Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 1

Worship Me only. I am King of kings and Lord of lords, dwelling in unapproachable Light. I am taking care of you! I am not only committed to caring for you, but I am also absolutely capable of doing so. Rest in Me, My weary one, for this is a form of worship.
     Though self-flagellation has gone out of style, many of My children drive themselves like racehorses. They whip themselves into action, ignoring how they exhausted they are. They forget that I am sovereign and that My ways are higher than theirs. Underneath their driven service, they may secretly resent Me as a harsh taskmaster. Their worship of Me is lukewarm, because I am no longer their First Love. 
     My invitation never changes: Come to Me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest. Worship Me by resting peacefully in My Presence. 

I Timothy 6:15-16
English Standard Version

15 which he will display at the proper time—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.

Isaiah 55:8-9
English Standard Version 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Revelation 2:4
English Standard Version 

But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.

Matthew 11:28 
English Standard Version 

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I just want all of you to know you are in my prayer today and what a blessing you are in my life!

  2. I came to you and I dont have rest though

    1. Unknown Unknown;

      Keep, talking to the Lord about what is going on with you, it may seem difficult at first because you may feel like your having a one sided cinversation.
      He is with you and has great plans for your life, trials come and go but he is with us every step of the way, getting us through and celebrating in our joys.
      Keep having faith and know that the love Jesus has for you has no bounds, you are his child.
      Going to pray for you.
      May the peace of the Lord jesus Christ be with you today and always.

    2. Unknown, unknown- all of us here hope and pray that wherever you are, you have found the peace of God. Jesus loves and cares for you. His Grace alone is sufficient for you. We are praying and believing that at this time, you have received His unconditional Love and standing on His Promises for your life.
      Sending Christian love and October blessings your way.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Well stated Barb. Unknown, unknown-I too pray for you. I pray that you accept your journey-try not to spend too much time on questioning why. (I know that is our nature), know that God is with you every step of the way on that journey and that you look toward the light in all things. You ARE His beloved. May you have strength & courage to believe this! Amen.

    4. Praying for all the Unknowns that feel like God doesn’t hear them from time to time. We have to rely on God’s time, not our time. Jana2U - thank you for your post in 2022. I hope it is seen by Unknown and everyone that would benefit from the prayer line.

      SC Anonymous

  3. King of kings and Lord of lords, the only ONE who dwells in unapproachable light, I say THANK You for ushering me and my family into a new month.
    How can I even begin to comprehend the Love and care You have towards me? I can't, but Your Wonderful Grace that holds the key to my full existence has yet again been proven! Thank You for arming me with strength to face another day in a new month. My heart screams with joy of THANKSGIVING to YOU Blessed and Sovereign FATHER!

    Thank You for the many gifts, blessings and restoration of September. Though some tests and fears came, Your Holiness stood right there by my side putting lucifer and his bound for hell battalion to shame! Faithful God, I Thank You!
    Now October is here to remind me to cast all my heavy burdens on You Lord and not be weary, but to receive my harvest and Your rest. You are the same unchangeable God. I claim Your abundance this month and Your sheild of protection for me and my family in Jesus name.
    Thank You that Your thoughts and ways are far higher than mine will ever be! May I never abandoned this love and grace that you so freely gave me!

    JC family, glory to God for a blessed cross over to the month of October.
    I declare and stand in agreement with the word of God that its your harvest time!
    As farmers reap their harvest, hoping that their crops will prove to be abundant, I decree and declare that Yours will be more than the grains of sand and prove to be the manifestation month of All your wants and desires, great health and peace, to the Glory of God the Father in the name of His Son, our Saviour, JESUS the CHRIST!
    Command your month to produce these promises of God for your life, you have that power as children of the most High God. Take authority and let the devil know WHOSE you are! It is the Father's will that we declare His faithfulness!
    Claim it in Jesus name, It's yours!

    Jan, thanking God for the clarity in your eye. I lift all of you my JC family, trusting and believing that your turnaround is about to unfold to the glory of God, in Jesus name!

    It's HARVEST Time!! HAPPY and BLESSED REAPING OCTOBER family. Stay blessed because God is good and His mercy endures forever!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood for an inspiring benediction upon all of us as we usher in this month. So much to be thankful for from the last one & to look forward to for this one. Thank you for encouraging us to keep following the Lord of the harvest no matter what. We shall be ready for the abundant harvest! Hallelujah!

    2. Maplewood, you came your blessing post came to mind as I was foraging for wild mushrooms in our woods. I was singing great is thy faithfulness & I got to the "harvest" part. I asked the Lord to show me a harvest of edible mushrooms & there they were, honey mushrooms. Hooray! Fryin' up them babiesπŸ˜‹!

    3. Delete "you came", just so excitedπŸ‘

    4. Mushrooms lover here Jan! enjoy! You commanded and it showed up:)! Glory to the God of the Harvest!!

      Maplewood, NJ

    5. Welcome October! With all it's beauty and freshness! Thank you dear Maplewood. It's Harvest time! I just made an apple cake. Guess that's part of my harvest today. Hoping and praying for wonderful things to be brought to us by the Giver of all Joy, Peace, Love and Beauty! I've been picking up the colored leaves each day and replacing them in the vase so every day I have bright fresh beauty on my table. Praise God for His great Creation. His colors of the Seasons are unmatched by any artist's palette. We are blessed to have the eyes to see such Glory! God bless you all! We belong to the Most High and that's all we need.

    6. And a full moon shines on His glory from His heavenly skies tonight!

    7. AmΓ©n! My God always bless you with powerful words to share with the world. Thank you for your prayers.

  4. I often wonder if the "Unknown Unknown" in 2017-18 is our same Unknown Unknown who has seen such an incredible turn-around in his/her life? I pray it is, for your renewed life is such a blessing and your healing so complete!
    I meet with two ladies every Monday and have for almost 5 years. Sometimes our schedules require us to miss, but we do our best to reserve that night for sharing the Word, praying and helping one another grow in our relationship with God. They helped me through my husband's cancer, the death of my dear friend, last year. One's husband has vascular dementia and she reserves that time with us to share the difficulties and renew her strength to be her best for him. The other has a daughter whom all of you have prayed for at various times. She is the one that I say we 'prayed home,' b/c she is home now with her 2 children, living right by her parents. That young woman is now pregnant and facing a possible cancer diagnosis all at the same time. The heart ache that is looming is almost more than I can bear to see. Please pray for her; that her health is restored, that the diagnosis is NOT what it appears it may be. That her mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health is renewed.
    When I read JC this morning, I thought of the times that I push myself, even when exhausted. I think it's a "Mom Thing," for I know that I'm not the only one who does this. How precious is our Lord to draw us unto Him and give us rest.
    My sleep has been sweet of late and I know it is in part due to your prayers, JC Family. I thank you and continue to pray for each of you. I applaud the Love poured out each day by Maplewood and the commitment of LoveConquorersAll to her daughter and grandchildren. I admire SassyMom's diligent faith and MadFoxes ability to tie the scriptures to 'real life' circumstances. Jan and JJ lighten my heart and as I write this I know the risk of forgetting someone by name - but all of you have the ability to remind me of His many ways that bless each of us. I miss Bob's words of wisdom and I thank Chris for what he started and has remained so faithful to continue.
    Happy October 1st. May your day be filled with that bright light we read about. May we go to Him for rest and refuse to let our First Love turn from burning to lukewarm. Heavenly Father, may we come to You throughout the day and receive your many blessings through Your Son, Christ Jesus - our risen Lord and Savior. Amen.

    1. Norah --- Yes, let us double down and Not let our First Love turn from burning to lukewarm. My prayer for this JC FAMILY is that our love for the Lord burns with the intensity of the sun, and it doesn't let up. I am Interceding for your prayer concerns. Sending blessings and love into your pathways.

    2. Norah, Norah or as MadFox said, sweet Norah! May the love of Christ continue to shine in and through you and keep you well! Praying for all those you mentioned and trusting God for great turnaround.He's Jehovah RAPHA!

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. I so much needed this today. Yes, Norah, you are not the only one that pushes herself even when exhausted. I am sooo tired; I have missed reading sep 30th and 29th but will catch up..I am weary Lord and heavy burdened. I will slow down and rest in you. Thank you for always being there for me for us. More of thee; less of me.

    4. Happy October, dear Norah! May it bring you the desires of your heart in Christ! I just added your friends and their families to my prayer list. What a blessing that you meet to pray together. We all need our heavy loads to be lifted and to come together in faith and prayer. When two or more are gathered together in my Name, I am in the midst of them. Thanks for your prayers and blessings. God bless you always.

  5. Thank you Maplewood, Norah, Payton and those who are mentioned in your prayers for the encouragement, blessings, wisdom and love I receive each day from Sarah's Jesus Calling. You know my heart Lord, I'm trusting and thanking You for guidance and direction. JC Warriors, your prayers are mine.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Amen and Amen!!!

    2. Yes! Sassy Mom
      Amen Amen Amen πŸ₯°
      Prayers for ALL of our JC family and all mentioned
      We Love you Lord and know we are in your incredibly capable hands
      God bless

  6. Sharing my Bible Gateway PROMISE:
    "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. REJOICE and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12.

    1. Amen! Amen! Amen Sassy Mom! God bless your heart!

      Maplewood, NJ

  7. Thank you warriors for your prayersπŸ₯°. I have pink eye & has nothing to do with post cataract surgery. I was very much relieved to hear that! As I age my eyes have become very dry and it's bothersome but thank you Lord! I have my eyesight! I'm blessed. Praying Norah for your latest concerns. Oh Lord bless all of my JC loved ones & keep them under the shadow of your wings. Amen.

    1. Jan--- So glad to hear about your eye. The Lord's word is SO AT WORK! I join you in blessing this JC FAMILY!! YOU ALL ARE JUST THE BEST! Asking for GREAT blessings and the Lord's favor OVER ALL. Continuing lifting up this family several times a day!

    2. JJ, you're joy is Soo contagious! Your post literally jumps out of the page & I feel like dancing & playing a tambourine (wish I had one)! Dance with me JJ! Let's praise our God most high. Woo hoo, hallelujah!πŸ‘πŸ€ΈπŸ’ƒ.

    3. Jan --- And, WE are DANCING, DANCING before the Lord! Nothing like a PRAISE DANCE! Love your enthusiasm, Jan! What an AWESOME
      God we serve!!

    4. Dear JJ, You are still lifting up this family in prayer and getting all of us up to dance with joy and praise His Holy Name. Amen! What an AWESOME God we serve!!

  8. Oh my goodness how this hit me upside my head! I am often viewed as superwoman and try to live up to a name GOD did not give me, but I get it! I have been through so much over the past month and a half! I lost my 53 year old friend of twenty years to cancer unexpectedly and was not able to be with her during her last days because her daughters wanted to keep her to themselves. I have forgiven them although it hurts and now asking GOD to heal the pain of this loss! Please pray with me JC family! IN HIS LOVE

    1. God daughter--- Joining ABC in prayer for your peace and comfort. As I was reading your post I thought, how blessed your friend was to have a friend like you. The Lord's great love to you.

    2. I stand in agreement with my fellow JC prayer warriors and believing for God's peace and comfort for you and your friend's family at this difficult time.

      Maplewood, NJ

  9. God' daughter, Yes prayers for peace and comfort. Amen.

  10. I love each and everyone of you sons and daughters of the most High. May stay blessed and focused and rested well in the Lord

  11. Once again, thank you Maplewood, Norah and ALL who post here. Too many to list, but know that this blog is something that I truly look forward to every morning.
    The word 'rest' is mentioned 3 times in the devotion this morning. It immediately reminds me of Psalm 46:10: Be still and know that I am God. What an awesome God we have who invites us to rest in His word and be still in His presence.
    My days begin in quiet prayer almost habitually, but as the day goes on sometimes it feels almost like a freight train that gets going so fast that it's difficult to slow down. The snowball effect. I'm a work in progress. LOL
    Have a great day everyone!

    1. Have missed you Suzanne; hope all is well with you. God's peace and love for you.

  12. Good morning Lord and jc family. Yes, Norah it's a "Mom Thing" and by the grace of God, granny is renewed every day. May God calm your spirit for your friends. Sweet Jesus pour your peace over her. Maplewood your prayers are songs, music to my ears. Yes, God is listening and is very pleased with our JC family, powerful prayer warriors. Thank you Payton family. Jairo is home. Thank you Jesus. My concern is my daughter; Lord have mercy on us. We thank you all for your prayers. Please know I call all of you by name in prayer: Sassy mom, Jan, JJ, CO, KS, Norah, Maplewood, Mad Fox, Dave, Keith, Zfuntastic, Share my heart..all of you. (thank you PEBGDesigns and IA) Father God I love my JC family and I know you love them more. Protect them, Lord, and calm their fears/struggles. Pour your holy spirit over them and may they rest in you. AMEN!

    1. Loveconquersall - I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about baby Jairo and was prompted to pray for him.

    2. Loveconquersall --- Thanking the Lord that Jairo is home, Hallelujah! Continuing prayers for your daughter's healing. And thank you for your prayers for the JC FAMILY. I appy them to myself and my family and they bring great comfort.

    3. Loveconquersall, great news re: baby Jairo being home! God is faithful! Sending Christian love and blessings your way.

      Maplewood, NJ

    4. Joining these loved ones in praising God that precious Jairo is home! Hallelujah! Praying for his mommy. Place your shield around this family oh Lord. Praise & thank you for everlasting arms around them. You are Jehovah Rapha, our healer. Amen.

  13. I've been reading this blog every morning for the past year. I have a copy of Sarah's book, but found the comments add so much to my daily reading. It's like being part of a small group Bible study, every morning!! What a wonderful opportunity.

    I have been in prayer for many of you as you freely open up regarding your life challenges. Personally, I am battling the greatest earthly challenge of my life regarding false allegations. This time has certainly caused me to draw nearer to God and lean on my faith in His will. My soul constantly returns to knowing that God will never leave me or forsake me. As we enter a new month, I hope to post daily and I continue to lift others up in prayer.

    My heart has been so burdened, like many others, this year for Unknown Unknown. Lord, may you continue to work good in this situation. May the outcome being glory to Your name and a greater testimony to others. Thank you JC family for your love and support.

    1. Dr. J --- May I say a huge WELCOME to this JC FAMILY. We covet your prayers! Your post is most encouraging! The Lord is doing a wonderous WORK at this site. AGAIN, THANK YOU Paytonfamily FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE AND ARE DOING!!! I believe we are on holy ground here. At times in SPIRITUAL Warfare I look to Psalm 35 for help. David was being being persecuted by his enemies and he looked to the Lord for his help. First worship--- not worry, pray---not panic, and look to the Lord---and not the problem, a sequence for Great Victory! Will go to the Throne of Grace to lift up your circumstances, along with the JC WARRIORS. GREAT BLESSINGS over you Dr.J. In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    2. And, Dr. J., as Sassy Mom has said several times BEFORE you get out of bed do this: Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Super important, yet easy to forget.

    3. Dr. J, thanks for posting and pouring out your heart. We stand with you in prayers for those allegations to be turned around for your good and the Glory of God. Blessings!

      Maplewood, NJ

    4. A warm welcome Dr.JπŸ₯°. I too will be holding your circumstances to the throne of grace. Looking forward to your blogs.

    5. Joining my brothers and sisters in prayer for Dr. J's VICTORIOUS outcome.. Praying our Lord will be glorified. Welcome Dr. J to the best place on the internet!!!!!

  14. Warriors, just now found out my sweet friend "might" have multiple myeloma from the first series of testing, more to come next week. We know first hand warriors what our powerful God can & will do with that word "might". He can swoop in & take that word out of the equation completely. Patty is believing/trusting in this power. Let's come along side her & petition the Lord for victory! JJ, I can already hear your voice shouting defeat to Satan's plans in this. Hallelujah!

    1. Jan --- Joining you in coming along side your friend Patty for VICTORY over her life's circumstances. Asking the Lord for His blessing over her and to restore her to perfect health. Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord,..." Lord I ask you to bind the power of satan, block his progress and banish his presence from Patty's life. You have NO AUTHORITY here satan, so GET YOUR HANDS OFF of Patty's circumstances! We are wise to your ways. And because of what Jesus did on the cross, you are TOTALLY DEFEATED. ALL PRAISE and GLORY to the Lord, and we thank you Lord for the VICTORY!

  15. Jan - no such word!!!!!!! Loving and comforting prayers for Patty.

  16. Oh, you lovely believers - God's chosen ones - you bless my heart beyond words. This morning, I forgot to sign out and when I came home and started to get on FB to wish my friends, Happy Birthday, instead, I got to read all of today's posts. Have to say - this is A LOT BETTER than FB! :)
    Dr. J: Thank you for your prayers - and we didn't even know you were on here, but I have no doubt that your added prayerful watch has benefited all of us. When I read your post, my mind raced back to what I had just read from Sassy Mom, "Sharing my Bible Gateway PROMISE:
    "Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. REJOICE and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11-12." I'm sure you read that, too, but wanted to repeat it for you. I have no idea what the false allegations are, but as a Caseworker, I can only imagine. I don't need to know the details to pray for you and please know that I will.
    Just as Sassy Mom said she woke up and prayed for baby Jairo, all of us (especially MadFox!) find ourselves on 'the nightwatch,' at times throughout the month. Many of us wake up and meditate on His promises; at that time, I am thankful to know how to pray specifically for my JC Family and all of my loved ones. Then, we have those who 'rise before dawn,' and they, too, are doing the same thing.
    We have JJ and Jan dancing for the Lord and Maplewood singing His praises every morning. As always, God called each of us for something different and in His own way, to make sure His family is blessed to the utmost.
    God bless each of you - my day was FANTASTIC! (ZFUNTASTIC!) and I thank each of you for your part in it. Our God is an awesome God...we have the privilege of communing with Him throughout the day. We have his Son as our Brother, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who abides IN US. I remember being taught years ago that everything Christ accomplished, we can accomplish, AND MORE because when the devil thought he had killed Jesus, he didn't know that God would raise him from the dead and make his spirit OUR spirit. He (who was born of God), abides in us. God in Christ in us - the hope of glory. It's powerful and too often, I forget that power. All of you help me remember it. THANK YOU. Sleep sweet tonight. If I'm not on the nightwatch, I'll be up at dawn! Sometimes both and then we get into that 'rest for the weary!' :)

    1. Norah --- Love your posts. Your spirit knows how to bring many pieces together for the perfect uplift and to encourage the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS Onward!! Great blessings to you and may your sleep be sweet and refreshing.

    2. I agree with JJ; Norah, your posts are so uplifting and encouraging! Thank you!

      I just got on here this evening and have read through the beautiful devotion, the Bible passages and all of the comments.

      A big welcome to you, Dr.J. My heart goes out to you and I will be starting prayers for you.

      I will read through the comments again and lift each person and their specific requests up in prayer. Praising God for Jairo's return home, but am certainly lifting your daughter up in prayer.

      I'm truly amazed at all of the posts and am grateful to have a place to share both my heartache and good news. Thank you to each person on here! You are inspiring; God's work is shining through as we each pray for each other. CO

    3. Amen Norah! What an awesome God we serve! What a privilege and joy to be in the care of the Most High and in the safe arms of our Good Shepherd. So many reasons to rejoice and be glad in this new day! God bless you JJ and Anonymous. We are all so grateful for all the uplifting posts of encouragement and love we find right here with our dear JC Family.


    Psalm 95 concludes with these words, Therefore in my anger I swore, 'They shall not enter my rest'.

    If God were a human being, these words would sound like someone who has cut another off from the benefits of a relationship. As I said yesterday, God is not like us (thank you, Lord); God does not terminate His relationship with you or me and He never will. As we move into deeper conversation with our Lord, the final thought is that what we will hear from the Spirit through the scriptures, through reading JC above, or anything else He has led us to contemplate is the way of rest/peace. There are not options to finding peace in this life. His guidance is, as He said, 'the way, the truth and the life; we don't enter into relationship with God apart from Him', there is no peace outside of the relationship He has brought us into in Himself. If we have no peace with Him, we will have no peace. So this precious time with Him is designed by Him to give us peace.

    With that being said, we are ready to go deeper in our conversation together. Be blessed in your 'date' with your Lover.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. ...this precious time with Him is designed by Him to give us peace... So true for me, because my morning devotion time is the most peaceful part of my day! And also on those nights when The Holy Spirit wakes me up to pull Nightwatch duty in the JC Warriors prayer room. Love and Blessings to all.

    2. Bob, this series has been helping me so much. The lies that the enemy loves to throw at me are that I am the one He has cut off. That He has deemed me unworthy. That He has deemed me wicked. I know it's a lie. Logically. Thank you!!!! Love from Tennessee

    3. Choose Joy: JJ can spot, root out and sweep out satan and its lies with the best.
      SOS (Save Our Spirit) going out to JJ:
      JJ we need you. The devil's lies are trying to rear their ugly heads again.
      Bring the broom and Sweep the room. Amen.

    4. Amen! All true peace comes from Him and the beauty and glory of His Creation. Lately I have seen the most beautiful skies to soothe my heart and lift my Spirit. He puts that beauty and peace in front of me and I feel His presence encircling me.
      We don't need anything else and no one can take our peace away unless we permit it. Don't believe the lies of this world. Only believe what my God tells you. You are His beloved children and you are deeply cared for and loved. The truth never changes and remains the same.

    5. "God is not like us", Thank you Bob, what a Blessed thought! That thought in itself is worth a whole lotta study. Yet my prayer for all the JC family is that He makes us like Him.

    6. Agreed, Peter JFJ, deep thoughts in there to explore as I rest in morning prayer. I am literal, so I love the exploration of words that becomes a puzzle for understanding and discovering. Much about God is beyond understanding, so I see why his WORD is worthy of constant study and brings us closer to Him.

    7. Dear Bob, I miss your spirit guided words and Maplewood’s beautiful posts! You both continue to fill us and encourage our hearts and fill our souls! Thank you! God bless you both! πŸ™πŸ’—

  18. Yes father i know your ways are by far perfect then my ways could ever be..plz give me the strength i need father to trust you for this time that i need to go do so i can be the mom and person through Christ that you put me here to be plz prayers for me and my children and family

  19. Thank all of you i read this daily and never post i want to start and let you all know that i keep this while group in my prayers and i feel like iam part of a bible family it feel great blessing to all

    1. Welcome Rebecca. This is a very blessed family of believers. I am so grateful for all of the people here. Thank You Jesus. God bless you.

    2. Welcome Rebecca! Thank you for joining us in our wonderful and blessed family. Lifting you and your loved ones in prayers. Have a blessed day.

      Blessings from France

    3. Rebecca, We welcome you! Thank God for all of His blessings upon you!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Welcome Rebecca. We thank God you are here!

    5. Warm welcome Rebecca dearπŸ₯°. We thank God for you & your family. Warriors are praying for your circumstances. He is on it!

    6. Welcome, Rebecca. Glad you are here!

    7. Welcome dear sister Rebecca. I am praying that God is directing your path and will continue to keep you safe as you follow His lead. When you're at a crossroad, just ask yourself "Will this please God?" and then make the right decision. Hold onto His mighty Hand and trust His guidance and instruction. Much love.

  20. Thank You Jesus for another blessed day in the Lord. Father, I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. I am eternally grateful to You Lord for all my benefits and blessings. Help me to trust in You with all my heart and to always look to You in everything I do Lord. I know You will be with me every step of the way and that brings me such wonderful peace and joy. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen! Janet, He knows how much you need Him and He can see by your daily walk with Him that you trust Him with every fiber of your being. Praising Him with you dear Sister! God bless your day. You're always in my prayers.

  21. When we are blessed by the Lord and carried through trials, sicknesses, tests, tears, disappointments and live to see a new day, how can we not praise and thank Him? Regardless of all the circumstances and difficulties we may have encountered (and perhaps still going through), He still DESERVES the Praise! We are in the present, alive in His Presence and not the past. He has blessed us to see another month! Only the living can praise Him, only the living can hope for tomorrow, only the living can thank Him for another blessed opportunity to see the light of a beautiful first day of a new month!

    Merciful Father, We are blessed to be welcomed in a new and beautiful second month of Autumn. If not for Your mercy, many of us would not be here today. We do give thanks to You for keeping us in our right mind, for protecting and providing for us. Some times our daily routine becomes so chaotic, we forget to thank You for all the good You do for us. There are also times where we are ungrateful towards You. We complain and grumble about life and its circumstances, forgetting how blessed we are compare to our less fortunate brethren. Nevertheless, You remain faithful and always show us Your mercy. Many went to bed last night and didn’t get the opportunity to see the first daylight of this new month. But we are here on this first day, so thankful to You for Your mercy and grace. Satan and his little devils are defeated and cast out! We are thanking You now for everything that You’ll allow to cross our path this month, while trusting that You will always be right there beside us. Healing is Your children's bread, so we thank You Lord for healing us individually and healing our nation! We invite You into every decision that You will allow us to make, and the life lessons that will come from these decisions. We worship and thank You Father, for You are ‘KING of kings and LORD of lords, always dwelling in unapproachable Light’!
    Thank You for Jesus who embraced the chains of humanity when He walked this earth. We ask that You grant us Your attitude of humility and thankful acceptance, to change our outlook and attitude into one of joyful contentment with all our circumstances. Thank You Lord, that we do not have to live under condemnation anymore, because You have truly set us free!

    We decree and declare for this new month that: The Angels of the Lord will surround us to keep us from falling. We will experience the most beautiful things ever on earth as we celebrate the hope of this new month. We are rising above every problem that sticks to our destiny. Our days will be crowned oh Lord, with Your mercy, success, joy, peace and goodness, happiness, good health, unity, laughter, favor and lots of love. From the rising of the sun to its going down, our lives, our families, our love ones and our friends will experience miraculous abundance. We will experience Ephesians 3:20 in our lives: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us”. We are going to experience refreshing mornings, fruitful afternoons, relaxed evenings, all wrapped in totally beautiful days in Your Presence. Our path will be lined with beauty, our days will be filled with Your peace and unconditional love. All of our efforts will yield positive results and we will experience peaceful rest in Your Presence, in the name of Jesus! For this and many others, Father, we give You Thanks!

    “In every way and everywhere we accept this with all gratitude.” Acts 24:3

    “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever. Psalm 86:12

    “You are my God, and I will praise you! You are my God, and I will exalt You! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 118:28-29

    Wishing everyone a blessed, fruitful, healthy and safe October month! Enjoy the beauty of Autumn’s colorful leaves and give God all the Praise and Honor He so deserves!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks be to God for your taking us into October, Maplewood NJ. I look forward to your crossing us over. When I go to bed on the last night of the prior month, I get excited thinking about what you are going to post to have us looking forward to walking with Jesus during the new month! And you always do it! Thanks to you and our entire JC Family for sojourning with me. It is a great feeling to know all of you are here keeping God in our mist and satan out of our circle.

    2. Thank You dear Lord for Maplewood. Your words flowing through her prayers blesses us in ways that prompts us to be thankful. I too look forward to the ushering into the new month as we thank Him for the past month. Love you dear girlπŸ’•. Be blessed with the blessings you give us.

    3. Thank you Maplewood! Echoing the comments above and receiving your beautiful and powerful prayers. Thank you Lord for this new month filled with blessings in Your Presence. Praise the Lord!

      Blessings from France

    4. Bravo again Maplewood! Thank you. I love the Lord and October! Amen.

    5. Thank you Lord for the gift of your words shared here by Maplewood! In them I experience your peace. Lots of Scripture about rest in all I am reading this morning. The feelings of heaviness that intensified last March with news of a virus and the subsequent challenges we face have me in search of rest. I am so grateful to find it in you Lord, and supported by this blog. God bless you all on this new day and new month!

    6. I wish you knew how high your words lift my heart each day. Dear Maplewood, The Spirit of God fills you with the most beautiful words that I am blessed to read each day. I wish you the same, especially: ".. days.. crowned oh Lord, with Your mercy, success, joy, peace and goodness, happiness, good health, unity, laughter, favor and lots of love."

    7. Just what I needed to hear as I begin a new and blessed month. Thank you for ushering in another month. I pray all of us and our families will continue to receive healing and God's faithfulness. The best is yet to come. God will paint those leaves the most beautiful colors and my heart will be renewed by their great beauty. I'll get to see my grandson's in their Halloween costumes and I'll make pumpkin cookies with raisin faces. Whatever problems come at me, I will take them to the Lord. I am not afraid because He is ever at my side. I pray all of you have a wonderful month of answered prayers and happy surprises. God has already prepared it all. Look up from where your help, comfort, joy and peace cometh.
      Dear Maplewood, Let us not forget your prayer of gratitude:
      "Merciful Father, We are blessed to be welcomed in a new and beautiful second month of Autumn. If not for Your mercy, many of us would not be here today." Thank You Jesus.

    8. Echoing your prayer of gratitude dear Jeanne. His mercy is new every morning and it endures forever. Amen. Hallelujah!

    9. Thanks, Maplewood and now Jan, for reminding me to sing of his mercies!

    10. OMG! Audra; I just listened to and read the lyrics to this song. After reading all my Scriptures, their combined thought for Today was UP THE DOWN MOUNTAINTOP INTO THE VALLEY LOW!
      Main point from My Utmost For His Highest: It is great to be on the mountaintop with God, but we only go there in order to go down among those in the valley and lift them up; we are built for the valley, for the ordinary times where we have to prove our mettle! The song you posted spoke to that same thought! I'm amazed by you πŸ˜‰

  22. Thank you Jesus, my Lord and savior. Thank you for your everlasting presence. Thank you For your love and mercy. Thank you for this place filled with your holy spirit. Keep us safe; give us the strength to accept your will. Amen!

  23. Our God is an awesome God!!! I woke up this morning knowing and believing You will greet me with a new day. Continually praising Your name and thanking You Lord for abundantly blessing my life with your love, presence, protection, guidance and forgiveness. Thank you for LOVING ME WITH THE CROSS.

  24. Amen and Amen!!!
    Thinking about Bamagirl today. You all right? Praying God’s rest and peace for you.

  25. Good morning JC family🌻πŸ₯°. Read the post from the last day of the month. Hallelujah! We made it through another month. But by the grace of God go I!
    Jeanne- your song, closing out the month with a sharing of your gift, thank you! Brie- why is it that food always comes up when we experience warm, fuzzy moments like your beach πŸ–️ devo. Love it. Rose- approaching the throne of grace for mom. As you said, God is in control, He is mighty to save! Amen, hallelujah! JJ- continuing to pray for heart issue. Jehovah Rapha is on it! Let's all enjoy the autumn offerings of beauty & coolness. The rest from the hot & hurried summer. Blessings & love to allπŸ₯°.

    1. Blessings and love right to you Jan and all my dear Family. May Jehovah Rapha continue to work miracles in our weaknesses and heal all of our loved ones. Welcome October! Thank you Jesus for bringing us to a new and blessed month!

  26. Thank you dear heavenly Father. for......."My invitation never changes: Come to Me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest. Worship Me by resting peacefully in My Presence....." Thank you for the constant invitation, thank you for the rest, thank you for the peace. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC, We must bring our hardships to Him so He can make all things better. He is the Bringer of Peace and Rest to our hearts, bodies and souls.

  27. Humming your songs, Jeanne & Brie, 🎢 cover me, cover me, with your love and grace and mercy, cover me.
    Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time. Amen!

    1. I can hear your beautiful singing sweet Jan! Let it shine!

    2. You made me smile. Hope you check your email so you can really sing with me.

    3. Will do dear girl, will do. Can't waitπŸŽΆπŸ’•

    PSALM 19: 1
    Everyday the Heavens are revering the Glory of God; they reverence Him with their Marvelous display of His Craftsmanship!

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Wandering down the beach on a clear Autumn night, we can look up into the enormity of Your velvet sky and see Your stars revering Your Glory in the Heavens!
    For just as The Heavens are Higher than the earth, so are Your Ways higher than our ways, and Your Thoughts higher than our thoughts. Thank You for loving us too much to let us limit You only to the thoughts we can think of!
    Nature is one of the ways You reveal your higher power and creativity to us. Your stars are precisely predetermined and arranged by You. Over the centuries, because of Your orderly arrangement, Your stars have helped sailors and scientists. Your Stars are a  beautifully reverent display for those who take the time to look up and see! They exist to reverence Your Glory.  Are we, as another of Your Star Creations doing our part to display and reverence Your Glory? Would You remind us to look up at the stars and each time we see them, to reverence You, thank You and declare Your Glory?  On behalf of our entire JC Family: I ask. I seek. I knock. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Wonderful dear Brie! Amen!
      Going out for a walk under the Glory of God and beneath my feet is His firmament. Praise Him for the beauty of His Creation. Praise Him because He is worthy of our thanks and praise! Let us reflect His marvelous light today and glorify Him with our good works and deeds!

  29. Fall is my favorite time of year with the crisp air and wonderful transition into the holiday season. My prayers this morning as always is for peace and rest for all of you. Rest meaning 'to be'. To be fully engaged in Him. Today and always, I choose to look up and be aware of my surroundings and the messages He is sending me.

    Thank you all for your comments and prayers above. And as always.... stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Joining in your prayer especially for our country. So much division and strife right now.
      Thank you Father for covering it with Your love and with the Blood of Your Son. Trusting You to make all things right according to Your Will and Plan.

    2. ...our country. So much division and strife right now...
      Like the Seasons, This too shall pass! While it's passing, we're continuously praying!

    3. And pray we must. The warriors are on it, and you just can't beat that πŸ˜‰

  30. Wow! What a word for me today. I am so weary. My daughter (3.5 years old) has been sick with respiratory issues for almost a year now. She has been antibiotic and steroids more times than I can even count. She's on steroids again. Not sleeping, angry, mean to her friends at daycare. I just don't know what to do to keep her well. I am at my wits end. I believe God has a great purpose for her. He revealed her (through a vision) and her name (Grace) to me long before she was even thought of. Please pray for her. Please pray that we can somehow figure out what is causing her sickness. Thank you so much for praying.

    1. Daer Anonymous,
      Tonsils? Allergies? Ear Infection?
      I'm praying for our Grace and for you to receive His discovery, cure and rest. Amen.

    2. The doctors say mild asthma. She will get sick fast. She is on breathing treatments (sometimes 6-7 per day). She goes from being semi-well to coughing non stop in a day or less. I would assume it is allergies but her pulmonologist says she is only mildly allergic to common triggers like mold and dust mites. So we have no idea what triggers it but it goes bad very quickly. She will cough so much that she can't get breaths in between and then ends up vomiting from that. Thank you so much for praying.

    3. When he was young, my nephew had the same symptoms, but he didn't get the Medical Expertise he needed UNTIL we got him into the ER while he was in the middle of having the symptoms, throwing up, etc. Then we discovered that one of his asthma triggers was the family pet.
      I will continually pray for discernment, help and healing until The Victory. Blessings!

    4. Praying for sweet dear little Grace. She's too young to suffer so much. God knows the source of her problem. Let Him reveal it to you and the Doctors.
      Father God, take care of this little angel and bring perfect health back into her and give her the peace and joy she needs right now. We thank you for this in the name of Your Son our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    5. Thank you Brie and Jeanne! I have been praying that God would reveal to me exactly what to do to help her. Whether that be the source of her sickness, a supplement or something that would ease the symptoms, or that I pull her out of daycare and quit my job to stay home with her. Financially we can't afford for me not to work but I am willing to do whatever is God's will. I hate to see her sick all the time. And I also feel so guilty because my 10 year old doesn't get the attention he probably needs because I am constantly focused on her. I believe that God will reveal to us what to do. Oh how I want both of my children to be in perfect health!

    6. Sending healing prayers for you and your daughter. May God reveal to you and the doctors what is causing her sickness, and give you the strength you need.

      Blessings from France

    7. ...I want both of my children to be in perfect health!...
      We know God is able and famous for His healing! We will continue lifting up Grace's Medical Care, you and both your children until the perfect health Victory comes.

    8. Dear Unknown, May God open up her little airways and give her freedom from coughing and heal every weakness known or unknown in her dear body. May God strengthen and guide you, Unknown, and give your worried heart some rest.
      Amen Brie, Waiting on the Lord for the perfect health Victory for little Grace and blessings for her whole family.

    9. Thank you all so much for encouragement and prayers!

    10. I join in prayer for a miracle of healing for Grace and family. Declaring her perfect health begins with this new month, in Jesus's name!

    11. Dear Anonymous, Praying that you have seen God's faithfulness and answers to your prayers and that Grace is now doing well and back to good health. Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name.

  31. ♥♥🎢🎢
    Don't hang your head when you get lonely
    I know I'll never leave your side
    And don't go thinking you're the only
    One that can't get it right
    Yeah, you got my love
    Love, love, love
    Down in your soul
    Yeah, you got my love
    Love, love
    And I won't let you go

    Yeah everybody hurts sometimes
    I know that's what they say
    But right now, it seems this loneliness won't go away
    Can anybody feel this heartache?
    Is anyone around?
    Feels like we're running 'round in circles
    We can't catch a breath
    We can't enjoy the moment
    When we always want what's next
    Just when I can't take no more
    It's when I hear you say
    I know there's nowhere I can run
    There's nowhere I can hide
    From the one who gave His life
    So I could get back mine (Yeah)
    So when you can't take no more
    Look up and hear Him say
    Your mercy is new every morning
    Your grace sustains all of my life
    You are the one that I run to
    In You I am satisfied, oh
    Your mercy is new every morning
    Your grace sustains all of my life
    You are the one that I run to
    In You I am satisfied

    1. Beautiful words. Thanks my sweet Sister Brie!

    2. I just listened to this uplifting song and what a great video. Wonderful dancing too and so many sweet pictures. Just loved it! Thanks!

  32. Can anyone help me to understand the reference in 1 Timothy 6:16 that says God is an unapproachable Light? i think of Moses and the burning bush where after taking off his sandals approached God who was an “approachable” light?

    1. Learning To Trust: I wondered the same thing when I read it today: whether or not His Light was so bright like the sun that we could not stare into it or get too close while we live inside human bodies. Instead, while inside human bodies, we only get to look at everything upon which He shines His Light.
      But, I do NOT know for sure as I have never studied Theology.
      Oh BOB! Oh BOB! Come in BOB!

    2. Could it also be that our KING has singular dominance over THE LIGHT that is His and His alone and no matter how high up kings and lords get on the earthly scale, they will never be high enough to even think about approaching His Light; or fastening His sandal, for that matter??? Where are you, BOB??

    3. Yet another approach to unapproachable light:
      Could the phrase be referring to a place or a state of being that is beyond the abilities and senses of humankind to enter or perceive, but it exists and bekons nonetheless?

  33. Happy October, Dear JC Family! Thank you Maplewood for ushering all of us into another lovely month. I wrote a post to all of you last night, planning on posting it today and, alas - another day that was filled to the brim, so I'm just now posting.
    Reading through each days blessings, teachings, prayers and victories, I am still so thankful for all of you and welcome those of you just now posting. I wanted to report that the young woman we all prayed for this time last year (with the Cancer diagnosis), is cancer-free and I got to see her little boy at the wedding we went to last weekend.
    We are wrapping up Kitchen Reno #2 on our son's house, next door. I feel as if I've lived 2 days in every one and today's JC message was SO needed. Love to all of you. I read your posts throughout the day and your prayers continue to be mine. <3

  34. Hi Norah,
    Thank God she is cancer-free. So happy you saw her little boy at the wedding. God is so good!Praying for your strength. Thanks for your prayers. What a beautiful first day of October we had. Crisp and clean and I even got to see a beautiful sunset. Enjoy your night Sis!

    1. WOW! Jeanne, I love sunsets. I missed tonight's but will try to get the Son Rise tomorrow. Blessings!

  35. Thank you all so much such a blessing to be apart of this group Amen

  36. I have been running around to much , doing every job am offered .....all because I want to make sure my daughter and I dont lack tomorrow! But last night I was so exhausted and I prayed to God to make it eaiser and I felt the Holy spirit saying ....Do you not trust me with your tomorrows ?? The verse Isaiah 55:8-9
    English Standard Version
    8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
    9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. reminds me that God is in control and I need to seek His wisdom in my daily activties and I shouldnt go out in my own strenghth ....which is now so depleted ! Help me Lord , I trust you Lord !

  37. Praying for your strength and guidance sweet sister. Trust in Him and lean not unto your own understanding. Get some well deserved rest dear Min. Sounds like you have been working so hard and your heart is weary but you did the right thing. You took your burdens to the Lord and left them there. The Spirit is moving and God's words are true. We must leave our tomorrows in His Hands. He's already preparing our futures.
    I have so much to do and I'm way behind today with prepping for my Bible group. I had my grandson all day and then prepared a big meal for my son's family. They didn't leave till almost 11 but I know I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Thank you sister for your encouragement. I pray with you and all our dear JC family.
    Thank You Lord for Your loving kindness, tender mercies, guiding hand, comfort, amazing love and strength. You are our Everything and we trust in You.

  38. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. (Matthew 12:30). "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33). "I am the Lord; that is My name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols." (John 10:10).

    Heavenly, loving Father, thank You for always being with me and watching over me. You are sovereign over all things. You are the Creator and the best Father ever. You are in total control of everything. Remind me that I am free in You all the time. You have saved me from the chains and bonds of sin and evil. You are my salvation. You have opened my eyes to the truth. Your living word speaks and is full of all Your promises, love, guidance, understanding, wisdom, and so much more. You speak to us through Your word, Your creation, and others. Help me to hear all that You are saying to me. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles in the world all around me. Thank You for all You are doing in my life and the lives of others. You are so wonderful and good. Help me keep You first and foremost in my life and when I am distracted from You, bring my eyes back to You. Reveal all the joys and pleasures of Your heart and let me share them with You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear sister amen! My prayer too. Thank youπŸ’•πŸ™

    2. Beautiful prayer! In Jesus heavenly name Amen!πŸ™πŸ½❤

    3. Amen Janet! Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles in the world all around me. Thank You for all You are doing in my life and the lives of others. You are so wonderful and good.

    4. Amen dear Janet! Your prayer is so complete and perfect. Joining in it. Thank you for putting your heart and spirit into your beautiful words of praise and thanksgiving. You bless me my sister. Praying for God's faithfulness to shine in your life like the sun.

  39. πŸ™Amen the lord will provide . And the best is yet to come !

  40. For those who prayed for my darling wife KC,God has answered prayer in a wonderful way concerning her Fibromyalgia medication. We drove around yesterday with a new prescription. Through a really helpful pharmacist were directed to the ONLY chemist who stocked Neurontin Gabapentin. Generic Gabapentin the chemist admitted is not exactly the same as the original Neurontin. It may take a few days, but KC's pain level should start dropping soon.TY(thank you) all. God grace your day with His Presence.

    1. Praise God for answered prayer. My heart goes out to you for helping your wife and understanding her need. I had fibromyalgia as a young mom. It consumed my life for 10 years. It debilitated me a lot of those years. The pain never goes away, some days are worse than others for no rhyme or reason, and it wears you out to be in pain. The fatigue of it ran my life and I wasn't able to make social plans because of never knowing if I would be able to follow through with feeling good enough that day. The doctors told me all they could ever do was up my meds - which they did for years - as needed and that that would be my story moving forward. Mine is GONE now. Please consider what may be inflaming her to cause the pain. It may be something in her diet. I removed all inflammatory foods from my diet. Something is causing that inflammation that is bringing the pain. It may be gluten, dairy, nightshades, etd., or sadly it may be the roundup that is sprayed on our crops. I went as organic as I could so that I wasn't getting glyphosate (roundup) and I cut out the inflammatory foods. I'm completely medicine free and pain free and have ease of movement that I haven't had in decades. I'm 62.
      I hope this is helpful. I had to figure it out on my own and since it doesn't involve anything artificial its worth a try for you. You are in my prayers.
      God Bless you. Love, Kathy

    2. One very important thing to add here that all the Glory of my health goes to God as it was answer to prayer and me giving my life to Him and not relying on my own will anymore.

    3. Every testimony begins with test. Thank you for sharing your test-imony with us our dear sister friend in Christ, Kathy.
      Along with our entire JC Family, you are continually in my positive thoughts and prayers, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Such great news dear Pilgrim. So thankful that your wife will soon be relieved of her pain even partially. God is so good. Thank You Jesus!
      What a wonderful testimony Kathy! I'm so glad you are not suffering anymore. God gave you the wisdom to change your diet and even use a different spray on your crops. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart. He sure did guide your path.
      Praying for all of you and all our dear sisters and brothers, seen and unseen.

  41. God is so good Pilgrim. Glad to hear prayers are being answered for KC. Thank You Lord, praise Your Holy name! Hallelujah!

  42. Busy days ahead for me. We are having Harvest celebration & Appreciation day for our city. I love volunteering & fellowshipping. So praying that today, Saturday & Sunday my body will cooperate. Please Lord be my strength today & tomorrow & kitchen duty for Sunday. Bless all the hands of those of us preparing for Harvest for You are the Lord of the Harvest. Amen. Hallelujah!

    1. Prayers going up to Him and out to you, our dear Jan.
      Dear Heavenly Father God of the harvest. Bless all the works of Your human hands as they prepare and then celebrate your bounteous goodness to all Your Children. In prayer we ask for Your Strength in our Bodies, Souls, Minds, Hearts, and Spirits. Only You are our God and we worship, adore and praise you, now, throughout this Harvest appreciation and Celebration, and forevermore, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Enjoy the harvest celebration time, Jan, and the joy it will bring to your community. Lord, bless this celebration, cover it in your protection to lift the spirits of all who attend and work to make it happen. In Jesus's name I pray.

    3. May God give you some extra strength for your harvest celebration and appreciation day, and for your kitchen duty. And may His Spirit give you all the words you need to share. Praying for a strong hedge of protection to be around you and yours as you do His work. Stay blessed and safe. Thank You Jesus.

  43. BEAUTIFUL ⚘⚘⚘πŸ‘£πŸ’–❣ I'm overjoyed for your wife and you..Thank you Jesus!πŸ€—

  44. hi i am 22 and this is still difficult to comprehend. i have always had a deep sense of faith. however my boyfriend of 2 years and my first true love only being 27 aand clean from all drugs for 5 years passed away last week on an overdose laced with fetynal and i found him in his bed. i am confused my sense of faith seems to be dwindling but i know there is a god but this time of my life i am confused and not sure what is real and what makes sense i read these every morning but since it happened i hav enot been able to comprehend. has anyone experienced this

    1. I am so sorry for your loss, Unknown. Please know you have my sympathy, along with my prayers for you to experience God's Arms wrapped tightly around you. With love, Brie.

    2. Sending parts your way, Unknown. In time as you sit with God, healing will happen. Turn your eyes towards Him.

    3. Dear Unknown, Your hardship and great loss are such a heavy cross to bear. I'm so sorry you have to go through this alone. No one but God knows what was going through your love's mind, but God in His mercy may have heard the words of his heart and I pray that He has gone Home to a peaceful rest. You are not alone. God loves you dearly and understands your deep sorrow and confusion. Thank God you are still living and you have bright light ahead of you on your path. Praying God will lead you to all the help and support you need. God already knows who will support and comfort you at this difficult time. There is help to be found and your true help will be from the Lord. May He surround you with His unconditional Love and peace. He understands your heart intimately. Speak to Him and allow His Spirit to comfort you. Call the Name of Jesus and He will stay close to you. Sending love and keeping you in my prayers.

  45. Oh my dear unknown please know that my heart breaks for you! You are so loved by the creator who knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. He was there with you then, he's been with you this whole time, and he's with you right now. He loves you so much and is there to hold you. Hold fast to this perfect father, Lord and savior Jesus. Please reach out to someone who calls on God for their help.
    I didn't walk to St path you did but a very similar one. When I was 18 my boyfriend was killed in a motorcycle accident. He came by my house to introduce me to a friend of his from Canada. I wasn't home at night. When he left my house both Harry and his friend Jeff were killed. I was so lost, that hurt one deeper than I could ever explain. I wanted to die myself. But God stepped in and changed my focus. Instead of walking around like a zombie. I started thinking what would Harry want me to do right now. He wouldn't want me to throw my life away. He would want me to pick up my pieces and move forward with the plans that I had. It wasn't easy but I did it. I didn't buy God helping me and showing me that I needed to be the best I could be. Just like I would have if Harry was still alive. My dreams and my focus had to shift and it was very hard. But I did it and you can too. Call out to God for the help that you need.
    Lord hold a known closer than you ever have before. Please make your presence so close to her she can feel you there. She needs you more than ever before. Help her to have the help and support she needs both through your presence and physical people. Please surround her with love. I thank you Lord. In Jesus name amen
    Unknown please keep posting. I want to know how your doing. Please don't give in to depression. I understand this more than you can imagine. My love and prayers are with you.

    1. Unknown sorry about so many typos. I was using speach to text. Please hear my hearts cry for you. This brings up so many memories for me both good and bad. God brought me through I'm trusting he's going to do the same for you. With love!

    2. Thanks for sharing your test-imony TERRI. I know it will help our Unknown. May you and yours, and we and ours, all enjoy His new Mercies today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Dear Terri, I'm so sorry you lost your dear love such a long time ago. I'm so thankful You made it through because God was with you and you followed His light.
      Unknown, That is what you must do. Follow God's guidance and look for the light each day, even if it's just a pinpoint of light. God is shining it for you.
      Amen dear Brie! His mercies are new every morning.

  46. Just TRY to sit still and not smile while joining in this worship song!!!
    ♥️🎢 AINT No Grave sung by Molly Skaggs (Ricky's daughter)
    In joy!

    1. It's a powerful song dear Audra. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of another song by Julie Miller called All My Tears. I used to play it at the Nursing Home. I think you'll like it.

  47. Glory to the KING of kings! For we must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!
    The Psalmist said: Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy name!!!!
    Thanking God for carrying us through nine months and giving us the fresh birth of October! May honor and glory be His, now and forevermore, in Jesus' name.

    Happy month of October JC family! It's been a while since I posted, but please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.

    I have embarked on additional faith journey, seeking the Lord with other group of like minded believers just like you! I will drop in here every now and then whenever the Spirit leads. We are One big family after God’s heart and I do not intend to disappear (LOL) for good!!

    As You have Step Into OCTOBER,
    O= OPEN
    shall be your portion in Jesus mighty name!

    Keeping everyone and all that concerns you, in prayer and trusting the Lord for His mercy, loving kindness and answers in Jesus' name.
    "Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low. The crooked places shall be straight and the rough places smooth" (Isaiah 40:4).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

  48. Sweet dear Maplewood! You ushered us into October so beautifully and I am so grateful! Thanks for your sincere prayers and spirit guided words always. You remain in my prayers and in my heart. May God keep you and your family safe and well, and lead you to all joy, love, peace, comfort and fulfillment in Him. He lovingly holds our futures. May they be sweet. Thank You Jesus.

  49. My sister in Christ, Patricia is going through a terrible time. After my Mom went to bed I was praying for her and I called my sister and prayed with her. Then God told me to call Patricia. I never call her but this week she gave me her cell number so I called. She sounded funny and wasn’t making sense. Something about her son and no pulse and I said I don’t understand. And she said her middle son is gone. Today she found him in his room passed out and rushed to find a pulse in his neck and she did. She called 911 and just held him. They came and tried to revive him for 25 minutes. It may have been drug related because he had a problem. She is such a strong believer and she has been through so very much with her own medical problems. Praying for her comfort, healing and strength. I am asking God to carry her through this deep wilderness and heal her body, mind and spirit, even though the doctors say they can’t help her physical problems and take away her pain anymore. God is good and merciful so I am trusting He will rest her son’s soul, comfort her broken heart and the whole sorrowful family, and somehow relieve her pain without implanting a spinal cord stimulator, and bring her back to good health. She loves the Lord with her whole heart, mind and soul. He knows that. Please God! Waiting on the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    1. My heart goes out to Patricia . I will pray for her too as I clean up my apartment today. God is with the broken hearted and He will bring her comfort and peace now and forever more .

    2. Praying for Patricia. Heavenly Father, please place Your healing, loving arms around her and let Your comfort flow into her. Let Your perfect peace be placed upon her as You hold her and sing to Your daughter. Lift her heart up and shine Your face upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Janet, echoing your prayers for Patricia. Praying Patricia is surrounded with the loving presence of our Heavenly Father.

    4. Standing in the gap with The JC WARRIORS for Patricia. My Papa God, let your healing Glory envelop her and may Your mercy and grace be manifested in her life in great measure right now! In Jesus's Miracle Working Name, AMEN and AMEN

    5. Praying for you and your friend Patricia. May He guide her weary heart to rest safely in His Arms. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Joining warriors in placing Patricia at the throne of grace. Show Yourself merciful, faithful, comforter & powerful dear Lord in Patricia's deepest need. Grip her hand & heart with the greatest assurance that You are with her. In Jesus name, amen. πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

    7. Echoing your prayers for Patricia.

    8. Thank you dear Min Ahadi, Janet, Sassy Mom, JJ, Brie, Jan. Your sweet prayers have surrounded dear Patricia in her time of need and God hears every one. Waiting on Him to show mercy to our sister and shower her and her family with His peace and comfort, and light their paths, and rest their weary hearts, and remove their pain. Thank You Jesus.

    9. Adding my prayers to the broken hearted and weary.

    10. Jeanne - lifting your friend Patricia up today and the days ahead. Thankful for the nudging you had to call her. Praying for you and your family.

      SC Anonymous

  50. Welcome to the month of October JC family . Lets start by pouring out our hearts to God this morning and commit the rest days of 2022 unto His hand. He is able to do, exceedingly, abundantly, and more than we can ever ask. Do you believe that?
    Whatever situation you, your family, or your country is going through at the moment, tell God. Tell Him what you need.

    1. Amen, Amen! Blessed indeed, thank you Min Ahadi.

    2. Yes dear Min, I believe that! Thank you for reminding me πŸ₯°πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

    3. How good to see that these devotions, thoughts, prayers, and Bible verses posted here a few years back are continuing to be read today by people around the world. I love my Abba Father and love knowing there are others sitting in His Presence, resting in His Love at the same moment I am!

    4. Amen dear Min Ahadi! He already knows our needs and who we are praying for. May October bring us more answers to our prayers and show us ways to give Him more glory in our thoughts, words and deeds. What a blessed assurance! Keep saying to your heart: Jesus is Mine.

    5. Amen!

      SC Anonymous

  51. My Beloved JCFAMILY -- I come to you to ask you to stand with me in the gap for my youngest daughter with thyroid issues. She has an upcoming scan and I speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus over it and God's Supernatural Healing! I so thank you and covet your prayers, JC WARRIORS! We stand on Holy Ground in this place. HALLELUJAH!!
    Great Love and Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!!

    1. Gap standing with you, our precious sister friend in Christ, JJ. THY-roid issues are in THY committed and capable Hands, O Lord. Jesus Jesus Jesus cover youngest daughter's scan and results with Your Sovereign Authority. Hallelujah and Amen.

    2. Beloved JJ, we are Standing in the gap and joining in prayer for youngest daughter with thyroid issues.

    3. Standing in the gap with you dear one. Petitioning the Lord, Jehovah Rapha on behalf of your daughter. Lord we ask that whatever is taxing her thyroid be discovered quickly & thoroughly. It is the throne of our bodies, You created it to manage so many necessary functions to keep us fit & strong. Touch hers with complete healing in Jesus name. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

    4. Joining our dear family’s prayers for your good daughter’s scan to show only good results. May God wrap His peace around her as she gets the scan and also give you and your family peace of mind that all will be well in Him. Thank You Jesus

  52. This morning I received this message from my daughter Dr. Denise who has a very sick 2 year old (Caton de Tulear) fur baby named Chanel, diagnosed with Pancreatitis.
    "I had to dropper feed her water all day yesterday. I have been giving her pancreatic enzymes this morning to relieve inflammation and also glutathione to clear her liver. She has not had a BM from her meal last night so I know she’s in distress. She can’t get comfortable and keeps wondering….got up on my lap (I’m in floor) only to want to climb on ottoman. I lifted her up and she finally settled in and is sleeping there." Please join me in prayers for my "grand doggie" (Chanel thinks I am her grandmother).

    1. Praying for Chanel. As a Granny to 3 fur babies plus 1 Great Grandfurbaby, I know how much prayers help. I will continue in prayer for Chanel, Denise, and you until His Healing comes. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Sassy Mom -- Lifting up Chanel to my Papa God, to touch Chanel with his gentle hand of healing and comfort. Supernaturally deliver Chanel from symptoms and heal the underlying cause. In Jesus's Merciful Name, AMEN and AMEN. Oh, how God loves His Creation! JJ

    3. No sooner said than done. Thank You Jesus. Thank you Brie.

      "She just went outside and had BM after a long time of walking around. The Glutathione and the quadruple dose of pancreatic enzymes helped. I just gave her more pancreatic enzymes. They are also anti inflammatory. I’m keeping her away from fat. I'm so grateful for my training and had the things needed to treat Chanel. I feel compassion for pets and their owners who don't know or have tools needed."

    4. Thank you beloved JJ for prayers to God who loves His creation.

    5. Hallelujah! Chanel is well taken care of and on her way back to perfect health! Praying she will be back to her old self in no time because God is faithful and our prayers are powerful. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name.we pray.

  53. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, There's just something about that name

    1. It’s amazing how much you comfort all of us in your time of sorrow, I love that song, and it soothed me like a long warm hug from God. Love you too πŸ’—πŸ™

    2. Dear Sassy Mom and Jeanne -
      I so agree with you. Just love the sound of Jesus's name! There is DEFINITELY something about that name. Just saying that name, you feel that "long warm hug from God". Many times I find myself just saying His name over and over and over. I find great comfort and blessing in speaking His name over life circumstances. I just speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus over this Awe-Inspiring JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. My Papa God, let your Majestic Glory reign down on them right now without measure. In Jesus's Name, The Name Above All Names, HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love and Blessings to My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS. I so thank you, thank you for ALL your intercessory prayers for my daughter!!!

    3. Amen! Jesus Jesus Jesus. πŸ’—πŸ™

  54. Amen, Amen and Amen, sweet Janet!
