Saturday, October 3, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 3

When many things seem to be going wrong, trust Me. When your life feels increasingly out of control, thank Me. These are supernatural responses, and they can lift you above your circumstances. If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you may fall prey to negativism. Even a few complaints can set you on a path that is downward spiral, by darkening your perspective and mind-set. With this attitude controlling you, complaints flow more and more readily from your mouth. Each one moves you steadily down the slippery spiral. The lower you go, the faster you slide; but it is still possible to apply brakes. Cry out to Me in My Name! Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel. Thank Me for everything, though this seems unnatural--even irrational. Gradually you will begin to ascend, recovering your lost ground.
     When you are back on ground level, you can face your circumstances from a humble perspective if you choose supernatural response this time--trusting and thanking Me--you will experience My unfathomable Peace. 

Psalm 13:5
English Standard Version

But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.

Ephesians 5:20
English Standard Version

giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Ephesians 5:20 are the exact words I quoted to a love one yesterday when they complained about the amount of income tax they paid to IRS. I told them they should thank God they have the money to pay.

    1. Yes! Gratefulness is huge with God.

    2. Truth @brotherquentin

    3. I depend on the inspiration of Trust and Thanks actually because the times I allow my worldly self to supercede my judgement, I fail. The circumstance lingers and worsens. I know my Lord is tapping me on the shoulder, through it all-I then respond to Him, Confessing, Thanking and back to Trusting Him. I hear You calling, Jesus! Thanks, my Buddy.

  2. I read this on the 4th, as yesterday was the worst birthday of my life! I turned 58 years old, so I've had many. I'm suffering from a sometimes debilitating and absolutely grueling illness. Many days I just don't want to go on any longer. I'm alone, with very little family support. "Friends" never stop by either. How do I keep this perspective Father? Is this really just a "circumstance" or "difficulty"? What I'm going through affects the receptors in your brain, which makes EVERYTHING so much more difficult! I've never asked "why me?", except for the confusion when it comes to the actions of others. But I desperately want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Lord, could you please just give me a glimpse of it soon, and help me to completely trust you and stay focused and in THIS frame of mind?
    Thank you Lord Jesus! I have no doubt that without you holding me...I WOULD NOT BE HERE!!!

    1. Loneliness hurts. I understand. I hate it. But as you mention, God is there. He is faithful. And that's the comfort we rest on. People continue to disappoint but no problem - it just is another reminder that He is Faithful. I heard this on the way into work - - And Happy Birthday. I hit 50 on 9/4 - momentous and scary. By His Strength

    2. Belated Happy Birthday to my unknown FRIEND. I'm praying our Heavenly Father will wrap his arms of love around you and you will feel his presence. I am 84 and grieving the loss of my husband of 53 years. God bless you, I LOVE YOU.

    3. Good Morning and God Bless and Heal You is my prayer. I suffered with an illness for five years and in the beginning there was always someone stopping by to check on me or call me, but then toward that third year it all stopped as if there was no hope, I felt lonely, betrayed and alone, but GOD ministered to my Spirit every day reminding me HE would never leave me nor forsake me, and I stood on that as well as "BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED" every day I said it no matter how I felt. The doctors told me I would never work again, but I kept believing. This year marks twenty years since I entered back into the workforce. God proved man wrong because I believed! I understand your thoughts and will be touching and agreeing with you that GOD will show up in your life, ANY DAY NOW! Just remember even though we are lonely, we are never alone Keep Praising GOD and HE will encourage and life your spirits! Weeping may endure for a night but JOY will come in the morning! But only GOD knows which morning that shall BE! Be blessed! IN HIS LOVE

    4. God's daughter - GOD BLESS YOU FOR BELIEVING!!!

    5. God's daughter --- Thank you for sharing your uplifting testimony.
      Standing on the Word is what WARRIORS do!! Hallelujah!!

    6. Gods daughter - I was so touched by your post, I to felt abandon by this world shortly after my husband passed away suddenly in 2016.There was a lot of support initially then no one called or came by to check on me, much like what you experienced. But in reality the one who really mattered was always with me. I believe we meet Jesus in the deepest of darkest times. The realization that this world is secondary to what our eternal perspective should be. Thank God, I was lifted and enlightened that our true joy comes from above not from this world. My heart is filled with the company of my Jesus and I am never alone. God Bless...

    7. Shelly Johnson, if you are reading this today, I hope you had a much better birthday this year. I am saying prayers for you!

      Sassy Mom, thank you for your daily powerful words! I've got you in my prayers.

      God's Daughter, what an inspiring story: praise be to God! I am feeling hopeful today after reading your post.

      purplemartin, I appreciated reading your post being reminded God is always there. I agree we often meet Jesus in the deepest of darkest times. Praise God He is always there! CO

    8. God’s Daughter, thank you so much for sharing your victory story! “BY HIS SRIPES I AM HEALED”
      Your story is so inspiring! God bless you!
      Sending up prayers for each and everyone of our JC family!

    9. With repeating this year:
      Weeping may endure for a night but JOY will come in the morning! But only GOD knows which morning that shall BE! Be blessed! IN HIS LOVE

    10. Wow so encouraging! I losty dad and sister in a span of 3months and people stopped checking on me, I joined grief share and did it twice it brought closer to God.I love song that says 🎢 even if you don't feel it He is working 🎢 I know He is working in our hearts when we feel discouraged and disappointed. Keep seeking and praising God

    11. The same goes for me! Without that Right Hand of Righteousness holding me I would not be here! So I am grateful to God for His graciousness and mercy!!!!

    12. Hello Unknown from 2017! I hope things are better? Remember God IS with you every step of the way! Amen.

  3. I am 33 months clean from heroin, meth, and cocaine. I wasn't a good wife or mother because i was an opiate addict for 20 years. I have struggled the past 6 months with wanting to reconcile my marriage. I have had my children back since i got out 2.5 plus years ago, thank You, Jesus. My heart desires to have their dad back in spite of my mistakes. It keeps me awake a lot at night and i think about him constantly. I haven't text him for 3 days because as hard as it is i know i need to trust the Lord and His will, not my own. I know He is capable of anything because He pulled me out of the darkest pit (heroin and needle addiction) and i must let go of control and know that He is faithful regardless my circumstances or feelings. Please pray for myself and my family!! God bless you all!!

    1. Continue to stand fast in your new found life and faith in Jesus Christ. After 27 years of my own addiction to drugs and alcohol, using every day, and thinking God had simply given up on me, I asked him to help me. At that very moment, I received his reply in the form of the Holy Spirit and since have now been clean and sober for 32 years. God gave me a new life of being reborn through his Holy spirit, and I can not begin to put into words how he has changed my life. I live to serve him every day and continually thank him for his blessings.
      Don't ever give up or turn back. Continue to walk in Gods presence and allow him to lead you. Surrender your life to him. God Bless

    2. Praying for your peace in the waiting. I love the song Take reminds me that in my wait, God is there...strengthening me, working for me...writing his perfect into my story. Keep your eyes on Him, and pray for His best. We recover more than we ever even lost to addiction when we keep our eyes on the Father. Hugs friend!

    3. Take Courage!

    4. I went through all of those feeling once I got out of rehab. Got my boys back and thought I wanted to reconcile. Maybe, like me He is preparing you for someone better. This was 4 years ago and I’m now married to a wonderful Christian Man and I thank God for un answered prayers everyday. I KNOW I would not be sober today if I would have reconciled with my X. Take heart sister, good things will come (better than you could have dreamed)

  4. Unknown: Continue to accept your story as it has been written specifically for you. God is with you every step of the way! Congratulations on your 33 months!!

  5. I will be praying for you and your family. Thank you for giving me hope. My daughter just put herself in rehab. She has been struggling for years. I've had my grandchildren for over a year. My constant prayer is for the Lord to bring her to him and for God to give me what I need to take care of them, mainly physical strength and understand ing. You have overcome a lot and the Lord desires to give you the desires of your heart. Rest in him and trust that he knows what's best. God's blessings and favor over all that is yours.

    1. Unknown - What a road you have walked, you should be proud and I know that you are thanking the Lord for it. Please keep on this road and while asking for the return of the husband you love keep your heart open to God’s plan for you as well. You have used so much determination and courage to get through that 33 months but God’s will for you, in this case, may not be that particular man. I know little after all these years, many more than your, but I have learned that losing the man that you love is not the end of your life. Trust God that happiness, peace and joy are never beyond his ability to give you. Your children are luck to have you back!

  6. God I pray that you keep my family safe and they to get clean I pray everyday for them I dont know what else to do but I sure do hate waking up feeling empty inside it's such a bad feeling please god protect them.

  7. I am praying for all who are or have been addicted!! You are so strong and highly favored and loved by God!!

  8. I posted this late yesterday afternoon. Posting again. Thank you JC Warriors for praying for my Debbi.

    I just received a message from my first born Debbi, who is scheduled for a cardiac stress test on Friday Oct. 4 at 10 AM. Please JC Prayer Warriors cover her with prayer.

    1. Sassy Mom - praying for Debbi. May the Lord shower her with comfort and protection and blessings. My love to you all. KS

    2. Sassy Mommy, I stand in agreement with our JC family, covering Debbie in the Blood of Jesus. May His healing and powerful hands touch every fiber of her being and grant her a CLEAN bill of HEALTH in Jesus name! Thank You Father.

      Maplewood NJ

  9. Good morning Sassy Mom and all JC readers. I woke up early with you on my mind SM. Your words and dedication have helped me so much. I made an appointment for grief counseling. Losing my daughter and dad in less than two years has almost taken my breath. Now my mom has dementia. She's only 76. I know God is with me and I try to think of others and pray for you all. SM I hope you are doing well. I think of you often. Take care everyone and God Bless. TL

    1. Unknown, may the peace of God heal and comfort your hurting heart and give you rest knowing that Jesus grieves when we do and comforts us. He's right there with you holding you in His arms. Keeping you in prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. The prayer warriors are with you and your concerns Unknown. The Lord loves you so much and will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!. Hang on. Thank you for praying for our needs in the midst of your own. We love youπŸ₯°.

    3. Saying prayers for you, TL. May God be working tnrough the grief counseling you will be attending. You have a lot on your plate. God is with you...always. CO

  10. Praying for your dear Debbi & Dr. Cowden, Sassy Mom and I also set a reminder on my phone for tomorrow at 10 (thanks, JJ). Praying for that supernatural response to anything faced today. My friend's daughter's test was scheduled at the wrong facility and has been put off for 2 weeks. Her Mom has chosen patience and peace in the midst of all of that. I think I'd be raising the roof and then read today's devotion.
    Let me words be salted, Father and my faith apparent in the midst of turmoil. We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.
    God Bless each of you, JC Family. We are mighty warriors and the battle has already been won.

  11. Good morning JC Family. I hope today is full of blessings for you all. Sassy Mom I will be praying for Debbi and Dr Cowden. I pray that God will restore their health and give them peace over their situations. I too ask for prayers from everyone for my sister in law. She had an MRI yesterday to determine if she may have a brain tumor or the start of MS. She has been having a lot of headaches which are unusual for her. Please pray for good test results. Thank you all in advance.

    Everyone have a blessed and wonderful day!

    1. TJ ---I join with the JC WARRIORS
      to intercede for your sister's
      neurological symptoms. Father God, may Your healing rays penetrate TJ's sister's brain now! Please restore strength and wholeness to mind and body and joy in the spirit. Thank you Father that you hold those test results in Your hands. I thank You for the VICTORY in this situation. In the miracle working name of Je1sus-- Amen and Amen

    2. TJ - Joining JC Warriors to intercede in victorious prayer for your SIL's brain.

    3. TJ, joing our JC family. May the God of miracle turn the report of Your sis-in-law into joy and praises to the Glory of His Holy name. I decree and declare that she is healthy and cast out anything that in her body that is not of God in the Powerful name of Jesus! Believe the report of the Lord! By His stripes, she is made well!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. TJ- I join the warriors in prayer for your SIL. Oh Lord hold this loved one by the hand as she journey along side you through this uncertain path, uncertain only to her Lord, you are already there! Amen!

  12. Unknown - God bless you. You are in my heart. Again I quote, "....the heart heals but the scar remains." I along with our JC prayer warriors are interceding with prayers for your mother and walking through the valley of grief with you. We can't do it alone, be strong and courageous. .... we are not alone, Jesus is walking this path with us.

    1. Unknown--- I join Sassy Mom and other JC WARRIORS in prayer for you. Thank you Father God that you surround Unkown with Your healing balm and great comfort. Bless you, Unknown, bless you. You are on my heart.

  13. A glorious day, despite the rain in the east coast. I look at it as showers of Blessings from You dear Lord and say THANK You that the crops are being watered and the earth on this side is being watched from its pollution. Dry grounds are being moistened. Thank You!

    What a befitting devotion today. A lot seems to be going on with family and friends, but through it all we stand together as a body of believers, TRUSTING in Your Holy Sovereignty. Lord, we need Your miracle, healing powers, comfort, peace and rest. You are the 'miracle' working God. You knew the prayers of everyone and those they stand in the gap for, even before You woke us up this morning, so THANK YOU for being God Omnipotent, God Omniscient and God Omnipresent!

    Have mercy and hear our prayers oh Lord. God of Wonders, we say THANK YOU, be GLORIFIED in Jesus name!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! He knows all the prayers in our hearts before we even see the light of day. And the first word on my mouth is Thank you! I will do my best to glorify Him with every good work and word today. He is deserving of all of our praise and thanksgiving. Looking forward to a bright and productive day in His presence.

  14. Good morning my JC peeps. Praying for all listed above and for those reading who have intentions close to their hearts.
    Dear Lord, we thank you for our trials and challenges, for our responses to these make us grow in our relationship with you. I ask that you wrap your cloak around my JC friends giving them a sense of warmth with your 'hug'. You are the vine, we are the branches and your nourishment feeds us. In your name we pray.
    Have a wonderful Thursday, friends and stay close to the vine.

    1. Suzanne --- Amen and Amen!!!

    2. Do you ever feel like emotionally hungover? I tell myself that I'm committed to being okay and building the life that I want, and being happy and all these other things and then I find myself being sad and comparing myself. I'm just trying to not shame myself and know that everyday is going to be different. One dat I"ll feel angry, one day I'll feel sad and one day I'm trying to bargain the fact if things were different we'd be okay, or if I had not behaved that way or not done that thing or whatever... all sorts of different emotions and I know that's part of grieving-- every day is going to be different. I'm just trying to honour that but at what point do you tell yourself okay lets move forward for real. Accept you cant change anything, you're right where you're meant to be youre not going to grieve forever.

    3. Anonymous, felt compelled to reply to your questions and couldn't pass by without responding. Although I don't have the words right now, perhaps it may be helpful to look at the words I shared on July 30th and August 19th. Those are truly good questions and are questions that surely can draw you closer to Him. Curious on your thoughts.

    4. Keith I read what you said both posts (from July & August) hit me personally and I feel what you're saying thank you for sharing... I guess my issue is feeling shame and sadness for hurting the person that I cared about the way I behaved or for not loving better? Sometimes I think that the person didn't love me at all if they left. I wanted to be better but was scared or didn't necessarily know how? I was scared when he told me we had to work on things but when push came to shove we never actually communicated and hashed things out. Does that make me a monster? Am I horrible for lashing out when in reality I'm just hurting and need love? What is God trying to teach me by taking this person that I love away?

  15. Good morning Lord and jc family. Jesus we trust in you. We know you are holding Debbi, Dr. Cowden, and SIL in your loving hands for you are a merciful Lord. We cry out to you in prayer to pour your amazing grace over them. Peace be with you Sassy mom and TJ; Jesus we trust in you and your love for us.

  16. Lord thank you for your peace. Thank you for the difficult times which draw me closer to you. Starting and ending my day with you feels right and is deepening my relationship with you. I love you and give all glory, honor and praise to you.

  17. Dear Lord, please help me trust You and thank You during my trying times here on earth. I can certainly fall prey to the downward spiral of negativism and at times I feel like I am in comlete despair and absolutely alone. Then, I am given a reminder, a glimmer of hope that energizes me...You are Always With Me! Because of You, I pull through the difficulties I encounter each day. You are my Savior! I have cried out to You for help, and You have answered. I have felt true peace because of You. I am not worthy, but I am thankful. Jesus, I trust in You! CO

  18. Norah, lifting your friend's daughter up in prayer. The change in appt is disappointing, but remember, God's got this!

    Uplifting your SIL in prayer, TJ. Prayers for a good outcome for her test results and prayers for the doctors to find the proper treatment.

    Thank you Maplewood and Suzanne for your positive and uplifting posts!

    Anonymous, I too have encountered many hard times and sometimes feel overwhelmed. I have been learning to surrender myself to Jesus. I continually say: "Jesus, I surrender myself to You. Take care of everything." until I believe what I am saying. Some days are harder than others, but it absolutely helps! CO


    As you enter your 'date' with God, the last part of Psalm 24 shares with us such a necessary part of being intimate with our Lord.

    Psalm 24:7-10
    7 Lift up your heads, O gates!
    and be lifted up, O ancient doors!
    that the King of glory may come in.
    8 Who is the King of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty,
    the Lord, mighty in battle.
    9 Lift up your heads, O gates!
    and be lifted up, O ancient doors!
    that the King of glory may come in.
    10 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord of hosts,
    he is the King of glory.

    An understanding of the times in which the psalmist was inspired to write these words is most helpful. In those days, there were two ways a people fortified their city and made it safe. For one, they built it on a hill so that if they should come under attack, it is easier to defend from a position above an enemy than from below. Jerusalem was built on a high mountain thus the words in vs. 3, "Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?" Second, a large wall was constructed around the city as their primary defense. Within the wall was placed a strong gate for entry. When someone sought to enter the city, they needed to identify themselves at the gate and if their identity was satisfactory with those on the inside, the gate would be opened to allow the person to enter the heart of the city.

    What these verses mean to me: As stated above, walls are built to keep out all that is not desired. Understood spiritually, we all build walls around our heart to protect our heart and keep that which is unwanted from entering the core of who we are. In my early years, the wall around my heart was meant to keep God out because I wanted to be lord of my life and not give that away to Him though I had allowed the evil one in to certain parts of my heart. The Lord stood at the door and knocked much as described in Revelation 3:20. He could have 'huffed and puffed' and blown the door down but He chose to stand and simply knock. Oh, I believed that He was out there but that was close enough for me. I told Him to wait a minute until I got everything ready for Him to enter, a.k.a. fulfilled all the things I wanted to do. But His longing to enter into an intimate relationship with me was so strong, the Holy Spirit seeped in through the cracks in the door to my heart and ignited a desire for Him within. The Spirit made clear to me that all the reasons for not allowing Him in were unfounded and that He wanted to love me and not dictate my life. So I took a leap of faith. I lifted up the gate so the King of Glory could come into my heart, the Lord mighty in battle, the Lord of host, the King of Glory. Life changed totally for the better just as the Spirit promised. Thanks be to God.

    Intimacy in any relationship requires the opening of the gate of the heart in which the person can enter. As you enter into your time with Him, lift up the gates of your heart for Him to enter. Be not afraid. Also realize before you stands the King of glory who lifted up the gate to His heart long ago. He welcomes you to enter and He hopes you do.

    Have a blessed weekend, sisters and brothers in Christ. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you brother and friend. I've sure enjoyed your series. May God Bless you and yours. Love, Kathy

    2. Thank you Bob. Let us keep the gates of our hearts open to our good Lord. KS

    3. Blessings to you and yours, Dear Bob! Thank you for this series.

    4. Amen! Thank you for blessing us with this series Bob. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    5. Bob! Thank you for sharing your incredibly beautiful story of how you finally answered the Lord's knocking, and allowed the Spirit of God to seep in through the cracks in the door to your heart, igniting an enduring desire for Him which will last forever. Thank you for your words that draw me ever closer to Him. I am His and He is mine. He is the Lover of my soul and the Keeper of my heart.

    6. Thank you Bob. Beautiful and very inspiring.

    7. Thank you Bob for sharing your experience, precious indeed. The one and only relationship in life that is not temporal but eternal. When we open up completely to the Lord Jesus we start the wonderful journey to fulfillment you have described throughout the series.Many blessings.

  20. The Bible commands believers to "pray for kings and all of those in authority". Please pray for our President and for the First Lady for the Lord to quickly heal them and protect them from harm. Let us lift up to the Lord all our leaders, first responders, military and fellow countrymen and anyone dealing with the COVID-19. "And we know that for those who love God ALL things work together for the good for those who are called according to His purpose." Romons 8:28
    I pray in Jesus' Name for His Honor and for His Purposes. May there be Great Blessings, Grace, and Mercy over our country and a special dose to all the JC WARRIORS, AMEN and AMEN!!! Love to All

    1. Praying with you JJ. You do a great job of praying satan out.
      Would you get the broom and sweep satan out the room?
      Love you JJ

    2. Praying with you JJ and Brie! No room in this room for the evil one! God is so much greater! Halleluia!

    3. Praying with you JJ, Brie and Jeanne for Our President and the First Lady for complete healing
      πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ™. Thank you Bob for sharing your story! God is sooo Good! I lift up the gates to my heart sweet Jesus. Loving prayers for you All!

  21. Joining Warriors in prayers for our country. President Trump is being hospitalized at Walter Reed.

    1. Joining JJ & SassyMom in prayer for our president & the first lady. Bring them both through this oh Lord completely recovered. Amen.

    2. Amen and Amen! With all of you in this. Matthew 18:20

    3. We pray together for them, and our fallen and wounded world, with thanksgiving and faith in His Holy Name. He is truly in the midst of us. Amen.

  22. I have the sense that I need to get serious about training this month. Physically and mentally. For what, I'm not sure, but I'm listening Lord. My trust muscles He says. Train my mind in positive thinking and trust. It's the best defense. Go to the Word to exercise. Eat healthy, avoid alcohol. Spend time in nature. Be kind. One Day at a Time. Thank you Lord for the strength and fortitude to get me through this training camp. Amen!

    1. I'm training with you Audra, especially to be transformed by the renewing of my mind to always think positive, praiseful and thankful thoughts in all situations. WHEW! What a workout! Glad to have you as a workout partner on The Biggest Winners Team!

    2. A 3:15 am wake up from rowdy neighbors and barking dogs next door. Then a series of texts with the parents who are away. They told me to call the police, but I don't want to be "that neighbor". I called out in prayer, things settled down and I asked God why I had been awakened. Then the song from Godspell filled my mind..Prepare Ye The Way of the LORD and then I picked up today's reading. So blessed! Thank you Jesus! Let there be no doubt, GOD IS ON THE MOVE!! See you at the gym, Brie!

    3. And perhaps the PTOUS and first lady will get some much needed rest and come out stronger. Praying for them and all our weary leaders and first responders, it's been rough. Thank you Jesus for your support!!!

    4. POTUS, you know who I meant πŸ˜‰

    5. He woke me up at 3 am this morning as well, Audra! I guess He wanted to make sure we were both on the move to the gym :)

    6. ♥🎢🎢♥ Love is on the move
      When the Father's in the room
      Miracles take place
      The cynical find faith
      And love is breaking through
      When the Father's in the room!

    7. Have a good workout dear sisters. I chose to stay in bed and pray today. Got enough exercise yesterday running after my dear grandson and what a joy it was! God is guiding us to strengthen ourselves in every part of our lives, bodies and souls. I too feel this is the time to prepare the way of the Lord. Still having my Bible groups but it is a real challenge virtually. I email readings to my group every week and we come together in love and faith. That's a gift that keeps on giving.

  23. I join the ‘Christians Call for Prayer’ for President Trump’s positive COVID-19 test result. The truth is, no matter what, we have a responsibility to pray for our leaders. This man is the President of the greatest nation on earth! God’s choice! Like Him or not, like His policies or not, like what He promotes and encourages or not, we have a God ordained responsibility as followers of Christ to pray for Him. I also pray and ask for forgiveness for those wishing him worst. May they find Christ and know the love that HE is!
    The Bible specified that praying for our leaders is something God instructs us to do. They need God's wisdom and they need to be covered in prayer by believers. We are wise when we walk in obedience to God’s will and not ours. The simple act of praying for those in authority can help them step into God’s will for their lives, for the good of the people and their leadership.
    As we ask for God's wisdom and righteousness to be evident in our nation's policies and leaders, may we be faithful and thoughtful in praying for the President and ALL those with this virus.

    Dear Loving Father, We thank You for another blessed day to say Thank You again! This morning, we lift our President, Donald J. Trump and His wife Melania Trump and all those sick with this covid-19, into Your capable hands for healing and restoration. We pray for their families, and ask that You would give them strength, protection, and grace for the days ahead. Oh Lord, our times are in Your hands. We need Your presence and healing intervention for the one You chose to govern us. You have called us to pray for our leaders and right now, I pray that You surround Him with love and care, that You pour down Your healing power upon Him and restore his health back. We thank You for being Jehovah Rapha. I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, He and his wife are healed in Jesus’ name. We thank You that Christ who rules as the only King and reign supreme always and forever, calls us to love and pray for each other. Thank You for President Trump’s healing, his wife’s healing and healing for all that are sick and afflicted, this nation and the world!
    Help us to remember that You promised to hear the prayers of Your people and that You work on our behalf. Thank You for being close to us and being with us always. Because of this promise, we believe You are in that hospital room with our President. We pray that He will pulls through to give you the praise and we the people will see a more humble, God fearing and compassionate leader. We trust You for His and all others' healing. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.

    Romans 13:1 - Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

    1 Timothy 2:1-2 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

    1 Peter 2:17- Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.

    God bless the Unites States of America and its people and let love and unity prevail!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Joining with you in prayer πŸ™

    2. Also joining with you in prayer.

    3. Praying with you all. Thank you Maplewood. KS

    4. Praying. Thanks Maplewood NJ!

    5. I'm on this prayer with you big time!

    6. Thank you Maplewood. Beautifully prayed! Amen.

    7. Praying all are healed and moved to a deeper faith, from POTUS to all serving in Leadership to all the citizens afflicted world-wide. May our nation see that atheist forces masking their Marxist and socialists agendas, are truly attempting to further social unrest and anarchy to destroy the system of government that has created more freedom and peace than any other in history. Heal our differences Lord, calm the sea of turmoil in our cities, use CV19 to bend our collective will to be a more faithful and Christ-like people. In Him we pray Amen

    8. Amen, Amen Madfox.
      Lord please also comfort the grieving families of over 200,000 people who have died as a result of COVID 19 in our country this year, some of whom are my dear friends. Inspire us all to step outside of selfishness into selflessness as You did for us. If masking, distancing, staying at home, small gatherings, etc. are good preventative measures against passing it on to our brothers and sisters in Christ, can you please help us do them humbly rather than grumbly?
      You see better than we do, if you see other measures You want us to take instead, would You show us Your Higher Way? If You were still living inside your human body here on earth, what would you do? Share, share! We're listening and poised to obey.
      Finally, today's devotion and Your WORD invite our supernatural response of thanking You in the midst of everything. Heavenly Father, I thank You for our President being alive; I thank You for safely getting him into one of the world's best hospitals; I thank you for an expert Medical team to take care of him; I know there is a lot more for which we and our JC Family can thank You. Hopefully others will add to my meager offerings. I Love and Thank You Lord! Amen.

    9. Praying with you Maplewood and all our JC Family. Wonderful prayer especially the ending. Madfox, you spoke the truth and your prayer is mine. Thank you and Amen!
      Brie! Amen. Well spoken. May He heal the President and his wife, and lead us to do the right things to keep this virus from spreading, and protect us and our loved ones from sickness and death. Thanking Him in the powerful name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus!

  24. Thank You Jesus. You are my reason for being. I wouldn't want to be here without You Lord. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen πŸ™.

  25. My collection of sea glass is overflowing it's current container on display in my kitchen. I repeat, GOD IS ON THE MOVE in mighty ways! Trusting!

    1. I really feel that too dear Audra! Trusting and knowing He is in charge and mighty to save.

  26. FROM EPHESIANS 5: Always give thanks and praise to our Almighty God and Father for everything in The Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

    FROM EPHESIANS 1: Christ has designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Sea glass treasures start from broken, discarded pieces of a former whole that no longer serves the intended purpose. Sea glass has been cast out, tossed about, hard knocked and broken up. When pursued and found by people with a new purpose in mind, Sea Glass becomes beautiful jewelry or art. Like sea glass we sometimes find ourselves cast out, tossed about, hard knocked, broken up, and unsure of our direction or new purpose. Like the sea glass collector, through it all God is pursuing us with a new purpose in mind: transformation and renewal! To transform and renew us, Our Heavenly Father God knows and orchestrates our seasons of refinement, as part of His Greater Plan for us. Trust, praise and thank Him that throughout the tossing season, we are being refined and transformed into renewed, useful and beautiful sea glass!
    Would you renew our trust, praise and thanksgiving that You are always at work? Even when we can't see it or feel it, would you help us rest assured that You are still working it out for our greater good? And that we will become one of Your many beautiful, useful pieces of Sea Glass? I ask. I seek. I knock. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Love that picture of sea glass! Thank you Brie! Joining in your beautiful prayer as well as the prayers for the President, First Lady and all affected by covid or any other diseases. We trust you and we thank you Lord. Everything is in your hands.

      Blessings from France

    2. I sure did love that sweet Brie! I hope He polishes me to be a beautiful turquoise piece! Praising Him with every breath and walking in my gratitude with my head held high!

    3. Thank you Brie. I too loved it. And Jeanne, I chuckled to myself when I read your comment because I too was thinking as I read about what color I wanted to be.

  27. Joining all of you mighty Prayer Warriors as we claim and proclaim His mighty works. Love your Sea Glass, Brie and Maplewood - I can picture you shouting from the mountain top; God Bless you. MadFox, my hub and I are praying with you. Audra, we have neighborhood issues as well.
    The "social unrest," you mention, MadFox, is trying to permeate every person, neighborhood - even the little town we live in. My husband and one of our sons have been praying, listening ever since 2016.
    In the midst of all of the news yesterday, the 2nd kitchen renovation and work, our sewer backed up. We were working with a plumber until 8:30 last night. The City workers were out here until 9:30 and my emergency call to the plumber with the 'right equipment,' was met with an answering machine. I left the message and called again today 10 minutes before they were supposed to open and he answered. They will be here this afternoon.
    Plumbing issues seem trivial in light of all that is going on in our world...until they happen to you! LOL!! Eph 5:20 was just the reminder I needed.
    I was so thankful to read Jesus Calling early this morning and know Prayer Warriors were up at 3:00 praying Peace and Victory.
    Claiming VICTORY for all involved and trusting in the Lord with all of my heart (my ungated heart, Bob!).
    Expecting miracles along with each of you. "We serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today...." I can still hear all 5 of our Littles, who are now adults with children of their own, singing that song with all of their hearts. HE never changes.

    1. Dear Norah, Hope you get your plumbing problems resolved. Praying on that and also that God in His mercy smooths out your neighborhood issues too. Expecting victories along with you as I trust in His promises and faithfulness.

  28. Pray for me I am a doctoral student, a single mom, and a teacher. I go through the struggles of life daily. I pray that God heals me in certain circumstances that just are not meant to be on my life. God is a mighty God and I need the Hands of God to cover my life.

    1. May the Lord lift you up in His loving, everlasting arms and keep you in Him.

    2. I prayed for you too Anonymous Follower. May God straighten out your path and bring you comfort.

  29. Anonymous follower,
    Adding you to my list and praying God will heal all your weaknesses in every facet of your life. He is mighty to save and can make all things right. God bless you as you juggle so many things every day. He is with you strengthening and guiding you through them.

    1. Jeanne --- Joining you in praying for Anonymous follower. I pray, Father God, that You will lift Anonymous follower's weary spirit and fill her with Your love and peace so that she may be restored and renewed in body and mind. I speak the name of Jesus, Jesus, Jesus into her circumstances. Father God, pour Your heavenly nourishment into her soul and give her the energy to sustain her in her role as a mother, student and teacher. Amen and Amen

  30. This poem always makes me feel so good and I felt like sharing it.
    The Salvation Poem
    Jesus, You died upon a cross
    And rose again to save the lost
    Forgive me now of all my sin
    Come be my Savior, Lord, and friend
    Change my life and make it new
    And help me, Lord, to live for You

  31. Janet Amen!! Just grabbed that wonderful poem and shared it with my Mom and Sis and my Bible Group. God bless your day dear Sister!

    1. I'm so glad to hear that. It always makes me cry, but in a good way.

  32. Unknown who posted about her tragic loss of her boyfriend. I want you to know you have been on my mind and in my prayers. You are not alone in this. Please let us know how your doing.
    Lord please this very day wrap Unknown in your loving, protective arms. Please allow her to feel how much she is loved. In Jesus holy name amen

  33. Joining you in your prayer Terri. Amen. Thank You Father in Jesus' Name.
    Dear Unknown, I too have been thinking of you today and praying that God will comfort your broken heart and put Light on your path every day and guide you to the support you need because He loves and cares for you so much. Trust in Him above all things. Hold tight onto His mighty Hand. He is with you now and He is not leaving.

  34. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; (Psalm 34:19). You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD Himself, is the rock eternal. (Isaiah 26:3-4). Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for everything. I have made such a mess of my life over the years and I have made so many mistakes and wrong choices, but You love and forgive me through and for all that is wrong in my life. You love me unconditionally. There is nothing I can ever do to "win" Your love. You just love me for me. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You are so amazing and I can't thank You enough for everything You do and are. There are no words to describe just how wonderful You are. Help me to share Your goodness and glory with others in the world. Help me to serve You in my daily life in different ways. Help me follow the leading of the Spirit and not the temptations of my flesh. Thank You for being the best Father ever. I am so grateful for You in my life. You are everything to me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Oh Janet your words could be the very words out of my own mouth. Thank you Lord for hearing us and our plea. We nothing to offer you but ourselves, and that we give to you. Please use us for your kingdom, for your purpose. Amen

    2. Dear Janet, We’ve all made mistakes and sinned, and made wrong decisions especially in our youth. God was faithful when we were not. He forgave us and carried us through. We’re still here and dearly loved. We must not look back at our forgiven sins. But forward to the future God has prepared for us. He knows our hearts of repentance and forgives us. Now we must forgive ourselves. He is the best Father ever!
      Amen dear Terri! We come just as we are into His loving Arms and He receives us with love. He has a mission for each of us. Let us try our best to serve Him with joy and thanksgiving.

  35. Amen & Amen. Hallelujah! You are so good to us, merciful & kind. Praise You dear JesusπŸ™

  36. Yes Amen and Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus.

  37. Amen!
    When many things seem to be going wrong, trust me. When your life feels increasingly out of control, thank me.
    Thank you Jesus.

  38. Joining this wonderful choir of praising for Our Lord! I have found this to be so true and so helpful and wish I had always done this when in a valley. Doing so now, though, and it helps so very much. In spite of being in a valley of sorts since early July re family shunning me for making the decision that was right for me, I am thinking and meditating on God's love for me and the MANY blessings He has given and continues to give me even while in the valley. Thankful for the one-on-one time He and I now have and really, always did have but I didn't realize it because I leaned too much on family's thoughts and advice.

    In my sad moments going into August I heard Him say, "I am enough for you" and "Trust me, Nancy". So I have been doing and leaning on just that. Do I have moments of sadness? I do. I am still grieving the loss of my niece Jess, who was a PICU nurse who passed in February 8 hours after second shot and then the shunning of family in July which is another huge loss and death of sorts. But I am putting my trust and focus on Jesus each day knowing He is holding my hand through it and trusting He has a reason and purpose for this.

    On a happy note, my adult kids, Nick & Paula and their spouses have not turned their backs. In fact, they're quite flummoxed by the family's silence as well and are angry and frustrated with them.

    Yesterday, I went to Paula's (& SIL, Ben) house to food prep for them. They are expecting their first on 10/16! Paula and I have always cooked well together...she knows just what I need when I need it, is ready, willing and able to chop, slice, mix, wash, or do whatever needed. We are like a finely oiled machine when we cook together. We talked, laughed, and at times just content in silence. It was an enormous blessing and made my heart smile. We made two meatloaves, a large pot of chicken soup with fresh ginger, turmeric, rosemary & thyme, pumpkin-banana lactation cookies, and pumpkin lactation muffins. (Ben, my SIL, asked if he gets any kind of special cookies or muffins, lol!) I brought soup containers to portion and freeze the soup and my sealing machine-thingy...can't remember the name of it, and sliced and froze the meatloaves, cookies, and muffins. Felt good when I left knowing they have some food prepared for when they don't have an eye in their head after baby comes and are hungry. I went to bed last night with a happy heart knowing God was there with us and I knowing He will work out the other situation when it's supposed to be worked out. Trust, trust, and trust some more each day...and especially on the tough days.

    Hope you all have a joy-filled and blessed Sunday! In Jesus' name, Amen!

    1. Thank you for sharing this with us. I know trust in the Lord for the perfect outcome is all I can do for all my relationships. Thank you Jesus for your strength to do so.

    2. I am so happy to find out your name is Nancy! God bless you and your family. I’ll bet you had a blast cooking with your dear daughter Paula! Sounds like you cooked up a storm. All good and nutritious food. Sounds so yummy too! Paula and Ben will surely enjoy it after their little treasure arrives. I believe God will make a way to bring your family back together after the baby comes. Keep trusting in the Lord. He will not disappoint you. Much love.

    3. Thank you for sharing your story with us Nancy. I will keep you and yours, and your situation and circumstances in my prayers. I too feel like a kid at Christmas to know a new baby is arriving. I pray s/he is beautifully perfect and perfectly beautiful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  39. NJS - Thank you for sharing your happy heart blessings with us. Can't wait for you to share arrival of precious new bundle of joy.

    1. I am like a 5 year old on Christmas Eve re this baby, lol. They chose to not know the gender but healthy baby and momma is my prayer.

  40. NJS - Praying to our Father who restores family relations.
    Amen "Praying a joy-filled blessed Sunday" Echoing your prayer.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Sassy Mom! And maybe He hasn't answered or restored this because He is working on all of us for this reason or that. Dunno but trusting.

    2. NJS - AMEN! His will, not ours. Keep trusting, God is in control.

    3. Amen dear Sassy Mom! He is indeed in charge of our lives, our dear ones and our tomorrows. We are in Good Hands. Keep trusting, knocking, seeking and believing.

  41. Trust in the Lord. He keeps His promises. Praying for a smooth delivery of a healthy beautiful baby, and for the family to reconcile their differences. Thank You Jesus!

  42. Dear Maplewood,
    If you are checking this blog, I would like to ask if you would let me use some of your postings to compile a little devotion booklet. Realizing that God seems to be leading you to share your gift of wisdom and insightful observations of the Scripture elsewhere, it would be great to be able to pass on to others the gift God has bestowed upon you. Along with welcoming each month in with with a thankful heart that God once again has given us breath to be, your wisdom of using scripture throughout your posting will be sorely missed. Please let me know if I can proceed.
    In His Love,

  43. I just got a part time job counselling girls in a muslim school . Please pray with me as I go there , the enemy is attacking me . I also teach English to some french ladies and it has been going really well. After i took up this counselling job , there have been cancellations of the English classes . God knows I need the money to help make ends meet , I am forgotting this like my house keys,I am losing things , I am having distrubing dreams that are leaving exhausted in the morning. May God give me wisdom on how to go through these sessions, may i not grow faint , may I put on the full armour of God and please pray with me from Monday to Thursday. Thank you

    1. Min Ahadi - thank you for what you are doing to help these Muslim girls. Praying for you continue to fight the evil one as he tries to sabotage your day. Praying that you have the continued protection of God the Father to fight the evil one as you minister to these young women.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Praying for you and them Min Ahadi, thanking God too for your job.

    3. Praying dear Min. Lord help Min to feel your Presence as You attend to every detail of her day, each day. Hold her hand & steady her when she feels threatened by the enemy. Assure her of Your faithfulness as You lead &, guide her safely through the challenges facing her. In Jesus Holy name, amen! πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

    4. I'm joining the JC Prayer Warriors, for you, Min and that God will continue to direct your steps. I'm thankful that you are the one with those young girls and that their lives will be ever-changed because of your faithfulness.

    5. Joining in prayer for you Min and may cover you in His peace as you go through your day and week.

    6. Dear Min Ahadi, be blessed and at peace with this next opportunity to serve and cover expenses. Put on that armor each morning, NOTHING can keep HIS LOVE from flowing through you to bless others. πŸ™♥️πŸ‘

    7. Joining all prayers for you, dear Min Ahadi, that God's light and strength are sufficient to carry you through your new counseling job and also your job teaching English to the French ladies. Even if you are in contact with ungodly people, the Christ is you is so much greater. Let your light shine before all you see. You will change their lives. Wake up in gratitude, no matter what dreams you have, and put on your Armor of God each day. Trust in His protection and guidance. He goes before you in all things and situations. Do not be afraid. You are not alone. Much love.

  44. Philippians 4:11-13 "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty or hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." (Apostle Paul)
    Paul's contentment is a grace grown over time through experience
    It's the 'attitude of gratitude', in which we recognize that Jesus IS Lord of our lives, Lord of every situation, of all our circumstances. This help to avoid the 'Complaining Christian' syndrome.
    To me the key is, on waking to give Him my day; all that it will contain, every thought, every conversation, every situation, every deed and every need. He then enables me to live through this day on Earth He has given me.
    I can relax in peace knowing He's got it all covered. That includes concerns for family, loved ones and all I bring to Him in prayer, including all the needs expressed by this Jesus Calling family, in my quiet time a little later, He's got it all covered. If I adversity arises, I know He's with me in it and will bring me through it.
    This has developed over time, over many decades. To be honest I am familiar no longer with any other way of living.
    To live without giving Him my day would be like careening around in a Bumper Car, avoiding some obstacle, hitting some and being hit from behind.
    Living in His Peace which passes all understanding is the way to go.

    1. Thanks Peter for your thoughts. Amen!

    2. Amen Peter! Absolutely Amen!

    3. Agreed! Avoiding the bumper cars is a wise choice. πŸ˜‰

    4. Thanks dear Peter. Amen! He's got it all covered but we must remember that, so we do not get fearful or anxious. His Spirit must reign, and not human emotions. I remind myself many times through my day that I am in His presence and then everything goes better. Blessed to feel His peace always, no matter what.

  45. Amen, Peter! I've been in that bumper car situation too many times and I know it is not the will of God for any of our lives! Yesterday, in our fellowship, this verse was shared: 2 Peter 3:1-2 This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That (the word, “that,” states the purpose) ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
    That is what you do for me, Peter - all of you - you remind me of God's goodness; of my responsibility in it (starting my day, much as you described); of refusing the lies and claiming the promises.
    My DH is doing so well. This week will be full of appointments along with my job and our home renovations; but, God has it all and as long as I keep Him first and REMEMBER those promises, we will be fine.
    I loved your song, Sassy Mom (Change My Heart Oh God). I've listened to it several times since you first posted it. Then I pray in the spirit to that tune or one of Brie's or Jeanne's. It keeps me peaceful in the midst of many storms.
    Have a blessed day, dear JC Family! You and your prayers are in mine!

  46. Dear Norah, I'm so very thankful that your DH is doing very well. More answered prayers! I am sure God is leading you though every appointment and responsibility, and helping you to produce good fruit in your job and also to complete your home renovations in the best way. So much to do, but with God all things are possible. Praying you get some rest. Amen! He is the peace in the midst of our storms. Praying with you and for you, dear sister, and all our dear JC Family.

  47. Today is the day that hubby has oral surgery. Please pray all will go well. Trusting the Lord for quick healing & no complications. Praying for JC family, covering each concern. Thanking Jesus for each of you.❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Praying for your hubby, in Jesus Name all will go well

    2. Joining in prayer hubby of Jan! ♥️✝️πŸ™πŸ‘

  48. You can count on our πŸ™
    The Warriors are on it with ❤️

  49. Trusting the Lord with you, dear Jan. Praying for your hubby with our dear Brie and all our JC Warriors. Thanking God that your DH will have a successful oral surgery and a smooth recovery because He is leading it. May He guide the surgeon's hands perfectly and carry your dear hubby through his recovery and give you both peace of mind. Thank You Father for this and for answering the prayers of our JC Family, in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

  50. Jan, praying your husband’s surgery goes well- in a Jesus nameπŸ™

  51. My faith has gotten so much stronger since discovering this blog. I have another court date today, I feel prepared that things will go in my favor (still a little nervous though). I will be TRUSTING HIM through the process no matter what!!!

    1. Praying that the Lord's presence will be with you πŸ™. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Rest in Him Who cares for you, dear Tanya, and trust His promises. May His Spirit supply all your words and may His peace surround you. All will be well because our great God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

      Philippians 4:6-7
      Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

  52. Praying for your DH, in Jesus Name all will go well.

  53. Praying for health and wholeness for your husband, Jan! For effective surgery, quick healing, and no complications. Amen

  54. Joining in prayers for your husband Jan. May our heavenly Father's presence and touch of healing power be with him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  55. Praying for all postings above; He is at your side carrying you through these challenges. Peace to you all and stay connected to The Vine.

  56. Perfect JC today, as always. Yesterday received some criticism (my interpretation) and I I responded in thought and word with negativism and gave my own criticism back. Dear Lord help me to not personalize comments (usually they're just comments not criticism!). Help me to not be quick to have an "aggressive offense" when I think I need to defend myself. Dear Lord help me to trust in You always, regardless of how I feel! Amen.

  57. Exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of. Trusting the Creator and not myself for wisdom and direction. To have peace in the moment knowing He is in control. Praise his holy name, Jehovah!

    Praying for all the intentions here! Be blessed with His peace that surpasses all understanding.


  58. Thanks Rich C. Amen! It is such a comfort knowing He is always in control.
