Friday, October 23, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 23

As you turn your attention to Me, feel the Light of My Presence shining upon you. Open your mind and heart to receive My heavenly smile of approval. Let My gold-tinged Love wash over you and soak into the depths of your being. As you are increasingly filled with My Being, you experience joyous union with Me: I in you, and you in Me. Your Joy-in-Me and My Joy-in-you become intertwined and inseparable. I suffuse your soul with Joy in My Presence; at My right hand there are pleasures forevermore

John 17:20-23
English Standard Version

20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Verse thoughts:
We are to be united as one in the Body of Christ. Our Lord prayed for this, for us. We are to have union with Christ and the Father in Him, through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Wars often erupt between different religions, but may the people of God, through Jesus Christ not be fighting one another but coming together in unity so that they can clearly see this love. This is what the Lord prayed for us.

Psalm 16:11
New King James Version

You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

My Prayer
Lord, why is it that division and separation is suddenly what marks our lives. Lord, you prayed that we would be a people of community and would come together as one. Granted, the truth of the Gospel is to be our first and foremost foundation. We are to be a people that stand for truth, but once we do, we need to be a people that focuses more on what we agree on and less on what we disagree on. We want to be a people that you are proud of. Jesus you taught us to turn the other cheek. You tell us always that vengeance is yours and you will deliver those in affliction. Help us Lord, Help me Lord to turn the other cheek and let you take care of outcomes. Help us be a people of unity. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. wonderful verse thoughts and prayer. Thank you.

    1. Just beautiful truth! Let us look at those things that unite us in Christ. Let us look for His light in every person He has created. He can change any heart to good. We really do want to be a people that God is proud of.

  2. Today’s thought reminds us of the oneness we have with our Lord and the benefits contained there in. I so appreciate the verse thought and prayer for they remind us that we most fully experience this oneness when we most fully practice unity with one another. We will be unable to appreciate the oneness with our Lord apart from appreciating the unity we have with one another. A great Christian leader of the past century, James McCord, once said, “if you ever have to choose between being a schismatic (one who causes division in the body of Christ) or being a heretic, you ALWAYS choose to be a heretic.” For being a schismatic undermines the Good News far more than heresy ever could. I am grateful for you this day, my brother, my sister, in the Lord.

    1. Amen Bob! Your words ring true at this very moment when differences and divisions are separating and agitating this world. We are all being lead by our Father who loves us. May He open His people’s eyes to this truth. Let us now be united in Him and wait together for our future to be revealed according to His Will and Plan.

    2. Amen Bob! Great reminders. Amen Jeanne! May His will be done for us and for the world. Lord, heal those of us who are broken. Teach us to love one another as You love us...unconditionally. Give us patience with one another. Amen

    3. Amen! Let us love with the heart of Jesus.,We are all broken so we ask God to heal His people. Jesus came to save broken people. And those who are poor in spirit. That’s why when some asked Him for healing, He healed them but responded: Go now, Your sins are forgiven. Sometimes our sickness in our souls outweighs our illness or weakness in our body. He knows what part of us most needs healing.

    4. Amen! Turning the other cheek is so unnatural of mankind. We need Jesus supply in order to do this. Lord I ask you to teach us this trick. I thrive on peace, but some of the people around me thrive on conflict. I can’t speak a word that doesn’t get scoffed at with these people. I admit I’m not innocent because I haven’t learned how to turn the other cheek all the way and consistently . If both sides did this there would be no conflict. If I learned to do this on my own.. because I don’t think they are interested in non debate, existing conflict would have no bearing. Anyway hope everyone has a great day. Prayers please. Love y’all.

    5. Divisions in the Body of Christ occur when Christians follow leaders (1 Cor 1 V12), i.e. those who they tend to agree more with theologically. The biggest schism/division occured when some chose to follow a Pope, others follow John Knox or Charles Wesley or Hillsong or whatever. Yes Paul does include in 1 Cor "still another 'I follow Christ'". So rather than follow a religious order, denomination or leader, as Hebrews 12 v 2 says "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." No denominations exist in heaven.

    6. They who build a church within their heart,
      And then take it everywhere,
      Are much more intertwined and At One with God,
      Than those whose church
      is just a one day house of prayer!

  3. Good morning JC Family. First thing I read this morning.

    Galatians 6:2..... Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. -

    1. That's the same verse I wrote yesterday Sassy Mom! We are of one mind as in one body of ChristπŸ₯°.

    2. Amen Sassy Mom and Jan! Bear one another’s burdens as Our Lord carries ours.

  4. Thank you God for another day that I may cherish you. You are with me always and everywhere. I pray that everyone may feel your peace and love.

  5. SWEETEST WORD EVER - LOVE ❤️ The balm given and needed to comfort and heal our hurting hearts.

    1. Yes - Love is everything! God is Love. KS

    2. Amen! All we need is love and faith,

    3. 🎢 All you need is love
      All you need is love
      All you need is love, love, love
      Love is all you need
      Love is all you need! 🎢

    4. I’m singing along too 🎢

  6. Your Presence is Heaven to me and I rejoice in lnowing that You are in me and I am in You. Thank You for a new day. I went to bed last night covered in the Blood of Jesus and woke up This morning, still covered in the Blood and granted new mercy. Thank You Lord that we are alive in Christ Jesus!

    My JC family, this midweek day, I pray that as you go about your day, may you allow the 'gold-tinged' Love of God to wash over you and be soaked to the depths of Your soul. Live Joyously in the Presence of the Lord this day because at His right hand, are Pleasures forevermore!

    Lifting all in prayers. Stay blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood πŸ₯°. As you have encouraged us this day may you also be encouraged. Praying for Mom. Your unconditional love for her is not ignored in heaven. Keep fighting for her soul πŸ™.

    2. Thanks Maplewood. You blessed me with your lovely prayer and post. Having a blessed day in the gold tinged Love of God.

  7. I pray each one of us be filled today with Your being, Lord, and we each feel the incredible joy that is You in our lives.
    Thank you Jesus, for your constant Love and Light! May we all feel Your joy on this beautiful day and spread it to others as we go throughout our day. Amen. CO

    1. Amen dear CO! Let us share the love, joy and peace He gifts us with every new day!

    2. Amen CO and Jeanne! Lord, help us to be Your Light that shines the brightest for others to see and know You more intimately. I am Yours and You are mine. Thank you, Father God, for your never-ending love. Amen

  8. AMEN and thank each of you for your encouragement on this day! Many unspoken requests for my children to draw closer to Christ and bereavement for our family because of the loss of my mother's sister! We are in the valley but I know GOD still works miracles in the valley as well! I am so grateful to be a part of this JC Family.

    1. Praying with and for you, God's daughter. May the Lord breathe His spirit into each one of your children that they may accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray the same for mine. I know God has already gone before us to make a way when we see no way. God's timing is perfect. Keep trusting in Him. I also pray that, a year later, you and your family have found His peace which surpasses all understanding with the loss of your mother's sister. May you all be comforted in His love.
      Blessings from California

    2. Amen Rose! Praying with you that God’s daughter has seen God’s faithfulness in her life and in her family.

  9. Yesterday was very difficult for my family. Our struggles seem to be coming to a critical turning point, but there are still several unknowns. My eyes filled with tears because of my lack of faith. I should be stronger than this because I know God is working. Then I'm reminded of John the Baptist who questioned if Jesus was really the one John had spent his entire life telling people about... In his darkest days I prison, John openly wondered if Jesus was really the Messiah. Then I'm reminded that for Jesus' ministry on Earth to increase among the people, John's ministry had to decrease. In this God continued to show His timing and will are perfect. It's not about me, it's about Him. Please continue to prayer for our family as we lift up prayers for other JCs. We prayer that hearts will be soften and forgiveness will be extended.

    1. Dr. J, praying that, a year later, your family situation has improved. Keep trusting in the Lord for His will and timing are, indeed, perfect.
      Blessings from California

  10. You got it God'sdaughter & Dr J. Father of Abraham, Jacob & Isaac, may your Holy Spirit hover over these 2 families today. You are omniscient, knowing every detail of their needs & burdens. May trust, faith & hope fill them to overlowing as they wait upon the Lord. Let your blessed assurance remind that you delight in giving your children the desires of their hearts. Amen!

    1. Joining Jan in prayer for you, God's daughter and Dr. J,and your families. God absolutely works miracles while in the valley! For me, that tends to be when His miracles become most evident. Praying for comfort, peace, forgiveness, faith and love. Jesus is right beside you in those valleys/dark places holding you up to His light. CO

  11. Prayers all day for Jeanne, our sweet sister in Christ who is having an Echocardiogram today.
    Dear Heavenly Father God, Would You keep our Jeanne in Your Magnificent Presence and let her ace that Echo? She has so much love inside her heart for You and others, we need You to keep it well and healthy, now and forevermore. I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.
    PS Until then, I'll be practicing my Victory Dance!

    1. Father, please be with Jeanne during her procedure today and give her what she needs, in Jesus name, I pray. Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Sending prayers for our dear Jeanne.

      Blessings from France

    3. Dearest Jeanne, you & I seem to be intersecting in our health issues. Dental, and I too was prayed for last year by our warriors for the same procedure. My echo turned out fine, so will yours. Dear Father in heaven, hold Jeanne's hand through yet another need, a need for a calm spirit, a trust in your strong & mighty arm to deliver her from fear & worry. We ask Father for your favor to fall upon her and may she receive good news. AMEN!

    4. Prayers for Jeanne during her echo test today. Shower her, Lord, with healing and strength. KS

    5. Praying for you, Jeanne & expecting victory over this with our JC Family! Praying for your Law School requests, too, Landon.
      MadFox, what a blessing to read your posts. You've been (& will continue to be) in my prayers as you conquer this latest issue - with grace and peace.
      Love and blessings to each of you this day, JC Family. I always think of Maplewood's TGIF - and I thank God that we are forgiven AND that it's Friday! :) I'll be checking in for more victory reports.

    6. Thoughts and prayers for a victory dance celebrating Jeanne, MadFox and those in, on and around our prayer requests. All praises be to Jesus, the Great Healer.

    7. Brie praying for you..for Jeanne, MadFox..for all. All my siblings and brother and sister in love have the covid. Praying my little heart for all. GOD is God enough. Much love to all.

    8. Thank you my dearest family!!!! Your prayers mean everything to me. I will not get the results until the 28th but I already believe they will be good!

    9. Praying for all of you always. I love you so much! Thank you.

    10. Dear sweet Jeanne, praying that all went well with your test and for good test results. Lord, cover Jeanne, MadFox, Loveconquersall and her family, and all our JC family with Your precious blood. May Your blessings and favor chase them down today. Thank You, Father God, for blessing me with this JC family of prayer warriors. I love each and every one of them. ❤
      Blessings from California

    11. Sweet Jeanne, on this Friday evening I am praying to our precious Lord that your echo was normal and you are enjoying your evening with this test behind you!

    12. Dear Loveconquersall, Praying for your family that they will recover quickly with no lasting symptoms. God is so much greater than Covid. Thank you Jesus!!

  12. I’m asking for prayer! I am in law school currently and it’s getting pretty difficult. As I try to work diligently for the Lord will you guys pray that I have perseverance, strength, and understanding as I finish up this semester? I would really appreciate it as I am trying to do well!

    1. Landon, I have been in your situation many times though for me it was making it through seminary. Well, I made it because God wanted me to serve Him as a minister. God has called you to serve Him through the practice of law. Because this is His will for you, you will make it. I will pray for you as requested so that you will persevere and be strong. God be with you!

    2. Father, please give Landon what is needed to complete Your will, in Jesus name, I pray. Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Praying for you dear Landon!

      Blessings from France

    4. Landon, praying with the warriors that God will honor your request to finish this semester well. Study hard Landon & prove to the Lord & yourself worthy of this calling. Blessings.

    5. Praying for you Landon. Your perseverance and faith will see you through. Peace to you always. KS

    6. Landon, you know who has your back, and our prayers reinforce that for you! Be blessed with all the strength and Perseverance you ask for, in Jesus's name.

    7. Landon! May God strengthen you in all areas of your heart, body, mind and soul. Praying that you are equipped by God to complete every task and ace every test. I believe you will glorify God with your good works and He will lead you to all the desires of your heart. Trust in His faithfulness and rest in Him who cares for you.

    8. Praying for you, Landon, as requested. God is with you every step of the way. Feel His Almighty presence strengthen you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet; mind, body and spirit. Thank you, Father God, for Your faithfulness.
      Blessings from California


    In our quiet time, we have been listening to our Lord's words of love for us. He now wants to listen to us, to hear about what is upon our heart. (Though He already knows, it is good for us to express it so we more fully know what it is that we are feeling within.) So we tell Him through this God-given gift of praying.

    Why do I pray? My root motivation of prayer is love. In my less mature state of faith, I prayed for the pressing needs I had, seeking God's favor and help in whatever the circumstance was that was pressing in upon me (like helping me to play well in the football game). This is very natural and understandable in the early stages of faith development. As Bernard of Clairvaux has stated, in this early stage of faith development, I was praying to God for the benefits it might provide me. God did not mind. God listened and blessed me though not always as my immature faith had asked. As faith did mature over time, my prayers began to expand beyond my selfish little world to those around me and to their needs. Before long, I found myself praying more and more for others and less and less for myself. What have I discovered in this greater appreciation for prayer? I have found through prayer, I fall in love with whomever I am praying. As that love increases for that person, my interactions with that person becomes more loving and thus more under the influence of God. To pray for someone is the most loving act I can show them for in so doing, the grace of God comes upon them and I feel toward them as God feels. When I learned of the magnitude of prayer, primarily from reading the saints of the past, I began to be more intentional about it, not so much as to ask God to change things but to ask God to change me toward whomever it is I am praying. As I am changed to love more as God loves, I become a part of the change I am asking God to make. There is no greater power than love for love is the essence of God and in showing love, God's influence increases in the life of the person for whom I have prayed. In answer to the question 'why do I pray?', the answer for me is to be more loving for the role I am called to fulfill in God's answering of my prayer for whomever I have prayed.

    In this blog, there is so much love expressed. How can this be for we have not met each other, we do not see each other, and thus we really do not know each other? Why is there so much love here? Because we are praying for each other. That and that alone explains how this can be. We have had many celebrations of God's intervention in that for which we prayed. Wonderful things have happened because of God's love and our love shown through prayer, both were a part of the blessed result. I am grateful for your prayers and love. I am thankful that I can pray for you for in so doing, love for you grows within me and it is good to have you in my heart.

    Be blessed this day, my dear brother/sister in Christ. And for all whom you have prayed, go forth and love them to see your prayer being answered. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. God bless you. That is so beautiful. It really touched my heart. Thank You Jesus for bringing all of us together here on this site.

    2. Thank you Bob. I echo Janet's comment, that is beautiful! God be with you and all of us.

      Blessings from France

    3. Prayer is the reflection of His love. For He is love. Bob is 'on target' and shares the wisdom that as we mature in our faith, our prayer life should begin to look like Jesus', outward focused, about others' needs, and in connection to the Father and Spirit. We are not Him, so, we can and should still seek His grace, in whatever circumstance, praying for family and petitioning for needs, and less for wants. It is why God says I will provide what you need for today, and worry not about tomorrow. 'Agape love' is the goal and in our growth, praying is how we are always in connection or as said here often, "holding His hand." Love conquers all.

    4. Thank you Brother Bob for your contribution towards the growth of our prayer life through this blog. The journey of requesting, releasing and receiving through the loving prayers of this JC family has been a sheet delight, blessing and a precious experience for me. Agape love has been the golden thread that binds us together through thick & thin. We've shed tears, laughed and even danced through the blogs. Two weeks ago I entertained a thought that if by some chance I could afford it, I would fly you all out so we could finally meet. Whoa nelly! Just a thought πŸ€—. Love to you all❣️

    5. I am very moved by today's reading and prayer thoughts and Bob's insight into prayer practice. If the verse thoughts that opened this blog were written in 2015, the prayer holds true today as well. And it reminds us that this is how God prays for us. Such an overwhelming love that we want to share with others to understand it more ourselves. We don't need proof of results, our faith alone is enough-as we matute into that understanding. I am learning about this love that comes from prayer and how to let go of whether or not those I pray for roll their eyes or take it in. My prayers are seeds for the Holy Spirit and I am so grateful. I aim to follow God s good word, don't worry about anything, pray about everything. Blessings dear ones!

    6. Mature. I'll have to see if matute is a word, that typo did make me laugh!

    7. Thank you pray for someone is the most loving act you can show them...AMEN and AMEN!!

    8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the essence of Who GOD IS!
      NO LOVE, NO GOD; KNOW LOVE, KNOW GOD(1 John 4:7-11)!

      May we walk in the Light of His Love and be the examples of Christ Jesus!
      Thank You bday twin, for sharing, reminding and guiding us as the Spirit leads you. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    9. Bob! What you said is so true and perfect and sweet. I was lying down doing my prayers yesterday. It takes me such a long time because sooo many people need prayers but I also told God that I love to pray for them. I thanked Him for giving me the time to hold them in my hearts and lift them up to Him. And when I pray for you and this family, and think of all of you it is with so much gratitude and sincere love. Bob, Your words made my heart sing. Thank you! it is so true that we hold each other in our hearts because we are all in love with God our Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. Every day we stand together on the Rock that never crumbles, singing, dancing and definitely holding hands. We are bound together in the peace, joy and light from believing and a love that will never die.

    10. Amen Bob and JC family! Such a wonderful thing, LOVE. God is love. Thank you, Bob, for blessing me with your beautiful post. It made my heart sing with joy. It encompasses and expresses exactly how I feel and my faith journey. I know God isn't finished with me yet, but I can clearly see the changes He has brought in me through my faith and prayer life. Thank you, Father God, for changing me, fixing me, healing me. In my less mature walk with Christ, I used to pray for God to fix other people to fit my mold. Now, I'm learning to pray that God will find it, in His infinite wisdom, to change me to be more like Him. God be with each one of you today.
      Oh, and Jan gridley, what a sweet sweet thought!!
      Blessings from California

    11. Thank You Bob. Now that you have mentioned it, I do find myself praying less for me and more for others! HMMM! Not sure when nor how that happened, but I do have a reasonable suspicion.
      Keep doing what you do, Bob, Nobody does you quite the way you do...and that also stands true for each member of our entire JC Family. Love to all, Brie

    There's nothing worth more
    That will ever come close, nothing can compare
    You're our living hope
    Your Presence Lord
    I've tasted and seen, of the sweetest of loves
    Where my heart becomes free
    And my shame is undone
    Your Presence Lord
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord
    There's nothing worth more
    That will ever come close, nothing can compare
    You're our living hope
    Your Presence Lord
    I've tasted and seen, of the sweetest of Loves
    Where my heart becomes free, and my shame is undone
    Your Presence Lord
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord
    Your Presence Lord
    Let us become more aware of Your Presence
    Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
    Let us become more aware of Your Presence
    Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
    Let us become more aware of Your Presence
    Let us experience the Glory of Your Goodness
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord
    Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
    Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
    Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
    To be overcome by Your Presence, Lord

    1. Love this song ❤️ thanks BrieπŸ₯°

    2. Another fave worship song of mine. Thanks for sharing the lyrics so we can all 'hear' it our own way ♥️

    3. Singing along to this beautiful song. YES, let's worship Him in the beauty of Holiness!!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Singing with you! I just love this song sweet Sister! Thank you so much for praying for me. Thanks my dear sweet Family!!! So much love to you all. Praying for you Madfox, Brie, Audra, Norah, Loveconquersall, Jan, Maplewood, GraceTakesTime, Janet, Bob, Blessings from France, Landon, TJ and Kathy and many more. Looking forward to hearing more victories! God bless you all!

    5. Beautiful, Brie! Thank you for sharing so we can sing and Praise Him together.
      God bless you as well, Jeanne, and blessings to our JC family.

    6. Link Your Presence Lord

  15. Wanted to post that your prayers and kind words, which I reread, were very comforting during several tests today. I did get very good results on two very important diagnostic procedures. While the underlying condition is still serious it appears that it won't be accompanied by other problems. Thanking God for this positive news and praying for others who were sick and asked for prayers.

    And yes, I stayed positive, smiled, used humor, and tried to be sure to thank and appreciate the medical staff. Tried to embrace and live into the JC devo for today: "I in you, and you in Me. Your Joy-in-Me and My Joy-in-you become intertwined and inseparable." May I continue in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Thanks again. Agape. Amen.

    1. Father, please keep Madfox close in Your dear heart and let Your healing powers work on him, in Jesus name, I pray. Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Hallelujah! Thank you so much Lord for the positive news for our dear brother Madfox. Thank you for being a light through him in every circumstance of his life. We believe and declare complete healing for him and everyone who needs your healing power. We trust and love you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

      Blessings from France

    3. Hallelujah! Whatever good news, we'll take it! πŸ€—. Be blessed MadFox.

    4. MadFox - Happy to hear about your positive news. Prayers continue for your strength and faith. May God comfort you always. KS

    5. Thanks for sharing Madfox. I know you could feel the love. We are one.♥ We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      And we pray that our unity will one day be worldwide
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love ♥

    6. I am grateful that God showed His face to you today, brother MadFox, and we all know He will continue to do so and we will join Him by praying for you. God be with you.

    7. πŸ™♥️✝️πŸ™♥️✝️πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    8. Sweet Jesus..thank you for MadFox, my blessing from you.

    9. Prayers moves Mountains! You fight your battles on your knees, you will ALL time!!!

      The glory with thanksgiving belongs to You Lord!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    10. I knew you would be a ray of sunshine to everyone you meet. Doing my Snoopy dance for you, dear MadFox! I love good news because it is one more blessing and another sign of God’s faithfulness! One more victory and reason to rejoice and be glad in this new day. Praying with my family that God is healing every part of you! Believing He is going to give you a miracle of healing because you are a faithful servant. We need you to be healed and we thank God for this with one large voice in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ. Amen! Rest in Him who loves you.

    11. Praise the Lord! Every bit of positive news, we'll take it, and thank the Lord! Continuing to lift you up to the Throne of Grace, MadFox. May God's love, mercy, grace, favor and peace chase you down today. You are His bright light that shines for others to see. God has already created a plan. He has gone before you to make a way when we see no way. Thank you, Father God, for Your healing hand over our dear brother, MadFox, and for Your faithfulness.
      Blessings from California

    12. Thanking our Father for answering small prayers! You are loved Madfox! Praying still!

  16. Father, magnify my love for You and make it grow still more in me everyday. Let me drink of You Lord so I will no longer thirst, in Jesus name, I pray. Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  17. Praise God for all the blessings he is bestowing on His believers. MadFox , I think of you during the day and lift you up in prayer. And, God is blessing you, continually. Bob, thank you for your wisdom and teachings. God bless each and everyone this day as we feel the Light of His Presence

    1. Thank you. I cherish your and all of the JC blog prayers! As Bob said, it is the connection here in prayer, with love, that "strangers" are in fact brothers and sisters who seem like old friends, and while we might never meet in this life; as one of our clan here said, it will be a great reunion in the next as we laugh about how God used 'blogs' to further His love!

    2. God Blessed us in a special way bringing us here together as a family that we could freely join and share God's love. I do look forward to that reunion. I've thought about it and wondered how we will know each other and hoped we would. I guess our spirit will know supernaturally in a way we don't yet know as earthly beings. (?) I'm thankful every day that we are all welcome here and thankful that for whatever reason, God brought each of us here. God Bless you all and thank you for your part in this family experience that you bring. Love, Kathy

    3. Today's Devotion says, As you are increasingly filled with My Being, you experience joyous union with Me!
      Chris' thoughts remind us, We are to be united as ONE in the Body of Christ. Our Lord prayed for this, for us. We are to have union with Christ and the Father in Him, through God's Holy Spirit dwelling in us. May the people of God come together in unity so that all can clearly see His love. This is what the Lord prayed for us.
      And furthermore, Chris prayed, Help me Lord to turn the other cheek and let you take care of outcomes. Help us be a people of unity!
      We are ONE here. ONE in God's Spirit and ONE in God's Love. And we pray that our ONEness in God's Spirit and Love may ONE day be worldwide. And it will be when we pass His Love on to everyone we encounter, just as Jesus did!
      I often wonder, if, in fact, Corona virus carriers each infect 3 other people, who each infect 3 more people, etc etc, when we each infect more than 3 people offsite with God's LOVE everyday, would His LOVE spread around the world faster than corona virus? HMMMM! I volunteer to participate in the love spreading trial starting today. Hope to see you soon. With Love, Brie

    4. No vaccine can prevent the spread of God's love, thank God!!!

    5. Amen Brie! Wonderful words! Our love would spread like wildfire.
      Audra Loved your little post! Nothing can keep God’s love and peace from spreading and we are the instruments to do so.
      Let us pray for all those in Colorado and throughout the world coping with the effects of natural disasters. God save your people and protect the firefighters and all those risking their lives in good service. Amen!

    6. GentleONES, Start your engines!
      Including the Little Engines That Could!

  18. Praying for Jeanne that her echocardiogram goes well and that she will hear the results that she desires. Praying for you Landon to get through this semester and all subsequent semesters. You've got this and by the way we need more attorneys who believe in the Lord above. �� Thank you Bob for your daily lessons. God has blessed you with a special gift. Continued prayers for you MadFox. I'm so glad to hear that you received some positive news from your initial tests. Stay strong as I know you will. We are here for you. Blessings to all the JC Warriors. This is a very special group indeed. God bless you all.

    1. Thanks dear TJ! Amen! We are indeed a special Family of God. God bless you too in all things.

    2. God bless you as well, TJ! Thank you!

  19. Praying for you, Jeanne & expecting victory over this with our JC Family! Praying for your Law School requests, too, Landon.
    MadFox, what a blessing to read your posts. You've been (& will continue to be) in my prayers as you conquer this latest issue - with grace and peace.
    Love and blessings to each of you this day, JC Family. I always think of Maplewood's TGIF - and I thank God that we are forgiven AND that it's Friday! :) I'll be checking in for more victory reports.

    1. Thanks sweet Norah. TGIF. We are forgiven and redeemed! And it’s Friday! Amen!

  20. ...that they may all be ONE, just as you, Father, and I are One. You are in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me...
    One life can spark a Moment
    One flower can wake the Dream
    One tree can start a Forest
    One bird can herald Spring
    One smile begins a Friendship
    One handclaps lifts a Soul
    One star can guide a ship at Sea
    One word can frame the Goal
    One vote can change a Nation
    One sunbeam lights a Room
    One candle wipes out Darkness
    One laugh will conquer Gloom
    One step must start a Journey
    One word must start a Prayer
    One hope will raise our Spirits
    One touch can show you Care
    One voice can speak with Wisdom
    One heart can know what is True
    One life can make a Difference
    One difference begins with You

    1. Oh well OOPSY: One HANDCLASP lifts a Soul

    2. Love it, Brie! Thanks πŸ’—πŸ˜ƒ☀️🎡

    3. Love this, Brie! Thank you and God bless you.❤

  21. ONEderful, Brie! Sharing it now ♥️

    1. And I think to myself, What a ONEderful world! 🎢

  22. Heavenly Father, ‘Great is Your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I will need for this day, Your hand has already provided.' Thank You for knowing me better than I know myself and allowing me to trust You with all the areas of my life, and even the present ones that may be hidden from me. You are holy and all-powerful. Thank You that through the cross and resurrection of Jesus, a way was made into Your Presence and the gift of the Holy Spirit living in me was made possible. Thank You for being present with me all the time through Your Spirit who lives inside of me. Jesus said that I am the light of the world. May the light of Your presence, shine so brightly in me that others will see and receive hope. Like David, may this hope for the future be grounded in my experiences of You in the present. Thank you for making known to me the path of life and filling me with joy in Your presence and with eternal pleasures at Your right hand (Ps. 16:11). I desire to know that fullness of joy found only in Your presence. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

    “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people. But the Lord will arise over you. And His glory will be seen upon you. The gentiles shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3.

    “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, O LORD” Ps. 89:15).

    Blessing and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful Maplewood! Your words of wisdom, faith and insight never fail to lift my soul. I love the Christ in you! The fullness of joy in Christ is only found in God’s presence and far above any empty promise this world can offer.

    2. Thank You, thank You, thank You, Jesus! You lift up my soul, Maplewood. Thank you! God bless you.

    3. Maplewood - Amen! "Great is Your faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I will need for this day, Your hand has already provided." Echoing your prayer.

  23. John 17:20-23 always grips my heart. The treasure of heaven prayed & is still interceding for us at this very moment. How AMAZING is this love! Dear sisters & brothers may you all be filled with this love this day pressed down & running over, spilling over to be shared with others, glorifying the Father in heaven. Amen

    1. Amen, Jan gridley! Praising and glorifying the Father in heaven with you. God be with you.
      Blessings from California

  24. Dear Jan! Thanks Sis! Just what I needed to fill my heart with today! Seek and ye shall find.

  25. Good morning, Father God and JC family. Thank you, Lord, for this new day, an opportunity to start anew with a fresh start. Our slates are wiped clean by the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Lord.

    I humbly come before you today, asking for prayers for my family. Early last week, a close family friend, Blanca, went to be with the Lord. Blanca was such a light and joy in my life. She was a friend who truly became family. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Please join me in praying for the Carrion family. Lord, comfort them through their grief. Give them Your peace which surpasses all understanding. Wrap Your loving arms around her husband, children, and grandchildren, and the whole family. Mend their broken hearts as only You can, Father God. Thank you for blessing my life with Blanca. Until the days of heaven...
    In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    Lifting up all JC family prayer requests to the Lord, our God. May His will be done. God bless you all abundantly.

    Blessings from California

  26. Wow this is a beautiful post of joy! We are thanking God for great news yesterday at Mayo! My daughters scans show AMAZING results! All of our prayers were answered. She is going on a maintenance chemo and may be able to have the surgery she needs. God is SO good to answer our prayers!!!!

    1. Thanks for the Victory Report, Ellen, says Brie as she dances to the tune of Victory Today Is Mine!

  27. Dear Rose, I'm praying for Blanca's family and for your loss. May she rest in the loving arms of the Lord.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, dear Jeanne. They are very much needed and appreciated. God bless you, sweet sister.

  28. Ellen! I am so happy for your daughter. Another great victory! God is so faithful and I'm doing the victory dance with Brie!
    I wanted to report that the Echocardiogram was so thorough that the doctor could see the hole in my heart so they didn't have to give me the saline bubbles. I won't get the results till the 28th but I felt the Lord by my side, the Spirit in the room and God's peace surrounding me. I could tell your prayers were holding me too! God bless you all!

    1. Jeanne, what a blessing when we feel God's grace. Continued prayers for healing. Thank you for the blessing. God bless you in return. ❤

    After missing the early risers I had not planned to post a beach devotion today until The Holy Spirit advised me that there are some of God's Children who tune in here for their Heavenly Nightly News to sweeten their dreams.  OK, Holy Spirit, here goes Beach Devotion News, the Nightly Edition. Do with it as You will, not as I will, cause I didn't want to post it;
    Last summer, darling husband and I got to witness baby sea turtle births on a Caribbean Beach. We were surprised to learn that once the Mama Turtles lay their eggs in the sand, they return to the water, leaving the eggs buried and alone to incubate and hatch. Once hatched, hundreds of newborn baby sea turtles work their way into the sea, guided by the water and the light. Their companionship and togetherness on this trek is natural, many marching together as one. To a newborn baby sea turtle, the way to the sea is long and the time to get there is short. If they are to continue living and moving and having their being, their lives depend on turning their full attention towards You, feeling the Shining Light of Your Presence, and getting into the sea as quickly as possible. Once in the sea, I suspect they sea your Heavenly Smile as Your golden tinged love washes over them and their home in Your Sea soaks deeply into their being. OOO! AHH! OHH!

    What is unnatural is newborn baby sea turtles going in the opposite direction of the sea, crossing wide heavily trafficked roads headed toward the distraction and lure of the artificial light of high rises, automobiles and condos which compete for the attention of the newborn baby sea turtles. OH! OH!

    To combat the lure in the ominous direction, Turtle Conservationists install a barrier wall. When the babies pathing in the wrong direction hit the wall, they are momentarily stunned and turned around in the direction of the Sea and the Sunlight. When these second liners reorient themselves, into the sea they go together, many marching into the sea as one.

    Maybe this natural companionship of many as one feels unnatural to us, i.e., maybe we hatched and grew up in a dysfunctional family, maybe we were abused or neglected, or maybe we are estranged from our family of origin. Maybe we have scars from hitting the wall. Whatever the reason we got turned around from trekking as one toward His sunlight and into His sea,those reasons end at the foot of His cross. As today's devotion indicated, we as believers are members of ONE spiritual, eternal family who live in accordance with God Our Father's will, providing healthy support, love, and encouragement to all. Just like the newborn baby sea turtles, we stay close, we move forward toward The SonLight and we grow together as many in ONE body. We, too, are many marching together as one.
    When we do, our healing and new life and new living in Him has begun!

    MARK 3: 35
    Looking at those around Him, He said, These are My mother and My brothers: Any ONE who does God's Will is My Brother, and My Sister, and My Mother!

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Like baby sea turtles who turn their full attention to you, working their way together as one toward Your Light and into Your Sea, would you please help us build on their and Your ONEness in unity with others wherever You have placed us? Would You help us reach out with ONE of Your Hands to others who are in the same situation You have placed us in?  Whether we are headed straight into Your Sea or turning around after we hit the wall, in Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. Awesome night edition Brie! I hope this little sea turtle always goes in the direction of the Sonlight!!! You never fail to make me smile!

  30. Amen! I'll take that thought to sleep. I am ONE who returns for a nightcap here each night. For my thirst is only for you Father, and you always deliver when I listen. ♥️😴

    1. Thanks Audra for letting me know you are ONE of many in the night club, as the Holy Spirit said there would be. Have a Good Night. Love you.

  31. Thank You Father for healing all our weaknesses and our loved ones. Guide our steps and remind us not to let go of Your Hand or your peace. Strengthen us in body, mind and spirit. Straighten our paths and calm our fears. Let us see Your light even in the longest and darkest tunnel. You can turn any situation and problem into good. We are blessed to belong to you! Keep our focus on You so You will reign in our hearts. Thank You for this in Jesus’ Name.

    1. Amen sweet Jeanne! May the Lord shine His glorious light upon you and your family. God bless!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! We are so blessed! Love being with my Mom. She is such a little prayer warrior. She trusts Jesus to get her through everything. God bless you sweet sister.

  32. In the past year, many prayers have been offered on my behalf and answered with the grace and mercy of God. In recent weeks, several assorted maintenance side effects and possible new issues have been addressed by tests and adjustments to the drugs being used to deepen my remission. One significant new possible cardio issue that I saw in some data in the past year was debunked by the cardiologist and shown to be within my "normal". A lesson in patience for me to wait to hear what the professionals see vs. the amateur! But many thanks for your prayers and God's perfect lesson in continuing to trust in Him.

    JC today starts with His light enveloping each of us, yielding a peace and showing us His true nature in love: "feel the Light of My Presence shining upon you. Open your mind and heart to receive My heavenly smile of approval. Let My gold-tinged Love wash over you and soak into the depths of your being." It is in our trials if we seek Him and maintain a humble faith that we will see His love maifested through spiritual and/or physical healing. In faith we know that spiritual healing occurs as we seek His light and grip His hand, the challenge is to accept that not all physical healing occurs here and now. However, ALL do get physical healing when we move from here to the eternal life. May we recognize that Christ died so we could live with Him forever in new physically perfected bodies. Godspeed. Thanks again for your prayers as I'm incredibly blessed with physical healing far better than I believed. In Him, Amen

    1. I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well. The Lord is so good to all of us -- all the time. I am happy to hear all the good work He is doing in your life and through you for others. I pray that you continue to have a healthy recovery. Peace be with you!

    2. Dear MadFox, every little victory can be a milestone for someone who waits to see a glimmer of hope. So glad for yoursπŸ‘πŸ’•. God is good! Amen! Hallelujah!

    3. You just made my day and night dear Brother.
      I am believing in God’s awesome power to heal you in all ways! Let the doctors be amazed! I can see through your spirit filled words that He is working within you to shine His glorious light like the sun to all you encounter. To see your steadfast faith and unwavering trust in the midst of all you are going through is so inspiring. Your eyes and heart are looking above this world to all things that endure. Carry on good and faithful servant to His glory. Much love.

  33. DEAR JC friends, I have been absent for awhile, but God has always been with me. A few weeks ago I started having language problems, and went in for a brain scan and they found a brain tumor. I quickly was scheduled for surgery at Mayo, and i had a 6 hour surgery to remove a large meningioma. Fortunately, it was benign and my language is coming back and I should make a full recovery. Even though I couldn’t ask you all for prayer ( I had no words), and my sister couldn’t figure out how to make a post, I still felt covered in prayer. After the year we have had (my 2 daughters surgery and one cancer victory), I can still say GOD IS GOOD AND FAITHFUL! He does not leave us or depart from us. Blessings and healing to each of you.

    1. I'm so glad to hear the victory in Christ! God is so good -- ALWAYS! May His perfect peace, comfort, love, and healing be placed upon you. Peace be with you!

    2. Yeay God! Wonderful news dear Ellen. "How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him, who brings good news!" Hallelujah!

    3. Oh, Janet, what a scary time yet God had victory in store for you! So glad to hear it was benign and you are recovering well! Here is a song that I posted a few days ago so you might've missed it but is SO appropriate regarding God's faithfulness! Hope you click on the link and take a listen to the lyrics, their harmony and incredible song overall!...

      Continued healing blessings for you and your girls, Ellen! In Jesus' great name, AMEN.

    4. Awesome news. Godspeed on a continued excellent recovery.

    5. God bless you Ellen, in all your trials HE is with you. ♥️✝️

    6. Thanking God for hearing all our prayers. I always ask Him to heal all your weaknesses. He’s the only One who knew about your brain tumor! His faithfulness is amazing! Celebrating your victory dear sister!!! Hallelujah!

  34. I would also ask you to cover in prayer my grandson, who just turned 7. His mom is the one who had cancer last year. He has anxiety about her and has some behavior that is concerning for a 1st grader. Could you please cover him (and the 10 and 13 year old) in prayer and that he will make good friends and feel happy and content as a child should. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

    1. Praying for you and your grandson Ellen. I'm glad to hear that your tumor was benign. God bless you and your family.


    2. Father, please watch over Ellen's grandchildren and family. Draw them to You Lord and shine the light upon them. Prick their hearts and lift them up with You. Make the adjustments that are necessary in their lives to let them be joyful, loving, kind, and well rounded children of God. Remove any anxious thoughts and replace it with Your perfect peace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    3. Janet, Joining warriors, echoing your prayer for Ellen's grandchildren,

    4. Joining warriors in prayer for your grandchildren Ellen. They shall be delivered from the spirit of anxiety. πŸ™. Amen

    5. Adding prayers for your grands, Ellen. May God's peace wrap around them like a blanket and His peace seep into them. Amen!

    6. Thanking God for your Miracle, Ellen. You and your dear ones are continuously in my prayers, including your Grands. May His Healing continually manifest in all the days of our lives. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Amen! Joining in prayers for your little 7 yr old grandson. May his heart be filled with the tender peace of God and May he and the 10 and 13 yr old feel secure in the knowledge that their good Mom is in the best of Hands. Let their young hearts be light and filled with laughter and a carefree spirit. Thank You Father for this and for healing all of Ellen and her family’s weaknesses in Jesus’ Name.

  35. In Your presence
    That's where I am strong
    In Your presence
    O Lord my God
    In Your presence
    That's where I belong
    Seeking Your face
    Touching Your grace
    In the cleft of the Rock
    In Your presence O God
    I want to go
    Where the rivers
    Cannot overflow me
    Where my feet are
    On the rock
    I want to hide
    Where the blazing
    Fire cannot burn me
    In Your presence O God
    I want to hide
    Where the flood of
    Evil cannot reach me
    Where I'm covered by the blood
    I want to be where
    The schemes of darkness
    Cannot touch me
    In Your presence O God
    You are my firm foundation
    I trust in You all day long
    I am Your child
    And Your servant
    And You are my
    Strength and my song
    You're my song
    Seeking Your face
    Touching Your grace
    In the cleft of the Rock
    In Your presence O God

    1. Thanks Peter! Very beautiful. He is everything to us and the best place to be is safe beneath His Mighty Wings.

  36. Dear SassyMom, just read the latest post from yesterday. Praying for Michael, that it will be better news than what he expects. God is full of surprises! Amen? Min, you're in my prayers for the car issue. Thank you for prayers for the Amish family. The community rallied together & collected beyond the amount needed for mortgage to be paid. The children are wanting to stay in the community they are living in. One of the girls shut down, won't talk, the other girl destroyed her hospital room when she was told her parents passed. The baby is with mom's sisters who look like mom & is calmer. Keep praying warriors. Thank you all & be blessed πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Jan - Thanks for the update on the Amish children. Will continue prayers.

    2. Dear Jan, Continuing to pray for those poor children. God know their sorrowful and lonely hearts. They have a hard road ahead but He has a plan for each of them. I’m blessed to hear the baby is doing well and in loving hands.

  37. Your prayer is mine also dear Janet. Thank you for sharing. Be blessed πŸ’•

  38. Just spoke with hubby & we are both concerned about numbing of his right side, not really knowing if it's from the shingles or the stroke he had in July. We need your prayers warriors. We are both so weary of not enough sleep. Still we shall continue to praise God & be in a state of Thanksgiving no matter what. He is faithful. Hallelujah!

    1. Shingles are quite a challenge and often produce other complications. Hope all is healed soon. Godspeed.

    2. Praying for both you and Hubby, our dear Jan gridley.

    3. Joining in prayers for your dear hubby’s feeling in his right side to come back and healing of every infirmity known and unknown. And for your rest and peace of mind in Christ. Amen and Amen. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Praying for your hubby, Jan Gridley! Love to both of you! My sister (as you know) had them recently. She is fully recovered, thanks to God and all of your prayers. Looking forward to hearing the Victory!

    5. My JC WARRIOR, Jan ---- I stand with you and your hubby in Thanksgiving to our Lord. HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH!! I come against your hubby's right sided numbness and take authority over it in the name of Jesus. Father God, I resist the enemy in every form that he comes against Jan and her hubby. I Decree and Declare that their bodies be Strong and Healthy and I enforce it with Your WORD! I reject the curse, Plead the Blood of Jesus over each of you, and I enforce LIFE in Jan and hubby's bodies. I ask it all in Jesus' name, for His Honor and His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

      James 4:7 "Submit yourselves
      therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

      My previous Jan -- Just lifting you up and loving on you! JJ

  39. Jan -"we shall continue to praise God & be in a state of Thanksgiving no matter what. He is faithful" AMEN! Praying blessed PEACEFUL rest, free of worry and concern ... for you and hubby.

  40. Sharing my blessing. I found this blessing in my inbox first thing this morning from my beloved cousin Shelby.

    "I use my authority to bless your day with peace, prosperity and exceeding success. What would l do without my wonderful family and friends? ❣️❣️❣️ You may tire of me telling you that l love you, but... l love you." Thank You Jesus for blessing my life with Cuz Shelby.

    1. Thank you for sharing that love filled message of gratitude! πŸ’—

    2. Prayers for Michael, Sassy Mom.

  41. Thank you MadFox & SassyMom for prayers & encouragement. We are grateful.

  42. Praying with you and for you dear one. He is always with you and will be with you till the end of time and forever. Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  43. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family. Jeanne, I hope your leg is on the mend, MadFox - good to know that your Doc knows your 'norm.' Hope to catch up with you soon, Brother.
    God knows our needs - praying for each of the requests. Thanking God for my Family and all that is going on....
    Sleep Sweet!

  44. Traveling mercies dear Jeanne, as I ask for mine. Leaving early today for a 9 day trip involving lots of moving parts and reservations. Thank you Jesus for your protection in mind body and spirit!

    1. You got it dear Audra. Please Lord look upon this dear sister's travel today with loving mercies & favor. A calm spirit Lord is needed as they maneuver through all the details of this trip. We ask for safety in all of it. AMEN!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    2. Got you, Marc and your vacay covered up in prayer! Much Love, Brie

    3. Joining my sisters in prayer for traveling mercies for you, Audra, throughout your 9-day trip. May it all happen as you've hoped and prayed for! You will be wearing your Armor of God each day...enjoy and exhale!

    4. Standing in the Gap and Agreement for Traveling Mercies for Audra, Jeanne and anyone in need of them.

      ISAIAH 45:2 MSG "I'll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road. I'll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances. "

      A wonderful Blessed trip for you Audra and Jeanne! Just loving up on you!!! JJ

    5. Yes indeed, indeed!
      ISAIAH 45:2 MSG "I'll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road. I'll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances. "
      HALLELUJAH!!! YESIREE!!! And a goooood time was had by all!

  45. Praying for traveling safety for you throughout your trip and a hedge of protection. You remain in God's Hands and in my prayers. Much love, dear Audra! Have fun.
    Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

    1. Continuing to lift in prayer mom, Stephen, Janet dear Jeanne. Bless your day dear one. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    2. Thanks so much dear Jan!!! Your prayers and sweet message of love bless my heart/

  46. Sitting outside with my coffee as I watch the sun rising. As I sit, I bring into this sacred space "a little room for Grace" as I bring to the alter my humanity; human weakness but also a capacity to receive. As I sit, I opened Jesus Calling and read, "feel the light of my Presence shining upon you".

    In this humanity, there are future possibilities and choices to consider.

    May the assurance of His light guide my steps as I take time to sit in His timeless presence.

    1. So happy to hear you are soaking in The Light of His Presence, our dear brother friend in Christ, Keith. Hope the warmth is a healing balm for you. Much Love, Brie

    2. Keith --- I'm with Brie. So thrilled to see your post! I double down on Brie's post. She says it much better than I can. Think of you often and send Great Love, Blessings and Full Restoration in Jesus' name. HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. Joining in with prayers for your healing, dear brother Keith, and with gratitude to hear you are enjoying the true joy and peace only found in His sweet presence.

  47. Dear Rich --- Concerning yesterday's post to you---that was ALL Holy Spirit! He was adamant about that post and that particular scripture.(I wasn't even familiar with that scripture. That was a new revelation for me. HALLELUJAH!!!) All I know is that your Heavenly Father has a calling on your life. You are a son of The Most High God. You are Loved, Redeemed and Renewed. You have been Chosen, Blameless and Holy. You were bought at a GREAT PRICE. God knows you THOROUGHLY, and yet LOVES YOU COMPLETELY. He has plans for your future that include HOPE, not harm; BLESSINGS, not banishment. YOU BELONG TO HIM! And, Rich----you hear His voice. Oh, how He LOVES YOU!!! JJ

    So very Thankful for your service to this Great Country---USA!!! Very soon we will see God's hand move to bring RESTORATION to HIS USA, ISRAEL and other world countries!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

  48. This could only be the Holy Spirit! EVERYTHING you are saying is exactly what my soul needs to hear as it fills me with hope and reminds me of how awesome our God truly is.

    This is precious to me JJ and I sincerely thank you. God bless America and Israel is right!

    1. Oh, Rich, what a journey we are on! God called us to be in the USA, at this particular time---a time such as this. I am so excited to see God's hand move and show us His plan of Restoration, and His Aboundant Life. The Word says--
      "But as it is written, What no eye hath seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined,
      what God has prepared for those who love him" ---
      1 Corinthians 2:9

      This is a time to get into His Word and Praise and Worship , Praise and Worship, Praise and Worship like never before!

      2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work."
      We keep looking up because we know where our help comes from! JJ

    2. 1 Cor 2:9 is a favorite verse, especially when times are tough. This is a time of prayer and worship, for ourselves, each other and our country. We are so under attack, and need to double down on our prayer and faith, putting on the full armor of God, and fight for our children, families, country and faith.

      Yes, JJ, let's get on our knees, but keep looking up. Amen and thank you! Your prayers are helping :)

    3. I am Journeying on my knees with you JJ and Rich C. Praying, praying, praying, and then praying some more!

  49. Amen and Amen! Be comforted dear Rich C! You are the beloved son of a Great and faithful God. Be not afraid.
    You spoke the truth dear JJ and you shared His Word. Let us break bread together on our knees. Let us Praise and Worship the Most High together on our knees. Looking forward to God’s Victory over this fallen world and God’s Restoration of His people in body, mind and spirit. He is mighty to save! Hallelujah!

  50. Amen! Powerful prayer, Word and instruction for our dear brother Rich C. Let us worship together with praise and gratitude to the Most High on our knees. Good night dear Family.

  51. I really need the light of His presence. My heart is heavy. My good Mom shows some moments of clarity but is still struggling and confused. I can’t help her get better. But I can pray and believe God is answering our prayers. She’ll be going to a new doctor this week who specializes in geriatrics. One more request. My dear cousin Beth with stage 3 lung cancer is in the hospital. Her tumor is leaking blood into her lungs. She can’t breathe. The doctor said she may only live a few days. I’m praying for her faith to be strengthened and for God’s mercy. Thanks for your prayers. πŸ™πŸ’— May God’s faithfulness, comfort and mercy cover them and all of us. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 73:26
    My flesh and my heart fail;
    But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for your mom and Beth. May our heavenly Father touch both of them with His healing hands and give them comfort, strength, and peace. May your whole family be lifted up to the rock that is higher than your circumstances
      In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.
