Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 9

Sit quietly with Me, letting all your fears and worries bubble up to the surface of your consciousness. There, in the Light of My Presence, the bubbles pop and disappear. However, some fears surface over and over again, especially fear of the future. You tend to project yourself mentally into the next day, week, month, year, decade; and you visualize yourself coping badly in those times. What you are seeing is a false image, because it doesn't include Me. Those gloomy times that you imagine will not come to pass, since My Presence will be with you at all times.
     When a future-oriented worry assails you, capture it and disarm it by suffusing the Light of My Presence into that mental image. Say to yourself, "Jesus will be with me then and there. With His help, I can cope!" Then, come home to the present moment, where you can enjoy Peace in My Presence. 

Luke 12:22-26
English Standard Version
22 And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.24 Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! 25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

Deuteronomy 31:6
English Standard Version
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

2 Corinthians 10:5
English Standard Version
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

My Prayer
Lord, I cast my cares upon your throne. Help me see you are with me today, tomorrow and every day in the future. I want to live obedient to Your Word, trusting in You, not anxious about today. You remind me the way you provide for the birds and animals that you created. I am much more valuable than them. Forgive me for thinking at times that I must prepare for the future and not seeing You already in my future. I can be strong and courageous for every moment.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, thank you for constantly reassuring me that Your Presence is forever with me.

    1. Lord, let me hear your voice.

    2. All God's creation is created equally. I therefore consider myself to be "just as valuable" as the birds not "more valuable than the birds" (especially now that many birds are becoming extinct because of climate change). Thanks to God for the beautiful birds He has created. May we cherish and protect them as we do ourselves. Amen!

    3. Im wondering if this is the Lord's way of letting those who stand nobly before Him are feeling. Is He providing all those who belong to Him this reassurance that He is right beside us?

    4. Unknown November 9, 2021 at 12:28 PM: He will, if they're in relationship with Him, if they're looking to Him.

    5. I love this. Such a great reminder, I’m about to become a first time mom and I’m terrified. I’m gonna start saying “Jesus is with me then and there, with Him I will cope!”. I’ve dealt with anxiety my whole life, and I’ve been dealing with alot of anxiety about my work lately as well. So thankful that Jesus is already there in every future moment.

  2. I am touched by the closing statement of today’s reading, the admonition to come home to the present. Home has often been described as the place where love dwells. When I allow the demons of fear and worry to run around in my mind, I become preoccupied with my own wellbeing and thus inhibited from reaching out to others, a.k.a. showing love. When I trust God as much as I say do, I am at peace and most focused on being who I am created to be, a person in the image of God, a person that exemplifies the wondrous love of God. Then I have come home.

    1. Amen dear Bob! Needed to read these words a little early. I am putting all my trust in the Lord and going Home to the present. He is always with me. I have nothing to fear because I never walk alone. He has already prepared the new day.

    2. Amen Bob! Well put! πŸ™

    3. Thank you Lord AMEN

    4. Thank you Lord, Jesus!!!!!!πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    5. What a lovely reminder God is with us every step of the way , I will invite Him into my day to walk me in every small detail of my life .

    6. Jeanne - from gods mouth really enjoyed ‘going home to the present’. So much anxiety I produce. So much lost time. Relax. Bask in his presence (note says presence, not future 😍)

    7. "Going home to the present "πŸ˜€πŸ’•

    8. Accept the gift (the present) His Presence. And find peace in it. I seek, I ask, I pray, I yield. In Jesus's name, Amen.

  3. such a beautiful message & I enjoyed reading the comments after

  4. I literally weep every day after reading this...Our Lord is so amazing and He loves us so much!...

  5. Good morning JESUS, thank You for another blessed day. As I am planning to slow down this Saturday and rest in Your Presence, the enemy is already planning to disrupt my plans with so many distractions. Fear of this and others are already creeping in my spirit. This is when I need Thee every second and hour and I'm asking for Your Holy Spirit to calm my spirit with trust and rest. I bow my mind and heart before Your infinite intelligence and worship You, the Mysterious, Majestic Holy One who suffered and died for me to live and be free. Free from fear and the unknown. Free to trust in You with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding.
    Surrounding all my fears to You Lord and disarming all of it with the Light of Your Presence and decree, declare that 'Jesus will be with me then and there'. With His help I will cope! Thank You Lord.

    My JC family, I pray for each of You this day, that the Light of God's Presence will also disarm the spirit of fear of the unknown you may be experiencing right now or the circumstances you are in and give you an unshakable Trust in the Lamb that was slained for you!

    Suzanne R, per your post yesterday, I urge you to hold on, 'Jesus will be with you then and there', a bright light is at the end of the tunnel!

    Blessings, Love and Peace Family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood - Thank you for blessing JC Family with your prayers.

    2. Maplewood - thank you. May you rest in His presence also this 'slowed down' Saturday. KS

    3. Thank you Maplewood for the beautiful and comforting prayer!

    4. I'm Praying for you-know-who to cease panic attacking me.
      Thanks Maplewood NJ for including my need in your prayer...that the Light of God's Presence will also disarm the spirit of fear of the unknown you may be experiencing right now or the circumstances you are in and give you an unshakable Trust in the Lamb that was slained for you! I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and I thank in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Dear Maplewood, Your words and His truth. eased my mind and calmed my spirit! Thank you!

  6. JC Family, Chris - I am blessed, comforted and encouraged from your prayers. I love my JC Family. Your prayers are mine.

  7. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for reminding me You are always with me/each of us in every moment. Please help me to stay in the moment with my thoughts. I tend to think about tomorrow and further into the future, and fear and sadness sets in. You know, Lord,I have a lot on my plate, and I know, You are with me through each moment and lifting me up when it is too hard to walk. Thank You, Jesus.I absolutely know I need You. Jesus, I trust in You. I will heed the reminder today and work to live each moment as it comes, knowing You are there to help me through. Amen.

    Maplewood, your daily posts are so inspiring and meaningful to me. Thank you. I pray you are truly able to rest in His Presence for today. Evil one, get away from Maplewood today; she is being held in the loving arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ. CO

  8. From the depth of my heart, thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. You brought much comfort to me yesterday in my struggles. Today I will take one step at a time and continue to pray for you all. Peace, love and blessings to you. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. How are you, Suzanne, and how is Dean, doing today? Still praying for you.

  9. I, too, thank each of you for your prayers and want you to know that you are in mine. I have every reason to be joyful (going to a baby shower in an hour) - let me be your light there, Father.
    Praying and asking for you to as well, for a friend of mine diagnosed with breast cancer. It is Stage I and they have a plan. She meets with the radiological Oncologist next week to determine the treatment plan. Her medical oncologist makes the determination as to whether or not she has to have chemo, but it doesn't sound like she will. She is optimistic (a believer), yet my heart is heavy that she is dealing with this. I promised we would all be praying and she is appreciative.
    So, I, too, am praying to rest in the love and comfort of the the One who loves us most.

  10. It is so encouraging to know we are protected by the loving Father, that his eyes see well beyond our fears with His perfect solution. I rest in His presence and the shackles fall off from my shoulders knowing that He is in charge. I stay in this moment this very second and embrace the peace that He has supplied. Father thank you for never leaving our sides for never closing your eyes even for a moment to our situations for always being there with us. I shall "sing in the Shadow of your wings" with full knowledge that you are taking care of every thought, & every situation. I trust in your care for it is the highest intentions For my welfare and for the care of my dear ones, for you God are love in its absolute purest form. Undiluted love is perfection and you and only you Lord hold that place. Thank you for this precious moment of peace and continue to lead me through each moment to come one step at a time. In the name of Jesus.

    1. Amen Fern! What a blessing it is to know that we belong to such a loving Father who guides and protects us every day! And understands our hearts like none other! Resting in Him who cares for me.

  11. I forgot to tell y'all- my son in law is an officer with the Houston Police Dept. My daughter and I along with volunteers take food to the three shifts at his station one day per month as a thank you for keeping us safe. It's called 'Blue Buffet' and today we are catering pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, potato salad and desserts. Chic fil A is donating lemonade. Please keep us and all officers in your prayers today. HPD and all police officers encounter situations everyday that would blow your minds.

    1. Suzanne--- God bless your son-in-law who is a police officer. I believe the police officers are called by God for this service. When I pray for the president, I always pray for the first responders, police, and our military also. We are so blessed to have their courage, wisdom and protection. When a person has a chance, go up to one of these incredible people and tell them how much you appreciate their service to this great country. Great love and blessings to each one!

    2. I love this idea of service to those who serve. Blue Buffet!♥️

    3. Yes, Suzanne R. Serving those who serve is a connection to The Vine!
      Our prelude into Luke 12: 37 There will be great joy for those who are ready and waiting for his return. He himself will seat them and put on a waiter’s uniform and serve them as they sit and eat!
      I hope I can handle Him serving me.

    4. Amen! They are the faithful servants who even put their lives on the line for us. They will have a special place up in Heaven!

  12. Good morning family. God bless this day for all of you. Prayers out to my niece and nephew who were in a car accident yesterday. No one gravely injured, but my niece has a broken rib, (she wasn’t wearing her seatbelt...).
    I know I don’t post here as often as some of you, but do follow along with those who do.
    Please know that my prayers are with and for each of you as you go through this day. May the Father of Light preside over all of us throughout this day.

    Peace. D.

  13. Thank you Father in heaven for giving us your your son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Hear all our prayers for our friends and family. Thank you for your amazing grace..for your love and peace. Guide us to be holy temples with the help of your holy spirit. Jesus we trust in you.

    😊 LARGE: Thank You for our Country and for our earthly leaders who channel Your Blessings to us; and for us who channel Your Blessings to all Blessings.
    😊 SMALL: Thank You that when my lips can barely speak, I can always pray inside my heart to You for myself and anyone else Blessings.
    😊 EASY: Thank You for the easy to say Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Prayer Blessings.
    😊 HARD: Thank You for challenging days and trying journeys Blessings.
    😊 SURPRISE: Thank You for Your Beautiful, Majestic Artistry that my eyes see in your Abundant Fall Foliage Blessings.

    ✝️ FROM 1 JOHN 4
    And furthermore we have seen Him and His Light with our own eyes and now tell about it and then we Light the way for the world to see Him. God sent His only Son to be our Savior and our Guiding Light. Any one who believes, follows, and says that Jesus is the Son of God has God living inside of them, and they are living with God!

    Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the way You make Yourself at home inside my heart. You can live anywhere You choose, and yet You choose my heart so You can always be close to me, lighting my way,  guiding me and always be within my reach!
    Would You help me be more enlightened and thankful that You choose to dwell within me? And, You choose to be involved in every area of my life?  And you are a permanent supportive resident inside my heart forever?
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. AMEN!!����❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen, your prayer is mine also. We praise and thank you Lord!!!

    3. Thank you Brie for this prayer of thanksgiving. To answer your question about the accusation against me. Yes, the accuser saw the truth & the truth set us both "free". I was given a humble apology. God s good πŸ€—

    4. Amen our sister Brie!! Thank you

  15. Thank you so much Brie!!! My heart is full to bursting with the love and light of the Lord. And He is a permanent resident!! I sure love the words His Spirit gives you to share! Just loved your Thank you’s for the day! Especially the SMALL one 😊

  16. Thank You Jesus. Please continue to bless Your children who will be in You til the end. No matter how bad the world may become, let Your word always ring faithful and true in our hearts and help us to continue to believe and practice it despite our enemies trying to bring us down. Our nation is under very poor, bleak times currently and we need to turn back towards You and Your word and not continue to be fearful, divided and distancing ourselves one from another. Father, help us to see Your light of hope for us and let us run towards it. You are the truth, the life, and the way. Let us remember this. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen! May joy and laughter return to our spirits as we pass through this time of conflict and separation that has us divided on so many levels. Fill our hearts with love for all people and leave the judgement up to the only ONE who has a right to do so. I trust you Jesus. Take these words and plant them in my mind and actions each and every day. Let it begin with me.

    2. So true Sisters! We need to trust in God's promises more than ever now. I am looking forward to our Nation being healed and unified. I trust in God first that He will make all things right.
      Amen Janet! We are all blessing His Holy Name and praising Him in song and dance and rejoicing for His promises are trustworthty. Yes Audra. Let it begin with us. We are part of the change that is needed. May God's spirit guide us today to make a difference towards that change.

    3. As conflict and separation has seemed to take hold, I pray that the Lord's perfect timing sheds light on the people of the world soon. Come Holy Spirit!

  17. Heavenly Father, I am completely aware that I don’t consult you in my every thought and I want to be better. I live in a state of regret and shame and guilt. Please forgive me for all of the things that make me feeling undeserving of your love, I ask you to help me and forgive me . Help me stay in the right now with you. Help me defeat my own ego. My desires will leave me in ruin. I know you can counteract that. Help me stay there in front of you. Thank you for listening

    1. Xavier Hill you are blessed and cleansed. Ask and it shall be given unto you, just as Isaiah 1 states 18 Come, let’s talk this over, says the Lord; no matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can take it out and make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you white as wool! 19 If you will only let me help you...

    2. Dear Xavier, We are all sinners in need of God's cleansing. But He is faithful to forgive and redeem. He has surely heard your sincere cries of repentence, and knows your heart intimately. He has surely forgiven you. Receive it and do your best to reflect that change. Now forgive yourself and walk in His presence with a lighter load. Do your best to please Him now in your thoughts, words and actions. You will never be able to please Him completely but I know He will see your efforts because You belong to Him. Thank you Jesus!

  18. So much of today’s reading invites rest as we sit with our Lord. Thank you Papa. We know you are good. We k ow you are trustworthy. We know our fears cannot take shape in your presence. We know our anxious thoughts gain nothing. We remain so grateful for your presence and the promise and assurance that you never leave or forsake. What an amazing God you are to extend such grace to us. Thank you so very much. What a privilege it is to be your child.

    1. Amen GTT! No one is more trustworthy than our great God! I am so grateful to be able to walk through my days knowing that He holds them in His Hands. It sure is a privilege to be a beloved daughter of the Most High!!!

  19. Woke up singing this song:
    🎢 Make me a servant
    Humble & meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer of my heart
    Always be, make me a servant, make
    Me a servant, make me a servant

    Love & blessings to my JC familyπŸ₯°

    1. You blessed me dear Jan with that song. I just loved it and I found the one on youtube with the lyrids. It just blessed my heart! Thanks Sis!

    2. ♥️🎢

    3. Beautiful song dear Sassy Mom! Praying God gives me a humble servant's heart so I can serve Him better.

  20. Dear Lord thank you for being with me every step of way! Continue to help me live in the present and enjoy your constant daily gift. I do not need to look ahead to deal with perceived fears that do not need my attention. This practice (fearfully looking ahead) steals my present daily joy with You (satan a thief in the night!). Amen

  21. ABC, Praying for you & for me. I have a tendency towards this practice. I know it's fruitless and the enemy knows that weakness. Peace, trust & joy will be our shield todayπŸ€—. Hallelujah!

    1. Praying for you and with you, ABC and Jan. No one can take our joy and peace away unless we permit it. God is greater than he that is in the world. Today I am wrapped in God's peace and I will not relinquish it for any reason. I pray you are both feeling the same. Much love!

  22. Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

    Loving Father, It’s a new blessed day and as I sit and think of Your goodness and how far You’ve brought me, my heart rejoices and my desire to pursue You further, keeps growing. Thank You for the guidance of the Holy Spirit because I can’t do it alone. As I sit quietly here, all I need is for You to tell me what You want me to hear today, what is important for me to know, what sin I have committed that needs to be addressed, and who you need me to reach out to. I invite You to speak to me and calm my mind like Jesus calmed the storming sea. May the Holy Spirit rule over my thoughts, help my mind to rest in Your Presence and grant me insights to do what I need to do, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Psalm 25:4-6 “Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Remember Your mercy, O Lord, and Your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.”

    Micah 7:7 “But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! No greater words than God's assurance that He is our God! Praise His Holy Name and proclaim His good deeds. Waiting on the Lord in the stillness and rejoicing in His presence. Thank you dear Maplewood.

  23. Warriors please pray. Just got an update on my son's kidney issues. He's getting tested for cancer. Drs. Are saying 75 percent chance it is. Going out for a walk in the the woods to have a good cry.

    1. Praying with you for your son, Jan!

    2. Praying for your dear son and your worried mind. God is holding you both very tight and will not leave your sides. I love you.

    3. Praying for your son and for peace and calm for you. God's got this. JE

    4. Jan G. Praying it is similar to 2 folks I know that had kidney cancer diagnosis. Both had the tumor totally inside the kidney. Removed the kidney and they both have done great for many years now. If it hasn't spread, it can have very positive outcomes. Godspeed. in His name we pray for total healing. Amen.

    5. Praying healing, peace and comfort for you and your son dear Jan.

      Blessings from France

    6. Crying with you Jan for peace and comfort during these uncertain times. God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    7. Your prayers dear warriors was deeply felt last year for my son. We danced in victory as Jesus gave us the answer! No cancer! Hallelujah! Bless you all for your powerful prayersπŸ™πŸ’•

    8. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, GOD!!!! Dancing - yes, I'm dancing!!!

  24. Jan - Joining warriors in praying and crying with you.

  25. What a beautiful passage. Knowing God is with us in every future moment can help me to stay joyfully in the present. I like the analogy of bubbles popping and leaving.

  26. Jesus is with me, I want Him Here,There, And Everywhere. When I know He's beside me I need never care. To love Him is to need Him everywhere. Knowing that love is to share...
    I am requesting Traveling Mercy Prayers and Peace in His Presence Prayers for me as I escape to a real beach for the next few days. It will be my first time away, and to a beach since covid began almost two years ago. I am working on infusing the Light of His Presence to disarm my fears. With His help and your prayers, I know I can cope. Thank you for always praying with me to The Lord Our God, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Have a blessed trip to the beach dear Brie. Praying for God's hedge of protection to surround you at all times. Rest in His presence. Let the beauty, sounds, peace and smells of the ocean renew and restore you. God is with you every second and He wants you to leave all your concerns at The Throne of Grace and enjoy your time away. Looking forward to hearing you are well rested and refreshed. Much love dear Sister.

    2. Travelling mercies for you and may His presence of light take away your fear and replace it with His everlasting love. Peace be with you!

    3. Hoping and praying you are enjoying every wave, every seagull(well, most of them), every glorious sunset, and every leisurely walk in the sand. ❤️

    4. Joining my sisters in prayer for safe travel Brie. Wish I could come along☺️. Enjoy your "beach bummin'"! πŸ˜ŽπŸ„⛱️.

      He made the stars to shine,
      He made the rolling sea,
      He made the mountains high,
      And you and me,
      And this is why we love him:
      For us he bled and died;
      The Lord of all creation became the crucified!

    6. Brie,
      I received stickers in the mail yesterday and the the sellers emblem sticker was a gnome peacefully laying in a hammock, barefoot, and a coconut with a straw and umbrella in it and saying, "This is my resting beach face!" Yes, immediately my thoughts went to you...May you find the fulfillment of contentment and his peace, love, joy, in your solitude of your "happy place" at the beach.πŸ˜‰πŸ’Œ

    7. Traveling mercies dear Brie as you settle in to some much anticipated beach time. I'm pretty excited to read future posts inspired by your time in His Presence in your very happy place. God bless you! ♥️πŸ™✝️🎢

    8. Brie, praying that God's glorious creation removes all fear and anxiety and that you are filled with a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. Rest, relax and enjoy. Your heavenly Father wants to pour into you all that he has stored up for you and couldn't give you when you were full of anxiety and fear. To receive a gift, or blessing we need to be conscious of getting it and making it ours and have room for it to come in and become a part of us.
      Here's an example.. As a child our parent gives us the most beautiful treasure box as a gift. We open the gift and admire the beauty of the box. We thank our parents telling them how beautiful it is and how you will cherish it forever. Your friends come to the door. You set the box aside and go out to play with them. We tell our friends about our beautiful gift. They are happy for us and also a little jealous. They inquire about what was inside. We tell that we didn't look that we will look later, that we wanted to get back to playing with them. Later when your friends go home you pick up the beautiful box and take it into your bedroom (your quiet personal place). You have to move things on your dresser to make room for this new gift. You start to arrange things and you see something that reminds you of an old friend. You pick it up and walk over to your bed reminiscing about the fun you used to have.
      As days go by you admire the box, but you never look inside which is where the true gift is. Things pile up and the treasure box is covered up in your busy days. The beautiful gift becomes a faint memory.

      If we had only cherished the gift like we thought we would when we received it. If we had only opened it up to see and enjoy the hidden gift inside.
      Lord please empty us of the things that aren't honoring to you. So we can be filled with your fullness. Lord the things that draw our attention from you aren't necessarily bad for us, but when we let them take up your space in us they become a wall between you and us. Lord please show us our walls and help us to break them down.

      Hope this makes some sense.

    9. Amen dear Terri!
      Praying God will open up our eyes to see the things of true value and help us to discard and avoid the empty treasures of this world. Your words ring so very true: "Lord please empty us of the things that aren't honoring to you." Thank you Sister. Praying for your breathing and Noah's breathing. May you all receive God's healing unto perfect recoveries. Thank You Jesus.

    10. Thanks all.
      TERRI: I am reading your treasure box story with renewed eyes, and ears. SO true. Thanks for sharing. I am opening up my treasure box of prayers, and praying many of them for you. I pray you receive them. Much Love, Brie

  27. Brie, You are covered in Travel Mercy prayers. Enjoy your mini vacation. Be blessed with Peace in His Presence. Let your Jesus Light shine.

  28. "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." (Colossians 3:15). "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but My steadfast love shall not depart from you, and My covenant of peace shall not be removed," says the Lord, Who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10). "I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your loving presence within and all around me. Thank You for always being with me. You are so amazing and wonderful. I can't do anything apart from You. Thank You for being in my life. I am so grateful to You for my salvation and all that You do and all You are. You mean so very much to me. No one compares to You. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Please give me the grace and mercy that I need today. Hold my hand and walk with me through the day, rejoicing over You Lord and being led by the Holy Spirit. Be my strength and guide me and direct my steps. When I open my mouth to speak, let the words be those of the Holy Spirit and when I walk, let the Holy Spirit direct my steps. Father, please keep me on the path of Your will and don't let me stray away. Help me to do Your will and not my own. Let Your Spirit rule me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Sister. His Spirit is alive and moving through you. Praying your God guided words and actions will lead you to all He has prepared for you. Much love.

  29. JC family, I love reading through old posts and remembering praying with you and you with me. Seeing how God was wondering in each situation. ( As I often say I typed"God stepped into the situation", then immediately I heard inside myself, " He didn't step into the situation he was already there working in it the whole time." Thank you Lord for teaching me when I focus on you and not myself.) Lord thank you for being in the present with us, walking with us through our future and for being faithful in the our pasts. You are the author and finisher of our faith. We praise your Holy name.

    1. Joining Jan on this, Terri. So needed to read your words and reminder! Thank you!

    2. Amen sisters. We must stay in his presence because He meets us in the present and leads us to the future He is already holding in His Hands.
      Yes!!!! The Author of our life and the Finisher of our Faith!
      He is the Keeper of our heart and the Lover of our soul. Praising Him with you with thanksgiving and trust.

  30. Love this prayer dear SisπŸ’•. I needed it today. Going through rough waters. The current wants to pull me down where I can't breathe. I should know better by now that Jesus will always take hold of my hands & pull me up from the murky water before I drown, yet I panic & thrash around as if hopeless. You've never failed me Lord, You have always been right where I need You, just when I need You. How I love You Lord! You are my strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside. Great is thy faithfulness! Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Jan, for you: Psalm 139:7-12
      New International Version
      Where can I go from your Spirit?
      Where can I flee from your presence?
      If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
      if I make my bed in the depths, (of the oceans), you are there.
      If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
      if I settle on the far side of the sea,
      even there your hand will guide me,
      your right hand will hold me fast.
      If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you;
      the night will shine like the day. ( He is with you and for you,no matter what. Lord speak Your PEACE(BE STILL) to Jan's heart).

    2. Jan, I didn't see your prayer request, nor Peter's blessed reassurance from Psalm 139 earlier...πŸ«‚πŸ‘£...from my heartπŸ’ to yours. πŸ¦‹

    3. You mentioned "rough waters", Jan. I feel you on that so much this morning. I'm embracing your prayer and scripture, Peter, that you wrote for Jan. May these "rough waters" leave us all today! In Jesus' GREAT AND MIGHTY NAME, AMEN!

    4. Jan, He is with you in the rough waters. Praying things improve because He's in charge.

    5. Jan Gridley - praying for you. I've searched the postings and don't see what is going on, but I loved Peter's Psalms and I looked it up in The Message: "Psalm 139:7-12
      The Message
      7-12 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit?
      to be out of your sight?
      If I climb to the sky, you’re there!
      If I go underground, you’re there!
      If I flew on morning’s wings
      to the far western horizon,
      You’d find me in a minute—
      you’re already there waiting!
      Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
      At night I’m immersed in the light!”
      It’s a fact: darkness isn’t dark to you;
      night and day, darkness and light, they’re all the same to you."
      Love and prayers to you, Dear Jan.

    6. So blessed dear Norah that He find us no matter where we are.
      Praying for you Jan that God is holding you and yours very tight right now. His Hand is always outstretched to you to hold. Praying things will improve and your rough waters will soon be calm and peaceful. Thank You Jesus!

  31. May I please give you dear Margi's prayer requests: She informed me of the dire need for a reliable psychiatrist for the facility...Because of Covid, it's harder than ever to even get an office to call the facility back...Although a psychiatrist graced the place for a brief visit three months ago, it wasn't enough to address residents that are with paranoia, and or delusions...including depression. It's very sad to hear about. One of my favorite resident wouldn't drink my soda that I brought for her, because she thought someone was trying to poison her. The list goes on...
    Margi also needs her own meds regulated.
    Also, an update on Margi's neck: her 2 broken disc's are taking a long time to knit together and heal, thus she's still in an uncomfortable neckbrace, and yesterday the dentist was not helpful with being gentle while pulling a tooth.
    Margi is such a blessing to other's and a trouper and I thank you all for your prayers.πŸ’œπŸ«‚❣

    1. Dear Butterfly love, Continuing to pray for Margi and now praying that the facility finds a well qualified psychiatrist fast to help these people who are suffering every day. May God guide their choice and also bless and heal dear Margi in every way possible.
      Thank You Father for sending the best psychiatrist to Marji's facility and healing every one of her weaknesses, meshing those broken disks and guiding her doctors to the perfect doses of her meds to bring her back to perfect health, comfort and peace of mind in the Name of Jesus' we pray.

  32. I have a praise report! One month after surgery to remove a brain tumor, I have my language back (It was pushing on the language center). I can walk a couple of miles with no balance issues. My husband was a great caregiver which is not usually his tendency. And I praise and thank God for his goodness. Amen

    1. OH, ELLEN! What a victory report!!! So happy for you and your husband! Grateful for you sharing! PRAISE GOD!

    2. Praising the Lord for your healthy report Ellen!I am often blown away by what people on this blog are dealing with. It makes me want to pray for you all more whether I know your needs or not. ♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™♥️πŸ™

    3. Praise God, thank you Lord so very much. We give you glory.

    4. Ellen! WHAT A BLESSING!!! Praise God!!

    5. Halleluia! Dear Ellen, I sure have been praying for your recovery and it is such a blessing to hear that you can speak again and walk miles! God is so very faithful. Your husband ventured out of his comfort zone to care for you. That strengthened your relationship and your love for each other. What a good husband you have! God bless you both and your daughters.

    6. Hallelujah! Another victory in Christ Jesus! So happy to hear it. Amen. Thank You Jesus!

  33. Ellen - Celebrating and praising the Lord with you. Thanks for sharing.

  34. I am burdened and have compassion for a recent new acquaintance named Mary Jo. I am not at liberty to share her life of trials and tribulation. Mary Jo recently resigned from a job with VA Medical Center and accepted a lower paying job in order to better her life. Things are not going well. Please pray for her to be covered with a hedge of protection and blessed with love, guidance, ENCOURAGEMENT and His presence. Praying prayers of love for my JC Warriors family.

  35. Good morning everyone. So I need prayers for my son. He is living with my dad, not good for either one of them. My dad is a very old fashion man and is stricken. I need a place for my son to go. Somewhere like a group home of some sort, not really sure. He does work, when his mental illness let's him. So he also needs his own space with support. Can't pay a lot of rent cause he is back and forth with jobs. So please just pray that our Father can get him somewhere to help him learn t I be a man, and take responsibility for his actions on top of his mental health.

    I hope that everyone has a very blessed day.

    1. Praying with Sassy Mom and the rest of our JC Family for your son, A daughter of a King! Our homeless shelter has so many loving, caring people...many have healed, recovered and progressed under their care. Praying for the perfect solution for your son.

    2. Dear A daughter of a King, Praying for your son, that God will lead him to a place where he is safe, welcome, accepted, appreciated and comfortable that is not too expensive. And that he will make friends and have a bit of a social life within the group home, and security, stability and peace of mind. Thank You Jesus!

    3. Thank you Norah and Jeanne for your prayers. I feel so helpless at times like this where I can't help my son. But I do have faith that our Father is with me and my son, even though my son does not know Him. Please continue to pray that my son will find the Lord.

  36. A daughter of a King. "So please just pray that our Father can get him somewhere to help him learn t I be a man, and take responsibility for his actions on top of his mental health." Echoing prayers for your son. God's blessings to you.

  37. Love and prayers to each of you, JC Family! Brie, it sounds like you are on your way to your favorite place!!! Prayers of traveling mercies for you and fam, Dear Brie. Today, I found myself feeling like your "Ceiling Fan Person,' and I stopped myself (as I was cleaning off my God-forsaken desk), that I STOP! And I did. And my desk is now clean. My glass shining, my spaces opened up.
    SO much has happened in the last week, but God has been with me all along the way. My sister sent me a devotion about "announcing your intention. State the change you want to make in your life. Explain what you're asking God to do." By telling people, we are taking accountability and it demonstrates the depth of your faith." Well, I announced it to my Prayer Buddies (my sister and two of my sons), and I am thankful to announced - IT IS FINISHED! My desk is clear and guess what? I can THINK! My brain cleared and I am so blessed. Praying for each of you - all of you - and can't wait to hear how God has once again delivered tomorrow when I wake up!

  38. I am so proud of you dear Norah! A clean desk and a refreshed mind is so renewing. God has brought you through a busy week and now you can finally breathe a sigh of relief that rest is on its way. And if anyone deserves rest, it's you! God bless you always.

  39. I find my surroundings affect my inner state of mind. So I am a little OCD about cleaning and clutter. In Jesus name I clear! ♥️πŸ™

  40. Since I'm having my Cat Scan this morning, I was amazed that today's devotion was about putting your trust in the Lord, and not worrying. I know I won't be alone in that room. Resting in His peace and care. Dear family, I'm praying for you for healing, comfort, rest, guidance, encouragement, peace, and joy. We will continue to wait on the Lord.
    Philippians 4:19
    And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
    2 Corinthians 9:8
    And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
    Romans 8:28
    And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

    1. Praying that your cat scan goes well and that the mighty power of our Lord takes the lead. May His healing touch be upon you Jeanne. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless you.

    2. Praying your CAT scan goes well. God’s protective hand will be with you.

      SC Anonymous

    3. πŸ™.πŸ™.πŸ™.

    4. Praying for good results Jeanne. Trust in the Lord as I know you do.


    5. Enjoy a meditative experience during you cat scan, Jeanne, as you leave all your worries at the foot of the cross. Imagine the results to be in God's hands and full of Good news.

    6. Thank you so much for your sincere prayers dear Janet, SC, Brie, TJ, and Audra! And all those other brothers and sisters who prayed for me. God heard your prayers. I felt the Lord’s presence so strong that I envisioned Him coming in and stooping down to hold me still. I kept reciting Psalm 23. He was right there with me as I praised Him. He got me through it. And when they injected the dye He kept me still and at peace. Now I’m just waiting on His faithfulness. Trusting in His Words and Promises. Thank You sweet Jesus.

  41. JC Warriors, thank you all for your prayers, support and encouragement. You are all loving children of God Almighty. Peace be with you πŸ™.

  42. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9).

    1. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    2. Amen and Hallelujah! Our very present Help in times of trouble. The Light that never dims or fades away.

  43. Praising the Lord for His blessings for my sister in law (45) yesterday. She had breast cancer 4 years ago; it is back. She had a PET scan to make sure the cancer wasn’t anywhere else. Spots were on her lungs. One spot was larger and was biopsied yesterday. The likely outcomes weren’t great. Praise the Lord they had an outcome (likely outcome) that wasn’t even a scenario- the spot was smaller than anticipated and the surgeon said it was likely from her days of smoking and not cancer. PTL! Obviously, the tissue has been sent to pathology and the final results will take a 4-6 days. Needless to say, prayers have been answered.

    I shared yesterday’s JC entry with my brother. It was spot on for the trials of
    yesterday. He responded how he had the JC app and read it before his wife’s surgery and how comforting it was.

    Praying for the JC Warriors today.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC, continuing to pray for your SIL & brother. May trust & courage grip them tightly through this journey. God's got them! Rest assured. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    2. Joining prayers for your SIL and brother. May God strengthen your brother and heal your dear SIL and destroy every bad cell. And may the biopsy show good results. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  44. Today's reading reminds me that we serve a vast Almighty God. Our space-time continuum is an infinitesimally small blip in eternity. The great I AM, the Eternal One is ever present in our every moment just as He is in the eternal now. That the very life-breath, the Ruach of God was breathed into mankind alone of all His creation, is a staggering thought. As Jesus said to His disciples, "Of how much more value are you than the birds!"
    Although many of us enjoy His creation daily, it was not His flora and fauna that brought Jesus to Earth to live and die that horrendous death. It was "that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." As lovely as they are, birds, flowers and animals do not have eternal life; we, the redeemed, do.
    Accepting as fact that He is aware of and with us in our every need not only helps us but pleases Him. My mental coping process when fears, doubts, worries and concerns arise now includes visualizing Him with me in that situation. This not only brings peace now, but increases confidence for future days.
    Matthew 28:20 "I Will Be with You Always Even Unto the End of the World."
    How GREAT is our God!

    1. Indeed brother Peter, " how great is our God!"

    2. Amen. Wonderful encouragement and timely. Thanks dear Peter.

  45. Today's devotion and Deuteronomy 31 bible readings are right on time - again. Nightmares have startled me into middle-of-the-night wakeup mode several times this week. Now I have a Spirit Word with which to slay... Jesus is with me here and now and Jesus will be with me then and there. With His help, I can cope! Thank You Jesus! Amen.

    1. I just read my 2020 comment. Hmm! Nov 8 must be my Sword of the Spirit sharpening day!

    2. Or my day to go to the Beach!

    3. Or both, sister πŸ˜‰ peace be with you as you get the rest your need. πŸ™♥️

    4. Yes dear Brie. Be not afraid. May God cover you with peace and give you sweet dreams and extra sleep. He will help you cope. He is so faithful. Thank You Jesus.

  46. Get the new day with Psalm 117
    Praise the Lord, all nations;
    Laud Him, all peoples.
    For His loving kindness is great towards us,
    And the truth of the Lord is everlasting.

  47. Amen sweet Audra! He is in charge. He rules.

  48. Please pray for my good old friend Carmel. She already lost one leg to circulation problems. Couldn’t reach her today so I called her good son. She’s in the hospital for bad circulation in her good leg. Thank you prayer warriors.
    Father God, Thank You for healing Carmel and saving and strengthening her good leg and give her perfect circulation, and a sweet life ahead. She trusts in You and so do we. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  49. Such hope, strength and peace in the readings, prayers and comments. I’ll add my prayers that through the grace of our loving Father, and the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit, that we are blessed with restful restorative sleep, casting our cares upon the great I AM (the best we can) knowing he is with us and will not leave us or forsake us, holding us in his righteous right hand. Praise to Abba Father God our fortress, our strong tower, our refuge, redeemer, Prince of Peace and Savior. HallelujahπŸ™

    1. Amen. Thanks, Rich C. I needed, and received, your prayer.

    2. Amen and Thanks Rich C. Me too! I need that restful sleep to restore me. Giving all my burdens to the Lord. He is everything to me. Hallelujah!

  50. Amen πŸ™. Hallelujah! God is ALWAYS good!

  51. Thank you sweet JJ for your Spirit guided words and for encouraging my weary heart. Amen. Giving every concern to Him Who fights my battles. Your words are true: our God is the Life-Light and that LIGHT DESTROYS ALL DARKNESS!!! And He Always Wins! Hallelujah!
    Blessed to be filled with the bright and unfading Light of Christ!
    I'm driving to my Mom's this morning and I know that our amazing God will guide and protect me, and help me to be a beacon and a blessing to my Mom and Janet. Thank You Jesus.

    Matthew 5:14-16
    You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    1. Safe travels dear Jeanne. Enjoy the day with your precious mom. Savor every moment.πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Traveling mercies and a good visit with your dear mom and sweet sister, Jeanne!

    3. A bright day awaits you, Jeanne, in the Presence of the Lord with your mom and sister. ♥️πŸ™

    4. Thanks dear Jan, NJS, and Audra! Your sweet messages and prayers made me smile and blessed my heart. May God lead you to much joy and maybe some happy surprises today. Thank You Jesus.

  52. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7). For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. (Romans 8:6).

    1. Wonderful verses!!!! Follow the Spirit and not the flesh! If we seek God's light, peace and righteousness, He will provide all the rest.

  53. What a wonderful post, JJ, to read first thing this morning. Amen!
    SC Anonymous

  54. When we seek Love we find God. God is Love and He never fails. Happy hunting peeps. XOXOXOXOXO

  55. HALLELUJAH dear JJ! Between your post yesterday & today, I feel as if I've feasted to the point of full satisfaction! Encourage to the point of giddiness, wanting to shout an endless chorus of "HALLELUJAHS"! you dear sister & hound of heaven was set loose on the enemy! You blessed my socks off! Love you JJπŸ₯°πŸ’“

  56. Prayers please dear warriors. My DIL's dad is in critical condition. He got c-diff &, ignored it. Sepsis has now set in. Not long ago he received a miracle for the healing of pancreatic cancer. We are asking for another miracle.

    1. Dear Jan--Lifting up your DIL's dad to The Throne of Grace and asking for that miracle. No weapon formed against him shall prosper. The WORD says that by Jesus's stripes we are healed. I claim this for your loved one, and sending him a band of Warring and Ministering Angels to surround him. I bind up that Spirit of Infirmity. Our God is faithful and He watches over His WORD to perform it. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over this situation. In Jesus' name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. He is our Waymaker and miracle worker and he doesn't just stop at one. Lord, we are asking You to bring Jan's DIL's father through this setback. His testimony to then be even greater with two miracles!!

    3. Prayers headed your way, Jan.

  57. What if, just for today I am thankful for EVERYTHING and sit quietly in The Light of Your Presence?
    Thank You Heavenly Father for The Display of Love You Demonstrate for me to follow. I am grateful that You Love me, and with Your Help I am going to dispense Your Same Love to all others I encounter today! In the present moment I am enjoying Your Peace in Your Presence. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Amen, sister Brie. What if....

    2. Beautiful prayer dear Brie! I already feel the love of Christ from you. Rest in His unchanging peace today. You are a light to dear Keith and all those around you. May God grant you some sweet moments to yourself, so you can feel His sweet love surround you like a cuddle blanket. Thank You Jesus.

  58. Thanks be to God for our JJ. What a revival today for my weary soul! Thank You and AMEN!
    Victory is mine. Victory is mine Victory today is mine when I tell Satan, get ye behind me then Victory today is mine!

  59. What great encouragement, JJ! Thank you! When darkness overtakes the righteous...LIGHT/GOD comes BURSTING IN! That is what I felt reading your entry. Feeling empowered/encouraged by your prayer, JJ! You simply ROCK. You are blessed and loved!

  60. What a wonderful way to start the day, JJ. Thank you!

  61. JJ puts the WARRIOR back in our name, JC pray-ers! It's time, the times we are called for to serve. Today, I didn't pass over this scripture lightly, like I sometimes do. Take heart, there are many assignments, this one should be "easy" for us to do:
    2 Corinthians 10:5
    English Standard Version
    We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

  62. Joining in today's prayers, declarations and questions with y'all. Blessings abound, no lack to be found.

  63. Yes Audra! Blessings abound, no lack to be found. We are well taken care of. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow. Have a happy and special day in His presence. Much love.

  64. Dear Audra --- That scriture is a DEFINITE DOWNLOAD from the Lord to this AWESOME ARMY of WARRIORS!!! I just Praise EVERY WORD OF IT!!! The Lord BLESS you richly and ALL JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!! You are so right. We don't take these scriptures lightly. They are The GREAT I AM speaking directly to us. THEY are alive and active according to Hebrews 4:12.
