Sunday, May 26, 2024

John 17:14-16 - Staying in the World

John 17:14-16
14 I have given them Thy word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 15 I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil [one]. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)."  

What the Lord is Saying: As I mentioned in the last lesson, this prayer by Jesus does not so far have much intercession. Instead it is him speaking to God and describing his relationship with God and who He is in relation to God and who the disciples are as well. The actual requests for people are not predominant, but instead through these words are truths and promises that he is speaking. I continue to find this interesting. Most of my prayers or the prayers I heard are so focused on God doing something in our lives. I mean, it is good I guess that we come to God admitting we need his help. Like at our small group meeting yesterday, as I listened to the requests and how focused they are on making our lives better. There was some praise which was good. There is mention of people that are important to us and we don't want to see them hurt. 

And yet, as I listened to this and then also read this prayer I see so little intercession. Yesterday in the lesson, there were two thoughts of request -- "Holy Father, keep them in Thy name" and "that they may have My joy made full in themselves." Every other word is acknowledging truths. 

In our home group, Bill had us read Psalm 47. This is only a Psalm of praise. No requests. Just thankful to God. Interesting. 

Hated by the world - So today's passage begins (v. 14) with Jesus stating that He has given His disciples God's words. And the world does not like them because of this. With God's word with them, they are not popular before the world. Why are they hated? Because they are not of the world. They are not living according to its ways. Wow. We see this often. And yet we are baffled by this. It seems by our comments that we expect the world to live in a Godly way or manner. They are the world. Our job is to save them, not to complain about them purely. If we see a problem, then we do something about it. 

Stay in the world - In verse 15 we have 2 requests that I see. First they are to stay in the world. Jesus wants us in the world. "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world." He wants us in the world. He wants us to be a light, to shine brightly. I just wonder in all of our complaining about the world, if we are really shining brightly in this world of ours. Are we really being a bright light to our world? 

I started reading a book called, "Sharing Jesus [without freaking out]" and in the beginning of the book he offers what I saw was a 3 fold description of why we are sharing the gospel with people. We can (1) help people see that their life matters, (2) that their passion to live comes from God, and (3) that the good news of Jesus can rescue them from pain. I love these words because of what is said - life matters, living is from God, and Jesus rescues us from the pain. There is pain living in the world. But Jesus gives us peace through that pain. I just love those words. I just don't think we approach the gospel sometimes in that way. God, yes, wants to give us eternal life, but he also wants to bring something to our life today - that it matters and we are anchored by God and he frees us from pain. That is the bright light we need to be. 

Be kept from the evil one - And also in verse 15 is the charge from Jesus to "keep them from the evil [one]." Again, we are to stay in the world, but be kept from the evil one. The reality is that the evil one, and Jesus recognizes this, is at work in the world. Evil is in the world. Jesus does want us to be free from this and he is praying this for us. Don't let the evil get a hold of you. We are not of the world, just as Jesus is not of the world, but we live in it. 

Summary: Jesus says in this prayer we will be hated by the world, but we are to stay in the world and he prays that we (disciples) will be kept from the evil one. 

Promise: From Tabletalk, "Let us resolve to stand for Christ today, no matter the consequences, knowing that in Him we have everything.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for explaining to me the truth of You and Your Word and also training me in the way I need to speak to you. I learn from you God and see that prayer is talking to you and in my talking I want to be someone who takes time to speak in such a way that I acknowledge you for the great God that you are. I do this in my singing in church, but I also need to do it with my own words, in quiet, declaring who you are and all that you have done for me. Teach me Lord to pray this way. My words can be few for my requests. And yet they rarely are because I am so good at talking about those things in life that are dear to me. Lord, you are holy. The truth of you is that You love people. All that You want to do God is make yourself known in creation. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

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