Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 21

    Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Think what it means to have Me as your Strength. I spoke the universe into existence; My power is absolutely unlimited! Human weakness, consecrated to Me, is like a magnet, drawing My Power into your neediness. However, fear can block the flow of My Strength into you. Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Me. When you relate to Me in confident trust, there is no limit to how much I can strengthen you.
    Remember that I am also your Song. I want you to share My Joy, living in conscious awareness of My Presence. Rejoice as we journey together toward heaven; join Me in singing My Song.
Isaiah 12:2-3
English Standard Version
“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.”
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Psalm 21:6
English Standard Version
For you make him most blessed forever;
you make him glad with the joy of your presence.

My Prayer
In my weakness Lord, you are Strong. You are my strength. You carry me. You created everything I see so you are definitely capable of caring for my life. Help me Lord to trust You each day and not grade your hand of providence in my life. Put a new song in my mouth, so that I can sing praises to Your Name.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Good morning. I've had so much anxiety lately due to my son's new diagnosis. When I wake up in the middle of the night, the first thing I do is go to your blog. Jesus talks to me through you. Thank you for doing this. You are spreading God's love and word.

    1. Stay strong.. I will be praying for your son, you, and your family.. ⚓️❤️..

    2. Glad to be an encouragement. Parental anxiety tough. My 17 year olds son was car jacked last night with a gun to his head. Fortunate he is okay and it was great to hug him hard last night. The Lord is being your shield and anchor in your sons life. Let him carry you through this. Grace and peace.

    3. What a frightening moment for all! I know it has been a few years but I still thank God for your son’s safety!! Wowza.

  2. Trust WILL reduce your anxiety. I will pray for you and your son. Peace and comfort to you both!

  3. This is so awesome I spend 4 months in jail and I said when I get out iam keeping God close to me so every morning when I wake up I come to these blog and read it Just makes me feeling so good πŸ˜‡πŸ™

  4. I cant Figure out how to subscribe to this blog. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  5. Hello. Don’t know how to do it from a phone but on a computer there is a place to follow on the bottom right after the Bible tags. Keep in mind. All of the Jesus calling posts were done several years ago go by subscribing you will get emails about recent posts. Currently I’m posting on the book of Mark a couple of times a week. Thanks.

  6. NO FEAR. "Think what it means to have Me as your Strength. I spoke the universe into existence; My power is absolutely unlimited!" That power is living and abiding in us. Asking for continued prayers. Know that all of you and yours are in mind. He knows what we need and has promised to provide.

  7. Oh my goodness. What a strange but awesome feeling! I see that I replied one year ago today. Want to know what trusting does and how amazing God is? He actually CHANGED the diagnosis. My son's psychologist and the person who gave the test talked and agreed. God is so good. Payton family, I can't imagine the fear and trauma you went through. Thanking God your son is ok

    1. Wow thanks for this update. A real reminder to pray for every need we have.

    2. Thank you Trusting Lord: God is Good! So very very Good!

    3. What a BLESSING to read these words, Trusting the Lord!

    4. Dear Trusting the Lord. I am so happy and relieved to hear of God's faithfulness in your son's life. God is so good all the time. Praise His Holy and merciful Name forever!

    5. Praising God for your Victory report, Trusting the Lord! God is good!

    6. Trusting the Lord, thank you so much for sharing the miracle of God changing the diagnosis!
      This brought tears of joy to my heart!
      God bless you and your son. God is sooo good!
      Chris, praise God that your son is ok!
      You and your family are in my daily prayers.
      You All are!

  8. Payton family, your prayer is my prayer "You are my strength. You carry me."
    Last night's news told the story about bungee jump accident on Royal Caribbean, Mariner of the Seas cruise ship. Last week my 2 daughters surprised me with a cruise ON THIS SHIP!! to celebrate my 86 th birthday. I foolishly let them talk me into a Bungee jump. The accident could have been me. THANK YOU LORD,I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR WATCH CARE AND PROTECTION. THANK YOU FOR PROTECTION PAYTON SON.

    1. Sassy Mom, why am I not surprised that you would be bungee jumping at 86?? Thanking the Lord for your safety and GUMPTION! I'm thankful to for God's careful watch over your life. We need you, Sassy Mom!! <3

    2. Wow - Sassy Mom - somehow I missed this last year. You brave soul!! Agree with Norah - thankful for God's careful watch over you. We need you! KS

    3. Anonymous - KS Brave? That is questionable. No more bungee jumping. My feet are on the ground. I have been grounded.

    4. Sassy mom you are brave and amazing! I also
      Missed this last year! Reminds me of my great grandmother Nana. She would always want to do the biggest, fastest and scariest roller coasters. Great memories
      Love and prayers for y’all and yours!
      Prayers for our world too!
      With love

    5. Sassy Mom bungee junming at 86..I always say you are a woman of great faith and that I admire you. You are also a woman of great strength and I admire you.

    6. Dear Sassy Mom, You are a courageous and wild sister and I thank God you are still with us. I know you were praying when you jumped.

    7. You're such a brave soul for bungee jumping at ANY age let alone at 86!! Your so admired, loved and you inspire me. Glad that God was watching over you then and now.

  9. Thankful today for beautiful examples of faith and trust in my church community.

  10. Father God I rejoice un your Glory every day. Please bless πŸ™ Elizabeth & Harley and make their lives filled with your Glory

  11. Wow! You go girl, Sassy momπŸ˜‰. You had to be praying before you stepped into that challenge. You're angels declared, "she's not! REALLY?" And they reported for duty.πŸ˜„. 86 and going strong. Blessings.

    1. LOL!!! Perfect description! "Yep - she REALLY is!!" 'On Guard!'

  12. I love to read these comments daily. This blog is so very meaningful to me and so many others. Blessings to all of you.Thank God for his Strength and the Joy He gives. Sing praises to His Name. Thank God for the positive updates.

  13. I am singing praises and maybe selfishly, because my praises were sung today. If "Words of Affirmation" are my Love Language, today they were met exceedingly, abundantly above. My Boss, sang my praises to one of my cases who was so touched, he was in tears. I am so thankful for the results of the last couple of hard weeks. We are getting results for these people who have been wronged and it makes my heart SING!! Heading to bed a happy woman, who has spent time with her hub (who brought dinner home so I didn't have to cook), for my sons touching base with me and for the safe travels I had today in icky, rainy weather. The sun came out when I was just about home. How appropriate. I think I will sleep well tonight and tomorrow, I get to put a 'WRAP' on this crazy week! Love and blessings and continued prayers to all of my JC FAMILY! Sleep sweet; God is awake.

    1. You headed to bed happy because you made a difference in God's people's lives and you glorified Him. Glad you had sweet sleep then and hope you are still geting your well deserved rest now.

    2. Our Heavenly Father YAWEH, I come before YOU through YOUR son Jesus Christ, I praise YOU for yet another opportunity to do what’s right, to do better than I did yesterday and the day before. JESUS YOU know my heart, YOU see my joys as well as weaknesses. What a blessing indeed it is to know YOU, to have YOU in my life. I praise YOU LORD for the unconditional love and promises. I praise YOU LORD for this beautiful world, universe and for all the magnificent creatures, both great and small, YOU so beautifully created with just YOUR voice!❤️ I kneel before YOU and surrender my life to YOU, seeking the HOLY SPIRIT to fill my spirit to guide my every step. Please lift me up LORD into shallow waters, for I feel so tired wading in the deep end. I no longer want to be in the “place” I am in. I know there is love in this world- please help me find it. I praise YOU LORD for giving me the strength and endurance to keep moving forward, in spite of the excruciating pain. LORD help me find a remedy for these ailments as I await to be healed by YOU, help me to TRUST in YOU Always, seeking YOU before I do another or anything else. For YOU I know will be there and lead me in the right direction or provide me with the strength to overcome whatever obstacles stands before me. With each painful step I pray my direction is on course with YOU & I’m moving ever closer to YOU, never letting go of YOUR hand when it’s extending towards me, which I now understand can be and is there whenever I need YOU!πŸ™ Hallelujah I sing yet another new hallelujah to YOU today
      I too pray for this world and our world leaders dear LORD, open their eyes & ears and soften their hearts, stop them from their evil deeds, especially those involving children, PLEASE πŸ™
      LORD help them turn back to YOU so that they may turn away also from their evil ways and begin to represent the people as their position was intended.
      Keep our children safe Dear LORD, in this chaotic world, and comfort the sick and suffering, provide respite for those suffering with non stop pain, depression, anxiety whatever it may be give them rest , restore their spirits so they be strengthened and praise and seek YOU always. Please help me know how to help others more.
      Forgive me LORD for my sins, help me to wash my robe white, & to cleanse my mind body and spirit of all wicked thoughts and inclinations
      I LOVE YOU LORD Of LORDS, help me to learn how to Love YOU even more dear YAWEH & Jesus
      I pray this through YOUR precious son’s name Jesus Christ,

    3. What a beautiful prayer! TY for sharing your hearts cry to Jesus. I am in horrible pain with spinal issues and torn gluteal tendon. My heart cries out to God with you for His strength and healing.

  14. Love this language from JC: "Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Me."

    Perfect for our current global circumstances! I've read several religious op-eds where writers believe a great rennaisance is coming in faith given the fear of this extremely contagious coronavirus. And, I read and see, lately, of a restoration of American ingenuity, compassion, generosity, and patriotism. How AWESOME is that change in America from even a few weeks ago, where the nation seemed more divided than united...

    Let us focus on His LOVE and trust in His ability to bring all things together for good - including the American people. Father, we pray for healing spiritually, relationaly, and physically for all mankind in this time where many are fearful. Amen.

    1. Amen, Amen! Standing with you in prayer for healing for all Americans and the world, Madfox!
      God bless you! Stay safe and be well.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Yes MadFox - standing with you all in prayer for healing of the world. KS

    3. Amen Amen Amen
      Standing with you in prayer Madfox
      God bless you
      Prayers for healing for our world and for the United States

    4. Amen and amen..standing in prayer with you, praying without ceasing.

    5. So often the plagues in the scriptures are understood as punishment for bad behavior, that they are retributive. I see them as remedial, to correct bad behavior that does not love. What you describe above, MadFox, is exactly what is happening in this "plague". Our Lord does not seek to get even with us, rather to correct us. Why else would our Lord choose to suffer and die as He did? In so doing, eternal correction is made available and life can be lived as it should be as you are saying.

    6. well said, Bob. I would add that by giving us free will, God allows us to make bad decisions and illness can result. God didn't direct this pandemic "at us". If it indeed started in a "wet market" where 500 years ago, it would have only impacted the locals, but in today's global transportation environment, which allows in mere hours for people to travel 1000's of miles, it is not surprising that a new virus could infect millions, or hundreds of millions. God gave us incredible intelligence and therefore we can learn how to mitigate this in the future with new drugs/vaccines and/or learning that risky market behaviors have to be changed in HIS modern world. In Him, be at peace.

    7. Still truth and a beautiful hopeful post dear MadFox.
      This sure does apply to you:
      "Instead of trying to fight your fears, concentrate on trusting Me." I know you do.

  15. Isaiah 41:10

    "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I will trust You and not be afraid. Thank You Jesus for Your promises.

  16. “But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. - Jeremiah 17:7-8

    1. Amen to that! Much like Psalm 1. Beautiful food for my soul.

    2. Both are such wonderful passages dear Sassy Mom. Thank you!

  17. Amen.
    Lord direct me to the still waters. Help me to make the decision whether to stay and wait or leave.
    Lord extinguish my fears and increase my trust. You are indeed Infinate in your power, strength and ability! Help us all to focus on this and not our human based fear. God bless America. God bless each reader & their scope of influence, The Payton team. In God we trust. Thank you Jesus.

    1. We look for the still waters together, Fern. God be with us as together we seek the way He has set before us.

    2. Amen Fern, God bless us all and the Payton team. In God we surely trust.
      Beautiful encouragement Bob.

  18. Heavenly Father, I choose to trust in You, not because it’s easy, but because I’ve seen You show up when I needed You most. I remember those times that You’ve shown up in powerful ways in my life. Rather than wrestling with the ‘what ifs’ when all seems dark, thank You for the invitation to trust You and not be afraid. Thank You for forgiving me and bringing me into a new day with new mercy. Help me to make choices that will bring honor and glory to You., in Jesus name.

    The timing of God’s Words in these devotions by Sarah Young just blows my mind each and every time! Especially at a time when the world is facing a crisis and each morning you wake up to Jesus’ blessed assurance! What more can you ask for? “Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Think what it means to have Me as your Strength." Wow! Thank You Lord.
    With so many cases and deaths due to this pandemic in my states of work (NY) and residence (NJ), I am blown away by the Father’s promises and feel so incredibly blessed to have Him as my Father, Jesus as my Savior and the Holy Spirit as my guard! I strongly believe that there’s going to be tremendous VICTORY out of all that is happening and God will get the glory He always deserves, that we don't often render to Him!

    Isaiah 12:2-3 declares who the Father is, but Psalm 46 adds the cherry on top: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. The heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Come, behold the works of the LORD, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Refuge.”

    Dear Lord, I ask that all fear of tomorrow be remove from the minds of Your children so that each one can experience the joy and blessings of trusting You. When the going gets tough, which seems to be happening now, may we not succumb to fears and freeze, but hold on to courage which is the deliberate decision to trust You, no matter what we’re feeling or experiencing. May any and all fear become opportunities, and not obstacles. Through this, let Your power and strength be placed on display for all to see and glorify You, in Jesus name.

    Blessings and Peace to all! Fear not, we are in great hands, JESUS'!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! wonderful prayer. KS

    2. Maplewood--- AMEN and AMEN!!!

    3. Your words still calm my heart and lift my soul. He is our rest and refuge no matter what storms may hit us. We stand on an immovable Rock and our foundation will never crumble. His words are truth and there is no reason to fear because He is ever at our sides. Beautiful words, dear Maplewood: "May any and all fear become opportunities, and not obstacles." Opportunities to trust Him and test our faith, and also lead others to Him because we are not shaking in our boots.

    4. These boots were made for walking, not shaking πŸ˜‰ I join in prayer and God's Presence in the calm of a new day reflecting on the Scriptures called out on this blog. Thank you all!

    5. You made me smile dear Audra! Praying with you and for you.

  19. "Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Think what it means to have Me as your Strength." So powerful and so comforting, thank you Jesus! Amen.

  20. Perfect for today! While reading this I got a "word of knowledge"...Let love be your currency for today and always. I guess that is more than one word! But felt the need to pass it on.
    Be well, team

    1. Agreeing with this a year later! May love be our currency indeed!!! ❤️

  21. Good morning to my JC family. Just want you all to know that we here in the Midwest are praying for everyone also. Despite the mayhem around me, I find comfort in the FACT that God has this covered.
    Someone mentioned in their post about the current state of affairs being the catalyst for a massive revival in our country. I say, BRING IT!!! Come, Lord Jesus and don’t delay!

    It is so good to see the faithful here and around me standing strong in the face of adversity. God gives the strength we need in our weakness.

    I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to reaching out to others here with encourage, love and prayers. Please know that I am praying also.

    Peace, Dave D, IL

  22. Blessed beyond words - Received a phone call from my Circle Chairman telling me to look in the rocking chair on my front porch, then she hung up. Someone left a pot of pink tulips and chocolate cookies for me. Thank you Lord for blessing me. Joining warriors in prayer for our nation. DO NOT FEAR!!!! God is in control.

  23. "Eternal Father we offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity, of your dearly beloved son our Lord Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins..For the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on us and on the whole world." a prayer handed down from my family. Jesus I trust in you..How Great Thou Art.

  24. Sassy Mom, isn't it great to be surrounded by supportive Christian friends. Our congregation traditionally has "souper suppers" on Wednesday evenings during lent. The other day we got a call from a dear friend who had made a huge pot of soup and now that the gatherings are cancelled, she says, "What do I do with all this soup." She brought a big container and left it on our front porch. It was delicious and we made 3 meals from it. That's 3 meals that won't deplete our larder during our "social separation". God finds the most interesting ways to care for us.
    Lord, thank you that you have ALL things in your control. Be with those panicked by the pandemic. Help them to trust You during these events and find peace in You.

    1. 10-4 - Amen!!!! He cares for us. Blessings upon blessings. My church has cancelled all services for a few weeks, but we can watch on line. A church elder called to ask if I need anything. He is calling the elderly and widows. Blessings just keep coming. Our cup is full and running over. Thank You Lord for the peaceful blessed assurance YOU'RE IN CONTROL!!!!!

    2. Thanks for the encouraging story,10-4. The present situation provides for wonderful moments such as these. Let's multiply them. God be with you.

    3. What a wonderful story. God provides all our needs and lifts our hearts in so many ways.

  25. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 10:32-33) Jesus talks about a decision, a decision that is a determination of the direction we choose in life. This decision has eternal ramifications for it will determine if we truly live the fullness of life for which He created us. It is a decision about Him. To realize He is God-with-us and that we are loved by our Father in heaven. This is an eternal truth that will change everything about us. To refuse Him is to choose to leave one groping in the dark and lost in any sense of the meaning of life. He stresses this is ultimately and eternally essential. This is a required decision by all and we must go forth to help all make this decision. This is the purpose of this time of instruction He is giving us.

    (Beware, personal opinion ahead) I feel these verses have been misused within the Church missing Jesus intent. If these verses are merely used to establish a formula for being saved, I fear the intent has been missed. Yes, emphatically so, Jesus words stress the necessity of making a definitive decision in life about who He is. This can take many forms but it is not the form that matters but the point we reach when we decide to begin to love Him as He loves us. From that moment on, we have chosen to live the values of eternal life forever here and after. In the moments we get it right in this earthly life, we will experience eternal joy. Through the rest of our life and in the practice of the truths that JC emphasizes, we grow each day in the eternal life, the God-with-us life both now and forever. Eternal life has been given by the grace of God, we must choose to let it be who we are. To refuse it is to choose a lifestyle that is going nowhere and will experience no purpose. To deny all that Jesus was and is would be to make one's life meaningless and futile now and forever. A choice must be made and in doing so, we are allowing the love of God to draw us into eternal life, the abundant life in Him today and forever.

    You who have come to this blog have come seeking God through Jesus Christ. In all you experience here, you have experienced something of God. What you do with what you have found is a choice. To believe and embrace within your heart Jesus Christ is to choose something that will bring great blessing to you. To refuse it is so unfortunate because He is that very desire which brought you here. So many of you have chosen Him as He has chosen you and are continuing to make that choice daily though not always perfectly. You have chosen that which is the right path for this life and the path ends in the presence of the Father which is where you are right even now. In addition to finding God here, we have found each other and that is necessary as well because eternal life is not a solo flight but a shared experience. We need each other to truly experience eternal life both now and forever.

    But before leaving these thoughts, I think what Jesus was stressing to His disciples and to us is the eternal importance of the proclamation of the good news so others may believe. These verses were spoken in the context of His teaching about the proclamation of the gospel. If we take these words out of context to create a formula for our salvation, the point is missed. Simply put, since we have chosen the path of eternal life, by all means, let us all take someone with us so none be lost but all be saved. For God so loved the world and in my opinion, Jesus use of the term 'the world' does not contain limitations. This is for everybody, let's strive to make sure everybody hears it and sees Him in us for this too, is eternal life.

    What does Matthew 10:32-33 mean to you? Your responses will be welcomed and appreciated so we all can understand more clearly what Jesus asks of us. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen the most important secret made manifest, "Christ in us", the hope of glory. Amen Jesus is the gift from the Father that keeps on giving, every second, every moment, every minute. So very true. He even led us to find each other hear, as we all journey together to Heaven. I will tell anyone God puts before me the reason for my peace and joy. May He guide me to all those who need the good news and may He open their hearts to receive unto salvation.
      “Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven." I will shine His light proudly and proclaim the good news of salvation before men as best I can, and I know my Lord and Savior will call me to Him when I leave this world to live forever with Him. His words are true.

    2. Cat
      Dear Bob,
      Thank you for these wise words. I let the negativity take over my heart and mind last night and it was a miserable place. Nothing really exceptional just minor irritations in the grand scheme of things. Coming to this blog this morning and reading your post has helped the joy amd hope return. I can see and feel the light. Thank you and to all who post here. You have helped change my attitude to one of gratitude.

    3. Jeanne - Thank you and God bless you for sharing your reason for peace and joy to our world. Let your JESUS LIGHT SHINE!!!!

    4. We are all in it together spreading JESUS'S love to all. The more the merrier! Thy kingdom come thy will be done!

  26. Wow, Bob a posting with some real thought provoking ideas. These are very challenging verses of scripture. I will try to add an honest response, and choose my words carefully and succinctly. My thought (same caveat as Bob: opinion here) is this... Jesus is affirming that Father/Son/Spirit created man in His image and thus we have "free will". We can choose love or not. We can accept His love for us or not. What we choose does not change His love for us; but with that choice are consequences both in the present and eternally. His reminder is that He would and did die for us, and as a result, His love overcomes all things now and forever.

    1. Well said and adds to my thoughts above. I like where you ended, in His love where all things end. Nothing more needs to be said. Thanks, MadFox!

    2. Very thought provoking....beautifully written... thank you both Bob and Maddox... You are a great combo! Amen.

    3. Wonderful explanation. I loved: "What we choose does not change His love for us". Because He loves everyone and calls all sinners to Him. His wish is that all will come to Him in sincere repentance to be forgiven and changed. All are welcome to say Yes to Jesus.
      Amen dear MadFox, By His death we see "His love overcomes all things now and forever". Sending much love and prayers your way, my good and brave brother.


    TOUCH THROUGH ME as sung by Joseph Larson
    Touch through me, Holy Spirit, touch through me,
    Let my hands reach out to others, touch through me;
    There's a lonely soul somewhere needing just one friend to care,
    Touch through me, Holy Spirit, touch through me.

    Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me,
    I will be my brother's keeper, love through me;
    Hearts are bleeding deep inside, love can dry the weeping eye,
    Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me.

    Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me,
    Like a river in the desert, flow through me;
    Springing His Power and Healing Strength, His Living Water Pure and Clean,
    Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me.

    My hands will be Your Hands reaching out to others,
    My lips will not be slothful, Lord, to speak;
    I will be Your Good Samaritan to someone else in need,
    I will be Your House to dwell in, live through me.

    Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me,
    Holy Spirit, touch through me,
    Holy Spirit, love through me.
    Holy Spirit, flow through me. Amen

    1. Come Holy Spirit! From Jesus to me all!

  28. That is such a beautiful song and he sings it right from his heart! Such a blessing to hear it. You are so kind to post it dear Brie.
    Thank you Sister!!

  29. I came across this prayer and I wanted to share it with you all.

    Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You for the invitation You give to all to follow You. Lord, I hear Your voice, but... Lord, I want to be honest with You: I'm finding it difficult to submit to You right now. I sense You clearly putting Your finger on areas of my life that I'm hanging onto. I'm afraid You'll ask me to do things I don't want to, You'll ask me to give up things I'm holding onto, and You'll ask me to go to places I don't want to go to. Lord, break down my resistance, my opposition, the obstacles I'm putting between Yourself and me. But actually, Lord, all these reasons and excuses are petty and trivial -- they pale into insignificance compared with the all-surpassing worth of knowing You. Lord, I realize there is a cost in following You. Please give me strength, help, and courage so that I may rise to the challenge of becoming a true disciple. I pray in Your precious name. Amen πŸ™.

    1. I don't know about anyone else, but, to be honest, I have felt like this. This prayer helps me to put thoughts like these into perspective.

    2. Amen and AmenπŸ™

    3. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN to that Janet!!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Janet - AMEN!!!!! Echoing your Prayer, thanks for sharing.

    5. Thank you, Janet! Amen and Amen!

    6. Wonderful prayer you shared, Janet!!! I'm sure most of us have felt like this. The Pandemic has helped me to let go of some things that God was telling me I didn't need in my life. Now life is simpler and I have more time to help my family and to be with the Lord.

  30. They are taking my ex-brother-in-law off of life support today after his month long battle with Covid. Please pray for his wife and my niece and nephew for comfort. 55 is way too young but I trust God has his reason for bringing him home. Thank you JC Warriors. You are all amazing people.


    1. Oh TJ I’m just so very sorry to hear that! My heart is breaking for you and his family. May Jesus wrap them in His loving and comforting arms and take their pain away. You have comfort knowing he’s going to Heaven and will no longer struggle or be in pain. I’ll be thinking of you and praying for you ❤️πŸ™

    2. JOY --- Joining you in prayer for TJ's ex brother-in-law and family. Lord, surround each family member with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. AMEN and AMEN

    3. TJ, I join in prayer for peace, comfort and strength for the family. God is Love, He is their Refuge and strength.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Joining my prayers with these here. I am praying for God to draw near.

    5. TJ - Joining my family with comforting prayers of peace and love for the loved ones.

    6. TJ..peace be with you and your loved ones..your nephews are very blessed to have you. Lord, pour amazing grace over TJ and family. Amen!

    7. So5 very sorry, Joy, to hear this. May you all feel God's presence now and in the days ahead. We lost my dad at 53. It is indeed way to young. My mom, grounded in her faith, struggled with the why. Why didn't God answer her prayers for my dad to make it thru. After some time passed, she heard, deep down in her soul, the Holy Spirit say to her that God was listening to my dad's prayers to be brought home so as to be out of ongoing pain and misery. That gave her tremendous comfort. Not that this helps in the present moment but perhaps down the road. Praying for your sister, kids and yourself, TJ.

    8. God bless your family, TJ, in this time of transitional needs. As I struggle with the virus situation being beyond my understanding, my heart goes out to those where the effects are hitting home so hard. Holy Spirit, come!

    9. May peace be with you TJ and your ex-brother-in-law's family and loved ones. I'm sorry for your loss. May you all be comforted from the Lord above. God bless you πŸ™.

    10. So very sorry about your ex brother in law, TJ, but God wants him with Him now because he has fought the good fight and needs his rest. Praying for his wife, your niece and nephew. May God wrap His loving arms around TJ and bring him Home and comfort you and his family, and guide you all. He will light your wilderness and fill the holes in your hearts with His love.

    11. So sorry to read this, TJ. May our good Lord lift him up. And give peace and comfort to his family. KS

  31. Good morning all. Day 4 @ the hospital. doctors can’t figure out what causes my illness. Waiting for MRI and results. Asking for prayers for me today God please send your angels to heal me and cure me! I thank you god so much for today. Help me lord Jesus!

    1. Woman of God, the Lord is urging you this morning to Trust Him! It shall be well in Jesus' name! Trusting and believing with you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Women of God --- I lift you up to The Throne of Grace. I pray over your unknown diagnosis and pray for the Lord's covering of healing and grace. May the Warring, Ministering and Healing Angels encamp around you. Jesus, it was because of our sin that You came and died for us, but it was with those Stripes that we are Healed! Thank you for Your mercy and sacrifice for Women of God! In Your Precious Name King Jesus, AMEN and AMEN. HALLELUJAH!!!

    3. Woman of God - Echoing your prayer.

      Isaiah 41:10 "fear not, for I am with you;
      be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you,I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

    4. Woman of God says it are in good hands and he loves you very much..praying for you!

    5. Joining Warrior JJ in a passionate prayer for you, Woman of God!

    6. Joining in prayers with all for you, Woman of God. May the Lord lift you up, bless, and heal you. Lean on His almighty strength and everlasting, loving arms for your comfort and protection. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    7. Woman of God, Praying with my family for you that God will heal all your infirmities. He knows exactly what's wrong with you so He can make you better and guide the doctors to find out the problem so they can give you the proper treatment.
      Thank you, Father for healing our sister and bringing her back to perfect health. You are the Great Physician and You can do all things. We trust in You. Thank you for Your faithfulness and amazing healing power in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  32. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight." Proverbs 3:5-6.

    The scripture tells us to NOT put our trust in princes, nor the son of man, in whom there is no help." Psalm 1463:3. This means that we can and should put our trust in the only ONE who is Real, who is Certainly all Powerful, who is Loving and full of Compassion, who is Absolutely worth Trusting, the Only One whose precepts and understanding are far more greater than ours will ever be, the Only One whose promises are Secure and the Only One who can provide ALL our needs according to His glorious riches!
    Yes, we can trust Our Lord and Our Savior with all our heart, because it adds quantitative detail to our faith and trust in Him alone! It also means that we have given Him His rightful claim to the throne of our lives, with NO room for anyone or anything else to take over that place in our lives!

    Loving Father, Its a joy and a blessing to give thanks to You this morning for the gift of another day. As You reveal to us the the plans, gifts, and abilities that You want us to develop for future use as we trust in You, please help us to cultivate those gifts as we continue to pursue You and declare that we are "SOLD OUT for CHRIST JESUS, with no room to trust anyone or anything! We will trust You for everything and not try to figure things out or make things happen on our own, because we want to live a life allowing Christ to be Lord of our lives. Thank You for the scripture (Romans 12:1-2) that helps us understand why surrender to Christ Jesus is so important, so that we can loose ourselves to Him Only! Thank You this morning for Your sufficient grace! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    In prayers for All of the past and current prayer requests, and TRUSTING the Lord with and for you! Please know that we can never loose with trusting God! As We put our petitions before Him, we also give thanks for all He has already done and will do!

    Remain Blessed in His Presence this wonderful first Sunday of Spring!!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen and amen! This is who we seek- this is who we pray to:

      “Think what it means to have Me as your Strength. I spoke the universe into existence; My power is absolutely unlimited!”

    2. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

    3. Amen to that dear Maplewood. Trusting in Him to help me in every area of my life. May my heart be so full with Christ and the Spirit that I must put a No Vacancy sign up to everything else.
      Praying you are feeling well and all is going fine.

  33. Today’s verse of the day also provides such inspiration:

    “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

    Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV

    1. What a perfect verse for entering this next season of spring! Thank you!

    2. Amen GraceTakesTime. We are well taken care of by our God who gives us living water to keep our leaves green.

  34. Thank you all for praying for me! πŸ™ Let’s prayπŸ™

    Our Father who art in heaven,

    Hallowed be thy name. πŸ™

    Thy kingdom come. πŸ™

    Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. πŸ™

    Give us this day our daily bread. πŸ™

    and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. πŸ™

    and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. πŸ™

    For thine is the kingdom,
    and the power,
    and the glory,
    for ever and ever. πŸ™
    Amen. πŸ™

  35. I feel the power of your prayers my brother and sisters. Hallelujah! Thank you πŸ™
    God is great. I know that I am weak. God thank you. Have mercy on us lord Jesus. Thank you Lord. πŸ™ Thank you Holy Spirit Welcome Thank you πŸ™

  36. Thank You Father God, for one more day, for an opportunity to start anew, for Your boundless grace and mercy, for blessings that flow, for answered prayers, for being my strength and song.

    Renew my spirit, Lord, that I may be more like You. Take my human frailty, weakness and fears and turn them into immeasurable strength. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.(Philippians 4:13)

    Help me, Lord, to turn to You first in every occasion. That the Holy Spirit would take charge of my thoughts and be my voice. My trust is in You and You alone. I am lost without You, Father. I want to live in constant awareness of Your presence and share in Your joy. Lead me, Lord, and guide my steps. Where You lead, I will surely follow.

    You are my everything. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the King of Kings, the Way Maker, the Miracle Worker, the Promise Keeper, the Light in the darkness, the One true God from whom ALL good things flow. Thank You, Jesus! Come, Holy Spirit. Amen.

    May you all be filled with His love and peace as we gather here together to worship and praise His Holy name.

    Blessings from California

    1. Blessings from California - AMEN AND AMEN!!! Echoing your prayer.

    2. Rose --- I join you and the JC WARRIORS in saying AMEN and AMEN to your prayer!!! You are so right, The Lord is our EVERYTHING!!! In His Grip of Grace JJ

    3. Amen Blessings from California.

    4. Your prayer is my prayer sweet Rose. Amen and Amen! He sure is our Everything, JJ! In His blessed Grip of Grace!
      Love you my JC Family!

  37. Unless A Grain of Wheat by Bernadette Farrell ❤

    1. Funny you shared that dear Rose.
      We sang that this morning in Church. Beautiful song that never fails to move me.

  38. So blessed as I read right before bed, all of the wonderful posts, prayers, victories and thankfulness that abounds on this page! I read early this morning and then hopped off and on to catch up. It's been a blessing of a day - as productive as yesterday was full of rest!
    Asking any 'night owls,' who may see this to please pray for my dear friend, Amy, a wonderful woman of God who lost her husband unexpectedly in February. Tonight will be her first night alone - all of the family has gone home and she will be alone and is praying for His Peace to abound. We talked this afternoon and she is so strong but still walking in unknown territory for the first time in almost 50 years.
    Father, give Amy Your rest, Peace, Love and Comfort. Let her take a deep breath and close her eyes and wake up tomorrow morning, refreshed in Your Love and Spirit. She gives so much and believes You, every step of the way, but....I know that feeling of concern and want nothing but rest for her.
    Thank you JC Family! I've listened to the songs posted from you, Brie and you, Rose - first time for both songs and what a blessing. I almost texted Amy to share them, but didn't want to take a chance on waking her.
    Counting my blessings and so very thankful for this day and the sleep that is about to come. Our Father is on the Night Watch. Our Lord, does not sleep, so that we can.

  39. Praying for your dear friend Amy to be comforted, refreshed and guided by her loving Father. I can't even imagine how she must feel but her faith will carry her through and God knows her heart intimately and He will hold her hand and keep her good company. May her husband rest in perfect peace and realize God's promises.
    Thank you Father for holding dear Amy close to you as she spends this first night alone. You are her dearest friend. Thank you for comforting her sorrowful heart. Let her feel Your sweet presence and peace surround her like a soft warm blanket. Dry her tears and help her to see that you hold her future and it will be a good one. Thank you for this in the Name of Jesus.

  40. Dear MadFox, I have been lifting you in prayer that God is strengthening you and preparing you for your transplant. He is with you now and will not leave your side. Rest in His promises. They are reliable. Much love.

  41. Lifting Jeanne and Rick and all of his medical staff in fervent, heartfelt prayers πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayer with Brie. May our Lord hold You in His everlasting, loving arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    2. Got you & Rick covered JeanneπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Joining in prayer for Jeanne and her DH Rick that all is well in the hands of the Lord for his procedure today and complete recovery πŸ™♥️✝️

    4. Thank you so much! God was faithful and Rick will be alright! The procedure went smoothly, He's doing fine. A little weak and groggy but his heart rate and rhythm is perfect. Praise God from Whim all blessings flow!

  42. Praying for all present and former Posters and Pray-ers πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
    Are you OK our dear sister and brother friends in Christ Jesus, or do you need more prayers: Unknown? Anonymous? Trusting The Lord? Jamie McGuire? Grace Takes Time? Rebecca Pena? Phoebe Quarterman? Rose? Brandy, Love Conquers All? Annie Schu? Randy? Michael Burns? Fern? Mary Jo Gourd? Dave D? Cat? Bright Star? Joy? Maplewood, NJ? All Others?
    Would you Raise One Hand Up if you need more prayers; Raise both hands up if you are OK. I am praying blessings now and forevermore from His Vast Abundant Store...Much Love, Brie

    1. Okay here Brie, just need to get through PT this week. ThanksπŸ’•

    2. Praying for you & KeithπŸ™πŸ’•

    3. One day at a time, hands up. How about YOU and your family dear sister? My daily prayers encompass this entire JC family with their requests known or unknown. In Jesus's name I pray.

    4. Both hands up in gratitude that my DH is going to be okay. Praying for you and Keith and your DH, dear Brie! One day at a time dear Jesus. Sweet Jan, May God strengthen you so your PT will go well. Trust that He will make your way smooth. Dear Audra, Praying with you and for you and Marc in your time of sorrow. Amen. May God bless, heal, comfort and guide all of us and our family here seen and unseen. Thank You Jesus.

  43. Brie - Joining in prayer for JC Family, praying for you as you pray for me.

  44. Not been active for a few days.
    Thank you Brie, I'm raising one hand. Seems like Karen and I are in the fashion, so to speak on health issues. I've often wondered what covid is like, now I know. Seems to be pretty much a reasonably bad flu. I've had worse thru a flue jab about 10 years ago. The Lord says 'This sickness is not unto death', so we wait it out, and manage our symptoms accordingly. Praying His Peace, Strength, and Song over y'all.

    God is singing over me:

    Around the throne of Heaven
    A sea of the redeemed
    Are bowing and proclaiming
    The praises of the King
    Yet His word has promised
    There's a song of love
    God Himself has written for each of us
    God is singing over me
    My soul can hear the beauty of His melody
    I feel the glory carried on the breeze
    It lifts my spirit up
    God is singing over me (oh-h)
    When my heart is broken
    Heavy with despair
    I long to feel His presence
    To know He really cares
    Suddenly there's something
    Like a sweet perfume
    Music from above me is in the room
    God is singing over me (He is singing over me)
    My soul can hear the beauty of His melody (of His melody)
    I feel the glory carried on the breeze
    It lifts my spirit up
    God is singing over me
    My God rejoices with a song of love
    I'm overwhelmed that I'm the one He's singing of
    God is singing over me (He's singing over me)
    My soul can hear the beauty of His melody
    I feel the glory carried on the breeze
    It lifts my spirit up (Oh, He lifts my spirit up)
    It lifts my spirit up
    God is singing over me.

    1. Praying Peter. This too shall pass. PTL! πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. I am covering you and Karen in healing prayers. Thanks for putting a new song in my mouth, a hymn to The Lord, our God.

    3. Dear Peter, Joining prayers for you and Karen as you put your trust in God’s healing and faithfulness! One day at a time in His presence. He is so much greater than Covid.
      What a beautiful song and his voice lifted my spirit and weary heart..Thank you my dear Brother..

    4. I'm praying for you and your wife, Karen, Dear Peter! You will be healed in the name of Jesus Christ...He made us SO 'healable,' and I know you and Karen will be doing the Victory Dance, soon! :) Prayers, dear brother and sister in Christ as you heal. <3

  45. Jeanne - praying for your and Rick today. May God's Peace cover you today and may Rick's procedure go flawlessly. JE

  46. Thank you sweet Janet! Your prayers really helped. All went well and Rick’s A-Fib is gone, thank God. Praying you are feeling well and you’re able to pay your rent and God is supplying all your needs because He cares for you. Much love dear sister!

    1. I spoke Jesus all over Rick today. How glad I am to let the Thanking Him begin!

    2. So thankful to hear about Rick's healing, Sweet Jeanne! Love you SO much!

  47. Hallelujah! Rick was surrounded by all your prayers! He's doing so well. Thank you Brie and Norah! Love you SO much! We have such a blessed family. We are truly of one accord.

  48. A HUGE Praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords, for His healing touch on Rick. He is Faithful and is our Waymaker! He watches over His WORD to perform it. My Jesus, My Gracious Savior, HALLELUJAH!!!

  49. PTL πŸ™✝️πŸ‘♥️πŸ’ƒ

  50. Thanks dear JJ and Audra. His heartbeat is in a normal rhythm and we are so grateful. Thanks for all your prayers.

  51. Trusting in our great and faithful God to pull all the loose ends of our lives together and answer our prayers! He is my strength, my song and my salvation. Such a wonderful devotion today!!

    Psalm 84:11 - For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly

  52. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. (Acts 16:25). Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. (Colossians 3:16). The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17).

    1. Amen. I can hear the song echoing in the halls of prison.

    2. Just the thought of God rejoicing over me with singing is an amazing gift!!!!

    3. Yes Audra, the prisons need more songs of hope and mercy. Amen

  53. Joyfully drawing water from the wells of Salvation:

    1. Our Choir always sings that during the Easter season. So beautiful!

  54. He gives Joy ( Marilyn Baker)

  55. What an incredibly beautiful song dear Peter! I love it!!! I sent the link to my Mom and Sis too!

  56. Busy time for me but God knows that. Driving to Brooklyn this morning in time for my mom's Physical Therapist session. I'll stay till Sunday morning and then get to Church hopefully by the first song. Celebrating my oldest son's Birthday on Sunday with our middle son's family. I'm cooking his favorite meal and making vanilla cake with marshmallow frosting. I'll be praying for you, my dear JC Family. Next week I have Choir rehearsal on Tuesday, and singing Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday night Vigil and Easter Sunday. I'm cooking most of the Easter dinner and bringing it to my mom. I already made mushroom barley soup and Easter cookies. But I have a lot of other things to make. I'm giving it all to God and He will make a way for me. I am trusting in Him like you all are. He really is our strength and our song. As long as we add Him to our to do list, we sure can accomplish it all. Thanks for all your prayers yesterday when I went to the Eye Surgeon. So thankful there are no signs of cancer near my eyes. But I have the beginning of a cataract and drusen in both eyes. I pray God will take care of it all. I can't be an artist without good vision. God knows that. Have a blessed day. We continue to pray for Norah's DH's healing, and for comfort for Brie and Learning to Trust, and for everyone who needs healing including Keith, Eli, Sandy, Patricia, Barry, Audra, Mike, Steven, Judy, Pam, MadFox, my mom, Janet, and so many more.
    Father God, You know all the people we're praying for who need to be healed. You know all of our weaknesses and concerns. We come to You and lay all our burdens down at Your Throne. We know You are with us now and will be leading us always even unto eternity. Thank You for being the strength in our weakness and for always giving us a song of joy in our hearts. You are the foundation we stand on and we trust You are lovingly preparing the days to come. All will be well because You are holding our reins. Govern our world and change the hearts of those who are leading us. Renew our hearts and minds so we can serve you better according to Your plan and purposes. Thank You for answering our prayers, comforting our hearts, guiding our paths, and finding us time to rest and restore ourselves. Let us be light and love to all those who need You, so they'll want to know You and follow after righteousness and the Spirit. Open their eyes and hearts to the truth that is YOU. Thank You for keeping everyone safe who will be traveling for the Easter holidays. And let them know that You are the Reason for our celebration.Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
    By Your Death, You Have Set Us Free.

    Ephesians 3:20
    Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

    Mark 10:45
    For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

    Galatians 5:1
    Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

    1. The Joy of the Lord is your strength, praying much joy and much strength for you during this busy time.

    2. Yes, I am joining in to your beautifully prayed prayer, dear, Jeanne. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Thanks dear Peter and Brie! So thankful we always have God’s help, strength and peace!

    4. "I'm cooking his favorite meal and making vanilla cake with marshmallow frosting." There is something unmistakable about a meal made with Love. God's Blessings for all this day and may His Peace that surpasses all understanding surround us all as we approach Holy week. John H.

    5. Prayers of safe travels for you, Jeanne and thank you for sharing this heart-felt prayer as you always do. Please give your good mom a big hug from all of us.
      Next week will truly be a busy week with it being Holy Week but you are so blessed to be able to share it with your family. Just know we will be virtually sharing in the wonderful meal you'll make for your family and salivating at the vanilla cake with marshmallow icing.
      Prayers continue for all in need of healing in mind, body and spirit and as always.... stay connected to The Vine.
      Peace, my friends.

  57. Beautifully said, Jeanne! Amen! πŸ™πŸΌ

    1. Thanks dear Anonymous! God bless your new day!

  58. In prayer with JC family for all request made known here & to our God. May the great Comforter gently land our dear Brie & family unto a feather bed of peace & comfort as they miss their dear Elise. May they see through their tears & smile at the vision of their loved one in the loving arms of Jesus. Continued prayers & thanks dear Norah that DH is holding steady. Audra do try to enjoy the lay low activities that otherwise would be missed if you were 100 percent mobile😊. Dear Jeanne, thanking God, no cancer, & praying for the next step. Enjoy your Easter prep. You're such a a gift to your family's table! I too will be hosting this easter. I am in cooking mode. Blessings dear family. Love you all❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Thanks and Amen! God will strengthen us as we prepare food for our dear ones. Praying with you and for you, dear Jan.

  59. Amen Jeanne! Beautiful

  60. Thanks be to God for your compassionate replies, JJ, Jeanne, Janet, SC Anonymous, Peter, Audra, A πŸ™ ❤️ Anonymous, NJS, Sassy Mom, John H, Jan gridley, and all of our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Your words mixed with His Words were balm to our hearts.
    We continually read them, cherish, and savor them. They help us Make It Through The Night, and the Early Morning Light when we wake up and must start the day without our dear kind, sweet and gentle, Elise.
    Without my glasses, I mis-read Psalm 143 to say, let the mourning bring word of Your Infinite Love...
    I think I'm going to stick with that for the time being. Thanks again for all of your comforters, Family. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Thank you dear Brie! You always add light and love to my day. May God wipe away your tears and fill your beautiful heart with a balm of comfort. Elise is blessed to be realizing God’s promises. Love you.

    2. Adding my prayers and condolences to you and your family on the promotion of Elise, Brie. I am thinking that maybe you didn’t ’mis-read’ Psalm 143 but that the Lord allowed your eyes to see ‘mourning’ to encourage and comfort you, letting you know that, especially in mourning, His infinite love encompasses us. God bless.

    3. Amen Websister and Jeanne!

  61. Song of Solomon 2:15-17 "Catch us the foxes, The little foxes, That spoil the vines".
    I started out earlier than usual today looking forward to an extended meditation. However fairly quickly many little things, small interruptions including contractors requiring my attention caused disruptions.
    After the interruptions I said "Sorry Lord, where were we?, help me corral my thoughts so I can center on You" Instantly the scripture about little foxes spoiling the vines came to mind.
    Beware the little fox's that spoil the vines.
    Hudson Taylor thought of the 'little foxes' that may ruin our relationship with Jesus Christ. "The enemies may be small, but the mischief done great… And how numerous the little foxes are! Little compromises with the world; disobedience to the still small voice in little things; little indulgences of the flesh to the neglect of duty; and the fruitfulness of the vine are spoilt."
    Interruptions and disruptions are part of life but it's so good to get back to drawing water from the wells of salvation; to He who heals all our dis-eases, Who quenches our souls' thirst with Living Water and satisfied our souls' hunger with the Bread of Life.

    1. Well said, brother Peter! Thanks! Dear Jesus, Thank You for keeping our mind focused on You today despite all the distractions that threaten to separate us from You. AmenπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’—

  62. Dear JC friends, will you please pray for my dear mom, who is 100. she has a serious infection in her "private parts" due to inadequate care for her in her facility. I am working with them to help to clear this up and she is on antibiotics, but she won't sit in her chair and is in alot of pain> She is not a complainer and LOVES Jesus. I also ask for prayer for a fun family time with my daughter who has HAD cancer, who will be visiting with her children next week. Thank you so very much!

    1. UTI's seem to be common in situations like your MOM's. Once the UTI is cleared up, D-Mannose in EVERY DRINK helps my brother stay free of UTI's! Thanks be to God.
      Praying for your MOM and fun family time, with great memories to cherish forever. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Praying for comfort for your sweet mother, Ellen. May she rest in the comfort of His presence and receive relief from His grace. Have a wonderful time with your family next week!

    3. Dear Ellen, Joining in prayers for your poor mom. I’m sorry she’s suffering so much. She is trusting in Jesus and we know He is faithful. Praying God is healing her from the inside out and guiding her doctor to the perfect treatment. I also have used D Mannose and I am sure it can help your mom. Thanking God for healing her and also giving you joy at your family get together with your dear daughter, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  63. Praying for healing and comfort for your mother, Ellen, and for wisdom and compassion for her care providers so that this situation is avoided in the future.
    Also praying for your visit with your daughter and her children next week, may the Lord bless this time together with joy, wonderful interactions and blessed conversations. May He provide you with strength as you prepare for their visit (Martha mode) and then peace once they arrive and you allow yourself to relax and enjoy spending time enjoying them (Mary mode).

    1. Yes Websister, there is a time for every purpose under the Heaven's! A time to do Martha and a time to be Mary! HE IS our Martha Strength and our Mary Song.
      May we balance these times and reJOYce as we JOurneY with HIM toward Heaven, and JOYn with Him as we sing His Song.. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. I usually am in Martha mode and I miss a lot of the special moments at our family get togethers.
      Father, Please get me out of the kitchen and find me more precious time to sit with my dear ones:

  64. Too tired to even express, my JC Family. Sorrily have to admit I haven't had a minute to read all of your prayers. However, I pray in the Spirit and I know God hears that more than my pouring-out of my thoughts and prayers.
    Heading to bed, more tired than I can say. Just want all of you to know that my DH is tucked in and sleeping well. For that, I'm thankful!

  65. So blessed and thankful your dear husband is resting and enjoying a peaceful sleep. God is so good.

  66. Asking for powerful prayers for my good mom Matilda. She felt dizzy tonight and had scary seizures. They were really bad! She looked so terrible that my sister and I thought she was dying. Janet called 911 and EMS came and tried to help her. She couldn’t talk and she was vomiting. I just kept praying and reciting Psalm 23 and telling her Jesus was with her. We all went to the hospital in the ambulance. She’s admitted and taking tests. She’s a smoker so she is also having withdrawal issues. Such a hard time but Jesus was faithful and now she is able to talk again.
    Thank You Father for healing her and for taking away her need for a cigarette and let her feel your presence in Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen

    Deuteronomy 31:6
    “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

    Psalm 9:9-10
    “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

    Psalm 18:6
    “In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.

  67. Since there are 200 + comments, Remember to press LOAD MORE ! !

  68. Praying for your son.god give u peace u can u
