Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 6

Be willing to follow wherever I lead. Follow Me wholeheartedly, with glad anticipation quickening your pace. Though you don't know what lies ahead, I know; and that is enough! Some of My richest blessings are just around the bend: out of sight, but nonetheless very real. To receive these gifts, you must walk by faith--not by sight. This doesn't mean closing your eyes to what is all around you. It means subordinating the visible world to the invisible Shepherd of your soul.
      Sometimes I lead you up a high mountain with only My hand to support you. The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view becomes; also, the more keenly you sense your separation from the world with all its problems. This frees you to experience exuberantly the joyous reality of My Presence. Give yourself fully to these Glory-moments, awash in dazzling Light. I will eventually lead you down the mountain, back into community with others. Let My Light continue to shine within you as you walk among people again. 

2 Corinthians 5:7
English Standard Version

for we walk by faith, not by sight.

Verse Thoughts
Our walk, our life and our conduct rest on our belief in the Unseen. It is quite clear, that the difference between a Christian and a person of the world is the Christian lives for the Unseen. The Christ follower has faith and life is lived by this faith. More and more, the world is wanting to silence the Unseen. 

Psalm 96:6
English Standard Version

Splendor and majesty are before him;
    strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

John 8:12
English Standard Version

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Psalm 36:9
English Standard Version

For with you is the fountain of life;
    in your light do we see light.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. To walk by sight can be a most frightening way to live because there are so many things not going right and so many other things that have many ways they can go wrong. We have all been taught through our years of education to think analytically (acquire data and draw conclusions) which is in order when dealing with earthly things. But when it comes to heavenly things, that doesn’t work. We grasp heavenly things not with the head but with the heart, we trust them in love which is even more scary for those who only rely on the analytical way of thinking. But I have found when I have trusted in faith, eternal truths start to be experienced as real and I have acquired the data about God the analytical side of my brain has been looking for. A cliche often used is “Let go and let God”. In so doing, today’s reading becomes a reality in my soul ...and then in my head.

    1. You got it Bob! One day the Heavenly unseen things of God will become more real to us who know Him than than the visible world around us.

    2. You are so right! And also it’s great to see that people still read this every day as do I.

    3. You are so right! And also it is great to see that people are still reading this blog as I do daily.

    4. So many of us struggle with this. You described it so accurately Bob. Thank you

    5. Thank you, that makes total sense which makes me smile.

    6. Am hour later and I'm still thinking about this. For my nonbeliever "science" friends, it's not science OR faith... It's science AND faith. Both gifts from God and without the mystery there would be no choice. And choose we must for everlasting Glory. A grand design by the King of Kings! ✝️♥️

    7. Wonderful advice and still right on! I embrace and follow the things I cannot see because my heart can see them clearly.

      We have come this far by faith,
      Leaning on the Lord,
      Trusting in His holy Word,
      He's never failed us --yet.
      Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,
      We've come this far by faith.
      Verse One
      Just the other day, I heard a man say
      He didn't believe in God's -Word,
      But I can truly say that I have found the way,
      And He's never failed me yet. Oh, oh, oh!
      [Repeat Chorus]
      Verse Two:
      Don't be discouraged
      When troubles come your -way.
      He'll bear all your burdens,
      And turn all your nights into day. Oh, oh, oh!
      [Repeat Chorus]
      We've come this far by faith,
      Leaning on the Lord,
      Trusting in His Holy Word,
      He's never failed us --yet.
      Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,
      We've come this far by faith.
      Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,
      We've come this far by faith.
      We've come this far by ---faith

    9. Just listened to this beautiful song! Just loved it.
      Thanks sweet Brie!

    10. Thanks, Jeanne. How can I find your music on facebook?

    11. God's morning word and song!
      ♥️🎢 https://youtu.be/81a7V0MhJpg

    12. Bob, in 2022, your post still resonates.

      SC Anonymous

    13. It grieves my heart to see/hear my 53-year-old singer, never-been-merried daughter living with me (has a good job, has a car, paid-off credit card debt of almost 30k, plus many other blessings) recite to me each morning as she prepares to go to her job, her complaints/grievances/discontent over her life situations (living with/helping mother with rent, not FEELING empowered to make decisions in the home, FEELING diminished or not given importance, PERCEIVING her opinions as given little or no value). She goes to church regularly n reads her Bible; has listened to many good teachers/preachers like J Meyer n F Jentezen, goes to Mariners, attended Celebrate Recovery. I don’t know anymore how to pray for her. I desperately pray scriptures such as : Lord, I believe you will bring to completion the good work you began in her! Lord, renew her mind! Lord, open the eyes of her understanding! Lord, grant her a right-mind anointing! Lord! Open her eyes to your goodness all these years! Lord, send help!
      I ask help /suggestions from you, JC family. This has been an ongoing affliction in my daughter’s soul.

    14. Thanks again Bob. Letting go and Leting God is both simple and profound.

    15. Our Dear Anonymous October 6, 2022 at 9:41 AM. Your prayer is a great prayer, Lord, I believe you will bring to completion the good work you began in her! Lord, renew her mind! Lord, open the eyes of her understanding! Lord, grant her a right-mind anointing! Lord! Open her eyes to your goodness all these years! Lord, send help!
      Because you asked for help /suggestions, I might add:
      I am Letting go.
      I am Letting God.
      Jesus, please bless and forgive her, and change me.
      And I am singing, Jesus Take The Wheel.
      Much Love, Brie

  2. Well said, Brother!

    1. In the year of our Lord 2023 this still rings true Bob. More than ever we need to listen with our hearts and look to Jesus. Our path has many obstacles that can deter us from his plan for us. Stay in prayer and follow Him dailyπŸ™πŸΌ✝️
      Anonymous Q πŸ™πŸΌ

  3. Replies
    1. Unknown unknown, one year later, I am happy to read your post. God hears you, as he hears all of us. You are praising Him, as you are asking for his love and presence. Please keep asking for him guiding hand in faith, hope and love. You are not alone

    2. Yes I myself by myself.Have ask him to build my faith in him. No matter what. No conditions I have to stretch my hand and ask for his guidance Thanks for the reminder. Blessings to you

  4. What a fellowship, what a joy divine, to wake up this morning leaning on Your Everlasting arms Father. As I read the devotion this morning, so many songs of praise and worship comes to mind, but my heart sings this chores:
    'Where You lead me I will follow, where You lead me...I will follow..., oh I'll go with You, with You.., to the end'.

    Yes Lord, wherever You lead me, I decide to follow, because I know You will support me up or down the mountain and cause Your light to shine within me no matter what I face. Thank You Father, for another glorious day to praise and worship You.

    My JC family, staying on bended knees for all your prayer requests and sending blessings to you this Sunday morning.
    I leave you with this prayer guide I can across.

    ADORATION- meditated on who God is, praise and worship Him for who He is.
    CONFESSION- ask God to forgive our sin and cleanse us from unrighteousness.
    THANKSGIVING- count our blessings and express deep appreciation for them.
    SUPPLICATION- present requests with humility and dependence on Him.

    Enjoy this 1st Sunday day and let your praise reach to Calvary this morning!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Beautiful sweet Maplewood. Let us always follow His lead and not be swayed by the pull of the world and its empty trappings.

      I wrote this song a while back called Oh My Sweet Lord. Hope the words bless you.

      Oh my sweet Lord, please let them see
      The peace I keep inside of me,
      So they will want your saving grace
      That brings them to a better place

      Please open up their eyes to see
      The light I keep in front of me,
      That guides me in the darkest night
      To follow after what is right

      So I can lead them straight to you
      By what I say and what I do.
      You hold me tight inside your hand.
      Your wisdom helps me understand
      You lead me by your precious Word
      You never leave me, oh my Lord

      You never leave me, oh my Lord

      Oh my sweet Lord, please let them see
      The hope I hold inside of me.
      So they will want your saving grace
      And they will seek your sweet, sweet face.

      Please open up their eyes to see
      Your hope, your strength, the love in me
      That I can use to set them free
      From this world’s pain and misery.

      So I can lead them straight to you
      By what I say and what I do.
      You hold me tight inside your hand.
      Your wisdom helps me understand
      You lead me by your precious Word
      You never leave me, oh my Lord

      You never leave me, oh my Lord
      You never leave me, oh my Lord.

    2. Absolutely, a spectacular and oh, so true prayer in song, Jeanne. Can you sing your songs for us on You Tube? I would love to hear the melody. Thanks for sharing your blessed gift. I Love you and our JC Family dearly!

    3. Thanks dear Sister! Don't know how to do that but I have a video of me singing it on Facebook somewhere on my page back a while. After the pandemic started I decided it was up to me to cheer up my friends and family so each day I sang a song and put a video up. There are more than a hundred up there. All kinds of songs but also many of my originals. Just friend me on Facebook and you can search through my page and find them.

    4. I enjoyed this song Jeanne. Thank you for sharing with us. Oh my sweet Lord I have been blessed by your word. Thank you Heavenly Father for the brothers and sisters whos faith takes leadership through the darkness by trusting and relying on the inner light.

    5. Thank you and Amen Sisters Keeper! His Spirit is moving us always!

    6. Thank you for the amazing song please share the link so that we can have a tune to go with it !

    7. Jeanne, how do we find you on FB? @?

  5. Maplewood - AMEN! "Where he leads me I will follow" is the song that came to my heart.


  6. Matthew 4:18-20 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
    And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

  7. FAITH...

    I 'll

    1. I learned faith

  8. Good morning Lord and JC family. Happy Sunday to all. Praying for jc warriors always. Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Jesus we trust in you. Come Holy Spirit.

  9. Loveconquersall - REJOICING WITH YOU! This is the day ... was sent to me early this morning by my daughter.

  10. Love the ACTS Prayer Guide, Maplewood! Thank you. We got the furniture dispersed and our home organized - all but my little office, the 'hotspot' for everything! Letting my Lord lead me this morning as I rest, pray and fellowship.
    We are fishers of men, Sassy Mom - great reference. I love how they "straightway left their nets & followed him." No hesitancy - just got up and went! So many of my tasks get put off instead of just 'straightway' doing it!
    Enjoy your day, JC Family. You are all in my prayers.

  11. Thank God for another beautiful day! Thanks to all of you for the daily prayers here. No matter how I'm feeling I always feel get an emotional boost and feel revitalized with peace and happiness after reading here.
    Here is a prayer from AA that I say throughout the day...

    Third Step Prayer
    God, I offer myself to Thee – to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life. May I do Thy will always.

    1. Zfuntastic, that is a great reminder of my own salvation through surrendering my will to the Lord. And he has done great things for us. It’s a powerful strength that we witnessed when he delivered us from our self made prison. Addiction is so oppressive. Thank you Father for your mercy on us. Help us to live in a way that pleases you and represents your life in us so others can recognize the change and believe in Jesus. And be saved!

    2. How are you doing today, our JC Brother in Christ, zfuntastic? You remain in our prayers.

    3. Amen! Dear Zfuntastic, You're always in our prayers.
      Trust in the Lord and keep Him in the center and all things will come together.

  12. Please pray for me, as I am having alot of anxiety over a break up

  13. Unknown - Heavenly father I pray unknown will feel the comforting presence of your love.

  14. Unknown - I am praying for you now. Also, I have found it helpful to pray for the other person when I feel disturbed by someone. You might try it and see if it helps you too.
    I pray that you, unkown finds peace of mind soon. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

    1. Amen! Thank you...I will try that!!

    2. I can relate to your pain. Near the end of May of 2018, the woman I love went separate ways from me. Grief is different for everyone and I cried almost every day for 8 months. There is much, so much, to my story but be patient and continue to seek God.

      You have my prayers and this verse He gave me last November that has been strong on my heart today...
      Romans 15 :13
      Now may the God of hope fill you with all Joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    3. Keith, You are always in my prayers. May God continue to bless you and guide you to the desires of your heart.

    4. How are you doing today. Our JC Brother, Keith?

    5. Asking again this year brother Keith. How are you? And while I'm at it, sister Brie... Missing you. Praying all is well in your world. πŸ™πŸ™♥️♥️

  15. Amen, I loved this food for my soul


    Over the past month, I have shared thoughts with you concerning your spiritual preparation as you enter into your 'date' with God. As is the case in your time with that person who is very close to you, after the preliminaries of delighting in being together, the conversation becomes more focused. One may have questions to ask of the other, one may have a particular need for which help is sought, there may be a concern held in common that needs to be discussed; whatever it is the conversation becomes more focused. So it goes in your time with our Lord.

    The universal church has always used a format for morning devotions established by Benedict hundreds of years ago. We must be careful here. It is good to follow a discipline but we must not follow it so tightly that the Spirit cannot breathe as it is used. For me personally, as I began to follow this order to my quiet time, at first it was a bit stifling and I had to get use to it. There was too much reading for me. I do better with small bites of reading so I can 'chew' on it before moving on. But, as I disciplined myself to follow it more closely, I got comfortable in it and have continued to use it to guide my quiet time though I am never bound by it. During the coming days, I would like to walk you through the discipline for you to find in it what might add a dimension to what you are already doing.

    This is the order of morning prayer/holy readings I have combined for my morning devotions. Something similar has been practiced by devout people in the life of the church over the centuries.

    Invitatory Psalm (95,100,24,67)
    Reading of the Psalms
    First Reading (scripture)
    Second Reading (a writing from some devout soul reflecting on the passage)
    Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)
    Prayers for self and others
    Our Father/Lord's Prayer

    In the coming days, let me focus on each step so you may find in it anything that might enhance your quiet time. For today, give thought to the structure of your quiet time and if so moved, share it in a reply (some of you have already done this in the past). There is much we can learn from each other in our family here.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob! Looking forward your next posts to focus on each step you mentioned. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you for your advice and direction. Yesterday I was walking on the beautiful grounds of Burke Rehabilitation Center in White Plains where I live. I go there often. It is a meaningful place since it is where my Brother, many years ago, recovered from a terrible skiing accident. Thank God he is fine now. I have a favorite tree that I stop to pray under each time I go there. It is surrounded by other leafy trees so I feel enveloped in the beauty of God's creation and soothed by His peace. I invited the Lord to join me under my favorite tree and I stood there for a while talking to Him and feeling Him with me. It was such a sweet and perfect time. Looking at the bright sun peek through the leaves, feeling protected and at perfect peace. I felt a warm joy in my heart knowing I was with the One I love most. He understands me and loves me completely. It really blessed my day.

    3. Thanks for sharing your beautiful spirit, Jeanne, our JC Sister in Christ. I Love You.

    4. What a beautiful story Jeanne! Thank you for sharing it.

      Blessings from France

    5. Sharing an intimate experience you had with our Lord, Jeanne, so brings out the things I have been sharing. Thank you! God be with you.

    6. I love you all so much. We are blessed to all be led by our love for the Lord. We love because He first loved us.

    7. Jeanne, how may i find you on fb to listen to your songs? Mindy, Spokane, WA

    8. Dear Mindy, Didn't see this last year. I don't always put my originals up on FB but I can email you some tracks of my praise songs.

    9. Please email me as well Jeanne yayalisarose@gmail.com the praise songs. Thank you

  17. Father, have Your will with me. I depend on You for everything and I am so thankful for the gift of You Lord and for the holy spirit. Thank You Jesus. You are my Father, Lord, and Savior. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. Please take control of me, my steps, and choices to do Your will and not my own Lord. In You I trust with all my heart ❤. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen! Have your way in us Lord. We trust you always.

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen dear Janet and dear BFF! Take the reins of my life now Lord and lead me on. I will follow hard after you and Your Righteousness.

  18. Dear Heavenly Father, I am blessed and thankful that You have chosen the best path for me. I choose to follow You wherever You lead me, whether it’s up the highest mountain or through the darkest valley, I trust that You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand! Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for me. In Jesus name. Amen.

    For some people, instead of surrendering themselves and be directed by God, they want to direct Him. They want to show Him the way rather than submissively following where He leads. Believers should plug into Jesus as their ONLY source, plug into Him with utter dependence and simple obedience!
    When we are faced with trials and hardships, some find it difficult to trust God’s purposes because all they see is darkness ahead. However, as Christians, when on a road we would never have chosen, we must remember the truth and trust that God has chosen the best path for us (1 Corinthians 7:17). Humans have the tendency of wanting to follow their own paths of comfort, going after the flesh desires and prosperity. Why? because our vision is short-term. But thank God for His grace that grants us the promise of eternal life when we follow His lead!

    I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” Jeremiah 10:23

    Lead me in a straight path.” Psalm 27:11

    Dear Lord, Please grant us undivided hearts to walk in Your truth, confidently all the days of our lives, so we can also sing “Where You lead me I will follow." For You alone are the Captain of our lives and the Anchor of our soul. You alone are the Hope in which we take our rest. We thank You, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    I can hear my Savior calling,
    I can hear my Savior calling,
    I can hear my Savior calling,
    “Take thy cross and follow, follow Me.”

    Where He leads me I will follow,
    Where He leads me I will follow,
    Where He leads me I will follow,
    I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood - Amen "I trust that You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand!"
      Isaiah 41:10 ".... I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

    2. Wonderfully expressed, twin bd sis! As I learned to pray, my prayers moved from a spirit of 'my will be done' to a spirit of trust so I could sincerely mean, 'Thy will be done'. That change is more recent than I would like to admit but better late than never. God be with you.

    3. Just listened to that beautiful song, dear Maplewood! It was very moving. We must lead where He follows because He's the only one who knows the right way. He is the Captain of our lives, the Author of our future and the Anchor of our soul. Amen and Thank you!

    4. ♥️🎢 https://youtu.be/_Vuw0o0CXLI


  19. All of my life you have been faithful
    All my life you have been so, so good
    With every breath that I am able
    I will sing of the goodness of God.

    Cause your goodness is running after, running after me
    Your goodness is running after, it's running after me
    With my life laid down, I'm surrendered now, I give you everything
    Cause your goodness is running after, it keeps running after me.

    1. I love this song. I hope it gets stuck in my head today like it did last time I heard it.

    2. I just love that song too! Thanks so much for reminding me.

    3. All the Goodness!

    4. Such a great song! I'm often hearing it in my turnover times sleep at night.

  20. Thankyou Bob, Maplewood, Sassymom, COG, Norah, unknown unknown, and all the others that are here. I am so blessed to have found this blog. Just wish i found it sooner. But, Gods timing. I love the perspective and uplifted views you all share. You have encouraged me to dig deeper and to rededicate to prayer. I am praying for each of you. Love the JC family.
    Mindy, Spokane WA

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Mindy. They make us all better. So glad you are a part of the family here. God be with you!

    2. Love you too Mindy! Amen! We are all doing our best to dig deeper to grow closer to the Lord and love Him more dearly.

    3. Welcome into the world's best Family, Mindy. We are glad you are here!

    4. Because Jesus reigns Supreme here, we are ONE big happy Prayer Warrioring family where Prayers and Praise Reports ABOUND! Most, if not all of us, were led inside here by God's Holy Spirit. Because His timing is always perfect, it is never too soon nor too late. We enter into this Warroom to pray to Him and when we leave out, we leave out to serve Him. Welcome again! Blessings!

    5. You are so right Brie! Amen to that. We are One big happy Prayer Warrioring family where Prayers and Praise Reports ABOUND!
      Love my dear ones here. Love you Mindy.

    6. Group hug! πŸ˜‰ ✝️ πŸ™πŸ‘♥️πŸ€—

    7. Aww! I’m in on the group hug!πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ™✝️

    FROM PSALM 27: The Lord is my Light and my Salvation. In faith, I am confident that God is sending the help I need and He is saving me! Be patient, O my soul. In faith, wait for the Lord and He will come and save you! Be brave, stouthearted and courageous. Yes! Wait in Faith and He will help you!
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Above the beach's horizon, Your Lighting Bolts cut across a darkened sky, branching out into brilliant hot streaks, unpredictable in the exact moment they will strike. They foreshadow thunder, by lighting up a night on the beach under Your Provident Supervision and Conduction!
    Sometimes while we are waiting for You to show up, it is already raining and storming  on our plans. When the trajectory of our lives seem dark and bleak, we want to control the flipping of the switch, we want to turn on the light and instantly receive Your Promises. Instead, through faith we must wait for You to send Your Higher Plans like the unpredictable ways You send Your Lightning Bolts. Only You know exactly when, where, or how this will take place, because only You know the amount of work You first have to do in preparing us and others to receive Your coming through!  Oh, but when You do, the night sky over the darkened beach brightens our lives at the perfect opportune moment! Until then, would You help us wait in faith, accept the changes You need to make in us, and then watch the sky for Your Lighting Bolts? 
    Inside our hearts, would You help us hold Courage and Hope in Your Strength until You send the Lightning Bolts? 
    Would You give us blessed assurance that Your Loving Plans for us are as strong and appointed under Your Supervision and Conduction as Your Lightning Bolts are over the beach?
    Above all else, would You help us wait in faith and expectancy for Your well lit plans and promises to brighten our world?
    On behalf of our JC Family, I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Asking, seeking, and knocking with you Brie. Wonderful analogy of the providential nature of God that has all things perfectly planned out and under His control. Praying as you have expressed readies the heart for the next bolt of His love. God be with you.

    2. Amen and Thanks dear Brie! Asking, seeking and knocking with you and Bob. I always remember that in the deepest darkness, God's light shines ever more brightly. I always have my eyes open to see the light He shines on my path and in my life every day.

    3. Amen dear Brie! Thank you for blessing us with your beautiful prayers.

      Blessings from France

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you and Amen dear Brie, Still waiting on the Lord with you and always seeking His brilliant bolts of light. Praying for healing of every kind for you and Keith and Larry and Al and your family. We must all accept the changes in our lives and trust that they are all parts of His Plan.

    5. Dear Brie, joining warrior Jeanne in prayer today for your loved ones. Be blessed as your family waits on the Lord.πŸ™πŸ’•

    6. Waiting in faith and God's perfect timing. Love and Blessings and Prayers to you all.

    7. When I read Brie's post again this year I felt an ahha moment regarding patience. I had forgotten that behind just the verbal action reminder to cultivate patience is really the faith that God is at work lining up all the pieces of the puzzle I can't see that will create all things new and be His will for me. Who am I to push God's timing with wishful thinking?! Thank you Jesus. I knock, I ask, I YIELD, I WAIT, Patiently.

    8. I'm so here again this year. Grateful for a review of Brie's inSIGHTFULL post. ♥️πŸ‘

  22. Father, I life all those you have placed on my heart and thank you in advance for answering our prayers.
    Lifting each of you. Brie, I hope you are feeling better - continued prayers.
    Let me pause and listen for Your guidance.

  23. Yes, Norah, I am feeling better today and with His Grace and Mercy, I have faith, I'll feel betterer tomorrow!

    1. Hope you feel much better in the morning. Praying for that right now dear Brie.

  24. My youngest son Dylan turns 33 today. He is a wonderful young man, good and honest. He lives in the Boston area and is married to a lovely lady and they have two boys, 2 yrs old and 4 months old. I know I've told you that they do not believe in God, but I'm praying for the whole family to seek and find Jesus someday. Thanks for your prayers for my dear BIL, Jack, and my neighbor, Terry. Jack is feeling a bit better thank God. Terry came out of the hospital today after her surgery to remove part of her lung because of cancer. She was brought directly to a Rehab place. She thanked me for the prayers. That made me happy. Please pray for my Sister in Christ Patricia who is getting a 3 hr long MRI tomorrow of the osteonecrosis in her right hip. She is in great pain and has other issues. She has a follow up with her doctor on 10/13. Praying the MRI will show the problem clearly to her doctor and God will guide him to the right treatment to free her from her terrible pain. Thank You Father for all this and for answering the prayers of my JC Family, in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

    1. May Dylan have a very happy 33rd birthday today. Thank You Lord for answering our hearing and answering our prayers. You are the best Father ever! Father, draw Dylan and his family to You and touch their hearts and minds and let them see the truth in You. Please be right next to Patricia during her long MRI tomorrow and place Your healing hands upon her and remove all her afflictions, like only You can do. You are our healer and miracle worker. There is no one as capable as You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you! Thank You Jesus!

    2. Dear Jeanne, I join warrior Janet in prayer for Dylan(happy birthday)! For Jack, Terry & Patricia. Father You know, You have heard the prayers sent up today for these precious people. We thank You Lord for every need. Let Your will be done, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen, Hallelujah!

    3. I'll join in prayer with our JC family sisters for all of the concerns requested by you and also the unspoken petitions of readers that drop by and don't write. God knows them.
      I watched the Harvest Fest on Youtube yesterday that was held recently, led by Pastor Greg Laurie in a huge stadium in California. I was cautious at first that they were using too much fog and lights, but at the end thousands of people came forward to receive Jesus as their Savior. It was encouraging to see so many lives receive the best thing that ever happened to them. I thought about it and wondered what made it reach so many and I think maybe it was the lyrics in the songs being Biblical Truths that they sang along to while in this event. I've always appreciated when the lyrics speak of The Truth.

    4. Jeanne, thank you for that prayer request. A Sunday school teacher once said that the only thing that you can take to heaven are the ones you love. We are called for this and empowered for this. May we be obedient to those prompting in our heart to pray.

      "The fields are white with harvest but the workers are few." I perceive this time we are entering, God will allow our country to be shaken... like never before. The reason is is to prepare hearts to be harvested and be receptive to Him. And also, He can do great things with "few" workers.

      Waiting, I have thought about the same thing and arrived at that conclusion to. It's the Truth that is conveyed and the working of the Spirit in those meetings.

    5. That was so beautiful Keith! Amen to that! Blessed to be working in His Vineyard.

  25. Just wanted to share these lyrics of a song I sing in Choir. The link to a nice version is on the bottom. We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight.

    We walk by faith, and not by sight:
    No gracious words we hear
    Of him who spoke as none e'er spoke,
    But we believe him near.

    We may not touch his hands and side,
    Nor follow where he trod;
    Yet in his promise we rejoice,
    And cry "My Lord and God!"

    Help then, O Lord, our unbelief,
    And may our faith abound;
    To call on you when you are near,
    And seek where you are found:

    That when our life of faith is done
    In realms of clearer light
    We may behold you as you are
    In full and endless sight.

    We walk by faith, and not by sight:
    No gracious words we hear
    Of him who spoke as none e'er spoke,
    But we believe him near.


    1. So beautiful Jeanne. Thank you for sharing. God bless!

    2. You're so welcome dear sisters! We do some really pretty songs in Choir. It's a blessing!

  26. For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps. (1 Peter 2:21). My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (John 10:27). Then Jesus told His disciples, "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me." (Matthew 16:24).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for being You. You are so wonderful. There is no one above You. You are the most high. You are all powerful and supreme. You are pure love and precious. I give You my brokenness and lack. Please take it and turn it into Your glory and make something good with it. Lift me up from above these circumstances and give me Your perspective and let me see things through Your eyes. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your thoughts and not my own. Reprogram my way of thinking to be like Yours Lord. Remove this worldly mentality from me and replace it with a spiritual mentality of You. Transform me into the person You created me to be. Help me to walk in Your Spirit and not in my flesh. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are gracious and loving. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Thank You Jesus!
      Psalm 103:1-5
      Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

      2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:

      3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

      4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

      5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.

  27. Dear Norah, joining Jeanne in prayer for requests from yesterday's post. For comfort, quick recovery, grace upon grace for the hubby with dementia & his caregiver, for your transition. Be blessed God is on it!πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Thank you Jan of reminding me of Norah's requests: I did go back to read again: I too lift up Norah, and her dear friends in prayer. I thank you always Lord for our dear community of warriors with their love, compassion, insight, and knowledge that only comes down from you passed on through your word through them.
      Happy birthday wishes and prayers for Jeanne's son,Dylan to know that he's yours, as well as his precious family.
      Lastly,I'm sharing my favorite ministry singer with you all: Keith Green's "Dust to dust" to contribute to today's reading. πŸ’œπŸ‘£πŸŒˆ

    2. Joining prayers for Norah's friend with Covid and her hubby with vascular dementia who also has it. Father, We know you are so much greater than Covid and we trust you to strengthen them and heal them of their illnesses and bring them back to perfect health in the Name of Christ Jesus.
      Thanks dear Butterfly love. for the wishes and prayers for my son's Birthday and his family. Listening to Dust to Dust. Such a beautiful song. Walk by Faith, not by sight. Help me to follow You. Make every day a devotion to You. Amen! Thank You Sister.

  28. We are privileged indeed to be able to follow this daily JC reading and contribute to this blog. This is a real treasure of infinite worth to the soul. Through it we are able to 'build up ourselves in our most Holy faith'. We have lived where a Bible cannot be taken, where you know you are openly watched and followed. Where you are approached and asked "Are you an evangelist?" On discovering a house church you, as a stranger, are initially treated with suspicion until you are able to state that you too are a follower of Jesus Christ the Son of God. We know this environment and are thrilled whenever we come across another Jesus follower, out shopping, at hotel breakfast or discover a neighbor is a Christian. Back in the safe West it's another world. We are free to worship and discuss our faith openly...so far. We value what we have for now as some time soon it may not be possible to openly meet. Pray with us that we all will shine as His Lights, brighter, as the darkness deepens.

    1. Brother in Christ you are correct that we too will be experiencing not being able to share with others our faith in Jesus with out being persecuted. It's just beginning, the stage is being set. This may sound strange but I believe you were blessed to be in the situation that you could be persecuted for your faith in Jesus Christ. You understand what many in the western world don't truly grasp. You understand not taking open praise, worship and prayer to our Lord for granted. You understand what it means to make a sacrifice for your love of the one true God. You understand not taking religious freedom for granted.
      I will speak for what I have witnessed in myself and fellow believers around me. We grow passionate in our faith and then things around us distract our attention away. The distractions aren't necessarily ungodly or wrong they just become off balance and become our priority. Where our priority should be Jesus and his kingdom. We have taken our religious freedom for granted and have grown lazy.
      God has had my prayers focused on being a prepared bride. Are we a prepared bride? A bride spends most of her time preparing for her wedding. She is so excited about the upcoming event that she talks about it as much as she can. She loves her coming groom so much. She tells everyone about him and the wonderful things he has done for her. She is gleaming because of their love for each other. She always wants to represent her groom by being a woman who will give him honor. She wants to be adorned and pure before him.
      I can say I'm not this prepared bride. I desire to be. I feel like the bride who gets distracted because the wedding is so far off that I start thinking more about the day I'm in than preparing for my wedding. Our culture has undermined the beauty and purity weddings were meant to have.
      Lord please help me, teach me how to be a prepared bride. I want to bring you honor not disgrace. Fill my lamp please Lord with abundant oil for my good and your glory. In Jesus name amen

    2. Wow, Terri. I so appreciate what you just wrote. We are indeed the bride of Christ. I too need more teaching and pray for help learning to be a prepared bride. Yes, please Lord, Please fill my lamp with abundant oil for my good and your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen

    3. Amen! That's beautiful, Terri!

    4. That really hit home dear Terri! You worded it perfectly. I need to empty myself of all those things that threaten to separate me from His love. That way He will have room to fill my lamp for my good and His glory. We all get distracted from our closer walk with Him. We get busy and even forget that he's present in every moment. But when we do acknowledge Him, everything gets better because the Lord is at our side and we are indeed in His presence. Let Him reign in us above all. Everything else is secondary and pales compared to His great glory. He abides in us as we abide in Him. Let us never forget that gift.

    5. Yes, Lord, again this year, would You please help me, teach me how to be a prepared bride. I want to bring you honor. Fill my lamp please Lord with abundant oil for my good and your glory. In Jesus name amen

  29. Dear Lord Jesus I pray that I can walk in faith today and all the days to come on this earth. I pray for my son who is struggling, I pray you give him faith. I pray in you heavily name for faith and you will to be done in our lives and the world!Amen❤πŸ™πŸ½

    1. Joining prayers for you and for your son's faith. Thank You Father for answering Dawn's prayers and bringing peace to her heart and guiding her son to joy and fulfillment in YOU. Amen.

  30. My prayers and love are with all of you!

    Unknown who lost her boyfriend to a tragic death, you are still in my thoughts and prayers. Please hold on to Jesus through this living nightmare. If you hold on to him tighter than anything else I promise you he will bring you to the other side. When I went through this myself I believed in Jesus, but I wasn't living for him. I wanted to be lost in my pain. I thought I was safer there, but I wasn't. It just took me deeper into the pain. I'm so thankful that I was already God's child. It's true he will leave the 99 to go and find the lost one. If you see this please reach out to us. We care about you and love you. You may think how can strangers care and love someone they don't know. We can because we have God's perfect love in us. It doesn't mean our love is perfect, it can't be because we're human. But it does mean we can love others the way God has shown us to love. We are united as one family, one body the body of Christ.
    Hold tight to him sweet young lady, because he loves you so much with a perfect love.

    1. Praying with you for Unknown. Amen. Hold tight to Him and remain in His presence and love.
      I have held you in my prayers Unknown for God's comfort and guidance. He has a future for you. Be comforted, He is always with you no matter what you are going through. He knows your sorrowful heart and He loves you dearly.
      Dear Terri, Thanking God for His faithfulness that when you were lost in your pain, He pursued you and brought you back into His beloved family.

    2. We care about you and love you, too, our TERRI!

    3. ♥️πŸ€— to our JC family! Today is a new day. Rejoice and be glad in it and for each other.

  31. Its interesting, I wrote this prayer before reading todays devotional. Should I be surprised that this has happened again? ;-)

    Good morning Love. We give you thanks for another day, we give you thanks for this moment. We thank you for your long-suffering and for you patience with us as our teacher to discover you more. I ask that weather we are in the valley or the mountain top that we would pause... that we would continue to hold your hand. That we would not lean on our own understanding of you because our understanding is too limited. And that we would recognize your Love in our circumstances. Help us to see the treasures you have placed in our path today and most of all help us to be fulfilled by you alone, our Lover.

    One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.

    1. Keith God is sooo good to us! Thank you for sharing and for being salt and light.

    2. Thank you Keith, That is just so beautiful and true. He is the only one who can satisfy our heart because He knows every word written in it. His love is present in all our circumstances. Thank You Father for always be with us and understanding us completely. Let us see the treasures you place before us. Thank You for being the Lover of our Soul and the Keeper of our Heart. Amen!

    3. Keith, your post still resounds with me this year. Praying for you our dear, dear brother friend in Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Much Love, Brie

  32. I highly suspect I'm pregnant from recent abusive relationship that I got away from, I've been terrified of the thought, but I think this is God's way of blessing me through that storm

    1. Anonymous, God definitely works that way sometimes. Please don't be terrified God is there to help you if you ask him and then accept his help. I borrowed this from Keith's post about I thought it fit your possible circumstances very well "(Lord) that we would recognize your Love in our circumstances. Help us to see the treasures you have placed in our path today and most of all help us to be fulfilled by you alone". Please keep us posted how you're doing. No judgement here. We are a group of humans, who love Jesus Christ our savior. We all have a past, we all have a testimony. Our goal is to praise God, pray for each other and give encouragement to one another. We are more than happy to pray for you and love on you no matter what.

    2. I echo TERRI's truth about us.
      ...No judgement here. We are a group of humans, who love Jesus Christ our savior. We all have a past, we all have a testimony. Our goal is to praise God, pray for each other and give encouragement to one another. We are more than happy to pray for you and love on you no matter what...

      And may I add, All of our TESTimonies begin with TEST.

    3. PS Anonymous, I posted this song a while back. Today, This Song's For You: No Matter What You've Done... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fSy9yIcoew

    4. Gathering into Terri's response to you dear Anonymous. Do not be afraid. God is in this picture. We are all human and flawed. We've all been in difficult relationships in our past and God has brought us through them. Please let us know how things go. This may be the blessing that fulfills your life. We will be holding you in our love and prayers. God bless you in all things and give you strength and courage.

    5. Anonymous, I don’t know where you live, but somewhere near you, should be a Christian ministry that will walk with you through your pregnancy. I volunteer for Alpha Center, Inc. We do free ultrasounds and also offer Christian counseling, and classes to help in dealing with what is coming down the road. We also provide everything needed for your baby. Hopefully, there is a ministry like ours that is near you. A pastor or Christian counselor can probably help you locate the right people. I will be praying for you. Arkansas Gal.

  33. Today is my youngest son's 34th Birthday. He lives in the Boston area and I won't be with him but he has my Birthday package and my cookies. I'll call him and send my love through the phone. May God lead him and his family to find faith unto salvation. Looking forward to hearing more victories to celebrate with you my dear JC Family. God bless your new day and bring you peace, healing and much joy in believing. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Jeanne, happy birthday to your son. Praying for him and his family today.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Happy Birthday DylanπŸŽπŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽΌ!

    3. Jeanne did you ever post how we find you on Facebook. I would love to hear your songs.πŸ’ž

    4. Happy 34th anniversary to you and your DH, Jeanne, on the birth of your youngest son! What a happy and memorable day that must have been for you and your family!...and happy 34th birthday to your son, dear Jeanne!

    5. I'm Happy B'earthdaying to Dylan with SC, Jan, and NJS! Blessings Dylan!

    6. Thanks dear sisters for your sweet Birthday prayers and wishes for Dylan! He and his wife Erica are going into Boston for a special lunch today while their kids are in daycare. Hope they have a nice time and a delicious meal. It sure was a wonderful and blessed day 34 years ago when he was born, even though I was praying for a girl! 😊We had so much fun together in the years to follow! And God finally gave us a girl, my sweet granddaughter Evelyn. He is so faithful!
      Jan, I have posted some of my songs and also many covers on my Facebook page but it may be hard to find them through the years. I just put a couple of my originals up for you today. One was written for Rick called That Good Man of Mine and one is called Another Day about God’s gift of a new day and all the possibilities each day holds. I also emailed another song called Clearer Vision (which I recorded but never released it) to you and some of our JC Family. Just send me a friend request on Facebook so you will have access to my posts: Jeanne Cashman

    7. Happy 34th to your youngest, Dear Jeanne! What a blessed young man he is to have you for his mom! My youngest will be 34 in April, 2023. Greatest honor to have my 5 in 9 1/2 yrs!
      You are AMAZING to have gotten cookies, etc out in time for him to enjoy! GEEZ - to be so organized! <3

  34. Teach me Lord, I am willing to learn how to subordinate the visible world to the invisible Shepherd of my soul.in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. PS Wholeheartedly, with glad anticipation, would put the A+ on top of the lesson.

    2. Dear Brie! We all need God to give us Clearer Vision. The song I emailed to you is all about your prayer. Have a blessed day.,

  35. Dear JJ, How is your youngest daughter Kendra feeling? Praying that God is healing her thyroid and leading her to the help she needs. Thank You Jesus

  36. I am winding up this day, Dear JC Family. This week has been one for the Records...challenged in every way, but we're still here. Reminds me of 2 Corinthians 4 - "8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
    9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
    10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body." God reigned this week!
    MadFox - our conversation with you on the way to the Oncologist's office was a gift. Your strong belief; your humor; your kindness and honesty, was SO appreciated.
    Brie, I'm on the 3rd round of your song from 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fSy9yIcoew
    Today, we went to the Cardiology appt and my DH doesn't have to do the MRI! I watch his countenance change from the time we entered the office to that moment that Jared said, "No - we don't need to do that!" I had my sweet, confident Best Man back in a matter of moments.
    So, I'm going to bed a bit weary. But between a really hot shower I just took and the steak and broccoli that I'm about to eat; to my DH a happy guy again - I know I will sleep sweet. Casting all of my cares! I thank each of you for your continued prayers and pray that you know that you are in mine.
    What a life! It's gonna be OK. I loved it when my DH told young Jared, "You know - I just don't worry....I give no thought for tomorrow; I have no angst - I'm 78, soon to be 79 and "worry" is not part of my day. However, I have to say, that MRI was about to cause me angst - I'm glad that's gone." OH FATHER - I LOVE this man of mine!
    Love you, JC Fam!

    1. Sleep well dear Norah. May peace attend thee all through the night🎼.πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

  37. Dear Norah! What a wonderful gift for your DH not to have to go through the MRI. He must have felt so relieved, and I know seeing the peace on his face blessed you so much. You're both going through so much right now. but God brought you through this day, and you even got to talk to our dear MadFox! God bless your Best Man and continue to give you peace, rest and strength.
    Thanks! I absolutely love that song: No Matter What! Just sent the link to my Mom and sister. Thanks Brie! Your posts are timeless and sweet. Get some rest dear Family. I intend to catch up on my sleep. Rick and I just babysat for our two little grandsons, After mealtime, bathtime, pajamas and storytime, this Nani is ready for bed! All is well with my soul. The Lord will find me rest as He always does. Goodnight.

  38. Dear warriors, I need prayer this morning. Getting an ultrasound for gallbladder. I don't want the surgery. I would rather keep mine intact. Trusting, Trusting, Trusting my God. Hallelujah!

    1. Praying that all goes well and our heavenly Father's healing touch is upon you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Thank you dear sister for remembering me this morning. Have a blessed day full of Jesus.❤️

    3. I’m praying God will guide your ultrasound to good and the doctor will find a perfectly functioning gallbladder that will not require surgery. Keep trusting in God’s promises, dear one!

      Psalm 9:9-10
      The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
      a stronghold in times of trouble.
      And those who know your name put their trust in you,
      for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.

      Psalm 18:6
      In my distress I called upon the LORD;
      to my God I cried for help.
      From his temple he heard my voice,
      and my cry to him reached his ears.

    4. Jan praying that all goes well and everything is ok. Peace to you.

    5. Our dear jan, keep on trusting, trusting, trusting, I am πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    6. Praying for you, Dear Jan and picturing the Dr's amazed face when he says, "Your gallbladder is fine!" That is what I will hold in my heart as I pray for you!

    7. Joining in prayer for your clear report! I'm with you on the desire to keep all body parts functioning perfectly as made in our mother's womb. Thank you Father for your protection!

    8. Joining in prayers for you, Jan. Going Boldly to the Throne of Grace and lifting you up to our Lord!

  39. While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18). Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1).

    1. Amen! Needed this nourishment today.

    2. I needed that, dear sister! Thanks and Amen! Holding tight onto all those things that never fade away! He is above all we can see and He is Sovereign! !

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, let us walk by faith and not by sight. Quite simply, help us to remember that You are ALWAYS in control and sovereign over all things. You are working ALL the time and we need not worry or be anxious about anything because You already have the victory. Let Your will be done! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen to that!! He is always in control and I sure need him so much since my Mom fell on Wednesday night. He is giving us both strength and I pray He is already healing her back, neck, shoulder and head. She’s in a lot of pain, and she’s depressed and wants to die. She can hardly walk and now getting up out of a seated position is so difficult. She still can’t see out if her left eye. It’s blurry and she has double vision. Life is hard and we’re both exhausted. But our great and faithful God is with us. Let us stay in His presence and put every little problem, infirmity and concern into His mighty Hands. He will make a way. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Amen. Keeping the faith for you, your mom, and all of us in challenging times.

  41. JC Warriors, I'm asking for prayers for Norma (the lady I take care of). She's having her 2nd procedure done this morning on her other leg and hopefully and prayerfully this will finally give her relief from all the pain she's been having for almost a year now and help her be able to walk better again. The blood has been going down instead of up in the veins in her legs. Thank you all for your prayers and support πŸ™. God bless!

    1. Dear Lord, please be with Norma as she has her second surgery today. Please guide the surgeons and allow them to rectify the issue that is causing Norma’s pain. In your Son’s name I pray.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Joining in prayer for Norma dear Lord. Hold her close through this procedure, help her to place all her trust in You, knowing You are faithful to see her through this. Bless our sister Janet for her support & prayer for her friend. AmenπŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Joining in all prayers that God will guide the doctor’s hands perfectly to fix Norma’s leg and give her healing and comfort and the ability to walk again without pain. Asking this, dear Father in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

      Psalm 94:14
      For the LORD will not forsake his people;
      he will not abandon his heritage;

      Psalm 100:5
      For the LORD is good;
      his steadfast love endures forever,
      and his faithfulness to all generations.

      Psalm 107:20
      He sent out his word and healed them,
      and delivered them from their destruction.

    4. Joining in prayers for Norma's surgery. May God guide the doctors as they resolve her issues so she might be pain free.

  42. Thank you JC Warriors for your prayers for my SIL. The phone call came yesterday, and she has metastatic breast cancer. Our family is a little shell shocked right now. God has provided a path with a friend of a best friend who is researcher/doctor who focuses on metastatic breast cancer. They see this doctor next week. Please continue to lift up my family.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC, Praying your SIL’s appointment with the specialist will reap good results! May God enlighten the doctor to find a way to stop the cancer from spreading and to kill every cancer cell! God can do all things so I’m trusting in His amazing healing power and faithfulness! Thank You Jesus for making a way in this wilderness.

    2. SC joining in prayers for your family. May the Great Healer guide her path.

    3. Consider all concerned, lifted in prayer. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Raising my hands in prayer as well.

  43. Lifting your family up dear Anonymous to the throne of grace. The God of all creation will see your family through this. Amen!πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  44. Saying a prayer of healing and wholeness and good next steps for your sister in law, SC anonymous. God is good and He has a good plan. Amen

  45. The JC devotional hit home today.
    "Be willing to follow me wholeheartedly with glad anticipation, quickening your pace, though you don't know what lies ahead. I know and that is ENOUGH! YES Lord, it is enough. Whatever concerns, test, procedures, our JC family has to go through today, Your powerful, unconditional love for each of us is enough. In truth, You are more concerned about our spiritual condition than our physical one. You already know everything about us &, You've set in motion to answer our prayers according to Your will and good purpose. That purpose is to glorify Your name, Jesus Christ. So today dear ones, let's strive to keep every Devine appointment as the result of our unique circumstances. Amen

  46. Ephesians 3:20 "Let go and let God have his way in your life, and he will bless you exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or think."

    1. My Mom is in pain and wants to die. She loves Jesus but she took a fall and she is miserable. I am letting go and letting God lead me and my Mom. His timing is perfect. His Will, not ours,

  47. Lord, teach me to subordinate the visible world to The Invisible Shepherd of the world. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Amen. Seek what will endure and never fade away!!

  48. Dear thank you for the reminder to follow. To follow You. I pray so hard to have my path--planned by me--to be blessed. Not thinking if this is your will or plan for me. Blessing "my will". I need to remember, in following you--the path is already blessed! Let YOUR will be done, NOT mine! Amen.

    1. Your prayer echoes my heart. Trusting in God’s will for my dear mother. He is a merciful God.,

  49. I am praying for all of you Dear JC Family and I know you are for me and my DH who has his CT Scan this afternoon. We just prayed for his calmness during the procedure - have to say he is the master at giving it to God. Thank you for honoring our believing, Father and that we are on our way home faster than we can imagine.
    Praying for you, dear Jan - that your gallbladder is good - no surgery!; for you dear Jeanne and your time with your sweet Mom. That her strength is renewed and her pain eased and her vision returns. Mostly that she feels Your Presence and Peace! Praying for your Norma, Janet; for your Sister In Love, SC and breakthrough treatment for her.
    I must dash, but had to tell you all that I love you and I'm with you in prayer.
    I thank you for the encouragement of your words which are His Words, dear Brie, ABC, Peter, Ellen & anyone I missed. For this great blog we can read and share. For Chris' and Bob's thoughts years ago that are as fresh and applicable today as they were then.
    To God Be The Glory...great things he hath done...

  50. This forum always blesses me. I am walking through a valley now and God is right on time with encouragement. I declare victory has already been won in Jesus name and I reach into the unseen and call forth those promises made to me and my seed in Jesus name. Victory. Deliverance. Salvation. Healing and mending of the brokenhearted. The lame walks and the blind see. This IS the acceptable year of the Lord and TODAY IS the day of my salvation. Let His name be praised Hallelujah!!! Victory is mine
    Praying Victory for each of one you. For Gods peace to cover you and empower you in every situation you face. Let the glory of the Lord shine upon each one of us and His grace equip us. We will not be overcome and it is the Joy of the Lord that is our strength. We love you Jesus.

  51. 4 years ago today my mom moved on to her permanent home. No one like mom. Incredibly blessed. My dad still not dealing with it well and he really needs Jesus in his life. Still refuses to move on because he thinks he can't allow himself to be happy without her. My mom was the best witness to Him. Keep praying his eyes are opened. https://paytonfamily.blogspot.com/2019/10/my-mom-is-home-free.html

    1. Dear Chris --- Lifting up your dad and anyone else in your family that needs Jesus.
      Father, I Declare that Chris's dad and all in his family will become mighty children of God. They will be Free in Jesus' name. They will not miss their destiny. They will become the living testimony of the saving power of Jesus Christ, AMEN and AMEN.
      Bless you, Chris! Thank you for ALL you do to keep this blog going!!! I am thankful and grateful for it. JJ

  52. Praying that your
    Dad finds peace in your mom's eternal reward! Amen.
