.
      Standing in His perfect love. No fear here. Just trusting in the Lord and His promises.

  18. Update on Pastor Louie - "Louie got home about 3 pm yesterday, Friday, September 5. He is doing well and is thankful for all the love and encouragement he has received from our church family. Please continue to pray for added strength and biopsy results."

    1. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers for Pastor Louie. We declare complete healing, recovery, renewed strength in Jesus Name, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying for excellent biopsy report for PastorπŸ™πŸ€—

    3. Praying for Pastor Louie’s healing and for wonderful results!

  19. Loving Father, Thank You that I came to You through the cross of Christ through faith and repentance. We were all enemies of Yours, we rejected You, but the good news, is, You befriended us first. Therefore, through communication, conversation, reading Your Word, worshipping and praying, I can live in friendship with You. Thank You Lord!

    There is NO perfect friend Like Jesus. He is a Friend (King) who will never let me down and never betray the secrets of my heart. He is a Friend (King) ) who will always be there for me tomorrow in spite of my imperfections and who is always willing to help me in times of need. He understands me, He loves me unconditionally, He knows EVERYTHING about me. He laid down His life for me! John 15:13-14 tells me: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.”
    Jesus Christ, the Messiah and soon-to-return King of Kings, is my perfect best Friend. As my Friend, He understands my human weakness and temptation. “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). This isn’t a relationship of equals. He is not my buddy, but my KING! Yet, He said: “No longer do I call you servants, but I have called you friends" (John 15:15).
    Thank You Jesus for being my Perfect Trusted Friend (King). That is why my heart sings- I AM A FRIEND OF GOD!! (by Israel Houghton):

    Who am I that You are mindful of me?
    That You hear me when I call
    Is it true that You are thinking of me?
    How you Love me
    It's Amazing

    Who am I that You are mindful of me?
    That You hear me when I call
    Is it true that You are thinking of me?

    How you Love me
    It's Amazing

    I am a friend of God
    I am a friend of God
    I am a friend of God
    He calls me friend

    Jesus offered the hand of friendship to us when He ultimately proved the legitimacy of His offer by laying down His life for us! He deserves the glory!!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood- all week that phrase: why are you mindful of me Lord, has been ringing in my thoughts! Thank youπŸ₯°

    2. Amen Maplewood!! Oh what a perfect friend we have in Jesus.

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen. Thanks Maplewood! What an awesome thought to chew on! I am in the thoughts of the Almighty and He is fully aware of me as His beloved child and knows my heart completely!

  20. Love that song Maplewood. Thank you for the reminder.
    Peace to all today - zfuntastic, Norah, Jan, Jeanne, Love conquers all, CO, JJ, Peas for Chickens, Bob, Maddox, B F F, Suzanne R, RunAprilMae, Sassy Mom, K Mertens, Audra, ABC. Mindy in Spokane, Brandy, Bamagrl (you okay?), Cece, Keith, Jeff Hildreth, Maplewood NJ, Pamela K, Janet, Fern, BrightStar, PEBGdesigns, Fay, PurpleMartin, keeppraying, Rose Ledbetter, KS, Jesus is Lord, Mark L, unknowns that are completely known, and many more that I have Not mentioned. You are an amazing group of God seekers!
    Our King desires friendship with you! How marvelous. May we walk in that incredible intimacy and relationship today. We are never alone. We are always completely loved. May we splash in the pool of joy and unending love today.
    He has something for all of us. He longs for us to be present to His purposes to give Him glory.

    1. Wow GTT, what a list huh? I prayed for a blessing on them all! Thank you dear ❤️ for posting themπŸ₯°. Blessings on you & your day!

    2. Thank you for blessing us all GTT! God be with you.

      Blessings from France

    3. You made me smile GTT! Thanks for the blessing and all your prayers. May you see God’s bright light on your path today. I will be splashing with you in that sweet pool of His joy and love.

    4. Bless you and thank you! You are on my prayer list! ♥️

    5. Thank you Grace Takes Time. I loved reading the blessings herein and your list from last year. What a beautiful family in Christ. God Bless you

    6. Thanks GTT. Your sweet words blessed me again. Especially: "May we splash in the pool of joy and unending love today."

  21. Thank you all so much for your prayers for my brother, SIL and nephew. They safely arrived! Thank you Lord!

    Blessings from France

    1. Yay God! Thank you for safe delivery! Hallelujah!

    2. Wonderful news BFF! God is so good! So glad they are safe.

    3. Thanks for the Victory Report!

  22. Have enjoyed reading and learning all the experiences this little family of God has shared on this blog asking for prayers that the Lord guide me through this journey I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and my doctor suggest that I take medication to save my bones and strengthen them the side effects of the medication is very scary there's so many negative reviews on all the medications out there and not many positives I talk to God about which medications I should use or not to use any at all asking for prayers from this precious family have a blessed day God is good

    1. Anonymous- I talk to God all the time about what He wants me to put in my body. Food, medications etc.He does not want your body to be harmed even by medications. He does provide a way, by showing you what to do or heal you. Seek and you shall find.

    2. Adding Anonymous that I will be praying for youπŸ™πŸ₯°

    3. He says acknowledge Him in all things so I’m sure He is guiding you to the safest choice. Praying you’ll pick the best one with His help.

    4. Oh My God, Anonymous. You spoke my truth. I have been on Boniva for the past 4 months with terrible side effects that lasted a week each time. I have an appointment on Sept 8 to discuss with Dr and have been praying that God reign Supreme over the appointment, information and direction. And today I see your post. You are Amazing, God!

    5. Praying for you Anonymous!
      Blessings from France

  23. I second the thankfulness for the list GTT and have been praying as well. I am thankful for each of you: your loving guidance, prayer support, songs (listened to each and "I Need You Every Hour is now most thankfully STUCK in my head!!). I must get ready as I'm taking the little boys to swim lessons with their daddy while 'mommy' is out of town. Remind me, Father to always count my blessings, to always rebuke FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) and claim your mighty Word.
    Again - thank you, Dear JC Family. I work up feeling guilty for spilling my guts and then read your beautiful messages and I KNOW THE POWER of PRAYER! God Bless each of you. I'll continue to lift each of you and will check back for VICTORIES!

  24. Thanks again for spilling your guts, sweet Norah. Enjoy the precious time with your grands and just put them in the Lord’s care and have an awesome day! Much love!

  25. Lord, help ke to remember to acknowledge You in all things. Today I choose Your will, not mine. I thank You for all that I hace and all tvat I am.

  26. At the risk of repeating myself (because I am so intent on sharing a post at times as I did at the top of the blog) IAM adding it again here:
    AudraSeptember 5, 2020 at 9:27 AM
    I love Saturday mornings. No alarm to get ready to go to work. Extended time in prayer, journaling and reading posts here from JC family. This entry sent me to a reminder from God to me from last April:
    The hope of heaven should light you up like a firecracker. The joy that awaits you is an idea that should never take a smile from your face. My love is all you need to remember to feel safe, secure and happy. I've got this. No need for worry, for imagining outcomes, for focusing on finances, searching for answers, and least of all judging others.
    Thank you Jesus for your calling to spend time with you and appreciate the day, no matter what we seen to think is in store for us.

    1. Thank you Audra!

      "You are my friends"
      Thank You, Jesus! What a perfect life having You as a Best Friend, The One Who also Happens to be The King over all others and over all things! Yes, Him, and He picked me! Thank You Jesus! Praise You, God! I also appreciate this ever widening and far reaching circle of Your Best Friends in our JC Family. Amen

    2. CHORUS:
      Jesus is a friend of mine.
      Jesus is my friend.
      Jesus is a friend of mine.
      I have a friend in Jesus.
      Jesus is a friend of mine.
      Jesus is my friend.
      Jesus is a friend of mine.
      Jesus is my friend!
      He taught me how to live, my life as it should be.
      He taught me how to turn my cheek when people laugh at me.
      I've had friends before,
      And I can tell you that, He's one who will never leave you B flat.
      He taught me how to pray, and how to save my soul.
      He taught me how to praise my God and still play rock and roll.
      The music may sound different but the message is the same.
      It's just differing instruments all praising His name.
      Once I tried to run, I tried to run and hide.
      But Jesus came and found me and He touched me deep inside.
      He is like a mountie,
      Who always gets His man, and He'll zap you any way, any way He can.
      He loves me when I'm right, He loves me when I'm wrong.
      He loves me when I waste my time singing joyous silly songs.
      He loves me when I'm quiet and I have nothing to say.
      He'll love me when I'm perfect if I ever get that way.

    3. I love it Brie. That's adorable!

    4. Amen Audra!!! The thought of finally seeing the Face of Jesus and having all our questions answered and being reunited with my dear ones and realizing God’s promises always makes me smile. We have a golden day in front of us and a reason to rejoice. Amen Brie! So happy He picked me to be His friend and sister and daughter. We couldn’t ever have a better best friend 😊. Your song made me grin! Thanks for the joy Sis!

  27. Father, there's no way I could make it without You, do it without You, be here without You. And I wouldn't even want to! Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. I love You Jesus.

    1. Thanks Janet. Have a sweet Sleep. See you in the morning. Amen!

  28. Thank You Lord for your continuous love and mercy. I can do nothing without you Jesus, you are my strength and my Salvation. Thank You Jesus for Loving me...
    Goodnight my sister,Janet I love you Blessings in your sleep Sis.

  29. So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. And he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle. (Exodus 33:11). Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. (1 John 3:1). And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called the friend of God. (James 2:23). Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. (James 4:4).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being my best friend. You are the One that I can come to, day or night, and You are always there for me, no matter what. You always listen to me, even when I ramble or don't make much sense. You will not forsake me or leave me, even when I'm not in a "great" mood. You will always comfort and love me, especially when I need it the most and don't realize it. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. My prayer too Janet. Thank you for sharing my friend πŸ’•

  30. Amen dear Janet! What a comfort to know that He loves us even when we are rambling on and not in a good mood. For me He loves me when I am tired and even cranky. I just had my second sleepover with Gabriel and then spent most of the day with my dear son and my daughter in love. I had the great gift of watching Gabriel meet his baby brother Nathaniel for the very first time. What a blessing. God is so good. I am sure they will be the best of friends. Another awesome gift was that for the last two night, Gabriel chose books about God as his books before bed. I'm so glad at 2 years old, almost 3, he has a love for God. That means everything to me.
    Goodnight dear JC Family. It's actually morning but I'm heading off to sleep. Praying for you, and wishing you all a blessed and sweet new day in His presence.

    1. I'm so happy to hear of all your wonderful blessings. It is such a joy to know that God is already showing through a child at such a young age. God is so good -- ALWAYS! Peace be with you.

    2. I am praising God with you Jeanne, for all of your many blessings and gifts. God is soooo Gooood, so very good to us!

    3. Thanks my sweet sisters! We all have seen the goodness of the Lord. Praise Him for all He blesses us with and for His loving kindness and tender mercies that never end.

  31. Your heart is full Jeanne. God has truly blessed you. Sleep well my friend. Peace surround youπŸ’•

    1. Thanks sweet Jan! Hope you got your rest too dear one.

  32. "A man of many companions may come and ruin, but there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother" (Prov. 18:34).

    Loving Father, We want to honor You with all aspects of our lives and that includes our work. Thank You for giving us unique sets of skills and talents that we can use to work for Your kingdom. Please show us how we can use these talents to glorify You in our everyday life.
    Thank You for being the Best Friend we could ever hope or ask for, who walks with us through both the good and bad seasons of life. We know You will always be there to comfort us when we are troubled, and celebrate with us when we are rejoicing. Thank You for always being present and ready when we come to You with all that concerns us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to Him as righteousness " and he was called a friend of God! (James 2:23).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

  33. I'm so glad you're alright, Maplewood: prayers for your region and also for what your going through from Ida, and your loved ones.πŸ’šπŸ«‚

    1. Amen Maplewood. What a friend we have in Jesus! I pray He will continue to guide us to use our gifts for good and for His glory.
      Dear Butterfly love. Rejoicing with you that our Maplewood is doing well and has weathered the storm. May God help and comfort all those that have lost homes and family members and valuable property because of Ida. Father, We thank You for making all things right again and protecting your people, and taking care of all of their needs. Strengthen their weaknesses and heal their family members. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  34. We'll be on the road to New Jersey very soon. Praying that the weatherman will be wrong who said we will have a lot of rain today and tomorrow. I told Rick, even if it rains like crazy, we'll be together and on vacation until Friday. Waited all summer to rest in the warm sun and God knows that. Leaving it all up to Him. God bless you all and strengthen, heal and guide you and give you comfort. Much love. Know you will be in my prayers.

    1. Praying for your trip dear friend. R&R is always good. Enjoy. You guys are covered πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Thanks sweet Jan and Norah! Good to know we are covered by your sincere prayers! Looking forward to rest and renewal and the sound and smell of the ocean, and unwinding in the beauty of His creation. Nathaniel's party was so much fun! Can't believe he's walking now. Gabriel looks so big now too! They really enjoyed themselves so much. All the children made us smile. God is so good! He just keeps blessing us. Thank you dear JC Family for all your prayers. Praying you will receive answers to your prayers and you will see God's faithfulness.
      Norah, What a blessing that Crosby's Birthday gathering went well. and you enjoyed pizza and wings, and celebrated Peggy's life. Yes you will see her again. Just as our dear Sassy Mom will see Debbi again and dear Terri will see Michelle again. We believe God's promises and know His Words to be true.
      Brie, You must be exhausted! But Keith appreciates all that you and Larry are doing for him. May God continue to strengthen you all and also give you rest. Much love.

    3. Enjoy your time 'down the shore' Jeanne! Feel free to send all the rain you can to our parched, scorched and smoking lands in northern CA. Traveling mercies!

    4. Traveling Mercies! Relaxing Vacation! Making Memories! Much Love! Brie

  35. Praying for you and Rick, Dear Jeanne! That you'll see clear skies at some point and maybe a rainbow! We prayed for an open window today between 2-4 and He blessed us for little Crosby's Birthday gathering. Not a drop in the sky for 2 solid hours! Blessings all around as our dear Joni ordered pizza and wings for the whole Fam. She wouldn't accept a dime. Going to bed a thankful, happy woman. Celebrated our Dear Peggy's life. So miss her! We'll see her again. Praying for you, Dear Brie and Sassy mom and all of my JC Family.

  36. " There is no other like Me!" WOW! Amen! Anyone else in our lives no matter how good is of this earthly realm, temporal; time bound. Only Jesus spans the temporal and the eternal. All Earthly friends we have to say goodbye to, eventually. Or else they have to say goodbye to us. He lives in us, we live in Him. Our once and only true Friend and King, both now and never ending.

    1. Amen and thank you dear Peter! Our forever and constant Friend and Helper is always with us. He abides in us as we abide in Him! We never walk alone. Hallelujah!

  37. Amen! Brother Peter amen! Bless your dayπŸ’žπŸ™

  38. I need prayer, for a life long friendship that has ended abruptly.
    My friends son married in October, I had all intentions to attend wedding until covid. I called friend and said I could not attend because of situation (this friends brother near died only two weeks prior with covid)
    Since then I have sent holiday cards, texts and calls that have never been acknowledged.
    I’d appreciate your thoughts. Ty

    1. Forgive it, Ty. Then release it to God to bat cleanup! He can. He will. In His time, for His Glory, and in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you.
      Yes, my heart is broken but I shall put all trust in God. If we are meant to be friends again….it will happen in Gods time.

    3. Joining prayers that God will make all things right again. Amen. Trust in His past faithfulness and put it all in His able hands. Rest in Him who loves you.

    4. Thank you so very much!

    5. I second Brie's admonition, forgive/ let go. Let God control the issues. Trust Him.πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

  39. Don't stop giving of who you are to your friend. Stances on "covid" and other things we may never know about can cause rifts in families and friendships. When this has happened to me I pray forgiveness into hearts and
    Try to keep my relationships unconditional. What would Jesus do? Peace be with you, Anonymous.

    1. Thank You Audra!
      Perfect advice! God bless you!

    2. Amen! Good advice dear Audra and KWM! Dear TJ, We are loved perfectly and we have been forgiven so we must forgive and love with an unconditional love. Love covers a multitude of sins. Put God in the center and all things will come together.

  40. I am praying for you and your friend as well, T. It is hurtful. I've had it happen twice in the last 20 years. One of the women is still always nice to me but we don't get together. The other one, I tried for almost a year and then decided it was not for me to control (imagine that - me trying to control things HA HA HA). The one who has never spoken to me again had sent that saying about friends can be for a reason, for a season or a lifetime. But, she had sent it to me several years before she decided she didn't want to be friends anymore. I remembered it though and realized that she didn't see me as a lifetime friend. Thankfully, I have several who are lifetime friends; one since I was 12, one since I was 18 and my ladies who we figured we've been together now for about 12 years.
    However, as I said, I will pray for you and your friend, that the doors of communication open and your sweet heart is understood.

    1. Thank you so very much.
      We are more like sisters. My first friend since we were 4yrs old! Now at the age of 60…it’s hard to believe we are at this point.
      I’m thinking maybe God puts people into your life for a season and maybe our friendship has come to a close. We have never had a falling out until this.
      I will put my trust in God only.
      I don’t believe I will continue holiday cards, texts or calls.
      Thank you for your prayers. :)

  41. I have no idea what happened here! I was telling you, I's Gonna be OK And it will! Sorry for the confusion! Tried to delete it twice. :(

  42. Thank you for always holding my hand and walking with me through each day. I never know what the day will bring but YOU know Lord so I find peace and comfort in knowing this. Whether good or bad, YOU said YOU would never leave or forsake me! Thank you!!!

  43. Dear warriors, once again my bff's hubby is having endoscopy as I write this. He had remission from gastric cancer. Now my bff is very concerned it's back. Please πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž. Thank you dear ones❤️

  44. I have seen God bring beauty out of the ashes and turn a bad situation into a blessing. Many times a trial shakes us up so much that we run into His waiting Arms. We trust Him so much that our relationship with Him gets much better and closer. Others can see how we stand strong amidst the difficult times and they want to know what gives us our inner strength, joy and peace. I believe they really want to know Jesus. They see His light in us. We lead them to Him by being strong witnesses for Him especially in times of trouble.
    We know we’re never alone. He empowers us and saves us.

    Psalm 71:1-3
    In You, O Lord, I put my trust;
    Let me never be put to shame.
    Deliver me in Your righteousness, and cause me to escape;
    Incline Your ear to me, and save me.
    Be my strong refuge,
    To which I may resort continually;
    You have given the commandment to save me,
    For You are my rock and my fortress.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Amen Jeanne - I so needed to hear that! Thank you❤️

    3. Love you both! Enjoy this new day.

      Psalm 118:24
      This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

  45. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. (John 15:15).

    1. Amen sweet Janet! What a Friend we have in Jesus!

  46. 🎡🎢 Friendship with Jesus
    Fellowship divine
    Oh what blessed sweet communion
    Jesus is a Friend of mine. 🎢🎡

  47. Amen Janet- thank you and God bless youπŸ™❤️

  48. “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24.
    Joseph Scrivener "What A Friend We Have In Jesus".
    Throughout the course of his life, Joseph learned where lasting comfort comes from. It doesn’t come from denying the grief and self-soothing with things that numb the pain and add layers of complication to the healing process. Lasting comfort comes from investing in a friendship with God, who promises not that He will keep us from experiencing tragic losses, but that He will sit with us in our grief and sorrow so that we won’t be alone.
    Excerpt from:

    'What A Friend We Have In Jesus':

    1. Beautiful and true! No greater Friend!! Thanks dear Peter! Stay close too Him and He’ll stay close to you.

  49. I am struggling through facing whatever each day brings when it brings hardships, and disappointments.
    Teach me to share them WITH you instead of sharing them with complaining .
    Lord, I need you to keep my mind stayed on you, the Divine Alchemist and all my hope. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  50. Amen is right! Thank you, dear Janet, for your prayer which, again, I will meditate on today. Blessings to you!

  51. Beautiful prayer! Thanks Janet! Thank You Jesus! Love You, my Best Friend and my King!

  52. Praying with you and for you and Keith. Good is greater so we place our trust in Him. Love you!

  53. Stick with His Presence in the present, not the imagined future. One day at a time sister Brie, IN HIS LOVE AND PERFECT PLAN. In Jesus' name I pray for you ✝️πŸ™

  54. You all are in my prayers as I go to sleep tonight. Love and God's Best.

    1. Thanks my dear sister! Goodnight Norah. Rest well. God’s in charge and He never sleeps.
