Monday, October 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 12

Beware of seeing yourself through other people's eyes. There are several dangers to this practice. First of all, it is nearly impossible to discern what others actually think of you. Moreover, their views of you are variable: subject to each viewer's spiritual, emotional, and physical condition. The major problem with letting others define you is that it borders on idolatry. Your concern to please others dampens your desire to please Me, your Creator.
     It is much more real to see yourself through My eyes. My gaze upon you is steady and sure, untainted by sin. Through My eyes you can see yourself as one who is deeply, eternally loved. Rest in My loving gaze, and you will receive deep Peace. Respond to My loving Presence by worshiping Me in spirit and in truth

Hebrews 11:6
English Standard Version

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
John 4:23-24
English Standard Version

23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for Your unconditional love and Your constant presence in my life. Thank you for making me who I am today and pray that I continue to see myself through your eyes and not through others. You have made me "Priceless" in every way, help me remember that as I face hardships and turn to You in everything that I do.

    1. amen thank you for sharing this prayer.

    2. Jeff, wherever you are - Thank you for blessing me with your prayer.

    3. Jeff, where are you? I prayed for you this morning. Missing your prayers to start us off in this blog. Blessings.

    4. Yes, Jeff, I truly gain from reading your posts. Praying that all is well and that God's Holy Spirit nudges you to post again.

    5. Amen Jeff! Timeless prayer. We are priceless and deeply and eternally loved! Hoping your hardships are gone and your burden is light in Christ.

    6. Thanks again Jeff, When we lose heart, we must remember we are absolutely beloved children of the Most High. Praying all is going better with you. God is leading you on a path He has prepared. There is much sweet light ahead.

    7. This reading is on point, and never by accident. When will I close the gap between intellectually knowing, believing and feeling with absolute certainty all that God tells me (over and over again in so many ways) is true. Help me Jesus, come Holy Spirit, it feels like the devil is winning. Father, give me strength and the capacity to receive you fully. Wrap your loving arms around me. Thank you

    8. I really, really needed this today. I have been rejected and abused by my father and ex-husband… it is a constant fight to set aside what human men have done to me, and embrace who God says I am, that I am truly loved by Him.

    9. Thank you Jeff. It is my prayer today. Wherever you are, may God’s protection be around you and your family ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

    10. We may need a new Jeff! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    11. Ditto with same issue here, Audra...When will I close the gap between intellectually knowing, believing and feeling with absolute certainty all that God tells me (over and over again in so many ways) is true? The Radio Preacher said, "When I know how much God loves me, then the gap will close and the feelings will be absolute."
      How Will I Know?

    12. Yes, Brie. How to remove any and all doubt. Is it possible here on earth? AFter all, it was doubt in Eden that sent us here.

  2. In Luke 11:15-26: our Lord Jesus speaks of the demonic efforts to corrupt our soul after we have repented and been cleansed of our sin. Don Ludolph of Saxony, a Carthusian monk in the 1300’s, cites five principle demons that assail us, one which is contained in the reading for today.

    1). The heart’s attachment to sins, unjust things, carnal pleasures or worldly honors which is stronger than we might want to admit.
    2). Fear and anxiety which has lost confidence in the love of God in a time of struggle.
    3). The overwhelming desire for worldly or carnal pleasures which lead us to choose sickness over health, death over life, sorrow over joy, eternal suffering to glory.
    4). Swallowing the word the Holy Spirit has led us to speak for fear of what others might think of us or respond to us.
    5). Presuming on God’s grace, figuring God will surely forgive us for the trite sins to which we choose to attach ourselves.

    I confess to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have committed all of these sins after my conversion.

    1. Number 2 jumped right off the page at me! That is my struggle, that is where the evil one works to pierce my armor of faith. Jesus I Believe! Help my unbelief!!

    2. I am keenly aware of my trip and falls over #2 and #5.
      Jesus I Believe! Help my unbelief!!

    3. Guilty on all counts. But by grace go I.

    4. 2 minutes into today's blog and I am wide awake with more than enough to think about for this day and more. Thank you, I think. Help me Jesus to live this day knowing and feeling your unconditional love as I try to avoid the trips and traps of another day as a sinner here on earth.

    5. Amen, Audra! Perfectly said!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

    6. Very true and I am also flawed and guilty, but I continue to trust in God's mercy and guidance. I very often say: Father, Make me a better person. I know I fall short more than not.
      Audra, So very true, we fall into sin, despite trying to avoid situations that threaten to separate us from God and His grace and favor. Sometimes because of our humanity we make decisions that we know would not please Him. I try my best not to do this but sometimes I admit to being more selfish than selfless. I find myself in my weakness doing the opposite of what Jesus would do. Help me Jesus! I trust in You! Guide my steps. Remind me to stay in Your Presence.

    7. A year later and I am still tripping over the same barriers. Please help me God, to straighten up and fly right according to You rather than this world. Please?

    8. I can almost hear God humming:
      Oh, When will they ever learn?
      Oh, When will they ever learn?

    9. What a comfort to know even when we stumble and fall short of pleasing Him, He is still there to pick us up, brush us off and surround us with His love.

    10. Not sure about No 5? I rely on God's Grace constantly, I have to, I need to. I am saved by Grace ,it is not of myself it is a gift of God my Bible tells me. So why do you count it as a sin? I have to count or assume His Grace is always available. Please explain.

    11. SavedByGraceAlone we are saved by Grace and nothing else. Jesus had a purpose to accomplish that was ENOUGH for us. There is nothing we can do or behave like to save ourselves so I don't understand why he would say the TRUTH we've been given of being justified by Grace is sinful to rely on.

    12. Thanks for giving us cause to ponder, Saved By Grace Alone.
      ...5). Presuming on God’s grace, figuring God will surely forgive us for the trite sins to which we choose to attach ourselves...
      I saw PRESUMING as the operative word. The other day I gave myself permission to tell a lie because I PRE-ASSUMED God would forgive me. Anyway that is what I PRESUMED Brother Bob meant by #5.
      On the other hand, just like you do, I, too rely on God's Grace with every breath I take; my committing trite sins because I know I'm going to get His Grace is like throwing good money after bad items. Calling Brother BOB. Come in Brother Bob! We PRESUME you are still reading here.

    13. #2 and #4 today, well most days. Being one who wants everything perfect, clearly I have some work to do.

    14. #5 is in error, it's of religion and not of relationship with God thru Jesus Christ. It's Grace Alone, and Faith Alone. It's essential to count on God's Grace continually; it's not a presumption it's essential to our salvation. Without God's Grace we cannot be saved, without faith we cannot be saved. We count on God's Grace for we have none of our own. See Ephesians 2 8-9.

    15. I stand hand in hand with Jan, By all accounts, I too, am pleading guilty on all counts.
      JESUS come to our aid and make haste to help us. Amen.

    16. Still tripping along the five counts obstacle course. Come Holy Spirit!

    17. Ditto Audra. 5 years later, and I too, am still a Day Tripper on the 5 point obstacle course. When Will I Ever Learn?

  3. Yes, Bob - as we are human. Each day presents such assailants. I read these readings daily in confidence that by and by I will spend less and less time repenting and more time aware of the awesome love of God for us.

    1. Yes, my friend, in so doing we open our heart to God so He may bring about the change of which you speak and that we all seek.

  4. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ stay with me always god

  5. Thank you God for all your blessings๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  6. Thank You Lord for your continual presence in our lives, for being our friend, comforter. Praying my life will bless others and reflect the beauty of Jesus my Lord and Savior.

  7. Good morning ๐ŸŒž JC loved ones. Bob was right on the mark. I too have fallen in line with each of these weaknesses after conversion. #2 is especially tough to kick, but I'm confident in this one thing, our God watches over each of us, lovingly redirecting our footsteps through the power of the Holy Spirit. If we are listening, His love whispers "this is the way, walk in it". Amen! Praying for all the JC family. Be blessed today & prepare your hearts for the Sabbath. Go worship in spirit & in truth. Love to all๐Ÿฅฐ.

  8. Thank you all who commented... have a blessed and meaningful day!

  9. Morning glory and blessings to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Praise, glory and honor to You for another day, Thank You for the sheild of protection You have around us.
    The pain that struck my right side at 4:30am this morning, went right back to where it came from because the Blood of Jesus made me whole.
    Thank You Lord that I was able to drag myself out of bed and fall on bended knees, claiming the healing powers in the BLOOD of Jesus when the pain struck my right side at 4:30am. Thank You for the wonder working Power in the Blood and the authority we have to cast out sickness and bind the plans of the enemies! Thank You Lord.

    Some years ago, I did soooo much to please family and friends, and all I got was disappointments upon disappointments. I don't regret the good I did because You put me in the position to be a blessing. What I do regret being blind to, are the manipulations, lies and betrayal. Today, I say THANK You Father for opening my eyes to see clearly and not only that, but to see myself through YOUR loving eyes. I've learned the lesson of living to please You only and may the Holy Spirit continue to help me along the way.

    JC family, wishing and praying for all of you, a blessed and fruitful day. May each of You see yourselves in the loving eyes of JESUS only and don't look to the world to validate who you are. Christ love is sufficient.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks dear Maplewood. It is a blessing that God opened your eyes to the truth about your family and friends. Living to please Him is all we need in our lives. Whatsover you do, do it heartily as unto the Lord and not men. Your ending really spoke to my heart. We must look at ourselves through the loving Eyes of Jesus and not at others for validation and approval. Christ's love is sufficent as is His grace. Amen!

    2. I'd like to move more rapidly from People Pleasing to Jesus Pleasing. I knock, I ask, I pray in Jesus' name.

  10. Dear God, Thank you for the gift of my life. Thank you for the gift of faith. I want to continue to please You, God; help me to stay on this path. I know You are The One to truly make me feel eternally loved. Please continue to show me the way to rest in You so I may receive peace. I pray my faith in You, Lord, only grows with each passing day. Thank you for always being with me, carrying me if needed, to make it through some of the hardships encountered on this earth. Amen.

    Lifting all in this JC Family up in prayer this morning! Thank you for your posts and prayers, seen and unseen. God bless each one of you! Jesus, I trust in You! CO

  11. Father God, just praying Your Word: Psalm 119:25-32 MSG "...Barricade the road that goes Nowhere; grace me with Your clear revelation. I choose the the true road to Somewhere, I post Your road signs at every curve and corner. I grasp and cling to whatever You tell me. God, don't let me down! I'll run the course You lay out for me if you'll just show me how. Psalm 119:169-176 MSG ".....I am homesick God for Your salvation; I love it when You show Yourself! Invigorate my soul so I can praise You well, use Your decrees to put iron in my soul. And should I wonder off like a lost sheep--seek me! I'll recognize the sound of Your voice." Amen and Amen

    1. Absolutely loved your prayer JJ! Especially Barricade the road that goes Nowhere. Good food for me to ponder. Put your attention on the things that endure. Live to please God and not men. I have often felt like a little lost sheep that God has had to search for and bring back. Baaa! He always finds me. I'm so blessed to be in His beloved fold.

    2. Still love your prayer, JJ!
      Love ❤️ you, and our entire JC Family. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    3. Beautiful JJ! Thank you!

  12. Good morning Lord and jc family. Forgive me for all the ways I fail you, Lord. Help me to surrender all of it to you, my fears, my needs, my children and grandchildren. Hear all of our prayers, Lord, and let us rest in you. Jesus we trust in you. God's peace to our JC warriors. Thank you Maplewood for your faith in our savior, you give me hope. Glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.


    Simple thought for today. If you are led to use the psalms in your quiet time, it is the traditional practice to pause after reading a psalm and offer a prayer in light of how the Spirit has touched you in the reading of any particular psalm. Too often in our quiet time, the tendency is to rush through these preliminary steps to get to 'the good stuff' (really?). Be cautious here. Maybe the Spirit wants to talk with you about something in this psalm. You will know, there will be a strong conviction within that will tell you so. It may be that you won't go any further today. So be it. Be careful of having your quiet time based on checking off the boxes to a ritual. It is about engaging our Lord. In having a time with someone special, you would be less concerned about fulfilling an agenda than being blessed in the moment, so it should be in your quiet time. Let the conversation be led by the Spirit.

    In my devotional time this AM, Psalm 106:1-5 was given to be read:

    Praise the Lord!
    O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    for his steadfast love endures forever.
    2 Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord,
    or declare all his praise?
    3 Happy are those who observe justice,
    who do righteousness at all times.

    4 Remember me, O Lord, when you show favor to your people;
    help me when you deliver them;
    5 that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones,
    that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
    that I may glory in your heritage.

    These verses so capture the essence of it all. I simply let the power of these words overwhelm me and upon doing so, entered into a spirit of thanksgiving in prayer. After a meaningful time with this thought, I moved on to the reading for the day.

    As your week begins dear brother/sister in Christ, He is working mighty deeds for you. Expect them. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen. Thank you Bob. Another blessed writing. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Thank you brother Bob๐Ÿฅฐ. Blessings on your week also.

    3. Thank you, God’s warriors through the night, for your faithfulness and prayer!!

      Bob- I love this reminder:

      “In having a time with someone special, you would be less concerned about fulfilling an agenda than being blessed in the moment, so it should be in your quiet time. Let the conversation be led by the Spirit.”

      It is also freeing because God meets us so individually. Part of looking for approval from others is sometimes thinking we need to be just like someone else. We are unique and amazing. So also in our time with God, the Spirit may lead us differently and that is okay!!

      Grateful for all of you, God’s beloved!!!

    4. Always such wonderful guidance and blessings. Thank you Bob. KS

    5. His steadfast Love surely endures FOREVER!!! Thank you bday twin brother, for another great reminder!
      No matter what we face, He's there, no matter how much we fail Him, His love remains!

      Remain blessed my brother.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Thank you so much Bob! I just read Psalm 106 and the Spirit gave me such meaningful thoughts during Our conversation. I might share them later on here with you all.
      Have a blessed day,

      Blessings from France

    7. Right on Bob! Thank you.
      Dear Lord please help me to slow down and savor your word. Help me to not rush though and "check the spiritual boxes" in my quiet time. Dear Lord, please know the desire in my heart is to listen and follow you completely. Give me your peace always! Amen.

    8. Hoping your 'might' becomes a 'shall', Mon Ami, but only as the Spirit leads you. God be with you!

    9. More great suggestions from you, Bob. Thank you and God bless us all in a unique and loving way today. I gratefully receive!

    10. Wonderful teaching, Bob. Thank you, Jesus, for using Bob and this JC family of prayer warriors to teach, instruct, and bless according to Your Word. Help me, Lord, to take my time in prayer and thanksgiving and not rush through "checking off the boxes to a ritual." Teach me patience, Father God, that I may be led by the Spirit. In You, I place all my trust, my life, my family. All Praise and Glory are Yours. Amen

    11. Bob, Your words and God's Word gave me a lot to ponder. I pray that I walk worthy of Him and someday stand in the Congregation of the Righteous. We are all so human but God has given us His Spirit to guide us along the way.
      Amen Rose! So blessed to have this Family that God has led us all into. We pray for each other and share encouragment and enlightenment. The Spirit of the Lord is shining in this place.

  14. Father, I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. Help me to know You in spirit and in truth Lord. Draw me closer to You and keep me close in Your heart Lord. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. Amen ๐Ÿ™.

  15. Thank you all for your prayers. I am very grateful and want to let you know that they have been answered. Thank You Jesus. I know that You always hear and answer us Lord. Praise the Lord continually and always. Glory be to the Lord forever and ever.

    1. Thanks for sharing another VICTORY WON by our Lord Jesus Christ.

    2. Thank You dear Lord for answered prayers ๐Ÿ™.

    3. Amen! Praising the Lord with you Janet! He's a MIGHTY GREAT God!!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Amen and Amen! Praising the Lord for another Victory in Jesus name! Hallelujah!

    5. Doing my victory dance dear Janet! I'm so thankful for one more answered prayer and more of God's faithfulness in your life. Thank you Jesus!!!

    6. Praying for you dear Janet that God will continue to bless you with more victories to celebrate in your life.

  16. Heavenly Father, Thank You for the dawn of a new day to see myself through Your eyes and not through others. Thank You for seeing me as precious and unique and of great value. Thank You for making me with a purpose. My existence, my features and my abilities are not a mistake because You make NO mistakes. I am skillfully and thoughtfully formed and placed on this earth by You (Psalm 139). I am not perfect in the sense that I do everything right or haven’t fallen in sin, but I am perfect because You view me with eyes full of love and hope, despite seeing my faults and weaknesses. You also see what I can become when I continue to choose what is right and good. Please help me to live with this purpose You’ve made me for, according to Your plans for my life and to make good decisions that will have eternal significance.
    I’ve gone through the darkest valley and still going through some, but I strongly believe that You want to teach me something through every trial and lead me to You completely. This could be part of Your way of saving me from sins that make me unhappy. Whenever I feel alone, unimportant or unloved, You remind me that Your love is healing because I put my life and thoughts into Your hands. Please open my eyes to the value of living in You and being the self that You made me to be. Thank You for Your mercy that is made new each day, so I don’t have to look back at all the pain and trials, but instead look forward to the good things that are ahead. You love me because of who I am in Christ, not because of what other people think. Your love is unconditional and consistent and I am grateful that You love me enough to grant me hope and grace. Thank You that my true beauty and worth is found in the name that is above all names, JESUS. Amen!

    Norah- I join in the prayers for strength and Peace for your family, son and daughter-in-law, for the loss. As you stated, yes, please give all your: “heavy heartedness to Him who never fails.” God bless you and yours.

    Unknown (10/11/2020 post)- praying for you and trusting Jehovah Rapha to direct your steps towards healing. God is able!

    In prayer for all the requests and believing for answers for your good and the glorification of our Father in Heaven.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Thank you for this beautiful prayer as always. "Please open my eyes to the value of living in You and being the self that You made me to be." ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Sending you a very big and tight hug because you are so dear to me. Always in my thankful prayers. The Christ in you is so beautiful and dear to my heart. I share in your prayer and thank you for lifting me high and adding good food to ponder and light to this rainy day.

    3. Sweet Maplewood. Let us not forget your encouraging words:
      "You love me because of who I am in Christ, not because of what other people think. Your love is unconditional and consistent and I am grateful that You love me enough to grant me hope and grace". Amen
      Thank you for lifting me with your Spirit ordained words my sister.

    4. Such a great wise prayer, Maplewood! "Please open my eyes to the value of living in You and being the self that You made me to be." And I will add to the prayer, "please, Father get my self critic out of the way so that I can see I am who you say I am." thank you.

  17. FROM HEBREWS 11 You only please God with faith, with depending on Him. Everyone who wants to come and see God must:
    1) Believe that there is a God; and
    2) He rewards those who sincerely seek and see Him.

    Fix your eyes and thoughts on what is true and good and right @ God. See and think about things that are pure and lovely in His Eyes. SEE and DWELL ON fine, good things in others as He does.  Look at and think about all you see that you can praise God for and be glad about! When you keep putting into practice all you learned from me because you saw me doing it, then the God of Peace will always be with you!

    Sturdily built to withstand waves, beach pillars are placed in parallel pairs from the shoreline, out into the ocean to hold up a platform that is also a pier.
    When you stand on the pier at sunrise you see a view where the veil between earth and heaven seems sheer. You see endless water and limitless sky.
    Our eyes are like those piers . They lead us to gaze in many directions. We can focus on comparing  larger boats than ours OR gratitude and contentment with all that God has provided for us. We can focus on hurtful times when someone betrayed us OR on forgiveness and love for that person. We can focus on what others think of us OR see our selves deeply and eternally loved in God's eyes. In which direction are our eyes pier-ing right now?

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You help us build our pillars, platform, and pier in Your Divine Direction, with a view of Your Goodness in ourself and others? Would You make us comfortable seeing Your Loving gaze pier-ing back at us and then experience Your Deep Peace?
    In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie! May we gaze at only Godly directions and focus on Him always.

      Blessings from France

    2. Based on JJ's earlier post, I too, pray:
      Dear God, Barricade the view that goes Nowhere. Grace me with Your clear revelation. Make me choose the Heavenly Outlook View to Somewhere. Post Your road signs at every curve, corner, and everywhere in between.  I am lost, therefore I grasp and cling to whatever You tell me to do. I will look at whatever You turn my head to see. O God, personally pick me up! I'll run the course You lay out for me if you'll just show me the way and the how. Thank You in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. ♥๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ♥Open my eyes, Lord
      Help me to see Your Face
      Open my eyes, Lord
      Help me to see

      Open my ears, Lord
      Help me to hear Your Voice
      Open my ears, Lord
      Help me to hear

      Open my heart, Lord
      Help me to love like You
      Open my heart, Lord
      Help me to love

      And the first shall be last
      And our eyes are opened
      And we'll hear like never before
      And we'll speak in new ways
      And we'll see God's face in places we've never known

      I live within you
      Deep in your heart, O Love
      I live within you
      Rest now in Me.

    4. Thanks Brie! Thanking God for clear vision only in His direction. May our eyes and hearts always be open to see His mercy, promises, love, blessings and provisions. May we find all that we need in His fond embrace. Love to sing this song too. Singing it with you.

    5. Open My eyes Lord

    6. And in case you missed this version link a short time ago

  18. Good morning my JC family. Resting on Gods presence this morning. Prayers please for peace over fear and anxiety this morning as I take my 22 year old daughter in for a bladder scope to hopefully get answers to pain and sickness. Her anxiety is especially high. We know Gods got this, but have a hard time not letting fear of the unknown take over. Love and prayers to all of you this morning.
    Mindy, Spokane

    1. Our Dear Mindy,
      Praying you and your daughter through it all, with His peace ENFOLDING both your daughter and you until His Victory.

    2. Dear Mindy, sending healing prayers for you and your daughter. He surrounds you with His peace and comfort, letting go of all fears, He's with you and for you always.

      Blessings from France

    3. Mindy, praying for you and your daughter. Lord, please guide the doctors today as they search for answers. Please provide Mindy and her daughter with Your peace. JE

    4. Prayers for you and your daughter!! May our Lord be with y’all!!

    5. Mindy, Praying for your dear daughter and for good test results. May God heal all her weaknesses and relieve her pain and bring her back to perfect health, and give her peace. May He also bring comfort to your worried heart. Amen.

    6. Father, wrap them up in Your loving, everlasting arms and instill peace within Your children. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen ๐Ÿ™.

    7. Dear Mindy, Chloe is serving the Lord in your Church, and I believe God has healed her weaknesses and is guiding her to all good things in her life. Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name.

  19. Joining in prayer for Mindy and daughter. Declaring the Peace of God over all diagnosis, healing and outcomes. In Jesus's name!

  20. Mindy, I'm praying with the rest of the JC Family for your daughter and that she especially knows the Peace of God through this scary time.
    Thanking each of you for your prayers, love and support. Loved today's teaching on Intimacy, Bob and your Beach Post, Brie and your wonderful prayer, Maplewood and BFF.

    Yesterday was a gift of a day in that so many family issues were put to rest. I've had the hymn "Open My Eyes That I May See" in my mind all morning, mainly b/c of the teaching in fellowship yesterday. I love that song and those words.
    Have a blessed day, JC Family. Excited to read the VICTORY reports later today.

    1. Joining your prayers, Norah. So happy you had a wonderful day and God brought harmony to your family in many ways. Thank you for dropping that song in my lap. The lyrics are just beautiful! It blessed my day. Thank you! Praying your allegies are better today.

  21. Happy and blessed Monday, JC family. May blessings upon blessings chase you down today.

    Praying with and for every request and intention that it may be done, in Jesus name, according to His will for our lives.

    Update on my cousin Tommy. He is waiting to be processed into the medical ward. I know God has gone before and worked it all out for His Glory. He holds Tommy in the palm of His hand. Thank you, Father God. And thank you, Prayer Warriors, for your prayers. They are truly appreciated.

    Going with my husband to a doctor's appointment this morning to have his right hand checked out. It's painful and swollen due to a work injury. Also having his nose checked for a possible deviated septum which is making it difficult to breathe and causing him to snore. I finally convinced him to go. I know that was You, Lord, giving me the words. Praying for God's wisdom to be with hub's doctor today.

    May His love, peace, mercy and grace be with all of you today. And Thank you for joining me in Praising and Glorifying the Lord through this precious gift we call life. Love you all!

    Blessings from California

    1. Praying for Tommy's successful treatment, good test results and perfect healing. May God hold him tight as he rests in His love and care. Praying for God to enlighten and guide the Doctors to help your husband's hand to heal completely, and to open up his airways so he can breath deeply and smoothly, and sleep without snoring. I wear ear plugs to bed so I understand. May God continue to bless you in all things and give you joy and peace.

    2. Your prayers were received, and I feel them, dear Brie, Jeanne and Prayer Warriors. Thank you! ❤
      Update on Hubs:
      Doctor said Hubs has what is called Trigger Finger. It's caused by repetitive motion of grasping tools, etc. Treatment is to ice it to reduce the swelling and exercise so it heals properly. It's a Victory Report because Hubs thought it might be arthritis. Thank you, Jesus! All Glory and Honor are Yours forever and ever.
      Blessings from California

    3. Continuing to pray for dear Tommy and your good husband. The Greatest Healer is in our midst and He is mighty to save.

  22. Praying, Praising, and Glorifying the Lord along with you Rose!

  23. Today’s Jesus Calling was right on point for me today as I sit in my car and wait to to in for a job interview! I’m anxious because I really need to go to work but I hear the Lord loud and clear! Just worry about pleasing Me and I will take care of the rest! Feeling His love wrapped around me more than ever! Prayers are definitely appreciated sweet JC family!

    1. Praying you through BamaGrl.
      I can see The Lord seated at the table. Either this job or one you value better is now being created by our Lord especially for you! Blessings until His Victory is won and done!

    2. Prayers for your interview Bamagirl.

    3. Praying you ace your interview and either way that God will open a wonderful new chapter in your book that leads to prosperity, peace and fulfillment. Rest in that warm fluffy Love that surrounds you.

    4. I feel like it went well! I told my husband that I did everything that was within my power now just waiting for my Father to decide if this is the right job! Thank y’all so much for your prayers!!

    5. As long as you felt His Presence with you, Mindy, then all is well.

    6. How are you and your family, BamaGrl? You remain in my prayers dear sister. God bless you all.

  24. Lord help me to cast out any desire to please anyone but You. Thank you for being constantly present in my life. I strive to further our relationship through the word. Lord please help me to keep my focus on You as everything is on Your hands. JC family thank you for this blog, It is s comfort each morning and helps me connect.

    1. Thanks for your prayers as well, Mark. They also help us connect.

    2. Amen Brother Mark! He loves you dearly and waits for you as you wait on Him. Wait, wait, wait on the Lord in trust, thanksgiving and praise. When you put Him in the Center, everything will come together for good.

    3. Your prayer is my prayer. Thank you dear Mark.
      Jesus, Thank you for reminding us to stay in Your Presence and keep our focus on You. Help us to put you on the top of our priority list so You will reign in our hearts.

  25. Wondering how your daughter's appointment went, Mindy? Any news?

  26. Prayers requested for Larry's surgery today and for Dr Jones and the entire Medical Team. May Larry and his medical team have showers and showers of blessings, successes, healing, and be highly favored. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. Loving Father, let Your heavenly presence be within Dr. Jones, the medical team, Larry, and Brie while this surgery is taking place. Place Your healing hands upon this situation and Larry and restore his health. Give the surgeon and team all the skills and abilities needed to accomplish what needs to be done from them and place Your perfect peace and comfort in Brie's heart and mind. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Praying for a successful surgery today for your brother, Brie. May God guide the hands of the surgeon and nurses.


    3. Brie - praying for a successful surgery for Larry. Lord place your hands on those involved. Peace to you Brie. JE

    4. Prayers coming today for Larry, the medical team, and for you as you wait for the results. We are on this and The Lord hears our prayer. Comforting hugs coming for you too, dear sister. Love, Kathy

    5. Joining in the many prayers coming your way today, Brie, for Larry's surgery outcome to be complete and postive. Sending you showers and showers of love and blessings that also rain down on all medical personel attending to you and all in your family. thank you, Jesus!

  27. Brie - Joining warriors in Echoing prayers for our beloved Larry. Seeking, knocking, praising and yielding.

  28. Almighty and merciful Father, We ask you with thanksgiving to lead Larry's surgery and guide Dr. Jones and his team to bring him back to perfect health. Give our dear sister Brie peace of mind and healing of her weaknesses too. We ask, seek, knock, praise and thank YOU in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  29. Dear Terri, Praying for you and your family that God is strengthening all of you and healing you because He is so much greater than Covid and He is with all of you. Hold His Hand and rest as He removes every symptom and guides your bodies to recover completely. We ask this with thanks and praise in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Terri -- May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon you and your family and restore all of you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Joining in prayer for you Terri. I thought of you and your family a lot yesterday and prayed throughout the day. Our sisters Jeanne and Janet said my thoughts above. Love, Kathy

    3. Since I saw your email yesterday, I kept you in prayer our dear TERRI, and I am joining in prayer for you and yours with Jeanne, Janet, Kathy and our entire JC Family.

    4. The JC prayer warriors are on it for you and your family, Terri!

  30. 4 years ago I was in calss when I got a call from my sister telling me that my Dad had passed away in the morning.... Changed my life for ever ! Pain , shock , blame follwed ! Today i can testify that God has transformed me and healed me am in a better place ! May I be used to comfort and support others in there time of Grief !

    1. Amen Min Ahadi! God is good -- ALWAYS!

    2. Dear Min, I’m so sorry you had such a terrible time after your father passed. But God has turned your tears into dancing. He guided your grieving heart and filled it with comfort and understanding so you could comfort others. It was His intention that His Spirit would lift you as your faith was strengthened so you could encourage others in their sorrow and grief. God’s ways are perfect.

    3. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

    4. Thank you for sharing this with us Min Ahadi. Praise The Lord for healing and guidance. God Bless you

  31. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10). Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established. (Proverbs 16:3). Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17).

    Thank You Jesus. Praise God always!

  32. Amen! God is so good to us dear Janet! When we were young we made mistakes and drifted here and there until He called to us and we answered with a sincere heart: Yes Lord, I believe. He took our hand and led us to His flock where we remain. He gave us our gifts so we could glorify Him and a heart of love, compassion, wisdom and understanding which we share. He has cleansed us and made us new and whole in Him. No longer strangers, He calls us friends and beloved children. We are His handiwork, the clay in His Hands. We are not on a path of our own. He is our Good Shepherd and He leads us along paths of righteousness and the Spirit. He dries our tears, strengthens our weary hearts and fills us with joy and peace only found in believing. We place our trust in Him because His promises are what we can stake our lives on. His Words are true and everlasting. We wait in trust and faith for the future He holds for us. Praying that your future will be revealed and realized. The best is yet to come.

    1. Thank you Jeanne. I needed to read this reassurance you wrote for Janet today. It blessed me as well and I'm thankful you were prompted to write this. Our dear Janet, you are being brought through something and during this season you are continuing to express faith. You are accomplishing His purpose as you go. I am with you as I too wait in trust and faith for His plans to be revealed. You are in my heart and my prayers dear sisters. Love, Kathy

  33. Dear Family, my twin sister Janet and her husband just came from the hospital because their friend Flory’s wife Dana (pronounced Donna) has severe chest pains and numbness on her right side. We are thanking God for relieving her pain, strengthening her heart, healing her weaknesses, removing any blockage, restoring her body to perfect health, and calming and comforting Flory’s worried heart, and bringing peace of mind to my dear sister and her husband. Thank You Father for this in the Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. In Jesus' Name, I am joining into your prayer for Janet, Hub, Flory and Dana. Amen.

    2. Amen Jeanne they are being prayed for as well as every prayer request here, known and unknown, God knows them all and better than anyone else. Declaring complete healing over all this JC family and their loved ones. We trust in Him, Great is His Faithfulness. Thank you Jesus.

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you and Amen! We are praying for answers to all of our prayers in this JC Family.
      We are thanking You Father for Your Faithfulness, waiting on You, and trusting in You together. Thank You Jesus.

  34. Praying for your family Jeanne๐Ÿ™.
    Asking for prayers of my own as I am searching for what God wants me to do next as I am transitioning between jobs. Feeling kinda lost, but yet trying to be hopeful and fully trust God’s timing and plan. Proverbs 3: 5-6! Thanks ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Same here, Rich. At times I feel like I know, then start doubting. May you and I both fully trust in His plans for us and in His timing, that there would be no doubt in what we are led to do because He is the one doing the leading. ‘I trust you, Jesus.’

    2. Amen same here too.. I get excited when I think I know but then a few days later I start doubting and feeling like I really don't want to do that anymore. It's so hard to know what to do in this season, feeling so lost and scared to make the wrong decisions. I ask God to close the wrong doors and open the right ones but over the past week the door has been open, then closed, and now seems to be open again but I'm not sure if I should go there.
      Asking prayers and praying for you Rich C and Child of God, for clarity and wisdom to let God lead us where He wants us to be.

      Blessings from France

    3. I too long for the clear path to unfold, to stop thinking I know what to do next and then change my mind. I believe I need to focus more on LISTENING TO GOD and asking for the signs and wonders He uses to guide me in my decisions. that of course also means trusting in His TIMING not mine. hard sometimes!

    4. Same here Rich C, Child of God, BFF, and Audra!
      For all of us I am praying:
      O for the Peace of a perfect trust
      Our Loving God in Thee.
      A steadfast faith that always trusts
      You to choose what is best for me.
      Best, when my plans are all upset
      Best, when my path is rough.
      Best, when my earthly store looks scant
      To see, in Thee, enough.
      O for the Peace of a perfect trust
      That looks away from this world and all
      Until I see Your Hand in everything,
      both great events and small. Amen.

    5. Rich, God knows you are looking for His guidance on your job situation. Trust Him to open the right door and close the other one. Let His light on your path be brilliant so you will know which way to go.
      Amen, We all are lookng for the clear path to be revealed. God already knows our next move and the best one for us. We must surrender to Him, and empty ourselves so He can fill us with the wisdom to move forward in the right direction. His timing is perfect but we get impatient in our humanity. And yes it is so hard to trust completely like a child.
      Praying for you Rich C, Child of God, BFF, Audra and Brie. We are all in somewhat of a state of transition. Praying for good outcomes because we trust in God's mighty and powerful guiding Hand. Thank You Jesus.
      Brie, that is really beautiful! Thanks for sharing it. I saved it and printed it out. I will share it too.

  35. Praying as I read, Dear JC Family - for all requests, clarification on decisions, healing for your family, Jeanne. Looking forward to an update on Larry, Dear Brie.
    I just listened to this song again - I love it. My youngest son sent me a devotional that reminded me of it and I wanted to share it. Our God is a mighty, yet tender Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ gave His all that we might have life and have it more than abundantly.
    God, forgive me for the days that I forget that and stumble. Or find myself worrying about the 'What ifs' in Life.
    Please pray for my dear Hub who is having back spasms. He went to the Chiropractor and we are going back again tomorrow...he's a little better now than he was this morning. Also, praying for little grandson, Crosby who got what his brother Charlie had a few days ago: sore throat, cough and that their mommy and daddy don't get it. As always I'm praying for their little girl due in December - that she and her mommy remain healthy and strong.
    Love to all of you. "Rest in My loving gaze, and you will receive deep Peace. Respond to My loving Presence by worshiping Me in spirit and in truth." Yes, Lord!

    1. Thank You for your prayers, dear Norah. Larry's update is on tomorrow's post. Bottom Line: So far; so good!
      And thanks to your son for that devotional.
      Radio Pastor said all worry is, is a warning light, a yellow caution light, a dashboard low gas light, etc., reminding us to prepare to stop, turn around, pray, praise, and thank God and/or get help from a qualified pro when you need to.
      Praying that your Hub is back into action soon.
      Also praying for Charlie, Crosby, and fam, including the newbie to-be. Much Love to you our dear dear sister friend in Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

    2. Dear Norah, Praying for your Hubby that his back feels much better and that Crosby and Charlie are recovering and their parents have a hedge of protection around them and for their little girl coming in December and for your peace of mind and rest.
      And dear Brie. Praying for Larry that you will get good news. Let us all rest in Him who loves us. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Worry is a warning light to stop! Hit the brakes! Take the time to connect to His Powerful Moment meant to direct our mind, heart and purpose toward His Kingdom. Whenever we read or hear His Word and believe deeper in Him, we are sealed in the anointing of God's Holy Spirit! Dear Heavenly Father God, Please help us turn the corner until worry becomes worship. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Jeanne - RE: Larry: So far, so good. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  36. Got back out of bed to come check on you and Larry, Brie. Blessed to know 'so far, so good!' Heading back to bed - will read more tomorrow. Love to you and Larry and all of our JC Family!

  37. Psalm 23:6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever. Thank-You Jesus!! My Rock and my Redeemer! ♥️♥️♥️๐Ÿฆ‹

  38. Please pray for my dear friend Pam who is undergoing knee replacement surgery this morning, that God will direct all things, bring swift healing and no infection, AMEN

    1. Amen ๐Ÿ™

    2. Father God, we thank you for your faithfulness and we ask that You guide the doctor’s hands perfectly to give Pam a new knee today and guide her through a smooth recovery and give her increased strength and movement so she can enjoy her life in your presence, In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    3. Expecting only the best outcomes for Pam today and through her recovery from knee surgery because GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME and ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!

  39. Oh, The Overwhelming, Never Ending, Wreckless Love of God:

    1. And the back story behind the song RECKLESS by Cory Asbury...

    2. Thanks Brie! You always add bright light to my day. I will listen later. Had to finally get glasses ๐Ÿค“ On my way to pick them up. I need them mostly for reading and driving. Things will look much clearer now. God provides my needs. Grateful ๐Ÿ™

    3. ๐ŸŽถ I can see clearly now, I have my glasses on. I can see all obstacles in my way. ๐ŸŽถ

    4. You made me smile dear Audra! Thanks. <3

    5. Brie, I just loved that Song about God's Reckless Love! It made me so happy. Thanks dear sister!

  40. Since you were precious in My sight, you have been honored, and I have loved you; therefore I will give men for you, and people for your life. (Isaiah 43:4).

    1. Beautiful verse! Thanks sweet sister!

  41. Heavenly Father, in the name of the Mighty King Jesus: Let the eyes of the unsaved and unaware be opened! WE cover our nation and Israel and ALL THE EARTH with the Blood of our precious Jesus. EYES & HEARTS &
    MINDS be opened NOW!!! AMEN and AMEN

    1. Joining you, dear JJ in that powerful prayer! Amen and Amen!

    2. Jeremiah 31:3 "I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."
      1 Chronicles 16:35 KJV " Save us, O God of our salvation, And gather us together, and deliver us from the heathen, That we may give thanks to thy Holy Name, And glory in Thy praise."
      The Message version Psalm 89:8-15 "God of the Angel Armies, who is like you, powerful and faithful from every angle?
      9 You put the arrogant ocean in its place and calm its waves when they turn unruly.
      10 You gave that old hag Egypt the back of your hand, you brushed off your enemies with a flick of your wrist.
      11 You own the cosmos - you made everything in it, everything from atom to archangel.
      12 You positioned the North and South Poles; the mountains Tabor and Hermon sing duets to you.
      13 With your well-muscled arm and your grip of steel - nobody trifles with you!
      14 The Right and Justice are the roots of your rule; Love and Truth are its fruits.
      15 Blessed are the people who know the passwords of praise, who shout on parade in the bright presence of God."
      O Lord God Most High come to the aid of all who You have called out of darkness into Light, come to the aid of Your people whom You called out of Egypt, come to the aid of all who put their trust in You. In Jesus Almighty Name, Amen.

  42. Psalm 59 NIV
    "1 Deliver me from my enemies, O God;
    be my fortress against those who are attacking me.
    2 Deliver me from evildoers
    and save me from those who are after my blood.
    3 See how they lie in wait for me!
    Fierce men conspire against me
    for no offense or sin of mine, Lord.
    4 I have done no wrong, yet they are ready to attack me.
    Arise to help me; look on my plight!
    5 You, Lord God Almighty,
    you who are the God of Israel,
    rouse yourself to punish all the nations;
    show no mercy to wicked traitors.
    6 They return at evening,
    snarling like dogs,
    and prowl about the city.
    7 See what they spew from their mouths—
    the words from their lips are sharp as swords,
    and they think, “Who can hear us?”
    8 But you laugh at them, Lord;
    you scoff at all those nations.
    9 You are my strength, I watch for you;
    you, God, are my fortress,
    10 my God on whom I can rely.
    God will go before me
    and will let me gloat over those who slander me.
    11 But do not kill them, Lord our shield,
    or my people will forget.
    In your might uproot them
    and bring them down.
    12 For the sins of their mouths,
    for the words of their lips,
    let them be caught in their pride.
    For the curses and lies they utter,
    13 consume them in your wrath,
    consume them till they are no more.
    Then it will be known to the ends of the earth
    that God rules over Jacob.
    14 They return at evening,
    snarling like dogs,
    and prowl about the city.
    15 They wander about for food
    and howl if not satisfied.
    16 But I will sing of your strength,
    in the morning I will sing of your love;
    for you are my fortress,
    my refuge in times of trouble.
    17 You are my strength, I sing praise to you;
    you, God, are my fortress,
    my God on whom I can rely."

    1. There is power in the name of Jesus, and HIS WILL BE DONE. Spare the innocents from suffering in Jesus name I pray. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

  43. Thank you for your prayers for my sister Janet and her husband David fly to NY. They are just going through airport security now. Rick will pick them up and take them to our Mom’s house.
    Thank You Father for granting traveling mercies to all of them and all those traveling today in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Psalm 91:3-4
    Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
    And from the perilous pestilence.
    He shall cover you with His feathers,
    And under His wings you shall take refuge;
    His truth shall be your shield and

    1. Traveling mercy prayers for y'all as you unite with your mom. ♥️๐Ÿ™

    2. Thanks dear Audra! We had a nice day but Janet and David were so surprised at our mom’s weakened condition since her fall. She was happy to see them and Rick. Wish she would get her appetite back At least she enjoyed the butterscotch pudding. God is leading us all.

  44. Let us all do our very best to remain in God’s saving and healing presence today and worship Him in spirit and truth. Let us come to Him in a state of holiness with peace in our open hearts ready to receive all He has to offer us. Let us be bright lights to all those we meet and be open to the Spirit’s guidance to glorify Him with our words, thoughts and deeds. God has shown His faithfulness by helping us so many times. May He continue to heal, strengthen, comfort, encourage and bless us, and our dear ones and all those in need of His help. May He change the hearts of the callous and ungodly people in the world especially those in positions of authority, and shield and protect His people and and lead them to surrender to Jesus, and lead us to help others with a faithful servant’s selfless heart. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  45. Have a happy and blessed day! May it be a fruitful one for the Lord! Look for His bright light on your path.

    Psalm 90:17
    And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us,
    And establish the work of our hands for us;
    Yes, establish the work of our hands.

  46. When I "read up" to BOB's 2018 post at 7:28 am, I am led to pray and sing YET

    God, don't give up on me yet
    I know I'm not Your best bet
    But I'm trying
    So don't give up on me yet.

    And God, don't leave me here alone
    I know I need to grow, still
    And I'm trying
    But don't leave me here alone.

    God, I know it makes no sense
    You lovะต me time and time again
    But I still need rะตminding
    Yeah, I know it makes no sense

    I know I've come so far
    But got so far to go
    And with these brand-new scars
    And this broken heart
    It's hard to really know
    If there's a reason
    And if I'll ever see it
    But I wanna believe it
    So don't give up on me yet

    God, I know I'm not the same
    But You knew that I would change
    And I think that You're trying
    To tell me it's okay

    I know I've come so far
    But got so far to go
    And with these brand-new scars
    And this broken heart
    It's hard to really know
    If there's a reason
    And if I'll ever see it
    But I wanna believe it
    So don't give up on me yet
    Don't give up on me yet
    Don't give up on me yet

    1. Thanks dear Brie. Wonderful song and lyrics!

  47. Dear Lord please help those who need you so much in Israel.

    1. AMEN and AMEN, KY! Blessings on you for lifting up Israel!

  48. Lord, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).
    We plead the Blood of Jesus over all Israel (Rev. 12:11)
    No weapon formed against Israel will prosper (Isaiah 54:17; 1Sam.11:13).
    We know You go before Israel to fight against those who come against Your
    chosen land and people (Deut .20:4;
    Ex. 6:8; Deut. 7:8; Josh. 21:43-45).
    Asking it all in Jesus's Mighty Name,
    AMEN and AMEN.

  49. Amen! Trusting in His Word and promises.
