Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 11

    Walk by faith, not by sight. As you take steps of faith, depending on Me, I will show you how much I can do for you. If you live your life too safely, you will never know the thrill of seeing Me work through you. When I gave you My Spirit, I empowered you to live beyond your natural ability and strength. That's why it is so wrong to measure your energy level against the challenges ahead of you. The issue is not your strength but Mine, which is limitless. By walking close to Me, you can accomplish My purposes in My strength.
2 Corinthians 5:7 
New King James Version
For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Galatians 5:25 
English Standard Version
If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

My Prayer
Lord, I pray that I will abide in you. May I trust Your commands. May Your grace be the center of my existence. I don't want to live by pulling up my own bootstraps and digging in and sweating and doing things on my own. I want you to be my sustenance. It is not about me, but about You and Your strength in me. When I am weak, you are strong. When I am hurting, you are there, not to offer a helping hand, but to carry me through life. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. The devo theme today is a memory that will be with me for the rest of my life. I share it with you to bring a real-world example to today's message: "Walk by faith, not by sight. As you take steps of faith, depending on Me, I will show you how much I can do for you."

    Our church for the past 15 years has picked up blind or visually impaired veterans for Sunday services from a local VA facility. The mostly male group is picked up and if they enjoy coming, they return for 4 to 6 weeks (training length). At the end of 6 weeks, one gentlemen asked if he could address the congregation. He said that we had acted as Jesus would have and that we had blessed him greatly.

    He then added, with permission, he would like to sing a blessing to us as a way to say thanks. No one expected what happened. This blind elderly veteran sang Amazing Grace acapella. It still sends chills to think of that day. He could have sung at Carnegie Hall or any concert hall and gotten a standing ovation. There wasn't a dry eye as he rolled into:
    Amazing grace, Howe Sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me
    I once was lost but now am found
    T'was blind but now I see.

    He concluded by saying his faith had grown after he lost his sight. I'd like to think he would have added today's scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:7, For we walk by faith, not by sight. Amen and Godspeed. Have a blessed Monday.

    1. What an inspirational story MadFox. I also can picture it like I was there. God brings people like this into our lives all of the time. We just don't always see it. We had a gentleman at our previous church who wasn't a member who would come and sing periodically. He was amazing and sent chills down our spines with his gift.

      It's a great thing your church is doing by bringing those veterans to worship. In return God blessed you with this man's gift. Thank you for sharing this story.

    2. Yes TJ, God does bring others into our lives each day. Often we are not open to see. I pray that my awareness of others is not only seen with eyesight but with an open heart--"heart sight" ? Help me Lord to empty myself of a preconceived notion of others, and fill my emptyness with your grace to see otheres as You do. Amen.

    3. Thank you MadFox...thank you for sharing, inspirational!

    4. Thanks so much, MadFox, for sharing. Now we, too, are blessed.

    5. I remember reading this last year and even today, it still brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing, MadFox. Twas blind but now I see.

    6. I, too, have stopped to read this again. And I plan to do the same next year, Lord willing. I am blessed, thanks be to God!

    7. Such a beautiful story you shared MadFox. I am sure that blood elderly man was filled with the Spirit as he sang Amazing Grace. It was a precious gift he gave all of you for making such a difference in his life and God was greatly glorified that he was using his gift to show gratitude.
      ABC I love that "heart sight". Amen. Let us see others with "heart sight". Like the eyes of love that God sees us through.

    8. So enjoyed reading that story again, MadFox! I am prepared to walk this day out in Faith, not sight. Or as you noted, Jeannie, ABC's "heart sight." <3

    9. Tuning in to "heart sight" as well today. In fact, sharpening all my senses to the Holy Spirit. Lord, you know I need to to shake bad attitudes. In Jesus's name I pray.

    10. I stopped to read this again this year. I got chills, just like each previous year when I read that you get chills each you remember this occasion. I can imagine how beautiful it sounded. Thanks again MadFox. God bless.

    11. Dear MadFox, loved your sharing of this inspirational story. Thank you! I must've missed this one completely. Was truly blessed. πŸ’•

    12. As I read farther down, I did read this when you posted it. Just forgot it. I feel refreshed at reading it again.

    13. Reading this time sent me to you tube where I found many beautiful versions that although inspiring are not the in-person experience Mad 🦊 describes. I sang this song to my baby girl at night for years as comfort for myself as well as blessing her. Trusting the holy spirit is still covering her as I pray daily for her to have eyes that see. Thanking God for ears that hear!

    14. A blind friend of ours who sings and plays the guitar sings Amazing Grace like this: Amazing Grace how sweet the sound,
      That saved a wretch like me,
      I once was lost but now I see,
      Was blind and I still am!😊

    15. MadFox. Yet again this year, I got chills thinking how he must have sounded when he sang Amazing Grace. Thanks again for sharing.

    16. The Spirit has led me again to this wonderful post by MadFox. Again, thanks bro!

    17. Thanks again MadFox. I'm so glad I stopped here before my busy day. And nice to see you back, Bob.

    18. This beautiful story still blesses my heart! Thanks MadFox! That blind man grew closer to the Lord because of his trial. He needed Him more when he lost his sight. I can only imagine the beauty and sweet sound of his song!

  2. What a beautiful story, MadFox! I feel as if I were there. And I also enjoyed yesterday's sharings, though I chose to stay quiet and absorb. It was a blessed weekend, filled with several of our grandchildren, our close friend who recently laid his wife of 51 years, to rest and a movie date with my husband. All good, sweet things, mixed with the required prayers and believing for our friend's daughter and 2 grandchildren. I was able to 'let go and let God,' knowing that He is the only one who can 'fix' any of the disruptions Life throws at us. I learned (again) that I have priorities; one, being that if I don't take the time with my Lord, JC, reading & fellowship, I am empty and unable to share b/c there is no abundance. Have a blessed day. You know what song will be in my heart and prayers.

  3. What a beautiful testimony of God's love. God's Amazing Grace how sweet that sound that saved a wrench like me brings tears of Joy just because of God's grace. A grace we don't deserve but granted to us anyway because God loves us.
    Each moment I have learned to put my trust in God. These last seven years and most impactfully last two have me walking by Faith trusting God soley for the unknown. God is blessing me and my daughter and those that we love in ways we could never imagine. The song, Great is thy Faithfulness rings in my ear as I think of God's Amazing Grace. When my daughter was a little girl we created this handwritten scripture of Hebrews 11:1, "Now Faith is the substance if things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." This scripture was placed on the wall at the head of her bed and this Jesus Calling today has me reflecting on Faith...the unknown/unseen. Prayers for everyone as we walk by Faith trusting God. Praising God for His Amazing Grace. Luke 7:50 says, ...your Faith has saved you, now go in Peace.

  4. Wow, Madfox! I too felt like I was there. That veteran shared a special gift the Lord gave him to bless all of you. That's a worship experience to treasure. Thank you for sharing. Gifts from the Lord are meant to bless others. Never ever to lay dormant and rust as we age or as his case "blind".

  5. Thanks to all of you for sharing. The comments are very meaningful. Have a Blessed Monday.

  6. Amen. Thank you all for sharing. This really hit a chord with me this morning.

  7. Thanks for sharing. I can almost hear Amazing Grace and I feel the goosebumps.

  8. God bless this wonderful community of Jesus followers! I'm always blessed by the devo and comments from you all!

  9. I come to this blog after I have completed my time of devotion. Many times I share my experience for what it may be worth to each and everyone of you. Today I am simply being blessed by all that has been said above. Nothing more needs to be said. We have been blessed, let us go forth in this blessing to be a blessing to whomever God crosses our path with this day. As Jesus said, "As I have loved you, so you must love one another." God be with you!

    1. I always look forward to your comments Bob. Blessings to you and all the authors and readers of this blog.

    2. Thanks Bob. I pray I will be a blessing to everyone God puts on my path, and I will do my best to share God's perfect love. Hope and pray you are doing well.
      MadFox, Stay strong my brother. These are not easy times for you but you are a witness to others and they see you standing strong on the Rock and not moving. God bless and keep you.

    3. Yes BOB, All the many times you shared your post-devotion experiences, were, and still are, worth untold millions to me and to many others. Today, I pray you continue being led by God's Holy Spirit and blessed by all that you have said and the time you took to share in Jesus' Name. Amen

    4. Agreed dear Brie and Jeanne. Bob, you are beloved.

    5. Amen and Amen! Picturing you blessed, Bob, and revving up share your heart-felt devotions. Picturing you comfortable, MadFox, and spiritually, physically and mentally built up for next week's amazing procedure. Before you know it, you will be getting immunizations with your new granddaughter! My DH was on the same schedule as some of our Grands and they thought that was so funny and fun! :)

  10. Had to go to the VA emergency room last night due to severe Crohn's related pain. Missing my family as I said in the hospital all my days off of work.

    1. Praying for you Randy. My daughter too has Crohns. May your pain subside and recovery be quick!

    2. You should try Ivermectin for your Crohn's. It may helpπŸ™

  11. In my prayer devo time tonight, looked at last year's post and forgotten that I shared this story here. What strikes me this year, is even with the miracles and grace that God places in each day, I'm still blinded by my lack of spiritual "vision" and my weak faith. Strengthen me Lord, and all here, with Amazing Grace... and how sweet the sound (whisper) of Your voice. Amen.

    1. I know what you mean MadFox. My weaknesses nudges me to press in closer, dig deeper, reach out farther to the the God of my strength & portion. Our God is great! & Greatly to be praised! Amen.

    2. MadFox - what an inspirational story you posted last year. I see strong faith and spiritual vision in all of your posts. Amazing Grace follows you! KS

    3. Jesus said to us in approaching the sacrament of communion, "Do this to remember, to remember, to remember...this is how much I love you." He knows us all to well, we so easily forget how much He loves us. Let us all remember, and also, as we do here, remind each other. God be with you.

    4. An epilogue to my post above: As I closed out the blog and turned to a favorite radio station on the internet (from the Catholic Communications Network,, playing was a song from 1977 by Firefall; "Just remember I love you and everything will be alright." (A personal spiritual practice of mine is to listen to classic love songs that speak truthfully about love as God has given it and listen to God sing of His love for me. So now you know I'm a little crazy :-))

    5. Bob, if YOU know you are a little crazy, then you are more sane than you know!

    6. Let us never forget what He did for us at Calvery. He bought our freedom from sin with His own blood out of obedience to His Father and love for us. Amen, Bob. Remember. By the way, I love you Bob just as you are. And we all are a little crazy. Better than being boring.

    7. Crazy in Love with Jesus...

    8. Thank you Bob, for today's song to listen to with "heart hearing"!

    9. From the chorus line, I am still singing the chorus line:
      Just remember I love you
      And it'll be all right
      Just remember I love you
      More than I can say just remember I love you
      Maybe all your blues will wash away!
      I ask. I seek. I knock. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  12. Please pray for me warriors. Tomorrow I get tested for plaque in the carotid artery. It came up last year as a minor built up, praying that it stays that way or disappeared altogether. Blessings to this JC familyπŸ₯°

    1. Praying for you Jan gridley. May our good Lord hold you tight with blessings,healing and comfort. KS

    2. Jan Gridley - We love you!!! Joining Warriors in healing prayers.

    3. WELCOME BACK JAN! we missed you and have been praying for you! We we will continue to do so as you get tested tomorrow. God bless you, we love❤ you and glad to hear from you.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Jan Gridley --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in lifting you up to the the Throne of Grace. So happy to see your post! I have missed you! Great Love and Blessings to you!

    5. Joining the prayer warriors in lifting you up in prayer, Jan. We've missed you!

    6. Welcome back Jan! Lifting you up in prayer and love!

    7. Lord, be with Jan and grant her peace because all is well. It always has been and it always will be. All is well. Thank you, Heavenly Father!

    8. Good to "see" you Jan... "how sweet the sound" of your comments! 😁 May God grant you peace and may your heart have healing. "Fear not, for I am with you always." Amen.

    9. Love reading this chorus for you, Jan G, a year later. Praying these blessings back to you again. ❤️

    10. Continuing prayers for your beautiful heart, strong in all ways, Jan!

    11. We lift you up in prayer and pray that are healed in Jesus name

  13. My faithful Father, I am alive and in Your presence this morning only by Your mercy that You've made anew for me and Your unmerited grace that follows me throughout my walk on this earth. I am in my sound mind and have invited You to walk with me and instruct me through the course of this day. Thank You precious Father for the opportunity to Thank You again. Please take over my day I ask,in Jesus name.

    FAITH, FAITH, FAITH. As children of God, we "walk by faith and not by sight”. This requires us to go somewhere we do not know, a place that God promise to reveal to us as you walk in obedience. In the book of Genesis 12, Abraham is our example. When we walk by faith as believers, we are telling our Father that we will continue to cling to the dreams He has planted in our hearts, regardless of denials, delays or hurtful circumstances. Genesis 37 tells us how Joseph endured and If he could, we too can. We must also look at Daniel’s example by walking in faith with a strong determination to follow God’s plan regardless of what life throws our way.
    When we walk by faith, we are basing the standards of our lives on the truth of God’s Word (Bible), rather than what the world is telling us to do. All followers of Christ should spend their lives honoring and glorifying God in everything we do, but it will require faith for us to live this way because we are going against our natural desires and choosing to believe in what we can't physically see, touch or hear spiritually, and that is, God and His Truth!
    He promised to show us so much of what He can do when 'we take steps of faith, depending on Him'.

    Heavenly Father, We want to walk with You by faith and desire to respond to the circumstances of life by what You have said in Your word and by what You are able to do. Help us not to rely upon the appearance of things, but each us to trust You more and more. Build a faith in us that moves mountains and moves Your hands. Please teach us to live this life with abandonment, giving you a freedom to walk in all Your fullness and grace. Take our lives, our pain, loss, brokenness and use it for Your glory. Please Lord, do Your amazing work in and through us for and prepare us to be used mightily in this life for Your glory, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks for sharing your prayers and this encouragement to walk by faith and spend our lives honoring and glorifying God in everything we do.

    2. I just completed walking around in Matthew 9:18-26 below. The two individuals in that passage truly were people who walked by faith and not by sight and look at the blessed state their walk took them. It will be no different for us. Thank you for your post, Maplewood, NJ. (Incidentally, the Lord had me serve in Sparta, NJ 2010-2012. Was I close to Maplewood?)

    3. Hi Bob, Sparta is about 35 miles and perhaps 30 mins from Maplewood NJ.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thank you sweet Maplewood. Joining in your beautiful prayer Amen!

    5. Thanks Maplewood. Little did we know on the eve of our walking through a pandemic desert, that your words and prayers were positioning and readying us to go through the next 12 months by faith in God alone. His Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways to us, His Wonders to perform. Praying for God's continuous blessings on all of our journeys home. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for sharing your beautiful insight.

    7. So true, Brie, re: Maplewood's Prep for this last crazy year. This morning, when I read, "When we walk by faith, we are basing the standards of our lives on the truth of God’s Word (Bible), rather than what the world is telling us to do." it calmed my heart. Our walks are very individual and I see that as a blessing.

    8. Maplewood, these words spoke to me strongly this year. I am struggling with the ways of the world...
      "When we walk by faith, we are basing the standards of our lives on the truth of God’s Word (Bible), rather than what the world is telling us to do."
      Help me Jesus, renew my mind in faith today so I know where joy can be found.

    9. Lord renew our faith today ! Thanks Maplewood ! This is wonderful encouragement today during the pandemic ! The vaccine is here in Kenya and we are anxiously waiting to hear who qualifies for it , in the meantime we are still going to work , covid-19 numbers are raising but we have to go out help put food on the table. It's a step of faith when you put on that mask and go out there. Walking by faith and not by sight

  14. Maplewood, I just want to know your prayer mirrors my heart! My sister in law passed and her service is Saturday and my father in law was placed on hospice last night and only GOD knows when he will transition, but I am remaining positive and trusting GOD Even in this. My husband and I have been married over forty years and been together about 45 and I love his father and he loves me as well! Just trying to be a rock for the love of my life and feel what I feel requires much faith and prayer! Much prayer much power is my motto here lately. But as you said I am praying that GOD Will Use even this time of brokenness in two different sides of my family for HIS GLORY! Thank each of your for your continued prayers!


    1. God’s Daughter, praying for you and your family!

    2. Praying for your entire family, God's daughter.

    3. Lord, may heavenly peace fill the hearts and souls of Your daughter and her family in their earthly grief. Amen

    4. God's Daughter, This is an emotional time for you even a year later. I pray that God did use that time of loss and brokenness for His Glory. God bless you and your family, sister.

    5. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    6. Praying for you God's daughter , may God be glorified in your circumstances.

  15. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 9:18-26) While Jesus is wrapping up His conversation with John's disciples, a leader of the synagogue approaches Jesus, falls at His feet and begs Him to come to his house for his daughter has died but if Jesus will lay His hands on her, she will live. As I am observing the situation, I marvel at the love of a father for his daughter that will spare no effort, even if it may cost him his position in the synagogue. But then I thought, does he really think Jesus can do something. I mean, yes, Jesus calmed a storm but death is death and there is nothing more that can happen. Is Jesus still able to intervene in a situation that is totally beyond human control. And then there is the element of resistance Jesus has faced from the leadership of the synagogue and Jesus has just been talking about the hollowness of their religious practices. So what will Jesus do? "Grab your things, guys; we are going to this man's house as he has requested," Jesus says. Along the way to the house, a woman who has a physical problem causing her to be hemorrhaging for many years thus making her unclean and unfit to be in public, sneaks up behind Jesus to attempt to touch His garment (also a prohibited act for then Jesus would be unclean). Jesus spins around to ask who touched Him. The woman is now totally ashamed because her cover has been blown. She falls at His feet and confesses her illegal behavior (according to the law). Will Jesus reprimand her? Some in the crowd think so. But no, Jesus applauds her actions because they show her faith in Him, something that touches Him deeply. Filled with love and compassion for her, He pronounces her healed and she is, raising a lot of eyebrows of those in the crowd. Then Jesus turns back to the leader of the synagogue, to follow him to his house. Upon arriving, I can see the professional mourners have been summoned and they are doing what they are hired to do, lead the mourning. Jesus disperses them saying, "She is not dead but asleep." Needless to say, this draws snickers from the mourners. They mumble among themselves, "who does this guy think He is, we know death and death is death and there is no hope." Then Jesus went into where the girl was laying, took her gently by the hand, and without saying a word, her eyes opened and she arose. You should have seen the elation in the father's eyes. With tears flowing down his cheeks, he wrapped his arms around her, sobbing uncontrollably. You should have seen the look on the mourners' faces when the father, Jesus, and the little girl walked out of the room. You should have seen the look on our faces as well. We have watched Jesus heal people but as of yet, we have not seen Him raise someone from the dead. Yet, one more step in comprehending the magnitude of who Jesus is.

    Jesus, from a clean heart and a new and right spirit within Him, meets desperate people who call upon Him and is willing to step into their situation with faith, hope and love. Again, we see spiritual warfare taking place with the ultimate weapon of evil, death, being used. Spiritual warfare at its max, the worst of evil vs the love of God. God wins!!!

    Let all who are desperate and dying, turn onto Him and be loved, forgiven, and healed; be won back to the everlasting Kingdom of the Father. With love, Bob

    1. Bob --- Bless you for your post. Yes,Yes,Yes, God Wins!!! All Praise, Honor and Glory to our Lord!!!

    2. Thank you so much Bob for helping me to envision God's amazing healing power. God bless you for all you do for us.

    3. Thanks BOB...Spiritual warfare at its max, the worst of evil vs the love of God. God wins!!!
      Let all who are desperate and dying, turn onto Him and be loved, forgiven, and healed; be won back to the everlasting Kingdom of the Father...
      I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Dear Bob,
      I miss your posts this year, but I just read one you wrote last year that certainly became my prayer for this year's troubling times of spiritual warfare. God bless you and those we pray for!

      "Jesus, from a clean heart and a new and right spirit within Him, meets desperate people who call upon Him and is willing to step into their situation with faith, hope and love. Again, we see spiritual warfare taking place with the ultimate weapon of evil, death, being used. Spiritual warfare at its max, the worst of evil vs the love of God. God wins!!!

      Let all who are desperate and dying, turn onto Him and be loved, forgiven, and healed; be won back to the everlasting Kingdom of the Father. With love, Bob"

    5. The portrayal of this scripture is done so well in THE CHOSEN!

    6. Dear Bob, Your timeless posts are still filling us with the truth of God’s amazing power. Thanks for continuing to lift and instruct us! May God bless you always.

  16. Thank you for sharing Chris Payton, Bob, Madfox, Maplewood, Sassy Mom, Norah and each of you.
    Loving prayers for all. Special healing prayers for Randy, Jan Gridley and Gods daughter May Gods love, peace, strength and healing bring you much joy and comfort
    In Jesus heavenly name
    Brandy ♥️πŸ™

    1. Hope you are feeling well dear Brandy. Always in my prayers. Praying with you and for you.

    2. Thank you sweet sister Jeanne. Prayers that you and your family are healthy and well.
      You are in my daily prayers as well.
      Love, prayers and blessings
      So many beautiful prayers and stories on here today.
      Love you all
      This JC family is such a blessing

  17. Lord, please help me to live through faith and not my small understanding of what I see in front if me. Show me how to keep my heart and mind open to you and truly believe that You will work through me to achieve Your plan. Work Your mighty ways in me, through me, and for me Jesus. Help me to understand it isn't about my strength, but Yours, and how to live beyond my strength so that Yours can work in my lufe. Thank you Lord, I love you.

    1. Mark L - AMEN!!!Joining you in prayer, your prayers are mine!!

  18. Thank you, thank you dear ones for loving welcoming commentsπŸ₯°. Also for prayers for my testing. I've also been praying for this family of God. Even if I don't get to report in each day, know that each of you are like precious jewels in my treasure box. I know that I can always slip back in with a prayer concern & warriors will fight for me & I'm welcome as the noonday 🌞. Love, love to all❤️

  19. Asking for prayers please���� God knows my need. This blog and each of y’all are such a blessing in my life. Peace❤️
    AL GRL

    1. Your humble request touches our hearts and God's. May His blessings and favor overwhelm you.

    2. Lord, giving you thanks you have AL GRL. Be glorified in your precious child. Amen

    3. Dear AL GRL, I hope a year later you have had your prayers answered and God in His mercy and compassion has provided you and you family with all your needs. Rest in Him who loves you.

  20. A few more prayers needed. My middle son whose wife is pregnant with their 2nd child just got laid off. Please pray for Greg to find a new job and also for his renewed faith.
    My friend's granddaughter Abby is going out with Chris and Chris was on a motorcycle with his sister on his way to Abby's house 2 days ago. They got in an accident and his sister was killed and he broke his leg and is in the hospital. He is beside himself with guilt because he feels like he got his sister killed. Abby is heartbroken because she was very close to his sister. Please pray that his sister will rest in perfect peace and that God will comfort, guide and encourage Chris and Abby and send an army of support to lift them both. Thank you so much.
    Father, Thank you for all your help in the Name of Jesus Christ. We love you. Amen.

    1. Praying for Greg's new job to be better than his former one.
      Praying for Abby, Chris, and Heaven's new Angel. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. As our dear Brother BOB once said, "May Heavenly Peace fill the heart left empty by earthly grief" In Jesus' Name. Amen. Amen.

    3. Father, please lift Greg up and bless him and give him and his family peace, comfort, and strength while You work Your will in their lives. Please pour out Your love, peace, comfort, and strength unto Chris and Abby during this time of mourning in their lives. Let them huddle in Your loving arms as You comfort them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Oh wow. So much. So sudden. So scary. So sad. But no surprise. Grateful even in our shock and grief, God holds their future. God knows the next steps and will hold them fast. I am sorry for these hard things. Praying for God’s ample and generous provision and peace.

    5. Joining in prayer for this heavy situation. May the light of God lift all burdens of grief, guilt and shame. In Jesus's name.

    6. Stretching out my hands to heaven and asking to step in these difficult situation. Lord lord please hear our prayers ....

    7. I can't thank you enough for all your prayers for my son Greg and his family and also my friend's granddaughter and boyfriend and dear lost loved one. She is in the Hands of God.
      God bless you all for your sincere and powerful prayers. Much love and gratitude.

  21. Thank You Jesus. Father, as I finally prepare to take that leap, I feel You with me, right by my side, and I believe You are encouraging me every moment. I am so grateful for You and I Praise You and bless You Lord. You are my reason for being. There is no other one. Help me shed these worldly ways, thoughts, and desires and help me walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh (world). Praise You Lord continually and always πŸ™.

  22. Lord provide exactly what Greg and his family need. You are the perfect parent and you are our provider. Provide for them in a way that they know it came from your hand.Thank you Lord.

    Father God put your peace into the situation with Chris and Abby. Please don't let the enemy fill them with lies that negatively impact their lives. Lord you know that I understand this exact grief. Lord please let them see you in the middle of all of this. Don't allow them to be filled with guilt. Take what the enemy ment for their destruction and use it for your glory and their good. Lord you are the one true God. You know them from the beginning to the end. Step into the situation for all that are involved, every family member, every friend every one who is affected by this accident. Lord if this was an accident with another vehicle please touch the person driving it. Help them to see your sovereignty in all of this. Thank you Lord we praise you and give you the honor you deserve.

    1. Amen Terri. Joining in your prayer for Abby and Chris and all affected.

      Blessings from France

    2. TERRI --- AMEN and AMEN. Joining you and Blessings from France in your wonderful prayer for Greg, family, Abby, Chris and their family. You, Lord, make a way when there doesn't look like there is a way! JJ

    3. Amen dear Terri. Thank you. Joining in that powerful prayer. He is sovereign and knows what they are going through.
      Thank you dear JJ. Amen! He is the Way Maker!

  23. Loving Father, You are the God of all possibilities. Micah 7:7 says: "But as for me, I will look expectantly for the Lord and with confidence in Him I will keep watch, I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me." I know You hear me every single time I call on to You, so this morning I just want to say thank You for being the God of my salvation. Whatever challenges lies ahead, Thank You for empowering and equipping me to accomplish Your purpose through those challenges. I walk by Faith, the kind that is in and through Jesus to sustain me. Thank You for Your sufficient grace in Jesus.

    This was shared by someone:
    If someone asks about your educational background, proclaim boldly that:
    Church is my college.
    Heaven is my university. Father God is my Counselor. Jesus is my Principal.
    Holy Spirit is my Teacher. Angels are my classmates. Bible is my textbook. Temptations are my exams. Overcoming Satan is my hobby!!
    Winning souls for God is my assignment.
    Receiving eternity is my degree and Praise and Worship are my slogan.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Got it! Will do. Thanks Maplewood.

    2. Wonderful Maplewood. Just sent it to my Mom and Sis! You always bless me. Hope you're feeling good and resting well.

  24. Lifting you up in prayer..God's Daughter and your husband, Chris and Abby. Lord have mercy. Thank you MadFox, Bob, Maplewood...always sharing your heart with us and so many more. God bless all my precious jewels in my heart and yes! Jan you are so precious to me. Thank you Jeanne and Norah for your prayers and kind words.

  25. This devotion post today emboldened me especially the part that said if you live too safely, you'll never know the thrill of seeing me work through you. He's right and he shows me so often. I had been wrestling with the idea of homeschooling my sons, but I was afraid. I prayed about it for many days. I feel that this beautiful devotion today was a hint: what are you waiting for? "I'm with you. I'll help you."

  26. Adapted from Matthew 17:1-7.

    I was standing with the others when Jesus approached us and said, "John, James, Peter and you, Bob, come with me." There were no second thoughts in a moment such as this, we all went. I will have to admit an element of feeling special, more special than the others which I would seek forgiveness for later. Jesus led us up on a high point to be alone with Him. As we were feeling the privilege of the moment suddenly He was transfigured before us. His face shone like the sun and His clothes became dazzling white. Then appeared Moses and Elijah, talking with Him. We were overwhelmed by the moment. What do you do when you are losing control of a situation? There is a tendency to 'run one's mouth' not because you have something to say but because you need to say something for the sake of control. This Peter did as he has a tendency to do but we all had the same thought in mind. Just as suddenly, a bright cloud overshadowed us and a voice was heard, "This is my Son, the Beloved; with Him I am well pleased; listen to Him!" Now things are entirely out of our control and we all fell to the ground in fear. Fear, a natural result when things are out of our control. But what is there to be afraid of? We are in the presence of perfect love. Is that to be feared? And all that was asked of us is to listen to Jesus, is that so hard? Well, to be honest about it, yes it is. For we are afraid of listening to Jesus because He might tell us something we do not want to hear. We are afraid to listen to Him because He might ask of us something we don't want to do. We become overwhelmed with fear when He asks us to go somewhere we don't want to go. That is why we are really afraid for if we listen to Jesus, we must relinquish all control and truly let Him lead. As we were on the ground, He came over and touched us with that warm and loving touch that we had so grown to appreciate and welcome. "Get up," He said, "and do not be afraid."

    Jesus, You have spoken and I have not listened, have mercy on me!
    Father God, You have commanded and I have not obeyed. Lord, have mercy on me!
    Holy Spirit, You have led me in loving and I have not loved. Lord, have mercy on me. Amen

    "Get up and do not be afraid." With love, Bob

    1. Love it and you, well said.

    2. Jesus, my love, have mercy on us; forgive us in all the ways we fail you. Help us to be pleasing in your sight. Amen!

    3. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You have Mercy on me when I get diarrhea of the mouth? For when it happens, I am only seeking to ground myself in this world, and with self/ego/devil deceit that I have control. Instead, would you help me use those times as signal flares to bow low to You, relinquishing all control to You, and thanking You for leading me perfectly 100% of the time, yesterday, today, and forever, as only You can? In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank You. Amen
      PS. Thank You, Holy Spirit for leading our BOB to post his devotional experience today. You know I re-checked the date at least 3 times to make sure my eyes really saw 2021. You know the glee in my heart when I saw it, because of the many souls his experiences net for the Good and Glory of God! I just want to say, Thank You Lord. The Wait was worth The Patience. Amen.

    4. Thanks Bob , may we seek God wholeheartedly

    5. Thank you so much Bob! How did you know I just needed to read your post and know you were fine. John, James and Peter witnessed the glory of God and didn't understand it because it was beyond their human comprehension. To be in the presence of the perfect love of Christ is a dream for me. Sometimes as I lie in bed, I ask Jesus to bring me back to the time he was preaching and let me be among those listening. What a joy that would be! But the joy remains because He is the same always and He is mine. He is nothing to fear unless we fear His instruction and I need it because I just want to be a better follower to please Him. I trust His words and I will not be afraid. He is my Good Shepherd and I am always in His loving care.

  27. JC, quick update. At Emory, for stem cell collection since Tuesday. I am borderline today on whether they will collect enough stem cells. So, know many won't revisit the blog today since mid-morning, but am praying that they get enough today. Would appreciate your prayers on that specifically. Also still, not looking good for my spouse to be with me or any visitors in 2 weeks when admitted. Praying also for that restriction to be lifted. Have been reading all this week. Praying for each of you as I can, and maintaining my humor and gratitude attitude. Peace. Godspeed, and Amen.

    1. Prayers continue for you MadFox. May our Lord always guide you and comfort you, along with your dear family. KS

    2. Father God you know exactly what MadFox needs and we will trust in you and your timing. We are praying Lord; thank you for listening and for your blessings! We ask in the name of your beloved son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Pour an extra dose of your holy spirit over him and his family! Amen!

    3. Thanks for the update, MadFox. I have Sent and am still sending prayers to Emory on your behalf, with High Hopes that God's Holy Spirit is getting them to you and all your Medical Professionals.
      I believe doors are opened that no one can close and that Restrictions will be lifted when you need them to be lifted, by The Keeper of The Gate. Post whenever you can. I check in often and pray always! Happy to hear that your humor and attitude are being refilled as you use them. Love and Prayers for you, Dear Brother, and for our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Brother MadFox, May we know your 2 week admit date? I want to make sure Salvation Airlines 2021, makes a landing in Atlanta, so led by Our Captain Pilot, we can all deplane, encircle Emory hand-in-hand, praying, singing, and victory dancing nonstop, for you, your dear ones, and your entire Medical Team. Just in case, you get to glimpse out a window from your room, you will see all of us solidly praying for you in Spirit, and singing loudly, regardless of what your earth eyes visualize or your earth ears hear. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. MadFox may peace and comfort be your protion ! We love you and God loves you too. Focus on him, he has gone ahead of you and performed a miracle. It's time to get our praise!

    6. MadFox --- You've got my continued prayers. God is God enough, even in this circumstance. The Lord's great Favor and Blessings upon you! Puting you in His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing! JJ

    7. DH and I pray daily. I was picturing them having enough cells the first day. Continued prayers. God knows your needs. <3

    8. I should add, MadFox....more than once daily! Multiple times!

    9. Praying so much for you dear MadFox. Praying for good stem cells, strength, patience, comfort, healing and God's faithfulness. You are so loved.

    10. Dear MadFox, Continuing to pray for you. May God’s faithfulness always be your story. Much love.

  28. I love this post.....if we limit ourselves to what we can do we will not see God moving through us. I know I am limited, and I know He isn’t. Prayers for each of you in your situations. He sees and knows, cares and acts for his dear ones.

    1. Thank you dear Ellen. Praying for you and your daughters. God knows all they need and may He strengthen and heal you too dear sister.

  29. Good morning mad🦊! I see a burst of stem cells coming to your defense, multiplying to whatever proportion you need in preparation for your transplant. To better visualize God's amazing design, I pulled out my anatomy reference book and read up on antibody defenses. God bless you and your team as you walk by faith one day at a time. ♥️

  30. Audra, thank you for that visual, as we all pray for MadFox. And Brie - your visual of the JC Family, Prayer Warriors surrounding Emory, was lovely.
    I pray for your son and his family, Dear Jeanne. I pray for Greg and Abby and the whole hurting family.
    I thank you Bob, for your words - so good to 'see' you again. I am heading to bed to pray and to sleep, which is much needed. Prayers for sweet sleep for all of you. Prayers for peace in our hearts; for our Country; for all of our loved ones.
    Tomorrow is a new day and I pray we all wake up, blessed, confident and ready to listen to our Heavenly Father's direction. That we recognize and respond to the Christ in us - the Hope of Glory.
    Blessings, Dear JC Family.

    1. ZZZZ Norah, my Spirit ears can hear Jesus lullabying...
      Goodnight, My Love
      Pleasant dreams and sleep tight, My Love
      May tomorrow be sunny and bright, My Love
      And bring you closer to Me...Amen.

    2. Thanks Norah. And Brie.
      Amen. Rest well dear sisters. Tomorrow will be a bright new day with unlimited possibilities. Thank You Jesus for answering all these prayers and reading our hearts and supplying our needs and comforting our weary minds so we can sleep soundly. Amen.

  31. Joining prayers and sleep!!! ❤️

  32. I start a new page in my life today , whatever challenges I may face today I will approach it with a attitude of victory and I am an overcome . My finances don't look great, my car is still not 100% however God is my strength .Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory

  33. Lifting up my JCFAMILY to the Throne of Grace and standing in the gap. Suiting each one up with the Armor of God, declaring each verse of the 91st Psalm over you and Pleading the Blood of Jesus on you, your family, your vehicle, your home, your finances, your work, your ministry.(You a can apply The Blood to anything you want protected.) The Blood speaks life into you and The Blood of Jesus exposes and destroys all darkness operating in and around you. Thank you Jesus for Your Precious Blood!
    The Blood Covenant brings all the power, victory and miracle of our Mighty God into the everyday life of us believers. I Decree: Let the pain begone; let the healing flow! I pray and I believe in Jesus' name. AMEN and AMEN HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Amen and Amen! Thank you dear sister. Just what I needed.
      Putting every little thing into His Hands and I'm not gonna worry. Just exercising my trust muscles and waiting on the Lord.

    2. AMEN and AMEN and another HALLELUJAH!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
      Thank you JJ!

    3. Thank you, JJ, for this awesome "total covering" prayer! I feel your words wash over me this morning. AMEN and AMEN is right!

    4. Wonderful Blessing thank you JJ

    5. Sooo blessed JJ! I can walk into my day knowing that the blood of the Lamb has drenched me from head to toe! May your prayer for us bounce back to you, covering you with the same power that has been unleashed on us by the blood of Jesus! Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

    6. I love your oh so powerful prayer, JJ! Thank you, and back at 'ya!!!!
      Feeling the love and power as I read it.

    7. The effect is still right on point, JJ. Thank you!

  34. Thanks all who prayed for Jason.
    Jason went home to be with The Lord.
    May his soul rest in peace, and may God enfold his parents. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Oh sorry to hear this news. Praying for comfort and peace for all those who loved and knew Jason.
      When peace like a river attendeth my way
      When sorrows like sea billows roll
      Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
      Let this blest assurance control
      That Christ (yes, He has) has regarded my helpless estate
      And has shed His own blood for my soul
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought (a thought)
      My sin, not in part, but the whole (every bit, every bit, all of it)
      Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more (yes)
      Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      Sing it as well
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight
      The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
      The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend
      Even so, it is well with my soul
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul
      'Cause of You, Jesus, it is well
      It is well (it is well)
      With my soul (with my soul)
      It is well, it is well with my soul

    2. Love that song Min Ahadi, and the composer's story that inspired the words. Thank YouΓ½

    3. Love that song too. Thanks sweet Min.

  35. So very sorry Jason was called Home. But the Lord needed him there so he wouldn't suffer here. May God comfort his parents and wrap them in His love and peace. Jason is in a better place now. Praying for his eternal rest and perfect peace.

    1. Jason is in ecstasy as he beholds the shining glory of Jesus! I pray comfort for the family &, friends grieving for this loss. πŸ™

  36. I have been unable to post ( posting but not showing up)the last month or so because of a setting on my phone….finally figured out the issue
    Been reading daily and my prayers were and are with all of you the whole time in our daily struggles and our success’s…..
    Perfect timing because Monday I go in for a knee replacement….. I know I will be okay and it is necessary and I know I will be added to all your prayers …… God Bless all of you

    1. John S, Praying for a faultless recovery from the knee replacement in Jesus Mighty Name.

    2. Praying with warriors that the hands of Jesus will be on the hands of you surgeon. Be calm & at peace in your spirit dear brother. πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. John S. Praying for a positive knee surgery outcome. Today's technology for this procedure is remarkable. As you trust in Jesus, do what they tell you to do, and be a patient patient πŸ˜‰πŸ™

    4. John S. --- Joining the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS prayers for your knee surgery. May the peace and comfort of our Magnificent God surround you 24/7! Be diligent in your rehab; it will serve you well. Remember, you are washed by the blood, you are covered by the blood,saved by the blood, healed by the blood and you devil can't defeat the blood!!! In His Grip of Grace - JJ

    5. Dear John S. Joining prayers for a smooth knee replacement and God’s guidance and peace throughout the procedure and recovery. Trust in Him and rest in His love.

  37. Praying for an amazing outcome for your knee replacement John S. We pray in Jesus name that you will be WELL! Amen

  38. It’s a lie of the devil that the harder we work for God the more spiritual we will become. Instead, we become mature Christians by trusting not working. However, trusting is much harder than working as it is easy for us to take charge and do things in our own way, in our own time, to bring about our own outcomes. As we learn to keep in step with God’s Spirit, we discover the balance between passive inactivity and overloading ourselves with false responsibilities. Help us to go in the right direction Lord seeking to Trust God more !

    1. Min, such wise maturity you share here! Thank you ♥️

  39. God did something wonderful for me today which demonstrates that we cannot do anything in our own strength. Everything we achieve is through His power and strength. I give Him all the praise and glory! Thank you Father!!!

  40. Keep me "Near the Cross"

    1. Such a glorious song! The words and harmony bring pure sweetness to my weary heart.

  41. Please pray with me for the manifestation of my perfect healing from the effects of a stroke I had almost 3 years ago. According to God's word I am already healed but the full manifestation of my healed body has not come through yet. I continue to trust God with all my heart and spirit and soul. Am I missing something?

    1. Dear Emm, Praying with you for God to lead you to a complete recovery from your stroke. But remember His Grace is sufficient and we grow closer to Him in our infirmities and suffering. They test our faith and we reach out to Him for healing, comfort and help. He is always there.

  42. I continue to trust God with all my heart and spirit and soul...with these words Enm, you have a full house.
    Missing something? If so, you don't need it because whatever you need, God is providing. Much Love throughout your healing, Brie

  43. Amen. God knows our true needs. Sometimes He doesn’t answer our exact prayers but gives us spiritual healing, inner strength, comfort, peace and renewed faith. His way is perfect.

  44. Have a blessed day in God's presence, dear family. Rick and I will be leaving early to get to the Funeral for his friend Phil. Praying we can be a comfort to his good family. He is already in a better place of perfect peace. Now his family need God's strength to get them through the hard days to follow. His wife Sarah lives alone now and life will be very different, but I pray she gets some rest because she has been Phil's caregiver for such a long time and also that her faith is renewed. God will be her strength. When we are weak, He always holds us up. Thank You Jesus.

    Isaiah 40:29
    He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

    1. Safe travel prayers going out for you and Rick. Be safe.

    2. Thanks dear Suzanne! May God bless your new day and answer your prayers. Praying for traveling mercies for all who are traveling today. Thank You Jesus.

    3. Prayers for Phil's family, especially for Sarah as she rides the rollercoaster of grief and relief. Father, keep her focused on the Truth and away from the lies aimed at vulnerabilities that satan pursues.

  45. You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8). For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16). As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him, who called us by glory and virtue. (2 Peter 1:3).

    1. Such a good breakfast for my soul! Thanks dear sister. Amen.

  46. God's words are so rich & true touching the very core of every soul & feeding to satisfaction the hunger within. Thank you dear sis for sharing. Blessings on your dayπŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  47. Today's Jesus Calling 'Walk by faith not by sight ', reminds me of the Apostle Peter walking on the water.
    Matthew 14:28-30 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
    29 “Come,” he said.
    Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!"
    Whatever you're trusting God for, whatever situation you find impossible, ignore the fickle winds of circumstances, get out the boat but keep your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. I'm out the boat today, letting go of caution, trusting Him completely.

    1. Amen dear brother, amen! That passage of scripture serves to remind us too that when we fail to look fully into the Savior's face for strength to trust, He understands our fears & mistrusts, will not ever hold it against us but instead provides a hand to pull us out of it. "Dear Jesus, forgive my unbelief".

    2. Amen Peter! Thank you for sharing.

    3. Wonderful reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus in all our circumstances! Yes He knows our human frailties well. Thanks Peter and Jan!

  48. Good morning dear ones😍. I just have to share our God's goodness this morning. I had bought a print that would round out our family room redo. Hubby carefully glued it on a stretch canvas frame. I started to unglue on one end so I " gorilla" glued it. The glue was too much & seeping out , it wouldn't stick. Fearing that if I set it on its end in the house that glue would ruin any surface it touches, so I placed it outside leaning it against the house. Well, I went away, it rained all day! This morning upon awakening, I realized my oops! Went out to retrieve it expecting a disaster & loss of a beautiful art piece & behold, it's as if it had an umbrella on it all day! PTL! this morning as I sit in my family room, I'm gazing at this art piece on my wall & being reminded of the goodness of our God now &, for every time I look at that art piece! Hallelujah!

    1. That’s such great news! Our God faithfully protected it from harm! Every time you look at it you’ll remember how great and merciful He is!

  49. His umbrella protection. I love it!

  50. You made me smile 😊

  51. We slept in today after two weeks of having to wake up early to keep up with digging out from heavy snow. Thank you Jesus!
    I asked Him if there was something I should know about this 3,000 mile long atmospheric river slamming CA. I heard... "Disruptions get attention. Disasters breed compassion. Hardships foster faith." Yup, God is on the move! I'd be so lost and exhausted without Him!

    1. He's teaching you so much through your trials and drawing you closer to Him. He's molding us every day. Glad you got your much needed rest dear Audra! God knew you needed it.

  52. Amen Audra, God IS on the move! Watch for more Exposure of evil, His Justice, His Revolution, His Revival, His Revelations, His Restoration, His Restitution, and His Great Celebration! He pulls out all the stops to get our attention.

  53. Wow. So much Amazing Grace in today's posts. Thanks to the many posts... was blind about serious medical challenges of others... but now I see!

    Your prayers were powerful and in 2021 got to remission... Now see His mercy.

    Your prayers were answered on getting enough stem cells. Those cells had eyes and could see the spot to heal.

    Your prayers, your kind words from the Spirit within are humbling. God has certainly helped me see His love for all of His creation, but most importantly for each and every soul from Adam to the babies born today.

    Hope you are accepting His Amazing Grace. He loves you. Peace. Amen.

    1. Hallelujah! Such a victory in Jesus! So glad to hear about all that He is doing in and through you Madfox. Keep shining bright for Christ! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Thank you Jesus for directing each stem cell to go exactly where they were needed to produce healing for our MadFox. May he continue to sing Amazing Grace to honor your powerful name, Jesus!

  54. Thanks dear MadFox! So blessed by your gratitude and faith! I remember all you went through and we were praying and trusting in God’s faithfulness along with you. We still are! And I sure do understand. God has been so good to you and me. We know He hears our prayers and answers them. But He does so according to His Will and Plan. Sometimes He allows trials in our lives but He never leaves us. He leads us through them and brings us closer to Him. Nothing is sweeter than His Amazing Grace!

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

  55. Thank you Lord for the Amazing Grace you've given me that has sustained me in the past and will today. Thank you MadFox for that first post and to everyone for the posts in between. Today, the song that will be going through my head will be Amazing Grace. How sweet the sound.

  56. A song going through my head &, heart this morning.🎼🎢Thank you Lord for saving my soul, thank you Lord for making me whole, thank you Lord for giving to me, thy great salvation so rich &, free!

  57. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, [a]the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]."

  58. Always loved those encouraging verses. Thanks dear Janet! I know you must miss your friend Norma. May God bless and comfort you. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™
