Monday, November 21, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 18

Come to Me, and rest in My Peace. My Face is shining upon you, in rays of Peace transcending understanding. Instead of trying to figure things out yourself, you can relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything. As you lean on Me in trusting dependence, you feel peaceful and complete. This is how I designed you to live: in close communion with Me.
     When you are around other people, you tend to cater to their expectations -- real or imagined. You feel enslaved to pleasing them, and your awareness of My Presence grows dim. Your efforts to win their approval eventually exhaust you. You offer these people dry crumbs rather than the living water of My Spirit flowing through you. This is not My way for you! Stay in touch with Me, even during your busiest moments. Let My Spirit give you words of grace as you live in the Light of My Peace.

Philippians 4:6-7
English Standard Version
6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
John 7:38
English Standard Version
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

Ephesians 5:18-20
English Standard Version
18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. The psalms are a blessed collection of hymns and prayers of the community of faith in ancient times. Being that they have been preserved for us in the Holy Bible, tells us that they were inspired by the Spirit of God. In praying them into our heart, we will find a frequent reference to our spiritual posture in coming before the Lord. We are called to come before the Lord with praise and thanksgiving. To praise God is to acknowledge the great things of God. To be thankful is to humble ourselves before such greatness and to express how much we appreciate all that God is and has done. To be truly thankful is to take things to heart and to hold them dearly. Psalm 100 is a most wonderful expression of these things. People wonder what we will do eternally with our Lord. I believe we will spend eternity in perfect love of God and each other. And the air will be filled with expressions of praise and thanksgiving. When I enter worship here on earth with this in heart and mind, I am touching heaven no matter what the form of worship in which I am participating. All praise and thanks to God!

    1. Beautiful Bob! And I can hear is in song. Check this out, 🎢 The Blessing heard 'round the world...

    2. To praise God is to acknowledge the great things of God. To be thankful is to humble ourselves before such greatness and to express how much we appreciate all that God is and has done. Dear God, I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Amen, Bob! Thank you for inspiring me today.
      Audra, beautiful song to start today with. Thank you for sharing.❤
      May this JC family be blessed abundantly with His favor.

      Blessings from California

    4. Amen!πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™. So beautiful! Thank you Bob for sharing!
      God bless you

    5. Thank you and Amen, Bob.
      Such beautiful truths! Your wisdom is an inspiration to me. I'm so grateful to have you here teaching us. I have always loved the Psalms. I've been leading my little Bible group for 6 years and our meetings are keeping us calm through this uncertain time. I love the Psalms so I have always added them to our reading schedule. They are God's way of teaching us how to pray. They're also timeless and apply to how we feel right now. We seek Him to incline His ear to our pleas, as we wait in hope and patience for His help, encouragement, comfort, guidance and faithfulness.

    6. Ahhh! The timeless Psalm Balm. My absolute fave, the one I apply so often, I've memorized it is Psalm 91. What's yours?

    7. I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
      I will enter His courts with praise
      I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
      I will rejoice, for He has made me glad.
      He has made me glad, oh, He has made me glad
      I will rejoice, for He has made me glad
      He has made me glad, oh, He has made me glad
      I will rejoice, for He has made me glad

    8. Joining into this song with you, Peter, our dear brother friend in Christ. May you receive and enjoy all the blessings Godvis sending you today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    9. Praise the Lord! So often Dias I sometimes forget the power in these words. It is he who brings joys. Not others (as JC rightly reminds us). Expectations. Enslavement. Clearly work of the dark side Glory be to God πŸ™πŸ’ͺπŸ˜πŸ‘

    10. Love Psalm 139 Brie as well as countless others! God sings to us and we harmonize with Him as our hearts unite thru the beautiful work of the Psalms. Thank you Lord

    11. I could stay in the Psalms forever. They comfort my soul in a most beautiful way.

  2. my life is a joke and god is no where near me why even pray be good or go to church if nothing changes

    1. Unknown Unknown - God loves you with an unconditional love.
      "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit. Psalm 51:10-12.

    2. Unknown Unknown - Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law. Psalm 119:18

    3. unknown unknown, we are all praying for you. God is always with you. Never cease praying. We all love you. KS

    4. Dear unknown, I remember reading your posts back in 2019 when I wasn't posting yet and since then you have often been in my thoughts and prayers. Even though you haven't post in a long time, you still have prayers that are being said for you from all JC warriors here, posting or not. I sincerely hope and pray that you are feeling better now and that the situation you were in has improved. Maybe one day you will be coming back here to tell us.
      I pray that you still have faith and that your strength is renewed and you're filled with His Peace. I pray that you didn't give up, but if you did I pray that you turn your eyes back upon Jesus. In His Holy and Powerful name I pray. Amen.

      Blessings from France

    5. I am joining in prayer with BFF and all prayers for unknowns.

    6. I too unknown have wondered how you're doing and want to join in prayer with the JC family in BFF's thoughtful prayer for you.

    7. Continuing to pray for you and your situation, Unknown. God is with you. Lord, open our eyes to see Your wondrous works and renew Your spirit in us that we may praise Your name forevermore. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      God bless you.❤

    8. Joining in prayer for you unknown. You are loved
      And we are all joining in loving prayers for you.

    9. Continuing to pray for you, Unknown. Joining in prayers now with my family. You are loved unconditionally, and God is on your side. Hoping you have already seen God's faithfulness in your life and you are changed and ready to proclaim God's good deeds.

    10. Dear Unknown...this is my first time posting. I read your message. It's hard it serve a God you can't see when you need Him. I accepted Him when I was 12, but I was Numb for decades...trying to protect myself from pain. My Father has a soft Voice and gentle Spirit. I had to allow the layers of protection to be peeled back from my heart to hear and feel Him. It has taken time for me to feel his Presence. I'm still a mess too ( or a joke as you put it). But my faith is better and I see Him in beautiful sunsets and Meadows and hummingbirds...anything that lifts my heart. I trust Him more now that I believe HE TRULY LOVES ME. But I had to receive an incredible gift from Him to believe it; at 54, He sent me a beautiful 84 year old man who passed on 2 years later. At first I was mad because I had had such little time. As the grief transformed me, I realized He made this man just for me and His Timing was changed my life. And I surrendered... and let Him really save me....Unknown, know this: HE WILL NOT LOSE YOU BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU.....lifting you in prayer...

    11. Unknown Danine - Welcome!!! Thanks for your encouraging input and sharing your faith. Praying this won't be your last time. Please join JC Warriors in sharing more.

    12. Danine!! I try to remind myself (and not often enough) let go let god. On his sovereign time and plan. Stay close to the lord.

    13. Amen TP. Let go and let GOD. Stay close to the LORD.

  3. God uses times of adversity to draw you closer to Him. Use this time to pray from the heart and accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Be open and start to engage positive thinking. As humans we can drive ourselves crazy with feelings typically based on fear and worry (also from our expectations of self will). We need to stay in the moment and build each moment with open ears. Listen after prayer and you will find your answers. Keep praying and get rid of any resentments.

    1. As we forgive those who trespass against us. (Resentment)

  4. Thank you lord for speaking to me this morning I really needed to know you are still there I love you father and I thank you for the ultimate sacrifice of your son Jesus my lord AMEN!!!

    JohnDoc Glasgow

  5. It's 2:23 a.m. I've been awake for over an hour because my mind is racing and filled with so many random thoughts. I can't shut it down, it seems. Philippians 4:6 says 'do not be anxious about anything...' I am trying to lean into that at this very moment. Praying for peace and maybe another hour of sleep. I have so much to be grateful for and yet I am oftentimes still trying to 'figure everything out'. Not looking forward, but back. At my failures, at my pain, at the times that God has carried me when I couldn't even stand, let alone walk. I don't know why 'she' left. I don't know why I doubt. I don't know what I could've done differently to alter the events of my life.
    But of one thing I am certain - that my loving Father has a plan for me. I will not worry about what I will eat or what I will wear or where I will go from here. For He is near. He is with me and he will guide my steps, so long as I seek and submit to Him.

    Abba Father. Thank You for Your grace, for Your mercy, and all of the blessings You have bestowed upon me. Not by my works, but through Your boundless love for me as one of Your children. I pray right now that You will meet me where I am and fill my mind with the peace I seek. Bless all of the brothers and sisters here that support all of the brothers and sisters here. Thank You for their faithfulness and trust in You and their willingness to share in and with the blessings You so freely give us through Your new mercies every day. I love You Dad. I trust in you. I seek Your beautiful face. Let my heart be open to the spirit, that Your light may shine through me today and into the lives of others. Help me to be of service to others. Grow me into the man You would have me be. I humbly ask these things in the name of my Lord, my Saviour, my Redeemer - Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. A beautiful prayer Dave. Blessings on your day.

    2. Thank you for your wonderful prayer. May God always give you peace. KS

    3. Praying for you this morning, Dave. I, too, woke up way earlier than I wanted, and with a heavy heart. Despite what I know intellectually, I struggle with believing that God's plans for me are awesome. I just can't see it nor feel it, oftentimes. Praying that God helps those of us in the deepest of valleys right now get a fresh, beautiful new vision this morning. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Thank You, Lord, for Your Presence. May we truly know what it's like to be completely fulfilled and rescued by You!

    4. You are in my thoughts and prayers today, Dave. I too am struggling today so I understand. Stay strong.

    5. Thank you for sharing and that prayer. Those prayers out of our brokenness are like sweet incense to Him.

      I to am struggling but that is the nature of grief. It can be unpredictable and even untenable. Sometimes we are getting along fine and the next moment wonder if we were run over by a truck. Completely normal in the grieving process. Sometimes healing comes quickly but often it is a longer process that can be confusing to go through. Hold onto truth, His truth. Repeat truths outloud even.

      I like how CO says it and the more I say it, the more real it becomes; "Jesus, I trust you."

    6. Thanks for prayers to say for and with you Dave D, and with and for all our JC Fam. Loss turns us inside out. May we trust Him for the cleansing and the refill.

    7. Hi Dave D. Underneath are the Everlasting Arms. He is our refuge and strength.

    8. Amen! I join you in your beautiful prayer, Dave D. God be with you and our JC family.

      Blessings from California

    9. Thank you Dave D for your beautiful prayer!
      I pray this as well and pray for blessing overflow for you.πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    10. Dave, That is a beautiful prayer. I pray you will realize your dreams and resolve your problems. As you seek your loving Father with your whole heart, mind and soul, you will be answered. He reads your heart of love and knows you trust Him with your future. You are His beloved child and He will guide you to your heart's desires.

    11. Two years later and I am still getting a lot of help from your prayer, Dave D
      Thank you again for sharing your heart and reminding me that Truth is always true no matter when I read it. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    12. TRUTH or consequences? It's a good habit to go with truth every time. For this I also pray, in Jesus's name.

    13. Amen! Dear Dave your beautiful prayer still moves, inspires and encourages me too. It is a gift that just keeps giving!
      Amen dear Brie and Audra!

  6. I am thankful to You oh Lord for another day to be in Your Presence. Help me rest in Your peace and not lean on my own understanding, but allow You to direct and order my steps. May my life be focused on my relationship with You and not of this world. People will fail me no matter what I do for them, but You will never. Forgave me for all the times I tried to please family and friends and thank You for giving me words of grace and shifting my priorities through the power of the Holy Spirit to YOU, the ONE who matters the most.

    JC prayer warriors, I'm kindly asking for prayers for my sister Mae as she prepares to make a decision today regarding her future and praying for God's directions and will and not her will. Thank you.

    Blessings, peace and a fruitful day to all. I'm standing in prayers for all the needs and requests for you as well.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Good morning Maplewood πŸ₯°. Joining Sassy Mom in lifting Mae & her plans to the God of the universe. Lord open the doors you want open & close the ones you do not & Mae to choose with wisdom you pour into her. Amen

    2. Maplewood, praying for your sister Mae in her decision. May God bless and comfort her. KS

    3. Maplewood--- Lifting your sister Mae up to the Throne of Grace for her life circumstances. Let the Lord's wisdom surround her.

    4. Lifting up Mae in prayer this morning!

    5. It's sometimes hard to be reminded of the measures I will take to please others when when they fail me. Lord, help me to focus only on pleasing you, the outcomes will be so much greater for all.

    6. Amen! Joining in your little prayers. Lord let me please you in my words, thoughts and deeds. You first above all.

  7. Maplewood - Joining JC Warriors in Prayer for your sister Mae regarding her future and direction. Your will Father for Mae.

  8. Thank you dear warriors for prayer for my son. Will update everyone when I hear from him. Please shield him with continued prayer. Love & blessings to you all❤️.

    1. Jan - Yesterday in church I asked prayer for you son's migraine headaches. Continuing prayers for your son.

    2. Jan, may the good Lord comfort your son and give him healing and peace. KS

    3. Sassy Mom- your thoughtfulness is sooooo appreciated. I & my son feels so blessed & soooo covered. πŸ₯°

    4. KS- he does need comfort at the moment & most certainly "healing". Thank you πŸ₯°

    5. Jan--- Continuing prayers for your son. May the Lord's healing power wash over your son and make him whole.

    6. Jan, continued prayers of protection, strength and healing for your son!

  9. JJ- so glad to hear more about your grandson πŸ€—. Our God is AWESOME!

  10. Dear Lord, please reveal yourself to all that are struggling and feeling alone. Help them to know you are truly with them every step of the way. Help us all to be open to the path set before us. Accepting and learning to always be dependent on you. Amen.

    1. Dear Lord, Same thoughts and hopes for 2020! Amen

    2. Your pray is my prayer. Amen πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™
      God bless you

    3. Amen ABC. Perfect prayer for the day. I pray it with you, especially for those who will be alone on Thanksgiving. You will be the Guest of honor at their tables. Thank you Jesus!

    4. How are you doing today, ABC ?
      You remain in my prayers.

    5. Me too! Continuing to pray for you dear ABC.
      Hope you and your family are doing well.

  11. Many Thanks Family- Sassy Mom, KS and Jan! Interceding on behalf of you and yours as well. As Jan stated, may God close those doors that He wants closed and give her wisdom to follow His will, in Jesus name! In the end, He will open the right doors. THANKS FAMILY!

    Maplewood NJ

  12. unknown unknown Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days were ordained the days were in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16 Dear Friend. This 2019 but I pray for you that Jesus reveals to you...You are not a joke. We cannot be good so we live for Him because He died for us... For you. Why your live your life is to thank Him in every good thing because of what He has shed His Blood for you. I pray for you very often for you to just get through one more day.

  13. Lord thank You for your boundless love and peace. Today I choose to lean on You as some things in life I cannot wrap my head around. I love staying in Your presence as it keeps me f4om being consumed by worry, doubt, and fears of all kinds. I need to pratice it more regularly. Jesus help me to choose only Your way today so that I may grow closer to you.


    Revelation, the story of the final judgment to bring full restoration to everything that is God’s which is everything. The LORD begins the Divine Correction by walking among His chosen ones, in this case, the churches of Asia Minor. First stop: Ephesus (Revelation 2:2-7)

    The LORD is delighted to see the effort His children at Ephesus are making to prevent evil from infiltrating the church. He applauds them for patiently enduring and not growing weary in all their hard efforts. But He goes on to address what has happened in the process, they have lost sight of why they are doing what they are doing, love of Him. If they do not realize this and return to their first love, their preoccupation with doing all the right things will cost them their faith. It is only in their love for Him that they will partake of the fullness of life.

    As I prepare for Advent, what is to be learned from my sisters & brothers in Ephesus so long ago? It is easy to become weary in difficult times, especially since I have had it so good for so long. My spiritual muscles have atrophied making me more vulnerable to the ills of these times, primarily seen in becoming spiritually weary resulting in being less patient, less tolerant, and ultimately, less loving. Am I losing my first love? Like Martha in the kitchen (Luke 10:38-42), I might be doing all the right things for the wrong reasons resulting in anger and no toleration for others. I may even find myself, like Martha, ordering the LORD of the universe around telling Him what He needs to do. Red flag(!), my first love has become me...again. If this should continue, it could result in the loss of faith though I would deny this could ever happen (red flag!). Advent will provide me with a time to sit at the feet of Jesus again, like Martha’s sister Mary. In doing so, I will be attending to my first love ‘and it will not be taken away from me’.

    This I learned this AM. I share it in love for however the Spirit wants to move in you. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. "My first love has become me...again." May God clean and purify every parts of our being and every areas of our life so we can put it at the center of it all.
      Oh Lord, forgive me for being impatient and quick to anger. Help me to be intentional in my walk with you so I can grow in Holiness for your glory.
      Thank you Bob for posting as the Spirit leads you. You're a blessing.

      Blessings from France

    2. Hallelujah! Thank you Bob. You are so right and thank you for the reminder. Father, help me to walk in the spirit and in truth with You always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Thanks Bob,
      ...only in their love for Him that they will partake of the fullness of life...O make me love THEE more and more. In inverse proportions like a seesaw: You increase; I decrease.

    4. Thank you Bob - I immersed myself in your message and felt peace. Come Holy Spirit. Amen. KS

    5. Thank you Bob for your thoughtful contribution. It really helps me find my direction as I don't trust my own GPS. I'm carrying a lot of stuff in my heart and have been for some years now so yesterday when you said " to become anxiously aware of the many things in my heart which would be offensive to Your most chaste purity, and of all the other things so disordered and chaotic that my heart could offer no resting place to You who wished to dwell there." it spoke to me. I want to provide a resting place for the Holy Spirit to comfortably dwell. I have been so weary and wondering why it has to be so hard that I get stuck in that direction being a Mary while I try to learn and do as much as I can to get myself out of this. Today's words you wrote give me direction to spend this time more like Mary, attending to my first love. God Bless you, our brother, and thank you for the ongoing giving of your thoughts you make available to us. You are a blessing!

    6. I meant being a Martha in the first case.

    7. Your words, Bob, touched my spirit. Thank you for being a blessing to all of us here. God be with you and our JC family.

    8. Thank you Bob for this reminder. Holy Spirit please move within me. I invite you Lord Jesus into every part of my life, into every thought, every decision, every word and every relationship. You Are My First Love, May I love and shine your love that lives in me. More of You oh Lord and less of me.
      Love you All JC family
      Thank you for your healing prayers for me
      I appreciate them so very much

    9. Dear Bob, Your honesty and sincerity always touch my heart. We all have days when our own concerns pull us away from our first love. But He is still with us because He never leaves us.
      Father, Please remind me throughout the day that I need you always by my side. Without you I can do nothing but with you I can do all things. Let me keep connected to you all day as I go about my daily chores and appointments. With you, all things will go better. Keep my focus on You above all else. Thank you for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. In You I Trust.

    10. Dear Brandy, I continue to pray for your healing. I hope you will soon feel better and see God's amazing power in your body bringing you to perfect health. Much love.

    11. Lord Jesus, please help me get my love priorities aligned with you? You First, wife & family second, others & strangers third and myself last. Thank You for the picture of Mary and Martha. I know I am too much Martha and yearn to be more Mary. Even my Martha-ing needs to be more out of love (agapΔ“) than 'just because it needs doing'. Amen.

    12. Amen Peter, I am such a Martha. Always taking care of my family and I must take more time to just be still and know that He is God.

  15. My life is filled with God's Blessings. I am releasing me and gratefully receiving them. To God be The Glory for these and ALL Blessings received:
    😊 LARGE: Thank You for giving my husband another Birthday today and freedom to see Your Hand in Everything Blessings.
    😊 SMALL: Thank You for candlelight glow on birthday cake Blessings.
    😊 EASY: Thank You for FRAMILY: Friends who are Family and Family who are Friends Blessings.
    😊 HARD: Thank You for re-creating a newly cleaned heart in me and helping me to keep it clean Blessings.
    😊 SURPRISE: Thank You for Your Holy Spirit nudging Bob to take us through Advent Season and for our opportunity to defy the Grinch of 2020, and make this the best Birthday Celebration for Jesus ever blessings.

    ✝️ FROM JOHN 15
    9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved Me. Live within My love. 10 When you obey Me you are living in My love, just as I obey My Father and live in His love. 11 I have told you this so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your cup of joy will overflow! 12 I demand that you love each other as much as I love you. 13 And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his FRIENDS; 14 and you are my FRIENDS if you obey me. 15 I no longer call you slaves, for a master doesn’t confide in his slaves; now you are my FRIENDS, proved by the fact that I have told you everything the Father told Me.

    Dear Heavenly Father,  For Your friendship blessings in our life, we thank You. Would You help us make the most of free opportunities to demonstrate our gratitude back to You by passing Your friendship blessings on to others everywhere we go? Since Your friendship blessings are all inclusive, would you help ours also to be? Before Sundown each day, would You show us new, creative and genuine ways to extend Your Friendship and then help us do what you showed us while we are being friendly and encouraging to someone else? And would you help us to do all of the above free of expectation of an ROI from them?
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie! Happy birthday to your husband!

      Blessings from France

    2. Happy birthday to your hubby Brie 😘.

    3. Brie- Sending best wishes to your hubby on his birthday. Many more happy and blessed years.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Birthday blessings to your hubby, Brie! And thanks for the new word, "Framily" - love it! KS

    5. Happy Birthday to your husband, Brie!! Thank You Lord for all of the blessings you bring Brie and for another Birthday they can celebrate. Love you sister.

    6. Happy birthday blessings to your DH today, dear Brie. May God continue to bless you both abundantly.

    7. Happy Birthday to your good Husband! Glad you had some yummy cake and you got to celebrate with your framily. Wishing you both all of God's blessings and healing of your weaknesses, love and fulfillment!

    8. Happy birthday to Brie hubby . May God's grace and mercy follow him all the days of his life !!
      Min Ahadi

    9. Happy birthday to Larry! May blessings abound your next trip around the sun.

    10. Happy Birthday to your DH Larry! May God protect both of you and heal and bless you in all ways.

  16. Praise God for yet another Victory Report, Jeanne! My My My My My dancing shoes are on, to dance with you!
    No pun intended but this song kept replaying through my mind all day while I was praying for you:
    Anytime a heart turns from darkness to light
    Anytime temptation comes and someone stands to fight
    Anytime somebody lives to serve and not be served
    I know, I know, I know, I know

    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    He's on the move today

    Anytime in weakness someone falls upon their knees
    Or dares to speak the truth that sets men free
    Anytime the choice is made to stand upon the Word
    I know, I know, I know, I know

    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    He's on the move today

    I see our generation standing on the truth
    In each and everyday saying God is on the move
    Anytime the Gospel stirs a searching soul
    And someone says "send me, here I go"
    I know, I know, I know, I know

    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    He's on the move today
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    In many mighty ways
    God is on the move, on the move
    God is on the move
    He's on the move today

    I see our generation standing on the truth
    In each and everyday saying God is on the move!

    1. Wow! Great song dear Brie! Thanks for your singing and all the prayers of my family here! Hope you will be singing songs of Thanksgiving on the 2nd of December too! God bless you all and heal you and your family members in all ways. Waiting on the Lord with you in love, hope and faith.

    2. ♥️🎢 link

    3. Amen! God is on the Move. Halleluia!

  17. God IS on the move! I read it every day on this blog. Dark mornings and early nights will soon give way to more light. For the duration, let us be the light of kindness with no expectations for ROI- loved that Brie! God bless you JC family. If you haven't already, check out this Celtic version of The Blessing" 🎢 🎢

    1. Thanks Audra. Beautiful Version of The Blessing! I loved it.

    2. Thanks for the unstress test Victory Report Audra..
      Hubby Passed with flying colors! Thank you JC prayer warriors, dancing! Dancing with you.

    3. Doing a praise dance with Jeanne and Audra for the good results for audra hubby and Jeanne colonoscopy! Thanks Brie for songs! Love and prayers to all JC family today!

    4. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    5. Amen and Amen dear Audra! That was so beautiful! So many people of one accord! Dancing and singing with Brie! Thank God for more victories about your husband. God is so great!!! And thanks for singing and dancing with us, Mindy and Brandy and Janet. We are One in the Spirit!

  18. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing.

    1. YES! You Are Amazing God, yesterday, today, and forever.

    2. Always! Thank You, Jesus!

    3. Amen in every way and in every day!

  19. Oh Loving Father, I thank You for another blessed day to be in Your presence, where I can find rest and Peace. I pray, “Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.” (Psalm 143:8). May I meditate on ALL Your works and consider what Your hands have done (v.5), today and always. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Miss you dear Maplewood. May God continue to shower His healing and blessings on you and your family.

  20. BamaGrl, Just saw your post from yesterday. Thanks for the update. Prayers are continuing for your sweet Bama Momma (thanks Audra)

  21. Has anybody here heard from our friend, Fay? Everytime I listen to Tim Janis, I think of and lift her up in prayer. If you are able to do so Fay, please let us hear.

    1. Praying with you Brie for Bama Momma.
      Have also been wondering how Fay is. Father, Fay is waiting on your call. Thank you for blessing her, taking away her pain, calming her heart and helping her to renew her relationship with her husband, Also, for guiding her son to fight his addictions and any resist any situations that threaten to separate him from You and his family. Open his eyes to seek you above all else. Thank you for all these things in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

    2. How is Bama Mamma, dear BamaGrl? You both remain in my prayers. God is with you both and He is faithful.

  22. I read this simple reminder today and it, along with so much also posted here, helps direct my thoughts and hopefully actions this advent.

    “The best way to prepare for Christ's second coming is to obey what He taught in His first coming.“ -Francis Frangipane

    1. Amen! I read, i study, I learn, I live to obey. Help me Holy Spirit, come Jesus!

    2. Amen and inspiring quote, GTT. Thank you for sharing. I've been away for a few days, but I'm grateful to be back. God bless you.

    3. Great quote thank you. 🎢🎡 It won't be long
      When we'll be leaving here
      It won't be long
      We'll be going home.
      Count the years as months
      Count the months as weeks
      Count the weeks as days
      Mmm, any day now
      We'll be going home 🎢🎢

  23. Wonderful dear GTT! Amen! Amen dear Audra!
    Welcome back dear Rose! Feel better dear Brandy. God is in your corner.

  24. Praying for my JC Family - each and every prayer request. Praying specifically for MadFox. He is on a journey that I know from experience, is not pleasant. Please pray for him - for his soothed muscles and joints, for peaceful sleep, for clear lungs. Pray, pray.
    Jan - believing for your son's healing and good results. For Mae, Maplewood - God's will be done.
    Heading to bed a thankful woman, but, oh, so humble.

  25. Ah! Jeanne!! How DID you colonoscopy go?? Audra - your hubby? And BamaGirl - your dear mom. Please - fill me in!

  26. All went well PTL! See posts above. ♥️✝️πŸ™

  27. Yes Norah, Thanks for your prayers! All went well with mine with no polyps, and Audra's Husband! More reasons to rejoice and give thanks!!

  28. Thank you bob! you made my day brighter god is amazing and amen

  29. PRAYER REQUEST: As many of you know, we need to sell the jointly owned home Keith lived in, now that Keith has been blessed with an apartment and adjusted amazingly, thanks be to God.
    Yesterday, I had a Divine Incident, and a buyer showed up while I was meeting with an estimator on Hurricane Ida damages. The potential buyer called back today. I know this is an Act of God, and I am praying to stay out of GOD'S WAY, and let Him do what He is Famous For, i.e., MIRACLES!
    Pray for me to quiet my racing, rising, heart and instead of trying to figure things out by my impatient self, I pray to hear the answers HE is trying to impart, as I relax in the Presence of the One who knows everything. I also pray to lean only on Him in trusting dependence, and feel peaceful and complete regardless of this sale, or not. I pray to live how HE designed me to live: in close communion with HIM, and Him alone. I am praying for the sale to go through easily, and above all else "THY WILL BE DONE" Thank you for praying with and for me to the Lord our God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

      TRUST IN YOU by Lauren Daigle

    2. May our Father in heaven let His light shine down upon this sale and His will be done. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. What an awesome prayer God has he heard you . May all the details of the sale be covered and handled by God , He has the bird eye view of this situation. We thank God!( I think I adjusted my settings am appearing as Unknown.Min Ahadi

    4. Praying for you, Brie, and the sale of the home! May your mind ease and bask in the knowing that God has this! Thinking of you and praying the sale continues! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    5. Praying now Brie for Gods perfect plan to unfold right before your eyes! Seamless and smooth and He gets every drop of the credit of course. Rest in His time its accurate. xxoo

    6. Brie praying in agreement with the prayers. Lord have your way in the sale of this house.

    7. Praying with all of you, JC family, that His will be done in the sale of this home. God has it covered. We trust in You, Father God, for this and more. Thank You for hearing our prayers. God's peace be with you, Brie, as He gently guides your hand through it all.
      Blessings to all from California

    8. Hey Dear Brie - just wanted you to know that I am joining in with all of the JC Prayer Warriors for smooth sailing on the sale of your home. Warming up for a Victory Dance! :)

    9. Thanks for your amoothe sale-ing prayers ;)

    10. Expecting the best possible outcome and timing for the sale of the jointly held home mentioned by Brie. God makes all things new! Thank you for answered prayers, Father! Brie, my dancing shoes are staged and I'm ready to step in when you ask for the dance.♥️πŸ™πŸ’ƒ

    11. I am so eager to hear about this. I know God is on the move.

    12. That is just amazing dear Brie! That buyer was sent by God in His own timing. Praying all goes well with the Sale, and Keith will be very comfortable and content in his new apartment.
      Thank You Jesus!
      Amen dear sisters! God's faithfulness is shining like the sun.

  30. Brie - I am praying for the sale to go through easily, and above all else "THY WILL BE DONE" Joining in prayer with and for you. THY WILL BE DONE. Be blessed, Be loved. YOU ARE LOVED BY ALL.

  31. for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light. (Ephesians 5:8). in unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the LORD, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and when they praised the LORD saying, "He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting," then the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, or the glory of the LORD filled the house of God. (2 Chronicles 5:13-14). but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7).

    1. Wonderful food today dear Janet! Amen!
      We are blessed to be children of the Light so we must walk the the walk and let our light shine in the darkness of this fallen world. We have such a good and great God and His mercy and lovingkindness are forever.

  32. Heavenly Father, thank You for shining Your glorious, radiant light on me and my life. You are all that is good in this world. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You and not the things of this world. Remind me that Your Light is within me and that is the most important thing. Help me to not be distracted by the busyness of the things of this world. As I walk in the Light of Your Presence, let my steps stomp out the darkness and evil in this world. Let me walk over it instead of trudging through it. Let me not even give it a second glance or thought. Let the Light of Your love and presence shine so bright that I don't even see the darkness at all. Let the light shine within me brightly for Your glory in this dark world. Let others see You within me and let it touch their lives as well. The power of the Holy Spirit is strong and "contagious". Let the power of the Holy Spirit flow through me and touch the lives of those I come in contact with. Fill me up with Your Holy Spirit and Your heavenly light. Let the glory cloud be over me and all around me. Let me see You through the colors You radiate in Your Spirit. Let me see the world through Your eyes and Your perspective. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing, wonderful, and magnificent. Thank You for being in my life. I need You every second of every day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen Janet. Even as you pray, so let it be.

    2. Two or more are now gathered into your prayer, dear Janet. May we all experience our Jesus in our midst. Amen.

    3. Yes Lord hear our prayers of longing for you!

    4. Sweet Janet! You have so much light in you that when people see you, they must see His light and beauty in you. We see it every day in your beautiful words and prayers. You seek Him and God hears you. Praying with you and always for you.

  33. God's words flow from your heart to ours,Janet❣ a sweet πŸ™Amen
    Sung by the Bellamy Brothers

    1. Always loved that song! Thanks dear Butterfly love.

  34. Todays JC is a great reminder for me. I often allow a mental scale in my mind to dictate how much love I should recieve from others. My expectation always get me in trouble and damages relationships usually all this takes place in my mind. The Holy Spirit urges me to focus on beautiful flowers instead of the thorns and weeds or even weed pulling in the garden of friendship. Today I will love others without condition following in step with The Holy Spirit of God. Pleasing our God first not as concerned with tickling the ears of others but encouraging and speaking love over all I come in contact with. If the Lord is directing my steps and my words I can expect many, many more beautiful blossoms in my garden. God bless each of you in your walk today and always.

    1. Thanks Fern. I needed that reminder.

    2. Beautiful, Fern. This speaks to my desire for how I want to walk through this day, every day.

    3. Amen Sisters! Just what I needed to hear dear Fern! Thanks
      Philippians 4:8
      Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

  35. The Difference

    I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day. I had so much to accomplish that I didn't have time to pray. Problems just tumbled about me, and heavier came each task. "Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered. He answered, You didn't ask," I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on, gray and bleak. I wondered why God didn't show me. He said, "But you didn't seek.: I tried to come into God's presence. I used all my keys at the lock. God gently and lovingly chided, "My child, you didn't knock." I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day. I had so much to accomplish that i had to take time to pray.

    Author: Alan Grant

    1. One of my favorites sweet Rose! Thanks for feeding me well and adding light to my day.

  36. Lord thank you for your great love for us. Nudge us by your Holy Spirit when our focus strays from you. Please Lord continue healing mine and Noah's bodies. Please help me not to push my body to far and have another set back. Give the ENT wisdom about the ulcers in my mouth. I thank you that biopsy of the biggest one was benign. Lord give me wisdom Lord you know I have tried everything that I know of with little and only temporary relief. I am yours Lord. This body is your temple please do your work, your will in it.

    JC family I'm joining in prayer for each of you and enjoying the fellowship and the prayers. I truly believe that we as a United cord make a difference because of going to the Father's thrown together. Thank you for being an important part of this holy work. Each person that touches this blog is a part of this work.

    1. ONE in God's Spirit, that would be all of us. Peaying for you and Noah and for covid to take wing and leave. My DH has "long covid". Praying you and Noah into my prayers for Larry. Did you get an inhaler?

    2. Praying for you dear Terri that you and Noah will receive God's healing and a new strength of breathing and that your ulcers in your mouth will disappear. Dear Brie, You and your DH are always in my prayers. I pray every symptom of Covid will be gone from Larry. Father hear our sincere prayers as we continue to trust in You. You were faithful to me today when I received a final Negative result on the other test. You are such a merciful and good Father. Thank You for healing Terri and Noah and Brie and Larry in all ways in the Name of Christ Jesus, we pray, seek, knock, and wait on YOU.

  37. Healing prayers going up for you, Norah and our JC Family. God knows your plight, and He is in control. Trusting in Him. God bless you and be with you, Terri.

  38. Thank you, Rose - your poem is such a delight and so true! I heard that years ago and have often thought about it. The temptation is to start out running, "I'm late, I'm late..." and I know the whole time that it is only going to make matters worse!
    This morning I have had plenty of time in prayer, scripture and getting prepared for my DH's appt, praying for so many who have needs and yes, taking care of myself, too.
    Love and Blessings, JC Family. Our path has been prepared by the One who loves us so!

    1. I have you and DH covered up and smothered in prayer Norah so you can lean on HIM in trusting dependence.
      Lean on Him when you're not strong and He'll be your strength; He'll help you carry on...

    2. THANK YOU!!! We just prayed together and we're getting ready to go. Singing, "I know He cares for me....." US - all of US!!

    3. Praying with you and our family that the doctor's visit for your DH will be a positive one because God is in charge, and soon you will have good news to share with us. Thank YOU JESUS!

  39. And Dear Jeannie - looking forward to hearing about a NEGATIVE test result! Continued prayers!!

    1. I got a Negative result and so did my good husband. That is the final test so I am so blessed and grateful for your powerful prayers. Thank you! Our God is so good!!!

  40. Yes, and email coming your way soon, Jeannie.

    1. Looking forward to receiving it dear Butterfly love. πŸ’—

  41. OH, JC Family - another good report and we don't have to go back for 2 months, unless the Dr. calls next week (one test takes longer). There may be treatment in my Hub's future, but it's not for now and we are celebrating The future is His and we are resting in that.
    Thanks to all of you for your prayers.
    Love and Blessings

    1. I went and put my Victory Dancing Shoes On.
      Thank You Jesus!

  42. Halleluia! Brie, I'm getting my Victory Dancing Shoes on too! Dancing with you both! So happy to hear such good news dear Norah!
    We serve a faithful God!

  43. Thank you dear ones for travel prayers. We arrived safely & soaking in family time. Thank you God for the blessing of family. Praying each day for each of you for any challenges that may come your way. Much love to each of you. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. I raise a Hallelujah in Praise to God, Jan gridley! Now soak it in, soak it in!

    2. Jan --- Thank you for your prayers! They are well recieved. Great Blessings on your stay with your family and continued prayers for your son. With Great Praise to The Great I Am, Our King Jesus and Most Powerful Holy Spirit!

    3. Adding my Hallelujah! More answered prayers! Praise Him! Thanking God you arrived safely and you're enjoying your dear ones. Enjoy every moment! Thanks so much for your prayers.

    4. Happy you arrived safe and sound and are enjoying such awesome family time with your son and his family, Jan! God is so good!

  44. I am giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Thanks be to God, for Audra, SC Anonymous, Blessings from NY, Janet E., Anonymous JJ, Jeanne, Norah, and all who prayed. With more medication, and a lifestlye change, My BP is trending in the right direction. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

    1. HALLELUJAH!!! Oh, Brie, He watches over His WORD to perform it! I apply Blessings and Love to your evening.
      You just got to LOVE the Lord's ways!

    2. So happy for you, dear Brie!! We serve such a good and faithful God! I just knew your BP problem would get resolved because He is in charge. Hallelujah! Such good news.
      Amen dear JJ! Sure do love His ways.

    3. Ephesians 5:18-20 reminds me of you Brie. Singing songs and praises. Hallelujah! I tried to post yesterday but it wouldn't let me. Glad to hear you're doing better 😊

    4. With God all things are possible ❤️

    5. Fantastic, Brie! God is our WAYMAKER with all things, right?! So glad your bp is coming down! All praise and glory to God who reigns in us!

  45. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.

    1. Love that one Jeanne. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Thank you Jeanne, I needed to hear that. Gods timing

  46. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully with psalms. (Psalm 95:2).

    1. to Him with psalms.
      Sorry, forgot to add that in.

  47. Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. You are the light of my life Lord. Your Word is the greatest love letter written. Everything anyone needs is in Your living Word. Highlight in our hearts the special messages each one of us needs in our lives for today. Let Your loving hands guide and direct us along our way as we walk with You through this day. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Father, please lift the hearts of those that are sad from loss of loved ones in their lives. This time of year especially can bring tears to us here as we miss those that are no longer with us. Please dry our eyes and fill our hearts with Your perfect peace, love and joy. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. "Please dry our eyes and fill our hearts with Your perfect peace, love and joy." Dear Precious beloved Sister Janet, I receive your beautiful Prayer for my broken heart. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    3. Such a wonderful and perfectly said prayer, Janet. I, too, receive that prayer. Thank you. Praying for and hugging you, Sassy Mom, knowing you're heart is hurting so. May happy memories of our loved ones give us comfort as we miss those that have gone to be with the Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.

  48. JC Warriors, I am healing quickly with the Lord's healing hands and all your prayers. Thank you so much and thank You Jesus! I have a job interview today and if it's God's will for me than it will happen. Please pray that His will be done in my life and with this step that I'm taking today. Thank you all. May our heavenly Father bless you and keep you πŸ™. Peace be with you.

    1. Sending prayers Janet for your interview- God’s got this! As Jeanne’s post said “ And He shall direct thy paths”

    2. Such good news, Janet! So glad you're healing is on the fast-track...and we know who made that happen, right?! Jehovah Rapha is IN THE HOUSE! Woo-Hoo! You are going to rock your interview, Janet. God will give you the words to say & questions to ask. And you're right, if it's God's will for this job to be yours, it most certainly will be! So happy you're on the mend and praying your interview goes well! In Jesus' name, amen!

  49. God is good -- all the time
    Not just whenever
    Not just sometimes
    He is good -- all the time
    He commands the birds to fly
    Watches over all mankind
    Opens the eyes of the blind
    God is good -- all the time
    He brings the rain and sunshine
    Teaches our hearts to be kind
    Reveals all things to our minds
    God is good -- all the time
    My Lord and Savior for all time
    That perfect Almighty God of mine

  50. All the time! This understanding brings me peace ✌️ please prayers for my brother Tony..eye surgery up and coming and he is worried.. peace please Lord thru the vine to Him!

  51. Philippians 4:6-7 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
    "There is NO condemnation for those who are in Me."
    Thank You Lord for setting us free from the law of sin and death.
    Thank You that we have entered into Your Victory over sin, death and the world.
    Because of Your Victory, we fight FROM a position of Victory, we're not fighting FOR a position of Victory.
    All received answers to prayer come from the victory Jesus obtained over sin, death and the world.
    May you receive the answer to your prayer today in Jesus Blessed Holy Name, Amen.

  52. AMEN dear Janet, amen! Hallelujah! As we awake here in Texas, grand girls off to school, DIL off to ER for today's challenges, hubby making coffee, I in my bed reading JC family posts, drinking in scriptures to lift & encourage, am feeling very blessed by you all. Sharing in victories, praying aside each of you for more victories to look forward to. Hallelujah! The God of creation knows every hair on our head, not one falls without His notice. How awesome is that! Love you all so muchπŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ
