Friday, October 9, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 9

You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent. Though you have faltered at times, you have not let go of My hand. I am pleased with your desire to stay close to Me. There is one thing, however, that displeases Me: your tendency to complain. You may talk to Me as much as you like about the difficulty of the path we are following. I understand better than anyone else the stresses and strains that have afflicted you. You can ventilate safely to Me, because talking with Me tempers your thoughts and helps you see things from My perspective.
     Complaining to others is another matter altogether. It opens the door to deadly sins such as self-pity and rage. Whenever you are tempted to grumble, come to Me and talk it out. As you open up to Me, I will put My thoughts in your mind and My song in your heart. 

Jeremiah 31:25
English Standard Version

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.

Philippians 2:14-15
English Standard Version 

14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you Lord for this gentle reminder . Forgive me for I slip back into doing this more than I should . God spoke into me one time "No more murmuring" that he had tolerated me complaining and carrying on but it was time to be done. I studied those words, and broke it down. No, meaning not any or none. More, meaning an additional amount. Murmuring, meaning complaining or a soft, low, or indistinct sound produced by a person or group of people. That is exactly what we do we grumble or complain to others and it sets an undertone in our lives and in the lives of those we influence. Lord please help me today to not murmur. I thank you for giving me a joyful heart and a thankful heart. Help me to turn my ear away when others are murmuring and redirect them so the tone can be changed. In Jesus name amen

    1. Thank you Anonymous! Reading this after 3 years your post. It is so spot on and made me smile. Now I’ve learned that when I need to grumble , I turn to Jesus and ask- why am I annoyed? What is so irritating? It’s like venting to Jesus. I don’t get an answer but the desire to grumble goes away
      Blessings to all who visit this site -Zen from Cali

    2. Amen Anonymous! Yes this is true! Amen.

    3. Thanks Anonymous,
      Your prayer is my prayer in 2022, and beyond. In Jesus' Name, I pray to come praising, to come thanking for all the good things. Along with Paul, would You help us do more of this today than we did yesterday?
      Fix our thoughts on what is true and good and right.
      Think about things that are pure and lovely.
      Dwell on the fine, good things in others.
      Think about all we can praise God for and be glad about.
      Keep putting into practice all we learned from You. and saw You doing.
      And the God of peace will be with us.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. I feel as if He speaks directly to me this morning, as He often does. I'm grateful he knows my ways and when I need that gentle nudge to get me back on track. Thank you Jesus πŸ™

    5. Amen again! Tuning out the murmurs, tuning in the worship music! ♥️🎢

    6. I'm not surprised to see my comments on this post again this year. I just began my day with listening to grumbling and responding with same. This reminds me why I should read the devotional and scripture FIRST thing every day!

  2. It has been my past experience that grumbling and complaining does not do anything more than simply make matters worse. Makes problems become larger and does not help in any way.
    Instead, I reach out to Jesus and ask him to intervene and help me through what ever darkness or trial that I may going through, and he has never once failed me.
    In doing so, I have found that what ever issue I may be dealing with, goes away and I find peace within.
    God never closes his ears to us. He always hears and eventually answers our prayers.
    We should however always be careful for what we ask for. Let us not ask for things out of greed, but instead ask God to decide what he knows we need and then be thankful for all that he provides. Thank You Jesus. Amen

  3. Amen to the comments of my siblings in Christ in the previous two postings. Today’s lectionary reading was Luke 10:38-42, the story of Mary and Martha in which Jesus sits between complaining (Martha) and contemplating (Mary). He did not condemn Martha, rather He pointed out the fallacy of her spiritual posture in the moment and encouraged her to seek the higher way which her little sister was practicing. Luke did not provide an ending to the story. So what did Martha do? Did she stomp off to the kitchen in disgust or did she sit down with Mary and focus on Jesus? It really doesn’t matter what Martha did (maybe that’s why Luke did not record anything), it matters what we will do in similar circumstances.

    1. Thank You God for this message through our BOB.
      His words forever bless us.
      May he be forever blessed. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen, Lord pour your blessings over Bob.

  4. Peace and blessings to all who stop by here today. Thanks be to God for each one of you.

    1. I'm choosing JOY!! Unknown, thank you for sharing this. May God's blessings chase you down today. Blessings from California

    2. Wonderful uplifting song! Joining with Rose to wish you all of God's blessings and protection. Thank you so much for adding more JOY to my day!

    3. Thanks for sharing another Christian Dance Party song for us to enJOY, Unknown. It jump started my day

    4. I choose JOY. So upbeat. Thanks for sharing πŸ’•

  5. Before I started this devotion I was thanking God for giving me patience when dealing with my mother. I am getting weary and I do murmur to others. I hate myself afterwards but then continue the next day to do it all over again. Please God help me to talk with you instead and see thanks from your perspective.

    1. This was my posting from a year ago. I'm learning to go to God and He is providing me the patience I need. I am thankful for the challenges and thankful that God shows his presence to me

    2. Jody, thanks for sharing your progress. I love to see the updates. Praying for you as well. I used to have a sign above my desk that said "stop complaining". At the office is where I'm at my worst. Fortunately I work from home now. I think I need to put the sign above my desk at home. :)

  6. As always, but especially lately, this was written just for me. Thank you, God, for your understanding and your help in showing me how to live a life in your grace and in your presence. Help me to remember to tame my tongue on difficult days, for using words to influence others in a way to make me pity myself is not of Good. You are my help, always.

  7. I look at "complaining and worry", as human emotions/behaviors, that do not serve any productive outcome. We (I) continue as a floundering human. Dear Jesus, help me to to embrace the gift of human-ness you have given me but also remember it as at these "unproductive times" I need to come back to you for all my struggles (complaints) and concerns (worries). Jesus, I trust in you!

  8. isn't not good to keep things in and talk to someone yes god knows what your going through but sometimes people need to let things out right? I've always kept to myself and it's just makes me feel bad.

    1. Unknown, yes, it's not good to keep things inside, but we have the Lord who is ALWAYS ready to listen.
      Help me, Lord, to come to You first instead of complaining to others. You are my constant Companion in whom I trust. I know you will help me with my struggles and challenges and use me for Your Glory. Thank you, Father God, for being with me throughout the storms of life, for holding my hand and guiding me through. I couldn't do it without You, Lord. Thank You so much for Your faithfulness and peace that surpasses all understanding. And when I start to complain, gently refocus my gaze back to You, Lord. Thank You, Father God. Thank You for the teachings and lessons I am learning through the struggles and challenges. I ask that You continue to heal me, change me, fix me. All Glory, Honor and Praise are Yours, Almighty Father. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, I pray. Amen
      Praying with and for my JC family. God be with you all, and may His blessings and favor chase you down.
      Blessings from California

    2. Powerful! Thanks Rose, Blessings from California. The prayers that came through you are now mine.

    3. Amen Rose! Sharing in that beautiful prayer that reflects my heart.
      I feel the same, dear Brie! Her prayers are mine. We all hae struggles and heavy burdens but He is our Potter and He is working on us every day. The trials are just polishing us and making us stronger. Others see our strength and are moved to seek the Lord for themselves by our bold witness and daily walk. I never keep things inside, I bring them to the Lord and He advises, instructs and comforts me. How blessed we are to have such a loving and caring Father. No grumbling today no matter what is in front of me. I will rejoice and be thankful.

    4. Thanks again this year Rose. Along with you and Jeanne, and hopefully, Unknown, today I am recommitting myself to JOYous praising and thanking in whatever lies before me. I plan to still be singing when the evening comes. Bless The Lord Oh My Soul.

    5. 10,000 REASONS (Bless The Lord O My Soul) by Matt Redmond

    6. ♥️🎢 thanks Brie!

  9. Yes, you can let things out, but don't get stuck there. Move on. Look to the light. Also "let things out" to Jesus. *Sometimes* when we talk to others it keeps the sadness or anger alive. Let it out and move on. I will Continue to pray for you!

  10. Dear Lord help me to conitnue to bring ALL my worries and concerns to you. Help me to not get stuck on the complaining for something I (me, me , me!) think is important, but really is nothing. Help me to know dependence on you for all my needs and concerns is the ONLY answer. Amen.

    1. Amen and Amen, ABC! Thank you for your message. "*Sometimes* when we talk to others it keeps the sadness or anger alive. Let it out and move on." So true! This hit home for me, and I'll start working on it. Thank you for being His vessel today, and may His love, peace and joy be yours. Blessings from California

    2. We all need to start working on it, Rose!
      When I have too much cooking or baking to do, I get weary and cranky and my poor husband hears me complain. I will try to just talk to my Father about it and He will keep me from grumbling.

    3. Wow Jeanne same here. Like the commercial, I need a snickers bar😁

    4. You made me smile, sweet Jan!

  11. Thank you Father for this gentle reminder, forgive us when we grumble and complain. Give us a spirit of gratefulness regardless of circumstances.
    Love, peace and blessing to my JC Family.

    1. Sassy Mom ---I'm with you. Thank you Father for your reminders and your mercy-- which is NEW every morning! Great Blessings to the JC FAMILY/WARRIORS

    2. In the midst of my reading, I was interrupted by a robo-call from someone trying to sell me something I don't want. My mindset immediately went to, "I'm so sick and tired of my phone ringing 10 times a day with disruptions I do not need nor want. I hate .... " OOPS. God forgive me. Stay by my side to guide my thoughts and not turn immediately to destructive thoughts against someone I cannot communicate with. Keep me on the high road with you. Surround me with Your people and help us as a group of believers in You to be Joyful and thank you for all the blessings you provide aside from the disruptions. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

    3. Thanks 10-4! Your reminder helps all of us!

  12. It's on 7:00am in the morning and I already complained and grumbled about work. I needed this reminder. Thank you Jesus for always guiding me back to you.

  13. This devotional is on time and on point every single day reminding me even though I have made progress I have so much further to travel and become the new creature God promised when he saved me! "It IS NOT OKAY to grumble and complain" (talking to myself) I am going to write this down a hundred times a day until I stop it. I agree it doesn't change anything in a positive manner it only makes things worse! God I pray today that you will continue to teach me how to let everything go so that you can dispose of it and keep my mouth shut as I wait for you to do so! thank you everyone for your thoughts this morning I was both convicted and blessed by them!


  14. The most appropriate calling to my downfall. Complaining has caused me to lower my guard to the enemy. This reading today meets where I am right now. Lord, forgive my grumbling openly and lead me to lengthly talk to you. I need this one reading everyday.

  15. Thank you for this reminder today. I do feel like my energy is almost spent, but I absolutely have not let go of Your hand. Thank you, Jesus, for walking this journey with me! I can get caught up in complaining (self-pity) and have found it does perpetuate darkness. Help me to come to You, Lord, with my circumstances, and help me to see things through Your perspective. I know I need You. Amen. CO

  16. Good morning loved onesπŸ₯°. Yes me too. Whenever I become dissatisfied & overwhelmed I absentmindedly start to grumble. I know better & yet there it is. It slowly starts to grows into this monster by touching those around me with an ungrateful spirit. If I catch it at the self grumbling stage & apologize to the Lord my awareness is hightend to stop, otherwise it gets out of control. "Thanksgiving" I find is the "cure". Whispering "thank you Lord" in place of grumbling does the trick. Be blessed everyone, be thankful today.

  17. This week I have felt unproductive and worry has filtered into my mind. This morning, as worry began to slice its way into my day, the Lord reminded me of the His miracles He has provided to me over this year. My attitude quickly changed as I was humbled by my King. How undeserving I am, but how great to know that God's love for me is unconditional.

    Thank You, God, for gentle reminders of Your love, grace, and mercy for wretched sinners like me.

    1. Amen, Dr J! Thanking the Lord with you for his unconditional merciful love. Blessings from California

  18. Woke up to a cool crisp beautiful morning, feeling refreshed from a great night's sleep and Thanking the ONE who made it possible through His mercy and grace. My Lord, my Father, my Saviour and my King. THANK YOU!
    Your grace, mercy and help took me from that place of self-pity to the knowledge of WHOSE am I. I am Yours in Christ Jesus, a gift that just keeps on giving! As I strive to keep this Truth deep down inside, there's no room for complaining to the world, but rather humbly come to You and gain insights from Your perspective. The world can never solve my problems or give me what You can.
    I want to spend my every given moment, Thanking and Praising You for all circumstances in my life. I am pressing towards maintaining a grateful and thankful spirit because You deserve to be THANKED.

    JC family, may the Holy Spirit help us to resist the urge to complain, but rather empower us to develop and maintain a Spirit of gratefulness to the Father from Whom ALL Blessings flows!
    Whenever you feel the need to complain, open your bible to Isaiah 43:2-3, there's a promise for you there!
    I am a living testimony to this verse and Oh God, how I THANK YOU for being there through it all!!!
    Let's have a grateful heart in all of our circumstance (as hard as it may be) and watch and see what the good LORD will do for you and yours!

    All Praise and Thanks to the ONE who made it all possible, JESUS!


    1. Thanks, Maplewood! Beautiful verse! Blessings for all today!

    2. Maplewood - Thanks you for a reminder of Isaiah 43:2, I have this underlined in my Bible.

    3. Amen! Blessings to you and yours, my sweet sister.

    4. Awesome post my dear Sister! You really blessed me. Only He can give me what I need because He is the only One who knows my heart completely. No need to complain because He holds us tight even when we are traveling through raging waters. Let us do our work heartily today for the Lord with much rejoicing and singing. Praise and Thanksgiving!

    5. Thanks for the sweet reminder, Maplewood NJ!
      But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: be trusting, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will float! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will come out whole because the flames will release you. For I am The Lord your God, your Savior, The Holy One of Israel. I gave Egypt and Ethiopia and Seba to Cyrus[a] in exchange for your freedom. You are Mine, and I love you. Amen.

  19. Good morning, my JC peeps. As much as I try to stay positive, I too slip into grumbling and find that if I don't stop myself immediately, it snowballs into full out negativity that does nobody any good. The 'enemy' tries to sneak his way into my mind and corrupt my thoughts. I've learned to recognize it and have become more attuned to stopping it as I realize what's happening. And then I call out Jesus' name as many times as it takes to get my mind back in sync with Him. It's not easy, but I keep trying.
    Thank you, God for your grace and allowing me to love and serve you. Let me be YOUR hands and feet today. Show me how I can be your servant without grumbling.
    Peace, prayers and love to you all of you today and always. Stay close to The Vine.

  20. Good morning Lord and jc family. I am a somewhat quiet spirit but I too like Jan start grumbling within myself. I've learned to stop myself (took me long enough) and as a small sacrifice to my Lord and Savior I change my tune and it works. We truly want to live Lord to please you with all of our hearts, our souls and mind. Help us Lord to find good in all people so that they can see your light in us. Help us to love and be kind to all who cross our path. Keeping JC warriors in my prayers.

    1. Thanks for the perfect trifecta, loveconquersall.
      1) Our Praises go up!
      2) His Blessings come down!
      3) Satan flies out!

    2. Staying plugged into The Vine, dear Suzanne!
      Thanks Loveconquersall! Will change my tune and do my best to please Him and look at others with His eyes of love.
      Sweet Brie! Amen to the perfect trifecta!

  21. Oh my! How right on! I have felt stuck. This passage today was just what I needed. I asked for forgiveness and pray that today is a new beginning. I am thankful that the Word comes in due season. Thank you Holy Spirit you know what we need...always on time.


    I am not sure who is getting more out of sharing these thoughts, you or me. As I increased my efforts in singing as was suggested yesterday, the song that my devotional provided for singing concluded with this last verse:

    And when I rest in glory bright,
    The burden of my labor past,
    In hymns I'll praise Thee more and more
    While the eternal ages last.
    (Meter: LM; sung to the tune of 'Jesus Shall Reign')

    I was left with this thought: When I sing to God's glory, I am warming up for eternity where I will be singing of His glory forever and ever.

    Which now leads us to the next step that is practiced in the times of prayer given in the Divine Office, the reading of the Psalms, the hymnal and prayer book of the children of God. The psalms provide us with prayers and songs of real people in real circumstances. There is nothing artificial about them, the psalmist felt within his/her heart a deep love and faith in God and he/she poured out his/her soul before God in them. To use the psalms in our devotional time shows us how to construct our prayers that we will offer.

    Our JC reading above reproached us about complaining (which is a subtle temper tantrum of someone who is not getting their way). The psalms at times do complain to God but they show us how to complain in holy fashion. Holy complaining vents one's frustration to someone Who can do something about them. Upon doing so, the psalmist is seen settling into the listening and loving presence of God. This is opposed to unholy complaining which simply is seeking to wallow in its unhappiness with no real sense of wanting to be lifted out of the issue complained about. Yes, the psalms can even help us complain in a godly way.

    More tomorrow.

    Be blessed this day as you go forth in the path He has set for you. May God be glorified, may you find fulfillment and joy in His will. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. I really needed this.

    2. Well I certainly am getting a lot out of your posts, so please keep doing them. And I appreciate your thoughts on singing during our time with God. I do it all the time and find it helps me hear him better. Thanks.

    3. "Holy complaining vents one's frustration to someone Who can do something about them." Thank you, Bob, for blessing me with this gem today. Thank you for being His vessel. Blessings to you and yours from California.

    4. Thank you Bob! Nice thought you had while sining, We are just preparing our voices to sing in the Angel Band when our time has come. I also love the psalms so much and I always slip them into Bible group reading schedule. They comfort me and even teach me how to pray. We can all relate to the human emotions contained in them and we can also rejoice that God is the same always and so is His Faithfulness.
      Yes Bob! Especially the Davidian Psalms contain quite a bit of complaining and impatience, but also show an unwavering trust in God's faithfulness. I will do my best not to complain but when I do, may it be in a godly way. I will talk to Him about my problems and complaints before I even open up my mouth.
      Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

    5. Was sailing along smoothly not complaining and being peaceful and joyful in my day and then my husband told me the owner of the beachhouse we have rented at the end of the season for 1-2 weeks for 20 years, got a great offer and sold it. I was so devastated and heartbroken. I began to complain and I felt so depressed about it. I really had to stop myself. I spoke to my loving Father and continued to work in the kitchen. My husband said we must remember the owner is in his 70's and we must be happy he made a big profit and finally is free of all the work it takes to own a beachhouse. He said he was happier for him than he was sad about our situation. I understand that and I know God is the only one who really knows how I feel. I told my twin sister about my feelings especially about the fact the house was so inexpensive because the owner never raised the rent. I said we'll never find one to rent that we can afford. Even for one week, it will be twice as much as we were paying. She said: Stop the negativity. God very well knows your needs and finances. God will provide. She sure made me feel better. I'd better practice what I preach and rest in Him. Well I put it all in His able Hands. Not gonna waste another minute about it.

    6. Thanks for sharing a life lesson Jeanne! It helps get me ready for tomorrow's devotion! And the coconut who is transported to a faraway island, to begin anew amidst unknowns!

  23. Thank You Jesus. Father, magnify my love for You and let it grow even more ♥. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  24. October 9th early AM, exactly 3 years ago, I was in heart surgery. It was a remarkable recovery and my JC journey here began. Initially just reading along and like many not posting but enjoying insights and the Bible verses being supplied without having to switch apps. Fast forward and God has held my hand through positive posts and humbling supportive prayers by many of you!! I also had professional challenges less than a year after the surgery and a family member being a first responder with a very bad case of covid19. Without doubt, this group has prayed and provided inspiration, comfort, and peace.

    Writing at 3AM, as I woke up with too many thoughts about a new health issue. Truly calm and not overly stressed but the body is influenced mightily by the brain and I couldn't sleep and moved to the den. Like most, I'd like answers NOW! but alas tests will confirm a diagnosis over probably another week or two. He has my hand, and as always, my concern is mostly for my wife and adult kids... it hurts to know that they will worry and be impacted by this new wrinkle in my life. Praying for healing, strength, and good cheer regardless of prognosis, and peace for all of them. And of course, thanking in advance for the kindness I know will be shown here. Blessings to all, and thankful His Spirit lives in this blog. In His name, Amen.

    1. MadFox--- Going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for your circumstances. My gracious Lord, as MadFox waits for results of his testing, I pray that You would build up his trust in You. Help him have that childlike faith, believing in Your mercy and Youe great power. My gracious Lord, I resist the enemy in every form that he comes against MadFox. I require his body to be strong and healthy, and I enforce it with Your Word. I reject the curse, and enforce life into MadFox's body. My gracious Lord, I trust Your compassionate care for MadFox. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. You are loved, Madfox!

    2. Lifting up prayers for you Madfox and for your family. You know that God has your hand, but may you also feel his strong arms around you.

    3. Madfox - Joining warriors in prayers. Praying God's comforting presence for you and your loved ones. Be blessed.

    4. Praying healing prayers for our Madfox. Dear God, Madfox is a true soldier for your greater good and Glory. We are blessed whenever he posts and know we are prayed for whenever he doesn't. Please give Madfox both Your Miraculous Healing and Your Peace, two of the things You are famous for. Everyday, I'll be pulling tassels off His Cloak and doubling down on prayers for you, Madfox until you give the Victory Report. Blessings now and forevermore. Amen.
      Love, Brie

    5. Praying for good results concerning your tests MadFox. Your faith and His strength will get you through these anxious days. Know that the JC Warriors have your back. May God give you comfort and wrap you in his everlasting arms. I am praying for your family as well as these are anxious times for them too. God bless faithful servant. Stay strong.

    6. Dear MadFox, joining the warriors in placing you at the feet of Jesus. He held your hand through the other trials, He was faithful companion & followed you into the den when sleep would not come, I cannot imagine that He would not make His presence known as you seek His help for this health matter & at the same time minister peace to your dear family. No worries, sleep soundly tonight as you relinquish all your concerns into His loving hands. We love youπŸ₯°

    7. MadFox, joining our JC family in prayers for you and your family.

    8. MadFox, God bless you and your family in peace and the knowing and trusting in His perfect outcome for your health challenges. I join all in prayer for you.

    9. Prayers are on their way, MadFox! As you have witnessed before, God has been with you and brought you thru! Jehovah Rapha is in control and bringing you thru this as well! Blessings on you and your family.

    10. MadFox, your presence in this blog has been an essential part of the blessing it has brought to hundreds of people, some known, many unknown. Your concern at the present time will drive us all to the gates of heaven on your behalf. It is love of you that drives us and we pray in love for you that God will bring healing and wholeness to you and all your family according to the need. As God has in your past, He will in the present for He always will glorify Himself in all things and all ways. To God be the glory! God be with you.

    11. The devil has failed again! You have a whole army of prayer warriors covering you here, MadFox!
      May the peace and strength of Almighty God rest upon you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    12. MadFox, lifting you up confidently to the Throne of Grace. As the Almighty Father has done before, He is doing again. He has already gone before you preparing the way. He knows your needs before you even speak them. He is ever faithful.
      Lord, give Maddox the strength and peace that only You can provide. Bless his family with comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. Be with them, Father God, as they await the test results. I pray for healing, Father God, from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet; mind, body and spirit. Thank You, Jesus! In Your Holy name, I pray. Amen

    13. Dear Madfox, Praying for your patience and peace as you wait for the test results, and for good news. Whatever the diagnosis is, God is Your Healer and your Way Maker and the light in your wilderness. Don't be afraid of the Unknown. The Unknown is already known by Him who is writing your future. Rest in His love and care now and be anxious for nothing.
      Thank you Heavenly Father for surrounding my brother with absolute peace and rest as he waits on You. Thank you for your continued Faithfulness in his life and for peace of mind for his good family. Thank you for hearing all of our prayers and for healing every weakness in our dear brother's body, mind and spirit. He belongs to You and belongs to our Family here and we love him. We trust in your saving power in all things. We pray this together in the powerful name of Your Son, our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    14. The Lord is with You always. He will lift you up in your time of need and give you what you need. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    15. Maddox our dear brother I remember reading this and then when you relayed to us the results of the tests. I believe you're still experiencing treatments and the recovery. God has used you so mighty through this challenging time. Sir I would say that many of us "take our hats off to you with great respect". You have taught us many lessons. What stands out to me the most is you keeping a positive attitude and trying to make the others around you have a better day by encouraging them. You were living out your faith and offering hope to others when they may have felt little hope. Thank you for sharing yourself and this journey with us. God speed!

  25. Prayers from Michigan to you MadFox. Thank you for the honor to pray for you and yours. May God hold your hand so tight you feel Him and also hold your family close. I pray for healing and restoring of all health issues. God Bless you and your family.

  26. Prayers of protection for those in the path of destructive hurricane Delta.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Standing with you in prayers for those in the path of hurricane Delta. AMEN and AMEN!!!

    2. Amen!! Praying hedge of protection over all those in the path of hurricane Delta. Lord, protect them!

    3. Praying with you all for protection from the hurricane Delta.
      Thank you Father for sheltering your people and keeping them from harm, and guiding them to safety, especially my dear Niece in New Orleans. Thank you in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

  27. Praying for you, MadFox, and confident that what He started in you will be completely and totally finished as your body is healed in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Father, nip the worries and concerns in the bud as MadFox patiently awaits the results. Keep him as peaceful as he is while writing and I thank you that his family is protected from the worrisome thoughts this challenge brings.
    Thanking God for each of you on this site and praying for each concern. Our basement/sewer issue will be wrapped up today. What a week, lack of sleep (until last night) - starting this day refreshed and confident that He has brought rest to my weariness and NONE of us will 'languish,' as He has met our every need and knows the desires of our hearts.
    Praying that the City and Ins Co do right by us, as You have led them to do, Father. My heart is calm.
    Again, love and prayers to you MadFox - you will be in my prayers throughout the day...God's got this!

    1. Thank you Lord for the inner calm you've given Norah with these issues that she's placing in your control. Let your will be done! Amen!

    2. Thank You, Lord, for the refreshing sleep You provided our sweet Norah. We place her cares and concerns at the foot of the Cross knowing that You are in control, Father God. Thank You, Lord, for Your faithfulness as we Praise Your Holy name. Amen

    3. So happy you got a good night's sleep. Sorry you must go through so much. May God resolve your basement-sewer problem completely.
      Amen dear Norah! He is supplying all our needs because He knows them and all the details of our trusting hearts. Let us then lay our problems and burdens on His strong shoulders and walk with a lighter load. Looking forward to hearing of more victories to His glory.

  28. Praying for you Madfox, for peace from worry as you await results. For family protection against the enemy. Thankyou all for sharing your prayers. Norah, i pray the city and insurance will be led to do right by you. Have a blessed day all my JC family. Mindy, Spokane WA

  29. 1:3 Dear Lord, if/when I succumb to d'evil one and complain against You, for every 1 complaint, please help me give a minimum of 3 Praise Reports! I always want d'evil one and non-believers to know You are taking good care of Your Children. They will only know this by my Praising You and Thanking You. [They can never know this by my complaints] I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. ♥🎢🎢♥
      I've had some good days
      I've had some hills to climb
      I've had some weary days
      And some lonely nights
      But when I look around
      And I think things over
      All of my good days
      Out-weigh my bad days
      So I won't complain

      Sometimes the clouds hang low
      And I can hardly see the road
      I ask a question, Lord
      Lord, why so much pain?
      But He knows what's best for me
      Although my weary eyes
      They can't see
      So I'll just say thank you Lord
      I won't complain.

      The Lord has been so good to me
      He's been so good to me
      More than this old world could ever be.
      He's been so good, He's been so good, He's been so good to me
      He dried all of my tears away
      Turned my midnights into day
      So I'll just say thank you Lord
      And I won't complain.

      I've been lied on
      But thank you Lord

      I've been talked about
      But thank you Lord

      I've been misunderstood
      But thank you Lord

      I've been sick with My Body reeking in pain
      But thank you Lord

      The bills are due
      Don't know where the money is coming from
      But thank you Lord
      Thank you Lord
      Thank you Lord
      I want to thank God
      You have been so good to me
      He's been good to me
      More than this old world could ever be
      He's been so good
      He's been so good
      He's been so good
      So good
      So good
      So good
      So good
      To me

      He dried all of my tears away
      Turned my midnight into day
      So I'll just say thank you Lord
      Thank You Lord
      And I won't complain.

    2. Thank you for sharing this gem with us, Brie. Here's a link to hear this amazing song. Praying hedge of protection over you and all those in the path of hurricane Delta. Blessings upon blessings sent your way.

    3. Thanks dear Sisters! I have always loved that song Brie! Thanks for the reminder!
      Thanks for the link Rose! I'm clicking on it now.

    4. Thanks for the link Rose. I am going there to listen now!

    5. Me too. Thank you Rose πŸ₯°

  30. Good morning Jc family! Asking for prayers. Our beloved dog,Winnie, fell and hurt her hip. Please pray for healing. She is such a blessing to our family. Thank you all. Praying for all! Blessings and love!

    1. Praying with you for your beloved Winnie. Sending healing prayers up to the Throne of Grace.❤

    2. Praying God will heal your little Winnie. Will continue to pray and I look forward to hearing she is much better. Much love, sweet 4G!

    3. Lord we know you care for what we care about, therefore winnie will be in good hands. Amen

  31. Wow. What a perfect morning reading this blog is for me today! I could write a book! Thank you all, from Sarah's insightful observations that started it off, to all the sharing going on. You are all in my prayers.
    On the matter of complaining and murmuring... God shines a flashlight on all the times I take the complaint route so I am becoming more and more aware of when I do this. I think I do it because complaining sometimes makes me feel closer in agreement with others. I get some kind of connection to others when they agree with my attitude about a circumstance or other person. I see how the simple question of "How was your day?" Invites a conversation focused on complaints. Instead, Lord, help me to ask, "How did God bless you today? What did God say to you today? Did you go to work with God today?"
    Lord, please let me be the light here in all my conversations and encounters. I don't want to take everyone down into the mire of judgement, gossip and darkness with stories I think I have to share that are based on complaints. Thank you for filling my desire to connect with others with conversations that reflect the great love you have for each and everyone of us. Amen!

    1. Thanks Audra, for some alternative ways we can use to invite others to share God's Blessings, and in turn give praise to the Lord, The Almighty, The King of Creation!
      Praising God for you and our entire JC Family! WOW! What a blessing.

    2. I'm as guilty as the next person in grumbling and complaining. Thank You, Lord, for shining Your precious Light on this topic today! I so needed to hear it and learn this lesson. Thank you, Audra, for blessing me with your insight and being His vessel. I have started answering the question, "How are you?" by saying "I am blessed and highly favored." Giving credit where credit is due to the Lord. Blessings to you, my JC family, from California.

    3. Good point Audra! Let us lead our conversations to God's grace, love and provisions. Let's only speak to edify and encourage today.

  32. "Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy Name,
    thy kingdom come,
    thy will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those
    who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    and the power, and the glory,
    for ever and ever". Amen

    "In all things, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess. 5:18.

    "Do all things without grumbling or arguing." Phil.2:14.

    Father, thank You for direct access to You with any and ALL things that concerns me. I don't have to go to anyone with my problems! Hallelujah, thank You Jesus!!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Sweet Maplewood NJ. Thanks for the Syrup, and now I shall go make the pancakes. Praise God!

    2. Amen dear Maplewood! Your sweet words and Brie's talk of pancakes is making me very hungry. Love you both!

  33. FROM PHILIPPIANS 2 In everything you do stay far away from complaining and arguing. Instead Come Praising and in Agreement. Lead clean innocent lives as Children Of God. Sparkle and Shine out like beacon lights. Hold out to others the Word of Life.

    FROM PSALM 116 I love the Lord because He hears my prayers and answers me. Because He bends down and listens, I will come praising Him as long as I breathe!  Now I can relax! For the Lord has done this Wonderful Miracle for me. He has saved my life, dried my eyes, and steadied my feet! I shall live in His Presence and come praising Him here on earth. What can I offer Jehovah for ALL He has done for me? I will bring Him a wine offering and come praising His Name for saving me! I will bring Him the joyousness of my praise! I will worship Him, offering Him the joyousness of my Thanksgiving.  Praise The Lord!

    Some favorite ways to relax and rest at the beach are napping in a hammock, soaking up sun rays on a recliner, enjoying the early morning breezes on a screened in porch, fishing off the dock, being lulled back to sleep by the sound of waves. But what does it take for our souls to be at rest? "Peace Be With You", but how? What is this peace Jesus is referring to? The author of Psalm 116 was discouraged, suffering, overcome by troubles, complaints and sorrows. He called out. He begged. He implored. He maintained. Yes, through it all he maintained just enough faith to wait on The Lord's deliverance. The result? "I was brought low and He saved me!"

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    While napping in a hammock, soaking up sun rays on a recliner, enjoying the early morning breezes on a screened in porch, fishing off the dock, or being lulled by the sound of waves, would You help us praise You for all the times we can think about when You delivered us? Along with, all the blessings You have showered upon us?  When clouds hang low, would You help us recall all Your past  faithfullness, and find rest for our soul? Would You help us come praising You  gratefully for the many times You have  delivered, are delivering, and will deliver? Whether everything around us is quiet or calamity, would You make Your Presence known? Yahweh, I know You are here, therefore my soul is at rest. On behalf of our JC Family, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and thank in Jesus' Name. Amen

    Spoiler Alert: Guess who will flee?

    1. Amen to all of this!!

    2. Thanks dear Brie! Wonderful and more wonderful!
      Thinking of my blessings which are way more than I can count, and remembering His past faithfulness in my life. How can I complain when He is in my corner always! Blessed I am and blessed I shall remain.

  34. PS a flashback from my college psychology class days... Misery doesn't necessarily love company, misery loves company that is also miserable. Hence the connection we feel when complaining to others who have their own complaints we can be sympathetic to

    1. Good point, Audra. I love it Here with all of you!! Blessings from California

  35. I love reading everyone's posts, wether they were from 4 years ago or even the present day. Everyone offers insight on their personal perspective from this passage, which I find unique as a body of believers. What I gleaned from this passage today, is a desire to give God my everything; even my complaints. I think it's very easy for us sometimes to mistake complaining, with being vulnerable and open with other believers, and even unbelievers. As Christians, if we don't leave room for mistakes, we tend to create a mindset of perfectionism. Though we strive to live like Christ, we will ALWAYS fall short. The good news is that God doesn’t see you for all your faults and failures; when you have a relationship with Jesus, He sees you for the righteousness of His Son.

    1. Amen Anonymous! So very true! He looks way past our flaws and imperfections to our hearts and knows we belong to Him.

  36. JC today is on point that we tend to complain instead of.counting our blessings. Today, I saw a posting of a quote by George MΓΌller: "Most frequently we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained, and in not expecting the blessing."

    It is hard for me to believe that it has been a year since my initial diagnosis. Lots of anxious times, wondering if the more aggressive variant of MM would react as hoped by Emory's world-leading research and leaders in MM. Then at 6 months in the height of covid and its added risks to proceed with a stem cell transplant. And now 6 more months to have done so well short some still pesky side effects of maintenance chemo to be reminded to focus on the outpouring of blessings and not to complain.

    Just the thoughts prompted when seeing this quote and the JC for today... it also made me remember the wisdom of Christ in saying, “ not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself."* With gratitude for all of the folks in my life, and thanks for a year of amazing blessings from the JC Warriors as well.


    1. Ahhh! MadFox - SO good to hear from you! Praying for you daily. <3

    2. Glad to hear about your journey thus far MadFox. You are inspiring and encouraging others in your walk with Christ. Keep on keeping on. Let your heart and mind be filled with the love of Jesus! God bless.

    3. It is always good to hear from you MadFox. I pray for you continuously. You are one who inspires my Faith in, and my Praises to Jesus.

    4. Dear MadFox, you continue to remind us what faith in God's sovereignty is all about. You have continued to trust no matter what. We continue to lift you up in prayer. The battle belongs to the Lord! Hallelujah!

    5. So glad you continue to do so well MadFox. We are all praying for you. Keep up the good fight.


    6. Wow, Madfox so much can be packed in such short of time. At moments it seems to fly by to fast. At other times it seems that the long night or the wait for a phone call takes eternity.
      I just thought about the word eternity and what it means. For us who are followers of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior it has a very different meaning. We can rejoice over the fact that our eternity is going to be spent in the fullness of our Lord. To be able to worship him face to face. To have whole new bodies, no sorrow, no sin. Just his glory shinning around us. People who don't choose to give Jesus their lives also have an eternity. There eternity is quite opposite. They will have pain and torment for eternity. It's beyond sad and most of them choose it by not receiving Christ as their savoir. Lord please help us to be salt and light to the lost. Please give us a boldness like never before to share with others who our hope is in. In Jesus name amen

    7. I need to adjust what I typed "most of them choose it by not receiving Christ as their savoir." The thought I was trying to relay is that some people just don't make a choice. They may be neutral or unsure and become they didn't make a choice, their choice has been determined for them by the hand of God.

    8. Dear Mad🦊, so good to hear from you, and to have been able to pray for you on your journey. Continued prayers for you and your family.

  37. So happy to see your post! More answered prayers dear MadFox! You are always in mine and I thank God for strengthening you and healing all your weaknesses! I do sometimes complain to the Lord when I’m weary and cranky. But mostly I say Thank You Jesus. He always carries me through the hard times. I can’t help but trust in His faithfulness! Your strength of faith in the face of your medical challenges is such an inspiration to me. Just to hear that you have gotten through your treatments thus far and are full of gratitude and praise is such a blessing to me. You are fighting the good fight while remaining in His presence and He is fighting right alongside you. I know you can feel that. I have no doubt you are leading others to Him by your bold faith walk wherever you go. Keep on keeping on my dear brother! And enjoy His sweet peace, light and love that surrounds you. God bless and keep you and your family always.

    1. Amen Jeanne! You are such an inspiration to others. Your light shines bright in this dark world. Peace be with you!

  38. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. (1 Peter 4:9). Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door. (James 5:9). And the people complained in the hearing of the LORD about their misfortunes, and when the LORD heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the LORD burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp. (Numbers 11:1).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for listening to me always about anything. You are there for me -- no matter what the situation or circumstances and even when I'm rambling or complaining. Remind me not to complain to others. I sometimes let my words come out of my mouth before my mind has thought them through. Help me with this. Let the Holy Spirit speak when I open my mouth to talk. Let Your words flow from my mouth. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Thank You for speaking through the cashier yesterday and saving me from myself. You are so amazing and wonderful. JC Warriors, the Lord saved me through a cashier named Diane yesterday when I was weak and wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes. She was adamant about how I didn't need them and to just give it to the Lord and He will be my strength. I have never had a cashier talk me out of buying anything -- let along cigarettes. Thank You Jesus! Praise God always! You are so good -- ALWAYS!

    1. God bless Dianne for helping out Janet, our dear sister-friend in Christ. I just want to say, Thank You! Lord.

    2. I love when things like that happen, Janet! SO awesome! May God continue to give you the strength you need to break the habit. May the taste and smell turn your stomach a bit in order for you to walk away from them! Thanks for sharing this God-wink story! Blessings and strength coming your way, Janet! In Jesus' great name, AMEN!

  39. Thank you for the posting, yes complaining is an issue, I so often complain, that I hardly notice it any more, 'cept that it only riles me up and does no good! Discussing this with Him right now,He reminded me of the hymn containing the lines' Take it to the Lord in Prayer, and leave it there'. This I must focus on.

  40. Today is the day - the Lord has made- rejoicing in it and celebrating his goodness and all of you!
    Today is also our daughter’s wedding and my husband is walking her down the aisle. He is using a cane but walking. We rejoice! We are so grateful. Thank you for your prayers. ❤️

    1. HOW ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL, GTT! You'll be floating on cloud-9 today and in the days and weeks after. Enjoy it all! May time slow ever-so-slightly for you all today as you beam with happiness and love! Bet your smile-muscles will be sore tomorrow! Sending blessings and love for the happy couple and for you for a wonderful day, GTT!

    2. Another prayed for Victory is ours, yet again today! I just want to say, Thank You! Lord. Enjoy the Victory in Jesus and the wedding, Grace Takes Time. We are on God's Dance Floor with you in Spirit.

  41. Hallelujah GTT. GOD is good. This is a day to celebrate your family. Cane or no cane your hubby is there to walk that beautiful walk with his girl. Be blessed on this dayπŸ’•!

  42. Blessings to my JC Family. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    Thank You Jesus for loving me, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom. How Beautiful is HOW BEAUTIFUL and How Beautiful is The Beautiful person who posted it.

    2. So very beautiful Sassymom I'm going to play this quietly while I rest and trust that God is healing my body of this covid and protecting my family. Thank you for sharing. Taking my focus off of me and putting it on our savior Jesus Christ where it should always be.

    3. Terri - Amen! Putting your focus on our savior Jesus!!

  43. Today's devotional felt like God was speaking directly to me. Work has been a struggle recently as I am doing 3 jobs while we have a co-worker out on short-term. It has been stressful and I have complained a lot to others and myself. It doesn't change anything when I complain. What it does do is make others look negatively at me, and more importantly, makes my Lord and Savior disappointed. I will try my best to take this devotional to heart.

    Have a great weekend JC Warriors. I am grateful to be a part of this wonderful group of believers. God bless you all!


  44. So blessed to read about your daughter's wedding day, GTT! How sweet is answered prayer and Sassy Mom - reading and writing to your song, which I've never heard before. You worded it perfectly, Brie.
    God Bless you, dear JC family! Enjoy this beautiful day.

  45. On top of the mouth stuff I have been sick for several days. I just tested positive for covid, my chest hurts so bad. I know I need to cough this stuff out, but it feels like my chest is ripping out. Please pray for me!!! Please pray that My kids and husband don't have it. Jesus please we need your help!! I think you Lord that you love me so much. That no matter what you are healer and defender. I praise you Lord πŸ™ you are holy

    1. Praying healing prayers for you right now, TERRI, and prayers will continue until you see His Victory.

    2. Praying for you TERRI. My Dear Friend and her husband are going through this. She's clear now and he's still struggling. Be sure that you make yourself get up and walk every few hours and do deep breathing exercises (count to 5-8 in; blow out to the count of 5-8) repeat 5 times every few hours. It will keep your lungs working. Praying for you and your hubby and kids. Keep them away as much as possible. My friend had it for 2+ weeks and her hub had no symptoms. Now he has it. His only symptom is complete exhaustion. She has to make him get up and breathe and move. We will hear of your VICTORY! <3

    3. Terri, prayers for healing, and easing of your pain. For clearing of your lungs and easier breathing.

  46. Dear Sister Terri - Praying healing prayers for you and a hedge of protection around your husband and children.

  47. Praying for you Terri because I know you're going through a wilderness without your dear Michelle, but your faith tells you God is with you every step of the way, and you will be with your good daughter again. Take it one day at a time in God's presence and peace. Much love.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne for Terri. Heavenly Father, please embody Your Spirit of peace within Terri and lift her heart up in Your joy. Wrap Your loving arms around her and give her strength and comfort. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Good morning, Terri! Sending a hug πŸ€—♥️

  48. A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22).

  49. Most complaints are along the lines of ' this isn't right' or 'that isn't right' or where we feel we've been cheated or lost out in some way.
    Part of complaining is our need to make things right.
    The truth is that nothing in this world is right, instead of getting better things are getting worse; and that we will always have something to complain about, if we choose.
    I know there are times I've complained without even noticing it at the time, only after the event.
    So my prayer is "Holy Spirit please make me more aware of complaining, make me more sensitive to Your still small voice warning me. Help me to be obedient to what You say. In Jesus Name Amen."

    1. Amen to that Peter. I don't want to be a bad witness to my faith by grumbling and complaining.
      Father, Please teach me to hold my tongue when I'm about to complain. Instead, I will just talk to you about it. You always understand my frustrations, and you calm my heart so I can feel your peace. Thank You Jesus.

  50. Echoing healing comforting prayers for our Terri. "We know you're going through a wilderness without your dear Michelle, but your faith tells you God is with you every step of the way, and you will be with your good daughter again." You are missed and loved.

    1. Thanks for expressing my sentiments for our TERRI, our you, and all others going through the grief cycle of earthly life. You have my sympathy. Better yet, may you have His Mercy, His Compassion, and His Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  51. Today's devotion reminds us, You have been on a long, uphill journey, and your energy is almost spent... Thanks to You Lord, JOY can always be found in every JOurneY! May we find JOY now in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. So true dear Brie! Amen!!! Even when we're going uphill against a very strong wind, He is our strength and our song. He carries us and pumps our weary heart with His joy.

  52. This morning I read, "by focusing on the enemy (complaining, my insert) we are actually agreeing with his plans and strategies, and this agreement is exactly how we give him power." With gratitude for Beni's insight that helps me find the puzzle pieces that reveal joy. Brie, I see how you find JOY in words and I find that uplifts me as well. Be blessed today, one and all!

    1. Very thought and heart provoking Audra, ...focusing on the enemy (complaining, my insert) we are actually agreeing with its (my insert) plans and strategies, and this agreement is exactly how we give it power..
      I'm wondering, hmmmm, as we complain to others, are we also inviting them to voice their complaints giving the enemy even more power? Me thinks, the enemy may be saying, whenever 2 or more are complaining, i get to be in their midst, edging God out? Yikes!
      May I praise God now, no matter what! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanks Audra for giving me some food for thought. I have no right to complain when so many people are going through such hard times. I told a very depressed friend yesterday to seek the light in the darkness of her day because it's there in the eyes of her family, in the beauty of the sky, in the laughter of her children. Her name is Carmel and she's the friend who lost her leg to a circulation problem during Covid. She just didn't get to the doctor early enough. One of her daughters is in Jail for at least 6 years and one of her other daughters was supposed to be married yesterday, but a month ago they had a fight and broke up and called off the wedding. Of course, everyone is so upset about it. My dear friend says she wasn't a great mother because she was an alcoholic and the daughter in Jail became an alcoholic. Carmel blames herself and she said she has no reason to live. I told her God saved her life for a reason and He has a plan for her and her family needs her and all those who know her love her. I told her there is bright light ahead and a lot of living to do. I understand her pain. When I was deep in my postpartum depression after my 3rd child was born, I just couldn't see any light, but I still looked for it every day and I kept praying. Sometimes the light God gives us seems just like a pinprick when we're going through depression. But it is always there even we can't see it. God's light never dims, or fades away. It is always in our hearts too. We are His beacons. His joy and peace are always present in every situation.

  53. Joining in that wonderful prayer dear Janet! Amen. Let His light shine through me right through all my cracks. He is the best part of me. Lead me Lord!
    He helped me sing a brand new song today in Church, and I've been working side by side with Him in the kitchen all day. He helped me make some very nice dinners. My family are on their way over to eat one of them. God is so good.

  54. 2022 Oct 9th here. Just what I needed

  55. Let us not get too weary and try to do too much because that is when we get cranky and complain. I know myself and when I stay up late even doing good things for others, I wake up tired and although I always thank God for the new day, I do complain when I’m weary and my poor husband is the only one around to hear it. We can serve God so much better when we wake up refreshed from a good night’s sleep. May He lead us to stop our busyness and be still and know that He is God. We must stay close to Him and get our rest so we can be good witnesses for Him!

    Galatians 6:9
    And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

    Jeremiah 31:25
    For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.

    Philippians 2:14-15
    Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

    1. May our heavenly Father refresh you in His rivers of living water. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you!

    2. Such a good example, Jeanne! I do try to pack as much as I can & then l'm weary. Will be more careful in the future. Txs for your great insight.

    3. Thanks! We’re all human and God loves us flawed as we are! Blessed and grateful.

  56. JC Prayer Warriors: 6 years ago TODAY (Oct. 9), I had heart surgery and found this blog by our friend Chris. A bit before then, I began reading the JC book and for the first time found a Christian daily habit that "stuck." Over a year or so later after reading the book and this blog nearly every day, I finally decided to comment in a post.

    3 years ago TODAY, I was learning that I may have another issue (posted above) and subsequently was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer and a rarer subset of it that would require a stem cell transplant. Also, the genetics of my blood cancer would require a 3 year 3 drug maintenance program begun a few weeks later. JC Prayer Warriors regularly prayed and surely blessed me during the disease and treatment valleys. Now, I am in a great remission and will hopefully get to reduce the treatment to one small dose of an immunotherapy drug in June 2024.

    Currently, I've been off all maint. therapy to prepare for a minor procedure (surgery) that will keep me from getting recurring sinus infections, bronchitis, or pneumonia due to being immuno-compromised. Your prayers for TODAY's visit to the oncologist for bloodwork (to verify can proceed) and that procedure later this week will no doubt result in success! Am praying for all the needs written here. I have been able to work nearly full-time and so while not posting as often, I am reading along and praying for your prayer needs in my quiet time. Godspeed dear JC friends in Christ. Amen.

    1. It's wonderful to hear about your amazing journey through all your ups and downs along the way. The Lord is good ALL the time and has been working steadfastly in and through you. You have a powerful testimony and may the Lord continue to use you in such mighty ways. May His healing hands be upon you as you go forth in your life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. MadFox - what a wonderful testimony you have. Thankful for your insight, faith, and prayers over these years. Thankful you, like the rest of us, found this blog. Lifting you up as this week of appointments begins. May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
      SC Anonymous

    3. God bless you MadFox and thank you for all your wonderful contributions to this blog over the years- it’s a blessing to be part of this JC community and to pray with you and for you. God is good- all the timeπŸ™❤️

    4. MadFox, praying for you, the success of forthcoming procedures, for full health and strength. Isaiah 46:4 "Even to your old age and gray hairs
      I Am He, I Am He who will sustain you.
      I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

    5. Your spiritual wisdom and health journey over the years have been and continue to be inspirational, MadFox. Truly. Praying you're cleared to have this procedure later in the week and that it is a success! Thank you for you and all you've brought to this JC family!

    6. MadFox I always look forward to seeing your posts and updates. I will continue to keep you in my prayers for great outcomes.

    7. Praying for, and with you MadFox, and for and with our entire JC Family, especially during this month of "Lucky October" May His Blessings continue on your, and all of our health. Thank You God for continually allowing MadFox to share your blessedness with us. What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace is mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms. Thanks be to God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    8. Praying with and for you, Dear Brother MadFox! I can't wait to share this with my DH, whom you have come to know and love, too! As Jan Gridley would say, "I'm putting on my dancing shoes!" Smooth sailing for my Brother, please, Heavenly Father, in the name above all names, Christ Jesus!

    9. I'm not sure I can express my feelings about you and your journey reflected here any better than the others. Know that I stand and kneel with them all in prayer and gratitude to God for the demonstration of his perfect outcomes. He's got this next medical step worked out in perfect timing for your good health. God bless you!

    10. Thank you, MadFox, for your update. Continued prayers for your total Restoration and successful procedure. I am confident like David said in Psalm 27 -- You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. He went on to say: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Great Love and Blessings to you and your family. JJ

    11. Dear MadFox! You are always in my prayers dear brother! Joining all prayers for you to get approved for your procedure. I’m blessed by your testimony and your progress! All will be well!!! We serve such a great and faithful God! Hallelujah!

  57. MadFox, thank you for sharing, i was moved by your earlier posts on this day. May God bring healing and wholeness and health to every part of your body. May your doctors appt go well, and surgery be easily recovered. And the drug regimen be mild. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!

  58. Lord, please enable me to heed this warning or message, allow me to set the tone for others by being positive, joyful, and happy. In Jesus name, amen.. Jay…

    1. Amen Jay! Our attitude and kind words can really change a person’s day and life. God’s Spirit works mightily within us to do this.

  59. Prayers for you Madfox. So good to hear from you. KY Anonymous

  60. Psalm 142:1-2 "I cry aloud to the Lord;
    I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy.
    I pour out before Him my complaint;
    before Him I tell my trouble."

    1. Amen! We cry out and He hears us.

  61. Thank you Madfox for not only updating your health journey, but also igniting responses from those I thought no longer were part of the JC family because of lack in posting. I am guilty as I read this daily but rarely post.

    1. Amen. Agree. So many have either drifted off or just don't post a comment often. Part of that is this blog format and how it works. I think at some point, with the 200 posting limit, and where you must hit "see more" etc. that we may need to start a new blog as google won't update this one anymore... I was working on that as a volunteer but new work got in the way. I will try and see if Chris and I can find a way to do something new and keep all the JC Prayer Warriors engaged. Amen!

    2. Audra. A new would include the old! Because totally agree that a lot of wisdom is here. The question will be how to get it loaded with all the different account names etc. I talked with a guy who might be able to figure that out and then will obviously need to discuss with Chris Payton. As always thanks for the kind words. Agape.

    3. This has become my Diary! :)
