Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 23

As you sit quietly in My Presence, let me fill your heart and mind with thankfulness. This is the most direct way to achieve a thankful stance. If your mind needs a focal point, gaze at My Love poured out to you on the cross. Remember that nothing in heaven or on earth can separate you from that Love. This remembrance builds a foundation of gratitude in you, a foundation that circumstances cannot shake.
     As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one. When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart. Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in your mind. 
Romans 8:38-39
English Standard Version

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Psalm 4:7-8
English Standard Version
You have put more joy in my heart
    than they have when their grain and wine abound.

In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
    for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

My Prayer
Lord, thank you and remind me that nothing can separate me from the love of God. Thank you for giving me joy. You O Lord make me dwell in safety. Help me to notice ways you are working in my life and brightening my day. Give me a thankful and grateful heart.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Sending love and Thanksgiving blessings to the many followers on Bible Tags, especially the Payton Family for providing my "go to" daily devotion and the constant reminder that NOTHING CAN SEPARATE ME FROM THE LOVE OF GOD. I am the only Bible some people will see, I pray I will always reflect the beauty of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in my life.

    1. And you do evident by your prayer. What we pray for is what we most want, what we most want is what we seek to do. Peace be with you this thanksgiving. God is with you.

    2. Sassy mom is cool

    3. LOL - Sassy Mom is wet!!! Rain, Rain, Rain! 100% ALL DAY

    4. Same here yesterday too Sassy Mom. Today, the rain is gone, but it is cold and overcast. Still the Son always shines.

    5. Unknown - AMEN!!!!! Yes HE does!!!!

    6. Today's forecast: God reigns and the Son shines! Hallelujah!

    7. Thanks for the Hallelujah forecast, Audra.
      There' snow weather like God's!

    8. Thank you God for giving us the ability to play with words. You're a fun God within your Greatness.

    9. Amen! Thanks for being the same and always dropping treasures along our path during our day. Amen Audra! Love that forecast!
      Such a busy day but never too busy to give thanks and praise His Name!

    10. This is so true! "I am the only Bible some people will see." Lord, make me an instrument of your Peace. πŸ™✝️

    11. Still love this dear Sassy Mom! Thanks!
      Amen sweet Audra, Let us continue to do our best to share His Word and His message of peace, love and hope for His glory.

    12. Love reading this Sassy Mom prayer again. Thank you Father for this new day! Thank you Jesus for your invitation to heaven. Thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me there. God bless you all who find their way here today and the Payton family for hosting this thanks for giving opportunity.. ✝️πŸ™♥️

    13. Thank you dear Audra!!! Echoing your prayer of THANKS!!!

  2. Thank you God for the holy spirit that lives in us and unites us as one family. Thank you God for the power of your love that
    changes our hearts and minds.

  3. So very thankful to be with my family and our dear friends:)

  4. Amen πŸ™ ❤️
    I am SO THANKFUL for so many blessings on this Thanksgiving day! Be blessed you woke up today! God is good! God is faithful! God is love ❤️ Thank-You God for Your never ending presence in our lives. The HOPE we have in You and Your unfailing LOVE! You are worthy to be praised and because of that I too am worthy because of Jesus! In His Name Amen

  5. Thank you for what you did on the cross!!! Nothing can separate me from your love!! Talk about a love story!!! Thank you Lord Jesus!!!

  6. Thank you Lord for a wonderful Thanksgiving! Made possible only because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ! May we be reminded that everyday we should be thankful.

  7. “As we go through the day, to look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way...”. A cynic might think this thought comes from fairy tales but if we should meditate on the love of God for us that is for Him uncontainable (see the cross), why shouldn’t we expect this to be true? And, if indeed, we expect to encounter the love of God at every turn, we will be amazed at the tiny treasures we will see. The Church will soon be entering the season of Advent in preparation for the celebration of Christmas. The season of Advent is designed for us to strengthen our spiritual muscles of expectation. For as we anticipate His love so will we experience His love in innumerable ways (and the simple ones may be the most delightful).

    1. "Meditate on the Love of God for us" Our Salvation's focus:
      Here is love vast as the ocean,
      Loving kindness as a flood
      When the prince of life our ransom,
      Shed for us His precious blood

      Who his love will not remember,
      Who can cease to sing His praise?
      He can never be forgotten,
      Throughout heavn's eternal days

      On the mount of crucifixion,
      Fountains opened deep and wide
      Through the floodgates of God's mercy,
      Flowed a vast and gracious tide

      Grace and love like mighty rivers,
      Flowed incessant from above
      Heavens peace and perfect justice,
      Kissed a guilty world with love


    2. Thank you Brother Peter for starting our day with this timeless song πŸŽΆπŸ’•

    3. Thank you for the song and the link, Peter! God bless you!

    4. Such a lovely song and beautiful lyrics. Soothed my soul.
      Thanks Peter. God bless you and yours.

  8. Amen. Entering into His gates with Thanksgiving.

  9. Thanking You this morning dear Lord for another day of life. I Thank You that absolutely nothing can separate me from Your Love. My heart rejoices in praise and thanksgiving to Your Holiness and sing:

    Give thanks with a grateful heart,
    give thanks to the Holy One;
    give thanks, because he’s given
    Jesus Christ, his Son.
    Give thanks with a grateful heart,
    give thanks to the Holy One;
    give thanks, because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son.

    And now let the weak say ‘I am strong’,
    let the poor say ‘I am rich’,
    because of what the Lord has done for us; and now let the weak say ‘I am strong’, let the poor say ‘I am rich’,
    because of what the Lord has done for us, Give thanks!

    JC family, I thank God for you all . May His peace, blessings, protection and favour, make you want to Thank Him and lift Him up in Praise every given moment.
    Praying for all the needs, trusting and thanking Him for the outcomes.
    Have a blessed and safe Saturday.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood - JC Family - "Giving thanks with a grateful ♥" for the love, blessings and encouragement shared with each other. I love ♥ my warriors.

    2. Maplewood - Amen to your prayer. Amen to our Lord. KS

    3. Joining your prayer of thanksgiving! I sure do thank God for you and my JC Family every day! Amen. Thank You Jesus!

  10. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. - Psalm 100:4-5

    1. Sassy Mom - your words and prayers now and in past years bless us all. Thank you. KS

  11. Thank you God for your gift of tiny treasures. Show me how I can be your hands and feet today.

  12. Looking at this beautiful day and my heart is filled with thanksgiving! Just talked to my daughter who has already been on the road for over an hour. So proud of her - she gets better at these trips every time she makes one.
    Yesterday was as slow and calm as Thurs was spent running and dodging darts! I was asleep by 9:00 and woke up refreshed. Thank you all for your prayers. Know you are in mine.
    Thank you, Lord that nothing can separate us from Your love. Today, I will focus on my many blessings and continually thank You for each one. I will remember my loved ones - my JC Family - friends, family who are asking for prayer. Praying for you 10-4, thankful your friend is relieved, praying for the family and each of you. Echoing your prayer, Audra, that all who are dealing with it, be cancer-free.
    May your day be blessed, JC Family/Prayer Warriors, as you prepare for the upcoming holiday which we all agree, Maplewood, is everyday for us.
    God's Blessings and love each of you.

  13. Good morning my brothers and sisters. I am grateful for a new day. I thank God for new mercies today and the ways He makes Himself known to us every morning. I am grateful that nothing can separate me from the love of my Abba Father.

    A special prayer request this morning. I have been asked to help co-lead at my church a seminar called ‘Surviving the Holidays’ being hosted by our Griefshare group. Please pray that myself and the other leader provide needed support and guidance to those who are in need of comfort and a release from anxiety about the upcoming holidays. My year of ‘firsts’ (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc.) without the presence of my wife of 20 years was extremely difficult. It was only though the love of my family, friends, and my Father that made it manageable. Please pray that those that need this encouragement be led to our gathering today.

    Thank you all for sharing how our Father is working in your lives today. May the Peace of God go with all of you today.


    1. Dave D. - You will be a blessing to others. I encourage everyone to attend Surviving the Holidays. This year will be 4 1/2 years without my husband of 53 years. Prayers for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.

    2. Praying for you, Dave, and all of those grieving the loss of loved ones. God Bless you for taking this on!

  14. Praying Dave DπŸ™. Blessings on you.

  15. I have used this site when traveling instead of taking my spiritual books. This is the 1st time I've read comments and prayers. I definitely was guided by the spirit because I felt so connected like I was among my prayer group at home. God Bless you all. May we all be Thankful this Thanksgiving.

  16. Welcome Nana! Saying special prayers for all on here!
    Dave D- May God's blessings work through you as you help others work through their rough times. It really helps hearing from those who have been through something similar.

    Thank you, Lord, for connecting each of us posting on or reading the comments of others on this site. You have helped fill us with Your Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Thankfulness. Thank you God, for everything! CO

  17. Welcome, Nana Fitch! Isn't that the best? To log on and find brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying with you? LOVE that you are here.
    To my JC Family: my daughter drove into OH without wind shield wipers! Oh, for the love of God! When I say, "We are praying you home," I had no idea HOW MUCH we were, praying her home.
    On another note: my brother in law of 45 years, passed away this afternoon. So thankful for his life, and the fact that he would have checked out about a year ago, but his dear wife could not let him go. Her constant prayers for healing were amazing in spite of what the Drs, Labs, tests said. Praying for her (she is doing well), and their children driving to OH and flying home from Cambodia. Prayers for their flights and safe travels.
    Another life we have lost in 2019 - a record number. Praying for the peace that passes all understanding.

    1. I’m reading this today, Norah, wondering if perhaps God wanted to spare your friends and family from the craziness of 2020? I’m still sorry for your loss.


    Revelation, the story of the final judgment to bring full restoration to everything that is God’s which is everything. The LORD begins the Divine Correction by walking among His chosen ones, in this case, the churches of Asia Minor. Fifth stop: Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)

    Sardis was an old and well secured city. It was the wealthy capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia. Into this city Jesus walks to address the church that has been established there. The first words out of His mouth are not affirmation as in the previous letters, rather a ‘wake up’ call. The church is doing all the right things for the wrong reasons. What they are doing as a church is not being done out of love but from some other motive (possibly the preservation of tradition, maintaining security, or seeking to have everything the way they want it which can easily be the tendency in affluent circumstances). Jesus calls them out to wake up and see how the nature of the city has crept into who they are. To fail to realize this, much to their surprise, will lead to their downfall as a church. There is a ‘faithful remnant’ among them who are holding true to to His words. The church is called to take notice of them for they are well on their way to a full and complete relationship with the LORD.

    Drifting from the true nature of the faith is a subtle demon that hides itself well under the guise of religious practice. Sadly, I have seen many churches and individuals be led down it’s path which has led to the shriveling up of faith. As Jesus told the religious leaders, they have become like a white washed sepulcher, looking clean and pure on the outside but full of death in their heart. The passages of scripture read on the First Sunday of Advent often will contain the admonition to ‘Wake up!’ found in other verses of scripture. For me, Advent is a time check the places that this spiritual drift is occurring in my soul for it inevitably is happening. This coming season will be good to take notice of ways I have been lulled ‘to sleep’ by outside influences. And if I should find this drifting occurring at any time in my life, I don’t need to wait for a designated season but should head to the wilderness (take a retreat) as Jesus did to get fully in relationship with our Father.

    In a few days, we will celebrate Thanksgiving. To some extent, it is a ‘wake up’ call because the LORD has provided all that we need in spite of what the circumstances would lead us to believe. The admonishment of the JC reading above is very helpful as well in ‘staying awake’. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Dear Lord, Pleaee snatch me back into your fold whenever I drift in mind or body. Amen

    2. I love the Lord's wake-up calls! Thank you Bob for relaying God's message to us! KS

    3. Amen! As I examine my motives...possibly the preservation of tradition, maintaining security, or seeking to have everything the way they want it which can easily be the tendency in affluent circumstances)... This year is a wake up call to changing all that πŸ˜‰ Blessings, Bob, thank you for your posts, blessings all as we greet a new day seeking and thanking for little treasures.

    4. Amen! Let our prayers, meditations of the heart, words and action reflect the Christ in us so we may never be like whitewashed tombs. Let our righteousness shine like the noon day sun. Thanks Bob! I sure do receive many of the Lord's wake up calls. Especially when my human emotions get the best of us. We are in the world but not of the world, thank God! We are always anchored to Heaven where our Lord awaits us.
      Change me Lord to become more and more like You! Keep my focus on You so I don't get distracted by the world's trappings. Amen.

  19. My life is filled with God's Blessings. I am releasing me and gratefully receiving them. To God be The Glory for these and ALL Blessings received:

    😊 LARGE: Thank You for Powerful Heavenly Connection Blessings.
    😊 SMALL: Thank You for lamplight Blessings.
    😊 EASY: Thank You for all light dispels darkness, yet no darkness can dispel light Blessings.
    😊 HARD: Thank You for waiting on Your Power to heal the sick Blessings.
    😊 SURPRISE: Thank You for Beautiful scenic views complete with chirping birds Blessings.

    ✝️ FROM JOHN 15
    Take care to live in Me, and let Me live in you. A branch can only produce fruit while connected to the vine. You can only be fruitful connected to me.
    Yes, I AM The Vine; you are My branches. Whoever lives connected in Me and I in them shall produce a large crop of good fruit. For connected to me you can do anything.  When you stay in Me and obey My Commands, then you may ask any request you like, and it will be granted! My true disciples produce bountiful harvests. This brings Great Glory to My Father. I have loved you even as The Father has loved Me. Live within My love.

    Dear Heavenly Father God, Thank You for Power. Whenever the electrical power goes out, no matter how many times we turn the light switch on and off,  the lights will NOT work because they can only give light when they receive power from the power source.
    Would You help us keep our faith lamps plugged in to Your Power?
    Would you cast out all fear since fear blows out our transformers and disconnects us from our Power Source? Instead, would You plug our Faith into Your Source of Power in order to activate it and let our lights shine?
    We believe in Your Promises, would You stand us up steadfast in faith until we see Your Promises light up our life and find the little pleasures You lovingly planted to brighten our day?
    In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

    1. Christ, Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell
      Longing for light, we wait in darkness
      Longing for truth, we turn to You.
      Make us Your own, Your holy people
      Your Light for all the world to see.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in our hearts.
      Shine through the darkness.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in Your church gathered today.
      Longing for peace, our world is troubled
      Longing for hope, many despair.
      Your word alone has pow'r to save us.
      Make us Your living voice.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in our hearts.
      Shine through the darkness.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in Your church gathered today.
      Longing for food, many are hungry
      Longing for water, many still thirst.
      Make us Your bread, broken for others
      Shared until all are fed.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in our hearts.
      Shine through the darkness.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in Your church gathered today.
      Longing for shelter, many are homeless
      Longing for warmth, many are cold.
      Make us Your building, sheltering others
      Walls made of living stone.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in our hearts.
      Shine through the darkness.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in Your church gathered today.
      Many the gift, many the people
      Many the hearts that yearn to belong.
      Let us be servants to one another
      Making Your Kingdom come.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in our hearts.
      Shine through the darkness.
      Christ, be our light!
      Shine in Your church gathered today

    2. wow - Thank you Brie for so much thankfulness!! KS

    3. AMEN Brie! Let's keep giving THANKS with a grateful heart! For the KING deserves our Thanksgiving!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. I love those images and analogies about light, Brie. Thank you for your outpouring of love, faith, thanks, and song!!

    5. Thank you Brie for the titles and artists when paying a complete song! And thank you for a rogue verse here and there that makes me smile and search my memory bank. ♥️

    6. Awesome post Sister! Thank you! I love that song too and we sing it in Choir. The lyrics are so beautiful!
      We are the light of Christ in the darkness of this fallen world! And we are victorious in Him in all situations. But it is in His timing not ours and His Will is different than our desires. He is in charge always and ever and in Him we trust.

    7. Christ be our Light ♥️🎢 link

  20. Awake after only 5 hours of sleep and knowing all that will be crammed into a short week, I came on this beloved site to calm my heart. Brie, I just listened to your song above - what a beauty.
    My family all gather here on Sat. to have our annual family photo. It was like no other year we've done this, yet it was sweet - short but sweet.
    This year offers what none other in my life has: the recognition of Performance as we were reminded of the other day. All of a sudden my home isn't decorated for Fall to bless my little Grands, but for my dear Hub and me. Had I not listened to my Heavenly Father, my family would have walked into a mess. But I took Fri off to make our home a blessing for the 2 of us, thinking no one would be here, but knowing how important it is to me to be thankful before we hit the craziness of the Christmas Holiday. Reading Bob's posts has grounded me even more to this thought I was raised with vs. the world's delight in going from Halloween, which I never enjoyed to Christmas.
    My family is still divided by the politics of the day, yet we all 'set aside,' those thoughts, as promised. It ws still a bit stiff with some, but for the most part, everyone was genuinely happy to see each other.
    We will be alone for the first time this Thanksgiving - the first time in my whole life of 65 year! God is helping me adjust to this and glean the good - a time with just my hub and me.
    I look back over the years I have enjoyed this blog and this time last year we were praying for my dear sister in Christ, who had a lump on her ovary. She is another one who has stayed away since last March due to the election under the guise of COVID. I reached out to her via text to tell her how thankful I was that she was alive and well and she responded lovingly.
    I pray for our Country like I never have before and I am so thankful, Bob to read your Advent sharings because I know again, there is nothing new under the sun and God will redeem those who believe - my children, included.
    I pray that my adult children remember their roots, how God was the center of all of our activities. And though several of them seem far from it, I know that His is incorruptible seed. Help me, Father, find wisdom and grace in this unprecedented time in my life. Keep me from falling into self pity when I suddenly don't have a house full of people to cook for and with, to rejoice, to make my home welcoming for, to welcome others in. And, as I do this, remind me to be thankful that while it is just the two of us, neither of us is along at this time because we have You and we have each other. I'm praying for all of the people who are alone, afraid and isolated. Bring someone to their door with a blessing just for them. Praying for all of you dear saints on this page - new and old: for your health, your peace of mind, for answers to your questions and prayers. Let me be Your Light to the people I talk to later today on the phone. Work through me to calm their fears (the woman who was 'let go' b/c of her Disability, after 18 years of service with no insurance or income), let me give Your Word to the ones who face scary health problems and who have no family, no spouse, no children. Keep me mindful of Your many blessings and keep my heart pure in all that I ask.
    In Christ Jesus' name I pray. Lifting each and every one of you as I head back to bed. Guess I was on the Night Watch!

    1. wonderful message, Norah. May all who have no one, remember that God is always with us. KS

    2. Praying with you and for. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ as we are reminded today. What a tremendous gift. May we all find God’s special touches in this Thanksgiving day.

    3. Thanks for covering the Night Watch, Norah, and for comforting us with prayers and Thanksgiving.
      We are also having Thanksgiving for 2 this year. I just realized I don't know how to cook Thanksgiving Dinner for 2! If I over do it, we may just package up and pass on the overage to some who live alone. We call it stop, drop, and roll. We call to make sure they are home, drop the package off on their porch, blow the horn, wave and throw air kisses when they come out, and then we drive off. As long as we have at least one thing for which to be thankful, then it is a Happy Thanksgiving! Love to you and our JC Family!

    4. Another twosome here, staying grateful for all blessings. My hubby is the chef in this house, I'm sure there will be some to share and we will find a way.

    5. DH and I decided to spend this Thanksgiving Twosome Day as we would if it were our last. All of a sudden, a whole new perspective of gratitude and appreciation has been cast!

    6. You blessed me, dear Norah, by your gratitude, encouragement and understanding heart. You have a good and loving family and they must see the Christ in You above everything. Good idea to avoid politics when talking to them because this world is more divided now than ever. But thankfully, we here are united- One in the Spirit. Bound by the love of Christ and the joy and peace we have in believing. I am blessed to be able to cook turkey for my Mom and Sis. My husband thought it would just be the 2 of us. We will also share the food with those who are alone.
      Brie, I love that Thanksgiving Twosome Day. You will have an intimate dinner of love and gratitude.

    7. Amen dear GTT! Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Dear Brie, Praying for your healing and for your DH Larry. May God continue to shine His faithfulness on you and your loved ones. Praying Keith is doing better and Al is fine. God bless and heal you and your family and all our JC Family.
      Audra, It must be nice to have a husband that cooks for you. My husband doesn't cook but he sure loves to eat. Counting my blessings.

    8. Dear Norah! That is the key. We must continue to pray for our Country, our families, our friends, and even our enemies. You are such a loving and caring person. I look forward to your posts because they show your beautiful heart.

  21. Loving Father, Its a new day, thank You for granting me new mercy, thank You for grace that makes it all possible. I don't know what this day holds, but I know WHO holds this day and I trust WHO holds this day. Thank You for Jesus!

    Thank You for leading me to a place of maturity in my spiritual growth and walk with You.
    Thank You for supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory through Christ Jesus.
    Thank You for turning my travails to triumphs and my scars to shining stars.
    Thank You for causing every dark area in my life to receive Your Light.
    Thank You for ensuring that every spirit of intimidation and oppression in my life, suffers defeat.
    Thank You for contending with all those that contend with me.
    Thank You for giving me possession of wherever the soles of my feet tread.
    Thank You for loading me everyday with divine daily benefits.
    Thank You for giving ear to my words and considering my sighing.
    Thank You for divine visitation, revelation and restoration in Jesus' name.
    Thank You that I am blessed and highly favored by You.
    Thank You that I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and because of my ppsition in Him, I am far from the radar and attacks of the enemy of my soul.
    Thank You that I have a Kingdom-paradigm which grants me new ways of thinking, working and living.
    Thank You Lord for this season of Thanksgiving and Harvest, in Jesus' name.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Love your prayer, Maplewood. As I always do! Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts. KS

    2. Amen and Amen M NJ. Powerful powerful words of declaration. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    3. Thanks sweet Maplewood!
      I sure can relate to your thank You list especially: Thank You for giving ear to my words and considering my sighing. He understands me like none other and loves me as I am.
      I am blessed and thankful to be the beloved daughter of the Most High. Thankful for my family and all the love and peace that surrounds me. It doesn't get much better than that.

    4. Thanks Maplewood for words that echo my heart. So many reasons to be thankful! Your posts are timeless and continue to inspire and encourage me. Much love to you and your family.

  22. Reading all the thankful words to start this thanksgiving week, so blessed by it all, by all of you dear ones πŸ’ž. I too have so much to be thankful for. But before I do that oh Lord, my heart & soul urges me to thank You first & foremost! Through Christ's sacrifice I can stand steady, firm & grateful for the blessings I'm thankful for not just this thanksgiving week, but for all the days of my life. 🎢" Thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross, thank you for the cross, my Friend".

    1. I have always loved that song!! ”Many times I’ve wondered at your sacrifice!”

    2. #METOO!
      Now you are exalted to the highest place
      King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
      But for now I marvel at your saving grace
      And I'm full of praise once again
      Full of praise today
      I'm full of praise once again
      Full of praise today!

    3. Amen Jan! What a beautiful song! Thanks for lifting me higher as usual! God bless you Sisters!

    4. Maybe it's this one? ♥️🎢
      Thank you for the cross https://youtu.be/azYQqzoEjgU

    5. Just loved that song and sent out the link to my Mom and Sis and Bible group! Thanks

  23. As I come here every morning, I seek H wisdom and encouragement of this, MY, JC family. My day would not be complete without it. I seek Jesus to be with me always. Health challenges are a constant 'adventure' for me as I believe it is part of the journey He has for me. The list is quite extensive. Needless to say I received a new diagnosis this past week and have literally had to laugh with Jesus at the quantity of auto immune, intestinal and other issues that have come up. In the last 5 years I have had 19 surgeries... As they range in what they were for, I just continue my adventures with God and wait for the next. I say all this not for sympathy or pity. I say this because at 54, I am still fighting for Joy, Peace and Jesus. There are days that Satan says I deserve all I go through and I sadly believe that sorry evil enemy. For those days that come, I pray for extra peace to come. I pray for a new day of mercies!! Thank you family for always being the most encouraging part of my day!!!!! With Love,
    from Maryville, Tennessee

    1. Godspeed, you are a warrior for Christ. Incredible courage and stamina in your faith, an example for us all. Peace and may He continue to hold your hand through the journey. Amen.

    2. Choose Joy, Dear one, you are in the Hands of God and He is not finished with you. Continuing to pray for you and His faithfulness and healing of your body, mind and spirit. God has brought you through so many hard times and your resilience and strength of faith is an inspiration to me. Stay strong Sister, Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this fallen world. Much love!

  24. Oh warriors, once again I ask you to pray for my Sil Janie. She goes for testings today. If it's not a migraine, then what is it? Thank you all.

    1. Praying Choose Joy and Jan. May his peace and joy be your companions today especially.

    2. Praying for your dear sister in law, Janie. I've been praying for her good test results. Hope these new tests will get to the root of her problem. May it be an easily treatable one. God is at her side. May He comfort your worried heart too and bring you both peace and healing of all your weaknesses. Amen

  25. A year ago we moved to a new state miles and miles away from our family and children. Previously, we lived in Indiana. And I had prayed repeatedly as I walked through the neighborhood in Indiana, for neighborhood friends and perhaps places to study God‘s word. We encountered lovely neighbors, but never the study of God’s word together. Upon moving here, God granted the desire of my heart in a neighborhood small group within two months of moving. It has been a sweet and powerful blessing.

    One of the pieces that I never imagined, was that a neighborhood woman would choose to come to our small group Bible study, and declare she didn’t believe in God. She and her husband are here on a short term work visa, for two years, from Germany. She joined our group partially because she didn’t understand what a small group was. But she courageously and faithfully participated and contributed to the group every week. She was forthright with her disbelief. But very open to observing ours. Until the end of February when she took a trip to check on some things back in Germany. Covid preempted her plans. And she was stuck in Germany for months.

    She just returned stateside last week. In the meantime, her husband has found someone else. She explained, their marriage had its cracks anyway. She is a scientist. And she explained to us last night that she witnesses our faith, and wishes she could believe.

    Friends, please pray! I am familiar with the case for Christ by Lee Strobel. But if any of you have a good resource to give to someone who wrestles with understanding how and why God exists, especially from a “fact seeking” perspective, please share. Because her marriage has dissolved, she is only here for one more week. We know our timing is not God’s. But we are praying fervently for God to use us to show his love in these days.

    1. There are a lot of great books out there like the classic by Josh McDowell, More than a Carpenter. I think though the best thing she needs right now is you. She wants what you have, so share with her your journey and why Jesus makes a difference in your daily life and the peace that you have with Him both now and for eternity. I am involved with this ministry: www.Godlife.com and she can also "connect" with others online and this site has some good info as well. You can also share the Jesus film - https://jesus.net/jesusvideo/. May God continue to minister through you as He has already been doing.

    2. I will join you in prayers for your friend. God’s blessings on you and your bible study.

    3. Joining our JC prayer warriors in praying for all the requests this morning. Good to see you're still commenting Chris. Thank you for this website. It starts my day off perfectly. JE

    4. Praying for those JC Warriors in need.

    5. Praying that all seekers may find and bond with Him today. I pray that we are continual Ambassadors and walking, talking billboards for Our Lord, by doing and saying as He did.
      Blessings and Love to one of the greatest Families on Earth. Amen.

    6. WOW! Grace Takes Time. What Ambassadors you must be for Christ when another soon to be believer wants what you have, wants to hear your journey, and wants to know why Jesus makes a difference in your daily life and the peace that you have with Him both now and for eternity. My prayers go out for God's Holy Spirit Guidance over your sharing. Blessings now and forevermore to you, Chris and all of our JC Family

    7. Let your light so shine dear GTT! She already wants the joy and peace you have in believing. Praying that God softens her heart and seeks Him for herself. And that she stops analyzing and starts feeling with her heart. All things are possible in Christ.
      Amen Brie! Praying for God's Spirit to wash over her and open her eyes and heart to the truth. She needs Christ in her life Now more than ever. Thank You Jesus!

  26. Busy busy busy! Be back later. Errands with Mom and Sis then driving back to White Plains. Have been praying for you. Much love dear family!

    1. Traveling Mercy Prayers coming your way with much love!

    2. Thanks for your prayers dear Brie.
      I was exhausted going home. Had my Gospel station blaring and God brought be home safely. He is so good all the time! God bless you dear Brie. Hope your brother is doing better and your dear son too. Much love to you and yours!

  27. PRAYER REQUEST: I am going to the hospital early this AM to have an excision surgery of a lump near my left breast. "from all indications this appears to be a benign lipoma" the physicians said. "However, due to its growth and location, it is best to have it removed.'
    Having already survived a breast cancer diagnosis, partial mastectomy, gruesome radiation treatments three years ago, I need your prayers for my family, and my Medical team and my Surgeon, and for me to tamp my fears back down, down, down into the burning ring of fire where they belong: and at the same time, deeply inhale the essence of God's Love and Caring until B9 is confirmed and thereafter! In line with today's devotion, would you pray for me to gaze intently at His Love poured out for all of us on the cross? May that love easily flow from my veins, so I can avoid pincushioning, continually remembering that everything in heaven and on earth can bind us together in His Love! Let them see You in me. Above all else, Thy Will Be Done. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Praying for a B9 result and the proper procedure to remove it. The Lord will be guiding the whole things. Be not afraid dear Brie. Lean on His promises. Amen sweet sister. Everything in heaven and on earch can bind us together in His Love.
      Believe me dear Brie! The Lord is shining in your heart and I see that every day.

    2. Brie. Done. As Norah and I've shared. 1. Keep the faith and hold His hand. 2. Trust your docs and the amazing new science. 3. STAY positive and if during the day that waivers back to step 1, and keep going!

      Godspeed. Amen.

    3. Joining in prayers for you Brie. Father God will be thy hands that touch you and His healing and restoration will be bound to you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    4. Dear Lord Jesus, we ask, we seek, we knock as our precious sister Brie loves to end her posts. We lay her need for B9 to be the proclamation for this test! We come against the enemy & claim the blood of Jesus to secure her thoughts and bring it under the control of the Holy Spirit! Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’•

    5. Holding you in prayer dear sister, it's gonna be OK! ♥️πŸ™

  28. Dearest Brie you are in my heart and prayers. His will be done. I love you.

    1. Thank You Sassy Mom. I love you, too!😍

  29. Dear Brie, living up to his throne for prayer that all that you pray for, thy will be done.
    I'm also asking for some serious o us prayers for my hubby's best friend since they met on an airplane in the Army for Germany in 1977. We happened to move in the same area 32 years ago, and all my kids consider them family, and his wife is one of my dearest friends.
    He contracted bacterial pneumonia somehow, and he's now in Intensive care with one of his lungs completely filled with fluid, and on a breathing machine. Thank you dearest JC family in advance, and as always my prayers will be connected to the vine for all of you as well.

    1. Inhale Grace; Exhale Grace. I am praying His Breath of Fresh Air enters your husband's friend, Butterdly Love, and all becomes well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Joining in prayers for your hubby's best friend. May our Lord heal and restore him back to his wholeness once again. One touch is all that is needed Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you!

  30. Praying for your hubby's best friend that he will be healed of his bacterial pneumonia and his condition will improve so he can come off that breathing machine. God can do all things and He knows his weaknesses.
    Father, hear our prayers and lift him up out of his illness and bring him to a perfect recovery one step at a time in Your presence. Thank You dear Lord for this! Trusting, Seeking, Knocking and Believing.

    1. Joining Jeanne & the rest in prayer BL for your hubby's bf. Asking Jehovah Rapha to fill his lungs with the oxygen that they need to kill that bacteria. Keep him strong to fight this fight. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen! Hallelujah!

  31. I will be with my little Gabriel all day so I will be praying for you but not able to get on the computer. He will be my baking assistant. He's very good for a 3 year old. Should be a fun day. God will be in charge. Stay safe and blessed,and may God heal you and your loved ones and give you the strength to cook, bake and clean in His presence. Stay surrounded by His peace and all will go well.

    1. Brie --- Surrounding you with the Glory of the Lord and plead the blood of Jesus from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.
      Psalm 52:8 "But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." This was the first scripture the Lord gave me when I was dealing with a tumor.It has been one of my "go to" scriptures. I praise the Lord for His mercy!!!

    2. Enjoy your wonderful day with your grandson, Gabriel. The memories that we make and share are most important with family and loved ones. Bake a million smiles! God bless!

    3. Thanks I sure will enjoy!
      Brie, I'm praying with our family that all goes well because God is in charge. Trusting in the mercy of God and in His faithfulness. Yes Janet! I will cherish the memories with my little Gabriel. He is so very dear to my heart. God bless you too!

    4. Enjoy sis Jeanne. I too will be checking in to my kitchenπŸ‘πŸ₯°

  32. https://youtu.be/oCAY_qeDo-w?list=RDoCAY_qeDo-w

    We're in love with You
    No one else can take Your place

    One thing I desire
    Only this I seek
    Just to dwell, dwell, dwell
    Here forever

    This will be my posture
    Laying at Your feet
    Oh just to dwell, dwell, dwell
    Here forever

    Dearest Father
    Closest Friend
    Most beautiful
    Most beautiful (You are)
    Dearest Father
    Closest Friend
    Most beautiful (You are, You are)
    Most beautiful

    One thing I desire
    Only this I seek
    Just to dwell, dwell, dwell
    Here forever

    This will be my posture
    Laying at Your feet
    Oh just to dwell, dwell, dwell
    Here forever

    (Dearest Father) Dearest Father
    (You are) Closest Friend
    Most beautiful
    (Your presence) Most beautiful
    (You are Dearest Father) Dearest Father
    (Closest Friend) Closest Friend
    (Your face) Most beautiful
    (Your love) Most beautiful
    (Dearest Father) Dearest Father
    (No one more loving) Closest Friend
    (You are) Most beautiful
    (Only You) Most beautiful
    (Dearest Father) Dearest Father
    Closest Friend
    Most beautiful
    Most beautiful

    There are no words
    There's nothing left
    So our love sings to You (Hallelujah)
    Oh-oh-oh (Hallelujah, hallelujah)
    There are no words (Yeah, yeah)
    There's nothing left
    Our love sings to You
    Oh-oh-oh (Oh-oh-oh)
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (To describe Your love) There's nothing left
    (Our love) Our love sings to You
    (That's all we have left to offer) Oh-oh-oh
    (Are no words) There are no words
    (There's nothing left) There's nothing left
    (Our love) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (To describe Your presence) There's nothing left
    (Our love) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (To describe Your presence) There's nothing left
    (Our love) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh

    Dearest Father
    Closest Friend
    Most beautiful (Only You are)
    Most beautiful (Just one glimpse at Your face, You are)
    Dearest Father
    Closest Friend (The closest Friend)
    Most beautiful (You are, You are)
    Most beautiful

    Oh, and there are no words
    There's nothing left
    Our love sings to You
    (Are no words) There are no words
    ('Cause You've been that good to us) There's nothing left
    ('Cause You've been that faithful to us) Our love sings to You
    (My love, my life, let it sing) Oh-oh-oh
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (This is my story) There's nothing left
    (This is my song) Our love sings to You
    (Praising my Savior, all the day long, all the day long) Oh-oh-oh
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (There's nothing left) There's nothing left
    (Our love, our love, our) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh
    (Lift up your worship, lift up your worship) There are no words
    (Yea-eah) There's nothing left
    (Yea-eah) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh
    (There are no words) There are no words
    (There's nothing left) There's nothing left
    (Our love) Our love sings to You
    (Oh-oh-oh-oh) Oh-oh-oh

    1. That song is so beautiful and the video moved me too! Thanks dear Min Ahadi!

    2. Nice! Thank you for sharing this song and video, Min Ahadi!

  33. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17). And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Colossians 3:17). I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that was given you in Christ Jesus, (1 Corinthians 1:4).

    1. Amen!! Great spiritual food, my sister! Thank you.

  34. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. You are so amazing and wonderful. You are my saving grace and salvation. Thank You for being in my life. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You and Your presence and not the things of this world. Reveal to me what I need to know and lead and direct me along the path of Your will and not my own. Open my eyes to see all that You have for me along the way. Grant me a thankful heart and giving spirit. Help me to find all that You have placed along my way today and let me be thankful as I present it all back to You. I give You all my burdens and help me to not take them back from You after I have placed them in Your very capable hands. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen! Let us take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Let us not forget all of His Benefits. Thank You Father for everything You are to us.

  35. The source of a Christian’s joy must be GOD alone. The world around us may find joy when they have abundance, but we should try be at peace even when my barn is empty and even if I am is going through distressing times, I have GOD by my side and He has put His gladness in my heart.

    1. Amen we are full even in times of scarcity because we have the Lord. He will provide for our needs. Amen! Your words blessed me.
      I have GOD by my side and He has put His gladness in my heart.

  36. Quick question am looking for christian books and reading books for ages 6-10 years old. Used books are perfect. I have a friend coming home to Kenya from the USA. if you would like to send any books please email me on yayalisarose@gmail.com. Will really appreciate any feedback.

  37. For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. (1 Timothy 4:4-5). I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30). Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16).

    1. James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes of the dispersion: Greetings. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him ... (James 1:1-27). Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3). I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 3:11). And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, "For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever toward Israel." And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid. (Ezra 3:11). But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to You; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the LORD! (Jonah 2:9). Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. (Colossians 1:12).

    2. God bless you dear Janet! The Word is light, and life and truth and salvation.

    3. Thank you Janet for today's scripture postings,

    4. Bless you & thank you dear JanetπŸ’•

    5. Thank you Janet for reflecting the beauty of our Lord and Savior. We love you. Blessings to you.

  38. To all preparing for Thanksgiving, I pray you will be truly blessed. Psalm 77:11 But then I recall all you have done, O LORD; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.

    1. Peter, I receive your blessing. Blessing you as you bless me.

    2. Thanks dear Peter. God bless you too.

  39. Praying for each of you and celebrating all of the fun God has planned for each of us today. Asking you to please keep me in your prayers as I (finally) go to my Cataract Consultation today. I am so ready to finally have a plan.
    Love and Blessings to all, my JC Family!

    1. Praying for you as you receive ENCOURAGING CONSULTATION.

    2. Praying you had a good consultation and an accurate assessment. God will guide your decision too.
      I went to my eye doctor yesterday for my annual checkup. Unfortunately my vision is getting worse. I was 20/30 last time and now I'm 20/50. She said maybe I should get glasses. I'm considering it. She said I will probably need cataract surgery down the line. Blessed I can see as well as I can.

  40. Praying dear NorahπŸ™πŸ’•. Been there, done that. It was more of a "piece of cake" than I thought. You're in God hands!

  41. I have asked prayers for my friend Sandi in Texas before(who is going through Chemo for the third time)I just received this message. "I am at MDAnderson because my CT scan showed 2 blood clots, one smaller and one a little bigger - on each lung. I hope the clots are dessolved by my body. I will hate the blood thinner. I might need it forever." Thank you dear prayer warriors for joining me in prayer to the great physician Jehovah Rapha.

    1. Continuing to pray for your dear friend Sandi and believing in God's amazing healing power and the power of sincere prayers. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Sharing PRAISE for JC Prayer Warriors from Sandi.
    "Your prayer warriors are really good troopers. Please pray for a cure for ovarian cancer(all cancer. It is the bane of our existence. They cannot figure out why it can keep coming back even when it seemingly is all gone. It is a mystery."

    1. Joining all prayers for that dear Sassy Mom. I have lost so many people to it. Thank You Father for finding a cure for ovarian cancer and all cancer. Let this be the year that turns everything around. Guide, inspire and educate your people. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  43. On it, and taken to heart Sassy Mom and dearest Sandi: May God calm your heart and be with you showering you with his love throughout. πŸ’ž

  44. Spending the end of this bueautiful day in prayer for all those with health concerns. I was made aware to day of many in need in my extended family, former in-laws and my dear hubby who has been whacked with flu like symptoms. Praying for ease of any concerns and restoration of health for all who are in need. Thank you Jesus, I ask and pray in your name. Blessings to all the caregivers, for they are a special breed of wonderful servants. You know who you are ;) <3

  45. Praying that Marc will be healed of his flu like condition and that his knees will be strengthened. Thank You Father for this and all those in need of healing, provision, restoration, guidance and peace of mind. Praying this in Jesus' Name. Amen

  46. Tiny treasures. Little pleasures. All strategically placed along the way, lovingly planted by Jesus to brighten up our day.
    Thank You Jesus. By the end of the day, I truly had a very large bouquet.
    I Offer it up to You with a grateful heart, before My new morning Mercies get their start. At the end of the day, here's what I gathered into my Bouquet:
    Traveling Mercies to and from hospital.
    Full moonlighting my 75 mile ride to hospital.
    Daughter, Son-In-love, and Husband's caring and sharing professional knowledge and compassion. Before. During. After Surgery.
    Larry's true blue to me.
    Family wanting me to know I am loved and cared about.
    Feral cats coming to tell me goodbye.
    Our JC Family praying for me through it all!
    Colors Pink together with Gray.
    Physician/Surgeon's Expertise.
    Traveling Mercies to and from hospital.
    Picturesque Churches along the way.
    Moon Light in the darkness.
    Clear signs.
    Quiet Peace during Meditation.
    Praying to God's Holy Spirit and singing with the Pre-OP Nurse.
    Seeing an old friend from my Parish Church when I registered.
    Caring Honest Anesthesiologist.
    Holy Spirit guiding the IV, as I started praying after the 1st stick yielded nothing! 2nd stick = VOILA!
    The Rosary Story leading into the Opportunity to share and actually sharing Faith in Jesus!
    The entire Medical Team and Hospital Staff.
    Being administered one of my allergy drugs by mistake,
    ICU nurse administering the antidote, and it worked.
    Roasted Fresh Mirliton and
    Roasted Fresh Sweet potatoes
    Presence of mind to invite God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit into all of my situations and circumstances, and watch THEM work it out.
    I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Still loving your beautiful Prayer of Thanksgiving dear Sister! So many reasons to be grateful to our good and Loving Father!
      Amen! I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  47. Thank you for your prayers for my son Greg's healing who has Covid. And for healing of his friend David and his family, and my friends, Curtis, Tom and Thandi with Covid, and also for Greg's family not to get sick. Was on the phone with Greg for a long while last night. He's all alone for a week while Mayra and the kids are at her Mom's house. Trusting God will carry him through this and more importantly that this will strengthen his faith. Praying for all those with Covid and all infirmities to be healed. So many prayer requests from my dear JC Family. Jan and her loved ones in Texas need traveling mercies, and Brie's brother Keith needs healing and the right treatment, Rick C's Wife Jill has health issues and Rick just had dental work done, Norah's husband needs good results from his Onc bloodtest, and he is getting a GI procedure on 11/30 and Norah is getting cataract surgery 12/6. I know there are many more. Lifting all my dear ones here and thanking our Loving Father for answering all our prayers, calming our worried hearts and minds, shining light in our darkness, guiding our days, and giving us restful nights, and for renewing our minds and restoring our souls. We praise Your Holy Name. Thank You Father for this and for every blessing that you have bestowed upon us, and for every act of faithfulness to come in Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen

    Psalm 31:19
    How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.

    Psalm 95:1-6
    "O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
    Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
    For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
    In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.
    The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
    O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker."

    Psalm 100
    "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
    Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
    Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
    Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
    For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."

    Psalm 107:1
    "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

    Psalm 145:7
    They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

    1 Chronicles 29:11-13
    "Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
    and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
    for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
    Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
    you are exalted as head over all.

    Wealth and honor come from you;
    you are the ruler of all things.
    In your hands are strength and power
    to exalt and give strength to all.

    Now, our God, we give you thanks,
    and praise your glorious name."

    1. Wonderful Scriptures thanks Jeanne.

    2. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. Heavenly Father, so many of Your children are in need here. You know ALL things and You know exactly what each one of us needs at all times. Please place Your loving, healing hands upon each one and let Your mighty power do Your will. Lift up all our spirits and let us be filled with Your perfect peace, love and joy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.
      Thank you for the beautiful scriptures. God bless.

    3. Been up since 3a.m. Decided to enter into this place of prayer & praise room to read & soak in beautiful offerings of thanksgiving by the posting of scriptures. Thank you dear Jeanne for the yummy morsels of God's words. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  48. Psalm 107:1 "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

    1. More yummies! Love this song!, Thank you brother Peter! πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    2. Always loved that song dear Peter! Thanks for reminding me.

  49. Light up the way before me
    Open my heart to thee
    Remind me of Your love for me
    Direct my steps and let me see
    ALWAYS in my heart You'll be

    1. Beautiful Janet! Always in my heart YOU'LL be.

  50. Thank you dear Janet. Your prayer fed my spirit to overflowing. More yummy morsels. Bless you! πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

  51. Dear Family, tomorrow we will all fill up with food for our bodies. This morning I am filling my soul with manna from from here. 🎼🎼🎼
    I will enter His gates with Thanksgiving in my heart.
    I will enter His courts with praise.
    I will say this is the day that the Lord hath made.
    I will rejoice for He hath made me glad.
    He hath me glad, He hath made me glad, I will rejoice for He hath made me glad.
    Happy Thanksgiving loved ones! Enjoy your family & friends. Enjoy the offerings from from the kitchen to the table, but most of all enjoy the presence of the Unseen Guest, our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ? Hallelujah!

    1. Rejoicing with you! He has made me glad. My true joy and peace are in Him and His blessings. Happy Thanksgiving to all my dear ones here and all our families and friends. Amen, the Unseen Guest is the Guest of Honor. Thank You Jesus for gracing all of our tables and surrounding them with Your Love and Peace.

  52. I need that focal point of Peace this morning; that sitting in Chesapeake VA last night was minutes from where two of n my children live. So terribly sad. Praying for all involved.

    Please pray for my daughter Maria who goes to GI today to try and figure out her stomach issues.

    Through it all, let us be thankful for the Love of our Father on this day that he has made. Let our light shine in the darkness and May peace rule in our souls. πŸ™

    1. Look into the carnivore diet. It has helped many people with stomach issues and arthritis. God bless you and prayers for answers.

    2. Joining prayers for your daughter Maria for God to enlighten the doctors as to what is causing her stomach problems and heal her and bring her back to perfect health,comfort, and peace.
      Thank You Father for this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Sovereign Lord. Amen

    3. Thank you everyone for praying for my daughter. She did very well and things looked good. Praise Jesus!

  53. Replies
    1. Amen and Amen! Thank you dear JJ for your powerful prayer!
      He delivers us out of every problem, situation, illness according to His will and Plan. He is Greater than anything we face! We have a God that fights for us, a Buckler, A Mighty Leader, Who never sleeps. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Hallelujah! Thank you for that JJ! Bless you πŸ™

  54. Amen! Gathering into that wonderful prayer, dear Janet. We are nothing without Him, but with Him, all things are possible.
    Reign in Me, Lord

  55. Thank You Father for showing us our blessings every day, despite the storms and trials. Your bright light is always shining in the darkness and also inside of us. Others notice Your light in us and want to know the reason for our joy, peace and hope. Let Your Spirit always supply the right responses so we can lead them to You. Thank You for my faith, my family, my health, my gifts, my peace, my joy, and all my sisters and brothers here. Thank You for guiding me to serve You and please You. Thank You for reminding me to stay in Your presence, and stop my busyness to be still and know You are God. Thank You for taking any worry away from me and replacing it with your comfort and peace. You're a wonderful Father and I'm so blessed and thankful to be Your daughter. God bless my JC Family in every way and heal them and their loved ones, and comfort those who have lost their loved ones. We know You will be sitting in that empty chair at their tables today. You're so good to us all the time. We love You and we're blessed You love us just as we are. Amen.

    Psalm 31:19
    How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you.

    Psalm 95:1-6
    "O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
    Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
    For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
    In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.
    The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
    O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker."

    Psalm 100
    "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
    Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
    Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
    Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
    For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."

    Psalm 107:1
    "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

    1. I am praying your beautiful prayer with you dear Jeanne.
      May God Who is worthy of all our thanks, bless our Thanks Giving. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen Jeanne! Joining in prayers with you as well. Happy Thanksgiving to all the JC Warriors and your families! Peace be with you πŸ™.

    3. Thanks! We pray together with gratitude to Him from Whom All Blessings Flow! Amen

  56. What if, just for today I am thankful for EVERYTHING inluding sitting quietly in God's Presence, letting Him fill my heart and mind with thankfulness?
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You that I can release my faith by simply coming to You quietly in prayer. Just the two of us. Thank You for giving me Your Promises to speak. Thank You for helping me hear and then do what You Tell me to. Thank you for helping me stand firmly faithful to You in every circumstance; knowing You always stand firmly with me.Thank You that I can trust You completely as I work on being completely trustworthy to You. Thank You that I can lay my head down to sleep, with thankful thoughts playing a lullaby in my mind, and a grateful voice singing of the Goodness Of God!
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Amen Brie πŸ™. God bless!

    2. GOODNESS OF GOD sung by CeCe Winans

    3. Thanks Brie! Beautiful prayer. Amen. Love that song too! 😘

  57. Thanksgiving today in 2023. An uniquely American national holiday! We pause to be thankful for the blessings of our nation. And where do these blessings come from? Oh yeah, a sovereign God.

    Father, thank you for America, may the world and our people wake up this morning and recognize the uniqueness of our republic. This great nation is quite literally being invaded by folks who do not know how and why this nation has prospered, by complacency of citizens who no longer are taught how our formation created economic prosperity, and a religious community that has failed to keep Your truths in the hearts of our citizens.

    God bring us back to You. May faith and Truth be restored in America this coming year, month, even day. We pray through Christ. Amen

    1. Well said, MadFox. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. And Happy Thanksgiving to the whole JC family.

    2. This was pebgdesigns. I have a new phone and evidently I lost my identity.

    3. Amen! Beautifully said, MadFox! Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!

    4. Thank you so much dear MadFox!!! You said it like it is! God bless you and your family in all things, good and wise brother! Sending love.

    5. Praying for you PEBGDesigns. Thanks! Nice to see you here! God bless you and your family.

  58. Happy Thanksgiving day dear ones! Look for treasures in your day, placed lovingly & purposely just for you to find & give reason to give thanks to with all your heart to the creator of all things. Hallelujah! πŸ™Œ❤️

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Keeping my eyes open for those precious treasures. God is so good. I know my grandkids will add much light and laughter to my day. God bless your day with your family too! πŸ’—

  59. Beautiful Thanksgiving prayers today! Praying with you Jeanne, Janet, Madfox, Jan gridley, and all others who enter into our JC Warrior's prayer room to pray, and leave out of it to serve. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Praying God is leading you to all you need. Thanks for your prayers! Have a wonderful day of thanksgiving in His presence. Enjoy your dinner too. Love you.

  60. Praying your day is blessed and surrounded with His love, joy guidance and presence.


    1. Thank you for sharing that absolutely perfect prayer. I listened right to the end and it blessed my heart. I know you miss your dear Debbi and I pray God will comfort you and your family Enjoy this special day in the Lord. Much love, dear sister.

  61. God's Richest Blessings, Dear JC Family! So very thankful for so many things and all of you are among those sweetest. I loved reading all of your prayers and claim each of them with you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. "Count Your Blessings Name Them One by One...." (music notes). I must gather all of our goodies as we are being picked up by our dear Son #3 in a few minutes.
    Enjoy your day, Dear Ones and let our hearts and minds be filled with Thankfulness!

  62. Amen to that truth, dear Janet! He poured Himself out for us out of Love so He could save us. Let us live to please Him. Thank You Jesus.

  63. Thanks! 😊Enjoy every moment dear Norah and the yummy food and being with your family, especially your littles! Rejoice and be glad in your day. πŸ’—
