Friday, March 21, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 22

    Rejoice and be thankful! As you walk with Me through this day, practice trusting and thanking Me all along the way. Trust is the channel through which My Peace flows into you. Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances.
    I do My greatest works through people with grateful, trusting hearts. Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life.
Philippians 4:4
English Standard Version
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.

Psalm 95:1-2
English Standard Version
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
    let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Psalm 9:10
English Standard Version
     And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

My Prayer

Lord, I pray that I would have a life of rejoicing Lord in You. Not me. Not how I may perform as a Christian, but my joy would always be completely centered on You. Lord, my singing is to You as praise. My words are praising the salvation I have in You. I come to You with thanksgiving. Lord, as Your child, that You have chosen, my life is to reflect trusting You. May my life be about seeing You and putting aside all the priorities that often get in the way of my life. I tend to seek after entertainment and expect You to then come in and bless it. I seek after success, expecting your blessing. I seek after health and then expect your blessing. I seek after so many other things, often making You out to be something I want You to be versus really discovering who You are. Lord, help me to approach You on Your terms and then to seek You first, making You number one priority. And then as I do that, everything else will fall into place in Your timing and in Your way.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. This prayer gave me chills. I have really been struggling. Please know that you are helping people as a true vessel of God.
    Thank you and may He continue to bless your family!!

    1. Bring it on Lord, the paradigm shift that will revolutionize our lives.

    2. I love that line in today's reading!

    3. I agree with this comment

    4. Dear YAWEH I approach YOU through YOUR son, our savior and KING of KINGS, Jesus Christ πŸ™
      Oh LORD how I want a paradigm shift that will revolutionize my life! I want nothing more than to please YOU, yet I admit in all my waking hours I sometimes lose sight and get caught up in the task at hand, when instead I need and want to condition my behavior and reactions to stress, daily challenges/obstacles and give them to YOU, consulting YOU, seeking YOU and YOUR loving guidance. Please forgive me LORD for not always putting YOU first. Please help me to put aside my circling thoughts in chains and remember YOUR promise to free us from all suffering πŸ’• instead, help me to remember that simply reading YOUR word brings me comfort like Nothing else on this earth. The calmness and peace I’m showered with when in YOUR living word is no comparison to anything I have ever felt. Praise YOU , thank YOU dear LORD & FATHER , for helping me to start today on the right foot with YOU as my focus
      I pray also for all my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, just as I do for all those in the world, I pray hardened hearts soften, for people to turn away from the evil in this world and turn back to YOU , I pray for YOUR second coming too LORD, as I cannot fathom how we will be living in the near future with all the nefarious plans those in power intend to roll out and have already begun, as YOU are certainly aware. Until then I will patiently wait for YOU LORD, giving me the blessing of a little more time to make that paradigm shift, and to have the completeness of YOUR spirit living within me, as I transition from living half in the flesh and half in the spirit to completely living through & within the beautiful spirit YOU blessed me with united in spirit with YOU
      leading me through any and every circumstance, glorifying YOUR name every step of the way. I praise YOU LORD & YAWEH , for being our FATHER & LORD, loving us unconditionally no matter what we do, always giving us another chance, but that time is growing short, so keep me focused on YOU
      I ask these things through our Savior Jesus Christ

    5. Praying alongside you, AπŸ™❤️ as I prepare to delve into reading all of Jesus' red words in Matthew. May His Blessings be received by all of us today and remain with us for all time. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  2. What a beautifully written prayer .. I concur it..⚓️❤️

  3. Thank you for your personal prayers every day. It is a blessing to me :-)

  4. Shelly, I'm praying for you. He hears our prayers

  5. In everything give thanks. Thank you Lord for your Grace and mercy. Thank you for giving me and my daughter the blessed gift of Today. This is the day Lord that you have made. We rejoice and are glad to be here to do your work. Thank you for blessing the poor, the widowed, the elderly, all whom are in need of Your continuous love and blessings. Thank you for blessing my family, friends and provide an abundance of GREAT joy and love to my enemies. Continue to teach me to honor You God. I pray and praise You; giving you all of the honor, praise and glory in your son Jesus name. Amen.

  6. Thank you, Jesus.

  7. God: "I do My greatest works through people with grateful, trusting hearts. Rather than planning and evaluating..." As we age, we plan for spoiling grandkids, retirement, and even dieing on our terms. Yet, we don't have a clue as whether or not we will wake each morning. Attended a devo yesterday where the speaker talked about how all things go through the cycle of birth, growth, decay, death. Our lives, jobs, companies...even each day! With the JC devo focus on TODAY and the caution to be thankful and trusting the Lord, the speaker's comment hit home. We wake up, birth for today, we grow awake and begin activities, then we decay as evening winds down to today's death in sleep.

    I struggle as to how to apply this to today as we all have to plan for the future for obvious reasons. But perhaps God is saying, that trusting Him today and being thankful for today's blessings are far more important to our mental health than worrying about the future and our plans. Father guide all that follow you to a greater trust in you and a thankfulness for TODAY. Amen

    1. You gave me much food for thought dear MadFox. I am trusting Him in the present and not worrying about the future. There are things I need to do but they will all get done in God's timing. Just for now I am blessed and thankful to belong to Him and that's enough. Praying for you my brother. Take everything one day at a time in his presence, including this Wednesday. Hold His Hand, trust in His words. And don't lean unto your own understanding. You are surrounded by so much love and so many prayers. You are so loved!

    2. So true, Jeanne! Between Mr. Payton's awesome and thought-provoking entry from a few years ago saying, "Lord, help me approach you on Your terms and then to seek you first, making You number one priority. And then as I do that, everything else will fall into place in Your timing and in Your way." Instead of, "I seek after so many other things, often making You out to be something I want You to be versus really discovering who You are." And, MadFox, the insightfulness you shared from that speaker regarding every day we are gifted with being birthed, then awakened to our busyness of the day and then the day decays as evening approaches followed by sleep or death of that day.

      And what is so true for me and probably for you all too is that when I focus on God vs my day and the planning of the to-do's of the week, I have so much more peace than I do with all the planning/worrying. Kind of a no-brainer but I know I get caught up in that. Thanks, MadFox, that while this entry is from '19, it has kind of shaken my "snow globe" of my head a bit to ponder and think on your words!

      You, your family, & your medical team are all in my prayers, MadFox. This is a big week and we serve a BIG God who is going to bring you through this while you continue to spread His word with all you cross paths with! Sending so much love, strength, courage, and peace! In Jesus's name, Amen!

    3. Thank you Jeanne and NJS. Big week indeed!

      Die to self, daily, with an attitude of gratitude by sharing His love. SEEMS simple... but it's not!

    4. So true MadFox, this month of march our pastor taught on dying to self. Dying to self is "life"! It's not an embraced concept. Every single day we humans are faced with opportunities to die to self. This road is not well traveled, but to have abundant life we must take the Lord's hand and step into it. Hallelujah!

    5. I take to heart the wisdom shared in today's reading and posts this far. It is a new season in a cycle on yet another level. Joining in prayers for all with a spotlight on Team MadπŸ¦ŠπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    6. Thy will be done; Lord give us the strength.. the desire to follow your follow you!

  8. Amen and Amen, Peyton Family! That prayer could have been mine, it so closely resembles me at times. Thank you, as always, for sharing your heart and life in this JC blog. "Trust is the channel through which My Peace flows into you. Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances." Thank you, Sarah Young, for your heart-felt devotions. And thank you, Father, that it is Friday and this week is almost a wrap! Many good things have come from this week because of your love for us. Prayers for all of my JESUS CALLING FAMILY.

  9. Thank you all for such encouraging prayers. It sets me on a good note for my day. Everyone have a blessed day!πŸ₯°

  10. Lord i am always thankful of your righteous way

  11. My personal devotion today, the Spirit led me to spend time reflecting on God's goodness toward me. To think about my health and see that by the grace of God I have the health with which I am blessed. To think about my perspective in life and to be thankful for how God has brought parents and other individuals into my life through whom He molded me into who I am. To think about the spiritual blessings that God has sent through the Church and other believers and how God has used me to manifest Himself to others. With all the above, I was led into a time of thanksgiving. I was also led to spend some time realizing my times of being ungrateful. The intent of this was to raise the question of how should not my whole soul be subject to God, who has worked so many marvels and graces in me and for me? In increasing my gratitude for all I have been blessed with, I was led to offer my heart and all its resolutions to Him forever and ever and to seek the help of the Spirit and the communion of saints to that end. It was a blessed quiet time this AM. God be with you.

    1. Yoo express so well what I pray about. Thank you, Bob. KS

  12. Thank you for these wonderful prayers.

  13. "Rejoice and be thankful! As you walk with Me through this day, practice trusting and thanking Me all along the way."

    A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. PUT ON ALL of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. - Ephesians 6:10-11 NLT

    1. Amen! Love reading Ephesians. KS

    2. Thanks Sassy Mom! Don't leave your bed without your Armor. And read the Word. It is the Sword. God is with us to fight our battles and He equips us well for everything that threatens to pull us off our path and rob our peace.

    3. Jeanne - Today's Bible Gateway verse. "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. Ephesians 6:10-11. NOT A COINCIDENCE!

    4. I have also started to put on armor before bed and am sleeping much better! πŸ˜‰

  14. Please pray for me. I'm completely lost. I lost all of my income sources. To me that means I can't pay for our house and house insurance, food, utilities, health insurance premiums, my car and car insurance, etc. I panicked yesterday. I applied for unemployment and welfare online. I have to take care of my 92 year old mother that lives with me. I pray constantly and will say God calmed my heart yesterday, but I have all of the same problems still in front of me and feel completely lost. I'm a relatively new Christian. Can one of you that has more experience please tell me how to give this to God the right way and what do I need to do after praying?....just wait? I feel completely alone. I'm so grateful I have a relationship with God so I can talk to Him.

    1. Kmertens- Take courage, I know it is easier said, but God is providing! Please reach our to your community food pantry, call help/assistance line or ask friends or family to do so for you. But please don't give up, the government is trying to do what they can, we have to trust God and believe them.
      God has already heard your cry and that of many others. He's making a way.
      Hold on to Him and give Him Thanks!You are in our prayers.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Kmertens...first know that I am praying for you right now! I have been where you are and to a degree, still struggle with “doing it right”. My tendency is toward anxiety and fear but I have gotten better at giving Jesus my problems and He has never forsaken me. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that very promise...sometimes I can do it on auto-pilot! He knows your trouble and meets you wherever you are! Sometimes His answers are not what you thought you were praying for but they are always right and good, but often you have to have the issue behind you to see this! Don’t lose faith,talk to God often and keep coming to this blog!! You will have many wonderful friends praying for you! I also might add that contemporary Christian music was/is so helpful when I am anxious! So many relatable lyrics!!
      Dear Heavenly Father please help this precious sister feel your love today! We know it’s always there but sometimes let our issues cloud our eyes!! I lift her and her mother up to you to for protection and guidance and ask that the Holy Spirit to replace fear with faith! In Jesus name! Amen!!

      I will be praying for you and all who are struggling right now! Blessings! AL GRL

    3. Kmertens - "I'm a relatively new Christian" You took the first step when he knocked on the door of your heart. Joining all Warriors in prayers for you. God bless you and your mother.

    4. Thank you more than I can say for the prayers and guidance I'm receiving from you Christian Family. God Bless you all for your kindness and help.

    5. Kmertens, I too am praying for you and your mom. Give your anxiety to God and he will supply what you need to get through these difficult times. Keep praying and asking God for guidance. He won't let you down. God bless you.


    6. Kmertens, I join our family in prayers for you! Call those companies you’re worried about paying. They understand there are challenges being caused by the pandemic. Many will work with you.

    7. Kmertens: Many are now praying for you... and I will add my prayer for you. I truly believe that the financial situation will be managed with deferred payments and fed/state government interventions - even direct payments to all Americans. So my prayer is for you to become calm and have less anxiety. God is with you. FEAR, is not of God. It creates anxiety and weakens trust in Him, thus it is a false and emanates from darkness/evil. God is love... He will bring all things together for good.

      In truth, He already is, I see a spirit of brotherly love exploding into our world due to this pandemic. I see God moving in this situation, and bringing about huge positive changes. I see America leading again and supporting each other regardless of the past divisions. And most importantly, I see an attitude among our leadership, and applaud this positivity, that coronavirus will NOT defeat us... and in turn, YOU. Godspeed to all here. Amen

    8. Kmerten, thanking God in the trial opens the holy space where He can work and you can hear. Sounds crazy but reflecting on Who God is The Almighty creator of the universe, allowing your mind to accept that He already has your solution because He loves you. He LOVES YOU. I find great comfort in reading the truths of God ( learning to trust, by learning Who He is) His power is limitless and our highest solution does not even touch His potential to do anything! Please continue to pray for His perfect will, meditate on the Lords prayer, Ask for The Holy Spirits help to guide you ( The helper). Allow our prayers to saturate and cover you with hope. For you had not known us until now...God has provided this very gift for you. Lord, please hear our prayers, we love you and know you love us more then the # of stars are in the sky. Thank you for choosing us to be your beloved children. I thank you Lord that Kmarten knows you and that She is yours. I thank you that her life is forever secure that even death has been conquered thru Your Son Jesus. Lord I ask for your supernatural power to address all of these concerning circumstances trusting you to handle each one within your perfect will and timing. Please order the steps by anyway you see fit, trusting you to make the call of what needs taken care of first. Allow Kmarten to hear your voice giving her direction, proceeding in a God intended way! Bless her in the obedient caring of her Momma and give her The peace she needs to proceed. Thank you for handling this crisis and never leaving all of oursides..ever! We trust you, help our words of trust soothe our fears.
      We love & worship you in the name of mighty Jesus! Amen

    9. Kmertens - praying for you and your situation. Trust in the Lord. He will always guide you and give you peace. KS

    10. Kmertens-Praying God has shown you His faithfulness and has provided your financial needs and everything else you need, especially your peace of mind. God is with you because you seek Him and He knows exactly what you need and what all your weaknesses are. Trust in Him always to make all things right. Wait on Him and don't lose hope. Remember He is the Way Maker. He will light your darkest wilderness. Rest in Him Who loves you.

    11. Wow, I remember this total panic I felt last year. My world caved in financially. I was so afraid to worry my mom that all of a sudden I had nothing to continue paying for our living. God provided one way and another and answered your prayers. I shortly found Peace through turning this into total trust in the Lord and that felt natural for the first time ever.
      I want to tell you that I was immediately relieved by the outpouring of love and support I received from you - our JC family. THANK YOU ALL! It eased my soul and helped me to know I'm not alone. God did his perfect work and I see how he provided for not just me but for many through unemployment, stimulus, deferred payments, budget plans for utility companies, etc.
      Now here we are a year later and still in the same pandemic, but I know we can get through this God willing. I'm Waiting with hope.

    12. Also I want to give God the Glory for what he's done to provide for some of the restaurant owners this year. My ex-husband lost his income too when his restaurants were closed and could only do pick up orders. We had 2 girls in college with tuition and housing leases to pay for. Through God's providence and our government helping out some of our restaurants their life was mostly unchanged after an initial panic. My ex-husband told me yesterday that the shut down and slower restaurant traffic actually strengthened the managerial teams and gave them time to think of ways to do things better moving forward. All Praise and Glory to God for this good that came out of our shared disaster.

    13. Inspiring Waiting. You dug your heals in & chose to "wait"in faith, trust & hope. You found a great truth," God will never leave you nor forsake you"! Hallelujah!

    14. Having faith in the Lord always prevails.

    15. Waiting, praising God for all the blessings he has given you and many others. Our Savior loves us very much..our helper..our rock..our love! Amen!

    16. Our dear sister friend in Christ, Kathy! How are you two years later? ❤, Brie

    17. What a difference 3 years make.
      From lost and alone to Cascade Studios! Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! Love you our Kathy. ❤, Brie


    This morning, I just want to praise the Lord and give Him Thanks!! We love and serve a good, gracious Father, and we are undeserving of the love, grace, and mercy He so freely lavishes on us. What else could we do but give him endless thanks and thank Him for His amazing power and work in our lives, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” We should give thanks in everything because all things work together for our good that we may be transformed and conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:28-29).

    Dear Loving Heavenly Father, this day, in the name of Jesus, I declare VICTORY over this pandemic and shout all Praise and Thanks to You. Fear will not be our portion! The devil thinks he has succeeded in closing down places of worship, but he’s a liar and the father of all lies! As we stay in our homes, we thank You for the live stream television messages, YouTube, radios, ads, videos and ALL that You have made possible for the gospel to still be preached. It will continue and NOTHING will silence Your people nor would Your Words be removed. THANK YOU for allowing us to live a Rejoicing, Praying, and Thanking life, because we know such a life is a glory to You and a shame to Your enemy. We rejoice, we pray, and we give You Thanks!
    Father, thank You for Your goodness and for Your blessings over us. Thank You that You are Able to bring hope through even the toughest of times, strengthening us for Your purposes. Thank You for your great love and care. Thank You for your mercy and grace. Thank You that You are always with us and will never leave us. Thank You for Your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank You enough, for who you are, for all that You do, for all that You've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on You afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with Your peace and joy. We love You and we need You more and every day. We give You praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy to be Praise!
    I speak with faith and boldness, declaring, it is OVER, we have prevail! We rejoice in You Lord and to give thanks in all circumstances. We are engaging in this perpetual celebration of You and Your faithfulness. Thank You Lord of all heaven and earth, the God who knows and cherishes our hearts. You have given us so much to be grateful for in every season, life, salvation, loved ones, tiny blessings in our busy days, kind words from strangers, sunshine, protection and Your everlasting Love. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU LORD VICTORY IS OURS IN JESUS NAME!!!
    Rejoice and remain blessed my brothers and sisters and ket the devil be mad! The KING deserves our Thanks and Praise!, worship Him in the beauty of His HOLINESS!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood! Halleluia! Victory is ours in Jesus Name! Praise and Gratitude. Blessed I am and blessed I shall remain.

    2. Thank you Lord for this pandemic; I love you more today and it just keeps growing. You, my Lord are worthy of all praise and glory forever and ever!

    3. Thank you Maplewood for a wonderful prayer and inspirational posting. So valuable and appreciated a year later in 2022.

  16. AMEN, Maplewood! The same portion of this devotion hit me again (as it did last year), "Trust is the channel through which My Peace flows into you. Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances." I will remain thankful that all of my family is safe and being respectful of the distance we've been asked to abide by. It's tough for me - I'm always on the go and other than the store and the Chiropractor, I've been in the house all week.
    I was going to venture out early this morning and thought how silly I was being...I just went to the store on Friday! We have more than enough and it's that 'ol, "But, I'm hungry for..." I laughed at myself and said, "Calm down!"
    So thankful for each of here - for the calming words of wisdom and scriptures printed on these pages. Praying for each of you and your families as we do what Maplewood encourages and claim VICTORY over this virus.
    I'm thankful for our President and the safety nets he and his Task Force are putting in place. Our daughter was told to come back to KC, MO, b/c they are 'esstential' workers. She can work anywhere and is helping her brother and his wife (& 7 kids), due to our DIL just having surgery. I think she'll stay put. It brings me comfort having all of my family in the same state.
    God has this! Kmertens - praying for you and that you know you are not alone. No one should be going without food or sustenance during this time. Provisions are being made every day to sustain us and God has given the most. Our needs are met.

    1. Thank you Norah for the truth you pointed out from today's devotion. "Trust is the channel through which My Peace flows into you. Thankfulness lifts you up above your circumstances."
      Amen!!! I too am so thankful for the encouragement and love I receive every day here. It absolutely blesses my heart and lifts my spirit. God bless you all!

  17. Kmertens - Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3

  18. Thank you so very much. I needed to know I wasn't alone and I will hold tight to what you have so kindly written to me, a complete stranger. May God Bless you all and hold you tight. Thank You!!

    1. Dear Kmertens, in reading your post above, my heart aches for you. So many uncertainties before you. You asked for prayers and so I pray for you. Though I am at a distance from you some may say, "All I can do is pray." as if pray is a cheap second to my acting on your behalf. No, the best thing I can do for you is pray for it unleashes the power of God's love for that which is prayed.

      Gracious Lord, I join with my other brothers and sisters in Christ, lifting up Kmertens in prayer. Her needs are great, Your love for her is greater. You will see her through this time because of Your love for her, may she receive glimpses of Your love as You lead her out of this darkness into the everlasting light of Your love. Amen

      Be blessed, Kmertens! Prayed in love, Bob

    2. Kmertens, add me to your war chest providing prayer to you and your family! As they say about Happiness, and even more for a christian life, it is not a station that you arrive at and say I made it, now I am finished, but rather a lifestyle, a manner of living/traveling through life. Christian life contains Hope, Faith, Strength,and Courage. God will provde all these things for those that seek it. Continue to pray and seek, God WILL provide. Remember these situations and times are not a time to feel abandoned but an opportunity to be more dependent on God. He is with You/Us every step of the way! Amen.

    3. Thank You more than words can say Bob and all of you in this family in Christ. This helps me very much to know I'm getting help from you. I will keep coming back here to this very day and re-read your prayer. Thank you, I will pray thanks in Jesus's name!

    4. I Pray you are in a place where you are able to come back today and keep coming back here to this very day and re-read our prayers. I miss you and your inspiration Kathy! Blessings now and forevermore. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  19. More churches are closed this week than last week. Your church may have the means of streaming a worship experience. By all means attend virtually. We need to hear good news.

    If the church you attend is not able to provide you a worship experience online, allow me to share the passages of scripture for this 4th Sunday in Lent. Interesting point, for my Catholic brothers and sisters, this Sunday is known as Laetare Sunday named after the first word in the opening antiphon from Isaiah 66:10-11, "Rejoice, Jerusalem..." The first word of our JC reading today is the same word, "rejoice".

    First Reading: from I Samuel 16:1-13, the priest Samuel is sent to Jesse's family to anoint the next king of Israel whom God has chosen. As everyone is using human criteria to determine who is most qualified, it turns out that the least qualified son, David, is the one God has chosen. For God sees within David a true heart for Him, the only criteria that matters when it comes to serving God.

    Psalm 23: A perfect depiction of David's heart in which God so delighted.

    Second Lesson: Ephesians 5:8-14 - Paul's words to the believers at Ephesus to "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead..." and let the light they have received in Christ shine to the darkened world around them.

    Gospel Lesson: John 9:1-42 The story of Jesus healing a blind man on the Sabbath and the criticism He received because He was not acting according to the religious practices of the temple. You might say Jesus was the proverbial "round peg that didn't fit in a square hole" and thus was rejected. The real problem was not the peg (Jesus) but the shape of the hole (religion). The man born blind receives his sight and those who claim to have perfect sight remain blind.

    Be blessed in this Day of the Lord. God be with you.

    1. Thank you Bob always for your insight and teaching. I'm leading my Bible group through First and Second Samuel this year and David who is the man after God's own heart loved and trusted God who loved him with his imperfections and sins. God protected him, strengthened him, guided him and comforted him. It gives me great comfort because I have many flaws. And yet I really do feel completely loved and taken care of. He knows I wish I had time for my artwork because it glorifies Him. But my family comes first right now and He has been so good to me. What a blessing to know that my loving Father always knows how I feel.
      Amen! God's laws are above man's laws. Jesus was healing those who were sick physically and spiritually any day of the week. He wanted to please His Father and give Him glory and also lead others to Him. Those who don't have eyes to see even with perfect vision, are blind to what Jesus offers.

  20. Thank you all for your uplifting prayers and encouragement. I'm touched every day by your prayers. Thank you for being His vessel for myself and so many others. Kmertens, continue to put your trust in the Lord. He has already cleared a path though we may not see it yet. The answers to your questions will come, and you will see it and say, I know that was You, Lord. You can call these companies and ask them to work with you through deferring payments, reducing what you owe, lowering out stopping interest, and postponing payments until money flows in. You've got this through Christ who strengthens you. You are not alone. I'm including my prayers with the warriors here for you and your mother for peace beyond ALL understanding. God is always faithful. Trust in Him to get you/us through. Thank you Lord for all of my prayer warriors here who lift me up and show me daily the way to trusting You in every situation and at all tunes.Peace be with you all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  21. I feel I fall short Lord of seeking you and who you are! Please help me lord,showe how to seek you more and Lord help me to make you number one and just know everything else will fall into place and in your timing! Thank you Jesus,amen

    1. Tiffany Grace - Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3

    2. Dear Tiffany, we all fall short. He doesn't tsk at us in falling short; rather He bids us, "Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone (referring to the bad times in our life). The flowers appear on the earth and the time of singing has come and voice of the turtledove is heard in our land (new life is present). (Song of Solomon 2:10-12). He bids you, Tiffany,"Arise, my love, my fair one... He is so in love with you. Arise! God be with you.

    3. Amen Bob!! We are His beloved children even with our shortcomings. In our weakness, He is our strength. He is so much in love with you Tiffany Grace, and all of His children. His arms are spread open to us. Run into them.

    4. Amen πŸ™ In our weakness He is strong! My Savior my Redeemer! ♥️

  22. I pray for all who are feeling alone and afraid. So many in this world that are seeking our lords face that don't know how to pray and don't know where to begin. I will never know how to pray beautifully like so many on this blog; their prayers become mine. Call out to sweet Jesus; His name is a prayer in itself. I find myself saying Jesus I trust in you over and over. My daughter is without a job now; it's all going to work out. May God pour his amazing grace over all my JC Warrior friends. KMertens, Ma, and Tiffany Grace I lift you up in prayer.

    1. Your words are beautiful Loveconquersall. KS

    2. Keep trusting Loveconquersall, we are praying with and for you and your daughter. God will make a way. Be safe. God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Loveconquersall--- Praise the Lord for your words, "Call out to sweet Jesus; His name is a prayer in itself." There is just something about that name!!! Great blessings and love to you Loveconquersall and to all the JC WARRIORS!!! JJ

    4. Loveconquersall, Praying for you and your daughter. Yes the sweetest prayer we can say is "Jesus".
      Amen JJ! There is just something about that Name! The Name above all other names.

  23. Loveconquersall - God bless you. Words spoken from your heart. Thank you for your encouraging words of trust and faith.

  24. Mat 5:3 Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

    This verse came to mind after reading these prayer requests today. When we seek God for His leading, petition Him in prayer for His solution, and walk or wait upon His direction, we are living in His Kingdom.

    Lord thank you that we don't have all the answers. It helps us remember our humble dependence on you. Thank you for your love that is pouring out through your children here. And thank you for all these humble prayer requests. May you be glorified; in Jesus name.

    1. Thank you dear Keith. I can't get through a day without Him so I try to stay in His presence. I trust you Jesus!!

    2. SEEK God for His leading.
      PETITION Him in prayer for His solution.
      WAIT upon His direction.
      LIVE in His Kingdom.
      Thank You God for these words through Keith.
      Again this year, I am seeking, petitioning, waiting, living, and thanking! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  25. The devotional I am using (The Ignatian Workout for Lent: 40 Days of Prayer, Reflection, and Action by Tim Muldoon) now moves into 10 exercises/meditations on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Palm Sunday will be next Sunday, I begin the Holy Week trek by reflecting on Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

    For three years, Jesus had been teaching and healing wherever He and His disciples went. People can be so easily impressed and start developing aspirations for popular public figures. Jesus is fully aware of all of this going on in the public eye; therefore as He focuses on His Father's will for Him, the salvation of the world, He chooses not to fuel those fires of popular opinion thus He enters Jerusalem as humbly as possible, riding a donkey. The people have a definite idea what they want Him to do for them but He serves God and God alone. His popularity is seen in the moment as the people respond from their high hopes for Him. Of course, in a few days when He does not do what they want, they will quickly turn on Him. Oh the fickleness of human nature.

    This whole scene plays itself out in some many little ways in life. People have expectations of what they want others to be or do, according to their will. Parents have dreams of what they want their children to be in life, children have definite plans of how their parents should be; family members want other family members to behave in certain ways; people want other people to conform to their thinking and act accordingly; so many people have an idea of how things should be and they expect everyone to comply with what they want. God, too, has dreams and aspirations for people as well, plans for welfare and not harm a future filled with hope. But those plans are very likely to conflict with people's ambitions. Woe beyond to anyone who follows God's plan over what people's plans are as seen on Good Friday. Oh the need to stay focused on God's will as Jesus did and not succumb to the opinions of those around us. When Jesus said, 'Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account...' That's what is inevitably before anyone who remains focused on what God wants in opposition to public opinion. A basic fact of life.

    I am left with a good question for myself; I know I am suppose to be totally focused on God's will for me as Jesus was but am I guilty of being like the crowd when I have definite ideas how others should be thinking or acting and when they do not, turn against them? The right answer is suppose to be 'no' but, if I am completely honest with myself, the real answer from time to time is 'yes'. Lord, have mercy. You may answer for yourself.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. I too am guilty of judging others for sinning differently than I sin. The Lord is merciful and compassionate. We must just keep trying to be more like Him.

    2. As am I guilty of this. I'm grateful that our God's mercies are bigger than my and all of our mistakes, Jeanne and Bob. Try as I might to be more like Him each day, I fall miserably short more times than not. Get up the next day and try, try again. Like the children's book, "The Little Engine that Could"...I think I can, I think I can,....
      So grateful that God sees my efforts and even when I come up short, he loves me anyway. Humbling beyond words, for sure.

      May you all have a terrific Monday! *Update on Sue and Julie, since Julie's husband, Jake, who is in the Reserves and has to do some training this week, he drove Julie and Olivia halfway to Issaquah from La Grande, OR and Sue met them there to pick up Julie and Olivia. Sue, Julie, and Livvy will spend the week together. Wish I could share a couple of the photos I received. Oh, how this baby, unbeknownst to her but known to God, is helping Sue and Julie heal! Many, many thanks for your continued prayers for them and our family. While I will always remember Jessie, I will also remember how you all wrapped me and my family up in prayer and compassion. Love you all!

    3. Beautiful story. As humbly as possible..There was no pride in Jesus at all. Maybe that's a root of our expectations/disappointments sometimes. Pride focuses on what "I" want. Humility focuses on God and what He wants. I have been struggling with disappointment for expectations not going the way I had hoped. I had no idea until just now that the root of this is probably pride. Said another way would be I was forfeiting my joy because I didn't get my way, which is incredibly immature. I'm thankful to have been awakened and alerted to this especially the way He so kindly and lovingly commands: trust me, rejoice, thank me. All of these commands benefit us deeply, in every way. God bless every one of you, in Jesus name

    4. And God bless you. Seeking a humble path walking with our Lord!

    5. Have mercy on me, Lord, a sinner. I fail you miserably especially in being critical of my sister's sins..her sins different from mine. Have mercy on us..forgive us to please you Lord. You, Lord, are my hiding place.

    6. Lord have mercy, may I focus my expectations only on your promises. In doing so I can live a life of joy, not disappointments in myself, others and outcomes.

  26. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. Father, You have given me everything. You are my creator. Thank You for all I am and all You have given me. I give You my all--including my will. Let Your will be mine. Use me according to Your will Lord. You are my first love and my last. Thank You Father. Amen πŸ™.

    1. Love reading your comment.. bless you so much and I hope you see this! Love you sister

    2. Yes I echo your prayer <3 thank you Jesus. Your will is bigger and better than ours. We want what you want. Bless you all! Thankful for you

  27. Amen dear Janet! Praying with you with thanksgiving and praise!
    Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!

    1. Yes, Janet, your prayer, "let Your will be mine. Use me according to Your will, Lord", is perfect, thank you for that! May I be a blessing to all I encounter today! Blessings, Janet!

  28. Lord, I want to commit my mind today on you and what you want for my will today. Though I tend to slip away into my own desires constantly I know that you are for sure the only way to build to my real will. I ask that your holy spiritual guide me and that I able to pay attention better. I ask for your renewed forgiveness today lord I know that your kingdom will be the only one that stands when it’s all over. I bow to you Heavenly Father. Your creation here is amazing...I want to know you better show me what I can do for the kingdom today Lord. I ask you this in Jesus Christ Holy name amen πŸ™

    1. Amen, committed fully to you Lord.

    2. God hears your prayer. Seek and ye shall find, Xavier. You have a sincere heart of repentance and Our Lord is merciful even unto the end of time. Draw closer to Him and He will draw closer to you. Continuing to pray for you. Trust in the Lord in all things. He is faithful to those who seek Him.

  29. Thanking God with you, Xavier, that God’s mercy is new every morning. Great is his faithfulness to us. Amen and amen!! ❤️

    1. Amen, so very thankful that his mercy is new every morning. Lord help me to have mercy for others as you do for me.

  30. "Rejoice and be thankful! As you walk with Me through this day"
    Thank YOU Jesus for Your love, guidance and presence in my life.

  31. Amen SassyMom, amen! I'm looking out the window to a beautiful day, perfect for sowing lettuce seeds & trying to be thankful because I'm still recovering from knee procedure. Thank you for reminding me, "in everything give thanks"!

    1. Dear Jan, Take it real easy. I remember how long it took me to feel like myself. I felt like I had somebody else's leg for a long time but God faithfully healed me. Give thanks because He is healing you too.



    1. Amen. Trusting in Him and thanking Him.

    2. Thanks iwbwdrjoe,
      I am PLANNING to TRUST Him more and more until I am trusting Him in All situations, and at day's end, I'm EVALUATING how many times I THANKed Him.

  33. Half of me is laughing because this is so relevant to me. I just started homeschooling my kids. When I get up in the morning I have a well-intended plan, lots of fun projects and interactive lessons and fewer book work sheets. The planning, the evaluating...I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing. It hasn't really been going as I hoped it would and I just feel disappointed because I have expectations and hoped they would happen, but it's not exactly. Then, I turned to The Lord and He said stop planning and just trust me...and thank me...and rejoice :) My flesh is so confused because this sweet and simple command is not at all what I thought homeschooling was. Haha! With His help, I'm going to let Him do this and lead me no matter how strongly my flesh will work out for good πŸ‘

  34. Sounds like a plan to have no plan but His plan.
    Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  35. Good Morning. As I write this the night before our very early a.m. departure for Emory, I have to laugh seeing my 2019 post on trust. One year post stem cell transplant and 2 weeks ago testing, the analysis of all the tests and my response and overall remission will be "explained" to both me and my wife by the team in a late morning meeting.

    We truly feel that we have been been blessed with good fortune this past year in the battle with Multiple Myeloma. How wonderful to read:

    "Rejoice and be thankful! As you walk with Me through this day, practice trusting and thanking Me all along the way."

    How awesome to find these words for this particular day. I have seen many of the test results already and they seem to support maintaining continued good response and remission since last year's transplant. My prayer is that we both show our light to all we meet, and that we acknowledge that good science, faith. and God's mercy are reigning in the positive results to date.

    Pray that we do have the good news that we expect and that we demonstrate peace in the storm due to our faith in God's Holy presence while He holds our hand each day of the journey.
    Thanks prayer warriors. Be blessed today.

    1. Hallelujah. So glad to hear that you are doing well MadFox. God is so good always. Continue shining your light bright for the Lord and letting others know that the kingdom of God is near. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Dear Madfox --- I am expecting Great blessings for you, because GREAT GRACE is upon you! I Declare the GLORY of the Lord over you and your family:
      The manifestated presence of God
      The manifestated power of God
      The manifestated goodness of God.
      I speak life, strength, health, energy and vitality into your body. And, you will hear an uplifting report! I Declare that the presence of God, heavy with everything good, is upon you this day! I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    3. Joining warriors dear MadFox as you & your wife go into this day trusting the mighty Sovereign God for His plans to fulfill. Be at peace for the loving hand of our God is leading the Way. His grip of grace has been with you throughout this journey, He will see you through to the finish. In Jesus name. Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. So glad to hear you're doing so well MadFox. I've been praying for you each day and pray that the news you expect is what is received. Peace for you and your wife. JE

    5. Jumping on the praise and Hallelujah train with my JC Warrior Sisters, MadFox! While God has been bringing you through this storm, your constant praise and positivity is not only an incredible testimony to others whom you come across at Emory (both medical staff and patients) but it's been amazing for us to witness as well. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey, both tough moments and breakthrough moments! I will continue keeping you and your family in my prayers, MF. God is certainly holding your hand tightly and bringing you through! Praise God!

    6. Praising Him along with our dear JC Family for His continued faithfulness in your condition and in your life. I believe you will receive wonderful news to celebrate and share with us. You and your wife will be bright lights of Christ wherever you go. You know where your Help cometh from. You have always been a brilliant beacon to us who have been inspired by your faith, trust, and strength of body, mind and spirit. Praying always for you and your loved ones. Looking forward to hearing your results. Remain hopeful and blessed in His saving presence and peace. Much love, good brother.

    7. Thanking the Lord with all of our JC family. Lord continue to use Madfox and his bride as you walk with them hand in hand through every day. In Jesus name amen

    8. Thank you God for leading me to witness the MM journey of Mad Fox 🦊! It has been a very ENLIGHTENING one. All glory be to you Lord as we share in the encouraging results he posts. And for all others, including myself, who are learning WITHOUT A DOUBT, from whom promises are fulfilled and prayers are answered in HIS perfect timing. It is a glorious new day in which to give thanks! ✝️♥️πŸ‘πŸ’ƒ

    9. Praying for you, as always Dear MadFox! My Dear Hub and continue to lift you and look forward to hearing your Victory Report. <3

  36. Thank You Jesus and I praise You Lord always. Yesterday the water heater had been leaking and the lady I rent a room from didn't know it, but God led her to open the closet where it is and thankfully it was found before there was water all through the house. It had to be replaced and changed our plans, but thank You Jesus. It could have been so much worse. We praise God for His guidance and direction and for His faithfulness to us. I can't thank You enough Lord. Hallelujah.

    1. Thanking God that He led your landlady to open the closet to find the leaky water heater before more damage was done. God walks before us and prepares our days. His Hand was guiding everything for you yesterday. Hallelujah!

  37. Praise God, for another day of life, to smile,to talk, to see how the good works of God are sinking into our lives, allow me humbly thank each and everyone who has taken off time to post these motivational summons and I believe as we journey through life, there are lessons to be learnt. Practically I myself have been struggling with how to pray but when I read the messeges being posted (hmmm mm) it's really emotional. Thank you for the continued works of God and be blessed.

    1. Amen dear Unknown! Praise and gratitude and much love fill our hearts and prayers. He is everything. Praying that God is holding you tight through your faith journey, and through your hills and valleys. Thank you for your sincere blessings.

    2. Amen Jeanne, unknown you are a jewel in his crown. A lamp that he has lit. Be blessed you are in his favor.

  38. My daughter has also been going to Emory. She was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2014 and just recently had a hospital stay there. The Drs said her UC has progressed to Crohns Disease. She is only 20 years old and has been dealing with this horrible illness since she was 14. Right now she doesn’t have an appetite and has a Hickman Catheter that she receives TPN through. She’s such a beautiful expression of God”s love to me. We are so close because of everything. Please pray for her that she will go into remission soon and that she finds healing. Also, pray for me to be sensitive to her needs and a vessel of strength for her. She loves the Lord and has always been a shining example to all who knows her. She’s full of personality and humor. I am honored to be her mom. Her middle name is Faith and boy have we needed that throughout these years. I know she struggles with self-worth because of this illness and not being able to be “normal” but her Spirit pushes on. She is taking online classes and is determined to be the first of my three kids to graduate college. She was homeschooled most of her high school years due to being sick but when she went back to school she caught up graduated with highest honors with her class and was loved by many teachers. She also has a gift for writing and has since she was younger. Please just lift her up her name is Tori Faith.
    Also, please pray for us to find a place to live we are selling our house in the midst of all this. It is under contract now and we are literally walking by faith. She didn’t have her Hickman Catheter when we put our house on the market and now I’m questioning if we are even doing the right thing by moving. We felt strong about it in the beginning and that we needed to. Anyway I sure could use a miracle with her and some divine direction. Thanks everyone ♥️

    1. Lifting Tori Faith to the throne of grace. Touch her body dear Lord, I ask, I seek, I knock that Jehovah Rapha look upon her with great favor &, heal her. Use this trial to glorify Your name, to touch those whom Tori comes in contact with, who may need the light that her sweet spirit can shine through their darkness. Guide her family by grace as they sell & make this move to a new home. Thank You for Your provisions. In Jesus' name. Amen!

    2. Joining in prayer for your sweet Tori Faith to touch and heal her. Continue to trust and believe that God's got your back and will be paving the way for you as you make the move. May God's peace cover you and Tori. JE

    3. Dear Sharon,
      Lifting up Tori Faith and family to The Throne of Grace. Jesus is the Name above ALL names. His name is above every sickness and disease, and every sickness and disease MUST BOW to His name. So, I speak the name os Jesus over every part of Tori Faith's body. I bind the strongman of Cohn's disease from stealing Tori Faith's health and destroying her life. I Declare: The Abundant Life of Jesus to flow through her digestive tract. I plead The Blood of Jesus over Tori Faith from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. I Decree for her to be free from abdominal pain, inflammation, fatigue and weight loss--and for the healing promises of the stripes of the Lord to saturate her body. Let healing and wholeness be Tori Faith's testimony! I pray the Lord will light up the family's pathway with His Living Light. I proclaim the Lord's GLORY is the family's covering and His FAVOR surrounds them as a shield. In Jesus' name. For Your Honor and Your Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    4. Joining my sisters and all of our JC prayer warriors for Tori Faith, Sharon. Jehovah Rapha is THE GREATEST physician and is directing her/your steps. May you stay strong in your faith knowing God is at the helm of it all! Praying for you, Tori, and her medical team, Sharon. In Jesus' name, amen!

    5. Every day I pray for Tori's healing and I believe God will show her His faithfulness, and put her into remission. May He enlighten the doctors to everyone of her weaknesses and needs, so they can give her the perfect treatment. She sounds like a bright shining testimony to His love. He knows all she has gone through and He cares for her. Don't feel guilty about the move. God will pull all the loose ends together for you. You need His peace of mind right now and comfort and encouragment. Be strong for your lovely daughter. Keep resting in His love and trusting that He is preparing wonderful tomorrows for her and you and your family.
      Be not afraid, He goes before you always. Just follow Him and He will give you rest.

    6. Prayers for Tori Faith, a shining light in the midst of Healy challenges. May our Father bless her with improved health as she witnesses for the glory of God. Blessings to you, Sharon, the strong mom by her side. ♥️πŸ™

    7. Joining in prayer for Mom Sharon and Tori Faith. I sang this song for Rick and Jeanne on the day of his Ablation. May we all experience Jesus in our midst.
      Katy Nichole - In Jesus' Name (GOD of POSSIBLE)

  39. Dear Sharon, Joining warriors in prayer for your precious Tori Faith. Praying you and Tori are covered with grace, love, peace, guidance, endurance, strength,HOPE and HEALING. God bless you and Tori.

  40. Replies
    1. Wonderful, so blessed. Thank you.

    2. That brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much dear Sassy Mom. Just what I needed to see today.

    3. Thank you, Sassy Mom, isn't the series AMAZING? So hooked on Jesus πŸ‘♥️

    4. Audra - A VERY LOUD AMEN AND HALLELUJAH!!!! So happy to share with everyone.

  41. The Beatitudes
    Matthew 5:3-10 (NIV) -
    “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
    Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
    Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
    Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
    Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
    Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

  42. Thank you for all your prayers and kind words. Please continue to keep Rick in your prayers because he has a weird side effect. His back was so itchy after his ablation, despite all the cortisone cream I slathered over it twice. He couldn't sleep more than an hour. He has a call out to the doctor. Praying God will heal him and bring peace and sleep to him.
    You were praying for Natalia who had malignant tumors in her breasts and for her Mom, Maria Teresa whose breast cancer came back. Natalia just told me that last week she had a double masectomy. She is a young, beautiful single mother of a young daughter. She and her Mom and daughter all need our prayers for healing, strength, guidance and comfort.
    Thank You, Father God, for your healing, blessings, comfort and strength of body, mind and spirit for Rick, Natalia and Maria Teresa and for your comfort and protection of young Natalia's daughter. Thank You also for healing Tori and Keith and MadFox and Peter and Karen and Jan and her DH, JJ and Ellen and Butterfly Love and Brie and her DH and Janet and Fern and Terri and all our brothers and sisters and their friends and loved ones in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Jeanne - Joining the prayer train .... healing blessings for Rick and all the above mentioned.
      "May you sink into the peaceful embrace of the Great Healer." Thank You Jesus for healing our loved ones.

    2. Thanks sweet Sassy Mom! He's doing well but I must say he had beer and wine today. That man is not helping himself. I didn't say a word. I just keep praying for him.

    3. I speak the Name of Jesus over you and Rick with love ❤, Brie

  43. Father, Thank you also for healing Sassy Mom and her friends and loved one's weaknesses too and anyone else I forgot, in Jesus' Name. Amen

  44. Lord so many deep concerns today. Please have your way in each situation. Praying for healing, for favor, for divine intervention. Lord all the cares of this world don't compare to the glorious future we have with you in heaven. Nothing can compare and nothing can take away from the inheritance you have laid up for us in heaven. Lord please forgive me for complaining. You have told me directly not to murmur, so please forgive me. Forgive me for being short with the kids last night and this morning. I was trying to do it out of my flesh and failed miserably. Lord please remind me to renew myself in you so you can operate through me in Jesus name amen

    1. Amen. I speak the Name of Jesus over you and yours with much ❤, Brie

    2. Amen. We all must come up to the Throne of Grace to be renewed and refreshed. I often fall short and speak from the flesh. Emotions are dangerous. I was upset with Rick because he announced he was having a beer just a day after his procedure. I was ready to speak my mind. But I didn't get mad. I prayed for him. He said he might go out to lunch with his friend Phil on Friday. I reminded him the doctor said he must be a couch potato for a week. He said his doctor said he could go out. I said I was there and heard what he said. I think he's doing what he wants instead of what he was told. I want to be his sweet nurse so I am trying to keep my judging to myself. He probably needed to relax with that beer.
      Terri, we are all so imperfect. You know the kids love you and they realize your words and discipline are out of love. I know about losing my temper because I always feel bad when I do. But I'm trying to think before I speak. We all must stay in His presence and look to His Spirit to help us with the words to share. God knows our efforts and forgives our shortcomings. He is a loving Father.

  45. My prayer for JC Prayer Warriors and our world.

    1. I absolutely love that song. I sent it again to my Mom and sister.

  46. Amen! Meeting you all there IN HIS PRESENCE!

    "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed to us."
    Romans 8:8 ESV.

    1. Amen! All is well in His Presence and our joy will be full and complete when we finally behold Him face to face.
      Yes dear Audra and Sassy Mom! What a day of Rejoicing that will be! The Grand Reunion

  48. From my David Jeremiah devotions.
    Are you saved?

    "A story is told of a religious leader who was waiting to board a train to begin a journey. A simple man approached the religious leader and asked him, “Sir, are you saved?” The leader replied, “Yes, I am.” The simple man then asked, “When were you saved?” The leader replied, “I was saved in A.D. 33 when Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.”

    For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

    1. Amen! What a glorious gift of redemption and salvation we have been given. I pray that our unsaved loved ones will someday open their heart to their Redeemer. Waiting on the Lord and trusting in His faithfulness. May He draw them to Him in His timing.

  49. Thank-you to everyone I was literally holding back tears reading all of the sweet prayers for my love daughter Tori Faith. God bless each of you for your kindness and healing prayers sent up for her. It means so very much! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  50. We will Pray without ceasing. With God all things are possible. Your beautiful daughter loves the Lord and He cares for her. Praying for your peace of mind and healing too. Stand strong on the Rock. Time to exercise your trust muscles my sister. You and the Christ in you are the lights in her life.

  51. Prayers for each of you and yours as I head to bed. I was on the Night Watch this morning from 3-4. Praying you all received those blessings. Cont'd prayers for Rick, Jeanne; for our MadFox; for Sassy Mom, et al. For Dear Tori Faith. For any I missed - You know every hair on their head, Dear Father.
    Sleep Sweet -

    1. I received them. Thanks. ZZZZZ

    2. Thanks dear Norah! Received and am blessed by them. God bless you and yours. Thanks for taking the Night Watch.

  52. Good morning dear warriors 🌞. Prayers please for hubby. In Texas they diagnosed him as having stenosis in the neck arteries, they are running test tomorrow to see what's what. He & I are standing on the promises of God our Savior that by Jesus' stripes the arteries will be clear! Hallelujah & Amen! Bless each of as you support us in prayer πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ.

    1. Dear Sweet Jan, I stand with you for your hubby's arteries. In Jesus's name I Decree and Declare his arteries will not shrink or become clogged. His arteries are clean, elastic and function as God created them to function. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is in Jan's hubby, permeating His life through hubby's veins and arteries, sending healing throughout his body. I Pray and Believe in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Dear Jan, Rest in Him Who loves you. Joining into JJ’s powerful prayer for your good husband’s clear and perfect arteries! We stand together on His promises and we know nothing is impossible for God. He is the Great Physician! Thanking Him for granting our prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus , our Risen Lord. Amen

    3. Joining in prayers for your husband, Jan. Our heavenly Father's healing hands are upon him. May His mighty power pour into him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Absolutely. Father we pray for all here that need healing and in particular for Jan's husband and her. Give them peace regarding the diagnosis and prognosis. We pray for the most positive of outcomes, in Him, Amen.

    5. Jan - Echoing and joining JC Warrior prayers for your husband.

    6. Joining the prayer warriors for you, your hubby, your family and the entire medical team treating him. Are you at The Medical Center in Houston?

    7. Adding my prayers and thanks to our Father for you, Jan, and family. You are covered in the blood of Jesus that flows freely to those that love him. No restrictions!

  53. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him. (Psalm 28:7). Now this is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (1 John 5:14).

  54. I am fully nourished in my spirit, soul, mind & body by each of your prayers &, God's promises through the sharing of His word. I want to also thank you warriors for praying for my Hep-B test. I met with my doctor & together we figured out the source of it. I did some research as to how one gets this virus. I've never had a transfusion, hubby never had it, needles only pierced my skin through blood tests. It seems that 3/4 of the Asian population is susceptible to this virus . It's in their genetics. I checked this out with my doctor &, she confirmed that my mother passed it to me through giving birth. I've had it all my life. At one point it became active, my immune system kicked in & the latest test revealed that I have the antigen & I'm completely immuned to this virus! Hallelujah! In a sense my asian mother gave me a gift. Mystery solved. Unbeknownst to me, through the years each my children got vaccinated through military service& my #1 son through mission work abroad. God is good! He protected my family members all these years! Praise His Holy Name!, Thank you warriors, blessings on your day as you bless others πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Joining in prayers of thanksgiving that you are immune to Hep-B! Thank You Jesus!

  55. Believing with you for your husband's tests, Jan and celebrating with you re: your immunity to Hep-B!

  56. Good morning jc family,

    I love today's post and prayers. How wise to think that in our seeking God, we need to seek Him for who He is and not who we want Him to be. I never thought about that before.

    I may have mentioned that my family is trying something new. My husband quit his demanding job that kept him away from us except for him to come home to sleep. It was no way to live. I respect him for working so hard, but want better for us all. So he did it! It's amazing! With him doing some auto work for friends and my job as a fill in at a company while I homeschool my children, we have to trust God for wisdom, for provision, for guidance. I'm praying in agreement with scripture and prophesying what He says. We trust You Lord that You supply our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus. You love us relentlessly and will never leave us. Thank You for this beautiful journey, for Your plan.

    In giving You my plans and setting my intention, today I commit to trusting You. Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

    1. Dear free as can B, Praying that God will provide every one of your needs and guide you to more ways you can use the gifts He gave you to help make ends meet. Amen! He will supply your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. He knows exactly what you need even before you ask! Rest well in Him Who cares for you.

  57. In case you missed it, such a powerful truth about our relationship with God revealed in today's message...
    "Rather than planning and evaluating, practice trusting and thanking Me continually. This is a paradigm shift that will revolutionize your life."
    My experience shows me this truth, and I am so grateful to My Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    1. Working those trust muscles and walking in my gratitude! Thanks dear sister! Amen!

  58. May I trust you in all circumstances oh Lord. May I rejoice in your faithfulness and love, knowing you will not leave me or forsake me. How awesome that I can have a relationship with the Creator! He knows each of us and has a good plan and purpose for us.

    Praying for a healthy and speedy recovery from covid for my daughter and I. And thankful for my loving wife caring for us!


  59. May God heal all your Covid symptoms and bring you all back to perfect health and also strengthen and protect your good and loving wife. Thank You Jesus!

  60. Please pray that my brother in love, Jack will have a successful Ablation tomorrow to fix the fluttering in his heart. May God guide the doctor's hands perfectly and bring him through a good recovery. May He grant him good health and peace of mind that extends to his whole family. Thank You Father for this in the powerful name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  61. Thanks for your prayers for my good mom. Trusting in God’s continued faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 55:22
    “Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.”

    Psalm 94:14
    “For the LORD will not forsake his people;
    he will not abandon his heritage;”

    Psalm 100:5
    “For the LORD is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.”

  62. Praying for you, your mom and your family. May our heavenly Father touch her and heal her completely πŸ™. May He strengthen and comfort her and pour out His perfect peace on all of you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

  63. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, rather than me following my own ways, please purify my heart and make me more like You. Please guide my path and help me take steps that will guide me toward Your plan for my life and not my own whims Lord. Please help me to see myself as You see me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.
    For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. (Galatians 5:5). For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Galatians 5:14). Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches. (Galatians 6:6).

    1. Thanking God for you dear Janet for another hefty meal of God's word. Be blessed ❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  64. In Jesus name,Amen

  65. Praying for healing, mental and physical, for you. your mother. and family. Amen

  66. Joining here in prayer dear Jeanne for your mom " Matilda". Thanking Jesus for her recovery. He will continue to strengthen her & deliver her from her need of cigarettes. Also praying for you & Janet as you continue to care for her. Keep running the race set before you. You have so much to endure at the moment. Be of good cheer dear sister! Jesus waits for all of us at the finish line! Hallelujah! ❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  67. Prayers dear warriors. Had routine blood work yesterday to check for kidney function & red blood cell count. My body tends to store iron. Asking our Lord to bring all to normal range. Much love & thank you family ❤️

    1. Praying for the results of your blood work, Jan. For peace as you wait and for healthy functioning of your body with no ill effects from iron storing.

    2. Praying over your results and trusting the Lord will answer!

  68. Joining warriors dear Ellen in prayer for your mom. My goodness! 100 yrs. Old. God love her! 😊
    Also for your daughter. Blessings to you & your family. ❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Thank you all for prayers for my mom....Jesus is healing her.

  69. We receive Grace and Mercy, we give Trust and Thankfulness. Good to meditate on. God gives, we receive. We give, God receives.

  70. Easter Hallelujah

    1. My fave version. πŸ’“ thanks Sassy Mom for filling my heart with this Easter Joy 😊

  71. Joining in prayer for you and your Mom.

  72. Adding my prayers and asking for wisdom for your mothers’ physicians and care providers as they care for her and work to find the cause of this episode. Praying for you and your sister, Jeanne, that you would experience His peace and rest in this situation.

  73. A day to give thanks for sure. I know you have been praying for my daughter Gabrielle and I am grateful.
    After a month in the hospital she is coming home today! She had an amazing team working with her.
    Now another 2-4 weeks of outpatient treatment. Great news and answered prayer. She does have a long road ahead as there currently isn’t a cure, but we are praying that it will be totally manageable and the next month will bring her greater healing.
    May you be blessed with answered prayers today and blessed with the Peace of Christ!
    Shalom πŸ™

    1. Joining you in prayer for Gabrielle. PTL she is coming home before Easter to celebrate our Risen Savior.
