Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 1

I love you with an everlasting Love, which flows out from the depth of eternity. Before you were born, I knew you. Ponder the awesome mystery of a Love that encompasses you from before birth to beyond the grave.
     Modern man has lost the perspective of eternity. To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages in ceaseless activity and amusement. The practice of being still in My Presence is almost a lost art, yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal Love. You need the certainty of My loving Presence in order to weather the storms of life. During times of severe testing, even the best theology can fail you if it isn't accompanied by experiential knowledge of Me. The ultimate protection against sinking during life's storms is devoting time to develop your friendship with Me. 
Jeremiah 31:3
English Standard Version
    the Lord appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

Lamentations 3:22-26
English Standard Version
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”

25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
    to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.

My Prayer
Lord, I need to experience God. I don't want my relationship with You to be one about duty where you are the Teacher, I am the pupil and my life is spent doing assignments with the hopes then of making a good grade so that I can stay in the class. Lord, I want a friendship with You. I want a relationship. I want to be still in your Presence. I want to walk with you in a daily relationship. You are my friend; you are my God. I want to be more into the love you have for me and the care you have for me. Forgive me for the way I structure my life around ceaseless activity and amusement. I read your truths in your word, but sometimes struggle to know what they actually mean because I don't really experience You. I want that to change. Thank you for your steadfast love. Thank you that your mercies never end. Great is your faithfulness. My hope is not in doctors, athletes, my family, but my hope is in you. I will wait for you and seek You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord thank you for our Brother writing this blog, for his sincere heart, and his willingness to be an instrument of your Love and Peace. Please help us to show you how much we love you by spreading your word and love to your children. Please help us to grow in our relationship with You! You knew us in our mothers' wombs. You knew us before we were born. Thank you dear sweet Lord!

    1. Rebecca - Echoing your thanks for this blog. Love ♥ peace and blessings to JC Warriors as we usher in a new month.

    2. Thanks and praise for our Almighty and merciful and for Chris for starting this beautiful place of solace and prayer. It lifts my day and strengthens my faith every day.
      Thank you for your prayer today. It filled my heart with hope and joy.

    3. Filled in any holes in your heart, see how prayer works? ♥️

    4. Beautiful prayer thank you Chris. It's relationship with Him that counts.' 🎢Friendship with Jesus, Fellowship Divine, Oh what blessed sweet Communion, Jesus is a Friend of mine🎢.

    5. 🎢 singing along dear brother 🎢πŸ₯°

    6. This prayer is the simple message I wish all unbelievers would embrace. Let us pray for all those who don't yet know their relationship with God can be so much more!

    7. And there is always room for me to improve my relationship with Him!

  2. So grateful for your daily postings of Jesus Calling and the transparency of your personal prayers/comments. So often, like today, your prayers align with my Christ journey and are just the words/meditations my heart would long to express to our Lord. Thank you for your faithfulness!

  3. Thank you for this daily message. God Bless!

  4. Excellent post today. Happy December!

  5. The page of the calendar turns and there is the most anticipated day of the year. The anticipation that comes with that day can by itself lift our spirits. Let the preparations begin. Enjoy the practices that were experienced as a child. Become a child again with the trust that was had as a child. Experience again the joy of Zechariah at God’s faithfulness to His promise, the humble and obedient spirit of Mary, the unwavering devotion of Joseph, the adoration of the nobodies of the day, the shepherds, the ever searching spirit for truth in the magi, and the skies being filled with the celebration of the glory of God. Indeed, let us become like little children again with childlike faith that trusts magnificence for such is the Kingdom of God.

    1. Amen! I am rejoicing to be in the most blessed Season of Christmas. I am truly like a little child in my sea of nativities and decorations to brighten up my home as I bake cookies in my kitchen! Just filled with such joy today and happy anticipation of a wonderful day of healing and blessings tomorrow.

    2. Ouch. My memories that just came up about being a child at Christmas we're not filled with joy. The good news? As a born again Christian I approach this season this year with a peace and joy like never before. Thank you Jesus!!!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning
      It's time to sing my song again
      Whatever's in my past and whatever lies before me
      Let me still be singing when the evening comes...
      Praying your new chapter is filled with Peace, Joy and 10000 Reasons, and
      May God forever bless our Glamor Do-over days, our dear Audra!
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  6. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  7. A new day, a new week, a new month and my family, friends and I have been blessed to cross over only because of Your mercy, grace and love. Thank You Lord!
    May Your name continue to be glorified, Your praises lifted up, may we continue to worship You in the spirit of Holiness, count our many, many blessings and rejoice despite any circumstances.
    Thank You Father for loving us with an EVERLASTING LOVE, may we never take that for granted.

    This morning, I Thank You for uniting families all over this country that came together to celebrate with Thanksgiving to Your Holy name. Thank You for the family unite. Thank You for also being the Father to the fatherless, all those who has no one to celebrate with, but grateful that they always have You! Thank You Lord.
    As family and friends prepare to leave via the airways, roads and other means, I cancel ALL accidents and remove all obstacles from their parh. I pray for each person and cover them in the Blood of Jesus, Thank You for the shield of protection around them, Thank You for taking them back home safely, in the name of Jesus!
    Thank You for this 1st day of a new month, a month with so much more to be Thankful for! The beginning of the gift of SALVATION! Thank You Lord!

    JC family, Peace and Blessings to all, HAPPY and BLESSED new month (December)!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood and written so sweetly. May God continue to bless and protect the travelers on their journeys, keep the healthcare workers safe, heal all those who are sick and suffering from Covid, comfort those who have lost loved ones, provide necessities for the jobless and homeless, and lift every depressed and discouraged heart. Thank you for your faithfulness dear God in this new month and for all the victories to come. Amen.

    2. Dear Maplewood, Thank you for ushering us into December with your beautiful spirit guided words. You’re always in my prayers. May God bless, heal, protect and guide you and your family always

  8. Thank you Maplewood for your always wonderful message. Amen. KS

  9. Counting my blessings right along with all of you, JC Family and as always, thankful for your God-insired words, Maplewood! Our daughter is staying an extra day - so very thankful. The funeral service for our brother in law was comforting. Today the sun is shining and we are reminded of His everlasting love.
    Blessings to each of you, JC Family.

  10. My wife is scheduled for an exploratory process on Monday that requires a day of preparation and anesthesia for the procedure. Lord thank you for peace to endure these earthly trials, knowing that in eternity we will be FOREVER in your presence in your image with none of the earthly unpleasantness. Thank you for your promise!

  11. Hello Mr Payton,
    Is it possible that you have a website with the option to sign up to automatically receive in my email inbox, your daily Jesus Calling Blogs? If so, I would love to sign up! And thank you so very much for daily posting these, for all your hard work and personal comments that help to change lives!
    God Bless♥ DJ

    1. Hello DJ - thank you for your interest and I'm sorry for not replying sooner. If you go to the end of this page, you can Follow this blog and you will get notified when I do new posts. Currently, I'm working through the Devotional - My Utmost for His Highest and posting those. If you are looking for a quick link of all of the Jesus Calling posts then go to:
      Thank you,

    2. Thank you, Chris. Are you planning a blog for My Utmost for His Highest?
      Along with Jesus Calling and other devotionals, I am also using the book to study My Utmost For His Highest. I would love to read your postings from it online, but have difficulty accessing them.
      Thanks again Chris for all you do for Christ and for souls choosing to follow Him via JC. It is appreciated. Much Love, Brie

  12. Thank you Jesus for pursuing me with your steadfast never failing presence! Even in the midst of the continual storms I hear your beautiful whisper through the rain. Jesus you know me more than I know myself. I find my strength, my motivation, and happiness only in you. You chose me before time to conquer the task of the road in on. Jesus I pray you forgive those who oppress and wish harm my way for loving you. I pray that no one is harmed but instead touched and saved by your healing forginess! Plz blanket me and those closest to me with your brilliant garment of protection. I love the life you have chosen for me I will never give up! Let your beautiful light shine through me as a lighthouse shines to those lost at sea! I love you Jesus

    1. Amen Justin! Dear Heavenly Father God, ... Plz blanket me and those closest to me with your brilliant garment of protection...I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. I am thankful for it all, no matter my circumstances. All Glory to God!

  13. JC Blog Readers and Prayer Warriors: As you know Bob and I re-connected a year or two ago outside Chris' blog. He is doing well; but with the holiday, travel, visiting family, and some unexpected quirks, asked me to continue the Advent themed posts. Since he is traveling today, here are some thoughts on Advent for today:

    Our church asks for members to help plan worship. The last Sunday prior to Advent, I did so for the first time in 16 years. As regulars here might expect, I shared my "mountaintop" sunset experience of His "singing over me" in words, photos, and, of course, the 3 songs. The theme was the question: Was the miracle of the Incarnation (Advent) a one time event or is God desiring and willing to be with you  here in the present? C.S. Lewis summarizes Advent this way: The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this..."

    At the risk of being repetitive, I determined that I needed, no... wanted God to answer questions and speak to me regarding this new health issue. I have viewed that God rarely intervened in the present, as we just cannot see Him now (weak faith) and thus only see Him in hindsight. THIS IS WRONG. JC says today: "The practice of being still in My Presence is almost a lost art, yet it is this very stillness that enables you to experience My eternal Love." So true!

    Up on the mountain at sunset, with a little fear of this new chapter in my life, I prayed that He, the Master of the Universe, would speak to me in the present. Questions: why allow me to have fear? why confused? why me? why now? How do I cope with the challenges ahead? if my mind wandered, I prayed the Lord's or Jesus Prayer (and it did wander!). And as detailed before, God spoke in a most tender, loving, and deeply personal way... first, a solo jet overhead, next a dramatic cloudless spectacular sunset, then, random, never heard before songs... a song of overcoming fear through Him, a song sweetly saying that my Father is singing over me  "it's gonna be ok", and finally, that Miracles are still happening if we look for them, and pray for them.

    Advent, the season of the miracle of the Incarnation and a reminder God seeks you here, today, through love, tender mercy, and gentle grace. In Him, Amen.

    1. Great to know Bob is well, and thanks for the info MadFox!

      Great insights on Advent! Yes, we look forward to many miracles that are possible and still happening today! As we have entered the month of our Savior's birth, I pray for miracles for each of us in Jesus' name!!
      We serve a God of miracles!

      God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Miracles happen every second of every day-- I ABSOLUTELY believe that! Madfox, the Father has you in His tender, loving arms and will ALWAYS be with you and take the best care of you. He is the miracle worker. You will always be in Him. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    3. How wonderful, MadFox, to hear your Advent message today! I yearn for your mountaintop experience everyday. I may not climb the mountain, but stillness does help me to feel peace from our dear Lord. Glad Bob is doing good. Continued prayers for you. Thank you. KS

    4. Thank you Madfox for sharing your thoughts on Advent! Glad to know Bob is doing well!
      Praying for you and declaring miracles for you and all JC warriors! All Glory to God Our Miracle Worker! In Jesus name, amen.

      Blessings from France

    5. Thank you MF. What great inspiration to seek and look and listen and find. Hope springs forth anew!!

    6. Thanking God for good news and your beautiful encouragment! So happy to hear Bob is doing well, and MadFox, God was truly speaking to you through the signs in the sky, especially in the glory of the Sunset and the songs and His singing over you! But more importantly He was telling your heart that everything would be okay! That is the soothing balm you were searching for. Praise God for His continued faithfulness in your life. Much love dear brother!

    7. Thank you MadFox for stepping in and sharing your thoughts with us. Glad to know Bob is doing well and of course, he will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
      Peace to all.

    8. Indeed in this month that we celebrate our Savior's birth, anno Domini 2021 miracles (Divine interventions) still abound. All the circumstances surrounding Jesus birth were miraculous. All the prophecies that were fulfilled at that event, miraculous. I view that every answer to prayer is a miracle, a Divine intervention. For it is to Him alone we pray, trusting with the little faith we have that He will grant the request. Here is a testimony of a miracle that happened just yesterday. A daughter of the King, deserted by her husband years ago and left to raise two lovely sons now in their mid teens, received news yesterday morning that the rent on her home is going up way more than she can afford. She cannot afford to move either. She prayed God please help me, I don't know what to do. In the afternoon she had a phone call from a complete stranger who asked are you a web designer? She replied 'Yes'. The outcome of that call was that she will now have twelve new clients, more than compensating for the rent increase. I only heard of this after the event. If that's not a miracle/ Divine intervention, I don't know what is. Praise the Lord.

    9. And I praise Him too, Peter.
      Thanks for sharing one of His Many Miracles.

    10. Love this story, Peter! Trust in the Lord, He makes all things new and possible for those that love Him.

    11. Wonderful encouragement Peter. When God says He will go before us this what he means.

  14. Come sweet Jesus to fulfill our longing of hope, peace, and love that our world so desperately needs. Our Savior of the world pour your grace over us. Amen and Amen!

    1. Amen! Beautiful prayer.

      Blessings from France

  15. Eternal Father, Your loving kindness and tender mercy has ushered us into a new month. We thank You for the rest of the past night and for the gift of mercy and grace of this new day and month, with its opportunities to pleasing You. Grant that we may pass its hours and days in the perfect freedom of Your service and love, that at each evening, we may remember to give You thanks; through Christ Jesus our Lord. Gratitude and thanksgiving will never be enough for Who You are and how You see us. But what's equally amazing is that the Savior of the world would desire a few minutes with us each new morning or day. Father, help us to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this and pour out the gratitude of the hearts.

    It’s been an amazing eleven months for some, but for most, it’s been months of tests through trials, sadness, losses, lack, sicknesses, separations, divorces, hate, injustice, disappointments and everything the enemy rejoices over! But nevertheless, You’ve carried us through! You’ve remained our TRUE LOVE, our Refuge and Strength, our Pillar, our Sustainer, our Healer, out keeper, our Hope, our Joy, our Peace, our Provider, our Protector and so much more! You never for a second left our side! Faithful God, we Thank You!
    As you have blessed us to see the last month of a year that brought so much uncertainties with its with twists and turns, You already see the ways we will fall short and mess up. But right now, we consciously tuck Your whisper of absolute love for us into the deepest part of our hearts, acknowledging that Your love for us is not based on our performance, but on the SAVIOR that was born this month!
    We ask that You will direct our steps into the way of peace, and strengthen our hearts to obey Your commandments. Let each Dayspring visit us from on high, and give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, so they too may adore You for Your mercy, follow You for Your truth, love You for who You are and desire You for Your sweetness and vast greatness!

    This is a great, special and wonderful month. A month in remembrance of our Savior’s birth, a month when hope and redemption came into the world, a month of jubilation, celebration, a month that will forever be cherished! As we look ahead, we are blessed, grateful, and thankful for the love, joy, peace, restorations, revelations, renewals, healing, unity, happiness, breakthroughs, miracles, and testimonies to Your glory! And even if we stumble into temptation, or faced with trials, we will remember that You remain the same, You will carry us through again. And we will also remember that we are here because of the Savior’s birth!
    You truly have great plans for everyone and that includes our parents, our siblings, husbands, wives, children, our extended relatives, friends, companions, strangers and all of our neighbors in the world. Bless them all and the love ones You have given us and keep them safe at all times, especially those who are in transit during this morning, return them home safely to each other.
    Loving God, You have filled all things with Your presence, so in Your great love, keep us near You today. Grant that in all our ways and doings we may remember that You see us, and may we always have grace to know and perceive what things You would rather have us do, and the strength to do them, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    God loves us with an EVERLASTING LOVE, may His Blessings, Peace and Love, take over our lives this month as we rest in His Presence each day. HAPPY and BLESSED DECEMBER month!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Beautiful prayer, Maplewood. KS

    2. Amen! Thank you Maplewood for this beautiful new month prayer.

      Blessings from France

    3. Bravo Maplewood! December blessings on all! Amen.

    4. So perfectly said, Maplewood. Thank you and AMEN!

    5. Amen! Thank you for taking the time to spell out such beautiful prayer language. I take and give your words to heart. ♥️

    6. Such an incredibly beautiful and hopeful post! Thank you sweetest Maplewood for filling my heart and my cup to overflowing today, just when I needed it most. I love you dear Sister. You are so appreciated.

    7. Eloquent as always, Maplewood. Thank you!

    8. Still ushering us into a new month dear Maplewood. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. All we need to do is stay close to Him and follow after righteousness and the Spirit. Looking forward to seeing the Plans He has made for us. God bless you dear sister.

    9. Thank you Maplewood, a wonderful prayer. May you know His living Presence with you continually. PS I'm already singing 🎢O Holy Night🎢

    10. Singing 🎢 O Holy Night 🎢 and falling on my knees with you, Peter. O Holy Night is my absolute favorite Christmas Song!

    11. Mine too! 🎢♥️🎢

    12. I’m doing the Alto harmony with you! O Holy Night is probably my all time favorite Christmas song!

    13. Here's a real treat from my fave musicians, Music Travel Love - just released their version ♥️🎢link

    14. Audra - Thank you for blessing my day with this beautiful song.

    15. Your timeless words will always bless and encourage our hearts. Your prayer lifted me. Let us all stay near to Him and let Him guide us through this new month and beyond. Thank You Jesus.

  16. Prayers today for Jeanne as her heart procedure is under the healing watchful eyes of our Lord. Today is also "Giving Tuesday". May we be inspired to give in any ways we can to support the work of organizations doing their best to serve others and our God. Your time and money makes a huge impact on our communities. We can't out give God, but today let's have some fun trying. Bless you all, and may the Peace of God enfold us. Amen!

    1. Dear Audra, Thank you for your sweet prayers and Amen! Let us all give today to make this world a better place. God bless all of you, and grant you His faithfulness in your life and the lives of your loved ones. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Thanks for the reminder Audra! DONE! Coats For Kids!

    3. Love it! And I had answered prayers when I needed them today on a team raising a record number of $$$ for local agencies. Thank you Jesus!

    4. That’s awesome Audra! Good job! To God be the glory!

    5. All your prayers brought me through my procedure last Dec. 2nd. Thank you. Jesus was in the room and it all went well.

  17. Lord, All of me thirsts for Your boundless love and understanding. I crave the peace that comes from practicing Your presence. I always want to further our relationship and know I am the only one that holds that back. I'm sorry for when I get caught up in this world and lose focus on what's truly important. Thank you for always walking behind me to give me a push, next to me when I lack confidence, and in front of me to light my way. I love You Jesus.

    1. Thank you Mark. I get a lot from your postings. How are you today?

    2. Amen! Just love your perfect prayer dear Mark!
      Thanks! I love You Jesus.

  18. MadFox, you are a man of great faith and courage. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has great plans for you. Hope, peace and joy to you my dearly beloved brother in Christ. Thank you Jesus. Amen and Amen!

  19. Going to bed on these prayers - re-read yours, Maplewood, MadFox, Audra. Praying for Jeanne.
    Today, for a time, I lost 'the perspective of Eternity,' because I got so caught up in the world in which we live. A friend shared this song and I sent it to one of my DILs....I've listened to it several times today and each time I remind myself to be the hand to a hopeful stranger and the light in the dark of this danger.

    A Safe Place To Land
    When holding your breath is safer than breathing
    When letting go is braver than keeping
    When innocent words turn to lies
    And you can't hide by closing your eyes
    When pain is all that they offer
    Like a kiss from the lips of monster
    You know the famine so well, but never met the feast
    And home is the belly of the beast
    The ocean is wild and over your head
    And the boat beneath you is sinking
    Don't need room for your bags
    Hope is all that you have
    So say the Lord's prayer twice, hold your babies tight
    Surely someone will reach out a hand
    And show you a safe place to land
    Oh, imagine yourself in a building
    Up in flames being told to stand still
    The window's wide open
    This is leap is on faith
    You don't know who will catch you
    Maybe somebody will
    The ocean is wild and over your head
    And the boat beneath you is sinking
    Don't need room for your bags
    Hope is all that you have
    So say the Lord's prayer twice, hold your babies tight
    Surely someone will reach out a hand
    And show you a safe place to land
    Be the hand of a hopeful stranger
    A little scared but you're strong enough
    Be the light in the dark of this danger
    'Til the sun comes up
    Be the hand of a hopeful stranger
    A little scared but you're strong enough
    Oh, be the light in the dark of this danger
    'Til the sun comes up
    Be the hand of a hopeful stranger
    A little scared but you're strong enough
    Be the light in the dark of this danger
    'Til the sun comes up
    'Til the sun comes up, oh
    'Til the sun comes up, 'til the sun
    'Til the sun comes up
    'Til the sun, 'til the sun

    Sleep sweet, JC Family. I know tomorrow will be better. God is on the Night Watch!

    1. That was so beautiful Norah Thank you so much!

    2. Still so sweet, dear Norah!

  20. And may God bless the creatures also. Amen

  21. Just wanted to fill you in about my doctor's visit yesterday. The vibrations in my right thigh were diagnosed as Meralgia paresthetica. Most people recover completely from it but I may have the vibrations for a few months. I'm praying I will be healed before that. God is amazing. My sugar was high so I must cut down on the sweet things and white starches. I will do my best.
    Have a blessed day in His Presence and peace. I'll be with my grandsons and resting in Him who loves us. I'll be praying for you dear family. Keep trusting, seeking, asking and knocking. Wait on the Lord. He keeps His promises.

    1. Thanks for the update Jeanne. Glad to know that it's nothing too serious, but still praying for your full recovery and healing. Father, place Your healing hands on Jeanne and restore her to full health. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Enjoy your time with your grandsons and the Lord. Peace be with you!

    2. Praying for healing my dear friend Jeanne. Glad the doctor was able to tell what was wrong, praying for strength to stay away from the sugar and white starch. Healing is your portion.

    3. Min, may God take away your cravings for sugars/carbs! A terrific herb made by Our Creator is called Gymnema. Helps reduce and eliminate sugar-carb cravings. Take 5-10 minutes before eating each meal and slowly but surely your cravings will be a thing of the past.

    4. Glad the doc was able to pinpoint the issue in your thigh, Jeanne. May the tingling vibration ease soon! In Jesus' name, amen!

    5. Thanks for the update, Jeanne. Praying for your complete health. In Jesus' Name.

    6. Thanks for all your healing prayers. They mean so much to me and God heard every one. Praying for all your infirmities and problems to be resolved in Jesus’ Name. Thank You Lord.

  22. We love because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19). I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20). I love those Who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently find Me. (Proverbs 8:17).

    1. Beautiful verses today sweet Sister! Thanks!

  23. Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and granting me Your goodness and glory in a relationship. You are my Lord and Savior and my friend. You are the Most High Almighty God, and yet, You are also my friend. I am in awe of Your majestic greatness and Your everlasting love for me. I am but a mere human being, made from the dust and given life by Your breath. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing and wonderful. I trust, love, and adore You. Remind me of Your sovereignty and presence in everything. Help me keep my focus on You at all times and to rest in Your Presence and love. Let Your Presence permeate within me, my soul, heart, mind, and spirit. Let Your presence flow within me and all around me. Help me see Your face in everything and everywhere I look. Anoint me with the oil of Your Spirit. Help me to follow You Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit and not my own fleshly desires and ways. Let me walk with You, hand and hand, through it all, knowing You as my Father, Lord, and Friend. Thank You for all You are and all You do. I surrender myself and all that I have to You Lord. I give You all my burdens and help me to not take them back from You. Thank You for the gift of You Lord and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; (Acts 3:19). For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23). For Christ also hath once suffered for sins; the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: (1 Peter 3:18-22).

    2. Thank you Janet for that wonderful prayer my heart is bursting with joy! Our God is on the throne.

    3. Yes, Janet, many thanks for the prayers and reminder to keep God on that throne vs any earthly things! May this find you feeling better and your pain gone, Janet!

    4. Amen! Praying with my good sisters dear Janet that God is healing your painful condition so you can continue to spread His beautiful light. May He lead you by the hand to every good thing He has prepared for you. Thank You Jesus!

  24. Today is my late sister's birthday. Pray for my family especially my sister's husband and 19 year old son and 17 year old daughter. Birthdays are a big deal in our family. It will be hard today for all of us, praying for comfort and peace as we go about our day. It is well with my soul.

    1. You and your dear ones have my prayers, Min Ahadi.

    2. Prayers going out for your family, Min Ahadi. You and your sister had birthdays close together! It must be difficult to hold "happy" and "sad" in such close proximity. ♥️πŸ™

    3. Praying for the family of your dear sister who is in the arms of Jesus. May they remember all the sweet days together and be blessed today instead of sad. They will be with her again and their joy will be full and complete.

  25. Min Ahadi joining you in prayer for peace over you and your family today and evey day. That God takes the hurt and replaces it with his peace that passes all understanding and his joy that can't be taken away. With love Terri

    1. Amen dear Terri! Beautiful encouragement. How are you and your family feeling today? Continuing to pray for your perfect recovery.

  26. His mercies are new each morning. If anything, that verse keeps me moving forward during this storm of anxiety and depression I am in. Going in for minor surgery tomorrow so I ask for your prayers once again my friends to get me through it with strength, peace and healing. Thank you!! May your day be richly blessed with the peace of Christ. Shalom πŸ™

    1. You have my prayers Rich C. In Jesus' Name and with His Blood, you are covered, therefore, It's Going To Be OK.

    2. Thank you Brie😊 Amen to that!!!! “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”🎢

    3. Praying for you, RiCh, expecting perfect outcomes and the Peace of our Lord will surround you in your procedure tomorrow. πŸ™

    4. Praying for you Rich. God is beside you all the way , we are trusting Him for accuracy, speedy recovery Amen

    5. Praying that God will be guiding your doctor to a successful and smooth procedure, and you will be wrapped tightly in His peace and comfort. Be not afraid. He goes before you always. Rest in Him and be assured He will be with you every moment.

  27. Rich, I am praying for you and, trust me, all of us will be on the Night Watch at different times and all through the day! Jeanne, I'm rejoicing with you and believing with you that it will not take as long as they think for you to be completely healed, in the name of Jesus Christ. Hoping that you take Audra's advice on the help to curb sweet cravings. Min Ahadi, I will keep your family in my prayers. This reminds me of something Sassy Mom said (I'm paraphrasing), but it meant, to me, that we will always miss that loved one - the hole is always there, but some reminded all of us (I think you, Jeanne), that the pain dims. Love to all of you, JC Family!

  28. P.S. I went to the Dr. today and she said my lungs were CLEAR! My cold (thank God, that is all it is), is on the mend. She said, "You are definitely on the upswing!" No antibiotics or anything. I thank you all for your prayers!

    1. Thanks for the update, Norah! With His Lung Victory for you, 🎢 You Make Me Feel Like Dancing, I Want To Dance The Night Away🎢 while I'm praying for Rich C.

    2. Halleluia! Such good news Norah! Clear lungs and it's just a cold. God is so faithful! Dancing with Brie!
      Thanks for your prayers.

  29. PTL Norah. Our lungs hold our joy in life, definitely want them clear to receive!

  30. Seeking God's presence and feeling His peace surround me. So thankful that my friend Rudy had a successful surgery. Your prayers helped so much! thank you. The doctors fixed three things in his heart and he is doing well. Trusting God to carry him smoothly through his recovery, no matter how long it takes. Thank You Father for this and for a good report for Norah's DH and for Ellen's daughter to be healed. Thank you for this and for answering all our prayers in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Another victory in Jesus Christ, Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘.

    2. 🎼Oh victory in Jesus! My Saviour forever! Oh You are good, so good dear Father &, we thank youπŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    3. πŸ™amen

    4. Rejoicing with gratitude with you, dear Janet, Jan and Blessings from NY! Thanks for all your prayers! We serve such a good and faithful God!

    5. Thank you Jesus! May joy permeate the healing process in all who need it. I ask, I pray in Your name. πŸ™

  31. Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for He is aroused from His holy habitation! (Zechariah 2:13). The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14). Be angry,and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still. (Psalm 4:4). But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him. (Habakkuk 2:20). Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10).

    1. Thank you sis Janet for these holy word of the Lord. Sooo hard to accomplish on our own. When I've been offended, it's all that I can do to not give into the flesh, be quiet, be still & let God fight for me. These are excellent reminders today, bless you for sharing. Love you muchπŸ’ž

    2. Amen! We must lean on His Spirit and not let our human emotions rule our days or our hearts. Doing my best to remain still in His awesome presence. We are well taken care of.

    3. Janet so glad you shared this! May we cling on to Jesus every single moment of our day!

  32. Precious Scriptures, a spiritual meal in one posting. Thank you Janet.

  33. Good morning πŸŒ„ Family! We are home! Safe & sound. Thank you for your prayers! Bless you guys! I looked out my window this morning &, thanked God for our home in the woods. I was greeted with a beautiful sunrise, familiar surroundings & then realized again that I can only imagine that if I felt this way about my earthly home, will my feeling about my heavenly home be multiplied a thousand times over? I certainly think so. Don't you family?

    1. A lot I love every single once of y'all

    2. Amen! On earth as it is in Heaven!

  34. Lord I thank you for every day every breath in my lung lord I live you so much

  35. Dear JC Warriors, thanks for sharing your Victories in Jesus. Please pray for my daughter Denise who is very sick with the flu. She has a temperature of 103°.

    1. Praying for Denise now and prayers will continue until her health is completely restored.

    2. Sassy Mom, much loved ----- Approaching The Throne of Grace to lift up Denise and anyone else with cold and flu. I command healing to manifest in their bodies and confess a quick recocery time for them. In Your name Jesus, Praying, Trusting, Believing in You --- Resting in Your in Your Promises, AMEN and AMEN.

  36. Putting Denise at the top of my prayer list, dear Sassy Mom
    Father God. Thank You for taking away Denise’s fever, removing every flu symptom, and bringing her back to perfect health and comfort, and bringing back peace of mind to Denise and her family in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  37. My Lord, my Savior, my friend Jesus continues to show me love, mercy, grace, peace, joy and friendship so that I may pass it along to others. Blessings to you all today and as always, stay connected to The Vine.

    1. It is always good to hear from you, Suzanne R., and to know we are connected to the same Vine!

    2. Thanks dear Suzanne, I received your blessings. We are branches of our life giving Vine. With Him all things are possible. God bless you and continue to show you love, mercy, grace, peace, joy and friendship. Sending you much love.

  38. I'm praying for Denise, Dear Sassy Mom! Good to see you, Suzanne. Prayers for each of you, in the name above all names, Christ Jesus.


  39. "Oh Victory in Jesus". Thank you Jesus for blessing my Denise with your healing touch. She was so sick and weak she couldn't stand. Her temperature is normal and she is 100% better. Hallelujah!!
    Thank you WARRIORS for your powerful miracle working prayers.

    1. Praise the Lord!!!!
      Jeremiah 1:12. "Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it."

    2. Praise Our Good Good Lord! Hallelujah!

    3. Hallelujah! So happy Denise is doing better! Got my victory shoes on and I'm doing a little dance. Rejoicing and being glad because our God hears every prayer and He is so faithful!

  40. WOW!! Has anyone else noticed the speed in which our prayers are being answered? The multiplicity of powerful prayer! I LOVE THIS!

    1. Norah - YES!!!!

      John 15:7
      If you remain in Me and My Words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

      Mark 11:24
      Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

    2. Amen to that! We will continue in prayer, believing in God's promises.
      Isaiah 40:31
      But they that wait upon the Lord
      shall renew their strength;
      they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
      they shall run, and not be weary;
      and they shall walk, and not faint.

  41. So blessed to be loved with an Everlasting Love. It just doesn’t get any better than that! Thankful it is an Unconditional Love too. Lamentations 3:22-26 lifts me so much! Every new morning is another chance to please God and get things right. And in all things we must stay in His presence and wait on Him. Great is His Faithfulness! Enjoy the gift of this new day of new possibilities! And rejoice and be glad in it!

  42. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, Chris Payton's prayer speaks to my heart and I'm joining in that prayer with him. May I be still in Your Presence and receive from You all You have for me as I wait on the Lord. May our relationship always be open, honest, loving, growing, close, and obstacle-free Lord. Let my heart overflow with pure love for You Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. When You said, "Seek My face", my heart said to You, "Your face, LORD, I will seek ". (Psalm 27:8).

    2. Yes Janet, today's devotion reminds us, The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.
      May I never cease seeking the steadfast Love of the Lord.

    3. Amen dear Janet and Brie! Seek Him and His Everlasting Love!! He is always with us to shower us with His peace, love, comfort and faithfulness. We are blessed and praise His Holy Name together forever and ever.

  43. Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” is one of my favorite verses. It often comes to mind when I feel overwhelmed and have too much going on at one time. God reminds us that we need Him. We need to be close to Him and bask in His presence. As we enter into this Christmas season, may we all remember to be still and bask in His presence.
    SC Anonymous

    1. This simple Psalm is where I pray humanity can be released from the words we read in the devotional... "To distract himself from the gaping jaws of death, he engages in ceaseless activity and amusement."
      Be still and know that I am God!

    2. I pray, and sing, Release Me!

    3. Yes dear SC! Thank you. December is a challenging time for us but His peace is ever present. I talk to Him through my days and He sure knows my voice. I stop and rest with Him whenever I can. Time with Him is precious indeed.

  44. Please lift up my friends great grandbaby Abram. He is 3 weeks old and has RSV. He’s in a children’s hospital. Also, prayers for my sister in law that she will not have to induce her pregnancy. The due date was Nov. 29th. Thank-you everyone ❤️

    1. You asked for prayers. You've got them! πŸ™ ❤️ πŸ™

    2. Praying for miracle healing for baby Abram and that your sister in law will deliver her baby soon.

    3. Joining all prayers for baby Abram’s rapid healing and that your sister in love will have a natural childbirth without bein induced. God is in charge.
      Thank you Father for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    4. Joining in prayer for baby Abram's healing and your SIL's
      situation. Father God, bless them with Your loving care and heal what ails them. Jesus is MAKING A WAY! Pleading the Flood of the Blood of Jesus over them. In Jesus' name, Mighty God, AMEN and AMEN

  45. Father I thank-You for waking me up to a NEW day! Thank-You that right NOW You are giving me Strength to wait on You. Thank-You that You have calmed my Spirit and that I actually woke up without things coming at my mind that I have to do today. Thank-You for REST in Your Presence. Help me to always be still and KNOW You are God. I lift up everyone on here and everyone everywhere that we will completely receive You everyday that You can dwell fully in us each moment. You are God help us to love You more and each other. Help us to accept each other where we are and to not try to figure everything out. In Jesus Name Amen πŸ™

    1. Amen!!!! Welcome to this peace full day!

    2. Joining in, Anonymous to us, yet Known to God! Along with Chris, you, Audra, and unknowns, I too pray
      "Lord, I want a friendship with You. I want a relationship with You. I want to be still in Your Presence. I want to walk with You in a daily relationship. You are my best friend; You are my God. I want to be more into the love You have for me and the care You have for me..." but
      I struggle with stillness. I want to be still in Your Presence. I can only be still with Your Help O Lord. Please help me! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Amen dear Anonymous and Brie!! Your prayers and encouragement lifted my weary heart.
      Thank You Jesus for a closer walk with YOU! Amen

  46. "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;"

    1. Thank you so much for that beautiful song. Those verses are among my favorites. God bless your heart.


  47. As Maplewood stated in an earlier crossover post...December is a great, special and wonderful month. A month in remembrance of our Savior’s birth, a month when hope and redemption came into the world, a month of jubilation, celebration, a month that will forever be cherished!
    To celebrate the 1st day of this celebratory month, I plan to give Jesus "A" gifts of:
    through all I encounter today, because whatever I do for the least, I do for Him! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. You know I love to play Brie πŸ˜‰
      I'm gifting AWE, ATTENTION and ADMIRATION in Jesus' name.

    2. Yeah! Audra, Glad you are joining in. It's more funner when more people join into Celebration Time for our Awesome God!

    3. I'll play!
      I'm gifting Adoration, Affection and Applause in His name.

    4. Yes, Suzanne R.
      The More, The Merrier for Him!

    5. I gift Him with ALL of my love and praise and gratitude.. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’—

    6. Yes! Jeanne. I know He will enjoy ALL our gifts, more than anything found in a store!

    7. I gift Him my AWE, that He has put me ABOVE and not below.
      HALLELUJAH!!! πŸ’žπŸŒˆπŸ€—

    8. You awe so right JJ. He certainly deserves our Awe.

    9. You made me smile!

    10. What an Awesome Bouquet we gave Him today:

  48. Need Prayer! Grand Littles are here to decorate and I've had an 11 hr day at work. Need to readjust. DH is fed and happy, work report is turned in and happy and KS Son just ordered pizza for the masses. Help me Lord, to change my mind and get my 1000th wind to decorate the tree and be a blessing! Thanks, JC Fam!!

    1. You are always a blessing, Norah! But since you asked, Acts 2 delivered...WHOOSH!
      And suddenly, there was a sound from Heaven like the roaring rush of 1000 mighty winds, and it filled the house where they were decorating a CHRISTmas tree. Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. God’s strength is yours in your weakness dear Norah! I’m sure your Littles had fun and that tree is just beautiful!
