Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 10

    You are Mine for all time -- and beyond time, into eternity. No power can deny you your inheritance in heaven. I want you to realize how utterly secure you are! Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand. 
    Knowing that your future is absolutely assured can free you to live abundantly today. I have prepared this day for you with the most tender concern and attention to detail. Instead of approaching the day as a blank page that you need to fill up, try living it in a responsive mode: being on the lookout for all that I am doing. This sounds easy, but it requires a deep level of trust, based on the knowledge that My way is perfect. 
Psalm 37:23-24
English Standard Version (ESV)
The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
   when he delights in his way; 
though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong,
   for the Lord upholds his hand.

Psalm 18:30
This God—his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord proves true;
he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

My Prayer
Lord, I ask that you would help me to see what you are doing around me and then join in You. Keep me alert to what You are doing in people's lives and then help me to question or ask what is going on. I have co-workers that appear to be near and far from You, I pray that I will speak of you and challenge them in their thinking or at the least, make mention of you in my day to day activities. You are present in my life, in my thoughts, in my prayers, so make yourself present in my speech. I do not want to be ashamed. Give me courage and teach me how to make you known more.

Lord, my security rests in you, not on this earth and the creature comforts. I'm concerned that because I have surrounded myself with such security and comfort, that I do not rely on you completely and rest in your provision for my future. Help me continually to not lean on my own understand, but instead, in all my ways acknowledge you. Lord, you are my refuge. Your ways are perfect. Your Word is true. My steps are ordained by You. You guide my steps and uphold my hand. Re-train me daily Lord into the likeness of You, so that I reflect You more each day.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. Amen thank you for this I have this wonderful book but it helps to have the verses there and I love to see everyone’s comments and prayers :)

  2. The snippet for Sunday that got my attention: "Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand." ...even if?! I have 'faltered' many times an hour much less a day or week! I am so thankful for His promise to hold on to me despite being a person of weak faith and too many sins. His love and grace will allow me an eternity with loved ones. Praise Him.

    For many years, I viewed God as patient with my sins but only to a point. Jesus as my lawyer in the throne room of heaven, where God listened to Jesus plead my case, and where I feared I would have one too many sins. As I, grew in my faith and with mentoring from Christian friends, I realized that my understanding of God's love was far too narrow and small. As it is written: "He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him." It is amazing to think of how BIG God's love for this weak servant truly is. Thank you Father, Amen

    1. MadFox, Your first couple sentences made me chuckle. I too have faltered many times an hour. But am so thankful for His promise. And I am also thankful for you and Norah and Bob and all the other followers. I enjoy everyone's prayers and wisdom.

    2. Even if? ... was worth 'chuckling' about knowing the sin count that can be created each day! Thanks for relating to and/or understanding my sarcasm, it's inherited and my 3 kids have that in their DNA too!

    3. I agree with the two of you, 'Even if...' sadly brings a chuckle, and I wonder if God does want us to lighten up. Certainly sin is a serious matter and a place we should not want to go but we are not 'damned for all time' because of a sin committed. So truth be told, the word 'even' lightens up things a bit with the certainty we are still loved when we inevitably sin. Let's stick together as we together stick with Him. Then we will make it by His grace.

    4. Amen I feel God wants us to Love one another and forgive one another we are all God's Children.

    5. Amen I feel the same God loves all of his children.he forgave us and we need to forgive others

    6. What wonderful reassurance thanks MadFox

    7. Thanks MadFox for understanding exactly how imperfect I am. Many times an hour words of judgment trickle out of the same mouth I'm hoping will only speak words of encouragement, enlightenment, edification, comfort, kindness, love, understanding and peace. I'm working on remembering that we often judge people because they sin differently than we sin. We're all sinners and we're all flawed and yet our great God loves us unconditionally and completely. How blessed we are!
      Today's devotion spoke to me personally and I do trust in the Lord with all my heart, but unfortunately I also sometimes lean on my own understanding. I'm working on that too. I'm thankful my security is based on Him and not the world. His promises are reliable and true. This world just offers empty promises and fluff. It's so much better to trust in God than man. He is only Truth and Light. Just like the penny says: In God We Trust.

    8. Thanks our Dear Jeanne,
      I appreciate that "Penny for your thoughts" ;)
      Our walk with Him is a journey indeed.
      We fall down; He helps us up! In the process, we learn to walk straight and steadfast, hand in Hand with Him.
      As CapeCodgirl stated: 'though I may stumble and even fall on the ship, I will not fall overboard!'
      May we receive and accept our Good Lord's Blessings and Keepings. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    9. Amen my dear Sister Brie! Thank you. I love CapeCodgirl's wisdom and truth.

  3. Dear Jesus, thank you for my "security that rests in you..." Amen.

  4. I love this part of Sarah's writing:
    "Instead of approaching the day as a blank page that you need to fill up, try living it in a responsive mode: being on the lookout for all that I am doing." Such a simple way to stay focused on God. Simple but not easy as old habits are hard to change. I'm going to be mindful of this request today as I interact with people I love and even those I don't know. Watching God, being mindful of his presence and finding the joy in knowing he's walking beside me. I am grateful for my relationship with Him. God, reveal yourself to me and fill me with the desire to know you like I've never known you before! Blessings to everyone today. Thank you for your posts. I love to read them each day.

    1. Amen! "Be on the lookout for all I AM doing. The thought I have is treat each day as a 'Treasure Hunt'. Discovering little treasures He has placed for us to find as the hours pass. On laying down at night, we can the recall and thank Him for His good gifts.

    2. May God continue to bless us all, amen.

  5. Sometimes in meditation and contemplation, I think whether there is any true prayer besides “Thy will be done.” My ideas of what should and should not be are so limiting compared to the vast possibilities of the ethereal realm. Today I am grateful that I turn my will and my life over to the care of God.

    I don’t want to be in self-will, especially if my ego is driving the bus.

    I have a sure mounting pile of evidence to show that I routinely sell myself short in comparison to what God has in store for me - the necessary action being that my channel with him is clear enough to listen, sit still and trust that his way is best. I will settle for a Big Mac when He is planning to provide me with a 5 course meal. I have been abundantly blessed and overpaid as a result of listening and responding to Him. What is the point of having conscious contact is we are not going to listen???



    1. Brittany, the purpose of meditation and contemplation is to develop the heart so it automatically longs for 'thy will be done'. When that occurs, it never has to be asked for again. It becomes like breathing, an automatic response. Meditation and contemplation are given among other spiritual exercises to help get us there. I am not there yet, but through the practice of spiritual exercises I am closer today than yesterday but not as close as I will be tomorrow when I go through the same practice. And the same can be said about you. God be with you.

    2. Thanks Bob. Well said. There is no destination or graduation of spiritual fitness. The journey is our home.

    3. Thanks Bob and Brittanymob for pointing out that our walk with God develops every day if we seek God daily
      It's a process

    4. Amen Brittanymob. God has wonderful things in store for us, even in this very day. Be open to being showered with blessings. Sometimes they are not material but a beautiful sunset or the feeling of cool breeze on our cheek or a bright smile from a loved one. Wait to receive the best from Him, although I must say I used to absolutely love a good messy Big Mac! As a college kid I preferred it to a steak. Don't ever sell yourself short. You are of great value to your loving Father. If only we could see ourselves through His eyes of love!
      Dear Bob, Thanks for your words of true. I have found that whenever I speak to Him, He is there and He is listening. He knows my weaknesses even better than I do and He urges me to make the right decisions. I was cooking a lot, as usual and not sure how to make certain things. He helps me put in the right things and I thank Him as He instructs me. Acknowedge Him in all things. Well I sure am trying because He is my Helper at all times. The closer we get to God, the closer He gets to us. The more intimacy we allow, the more intimacy He gifts us with. I wake up in gratitude and carry it on my shoulder all day until the last words out of my mouth which are always: Thank You Jesus.

  6. "You are Mine for all time ...... Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand." Thank You Lord for your promises.

    1. Sassy Mom-Amen, Amen , Amen! Thank you dear Lord for your promises kept! Again I say Amen!

    2. "The steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in his way, though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand."
      This reminds me of what I heard once that 'though I may stumble and even fall On the ship, I will not fall overboard, if I'm His.'
      Though I don't post here often, I follow the blog and so enjoy the company of all of you faithful followers of Jesus. I learn from you, sometimes laugh and cry with you and often find myself praying for the needs expressed here.
      Thank you, Chris Payton and all who contribute so honestly and sincerely.
      Be blessed this day ❤

    3. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen! Blessed Assurance! Jesus is Mine.

    4. Thank you so much CapeCodgirl. He sure does protect us in an amazing way. I'm so glad even though sometimes I get pretty close to the edge of the boat, I never fall in. Thanks for the prayers too. God bless you in all things.

  7. Lord, thank you for preparing my way and holding my hand. Help me to remember that Your grace is enough and try more to see You at work. I will try to acknowledge You more throughout my day. I love you Jesus.

    1. Joining your beautiful prayer, dear Mark!
      Can't wait to walk through this beautiful day you have prepared so carefully for me. I love You Jesus.

  8. Lord, in You we live and move and are complete. Every step we take, every breath we breathe, every word we speak is done under Your Presence. Guide us with your right hand and thank You for never letting go.

    1. Amen dear Suzanne!!!! We abide in Him as He abides in us. I love your beautiful words! God bless you Sister. How are you doing working from home, and how is your daughter and your grandchild? Praying all is going well.

    2. Still missing you and praying for you, Suzanne R. as well as our entire Texas Family.

    3. How are you Suzanne? Continuing to pray for you and your family.

    4. Yes Suzanne, how are you? Love & blessings on your dayπŸ’•πŸ™

  9. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 9:14-17) Jesus no more than responded to the Pharisees in their questioning of His behavior, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' than John the Baptist's disciples approach Him with a more sincere question. They want to know about the practice of fasting and why Jesus does not practice fasting as they had learned in Sabbath school. Jesus responds with three thought provoking statements that do not so much give them a direct answer but expands their thinking on religious matters which were contained in the answer given to the Pharisees. In summary, what He says to these dedicated followers of John is that spiritual practices are given for the development of one's love for God and not for a public expression of one's holiness which is what is occurring under the religious leaders of the day. John's disciples walk away with something to think about and to grow on in their love for God. Needless to say, the other disciples and myself also have something to think about as we continue to follow Jesus.

    There are many practices taught within the Church that are useful in growing one's faith. But if one simply observes them as a checklist for one's piety, the point has been missed. These practices should be observed as a part of our ongoing growth in love of God. For example, the act of worship is designed to bring one into the presence of God with other like minded people so as to have a special experience of God; yet there was a time, people came to worship to impress others with their goodness. In my opinion, we are placing too much emphasis on our behavior over and above the development of our love toward God. Of course, bad behavior does reflect a poor condition of the heart, but forced behavior does not necessarily reflect a good heart either. A clean heart and a new and right spirit within is one that is filled with desire to love God and thus others. It is one that is not concerned with self indulgence but is orienting one's desire for all things that are of God. Practicing the suggestions made in our JC readings help strength the heart in this direction. This is what Jesus' answer to John's disciples was meant to impress upon them. May it make the same impression upon me.

    May your day be blessed with growth in love of God and with all whom God has given you to love. With love, Bob

    1. Nailed it, Bob. Great thoughts and great wisdom. We are blessed to have your insights.

    2. We received your word today Bob ! Change us Lord to be come more like you!

    3. Amen brother, May we fall so in love with the Father that all else takes its place behind this truth.. God first. We live to bring honor to the Lord and all that we do is meant to point the way to Him. Jesus your love has saved us, help me to live a life of sincerity and truth before you for the glory of your great name. I love you Lord you are my strength an ever present help in time of need.

    4. Your words are timeless and you sure fed me well today dear Bob! You never fail to hand me words to ponder and good food to revisit. Thank you. I pray you are busy doing God's work-enlightening, encouraging and comforting others and leading them to Him. You always open my heart. During the day, I talk to God way more than I talk to my husband. I know that only He understands my heart completely and loves me as I am. My husband loves me but he tends to point out my faults a lot. He's a very good honest man who adds light to my day and I know we are both imperfect. But, thank God, the love is still there between us and he is my second best friend. Jesus is my bestie! I often say "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." Just want Him to read the words of my heart and put me back on the right track. He is the only one who can refresh and renew me.

  10. Morning glory and honor to the KING to Whom I belong for all time and beyond time, into eternity! Thank You for another day to wake up to Your many gifts and promises. This morning’s devotion has again given me another blessed assurance of my security in You and I thank You Lord for all You do and for who You are.

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time”. 1 Peter 1:1-5.
    We are God’s children, we have a relationship with Him and as His children, we have “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade . . . kept in heaven for you”. What a blessing and what a joy it is to know that we have an inheritance in heaven that no one can deny us of. This means that we are heirs of the Most High God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus! This my brothers and sister, should compel us to find out all the blessings that our rich inheritance includes and start walking in them every day!

    Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for Your message to us today. We are positioned to be on the lookout for all that You are doing in our lives, we trust You and cast out all fear or uncertainty with what’s going on in the world today. May Your grace and mercy through the power of the Holy Spirit, keep us safe and protected from every disease and infirmity. May we be reminded that as Heirs to Christ, the life of God flows within us , bringing healing to every fiber of our being. We are redeemed from every curse because Christ became a curse for us. The Blood of Jesus covers and protects us and It flows to every cell in our bodies , restoring life and health. We thank You and trust Your perfect ways for us.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. As I finish on this blog, your words, Maplewood, NJ, pronounce a benediction on my time here with all of you. Thank you!

    2. What an awesome prayer. I read it several times and it opened up a glorious awareness to me. I receive it into my spirit. Thank you Jesus. Bob, is this just your benediction for today? You are leaving us are you?

    3. Bob, You are Loved. You are a blessing to this blog through your words of wisdom and love for God. Thanks to you!
      May Jesus wrap His loving arms, around you and grant You His Peace always. Much love❤.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Sorry, Phoebe, I should have asserted the word 'today' after the word blog. See you all tomorrow.

    5. Oh What A Feeling; We're Victory Dancing on the Ceiling!
      And raising a glass high filled with Hallelujah!
      Thanks Be To God and your prayers, Larry's Pulmonologist was pleased with his lungs, post covid. His xrays were clear (no pneumonia activity) He has to smell essential oils to get his smell and taste back, and "retrain the brain" to smell and taste again. As always, I read him your prayers on the drive in. And as always, he appreciated them while still being awed at "strangers" taking the time to pray for him :)
      Love and Thanks Family xoxoxo

    6. Tears of Joy for you dear Brie and Larry while I dance a victory dance here from Michigan. What a great report! Essential oils? - That's awesome!! Hallelujah and AMEN

    7. Waiting, praise God it's almost spring I'm a Michigander too!
      Brie so thankful for Larry's health being restored!

    8. Hallelujah Brie and Larry. So glad to hear about Larry's victory in Christ Jesus. Praise the Lord. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    9. Brie --- HALLELUJAH for Larry's great health report!!! There is power in the Word and power in the blood!!! We are standing together knowing that "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world" and that "By His stripes we are healed." JJ

    10. Great news, Brie! God is SO AWESOME! Love essential oils...made by our Creator! So glad Larry got such a great report! Happy for you both!

    11. Doin the dance Brie. Yeah essential oils! God's remedy.

    12. Thanks sweet Maplewood. Amen we are so blessed to be beloved chidlren of the most high. Loved:
      "What a blessing and what a joy it is to know that we have an inheritance in heaven that no one can deny us of." Thank you for feeding me sweet sister!
      Doing my victory dance Brie!!! I even have my pretty victory shoes on! Thank God Larry got good news. Get those Essential oils out! God is so good and His promises are reliable. He heard all our prayers for Larry. More reasons to rejoice and be glad in this brand new day!!! HALLELUIA!

    13. Great news, yay God! Thank you Father for answered prayers that show us your love and favor. Thank you for renewing my mind to face a new day closer to you. Blessings and love all around dear JC family!

    14. Amen, Maplewood! Thank you for your beautiful prayer. It fed my soul.
      Doing the VICTORY dance for answered prayer and healing over your husband, Brie. Praise the Lord! May God continue to heal Larry. I never knew about the essential oils. Very good info for those in need. I also lost my sense of taste and smell with Covid, but I'm thankful and grateful that I'm feeling 100% again. Sometimes the road to recovery can be longer than we'd like it to be. Thanking God for healing and restoration for all those who continue to struggle with Covid. God is good!!

    15. A big hallelujah victory dance coming your way Brie and Larry! I too am trying the essential oils to regain taste and smell fully. Love and prayers to all JC family. Mindy

    16. Praying for you Mindy and for Larry that soon you will be able to taste and smell. Such an important part of life and eating. God hears our prayers and is so faithful. Just keep waiting on Him.

  11. As always, I come here daily to find Jesus speaking directly to me. This family has become part of my daily Walk with Jesus. I count you all as part of my greatest blessings. Thank you Payton Family, (Chris), Norah, Maplewood NJ, Bob, Madfox, and all who pray and comment here. Bob, I am hoping it was just the last time 'today' and not the last time you'd be here. Prayers, Hugs and Jesus Peace be with you always. My fear of never being quite good enough for my salvation to 'stick' is probably my greatest struggle. Thank you all for your wisdom!!!


    1. The voice of the one who says we are not good enough is not of God but rather God's adversary and it has a tendency to shout in our face. But the still small voice of God, like a lover, whispers in our ears how much He loves us. Hear the whispers, D, embrace the whispers. My, how much He loves you!!!

    2. Beautiful truth-filled words, Bob. Thank you.

    3. Dear Choose Joy, I really understand because I often pray I am worthy of being God's blessed daughter. But I know I am saved by the blood of Jesus. and His promises "stick".
      Amen Bob! I only believe His words. Listening for His sweet soft whisper saying I love you. You are Mine and You are taken care of. Rest now.

    4. Oh, how He loves you and me, Oh how He loves you and me. He gave his life, what more could he give?
      Oh, how He loves you; Oh, how he loves me; Oh, how he loves you and me.

      Jesus to Calvary did go, His love for sinners to show. What He did there brought hope from despair.
      Oh, how He loves you; Oh, how he loves me; Oh, how he loves you and me.

    5. Oh how He loves you and me!!! I'm smiling with a tear in my eye. Love you sister Brie!

  12. Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen! Thank you my Payton family and my JC Warriors for guiding me through this lenten journey. Your prayers have lifted me up in so many ways..too many to count. I love you all so very much..together we will prevail. Peace with you all.

    1. Love you right back dear sister! Praying for your healing and your daughter, sister in law and grandson. May God continue to bring you to perfect health and surround you with His sweet peace, love and joy. Much love!

    2. Amen! The perfect prayer. Much love and continued prayers for you and your family, Loveconquersall. May His love and peace reside within your heart. Blessings from California

  13. Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will always be holding your hand... Thank You Jesus! During this third quarter of Lent, I am meditating more on accepting God's invitation to encounter Him. Today's encounter question:
    In what circumstances have I become more aware that I might be in need of an attitude adjustment? and how did I reorient my attitude?

    1. Concerning myself Brie, I became aware when I faced the cross. As to reorienting? Just as I think I have, I fall short once again. Jesus takes the wheel & Hallelujah! He gets me turned around & going the right way again. It's a continuing, sanctifying process. God be praised! Thanks for sharing Brie😍

    2. Thank you for those questions, Brie. May we trust God’s love as we seek him today.

    3. I need an attitude (or retrain the brain) adjustment whenever I receive blame for something I did not do.
      I am beginning to reorient my attitude with recalling how many times as a teen and young adult, I did that same blame thing to my dear Mom when she was alive, for things she didn't do.
      I am in process of using my "receiving misplaced blame" situations as opportunities to go to some quiet place, think of holding Jesus' and my Mom's hand, and asking for forgiveness for the times I did that which I don't want done to me.
      My essential oils? "Jesus, I do not know how to forgive as I ought; Would You please give me Your Forgiveness?" Followed by inhaling, "Thy Kingdom Come" and exhaling "Thy Will Be Done"
      Thanks for listening and sharing, Family. True confessions are good for the soul, especially inside this Prayer Warroom with Sara Young, our JC Prayer Warrior Family, and Thee, O Lord!
      PS I also LOL about the "even if" verbiage. For me, it's even WHEN...

    4. Loved that question Brie. Sometimes when I am just tired and cranky, I don't always offer my best to my husband. He does pick out my faults sometimes. So if he asks me if I'm going to leave that carrot on the floor all day, I say: I didn't know it was there and I've been in this kitchen for hours cooking for you, so just who cares about the carrot on the floor. That is not a nice answer. I should just pick up the carrot. When Rick asks me a question, sometimes my words are not sprinkled with sweetness. Today I will try to guard my words and only show him the love he deserves. He really is a great husband in so many ways. I pray for him to be more romantic. But we will be married 40 years this August so maybe the romance dial is just turned down really low.
      Dear Brie, Don't look back at things you've done in the past with regret. We all could have done better, but we are REDEEMED and we are FORGIVEN.
      I know you have a sweet forgiving heart. You are only sweet honey to me. Yes true confessions are good for the soul. I love you my fellow JC Prayer Warrior and all my brothers and sisters here. Let's just keep praying together and trusting in the Lord with our whole heart, mind and soul.
      Father, Help me to offer the best to you and may my words be pleasing to you and sprinkled with sweetness and love and encouragement to glorify you, so I can lift my husband and all I speak to today. Thank you for making me a better person and strengthening my weaknesses so I can serve you better.
      Bless my dear JC Family and heal their infirmities, forgive their iniquities and satisfy their mouths with sweet things today. Renew and refresh them. Especially Norah who needs her rest. Hold dear MadFox and Norah's husband in your love and strengthen and comfort them as they continue to prepare for their trials. You are with them always. Praying for JJ and awaiting a good report ordained by You. Thank you for our blessings and the day you have prepared for us. We love you!

    5. Great question, sweet Brie. I often find that I can treat those nearest to me with inpatience, mostly my husband of 31 years whom I love dearly and loves me in return. We are perfectly imperfect together. I pray that God will retrain my brain and heart to love as He loves me. It's definitely a process, and I am a work in progress. I believe the key is to continually reconnect with Christ for guidance and wisdom. Our spiritual journey is not a one-and-done. We try daily to love and live in the Spirit. Also, it helps to be aware of our faults so that we can work on them. We may sometimes not even realize we are doing harm to others. May God enlighten our path to be more like Him. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    6. From The Song of Solomon 4, "O My Love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you!" So too, God Loves us and sees only the good in us, what we are becoming and what we will be. He knew all about our faults when He chose us and invited us to be in an intimate relationship with Him, be willing to grow in Him, and to Love Him.
      Dear Heavenly Father God, I thank You that Your Word shows me how much You Love me. Regardless of what others may say to me or about me, or even how may feel about myself, I choose to trust and believe that I am deeply loved and wonderfully made by You, and I am so very very thankful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Amen Rose. Waiting on that enlightenment. Every day we are being molded to His image. We are all on a faith journey and we must stay on the narrow path to glory. I love what you said about your husband and you. You are perfectly imperfect together. I can relate perfectly.
      Dear Brie, How blessed we are that God sees only the good in us, and what He is molding us to be. We are beloved children and that's enough for us. I love you my dear sisters. Stay well and be blessed.

    8. Dear God, Thank You for guiding my thoughts, words, and actions when I read Matthew 18...I FORGAVE you all that tremendous debt, just because you asked ME to. Should you not have Mercy on others, just as I have Mercy on you?
      If no, then re-read;
      If yes, then go and do likewise!

  14. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  15. Thankful for a new day to wake up and give God the glory. Yesterday was a whirlwind that left me drained last night. Nothing bad - just constant. My tendency then, is to plan the next day. This morning I cleared all of those plans in my mind (which consisted of constant motion...doing, doing, doing) and I will live in Response Mode, listening for His prompts. We all have our "To Do" lists, but as He holds my hand, I will relax and Trust Him - I will respond.
    Praying for each of you. Thankful for your meaningful questions, and insights. asking for your prayers re: all of the 'unknowns' and calmness as I work my cases. It is not MY will be done, but HIS will be done. This is a peaceful place to be.

    1. Hope you get your work done and much glorification through your efforts. God is holding your hand and He won't let go.
      Yes there is so much peace in our dear family room. You are a beloved spoke in the wheel here and I pray you will get those pretty feet up at the end of the day. Just relax as you trust Him with your work and then make sure you play. Much love.

  16. Dear Heavenly Father, help me to keep my "page empty". Empty me, so that I may be responsive and filled with You, and respond to Your will for me. Flling my page (day) with worldly things keeps me away from You. Come Holy Spirit, come fill my heart with your presence. Open my heart to receive you in all I do today. Amen.

    1. Yes! Lord, Keep my page empty and my Hallelujah glass full. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Amen ABC. Unless we empty ourselves from the worry, doubts, envy, jealousy, anger, fear and judgment, He won't have any room to put His countless blessings, and peace, love, joy and grace.
      One more Hallelujah for your glass dear Brie. Fill 'er up!!!

    3. Jeanne, I can relate to your post about attitude towards hubby. My sharp tongue gets the best of me at times. Now the Holy Spirit will quickly convict me when I fall back to familiar patterns. I quickly thank Him, & try to redeem the day. How awesome that our God understands our weaknesses, continues to shower us with unconditional love & His teachings.

    4. Today, Here, and Now, God is our friend Who cares about the happenings in our life, and reveals Himself where we are!
      I know He read my faltering journey post above when I was led to read From Isaiah 54..."Trust Me for you will live in MY Deity as a child of The One True King; where the shame of your youth will be forever forgiven and forgotten by ME...With Great Mercy and Compassion I gather you, says The Lord, our Holy Redeemer, FOR I AM ON YOUR SIDE! Though the mountains may depart and the hills all disappear, My LovingKindness shall always be with you. My promise of peace for you will always be intact, says The Lord Who has Mercy upon you!
      No weapon formed against you shall succeed, and you will have justice against every lie. This is The Heritage of servants of The Lord. This is The Blessing I have given you, says The Lord!

      Thanks Be To God for all His Gifts.
      I raise a HALLELUJAH high above my enemies, including those within me and of my own making!!
      I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies
      I raise a hallelujah, louder than my unbelief
      I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is my melody
      I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me. Amen.

    5. Amen Jan! How awesome is our God!! The praise goes up and His blessings come down.

    6. Amen dear Brie! What a friend we have in Jesus.
      Yes! Thanks be to God for all His Gifts. They're too many to count! Halleluia!

    7. Raise a Hallelujah! ♥️🎢 Link

  17. Jesus, my love, I thank you for all the blessings you have given all my brothers and sisters in Christ. We have prayed for each other and you have answered us. I feel like a real person this week after suffering with internal shingles for weeks. Our physical pain is never easy but many times we accept and go forward trusting in you Our Lord knowing you are with us through it all. Little Jairo fell off a chair today and hit his head. We decided to take him to emergency and CT scan came back good! I had been praying all morning singing, praying, singing, praying like most mornings. I was not afraid when it happened; I trusted you Lord, thy will be done. Jesus, my love, you are amazing. Thank you for your everlasting love. So happy for Brie and Larry. Happy Belated Birthday dear Audra. Much love to you and yours Mad Fox...praying. Thank you Bob, thank you all!!

    1. So glad you're not suffering from your internal shingles today and that dear little Jairo is alright after his fall. Your prayers were answered and God's faithfulness continues to shine in your life. He knows you trust in Him and He sure is amazing! Praying with you and for you dear sister.

  18. So good to read a happy ending, Loveconquersall! Little Jairo is one, tough cookie! Of course, he had his dear Grandma by his side, singing, trusting, praying. What a blessing you are to those Littles!
    Today was as peaceful and sweet as yesterday was crazy and odd. I am so thankful to go to bed tonight, with prayers tucked in my heart for all of my loved ones.
    Thank You, Father, for bringing me through another in which I actually let You lead! And it was SO profitable. My Casework went so smoothly and my office actually has clear areas! AMAZING! Love and prayers for each of you, my Dear JC Family. Sleep sweet - He is on the watch!

  19. Norah, So happy you had a day of good fruit because you followed His lead! Love and prayers to you. Rest well sister.
    When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid. Yea thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet.

  20. Were it only as simple as it sounds to lay it all at the foot of the cross and relax because God is in charge. Praying, asking, trusting that my mind yields to the only Truth and calms the storms. Thank you Father, for reminding me of the warrior you made me to be. As I lay me down to sleep, thank you Jesus!

    1. Warriors need rest to. Sleep in Peace, sweet Audra.zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    2. Hope you were able to get your rest, dear warrior sister.

  21. Please join me in prayer for Jason, a son of my friend. Here is all I know about his need for prayers:
    Jason had a massive heart attack. He has no brain activity at this time. Miracle is needed.

    1. Father God, Hear our prayers for Jason. We know you created him and You know very well how to heal his weaknesses. You are the Miracle Maker. Just as the Lord told the young girl to rise up, you can do the same. We are trusting You because nothing is too hard for you. Thank You for granting this Miracle in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

    2. Lifting Jason up to the throne of grace. Attend to his body oh Lord & touch him with a miracle of reviving his heart to beat perfectly, in the name of Jesus! Amen!

    3. Lifting Jason to the Throne of Grace.

    4. Father, lay your hands on Jason and restore what is yours to determine.

    5. God if it be your will watch over Jason , family and friends

  22. Joining in prayer for a miraculous healing for Jason.

  23. Praying for Michael to be relieved of his great pain and healed, and for Debbi's strength and guidance and dear Sassy Mom's peace of mind. Thank You Father for this and Jason's miracle and leading Rick through his echocardiogram this morning and enlightening the doctors to understand what they need to do to make him better. You can heal him so he won't need an Ablation on 3/21. Trusting in You for all this in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Trusting in You Lord Jesus for Michael & Debbie's needs to be met in a mighty way! And for holding Rick's &, Jeanne's hand through this procedure. Blessed assurance Lord is theirs, that they do not face this journey alone. You are an ever present help in times of trouble. We declare: NO ablation necessary! In Jesus' name! Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’•

    2. Gathering into your prayers, our Jeanne. Rest assured, He is in our midst. In jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Thanks dear sisters and brothers for the prayers for Rick. Unfortunately the echo clearly showed the A-Fib and a slightly leaky valve. He must have the Ablation on the 21st. Oh well. God’s will be done

    4. It's gonna be OK, blessings to you Jeanne and Rick!

  24. Heavenly Father thank you for ordering our steps and holding our hands as we walk through life .Help us to always remember that you are with us , that your plans for us are good for those that love and obey you , no matter what happens it will be worked together for good.We thank you for the beautiful amzing promises . Help us to stay strong, faithful and encouraged in you always.I jesus mighty name we pray and receive with thanksgiving Amen. Thanks JC family for your prayers for my interview yesterday , it went really well Oliva was delighted to meet me and we had a great session. Sadly she doesnt have a vacancy currently ,however she will keep me in mind as the school is expanding ! I thank God for the opportunity , God's plans are best and I know He is weaving out an amazing plan. Lets continue to pray for a job that will meet all our need .

    1. Thanks for the update, our dear Min Ahadi. I am gathering into prayer with and for you and the job He selects. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Dear Min, will continue to pray with you for that job that will fit you like a glove. Handpicked by the Lord for His precious daughter. He knows your need. πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Love your positivity, Min! While a job didn't happen just yet, the seed from a great interview was planted! So glad you had the opportunity to get in front of Olivia! God has great things in store for you, Min. I feel it! That great interview coupled with the school's expansion = a position for Min OR Olivia may tell another school who is in need now about this great interview she had with a woman named Min and they'll be reaching out! Taking the limits off of God allows all manner of blesses to rain down, right?! Thanks for letting us know how it went. I feel as though you left the interview with a smile on your face and a hope-filled heart!

    4. Thanking God l that your interview went well. Joining prayers for a new door to open in that school because your great interview is already noted so Olivia will think of you as soon as a position is a available..Thank You Jesus.

    5. When God closes a door, he opens a window πŸ˜‰♥️

  25. Thank you dear ones for prayers for my PT & dentist visit. All went well. I was singing & praising the Lord on the way home! God is good! Hallelujah!

    1. Hallelujah! For the great things He does for us.

    2. That’s awesome sweet Jan! Thanking Him for His continued faithfulness and more victories to celebrate/..

  26. Replies
    1. Although Keith's aphasia is progressing, and his brain has started to "neglect" his vision, he is remaining faith filled, eating well, walking better with assistance, and still receiving physical, occupational, and speech therapy in an intense Rehabilitation Facility. The Doctor, program and staff here are wonderful, praise be to God! How grateful we are for all of your prayers to Our Heavenly Father on our behalf. You are a blessing and we thank God for you.
      Today, we will again be on the lookout to thank God for all that He is doing, based on the knowledge that His Way is always perfect.
      May you and yours be blessed in Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    2. Sounds like dear Keith is seeing God’s Hand in every part of His recovery..
      Thank You Father for resolving his vision problem and continuing to guide and strengthen him through his PT and recovery in Jesus’ Name. Amen
      Isaiah 40:31
      Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

    3. We listened to On Eagle's Wings this morning πŸ˜€

    4. Beautiful! πŸ¦… ♥️πŸ™

  27. You are Mine for all time -
    I am singing today's devotion.
    Thank You Jesus!

    1. Love that sweet song! Thanks my sister friend! πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠWe sing it in Choir and it never fails to bless my heart.

  28. Lord God, You are a shield for all those who take refuge in You.
    "I will never let go of your hand". Amen thank You Lord Jesus.

    An apt song and lyrics by Don Francisco:
    I know what you've been hearing
    I've seen you hide your fear
    Embarrased by your weaknesses
    Afraid to let Me near

    I wish you knew how much I long
    For you to understand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand

    I know you've been forsaken
    By all you've known before
    When you've failed their expectations
    They frown and close the door

    But even though your heart itself
    Should lose the will to stand
    No matter what may happen, child
    I'll never let go of your hand

    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do

    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand

    The life that I have given you
    No one can take away
    I've sealed it with My Spirit, blood and word
    The everlasting Father has made His covenant with you
    And He's stronger than the world you've seen and heard

    So don't you fear to show them
    All the love I have for you
    I'll be with you everywhere
    In everything you do
    And even if you do it wrong
    And miss the joy I planned
    I'll never, never let go of your hand
    I'll never let go of your hand.

    1. Thanks Peter 😊 This will be one of our fight songs for today.

    2. Thanks for that encouraging song dear Peter! Holding tight to His Unchanging Hand through these uncharted waters. I never walk alone

  29. Covering everyone in prayer and thankful for this fellowship and answered prayers! Thank you everyone for your prayers. Back to work next week after months of rehab. Should be interesting to see what great things God has planned for me.

    May we be patient enough this day that the Lord has made, to watch it unfold like a beautiful flower and be in awe of its beauty and the love of its creator.

  30. Peace to you dear Rich! So happy to hear your rehab has been bearing such good fruit that you’re able to go back to work. One more victory and more answered prayers. May God fill the path ahead of you with brilliant light and happy surprises. Thank You Jesus.

  31. Rick is holding his own and he says he feels okay but still must have the ablation to hopefully fix him and get his heart back to a regular rhythm. Thanking God for taking care of everything perfectly. Going to Brooklyn tomorrow morning to take my Sis to the doctor for her knees. Planning to come right back on Saturday. My Mom is happy I’m coming. I know we’re all in the Best of Hands, Will keep you all in my prayers πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    1. Still praying for Rick, you, Mom and sis.
      Traveling Mercy, my dear sister friend in Christ and may you find cheap gasoline πŸ˜‰
      Much Love ❤ ❤, Brie

    2. Thanks sweet Brie! Much love right back!

  32. Praising God that Rick’s ablation last year has kept his heart in perfect rhythm. Now I’m praying his back is being healed. He is faithfully doing the stretches his PT taught him. God is healing him as he is healing me. Waiting on the Lord. Just had to thank you all for your prayers for my friend Jessie. The operation on her uterus went well thank God. Your prayers were heard! He is so faithful!!

    1. Hallelujah for success for Jessie! Thank You Lord. Praying for Rick & Jeanne, for the recovery process to continue as You planned dear Lord. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  33. Going to the Wake for Rick’s dear friend Phil later today. Praying for his good wife Sarah and their children. He was so sick and in so much pain! God is merciful and knows when to lift our dear ones up out of their misery and bring them Home. I pray His Spirit supply all the right words to share to bring them comfort. May He cover all of them with His sweet peace, comfort their broken hearts and my dear husband’s heart, and guide them day by day through the next chapter of their lives. They will be with Phil again and their joy will be full.

    1 Corinthians 2:9
    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne πŸ™. May our heavenly Father grant comfort, peace, and strength to all. May His perfect love cover them like a warm blanket. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Praying for the Great Comforter to touch every aching heart. May each one feel that blessed assurance Jesus promised for their loved one. Phil is in His loving arms in paradise. Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Thank you sweet Janet and dear Jan for your beautiful prayers for Phil and his family! May that blanket of peace and comfort cover them and all of us. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Joining in prayers for you and your dear ones, Jeanne. All will be well.

    5. Thanks Audra! All your prayers are covering them. Phil was a believer who had a big loving family and I believe they will receive His peace. Prayers are powerful and He is good and faithful. I put Bible verses for Comfort into my card to them. I pray they will read the 3 pages of God's Word for their broken hearts. Yes. All will be well.

  34. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, Who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and noone is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand.I and My Father are one. (John 10:28-30). For whoever finds Me, finds life, and obtains favor from the LORD. (Proverbs 8:35).

  35. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! I praise You Lord always! Thank You for this precious gift of life that You have given me. Let my life glorify You Lord. Let praises of You continually be in my mouth. Let me walk in the light of Your presence and bring joy to Your heart. I desire You above all things and I depend on You and trust You for everything. Let Your love overflow in my heart. Reveal to me the desires of Your heart. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus 😊.

    1. Dear Janet, so often I ask God for the desires of my heart. I join you in asking our Lord to reveal the desires of His heart. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Gathering into your beautiful prayer! Amen! I can only imagine the desires of God’s heart.

    3. Amen, your prayer is my prayer too!

  36. Psalm 37: 23-25
    "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way;
    though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand." Amen!
    Reminds me of this Sunday School song:
    I know who holds the future , And I know he holds my hand;
    With God things don't just happen ev'rything by Him is planned.
    So as I face tomorrow with its problems large and small,
    I'll trust the God of miracles, Give to Him my all!

    1. Amen! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Me too! Trusting Him completely with all my problems and my tomorrows.

  37. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for equipping me with everything I need to win my battles this day! I praise you that I am protected today by the armor of God. I now claim your promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). In Jesus' mighty name, amen!

    1. Amen! My prayer today as well!

      SC Anonymous

    2. My Precious Sassy Mom ---
      AMEN and AMEN. His WORD is Truth and the Truth will set you FREE! HALLELUJAH!!!
      Great Love and Blessings to you, Sassy Mom.

    3. Amen, Sassy Mom. Borrowing your prayer as mine today. Peace, love and blessings to you.

    4. Amen dear Sassy Mom! Wearing His armor as I prepare to drive home from my Mom’s. I’m in His good Hands. No weapon against me shall prosper. We are well taken care of. πŸ™

    5. Got my armor (and my snowsuit) on for another day of shoveling. The SON is out and He will make a way.πŸ™✝️♥️

    6. Dear Audra, Stay warm Birthday girl! I hope the snow finally stopped!

  38. I join you dear SassyMom I your prayer. Be blessed by His presence today &, yes indeed! No weapon formed against me shall prosper! Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  39. NJS, if you're reading posts today, check you email. I sent you a link to preparing that Thai dish you like.πŸ˜‹

  40. Praying always for you sweet Sassy Mom! Good is guiding you day by day. How is our dear sister Terri?? Hope and pray God has been pouring out His faithfulness and comfort on her.
    Have a sweet and blessed day dear family! God is in our midst and a very present Help in times of trouble! May He bring joy to this day as we praise Him with Thanksgiving.

  41. Jeanne - Echoing your prayer for Terri. We miss our beloved Terri

  42. Thank you everyone for the prayers and support! Y’all must have some connections! Procedure went extremely well and everyone was amazing. Thank you Jesus!!!!
    Such a blessing to have a spouse to sit in the waiting room and pray with. She’s still hurting, so I’m praying that relief comes soon.

    1. Dear Rich ---- Great news! Praising the Lord with you. The Lord inhabits the Praises of His people! Thank You, Papa God, for Your hand of healing to touch Rich's wife's mouth, teeth and
      remove the source of her pain. Papa, You are the healer, bring Your WORD to pass in this situation. I Pray and Believe in the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. More answered prayers to celebrate! Joining dear JJ's prayer. His Word will not fail. Amen. May God heal your good wife's mouth completely and answer your prayers. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding. The future is in His Hands. Thank You Jesus!

    3. I'm so glad God guided your colonoscopy and it went smoothly. I agree with our Norah that the first meal after the procedure is so delicious!!!

  43. So happy to get on here this evening and read all of the blessings! Rich C - I KNOW (experientially) that relief! Was that not the best meal you've had in ages (the one after the procedure?). Praying for your dear wife and that she is eased of her dental issues.
    Loved hearing from you, Sassy Mom. Praying for you Dear Jeanne and the day you had...God Bless you.
    My day was a bit much, but not too much for Our Father. It went from thankful people thanking me for my help to an angry man, who I tried to help, ending with him saying, "Trust me, I will get you fired." After that, I finished my day helping someone get their utility bill (wrong deductions) reimbursed (she cried out of thankfulness). Turned it all of around 5:30 and got to visit my littlest granddaughter for a few; have two boys and their fav cousin here (probably for the night). I'm so tired, I could fall in bed, but I don't want to miss a thing! Such joy.
    Prayers for each of you and the weekend we are about to enter. Much needed rest and rejuvenation!
    Love to all of you. God is on His throne!

  44. You produced a lot of good fruit for the Lord. Rest well dear Norah! You deserve a good sleep to renew and restore you. God knows what you need so He will provide it. Much love.

  45. Dear Norah, How is your DH feeling today? Praying that God is answering our prayers, healing us and our dear ones, comforting and encouraging us, guiding our paths, and preparing this new day. He never lets go of our hands. Driving home from my mom’s today because our oldest son is having a get together. So happy we’ll be with 2 of our sons and their families. Blessed to spend time with them. Can’t wait to see 3 of our grandkids. God is so good. And I am grateful. God bless all of you! Look up from where your Help comes from.

    Psalm 121:1-2
    I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
    From whence comes my help?
    My help comes from the Lord,
    Who made heaven and earth.

    Isaiah 41:13
    For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand,
    Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

  46. Such a blessing to be with my little ones. My grands make me smile and laugh, and they lift my heart so high! My family means so much to me. I'm thankful for them and for my faith, my gifts, my talents, my strength, my health, my hope of Salvation. All good things come from Him. I'm a beloved child of God and I sure don't take His gifts for granted. Nor His mercy. He loves us exactly as we are and understands us better than we understand ourselves. We are all so flawed and yet we're perfectly loved. Let us pray that we won't get distracted from staying close to Him today.
    Thank You Jesus, for reminding us to stay in Your Presence. Amen. Today's devotion says: "I want you to realize how utterly secure you are! Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand." Hold on tight today and enjoy what He has prepared for you.

    Psalm 145:18
    The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

    Jeremiah 29:13
    You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

  47. Yes dear Jeanne, utterly secure! Hallelujah! That gave me comfort in knowing that though our daughter is wandering, she will find her way back. She was saved as a little girl and we dedicated her to the Lord when she was 9. She belongs to Jesus!, He has her by the hand! He will lead her from her darkness and into His marvelous light! Hallelujah!


  48. Yes dear Jan! He will guide your dear daughter to Him by her hand and I pray the same for my youngest son and his family. Our prayers will be answered in His timing. Rest in the Lord and enjoy this day He prepared for you. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  49. "I Will Never Let Go Of Your Hand"
    Blessed much by Don Fransisco:

    1. What a pretty song! Thanks dear Peter!!
