Sunday, January 1, 2017

Jesus Calling: January 1

Come to Me with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed. A close walk with Me is a life of continual newness. Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Instead, seek My Face with an open mind, knowing that your journey with Me involves being transformed by the renewing of your mind. As you focus your thoughts on Me, be aware that I am fully attentive to you. I see you with a steady eye, because My attention span is infinite. I know and understand you completely; My thoughts embrace you in everlasting Love. I also know the plans I have for you: plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Give yourself fully to this adventure of increasing attentiveness to My Presence. 
Romans 12:2
English Standard Version
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Jeremiah 29:11
English Standard Version
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

My Prayer
I come to You Lord, ready to change. I want to sing a new song to You. Thank you for a new day and that Your mercies are new every morning. I am ready to be renewed, so if you want to remove things from my life that I am holding onto, then I am ready. I will trust you, for you know what is best for me. This doesn't mean this year will be absent of trials, disappointments, heartaches, and difficulties, that is not what I am praying, but instead I want it to be lived in Your Presence, submitting and surrendering to You and accepting what You provide. 

O God, my King, the great and awesome Lord, You are great. I am reminded Lord that you are most concerned about my future. You know what I need and You will use everything in my life for good. Help me daily to remember this future as too often I get overly obsessed with today and what is happening. 


Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you so much for posting everyday! I have the book on my nightstand and read it first thing every morning and before I go to sleep. I use your postings as a refresher during the day. So thank you again!!

  2. Praying this new year will give us more boldness to witness to the lost. I desire to have a closer walk with You Jesus. Anticipating YOUR second coming, I long to be in YOUR presence forever.

    1. Thank You, Lord for Your Grace and Mercy to see another new year, as we define it, begin. I love you Lord God. In Jesus Christ's Almighty Name, I listen, worship, praise, and obey Your Word as I hear You speak to me. Use me according to Your Will and for Your Purpose. Holy Spirit of God move me. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    2. Amen! Thank you for this new day, a chance to begin again. May I "level up" to live the Christian life in a way that makes a difference in the lives of others. Thank you Jesus!

  3. I too am glad to get the bible tags cause I'm often where my book isn't and it just helps. Thx

  4. I also have the book. I have also given tbe book to my kids as gifts. Thank you for this online version. It's so helpful when travelling.

  5. Happy New Year to All! I have the book, but I go to this blog daily. The prayer and comments are very uplifting and true to life. Thank you.

  6. Happy New Year! My sister gave me Sarah's book in 2012 or maybe earlier than that - I'm on my second one! But, I love these posts, prayers and the insight I receive from other believers. Our new year started out with several miracles that were the result of prayer. I am so thankful and ready for a new year and as said in the prayer, "I am ready to be renewed." Thank you Peyton Family for maintaining this blog.

  7. Appreciating your blog these past 2 years. Thank you that scriptures are already written out. References only in the book. Have given the book out several times. May you and your family be blessed in 2019!!

    1. I am with you. I have the book but this blog allows me to see the scripture without having to have a Bible or app. And I very much appreciate the insights offered by others who have found this blog. I would have bought the Jesus Calling app had it not gotten so many negative reviews. As stated by many, THANKS to PaytonFamily.

  8. ...increasing attentiveness to His Presence...
    Thank you Lord for the Bible, my Jesus Calling book, my Brother Lawrence book and the Revelation I receive each day from you. You are a Holy and Awesome God.

  9. As you and I prepare to move away from the manger and return to the world to which we have been called, let us take one last look at the nativity scene (Luke 2:16-21). There is lots of action in this scene; shepherds making haste and talking about what they had experienced, people being amazed at what they heard, and Mary treasuring and pondering in her heart what she heard. The shepherds returned to their calling glorifying and praising God, all others dispersed in what frame of mind is not told, and Mary embraced her child, the Messiah, and continued on according to the plans God had for her and the Child. As the decorations are taken down and our homes and lives return to normal, may the normal not mean the same again. May there be a new normal, one in which, like Mary, we hold dear to our heart this One we have celebrated and, like Mary, continue to meditate upon it, pray over it, and allow it to find its place in our thinking, speaking, and living. To fall in love with the One who is in love with each of us. May each of you be blessed richly in the New Year. God be with you!

    1. Amen! And may you be blessed as well!

    2. Amen! Sweet little baby Jesus. I can feel you ever so close to me like a baby. Thank you our father in heaven for giving us such a precious gift.

    3. Praying with everyone for a new and better normal and a good New Year in Christ.

    4. Today’s prayer was my prayer. Praying also God closes any doors that need to be closed and open those doors that will bring me closer to Him and to the fulfillment of His Will and Plan in my life.

    5. Happy New Year JC family . I am so glad God led me to this blog , where we are blessed everyday. Wishing everyone who is in this blog God's peace , guidance and blessings.

    6. Happy New Year dear Min. We are glad you found us & became an integral part of this JC CALLING family πŸ₯°. Hallelujah!

  10. I’ve recently found this blog and love it. I, too, have the book. My kids have one, and I have given the book as a gift. I enjoy the comments and prayers in addition to reading the book. Thanks so much

  11. Happy New Year to you ALL
    In "HIS" name,
    Auntie Jeanne

  12. Auntie Jeanne - Love ♥, peace and a blessed New Year to Warriors.

  13. *Welcome on Board FLIGHT 2020*

    *Ladies and Gentlemen, this is ‘Captain Emmanuel (God with us)!

    Thank you for choosing *SALVATION AIRLINE* and I assure you comfort as bestowed in
    *John 3:16;10:10b.*

    We took off on *December 31st 2019@ 23:59hrs to 2020, flying us through to December 2020 Airport.*

    Please be reminded that during our flight we will land in 12 interesting sites* taking us a total of *365 discovery days.*

    We shall be cruising at uncountable blessings per day and at zillion miles above sorrow level.

    The weather may be cloudy but Grace is sufficient. There may be some turbulence but Divine intervention is certain. The Prince of Peace will speak *‘Peace be still’* to our storms.

    *The Angels are our Cabin Crew.* They will supply all our needs according to God's riches in glory. We shall not lack any good thing that pertains to life and godliness.

    Our menu includes: *Peace, grace, mercy, favour, sound health, success and prosperity.* Amazingly, they are all free, courtesy of *Captain Emmanuel (Christ Jesus, God with us).*

    Note that this is a *'No weeping, No mourning flight!'*

    *Please, fasten your prayer belt!*

    We and all the members of our family and loved ones will land safely.

    *For more information* about your safety on board, please always contact your *Safety Manual, The Bible on a Daily basis.* For any question, *Please ask The Holy Spirit* who shall give you all the answers at any time.

    In Jesus, there shall be no loss! *(John 17:9-19)* Amen.

    *Please, advertise the SALVATION AIRLINE to everyone especially to all you know because IT'S FREE.* IT WAS NICE SHARING GOD'S WORD WITH YOU ALL.


    *Enjoy your flight through 2020 because Captain EMMANUEL (God with us) will never leave you stranded!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. This was a blessing! Thanks, Anonymous from Maplewood, NJ!!! Thanks be to God He has brought me on board with all of you.

    2. I'm on board Maplewood πŸ₯°

    3. One again, Maplewood, you nailed it. Never disappoint. This is awesome!!! Thank you!

    4. Thank you, Maplewood...for this and your daily contributions! A true blessing! CO

    5. Thanks Maplewood. Nice image of going into the new year.

    6. Thank you Maplewood for sharing of yourself..I always look forward to your posts

    7. Thank you Maplewood. Love this. I'm all buckled up with prayer and thanksgiving! KS

    8. Love this Maplewood! Thanks dear Sister for lifting me high this new first day of the year. Thanking Him for so many blessings and most of all for our Safety Manual that lights our path and guides our feet. I love the menu! Love you too dear Maplewood!

    9. Good morning and happy new year! I'm excited to be traveling again (still) on this flight to glory with y'all!
      My 2021 thought for the day, borrowed from a kind pastor, "Boldness is just a step beyond convenience." I boldly take my first steps in the new year with the confidence of knowing God is with me and for me. Feeling blessed! ✝️♥️πŸ‘✈️

    10. Happy new year to everyone in the JC family. I am definitely taking that flight , thanks Maplewood for sharing that.....

    11. I had forgotten about this post from years ago and just read it again to get another chuckle. I love Maplewood’s creative insights!


    Thank You Jesus!!


    Maplewood NJ

  15. Happy & blessed New Year JC family πŸ₯°! We sailed through 2019 with all the challenges it brought through the power of the mighty wind of the Holy Spirit. Praise be to God! Our blog family got even closer & love permeated through every word of prayer & encouragement. Thank you Chris for providing the avenue to do this, we are truly blessed. "Behold I will do something new among you, now it will spring forth, will you not be aware of it. I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, I will do something new". Love to allπŸ₯°

    1. Happy New Year in Christ, dear Jan, and to all my JC Family. He is lighting our wilderness in a wonderful way. Thank you Chris for this Home for me with my dear Family. Thank You Jesus.
      I'm getting into the car right now to visit my Mom for the weekend. God bless you all. I will try to check in later. Much love and gratitude. Love you all.

  16. Happy New Year and blessings to all. Thank you Chris for this site - all the JC warriors are blessed with prayers, requests and more prayers. I wish all blessings and comfort and peace. Thank you JC warriors for helping each and everyone of us with your messages. KS

  17. Thank you Chris for this site. Thank You Lord for the prayers, victories, challenges and blessings shared by JC Warriors.

  18. Happy New Year JC family. I hope everyone had a safe and fun New Year's Eve. I look forward to sharing this blog with all of you in 2020. Let God bless us all in this new year and new decade. His love for us is incredible. Thank you Chris for providing this forum.

  19. As I sat in vigil for the coming of the new day and new year, I was given images for contemplation.

    Image One came from Psalm 42, the image of the deer that longs for streams of water and how the soul should long for God, the living God. I was reminded of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus unlike her sister Martha who in the moment was overwhelmed with fussing and fretting (Luke 10:38-42).

    Image Two came from Luke 2:25-31, the image of Simeon who so longed for the consolation of Israel that it was his primary focus in his prayer life. I was reminded of the lame man by the Sheep Pool (John 5:1-9) who had been laying there for 38 years waiting for his chance to get into the stirred-up water to be healed and unable to do so. Then, along came Jesus to fill him with the strength to rise.

    Image Three came from Luke 18:2-7, the widow who continually came to the unjust judge seeking justice, who eventually got so tired of hearing from her, he granted her request. I was reminded of the Canaanite woman who pleaded before Jesus for a scrap of mercy to free her daughter from the torment of a demon and Jesus, so touched by her faith, granted her request (Mark 7:24-30).

    Image Four from Mark 14:34 where, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake while He prayed. I was reminded of the women in Mark 16 who awoke before the sunrise and went to the tomb with doubts of how the stone would be rolled away and lo, God had moved the obstacle in their hopes.

    Image Five was from the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, The Infant Samuel Praying. It depicted young Samuel in the middle of the night on his knees, hands folded and eyes looking up with expectation. His prayer, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening (I Samuel 3:10)."

    Through these images the Lord made clear a proper spiritual posture for the new day and the new year, a humble spirit looking to God in confident expectation of His intervention. May God so help me to do. God be with you.

    (I am grateful for this Vigil for New Year's Eve written by Father Peter John Cameron.)

    1. That is beautiful, Bob! Thank you for sharing this. Happy New Year to you and your wife!

    2. Thank you, Bob! Your posts have been true blessings to me! CO

    3. You’re welcome, Norah & Anonymous. I appreciate your affirmations.

    4. Happy New Year Bob! Thank you. Peace be with you and yours.

    5. Thank you Bob! May God guide me to choose the right portion in 2021.
      May I make the time to sit at His feet as He fills me with His love, wisdom and truth. May I live to serve Him, bask in His lovelight and rest in His presence and peace. Nothing else is more important.

  20. Happy New Year, Dear JC Family. Thank you again, PeytonFamily for providing this space and encouraging us with your honesty and love of God's Word.
    Maplewood!! That was an adorable post - thank you!!
    Love, Prayers and Blessings to each and everyone of you who land on this page. We know from God's Word, that there is no such thing as coincidence - so if you are here, you are surrounded by dedicated Prayer Warriors and people who strive to do their best. Sometimes that means reaching out for help, sometimes it means just quietly 'listening,' and praying. Each of you have had a hand in my walk in 2019 and I thank you for your steadfast encouragement and devotion to God's people

    1. Love, prayers, and blessings to you Norah. You are loved.

  21. Food mornin, JC family!
    As we turn the corner to welcome 2020, please know your prayer requests from 2019 are still in my heart and prayers. There were so many and although I may not list you by name here, I have a running journal that I add to daily and I pray for you by name.
    Here's to new adventures and miracles at our doors for the new year.
    Prayers of peace, love and grace to you all today and always.
    And as always, stay connected to The Vine.

  22. I am grateful for this blog and all the wonderful entries. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I use this blog to help me face the day. Thank you to all.

    1. Know that you are in our prayers! Peace, hope and love to you each day of 2020!

  23. Dear JC Family,
    Wishing you and yours Heartfelt Love along with a Happy, Blessed, Healthy 2021 and beyond.
    I love you all

    1. Happy New Year dear JC family!! Love you all ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Bless your new year BFF. Hope your studies are still going well. I'm proud of you.

    3. Thank you so much Mindy! My studies are going well, I'm still looking for an intership. Doors are closed for now but I trust God to open the right one.
      Bless you!

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank You God for opening up Internship doors (or something You value better) for our BFF that no one can close. All Praise and Thanks to You. Amen.

    5. Happy and Healthy New Year dear Brie! and BFF and Mindy! Praying God is busy preparing good things ahead for us. We have already seen His faithfulness and we are waiting on Him for more victories to come and answered prayers.
      Amen Brie! We praise and honor Him and come to His gates with Thanksgiving.

  24. As I enter the new year I have a lot to be grateful for a lot of blessings. My husband, daughter and I have been hunkering down in our home since March only to venture out for essentials and are well. I have been able to work from home so still have employment, unlike a lot of people that have lost their jobs. We have been living in the same home for the last 35 years and it has been peaceful here for all but 3 of these years. We now have a very disruptive neighbor next to us that likes to disrupt our peace any time she feels like it. I did have a good relationship with the neighbor's landlord to text her or call when the noise was loud so she could contact the neighbor to lower the volume but yesterday the neighbor approached my husband and announced that she was playing music NYE just to push our buttons. My husband called the landlord and that didn't go well because the landlord just doesn't want to deal with this situation but will not evict her tenant. My husband and I are at our wits end and contacted a lawyer for assistance because we are at our wits end and need some help. We are considering selling our property and buying another house just to have peace that we deserve at our age. My sister suggested this blog and I thought I would read daily because this whole situation is making me sick in body and spirit. Happy New Year to All.

    1. Anonymous, Welcome on board this blessed and prayerful blog, led by the SPIRIT of the Lord! You have entered a New Year with new hopes because Captain Emmanuel (God with you), has gone ahead to make all crooked place straight.
      Relax and trust Him! God is with you and knows your circumstance.

      Blessings and Peace.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Praying for a positive outcome and for you to be filled with His Peace that surpasses everything. God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    3. May God bless you and your family and lift you up out of this situation. Father, please change the heart and mindset of anonymous neighbor and make it new. Help Your light reach through to her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Dear Anonymous, You have taken your burden to the Lord. Now leave it there. Our Heavenly Father is a Way Maker. May He guide you to the help you need to resolve this disruptive behavior and difficult situation. Rest in Him who cares for you.
      Amen Janet! May God’s spirit work inside the heart of your neighbor so she will do the right thing. Thank you Jesus!

  25. To GOD the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I give ALL Thanks, Glory, Honor and Thanksgiving for ushering me and my family into a New Year, trusting in His Sovereignty for all our tomorrows. I am also grateful to Him for this body of believers:

    Sarah Young (author led by the Holy Spirit to write this book- Jesus Calling),
    Payton family (creator of this blog),
    All saints that read or post here daily or occasionally: Bob M., Sassy Mom, Norah, Audra, MadFox, ABC, Jan G., Janet, Jeanne, Brie, Blessings from France, Susanne R. KS, TJ, JJ, CO, Keith, Terri, Loveconquesall, Michael Burns, BMP, Fern, Cece, Mark L., Brandy, Randy, Monica B., GLR, IA, Clara D., free as can B, julieanne, KET, Rubyfusion, Mary OKC, Waiting, GraceTakesTime, Rose, NC, Dree, JE, Susan, NJS, JR, Choose Joy, Laura, PJF Jackson, Justin, David D., Rubyfusion, Xavier Hill, Mindy S., Linda T., ForgivenMuch, Runaprilmae, Servant Quilter, Trusting the Lord, sweet4G, 10-4, Ammer, RiseUp, PEBGDesigns, Bright Star, Ce, R. Sanfelippo, PeasForChickens, Phoebe Q., Colleen, Coach David Howie, Zfuntastic, God’s daughter, Purpermartin, Julissa, KeepPraying, Annette, JSW, taylor, Debbie, Auntie Jeanne, Micah’s Mama, Chantel, Natasha, Teacher4Life, yusdone, MEloveday, Theojohn, JanisFoley, STV kitty, gmwaite, StB, The GomezFamily, Rebecca S., Jaunett, JackieHealth, Ellen, Joy2joy, Siva Para, Angela, John S., Stephanie, Chrissy, Ofelia C., Becky S., Jerilyn., ALL the unknowns, and all Anonymous (forgive me if I left anyone out), God knows who you are!

    I pray and wish for each of you, God’s abundant blessings in EVERY area of your life throughout this New Year, bringing glory to the Kingdom of God. I leave with you, the words from the Apostle John:
    “See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know Him. Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but He has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He really is. And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as He is pure” (1John 1:1-3 NLT).

    May Your New Year be filled with Hope and Grace, may the Joy of the Lord remain your Strength, May His Word remain Food for your soul, may your Faith and Trust in Him never diminish, may you wait in Expectancy, may Unity and Love remain in you and may the Love and Light of Jehovah God, shine in and through you so brightly that the lost will chase after what you have, and may the Almighty covenant Blessings for Obedience in Deut. 28:1-14 be yours and that of your families in Jesus’ name!

    “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.” (John 12:32).


    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood, NJ - Thank you for loving us with prayers, encouragement and friendship. Thank you for sharing our grief, heartaches, challenges and VICTORIES. Thank you for sharing your love of God's WORD. You are in my heart and prayers. I love my JC Family.

    2. Thank you Maplewood for your posts every day in which you share your gift of words. I'm thankful to be here. I'm thankful for the others that come here and we are a communion of believers that we call each other family. I've gained a lot from coming here and sharing in the family-like experience. I hope I've also contributed as I've tried to bless others here by my words and prayers. I couldn't be more thankful to be a child of God. Love and all the best blessings wished for all of you! Love, Kathy

    3. God Bless you all
      Happy and Healthy New Year

    4. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for all your love, prayers, and support. Hallelujah.

    5. Such a beautiful blessing. Thank you Maplewood!


    6. Amen Maplewood, I'm on board. Thankyou for your insights, prayers. and encouragement. Love and prayers to you and all on board this 2021 flight.

    7. Thank you and God bless you, Maplewood and us all. You are a special gift to us who come here and are comforted so often by your prayers. As in my post earlier today, happy to be on board with y'all! ✈️♥️✝️

    8. I’m blessed to be on board with our family, dearest Maplewood! Your Spirit filled words are like honey to my tongue. Thank you for always filling my heart to bursting with the love of Christ and His truth and promises. You are so beloved to me Sister. Much love and gratitude.πŸ’—

    9. Thank you Maplewood for your wonderful prayer! Being prayed for and called by name by a fellow believer is a true GIFT from our Lord! He knows us all and calls us by name. Maplewood, May you be richly blessed in great measure in all areas of need in your life and in the lives of those you love.

  26. Saints, Welcome aboard a Brand New Airline, SALVATION Flight 2021. This is your Captain Emmanuel, the God who is STILL with You. I was Your Captain on Flight 2020 and will again be Your Captain on Flight 2021. Your Flight numbers will change each Year, but I will ALWAYS remain your Captain. Because I Am the same Yesterday, Today and Forever, I Am the Beginning and the End! I was with you then, I will remain with you still!

    Thank you for trusting Me yet again and not giving up on your Captain Emmanuel, and choosing *SALVATION AIRLINE 2021. On My previous Salvation Airline Flight 2020, I assured you comfort as bestowed in John 3:16;10:10.* This has not changed. I still offer you that. What should have been a reminder to you through my co-pilot Captain Holy Spirit, was My promise of Isaiah 43:2.
    We took off on *December 31st 2020 23:59hrs, flying us through to December 2021 Airport.*

    Please be reminded that during our flight we will again land in 12 interesting sites* taking us a total of *365 discovery days with My Son Jesus and My Holy Spirit by your side, every second of the journey.*We shall be cruising at uncountable blessings per day and at zillion miles above sorrow level.
    The storm may come again, it may not be easy, but I have prepared you, and My Grace is sufficient. There may also be some turbulence, some disappointments, but Divine intervention is certain and remains the same. The Prince of Peace will speak, as He previously did *‘Peace be still’* to all your storms.
    *The Angels will always remain your Cabin Crew.* They will supply all your needs according to My riches in glory. You shall not lack any good thing that pertains to life and godliness. I heard all the cries of my saints throughout flight 2020. Your problems, sicknesses, disappointments, frustrations, untimely deaths, shame, disgrace, emptiness, loneliness, discouragement, stress, failures , hurts, pain, brokenness, and rejections, shall be restored with more of these on the menu:
    Love, Mercy, Grace, Joy, Favor, Peace, Patience, Compassion, Kindness , Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self- Control, Protection, Longevity, Health, Righteousness, Promotion, Happiness, Breakthroughs, Miracles, Wealth And Prosperity, * Amazingly, They are all Free, courtesy of *Captain Emmanuel (Christ Jesus, God with you).*

    Note that this is a *'No Doubt, no Complaints, and no Fear flight, so please make sure you have entered SALVATION AIRLINES with all determination to fasten your prayer belt stronger, leaving NO room for My want to be competitors (but NEVER will, the devil and his forces) to discourage you!
    You and all the members of our family and loved ones will land safely because I remain the SAME Captain!
    *As always, for additional information* about your safety on board, NEVER hesitate to contact your *Safety Manual, The BIBLE on a Daily basis.* For any question, *Please always refer to My Holy Spirit* who shall give you all the answers at any time. In My Son Jesus, there shall be no loss! *(John 17:9-19)* Amen.

    *Please advertise the SALVATION AIRLINE to everyone, When we worship the Father in spirit and truth these things will be added especially to all you know because IT'S ABSOLUTELY FREE!*

    HAPPY and BLESSED NEW YEAR! Captain EMMANUEL (God with you) will never leave you, nor forsake you!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Still on board Maplewood πŸ₯°! No plans on getting off, no plans on changing planes, just landing smoothly at heavens door! Hallelujah!

    2. Amen Jan. Great inspiration Maplewood. I love your words. I'm happy and excited to fly salvation airlines with all of you here. It's going to be a great flight. Hallelujah.

    3. Sit back. Relax. Put your free headphones on. There's music, sweet music on this flight!
      ❤️️ πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆ❤️️ My Prayer For You by Dion Dimucci

      May The Father of Light pour out His Grace on you.
      May you feel His Hand in everything you do.
      And be strengthened by the things He brings you through.
      This is my prayer for you.

      May The Son of God be Lord in all your ways.
      May He Shepherd you the length of all your days.
      And in your heart may He receive the praise.
      This is my prayer for you.

      Despite how simple it may sound,
      I pray that His Grace will abound.
      In all of it, in everything you do,
      May the fullness of His Love be shared through you.

      May His Spirit comfort you and make you strong.
      May He discipline you gently when you're wrong.
      And in your heart may He give you a song.
      This is my prayer for you.

      May Jesus Christ be Lord in all your ways.
      May He Shepherd you the length of all your days.
      And in your heart may He receive the praise.
      This is my prayer for you.
      My prayer for you!

    4. Love this! Thank you Maplewood!
      Amen. Once you choose Salvation Airline you can't get off. Best airline ever. Glory to God.

      Blessings from France

    5. Thank you God for blessing Your Gate Agent, Maplewood NJ!

    6. No baggage needed, check it at the gate, the Captain provides everything you will need 😁

    7. Amen and Amen and Amen! Thank you sweet Maplewood! Securely fastened in and happy to be on board with our final destination, the Glory Land, in God’s perfect timing. Looking forward to a great flight in good company especially in the cockpit!

    8. I cannot express enough how much your daily encouraging words, Maplewood, help to "steer" my day. Yesterday's and today's about this past year behind and new year ahead rev me up, if you will. As Janet said, you are a great inspiration and encourager. I feel really blessed to be part of this awesome JC family. I consider one and all friends (hope that's okay to say) in that you're all "lifters-up" to one and all who come here and have done so for me when needed and I hope I have done so for you. I'm definitely onboard flight 2021 and hope to "see" you over the next 365 days ahead! Blessings, love, healing, comfort, prayers to all of you!

    9. Before entering the walkway to board, remember to use the doorMatt to shake all the 2020 dust and dirt from your feet as you leave it to enter Salvation Flight 2021. YOU CAN'T MISS THE MATT, as it is clearly marked MATT 10: 14.

  27. Repeating my 2018 prayer: Praying this new year will give us more boldness to witness to the lost. I desire to have a closer walk with You Jesus. Anticipating YOUR second coming, I long to be in YOUR presence forever.

    Teach me to say NO to anything that hinders my relationship with Jesus. Climbing on board SALVATION Flight 2021 with Captain Emmanuel.

    1. "Boldness is just a step beyond convenience"

    2. Amen Sassy Mom, May the Lord help us to avoid anyone, any sin, any situation, or anything that threatens to separate us from the love of God.

  28. Happy New Year to all reading and posting on this blog! Thank you Chris Payton and family! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus! Holy God, Holy Mighty one, Holy Immortal one have mercy on us and on the whole world! Amen!

    1. Happy New Year dear LCA! And Janet and all the rest of my beloved family.

  29. Loved your first prayer of 2021, Maplewood! Beautifully written and created. Blessings to all this year! Our flight together will land safely....

  30. O Lord, You already know what lays in store for each JC family member. in 2021. All we ask Dear Jesus:

    🎢Day by Day
    Day by day
    Oh, Dear Lord
    Three things I pray
    To see thee more clearly
    Love thee more dearly
    Follow thee more nearly
    Day by day, day by day, day by day

    Praying for my JC family as the New Year has begun. Thanking each of you for the prayers, loving support & encouragement I have richly received this last year. May it return to each of you & your family, pressed down & running over in 2021πŸ₯°πŸ’•!

    1. Singing along Jan! Love that song. The best advice for 2021!

  31. Happy and Blessed New Year JC Warriors. I pray for a healthy and happy year for everyone and their families. I continue to pray for everyone who seeks healing whether it's physical, emotional, or spiritual. Keep fighting the good fight and know that the good Lord is in your corner.



    Happy New Year to all reading here, first timers, long time readers, and active and sporadic bloggers... often referred to as the JC Prayer Warriors. As Sarah writes in her imagined translation of Jesus, "I also know the plans I have for you: plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you *HOPE* and a future." As we know, that future could be a plan to be with Him in heaven sooner than one thought!

    As I marvel at the past few years of my journey, I can honestly say that many of the valleys were far less below the mountaintop (NOT so deep at all). And the imagery of God holding my hand along those paths is vivid and real. For new readers, I've been diagnosed with a rarer form of Multiple Myeloma, and just finished Cycle 2 of 4 prior to a planned stem cell transplant. Baseline Day 1 of Cycle 3 blood work was drawn on Wed., which showed continued great news... amazingly, ALL cancer markers are in normal range or near normals. I determined whether it's good or bad results, with my unexpected 4 hours a week in IV Chemo, that I was called to spread HOPE (the light) of CHRIST.

    This week, the sweetest lady custodian retired after 45 years. So, due to steroid insomnia about 430 a.m. yesterday, the "not a baker" male Madfox baked star and angel sugar cookies...  They were acceptable - not great!! Ha ha. Also, made a poster saying she was a star at her job and an angel for keeping us safe by sanitizing and keeping the chemo infusion rooms so clean with a smile and sweet disposition. The Nurse Mgr. who has an issue with me on spreading the light previously, again barked and complained about a picture and my efforts which were subdued and very low key. I HOPE it is due to issues at home, so I ask you to pray for her heart to soften towards all, as  staff rolled their eyes at how she reacts to these very subdued "light" moments..., "where one or more are gathered in prayer..." I am benefitting as YOUR JC and others PRAYERS HAVE BEEN POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE. Much appreciation to all. Agape. AMEN.

    1. Praying for Nurse Mgr's heart to be softened.

      Blessings from France

    2. Sweet Brie, as I have related in the past my personal and professional situation requires me to be anonymous. If I was not anonymous, I wouldn't and couldn't provide the level of detail that I do to this blog. Others feel or have similar limitations. So, please take no offense, but for here, please use "Madfox Nurse" and God will sort it out. In today's litigious environment, it isn't worth the risk! I've also not allowed family or friends to edit my take on their comments or even allow approvals... this all is to be more open and allow for more understanding. I would NOT have mentioned this at all in an "on the record" or if I used my real name. Written with true agape and peace. ❤✌

    3. I understand completely.
      Madfox Nurse it is.
      Thanksgiving Prayers are continuing to God for so many blessings in Madfox Nurse's life that they overflow to you and all his/her patients.
      🎢 Change Madfox Nurse's heart, O God, make it ever new. Change Madfox Nurse's heart, O God, make it just like You. God, You are the Potter, Madfox Nurse is Your Clay. Melt, mold and use Madfox Nurse, this is what I pray. Change Madfox Nurse's heart, O God, make it ever new. Change Madfox Nurse O God, until s/he's just like You. Amen.

    4. I will ask my friend, JMD to pray on Madfox Nurse with me. Last time I was in the hospital with a Nurse situation similar to yours, my friend JMD prayed on it and the next day, POOF! The nurse was gone and the replacement was a dream come true!
      In the meantime, have you Matthew 10: 14'ed Madfox Nurse yet?
      Love and Blessings to you Madfox. Now pass out the homemade cookies ;)

    5. Praying with you Brie πŸ™. Father, please change Madfox nurse's heart and make it new. Let it reflect Your light on the world and put a smile on her face and others around her. Keep Your loving and healing hands on Madfox and bring forth Your will. Let his light shine bright to all those around him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    6. Joining prayers for MadFox Nurse, Thank you Father for softening her hardened heart and opening her blind eyes to see clearly Your light, love and peace surrounding her. And help her resolve any personal problems and heal her weaknesses and her family. Lift her burdens and bring her a light and happy spirit. Amen.

  33. Lord, thank you for this day and the beginning of a new year. Help me to remember that Your blessings and mercy are new every day and to trust in Your plan. You know all facets of me, where I shine and where I need work. Please teach me to lean into You in moments of struggle. You are the Christ worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Please guide this sheep to not wander but stick close to You.

    1. Your prayer is mine.
      May I keep my focus on You dear Lord and May You reign above all else in my heart and life. Thank You Jesus!

    ✝️Each morning and evening they stood before The Lord singing thanks and praise to Him!

    ♥πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥ Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for hearing, no matter what we pray for. Thank You Father for all You have already done, are now doing, and will do in our life. You are an awesome God and we really appreciate You. Thank You for helping us be new and different with a fresh newness in all we do and think, sing and praise, and ways we give thanks to You.

     πŸ˜ŠWould you help us do far more thanking, than complaining?

    😊Would You help us develop a positive attitude that begins and ends with thanks in every situation and all circumstances before asking for anything else?

     πŸ˜ŠWould You help us make gratitude the foundation of our prayer life and make us outrageously thankful for Your Kingship, Friendship, Intimacy, Increases, and Your Greater Blessings?
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name Amen.

    1. Luke 9:16
      JESUS took the five loaves and two fish and looked up into the sky and GAVE THANKS;
      John 6:11
      Then JESUS took the loaves and GAVE THANKS to God and passed them out to the people. Afterwards he did the same with the fish. And everyone ate until full!
      Ephesians 5:20
      Always GIVE THANKS FOR EVERYTHING TO OUR GOD and Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      Colossians 1:3
      Whenever we pray for you, we always begin by GIVING THANKS TO GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
      Colossians 3:17
      And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, and come with Him into the presence of GOD THE FATHER to GIVE HIM YOUR THANKS.

    2. Amen Brie! Thank you so much for these prayers

      Blessings from France

    3. Thank you Brie! And thank You God. You are so good, all the time!

  35. Happy New Year my JC FAMILY/Warriors!!! I latch onto a verse from Psalm 96 for such a day as this: "At the dawn of the New Year I'm filled with hope for what is to come, and have thankfulness in my heart for what has passed." I come boldly to The Throne of Grace and find Your Mercy and Grace. So, to start the year off right, satan, I command you to take your filthy hands off of all of the JC Warriors and by Jesus's blood release them from any bondages or strongholds you think you have on them. I plead the blood of Jesus to cancel ALL the commands of the power of darkness that touch any of their lives. Father, cast the evil spirits into the deepest recesses of hell and chain them there forever! Great Blessings and Your incredible Favor over each JC WARRIOR and each step of their journey. Father, You are our Redeemer, Deliverer, Healer, and Restorer, Hallelujah Forever!!! I leave you with this quote to chew on: "With God, what's possible will always be infinitely greater than what we believe to be probable. And we can be thankful that such a reality means that where we see a wall, God wishes to unveil a horizon. (Craig D. Lounsbrough) And Father, thank you for Your will to be done upon my beloved United States of America! In His Grip of Grace, JJ

    1. Amen! Amen! Amen!
      A new broom sweeps clean.
      Thank You God for all Your Work accomplished through our JJ!

    2. Amen JJ! Love the quote!

      Blessings from France

    3. JJ -AMEN!!! Receiving and echoing your prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    4. Amen JJ. Praying for you & yours also dear sister.

    5. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah.

    6. That was awesome JJ! Still chewing on it, Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! Hallelujah!

  36. Thank You Jesus for all the people here for another blessed year with You. Bless us and keep us close to You and let our faith grow even more with each passing day. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    How do I love thee
    Let me count the ways
    I love thee in the morning
    I love thee through the day
    I love thee in the evening
    When down to sleep I lay

    1. Amen Janet.

      Blessings from France

    2. AMEN!!! Janet. receiving your blessing. Praying for you precious SISTER!!!

    3. Joining SassyMom in prayer also. Be blessed in this new yearπŸ₯°

    4. Amen Janet! Day by day! God bless you all sisters and brothers, Looking forward to God’s blessings to rain down on us this Year and pump our hearts up with His joy, peace, strength and healing. Thank You dearest Jesus!

  37. Another year, and I repent
    Christmas Day has come and went
    All the money that was spent
    For all the gifts we have sent
    I have a gift
    That doesn't quite fit
    It's all my sins
    I want to quit
    I've boxed them up
    All in a row
    Even gave them
    All some how's
    I'm returning them now
    With a great cheer
    I know You'll receive them
    By the new year
    Thanks for the lessons
    And all the tears
    But I'm letting them go
    Take them from here

    I may not be perfect
    Not even close
    Yet You accept me
    Even gave me the ghost

    1. That was awesome dear Janet! You did very well. Thanks!

  38. Suppose to be bows. Sorry guys. See, I'm not perfect.

    1. You are perfect Janet and precious in His Eyes and ours. Thanks for the poem. Love you!

  39. I love you Janet exactly as you are, my beautiful and dear sister! God bless you always and ever.πŸ’—

  40. Amen and Amen. God’s peace and hope to all as we embark on this new year’s journey with our beloved and gracious Captain.

  41. Dear Janet. God sees you in a different light. You are one of His precious jewels in His treasure box. Don't let the enemy rob you of that shimmer & shine that other people sees in you. Love you muchπŸ’•

  42. Dear warriors, please pray for hubby. He will be tested for elevated PSA soon. Today is his birthday, a new year's eve blessingπŸ‘πŸ₯°. Speaking of blessings, my heart give thanks to the Lord for the true blessing that each of you are to me. Sharing all of our trials & triumphs in 2021 brought us all closer to God & one another. How precious is that! May this New Year bring all the possibilities , the power, peace, prosperity & the reality of the promises of the Most High. Love to you allπŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ₯°

    1. Jan gridley - Echoing your words of thanks to the Lord for the blessings, victories and triumps shared by JC Warriors. Happy birthday to your hubby this year and next too. We love you.

    2. Praying for a low PSA and elevated PTL for your Dear Husband.

    3. Joining prayers for your hubby's PSA to be lowered. Happy Birthday to him. Wishing him God's healing and many blessings. Know you are such a blessing to us dear Jan! You are dearly loved by God and by us. Amen You spoke the truth. God brought us hear to share our ups and downs and pray together and grow closer to the Lord. God's will be done. Praying for all of my brothers and sisters. Let us look forward to all that He has in store for us in 2022. He will be with us through the valleys and through the mountains. Be not afraid.

  43. Morning glory and Honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords who has Blessed us to see a new day and a NEW YEAR!
    I greet you this New Year beloved JC family, in the name of Jesus and Thank Him for the safe landing of flight 2022! Thanks to the Father from whom all blessings flow and thank Him for His grace and mercy that has brought us this far.

    Most gracious loving Father, Thank You for crossing us over into a New Year and all that You have prepared for us in the days and months ahead. I prophesy great health into our lives and that of our families this 2022, I declare that we are victorious in every area of our lives. May the power in the blood of Jesus detach us from all burdens that are not from You. We break and separate ourselves from any evil link that may want to hold us back from our purpose and Your Promises. We declare that we have been set free in accordance with Your Word. Therefore. No weapon fashioned against us will prosper. We declare that as we have stepped into 2022, we are walking victoriously into the glorious destiny designed for us by You in accordance to Jeremiah 29:11. This is our prayer in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

    Beloved, God has a strong reserve with which to fulfill the promises He made. He is able to do all things.
    He is so mighty that HE ALONE holds the pillars of the earth. Which means we should TRUST HIM in and through ALL things.
    He will never out promise HIMSELF or go beyond what He won't do. WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL DO, HE WILL SURELY DO.
    The boundless reservoir of HIS grace, Strength, Blessings and prosperity can never be emptied! For this and so many other blessings, let's keep giving thanks, and trust Him regardless of what we are going through. He remains true and faithful. He will NEVER forsake us!

    HAPPY and BLESSED NEW YEAR JC Family. Please take time to enjoy:
    12 months of Happiness
    52 weeks of Laughter
    365 days of Success
    8,760 hours of Good Health
    525,600 minutes of Blessings and
    31,536,600 seconds of Joy and Thanksgiving!

    Staying in prayers with and for EVERYONE.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Glad to hear from you again and happy new year! Missing your beautiful posts. God bless and peace be with you.

    2. What a fresh, new, and blessed way to begin 2022: reading good New Year tidings of great joy from you, our dear sweet Maplewood NJ. Thank you for your gift of posted prayers, which regift themselves again and again, year in and year out.
      How are you, your Mom, and your siblings? I am praying blessings for all of you as well as our beloved JC Fanily of Prayer Warriors.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. 12 months of Happiness
      52 weeks of Laughter
      365 days of Success
      8,760 hours of Good Health
      525,600 minutes of Blessings and
      31,536,600 seconds of Joy and Thanksgiving!
      With that much time on my side, it should be easy to include 10,000 reasons For my heart to find, and Bless The Lord, O My Soul

    4. Love the breakdown of the possibilities of blessings this year dear Maplewood. Love reading a post from you again. We've missed you dear girlπŸ’•. Be blessed this New YearπŸ™πŸ‘πŸ€—πŸ₯°

    5. Matthew 18:19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
      Thank you Maplewood, a previous wonderful posting. More than two of us agree with your prophecy, your declarations in faith and your requests of God for all of us for 2022. HALLELUJAH OUR GOD REIGNS SUPREME in 2022.
      For all of us; May our faith continue to grow, may our relationship with Jesus deepen, may our confidence in Almighty God be strengthened, may we know His Peace, may we follow Him closer and be more discipled in His ways in 2022. I wish all not just a good year but a GOD year in 2022.

    6. Oops.. typo 'previous' should be 'precious'. v and c are next to each other on the keypad.

    7. Bless you and your prayer, Maplewood! So nice to "read" you again♥️✝️πŸ™

    8. Ahhh...Maplewood! So good to hear from you. You are greatly missed and I'm so glad to hear that all is well with you and your family. Thank you for ringing in our New Year - ALL OF you on here. We are blessed and I am once again, giving this year to God! To Him be the Glory! Love to all of you!

    9. Dear Maplewood NJ, I have asked this of you in the past, but because of no answer, I am assuming that you had never read it. I would love to take some of your thoughts over the years and make a small devotional booklet out of them. The thoughts and prayers you have shared with us have been so very meaningful, so I thought it would be a great idea to share them in another way. It would be titled Maplewood NJ and I would only go forward with this idea with your permission. Please let me know what your thoughts are regarding this. Blessings and Peace right back to you!

    10. Amen! Glad to hear from you Maplewood!

      Happy New Year JC family! ❤Praying for all of you and yours.

      Blessings from France

    11. Dear sweet Maplewood! What a wonderful New Years gift to see your beautiful post and prayer! What a blessing to be encouraged by your spirit guided words from your beautiful heart. So very happy to hear from you. You have been so missed. Know you and your Mom and sister and family are always in my prayers.
      The boundless reservoir of HIS grace, Strength, Blessings and prosperity can never be emptied! Amen! I am looking forward to a blessed New Year with the Lord in the Captain's seat of Flight 2022. I wish you all of His blessings, good health, comfort, love, and peace. Much love to you always and ever, dear sister.

    12. Maplewood, so good to hear from you. Thankyou for beginning our year with your thoughts, insights and blessings of God's promises. Love you dear Maplewood. Mindy

  44. Father, praise You. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing and wonderful. Thank You for another blessed year that You have given us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  45. Hello JC family. I have been reading the book Jesus Calling daily for years and found this blog several years bac, for which I am so grateful. Reading the added scripture and prayers has been so helpful and the comments from everyone have helped remind me we are all struggling but God is present in our lives. I would like to ask for prayer for my family. I have 4 daughters, ages 5 -21 years old. My 19 year old has moderate to severe autism and it has always been an extreme challenge for us, as she can be aggressive and hurt her sisters. The one saving grace has always been that she goes to bed around 7 p.m. and sleeps through the night till about 7 a.m. This allowed me downtime to spend with my other children and my husband, not to mention myself. I work full time as an LPN and am entering my second semester in school for my RN. This past week, my daughter has not been sleeping and has been getting up multiple times through the night, which means so am I. I cannot imagine a world where she does not sleep, as that as always been how I have managed to get through the days. She has also become more agitated.Please pray for us to return to a healthy sleeping pattern and for Jesus to bring peace to my daughter's mind. Thank you so much for being here, it means so much to me. God bless you all and Happy New Year!!

    1. Dear Eve, You have had so much on your shoulders. Your daughters all need your attention and you are working so many hours. Praying that your 19 yr old daughter will receive God's peace in her heart and mind so she can return to a full night's rest and you can resume your peaceful end of your days with the rest of your children.
      Thank You loving Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    2. Thank you so very much! I appreciate your prayers more than I can say. ❤

    3. It did not show my name on that first response. This is from Eve.

    4. Joining the JCPW in loving prayer.

    5. Praying with you and for you dear Suzanne! Happy New Year in God’s presence.

  46. Eve - Praying strength, wisdom, guidance, and rest as you pursue your second semester for your RN. Praying protection and a return to healthy sleeping patterns for all. God's richest blessings to JC Family for 2022.

    1. Our Eve, I am joining into Sassy Mom's prayer for you and your family; you now have two or more gathered in His Name. Rest assured He is in our midst. Much Love, Brie

    2. Joining in prayer for you and your family, Eve. Don't give up! And if you or anyone can manage to see American Underdog, be inspired by a true story of deep faith.

    3. Thank you Brie and Audra. So very grateful for your prayers and care. God bless you and your families!

  47. Brie, mom and siblings are well. Thanks to the good Lord and thanks for asking! Trusting that your hubby, brother et al are well also.
    Jan, I miss you all too and keeping everyone in prayers.
    All the requests for prayers and others are being lifted up to our faithful God. May great health locate each and everyone.
    I'm Trusting that all of your families are well. Our Honorable Sassy Mom, you are wished the very best for this New Year! Norah, Jeanne, Janet and all, Blessings are sent your way for the New Year!
    MadFox, Praying added blessings for you and thanking God for His mercy on you. May this year be your year of total healing in Jesus' name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Dearest Maplewood, you are very much missed and loved. Love, hugs and God's richest blessing to you and your mom from Honorable Sassy Mom, until he calls me home.

    2. On my many trips to NJ (at least 3 or 4 times a year for decades) I must have gone to Cherry Hill Mall a thillion times. I recently became aware how near I was to Maplewood NJ. My heart leaped at the thought and started singing, maybe, just maybe, I'm On The Street Where You Live!
      Do not cling to old ways as you step into a new year. Thanks for checking us in a new way as we step into the New Year. Much Love, Brie

    3. Thank you dear Maplewood. Praying with you and for you. Be blessed in 2022. God is in our midst and He isn't going anywhere. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this fallen world.
      God bless you and all our dear JC Family.
      Love my sisters and brothers so much. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Good to hear from you NJ friend. Thank you. Pray you and family are well. Amen

  48. From my precious cousin Shelby who dearly loves our Lord, Jesus.

    "Peeping into 2022, this new year is so exciting. Be greatly expectant of my instructions .... All things are possible to him that believes, Look to the rock from which you are hewn. Israel is big in this NEW YEAR❣️ the time clock is blaring. Keep your eyes on Israel… circumstances are under you, you are not under them, you are far above… seated… all things under your feet. Don’t group in the darkness of tomorrow but walk on, a step at a time in the glorious NOW of faith… NOW faith IS… joy and gladness are there… bright eyes and shining faces are there. For with God all things are possible… and listen up… no matter what circumstances are telling you, no matter what your body is telling you, no matter what Satan is telling you! If you are born again, washed in the precious blood of Jesus YOU ARE WITH GOD, NO WEAPON formed against you will prosper and you are more than a conqueror, blessed be the NAME OF THE LORD.

    1. Love this, Sassy Mom. Happy New Year!

    2. Wonderful Shelby! Thank you and Amen! Happy New Year Shelby and dear Sassy Mom, Brie, Audra, Norah, JJ, Jan, Min Ahadi, Mindy, Fern, Rose, Janet, Maplewood, MadFox, Bob, Grace Takes Time, Loveconquersall, Pamela, Mark, NJS, Bright Star, Suzanne, Peter, ZFantastic, Blessings from France, Terri, John, Eve, and all our dear family. I know I'm forgetting many but you are all loved.

  49. Happy New Year to all of you
    None of us really have any idea of what 2022 will bring
    But we do know that we will get through the good the bad and yes sometimes the ugly with the help of God
    All we have to do is look to the past and see that He was and is always with us and has gotten us through the ups and downs of life to this day …..
    God Bless you all

    1. Amen, John! God Bless you in this Happy New Year!

    2. Amen John! His faithfulness continues and we who abide in Him remain blessed. Happy New Year!

  50. God Bless you all in this new year! So very grateful for this site and the JC family. We CAN do all things through Christ who gives us strength!

  51. Where are you, Anonymous from Maplewood, NJ?
    We are looking for your 2023 crossover prayers! While waiting for the new, I am re-praying the old. Truth is always true regardless of the year!
    Happy, Blessed 2023 JC Family!
    Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

  52. Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect...
    As I am surrendering my uncertainty to God's Sovereignty and Control, i am safe and I am guided. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie πŸ™. God bless. Miss you Maplewood!

    2. Amen, Brie. You are missed, Maplewood!

  53. Received your blessing sweet Brie! You added so much light to my night and now you are continuing to lift me. The best is yet to come in the Lord!
    Happy and blessed New Year to all of you dear JC Family. We must pick up our brother in love from the airport and drive him to my Mom's We will have a car full of gifts, food, cookies and love. Then our family will have one last get together to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Day. Looking forward to filling that house with light and love.
    Hope you all have a sweet New Year's Day. And if you are spending it alone, God is in the chair next to you so celebrate another year of His blessings, healing, guidance, and love. Happy New Year!
    2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
    Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
    Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
    Zephaniah 3:17 - The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Praying you and your family have a blessed time. Peace be with you.

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Off to the airport and then to my Mom’s. I’m so glad my sister will soon be with her good husband David. Today will be a day of love, joy and thanksgiving, and good food. God is so good.

      Jeremiah 29:11
      For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

    3. Thank you Jeanne and God bless you for all your uplifting posts!!

    4. Thanks! God bless you too!

  54. Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. (2 Corinthians 4:16).

  55. Joining in your beautiful prayer, sweet sister. Amen and Amen!

  56. Such a beautiful prayer entering this new year Janet! Thank you and amenπŸ™

  57. A new day, a new year. Blessings and greetings, Happy New Year.
    Thank You Lord for this New Year.
    Earth begins a new rotation around the sun.
    By Western counting we've started on the 2023rd rotation since the birth of Jesus Christ, Anno Domini (AD) "in the year of our Lord".
    I find it interesting that we still refer to AD. The world has modified BC to BCE, but AD so far has been kept.
    After Jesus' Crucifixion came His Resurrection, then He still living, ascended to Heaven.
    Therefore as Jesus is alive, every year that passed is His year, the 'year of our Lord'.
    In one of His years, He will return. Maybe this year? When He does we will meet Him.
    1 Thessalonians 4:15
    Those who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not precede those who are dead.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16
    The dead in Christ will resurrect first.
    1 Thessalonians 4:17
    The living and the resurrected dead will be caught up together in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

    From The Message:
    The Master’s Coming
    13-14 "And regarding the question, friends, that has come up about what happens to those already dead and buried, we don’t want you in the dark any longer. First off, you must not carry on over them like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and broke loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus."
    15-18 "And then this: We can tell you with complete confidence—we have the Master’s word on it—that when the Master comes again to get us, those of us who are still alive will not get a jump on the dead and leave them behind. In actual fact, they’ll be ahead of us. The Master himself will give the command. Archangel thunder! God’s trumpet blast! He’ll come down from heaven and the dead in Christ will rise—they’ll go first. Then the rest of us who are still alive at the time will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Master. Oh, we’ll be walking on air! And then there will be one huge family reunion with the Master. So reassure one another with these words."
    I reassure and encourage you with these words 'Jesus is returning'!
    The Bridegroom is coming for His Bride, better be dressed and ready!

  58. Wow Peter! Thank you for this uplifting post to start this new year- god bless you !!

  59. I pray that when He returns I will be ready and in a state of holiness. We can never know the time but we can try to live each day to please Him and give Him glory.
    Amen! Jesus is returning. May God lead me every day of the rest of my life until His return and right into eternity.
    Matthew 25:13 - Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

    1. You will be ready, Jeanne. He is walking you through...

  60. Transform me my Lord, that I may fully receive your blessings and love the abundant life you have planned for me, set free from all the chains that bind me. Forgive me oh Lord of my trespasses and guide me in my daily journey with you, to stay on the path of righteousness so that others may see you in me.
    To you be all glory, honor and praise!

    Happy New Year family. May it be a blessed one. ShalomπŸ™

  61. KEYS FOUND! Thanks be to God, thanks for all who prayed, and thanks to "Tony", and thanks to God's Holy Spirit for waking me during the night and telling me where to look in the morning! What once was lost to me, is now found! How great is our God!

    1. Yeah, Brie!!! High Praise to our Divine Locksmith! Divine intervention sure knows its way around misplaced keys!

  62. But we all with unveiled face,

  63. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:18).

    1. Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7).

    2. AMEN, Janet! I Declare : We as believers are gaining SPIRITUAL INSIGHT/REVELATION, BEHOLDING the GLORY of the LORD, and are experiencing a gradual ongoing process of BECOMING MORE LIKE CHRIST! HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. Praise Jesus❤️

  64. Isaiah 55: 6-7 Seek the LORD while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

  65. Dear Heavenly Father, thank-you so much for the many blessings You provided to me in 2023. Even among hardships you continued to show me your presence, walking with me every step of the way. If it be your will, please continue to provide your blessings in 2024. Help me to have an open heart to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  66. Have a wonderful, blessed New Year dear ones πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ™πŸ˜
