Saturday, December 31, 2016

Jesus Calling: December 31

As this year draws to a close, receive My Peace. This is still your deepest need, and I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself into your neediness. My abundance and your emptiness are a perfect match. I designed you to have no sufficiency of your own. I created you as a jar of clay, set apart for sacred use. I want you to be filled with My very Being, permeated through and through with Peace.
     Thank Me for My peaceful Presence, regardless of your feelings. Whisper My Name in loving tenderness. My Peace, which lives continually in your spirit, will gradually work its way through your entire being. 
Isaiah 9:6
English Standard Version
For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
2 Corinthians 4:7
English Standard Version
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.
John 14:26-27
English Standard Version
26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

My Prayer
Jesus, Father, Spirit, thank you for this year and guiding me through it. You are showing me more each day that you are in fact in control of me, my life, my world, this world and I can trust you for it all. There have been many different challenges this year, that you have brought our way. But, through them all, you sustain us and keep us with You. Many challenges remain but thanks for the simple reminder that you are with us, you are near, as we are your treasure.    


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. It's appropriate how Sarah and thus Jesus Calling end the year on the note of peace. It reminds me that Jesus is gently whispering to us every moment that His love gives us peace. We just need to develop the faith to accept ALL things with the same peace that He had on the cross.

    1. Amen Mad🦊! On the night watch approaching midnight and the last day of the year. I love today's reading, and it is so peaceful as I look out on the glow of a sky with falling snow under a hidden full moon. Lord, thank you for your Peace that envelops me after another year with the JC warriors. I made a big decision today and I rest knowing everything is gonna be ok! Right Mad🦊? Yes indeed. ♥️

    2. Thanks for praying the Night Shift, Audra. I felt blanketed with the Holy Comforter and slept an hour longer than I normally do. The relief shift is here, so it's your turn to rest, sweet sister.
      80 degrees here yesterday with no chance of snow, yet His Moonlight was gorgeous.

    3. Amen MadFox! Doing my best to maintain a cheerful, thankful and peaceful heart to receive all God has to offer. His loving kindness and peace are without measure so I must empty myself of the useless chaff. Fill me Lord and make me whole.
      Love you my sweet night shift sisters. Get some rest now.

    4. Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus Christ, In the Spirit, Father God and hope makes us not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us. Amen

    5. Still blessed by your post dear MadFox! His love gives us the greatest peace. No matter what storms and hardships we endure, His peace is our saving grace. We can get through anything because we never walk alone.

    6. Reading the post again this year I linger to grasp the thought of "peace on the cross". Oh, my God, how great thou art! ✝️

    7. Perfect post year after year.

  2. God please help me keep the faith and trusting in you.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. praying for you. God is there with you always.

  3. Dear God, you must increase and I must decrease in 2019. I want to hunger for righteousness. Thank you for your peace and your presence.

  4. I am at peace. ❤
    I especially like the reminder that the government is on His shoulder. ❤

  5. Whisper my name in loving tenderness . . . Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s something about that name!

  6. Going into 2019 I am hoping to focus more on Christ and be able to fully understand and depend on him. It shall be so for me in Jesus name. Amen.

  7. I would just like to thank God for all the miracles he has performed in my life this year. Such a transformation in such little time. Last year around this time I was barely starting to really build my relationship with Christ while still living in so much sin. Now a year later when I look back on that person I was such a short time ago it's like I don't even recognize her anymore. I'm so very greatful for the people he's placed in my path and the miracles that he performed. THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR ALL YOUR GRACE LOVE AND MERCY! THANK YOU FOR THE PEACE YOU'VE BESTOWED UPON MY LIFE! I'M YOUR NAME I PRAY! AMEN

  8. Praise and thanksgiving to the King of kings and Lord of lords! The year 2019 is on its last leg and I've been blessed to be in it. I can look back and recall so many of Your blessings and testify to Your glory, so THANK YOU LORD! I'm excited about the next chapter You have in store for me.
    Thank You Father for Your Peace, protection and blessings that took me and my household from January 1st through this last day of the year. All glory and honor to Your Holy name.

    JC Family: As the year comes to a close, I'd like to wish each of you and your families a very happy, blessed and fruitful New Year 2020 and beyond.
    Regardless of how many challenges 2019 brought your way, my prayer is that you've all remained steadfast in your respective faiths, risen to meet each challenge, and persevered.
    May the gracious Hand of the Almighty God who never left our side during the bad and good in 2019, grant you and yours a peaceful transition into 2020, unite your family, shower and bestow His abundance of blessings upon you and grant you love, joy, happiness, great health, laughter, rest, a closer walk with him and grant the desires of Your heart in 2020, in Jesus name.

    God's been too good to us and remains the same, so let's look forward to a New Year full of His very best and ready to let His light shine in and through us, so others can see and want to follow Him and receive His peace.

    I know I am excited, because I am a receiver of all things His and strive to be a giver to those in need whom He place in my path.

    As you cross over tonight, be safe and remain blessed.
    Thank You Prince of Peace for this body of believers, may we be more dedicated to you, blessing to others, trust You with all our hearts and always receive Your Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you, Anonymous from Maplewood, NJ! And my prayer and hope is the same for you in return. As we are together in Him, all is well. Thanks be to God!

    2. Thank you, Maplewood for your daily eloquent input on this blog. You always say what I feel especially when I cannot find the words. Peace, love and blessings to you and yours in 2020!

    3. Thank you dear sweet Maplewood,
      Your words, best wishes and prayers are timeless and bless my soul!
      Wishing you and yours, and our dear JC Family, much healing, strength, guidance, encouragement, mercy, comfort, peace, joy and all of God’s blessings and faithfulness in 2021. Happy New Year! Much loveπŸ’—

    4. The same heartfelt blessings are being sent back to you, Maplewood. We miss you!

    5. Thank you for your beautiful and timeless prayers Maplewood, Madfox, Jeanne, Bob and many others.
      Sending love, prayers, joy, peace and blessings

  9. Mold me and make me, You are the potter, I am the clay ..... Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name.

  10. Please pray for me. I am struggling through this season. Battling depression, work, burnout, and a mind that won’t shut down. Peace to you all for a heathy, happy and faith-filled New Year.


    1. God is Your refuge and strength Dave, you are covered in His blood, depression will NOT ruin your life. Standing in prayers with and for you for a blessed and more fulfilled year 2020.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. My thoughts and prayers are with you Dave. God LOVES you in a way we can't even imagine. That thought alone should bring peace and joy to our hearts. When our hearts are filled with peace and joy our mind gets clear. When our mind gets clear it is much easier to see a vision for a bright new year. My prayer for you is that you feel God's Love... experience His Peace... and let His Light shine through you as you move into this new year.

    3. Dave D - I am also joining all JC warriors in prayers for your peace and healing. KS

    4. Joining the prayer warriors Dave. I too am right there with you in the battle. Stay strong. Push those negative thoughts out of your mind when they creep in because those are not God's thoughts. Peace is my prayer for you today and always.

    5. Dave D., this too shall pass. I have had many bouts of depression, ironically often this time of year. Many factors can come into play, you sighted a few of them. Some times I have found reasons for being down in spirit, other times, there was no reasonable explanation. The Spirit led me to maintain the spiritual disciplines which provided communion with Him even though often I was not in the mood. Yet I was encouraged to do them just the same for it was not about how I was feeling but how He wanted me to feel. In time (some times quickly, other times not so quickly), the darkness was lifted by His grace. The sun will shine again; in the meantime, you will be surrounded by His love even though the enemy is causing you to question His presence. Our love for you, coming through our prayers for you, is also surrounding you. God be with you!

    6. David D I am praying for you. God has you covered. Trust and Believe.

    7. Save us Savior of the world for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free. Praying for you David D.

    8. Thanks for sharing your depression with us. I too, have been afflicted with depression for a very long time, that seems to have begun following a childhood trauma, which I consider my thorn in the side. Regardless, Daily Kirunal, Daily Bible and Jesus Calling Readings, Daily Meditating with Jesus on Jesus Words, focusing on The Goodness of God, with all of you kindly sharing Jesus' Truths, Victories, Music, Laughter, and Prayers, both in front of and from behind the curtains, have lifted me. I pray for all of us to feel lifted, because as Children of The One True King, we are! Thanks be to God for all of you, the Holy Spirit's Invitations, and workings through Chris to clear a space in Payton Place, making it a JC Prayer Warrior's Room.
      During my Proverb 3 readings and meditation today, I gleaned:
      Always put God first!  Then He will direct you and crown you with His Success. He knows the unknown path you need to be on through the wilderness.

      Always remember to be truthful with kindness!  Hold Truth with Kindness tightly. Write them deeply within your heart!

      Always Trust The Lord Completely. In all things, Say Thy Will Be Done and mean it.

      And from Jesus Calling, I gleaned:
      I, your Prince of Peace, long to pour Myself and My Peace into your need for it. Empty and clear out a place for Peace in your heart and mind, starting with the spot where argument, defensiveness and strife have taken up residence. My Abundance and your emptied place are a perfect match!
      My heartfelt Blessing Prayers go out for all of us, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    9. Thankyou Brie for this nugget today. Always put God first! Then He will direct you and crown you with His Success. He knows the unknown path you need to be on through the wilderness. I lift my JC family up in prayer daily. That's how I started off my morning on this last day of the 2020. Looking forward to 2021, with this blog as a corner stone. Much love, prayers and blessings to you all. Mindy

    10. Praying for you Dave and Bob and Brie and Audra and all those who have known depression or are struggling with depression. God is working right now to lift you up out of the depths of despair to a sweet and brilliant high place of light. Trust in Him always and wait patiently for that bright light at the end of the tunnel. It is there: brilliant, and never ending. I still remember my worst year of postpartum depression. And Praise God! He was faithful even as I had almost given up my life.

    11. Dave D. remember the prayer "Jesus I trust in you." Amen

    12. Beautiful prayer that warmed my heart deeply Brie
      And Sassy Mom
      Love you both sweet sisters
      Love, prayers, peace, joy and blessings

  11. Dave D - Joining Warriors in prayer for a blessed new year.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom!! Joining all JC WARRIORS in prayer for David D. Dave, Since you are a son of the of the most High God, you are defined by what our Lord accomplished on the cross. You can wake up every morning and live life knowing no matter what you do, think, say, or feel--the cross covers it! I pray for the Lord's peace upon you and that you can face each day with fresh hope and grace! AMEN and AMEN

  12. Thank you Jesus for the work you have done in me this past year. Prepare me for all that you want to accomplish in and through me in 2020. Your will be done in me and my family as your will is done in heaven. Thank you for your mercy and grace;your unconditional love and peace. Make the way for each member of my family and let them see more of you working in me. Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen.

  13. My devotional resources this AM focused on singing in joy like Zechariah did at the birth of John, as Mary did when she visited Elizabeth, and as the angels did on the hills of Bethlehem. We have just heard those songs again as we visited the manger. Let us not too hastily pack those songs away for we are only in the middle of the Christmas season (Dec. 25-January 6). On this last day of the calendar year, a traditional song that will be heard is Auld Lang Syne. As best I can tell, it is a song about two friends having a drink and reminiscing about the past. So be it. Evening prayer (vespers) always closes with the Magnificat, Mary's song of praise found in Luke 1:46-55. You may find it to be a good closing song for the year. It gives hope found in our Lord who has been totally faithful to us. God be with you!

    1. Amen Bob! I plan to sing and raise a glass to the Lord and the New Year. These are a few words from a song I wrote about Christmas but they relate to the New Year too.

      A E
      It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
      A C#
      A tiny babe has set us free.
      A E
      The greatest gift of Christmas is the
      A B
      love of Jesus in you and me.
      A E
      A shining star that lasts forever
      A B
      A true peace that never parts
      A B
      Joy and love that are never ending
      A B
      The light we carry in our hearts

      A E
      So let us raise a glass this Christmas
      A C#
      Sing a song. Be of good cheer
      A B
      For the greatest gift of Christmas
      A E
      is in our hearts all through the year.

    2. Love " for the greatest gift of Christmas is in out hearts all year". Thank you for sharing sweet sisterπŸ₯°

  14. As I enjoy, coffee, peace and the warmth of my surroundings this morning, I give thanks and praise for all blessings bestowed upon me this past year. There have been struggles, but I choose to focus on the blessings. Including you all.
    As we close out a year and a decade, peace, love and renewed hope are my prayers for you all in 2020. I raise my coffee cup to you all and declare that 2020 will be a time of renewed strength and blessings for all prayers warriors and their families and friends.
    Happy new year all! And as always, I sign out by saying..... stay connected to The Vine.

    1. Amen dear Suzanne, I’m staying plugged into our life giving Vine through thick and thin!

  15. Starting out this morning reflecting on the past year and where I was at this time in 2019. Without a clue where God would lead me. I also battle depression, mainly due to Grief. I left my path and worries in Gods hands at the beginning of last year, and in return God has blessed me beyond anything that I had ever imagined. With continued prayer, intentional focus on gratitude, and knowing that Gods plan and timing is in the works, I am healing! Thank you blessed JIC warriors, and all the best in 2020!
    1 Thessalonians 5:16-20 New International Version (NIV)
    Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

    1. Purplemartin, God Bless you for sharing your journey of 2019. I am thankful for your walk and the results. Praying for the best for you in 2020 as well!

    2. Purplemartin - Joining warriors in praying the best for you in 2020. Love ♥ and blessings.

    3. Praying for your New Year to be a good one of peace and joy and healing, dear Purplemartin!

  16. Blessings to each of you, this last day of the year. Dave D, I am standing with all of the wonderful JC Family, Prayer Warriors, claiming your renewed strength and well-being. I am right there with you in the times I have struggled with depression, whether brought on by others suffering and the fact that I am not JESUS CHRIST (!) who can deliver. But, I can be His eyes and ears and arms and legs. Sometimes, it is brought on by the realization of my own actions that hinder Him. As Bob shared, I would make myself DO what He calls us to do, in time of need, in time of joy, regardless of 'feelings,' I know I have to take action and be not only a hearer of the Word, but a doer. So, I read, I sing, I pray in tongues in the physical - in my own heart and the fog begins to lift. Also as Bob said, sometimes quickly, sometimes not. Oftentimes, I know I just need sleep and I pray to wake up with a renewed mind, refreshed by His spirit, even as I sleep. You will find what works for you and I, along with this great body of believers, will be praying that it happens sooner rather than later. A new year is a great beginning.
    I am blessed to report that my dear husband is on the mend. Thank you all for your prayers. I finally got his Rx at 7:00 last night (it took the entire day!) and guess what? By then, he didn't need it. I love that!! We will probably lay low tonight and may not even see the 'ball drop,' but we will pray in the New Year, whether it is 10:00 or 12:00.
    This morning, I shared with 3 of our 5 children and my sister that I was about to embark on something I haven't done for years...a trip to the gym. I was only there about a half hour but it was a beginning. My Hub joined the gym too and later today or tomorrow we will go together and figure out our plans.
    MadFox, Sassy Mom, Maplewood, Suzanne, JJ, Theo, Janet, LCA, and dear Bob, as well as all of you other Saints, whose names I'm surely missing - God's richest blessings to each of you, this day and all those to come. I will share below the verses that one of my sons sent me in response to my new-found determination to let go of the old and with God in Christ in me, usher in the new.

    1. Norah - Love ♥ and blessings to you as we say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

    2. Joining in sending love and blessings to you dear Norah! Thanks for sharing your heart with us, and for your wonderful encouragement and self help advice. πŸ’—

  17. My son said, in response to my morning devotion shared with my sister, him and his sibs, that he was proud of me for always pushing myself harder every day and that it motivated him to do the same. While we all know that I don't always reach that 'mark,' (I share openly with you, my JC Family, as I do my off-spring (though not always as blatantly!), it blessed me to know that my kids see the effort my Hub and I make and that the results come from heeding God's Word and the power wrought in us through Christ Jesus.

    Philippians 3:12-16, The Message

    12-14 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

    15-16 So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.

    Those are the verses he sent to me that he felt summed up what we strive for everyday.

    1. Amen to that, dear. He loves us and knows our efforts.

  18. Happy New Year to all my JC family. Glory and praise to our lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for all your blessings, Lord, guide us closer to you. Jesus, above all names.

  19. Dave D - I am joining the other warriors in lifting you up in prayer! Have faith and you will get through this with God by your side.

    I am thankful for this blog. I am blessed to be able to read, share and pray with and for each of you. I will be praying for each person tonight. Jesus, I trust in You. Thank You for bringing me peace when I feel unsettled. Thank You for your constant love. I pray 2020 brings me even closer and more reliant on You, oh Lord. I want to be the jar of clay. Amen. CO

  20. To all of you who responded and to those who didn’t, but prayed anyway, I am so, so grateful to all of you. Tears are flowing down my cheeks as I write this. The overwhelming response of love and encouragement from my family here is amazing. As this day and year wind down to a close, I would like each one of you to know that although this has been one of the toughest years of my life, coming to this blog to read every day has gotten me through the toughest of days. Sadness, hurt, pain, and depression are not permanent. They are temporary afflictions not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to come when our Lord Jesus returns. I pray every day for God to shape me into the man that He would have me be. Not who I think I should be or anyone else either. My heart, mind, body, soul, and strength belong to our Father. Much as the jars of clay mentioned above, I am willing to let him do the work in me, even when I don’t ‘feel’ like it.

    God bless you all. Again, I say thanks to my brothers and sisters here. Thanks to the Payton Family for providing a space for us to share in the knowledge and love of our Savior.

    Have a blessed New Year! Be safe tonight.

    God loves you and so do I! (De Colores!)

    Peace, Dave D.

    1. Dave. Godspeed. To a great beginning to a new year filled with faith and hope. Amen. Happy New Years!

    2. You brought tears to my eyes, Dave. De Colores was one of my ma's favorite song. She is speaking to me through you! How great thou art my Lord and Savior. I'm praying for you Dave! Much love to you from all of us!

    3. Love De Colores, since my God loves many colors, so do I.

    4. May God continue to encourage and lift your beautiful heart Dear Dave De Colores. What a beautiful message of gratitude and love! Praying God continues to guide you to all the desires of your heart, all joy and peace, and fulfillment in every area of your life.

    5. Dave D. I see you ARE trusting in Jesus! Bravo! Amen.

    6. Dave D. So beautiful to read your entry again this year. Keep the faith! Amen.

  21. Thanks for all of your prayers for DH Larry. We got the Radiology report of his lung scan, which said,
    "Just got through reading it, looks perfect! No change from last scan. All good."
    Tell me where would we be had it not been for the Lord and each other in our lives?

    1. PS πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    2. Hallelujah!!! So glad for you and Larry!! Thank you Lord!

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you Janet, Blessings From France, TJ, KS, Mindy, Maplewood NJ, Grace Takes Time, Audra, Jeanne, Norah and all who prayed from in front of or from behind the curtains. As always, your prayers do make a big difference as well as wrap us up in The Comforter. Thanks be to God for all of you. Amen.

    4. PTL and pass the dancing shoes! 🩰 πŸ’ƒ

    5. ALL glory and honor to the KING! God is good, too good!! Thanking Him for Larry's results. It shall REMAIN well in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Yes Audra, PTDS takes on a whole new meaning!

    7. Brie, what does DH & PTDS stand for? I don't mean to be ignorant but I'm at a loss when it comes to these " stand fors"πŸ€ͺ

    8. DH is Darling Husband!
      PTDS is Pass The Dancing Shoes.
      No asked question is ignorant; the only ignorant question I'm aware of is the one that does not get asked. Love You dearly. Thanks for asking.

    9. Amen!!! My dancing shoes need some dusting off, but they're ready!!!

    10. Woohoo!! Didn’t we know what our Papa would do?! Rejoicing with you all. ❤️

    11. Thank you Jesus for your everlasting love!

    12. Praise dancing taking place here in Spokane for you Brie and Larry!

    13. Praise God for Larry's great report! Our prayers are answered for your Darling Husband. Now where did I put my Victory dancing shoes?

  22. Father, I don’t have enough space on this blog to express my heartfelt gratitude to You, but I do have a whole day to stay on bended knees in the quite of my home and worship You in Spirit and in truth, dance and sing like it is my last day on this earth. I pray that You grant me wisdom and understanding to manifest Your peace, joy, blessings, on this last day of the year, and empower me to be kingdom minded and yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit throughout this day, giving glory and praise to Your hoy name. Please forgive me for any or all times I didn’t decrease for You to increase in my life. Thank You Lord, for JESUS.

    I join my brothers and sisters in Christ on this blog to thank You Father, for being with us throughout this year and through the many challenges, trials, problems and health issues, but never once leaving us! It is no doubt that You knew what 2020 was going to be like.
    Yet, we cannot deny that You showered us with joy, happiness, victories, protection, healing and the blessings of being in Your presence all 365 days! The fact that we are still here on this earth and survived through this tumultuous year, means that we are to declare the glory, power, and faithfulness of who You are. It also means that You cannot change and we belong to the covenant family of Abraham through faith in Christ Jesus. It means that we are victors and NOT victims. It means that You are not done with us, You have plans for our lives here on this earth, and for this and so much more, we are internally grateful and thankful to You. Thank You for our families, love ones and friends that we are blessed to have with us.
    We ask for forgiveness for every sin committed knowingly and unknowingly during the year, forgiveness for every door we opened as a result of ignorance, carelessness, and compromise, Forgiveness for every sin of pride, selfishness, forsaking our brethren in need, and hardness of heart, forgiveness for our trespass of un-forgiveness towards others, forgiveness for times when we did not heed to the prompting of the Holy Spirit speakibg, because we were consumed in our own ways and please Father, forgive us for those times we doubted You where we should have exercised our faith and taken steps to bring You glory.

    I join my faith here with Your saints this morning and I declare from the alter of grace that our coming blessings will be unstoppable by the forces of darkness. Just as You continued to bless Abraham even in his old age (Gen. 24), so will You bless all of our efforts and restore to us ALL that which the locusts and canker worms stole from us in 2020. The year is ending but the blessings, mercies, favor and goodness from You in our lives are endless! May we not be deterred from Your service, but keep pressing on, never giving up. We thank You for a year that we can put behind us after today (yet, always be thankful and never forgetting how You walked with us throughout), but look ahead to new beginnings, keeping our eyes fixed on You, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

    We close this year in humble gratitude, praise, thanksgiving and Love for You our Creator, the Immutable, Infinite, Self-Sufficient, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Wise, Faithful, Good, Just, Merciful, Gracious, Loving, Holy, and Glorious God and Father (Col. 1:17, Mal. 3:6, John 5:26, Psalm 33:6, Isa. 46:9-10, Ps. 139:7-10, Rom. 11:33, Deut 7:9, Ps. 34:8, Duet 32:4, Rom. 9:15-16, Ps. 145:8, 1 Jn. 4:7-8, Rev. 4:8, Hab. 3:4). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    JC Family, It was great sharing and being shared by You, the wonderful living Words of the Lord this year. He has proven over and over just how faithful He is. May we continue to walk in the spirit of love and unity for the sake of God’s kingdom.
    Blessings to you and yours this last day of 2020. I look forward to this journey with You again in 2021, through Christ Jesus our Lord! Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood,, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Praying with you in that wonderfully worded prayer. Peace be with you and yours. God bless you.

    2. WOWSER! Maplewood NJ. You spoke all the Words of Truth that were in my heart. Thanks Be to God, we made it through 2020 and made it through Victoriously, BECAUSE HE LIVES! Throughout all the twists and turns, ups and downs, ins and outs, highs and lows, riches and poors, losses and gains, firsts and lasts, victories and defeats, sicknesses and healthinesses, births and deaths, goods and evils, nights and days, overs and unders, beginnings and endings, tears and laughter, special times and ordinary times, along with Dolly Parton and Zach Williams, I too, whew! yet proclaim, THERE WAS JESUS!
      After absorbing myself in your prayer, I am Spirit Filled and speech less, so with Jim Croce, to you and our entire JC Prayer Warring Family, I'LL HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOU IN A SONG, as I'm putting on my my my my my BOOGIE SHOES along with KC and The Sonshine Band and all of you!
      Praying God's choicest Blessings now and Forevermore from His Vast, Abundant Store for our JC Family and each of their dear ones, Thy Will Be Done! Amen.

    3. Maplewood, thank you for expressing our thoughts and desires in your words to the Lord and to each other. Praying that you are in excellent health now!

    4. I always look forward to your opening and closing of our months. This prayer was beautiful. Thank you for your always uplifting words, fixing our eyes on our One True God! Thank you Jesus for Maplewood!
      love from, Maryville, Tennessee

    5. Amen! Thank you so much Maplewood for sharing your gift of writing such beautiful prayers here daily with us. It is such a blessing and I'm so thankful that the Spirit of the Lord always leads you to say the words we can not always find to express our feelings.
      Praying for you, yours and your health.
      God bless you all abundantly JC family! Love you!

      Blessings from France

    6. Amen and amen. Look what God has done? Where else would we go? We give you our hearts and lives, Jesus. We thank you. We worship you!!

    7. Maplewood, you have such a gift in writing! And better yet you share it with all of us! Many do not use their God provided gifts for his greater glory, you faithfully do! and we all benefit. Thank you for your daily thoughts and especially for this great year end prayer! Amen

    8. Your post was a must read for me this AM, twin bd sis. Your thoughts and prayers bring healthy closure. The year wasn't as we wanted it but God is sovereign and in some mysterious way, it was how He willed it. As He did when His Son died on the cross, He took the evils of this year and used them for purpose and ultimately positive though it may not be evident exactly in what ways they are. So be it, that is called trust. Thank you for including a healthy confession of sin in your post. While we are on this side of heaven, that is always in order. Lord, have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord, have mercy. In my opinion, there has been a real shortage of that spirit in facing the struggles of this year. I have been disappointed I have not heard it in any of the messages I have heard this year. Again, thanks for including it. We are a part of the problem. We have been shown mercy and grace (even if it wasn't asked for) and we can close our eyes in peace tonight, looking forward to awakening to a new day/year with His presence with us always and one day soon, we will be awaken to everlasting glory. Come, Lord Jesus! God be with you. With love, Bob

    9. Perhaps, It may be that some of us, including me, myself, and I, make our healthy confessions of sin "behind the curtains" and post the grace and Mercy we received as a result. Of course, I am only speaking for myself. Love and Blessings to all.

    10. I feel so blessed by your prayer, Maplewood, and my heart feels open and vulnerable in the most holy of ways to forgiveness, faith and hope. The cycle of time on earth is made so much more meaningful in prayers where we gather here in the Payton Place thanks to Sarah Young answering Jesus's call. Happy New Year, blessings one and all! With love and gratitude for every post and prayer, in Jesus name, Amen! ♥️

    11. Maplewood, my songbird, thank you for your beautiful prayer. I will read it many times today! I love you my dear sister!

    12. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear and sweetest Maplewood! Your prayer was so complete and perfect! Amen and Amen! We are all sinners and fall short of pleasing Him but He continues to be so faithful! We must remember His good deeds and not slip into complacency. We must stay in His presence and peace, not matter what! We are all victors who made it through this incredibly difficult year and as we trust in Him with our whole heart, mind and soul, we pray we will not lean unto our own understanding in 2021. But we will give Him our reins so He will lead us safely through. God bless you and all my brothers and sisters here. We are the blessed ones because we know that we belong to the Family of Christ. Nothing else matters. Stay well and stay safe. Looking forward to His Plan He has prepared for us in 2021!

    13. Thank You for teaching me. I am willing to learn.

    14. Dear Maplewood! Your beautiful prayer and sweet post were just as powerful and uplifting as they were last year. You continue to fill my heart and soul with so much truth, joy and hope. I join you and my brothers and sisters here that this coming year will be a much better one with Our Lord and Savior leading us through every new day, and all the ups and downs of life. We are thanking our loving Father as a family of trust and faith for this in the Name of Jesus. We trust You, We love You, We wait on You.

  23. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

  24. 🎢
    Our Father, who art in heaven
    Hallowed be thy name
    Thy kingdom come thy will be done
    In earth as it is in heaven
    Give us this day, our daily bread
    And forgive us our debts
    As we forgive our debtors
    And lead us not into temptation
    But deliver us from evil
    For thine is the kingdom,
    And the power, and the glory,
    Forever, amen.

    We obey Your command to say this prayer as we face the new year. Good or bad we are in deep gratitude & thanksgiving to You Lord Jehovah for seeing us through this year. Amen! Hallelujah!

  25. 2020 has been a difficult year, even a tragic one, and we have no idea what the new year will bring. But we know this without a doubt: GOD IS IN CONTROL!! In every situation we face, our Savior is with us.
    As the new year dawns, paraphrase 2 Thessalonians 3:16 as an earnest prayer: Lord, may You, the Lord of peace, give me Your peace at all times and in every situation. Be blessed, be loved, be safe dear JC Family.

    1. Yes, SASSY MOM, and as you always remind us, God is in control and you just can't beat that! Amen.

    2. Yes, Sassy Mom let go and let God!

    3. God is still leading this train and we are on it to stay.
      Thanks Sassy Mom! His peace is beyond our understanding and sweeter than honey.

  26. Father, help me to stop fighting against the rapids and accept the flow of the river and go with it. For what will it prosper me to be first at the finish line if I don't remember the journey? Patience is a virtue. Competition is a worldly desire. It is of this world. For what is of this world, stays in this world, but what is of the soul, goes with you. This world is not my home. It's only a temporary place, with temporary things. Help me to shed my desire for temporary things and to only desire eternal things and the kingdom of heaven -- my home forever. Help me to know You and walk with You in spirit and in truth Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. Joining into this prayer with you Janet. May we all receive and hold on to His Blessings!

    2. I too am agreeing with Janet and adding a big AMEN! I can't thank God enough for leading me to this group early in 2020. What. A. Blessing! May we meet here again in 2021...beginning tomorrow! Love, healing and blessings one and all JC family. Feeling grateful.

    3. What is of the soul goes with you. Gracias Janet!

    4. So true dear Janet! The prize is Jesus and any other goal is fluff. This world will fade away so hold onto those things that remain and endure. Such are the things we should seek and treasure.

  27. My time to read and respond is limited. So this will be a few random remarks. First Norah, Bob, Madfox I enjoyed reading your thoughts and analogies on marriage. Brea I'm still enjoying the joy and gratitude challenge. My phone alarm is set to go off every hour I'm awake to remind me to thank our Lord for the things I'm joyous about. It's funny because very often it has gone off while I'm in situations that I would normally not connect with having thoughts of joy, but thoughts of being overwhelmed. In doing this challenge my attitude has changed and my load feels lighter. I shared with our Pastor how the devotion on Sunday and the challenge spoke the same exact words and scripture that our service was focused on. He then had me share it with the congregation. It's amazing how Jesus Calling, this blog and the JC Warriors who God himself put in place is reaching much further than any of us could ever imagine. The most important part of all of this is the shifting that happens in the spiritual realm and how it puts God's words and power into action hear on earth.
    Thank you everyone who's posts duplicate my own thoughts and prayers. Thank you to the one's that don't put your prayers as posts but commit then to God where all power to be lies.

    "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

    I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5 14-15

    I also would like to give a praise report as a follow-up on requesting prayer for the homeless and for my daughter Michelle. The 29th was Michelle birthday. I called her to wish her a happy birthday. I learned that she is staying with a friend and no longer homeless. She had been able to sometimes get a bed for the night at a shelter, but could no longer reside at the women's shelter because of past rule violations. It was good to know she was in a safe place, but I could tell her mindset hadn't changed much. She never asked about the kids, or other family members. Her focuse was on telling me about what she has been doing and trying to bate me into an argument. Lord please have your way in her and all of us!!

    1. God be with you, Terri, in your heartache and in showing the tough love of God for the purpose of salvation. Your daughter is in God's hands evident in His showing her grace and He will continue to be gracious though some of her choices may require a double dose, she will never be able to wiggle out of His grip on her soul. Peace, Terri, peace! God be with you.

    2. TERRI, you inspire me. I got both goosebumps and chills when I read your post! Your phone setting tip helped me as well. Sometimes, I chuckle when it goes off. I get to excuse myself for a moment and get a break, without a cast! Love you and my entire JC family dearly.
      Prayers will continue for Michelle, and I am thanking God for the baby steps, pathed in the right direction Victory! Happy Blessed Birthday Michelle! And more prayer blessings to Michelle's Mom, TERRI, and her Children. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Thank You Lord for Your daughter Terri. Bless her for her positive & thankful spirit for every victory she sees concerning her daughter. Bless her with more victories in the coming year. Glory to Your name. Amen. Hallelujah!

    4. Terri- I give thanks to God for your faith and trust in Him! My prayer for you is, that you continue to put the devil to shame! He Who promised is faithful! Your daughter will remain in my prayers until a good turn around, which will be in Jesus' name!!

      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. God bless you more Terri..God keep you safe..hold you and yours tenderly. Sweet Jesus pour your grace and peace over Terri and her family. You are in our prayers and much love to you!

    6. Continuing to pray for Michelle and I was blessed to hear that she has a roof over her head with a friend. God has been faithful to her even though whe may not realize that this blessing of shelter and company is from God and from your prayers. Her heart is still clouded and someday she will ask about the kids and you and your lives. Just for this moment lean on your gratitude that God is taking care of her. Happy 29th Birthday to your daughter who you love. May this year bring her an awakening of her Spirit and clarity of thinking, and gratitude. May God bless and strengthen you in all your weaknesses as you take care of the children and your family. Much love.

    7. God bless you Terri πŸ™.

    8. Yes TERRI It's truly amazing how Jesus Calling, this blog and the JC Warriors who God Himself put in place is reaching much further than any of us could ever imagine.
      I pray for you, yours, and ours. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    9. Amen! Praying with my sister Brie for you Terri and thanking God for your health and your family's recovery, health and safety in the Name of Christ Jesus.

    ✝️Then Peter came to Him and asked, Sir, how often should I forgive anyone who sins against me? Seven times?
    NO! Jesus replied, seventy times seven times = 490 times!

    ♥πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for_giving us a way to do ourself a favor and free ourself from satan's entrapment, because, for Peace's sake, we will be doing it all our life for Peace on earth.

    Thank You for helping us choose peace when we choose forgiveness, and for making forgiveness easier on us when we read, taste and see Your actual life size demonstrations of both Peace and Forgiveness.

     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us follow You on the high road to forgiveness and peace?

     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us recognize that our Peace and Joy ONLY come from You, rather than the forgivable actions and omissions of others?

     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us be Your MerciFull officials for_giving out forgiveness by forgiving all who offend, misuse, neglect, or hurt us, just as You forgive us when we offend, misuse, neglect and hurt You and others?

     πŸ˜ŠWe do not know how to forgive as we ought, Would You please give us Your Forgiveness and Your Peace?

    In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

  29. Thank you sweet Brie. God bless and heal you and your family! The only true peace and joy are in believing in Jesus. Every good and right and pure thing is from above. So I pray this last day of the year that God will soften the hearts of our dear ones, so they will finally seek and find the Lord for themselves, and surrender their lives to him right down to the little babies. May the Christ in us shine like the sun before their eyes and lead them to Him. Thank You Jesus!

  30. I have been on and off here since 9:00 a.m. and every time I go to post, I get interrupted. So, I relaxed and realized that I needed to hear every, single word and when the right time came, I would get to hop on and tell each and every one of you how much I love and how thankful I am for each of your lives. For your honest hearts. I have HAPPY DANCED for Brie's DH and stopped to pray for Audra's daughter. As we are encouraged - we weep when one weeps, we celebrate when one celebrates - we truly are a blessed family. I read back over the few short years I've been on this blog and each time, I thank God for Chris Payton and how he LISTENED when God put it on his heart to start this blog.
    I read your posts over and over, Bob and found myself suddenly saddened that I had not taken responsibility for any of the hardships of this year. I felt as if I'd disappointed my Dad, though we are too close in age for that! HA HA...but I realized that your words have made me a better person and when YOU say you are disappointed....whew, it stopped me in my tracks (in a good way) and I asked the Father to forgive me.
    I cried for my one case who has .46 in her bank account, but my checking my work email has not produced a better outcome for her. So, then I get mad at myself, wondering if I did everything I could and though I know I did and have, I'm hurting for her. Yesterday, she ended up consoling ME! Not cool, Norah.
    I've allowed my feelings to get hurt, when I know the truth is the person or people love me; I've felt lonely, though I am surrounded by loving family and friends; I've diagnosed myself with everything under the sun and remain healthy.....and finally, I got in the shower (the only place I could go to be TRULY ALONE) and asked God to forgive me. For always wanting more, for not being TRULY grateful (though I THOUGHT I WAS!). And then, came the PEACE THAT PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. None of my confessions or actions surprised My God (sing it, Brie!!). I was told again, how much I am loved in spite of myself and that none of my actions were a surprise but to calm down, because, in spite of how much I MAY THINK, I've arrived, I am a work in progress.
    So, I will be leaving this year with a humble heart and asking, thanking (seeking, knocking) and praising God through our Lord Jesus Christ for a New Beginning and a New Year.
    I will continue to pray with each of you and am again, so very thankful for each of you. I am expecting MIRACLES for you, MadFox, Maplewood, Audra, Ellen's daughter, LCA, Jeanne, JJ, Janet and anyone whose name is not on here. Thankfully, God doesn't only answer prayers for the people's names I remember!
    Love and God's Best to ALL of you!
    P.S. due to welcoming in the New Year in 30 minutes for a friend in Germany, I'm not able to proof this, so please forgive any typos!! :)

    1. Well said Norah. Amen πŸ™. I too have a lot of short comings in my life and I'm a work in progress, but I really think we all are. I cry almost daily to God, but I don't often tell others. Please forgive me Lord.

    2. Thanks always for pouring your heart out to us with so much honesty and love. I’m sure you wish you could help that poor woman more. God will find a way. So glad you got to pour out your soul to the Lord in the shower. I often have good talks with Him in the bathroom and shower so I can relate. Well I went and got too emotional tonight. I kept looking for time to pray. I was busy and I know God understands. Was cooking and my son dropped over. I wanted to have a special night with my husband so I got somewhat prettied up and made some yummy food and hoped to build some memories. Rick enjoyed the dinner but then wanted to watch this program about a flight attendant who was promiscuous and who was involved in a murder. Well I said I didn’t wanna watch it but he said give it a chance. So I just got off the couch and went into the bedroom to watch a Hallmark movie. I was feeling sad and praying that Rick would make me feel cherished because it just wasn’t turning out to be the New Year’s Eve I was hoping for. Guess I’m just a hopeless romantic. Anyway i am so blessed that I always feel cherished by Jesus. Happy New Year in His presence and peace. God bless you all.

    3. I felt disappointed, too, Jeanne. All the fuss over sending our friend in Germany a Happy New Year and yet, when it came to ours, he barely wanted to dance. UGH!! I've told myself a 1,000 times,'quit feeling sorry for yourself!' And so I will. Now, tonight, which is actually the first day of the new year, but I'm posting now b/c I don't want this on my NY post!! Love you, Jeanne - I get your heart!

  31. Thanks Norah! You made me feel a bit better dear Sister. I've been with my husband for almost 48 years. Married 39 years. I am looking for that same sweet love we had when we were young but I know the love between us is still strong, just different. I pray God will ignite a bit more romance in his heart in the NY. Much love!

  32. Sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne:

    Your Grace will always be remembered
    And Your mercy all my life,
    Will be my source forever song
    My story and my light

    From mountain top to valley low
    Through laughter and through tears
    Surely the goodness of my God
    Will follow all the years

    For all that You have done for us
    For every battle won
    We'll raise a song to bless Your Heart
    For all that You have done

    You know our failures and regrets
    You always lead us home
    Redemption's Arm has raised us up
    Our triumph in the storm

    For all that You have done for us
    For every battle won
    We'll raise a song to bless Your Heart
    For all that You have done

    (You're faithful through the ages)

    In unity we'll stand as one
    As family we'll go
    Shoulder to shoulder
    Hand in hand
    Into Your great unknown

    For all that You have done for us
    For every battle won
    We'll raise a song to bless Your heart
    For all that You have done!

    1. BOB, Maplewood NJ, Suzanne, Fern, Waiting Kathy M, LoveConquersAll, and all others, formerly known as poster children, how are you? Prayers continue for you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Just loved that Brie. I sang it to myself in my quiet living room.
      Praying with you for all our dear ones and for you. We pray for each other and thank God for one more year of guidance, healing, protection, comfort, peace and love in Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Love love love this song, I just sang it to myself as well. What a year 2021 has been for our family, so many health crises and so much healing and victory. I am so grateful to God and the prayer warriors here who have held us in prayer. I read EVERY post, starting at the beginning, and lift prayers to God for you all. He sees the faith and trust in Him in all who post here, and is faithful to us. My prayer for each of us is that we can rest in His promise of guiding us through each of our life experiences with trust and peace.

    4. I'm singing, too!! What a blessing. <3

    5. We have a little choir of our own going right here. Let your light so shine before all men so they can see your good works and give glory to your Father which is in Heaven.

  33. Thank you for your prayers for our oldest Granddaughter, Hannah, as she was taking a series of rigorous CPA Exams. I emailed her all of your prayers on her behalf. When we had Christmas dinner, she marveled at your prayers for her and said she still reads them. She commented that her passing the exams and then immediately landing a "Big Girl" job were solely the result of our prayers. I invited her to continue the prayer journey. She said she would, and volunteered to share our prayers with her sister who also has a big exam coming up. I am continually praising God for the most TESTament of Faith I have heard from her, and that she shared it with her sister, who could not attend because she was quarantined in Cali, having had covid less than 10 days before Christmas.
    I am posting this TESTimony to let my JC Prayer Warrior Family know how much your praying means to others, and, how much good it does for God's Kingdom, and, the length and depth of heart it reaches. Even when we can't see it, He's working through us.
    Dear Heavenly Father God, as 2021 comes to a close, Thank You for Your peaceful Presence, regardless of our feelings when we pray. Thank You for Your Peace, which lives continually in our spirit and our prayers, gradually working its way through our entire being as well as through the being of others.
    In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Wonderful TESTimony Brie, thanks for sharing. We are bonded together in Him, individuals indivisible in His Love.

    2. Amen! Truth, Brie!!!!

    3. Amen and Amen!! I love to read of lovely results and the comfort we are able to provide through Him!

    4. Fast forward to 2022: Last night, we had a most enjoyable dinner with our youngest granddaughter, Isabella. She commented on the awesomeness of this prayer group. We had previously emailed her copies of your posted prayers on her behalf. She responded, I am a "Child Of God" we said YES! You are; now pass it on.
      Once again, I am posting this new TESTimony from the younger sister, to let my JC Prayer Warrior Family know how much your praying means to others, and, how much good it does for God's Kingdom, and, the length and depth of heart it reaches. Even when we can't see it, He's working through us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  34. Amen and Hallelujah for more answered prayers and for God's love and grace to continue in us and through us. Hannah is now a great witness to God's faithfulness as she spreads the news of His good deeds. I have seen the power of prayer in my life and so many lives. I trust in God's promises and I await more reasons to rejoice in the coming year. God bless you Brie and all our dear brothers and sisters here. We are indeed a family under God, united in faith and hope and patience and prayer and LOVE. Happy and Blessed New Year to all. Thank You Jesus!

  35. Father, happy new year. Thank You for Your perfect peace and love within all of us. There's nothing like it. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Thank You Father for the peace that filled even our difficult moments and days. You make everything better. Thank You Jesus!

  36. Amen πŸ˜‡ πŸ™ we thank you Jesus for being near to us. May the lord have good things in store for us in 2022 Amen .

  37. John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." Receive His Peace and live in it throughout 2022.
    Numbers 6: 24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

  38. JC summarizes for the end of today's passage and the calendar year with this: "Thank Me for My peaceful Presence, regardless of your feelings. Whisper My Name in loving tenderness. My Peace, which lives continually in your spirit, will gradually work its way through your entire being."

    In any struggle, physical or mental (like cancer to depression), it appears to me that without faith, one cannot achieve peace in ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. If we will believe that through our faith, we are truly "holding His hand", then we can: 1. Hear his whispers of encouragement in Love as the Father, 2. realize our eternity is secure in the love shown by Jesus on the cross, and 3. in His Holy Presence and through His Spirit within, be at peace.

    Pray at the end of this year with continued turmoil due to the pandemic, and with all of our own challenges, that we see that God has promised peace to those who trust in Him. John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." Godspeed and Amen.

    1. Amen dear MadFox. Praying with you and all our JC Family with thanksgiving because God never left us for a second through 2021 and He will continue to shower us with His peace and His blessings. Be not afraid for I have come to bring You peace. Trust in His promises. Amen Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. He has our reins and He will continue to lead us through.

  39. My children are 11 and 7. Two boys. They love each other so much. Their sweet, innocent love blesses me <3 they're my pride and joy :) my oldest has been going through a trial, as some of you have prayed for him through it <3 thank God he is doing better...the details are so many, but I will tell you he had a femur fracture due to a tumor in May. Then randomly in November, he had an infection in that leg. The dr thought it was skin deep but after all these weeks and 3 more surgeries it didn't heal. They put him on several different antibiotics which caused a drastic reaction called DRESS that could have killed him :( by the grace of God his IV leaked and they lost IV access and that strong antibiotic stopped. He was transferred to another hospital. So much else happened, his kidneys were injured by the medications, his hemoglobin dropped and he finally got a transfusion after being in the hospital a week, that transfusion was so lifesaving! He has had two picc lines, and as reacted to all antibiotics given to him...but I am prayerful and expectant that he doesn't need any of them because none of the last months cultures grew me that sounds like no infection πŸ™Œ isn't that miraculous?! Please pray for him to have full recovery and complete healing in our mighty Father's name <3 we trust Him. He has brought us through this and I know that He has good plans for Rio, to prosper him and not to harm him, to give him hope and a bright future <3 as He does all of you. may our loving, generous father bless you all and this new year as we walk with him in unity <3 much love, free

    1. free as can B, praying for you and your oldest through this trial. Jesus I Trust In You! is the daily prayer. Amen.

    2. free as an B, thanks for updating us and sharing Rio's Victory Report. He is always in my prayers, and so are you. It is good to know the update and I will continue praying. Much Love to you, yours, and our entire JC Prayer Warrior Family.

    3. Free-acb, you are obviously "holding His hand" and providing an example of faith to all seeing you in the hospitals, to friends, and to family. While each of us has our own challenges, and often prefer to keep struggles private, it is in unique forums like this where you can protect loved ones with anonymity, yet show the power of God *and* your faith in Him can inspire others.

      Stay positive and thank you for sharing inspiration on the cusp of a new year. Godspeed. Amen.

    4. What a blessing to read & your summation is SO TRUE, MadFox!

    5. Dear free as can be, You son is always in my prayers and I believe God is healing Him and he will recover completely and proclaim God's good works in him. Praying for your comfort and peace dear sister.
      Amen MadFox, We are blessed to have this safe haven built on the Love of God. We stand on the Rock together through thick and thin. It is no accident that we are here together. That was His will and Plan.

  40. Dear heavenly Father, as I enter 2022, with the fear & unknown of another year, help me to have a strong faith and trust in you always! You have written a story specifically for each one of us. Help me to accept my story this year, not try to change the story that you thoughtfully created for me. Help me to see You in ALL things. I believe you are with me every step of the way! Amen.

  41. Dear Heavenly Father God,
    I need Your Help to completely forgive everyone for everything that happened in 2021, so I can step out in Your Peace at the beginning of 2022. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

  42. I join in this prayer to ask for help from the Holy Spirit to live out a better life with more forgiveness, less judgement, and greater trust in His plan and timing as the new year unfolds. Blessings to you all and your loved ones on this JC Calling blog. πŸ™♥️πŸ₯‚

    1. Blessings to you dear Audra! Let us begin each day in thanksgiving and do our best to stay in His presence and peace. Let us be a beacon and a helper to His glory in 2022.

  43. I've Peace in my heart that the world never gave, a Peace it cannot take away....
    This song has been on my heart for several days and as I woke up this morning and read updates, I knew why. We lost another friend this morning and it is only The Peace Of God that can ease the heartache brought on by humanness (not sure that's a word). However, I got to spend a good while on the phone with Chris' best friend and she was so thankful for the Word God had laid on my heart that we were both 'hugging' over the phone at the end. Then, I listened to a message left last night, but too late to return, and it was from a Const. I had helped before I left in November. It was all good news, of God's deliverance in this Rev's life. My DH and I called him back this morning and together we prayed for the families who had lost loved ones so recently, for the upcoming birth of Chris' grandchild and the health of the mommy. We prayed in a New Year and he ended by saying, "When God is in it, WE are in it, to WIN it!" He told me he had prayed that I would return to work if it was best for me and my family. What a privilege to be in the prayers of all of you Saints. More to share at a later day, but I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers, your blessings, your words of Wisdom, your songs, your Praise for our One True God. As we constantly abide in His Love, our strength will be renewed, our loved ones will feel our prayers and we WILL rejoice.
    Love to all of you.

  44. Happy and blessed New Year to all. Much love. Praying that this Year will be a better one with our great God in charge.

  45. Dear Norah, This song really lifted me and the husband and wife have the most beautiful voices and sing from their heart of faith and love. I'm so very sorry about your great loss. I have been praying for Chris that she is in perfect peace and for comfort for her family and her youngest daughter who will be giving birth very soon. So thankful you got to speak to Chris' best friend and hug over the phone. Amen When God is in it, we are in it to win it.
    Thank You for sharing this wonderful song that comforts my heart. I believe this New Year will be filled with God's faithfulness and many answered prayers. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow.

  46. Happy Birthday to your good husband dear Jan!

  47. Dear Jan, Hope your DH has a wonderful Birthday today. God bless him in every way.
    Love you dear sister and all our JC Family. You have helped me so much all these years. We are here for each other in Christ and in prayer. God knows our hearts of trust and He fills us with His peace no matter the circumstances. He is a very present Help in trouble and we are so blessed that we never walk alone. He is such a good Father always ready to Hold our hands and lead us through the wilderness. He lights our way so there is no reason to be afraid. With Him by our sides, the scary times are so much sweeter because we know He is so much greater than anything that can happen to us. He is our Good Shepherd so we can truly rest in Him. May your prayers be answered, your hearts be comforted, and your way be guided by His endless lLight. Thank You Jesus.

    Exodus 33:14 - And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
    Matthew 11:29 - Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
    Proverbs 3:24 - When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Praying for you. God is so good ALWAYS! His perfect peace surpasses everything and is beyond our comprehension (as well as just about all His ways). He is God Almighty and our heavenly Father -- the best Father EVER! I'm so blessed by you and all the JC Warriors, the Payton family, and this site. Thank You Jesus for bringing all of us together here so we can praise You, pray and support one another. May next year be filled with Your amazing miracles, praise, and worship, sweet, dear Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you.

    2. Amen dear Jeanne. Thank you for blessings of love &, encouragement. I bless you in return pressed down & running over! You also have been the sweet support & help just as I've needed it. Your strong faith & love of the Lord continues to inspire not only me but our JC family. We are in this place to upgird one another through each challenge we face. As this year comes to an end, I take this time to thank each of my JC family for all of your prayer support & blessing my socks off with each of your posts! Love, love to you all πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’“

    3. Dear Janet and Jan! Thanks for your prayers and encouragement always! Truly grateful to have you and all our JC family in my life. Happy and blessed New Year to you all! Much love and gratitude!

  48. 2022 has been a very full year, personally, nationally and internationally.
    Many struggles and oh so many blessings, many storms ( literally) yet much sunshine.

    Any moment from now on, we who love and follow our Lord Jesus could be caught up from this Earth to be with Him forever.

    My prayer for all who read the Jesus Calling Blog setup by Chris Payton is that in 2023 you shall be aware of the continuous abiding presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Ephesians 3: 14-20
    "14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.
    16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,
    17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,
    18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
    20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,
    21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."

    I’ve had many tears and sorrows,
    I’ve had questions for tomorrow,
    there’s been times I didn’t know right from wrong.
    But in every situation,
    God gave me blessed consolation,
    that my trials come to only make me strong.

    Through it all,
    through it all,
    I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
    I’ve learned to trust in God.

    Through it all,
    through it all,
    I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.

    I’ve been to lots of places,
    I’ve seen a lot of faces,
    there’s been times I felt so all alone.
    But in my lonely hours,
    yes, those precious lonely hours,
    Jesus lets me know that I was His own

    Through it all,
    through it all,
    I’ve learned to trust in Jesus,
    I’ve learned to trust in God.

    Through it all,
    through it all,
    I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.

    I thank God for the mountains,
    and I thank Him for the valleys,
    I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.
    For if I’d never had a problem,
    I wouldn’t know God could solve them,
    I’d never know what faith in God could do.
    Through it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus, I've learned to trust in God.

    1. Bless you brother Peter & Sis Janet for the "feasts" !, I feel thankful, blessed, encouraged & satisfied! Hallelujah!😍πŸ₯°πŸŒˆ

    2. Thanks Peter, love the "for if I never had a problem, I wouldn't know God could solve them" part! God bless everyone!!

    3. Thank you Peter for your continued dedication and devotion to this gathering and sharing the Word. Blessings, John H.

    4. Amen and Amen dear Peter! Thanks! You blessed my day in such a special way! God bless you and yours always!

  49. Thank you Janet, Jeanne for the beautiful prayers to end this challenging year! Also Ty Peter for your year end post that really landed for me- beautiful song! Ty for sharing everyone- we get stronger and closer to Him Through it AllπŸ™❤️

    1. Amen! We stay closer to Him so we grow closer to Him with each passing day. God bless you in all things.

  50. Today is hubby's birthday. We've much to be thankful for! This year was not without its challenges, especially for hubby , & members of our family. We are praising our Lord for holding us through it all! We close this year out in celebration, thanksgiving & gratitude for the goodness of our God! Hallelujah!

    1. Happy Blessed B'earthday, DH Gridley. Praying you many more happy ones.

    2. Keep celebrating his Birthday and God’s faithfulness! Have fun and rejoice and be glad in your day and in the New Year! πŸ’—

    3. Thankful for another trip around the sun for your hubby as well as everyone here. For without you all, there would be no JC prayer warriors. Peace to you all as we wrap up this year and look forward to God’s gifts for 2023.

  51. JC Warriors, I'm asking for prayers for a dear friend of a good friend of mine from church. His name is Ashton. He is 99 years old and had a stroke on Wednesday. He also has covid now. He has been in the hospital but he hasn't been able to even eat and has some brain damage. He is suffering. Please pray for him. Thank you all for your prayers and support πŸ™. God bless.

    1. πŸ™.πŸ™.πŸ™.

    2. Joining prayers for Ashton’s recovery! May he wake up with an appetite, renewed strength and clarity of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  52. Dear Heavenly Father, My prayer is that as I move from 2022 to 2023, I humbly ask you to please continue to find me worthy of your many blessings. Give me an open heart to respond to your Holy will in all areas of my life. Help me to discern and accept the right path you have set before me. I will continue to pray for all those who have gathered here on this beautiful-God inspired blog, to express our faith and spiritual support of each other in all our needs presented here. Amen.

    1. Beautiful prayer dear ABC! May God grant you answers to all your prayers in 2023. Much love

    2. I love and join in your prayer as we pass the portal to 2023. One day closer to glory! God bless you all.

  53. Where are you, Anonymous from Maplewood, NJ?
    We are looking for your crossover prayers! While waiting for the new, I am re-praying the old. Truth is always true regardless of the year! Much Love, Brie

    1. Dear Maplewood, Thank you for always ushering in the New Year with grace, gratitude and Spirit filled words and prayers. Praying with Brie that you and your family have received God’s blessings and faithfulness. Happy and blessed 2023 to you all.

  54. Amen and Amen πŸ™πŸ₯°

  55. Thank you for that beautiful song, Peter and for all of your prayers filled with thankfulness. Brie, I sang your version of Auld Lang Song - what a blessing.
    Praising God for your sure-to-be-victory, Jeanne; for your constant trust and faith. What an example you are . I'm praying for Ashton, Janet and the Peace that passes all understanding.
    Giving thanks for the family that increases on these pages: for the things I've learned from each of you, for my earthly families health, well-being, prosperity and Peace that only comes from our loving Heavenly Father through Jesus, His Son.
    ...and last but not least - Happy Birthday to your DH, Jan Gridley! Our family is preparing for my DH's on 1/14/23...79 yrs young and growing.
    Thinking of you Dear Sassy Mom and your family. <3 Praying for your shoulder, Dear Audra and the mending that is taking place. AND, I'm missing Maplewood, too, Dear Brie. Her prayers from years ago are still so pertinent. MadFox, always sweet to hear from you and speaking of - I miss Bob M, too. My DH is always describing our new lives with Christ for Eternity. How fun to know our future! My sister sent me a devotion yesterday that blessed me: "You can lose your health. You can lose your job. You can lose your good looks. You can lose your family. You can lose your life. You can lose your mind. You can even lose your way.
    But God is never lost. And there is nothing you need that God can's supply. Philippians 4:19 says, "God will supply ever need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus," (ESV).
    What a blessing it is to read those words and know they are true. Here's to a blessed 2023, my Dear JC Family!

    1. So true Norah! Thank you for sharing this devotion from your sister. I love it!

  56. Amen! Thanks for the good food dear Sister

  57. Thanks dear John, and Amen! God’s blessings to you too!

  58. Praying with you and for you, sweet Norah!! Your wonderful message made me smile and blessed my day! Love you and all our dear ones here! Praying all those we haven’t heard from in a while are still reading and praying each day and doing well because Christ is sustaining them. Have a sweet day ringing in the new year with hope and faith. Sending a big blanket hug to you all!

  59. AMEN and AMEN!!

  60. So excited! I found the "load more" button! Happy New Year JC Calling peeps! ✝️♥️
