Monday, November 21, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 21

Thank Me throughout this day for My Presence and My Peace. These are gifts of supernatural proportions. Ever since the resurrection, I have comforted My followers with these messages: Peace be with you, and I will with you always. Listen as I offer you My Peace and Presence in full measure. The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank Me for them.
     It is impossible to spend too much time thanking and praising Me. I created you first and foremost to glorify Me. Thanksgiving and praise put you in proper relationship with Me, opening the way for My riches to flow into you. As you thank Me for My Presence and Peace, you appropriate My richest parts.

Luke 24:36
English Standard Version
As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to you!”

Matthew 28:20
English Standard Version
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Hebrews 13:15
English Standard Version
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.

My Prayer (2022)
Lord, I notice often that when I come to you to talk to you and pray that I can at time rush through adoration and praise and thanksgiving in order to get to supplication for myself and others. I suppose I am so eager to see you work in others so that they can have what I have with You. Lord, I really want to be more thankful for all that you have given. Even yesterday, as we were in church, taking the Lord's Supper I was reminded of the great gift of salvation you have given that I don't deserve. I don't even understand how you chose me to be your vessel and instrument. But I do praise you. I thank you for the perfect message of salvation. I thank you for the clarity of Your Word, for seeing Jesus throughout the Bible and the many verses that confirm the Godhead of Father, Son, and Spirit. Thank you for showing me those. Lord, I am very thankful for those gifts of salvation and the gifts of family you have given as well. Keep me focused on this always. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you for Your presence, peace and blessed assurance that you will never depart from me, that you will be with me forever.

    1. This is mt daily lifeline before my day ...I love what you do. Always look for silver linings!

    2. Amen, Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine.
      Now and forever!

    3. Thank you lord for this sight were I found refuge even though I lost my book.
      Praise your holy name.

      Thank you editor for making it is

  2. Lord, I thank and praise you for abundance of blessings all around me, for all your creation, the sacrifice of your only son and for your promise of never leaving me.

  3. Heavenly Father, Thank you for your presence and the peace that comes from You being with me always. I pray that I recognize your presence and seek Your will for me in everything that I do. I pray that I make You bigger in my life and make myself smaller. Too many times I seek my own will without consulting You only to find myself lost and hopeless. I am so thankful for all that you do for me in life and all the gifts that flow into me daily. I pray for Your help in sharing these gifts with others who may not know of your presence and the hope You bring into this world.

    1. Jeff - "I pray that I make You bigger in my life and make myself smaller." AMEN!!!

    2. I too pray "that God makes himself bigger in my life and makes me smaller" Amen! Amen!

    3. What an AWESOME prayer Jeff!


    4. Amen and thank you, Jeff! Beautiful and timeless prayer. Let the light of Christ shine so brightly that others see Him before they see us. He is the greatest part of us.

    5. Bless you brother Jeff for encouraging me to become smaller as Jesus becomes bigger. Amen! Hallelujah!

    6. Well said dear Jan! Amen. Let God increase in us and in our lives and let us be His humble trusting servants. It's not about us but Him.

    7. Amen πŸ™❤️πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  4. It is humbling to say thank you to family, friends, or strangers who render an unexpected kindness, a thoughtful gift, or an act of compassion/love. How much more should we be humbled and thankful of Jesus' sacrifice for us? Father, Son, and Holy Spirit may we truly appreciate and thank you for all the blessings we receive each day... both the known and unknown. Amen.

    1. Amen dear MadFox! Loved your last line. So true! We don’t know the blessings that are right around the bend and His amazing work behind the scenes.

    2. So good! Thank you Madfox!

  5. Father God, thank you for all that you have done for job, my kids, my wife. Help me to remain humble and greatful. I praise you for your grace and love. In your loving son, Jesus' name i pray..amen

  6. Thankful for the humility that rises up in me to trust what has so freely been given. That it is HIS way, not MINE and that by trusting God and His Word, I don't have to worry about all of the tiny details: MadFox, your statement stirred my heart b/c there ARE so many blessings every day and as you said 'How much more should we be humbled and thankful of Jesus' sacrifice for us?' Giving this day to Him...all of the preparation, running, etc. that it is all to His glory. Take my eyes off ME, Father, and remind me of Jesus' example of GIVING.

    1. Amen! Father show me how to be more selfless than selfish, and more generous in all ways. Thank you.

  7. When God chose to enter the world and incarnate Himself in Jesus, God chose a humble heart that was filled with love and thanksgiving. This truth still occurs today for whenever someone has a humble, thankful and loving heart, Jesus is born into the situation or circumstance of the moment. Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts and prayers above which increase within me the desire to have that humble, thankful and loving heart in which Jesus can be born again.

    1. Thank you for that beautiful truth, Bob! Amen!
      May God create in me a humble, thankful and loving heart like that of Jesus.

  8. How can I explain the three parts of the Holy trinity to someone? Thanks

    1. Hi Carol - Well, keep in mind the Trinity is difficult to explain. Remember, God created this world and everything we see and even what we don’t see. He created the human body. Doctors and scientists continue to understand how the body works the way it does, but they still don’t know why it was made that way. We live in a world though that tells us we must understand everything but God’s word says, “He has made everything appropriate in its own time (Eccl 3).” You are not the first to ask the question and won’t be the last. But, it is clearly taught in scripture. As we read the Bible - the Father, The Son (Jesus), and Spirit are all mentioned with divine or Godly attributes. It’s important to note the Father is not Jesus or Jesus is not the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is not the father, but there are instead 3 separate persons of God, thus the Trinity. There have been many different ways to explain it, like saying God is like H2O and can be seen as water, steam, or ice. But all of these explanations are not perfect and have limitations. In the Bible there are verses that show the same divine attributes for each. For example, all are spoken to be all-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere present, unchanging, and eternal - all divine attributes. I would reccomend reading the Gospel of Matthew, but really this is found throughout scripture. Remember what Jesus said about entering heaven (matthew 7:13-14) - “the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” These are difficult concepts for people that want easy answers. It takes time. Most will not take the time to figure it out and just write it off (thus the wide way to destruction), but hopefully the person you speak to will take the time to understand it. Be blessed.

    2. In all sincerity, it is one of the most difficult facets of Christianity to explain. The book, "the Shack" attempted to explain or creatively suggest how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were intertwined... frankly, I found it confusing as well. C.S. Lewis helped me the most... in Mere Christianity, he says if the concept of the Trinity bothers the person seeking God, then embrace and look at the rest of scripture and focus on Jesus. Honestly, I've moved past worrying about this but as an engineer I so wanted to understand -- I view this as something that I will come to understand in the next life as I have bigger problems to solve in my personal journey first!

    3. As a kid, I asked the question amd was given a three leaf clover. It helped; but until the next life, I'll continue to trust it is so and move on.

    4. I see the Trinity as my anchor of faith.

    5. Thanks for the 3 part Anchor visual, Audra.
      JC Fam, Do you know of anything else that comes in threes?

    6. Brie - I too heard about the clover! I've just looked up on the web and I found "Length-Width-Height".
      I love the picture of the anchor Audra!

      Blessings from France

    7. We will all understand it by and by. I really feel like the Father is the Almighty and powerful Overseer, our all knowing, Creator God and our great Physician. He hears and understands all and knows us intimately and His mercy, love and peace are perfect and forever. His Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is God’s gift of love to us. He is human and divine. He is our Savior who always is and always was, and was present during the creation of the world, He is our Redeemer sent down as a great sacrificial Lamb, as a ransom for our sins, He is our very dearest friend and understands us completely because He has experienced every human emotion and temptation. He is our High Priest whose reign is forever and He lives within our hearts and is always with us to lift, heal and encourage us. The Holy Spirit is God’s gift of comfort to us, and the very present help we have down here every day Who instructs, guides and comforts us, and Who speaks to us in a soft inner voice that I have heard and without a doubt I know it is God. He also feeds us the words He wants us to share. He gives us wisdom and strength. The Three are One and Interchangeable and perfect. They are God. And God is always with us and pure light, peace, love and joy.

    8. Hi WWJD, when living in a Moslem nation, I have been asked this many times. Islam clearly says Allah does not have a son. ( Oh boy did Mohammed mess up!). Yet those who (and there really are many) are disillusioned with Islam and religion in general, are looking for meaning and purpose in life. My imperfect example of the Holy Trinity is the three lobed clover leaf. One leaf, three lobes or a trinity of lobes, each one equal and related to the other two. Or think of an equilateral triangle, three equal sides forming one object. No example is perfect but seeking hearts WILL find Him. If I find no clover leaf around, I can draw an equilateral triangle on the ground.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. In addition to
      WATER (Liquid Form/Gaseous Steam Form/and Solid Ice Form)
      SPATIAL MEASUREMENT (Length/Width/Height)
      ANCHOR (Shank, Crown, Stock)
      SHAMROCKS (3 Leafs)
      TRIANGLES (Sides, Base, and Vertex)
      A priest recently helped me understand more about The Trinity. He said it's like a COMBO MEAL, or BUNDLING!
      I can see more clearly now!

  9. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ God I need you

  10. Good morning Jesus! I woke up this morning already praising and thanking You before reading my devotion. What a joy and a blessing to go to bed thinking about You and Your goodness and wake up with You on my mind with Thanksgiving!
    It is hard to explain, but I just want to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Father, for hearing me every time I pray and Thank You for NEVER failing to answer me according to Your will.
    You know what's been on my mind these past days and I turned it over to You and asked for Your Peace. This morning, I woke up in Your Presence and Peace! Yes, it is indeed great a Joy and Honor to worship at Your Throne of Grace!
    To also read this morning's devotion assuring me that Your Peace is with me, my heart rejoices in Praise and Thanksgiving to You Father! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

    JC family, I pray for each of You to receive God's infinite peace throughout this day, no matter what valley you are in or what mountain is standing before you. This God that we serve is NOT One to be taken for granted! He is SOVEREIGN, HOLY, MAJESTIC and all so POWERFUL. He is REAL, His SON JESUS CHRIST is REAL, the HOLY SPIRIT is REAL! We have a REAL Living GOD! REJOICE and give Him THANKS!
    Don't feel sorry for yourself or your situation, turn it ALL over to Him, sit back and watch Him make your enemies your foot stool and shame the devil for who He Is!
    I am TRUSTING the Lord for All your needs and concerns. Relax and enjoy His Presence that is ALWAYS with you❤!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. What a fantastic way to go to bed and wake up, Maplewood NJ! With God's goodness and praises on your mind! Your words give me something to aspire to. I'm still struggling through the valley of heartbreak and wake up every morning with heaviness and tears. But through this sadness today, I will repeatedly thank God for His Presence and His Peace! As often as I can. God is good, all the time...I know this.

    2. Rubyfusion, Heartbreak is painful, but I just encourage you to receive God's Peace by thanking Him throughout your day, pour it all out to Him with thanks and gradually, He'll heal your wounds and His peace will take over.
      Standing in prayers with and for you.

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. AMEN and I appreciate you sharing your praise report it truly blessed my soul!


    4. Thank you dear Maplewood! I too wake up in Thanksgiving and praise. i know just being in His sweet presence and care is enough for me. May He soothe the hearts and minds of the broken-hearted and dry all theIr tears. Thank you Jesus.

    5. Maplewood, I love that too, He is my first thought on waking as I commit the day ahead to Him and my last thought at night as I thank Him for the day and all His help in it, then commit the night and loved ones into His care. This is most precious.

    6. Just love you dear Maplewood. Your words are timeless and xuch good advice no matter what the Year. Praising Him with You. Thanking Him with you. He has given me so many blessings I can't even count them. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

  11. Thank you, God, for everything! All glory and honor be Yours! I am humbled and blessed to know You. I have come to realize I am nothing without You. Thank you always for remaining by my side, even if I go astray. You are the reason I make it through each day. You know my heart. Thank You! CO

    1. Joining in your beautiful prayer, dear CO. Amen!

  12. Praise and thanksgiving for a glorious and loving God. As You close doors, You open others and for that I am grateful. Oh Lord, I pray that You bless the JC prayer warriors indeed, and enlarge our territories. I pray that Your hand be with us. Keep us from evil so we cannot cause harm. In Your name we pray.

    Have a wonderful day everyone and stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Suzanne--- AMEN and AMEN!!!

    2. Suzanne - Reminds me of 1 Chronicles 4:10, the prayer of Jabez

      10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, AND ENLARGE MY TERRITORY, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”

    3. It is. This is my mantra and I say this prayer every morning for various friends and family without fail. Today, I felt led to say it for my JC prayer warriors. You all are awesome!

    4. Sassy Mom, thank you for the Jabez reminder.

    5. Thanks dear Suzanne! You are awesome! Doing my best to stay connected to my life giving Vine. Especially during this challenging week. He's kept me company while I was super busy all day doing my kitchen chores. Thank You Jesus!


    Revelation, the story of the final judgment to bring full restoration to everything that is God’s which is everything. The LORD begins the Divine Correction by walking among His chosen ones, in this case, the churches of Asia Minor. Fourth stop: Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)

    Thyatira was a wealthy town on the Lycus River. The Son of God who sees clearly and who stands on a firm foundation enters. He sees the the heart’s desire of the faithful, their love, their faith, their service, and their patient endurance of which He approves. He sees the growth of faith and takes delight. But there is a major concern in the fellowship of believers. They are tolerating someone (or possibly, some philosophy) to pervert the faith by advocating participation in feasts of the pagan gods to satisfy their appetite and also encouraging sexual immorality. Those who attach themselves to these ways will succumb to this ungodliness as will their children. In this toleration, He sees what they are doing and this behavior will receive its due reward for its deviation from the the only Way for life. But those who remain strong in the faith and do not acquiesce to these perverted teachings, who stay strong in the faith as mentioned in the beginning of these words, will find great reward in so doing. They will find the fullness of relationship with the morning star, a.k.a. Jesus Himself.

    A question that rises out of these words for me to reflect upon in this time of preparation for Christmas is, ‘What have I become tolerant of in my life that is not of God? What am I taking with me on my faith journey that is impeding my progress.’ These are good questions I need to ask of myself. This is why Advent is valuable to me, it is a time set aside to be more introspective and to change the things that are interfering with my relationship with our LORD and with others. It is a time to get the log out of my own eye so I can be in a better position to help others get the spec out of theirs.

    Have a blessed weekend, dear sisters & brothers in Christ. May it be topped off with a blessed experience of worship. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob, You asked, What have I become tolerant of in my life that is not of God? What am I taking with me on my faith journey that is impeding my progress.
      Unfortunately and ashamedly, I am becoming tolerant of worldly murders, covid deaths, abuses, lies, etc.. The depression they cause tries to impede my faith walk. I said "try" but thanks be to God, with help from His Holy Spirit, I put one faith foot in front of the other faith foot and I walk on with Hope in my heart. Thanks for what you are doing for us Bob. I appreciate it.

    2. Thank you Bob. I pray that we stop letting things become the "social norm " and/or "socially acceptable " in the world just because we don't want to hurt someone's feelings or what they think is right. The only things that should be acceptable are the things acceptable to the Lord and abiding in his word. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    3. Amen! Great things to ponder. Thank you Bob. Blessed by your posts as always!
      God be with you and lead you where He wants you to be.

      Blessings from France

    4. Bob, your message and interpretation is so welcomed. And so blessed. Thank you. KS

    5. Great questions for contemplation this season, Bob! I think the answers will address my inquiry about defining the sin of 'sloth'. Thank you.

    6. Yes Audra,
      I became more aware of sloth today like never before, ironically, before you mentioned it, sloth was something I never thought about; I guess the fact that I ignored it for so long made me a slothful sloth. I was too busy trying to out run the other 6 deadlys. TGIF and He loves us for who we are, His children. Lord help us all.
      PS Ya think the world made sloth into a cute furry little creature to groom us into thinking sloth is OK?

    7. Thank you always, Bob. You gave me a lot of good food to chew on. I am considering how I spend my days and am working on staying in His presence and peace . Was so busy with my grandson running from room to room and playing with him, baking cookies and painting pictures. I stopped and praised God for such a bright ray of sunshine in my life. I want to be a faithful servant and work harder at growIng closer to Him than working in my kitchen. I know it means more to Him when I stop what I’m doing and spend time with Him in a real and special way.
      Jesus, remind me to stay in Your presence and seek you often. Thanks for helpIng me slow down to be with You.

    8. Thankyou Bob, for bringing up the questions that cause me to think and act. Blessings to you and our JC family in preparation for advent. Mindy

    9. Hi Bob, incidentally there are two churches now in Ephesus(Izmir) Andrew Brunson was the pastor in the the one we attended.

    10. Wonderful questions dear Bob! "What have I become tolerant of in my life that is not of God? What am I taking with me on my faith journey that is impeding my progress.’" Amen, we must all ask ourselves this and do some inner examination. Thanks dear brother! God help us to stay on the road that leads to glory. Lead us to separate the wheat from the chaff in our lives and walk closer to You. Thank You Jesus!

    11. Amen! Always seeking and asking in Jesus's name I pray.

  14. My life is filled with God's Blessings. I am releasing me and gratefully receiving them. To God be The Glory for these and ALL Blessings received:

    😊 LARGE: Thank You for Sight and Insight Blessings.
    😊 SMALL: Thank You for picnics in the park Blessings.
    😊 EASY: Thank You for a socially distant masked meetup with friends Blessings.
    😊 HARD: Thank You for Hug Abstinence Blessings.
    😊 SURPRISE: Thank You for seeing a large intricate web built by an itty bitty spider overnight Blessings.

    ✝️ FROM ISAIAH 43
    But forget all that is past. The past is nothing compared to what I am going to do now! For I am going to do a brand new thing. See I have already begun. Do you see it now?

    Dear Heavenly Father God, Thanks to You, every sonrise is a new beginning to celebrate today's thanks in the current moment. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called THE PRESENT!  Would You help us enjoy the moments of our lives staying focused on and connected to You in THE PRESENT? And be grateful and thankful to You for THE PRESENT? Opening it up, living it up, and enjoying every part of THE PRESENT?

    The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank You for them. It is possible to spend time thanking and praising You who created us first and foremost to glorify You. Thanksgiving and praise put us in proper relationship with You.  Would You accept our Thank You for this day that You have made for us to rejoice and be glad in? And our Thank You for Your Presence in THE PRESENT?
    In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

    1. ❤️️ πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆ❤️️ 
      I've been thinking 'bout time and where does it go
      How can I stop my life from passing me by, I don't know
      I've been thinking 'bout family and how it's going so fast
      Will I wake up one morning just wishing that I could go back?
      I've been thinking 'bout lately, maybe
      I can make a change and let You change me
      So, with all of my heart this is my prayer

      Singing oh Lord, keep me in the moment
      Help me live with my eyes wide open
      'Cause I don't wanna miss what You have for me
      Singing oh Lord, show me what matters
      Throw away what I'm chasing after
      'Cause I don't wanna miss what You have for me (what You have for me)
      Keep me in the moment
      Oh, keep me in the moment
      Keep me in the moment
      'Cause I don't wanna miss what You have for me (oh)

      When I wake up in the morning
      Lord, search my heart
      Don't let me stray
      I just wanna stay where You are
      All I got is one shot, one try
      One go around in this beautiful life
      Nothing is wasted when everything's placed in Your Hands


      I've been thinking about Heaven
      And the promise You hold
      So, it's all eyes on You
      Until the day You call me home


    2. Amen Brie!! His Presence in the present! Thank you Lord.

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you Bob and Brie!! What a blessing to come here and meet with our JC family and read your offerings.
      Brie, I'm going to go listen to the song as I find meaning in those lyrics. Your shared verse really hit me with a "whoa - Thank You Lord" reaction.
      ✝️ FROM ISAIAH 43
      But forget all that is past. The past is nothing compared to what I am going to do now! For I am going to do a brand new thing. See I have already begun. Do you see it now?
      God Bless you all here on this site. I pray for you every day. You are in my heart and thoughts and prayers.

    4. Brie - I too look forward to your message as well as so many on this site. All different, but all the same message. Thank you.

    5. Abstinence from hugs, so hard for me too! This too shall pass, thank you Jesus!

    6. Thanks sweet Brie! Great and powerful song! Amen dear Sister! I’m doing my best to stay in the present in His presence, giving Him thanks and praise because each new day is the greatest present to open and enjoy! God is so good!
      Audra and Brie! I’m a real hugger too so it’s really hard not being able to, but I know we are doing the right thing wearing masks and staying safe.,We all must do our part. It’s another way too give God some more glory.

    7. Keep Me in the Moment ♥️🎢 link

    8. Thanks for the link sweet Audra! We must stay in the Moment because we don't want to miss what our loving Father has for us. It's more precious than anything this world offers.

    9. Thanks Brie! Still loving your wonderful posts and that song! The lyrics really speak to my heart. I am so blessed that He searches my weary heart. He knows me through and through and loves me as His beloved child. We have so much to be thankful for, especially to be loved so perfectly by the greatest Father.

  15. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  16. Thanks for this reminder. I had forgotten how quickly the attitude changes and the blessings flow when you start praising and thanking God for everything, even the hard stuff. It’s an attitude of trust that He is in it and can work His will and good purpose in all things. I am reminded of Merlin Carothers books on praise. They have helped me so much.

    1. I often forget that too and find myself ending up weary. Praying for you and your loved ones dear Ellen.

      Thank you Lord for your peace, for your presence and for the praise we can give you in everything. Keep us close to you Lord.
      Blessings from France

  17. John 14:27 – “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

    Loving Father, I put myself in Your loving hands today and thank You for being the armor that will help me to be victorious in Your name. Thank You for being my Peace, my perfect Prince of Peace who gave Your Son Jesus on my behalf so that I could live in peace. May Your peace rule in my heart for the rest of my life. Thank you for giving me everything I will ever need according to Your will and for loving me and blessing me with the peace of Christ. May Your peace rule and reign in my family, at my place of work, and everything I lay my hands on.
    Thank You today for every good gift You've given me, every blessing You've sent my way, all the forgiveness that I did not deserve, and for every trial You've allowed into my life. Whenever I forget and allow my mind to run to places that destroy my peace, may the Holy Spirit remind me that these are unauthorized thoughts. I put down my emotional weapons and choose peace because, You do not want me to dwell on thoughts and emotions that contribute to unreasonable and unnecessary fears. I know my mind will remain in perfect peace as I fix my thoughts on you, so Lord, thank You for Your promise and gift of peace. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Psalm 29:11- “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Good Morning Maplewood NJ. Thanks for the reminder that I can control my thoughts...Whenever I forget and allow my mind to run to places that destroy my peace, may the Holy Spirit remind me that these are unauthorized thoughts...
      It's my God Positioning System RECALCULATING me.
      Blessings and Love

    2. Good thoughts and prayer to start the day, twin bd sis! And if the day should start to unravel, a good prayer to return to put all things back together again...and forever. God be with you.

    3. Beautiful prayer, Maplewood, NJ. A wonderful way to start the day. May His peace be with you and our JC family.

    4. Amen Maplewood. To be honest, I've failed at controlling my thoughts and anger today. Lord help me to try again and do my best tomorrow and all the days you will make. In Jesus name, amen.

      Blessings from France

    5. Wonderful prayer, dear Maplewood, and good advice. We have free will to make the right decisions, to keep control of our emotions, and to do our best to please God and grow closer to Him. Let us lean on the Spirit when we’re at a crossroad in our life, or when we’re facing an important decision. He knows the right way to walk.
      Thank you, dear God, for reminding me to stay tuned in to Your guidance and direction. You are the Author of my future and in You I put my trust.

    6. Wonderful gift πŸ™‚

  18. Beautifully written prayer, Maplewood. God is blessing all...

  19. Good morning, and happy and blessed Saturday, JC family! What a wonderful morning to wake up and thank and praise God, the Father, for so many blessings. Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes to see and ears to hear the wonderfulness of Your creation and the many treasures you laid out for me yesterday. My cup surely runneth over.

    Update on my son, Mark. The colonoscopy went well. Praise the Lord! God was with him and the doctors and nurses caring for him. They did find areas of inflammation and took biopsies of those areas. Now, we wait for the results to come in. Praying it's nothing serious and that it's manageable. Thank you Jeanne and all prayer warriors for praying with me for Mark. God bless you.

    Lifting up all JC family prayer requests to the Throne of Grace, and praying that God's blessings and favor chase all of you down today.❤

    Peace from California

    1. Praying for both you and Mark, Rose.
      In the waiting, in the searching
      In the healing, in the hurting
      Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
      Every minute, every moment
      Where I've been or where I'm going
      Even when I didn't know it
      Or couldn't see it
      There was Jesus
      There was Jesus!

      Song by Dolly Parton and Zach Williams

    3. Dear Rose, I’m glad your son’s colonoscopy went smoothly. Praying with Brie for you and for good results for Mark’s biopsies. Thank you Jesus! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™

  20. Please pray that our trip today to Rosarito goes well. We'll be staying for one night only. Packing up and taking Jesus and all of you with me! God bless you all abundantly to overflowing.

    Blessings from California

    1. Praying for traveling mercy to and feo.
      Enjoy your R&R Rose. Your JC Warrior Family has you covered up in prayers.

    2. Praying for you dear Rose.
      Have a nice trip!

      Blessings from France

    3. Rose, Praying for a safe and happy trip. May God put a hedge of protection around you. God bless you always.

  21. Stopping in to say God bless you all. I’m on babysitting duty and then driving to Brooklyn to see Mom and Sis. Will be praying for you all in the way.

    1. Traveling Mercies and Happy Trails to you, our sweet Jeanne.

    2. Have a nice trip dear Jeanne!
      Blessings from France

    3. Thanks dear Brie and Blessings from France. Enjoying being with my Mom and Sis! Watching a good Hallmark movie and getting some much needed rest. God bless you both.

  22. I'm having trouble posting..Jesus help me.

  23. Thank you Jesus! Thank you for everything. I can't reply on your posts but reading all your prayers and requests for prayers. I love you all; may Jesus pour his amazing grace over you and yours. Yes, Jeff H! Lord, more of thee..less of me!

  24. God Bless each of you. So glad to hear your son's colonoscopy went well, Rose. Will be praying with all of the JC Prayer Warriors for fantastic results.
    My day was a blessing and I will try to share more tomorrow, though it's another full one. But - all good things.
    Love and Blessings to all of you and thank you for your continued prayers. Yours are mine!

  25. I will give thanks to the LORD because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High. (Psalm 7:17). I will give thanks to You LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds. (Psalm 9:1). I will give You thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise You. (Psalm 35:18). Jesus then took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted. (John 6:11). Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1). Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. (Colossians 4:2).

  26. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. Thank You for Your perfect peace and comfort. You are so giving and forgiving. Your mercy and grace is new every morning. Let me rest in Your Presence and in Your love light shining upon me. Pour out Your blessings upon me. Open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. Let me be aware of Your Presence in everything, everywhere. Open my eyes to see all that You are doing in and through my life and the lives of others. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Joining in that perfect prayer dear Sister Janet! Amen! Forget not His Benefits.

  27. I haven't posted in a while but have been reading and been inspired by your comments, my JC Family. Even through my ups and downs battling and in denial about depression and grief; asking GOD to have mercy on ME by calling me home to be with HIM (as if that's my call) I still had a THANK YOU in my Heart for HIS Perfect will being done in my life. I have been serving the LORD a long time but it was a HUGE AHA moment as a very subtle reminder, NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN when on the mountain top because the enemy doesn't always wait for the valley seasons to attack! My testimony today is THANKSGIVING and PRAISE is what pulled me up out of that tearful season over the past few months. Thank you to my JC FAMILY for your continuous intercessory prayer, it DOES WORK! May each of you receive a 100 fold in return for your service in prayer and may the Spirit grant your unspoken request in service later today! God Bless You Richly as we approach what some deem as Thanksgiving Season but WE KNOW every day is Thanksgiving Season when the Lord provides us the breath and grace to awake each day!

    1. God's daughter, love, "everyday is Thanksgiving season when the Lord provides us the breath and grace to awake each day." Will continue to lift you up dear sister. Bless you for sharing πŸ’•πŸ™

    2. Blessings and prayers without ceasing for you, God's Daughter and all the JC family. We are gathered, He is here. ♥️✝️πŸ™

    3. Dearest God's daughter. You are walking a hard road but the Lord is right at your side every step of it. Every new day is a gift even when we are depressed and cannot see the light in it. He lights our wilderness and gives us hope of a brighter tomorrow. May He heal every weakness sweet Sister. Praying for that as I continue to life you in prayer. We are gathered together joining hands as a family. Thank You Father for answering our prayers and lifting our sweet sister out of the valley and into the sunshine of Your light and love in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    4. May our heavenly Father lift you up God's daughter. May your heart and mind be renewed and refreshed with His loving presence within you and bring forth a spring of healing water for your spirit and soul. May He remove your anxieties, fears, and depression and replace it with His peace, love, and comfort. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

  28. Hello family please pray with me as I lift up my sister as she prays for a God fearing patner . She is 54 years old loves the Lord , has two grown up kids and has recently moved to a new city. If this is God's will for her may she praise Him as she waits and not grow weary !

    1. Dear Min, caring for your sister's welfare is inspiring. I will pray that as she asks, seeks,& knocks, that door will open to her if the Lord wills. Amen. Be blessed todayπŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Praying for your dear sister that God will answer her prayers and ours. He has prepared a full life for her. May He guide her to all the desires of her heart and protect her in her new home. Thank You Jesus.

  29. Thank You Lord for your blessings on me

    1. Just love that simple song of thanks and praise. Just sent the link to my Mom an Sister! Thanks dear Sassy Mom! You feed me well. Much love!

  30. Because He lives -

  31. Another wonderful song. I always love to hear it! You add light to my heart and soul. Thanks and Thank You Jesus for one more blessing. I have good news. Another grandchild will be born in May! My oldest son Bryan and his lovely wife Allie had a hard time conceiving but Praise God, they are having the baby girl I have always dreamed of! Halleluia!!! Praise God for His mercy, faithfulness, and loving kindness! Thank You Lord for Your blessings on me!

  32. Your prayers were heard and my oldest son’s family is sleeping peacefully in our apartment.
    Thanking our good and faithful Father for a good consultation with my ocular surgeon at 11:30 and answers to my questions and my prayers, And that my sister’s injections in her knees today go well, And that my daughter in love who must get a biopsy today on tissue from her pelvic area gets good results, and that God heals my son and his family and they test negative for Covid and RSV and for all our prayers to be answered in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne πŸ™. May our heavenly Father place His loving hands upon you and your family and His will be done. May you feel and know His presence in your lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. I stand in agreement, Janet, with you. AMEN. Lord Jesus, By Your Strips I ask for healing for Jeanne and her family. May life and wellness grow in fulness till it overflows. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    3. Thanks dear Janet, JJ and Audra! I loved the doctor but must wait a week for him and his associate to study the cd. He said the next step may be the biopsy. My daughter in love said her procedure went well thank God. Praying for benign results, My sister’s knee injections went fine too. I must take her for her second injections on Monday. My son’s closing went smoothly with God’s help and he has the keys in his hand. Hallelujah! Thanking God for guiding it all. Waiting on the Lord in gratitude and trust.

  33. For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but My steadfast love shall not depart from you, and My covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10).

  34. What a wonderful JC entry for the Monday before Thanksgiving. Lord, I pray for all of the JC Warriors and their families this week of Thanksgiving. Please make all aware of our blessings and give thanks to You. Please gently remind us to “be still and know You are God”‘during what will likely be a busy week for all. Please gently remind us to thank You for and in everything.

    SC Anonymous

    1. SC Anonymous --- So thankful for you and your prayers! May the Lord Bless you and your family richly!

    2. SC, you just reconfirmed my meditation this morning, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!

    3. Thanks and Amen dear SC! Joining in on that perfect prayer as Thanksgiving approaches and staying still in His sweet presence as I rest in His peace.

  35. "Please gently remind us to thank You for and in everything." Thank You Jesus for blessing me with a gas fireplace. It is 23° in my world.

    1. Father God, our dear Sassy Mom needs your help to keep her warm and comfortable. Thank You for strengthening her and comforting her heart and healing her weaknesses of body, mind and spirit. Bring her special blessings and provide all her needs. Wrap her in Your Love, and pump joy into her beautiful heart, and bring her and her family peace and every good thing. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  36. Our precious Sassy Mom --- May the Lord bless you with warmth in your home. May your home be full of His Love, His Presence, His Joy and His Peace! Thank you Lord for blessing Sassy Mom and ALWAYS being with her. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    1. Beloved JJ, gratefully receiving your warm prayers. Praying for those who are homeless and without heat.

    2. Amen dear Sassy Mom, May God guide the homeless and the lost to true refuge, warmth, comfort and provisions. Thank You Jesus.

  37. Some, especially new born Christians ask
    'What is God's Will for me'
    1 Thessalonians 5:18 answers that question
    simply: "in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
    In Sunday school kids are taught 'popcorn prayers' ( short, quick, just a few words); when something you appreciate happens, a short quick 'thank You Jesus' is all it takes to show Him gratitude.
    Then there is the 'P' Pod - 6 P's; thank Him for His Presence, Peace, Protection, Provision, Power, Promises.
    It's hard to grumble when there is so much we can be thankful to Him for.
    Have a blessed thanks filled Monday.

    1. Peter - "Then there is the 'P' Pod - 6 P's; thank Him for His Presence, Peace, Protection, Provision, Power, Promises."
      A very LOUD AMEN!!!

    2. Sure do love that “P” pod! Amen and Amen!

  38. Extra Prayers for Keith, please.
    Ambulance is taking him to ER.
    Suspecr seizure or stroke. Thanks JC Family

    1. Brie --- The JCFAMILY/WARRIORS are Interceding! Lifting up Keith to The Throne of Grace. Papa God, let Your great presence flood that ER with Your life, Your way, Your plan. When things look dark, be ready for But God!!! IN Jesus's name whose name is above ALL names. Our WAYMAKER!!!
      devil, because you are such a foul spirit, a loser, and a master liar, we WILL NOT tolerate your garbage. We call you out for the liar you are, and we take POWER over your detestable plans, because Jesus gave us that authority.We chop off the head of every lying, deceiving serpent right now, and cast it out to a dry place. Papa God, bring Your Holy Fire and DESTROY it! Pleading The Blood of Jesus over this situation for Keith and Brie. Praying and Believing, in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    2. Gathering into JJ’s powerful prayer for our brother Keith! Amen. May God guide his doctors in every way to help him recover quickly and bring strength, healing and peace to him, Brie and her family. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name! Amen

  39. All inn on prayers for Keith, and you and your family, Brie! ♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™✝️

  40. Joining JC Warriors for our Keith.

  41. Update on Keith. Thanks to all who prayed and for today's devotion which became my mantra through it all:
    I have comforted My followers with these messages: Peace be still. Peace be with you. I will be with you always! And with us, He was.
    Keith was diagnosed with a vasal episode, which is easily treated. NO EVIDENCE OF STROKE NOR SEIZURE! Yeah God!
    Thanks to all who prayed and agreed with JJ's putting you know who on a final warning notice. It was glad to flee the scene once the warriors got on it.
    The Doctors and medical staff were more wonderful blessings. Thanks for keeping them in your prayers! They are truly overworked Godsends!. Love you family. Your prayers availeth much.
    Much Love, Brie

    1. Praise the Lord, Praise His Holy name!!! He watches over His word to perform it. HALLELUJAH!!! You just got to love His ways. JJ

    2. Praise God!! Thank you Lord!

    3. Thanking God for caring for Keith, and leading the doctors and medical staff to good work, and for bringing forth a good diagnosis that is easily treatable.
      We praise You O God for Your loving kindness and tender mercies. Thank You for blessing all your faithful servants in the Medical field and all the good caregivers with Your strength, peace and restoration. In Jesus' Name we pray.

  42. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Joining in prayers with you! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  43. Amen dear Jeanne - also joining you in prayer❤️πŸ™

  44. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    1. Thanks Peter! Pretty song too. So blessed to have our indwelling Spirit with us at all times.

  45. What if, just for today I am thankful for EVERYTHING including God's Presence and God's Peace?
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for Your Strength. I have It only because You are with me. Thank You for helping me to meet all of today's situations and circumstances by going boldly to Your Throne of Grace and Mercy, with full knowledge that EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE for You. Thanking, Praising, and Gloryfing You puts me in alignment with You, opening The Way for Your Riches to transfer into me. Thank You for access to Your Rich Gifts, Your Presence and Your Peace.
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  46. We thank God as a family together as one accord. Amen!

  47. Thanks dear Brie! Beautiful prayer and truth! Amen

  48. Here’s a song that gives us so many reasons to give thanks-
    King Of Kings
    In the darkness we were waiting
    Without hope, without light
    'Til from Heaven You came running
    There was mercy in Your eyes
    To fulfill the law and prophets
    To a virgin came the word
    From a throne of endless glory
    To a cradle in the dirt
    Praise the Father, praise the Son
    Praise the Spirit, three in one
    God of glory, Majesty
    Praise forever to the King of Kings
    To reveal the kingdom coming
    And to reconcile the lost
    To redeem the whole creation
    You did not despise the cross
    For even in your suffering
    You saw to the other side
    Knowing this was our salvation
    Jesus for our sake you died
    Praise the Father, praise the Son
    Praise the Spirit, three in one
    God of glory, Majesty
    Praise forever to the King of Kings
    And the morning that You rose
    All of Heaven held its breath
    'Til that stone was moved for good
    For the Lamb had conquered death
    And the dead rose from their tombs
    And the angels stood in awe
    For the souls of all who'd come
    To the Father are restored
    And the church of Christ was born
    Then the Spirit lit the flame
    Now this gospel truth of old
    Shall not kneel, shall not faint
    By His blood and in His name
    In His freedom I am free
    For the love of Jesus Christ
    Who has resurrected me
    Praise the Father, praise the Son
    Praise the Spirit, three in one
    God of glory, Majesty
    Praise forever to the King of Kings

  49. ♥️🎢 link

  50. Thank you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit for anointing me to do your work, on earth as I will in heaven.

  51. Praying against evil Alters.
