Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Jesus Calling: March 20

    Thank Me for the glorious gift of My Spirit. This is like priming the pump of a well. As you bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving, regardless of your feelings, My Spirit is able to work more freely within you. This produces more thankfulness and more freedom, until you are overflowing with gratitude.
    I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you don't perceive them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts. In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me. 
2 Corinthians 5:5
English Standard Version
He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.

2 Corinthians 3:17
English Standard Version
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Psalm 50:14
English Standard Version
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
and perform your vows to the Most High,

My Prayer
Lord, I want to know the Holy Spirit more in my life. I think I take the Spirit for granted and don't realize the significance of His presence. Thank you for sending your presence to live on this earth. Jesus lived as an earthly body, but you sent your Spirit so that we could do greater things here on earth. Help me to recognize the blessings You provide for me in my life. There is freedom in the Spirit of the Lord. I want to experience that freedom.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.


  1. That's what I want and need ad well! How perfectly said!
    Please don't think you have to respond to my commemts, just know again that some of your prayers our as helpful to me as the devotion! I know now why I couldn't find my book, and was meant to gain more by reading your complete post each day!

    1. I so much agree with Shelly. I did use your devotion when travelling and now I use it daily because I get so much more out of it than just reading the devotion. I thank the Lord for you

    2. I too happened on these blogs I thought by chance. I gave my book away and searched several other sites and landed on this one. Little did I know of the extra "treat" of other believers waiting for me here. Precious brother & sisters in Christ!πŸ₯°

    3. Amen dear Jan! So very true. What a blessings to be with our precious brothers and sisters in Christ!
      Praying you are resting with your ice and your leg is elevated. Take those pain meds when you need them and be very patient. God is in that bed with you.

    4. Thank you dear Jeanne. You're thoughtfulness is like the balm of gileadπŸ’•. It's hard to not be in full active mode. God is here with me. I will do as you say, you've been there, done that! Bless you😘

    5. Thank you Jesus for my precious brothers and sisters in Christ, one of my many blessings from you, Lord...thank you. Shower Jan G with an extra dose of your love!

    6. Thank you sis LCA. I am properly showered by your blessing 😍!

    7. So good this one year later to read these love notes of encouragement, as here I am recovering from surgery to the other knee. Loving thoughts to each of you dear onesπŸ˜˜πŸ’•

    8. I too am recovering from a partial knee replacement done this past Monday
      I pray for a speedy recovery for both of us and for anyone else going through any sort of pain and suffering whether physical, spiritual, or mental.
      For my knee to heal properly I have to go through the pain of physical therapy, have to do the excercises regardless of how painful they are… spiritually also I have to go through painful experiences in order to heal and come out the other side a better person… I have to do the spiritual excercises praying , this blog, meditating
      whatever works for me to eat to that other side……
      It’s well worth it “no pain , “ no gain”
      God Bless

  2. I'm always looking for the earthly gifts but sometimes I forget that the biggest gift is eternal life and ultimately the gift after this one is over. I believe if I can focus on that Eternal gift I will realize my purpose in this life is more about loving Gods children and coming closer to Jesus than many of the other purposes I try to serve each day.

    1. In other words being more thankful for the glorious gift of his spirit like Sarah said

  3. Sadly it took many years to be thankful in most, not all, circumstances. I say "most" because I am not perfect in my faith as Jesus was/is. However, as I have matured in years and, perhaps, wisdom, I now appreciate my present challenges and realize one will grow from them. The thankfulness and freedom Sarah mentions today, usually comes with the benefit of hindsight. I'm still working on being thankful in the midst of them!

    May we realize that God gives us freedom (free will) but with or without us... He is bringing all things to "good". We can be thankful for this plan. Peace be with you TODAY! Amen.

    1. Thanks MadFox. You described me.KS

    2. I had to chuckle, reading this as one never knows where the journey goes and what may be expected of us. 4 days to go to the transplant, and looking forward to seeing what opportunities God provides for the 2+ weeks in "solitary confinement"! Ha. May we all embrace thankfulness each day, as we provide "light" to those we meet. AMEN.

    3. I was thinking the same thing when I read your older post. You had no idea you would be going through this trial but yet you say: "He is bringing all things to "good". I believe you will go through this transplant amazing your doctors with your faith and God's faithfulness. Four more days to go and we are all praying so hard for it to go well. Much love. Get some rest now.

    4. Amen. We are covering you with prayers from now & beyond MadFox. That time will fly by as you wait enveloped in grace, peace & trust. That you can look back at this journey as the closest walk with the living God you've ever had.

    5. You give me hope, MadFox. Thank you for sharing your journey..your story. Your yes to our Lord and Savior is so beautiful. Much love and prayers to you and yours!

    6. I am so awed by your strength, courage, and trust, MadFox. You inspire me to no end throughout this walk you've been on. Prayers continuing! May you continue to feel God with you and your doctors/team! Sending love to you and your family wrapped in loving prayers.

    7. Each day, in every way, He is with us. Thank you for sharing your story and insights, Mad🦊. Time is an illusion when we stay in the Presence of the Lord.πŸ™

    8. Praying for you, Dear MadFox! And DH and I are still believing for a miracle re: the 'solitary confinement.'

    9. Thanks to all of you. I hope to be as you describe. A humble servant sent to Emory for a greater purpose, whether post transplant, for someone there, or for both. And yes, it would be awesome to get a call Tuesday saying my wife can now stay, but either way victory over this chapter of MM is at hand! In Him. πŸ™✌

  4. Today, again, I give it all to you, Lord. Yesterday brought a break-through for one of my cases that we have all been praying about. The woman told me she woke up yesterday at 4:00, couldn't go back to sleep, and turned on the TV. There was an old Billy Graham revival on and she re-committed her life to Christ. I, also woke up at 4:00 yesterday and laid in the darkness praying for an hour before I finally got up. I look at the prayers on this site (TJ - praying for you and your son), and when the dawn breaks, there is such sweetness. Giving it all to you, Lord. Thank you for the reminders that it is not in vain. Expecting miracles for my friend and her daughter: today or tomorrow will bring resolution. And for my cases: continued progress. For our JESUS CALLING FAMILY, as Sassy Mom said - we each bring our heartaches and victories to these pages. We pray for each other and see results. What a blessing! " I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you don't perceive them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts. In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me."

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers Nora. I'm happy to see that this person rededicated her life to Jesus. Another saved soul. I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks again for praying for my son. God Bless.

    2. Sorry I missed the "H" in your name. It's early. Lol.

    3. Amen Norah and Sassy Mom. "we each bring our heartaches and victories to these pages. We pray for each other and see results. What a blessing!"
      You have all brought me through so many ups and downs, we are indeed a family in Christ and I pray for all of you each day that God will heal you, comfort you, encourage you, lift you, guide you and protect you.
      We are His loving children and He is our loving Father. We are well taken care of.
      Norah I hope you're getting some rest.

    4. Thank you Norah and Jeanne. I need prayer; my troubled sis is homeless and my daughter welcomed her in. Help me Lord to see her as your loving child. Help me to accept her as she is; to let go and let you Lord. Amen!

  5. What a great idea. "Thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind". I usually try to ignor or think of other things, which doesn't usually work. Thanks to everyone for this blog and your posts. I'm praying for your son, TJ and your cases Norah. God bless.

  6. I too got awakened in the wee hrs. 2 days ago. Sometimes I respond as Samuel did, "here am I Lord", in other words "bring it on!" Usually I will get flooded with names, I pray for them as they come. This use to happen when both my son & daughter we're in Iraq at the same time serving in the air Force. The Holy Spirit knew that if He woke up their momma, she will be ready to pray. The "take away", be ready when prompted, report for duty no matter what time it is.

    1. Love this, Jan!! Be ready for duty. ❤️

    2. Thank you Jan. I now understand why the middle of the night interruption. "I am here Lord". Praying for & grateful for you all. I'm new in faith & blessed with the Holy Spirit.πŸ™πŸ»

    3. I am here Lord! What would you ask of me?

  7. Father thank you for your blessings every day. I might not perceive them as blessings but I must walk by faith not by sight

  8. I ask for prayers for my son David who has been sick for many years bed bound and housebound. Some dr's feel there is a mental health issue others feel otherwise. He feels it is a neurological issue and we are praying and waiting for a breakthrough to some how know so it can be treated properly.
    In the meantime may the Holy Spirit minister to his needs. I pray daily for him.

    1. Unknown, we all pray for your son, David also. The Lord will guide and keep him in His arms. KS

    2. Unknown - Joining Warriors in prayer for you and your son David.

    3. Prayers for your son DavidπŸ™πŸ™

    4. Lord God, hear our prayers for David. Intervene in this situation and bring glory to Yourself in all things working to David wholeness and well-being. Bless him, Lord! Amen

    5. Praying that your son David is doing better and getting the help he needs. May God bless and heal you and your son in all things and bring you joy and peace in believing.

  9. Isaiah 41:10

    Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Thank You Jesus for Your promises.

    1. Amen! Wonderful scripture. KS

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom, a woman of great faith who I admire. I whisper your name always and so many more in prayer.

    3. Good to see you on here Loveconquersall! I am behind in my reading and today, decided to just jump back in.
      Prayers for all!

    4. Amen! This seems to be directed to you, dear MadFox.

  10. Thank You Heavenly Father, for the astonishing power that is Your GRACE! Thank You for allowing me to awake to yet another beautiful day. I am grateful to You for the beauty of Your creation and Your control over it. Please help me to keep the spirit of gratitude as I face the ebbs and flows of life.Thank You for great health, safety and protection and grant me the spiritual, physical and emotional power to get through each day, in Jesus name.

    As believers, we are already seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus so, as recipient of God's grace, we have victory over fear, anxiety, doubt, and addiction of any kind, anger, greed, lust, jealousy and envy. For we are no longer slave to sin, but ambassadors for the KING of glory.

    Thanks be to God for these nine gifts of the Spirit:
    • 'THE GIFT OF WISDOM - the gift to make choices and give leadership that is according to God's will.
    • THE GIFT OF KNOWLEDGE - the gift to have a comprehensive understanding of a spiritual issue or circumstance.
    • THE GIFT OF FAITH - the gift to trust God and inspire others to trust God, no matter the conditions.
    • THE GIFT OF HEALING - the wondrous gift to use God's healing power to cure a person who is ill, wounded or suffering.
    •THE GIFT OF MIRACLES - the gift to display signs and miracles that give credibility to God's Word and the Gospel message.
    • THE GIFT OF PROPHECY - the gift to declare a message from God.
    • THE GIFT OF DISCERNING SPIRITS - the gift to recognize whether or not something is truly from God or in accordance with righteousness.
    • THE GIFT OF TONGUES - the gift to communicate in a foreign language that you do not have experience with, in order to converse with those who speak that language.
    • THE GIFT OF INTERPRETING TONGUES - the gift to interpret the speech and writings of a different language and translate it back to others in your own.
    • THE GIFT OF ADMINISTRATION - the gift to keep things ordered and in agreement with God's principles.
    • THE GIFT OF HELPS - the gift of a desire and capacity to always help others, to do whatever it takes to get a task achieved.'

    God of Grace, Thank You for JC family, I pray that You continue to bless each person today, be their guide and guardian in all their endeavors, lead them in the path of truth and draw each one closer to You. Defend them against the assaults of the enemy (COVID-19 and others) and grant them Your perfect peace, in Jesus name I ask. Thank You for the gifts of Your Spirit.

    “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift”! 2 Corinthians 9:15.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. Beautiful!! KS

    2. Yes, thank you, Maplewood...Beautifully written and expressed. ..Amen and God Bless you all on your early journey today.

    3. Thank you so much Maplewood for sharing and for your prayersπŸ™πŸ™
      Love and prayers for All
      In Jesus Name

    4. As I began my devotions yesterday with the opening words of Psalm 92: "It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; to declare Your steadfast love in the morning..." Immediately, my thoughts went to your posts, Maplewood, NJ, they always are an example of that. Thank you! And thank you for the incites in your post today. God be with you.

    5. Bravo Maplewood, Bravo! Thank you. Amen.

    6. Amen, Maplewood! Thank you!

    7. Thanks dear Maplewood. I just needed the reminder of all the fruits of the Spirit. And He also blesses us with His protection, love, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, guidance, peace and friendship. What a friend we have in Jesus!

    8. Thank you Maplewood! As perfect this year as last year...and forever. Amen.

    9. Opening the gifts of the Spirit as you shared, Maplewood. Thank you! Each one leading to anticipation and gratitude for the next. Each one presenting itself as needed as I go about my day. Thinking I will pack them in a backpack for easy access when needed. Thank you again! ♥️

  11. Thank you Jesus calling family. Please lift my 2 sons up in prayer they are far from me and both live alone. One has said He is not a believer the other they both suffer from anxiety and other fear based behaviour. Thank you for your prayers. I pray for all of you and your circumstances. God bless you and God bless our world.

    1. Fern, praying for each of your sons, may the one come to know and trust in our Heavenly Father and that both would find peace from their anxiety. I pray for you as well. JE

    2. Fern - Joining Warriors in prayer for both sons.

    3. Yes! Raising up both your sons in prayer
      And praying for you Fern, for each of our JCfamily and for the world πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥️

    4. Ditto from my prayer corner! Prayers for you and your sons! Amen.

    5. Fern we are praying for you and your sons. Jesus have mercy on us; Christ graciously hear our prayers.

    6. Fern, joining this body of believers in prayer for you and family. God is great!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Praying for you and your sons, Fern!

    8. Lord, hear our prayers for Fern's sons. In each need, glorify Yourself and bless them. To You be the glory in their lives. Amen

    9. Thank you my precious friends for the prayers. I write this thru the tears and appreciate your great kindness. Thank you Lord for these compassionate souls who give me hope for the future. God bless this blog and our team and further reaching to all we come in personal contact with. God is able! My Sons are hanging in their, I choose to believe. Nothing had been revealed to me to believe otherwise. Thank you Jesus for letting us know in portions we can manage and taking care of the rest in your time. God bless you all and thank you.

    10. God bless your dear sons and lead them to Him and calm their anxious hearts and bring them love, security, fulfillment and a heart that seeks You. Thank You Jesus!

  12. God bless anyone who turned to this blog today. You are not alone. He is carrying you now and always. Just ask, Help me Jesus and his hand will reach out to you to carry you through these rough waters. HE LIVES!!

  13. Please pray for me because I have a doctor's appointment with an orthopedic doctor. Now, this is the doctor who said last week that they couldn't help me. So, I just want to pray that the Lord put it on his heart to try to do something for me. And that the holy spirit will speak for me as I will not have the right words to ask . And prayers for my son Ryan, that the Lord will restore him and take his addiction away. Thank you my Jesus calling family in the Lord.

    1. Fay - Joining Warriors in prayer for you, your son and orthopedic doctor.

    2. Praying for you Fay, for the Orthopedic doctor and for your son Ryan God bless you

    3. Fay, standing with our prayer warriors in prayers for you.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Dear Lord, hear our prayers for Fay. May what is best for her physical need be the course of all the medical personal serving her. Give her comfort and peace. For her beloved son Ryan, release him from the clutches of evil and set him free to fulfill Your design for his life. Only You are able to help in this time, we humbly ask You to glorify Yourself in him. Amen

    5. Praying for you and your son right now. Yes Jesus can demolish addiction and create wholeness in your Son! I have seen miracles in this area! I believe for you!

    6. Always in my prayers Fay, and your son and husband. The Lord is truly with you. May he guide your son away from his addiction and guide and bless your husband.

  14. Lord hold Fay in your merciful arms. Pour your amazing grace over her and her son Ryan. You know their needs and we trust in you. We lift you and your son in prayer.

  15. Thank you! Bless you and everyone praying for me and Ryan!

  16. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (Matthew 10:26-31) We are all having a hard time listening to Jesus' words about the persecution and suffering we will face as we go forth as His witnesses. As to be expected, He is fully aware of what is going on in our hearts and minds. So He tells us to not be afraid of those who oppose us for the time will come when everything will be fully exposed and the good and evil will be known for what each is. So He says for us to live out the gospel message boldly, showing nothing but love to all and to not be intimidated by people hostile to the gospel. If there is anyone to be intimidated by it is the One who holds the power of eternity in His hands. Yet, this One with such power, loves even the most insignificant element of creation and we are not that element. We are most significant to Him so much so that He maintains constant awareness of even the most minute details of our lives. So, we are not to be afraid because of the certainty of His love, care, and protection of us all along the way. These words are very sobering and reassuring to us who have a spirit within us intoxicated with fear.

    From the daily devotion I use, The Magnificat: "Few of us are guilty of out-and-out idolatry. Many of us are guilty of allowing our decisions to be governed by powers other than the one true God: desire for approval, addiction to work or other escapes from reality, greed for gain, need for control. So powerful can these dictators become that we no longer recognize the voice of God, who speaks a different language than they do."

    The idols in our culture are tumbling down; the stock market has crashed, the entertainment industry has been unplugged, food has become scarce, and people cannot indulge their pleasures as they have enjoyed doing. Left standing is the love of God for all. Left standing are those whom He has called out to bear witness to His love for all, namely you and me. He admonishes us to live boldly in these times and let the love of God dominate who we are and what we do. Many will be impacted by the love we show, some will not. As Mother Teresa said, "Love them anyway!" Before us comes a time when everything will be exposed for what it is and when that time comes, "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father". May He create within each of us a singularly focus heart, only desiring His glory. May He put a new and right spirit within us (this has already happened at our baptism so let the Spirit reign as the JC reading encourages us), a Spirit that lives boldly, fearlessly, and lovingly. He reigns!!!

    Peace, brothers and sisters in Christ! With love, Bob

    1. Amen, Amen and Amen Bob! I look forward to your posts and of course your your wise insights. Thank you! I am very humbled to be a part of this JC family and read each post and lift up in prayer to our AMAZING, AMAZING CREATOR and FATHER GOD!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Bob, your words hold GODS GLORIOUS REFLECTION. I need to be reminded of who God is often ( my daily bread). Our outpouring of words that align with the truth of God make our worlds a little smaller, more intimate for our common thinking draws us together and strengthens our hope!Our problems shrink in The light of The Lord. We need to stand apart to the world and bind together with our God centered family. God bless you and continue to share Gods truth, it is fuel for the soul.

    3. Thank you Bob, So much good food to ponder. May we focus our gaze on Him and put blinders on against the trappings of this world.
      Your words, "Left standing is the love of God for all. Left standing are those whom He has called out to bear witness to His love for all, namely you and me.." made me think that after this Pandemic is over, His faithful remnant will remain standing to bear witness to His love. We have a mission before us, to share the good news and go forth boldly, with our Christ Armor on and do His will, lead others to HIM, and help HIS people according to His guiding hand. God bless you dear Bob.

    4. Thank you Bob for this perspective!
      Today's Forecast:

  17. Amen and Amen! Thank you Bob; the love of our savior can be felt through your writings.

  18. Philippians 4:5–7

    The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  19. Love and Blessings to each of you who post and those who read - we are all united in prayer. What a week it has been, yet this morning, as I read I chose to see the showers as His blessings on each and every one of us and those we are praying for.
    Love that scripture reference, Sassy Mom.

    1. Norah - There is so much heartbreak and fear in this world I just want to encourage everyone and tell them not to fear, and quote my husband's favorite saying "God is in control and you just can't beat it." RDS.

  20. Today's Devition begins with, "Thank Me for The Glorious Gift of My Holy Spirit!"
    What regular Spiritual deed are you Practicing to help keep you open to renewal of your mind, renewal of your heart, and renewal of your positive attitude?
    Advance Thanks to all who are led to share for the good of all who are led to come in here and read. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Up late preparing readings for my Bible Group. God is so good to give me the strength and guidance I need. I think meeting these dear women each week renews all of our hearts in Christ. We encourage each other and pray together. We pray about everyone's needs and some of those on our prayer list. We pray: Father open our hearts and minds to the meaning of Your words so we can lead others to you. We pray about the challenges we are facing because of Covid and also pray for our country and the homeless.
      We have been together for quite a few years now and we have become very close. It is a blessing we are all different ages and yet we are all children of the Most High. The Spirit is moving us and we are blessed.
      Thank you dear Brie. Praying all goes well with your brother and the move. I'm glad Larry's doing better. Now you get your rest and may God heal your weaknesses. Much love.

    2. Yes Jeanne, there's nothing like the comradirie of sisters in Christ. I hold mine in high regard. We love each other & take care of each other when the need arise.

    3. In answer to your question, Brie...I have developed the desire to begin and end each day in reading scripture and this blog. And, I believe it is renewing my mind in big leaps and bounds, thanks to all those who post, and those that I know are visiting and praying whether they post or not. God bless you all!

  21. My devotional leads me into reflection on Jesus and His Passion next week (yes, one week ahead of Holy Week) so before going there, one last look at Jesus during His life and how all that He did sought to advance the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father, His purpose and ours as well.

    The feeding of the multitude is so rich in blessing. So amazing is it that it made it into all four of the gospels. A situation of need arises. The disciples become aware of it. In their concern for the people, they do a quick analysis from a human perspective and seek to address the problem. As is often the case with the male ego, if the problem cannot be solved, dismiss it and send it away. Jesus, with a male ego centered in love for God, suggests to His disciples, 'No, let's try to do something.' The disciples with their earthly analysis fully intact resist His admonition because they don't have the necessary resources to solve the problem. To this Jesus asks, 'So how much resources do you have?' Answer, 'Five loaves and two fish.' Jesus responds by asking the food be brought to Him and they will do the best they can with what they have. Long story short, the people are asked to sit down, Jesus gives thanks for the food, the limited provisions are distributed and everyone is more than satisfied with a miraculous amount of food left over. Moral of this story, in the face of a bigger than life problem, do what you can and allow God to work wonders.

    A man was walking along the seashore one day after the tide had gone out. Left on the sand were countless starfish, high and dry. The man was picking them up one by one and throwing each back into the sea. Someone approached him and asked what he was doing. The man stated the obvious, 'throwing these starfish back into the sea so they can survive.' The response in return, 'There are hundreds of starfish on the shore, what do your efforts matter?' To which the man answered, 'It matters to this one,' as he picked up another starfish and cast it back into the sea.

    Yes, there are issues far beyond our ability to solve but Jesus doesn't ask us to solve the problems of the world for that is God's job but He does ask us to do whatever is within our power. In being faithful to what we are called to do, the door is opened for miracles to take place.

    May each of us open the door in the little things we do today so God can come in and work His miraculous love. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for your inspiring insight and helping me with my perspective. God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Cat
      I haven’t posted for a while but I am here reading and praying everyday. Bob, your words spoke to me today. “Do what you can and let God work wonders.” I am facing a tremendous challenge. I have done the footwork and now I am leaving it in God’s capable hands. Thank you for reaffirming that mighty lesson for me today. It spoke directly to my heart and I am much encouraged. Thy will be done not MY will be done.

    3. God Bless you, Bob and thank you for the needed reminders.

    4. Thanks be to God for BOB and ALL my Family of JC Prayer Warriors. This post and your prayers are Refreshment for my soul again this year.

  22. Please pray for my mother, who is 76 years old. She has a headache, some pains and is feeling generally lethargic. I am so worried praying that it is not covid-19. She is going to the doctor today pray for healing.

    1. Father, please heal Min Ahadi's mother. Place Your healing hands on her and remove her afflictions. Give them the comfort and strength they need during this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless you.

    2. Dear Jesus please wrap your loving arms around Min Ahadi’s mom. Comfort her and heal her quickly please. We thank you in advance for your loving care. We love and trust you Jesus ❤️

    3. Praying for Min Ahadi's mom Lord. Heal her body, & shield her from covid-19 and the family. Amen

    4. Praying for your mother Min Ahadi.


    5. Min Ahadi, praying for your dear mom and for you. Peace be with you..Jesus will never leave you!

    6. I am praying for your Dear Mom, too, Min Ahadi. Complete healing and peace in both of your hearts.

    7. Expecting in gratitude for good health and protection for your mom, Min Ahadi πŸ™ Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

  23. Amen Bob. Good advice: Do what you can and leave the rest to God. He sure can do wonders! Just loved the starfish story. Every little bit helps and glorifies God. We can only do what is within our power but we must do our best. If we are faithful servants in small matters, God will give us bigger matters to be faithful in. We are His instruments.
    Opening that door for God to come in and work His miraculous love.
    Dear Min Ahadi. Praying for your dear Mom who is 76. God knows what's wrong with her.
    Thank You Father for healing her head, taking away her pains and refreshing and renewing her with Your strength. May it not be Covid. But whatever it is, bring her back to perfect health. Thank you in the Name of Jesus.

  24. Please continue to pray for my sister in law Maureen for healing and clarity of thinking, and comfort and guidance to my brother in law Kevin.
    And a choir member's Mom, Martha who has Covid and is on a ventilator, and Helen and Janice who have terminal cancer and Irene who just got a kidney transplant, and Helen's sister Abby and her boyfriend Chris because Chris just lost his sister in an accident and he was driving her on his motorcycle. I know it's a lot to pray for but please pray for them. Thank you Jesus for this. And Father God, take care of our dear MadFox and strengthen and prepare him for his transplant on the 24th. Heal our sister Jan's knee and bring her to a perfect recovery. And heal Min Ahadi's Mother, and Audra's Husband's back and heal Miss Pat and for all the prayer requests of our JC Family. Thank You for all these things in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

    1. Heavenly Father, please lift up and help all those in need; Maureen, Kevin, Martha, Helen, Janice, Irene, Abby, Chris, and our JC Warriors and each one's individual needs. Lord, You know all our hearts and our needs (spoken and unspoken). Hear our prayers and answer them according to Your will. Bless us and keep us close in Your loving arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Jeanne - Joining you and warriors in prayer for the many mentioned and unmentioned prayer requests. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    3. Laying at the throne of grace: Maureen, Kevin, Martha, Helen, Janice, Irene, Abby & Chris oh Lord as you attend to every detail of their needs. Strengthen each of them as You walk them through. Amen. Hallelujah!

    4. Praying for all of your requests Jeanne.


    5. Joining in prayer for ALL requests for healing, in Jesus's name, Amen! πŸ™

    6. Thank you so much for all your prayers. May God grant these and all our prayers. Thank You Father in the Name of Jesus.

  25. Help me to die to self and live in the spirit. You are my reason for being Lord. I want to follow You and do Your will for me. I give myself to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory Lord. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord. You are so beautiful and amazing. There is no one above You. You are the most high -- Almighty God! Hallelujah!

    1. Absolutely beautiful and my prayer for today tooπŸ₯°

    2. Love, "die to self". Thank you dear sisterπŸ’•

    3. Amen Janet. More of Him and less of us.

  26. I've had a "stomach bug" for over a week. Awaiting test results.
    Please pray for me.

    Clinging to Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Philippians 4:5–7
    The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Thank You Jesus for Your promises.

    Quoting my husband's favorite expression.
    "God Is in control and you just can't beat it." RDS

    1. Praying with you and for you dear Sassy Mom. ❤️

    2. Praying for you Sassy Mom. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus hear our prayers for our dear sister! She is clinging to your holy words. Rest dear one; rest with our Lord and Savior! Amen!

    3. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying He is already healing your stomach and bringing you back to perfect health, peace and comfort.
      Thank You so much for this, Jesus. Take care of our dear sister. We trust in You.

    4. Heavenly Father, place Your healing hands on Sassy Mom and take away her affliction. Please make her whole and healthy again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  27. Praying SassyMom. Your faithful servant needs You oh Lord. Please attend to her. Heal her body in Jesus' name. Give her good results in the testing being done. Bless you dear heart, we love youπŸ’•

  28. Praying for those in need.God Bless each of you this day. Thank you , Bob, for your inspirational words. Amen.

  29. Lord have your way in each of these situations that are listed here and all that lays heavy on our hearts. Lord we trust you because you love us with a perfect love and your will is perfect for us. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Without him we could not draw close to your throne. Thank you Lord for healing our bodies, for healing our broken hearts, for healing our lives. You are The Great "I Am" , you are the alpha and the Omega. You know us from our beginning to our end. Please have your way in our lives. Please have your way in our families. Please have your way in our countries. We are united as one body the body of Christ. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much that you left your throne in heaven to come down here to become flesh. So that we could have forgiveness of our sins because you were the perfect sacrifice for us. Your Love is so great for us that you took the punishment that we deserve. Thank you Lord for being our sacrifice.

    There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13

    Have an amazingly blessed day! Love to all of you and praying for you and your request.

    1. TERRI --- Your prayer is my prayer. Lifting up each prayer request, each JC poster and each JC reader. I decree that when we call upon the Lord He will answer us according to His will; He will be our ever present help in time of trouble; He will send us help from His sanctuary; He will defend, deliver and honor us! In Jesus's Name--For His Honor and For His Purposes--AMEN and AMEN

    2. JJ and Terri...Amen! Amen!

    3. Amen & a Hallelujah JJ & Terri!

  30. Come Holy Spirit. Come into the hearts of all that post here in honor and worship to you. Guide us, give us wisdom, give us strength, give us faith! Please help my heart to be open to receive you. What a gift! Amen.

  31. Amen and Amen to all of these wonderful prayers. Father, infuse us with Your power as we trust you will deliver all of those we love and pray for. Bring us your Peace, Lord.
    Praying for each of you on this sunny, bright first day of Spring. Jeanne, praying for each of your requests and thankful you are with your Sisters in Christ today. I'll meet with mine on Monday.
    Father, thank you for healing Dear Sassy Mom, in the name of Jesus Christ. All of us, Father - all of your Dear Children.
    God Bless each of you. Again, I think, we are so blessed to have this JC Family.

  32. Joining in these beautiful amd sincere prayers. Thank you so much for praying for those I love and care about. We pray together for our loved ones and JC Family.
    Amen dear ABC and dear Norah.
    Thank you and God bless you too.

  33. Spent another busy day with my grandsons. It was a productive one and a fun one. Got laundry and cooking done, and even had time to paint with my little grandson. Tomorrow after Church I'll help my daughter in love and then at 10 at night, my son will fly back from California to a clean apartment and some good leftovers in the fridge. He is a good father, husband and son. I am blessed to have good sons. I always pray for their strength of faith. Two of them stopped going to Church many years ago. But my oldest has a very strong faith and it is a blessing.
    Praying for you, my dear brothers and sisters, that you will see God's faithfulness and receive His healing and guidance. So many reasons to be thankful even in our trials. Praying my good husband's heart procedure will go well tomorrow because God is in charge. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Heavenly Father, please let Your Spirit flow within Jeanne and her family abundantly. Let Your healing hands be upon Rick during his heart procedure tomorrow and pour out Your strength for them to endure. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

    2. Good morning dear Jeanne, Janet & all🌞. Joining Janet in prayer for your DH Jeanne. Father in heaven, we trust You fully to see Rick through this procedure tomorrow. All knowledge , wisdom, discernment that's needed will be under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We are expectant of great results & victory! May Rick & Jeanne feel the excitement of participating in glorifying Your name through this! Hallelujah! Safety dear Lord as her son travels back home. Amen!πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. πŸ™ with faith, hope, and love for you and yours dear Jeanne.
      May your Traveling Man have His Traveling Mercy. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  34. Greeting Spring with gratitude to our Father and prayers for answered requests of Christians around the world. Think globally, act locally and touch someone's heart today in Jesus's name.

  35. May the Spirit of God work mightily through us to do His will. And may God help us to do and say those things that please Him and bring people together instead of tearing them apart.
    Trusting Him to guide me and my words through this busy and challenging week and to give us all strength. Thank You Father for all this and for granting those who are traveling safety and protection, and for healing all those in need of your amazing healing power. Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

    Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

  36. So you shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you. (Exodus 23:25). Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8).

    1. Amen! ' Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not His benefits'

    2. Amen and Amen dear Janet! Thanks for sharing God’s truth!

  37. Todays verse 2 Corinthians 3:17 reminded me of this:

    There Is Freedom
    Song by Josh Baldwin

    Oh-oh, oh-oh
    Oh-oh, oh-oh
    When I'm walkin' through the valley, Your presence is around me
    'Cause nothin' stands between me and my God
    And the fear that was my prison is no longer where I'm livin'
    'Cause nothin' stands between me and my God
    There's no place I go that He is not
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom
    We'll be dancin' through the darkness 'cause we believe it
    Every stronghold has to break at the name of Jesus
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (oh-oh, oh-oh)
    When the ground below is shakin', my joy cannot be taken
    'Cause nothin' stands between me and my God
    So I'm lookin' to Jesus through a veil that's torn to pieces
    'Cause nothin' stands between me and my God, no
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
    We'll be dancin' through the darkness 'cause we believe it
    Every stronghold has to break at the name of Jesus
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (oh-oh, oh-oh)
    Watch the lies break off
    Watch the enemy flee
    Watch the walls come crumbling down
    When the people of God sing (when the people of God sing)
    Hear the heavenly roar
    Of every heart set free
    Hear the chains of shame hit the ground
    When the people of God sing (when the people of God sing, oh-oh-oh)
    Watch the lies break off
    Watch the enemy flee (oh-oh-oh-oh)
    Watch the walls come crumbling down
    When the people of God sing (oh-oh-oh)
    And hear the heavenly roar
    Of every heart set free (oh-oh)
    Hear the chains of shame hit the ground (oh-oh)
    When the people of God sing
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (there is freedom, oh-oh-oh)
    We'll be dancin' through the darkness 'cause we believe it
    And every stronghold has to break at the name of Jesus (oh, there's no other name)
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, oh
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
    So we'll be dancin' through the darkness 'cause we believe it
    And every stronghold has to break at the name of Jesus (oh, at His name)
    Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (oh-oh)
    There is freedom, oh, there is freedom (oh-oh, oh-oh)
    There is freedom (oh-oh)

  38. Love this REminder today! " In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me. "

    1. Amen dear Audra! So very true! Thank Him for a challenging situation and He will turn it around to good! We serve a great God!’

  39. Thank You Jesus for the freedom You give us <3

  40. Heading to bed after listening to your song, Suzanne R. - thank you! Love and Blessings, JC Family - prayers for all of you.

    1. Rest well dear sister! Amen. God is on the Night Watch


  41. Such a busy time but God is in charge. Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Thanks be to God for JJ, Jeanne, Jan gridley, Janet E, Suzanne R, Anonymous and all who prayed for our Elise. She is well healed now. But,
    she had to return to her Manufacturer to receive it.
    Yesterday afternoon, she transitioned from earthly life and our arms, into Everlasting Life and His Arms.
    Thank You, God for the glorious gift of Your Spirit in Elise's life. Now, would you clear the blockage of tears falling from our eyes? In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Oh Brie, so very sorry for your loss. But, you are so right, Elise is well healed now! She is in heaven rejoicing, and heaven itself is celebrating her presence with joyous abundance! Sending the Lord's comforting embrace to wipe away your tears and to honor the beautiful memory of your niece. Sending you and your family aboundant love and uplifting prayers as you navigate through this loss. May
      you find solace and strength in cherished memories. In Jesus's Name where through prayer, faith, and the knowledge of His enduring presence, we find comfort and peace. AMEN and AMEN

    2. God will wipe away every tear and lift your broken hearts. Elise is in the best place and she is at peace and there is no more pain. The only pain is in your hearts because you and her dear ones loved her. But we believe God's promises so someday your joy will be full when you are reunited with her.
      I'm meeting with my eye surgeon who did the biopsy on the lump that turned out to be lymphoma. My appointment is at 12:30 but I already know he will say I am just fine. I told him Jesus healed me. We thank God that Norah's DH is surrounded by His peace and healing as he receives his treatment today, and may it be successful and not leave any side effects. Thank You Father for this and for answering all our prayers and healing, comforting, lifting, strengthening and guiding all those we're praying for in Jesus' Name. Amen.

      Proverbs 4:20-22
      My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.

      Exodus 23:25
      “So you shall serve the Lord your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you.

    3. Sorry for your loss Brie. May the Lord strengthen and comfort you and the whole family during this time. May He continue to give Norah and her husband strength, healing, and peace as he gets his treatments. And, may He bring a good report to Jeanne at her appointment today. Lord, You are so very good to us! Thank You Jesus! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    4. Brie, I’m so very sorry for the loss of Elise. Lifting you and your family up in prayer and thankful that Elisa is now healed and on the arms of God. Lifting up all the requests this morning for upcoming Dr appointments and healing.
      SC Anonymous

    5. So very sorry for your loss, Brie. Praying for your entire family in this heartbroken time for you all. It's not 'goodbye', it's until you meet again.

    6. Lord Jesus, You said, ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,’ (Matthew 5:4). Many are mourning today at the passing of Elise. Wrap Your arms around all who are grieving and hold them tight. Send the Comforter - the Precious Holy Spirit to comfort each one for Elise is now healed and safe in Your Arms. Amen.

    7. Blessings and comforters of His comfort cover you and your family, Brie ✝️πŸ€—

  44. Waking up this morning with Norah and her DH on my mind and rolling straight into prayers for peace during treatment today. You got this!

    1. Amen! I've been praying and I know the Lord was right at his side. May we hear a good report of God's faithfulness very soon. Thank You Jesus.

  45. Praying for Brie and her family as well as Norah and her DH and all our JC family. May you all feel God's presence with you.

  46. Beautifully said! Amen! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€—

  47. Jeanne~ praying for good news at your dr appointment. Keep us posted.

    1. Dearest Suzanne, Thanks for your prayers. I got some good news and some bad. Thank God there is no sign of anymore cancer, but my vision in the bad eye got worse since the last appointment so I must have an eye exam with my eye doctor. Also, I have the beginning of macular degeneration so he gave me the name of a Retina specialist I must see. God is with me so I'm not afraid. All will be good because He is in charge.

    2. Praising and Thankimg God there is no sign of anymore cancer!

  48. On reading today's "Thank Me for the glorious gift of My Spirit.", I went straight to Acts 2 and read through using David Guzik's 'Enduring Word' commentary: ( I feel as if I were there in person. So blessed by Jesus Calling blog and this time in His Word. I thoroughly recommend Enduring Word.

    1. I love David Guzik's Enduring Word commentary too! He has so much insight and understands well the messages God gives us through His Word.

  49. Dearest beloved Brie, I am sorry for the loss of your niece. Praying you and your loved ones are blessed with His presence, love, and guidance. You are so loved by JC Warriors. I LOVE YOU!
    Praying for all mentioned and unmentioned prayer requests.

  50. Praying peace, strength and HEALING for Norah and her BEST MAN.

  51. CHRIS' Prayer becomes my prayer:
    Lord, I want to know Your Holy Spirit more in my life. I think I take Your Holy Spirit for granted and don't realize the significance of His Presence. Thank you for sending Your Presence to live on this earth. Jesus lived as an earthly body, but You sent Your Holy Spirit so that we could do greater things here on earth. Help me to recognize the blessings You provide for me in my life and then thank You for all of them. There is freedom in The Holy Spirit of The Lord. I want to experience that freedom.

    1. God knows how much you miss your dear niece, Elise. Holding you tight in my love and prayers, sweet sister. Be still and feel His comfort wash over you and bring you peace.

  52. Dear Brie, may God surround and uplift you and your family with His power, strength, and love during this time of mourning and grief over the loss of your dear niece, Elise. John H.

  53. Day 3 of being forced to lay up with a sprained ankle. Filling my time with readings, worship music, icing and elevating. In HIS PRESENCE, every THING I encounter seems so profound and affirming to HIS GLORY. Thanking God that "soon" I'll dance in worship and in praise to our good, good Father. Prayers for all who pass by here today with requests known and unknown. God bless you!

    1. Papa God, I pray for Audra, who is sidelined with a sprained ankle, but still has eyes set on dancing in worship to You. Grant her patience and a swift recovery. And when she is back on her feet, may her dance moves be so joyful, it has the angels trading in their harps for dance shoes! Keep the heavenly rhythm going strong as she boogies her way back to health. In The Joyful name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ž⚘🧚‍♀️

    2. Praying with you dear JJ for our sister Audra! Trusting in His faithfulness and I believe God is already healing that ankle and giving you time to fill your heart with praise music and His Word and to feel His presence comforting you.
      Dear Audra, Keep looking up, sweet sister! You'll be dancing and rejoicing very soon. Sending a big hug and much love.

      Jeremiah 17:14
      Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise

  54. May God answer your prayers, guide your steps and decisions and bring you closer to His Will every day. May your life be filled with the light of Christ. May we all love like He does, unconditionally. Even those who have done us wrong. God forgave our transgressions so we must forgive our enemies and move forward guided by His Spirit. Onward and upward in the Presence of the Lord.
