Friday, October 16, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 16

Look to Me continually for help, comfort, and companionship. Because I am always by your side, the briefest glance can connect you with Me. When you look to Me for help, it flows freely from My Presence. This recognition of your need for Me, in small matters as well as in large ones, keeps you spiritually alive.
     When you need comfort, I love to enfold you in My arms. I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others. Thus you are doubly blessed, because a living channel absorbs some of whatever flows through it.
     My constant Companionship is the piece de resistance: the summit of salvation blessings. No matter what losses you experience in your life, no one can take away this glorious gift. 

Psalm 34:4-6
English Standard Version

I sought the Lord, and he answered me
    and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
    and saved him out of all his troubles.
Psalm 105:4
English Standard Version

Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!

2 Corinthians 1:3-4
English Standard Version

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The Lord bless you and keep you.
      The Lord make His Face to shine upon you and be gracious to you
      The Lord lift up His kindness upon you and give you peace, now and forever more.

    2. Thanks Bob! Love those sweet verses! I’m feeling so blessed and thankful on this rainy day. Surrounded by His love.

    3. Peace be with you and your family Sassy Mom. One sweet day, my beloved friend, will you see your loved one again.

    4. Amen Sisters. We will see our loved ones when we reach His Heavenly realm. I sure miss my Dad and all those I lost especially my best friend.
      Sassy Mom, I was busy all day. Was at my Church and getting ready for a sleepover with my grandson tonight. I didn't get to ready your old post. I'm sure this day is still an emotional one for you. I pray that your heart is comforted. We will all have a sweet reunion in the by and by.

    5. Reading 2 Thessalonians today and am reminded that one day we will each be able to personally thank the apostle Paul for writing his inspirational letters. And, to be reunited with loved ones in a whole new way. How cool is that?!!! ✝️♥️

  2. Jesus said He would never leave or forsake you...I pray that He will open your eyes that you might see and open your heart that you might feel the mighty power of His presence today. As you feel His presence, lean in to also feel His warm embrace...

  3. Heavenly Father, Through difficulties and joy, pain and pleasure, anxiety and confidence, I thank You for being there for me at all times. In a time where hopelessness seems inevitable, I seek You, and Your presence is felt giving me the hope I need and the desire to persevere. Thank you for being there always.

  4. I start each day with these daily devotionals. They have given me such strength and clarity in dealing with difficult circumstances in my life right now. Thank you so much for putting these together online.

    1. You are most welcome. They mean a lot to me and I like having the full scripture reference. That was really the main reason I did it.

    2. I too want to thank you for making this source available.
      I love the printed scripture (ESV IN MY FAVORITE VERSION) This is my "go to" daily devotions first thing every morning. Thanks to everyone for their prayers. God is blessing my day.

    3. I would like to thank you as well! On days I'm unable to locate my book or am away from home, this is the place I come. It is also encouraging to read comments below when available.

  5. so why do I feel like everyday someone is just pushing that knife in my heart everyday if it's not one thing its another how can I be so positive when there is so much bad in my life it's so hard to have faith when every day is a struggle I pray everyday all day what am I doing wrong.

    1. You are not doing anything wrong. You have needs and you are taking them before God and asking for his help. But, it does seem you are expecting then that all your problems will go away. In that case, I ask how are you different from someone who isn't praying to God? A person who doesn't know God is most likely going to be bitter, resentful, and angry that they are in the condition they are in. Are you in God's kingdom? Have you received and trusted in Jesus Christ as your only means to salvation? Jesus went to the cross to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). A ransom is a price paid to secure the release of captives from a captor. The captor in our lives is bondage to sin. Christ’s death was a ransom that secured our release from our bondage to sin. After dying on the cross, Christ rose from the dead. He conquered sin. This leads to our response. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." By trusting in Jesus we are then living our lives in Christ as new creatures. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" And you may ask, "What is the old that is gone?" Well our bondage to sin is gone when we trust in Christ as Savior and make Him Lord of our lives, so the old that is gone is the way we lived life before our soul was dominated by the Spirit. Before Christ, sin controlled us and dictated how we would live. But after trusting in Christ, while sin and difficulties often remain, our response to these circumstances is different. The world (people without Christ) often tries so hard to protect themselves from difficulty. Sometimes it works for a while. But when it doesn't there is often little peace in people’s lives until they can get rid of all the problems again. Suicide is very high in this country. People abandoning relationships is prominent. People point the finger and shake it at other people and even God. But, from what I've seen from myself and others is 'in Christ' there is peace. Many people are praying for you on here. I see people encouraging you all the time. Many have experienced huge and significant losses and yet they have a peace. Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." That verse is a promise--it is not wishful thinking. It is not pray and hope you have peace, but rather when we give God our problems He then gives us peace. That doesn't mean the problems go away. In fact, what is sometimes scary to us, is there is no guarantee they will go away. But there is promise that God will give us peace and strength to persevere and endure through the problems. We may even need to reach a point in saying, "Lord, I am willing to accept what you provide. God, it still hurts, but you have saved me and my eternal home is not here on this earth but with you in heaven. So I will keep turning my eyes upon Jesus and looking full into His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of Your glory and grace." Check out Answer yes or no at the end and fill out the information on the next page and someone will follow up with you and help you. Be blessed - Chris

    2. In addition, if you go to and fill out the information, in the question/comment field you can request to speak to me by saying. "I want to talk to OM username:cwpayton. Please ask your CL to reassign me." You can stay anonymous. I won't be able to see your email address as the system prevents us from seeing email addresses. But if you want, we can talk further on there. - Chris

    3. All I can tell you is you're not alone. Many in the Bible go through great struggles. We are no more exempt from health, family, job or financial struggles than Jesus. Neither were Jonah, Job, Joseph, Paul, Peter or so many biblical heroes. Most of my life has been a blessing of incredible proportions... yet here presently, I have had to battle health, job, and financial issues. I do not know how anyone could make it without God, and I am thankful that I have Him to seek peace each day of this chapter in my life. And I can say this blog and the Jesus Calling devo, are a key to my ability to know that this season of my life will become positive sooner than later. It will be for you too. Peace and Godspeed.

    4. thank you it helps to read what you say

    5. 5 years later and Chris and MadFox's responses more clearly resonate with me again this year. They fit like a hand in glove with my Caregivers Prayer. Thanks be to God I can always look up to God continually for His Constant Help, Comfort, Companionship and Peace that this world is not able to give me as I face the myriad of caregiving challenges.
      Dear Heavenly Father God, When my caregiving job is through and it is time for me to let go, I pray to remember that when my brother Keith leaves the embrace of my loving arms, he is eternally entering into YOURS! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  6. I've been away from home for most of 3 years now and I love starting my day with this devotion. I am so thankful it is online everyday

  7. When I've had a non-stop day and can't get back on-line to read, I'll often start the next morning by going to the day before and then read forward through today's post. I am so glad I did that this morning as I learned about Chris' Mom.
    Chris - Peyton Family - please know that you are in my prayers. Reading JJ's post and those that followed blessed my heart FOR the Peyton Family.
    You have given so much, Chris. I know you always down-play your work and steadfastness in keeping this post up for years now (though I'm not exaggerating when I say it has been a life-line for many of us); however, this is just a part of the reward for your labor of love. I know I'm not the only one whose eyes filled up when I read those words. I remembered the times you shared that you and your wife were juggling 'Life,' as many of do and have with elderly parents or sick kids, family, friends.
    My prayer is that your heart is comforted, not only by the truth of the Word that you hold so deeply in your heart, but by the brothers and sisters in Christ, on this post, who are praying for each of you.
    MadFox, I've been praying for you as I haven't seen your name for awhile. But, there you were - with words of comfort for our brother, Chris.
    Blessings to each of you and I thank you for your many prayers. My friend's daughter will have her report in 5-7 days. They were able to do a biopsy without harming the baby. Continued prayers.
    Love to each of you JC Family; my prayers will continue for all of you, whether I post or are in my heart.
    "1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 English Standard Version (ESV)
    16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."

    1. Thanks for the kind words and the prayers, Norah. I am still holding His hand in the rough path of the past year... It was funny to read my comments to unknown-unknown as I need to heed them still for myself!

      Not posted much lately as often my thoughts have already been expressed by others. Praying for all the needs here each day as I read through the large number of requests and comments. But my journey has been absolutely easier with the support of my wife, friends, and the sweet spirit shown daily in this blog! As the psalmist says in today's scripture here: "the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles."

      Peace be with all of you and thanks again to all here for your prayers for me and those in need in this online community.

    2. Love to you Norah. You are in my prayers. What a blessing as this JC FAMILY comes together and prays for one another! Lifting up the needs and concerns of each JC FAMILY member. Great love to all! As we gather together to pray, we are standing on Holy Ground!
      Let there be boundless love to our Lord!

    3. You and yours are in our hearts through prayers as well Norah, stay bless!

      Maplewood, NJ

  8. Repeating my 2017 comment...............Dear Heavenly Father of mercies and comfort - today is the anniversary of the death of my husband, my children and I need the comfort of your presence - enfold us in Your loving arms ....I long to be in your presence to spend eternity with you. Thank you for loving us.

    Sharing my Bible Gateway verse:

    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. - Psalm 19:14. Be conformed to the image of His Son.
    Romans 8:29

    1. Sassy Mom- praying for you & family this day of memorial of the passing of your dear husband. Oh Lord comfort them in knowing that this loved one is walking aside you awaiting with loving arms to welcome those left behind when they are called to heaven's shore. Amen.

    2. Amen!!! Surrounding you Sassy Mom with our love!

    3. May the Peace of our Lord rest upon you and your children Sassy Mom!

      Maplewood, NJ

    4. Praying for you and your children, Sassy Mom. May you feel the comfort of these prayers and the peace of Our Lord and Savior. CO

    5. Thanks to my faithful,loving JC Prayer Warriors, I am comforted and blessed by your love and prayers. Thank You Father for surrounding me with love.

    6. Lord Jesus, thank you for your comfort in our time of need. So much is going on right now. But I know you are with me and will carry our family through this difficult time.

    7. Peace to you and yours on this Memorial Day, Sassy Mom. We love you

    8. Sassy Mom and family, may God's Peace enfold you again on this day that I pray is filled with loving memories, in Jesus name.

    9. Thinking of you and your family, Sassy Mom. Sending you prayers and love!

    10. Sassy Mom, Thank you always for sharing your words of wisdom,steadfast prayers for others,your tender heart,and engaging spirit filled with love that you share with others.
      May your path today be filled with sweet memories and a thankful heart for having been blessed so abundantly with a true, blue πŸ’™partner in life that carried along with you for much of your life's journey.Knowing that your beloved hubby is cheering you on to the finish line should bring you much comfort❣
      May any of your sadness today be intermingled with joy.πŸ‘£⚘πŸ’ž

    11. Peace be with you today and every day, Sassy Mom ♥️

    12. And every year, Sassy Mom! ♥️πŸ™

  9. In reading today's post, my mind and heart automatically thought of of the song 'Come to the Altar' by Elevation Worship.

    Are you hurting and broken within?
    Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin?
    Jesus is calling
    Have you come to the end of yourself?
    Do you thirst for a drink from the well?
    Jesus is calling
    O come to the altar
    The Father's arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    Leave behind your regrets and mistakes
    Come today, there's no reason to wait
    Jesus is calling
    Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
    From the ashes, a new life is born
    Jesus is calling
    O come to the altar
    The Father's arms are open wide
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood of Jesus Christ
    Forgiveness was bought with
    The precious blood!...
    Oh what a Savior
    Isn't He wonderful?
    Sing hallelujah, Christ is risen
    Bow down…

    Stay close to The Vine, my friends.

    1. Love that song😍. Thank you for posting it hereπŸ₯°

    2. ♥️🎢 link

  10. Good morning 🌞 JC loved ones. Chris-so sorry for your loss. The devotional today is special ordered for you & your family. For what comfort you are receiving, that same comfort you are able to give to others in due season. Your Mom is experiencing heavenly delights at the sight of her Saviour. Prayers for each one. Keith- that your hearts desire for your wife's love will be granted in God's perfect timing. Mark L- careless thoughts can be put in their place. It sounds like you're getting a handle on it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit your mind is always getting transformed. CO- praying for breakthroughs from your counseling sessions. Sassy Mom- lifting up relationship issues with your friend & daughter, experiencing that myself. I'm sure I've forgotten someone. God knows which ones, Amen? Amen. Love to allπŸ₯°

    1. Thank you Jan. And I appreciate the summaries. It helps me keep some of the details straight.

      Not sure what He is doing as far as my relationship with the woman I love but a year ago last August He told me, "don't hurry my work. I'm doing a perfect work." Some of that perfect work involved turning me inside out and now He is putting the right side in. I'm learning prayers are so powerful and dear to our Father so thank you all. Also He did ask me to pray for her this evening and I called her to tell her.

      Sassy mom and Chris; Lifting you and your families up.

  11. Thank you all for your words of kindness regarding the passing of my mom. The comfort I have felt from those that have shared their comfort has been huge during this process. I am very thankful and humbled for all of you and the community that comes together daily on here to support one another. I am grateful for you God for being at work in my life and in my situation.

    1. As we have said before, it is amazing how this has grown in just the 2 years that I have used your personal blog now very public.

      Godspeed Chris... truly a challenging time, may His peace surround you and your grieving loved ones. Father, watch over the entire Payton family and in Your perfect timing bring them all to peace. Amen.

    2. To God be all the Glory and Honor for the all He has done! Praising Him for another day filled with His new mercy and many, many gifts.

      Chris, so great to hear from you during this difficult time. Its the Power and strength of the Most High God. We are continuing to lift you and your family up to our AMAZING Father. His love and Peace is a reminder to you in today's devotional Promise. "Look to Me continually for help, comfort, and companionship. Because I am always by your side". Take this promise and run with it during this difficult time. God Bless.

      To my JC family, I leave you with this verse today:
      Hebrews 12:2(NKJV)
      looking unto Jesus, "the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God".

      Maplewood, NJ

  12. I prayed to God for a companion. For three months I've used this site for my morning quiet time with Jesus and always stop at the,"Paytonfamily." because of the year written. Today I scrolled down to realized this is a JC,blog. Now, by God's grace I have not only a companion but companions. I praise God for this abundance of LOVE.

    1. Welcome, welcome Auntie Jeanne to this site of JC FAMILY/WARRIORS! Great love emanates from this FAMILY! And yes you have many, many companions. Great blessings to you this day Auntie Jeanne and Great praise to our precious Lord. It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus on the cross, it was His love for us!

    2. So glad you found us Auntie Jeanne. Praising God with you as I understand what it is like to long for a companion as a trucker. Thank you God of new mercies. Glory to your name.

      I do believe you are being called to be one of the JC prayer warriors!

    3. Dear Friends in Christ, you have made me feel so wonderfully welcome. I'm holding on to the hand of "Jesus", with love and trust and smiling up at Him for such a lovely gift. In HIS name, Auntie Jeanne

  13. Thank You Lord, for kissing the earth with a soft, gentle, steady rain. I drove my car through God's Car Wash to remove the pollen. Abundant love and blessings to JC Warriors for the prayers and support I receive.

  14. I have to praise God for an answered prayer. My husband received a job offer yesterday from the company that we've been waiting weeks to hear from. It is decent pay and also has benefits like health insurance after probation period. Now prayer warriors...I need prayers that we will find the person/daycare to place our 2.5 year old. We visited 2 yesterday and were not impressed at all so now we have no idea what to do. Thank you all! North Carolina

    1. North Carolina--- Great praise to the Lord for an answered pray for a JOB! HALLELUJAH! Lord we ask you to work out the details for childcare and other life details for this family. Bless this family with Your joy, grace, mercy and peace. You are faithful Lord!
      Jeremiah 1:12 "Then the Lord said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it." AMEN and AMEN


      Maplewood, NJ

  15. I love how personal our Lord love is towards us. The king of kings and the Lord of Lords. Thank you Lord for being personal Lord. Wanting to have a relationship with us in every aspect of our lives. Ptaise to the our most high. Escondido CA

    1. Sher--- I may have missed earlier posts by you--but if this is a 'first' post Welcome, Welcome to this JC FAMILY! If not a first post, thrilled to hear from. You are soooo right that we have a PERSONAL Lord! All praise, honor and glory to Him! Great blessings to you and your family. Thank you for sharing. In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

  16. Continued prayers for you, Payton family!

    Welcome, Auntie Jeanne!
    Praise and thanks be to God for your husband getting a job, North Carolina! I will say some prayers for the right child care to present itself.
    Thank you, Jan, and all other JC Warriors for praying for my situations. They are felt by me as I go through each day!
    Thank you, Jesus, for always being by my side! Knowing I can go to You for help, comfort and companionship is a wonderful blessing! CO


    As you went through the educational process you were given vast amounts of reading to do (I never completed all of them, did you?). You learned speed reading skills and other methods to get as much as possible read. As a result, a certain style of reading has been ingrained in your mind. As you read scripture, you need to dismiss all of that. It may be helpful in worldly reading, it does not work in heavenly reading. In that special time with that special someone, you would not talk as fast as you can and simply listen for key words to grasp what is being said, and neither do you want to with God.

    The method of reading scripture used through the ages is called 'Lectio Divina', it is the holy reading of scripture. It consists of short amounts of scripture slowly read. Upon completion, rereading them slowly again and again and as often as you are led all for the purpose of grasping what the Spirit really wants you to hear. When that becomes evident, you then proceed to meditate on that verse, phrase, or even just a word for as long as thoughts are coming to you. When that seems to have run its course, you pray into your heart whatever it is that the Spirit has said to you. As your prayers are completed, you now give thought to how this inspiration will play itself out in your daily life. This is a method of how to read the Bible that has been practiced by many devout believers over the centuries.

    Paulist Press has published the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible which offers guidance in this process in the sidebar throughout the scriptures. The Bible is called 'The Catholic Prayer Bible, Lectio Divina Edition'. As I have said to you before, there is no theology here, it is simply the Bible just as you are using in your daily reading. I have found it useful for further insights as I spend time in contemplation on the scriptures.

    Another bit of advice I feel is so accurate comes from Rabbi Kushner. He reads the Bible as if it is a love letter. How do you read a love letter? You read it over and over again, wringing out of it every drop of love that is in it, savoring each loving thought. That captures the essence of 'Lectio Divina'.

    Enjoy, dear sisters and brothers, reading scripture for all the love God wants to share with you.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. God bless you Bob and thank you for sharing.

    2. Thanks bday twin brother. It is indeed another great advice and excellent exercise, for He is the lover of our soul!

      God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thank you Bob - your guidance in reading scriptures really helps. As are your words always. KS

    4. Did I say this already many times? Thank you Bob for blessing us with practical advice to bring us closer in a personal relationship with God. You are a great teacher!

    5. Thank you, Bob. Your prayers, your posts are filled with the Holy Spirit overflowing with love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Read the Bible as it were a cherished love letter and that it is. Amen and Amen!

    6. Wonderful advice and instruction, Bob
      I will read my Word as if it is a love letter. It really is God's love letter to us. I love the Word of God and cannot get through my day without it. Before our Bible Group was assigned to me, the Deacon had introduced us to Lecio Divina and we were doing it on a regular basis. It is a good practice and the verses seep into your heart and you receive greater understanding, and just like the bite of something that you love, like lobster, or cheese cake, you chew it very very slowly and savor it. Thanks Bob!!

    7. I have found The Passion Translation 2020 to be a good companion to my Bible readings. Still so much more to learn, but loving the path! Thanks again for your teachings, Bob. I'm so glad they are here to refer back to.

  18. Friends and fellow travelers along the path of life where He has our hand firmly in His. Yesterday, did NOT turn out as we had hoped. Most results are in the abnormal range and the doctor said they indicate a serious problem... thus further tests will be necessary, next week. No surprises, the diagnosis is as we expected but hoped might not be the case.

    Now, we will await a prognosis on time to next steps, medications and expectations of future care. I'm being vague at this point as there is no definitive diagnosis and we still have only a handful of folks that know since we still have not told our families. Our adult kids will not be able to be told for another 10 days as one is traveling until then.

    While it was challenging, wife and I shared laughs with staff and tried to exhibit His love. But, I'm absolutely astonished at the love, compassion, and genuinely beautiful prayers, for my family and me by all of you. The posts yesterday were so moving... and I'm a "don't let em see you sweat" Navy guy, who may have had a bit of moisture briefly in my eye. You are all AWESOME virtual and spiritual brothers/sisters in Christ. It will be a few more weeks before I can share particulars but trust me your prayers are welcomed and cherished. Godspeed and may you also be strong in the Lord. Amen.

    1. Continued prayers for you and your family MadFox. Your faith and strength are amazing and will get you through any challenges ahead. We are all here for you and asking the Lord for healing. Stay strong.


    2. MadFox, you are our brother and I thought of you a lot over the past couple days. I'll keep praying. One of my thoughts has been that I'm glad that God got that visit in with your daughter when He did. Then it wasn't about this for you guys. You are so gracious and kind to think of others like you do. We will keep our lights burning brightly for you and yours.

    3. MadFox, I am lifting up a prayer now for you and will continue to do so. I know you know that God has your hand, but if you think of the story of the two sets of footprints in the sand versus the one set, maybe this is a time to let Jesus carry you. I'll be praying for your family as well and for the time when you tell your kids.

    4. MadFox, whatever the diagnosis is, we are all praying for you - for strength, blessings, healing. You've given alot of insight and kindness to us all. Now it's your turn to take it all in. God's peace and blessings to you. KS

    5. MadFox - joining the other JC prayer warriors in praying for you and for healing. JE

    6. Thanks for keeping us posted, Brother MadFox. Because we all care so much for you, we need to know whatever you can provide. We will keep praying without ceasing that God glorifies Himself in you as you have shown He is doing just in the way you interacted with the medical personal. God has brought glory to Himself in the past through you and your family and He is not about to stop. We will be in touch. God be with you.

    7. Our Dear Madfox,
      ♥  I am joining in prayers for you and yours along with all our JC family. May the "don't let em see you sweat Navy guy" experience The Angel of The Lord encamping all around, guarding, and rescuing all who trust in Him! Jesus we trust You. Would You break every chain? Amen. Love, Brie

    8. FROM 2 CORINTHIANS 1 What a wonderful God we have. He is The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,  the source of every mercy, the source of every goodness, and The One Who comforts and strengthens us. And why does He do this? So that when others need us, our sympathy and our encouragement, we can pass onto them this same help, goodness, and comfort that God has given us.
      And God saw that it was good!
      Life sure is good when you have an oceanfront view of the sea, the sand, the sky, the fish, and the waves and see that God took care of every detail creating the entire breathtaking scene you're taking in. And then, from His goodness, He went further by giving us His Son, Who provided a way for us to live in the goodness of God forever. Even when life is overwhelmingly out of our control, He Who created the intricacies of the earth and oceans loves us with a steadfast love. When we surrender our details to God to figure out, He uses His purpose filled plan. We may not see His Higher Thoughts, Ways, and Means as clearly as we see His oceanfront views, but we can trust in the goodness of God to see and work all things together for His Good until we too will say, "It is good!"

      FROM GENESIS 1 On the 5th day, God created great sea creatures and every sort of fish and every kind of bird. And God looked at them with pleasure, blessed them all  and said "It Is Good!" Multiply and stock the oceans. Let your numbers increase. Fill the earth!

      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help us remember that You know Madfox's and our needs, our cares, and our desires? Would You help us trust and reverence the fullness of Your Goodness, Lovingkindness, and Merciful Care for Madfox and all of us? In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. Amen.

    9. What Brie said, amen!
      Let us be a living channel absorbing God's grace that flows through us so we can share it with others. Blessings inspire your healing Lord!

    10. Dear Madfox, I have been praying so hard because I know God is the one who has the last word and His healing is greater than any medicine. I pray that your diagnosis is less of a problem than you believe it will be. May God wrap His loving Arms around you and stroke your brow while you're waiting. Don't worry my Brother, you are far from alone and we love you so much. Even tough Navy guys are allowed to cry. But God is not finished with you. Praying like wildfire and I know He hears every prayer and can even do the impossible. Rest in Him who cares so much for you. Much love.

    11. Oh, dear MadFox - my heart aches for you and your lovely wife, simply b/c I know that angst of waiting on a diagnosis. When my hubby received his, I cried so hard that the Nurse came in a starting prepping ME for the next test! That snapped me out of it and said, "NO! It's him!!! I'm the WIFE!" My husband's strong reserve never faltered and through him and the prayers we prayed in between tests, I got it together. When we got home, we pulled out the grill and put on steaks. We opened a bottle of wine and started calling our family, who was anxiously waiting. "Here is Dad's plan: 1) It's God First - He will deliver 2) Find a Dr. you like and trust 3) NO MAUDLIN stuff allowed - we WILL get through this and I know my future 4) When we find ouselves faltering, we'll go back to Step 1." My hubby never faltered and he WAS delivered. Next week, we go for his 6 Year Visit.
      I don't know what you diagnosis is and I don't have to. I know YOU through this great gathering place of Believers. And I know YOU are the VICTOR. In my prayers always, dear Brother. Believing the best for you and your dear fam.

    12. Norah! What a blessing to hear your encouraging words to Madfox. Thank God that He delivered your husband and made a wonderful way out of his wilderness. Praying He does the same for our beloved brother. Thank you Jesus !!

  19. Father, please place Your healing hands on MadFox and take away this affliction from him. You are the healer and miracle worker Lord. There is no other; only You sweet Lord can accomplish this. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. Amen. Be glorified in the healing, Papa. We know you may choose other ways, but we KNOW YOUR POWER! We know you are able. We know you are good. We know the miracles you perform. We know your grace and mercy. We know your boundless love. We have faith in you the King of kings and Lord of Lords. We know you have all authority in heaven and earth. We believe. We ask. We wait. Thank you Papa!

    2. Amen Janet and GraceTakesTime. Lifting Madfox up in prayer with thanksgiving. God is so much greater than his affliction. He can do all things.

  20. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for another day. I know not what it will bring forth, but trust You have readied me for whatever comes my way. Help me to respond with thanksgiving and humility as I hold up my side of our relationship. For You are sufficient and I need Your presence more than I need anything else. Thank You for being the God of all comfort, help and companion. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    As Believers, the best comfort we know is found in the Word of God that is, Christ died for us. This puts everything else into perspective. The word of God gives us peace while we are in the midst of any wild storm and through any circumstance. It also brings comfort when we’re afraid, tired, or worn out. It is life that is made up of praise, joy, hope, and strength. In His word, He continually invites us into a relationship with Him, and thank I heaven He offers something different than the world can ever give— a long-term and transparent relationship. He is our strength and His companionship is our ever-present comfort. God’s companionship has been a comfort like none other. He sees our efforts, hears our voice and answers with Love!

    MadFox, I say this prayer for you:

    Dear Lord Jesus, Through Your patience in suffering You hallowed earthly pain. I stop to give You thanks for the glory of Your creation, which is reveal in many forms of Your matchless beauty. May Your love and presence be felt now and always near our dear brother-in-Christ, MadFox in his time of need. Sustain him by your grace so that his strength and courage fail not. May Your Spirit of healing renew health within him and lift him up in joy and thanksgiving to Your Holy name. You are the only source of life and health, so I ask that You grant him wholeness so that he may rejoice in Your goodness. Loving father, we press forward to believing Your report and not that of the doctors. Why, because absolutely NOTHING is impossible for You, you are JEHOVAH RAPHA! Thank You Father for having his hand and never letting go of it. I offer this prayer for him, in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

    MadFox, your JC famuly here, got you covered in prayers. God be with you.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Amen! Praying that beautiful prayer for our Brother!

    2. Maplewood. I was reviewing and looking at past posts. I hope you are still reading from time to time and see this. Thanks so much for your words and prayers over the years for so many here and me. Agape. Amen.

  21. Amen to that...your name, MadFox , kept appearing in my mind yesterday...throughout the day... thus , keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  22. I've always loved these verses and this passage as it blesses me to know that God has continued to use this simple recording of the Jesus Calling book in these pages to encourage us all and bring community to our lives. We need each other and every day we need each other more (Heb 10:24-25). How amazing it is that there is connection here in the simple written word. O how precious is the "God of all comfort." And how precious is each one of you. O God, thank you so much for the peace that you bring into our lives and in choosing us, you place in us -- You. What a pleasing aroma you have allowed us to be in the lives of others. O Lord our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.

    1. God has led you to create a sacred space here, Chris and you have been so faithful in doing what you were called to do. All of us are so grateful. It is amazing how such a loving community has been built virtually. Some of us are even getting in touch beyond this blog which enhances the beauty of it all. God be with you!

    2. For following the leading from God's Holy Spirit, from the depths of my heart, I thank you Chris, for this site/SIGHT! and the wide open channelling you provided for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Be blessed as you have blessed so many others. Amen.

    3. Thanks again for this channel, Chris. This JC PRAYER WARRIOR'S ROOM allows us a glimpse of Heaven in that we only see what God looks at in His Kingdom = each other's heart and spirit, kindness, genuine love for one another, support and encouragement in our Lord Jesus Christ!

    4. Chris, You have given us all a place to worship together. A comfortable living room where we are all of one accord, bound by our love for Jesus an each other. We pray together and lift, encourage and comfort each other every day. God guided you to make this possible. Thank you so much. Know that you have strengthened the faith of so many here and have added so much joy and comfort to our lives. God bless you and yours in all things. Amen

    5. Thank you Chris Payton, good and faithful servant. We love you and keep you and your family in our prayers always. All glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Mucho peace and love.

    6. Indeed! Gratitude to our Holy Spirit who has done wonders through you, Chris Payton!

  23. I like that... Your history is my future. Amen! Thank you Jesus!

  24. Amen Unknown, Thanking Him for the hard times is of great value to our Father! Rejoice even in your trials and tribulation because they test your faith.
    Dear Audra, Thanking the Lord that your aches and pains go away and your calf will heal completely so you can run around and enjoy life again. My heart goes out to you. Ice is your friend. Much love!!!

  25. Dear Prayer Warriors I LOVE YOU and receive your love!!! Thanks for surrounding me with love. I am blessed!!!!

  26. So thankful for this loving site, where I now have a Journal of God's Victories, friendships made, prayers prayed, tears wept and hearts connected - DAILY. Thank you, Chris for founding it.
    Tonight, we watched The Book of Eli. WOW - it's the only movie written by the Hughes Bros that I think I've ever seen (and looking at the trailers, I doubt I'll watch more) - but what a great story of perseverance, following God's lead and the end result being His plan. May sound funny to some, but it reminded me of this blog. I found it several years ago and it has become my 'Go To,' to meet with like- minded believers who will pray, not judge; love me when I feel most unlovable and sharpen me as only iron can sharpen iron. At least one of my off-spring know my anonymous name on here and will read it long after I'm gone. I hope someday they'll start to post.
    We are blessed.
    Love to all of you and the prayers I prayed today (due to knowing certain anniversaries, needs/wants/goals), were just for YOU. And, we wouldn't have this loving place if Chris hadn't started it. What a blessing.

  27. That sounds like one amazing movie. I'm so very thankful for you and this site where my family come together every day in love, hope, trus, thanksgiving, patience, perseverance and faith in the Lord. It is a place I call my Home! Amen dear Sister. What a blessing! Thanks you Chris!

    1. The Book of Eli movie is amazing, although at times difficult to watch for sensitives like me. Morgan Freeman!

  28. Going to a Memorial service for my dear College friend's Mom at 10. It's only about an hour away thank God. But we must come back very soon afterwards to pick up little Gabriel and take him home for a sleepover! I plan to show him how to make pizza dough and sauce. Then I'll let him spoon on the sauce and sprinkle the cheese. His baby brother will be with Mayra's Mom and Dad. Greg and Mayra are going to a wedding of a good friend. They are so excited! They sure do need this right now.
    Will keep you all in my prayers. Praying for more victories and answered prayers. Still waiting to hear how some of our dear ones are doing and feeling. Trust in the Lord and stay in His presence. Don't let anyone try to take His peace away. Much love.

    1. May the Lord's presence be felt by you throughout the day and comfort you. Enjoy your time with Gabriel and making many memories. Peace be with you!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! I did my best to shine His light to many people today. I am not ashamed of my faith and I think I just may have softened a few hearts. Thank You Jesus!
      Thank You Janet for your lovely prayer!
      Gabriel and I made pizza and then cookies in the shapes of numbers and hearts with red sugar sprinkles. When it was time to read bedtime stories, I told my husband to ask him to pick 5 books. After he had chosen 4 he ran into my room and pulled my Bible from my nightstand. My husband couldn’t believe it! I was blessed beyond words. So happy he is seeking the Lord at 3 years old! God is so good! He’s sleeping now so I was able to read and join you and all my dear family. God bless you all.

  29. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23:4). "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4). You will say in that day: "I will give thanks to You, O LORD, for though You were angry with me, Your anger turned away, that You might comfort me. (Isaiah 12:1).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being my comfort and peace. You are my saving grace. I'm a sinner, saved by grace. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Please put Your loving arms around me and give me a big hug and comfort me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. God bless and comfort you, sweet sister! Sending you a big warm hug and much love!!
      Father, You are so good and merciful and You know all things. Thank you for opening a brand new door in front of our dear sister Janet. Lead her to all the desires of her beautiful heart.,Give her peace, financial security, true love and fulfillment. Protect her and her dear ones and lead her always on the bright path you have prepared for her. Put Your angels ahead of her to help her along the way. Thank you for this in the Name of your Son, Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  30. Jeanne, What a fun Gramma you areπŸ•❣

    1. Thanks dear Butterfly Love! I do have fun with Gabriel. He is such a blessing! And.. My inner child is alive and well!

  31. ‘It’s a blessing disguised as a rap song.’ ❤️

    1. Thanks dear Child of God! That was a really sweet song. The lyrics are very uplifting. It’s a hopeful song too. I couldn’t help but think that
      if you have the Lord then you have it all because He is everything and He is enough.

    2. Exactly! I heard it as if God was singing it. ❤️

  32. To GOD be the glory for the things he is doing in this group! You each are blessings and comfort to my soul! May GOD bless you richly is my prayer!


    1. Thank you God’s daughter, for your prayer and blessing. May God bless and heal you in all ways and flood your path with His light. Much love!

  33. Seek His presence continually. Amen. When the winds of change blow your world apart and you have no idea what tomorrow will bring, or if more changes are coming, His presence is our comfort and surety. His indwelling spirit is our guarantee that we belong to God and He belongs to us. Nothing can shake us apart from His Love. No situation or problem or storm can pull us off our strong Cornerstone. Be not afraid. We are well taken care of because He remains the same, and His promises and Words are trustworthy.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. He loves us unconditionally and it's an everlasting love that is beyond our comprehension. I'm so grateful for Him and His love, comfort, and peace. I can't thank Him enough. God bless.

    2. Joining you, sisters, in agreement! (NJS) Great is His faithfulness and great is our gratefulness for that!

    3. Amen. So blessed to be bound to Him and to all of you in Love.

  34. May Your unfailing love be my comfort, according to Your promise to Your servant. (Psalm 119:76).

  35. Oh Heavenly Father God, O how I need Your Continual Comfort and Constant Companionship. As I receive both, may I Channel both in Jesus' Name. AMEN.

  36. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You enfold our Sassy Mom in Your Loving Arms, Your Mercies, and
    Your Comfort everyday, with extra helpings today, the anniversary of the death of her husband? In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. God is good all the time, AND YOU JUST CANT BEAT THAT! ♥️πŸ‘

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, May God wrap His love and comfort around you. Remember the sweet moments with your good husband and your dear daughter. You’ll be with them again. God’s Words and promises are true.

  37. This sentence in today's Jesus Calling reading caught my attention: "Because I am always by your side, the briefest glance can connect you with Me."
    This is because God via the Holy Spirit lives within those who acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord.
    1 Corinthians 3:16 " Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
    We don't have to go anywhere special to meet with Him; right where you are, right now is the right time and place.
    We are His temple.
    Yes, it's good to meet with like-minded believers in a place we call church, or in a home, or convention or any place you sense a special connection with God.
    There is actually no place that God isn't, but specifically He lives within each who believe in Him.
    Living in KΓΆln, Germany for a couple of years, my wife and I often visited the KΓΆlner dom, Cologne Cathedral. A magnificent beautiful spacious building, so hushed and peaceful inside; people coming in to pray either kneeling or sitting in a pew. People would light and place a candle on the altar, stay and pray for a while. It was there they sensed a connection with God.
    But God does not live in a building.
    Acts 17:24 "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands."
    This is the wonder of all wonders; that God dwelling in us means we are not obligated to travel any place to meet Him.
    It means our thoughts and prayers to Him do not have to travel light-years to reach Him.
    He is as close to us as our own breath, as our own thoughts, as our own heartbeat.
    Just 'think His Name' "Jesus?", and you may very well hear His instant loving reply "Yes, My child?"

    1. Beautiful!

    2. Loved that, dear Peter! Amen. Beautiful. He reads all the words of my heart.

  38. Dear SassyMom, praying this day for beautiful memories of your hubby. The anniversary of his passing is also the anniversary of his beholding the face of Jesus. Be of comfort knowing he is in paradise. Sending love & prayers your wayπŸ˜πŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸ™

    1. Amen to that dear Jan. Such sweet comfort and truth in your words to our sister.πŸ™πŸ’—

  39. I enjoy reading all shared here. Yes PEBGDesigns, we do see many come and many go. And may God bless them here or even there.

    Madfox, thanks for sharing your challenges. May God be blessed.

    1. Thanks. So blessed by all the prayers over the years and sharing the journey is mostly about helping others who are dealing with so much more than me! And hopefully being that light that we all are challenged to share by the Savior's own example when He walked with us. Amen.

    2. I appreciate you and all the prayer warriors on here EVERYDAY! This blog and your prayers start everyday for me and help me remain steadfast in my pursuit of God's power through the Holy Spirit in my life! ❤️πŸ™

  40. Praying with you and for you, dear Keith! How are you feeling? Praying always for your healing and your recovery. Wait on the Lord. Much love.

  41. Dear Sassy Mom, I know you're thinking of your good husband today and remembering the sweet moments you shared with him. I'm sure you're thinking of your dear daughter Debbi and missing her terribly. You will be with both of them again and your joy will be full. Praying for God's sweet comfort to wrap around you today like a soft warm blanket. Sending much love.

    Matthew 5:4
    Blessed are those who mourn. They will be comforted.

    Psalm 31:19
    Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You In the presence of the sons of men!

    Psalm 34:18
    The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

    Psalm 147:3
    He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.

  42. And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts. (2 Chronicles 6:14). Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not. (1 John 3:1).

  43. @paytonfamily - rereading your post from 2018….a good reminder for us all today.
    SC Anonymous

  44. Dear Lord, thank you for this day and all you have given us. Thank you for safe travels this past weekend as we visited a college with our younger son. Thank you for keeping us safe in all our time on the road as 5 hour trip became 7. Thank you for letting us then see my parents as we were close. Thank you for the choice my SIL made on where to be treated. Please keep her and my brother safe as they travel today to being treatment. Please grant them peace as she begins this next journey. Thank you for all in the blog who share and pray for each other. In your Son’s name, I pray.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Thanking God for His guidance and protection on your trip, and blessing you with a visit to your parents, and also for your dear SIL's decision. He is so good. May God destroy every cancer cell and bring your dear Sister in love back to good health and comfort, and bless all of you with His peace. Thank You Jesus.

  45. Just heard a topical message by Carter Conlan on Spiritual Armor Ephesians 6.
    I recommend to all:
    "Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
    In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."
    The Helmet of Salvation equated to Israel's Iron Dome.

    1. We all need God's Armor on at all times and much Prayer, Praise, Trust, and Gratitude.

  46. Hi JC family,

    I've been having some health issues the past couple weeks and it's not let up. Please pray for me. Thank you in advance and God bless.

    1. You're covered up in prayers, free as can B.

    2. You got it, dear free as can B. God hears every one and He is merciful and faithful. Rest in Him who loves you.

    3. Thank you guys. I'm in so much pain. Your comments are encouraging and relieving. Bless you all. Thanking God in advance for his help and healing
