Sunday, April 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 13

     When I give you no special guidance, stay where you are. Concentrate on doing your everyday tasks in awareness of My Presence with you. The Joy of My Presence will shine on you, as you do everything for Me. Thus you invite Me into every aspect of your life. Through collaborating with Me in all things, you allow My Life to merge with yours. This is the secret not only of joyful living but also of victorious living. I designed you to depend on Me moment by moment, recognizing that apart from Me you can do nothing. 
     Be thankful for quiet days, when nothing special seems to be happening. Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek My Face. Although this is an invisible transaction, it speaks volumes in spiritual realms. Moreover, you are richly blessed when you walk trustingly with Me through the routines of your day.
Colossians 3:23
English Standard Version
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

John 15:5
English Standard Version
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Psalm 105:4
English Standard Version
Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!

My Prayer
Lord, I admit, there are parts of my life that I don't welcome you into. I'm segmented. I give you time in the mornings, on Sunday, at various Bible Studies, but then often make decisions about entertainment that don't involve you. How often do the movies and shows I watch use your name in vain or promote values that I don't agree with and that violate your Word. Too often, I want to conform to the standards of the society in which I live, and that is the goal of the world I live in, to conform me to its standards. Help me instead to enjoy the quiet days and make different choices and let you entertain me, in Your way. I read this verse 'seek his presence continually' and right now, I can honestly say, that is not by everyday goal. Move me there, Lord. Move me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. -1John 2:15

  2. Good Morning, JC Family. Yesterday, I was unable to read this site. The pages were a mess - everything was shifted and the comments were so dark I couldn't read most of them. It was so frustrating. I had to 'resort' to reading the book - HA HA. But, read it I did, and then I prayed for the requests that I was able to read and knew in my heart that God knew those needs better than I did anyway. Silly woman.
    Hub continues to improve, though much slower this time. On Thurs. when I almost didn't go to the Dr. with him (but changed my mind - trusting our Lord and my boss' words), I was glad that I did. The Dr. sent him to the hospital again for another x-ray which resulted in an additional antibiotic. These so mess with his stomach, but he's hanging in there and I am believing for his progress. He spiked another temp in the night and this morning it had broken. The opening line today, "When I give you no special guidance, stay where you are. Concentrate on doing your everyday tasks in awareness of My Presence with you." pierced my heart. It reminded me of your sharing, Landon, (from a year ago!) "A risk can be defined as an intentional interaction with uncertainty. I have an inherently risky nature. Where does God fit into this?" and I recognized that, I too, have an 'inherently risky nature,' at times. Then, in others, I won't take ANY risk and therefore refuse to walk through the very door that God has opened for me. There's that word (in my head) 'BALANCE,' again. It is available for us to walk in the Spirit, as we are encouraged to in Jesus Calling. To welcome the quiet days of "routine," and let it unfold as He would have it unfold. Lord, help me learn this more completely.
    I will end this long post by saying that all of you are in my prayers. Jan, you so lifted my heart - even a day later, with your encouraging words, sharing and light heartedness. MadFox, I hope this finds you well and with a good report to share - continued prayers. Anonymous, I pray for your emotional needs being met. Jan, I'm looking that book up next ("Lord Change Me"). To all of you celebrating victories over addiction, whether it be years, days or hours - KEEP GOING! Again - continued prayers - for all of you (us), regardless of what the addiction is. As PeytonFamily said, (in my words), let my decisions glorify you - in all areas. Enjoy this day. I will have the freedom today to check back and direct my prayers to your needs. SO THANKFUL that this site is working again! God Bless everyone! p.s. Missing Bob's and Sassy Mom's wisdom. Also want to say, that I really appreciated the update from you, Chris (Peyton). I shared in fellowship a few weeks ago that I keep thinking that one of these days I will just ARRIVE and have it all together. We all laughed! Then, our minister said, "We will - when Christ returns!" :) Your humility in sharing the 'here and now' with us, reminded me that it is an hour by hour (moment by moment) walk with our Lord. For ourselves, our children, our grands, our friends. "Life is SO...daily!"

    1. Thank you Jesus for great report from Norah about hubby😁. The book is by Evelyn Carol Christenson. Amazon has it. I need to read it again😏.

    2. Ordered it on Amazon Prime. I'll have it Monday, 4/15. Thank you, Jan!

    3. You're welcome! Blessings😊

    4. So happy your husband is doing better, Norah. Hope those additional antibiotics don't bother his stomach too much. Yogurt is very good for him right now. Jan, that book did sound so good, I bought a copy too. Just must make the time to read it. Even isolated, I find time goes very quickly and I'm tired by the time my head hits the pillow. We are all blessed here. God is greater than our problems so I will continue to look up with all of you from whence our help cometh.

    5. Thank you, God bless you all.
      So blessed deep down in my heart/ soul to be a part of this JC family. Cant express what this blog, these devotions and a part of your worlds mean to me. Thank you Brothers & Sisters in Christ. Meet you in the air:)

    6. What happened brothers and sisters I hope you still read this daily and can watch reruns of TV shows movies but you won't keep reading this book daily its only 1 devotion a day once a year the lord loves to see us talk back and fourth of all he does for us and how we need him so much...keep it going don't stop....GOD BLESS UOU ALL JESUS IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR AMEN

    7. LORD help me to seek YOU in ALL things and circumstances, let my work be for YOU, with every action and every utterance let me glorify YOUR name LORD, as another prayer warrior said, there’s no better hands to be in than YOURS, hold on as I hold on to YOU please dear LORD, as YOU bring me great comfort, direction, healing and love . Dear LORD, I pray for my beloved and his son, his son needs YOU especially LORD, please show up, let YOUR Will be done and bring him back to YOU . I praise YOU for YOUR merciful love and healing given to my beloved and his son, all glory be to GOD/YAWEH.
      LORD I too pray for my family, my children, thank YOU for keeping them safe and close to YOU dear LORD, I too pray for my roommate , I pray that he will come back to YOU, he knows and loves YOU LORD, he just seems to think he’s got everything figured out, which is unsettling to me. I pray for him and his spirit to return to YOU, help me or my son be the light that brings him back, if that is YOUR Will dear LORD.
      I praise YOU for the continued safety, our provisions, our health, and the rapid reduction of the number of the world’s chains! For they ARE falling off, hallelujah I praise YOU LORD, for helping me and my body to move through this, while still being able to manage my daily responsibilities, THANK YOU
      Through YOUR son, our savior Jesus Christ, I pray

  3. Day 4 of recovery! Found two great meetings I can go to Saturday mornings, thank you Jesus!

    1. Praise God! So happy for you! Stay strong and lean on our God! You are loved♥️πŸ™

    2. Been praying for you Anonymous. PTL!

    3. That was no accident you found meetings to meet your schedule. Jesus was establishing your steps. Putting you on my prayer list. Be brave and go forward into better days.

  4. Excellent, Anonymous!! I am praying for the Lord's unusual favor and success in your life!!

  5. Praise and thanksgiving to Jesus for answered prayers and good reports. I'm also having problems on this site, no longer have the ability to check Notify Me, so no comments are coming to my inbox. Before I can publish my comment I have to prove I'm not a robot." I'M NOT A ROBOT!!

    1. Sassy Mom. I have the same thing every time and it posts my prayers and comments as unknown or Anonymous Most times! Prayers for each of you and for all of us!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥️

    2. Sassy Mom and Brandy, I would be happier checking the box if it said "I am a living Child Of God" Amen. :)

  6. Thanking God for your Day 4, Anonymous! Praying for you continually. And, YEA!! Sassy Mom! What the heck is going on in cyber space? Yesterday, was ca-razy. Good to see your face - I mean - name! :)

  7. I was lost but now I'm found. Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me guide me to the light so I can do right and be the person god made me to be.

  8. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Clinging to your presence, Lord.

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom! Clinging to my life giving vine with you. Hope all is going well dear sister. Praying for you.

  9. I am thankful for the quiet days - never bored - just more time to spend with Jesus. Blessings to all my JC family. KS

  10. This JC entry is so apropos to our current situation. ..." Instead of being bored by the lack of action, use times of routine to seek My Face. Although this is an invisible transaction, it speaks volumes in spiritual realms...." I believe God is calling us in many ways, especially in contemplative-action. Contemplation to to grow closer to HIM and RECEIVE his blessings and guidance/direction AND action to to be helpful and compassionate to our fellow neighbors. Amen

    1. ABC - "I believe God is calling us to grow closer to HIM"
      AMEN AMEN!!!!!!

    2. Amen ABC and Sassy Mom. This Pandemic is bringing so many people closer to Him and also people back to Him. That is part of God's plan and it is so obvious, it just blesses me.

  11. Loving Father, it’s the morning after the great Resurrection celebration, but a great reminder to stay close to You and always give THANKS! Thank You for ALL You’ve done for me! Today, I marvel and rejoice in the Joy of Your Presence and thankful to You for this quarantine period and the opportunity to rest and seek You. I invite Your Spirit into every aspect of this life You have given me, because without You, I can do nothing! Thank You for redeeming me from sin and for the ONE who gave it all for me, JESUS my Lord!

    As we reflect on the greatest day in our Christian History celebrated yesterday, let’s strive to carry on Jesus’ mission and not be like His forlorn friends on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) during His post-resurrection appearance. Jesus was walking right along with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing Him. We are in constant need of the Spirit’s ministry to free us from any unbelief. We should remain deeply grateful for Jesus' limitless patience, and steadfast love and ask Him to do for us what He did for our Emmaus Road brothers. That is, to help us to see Him everywhere in the Scriptures, to keep us reminded of the resounding “Yes” to every promise God has made through the prophets and through His crown (2 Cor. 1:20). Our Savior having risen from the dead, has now made all things new. He is sovereign over everything. Faith, not fear, is the order of this and every day. May we seek His guidance in showing us more of His glory and grace and give Him the adoration and allegiance of which He alone is worthy.

    Dear Heavenly Father, It is FINISHED, but please help us to understand that the Finished work Christ paid for us, is not a means to put Easter away, but to hold on to it and and walk in that mighty grace and tell the good news to the world. May we have hearts of thankfulness for Your sacrifice and open eyes that look upon Your grace and rejoice in our salvation, in Jesus’ name we pray.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

  12. EASTER MONDAY (The early church practiced the Octave of Easter, celebrating the resurrection for 8 days. It could be based on the 8 days of Passover. Certainly, the resurrection deserves more than a one day acknowledgement. It deserves an eternity of celebration.)

    Picking up where Maplewood, NJ left off above. So often the believing community has this big build up to its most holy days, like the observance of Lent and Holy Week. Then so many times, it's back to normal. If that be the case, the point has been missed of the preparation and celebration that was observed. The purpose of all the practices in the season of preparation is for a 'new normal' to be acquired. How did you grow during this season? How are you different and what will you do to maintain this 'new normal'?

    (Matthew 28:8-15) Mary Magdalene and the other Mary left the empty tomb and the mystical experience of an angelic encounter. Vs. 8 says they had fear and great joy. That's a strange mixture. Fear because they didn't understand fully what was happening and everything contradicted rational thinking. (Why does human nature immediately assume the worst when things are not understood?) Yet at the same time, they were overjoyed at the possibility of something miraculous had happened. There joy came from deep in their heart where they held a deep love for Jesus so this mystical experience (mystical meaning miraculous, beyond explanation in finite terms) ignited again that love, so wanting it to be true, a.k.a. hope.

    Fast forward almost 2000 years and here we are. Yesterday, seen in the beautiful posts you all made, the joy we have was shared. Hallelujah!!! Never to have any space for fear again, right? Oh, that demon is still trying to do whatever it can to upset God's work. When we hit the unknown, much like the two women in the gospel lesson, rational analysis so often makes us think the worst. Let us stop, take a deep breath (be filled with the Spirit) and be reminded of everything we hold dear in our heart based on our love for God. On this Easter Monday and the days and weeks to follow, let's fan the flames of that love within us. We have our reason, we know why the tomb was empty. There is a 'new normal' to be embraced and lived by no matter what the circumstances.

    Blessings on you this Easter Monday! With love, Bob

    1. As you so often do, would you mind putting it in the 1st person perspective, sharing where you/we are walking in that passage? Thanks Kindly

    2. Amen Bob, A year later and we must still fan the flames of our love for God within us.

    3. This is so right on! Our tendencies to believe the worst when we don't understand. Let us be reminded to hold everything dear in our heart based on the love of God. Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus, I love you Jesus!

  13. Amen Maplewood, and thank you for your spiritual food, as always. You gave me much sweetness to chew on and savor. I love your ending prayer too!

  14. Happy Easter Monday to all my JC Warriors! Thank you Sweet Jesus for the joy you bring me..for hope..for feeling so loved by you. Help my faith in you to grow and pour out into my loved ones. All of you my JC Warriors have helped me with your beautiful prayers and I thank you. Peace be with you.

  15. My friend succumbed to covid-19 today; his son is in the hospital also. Please pray for their family. Why do I feel like I need to write my children a letter. Stay away from me evil one. You are a liar; Jesus is with me always. Come Holy Spirit.

    1. Loveconquersall - God bless all the families of those who have lost their loved ones. Prayers for those who have lost their homes and loved ones during the disastrous destructive tornadoes in the South.

    2. Yes, Sassy Mom, I've been praying for tornado victims. Thank friend with great faith.

    3. I'm so sorry Loveconquersall. I'm sure your friend has a wonderful place up in Heaven. But those left behind will never be the same. I will pray for healing for your friend's son and for protection and comfort for the family. And Sassy Mom, thanks, and all the victims of the tornado. God is greater than all this. And we are more than conquerors.

  16. FAITH & WORKS (James 2:14-17)

    The lily we had purchased for our house has fully bloomed and the fragrance is decreasing. Each day, I pick off a bloom that has browned & wilted. The Easter decorations have been put away and the house looks ‘normal’ again. But what about the people who live in the house? Is anything different because of the whole Easter celebration after the season of Lent? Has the heart been impacted by the experience of the resurrection of the Lord? Is there greater desire for the love of God within the heart that produces a greater outflowing of love to others? As my wife and I prepare to fly home today after a wonderful Easter (and birthday) celebration with children & grandchildren, these are questions I ask of myself as I give thanks for God’s blessing.

    Contrary to what Martin Luther thought, the epistle of James is a necessary book in the Bible for it brings wholeness to the emphasis of Paul’s epistles which stress we are saved by what we hold dear in our heart and not by the good deeds of our life, that salvation is a gift of God and cannot be earned. James emphasizes that the measurement of what has truly penetrated the heart will be manifested in a lifestyle of love. For all who hold the Easter story dear, they will never be the same again for love will bloom from their heart to the blessing of all with whom they come in contact.

    Though the delight of the Easter lilies is short lived, may our encounter with our risen Lord continue to bloom and give off sweet fragrance to all. We gather in this blog whether we post or not to smell the sweet fragrance of faith emitted in all that is shared. Mixing Paul and James with the Easter story: we have been saved by faith in the cross, a faith that has an ever increasing desire to show the same love poured out there, a love that is sacrificial and holds nothing back in seeking the good of others.

    God be with you! With love, Bob.

    1. Praying Traveling Mercy Prayers for you and yours, our dear BOB! In the meantime I am contemplating whether or not anything is different about me because of the whole Easter celebration and after 40 days of Lent???

    2. Praying with Brie and all who read your post for safe and enjoyable travels home. So very thankful that you were able to spend time with your family and celebrating each other.

      A question I often ponder and our Pastor brought up in service on Sunday is, " Do people see Christ in me? Do strangers see him when they look at me?"
      If they don't is anything I do or say have value in the kingdom of God? (My question not our Pator's).
      I would say the people around me, the ones who know my heart would say yes they see my heart for God. Which is great, but I want the cashier at the store to see something different when I go through the line. I want the person who sees me pump my gas to see something different. I don't think we always need to witness or quote scripture to them. We need to show them his love and compassion. They need to see that hope we have. A hope that intrigues them to ask us why we have hope. Then we can share who our hope is in. I feel I present more the tired grand-mom that has her hands full. I want Easter and Lent to make a difference in me that pours out to others, an eternal difference!

    3. Thank you Bob for sharing such beautiful words. May our Lord be with you and your wife during your travels. Glad you could spend some quality time with your loved ones. God bless πŸ™.

    4. So beautifully written. my brother. Taking this with me: "For all who hold the Easter story dear, they will never be the same again for love will bloom from their heart to the blessing of all with whom they come in contact."
      I'm so happy you had a chance to enjoy a wonderful Easter with your dear family. May God keep you all safe as you travel home, and bless you in every area of your life. You are a faithful servant of the Lord and we are blessed to have you in our family to lead and instruct us. Thank you.

    5. TERRI, #METOO! My prayer is to exude Jesus to every person I encounter without saying a word, so they sense the Lord's Presence in me. And if they actually ask me to tell them The Reason, that will be one of the most "O Happy Days!" in my life. Still working on it! In Jesus' Name. Amen

    6. My bday brother, I pray for traveling grace and mercy for you and your wife. May the good Lord wrap you all that are traveling in His protective arms.
      Easter is indeed a great and wonderful time to search and recharge ourselves as we remember what our Lord did for us. There are just NO words to describe it! Yes, His infinite Love shown on that cross, saved us through faith. Though the days have come and gone, the Truth and His Word remains and must remain with us always. Jesus is risen, 'God sent us His pure sweet, sweet love from above, on the wings of a snow-white dove' and He deserves ALL of the glory!!
      Whether we are in trouble or face with evil and we grow weak, lets remember that He sent down His pure sweet love, and no matter who, or what or how, show that same love to others as Bob said.

      Blessings and safe travels my brother.

      Maplewood NJ

  17. Father, I bless, praise, and thank You. I lay down all my burdens and the choices I made at Your feet of the cross. I know You will take the best care of me and I don't have to worry about them anymore. Your hands are the best hands for anything to be in. You always take good care of me and You are always with me. Thank You Jesus. I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. You are my reason for being. Help me keep my eyes on You first and foremost and when I am distracted, bring me back to You. Let me know You and walk with You in spirit and in truth. Let Your peace and love fill me up and Your spirit be upon my heart. Thank You for being in my life.

    1. Sweet Janet, Our Lord loves you so very much and I am sure He will continue to take good care of you, dear sister. You are right to lay everything at His feet. You are making the right choice as Mary did. May your prayers be answered and may God lead you to a beautiful life in Him, and provide all your needs. Trust in Him completely and look for His guiding Hand. He knows you're seeking Him in sincere trust and thanksgiving. He is so faithful. Semding you a big hug.

  18. This past Easter Sunday, I was in the hospital and as usual watching the live webcast of our worship service, which due to covid we have continued to do. And per the devo today. Occupied my mind with outreach oriented tasks as no doubt it would be a boring day! God bless slow days and pray that God is using us even in idleness. May I recognize this idleness as an opportunity to grow. AMEN. p.s. have been told look great and only issue is some insomnia even though exhausted.

    1. Brother MadFox, Thanks for reminding me of yet another one of my Covid Blessings: Besides meeting and getting to know and be a part of this phenomenal JC Prayer Warrior Family, besides finally reading all 365 Jesus Calling Devotions and associated Bible Passages everyday for an entire year, I also have the ability to attend Church services in many parts of the world, participate in Masses, Prayer Services, Bible Study, and everything else that is Holy, all the time, and from almost anyplace, including Sun City and our Brother BOB's live teachings. My God! The WayMaker for the New Normal! I don't know how you did it, but I'm so glad you did and in the blink of an eye ;) In Jesus' Name. Good Morning God! Amen.

    2. So grateful to praise God with your progress, Madfox. What a gracious, merciful God! Continuing to pray!!

    3. When God carries us through the water, river and fire, it is indeed one of the many 'opportunities to grow'!
      Praying the same, with and for you MadFox!

      Maplewood NJ

  19. So very happy to hear that you are looking great. Hope you are feeling stronger every day. God is surely using us in the slow days to reflect His love to everyone we encounter. May God give you the sweet sleep you desire, my brother. Praying for that right now.
    When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet. Proverbs 3:24

    1. Meant to say my bloodwork numbers were looking great but as it is I've indeed been told look "Great." too! The nurses from my chemo induction phase were saying that it looked like it had been several months since transplant not 2.5 weeks! And just 5 days out of the hospital. Many prayers from the JC warriors have healed me quickly, of this I have no doubt. Thank you seems insufficient to all of you but needed... and God has been Glorified by the miraculous healing that I've received. The fatigue is pronounced all day,, and thus find myself catnapping a lot. Think that then disrupts the full night's sleep. This too shall pass. Thanks again with agape to you all. Amen.

    2. Thanks for the update MadFox praying for you from Kenya . We are trusting God for complete healing and strength and courage as you go through this . Be blessed

    3. Still praying.
      ...Many prayers from the JC warriors have healed me quickly, of this I have no doubt...
      I have been slowly reading and pondering the Book, "Secrets of the Secret Place" I have just moved through Chapter 13 on The Secret of Intersession Prayers, or praying on behalf of needs other than my own. An Intercessory Pray-er is someone who stands between Heaven and a need on earth and prayerfully petitions our Heavenly Father for a breakthrough. Words from Hebrews 13 speak of Intercessory Prayer when the writer asked the saints to intercede in prayer on his behalf: "Pray for us. We are confident we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably. But I especially urge you to do this, that I may be restored to you SOONER!"
      Thanks for bringing that passage, intercessory prayer and good things to life, MadFox, and for helping me unlock one of the powerful secrets of prayer: Intercessory Prayers accelerate God's purposes in the earth!
      In Jesus' Name. Amen

    4. AMEN! I am so grateful for a prayer room the is teaching me about intercessory prayer with real time feedback! With love and thanks to you all. Hubby's cousin Kathy shares that she feels the prayers focused on her and her dad. Thank you!

    5. Intercessory prayer... so powerful , thankful for this group of mighty prayer warriors that stand for each other.

    6. Such great news MadFox! Your numbers look great as if you had your transplant took place a long time ago. Praying for and believing for in thanksgiving that more amazing news will come, dear brother. Trusting with you. Min Ahadi! Seeking that perfect recovery because our God is the God of all things.
      Amen Brie! Intercessory prayer does wonders. We are blessed and grateful for this prayer room. The Lord is in this place and in our hearts. Great Audra! More answered prayers, Kathy can sense she is surrounded by love, prayers and God's saving presence.
      Yes Mindy. So very thankful.

  20. Today I have gotten 3 messages on 'Be still and know I am God ! May I be still in the midst of what is going on around me. May God grant us a peaceful day.

    1. Thank You for speaking, Lord. Thy servant is listening!

    2. The Spirit is moving through you, Min Ahadi. Our Father wants us to slow down and be still and listen for His small sweet voice.

  21. Requesting Prayers for all of our test results to get a Good Grade. Larry and I are headed to the Lab early this morning to take a bunch of fasting labs, before our upcoming Dr appointments next week. Thanks for all of your Intercessory Prayers! Love You, Brie

    1. Interceding everyday and throughout the days for you all my sweet & precious JC family. Peace, comfort, healing, strength, guidance & wisdom are always prayed for you all, known and unknown, for the Lord knows everyone and everything.
      Love you all! God bless you.

      Blessings from France

    2. Praying for you as well, BFF. How is school going for you? When do you plan to complete your studies?

    3. Praying for you and Larry as you travel, talk, and engage those labs today. May you hear new music together as God rejoices over you with singing.

    4. Brie - it's going well I'm about to start my internship in June! So grateful for this door God has opened.
      I am supposed to complete my studies in a year but I can also stop this year in September after my internship. I don't know which decision to make yet. I don't really like the program for next year but if I stop I will have to find a job. I really need to let the Lord guide me and trust him. Prayers would be appreciated.. thanks JC family.

      Blessings from France

    5. Brie, I join in prayers with the saints for your great results! No matter what, it is always well with God's children!

      Stay blessed sister.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. We are done! Hallelujah! They were able to get blood from me with just one stick. Thanks for all of your prayers.

    7. BFF praying that God gives you the wisdom you need to follow his calling. I have a son in a similar situation. Preparing for finishing college and the next step to be God directed,

    8. So glad you're all done with your tests, dear Brie. Joining in prayers dear Brie that you and Larry will get good results. Waiting for another victory.
      Dear BFF, God will show you the right way to go. He will guide your decision because you trust Him and seek Him. He wants you to be fulfilled and blessed. Praying your decision will be Spirit guided.

  22. “For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end.” (Psalm 48:14).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the way that You have led me through all different ways at different times in my life. Thank You that You have had compassion on me when I have messed up. Help me to take to heart all the words You have spoken and to obey them carefully. Help me to reach my destination in Christ and move the Spirit more boldly in my life. Please help me to crave Your presence more and grow in the fruit of the Spirit so as to walk closer with You. May Your will and promises always be the meditation of my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    We can see God’s promises to guide us all the way through our lives in His Word. Throughout scripture, we read about God guiding His people.
    When Moses came to the end of his life, he reflected on the way God guided His people throughout his life, and how He was their rock (32:4,15,18,30,37).
    King David acknowledged that God knew everything about him, protected and guided him and by this and more, he was liberated by this truth. (Ps. 139:1–5).
    Joshua learned this truth also, and drew much assurance in God’s abiding presence and promises, not from his own strength, but he saw how God had guided the people of Israel during the day by the pillar of cloud, and at night by the pillar of fire (Exod. 13:21).
    Christ Jesus came under constant attack from the ‘religious people’ of His day, and He did not shy away from the controversies and confrontations, but rather He build upon this basic principle and instructed His followers to cultivate an awareness of God’s Presence at all times. An example in Mark 4:3, is the parable of the sower, and so many others in scripture. He became our model for how to be guided by God in every area of life.
    God is always in our midst, but we are often unaware of His presence. His guidance will not lead to a trouble-free life, but it will surely carry us through it. He is our solid rock, that is stable, dependable, and always totally reliable. He has NO ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ as we do. We can trust in His unwavering faithfulness at All times and know that He is always there for us.

    Loving Father, Thank you for Your promise to be our guide. Thank you that we are not on our own. Teach us to follow the example of Jesus, and stay close to You and hear Your voice as we study the Word and seek to be led by the Spirit. Whatever we have in our hands, may we carry a willingness to drop our nets when You call, keep company with Jesus and learn the slow, steady practice of walking with You every hour of the day. It’s here that we grow in our relationship with You and learn the rhythms of Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito. And the incognito is not always hard to penetrate. The real labor is to remember to attend. In fact, to come awake. Still more, to remain awake. (C. S. Lewis).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. He walks through my day with me and I speak to Him often, and rest in His peace. I can't get through 24 hours without Him. I can't get through an hour without Him. He knows how I feel and what I must accomplish and when I need to stop and rest in His presence. He just helped me prepare tomorrow's dinner, and bake cupcakes and three cakes. But now I am resting in Him. I thanked Him because I knew it was only through His strength that I finished. I pray while I bake. He is always right in the kitchen with me helping me. Sometimes my husband walks in and asks if I'm talking to myself. And I say: No, I'm talking to God. He thinks I'm a little weird. But I am blessed! God certainly is my Guide and my Helper in all things.
      I loved your wonderful words, dear sister: "May Your will and promises always be the meditation of my heart." Amen and Amen. Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit, wisdom and love.

  23. I am wondering if it is the year of the husband. Unexpectedly last Friday I received a call that my husband was on his way to the ER. They have been working in the building that they recently moved into. They were using a freight elevator that goes from the basement of the building to the sidewalk above. My husband was closing things up for them to go to lunch when the elevator did not return to the basement. In attempting to get it functioning, he jumped on it and hoped to help dislodge it. Although he took precautions by disconnecting power, the whole thing dropped 15 feet below. He of corse dropped with it and the force and energy of the fall broke his ankles and heels.

    He had surgery on his left leg Saturday and on his right leg later today. We have and will have many still and quiet days as he will not put weight on his legs possibly up to 12 weeks. Naturally we invite your prayers. We truly humbly thank God things are not worse. Many many X-rays and scans were reviewed to confirm he had no neck, back, or knee injuries. We rejoice in this!!
    Thank you so much fir you faithful prayers for my husband B!! ❤️πŸ™πŸΌ❤️

    1. Praying for you and your husband, Grace Takes Time, and our prayers will continue until he is back on his feet, Victory dancing. ❤️πŸ™πŸΌ❤️

    2. GTT, Sorry to hear about your husband's accident and thank God he is here! The same God who saved him, so that there's no back, neck or knee injuries, is the same One who will carry him through the surgeries and recovery! In prayers for your family.

      God bless,

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Wow, Grace Takes Time, so sorry about your husbands accident. So glad there were not the additional injuries that could have occurred. May God be with YOU BOTH, as he travels this journey to recovery. Praise God in all things. Amen.

    4. Praying with and for you and your hubby. πŸ™

    5. GTT thanking God with you for protecting your husband from experiencing more injuries. As thankful as we are Lord for your divine protection. We petition your holy hand to provide for every need that arises. To heal his body physically and to adjust his thoughts and emotions for his good and your glory. Thank you Lord

    6. Oh dear GTT, Joining all prayers for your good husband. Praying for his successful surgery and complete recovery. And also for your peace of mind sweet sister.
      Father, Thank you for healing his legs, ankles and heels. And for guiding the surgery to restore him to full function and movement. You can do all things and we trust You. In the Name of Jesus we pray together. Amen.

    7. It truly could have been so much worse, GTT. Praise God for protecting your husband, helping B through the recovery of surgeries and giving him patience for recovery! Will keep B and you in my prayers, GTT.

  24. Today is hubby & I 51st. Wedding anniversary. "Thank you dear Lord for putting us together to journey with you hand & hand. Blessing us with 3 beautiful children, 5 precious grandchildren." We are looking forward to what You have up ahead as we continue to travel with You.

    1. Happy Anniversary Jan and hubby. What a blessing you have! Keep the journey alive with a God-focused marriage, as you have been! Amen.

    2. Happy happy Anniversary to you and DH our dear Jan gridley. Thank you for sharing your special day with us and receive the gift of our prayers! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Happy 51st Wedding Anniversary to you and your dear husband, Jan! Celebrate your true and enduring love. The best is yet to come. Thanking our good Father, for blessing and healing you both in all things, and blessing your wonderful family with love, protection, strength of faith and good health. Amen

    4. Jan - Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! Joining the celebration of a beautiful testimony.

  25. WHAT?? HOORAY to you and hubby Jan!!! Wishing you many, many more blissful, happy and blessed years ahead.

    HAPPY 51st ANNIVERSARY, enjoy and praising the Lord with you!

    Maplewood NJ

  26. Praying for you and your husband, Grace Takes Time....

  27. I also thank the prayer warriors on this blog that help me get through these strange times. God is in control and is "always right on time". I kindly ask for prayers as my dear husband is going through personal trials that are heavy on his heart. I ask the Lord's covering over us as we walk through this together with Him. Hope for a beautiful, peaceful day to all. God Bless You. ♥️

    1. Praying with and for you, Amanda,
      asking for the Lord's covering over you, husband and his heart as you both walk through this together with Him until you are again thanking Him for Giving you both the desires of your heast. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Prayers for HUSBANDS Day! Not to limit our focus, we know God has us all covered. ♥️πŸ™

    3. I am so blessed to be a part of this Band of Believers! 🎢 I continue to pray for peace in the hearts of all who dwell here. Our God is a Mighty God! Hubs got out of bed and began his day with joy and laughter. God bless you all and know you are prayed for as well.

    4. Joining in prayers for you and your husband, dear Amanda, that God will guide him through this difficult time, and help him to overcome his personal trials. God knows well what he is experiencing and He knows his heart intimately. May He restore him in every way and open his heart to know that the Lord is at His side always to lead him through all problems and tribulations. Thank You Jesus!

    5. Prayers for Husbands Day 2022!
      Thank you Lord for the loving partner and friend you planned for me. He supports me in my love for you above all else. Grant him peace of mind as we navigate through escrow on his house so we can move on to what you have planned for us. Blessings to all the husbands out there in the JC family on this new day. In Jesus's name I pray for all.

    6. I lovingly celebrate my husband again this year, and pray for all the others connected to the KC family bloggers. God is on the move waking us all up to step forward with strongholds against spiritual warfare in our lives, on our children, in our culture. Lucky for me I have a strong hold on the hand of God and my loving husband. Blessings one and all ♥️

  28. Jesus, help me to see You more often. I want a closer relationship with You but I know it's me that doesn't seek it all of the time. You are the vine and I only succeed through You. Thank You for all You do for me. Today I will strive to do Your will.

    1. Joining into your and Chris' prayers Mark L....
      Lord Help me to enjoy the quiet ordinary days and make different choices and let You entertain me in Your Way, O Lord. I read this verse 'seek His Presence continually' and right now, I can honestly say, that continuous seeker is not my moment to moment everyday goal. Move me there, Lord. Move me. It's my desire to seek Ypu continuously. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen Mark! God bless you and Jesus loves you brother. πŸ™

    3. Amen Brie! That was great πŸ™

    4. Amen Mark! We all want that and I pray that prayer with you. Praying for you and with you.

  29. I have missed many days but I assure you I have been here.

    A friend shared a quote with me this morning that compliments Maplewood's quote by CS Lewis. I must share as it expresses my journey into trust and discovery:

    "Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to discover." Adrian Von Kaam

    1. Thank you for sharing that quote dear Keith. Praying your job is going well and perhaps you have had contact with the woman you love, but I know God will lead you to the desires of your heart in His own timing.

  30. Listen to what he says;
    Through collaborating with Me in all things, you allow My Life to merge with yours. This is the secret not only of joyful living but also of victorious living.
    Amen! πŸ™

    1. Amen Woman of God! A wonderful devotion today and it is so true. May we grow closer to Him every day, so He becomes a part of every waking hour. The true joy and peace only comes from Him. And in Him we can do all things.

  31. CONGRATULATIONS!...and WOW! Enjoy reminiscing over the memories you and your hubby have made through the 51 years, Jan!

  32. Thank you for the excellent posts, prayers, victories, updates & sharings. I am still waiting on my son to get out of surgery. They started at 9:15. We are entering the 5th hour. His little SIL said he'll have supernatural hearing after this! Pleas continue to pray with us. So very thankful. And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Jan! Godspeed, MadFox & blessings for your blood tests, Brie & Larry! ������������

    1. Dear Norah, I have been praying for his ear surgery and I am just waiting for a wonderful report. Thanking God for good news to come and perfect healing and recovery.

  33. Well my little emojis didn't work!

  34. My dear friends I am behind yesterday and today but will catch up..please lift me and my brother in prayer..about to take our 1st covid vaccine..Jesus I trust in you..thank you for my awesome friends on this site!!

    1. Praying for you and your brother now. It'll be OK. Love You

    2. Praying dear LCA that your vaccines will go smoothly and you and your brother will not have any side effects. God will take good care of you. Thank You Jesus!

  35. Thank you Brie and all..feeling no pain or discomfort..thank you Jesus!! Love you Brie/happy

    1. Halleluia dear Sister! I love good news. God is so good.

  36. Home after a LONG day: 4:00 AM wake up call; took my 4th Son (my Kindred Spirit) to the hospital for inner ear surgery. It was supposed to be a 2 hour surgery and ended up being a 5.5 hr surgery. EXHAUSTED. He is now home, heavily medicated and sleeping well.
    In the meantime, our long-life friend, Dottie, came over to our house to say she was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. My DH talked with her; I talked with her (while waiting to see my son in Recovery), and then spent 2 hours on the phone with her tonight, after I got home.
    Dear JC Family, please pray for our friend, Dottie (knowing that you are already praying for my KS Son, Chuck). This day has been WAY TOO LONG for me, a 65+ yr old, working (from the hosp), praying, woman. My question to Dottie was: do you have it in you to fight? (she lost her son to Cancer, just 3 months ago; she is spent) or do you want me to help you go? All of her Medical Drs at this point are telling her to go, peacefully. "We'll provide Hospice." But, Dottie is a FIGHTER! If all of the Cancer is in her L lung, why are they not removing that lung? I have spent every 4 months in an Oncology Hosp for the last 7 years reading about what they can do with Lung Cancer. Why is she not being given an option? I told her that if she needed an Advocate, Jesus Christ was there for her. And I would be His back up...ask the tough questions; don't give up. After an hour and a half, she said, (exhausted); "I may just want to end my days not fighting. Tell my stories, see my kids and grands ("My mind is sharp, so no, don't fight this for me. I know my future."). I am having a hard time going to sleep, my JC Family. I just checked in with my KS son and he is fine - ready to sleep; pain free. I am just MAD at the Devil for trying to steal another life. My 75 (that's YOUNG in this day and time!) yr old friend, who has MUCH to share with her remaining kids and grands, and Great Grands, has much to live for. Please pray with me for Dottie. Pray that she wakes up tomorrow morning, RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT and ready to fight. Please pray for all 5 of my kids & their 4 wives. That the unbelieving believers unite with the believing believers. My believing kids are becoming hard-hearted to their non-believing believer sibs. I just said to Son #2 - "Reach out to your sister-in-love! Offer to take their 2 kid to the park with your little girl tomorrow night. Give them a break." He said, (hard-heartedly), "My brothers and sisters are the ones that believe." OMG - he has a Sister-in-Love (should be in LOVE; he sees her as a Sister-in-Law), who is married to his believing brother (and his BEST FRIEND), who needs a helping hand, and he says, "We aren't close - she doesn't get me!" WHY can't he SEE how he could reach her?
    So sorry for spilling my guts, JC Family. But, THIS is my world right now. So, please pray with me: for our family; for our dear sister-in-Christ, Dottie; for my Cases (was able to keep work flowing while at the hosp - VICTORY!); for our unbelieving Believers in this family, that TOTALLY blessed and kept the family together today, while their little brother was in a 5.5 hr surgery. Pray with me that they SEE what ties us all together. The ones who think they no longer believe, gave LOVE, LIGHT, ENCOURARGEMENT all throughout this day, to their little brother. The one, who believes, chose not to partake of that encouragement; "because they aren't my brothers and sister in Christ."
    NEED. SLEEP. Please pray for that I can go to bed and sleep, as I approach the 22nd hour of my day.
    Reminds, me Bob, of you encouraging me to get SLEEP (what? 2-3 years ago?). :) Heading to bed tonight, praying for this Crazy Quilt Family of mine. If I can see their goodness, I know God sees it even more. I need help in showing them The Way. Sigh. I'll probably post this for tomorrow, too, in hopes that I get pearls of wisdom from my beloved JC Family. Love all of you SO much and I thank you for your prayers.

  37. Sweet Norah. You must be so exhausted since Chuck's surgery took so long. I'm happy he's home resting and I pray for perfect hearing because God is truly the Way Maker. So glad you spilled everything out on the table so I can pray for all those things. Especially for dear Dottie who has had such a hard time. I always pray for her and Doug but this is just too much for her to bear. That she lost her dear son to Cancer 3 months ago and now this terrible diagnosis. It's more than she can stand. I understand why you are angry that such a good, strong, God fearing woman should have to go through this. Maybe she wants to let nature take its course so she can be with her son. But I agree that if it's all in her left lung, maybe she should try one more time to fight it. Maybe if they can remove that lung, she can recover. God knows for sure and He is listening to our prayers. Let His will be done, but she sure could use a miracle right now and I believe in miracles. I sure do understand about unbelieving children and even their wives. Give it to God and just keep being the great witness to them. Let them see clearly the light of Christ within you. Praying right now that God will open their eyes to see "what ties us all together". We are bound by our love for the Lord and I sure will tell anyone who asks, where my joy and peace and strength come from. I never walk alone. Right now, He is saying: Jeanne go to sleep and get some rest. Dear Norah. Please go to sleep too dear sister.

  38. I was up so late trying to learn the songs for Holy Week and working on my Bible Group readings. I felt Jesus saying Go to sleep Jeanne. He sure does care for me.
    Praying you all see His faithfulness in your health and in your lives.
    Father, Thank You for more answered prayers in Jesus’ Name. Thank you for sweet sleep and a new day.

    1. Frome David Wilkerson's Devotions:
      “For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” (Isaiah 30:15).

      Here is God’s secret to spiritual strength: “Quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” The word for quietness in Hebrew means “repose.” And repose means calm, relaxed, free from all anxiety; to be still, to lie down with support underneath.

      Not many Christians today have this kind of quietness and confidence. Multitudes are involved in a frenzy of activity, rushing madly to obtain wealth, possessions and pleasure. Even in the ministry, God’s servants run about worrying, fearing, looking for answers in conferences, seminars, best-selling books. Everyone wants guidance, solutions, something to calm their spirit. Yet they seek it in every source except the Lord. They don’t realize God has already spoken a word for them, through Isaiah: If they don’t turn to him as their source, their striving will end in sorrow and confusion.

      Isaiah describes what God’s righteousness is supposed to accomplish in us: “The work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever” (Isaiah 32:17). If we’re truly walking in righteousness, our lives will bear the fruit of a calm spirit, quietness of heart and peace with God.

      As Isaiah looked around, he saw God’s people fleeing to Egypt for help, trusting in men, relying on horses and chariots. Ambassadors were coming and going. Leaders were holding emergency strategy meetings. Everyone was in a panic, wailing, “What can we do?”

      Isaiah assured them, “It doesn’t have to be this way. Return from your backsliding. Repent of your rebellion of trusting in others. Turn to the Lord, and he’ll cover you with a blanket of peace. He’ll give you

    2. That was wonderful dear Peter! Thank you for filling me with God’s Word and so much encouragement. I will come to Him with quietness and confidence because I know He is my God and only He hears and answers my prayers, and understands every thought in my mind, every need, every desire, and every word in my trusting heart. He holds me lovingly in His mighty Hands. The only true peace is from Him.

    3. Our dear Anonymous April 13, 2022 at 1:45 AM
      Your post From David Wilkerson's Devotions, spoke volumes to me again this year. I am thanking God for Timeless Truths which re-annoint me with His Amazing Grace. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

  39. Thank you brother Peter for reminding us these truths. Lord in heaven, show us the power behind Your words, that in quietness & peace we can be refreshed &, strengthened. In quietness we can better hear Your voice saying, "this is the way, walk in it." In this holy Wednesday, I can only imagine the anxiety & panic that's about to envelope the disciples. The blessing of a quiet & trusting spirit was about to elude them. Judas is plotting & THE BETRAYAL is about to be played by out. Again I say of myself that I can't point the finger here. I am capable of the same action, if not for the power of the cross! I give thanks this holy Wednesday for saving me Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! Love & blessings, πŸ’ž

    1. Amen sweet Jan! The anguish and pain that the Lord went through in the Garden and His betrayal by one of His trusted disciples is always hard to consider but it fulfilled God’s plan for redemption and salvation. For that I am eternally grateful, as you are. Thank You Jesus for saving us! Hallelujah πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™✝️☀️

  40. On days that are busy, I miss those routine, stay-at-home days. I'm grateful for both though.

    Thanking Him for another day of life, busy or quiet or in between, and praying blessings over it, over you, and over our families. In Jesus name <3

    1. Amen to that! Every day of life is such a precious gift. I’m grateful every time I open my eyes to the light of a new day. Thank you for your beautiful blessing, dear free as can B! God bless you and your loved ones and heal all your infirmities and cover you with His healing, protection, peace and love. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  41. Good Morning JC family. I'd like to ask for your prayers for our sweet dog, Sam. 5 Years ago he had a ruptured disc in his spine and he had surgery, rehab and recovered beautifully. This past weekend he has started to have problems standing up with this hind legs. Praying for healing and that it's not something with his spine again. Thank you.

    1. Dear Janet E, Thanking God for healing your beloved Sam. He already knows what’s wrong with him. May He open the eyes of the Vet to the perfect treatment he needs to recover. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord.

    2. Janet E --- Joining Jeanne's prayer for your sweet Sam. Oh my Papa God, how You love Your Creation! It is because of Your faithfulness that I come to You. I lift up Sam to You for Your mercy and to bring healing to him. Take away any pain so he is not suffering. Nurse Sam back to health by Your gentle Spirit. In Jesus's name, I pray and believe, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

  42. Good morning God! Thank you for this new day and guiding me too prayer in the wee small hours of the morning. Mostly in recent weeks I've been waking up between 2-4 every night, no matter what time I go to bed. I'm learning just to take my mind to YOU and experience your PEACE. Thank you for always being there. Joining in all prayer requests, traveling mercies for this holy week, health and well being, and miracles witnessed. In Jesus's name I pray.

  43. Sweet Audra, Maybe God is waking you up so you can spend some precious time with Him. Praying that He is healing your shoulder, and will lead you to rest and restoration. Praying with you and for you dear sister. Much love.

  44. So much to say, but foremost is thank you everyone for your prayers yesterday (and everyday). I can say that they truly are helping; my daughter in law made it through the night, barely, and but by the grace of God and your prayers. She’s getting a blood transfusion today. Baby is doing well!

    Pete-thanks for the tip on GABA.

    Praying for your pup JanetE. We had to put our best friend down last October for myopathy. I’m still grieving, so I pray there is healing for him.

    Thank you again everyone for your daily reminders of where true peace comes from. It is especially true this week as we focus on the cornerstone of our faith: His Resurrection! The King Jesus has comes to set us free! He has conquered the grave and the world! No more fear, nor sorrow- but the promise and hope of eternal peace. Our Redeemer LIVES! And because He lives, we are set FREE!

    1. Dear Rich, Thanking God for His healing power and for guiding your good daughter in law back to perfect health. Praying she will regain her strength very soon. Thank God the baby is doing well. Praying for your peace of mind too. And for Janet E's dear dog. Trusting and waiting our our King Jesus! Amen He lives and He is our Risen Lord and Savior. We are set Free!

  45. "Lord, I admit, there are parts of my life that I don't welcome you into. I'm segmented. I give you time in the mornings, on Sunday, at various Bible Studies, but then often make decisions about entertainment that don't involve you. . . I read this verse 'seek his presence continually' and right now, I can honestly say, that is not by everyday goal. Move me there, Lord. Move me."

    These postings have been such a Blessing for me, and so many. Thank You.

    1. John H.--- When I read your post it called out to me: God has a GREAT calling on this soul! Our magnificent Lord always calls us to better things. "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received" (Ephesians 4:1, NIV). God gives you a higher vision to live up to in order to bring out the BEST in you! Great Blessings to you John.
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    2. Thank you JJ.

      The verse, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." This is in contrast to my "people pleasing" nature.

      Thank you for your words and continued Blessings to you.

  46. Dear John H. My life is so full and busy that I am often guilty of letting go of my loving Father's Hands from time to time. But I return to Him and then I feel Him with me and everything gets better. He understands me more than anyone. He's my best friend and my constant Help. Things go wrong and get hard when I forget He's right there with me. Dear John H, The Lord is molding you every day so seek His presence and keep trusting in Him to draw you closer. Do your best to welcome him into all the parts of your life. He is happy when you are enjoying your down time. Rejoice and be glad in your day. You don't have to seek Him to find Him. He is always there. Just seek His presence.
    Well said dear JJ. He calls us to live to please Him and do His work cheerfully and without grumbling, and trust Him in every situation and wait on Him. We know the truth. He is already at the Right Hand of God. He has overcome death. He has paid for our sins. We are redeemed and have been made into new creations in Him. I pray I will not get distracted by this fallen world's trappings. I want Him to reign in my heart above all other things. I want to consciously remain in His presence throughout my day. Help me Jesus.
    In His Grip of Grace. Hallelujah.

    1. "We know the truth. He is already at the Right Hand of God. He has overcome death. He has paid for our sins. We are redeemed and have been made into new creations in Him." Amen and Amen.

      Thank you Jeanne.

      He has made Himself so unmistakably apparent to me and my daughter over the last several weeks that words can not really express. I am so Blessed by Him to have had these truly extraordinary experiences. Yet, the world creeps in and wants to drag me away.

      "I pray I will not get distracted by this fallen world's trappings. I want Him to reign in my heart above all other things. I want to consciously remain in His presence throughout my day." Help me Jesus. Amen.

  47. Good morning warriors. Thank you for prayers for Jeff & Sherry. Please add hubby. The neurologist is getting the images of his arteries near the brain. We're asking the Lord clear those arteries. Also hubby wants to get off Plavix. It's causing some bruising. Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. We are praising the Lord to have taken us this far & hopefully farther still. We are so thankful for the blessings He has poured on us & our family. No way we could've made it without the goodness of our God. Hallelujah!

    1. Joining in prayers for Jeff and Sherry and Jan's husband. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon all of them and heal them. May His mighty presence be apparent in their lives πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying for your husband to have good results from the images. Praying for Jeff and Sherry as well. Happy 53rd anniversary Jan! God has truly blessed you both.


    3. Happy Anniversary, Dear Jan! Praying for your dear hubby, Jeff and Sherry.

    4. Thank you sweet sisters for your prayers & anniversary wishes for hubby & I. May the Lord bless your dayπŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    5. Adding my best wishes for your anniversary Jan on our self proclaimed 'husband's day'. Enjoy it in good health!

    6. Sweet Jan --- Want to wish you and Hubby Happy Anniversary!!!
      Great Blessings on your day and through the year. Prayer for good results for Hubby's images and the Lord's healing hands upon Jeff and Sherry. Thank you Jesus that You hear our prayers!

  48. Continuing to pray for Jeff and Sherry. May God heal Jeff's eyes and strengthen Sherry and bless them with peace of mind.
    Thank You Father for clearing Jan's good husband's arteries and making a way for him to get off Plavix. Heal the bruising and bring him back to good health. Thank You Father for this and for sending a special blessing to our dear Jan and her hubby on their 53rd wedding anniversary in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen We praise and worship you and trust you for everything, We are so grateful for leading us through every day.
    Amen dear Jan, We couldn't have gotten here without Him.

    Lamentations 3:22-23
    It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

    Philippians 3:13-14
    Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
    I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

    1. Thank you dear girl for sharing the word. So uplifting. Thank you for your continued prayers & for the special blessings for hubby & I. Much love & blessings to you. πŸ’žπŸ˜

    2. Thanks for your prayers and blessings dear Jan! I’m thankful God is answering our prayers.

  49. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name. I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! May Your Spirit lead us and guide us through our day and help us keep our eyes upon You and not on the things of this world πŸ™. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!

    1. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10). The LORD will fight for you and you shall hold your peace. (Exodus 14:14). For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6).

  50. So thankful for quiet days, time and opportunities to practice 'the unforced rhythms of Grace ' Matthew 11:28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

  51. Go to bed tonight trusting God to fix whatever ur situation isπŸ’―

  52. Thankful for quiet mornings.
    This Psalm came into my mind this morning as I direct my prayer and look up to Him.
    Have a blessed day.

    Psalms 5 NKJV
    Give ear to my words, O Lord,
    Consider my [b]meditation.
    2 Give heed to the voice of my cry,
    My King and my God,
    For to You I will pray.
    3 My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
    In the morning I will direct it to You,
    And I will look up.

    1. Amen dear Websister. Let's look up and watch as His blessings pours down on us!πŸ™Œ❤️πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  53. Thanks dear Websister for sharing those heartfelt verses and helping us to begin this day seeking Him early! We should always wake up with a Thank You in our hearts! Just seeing the light of day is a beautiful gift! May God remind us all to stay in His presence and peace.
    Thank You Father for drawing us close to You and leading us through this day, and helping us to be kindhearted, patient, and a blessing to others for Your Glory in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Psalm 16:11
    You will show me the path of life;
    In Your presence is fullness of joy;
    At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

    Ephesians 4:32
    And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

  54. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus! Lord, please help me to remember that in the "quiet" times, You are there too and I need to not think that I have to be busy, but You are refreshing me in Your Presence. Let me know that there are times You want me to just "be still" and look to You. You always know what is best for me and You always take the best care of me. You know exactly what I need and when I need it. For in You I receive guidance, direction, and rest. You are the Good Shepherd. Help me in the moments of "being still and knowing that You are God". Fill me up with Your Spirit Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! (Psalm 46:10).

    2. Amen, Blessed in the stillness and blessed in knowing He IS God.

    3. Beautiful prayer, sweet Janet! Amen. He meets us in the quiet little moments. So precious when we feel Him with us and we truly rest in Hum.

  55. I love the next verse too; Psalm 46:11 "The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Refuge (our High Tower and Stronghold). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!"
    I'm pausing and calmly thinking on that😊

    1. Thank you dear Websister, Jeanne, Janet and Peter for nourishment in the word this morning. May you each be as nourished. πŸ’•πŸ™Œ

    2. Loved that, dear Peter! He sure is our High Tower and Refuge!
      Thanks sweet Jan, His Word fills every part of us. Better than a cheeseburger and crunchy fries!

  56. Dear heavenly Father please bless me and my family today. Amen.

    1. Yes dear Jesus, bless ABC and family pressed down and running over! πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. πŸ™ πŸ™Œ My blessing prayers are going up for you, your family, and all JC families here, there, and everywhere!

    4. Joining prayers for you, dear ABC and your dear ones, and all our JC families and those who are alone and struggling. God is with you all and He knows exactly what you need. Trust in Him always.
      Thank You Father for providing all these needs and leading us and answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  57. 54 years dear family, 54 years with my guy. Only by God's grace did we make it this far! Thank You Lord! Hallelujah! Amen.

    1. πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰ 🎊 🍾 πŸ₯‚ Celebrate and Enjoy The Blessing, Jan, with 🎢 My Guy 🎢
      May you celebrate 54 more years of Happy Wedded Bliss!

    2. Happy and Blessed 54th Anniversary to you and your true love! Celebrate your lasting love! God bless the rest of your lives together with good health, love and joy in the Lord. πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

    3. Happy 54th, Jan, to you and your DH! Wow! Such a testament of God's Grace and your endurance through both the good times and the rough patches! Congratulations!

  58. Happy Anniversary to you and your guy, dear Jan.Thankful for all His grace and mercy in our lives and relationships. May God bless you richly.

  59. Lord, I pray for a stay πŸ• day. To be bored by the lack of action 🎬 seemsπŸ‘Œ, or is it πŸ€” !
    πŸ™ Not my will, but THY WILL be done in my life.
    In Jesus' Name. ❤️ AMEN!

    1. Amen dear Brie! His Will, not ours. Exercising our trust muscles together. Praying for you sweet sister.

  60. Praying for all of us, Dear JC Family, on this beautiful, sunny day - so needed after days of rain! Brie, I was reading yesterday about our children and remember that a year, 2? 3? ago you really helped me with this and my adult daughter! So welcomed reading that again re: my DH, my adult "kids," my cases, etc.
    My DH is doing well. Day 2 of his reduced oral chemo. Keep the prayers coming Dear Family! I woke up with 'fears' of an oncoming UTI. Prayed, took pre-pro biotics, drinking a boatload of water, trusting God. Please add that to the list (and apologies if it's TMI). I must get ready (I've lazed in my pj's all morning). We have two former students, now married to each other and their baby coming for a visit. It has been a 'wait and see,' for a while but DH said he'd love it! Such a dear couple. I had their morning-after-wedding breakfast for them and their family about 3-4 years ago. They've been living in WY and AK and are now back in OH. JOY!
    Happy Anniversary, to you and your hubby, Dear Jan G! I LOVED READING THAT and also saw it yesterday. Again, such JOY!
    I'm off and running to be ready in 30 mins, Dear Family. Continued prayers for all requests (Jeanne), et al.
    "I designed you to depend on Me moment by moment, recognizing that apart from Me you can do nothing." YES, LORD! Amen and Amen!
    Love to all of you!

    1. Glad you got to activate today's devotion and stay where you are, in your pj's, our dear Norah.

      Glad to hear DH is doing well on the reduced dosage. And soon there'll be none. We will continually pray him through it all, trusting Jesus, trusting God!

      When my smother mother emergency light comes on b/c I am flying her helicopter to close to the ground, I often have to read and re-read Kahlil Gibran speak on Our Children. It is my reminder to trust God, because they really are His Children, whether or not they are going through a season of ignoring Him or not. He Loves them anyway!

      Love to all on this beautiful Saturday that our Lord has made. Let us all rejoice and be glad in Him, whether or not we like the weather or not. In Jeaus' Name. AMEN

    2. Dear Norah and Brie! Praying with you and for you and thanking God for His faithfulness for your DH, you, dear sisters, and your loved ones. Sweet Norah take some Mannose D with cranberry and keep drinking water. It will help you. Praying you’ll be feeling better and I know you’ll be a blessing to your married former students and their baby! So much joy! So happy your hubby is doing well. God is so good. God bless you all with healing and a sweet sleep. Thank You Jesus. Amen
