Friday, May 31, 2024

John 17:20-21 - Jesus Prays for Our Unity

John 17:20-21
20 I do not ask in behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one; even as Thou, Father, [art] in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me. 

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: Continuing with the High Priestly Prayer that is described as Jesus Praying now in Chapter 17, Jesus now prays for all believers from verses 20-26. Verse 20 Jesus is praying to the Father not only for "these alone" but "for those also." The these alone of the previous section (v. 6-19) was specifically for the disciples, but now Jesus turns to those that will be impacted by the disciples ministry, all the believers, thus anyone coming to faith after the disciples. This could include me. 

And His first prayer for us, "that they may all be one." And Jesus describes the meaning of the oneness in drawing a parallel of the one-ness of the Father and Jesus (and the Holy Spirit). This oneness also has a result, that people will believe that the Father did send Jesus. I really believe strongly in this idea of oneness and I am still trying to figure out what it means entirely. I think we must all be sanctified in the truth of as is mentioned in John 17:17-19. Thy word is Truth. And then we carry this truth to the World. The problem remains though in how divided still as a people. But we have from Jesus the clear words of the importance of being one. 

The Tabletalk devotional for today mentions a couple of interesting thoughts here that I think are worth mentioning. This prayer of chapter 17 distinguishes the prayer by Jesus for the disciples and also the other believers. Thus it highlights a difference between the two. Jesus passes His message from Him to them to us. The Apostles are the ambassadors of the message. They are the ones with the testimony of faith and their testimony brings us to faith through their words. Every Christian leader after them, including us, only now share that message with others. And this also stresses the importance of the infallible Word of God and its witness to our lives. 

This is why the words of the Gospel writers remain important to us. Their words and their testimony, I believe, are relevant to us today because I believe Jesus makes mention of this today in this passage. Others will say that these writings in the Gospels are only for the Jew and not the Gentile, but I don't believe this. I believe we can take authority from all of these words. And all of these words includes the words of Paul, who was not one of the original Apostles, but had a personal encounter with Jesus. 

One reason I think this is important to highlight is this authority is what the LDS faith claims is the basis for their faith. That others can have this same type of testimony of having had a vision from Jesus and being proclaimed as an apostle or representative and then can pass that onto others as the Mormons do with each of their presidents. This passing of authority is also a hallmark of the Catholic Church in relation to the Pope. 

The other interesting item that Tabletalk mentions is that Jesus' prayer implies that there will be success with the gospel being preached. 

Summary: Jesus prays that the all those hearing the testimony of the disciples will be One in truth for the benefit of the world believing. 

Promise: Jesus is praying for unity in truth, love, and mission just as He and His Father are united in truth, love, and mission. 

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for the truth of Your words and the Truth of You and help me to be of the crowd that is united and one in truth, love and mission. Let me be a person that is anchored in Truth and clearly set on speaking truth to others. Help me to have that renewed ambition and commitment to the Gospel. Help me be a voice to those I am in contact with. I want to champion You God. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

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