Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jesus Calling: January 23

It's all right to be human. When  your mind wanders while you are praying, don't be surprised or upset. Simply return your attention to Me. Share a secret smile with Me, knowing that I understand. Rejoice in My Love for you, which has no limits or conditions. Whisper My Name in loving contentment, assured that I will never leave you or forsake you. Intersperse these peaceful interludes abundantly throughout your day. This practice will enable you to attain a quiet and gentle spirit, which is pleasing to Me.
     As you live in close contact with Me, the Light of My Presence filters through you to bless others. Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. My strength and power show themselves most effective in your weakness. 
Deuteronomy 31:6
English Standard Version
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

1 Peter 3:4
English Standard Version
4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 

2 Corinthians 4:6-7
English Standard Version
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

2 Corinthians 12:9
Amplified Version
but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to realize that often getting distracted when I pray is okay and normal and the important thing is to keep going and just get back on track. Thank you that you are always focused on me. That you look at me without any distractions. This is hard for me to fathom that you know me like that and you know all people, throughout eternity in the same way. This reminds me Lord how you are infinite while I am finite. I have limits. You do not. 

I can rest in You. You can work through me, no matter what. You don't need in me, a fully functioning vessel that is healthy and has no deformities. You can work through any vessel and you do. You are the potter, we are the clay and it is your glory that reminds us that you work through all different types of vehicle. Thank you for that beautiful picture. Thank you for showing me that and help me to praise You continually. 

I can be strong and courageous. Not because of my own ability, but because the Lord goes with me and he will not leave me nor forsake me. The beauty of me is that you are in me. The light can shine through any vessel. You are there, no matter the situation. It is in my weakness that your power shows forth the most. So keep me humble. Keep me aligned with you. Help me to not be trained like this world is trained thinking that survival of the fittest is the ideal and the success and money and health are what brings rest and peace. Peace is only found in You. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "When your mind wanders while you are praying..." I laughed out loud reading this because it's so true for me. I doubt that I've ever prayed where I haven't spun into concerns about family/work, fallen asleep, or started rationalizing my sins! Sadly, even with many decades as a Christian, I still struggle to pray and am awed by folks who seem to pray easily and often. I've even tried writing in a prayer journal, with limited success and over time abandoned. Most often, I just repeat over and over the Lord's prayer.

    Recently a buddy and I discussed that maybe since we both didn't pray well that maybe God would accept our spiritually focused thinking as the next best thing! Rationalizing if we're 'walking in the light' then thoughts are prayers, etc. In fact, we made up a word to describe our weakness and often close our conversations with: "I'll be prinkin' for you!" - our southern contraction for prayin' and thinkin'. God says in the devo, He shares a 'secret smile' knowing the challenge we have in praying to Him. Thank you Lord for knowing our weaknesses and our prayers even before we say them. Amen

    1. Not surprisingly, prayer is still a struggle... but I love Sarah's phrasing (shortened a tad): "Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which... My Glory shines forth."

      My personal journey has created a male ego that mostly refused to show weakness or woundedness in my life. Yet, those two words would best describe my recent past. Now, I believe, with the benefit of experience and hindsight, that most will need to walk a "rough/steep path". Only then, when wounded, does one realize your weaknesses will have you appreciate the grace of your faith realized by the cross. Jesus' submission to be wounded unto death and in showing His weakness becomes the ultimate vehicle for love. Amen.

    2. So true MadFox - God's glory does shine in my weakness and woundedness. And my mind also "wanders in prayer" - but praying to God is my safehouse. Thank you Jesus! KS

    3. So true, MadFox! I found myself laughing out loud reading last year's post...still true today - A.D.D. Woman here! But the quiet mornings are the best.

    4. Amen KS and Norah. Wandering minds create humbleness, and thankfully an understanding that weakness (normally later in life) then allows God to bring us peace! Hallelujah!

    5. Nothing wrong with saying the Lords Prayer multiple times...whatever works
      I believe that God is happy with our effort alone.... it’s us as humans that feel the need to be perfect even in prayer.
      There is no”wrong” way to pray ,the only pitfall is to stop praying

    6. John S. Agreed. Have come to appreciate repetitive prayers now as a way to keep the mind from shifting away to other thoughts and to hear God's whispers on the actual topic of the prayer. It is in these times of repetitive prayer or actually truly asking for Him to guide me that I have come to hear Him thru recalled scripture, lyrics to a song, thoughts not acted on for years, JC Devo scripture or the actual message.. I now use this devo as my method to enter a quiet time to set the tone for the day and for prayer, etc.

      Lastly, Listening is always the challenge in communication both with our family and with God. Peace.

    7. This made me smile. Our thoughts during the day are “tiny prayers” and so thankful God forgives us for our darting minds and even finds humor in them. Thank you for sharing

    8. Blessings to us all with busy minds! More and more each day I am "interrupted" by the God given reminders, insights and Words that bring my focus back to His Presence as you illustrated, Mad🦊. What looks sometimes like very scattered thinking I believe is the process of renewing of mind, something I have been praying for. So thank you Jesus! I have many weaknesses that I offer to you as inroads and am learning to guard them with your strongholds to keep the devil out, for he is also privy to knowing how to get my attention. I want to be this person:
      1 Peter 3:4
      English Standard Version
      4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. In Jesus's name I pray.

    9. Amen MadFox! I rejoice in my weaknesses because in Him I am made strong.
      I sure can relate to our minds wandering during prayer! It is just in our human weakness we are distracted by other things as we pray. More often than not in the middle of prayer an image, thought or concern will pop up in my mind and I have to shoo it away like a shoo fly. Shoo fly, Don’t bother me!
      Wonderful devotion and prayer today. I am such a broken vessel but I am blessed because the very best and most beautiful part of me, the light of Christ, can shine through my cracks.
      I just loved this: “The beauty of me is that you are in me”. No matter how old and wrinkled we get, we will always be beautiful in Him. And that beauty and spirit will live forever.
      Thank you dear Sondra, God well understands those tiny prayers and darting thoughts. You made me smile!
      Beautiful verse, dear Audra, Let us all remember we were given a quiet and gentle Spirit. Let’s not let the things of this day rob us of it or force us to forget His grace.

    10. I really love how true this Blog remains year after year! I start every morning with you prayer warriors and your words always remind me of the power of our God and the strength of the Holy Spirit to help me remain close to him through Jesus Christ! Thank you!❤️πŸ™

    11. Still praying, thinking and prinkin'. Mad 🦊, still makes me smile!

  2. That is me! ADD brain shoots off in a thousand directions. I'm so thankful that He knows my heart and helps nudge me back in focus. Prayers today for Son #1 remembering how he was raised. Help him remember that God is not a "group" or "building" and that often, hurt people, hurt people. Help him forgive and move on and remember that You DO exist and never change, Lord, and that You hear our prayers, even when we think we don't believe. Thank you for Son #2 getting the BEST Dentist and getting his pain relieved without it costing a fortune. And for our only daughter realizing her goals, aligning them with You and finding the man of her dreams who is worthy of her. And, as always - continued healing for my husband and that I don't get it! This cough has to go. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. I am "whispering your name in loving contentment" and praying with the people on this post. Let us be your lights in this world today!

    1. Ah ha! Mine are 3 boys, our girl and a youngest son. All of our off-spring except our daughter live within 9/10 of a mile from us. Our only girl-child moved to another state, i.e. "I'll always be R, L, T, C's sister! SO HARD! But, what is really awesome is that she just called me tonight. New opportunities (I said, "Here - at home?" But, no, where she is...in the other state. UGH! Still answered prayers this morning, which I shared with her and we prayed together. God is good!!!

    2. too funny, boys are in same city but same thinking by daughter she lived about 200 miles away and then moved to the big city now 2 hours away flight time. still single so she is doing all the fun stuff but will probably move back in a few years. She is well grounded and is active at a church/small group.

    3. My woman-child is still in KC, MO. Hoping she'll return this year. Her Dad and I pray for her husband every morning...'wherever he is..."

  3. Sooo can relate to all this!I start to pray and bingo!my mind immediately switches to that recipe I found and what I need to make it. Could it be the enemy preventing us to enter into communication with God? He can't read our thoughts but the body language is evident. My favorite saying is "the moment I rise from bed, the enemy exclaims, oh crap! She's up!" So prayer warriors are very much a target.

  4. Henri Nouwen shared a story about being in daily mass when his mind was all over the place and he found it next to impossible to concentrate. As he left the chapel, he thought to himself, "Even though I got so little out of the service, at least God was glad I was here." My own prayer time was all over the place this AM. Could have been shortage of sleep (quite possibly because I stayed up late to watch my favorite basketball team), could have been the dreams I had in the night, I don't know but as Father Henri says, God was pleased with my best effort and in some way and form I was blessed. Good spiritual advice, when your mind wanders in prayer, bring it back gently and don't be hard on yourself...for He isn't. God be with you.

    1. Thanks Bob, I enjoy Henri Nouwen!
      Distraction in prayer is a "human" thing. I think to not be distracted in prayer, esecially contemplative prayer is difficult for humans as our brains seemed to be wired for "noise" and "stuff". I try to take each distraction as an opportunity to "snap" back into connection/communion with God. So I am getting "reconnected" many many times! I agree Bob, with Nouwen, God is pleased that we "showed up" That our "intentions" can be what pleases God as well.

      Read Thomas Merton's Prayer for discernment--https://www.buildfaith.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Prayers-for-Guidance-and-Discernment-.pdf.

      Efforts and intentions can be pleasing to God as well. Blessings on everyones day!

    2. Thank you, ABC, for the Merton reference. He, also, has given us much to think about in being contemplative.

  5. Lord thank you for the new attitude. Personal growth us through you Father. A choice I made under your direction & need to do daily with your divine blessing

  6. I LOVE ALL OF YOU, FELLOW BELIEVERS! I believe God is just happy we talk to him. I just started a coloring prayer journal. You just write the person's name and lift them up while you color. There is a book about it called praying in color. I always have a blank notepad next to me while I pray so I can just jot down my to do list if it comes up. Enjoy this day the lord has made

  7. Rejoicing in YOUR love, especially when I stumble and wander. I am blessed knowing YOU are there to guide me.

  8. This devotion along with the scripture passages and all of the comments are perfect for today! Thank you, God, for everything! CO

  9. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Day Six) - From Acts 28:18-28:10, the theme verse for the week, 28:1-2: After we had reached safety, we then learned that the island was called Malta. The natives showed us unusual kindness. Since it had begun to rain and was cold, they kindled a fire and welcomed all of us round it.

    "They showed us unusual kindness". What made the kindness of the people of Malta so unusual to Luke, the author of Acts? Dictionary definition is 'not usual, common or ordinary; uncommon in amount or degree; exceptional'. Applied, the people of Malta went above and beyond themselves in caring for Paul and all of the others. Much like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25f).

    The point of this year's theme for the Week of Prayer (which was prepared by the Church of Malta) is that in light of so many needs in the world, especially for displaced people, it is essential that the Body of Christ unite itself if ever there is going to be a hope for these people. A divided community of believers can make little impact on the difficulties in the world because it is so caught up in selfish petty issues. A united Church can draw upon all they have to address such human needs. Unusual kindness involves more than financial support, it involves the investment of the self to the need, again, just like the Good Samaritan. The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 25, ring in our ears, "when you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me."

    JC Family, consider the kindness you show to the world. Is it simply kindness or is it unusual kindness? For each of us, it will look different but for all of us together, it will look like the image of God who holds a special spot in His heart of those in need. In a world where there is so little kindness, it won't take much to be unusually kind. God be with you.

    1. This is so poignant, Bob. For me, 'unusual kindness,' is seen when I return a call quickly, or stay late to enter a case, or drive to the Post Office to make sure they may get what they need a day earlier. Today, just as I was leaving for lunch, a homeless man came in. He was so distraught, hungry, tired. I took my coat off and dealt with his issues. He never thanked me, was too tired to even, really respond. I prayed for him. I stayed late tonight to let one of my cases know she would get PT tomorrow. She noticed the time and thanked me.
      I LOVE unusual kindness. It's going above and beyond - that extra mile. I love surprising people with service. They don't expect it from a Gov't employee...it makes it that much more fun.

    2. As you say it, Norah, when they don't expect for some stereotype they have set in their minds, it makes your kindness "unusual". I commend you for your dedication to God's children.

    3. Loving this insight about unusual kindness. Thank you for these posts!

    4. So true, Bob, When we show an act of ordinary kindness, it is often received as extraordinary kindness because it just isn’t normal behavior in our world. It’s up to us to make human kindness and tender mercy to others our normal day to day happening so we can help to heal our world’s wounds, solve problems and spread love and peace. This is the core of Christian Unity. It is what we can do each day to glorify God.
      It is so true we all get caught in our own “selfish petty issues” and fail to look outside of ourselves to others’ desperate needs. Let us focus on serving instead of being served and being selfless instead of selfish even when it is inconvenient and may ruin our man made plans. God is in charge and we are being called to follow Him and His Spirit within us, Thanks for your insight and inspiration, as always.

  10. I enjoyed reading your posts from last year and can so relate to a 'wandering mind'. As I sit in my prayer chair every morning, my mind also slips into turbo mode thinking about something I have to do today, or what happened yesterday or look at the dust on that table! My oldest daughter has serious ADD and we laugh when she's in the middle of a sentence and then gets distracted by something shiny. We call it the 'ooooh squirrel' mode. I often am in my morning prayers and then..... oooooh squirrel!
    I thank God for his grace and mercy during my squirrel moments and He helps me get back on track.
    Peace, grace and prayers to all of you today during your squirrel moments. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. HA HA, Suzanne - we yell "Squirrel" to! And wasn't there something from? Was it from Of Mice and Men - "Which way did he go, George?" That's all we have to say to get a round of laughter! We know our weaknesses and God has taught me to laugh!

    2. That squirrel gets around! Better to laugh at it than to try and chase it 🐿️

  11. Thank you all for your contributions that enhance the JCalling online experience! And for your prayers for my peace of mind whether you become distracted or not. Squirrels, I know them well! -audra

    1. Ha! And just like that a former post appears after a reply a year later. That made me laugh out loud πŸ˜‚

    2. The years are flying by. Flying squirrels? The renewing of my mind is a process that I do see progress in. Thank you Jesus, keep me patient in your peace. I ask, I pray, in your beautiful name.

  12. Thank you for all your posts. Thank u Madfox for highlighting that the areas of our weakness allow Gods glory to shine thru always filling the lacks. Paraphrased. God bless you all today in Jesus name and Thank you Lord for knowing us and always loving us.

  13. Thank You Lord for 23 days into the new year. Your grace, mercy and unconditional love continues to guide my every step. Thank You for your faithfulness to me even when I am faithless.

    Today’s devotions reminds me of Joyce Meyer’s book, the Battlefield of the mind. I find it to be true that sometimes the battle of our minds becomes more intense the moment we begin to read the word of God or pray. This is the trick of the devil and a stronghold, not necessarily because we are human or that it is natural as some view it.
    I thought about the scripture 2 Corinthians 10:3-5: ”Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh (in a nutshell, we are not fighting with armor, nor the things of this world and we are certainly not fighting with all our humanistic ways). For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ”.
    We have a responsibility to destroy those strongholds regardless of what they are (because they can be anything that tries to suppress us), by guarding our minds, humbling ourselves to the will of the Holy Spirit and not giving up.

    Our bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). This means, we can win the wandering of our minds when we are praying or reading the word. Our prayers to God is not communication (which is one way-us to God), it is a conversation, a dialogue with the Creator at which time we need to speak and listen. Most times, we just speak and fail to listen to God speak. He listens and wants to speak to us too. As we deny those strongholds power that affects our minds, we allow His strength and power to take over, giving us victory and keeping us in the light of His Presence.

    Blessed and safe day to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for your perspective, Maplewood. It seems as the developing thread in today's devo was that it's okay to be distracted. Your comments help me put things in the perspective that it's human to be distracted, but not necessarily okay. In our pursuit toward the divine, we are to discipline ourselves away from our distractions and exercise our focus on God where our prayers are directed.
      Throughout the Gospels we are again and again, admonished to guard ourselves from the weaknesses of the flesh, which among other things, includes distractions in our prayer life.
      To be a disciple is to be disciplined.

    2. 10-4, I think another element that is effecting us is that we live in a world where our brains are constantly receiving stimuli from so many sources. For me, just driving down the street and keeping my mind on my driving is such a challenge with all the billboards, neon signs, and signs with messages that are constantly trying to get my attention (every church seems to have just such a sign). Constant distractions. I think this has also contributed to the difficulty I have in maintaining focus in my prayers or just about anything I am trying to do. (Of late, I have been practicing driving without looking at signs, just for the sake of practicing concentration. I am sure other drivers appreciate it as well.)

    3. 10-4: If you go back and re-read the thread above, nowhere in this feed does anyone say that it's "ok" to be distracted. What IS mentioned is that it IS ok to be human. And by human nature, we are imperfect.

    4. Suzanne R. and 10-4, I also think that sometimes in writing it is difficult to know exact intent. I would agree that I think the consensus here is more that distraction is a weakness but we should fight to stay focused. Some might even say like C.S. Lewis in the Screwtape Letters that we have a "being" intentionally distracting us!

      Jesus accepts us as imperfect and understands our condition by having lived as a human (how all that worked is a mystery this side of heaven), but He instructed us that we are to strive to live His example. So, our goal is to overcome, in this life, our weaknesses in faith and love... and to achieve it, in the next, by His grace.

    5. Thank you Maplewood, as always.
      I also appreciate all the responses. I’m just a flawed human being and know
      I’ll always fall short of pleasing Him completely.
      MadFox, You hit the nail right on the head because Jesus understands our wandering minds because he understands humanity.
      I speak with with him even while standing up frying eggplant and I must concentrate on not setting my kitchen on fire. No matter how small or simple our prayer is, He hears it and appreciates it. He can do all things so He can hear our prayer right through our darting thoughts. He’s not looking for eloquent words, just the sincere simple words of our heart. I say “Thank You Jesus” all through my day and that is enough. Or I chatter to him for an hour while I go about my chores. Surely my mind is bombarded with other things but I always return to my first Love.
      Spending time with Him is the joy and peace of my day and precious beyond words.

    6. Right on Maplewood!" He listens and wants to speak to us too". We need to give Him opportunity to speak. Quietening the mind is always an issue but worth the effort. Just one word from Him and He has our full attention.

  14. To all of my JC Family: Prayers answered (I'll post this for tomorrow too).
    My Dear Sister is home from the hospital - 3 incisions and some pain (pain med doesn't work for her!). She will get the biopsy report early next week, so please keep the prayers coming.
    My Dear Sister whose husband has dementia - texted me this morning, saying that her heart was light and she wasn't taking everything so seriously. We will be with them tomorrow evening
    My SIS, did not have another spinal fracture - they are doing an injection that they hope will relieve the pressure. She is still drinking her cancer-fighting tea.
    Hope Z haven't forgotten anything. Thank you all for your prayers. As always, yours are mine.
    Sassy Mom - anything from Lisa?

    Day 6, Welcoming others: “Go and bear fruit, fruit that will last” (John 15:16b)
    Genesis 18:1-5, Abraham hosts the an- gels at the Oak of Mamre
    Mark 6:30-44, Jesus’ compassion for the crowds
    When we let ourselves be transformed by Christ, his love in us grows and bears fruit. Welcoming the other is a concrete way of sharing the love that is within us.

    Throughout his life, Jesus welcomed those he met. He listened to them and let himself be touched by them without being afraid of their suffering.

    In the gospel account of the multiplica- tion of the loaves, Jesus is moved with com- passion after seeing the hungry crowd. He knows that the entire human person must be nourished, and that he alone can truly satisfy the hunger for bread and the thirst for life. But he does not wish to do this without his disciples, without that little something they can give him: five loaves and two fish.

    Even today he draws us to be co-workers in his unconditional care. Sometimes some- thing as small as a kind look, an open ear, or our presence is enough to make a person feel welcome. When we offer our poor abilities to Jesus, he uses them in a surprising way.

    We then experience what Abraham did, for it is by giving that we receive, and when we welcome others, we are blessed in abundance.

    Jesus Christ, we desire to welcome fully the brothers and sisters who are with us. You know how often we feel helpless in the face of their suffering, yet you are always there ahead of us and you have already received them in your compassion. Speak to them through our words, support them through our actions, and let your blessing rest on us all. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie πŸ™. Praying for your brother, Larry, and you. May the Lord's healing hands be upon you all and His glorious work be done in your lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Amen. Lord help us to be a blessing to others, may your light shine on and through us.

      Sending healing prayers for your brother and Larry. Thank you Lord for your Peace, Thank you Jehovah Rapha for covering your children with your blood and renewing their strength.

      Blessings from France

    3. As I sat with Day Six, I came to realize that hospitality/welcoming others must begin in the heart. Unless we welcome each other in love, all efforts to be welcoming are hollow and fall on hardened path and are unable to sink in. The problem is not only the hardness of the path but the hardened effort in sowing the seed. Example in scripture is Martha (Luke 10:38-42) who was being hospitable to Jesus but in the moment she was working harder on getting her hospitality right than she was delighting in the opportunity to be serving Him. Jesus pointed out to her the necessity of sitting at His feet as her sister Mary was doing to soak up His love so that every act of welcoming others is grounded in love. Praying for others is one of the best ways to develop a loving heart that sincerely welcomes all. Thanks, again for these posts, Brie.

    4. Brie,
      Praying for good test results for your brother and continued healing for Larry. Hang in there and know that God is there to keep you strong and positive. God bless!


    5. Thank you Brie! Joining in prayers for you, your DH Larry and your brother. God is the greatest healer and we trust Him more than any doctor. May He guide the doctors to heal all your weaknesses and bring you to perfect health, joy and contentment. He knows our inner thoughts and desires way better than we know ourselves. Best to let Him lead us and heal every weakness in our bodies, minds and spirits. Thank You Jesus!
      Amen to that, Bob!
      May we all choose the better portion today, and separate the wheat from the chaff in our hearts so we can sit with a quiet and gentle spirit at His feet.

  16. Asking prayers for lower PSA results for my brother and for his numbers to decrease or remain the same/ Amen. and Thank You.

    1. Brie --- My prayers are on the way for your brother. Lord, I thank you for your healing hand upon Brie's brother. I declare that supernatural healing is flowing throughout his body. Set him free from all symptoms. I declare he is redeemed and restored. In Jesus' name AMEN and AMEN

    2. Sending more healing prayers for your brother and for Larry and for you as well since you have to remain strong and healthy. That's a lot to go through there , all the while going through the current issues in our world. Dear Lord, hear our prayers for our dear sister Brie and her loved ones. In Jesus name we pray. AMEN.

    3. In prayer along with our JC family for your brother. Praying God's healing blessings for him and your husband.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Joining warriors for the enemy to keep hands off your brother in Jesus' name! PSA be normal! In Jesus' name! Continued recovery for DH Larry. Lord be the strength Brie needs through these challenges. Amen

    5. In line with the entire JC prayer warriors for every request today and every day. Declaring all will be well in Jesus's name. Amen!

    6. Thank you Father for wonderful results in Brie’s brother’s test and for his numbers to decrease as his faith increases. Thank you for blessing and strengthening our dear sister Brie in all ways as she serves you each day, and heal Larry unto a full recovery. In Faith, Thanksgiving and Love we stand together and pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

    7. Thanks be to God and your prayers, my brother Keith was able to get Eligard injections. A year later his PSA is 1.0
      Thank You God and JC Family of praying warriors, in Jesus' Name

  17. Father, I am grateful that You accept me for the way that I am and that I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not with You. You teach me so much daily and I pray that I receive most of what You are telling me, for I know that I miss some things. Thank You for continuing to teach me until I get what I need from You. You are so wonderful and amazing. No one compares to You. You are my Father, Lord, rock, redeemer, friend, love, and savior. I couldn't ask for a better companion than You in my life. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    1. Amen Janet. Thank you Lord for your Presence. You deserve all the Praise and Glory. Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    2. Echoing,
      "All Praise and Glory to our Lord" thank you BFF

    3. Amen Janet, we fall short, God does not. Hallelujah!

    4. Amen Janet, We are all in this sweet room of love together, broken but loved. Resting together in His peace, leaning on His unchanging promises and firmly planted in His Word. God is our safety net, and Jesus is our Blessed Assurance. You’re always in my prayers.

  18. πŸ™ Joining into your prayer, Janet. Where Would I Be Had It Not Been For The Lord In My Life?

  19. Loving Father, Thank You for Your promise to those who ask, they shall receive and that those who seek, will find. Grant me the grace to persevere, to keep speaking into the darkness, and even if nothing comes right away, to speak again and then again and knock until the answer comes. You did not promise me an un-lonely life, because Jesus’ own life spoke loud of how in a world of little love, love is always lonely. Thank you for the power and grace of Your Holy Spirit, who gives me the strength to persevere in prayer even when I am at my weakest, lonest moments, and sometimes get weary. Then I remember I have You and that when I come to You for who You are, I believe that I always go away with my deepest hunger filled! Dear Lord, Thank You for JESUS!

    As believers, we should always desire to be and stay in a close relationship with the Lord. Sometimes, regardless of how much we strive to live a godly life by reading our Bible, praying, attending service, spreading the gospel, helping others, we still feel or sense a loss of connection and closeness to God. While we ponder this, we should keep in mind that having an intimate relationship with God is not so much about rules, rituals, our good works or how much/long we pray or read our Bible. Yes, those are all good, but this is about knowing WHO God really is. In Luke 11, the disciples marveled at how Jesus spoke to God intimately. He wasn’t caught up in following the rules of the Pharisees and Sadducees, He was after His Father’s business and seeking a deep intimate relationship with Him. Matt. 6:33 (AMP) says: “But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” The MSG version of Matt. 7:8 ‘ask, seek and knock’, puts it this way: “Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better?"
    God desires an intimate relationship with Him. As we sincerely seek Him and pray, our efforts will be rewarded. Just as we are seeking Him, He is seeking people who will give themselves to earnest, persevering prayer.

    John 15:1-2, “I am the True Vine, and My Father is the Vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit].”

    A branch that abides never leaves the vine. It constantly draws health and energy from it. When it stops doing this, it loses its vitality, and fails to produce fruit, but eventually withers and dies. Jesus is the “True Vine.” We should stay with Him and draw our life from Him.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Joining with you in your thoughts and prayers.

    2. Thanks for your prayer and reminder Maplewood NJ, that we are never alone, solely BEcause God is always with us. Amen Sweet One.

    3. Thank you Maplewood! Thank you Jesus for expert pruning. Thank you Father, who loves so completely and directly. I am so blessed by you! As are we all!

    4. Dear Maplewood, Thank you for opening up your beautiful heart to us. I’m so blessed we are all living on the Vine together! I pray you are feeling well. You know we love you dearly.
      Amen Audra, He is an expert pruner. Let us do our best to bear abundant fruit today. He will strengthen our weaknesses, and guide us to good works as we seek Him. As always, the Lord is at my side helping me. I am also making Chicken Shawarma for Rick today with all the fixings. Hope it is tasty.
      Posted this late yesterday. Blessed to report my follow up with my cardiologist showed the heart patch securely in the right place and my heart functioning well! Thank you Father for your faithfulness that just keeps coming. Blessed I am and blessed I remain. Thanks for all your prayers too. Much love

    5. Googled Chicken Shawarma. Sounds yummy. Rick is a lucky and blessed man! Larry had Burger King~ the best I could BE today!

    6. Dear Brie! Thanks Brie! I really love to cook but it wasn't a simple meal to make since it has a lot of other things to go with the chicken. But yes, He is lucky and I am lucky to have him. By the way, I would love to eat a Whopper which too much special sauce, nice and messy! I haven't had one in a long time. I was also crazy about my Big Macs at McDonald's.

    7. A wonderful Heaven sent Word thank you Maplewood " As believers, we should always desire to be and stay in a close relationship with the Lord".
      No amount of religious activity; praying, reading, acts of kindness, good works etc, can make up for a lack of relationship with our Lord and Savior. All that is of value to His Kingdom must come out of relationship with Him. All that we 'do' must come out of 'being'. It's relationship first and foremost. It is what He wants with us.
      Jesus calls us 'friend' in John 15:15.
      A relationship with Him is a relationship of intimacy and security, of being totally known and totally accepted. But is not a relationship of equals.
      Galatians 3:26, depending on which Bible version you read, calls us children, or sons of God. Spiritual offspring through a Blood relationship; the Blood of Jesus Christ shed for us.
      We are called ' brothers' Hebrews 2:11,"For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers"
      Specifically we have Godly DNA from the moment we are 'born' again.
      This is so, so precious!

  20. Sassy Mom- Thinking about you this morning and keeping you in prayers for more of God's strength. May He grant you more wisdom and rest, in Jesus' name.

    Bob- You are missed, but may the Holy Spirit lead the way for you, feed your soul and prepare you for what He has planned for you. God be with you, as you keep seeking Him in all things.

    MadFox- In continue prayers for you. You know we serve a wonderful God who is able to do ALL, but fail. He is the God with whom all things are possible. May this truth rest upon you today and always, granting you His perfect peace.

    Norah- Praying all is well with you and family. As you go about praying for and blessing others, may added blessings fall upon you as well.

    To ALL others whom we've not heard from in a few days, you are being prayed for. God knows what you are going through and what you stand in need of. Trust Him! We serve a WONDERFUL, MIGHTY GREAT God! His love for you is like non other. Praying you well and in His embrace. Remain safe and blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you. Hope you are recovering well from the health issues of late. Peace.

    2. Maplewood - Last weeks sermon was centered on praying for more wisdom and strength. I receive your blessing, praying for you as you pray for me.

    3. Thank you for your prayers and blessings. I love the Christ in you and all your love, Maplewood.
      Continuing to pray for you, MadFox and Sassy Mom. May you all get your rest as you receive God’s healing. Dear Family, Praying always for healing, guidance and answered prayers. Thank You Jesus!

  21. After reading today's entry and responses from both '19 & '20, I feel a bit relieved in that I'm not alone...with the wandering mind when praying. To read that many of you struggle with that as well made me feel better about my efforts and that I'm not doing it wrong and need to push harder to get 'it' right or better, it just happens and redirecting, sometimes often, lol, is OKAY and normal. That I'm not a great 'prayer' that my brain tries to tell me ISN'T TRUE! Phew...is how I feel after reading the previous entries. Grateful to have validation.

    Praying daily for you all. I so love this forum and group and thank God each day I open it for this blogpost site. Truly a gift. MadFox, I pray you continue to feel God's presence wrapped around you as Jehovah Rapha, the greatest physician, guides the medical staff and brings you through! Happy and blessed Saturday, one and all!

    1. NJS: Jesus, had to separate Himself to pray, there is something about taking the time to be alone with our Father that will allow one to hear better. Thankfully, Jesus acknowledged and showed the Apostles and thereby us, that praying wasn't without challenges but necessary and that the Father will hear us through the Spirit within. Yet, Jesus' disciples all knew He was far better at it than they, so much so, that they asked for help.

      And agree, it is comforting to finally realize that ALL struggle with prayer.

      Mostly however, appreciate and thank you for your prayers for me. Peace.

    2. When we offer our "poor" abilities to Jesus, He uses them in a surprising way.
      As John S stated, There is no ”wrong” way to pray ,the only pitfall (or wrong way) is to stop praying!
      Just BE who you are, child; just BE who you are.

    3. Happy Saturday dear NJS, God bless you always! May He lift and encourage you and bless your day.
      I don’t think too much when I pray. Just talk to my best friend, confide in Him, thank Him, praise Him and ask for His help. He’s the best company and He understands me perfectly.

    4. Thank you so much for your insightful words, MadFox. So great to hear from you. I feel blessed and honored to pray for you and truly feel God is bringing you through.

      I can only BE who I am, Brie. So true.

      Thanks so much, Jeanne and God IS indeed the best company and comforter!

    5. NJS, How is your dear daughter, the Nurse? She’s always in my prayers

  22. BE! BE! BE!
    It's all right to:
    BE human.
    BE still.
    BE interested.
    BE strong.
    BE courageous.
    BE peaceful.
    BE confident.
    BE beautiful.
    BE gentle.
    BE quiet.
    BE light.
    Because He said I will BE with you always and will never leave you nor forsake you,and Your Glorious Power and Light from within can only BE from God alone.

  23. When I read the last paragraph in today's DEVOTION...
    Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. ...my first squirrelly thought was I must BE leaking Light and Glory like a sieve!
    I love you my precious JC family. You always have a special welcoming place inside my heart and prayer life.

    1. You are a little beacon, sweet sister!

    2. 3 years later when I read, Your weakness and woundedness are the openings through which the Light of the knowledge of My Glory shines forth. ...my first squirrelly thought was
      🎢 Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire πŸ”₯ 🎢

  24. Can you feel only love and nothing else? Everything you think must be of love. Everything you say must be from love. Everything you do must be out of love. All thoughts, sayings, and doings that don't come out of love are in vain and worthless.

    Be grateful in all things.
    Do not boast of the things you do or say.
    Humble yourself and serve others in a cheerful manner.
    Be thankful when you receive, but be a cheerful giver more so.
    Pray for all with love and thankfulness.
    Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, body, and life.
    Love your enemies like you love yourself.
    Treat others as you want to be treated.
    Spread love and peace not hate and violence.
    Having to be right is a straight path to hell.
    Don't look down on others unless you're helping them up.

    1. Amen dear Audra! Love, trust, peace and gratitude!

  25. This one is sooo me. Often my mind wanders during prayer and I have too dial myself back in. I've always been kinda hard on myself for that. Jesus thank you for being all love, understanding and slow to anger. Today I bask in your presence soaking in Your peace and love through the cracks and wounds of my soul.

  26. Amen Mark! Thanks for a new perspective! Our cracks allow God’s peace and love to soak in as well as shine out to others. I rejoice in my brokenness πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  27. Praying for all of you, Dear JC Family, as I head to bed. Another whirlwind of activity trying to set up a Family Dinner for my DH among all of the COVID+ Fam. "Whisper My Name in loving contentment, assured that I will never leave you or forsake you." THAT is what I'm going to bed on....God is on the Night Watch! ,3

    1. That was supposed to be a heart. UGH!

    2. All will go well with your Family Dinner because God is in Charge. I felt the love right through your words: God is on the Night Watch! That means we're surrounded by His love.

  28. Heavenly Father, thank You for using our weaknesses for Your glory and will. Your ways are so much higher than anything we can ever imagine or comprehend. We will trust in You Lord and rest in Your sovereignty over all things. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord always. You will go before us, with us, and protect and provide for us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Amen dear Janet! Joining in that beautiful prayer. I'm sleep deprived so He is my strength. Resting in Him too.

  29. JC Team: In the past few months, I've volunteered with a national non-profit to call and/or email newly diagnosed cancer patients to share info about free programs and to share experiences. Most are doing okay but my latest has many other health problems and some significant MM created bone issues. "Bob" (pseudonym) is a person of faith and seems remarkably positive each day. But told him that I'd get his needs in front of a large group of PRAYER WARRIORS! So, please pray for healing and that "Bob" gets some help from a new specialist that he has contacted. Godspeed & thanks.

    1. MadFox. I'm praying for'Bob' here during another of sleepless nights.

    2. Heavenly Father, please place Your healing hands on Bob and perform a miracle of restoration in him, like only You can. Direct and guide him along the path of Your will and give him peace, comfort and strength along the way. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    3. Dear PEBGDesigns --- For sleepless nights say to your body "I command the rest of God, in Jesus' name!" Keep saying it.
      Great love and blessings to you---JJ

    4. "BOB" is in my prayers which are going up and continuing on his behalf, until he receives God's healing and gets some help from a new specialist that he has contacted. Thanks for yet another opportunity for us to stay in constant contact with God through prayer and thanksgiving. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Joining my JC family warriors, MF, and praying our Jehovah Rapha guides this new specialist and miraculous healing takes place for Bob like only Jehovah Rapha can do! In Jesus' mighty name, AMEN!

  30. Father God, You know Bob's true identity and all of his needs right now. Thank You for healing His body, bones, tissue, heart, spirit and mind. Take away any bad cells and replace them with good cells. Bring him joy, peace and contentment in You. Thank You for guiding his appointment with the new specialist and give the doctor wisdom to make him better. Show "Bob" Your amazing faithfulness. Thank You for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Agreeing with all the prayers for"Bob". May your will be done Lord on earth as it is in heaven. For your glory and honor Lord. Multiply health, healing and favor over and in "Bob". Thank you Father God for caring about every single cell in Bob's body. In Jesus name we pray and agree with you Lord our savior and our King. Amen

    2. Standing in agreement with prayers from JCFAMILY/WARRIORS for Bob. My precious heavenly Father, You are the same God that parted the Red Sea, healed the blind, and caused the lame to walk. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. We are asking for a miracle for Bob and those afflicted with cancer. Your word declares in Mark 11:23 to speak to the mountain. We speak to the mountain of sicknesses in Bob's body and those that are afflicted, "Be removed you foul spirit of cancer and be cast into the sea for destruction." You said we would have what we say if we don't doubt. We thank You in advance for what you are going to do in the precious name of Your beloved son, Jesus Christ, by whose stripes we are healed! Thank you, Jesus! HALLELUJAH! AMEN and AMEN

      I continue to lift you up, MadFox, to The Throne of Grace. Great Blessings to you and your family! In His Grip of Grace---JJ

    3. Joining all warriors for our dear brother Bob. That he will find the help that Jehovah Rapha has found for him. We call upon the Holy Spirit to raise a calm in his & his wife's spirit at this uncertain time. We trust You dear Jesus with brother Bob. Amen.

    4. Hands raised in prayer for Bob, in praise of God who heals all things. I embrace all my fellow warrior's prayers as we gather in intention for positive outcomes.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  31. Joining warriors in prayers for Bob to Jehovah Rapha THE GREATEST PHYSICIAN.

  32. Praying for Bob and giving thanks for your involvement, MadFox!

  33. 'Bob', in Jesus Mighty Name be healed, be whole. Thank You Lord for the plan and purpose You have for 'Bob's life.
    Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you ('Bob'),” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  34. Thank you MadFox for alerting us about brother Bob. We keep you in our prayers always. Be blessed πŸ’•πŸ™

  35. Thank You, my Lord, that there is power in Your name. I call upon Your name today and ask You to protect Brie from ALL plans of the enemy or any person or circumstance that would be a downfall for her. I declare that Brie will run to You as her strong tower, her refuge in times of trouble. Keep Brie safe, I pray. I speak the name of Jesus over her situation now. I pray. that You would either take Brie out of her circumstances she faces or help her go through them to great VICTORY! I proclaim that You, Jesus, are Lord over Brie's life and Lord over everything that happens to Brie. In Jesus' name, the name above ALL names, AMEN and AMEN.
    Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

    1. Joining all prayers for our dear sister Brie! Amen! He is the One who holds Brie’s reins. We trust in His protection, guidance and sovereignty. He is her refuge and strength! Thank You Father for answering our prayers to lift your daughter Brie out of any bad situation or turn her circumstances into good. We know you can do all things and we are trusting in Your faithfulness. Thank You for this in Jesus’ Name.

    2. Brie is on my mind and heart so I join my sister's in prayer for her. Whatever it is, dear sister, he's got you babe! ♥️✝️

    3. Dear JJ, your prayer was just what I needed. It hit the spot and brought me to my knees in praise and Thanksgiving to a good God Almighty and for this amazing JC FAMILY.
      JEANNE, I also greatly needed your prayer for a turn of events.
      AUDRA. Thanks for refocusing me on my Sunny and Cher days.
      QUESTION: How did you know exactly what I needed today?
      Regardless, as you so often do, the Light of His Presence filtered brightly through you to bless me again today.
      I love all of you because of who you are and WHOSE you are.
      Prayers circling back to you.

    4. Love you too dear Sister Brie! Thanks for those prayers. We've got a great family in Christ!
      Praying for Him to turn things around to good.

    5. Dear Brie, About your question----- it was my best friend, The Holy Spirit that prompted me to post that prayer. He just knows it ALL! Kisses, kisses to my Holy Spirit. You are the Breath of God, You are my Comfronter, You are my Helper, You are the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. Holy Spirit, You are the Spirit of Grace. I would have never been recovered from my degraded state had You not rescued me through unearned favor and unmerited love. And, Holy Spirit, You are the Spirit of Glory. I would of never known the manifest presence of God had you not come. I celebrate You with all my soul and with all my might, I speak Glory Days, Glory Days to you Brie and to this incredible JCFAMILY! In His Grip of Grace--JJ

    6. Amen! Thank You Holy Spirit for lifting us up, renewing us, strengthening us, instructing us, guiding us and being our everpresent Helper! He guided you to post that prayer because He was working mightily inside you. Praying for Glory Days for you, Brie and all our dear JC Family! Resting in His Grip of Grace.

    7. Lord, we thank you for bringing Brie through what she is going through. Joining this prayer train for our dear sister, Brie! I may be the last to reply just seeing this this morning, however, every train needs a caboose and I'm happy and honored to be that for Brie. Father, You are indeed our greatest Helper in times of trouble. I know You are with Brie and will bring her through! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    8. Absorbing all of your prayers again this year. Welcome Holy Spirit. BE here with Your Presence. Fill us with Your Power. Live inside of me!
      πŸ™ whenever your best friend, The Holy Spirit, prompts you to post prayers, you activate The Prompting, because when you do, 🎯 they hit the bullseye mark on the target!

  36. Joining the prayer warriors in praying for wisdom and blessings for Bob and his entire medical team. And thank you Maddox for allowing us to participate in this with you.

    1. Happy to see you Suzanne R. How are Kyle and Trent doing?
      I Miss you, and your vine connection reminders. I'm still hanging on to it, as I am sure you are too. Stay blessed.

    2. Thanks for asking, Brie. Kyle is doing great. Trent still struggles with substance abuse. Thank you all for your prayers.

  37. Hope you and your family are doing well dear Suzanne and God is answering your prayers. Always in mine. As dear Brie said, Stay blessed.

    1. Thank you Jeanne. We are all doing well and are blessed. Very busy but I still read JC everyday and log onto this feed as often as possible. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    2. That’s great news Suzanne! I’m glad things are going well. Busy is good!! Thanks for your prayers. May God continue to hold you all in His loving Hands and keep you safe.

  38. As the devotion says, It's okay to be human. But because of our humanity we often let our emotions get the best of us. We even sometimes forget we're in God's presence because of our situations. When you catch yourself getting led by your emotions in a negative way, reel it in by calling the Name of Jesus. That's all it takes to bring Him to the forefront of your mind and to let Him reign in your heart. Put Him in the center and all things will come together for good.
    Yesterday was a good day because I reminded myself through the day that all would be well because I belonged to Jesus. He is with me as I am with Him. And I can live my life knowing that no matter what happens, I'll be okay because underneath me are the Everlasting Arms. Instead of thinking about my cancer, I thought about other people. I received calls from my family and some dear friends who wanted to know how I was doing. I said Good, thank God! My friend Emilio who just got the kidney transplant called me and we had a long sweet conversation about the faithfulness of God and the power of prayer. My niece dropped off a care package of tea and soup and crackers. I just kept counting God's blessings and praising Him. I got to talk to my sister in love, my daughter in love, my cousin, my Mom, my sister from my Bible group, and my dear twin sister Janet. I read beautiful verses that lifted me, and I prayed for my family here and so many other people who need God to heal them in body, mind and spirit. I felt peaceful because Jesus is holding me tight. I'm taking everything one day at a time in His presence, and trusting in His Words and promises because He is faithful and good. Thank you all for your prayers. We know God hears every one of them. He is mighty to heal me and you and your loved ones. So we continue to pray for each other and to believe nothing is too hard for Him because He is our Way Maker.

    Psalm 94:10
    In the multitude of my thoughts within me,
    thy comforts delight my soul.

    2 Corinthians 5:7
    For we walk by faith, not by sight.

    Isaiah 26:3
    You will keep in perfect peace
    him whose mind is steadfast,
    because he trusts in you.

    1. More good food to start this day.

      Jeremiah 33:6
      Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.

      Isaiah 58:8
      Then your light shall break forth like the morning,
      Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
      And your righteousness shall go before you;
      The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.

      Proverbs 3:7-8
      Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.

    2. Amen and thank you Jeanne πŸ™. Praying for you and knowing the Lord has you and your needs taken care of. His loving arms are holding you continually and His perfect peace fills your heart. Shalom and God bless.

    3. Thank you and good morning Jeanne - you can count on my prayers and blessings πŸ™

    4. That's the spirit dear Jeanne! That's our girl! Keep up the faith! grow! grow in it ! Dear one! Lots of water in this storm to grow & strengthen your walk! Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆ

    5. I love your positive outlook on your day, Jeanne. Sometimes, this is the best medicine.

    6. You blessed my day dear Janet, Blessings from NY, Jan and Suzanne!! What would I do without my sisters (and my brothers)? Amen! God’s Word strengthens us and comforts us. No matter what’s going on, He is calling us to have a good day anyway because He is with us. Trusting in Him and resting in the peace and joy in believing. He’s already helping me cook up a storm in my kitchen. All is well with my soul. God bless you all!

  39. I will meditate on Your precepts and fix my eyes on Your ways. (Psalm 119:15). Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7). "No weapon that is formed against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from Me." (Isaiah 54:17). "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10). "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you . Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27).

    1. Thank you so much Janet for these beautiful posts every morning- it is part of my morning “God time”and is greatly appreciated as are all these amazing posts from this incredible JC family. Sending blessings and prayers blanketed over the whole “family” ❤️πŸ™

    2. Joining dear Blessings from NY in thanking you for the good and sweet food for our souls. You feed us well.

  40. "It's all right to be human. When your mind wanders while you are praying, don't be surprised or upset."
    Ground squirrels, chipmunks, moles, voles, mice, badgers, gophers, woodchucks, rabbits, meerkats and a host of other small creatures that live partly underground dig a maze of warrens or interconnected tunnels.
    Mentally when praying, often I suddenly find I'm offtrack way down somewhere in a maze tunnel and wonder how on Earth did I get here?
    Once I realize I've wandered off, I say "sorry Lord, please help me focus".
    It's wonderful to realize God understands our humanity; after all He created us as perfect beings and knew what we'd be like after the fall.
    James 1:2-3 ESV
    "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."
    Staying focused in prayer life can be a trial at times. Personal, family, work, health or other issues often press in when we're in prayer. Interruptions too, sideswipe us.
    But it's OK!
    God knows our frailty "The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust" (Psalm 103: 13-14)
    There's not much strength in dust!
    What pleases God is our faith in Him. Hebrews 11:6, NIV: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."
    What pleases Him is that we have faith in Him and "earnestly seek Him."
    So when in prayer and through our weakness get lost in thought, sidetracked, wandering of on something that hooks our attention, He understands.
    Getting back ontrack to earnestly seek Him, He is pleased and loves us unconditionally.
    What a wonderful awesome God we serve!

    1. My faith in My God means He is good and on my side. And He is always working on my behalf, even if I don't see it. I can cast all my cares on God, no matter how large, no matter how bone-crushing, because I know He is all-powerful and all-loving! Praise His Holy name!
      Thank you Peter for your post!

    2. That was so true dear Peter! God help me focus only on You! I’ve been leaning on a lot of those verses. Thanks for adding light to my day, good brother. We are all imperfect yet loved perfectly.

  41. Good morning family. Read through the posts yesterday & praying for each of you. Dear Janet, lifting your circumstances to the Lord, He's on it through every detail. Take heart, He'll either change the circumstances or bring a change in how you view them! Anonymous, about those giants. God must know there's a David in you to face those giants head on! Thank you all for all the encouragement &, sharing this morning. Please pray for hubby as he gets tested this morning for his platelet count. Praying they are up where they should be. Love you all muchπŸ’ž

    1. Prayers sent UP for hub's platelet count. Check! Done!

    2. Prayers are on the way!

  42. Great advice dear Jan especially about God giving us a new way to view our circumstances, that is with Him in charge. Joining prayers for your husband’s good platelet count and your peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Praying for all requests today as we let go and let God. I surrender my troubles, my aches, my pains, my mistakes, and seek to know and trust Him better today.

    1. Your prayer is my prayer! May Great Blessings and Love surround this Inspiring JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!!

    2. Me too dear Audra! Amen

  44. Praying that God will send the perfect buyer for my mom’s home. We have been trying to sell it ourselves for several months now. Had someone bid on it but now cannot connect with them. We hoped to not have to use a realtor but perhaps that’s the direction God has for us. Praying for wisdom and trust.

    1. Some good people are looking for that house because it will be perfect for them. God already knows who so He can make it happen dear Anonymous! He will guide it step by step.
      Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    2. Thank yo Lord…connected with the buyer snd things are moving forward! The possible hickup might be what the inspector has to say who is coming tomorrow! Thank you for praying.

    3. Although 🎢 It Wasn't Me, 🎢 it could have been for this is my constant prayer!

    4. Declaring that perfect buyer for your property in question, Brie! Lord, we trust your timing and humble our desires before you.

  45. Today’s devotion made me feel much better! “My strength and power show themselves most effective in your weakness”. I need God’s strength! I feel very weary because i have a bad cough and I keep praying for my dear ones and also for myself. I’m tired of coughing and I know there are so many out there who really understand because you’re going through the same thing. Give Up and Let Jesus!! I keep giving it to Jesus and praying I won’t lose my voice completely. My mom and I have been eating chicken soup and drinking tea with honey. God keeps telling me to rest, and lie down, but my mom needs me. I usually don’t lie down till after 10. God knew I was busy and He helped me put a little Birthday package together for my dear daughter in love Allie. Rick can go to her Birthday celebration and see our family and 3 of the little ones. But I can send cookies and socks and hair elastics, Bible cards and chocolate. After I give my mom her shower tomorrow I am determined to get the package out to the post office. God will make it happen while my mom does her prayers. He really will. He always comes through! No need to worry! Thank You Jesus! Resting in YOU because You’re so so good.

    Psalm 37:5-6
    Commit your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    And He shall bring it to pass.
    He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
    And your justice as the noonday.

    Psalm 34:1-8
    I will bless the Lord at all times;
    His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
    My soul shall make its boast in the Lord;
    The humble shall hear of it and be glad.
    Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
    And let us exalt His name together.
    I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
    And delivered me from all my fears.
    They looked to Him and were radiant,
    And their faces were not ashamed.
    This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him,
    And saved him out of all his troubles.
    The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
    And delivers them.
    Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
    Blessed is the man who trusts in Him

    1. Amen πŸ™ Jeanne

    2. Blessed peace and rest fall upon you Jeanne, in all you're "doings" πŸ™

    3. Thanks Audra! I mailed that package and I thanked God for helping me. We are never alone!

  46. Help me Lord to be "a quiet and gentle spirit, which is pleasing to Me." I find I am becoming reactive and argumentative. I recognize I need more of you and to be less like me, change Me Lord into Your likeness, Amen

    1. Look up, brother Peter. Only reactions of awe and wonder face us there. This world has lost its mind πŸ˜‰

  47. It's all right to be human. When our mind wanders while we are praying, don't be surprised or upset. Simply return all attention to HIM..
    This devotion reminds us that The Lord wants us to be more like children, and we are. We are like the toddler relying on someone other than themselves for their balance. When they stumble, that someone else can easily steady them. In the same way, when we hold onto His Hand, He is delighted that we are walking with Him and doesn't care nor count how many times we stumble in our progression. HE WILL steady our path and encourage us with the confidence we need to keep on walking with HIm. We don't keep track of the times a toddler falls on the road to walking. Neither does He, on our numerous trip and falls. Thank You for this ah ha moment because of you, Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name

    1. My flying squirrel brain is hearing Jesus singing an old Olivia Newton John song LET ME BE THERE! 🎢

    2. Thanks Brie! Holding onto my Papa’s Hand because I fall all the time! He loves me even with all my flaws. I love your flying squirrel brain!

  48. Ah... The squirrel has landed! ♥️🎢♥️

  49. Dear Jeanne, this song is for you. It's not the one I was hoping to find, but it served me well and I hope it does you. Love you, Dear Sister!

  50. Heading to bed, Dear JC Family. So incredibly tired. Taking Care of my Best Man, working, and then tonight I broke a molar! Please pray with me. So tired....
