Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 30

Problems are part of life. They are inescapable: woven in to the very fabric of this fallen world. You tend to go into problem-solving mode all too readily, acting as if you have the capacity to fix everything. This is a habitual response, so automatic that it bypasses your conscious thinking. Not only does this habit frustrate you, it also distances you from Me.
     Do not let fixing things be your top priority. You are ever so limited in your capacity to correct all that is wrong in the world around you. Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own. Instead, make your relationship with Me your primary concern. Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind, seeking My perspective that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important. Remember that you are en route  to heaven, and let your problems fade in the Light of eternity. 

Psalm 32:8
English Standard Version
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Luke 10:41-42
English Standard Version
41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
Philippians 3:20-21
English Standard Version
20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.

My Prayer
Help me to understand Lord that eternity is in my heart and I don't need to look at every problem like their is a solution I must solve. May I be more focused on our relationship and less focused on solving problems. As your word says, you will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. My citizenship is in heaven. My belonging is with You. Again, keep me eternity minded and not of this world. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Holidays are difficult. Thank you for your comforting presence during moments of grieving. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.

  2. It is true Lord, being a "fixer" or "problem solver" tends to draw my immediate reactive response. Learning later in life that I can't do it all, I count the medical, personal and professional challenges of the past year to be necessary "attention getters"! Praying for a faster resolution but recognize that Your timing and grace are sufficient. Amen.

  3. My citizenship is in heaven. Lord Jesus, let me not be distracted by thinking of resolutions to solve problems. But let me focus on my relationship with you!

    1. It's Giving Tuesday! Have you had a chance to bless a favorite organization (or several) with a gift?

  4. AS I read these words today, I am reminded of my response yesterday! We are all so quick to resolve issues and struggles in our most inefficient human way. Trust, patience, faith is all we need........"Dear Jesus, in my humanness I resist struggles and difficulties. I try to solve the issue using my means, leaving me often beaten and battered without any relief. Help me to see that these times are an opportunity to build my trust and realtionship with you. This is in a way a gift, that you have provided for me to lean and accept MY story, MY journey. With prayer and an open heart I will avoid times of spiritual aridity. Amen"

    1. Amen! I find myself in a season where this prayer is particularly pertinent. Thank you.

    2. Amen! Such a perfect prayer for me as well, especially after my inner state yesterday! Thanks so much for the reminder and especially for this wonderful blog and group of prayer warriors!❤️🙏❤️

  5. Today is 11 months since my 22 year old daughter went to Heaven. I have never known such pain. I had read Jesus Calling before, but since her death, I do not start my day without reading. I have been amazed and comforted by the words each day. I learned quickly on that horrible Friday that I certainly was not in control and only God can guide me. Thank you for this publication. Blessings to you and your readers.

    1. Anonymous 2018 - We never get over the loss of a dearly loved one; we live life with a hole in our heart. The heart heals, but the tender scar remains. Praying God's comforting peace and love for those who are grieving.

    2. Sassy Mom - your words are so true. Praying also for all those who are grieving. KS

    3. Anonymous- Praying that time and faith have helped you on your journey. Many many blessings on you. Amen.

    4. Praying that God is comforting your heart and lifting your spirits. The pain never goes away completely but it gently fades and our good memories remain. Trust in the Lord that you will be with your dear daughter again and it will be a blessed reunion.

    5. Death is really difficult , but God uses it to bring us closer to Him. I pray that you will find healing and comfort . Sending hugs your way

  6. Unimaginable grief, so sorry. 😔

  7. I too lost a daughter. Different circumstances but the pain/ confusion probably similar. I pray for your determination to be a friend of God, know he loves you so much and you are truly his beloved no matter what!!

  8. This reading speaks to me, much like many have in the past. Jesus, I pray You help me in making You my priority every day and in each moment. Thank You for reminding me I am en route to heaven.

    Thank you everyone, for sharing. Your posts are wonderful.
    I can't imagine losing a child. Saying extra prayers for daily comfort as you work toward everlasting peace in Heaven. CO

  9. Thanking You this morning Father, for another great and blessed day. Thank You for filling our homes with laughter and happiness this week of Thanksgiving. May the Joy remain even if we are faced with problems and unforeseen circumstances. We know that You are our refuge and strength, our problem solving God. You promised to walk with us on this journey of life, never leaving nor forsaking us. Thank You for the gift of faith and the blessing of hope each day in believing Your promises! Thank You for the gathering of families we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that came with it.
    We turn this day over to You and remain in Thankfulness to Your Holiness!

    JC family, may the Peace, joy and blessings of our great God remain yours today and always as we end this LAST day of Nov and usher us into the great month of Dec. in wish we celebrate the birth of the GREATEST SAVIOUR! Stay Blessed!

    Maplewood NJ

  10. Hi this is Susan again in need of prayer. I am in the ER with my Husband as I could not get his oxygen numbers up to where they should be at home. In route to the hospital the car engine light came on. I get my biopsy results this coming Tuesday 12-3-19. Please pray this will be a short hospital stay for my Husband and for God to heal the car and for my biopsy results to show no cancer. We need prayer. Thank you.oh my as I was typing the doctor said I can take my Husband home! Praise God! Please pray for that to go well. I have a new oxygen mask - oh this is good!

    1. Susan, you and your husband are in my prayers. I'm glad to hear that your husband is able to go home. I am praying for good results for you this week. Stay strong in your faith.

    2. Praise the Lord. Thank God for the great news. Praying for you and yours

    3. Continuing Prayers for you and hubby Susan. Stay in the spirit of Thankfulness to His Holiness.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Susan - a year later you have been on my mind and in my prayers so frequently. Praying God’s peace for you.

    5. Praying for you and your husband, Susan for improved health and God's faithfulness. May He lift you both up, physically, mentally and spiritually. Rest in His promises and ontinue in gratitude and praise.

  11. Susan - Joining JC Warriors in prayer and praise. GOD IS GOOD!

    1. Amen, Sassy Mom! I stand with you and all in prayer and praise! God is truly good! Praying,

  12. Although today ends the calendar month of Thanksvember and my Thanksvember posts; Giving Thanks to God continues infinitely.

    My life is filled with God's Blessings. I am releasing me and gratefully receiving them. To God be The Glory for these and ALL Blessings received:
    😊 LARGE: Thank You for my relationship with You and Your Destiny for my life Blessings.
    😊 SMALL: Thank You for giving us Thanksgiving food to rewarm and share with others while keeping social distance Blessings.
    😊 EASY: Thank You for perfect fit Blessings.
    😊 HARD: Thank You for helping me as I try on ONLY giving softly spoken gentle and peaceful answers and complementary encouragement to all others I encounter today, i.e., "preaching" Your Peace without using words Blessings.
    😊 SURPRISE: Thank You for all the times I said only the word PEACE out loud today, whenever something or someone disturbed it; and then PEACE came and reigned supreme over the encounter Blessings.

    ✝️ FROM PSALM 138: 8
    The Lord will work out His Plans for my life. For Your Loving Kindness, Lord, continues forever.  Stay with me for You made me. Give me Your peace in the process as You show me what is truly important.

    Dear Heavenly Father God, Thank You for having a Di-Vine destiny for our life enroute to our Heavenly Home.  Would You help us step out there in faith as we try on new things? Would You help us find the perfect and comfortable fit that is Your Good Plan for our future? Would You accept our gratitude for Your walking with us as we seek to walk only on Your path for our life, and grow toward Your stars of our Greater Destiny?
    In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen

    1. Amen Brie! His Peace is so precious. Love the "Surprise blessing". I do it too. Declaring His Peace never fails to comfort me and I always feel it flowing in and around me once I say it out loud.

      "Peace be still
      Say the word and I will
      Set my feet upon the sea
      Till I'm dancing in the deep
      Peace be still
      You are here so it is well
      Even when my eyes can't see
      I will trust the voice that speaks"

      Blessings from France

    2. Love that song, "Peace Be Still"
      Thanks BFF!

    3. Thank you, Brie. Love your SURPRISE "Peace" shout outs! Great blessings you posted this November. KS

    4. Yes. Agreed. Love that song, too, B F F. And, yes, thank you so much Brie!!!

    5. Thank you for the reminder to speak Peace over all people and situations. Thank you Jesus for showing us the way as we navigate decisions. Help us to find the balance between right action and trust in you for outcomes. For this I pray in your name, Jesus!

    6. Brie- I’ve enjoyed your Thanksvember prayer outline so much that I’m going to carry it into Thankscember! Thanks for sharing!

    7. Thanks Brie for all your Thanksvember posts and reasons to be thankful. Amen the Peace that surrounds us is so precious and no one can take it away unless we allow it. I am resting in God's peace today and the joy that comes from knowing He is my God and holds me lovingly in His Hands at all times. I'm glad you proclaimed "Peace" before others. Let them see it is always in the forefront of your mind and heart.
      Thanks BFF! I loved that song.

    8. Let peace begin with me, heres how ( thanks Brie!)
      Thank You for helping me as I try on ONLY giving softly spoken gentle and peaceful answers and complementary encouragement to all others I encounter today, i.e., "preaching" Your Peace without using words blessings.

  13. I am praying HOPE for our Journey.
    During the next four weeks we will hear two opposing voices. One calling us to enter into the frenzy of shopping, focusing on our and others' personal wants, must haves, etc., until we are worked up into a level of stress and anxiety higher than covid, making us wish for a quick end to the Season.
    The other Voice gently whispering to us to enjoy His Peace, His Hope, His Love, and His Joy throughout The Season and Beyond...Which will we listen to and follow?
    Sometimes, being human makes life choices difficult, the better way not coming naturally. It takes a transformed mind, heart, and firm resolve to decide to follow Jesus, one step at a time, on His Path to Holiness en route to Heaven. Love to all our JC Family.

    1. Amen! May we focus on His voice. The Holy One, The Holy Way, the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen. Yesterday my hubby and I were enjoying the thought of how Christmas is celebrated in heaven. Can you imagine a birthday party for our Savior, the King of Kings? ðŸŽķ❤️🙏👋😁

    3. Wow, what a thought Audra, ðŸŽķ I Can Only Imagine,ðŸŽķ I'll Be Dancing in the Street!
      But I know I won't be out shopping for things ❤️

    4. Amen dear Brie, His small sweet voice is so precious to my soul. I will be focusing on all those things that never fade way. This year will be so different and I'm not going out to shop. Whatever I have already ordered, my homemade ornaments and my cookies will be enough. It will be quiet and peaceful and that's the way it should be.
      What a lovely thought Audra that they will have a party for the Lord in Heaven. I'm sure they really know how to party up there with all the saints dancing and singing!

  14. ❤️️ ðŸŽķðŸŽķðŸŽķ❤️️THE HEART of WORSHIP by Matt Redmond❤️️ ðŸŽķðŸŽķðŸŽķ❤️️
    When the music fades
    All is stripped away
    And I simply come
    Longing just to bring
    Something that's of worth
    That will bless Your Heart

    I'll bring You more than a song
    For a song in itself
    Is not what You have required
    You search much deeper within
    Through the ways things appear
    You're looking into my heart

    I'm comin' back to the heart of worship
    And it's all about You
    It's all about You, Jesus
    I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
    When it's all about You
    It's all about You, Jesus

    The King of endless worth
    No one could express
    How much You deserve, Lord
    Though I'm weak and poor
    All I have is Yours
    Every single breath

    I'm comin' back to the heart of worship
    And it's all about You
    It's all about You, Jesus

    1. Thank you so much Brie!!! I LOVE that song! Looked up the guitar chords and everything.

    2. ♥️ðŸŽķLink

    3. ♥️ðŸŽķ

  15. Thank you for the reminder Brea "It's all about you Jesus" During hard days I sometimes forget that it's about him. When exhaustion, over takes me and I'm crying out "Lord I need your help". I'm pleading with him to interced. I receive his help and thank him and praise him, then some how in my mind, in my flesh I turn it around and make it about me. I make it about my mistakes and how unintended wrong choices effect my family. I make it about my failures and I forget to include him and His plans for me when I asses the future and what I'm going to do or not do. Lord please forgive me for leaving you out of what I'm able to do or not do. I know you are teaching me something in this. Please show me what it is that you want me to learn so I can get passed this self doubting that focuses on "ME" Where I'm playing old tape in my mind that the enemy planted when I was young. "You're (referring to me) not able to do this or that because you are weak and stupid. You are worthless because you lack good vision. You will not be able to do like other people so why try. You're less than, and you will fall and look foolish once again. So why do you bother to try when you know you will probably fail. People look at you and laugh inside because they see your inability and you just look stupid to them. Lord please in your compassion and love for me give me an " it's all about you LORD perspective, your ability working in my weakness. " Thank you Lord for you tender mercy and your unfailing ability that can work through me (in spite of me). Help me Lord, live through me. Please take over my day my thoughts and my actions. KICK fear and doubt to the curb. Take it out of me please and thank you. In Jesus name amen!
    Sorry just been having some really stinky days. I haven't told friends or family how I've been feeling. Just been working it out with God and needed to vent a little praying that this touches others who feel "like they are less than and a disappointment and failure, " I don't get over taken with this to often anymore, but it does creep in and starts to take over before I know it. ( When I typed the word "creep" I thought about the one true creep and that this is all from him. How he is the father of lies and how subtle he creeps in to weaken us and wear us down. THANK YOU LORD you have overcome our advisory the devil with your shed blood. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all praise and honor to you Lord. King of kings and Lord of Lord's. The perfect sacrifice, the one true Lord Jesus. Continued prayer for the JC family and all that they are presenting to the Lord.

    1. Dear Terri, thank you for opening up. I too know these lies since my teenage years. I always thought they were a part of me and that I would have to live with them all my life. Plot twist : the Lord came and found the lost sheep to bring me to His Kingdom. I know these lies are just lies but I often still have to deal with them. It's a daily battle but we are not alone, He fights with and for us. He's our deliverer, He is all we need.
      Praying that God fill you with His peace, joy and renew your strength.
      Binding all these lies and sending them back in the pit of hell where they belong. In Jesus name. Amen.

      Have a blessed day, hand in hand in His Presence.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks for sharing Terri. Praying with and for you. As our BFF said, we walk hand in HAND together in His Presence.
      He helps us straighten up our crowns as He reminds us We are the child of the One True King. He truly loves all of us just the way we are.
      Get out of our lives satan with all of your lies about us. They may be how you see us but our Father sees us as perfectly forgiven and perfectly beautiful and that is all that matters to us. We have decided to follow Jesus and we are not turning back. Praise God out loud! Praise God out loud! Praise God out loud! Say and sing God's praises out loud; God loves it and satan hates it. Blessings JC Family.

    3. Terri, I am fighting these very thoughts and feelings right beside you!! Satan's attacks are constant. It is a lifelong battle that I believe we know we were brought to this JC family to help us. Our prayer warriors here will fight along side of us to let go and believe our God is mighty to save!! Peace and new mercies come in the morning!!
      Jesus, be with me today as I let go of the lies and believe fully that I AM A CHILD OF THE ONE TRUE KING!!!!! Thank you for sharing Terri! Peace be with you.
      Love from Maryville, Tennessee

    4. Thank you Terri. You are beautiful. I love your heart. Fear is a liar. You are in a most welcome place as we walk / journey with you here!!

    5. Terri, Your sharing has demonstrated your bravery. May your growing relationship with God strengthen you on your journey. You are HIS beloved. Believe it. live it. Many blessings on you! Amen.

    6. Thank you Terri, your sharing releases these thoughts in all of us and gives us a collective focus to remind the devil that his future is the lake of fire. Looking in the mirror to straighten my crown and gather strength for this new day. Amen!

    7. Dear Terri! Yesterday I felt the enemy trying to rob my peace in a huge way. I was supposed to have my son's family over to bake cookies and make lasagna. Well my oven stopped working. Wouldn't heat up at all. The broiler didn't get hot. Something was terribly wrong. Such terrible timing. Well, I said out loud: Jesus, You are so much greater than this. My day is going to be wonderful and I am not going to get upset. My husband walked in to see what all my shouting was about. He said don't worry we'll get a serviceman in to look at it. I called my son. He said let's make cookies here and I can heat up the lasagna. It all worked out beautifully and it turned out to be such a sweet day and night. We have free will to grumble, slide into the pity pool or stand upright and strong because we are solidly planted on the Rock. I know how you feel when things look gray and you know you're being tested. May God strengthen and comfort you and kick the evil one's butt. I love you. Straighten that crown, my beautiful Sister in Christ! Better times are ahead, thank God!

    8. Terri - Thank you and all those who have the courage to share their battles with us. Satan's greatest tools are LIES AND DISCOURAGEMENT. Matthew 16:23 "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

    9. Remember when the cassette player would gobble up a tape? Imagine this is so with that stream of negativity creeping into your playlist. Break the record, throw out the broken tape and replace it with new ðŸĪ—

    10. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE by Tasha Layton

  16. Morning glory and honor to You Loving Father. Thank You for a new day of continue gratitude for Your goodness and mercy. May my prayer to You this morning reinforce my mind, body and spirit with a sense of calmness, gratitude, and joy to help me maintain a positive perspective through my tasks today. Help me walk by the Word today and not by my feelings. Help me to guide my heart and keep it undivided. Protect me from all of my own careless thoughts, words, and actions, and help me not be distracted by MY wants, MY desires, nor by MY thoughts on how things should be, but welcome whatever comes my way as an opportunity to grow rather than a personal convenience. May I rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13, "Great is your love toward me." In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    I share with you 10 AWESOME PROMISES from the sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley yesterday about:GOD, OUR FAITHFUL COMPANION.

    - He promised to walk with us through this journey called life, never leaving us, nor forsaking us.
    - He promised to guide us in the direction we should go, when we surrender and keep our mind stayed on Him.
    - He promised to listen to us every single time we call or cry out to Him. He rejoices when we reach out to Him.
    - He promised to encourage us when we are disappointed in ourselves and life’s choices.
    - He promised to empower us when we need to be lifted up.
    - He promised to provide all our needs, those things that are good for us and those that will give Him glory.
    - He promised to protect us from all the dangers of life: from the snare of the fowler, from the noisome pestilence that walketh in darkness, and the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
    - He promised to love us unconditionally, no matter what we do or don’t do. He will never change.
    - He promised to forgive us all our sins (and wants us to forgive others that wrong us as well).
    - He promised that He has secured eternity for us!!

    All we have to do is SEEK, ASK, TRUST, WAIT and OBEY!

    Faithful Father, We thank You for ALL of Your promises that are YES and AMEN. Thank You for the end of another great month, through Your mercy and under Your grace. Whatever valley or storms we passed through, You were right there beside us and carried us through. May we cross over to the month of celebration of the birth of our SAVIOR, glorifying You in the name of Jesus. For this and so many other blessings, we are Grateful and Thankful to You. We look ahead for Your BEST that is yet to come in our lives, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen & amen Maplewood ! Thank you for the reminder of His Promises. We can easily forget about them when it gets harder but thank you Lord You are always there waiting for us to come back to you and fix our gaze on You, Your Love, Mercy, Joy, Powerful & Peaceful Presence.
      Father thank you for everything. We Trust, Praise & Adore You only.

      Blessings from France

    2. So powerful and humbling M N J. Thank you so much.

    3. Thank you Maplewood. Your words are so good, so true. Many many blessings on you today. Amen.

    4. Thanks to you Maplewood NJ, for reminding us of some of His many Promises; and thanks to You, Lord Jesus Christ for always keeping them! Amen

    5. Thank you dear Maplewood! I'm seeking, asking, trusting, waiting and doing my best to obey. Leaning on His promises.
      Amen sweet Sister, the Best is yet to come. Thank you Jesus!!

    6. Thanks for your gifts that keep on giving to us, our dear sweet and greatly missed sister friend in Christ. The truths you posted are still true. The year is immaterial. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Yes, indeed. Missing you Maplewood. Perhaps we will have a guest appearance this season? ðŸĪž♥️

  17. Coming again, Coming again,
    May be morning, may be noon,
    May be evening and may be soon!
    Coming again, Coming again;
    O what a wonderful day it will be - Jesus is coming again!

  18. This is a message from my friend Connie, in PA. We prayed for her niece Helen who was hospitalized with Covid for over 2 months. Helen continues to work from home. Please pray for Connie's son Peter (who is a Doctor) and all those on the front lines. Peter has been working the 3 to 11 pm shift since Thanksgiving day. Sunday late afternoon they had to divert patients to other hospitals. They are full of Covid patients. They have no more room. Peter said his lab friends told him the positives are coming in at an alarming rate. Peter has basically been low key with us about the virus and tells us to wear masks, but he is freaking out now. His hospital is not the only one filling up in our area and in the city. The health care workers are totally stressed and over worked.
    Please pray for Peter to stay safe and strong. He is the head of Interventional Radiology and has a lot on his shoulders. He told us the chest X-rays he has to read are mostly Covid. He and his team are seeing many suffering patients and trying their utmost to help them. Pray for protection on Peter and his group of doctors, the health care workers stay safe and have all the supplies they need.
    "Praying you and yours are safe. Our country is in a bad place right now and we have to be together in this, stop all the selfishness, help others." Love, Connie

    1. So happy to pray for Peter and all in the medical field. My son-in-love is also an Interventional Radiology Physician and my daughter is a Trauma Nurse in the ER. They contracted covid last March, right before the announcement of its prevalence in the US.
      They weathered a second major surge of covid patients during the summer, and now this third surge that is climbing higher everyday. They have asked us to continue doing our part, stay in isolation, and only go out for absolute necessities, and when we do go out to wear masks and stay more than 6 feet away from others, which we have been doing since March. I join you Sassy Mom, Connie, and all prayer Warriors in praying for all the Medical Professionals as well as for all people, both selfish and selfless. With God as our guide we will get through this; I pray for us to do What Jesus Would Do.
      Interestingly, as God's Holy Spirit often does, one of our JC readings was Luke 10:
      25 One day an expert on Moses’ laws came to test Jesus’ orthodoxy by asking Him this question: “Teacher, what does a man need to do to live forever with God in heaven?”
      26 Jesus replied, “What does Moses’ law say about it?”
      27 “It says,” he replied, “that you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. And you must love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself.”
      28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you shall live forever with God in Heaven!”
      29 The man wanted to justify his lack of love for some kinds of people, so he asked, “Which neighbors?”
      30 Jesus replied with an illustration about a man going on a trip from Jerusalem to Jericho who was attacked by bandits...
      36 “Now which of these three, the Priest, the Temple Assistant, or the Samaritan would you say was a neighbor to the bandits’ victim?”
      37 The man replied, “The one who demonstrated God's mercy and compassion”
      Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”
      Remember that you are en route  to heaven!

      ❤️️ ðŸŽķðŸŽķðŸŽķ❤️️ REVOLUTIONARY
      Maybe you're not like me
      Maybe we don't agree
      Maybe that doesn't mean
      We gotta be enemies
      Maybe we just get brave
      Take a big leap of faith
      Call a truce so me and you
      Can find a better way
      Let's take some time, open our eyes, look and listen, yeah
      And we're gonna find we're more alike than we are different, yeah
      Why does kindness seem revolutionary
      When did we let hate get so ordinary
      Let's turn it around, flip the script
      Judge slow, love quick
      God help us get revolutionary!

    2. Praying now for Peter and all the doctors, health care workers and all in the front lines from every nation. May God renew their strength and fill them and their workplaces with a fresh breath of Love, Joy, Peace, and Healing. May they get all the supplies they need and guidance to do what they have to. Thank you Lord for the medical staff everywhere working hard to take care of us, especially during this sanitary crisis. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

      Blessings from France

    3. Father, Thank you for putting a mighty hedge of protection around Peter, and all the healthcare workers and doctors who put their lives on the line every day. Keep them healthy in mind, body and spirit and protect them and their loved ones from Covid! We pray together for this in the powerful name of Your Son, the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  19. Praying for all medical staff and first responders who risk their lives and offer hours of their time relentlessly.

  20. Jeanne - Dear Faithful One, JC Prayer Warriors are continuing prayers to Jehovah Rapha, the GREAT PHYSICIAN for your 12/2 heart procedure. WE LOVE YOU!!!!

    1. Thank you dear Sassy Mom! I am resting in your prayers and God's faithfulness. He told me I'm taken care of. I'm not afraid. Love you and my dear JC Family!!

  21. Praying for each and every one of you, your requests, your victories and your needs.

  22. I received this message of gratitude from Connie - "Thanks to JC Warriors for your prayers for my son Peter, his coworkers and the doctors he works with. I know they will be felt by all. Peter’s mom thanks you from the bottom of my heart. God’s blessings on all of you. Connie

  23. Another message of gratitude from a mother for her son Peter.
    "I thank God for all you prayer warriors and join with you in prayers to Jesus, the ultimate physician."


  24. Joining you dear Norah and Sassy Mom in prayers of thanks for all the victories to come. May God protect Peter and all the healthcare workers and everyone in the front line. Thank you Jesus!

  25. Must run to my daughter in love's in the morning so just stopping by to say I'm praying for more answered prayers. Waiting on the Lord. I have a Dr's appt at 3 tomorrow. Have a strange vibration in my right thigh and awaiting my second blood test results. All will be well because God is in charge.

    1. I couldn't sleep, Jeanne (cold meds - ugh!), so I got on here to read. Praying for your Dr. appt. tomorrow at 3:00 - starting now and thanking Our Father for answers to your right thigh and perfect (we'll know what to pray for even more specifically) blood test results.
      Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for Jeanne's perfect Peace - knowing that you have her in the Palms of Your Hands and You have covered every situation that could possibly be causing this.
      I love you, Dear Sister. I'll be on the Night Watch and with you in prayer tomorrow.

    2. Joining in prayers with Norah for you Jeanne. May our Father in heaven lift you up and create perfect test results and any healing that you may need. May the comfort of His arms bring you perfect peace in your heart and mind. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    3. Thank you so much Norah and Janet. You are wonderful sisters to me. I am not afraid because I trust in God's promises. Praying for both of you to be healed of your infirmities. God knows exactly what to do to make you both better. He can do all things and He is holding you both very tight. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Always in my prayers JC family. Healing prayers for you sisters and all in need. Amen He has us all in the palms of His hands. ❤

      Blessings from France

    5. Joining in prayer for you dear Jeanne. Agreeing with you that all will be well because God is in charge. Your deep abiding faith in that belief will carry you through. We love you 💕

    6. Lifting you up and praying for you now. Prayers are continuing through your Dr's Appointment, our dear Jeanne.
      I am also repeating JJ's intercessory prayer posted below. You are loved and cared for. On the wings of love, we are with you on the way to and from and while you are in the Doctor's office. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Jumpin' on this awesome prayer train of healing for our sisters, Janet, Jeanne, & Norah. Jehovah Rapha, THE GREATEST physician, is at the helm and has a plan to heal! Janet, may you have relief from your back and leg pain. Jeanne, may the odd vibration in your right leg disappear as quickly as it came or that your doc finds the cause, and Norah, may this cold virus "leave the building" of your body today! Praying for you all knowing as was stated by Jeanne and Jan, God IS in charge! Love and healing blessings, sisters!

    8. I join in prayers for all health concerns of my JC family and their loved ones. Expecting perfect outcomes and Peace to cover all. In Jesus's name I pray.

    9. Thanks for all the prayers. The doctor said I have Meralgia paresthetica and I will probably have the continual vibrations in my thigh for a few months but they may go away sooner. I have to take 2 Aleve a day and use a heating pad. Also the blood tests show I'm high in sugar and he told me I'm borderline pre diabetes so I must cut down on my honey, sugar and white starches. Oh Well. God will lead me to better health. Was with my baby grandson all day so I didn't even have time to think about it. I prayed and I know I'll be alright. Praying for dear Janet, Norah, Audra and Brie. God is with you and He is faithful and able to save.

  26. "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." (John 15:4). "And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." (Philippians 1:6). "for it is God Who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." (Philippians 2:13). "As soon as I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by giving me strength." (Psalm 138:3). "Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage." (Psalm 84:5).

  27. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. You are my everything. I praise You Lord. I find myself always going into "problem solving" mode when something happens or is on my mind when I should be just giving it to You and looking to You and talking to You about it instead. Help me to ask You to show me what is truly important. Let me see things through Your eyes and Your perspective and not try to "fix" things myself, in my own strength and power. I have no strength or power alone. It comes from You and not from me. Help me to stop this habit that I've become so accustomed to in my life. Let my eyes stay fixed on You and show me the way. Reveal to me what I need to know and help me keep You the center of my life at all times. Remind me that You are my strength and my refuge. I can't do anything apart from You. Thank You Jesus. You are so wonderful and amazing. I trust, love, and adore You Jesus. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for the gift of You Lord and the Holy Spirit. Let Your Spirit fill me up and let Your perfect peace permeate my entire being. You are my reason for being Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. I am joining in with the 2 or more who are gathering into this prayer with you, Janet. Jesus is in our midst. What more could we ask? ALLELUIA!

    2. Janet - Joining JC Warriors in prayer. We love you.

    3. Thank you, our awesome Janet! Joining all of you in this gathering, giving thanks & praising God!

  28. Thank you and Amen! Joining in that perfect prayer.
    Give Up and Let Jesus Take Over.

  29. Great Peace and Blessings to my JC FAMILY! I thank you My Papa God that you are the All-Powerful, Living God. I come to You to decree Your magnificent power into each situation and circumstance of each one of my JC FAMILY. Burst onto each life. Transform and restore broken hearts, souls and minds. I come against all powers of darkness and the spirit of infirmity that is coming against my JC FAMILY, With the mighty power of my Papa God, I chop off the head of every lying, deceiving spirit and cast it to a dry place. Now, bring Your Holy Fire, my God, and send GREAT destruction upon such darkness. IN Jesus' name I place each JC FAMILY member in the healing blood of Jesus Christ today. Let Jesus' blood speak life into each one. Let the blood expose and destroy all darkness operating in and around them. I enforce the blood of Jesus over everything in each of their lives today. I decree, my precious Lord, that Your Glory is their covering and Your Favor surrounds them as a shield. My JCFAMILY, you will go forward this day in Faith and Boldness and live Big for the Kingdom! In Jesus'
    name. AMEN and AMEN
    Love you, love you, love you, JC FAMILY!!! In His Grip of Grace JJ

    1. Dear JJ, so glad for your post dear girl💕. We have missed you and your boldness in claiming the blood of Jesus over all of us! Your warrior spirit is much needed & appreciated. It's all about Jesus and the wonder working power of His blood! The enemy has heard your warning & must flee from our midst! Hallelujah! We love you! Stay blessed.

    2. Thank you JJ. Amen to your prayer, all of it. There is Wonder working POWER in the Almighty Name of JESUS.

    3. I am gathering in to Thank you Jesus for JJ's bold plead, while she is stepping out into the breach for each of us to be shielded and covered by The Magnificent, Transformative, Restorative Power of Your Blood. I truly, truly need it today and everyday. Praying Great Peace. Healings and Blessings for JJ and the JCs as well. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. JJ - Hallelujah, PRAISE THE LORD! I receive your blessing. Loving and praying for you as you pray for me.

    5. Peter - There is wonder working power in the blood.

    6. Thank you, JJ! So powerful! Receiving your prayers along with my other JC family members! Praying healing prayers for all here who need healing as well as those we know outside of this wonderful family of ours!

    7. Thank you dear JJ! Gathering right into your sincere and powerful Prayer. You lifted my whole day and night. Amen and Amen!
      He can do all things and He cares for us and loves us perfectly. We are in the best of Hands! Halleluia.
      May He bless you and heal all your weaknesses too!

  30. It is my birthday today. I thank God for my family and my lovely daughter . I am so grateful for the JC family that have upheld me in prayer , you are all amazing ! Today I will have some fried chicken dinner with my daughter and we will celebrate life ! Thank you Lord for this new age, for good health , for a wonderful church and for family and friends.

    1. Happy birthday dear Min Ahadi! Enjoy your time with your daughter as you celebrate this special day. God bless you!

      Blessings from France

    2. Happy Birthday, Dear Min Ahadi! Your Birthday celebration sounds delightful, but the most obvious thing I see is your THANKFULNESS! Enjoy every minute of your day with your dear daughter and know that you and all of our JC Family remains, as always, in my prayers! Doing a little Happy Birthday Dance for you which I'm sure will be joined by all of our Dancing Sisters! :)

    3. Happy Birthday dear MinðŸŽķ🎁🎊🎆🎂🎉💕.

    4. This VICTORY dancing sister is reporting for duty to thank God for you and also pray a happy blessed birthday for you, our dear sister friend in Christ, Min Ahadi. May you have many more happy blessed birthdays with lots and lots of: ðŸŽķ🎁🎊🎆🎂🎉💕 and the greatest of these is 💕. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Happy birthday Min Ahadi, may you be wonderfully blessed on your birthday.

    6. Birthday blessings Min Ahadi as you and your daughter celebrate life. We love you.

    7. My heart is so full for you, Min. Happy birthday! May time go by slowly as you enjoy time with your daughter & your birthday meal of fried chicken reflecting on God's blessings!

    8. Happy birthday Min Ahadi. You gave us the gift today, a big portion of thankfulness! In joy!

    9. Happy Birthday dear Min Ahadi! So happy for you. May God bless you in all ways and lead you to all joy, love and fulfillment and bless your family in all things and protect you all from sickness and harm. Thank You Jesus!

    10. Happy birthday Min Ahadi! God bless.

  31. I'm so very thankful for your prayers, Dear JC Family. And I was so thankful that when I woke up in the night, I could reflect on this Jesus Calling post today (which I read last night). I told myself to stop trying to fix the problems (health, things on my mind, etc) and give it to THE Problem Fixer of all times.
    I will read this many times today and every time I try to take things back into MY problem-fixing mode, I will give it back to Him.
    "Do not let fixing things be your top priority. You are ever so limited in your capacity to correct all that is wrong in the world around you. Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own. Instead, make your relationship with Me your primary concern. Talk with Me about whatever is on your mind, seeking My perspective that comes to your attention, ask Me to show you what is truly important. Remember that you are en route to heaven, and let your problems fade in the Light of eternity."
    Thank you Lord, for this day, for your bounty, for your ever-present Peace as we claim your promises.
    Praying for all of you, as we live this glorious day that the Lord has made! Janet, JJ, Jeanne - all of you - your prayers are mine.
    THANK YOU, Lord!!

    1. Amen sweet Norah! Praying you are feeling better too! Get some rest now and don't worry about a thing. Everything is in God's Hands.

  32. This post is written for me! I am such a problem solver, and my mind turns around a situation over and over instead of trusting God for guidance. I not only try to fix my problems, but try to help other people when they don’t need it and didn’t ask for it. I have been like a Martha, but am seeking to be like Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus.

    My slow healing suture line after my brain surgery is a worry for me, and I want to fix it! God is helping me with patience and guidance from Him. Prayer is awesome, and I ask again for healing prayers, that the bone and skin will be knit together just the way it should be, without infection, and that I am at peace. My surgery was so successful and I need to be in thanksgiving for that.

    I also have a praise report…my daughters last scan was CLEAN…praise the LORD!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for your prayers for me and my family. I read all of the posts and pray for your concerns and celebrate with you as well.

    1. Praying Dear Ellen that the healing power of Jehovah Rapha will touch the skin & bones to close properly & initiate that complete healing we are asking for in Jesus' name. Amen

    2. Victory today is yours, Ellen. Amd I am Victory Dancing and giving Praises to The Glory of God for all the healing He has done, is now doing, and will do in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I so understand being a problem fixer, Ellen. I recently heard a wonderful sermon...actually might've already mentioned it here but I'm trying hard every day to practice it. Asking myself, 'What do I have on the throne? Is it worry, fear, etc? or is it God?' When it's something other than God, THAT is where our focus is, what we are concentrating on, and what we have on the throne...taking God off and putting the other on. So, when I begin to worry/fret, etc. I tell myself, 'nope, I'm not having that on the throne!' It has helped me a lot. It shakes my "snow globe" of a brain up in order to put God back up on that throne! Make sense? Sorry if I'm not explaining it well. Anyway, giving it all to God, keeping Him there on the throne vs me worrying or trying to solve something by myself has truly helped. Will I do it perfectly...nope, but I will do my best!
      And I, like you, Ellen, like to help others to solve their problems without bringing it to our God first. Have to reverse that process asking God for guidance and discernment.

      Praying for healing over your suture line as well as praising God for healing you and the good report your daughter received! So AWESOME! Continued healing blessings, Ellen, in Jesus' great name, AMEN.

    4. Holding your beautiful head in the healing hands of God. I declare it, I see it. Bless you Ellen and your family.

    5. I understood your post perfectly, NJS. Thank you for giving visual me a visual.
      In my private prayer time with God this morning, I heard: MAKE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ME YOUR ONE AND ONLY PRIMARY CONCERN!
      The visual of swapping out, or dethroning God, helped me a lot. I need lots of prayers to break the habit and stop.
      No matter how well intentioned, saying and putting anything else on His Throne is an insult to God that glorifies satan. Instead, Saying Yes God! Thank You God! I know I am saved by You and I am sanctified by You and in Your sight, I am worthy, means I have so completely abandoned myself to God that I know ALL He says is TRUE and He is my ONLY ALL IN ALL!  No matter how much the world values it, everything else is a lie. There is only ONE relationship that matters, and that is OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. May I let everything else go, and maintain that ONE relationship at all costs so that God fulfills His Purpose throughout my life. That life of priceless value to God's purposes, may very well be mine.
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield . In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Keeping you in my prayers always for complete healing of your incision site. Praising our Amazing God for your daughter's clean scan. He is so very faithful.
      Amen Brie! Our relationship with Him is far more important than anything of this world. It is an eternal relationship and someday we will be face to fact with His radiant Countenance.
      Yes God! Thank You God! You are my Hope, my Song, my Good Shepherd, my King, and my Salvation.

  33. Happiest birthday wishes Min Ahadi! I hope your day is filled with wonderful blessings. JE

  34. Today's DEVOTION reminds us to Ask Him to show what is truly important, while we are en route to our Final Destination in Heaven. That being said, we can allow our earthly problems to fade into the Light of Eternity.
    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go...waiting for The Teacher to appear takes patience on my part, yet when I am driving my vehicle on my way to a destination, such as picking up a child from school, or my hubby from the airport, except for traffic lights, I do not stop and get involved in things I see happening along the route to my destination.  Lord, would you help me take this same attitude while enroute to my Final Destination, which is Eternal Life in Heaven with You? I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Beautifully written. We must keep our eyes on the road that leads to Glory and not get distracted by the worldly trappings and promises along the way. The Spirit is our Guide and our Good Lord is already seated at the right Hand of the Father waiting for that golden day.

  35. My post above, in 2018, continues to ring true. In my humanness, I continue to be consumed with fixing a situation, often leaving God out of the process. Only asking God to bless "my plans" rather than giving it to God and following His path. It's HIS path that will be blessed! Dear heavenly Father teach me to follow and not lead! My path is blessed following YOUR lead! Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC. Where He leads, I will follow.

  36. Another version POWER IN THE BLOOD

  37. Problem-solving mode? Who me? Guilty as charged... a sinner in need of the Cross. Thank you Jesus, it is in those moments where problem solving yields little, that this lesson comes to mind... the result is prayer and realizing that You are the answer to the "problem(s)" Amen.

    1. I stand accused of committing the crime of impatient illusion of control, when instead I need turn it over to Him, Who is the Beginning, from the beginning. Pray for me brothers and sisters in Christ.

    2. I sure can relate. But God is the only one who knows the answers to our problems. He can guide us to them and open our eyes to them. Give up and let Jesus take over.
      Dear MadFox and Brie, You are always in my heart and prayers. Much love.

    3. Amen, MadFox and Brie! Oh yeah - I'll fix it. UGH! Yields little - God yields MUCH!

    4. Yep! He's the Great Fixer Upper!

  38. Everything in Creation was perfect, there were no problems, nothing was broken. Then Adam and Eve sinned.
    Some consequences of their fall from Grace included:
    1. Loss of Righteousness
    2. Separation from God.
    3. A cursed environment.(Topical subjects include the degregation of Earth's environment aka Global warming, pollution etc).
    Entropy set in: A gradual decline into disorder, disarray and disfunction.
    Mankind with puny futile attempts then set about restoring what he broke, the very thing he missed and needed most; so in trying to fix the problem of broken relationship with God, he invented religion. But we can't pull ourselves up by our own boot straps, no amount of positive thinking can help.
    Jesus was great at fixing problems. The first we read of is in John 2 1:11, when Jesus turned water into wine (Johnny Cash - great song).
    As far as I recall sitting in this chair right now, on each and every occasion, it was People who drew Jesus' attention to a 'problem' that needed fixing.
    It seems to be an instinctive response; in each instance of Jesus 'fixing' something' people knew that He alone could solve the problem and they turned to Him first.
    That also should be our first, our instinctive response to a problem, turn to Him, and ask Him to fix it.
    I've lost count of the times I'm just about to give up ( fix my car or whatever) then the after-thought dawns "Oh, Lord please help"!
    These days it's usually my first thought ( I'm slowly learning), but it's still hard to stop and ask before trying to fix things myself.
    A multi-disclipine engineering background is not always a blessing, our training includes so much on ' problem solving', for that is mostly what the job comprises of; indeed on occasion I've told teams who are struggling, " By definition if a problem exists so must its solution, now find it". Problem solving is so ingrained, it's difficult to get out of that mindset.
    That's why I so appreciate today's subject which aligns our priorities with God's and the scripture verses in it.
    So thank you Chris for all your work in posting the Jesus Calling daily readings, and for writing out the scriptures in full. Thank you too to everyone who contributes. I echo 'Amen' - Let it be so' to all the prayer requests, and value all inputs. Thank You Jesus for this rich and satisfying meal. The words posted in this blog are the water You turn to wine for our edification.

    1. I am gathering in and touching with an Amen and Alleluia!

    2. Thanks Peter and Thank You Jesus! Amen to that!

  39. Let there be peace on earth. LET IT BEGIN WITH ME.

  40. Let there be peace on earth. Another version.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom! That was lovely but I think they are the same version but here's another lovely version:

    2. Thanks Jeanne, that's the one I thought I was sending.

  41. Continuing my prayers for all of you! Be strong and courageous. Blessings🙏

    1. Praying for you as you pray for us. Thank you

  42. Father God, Thank you for Jan Gridley's husbands GI procedure to go very well because you are in charge and thank you for guiding my friend Rudy's major heart surgery perfectly today. Guide the good doctors to use their God given gifts to give him an artificial aorta, replace his heart valve and remove his aneurism. Bless him with a successful surgery and a long and happy life. We trust in You for all this and thank You for your faithfulness, and for answers to our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father's healing, loving hands guide and direct the surgeon and accomplish the victory for Rudy. Your perfect hands and touch is all that is needed Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Joining in this prayer! 🙏

  43. Lamentations 3:22-23 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

    Waiting on You, Lord. Trusting in Your Promises. Your Words are Truth and Light and Life. Staying in Your sweet Presence, Holding on to Your Unchanging Hand, and Resting in You and in Your Peace and Love. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen.....I love the words of encouragement Jeanne

    2. I'm glad they comforted you, dear sister. We all need His Word to bring light into our wilderness, to lift our weary hearts, and give us hope. He is our Hope.

  44. Sleep is avoiding me and I need it. Have to be up in 4 hours. I just read your verse, Jeanne. Thank you. Going back to bed to pray.

    1. Thanks for your prayers, my good sister. I was up late working on my Bible group. Hope you are snoozing. Much love.

  45. Another year has gone by, thank God for my 53rd birthday. I stand amazed in Your presence, when I look back at my life, I am so grateful to be called a child of God. His mercies are real and new every morning! This verse is so encouraging on this Psalm 32:8
    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

    1. Happy 53rd Birthday dear Min Ahadi! Celebrate another year of life, and another year of God's faithfulness and blessings.
      Amen! God will guide every step. Sending a Birthday hug and much love. <3

    2. Happy, Happy Birthday, Dear Min Ahadi! I loved your song! Enjoy your lovely day and you are loved by all of us and especially by our Loving Father and His powerfully devoted Son, Christ Jesus!

    3. Happy Birthday Min🍰🎉ðŸĨģ🎈💞🙏🌈

    4. Joining my sisters in celebrating you, Min, on your birthday! Lifting you up and celebrating the incredible human you are to many and the sister you are to us in Christ and this JC fam! May God's blessings continue to reveal themselves to and in the years to come! Happy, happy birthday, Min!

    5. Birthday blessings to you. I'm only 6 months behind you :-)

    6. May you have many more happy blessed b'earthdays, Min Ahadi, with lots and lots of: ðŸŽķ🎁🎊🎆🎂🎉💕 and the greatest of these is 💕. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  46. Thank You Father for guiding every second of Rudy's surgery and save him, and bring him back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus!

    1. O LORD my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me. (Psalm 30:2).

    2. Praying with you, Dear Jeanne for your loving Rudy and his family. He and my DH are in the BEST of Hands!

    3. Jehovah Rapha is certainly in "the house" or operating room with Rudy as He is with your DH, Norah, and your family. Thank you, God, for your healing! In Jesus' mighty name, AMEN!

    4. Amen! Thanks for all the prayers! Dear Norah, May God guide your dear husband’s GI procedure perfectly and bring him to a complete recovery. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus.

  47. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1). One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4). I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD. (Psalm 27:13-14).

    1. Wonderful Scriptures, so full of encouragement, thank you Janet

    2. Thanks for the best breakfast and food for my soul, dear Janet!

  48. Blessings to each of you as we are about to pull out or our driveway with our Dear Son who is driving us. Sleep came, though it was short, it was enough. Your Words, your prayers, my prayers - Rich's words, Audra's encouragement - all of you blessed my sleep and we know Whose Hands we're all in. My DH was up before me and started coffee, which he can't have but did it for me. Loving man. Janet your prayers and encouragement are powerful, and I love each one of you and thank you. Picturing blessed Victory Reports for Rudy, my Best Man and all of us, later today. Praying for your report, Dear Brie and looking forward to your Birthday Report, Dear Min!
    Hiding these words in my heart, "Don't weigh yourself down with responsibilities that are not your own." Putting my Martha away and embracing my Mary!

    1. May all go as planned today for your DH, Norah. Praying for strength and endurance for you for today and the days/weeks ahead. Praying, too, for a successful outcome. Yes, we all need to put Martha on the shelf and put our Mary to use!

    2. May every little thing go well for all of us and our dear ones because we serve an amazing and faithful God. Get some rest dear Norah! Praying a hedge of protection around you and yours and a successful procedure for your dear hubby. We know from where our Help cometh.

    3. Praying! Praying! Praying! And then, praying some more.
      Much Love, Brie

  49. Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for this specific JC entry - it smacked me in the face as I was in problem solving mode as soon as I woke up this morning. I didn’t come to You first. Forgive me, Lord. Lord, please calm my son’s anxiety over his chemistry class today. This seems so trivial in the grand scheme of life, but to a teenager, it’s huge.

    SC Anonymous

    1. SC Anonymous 🙏

    2. May the answers to your son's chem exam come easily to him today, SC. When our kids are stressed or troubled, we as parents often feel it twice as much, right? And yet we have the best loving and attentive God to lean on and give our troubles to! Praying for your son, SC, and all of our JC family in need of positive outcomes! In Jesus' all powerful name, AMEN.

    3. Dear SC, May God’s spirit supply your son with all the wisdom he needs to ace this test and class. Thank You Jesus.

    4. 🙏 🙏 🙏

  50. Joining you all this morning in prayer : Norah, Jeanne , Rudy, Min Ahadi, Janet and all JC family- 🙏

    1. Thanks dear Blessings from NY. God is in charge so we trust in His faithfulness.

  51. Good morning dear ones. Asking for safety in travel to back home from Texas. Praying for Rudy, Jeanne & sister Janet, Brie & Norah's DH. Have to get ready now. Love & blessings 💞🙏🌈

    1. May God surround you with traveling mercies dear Jan. Have a blessed day in His presence and peace.

    2. Traveling and all other Mercies are being prayed for you and yours, dear Jan.

  52. One of Frank Sinatra's songs had a couple of lines that went "Dooby-doooby-doo".
    Martha - Mary; doo - by.
    Both doing and being are necessary in God's Kingdom, but the doing must come out of the being, otherwise it's just 'works', which can become tiresome very quickly.
    The 'being' is relationship, the 'doing' is responsibility. Everything we do for His Kingdom must come out of relationship with Him.
    The link below, although specifically for the Christian woman, is also for us guys too. It's worth a read. Every blessing as you sit a Jesus feet today.

    1. Thank you Peter. I notice that some of the things in my "Mary" column still have "Martha" characteristics as I check them off my list. One year, I lead a Sunday School lesson during the Christmas season looking at family traditions under the topic of "Labor of Love" or "Love of Labor". Are these traditions rich and meaningful or items to be checked off our list. Continued Blessings to you Peter and thank you for your Faithful presence here. John H.

    2. Thanks Peter! I will sit at the feet of the Lord and listen to every word.
      Be still and know that I am God. Amen.

    3. HMMM! Thanks Peter, Your post gave me cause to pause...

  53. Dear God, I thank you for your goodness to all of us! I read past post where I needed healing from a suture line on my head, which is all healed now. It was a very long period of trusting Him. I ask for prayers today for my daughter who has had colon cancer. Her #s that they use to monitor for cancer has been slightly elevated. She had a test yesterday and awaiting results. She is nervous, and I am trying not to be. God has healed her and we are standing there. Jeremiah says…I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you hope and a future. Please pray for my dear daughter! Thank you.

    1. Praying for your daughter and your entire family. May God's peace cover you while you waiting for the results.

    2. Joining prayers that your daughter remains healed and her results will be good. Thank You Father for this and for peace of mind in Jesus’ Name.

    3. Dear Ellen ----- I come along side of you and stand in agreement with the words from Jeremiah. Such a great scripture! I will stand in the gap for your daughter, Ellen. Great Blessings on your famly! Also gap standing for Jan' travels, Rudy, Jeanne and her sister, Brie, and
      Norah's DH. When we tell someone we will pray and stand in the gap, we agree to put on God's armor and head to the front lines of battle on there behalf. What a privilege it is to pray! HALLELUJAH!!! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

      Psalm:50:15. "Then call upon me when you are in trouble, I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."

  54. Thank you Peter. I notice that some of the things in my "Mary" column still have "Martha" characteristics as I check them off my list. One year, I lead a Sunday School lesson during the Christmas season looking at family traditions under the topic of "Labor of Love" or "Love of Labor". Are these traditions rich and meaningful or items to be checked off our list. Continued Blessings to you Peter and thank you for your Faithful presence here. John H.

  55. Posting here has become challenging for me for some reason.

  56. Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen! Thank You Lord! Let me be your faithful servant today as I start another day working in Your vineyard. Let me give you glory with my good fruit and godly walk.

  57. Having the same posting challenges ðŸĪŠ
