Monday, April 13, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 14

     Heaven is both present and future. As you walk along your life-path holding My hand, you are already in touch with the essence of heaven: nearness to Me. You can also find many hints of heaven along your pathway, because the earth is radiantly alive with My Presence. Shimmering sunshine awakens your heart, gently reminding you of My brilliant Light. Birds and flowers, trees and skies evoke praises to My holy Name. Keep your eyes and ears fully open as you journey with Me. 
     At the end of your life-path is an entrance to heaven. Only I know when you will reach that destination, but I am preparing you for it each step of the way. The absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you Peace and Joy, to help you along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in My perfect timing; not one moment too soon or too late. Let the hope of heaven encourage you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me. 

I Corinthians 15:20-23
English Standard Version
But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.

Verse Thoughts
In fact -- Paul seems almost impatient here with these words, but he obviously had never been more surer of anything. He had witnessed this. But, it also speaks of the transition from the previous verse that we don't simply believe in a Christ that lived, but one that lived, died, and rose again. First fruits - speaks of priority; there were others that had been resurrected (Lazarus, widow's son). Fallen asleep -- This is the usual expression employed in the Scripture to describe the death of saints. It denotes: (1)The calmness and peace with which they die, like sinking into a gentle sleep; (2)The hope of a resurrection, as we sink to sleep with the expectation of again awaking. And verse 18 speaks of those falling asleep as being those in Christ. And then just as sin came into the world through one man and death, so in Christ all are made alive through the resurrection.

Hebrews 6:19
English Standard Version
We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain. 

Verse thoughts
An anchor does not move. It is thrown down and keeps a giant ship from moving. We are meant to always hold on to the truth that hope, for the future, of being in Christ, will make an amazing impact on our life, now and in the future.  

My Prayer
Lord, everywhere I look outside, are pictures of your provision. I look outside my window and see the sky, trees, bushes -- all signs of your creation. Thank you for the birds flying through the air, they all evoke a praise to your name. How sad that I drive by this daily and take it for granted. And you are preparing a place for me to live forever with you, better than anything I can see on this earth. Help me to never forget your promise of my future.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "Only I know when you will reach that destination (heaven)." Thank you Lord for not burdenening me with this information. As I've aged and studied the word, I realize what a blessing it truly is. Now - we probably can arrive at a generalized number based on our DNA, our income level, our country's std. of living, and overall health and habits, etc. But like the hairs on our head, the Lord also knows or sees the number of our days.

    My heart semi-annual checkup was excellent (thanks for all the prayers) but I could be in an accident tomorrow. Thus brothers and sisters live today for all its glory as best you can. Love your family! And as we have read with sorrow help all the kids, readers, and relatives with addictions, with the wisdom of AA and similar programs. Cherish your friends and stay true to Christ's ways and words... With Him at your side, you can be at PEACE.

    Godspeed. 2000+ years ago on a day like this Friday, He hung on a cross to wipe away fear of death FOREVER. Thank you Lord. Amen

    1. Cycling through 2 years later, I am amazed that I was being prepared for this MM diagnosis and journey. The import of letting God manage the day and time of moving to our 2nd birth... to heaven... but how blessed I am as I've been told that my transplant day was my 2nd birth day. I've been given new life... and I will have a 3rd birth when He in His perfect timing brings me home. May I embrace this truth that we live for today in positivity and love since we know nothing about tomorrow!

    2. Amen Madfox, God takes us through training/ preparation. You could call it a boot camp in the army of God to prepare us for the true battles we have before us. I have seen this so many times in my own life. Thank you for allowing us to walk with you through your boot camp and battles.

    3. Happy 2nd birth day MadFox 🎊πŸ₯³πŸŽ. We celebrate with you. Happy to have been part of your journey through prayerπŸ™πŸ₯°.

    4. So true, MadFox. Yesterday and today's devo gives me, and I like to believe, my family comfort in knowing that it was no surprise to God that Jessie was coming to live with Him. He had his arms open and ready to embrace her. While the number of her days here were short to us and too soon for her to leave us, I/we trust God's plan.
      Yes, MadFox, in reading your '19 entry, I too thought, WOW, you certainly have had a 2nd birth! Continued blessings to you and your family!

    5. So many blessings to be thankful for when viewed with eyes that can see and renewed minds in Christ!

    6. Only He knows the date and time of our return home. If we did know, how would we live our lives differently?

    7. Thanks for asking Audra,
      Before D-day, I would sell everything tangible that he loaned me for earthly living, and
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I would trust Jesus 100%,
      I would trust God 100%.
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I would depend upon His Word 100%
      And you?

    8. Connect with family and friends without an "agenda"

    9. This reminds me, Brie...♥️🎢 Link
      Through it all by Hillsong link


    10. Thank You God for Madfox's truths, that are still true 5 years later. Over the past ten weeks, I have mourned 9 deaths of relatives, close friends and classmates.
      Your words help those remaining in line, ...
      Thus brothers and sisters live today for all its glory as best you can. Love your family! And as we have read with sorrow help all the kids, readers, and relatives with addictions, with the WISDOM OF AA and similar programs. Cherish your friends and stay true to Christ's ways and Words. With Him at your side, you can be at PEACE...
      Yesterday's funeral was comforting b/c the dearly departed was ready AND wanted to go Home. Thus, she refused all treatment, saying there was no reason for her to stay here. She requested her funeral be a celebration, because she was happy and where she wanted to be.
      Thanks for the link Audra. It helped me get Through It All.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Thank You God for Brother Bob's comforting post below...
      I entered in with grief, and left with Comfort....
      Grieving is a God given act to help heal the heart. When we allow ourselves to grieve, we heal sooner...
      May Mary's experience of grief being turned to eternal joy fill our hearts for nothing can separate us from the love of God and all those whom God has welcomed into His Eternal Kingdom.
      If you have come to this blog today in grief, may you leave with your heart comforted and filled with the hope of the glad heavenly reunion that is but a twinkling of an eye away (as compared to eternity).
      God be with you. With love, Bob

    13. Dear Brie - I'm thankful for the Peace you have. Nine deaths in 10 weeks is a lot. I'm blessed that you are so lovingly rooted and grounded in God's Word. Blessings Dear Sister!

  2. Good Morning JC Family. Blessings and continued prayers as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the RISEN LORD.

  3. Good morning JC family 😊! Madfox your admonition warmed my heart. Thank you to you & Chris for "thoughts\prayers" to jump start this sabbath. Praises to the Lord Madfox for continued recovery. Now may we find ourselves wherever God wants us today, hopefully not dwelling on the past but moving forward step by baby step into the light of His glory, for after all He is the "lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path". Darkness is just the absence of light, one saint can ignite that light for someone today. " Light of the world shine on me, you are the answer". Light you lamp everyone, let's go! Blessings JC family πŸ₯°

    1. Thank you Jan! We are all striving for sainthood. (or should be--attempting to following Gods will). We all have the light of christ in each of us. Let us use that light to shine on the path of our struggling brothers and sisters! This in turn strengthens our light. Amen!

  4. Good morning all and thank you for your wisdom, comments and commitment to JC and this blog. I look forward every morning to reading the wisdom of all. I’m searching and reading to know God more intimately, to understand and feel the depth of His love for me so I may shake the worries of this world, love Jesus and love others. Thank you and God bless

  5. God Bless you all during this Holy week. May the celebration of the resurrection fill your hearts with love and hope. Everyone have a great week.

  6. JC family, may this blessed Palm Sunday find you in a place of Peace, Love and Joy, knowing that our Lord did an AWESOME thing for us, by sending His Beloved Precious Son to redeem us!! Let's stay our eyes on Him this Holy week and Always!! Enjoy the beauty of His creation this day, Christ paid it ALL for us! GLORY to HIS HOLY NAME! THANK YOU JESUS, because You Live, we can face tomorrow love to all.

  7. Holy Week. Wow. What a journey! As we follow and meditate on this week, my prayer is each of us will connect to the story, the journey, that includes deceit and agony but more importantly resurrection, and the conquering of evil and sin! Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  8. I want to love my family but they're 10 hours away!! Day 5 of recovery...

    1. Blessings on you as you continue your recovery journey!

    2. Praying you are 5 years and 5 days into your recovering journey. We are still πŸ™ and would love to hear from you, should you choose to post again. Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  9. Let nothing pull up our anchors of hope. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful day. May we all live it to its fullest! KS

    1. Amen Anonymous. Our faith is truly an anchor to heaven. It is planted firmly and will not loosen with the storms and circumstances of the time. So we will do our best to walk steadfastly in that faith and in the hope we hold inside us. As we are isolated from each other I feel so much closer to the Lord because of the lack of earthly distractions. I a wonderful strength of faith in others as a sign that God's Spirit is working mightily throughout the world right now, to bring us closer to Him. That anchor will not allow all those who trust in Him to be shaken. Fear has no place in us and Jesus has already conquered Death. We serve a Risen Lord. Let us praise Him for His help and the peace He is bringing us, in his timing.
      Thank you dear Lord for this wonderful new day of life. Thank you for all the beauty of the Spring season. Thank you for healing all of our weaknesses and all those who suffer. Thank you for providing our needs. Open the hearts of your people so they will seek you with a sincere heart. Heal those on our prayer lists and keep us in good health as we follow You. Thank you for the joys and for the sorrows it may bring because You are with us through it all. Keep our eyes and heart focused on you, and let us not be swept away by the media. May it be a fruitful day for all of us to your glory. Thank You for Your faithfulness in our lives and in your world. We wait on you in hope and anticipation. Amen.

    2. Thank you, Jeanne, your prayer brings me much comfort and peace. We have so much to be thankful for even in these troubling times. Thank you sweet Jesus for loving us.

    3. Amen! We have so much to be thankful for. We realize it even more now, when we are isolated in our homes with more time to think about all God has given us, and also about his past faithfulness in our lives.

    4. Your post is still as applicable today as it was 4 years ago. Thank You God for our Jeanne!

  10. Heavenly Father, A new day has dawned and I am grateful to once again be in Your presence to breathe the breath that sustains life. Thank You that everything in my life, and the life that surrounds me was drawn and created by Your own hand. For this and many more, I am grateful. Amen.

    Heaven is indeed here with us now. It is in our midst and within us. It came with Jesus’ first coming. The kingdom of Heaven isn’t just refer to a future reality, we are right now part of God’s kingdom. As believers, and followers of Jesus, we can start enjoying the kingdom benefits and blessings now. There will be a future end-time fulfilment, so imagine what it will be like when Jesus returns to earth and the promises of the kingdom are fulfilled! Matt. 5:5;and Rev. 5:10. 'The meek shall inherit the earth; we are made kings and priests...and shall reign on the earth'! Hallelujah!
    Jesus taught us the Lord’s Prayer which shows further insight into the kingdom and how it will come (Matt.6:9-13). This prayer says that the kingdom of Heaven is wherever, and whenever, God’s will is done. This kingdom is ours when we walk in obedience to His will, walk along life’s path hand in hand with Him and keep our ‘eyes and ears fully opened' on the journey!

    Dear Father, May the hope of the present and future heaven encourage us to walk along the path of our lives with You leading each step. This earth is not our home, so we thank You for Your promise that when we receive Jesus as our Savior, heaven is our destination. May Your name be glorify now and forever more, in Jesus’ name.

    Blessings and Peace be upon you today.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. We rest on that promise and lean on the truthfulness of God's Words. Holding his mighty Hand and walking forward to the prize. Be blessed and safe.

    2. Amen! Thank you sweet sister.
      I really do feel Him leading me dear Maplewood. Our faith is the anchor to heaven and we should always remember that we are in this world but not of this world. Our Home is with Him at the end of our lives. He already knows our future and is leading us to our destination. Praising Him and leaning on His promises.

  11. EASTER TUESDAY (Savoring the Resurrection)

    (John 20:11-18) Mary Magdalene has come to the tomb to grieve. Grieving is a God given act to help heal the heart. When we allow ourselves to grieve, we heal sooner. Mary needs to grieve for she has watched die the person who has loved her most in your life. We all grieve people who have loved us most. But, Mary's grieving is interrupted by the disruption of the place she came to grieve, the burial site of Jesus. Graves, ashes, or wherever the final resting place is of someone who loved us and we dearly loved becomes sacred ground for is where we can be consoled by God. It should not be defiled. Yet, now Mary finds the place tampered with adding to her grief. "Why are you weeping, Mary," she is asked twice, first by the angels and then by Jesus Himself. Weeping is a part of grieving, it brings healing. But on this morning, there is no need for Mary to weep. For we weep when we have lost something and Mary hasn't lost anything at all. Quite to the contrary, she has gained everything. For that which she weeps is not gone but is now forever with her, never to depart again. She would soon realize that in hearing the precious sound of her name being spoken by the One who showed such love for her. "Blessed are those who mourn, they shall be comforted." She was but not just comforted, she was lifted to eternal joy.

    Mary's grief was ended in an instant. Any grief we might be experiencing because of loss of loved one (and my heart goes out to all who are grieving the loss of loved ones during this pandemic) will end in eternal joy as Mary's did but not in an instant as Mary's was. Yet, scripture admonished us "not grieve like other people who have no hope for we believe Jesus died and rose again and that it will be the same for those who die in Jesus, God will bring them with Him." (I Thessalonians 4:13-14). May Mary's experience of grief being turned to eternal joy fill our hearts for nothing can separate us from the love of God and all those whom God has welcomed into His Eternal Kingdom.

    If you have come to this blog today in grief, may you leave with your heart comforted and filled with the hope of the glad heavenly reunion that is but a twinkling of an eye away (as compared to eternity).

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for sharing! This is comforting!
      Love and prayers for each and everyone πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    2. Bob, Your words always encourage and comfort me. Your last sentence made me so happy. When we lose a loved one, we must think of that glad heavenly reunion that is but a twinkling of an eye away, as compared to eternity. Amen and Thank you!

  12. I am struggling to focus on, find things, and complete tasks today. Thanks for your prayers JC family. I am planning to step outside and thank God for everything I see, and especially for all of you!

  13. Good morning, and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers today. I know that my emotional and spiritual health comes from my Lord and am reminded that I find it in his Presence whenever I seek Him. Thank you for that, Jesus! Yet today I do arrive grieving, not just loss of lives, but a loss of a way of life. Lord help me to see this world as temporary and incapable of filling my need. Keep me focused on the future with you, not an empty one void of personal freedoms, human intimacy, hugs and handshakes, entertainment, church going, and other activities that I enjoyed. This state of affairs is like an unending philosophy class, the existensial questions, coming to terms with death. I don't know how anyone is getting out of bed each day right now without the knowledge and a personal relationship with Jesus. Praying today for all those grieving, myself included, that we may feel and move through it becoming even more in love and aware of the eternal kingdom of God. May our blessings inspire others to find their way to Jesus, Amen! ✝️ -audra

    1. Audra, amen. I am there with you. I have my good days and my tough days. Wondering how anyone can survive without Jesus! I struggle with the voice in my head (the guilt, I know not My Jesus) that I should be doing .... I know the struggle is the spiritual war, but it is ... I am in the battle for my joy and peace. As I struggle to put these feelings into words, I am asking for the JC warriors to pray for strength in this battle. With Love, thank you! D

    2. I love your prayer Audra! May God full you and each of us with his Perfect Love, His Perfect Peace, Joy, Hope and comfort. Loving prayers

    3. Dear Audra, Loss of the way things were is as difficult as the grip we held on them. The firmer the grip, the greater the place those things held within our heart thus the greater the sorrow at losing them. In the present, all the things you have mentioned have been ripped out of our grasp. We enjoyed those things, we gave them a prominent place in our lives, they were dear to us. But now they have 'died' some for the time being and some might be permanently. But the fundamental truth of our faith is that with the coming of death of whatever there is the certainty of new life to come which will exceed life as we knew it. So we let go and open wide our arms to receive what God in His love for us has in store for us. This is a truth throughout the scriptures but most emphatically seen in the resurrection of our Lord. So, we await in hope the new life that is on the way. To God be the glory!

    4. Bob, your thoughtful response to my entry from last year brings me comfort a year later (when I finally read it). I think it's a great example of why we want to return to the blog before a year passes πŸ˜‰ I don't want to miss a relevant response to any posts and prayers. Ask and ye shall receive.

    5. Yet again BOB, you knocked the grief ball out of the park, and we who loaded the bases all ran to home plate and found comfort there. 4 years later, your coaching is keeping us in the game
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ wherever you ate. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  14. We contemplate Jesus resurrection, His showing himself to the disciples, how he comes, first anonymously, and then reveals himself. Then he says, in effect, "I'm back. You didn't believe me, did you?"

    How quickly we can forget, when we are in the midst of troubling times, his promises that tell us that his resurrection has given us a hope that we have an eternity with him. He has given us a beautiful world to live in until then. Let's praise God for the blessings he gives us until he calls us home to Glory.

  15. Prayers for Chris Peyton and his family
    Thank you so much for starting and maintaining this beautiful place for us to come together and worship! Love and prayers for each of our JC family and for the world
    Prayers that each person comes to know and love Jesus

  16. Thank you Lord for another day! Please guide my steps and direct my thinking today! Last night I saw the beautiful sun set and beautiful colors behind it,reminding me of your presence. It's a beautiful thing,it brought me such Joy and peace! Please Lord help the world see and feel your presence in this rough time and feel peace and joy! Amen

    1. Still a perfect prayer, dear Tiffany Grace! Amen.

    2. Praying for you dear Choose Joy. You we’re getting tested because you couldn’t eat solid food. I pray they found out the reason and it will be easily treatable. May God hold you tight in His love and heal you completely.
      Thank You for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. .

  17. I love you Lord! You are Awesome! Thank you for life with you!

    1. I miss your posts Fay, but I know you are praying for us in Heaven with the best prayer group ever and with The Absolute Best Worship Leader in your midst! How Blessed you are! Every time I listen to Tim Janis, I think of you. See you when I get on the other side. Please pray for me to make it over. Love, Brie

    2. Amen dear Brie. Rest well dear sister Fay!
      I am sure she was received into His loving Hands and is now praying for us. I always pray that she was able to restore her relationship with her husband and that her son was guided away from his addiction. What a grand reunion lies ahead for all of us.

  18. VINE AND BRANCHES (John 15:1-8)

    My devotional for this season began with the well known words of Jeremiah 29:10, 'I know the plans I have for you...' As this whole cycle of Lent and Eastertide runs its course again, the penultimate exercise in my devotional reflects on Jesus words to His disciples in that Upper Room which John has preserved for us. The plan God has for us is to bear fruit to His glory. There is a verse within that instruction that if taken out of context, can easily be misinterpreted, 'ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.' When misinterpreted, it makes God sound like Santa Claus with us sitting on His knee with our long list of things we want (as cute as that whole experience is, it does feed the notion 'it is all about me'). God's plan is not to be fruitful according to our wishes/desires, but to bear much fruit according to His plan for us. That would mean things must go His way as we serve Him rather than seeking His help to make things go according to our plans. It is the orientation of our soul that is imperative in these words of Jesus thus He repeats the word 'abide' several times to impress upon the disciples and all of us the necessity of staying firmly attached to Him like a branch that must be firmly attached to the vine to receive all that is necessary to be fruitful. When there is a mingling of 'thy will be done' and my wish list be granted, there is a level of detachment going on and in that state, the branches (you and me) are not able to receive all that is necessary to be productive to the Father's glory. When we are firmly attached so that we want nothing more than the Father's glory, we will naturally ask only for things to that end. Imagine sitting on Santa Claus' knee and requesting, 'I only want what you think is good for me.'? To have that as 'asking for whatever we wish...' will always be fulfilled.

    This morning I am spending my time with our Lord in my usual surroundings after a successful trip home (thank you for all your 'asking of what you wish, for it was done for you'; I feel your love). As I sat and gave thanks to God for a blessed time with family, I thought of how well our time with family went. In so doing, I realized it was so because my wife and I had no agenda the whole time there. We simply went with the flow of our children and grandchildren's lives and just enjoyed loving on them. Hmmm, is that the essence of these words of Jesus? When we live in love, God is most glorified; when God is most glorified, we will be most satisfied (John Piper)?

    God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob for the reminder of where my priorities need to always be. God is first and foremost and His will be done -- not mine. God bless πŸ™.

    2. I am doing my best to remain firmly attached to the Vine. He abides in me as I abide in Him.
      So true Bob, You and your wife enjoyed your trip and time with your family because you didn't have an agenda. You let things flow as God orchestrated everything. When you put Him in the Center, all things come together. We will be going to meet our new baby grandson, born on last Wednesday, on April 22nd. Can't wait. I will go with no agenda accept with the Lord's direction. I am anticipating many sweet moments to remember and cherish.
      Amen Bob! "When we live in love, God is most glorified; when God is most glorified, we will be most satisfied."
      Thanks for filling me dear brother.

    3. How awesome and wonderful, Jeanne! Enjoy every moment with your newest grandson and his family! Lots of joy, love, laughter and happy tears to be had by all. Blessings!

    4. I appreciate your post so much Bob! As we prepare to visit my daughter and see their new house, I will hold on to your words to just BE with them. No agenda! I also learned a new weird today, thank you: pe·nul·ti·mate
      last but one in a series of things; second last.

    5. Thanks sweet NJS! Looking forward to it! What a blessing! I am so grateful.
      Dear Audra! Praying for a good visit with your daughter. So happy they have a new house to fill with love.

  19. Thank you dear onesπŸ₯° for your well wishes for hubby & my anniversary. Hubby couldn't quite enjoy his anniversary dinner because of new dentures. I guess after 51 years some body parts need replacingπŸ˜„. Love to all❣️

    1. Happy anniversary to you Jan and your hubby. I hope it was enjoyable for you both. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Happy Anniversary dear Jan and your DH! Even with his new dentures, I'm sure he was celebrating your lasting love.

    3. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband Jan!


  20. Can't say I've read through your posts for tomorrow, but, this struck me: "The absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you Peace and Joy, to help you along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in My perfect timing; not one moment too soon or too late. Let the hope of heaven encourage you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me." Maybe that is where Dottie is? Will post my "RANT" from tonight, 4/13/21....I hope to receive some pearls of wisdom from everything going on in my life. So tired...heading to bed.

    1. Amen! We know our desination is our Celestial Home in the Sky.
      Praying for Dottie, and Chuck's hearing. Sleep well. I'm heading to sleep now too.

  21. Post from 4/13:
    Home after a LONG day: 4:00 AM wake up call; took my 4th Son (my Kindred Spirit) to the hospital for inner ear surgery. It was supposed to be a 2 hour surgery and ended up being a 5.5 hr surgery. EXHAUSTED. He is now home, heavily medicated and sleeping well.
    In the meantime, our long-life friend, Dottie, came over to our house to say she was diagnosed with Stage IV Lung Cancer. My DH talked with her; I talked with her (while waiting to see my son in Recovery), and then spent 2 hours on the phone with her tonight, after I got home.
    Dear JC Family, please pray for our friend, Dottie (knowing that you are already praying for my KS Son, Chuck). This day has been WAY TOO LONG for me, a 65+ yr old, working (from the hosp), praying, woman. My question to Dottie was: do you have it in you to fight? (she lost her son to Cancer, just 3 months ago; she is spent) or do you want me to help you go? All of her Medical Drs at this point are telling her to go, peacefully. "We'll provide Hospice." But, Dottie is a FIGHTER! If all of the Cancer is in her L lung, why are they not removing that lung? I have spent every 4 months in an Oncology Hosp for the last 7 years reading about what they can do with Lung Cancer. Why is she not being given an option? I told her that if she needed an Advocate, Jesus Christ was there for her. And I would be His back up...ask the tough questions; don't give up. After an hour and a half, she said, (exhausted); "I may just want to end my days not fighting. Tell my stories, see my kids and grands ("My mind is sharp, so no, don't fight this for me. I know my future."). I am having a hard time going to sleep, my JC Family. I just checked in with my KS son and he is fine - ready to sleep; pain free. I am just MAD at the Devil for trying to steal another life. My 75 (that's YOUNG in this day and time!) yr old friend, who has MUCH to share with her remaining kids and grands, and Great Grands, has much to live for. Please pray with me for Dottie. Pray that she wakes up tomorrow morning, RENEWED IN THE SPIRIT and ready to fight. Please pray for all 5 of my kids & their 4 wives. That the unbelieving believers unite with the believing believers. My believing kids are becoming hard-hearted to their non-believing believer sibs. I just said to Son #2 - "Reach out to your sister-in-love! Offer to take their 2 kid to the park with your little girl tomorrow night. Give them a break." He said, (hard-heartedly), "My brothers and sisters are the ones that believe." OMG - he has a Sister-in-Love (should be in LOVE; he sees her as a Sister-in-Law), who is married to his believing brother (and his BEST FRIEND), who needs a helping hand, and he says, "We aren't close - she doesn't get me!" WHY can't he SEE how he could reach her?
    So sorry for spilling my guts, JC Family. But, THIS is my world right now. So, please pray with me: for our family; for our dear sister-in-Christ, Dottie; for my Cases (was able to keep work flowing while at the hosp - VICTORY!); for our unbelieving Believers in this family, that TOTALLY blessed and kept the family together today, while their little brother was in a 5.5 hr surgery. Pray with me that they SEE what ties us all together. The ones who think they no longer believe, gave LOVE, LIGHT, ENCOURARGEMENT all throughout this day, to their little brother. The one, who believes, chose not to partake of that encouragement; "because they aren't my brothers and sister in Christ."
    NEED. SLEEP. Please pray for that I can go to bed and sleep, as I approach the 22nd hour of my day.
    Reminds, me Bob, of you encouraging me to get SLEEP (what? 2-3 years ago?). :) Heading to bed tonight, praying for this Crazy Quilt Family of mine. If I can see their goodness, I know God sees it even more. I need help in showing them The Way. Sigh. I'll probably post this for tomorrow, too, in hopes that I get pearls of wisdom from my beloved JC Family. Love all of you SO much and I thank you for your prayers.

    1. Praying for you and your family Norah, especially for the non-believers. May they seek the Lord Jesus as their savior. Praying for your dear friend Dottie as well. May she find piece in her decision to fight or not. God bless!


    2. Joining TJ in prayer Norah for all your concerns. Sleep the good sleep knowing the Lord of this universe has got this. Hallelujah!

    3. Goodness, Norah. I and see why you're exhausted physically and emotionally yet, knowing God is with you giving you the "petro" you needed for the day. You amaze me with continuing to do your work-job while your son is in surgery and praying for your kids to unite and believe. Praying you feel God's loving arms around you as you face a new day and that He gives you the strength and endurance you need. I hope, too, you got some much needed sleep last night. God bless you and your family, Norah! You and God are the strong, unbreakable thread holding the quilt that is your family together!

    4. ...praying, too, for your neighbor and dear friend, Dottie, Norah. May she feel refreshed and ready for battle this morning! Sending love and miraculous healing for Dottie!

    5. I'm praying for you Norah and your family and loved ones. You need some good rest. Remember, we are not here to "do it all". We are not capable--only God can accomplish everything. Father, please help Norah let go of control over every situation and take it from her shoulders. Give her the peace, comfort, strength, and love that she needs. Lift her up and bless her and all of those in her life that need You, Your healing, strength, comfort, peace, hope, and love. Thank You Jesus for always being there for all Your children and for being our Savior. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Peace be with you.

    6. Dear Norah, I join in Janet's prayer for you and your family. Might I refer to Bob's post about the Peace that came from being with his family? He wrote simply, "no agenda". I am literal so this means to me to let go of planning, of control of a situation, "leading the meeting". I'm sure that with rest, today may look a bit brighter to you. Embrace what you know, God will take care of the "how" it all plays out ( and for good ). With love, audra

  22. Father, thank You for saving me again. I know that You are always with me and working in my life, but You still amaze me when I see Your work, in part. Thank You for always amazing me and please continue to do it forever. You are so awesome and wonderful. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Continue Your amazing work in my life.

    1. Hey Dear Janet, I'm still awake (how funny that we can't sleep when we are SO exhausted!?). Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you as I go to sleep. Have you found housing? Are you well?
      For you, Janet; and for Dottie and all of my loved ones in my family, Ephesians 3:20
      “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,”

    2. Sweet Janet! Praying with Norah that you have found a place to stay that is warm and safe and that you are being taken care of dear sister. Amen Norah, Ephesians 3:20 is good medicine. He can do anything and even more that we need or ask for.
      Janet, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart! Praying for you.

    3. Have been in prayer for you dear Janet. I echo Jeanne's admonishment to trust. We love youπŸ’•

    4. I too think of and pray for you, dear Janet. Trusting God's good and perfect plan for you!

    5. Thank you all. I am so grateful for everyone here on this blog. God is working in my life and I'm starting to see things that I know are from Him. I will definitely update with all things going on. God bless you all.

  23. Dottie said that this was her song:
    Maybe, I'm fighting harder than she is?

    1. Dear Norah, What a powerful song! No wonder Dottie said this. She has had so many burdens to carry and now this.
      She has every right to tell God: This Time You Gave Me a Mountain.

    2. Praying for all.
      The Anchor Holds! (>>>Forward to 4:10)

    3. Good question, Norah! Maybe so.

  24. Websters definition of Intercessory Prayer: 1. the act of interceding. 2. prayer, petition, or entreaty in favor of another.

    I fully admit that I have no idea as to how prayers for others work. I may have mentioned that a good friend from the industry I've worked in for 30 years was diagnosed with liver cancer and was told he was not a candidate for a transplant due to all his other health issues and its advanced stage. He died last week and 100s if not 1000s were praying for a miracle cure.

    In my case, I have 1000s if not approaching 10K who prayed for me and my MM. I have my church, friends, industry friends, neighbors, and family. I read of too many to know churches that had my name detailed and to pray for healing and a successful transplant. I had you JC warriors and by the virtue of the amazing progress I've made how could one not conclude that intercessory prayer of 1000s had an impact. Now, no doubt I also was a champion of positivity and outwardly focused. So I'm genuinely curious as Bob said yesterday God is not Santa where every request is granted. but how do we know when and how He will act to the righteous intercessory prayers on behalf of another. This is where I honestly have no answer. In faith I pray but again, His perfect timing may be radically different than what all the prayer warriors are beseeching.

    Granted asking on behalf of others takes faith and assists in NOT being self-focused. However, my friend's death so soon and all the prayers for it not to be so, seemed only to serve as a testimony to faith and a focus on others vs self. Please share your thought and experiences. I pray for us all to understand Intercessory prayer with a new understanding. AMEN

    1. I agree, we tend to believe that the answer we desire for our prayers is God's will. We petition for life rather than death, success rather than what we believe is failure, our own strength rather than unbearable weakness. God's plans and purposes are perfect. He answers our prayers according to his perfect will. Our prayers should be focused on "your will be done Lord". We can tell him what outcome we desire, but his will be done.

    2. My dad died when I was a teenager. My mom, super-grounded in her faith, prayed and prayed. When he passed, my mom's repeated conversation with God was, "why didn't you answer my prayers, God??" She said a year or so after Dad went to be with God, she felt something deep inside tell her that maybe He answered my dad's prayer versus her prayer. He took Dad home and relieved his tremendous suffering. That brought Mom peace. She said when she heard that, she did an exhale with an audible, "OH!". But, yes, I've often wondered if God knows the number of our days, why pray? Yes, it shows our faith, I get that, but have to know that it might not be God's will. So, I add that to my healing prayer requests.

    3. Know that you will reach your Heavenly Home LATER, in My perfect timing; which is always right on time; not one moment too soon nor too late. Let the Hope of your Heavenly Home LATER encourage you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me NOW. 


      Last week while my head was struggling through "understanding" The Secret of Intercession Prayer, I asked many of the same questions Madfox asked.

      In essence, Why does the date on one package of good tasting expensive cookies expire before a cheap store brand?

      I was led to Proverbs 3. Could the answer to our questions be ...when you want Favor, Good Judgment and Common Sense, then...

           (drum roll please)

      ...Trust The Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself nor lean on and rely on your own understanding? Put God first in everything you do, and He Will Direct The Path and crown your efforts with success!???

      Should the final eight words in all of our prayer brackets be, [Not My Will But THY WILL BE DONE]???

      I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, but do I really want to know?

      Or would I prefer continuing in the fantasy game of a Santa Claus God or Vending Machine God??? Or comparing two lives and deciding which one I think should be allowed to live a bit longer on this earth??? Or thinking God died, and left me in charge??? Or satisfying whatever I use for gratifying my illusions of control???

      Thanks for opening up the real life chapter on INTERSESSION Prayers for JC Warriors to share any Light they have received.

      All of His Light is welcome in this place. May God shed His Light on Intercessory Prayers, however, Not my will, but God's Will Be Done. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. First dear MadFox, I am so sorry you lost your friend to cancer. God comfort you. We will get all our questions answered in the By and By. I have been praying for “Mark’s” recovery. Whether this was him or another, May God rest his good soul and comfort his family, friends and loved ones. I am sure your transplant went well because God is a great Healer and knew you trusted Him completely. Also He heard all of our sincere prayers. I prayed so hard for my Dad to beat his lung cancer but he lost the battle. His strong faith was an inspiration to me. I know I will be with him again. When my best friend died of cancer after so many of us had prayed so hard for her healing and recovery,I was so sad and I asked God why He didn’t save her. But He did save her because she was baptized right before she died and that was God’s answer to my prayers. Now I know we will be together in eternity.

    5. MadFox, The answer is "Not my will, but Thine be done". Praying for your recovery.

  25. My friend and her husband were both Bible Study leaders of large classes of Community Bible Study - he with the mens, and she with the women's. They were heavily involved in their church and community. He got a serious illness that we all prayed for. We prayed for a "miracle." I thought surely God would show all the people praying that their faith in prayers would be exemplified in order to strengthen their faith. My friend mortgaged their house to pay for his treatments and tirelessly took care of him while they changed their life to accommodate his care needs. Through it all my friend, when asked how her husband is doing said "God is Good" showing her strong faith.
    Her husband didn't make it. I wondered why our prayers of so many weren't answered. Three years later I believe it was her example of strong faith throughout and after his passing that God used for the good. She showed us all what strong faith, even when you don't get what you want looks like.

    1. It can be so hard sometimes to understand. I need to remind myself that His ways are higher than our ways and we can't see the bigger picture -- like He can. God bless you 8

    2. THROUGH IT ALL by Andrae Crouch
      I've had many tears and sorrows,
      I've had questions for tomorrow,
      there's been times I didn't know right from wrong.
      But in every situation,
      God gave me blessed consolation,
      that my trials come to only make me strong.
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I've learned to trust Jesus,
      I've learned to trust God.
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I've learned to depend upon His Word.
      I've been to lots of places,
      I've seen a lot of faces,
      there's been times I felt so all alone.
      But in my lonely hours,
      yes, those precious lonely hours,
      Jesus lets me know that I was His own
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I've learned to trust Jesus,
      I've learned to trust God.
      Through it all,
      through it all,
      I've learned to depend upon His Word.
      I thank God for the mountains,
      and I thank Him for the valleys,
      I thank Him for the storms He brought me through.
      For if I'd never had a problem,
      I wouldn't know God could solve them,
      I'd never know what faith in God could do.

    3. Amen Janet. He does see the big picture and is lovingly preparing the next one. Praying for you dear sister. He is still with you through it all.
      Love this song and remember a dear friend singing it. Thanks Brie!

    4. Very true. I think this happens often. Where God's plans are far different than what we can even fathom. I've also experienced answered prayers that ended up not being the positive 'expected benefit' or 'outcome', yet still reveling a greater purpose, wildly different than what originally prayed for. It all comes together eventually. Either right away, or years later... and a steady reminder that we don't know what's actually best for us. We just continue in our prayers, knowing that it's the faith in God (and love for others) that brings about blessings and teachings, not our will. God's plans are better than ours.

    5. Kathy, We will never know why so many of our prayers are seemingly unanswered. But I believe He is answering them in His own way, and often not the way we would wish it could be. It is so sad to see so many good people dying or injured or sick. We will just keep praying because we all have seen His faithfulness and healing many times. And we trust in Him.

    6. Dear heavenly Father, please give me the wisdom and strength to accept your way. Thy will be done, not mine! Provide me the way to this wisdom and strength. Help me to see that Your Way and plan is so much better than what I think or happen to be praying for (often on my terms-not good!). Amen.

  26. Giving thanks to You dear Lord, for the beauty and blessing of a new day. I am grateful that ‘Morning by morning new mercies I see, All I’ve needed and will ever need, Thy hand will and hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.’ Thank You for creating Heaven along with the creation of the earth, where everything operates according to Your will. It is Your dwelling place, and it awaits us at the end of our journey here on earth.
    When I think about Isaiah 55:12, “For ye shall go out with joy, And be led forth with peace: The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands,” like the trees of the field rejoicing,” I envision a time of great joy and celebration. I see a dynamic scene unfold, bursting with joy, peace, and singing praises to Your holy name, and all of nature coming together rejoicing in great happiness!
    The trees of the fields are just part of the whole picture, this verse is bursting with blessings and the hope of heaven. So Loving Father, thank you that from sadness, we now walk in JOY, Your Joy and Peace! May we “join with all nature in manifold witness, to Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood, amen!πŸ₯°

    2. Maplewood -"All I’ve needed and will ever need, Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me."
      Thank You Jesus for providing my needs. GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!!!!

    3. Just beautiful Maplewood! All of creation praising Him with singing and rejoicing together. I feel like the beauty of spring is God’s gift to revive our weary minds and hearts. We regain our hope and receive refreshment and renewal. Staying inside so much this winter was hard on my psyche but God led me through it! And kept my dear ones safe and in good health. He is so very faithful. All I can do is say Thank You Lord!

    4. Amen, Amen, Amen.

  27. Thank you for this blog. It is so encouraging to read. Praying for peace and presence of Jesus. I struggle with my faith being good enough or "done correctly" and have for years. I know its a stronghold and one that I pray to overcome. Doubt creeps in and is hard to overcome.
    Blessings to all

    1. Our Dear Unknown,
      When your faith is the size of a mustard seed, then our Lord Jesus Christ said it is Good Enough!
      Believe Him.

    2. Dear Unknown! He hears every beautiful word in your heart and He knows you are seeking to know Him better. As Brie puts it so perfectly: That’s Good Enough!

    3. Thank you for the encouragement. Jesus has answered so many of my prayers and I am so blessed. HE does know my heart and my desires. Unintentionally, the church I was raised in complicated things for me and I think it has made the simple act of faith seem more difficult. Your prayers are appreciated.

  28. Although the enemy tries to come against us, live in victory in Jesus always, not in defeat. The Lord always (not sometimes), turns things around for good.

    1. Yes He does dear Janet. Had a few things go wrong today and I was getting down but then a friend and sister sent me a story about 4 candles. Three candies were peace, faith and love.They didn’t see peace, faith and love in the world so their flames went out. A child saw only one flame and cried at the 3 candles that they weren’t ever supposed to go out Then the 4th candle said I am Hope and if you have Hope, you can light the other three candles again. So he took the fourth candle and lit the candles of Peace, Faith and Love.
      It lifted me up so much. Remain hopeful because God is a promise keeper.

    2. Thanks for sharing the Candle story, our Dear Blessing, Jeanne.
      You Light Up My Life ! Love, Brie

  29. Can we "count it all good?"
    Found this while researching in James:

    Trials are difficult and painful. But they exist for a purpose. Trials have the potential of producing something good in us, and, for this reason, they are an opportunity for expressing joy. Knowing there is a bigger picture, we can consider trials as things to rejoice in. Even though joy is contrary to our normal reaction, James urges us to work on changing our attitude toward troubles from dread to positive expectation, faith, trust, and even joy.

    1. Love how this message from last year is the PERFECT reminder for us as we approach this day. God is funny that way, He always finds a way to get our attention. Thank you!

  30. Just what we all needed to hear, dear Audra. We know we must rejoice in our hard times because they give us an opportunity to test our faith and lead others to Him. Thanks good sister! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™

  31. I thank all of you for your prayers and input. I was awake at 5:30, when I actually had set my alarm for 9:00. My heart was so disturbed. Today's devotion answered so many of my concerns and all of the input and prayers helped bolster me throughout the day.
    My DH and I spent time with Dottie today and she said she is going to fight - but she is peaceful. Her greatest concern is her family and the fact that they just lost a brother - her son, which I think you are right Jeanne, she never really has gotten over. MadFox, I will continue to study with all of you, Intercessory Prayer. One of the first verses I learned was, "The thief cometh not but for to steal, kill and destroy, I am come that you might have Life and have it more abundantly." I have lost a great number of people in my 65 years and prayed for all of them to live. As you said, MadFox, why are some spared and some not? I can't possibly answer that but I know I serve a living Savior who defeated death and all of us will too with our Eternal Life.
    I will continue to pray for my friend to beat this. I will still believe if she doesn't. And I know either way, I will see her again for Eternity.
    As for my family: the knowledge of Dottie's prognosis softened hearts as it does for all of us when we hear news like this. I think it struck them how temporal this life is and that we need to glean the time with our loved ones every single day.
    Thank you again - all of you for helping me with your love, concern, songs and prayers. I will keep you posted on my Dottie. She asked that I thank all of you too.

    1. Thanks for sharing your prayers and your faith with us, our Dear Norah. I am joining you in both.
      ...I will continue to pray for my friend to beat this. I will still believe if she doesn't...

  32. p.s. Chuck is doing great and he thanks you as well for all of your prayers for his healing and restored hearing.

  33. I was praying Dottie would decide to fight. She is hurting because she is in mourning. God knows how she feels. Amen! He is come so we may have life, and have it more Abundantly. We have all lost loved ones despite praying without ceasing. But God's will must be done. MadFox, we know our questions will be answered. I sure will keep praying for all those who are suffering and in need of God's healing of body, mind and spirit. Yes dear Norah, No matter what lies ahead for Dottie, she is your sister in Christ and she will always be with you in this world or the next. Life doesn't end with death, it just changes. And love never ends. So sad how fleeting life is, just like a flash in the pan. That's why we must make sure to live in love each day and do our best to please Him. Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone and the line that goes on forever is far more important than our brief stay in this fallen world. Thanking God that Chuck is doing well and we will be hearing about another victory as his ears heal from the surgery. Praying for all of you and my dear JC Family.

  34. Another way of showing intercesorry prayer as a discipline that is a mystery is the email I got today from my Doc. "Total hematalogic remission". It was the result of a test that showed no signs of any MM cancer markers in my blood.

    God I do not know how the prayers of a few or thousands impact the outcomes of events, but you told us how to pray and to do so without pride. Thank you for answering our prayers for Janet, Norah, Brie, Jeanne, and so many others here. Sometimes the answer is no, may we grow in the acceptance of Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    1. WOW! "Total hematalogic remission" Thanks for sharing Brother Friend, Madfox. And thank God we do not have to rely on our own understanding of Intercessory, or an other prayers, for them to work. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours. Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    2. Praise the Lord! That's great MadFox!

    3. Hallelujah!!! So happy for you dear Brother! We serve such a good and faithful God. Thank You Jesus!!!

    4. Hallelujah!!! So happy for you dear Brother! We serve such a good and faithful God. Thank You Jesus!!!

    5. Absolutely MadFox. May your medical blessings continue. Thank you Jesus healer of ALL! Amen

    6. Amen ABC!
      Dear MadFox, May God continue to heal you and guide you through your medical treatments smoothly to His glory. Thank You Jesus!

  35. WHAT BLESSED WORDS to read, MadFox!!! CONGRATULATIONS as we give God the Glory!!

  36. Amen dear Min Ahadi. Our Anchor surely will Hold. We are tethered to Him an we are tethered to Heaven. God bless you dear sister.

  37. Thinking on the Divine Exchange. He gave His life for me. I give my life to Him. He lives in me. In Him I live and move and have my being. I gave Him my Sin, He took it, destroyed it on the Cross, and redeemed me. I am His, He is Mine. Thank you Jesus.


    1. Jesus was punished, that we might be forgiven.

    2. Jesus was wounded, that we might be healed.
    “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isa53:4-5).

    3. Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness,
    that we might be made righteous with His righteousness.
    "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" -2Cor5:21

    4. Jesus died our death, that we might receive His life.
    “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone” (Hebrews2:9).

    5. Jesus endured our poverty, that we might share His abundance.
    “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich,
    yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” (2Cor8:9).

    6. Jesus bore our shame, that we might share His glory.
    “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2)

    7. Jesus endured our rejection, that we might have His acceptance with the Father.
    “He predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians1:5,6).

    8. Jesus was made a curse, that we might possess His blessing.
    “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree") that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:13,14).
    By courtesy of the Oxford Bible Church

    1. Thank you Peter! He lowered himself completely and gave every bit of Himself for us. He gave us our life when He gave His on the Cross. Never forget Calvary. Tonight at our Holy Thursday service, I just kept thanking Him for His sacrifice. It was the gift that will keep on giving right into eternity.

  39. Thank be to God! All that was prophesized has come to past about our Jesus. This is Maundy Thursday. From the arranging of the Last Supper to the healing of an ear. So much went on that night. I offer You, my Saviour, myself only. I raise holy hands in awe & praise of Your unconditional love that led You to walk through each event of this holy week. Walk me through it dear Lord, that I might with gratitude & thanksgiving realize the full impact & meaning of Your loving sacrifice on that cross. Hallelujah! Love &, blessings to all πŸ’ž

    1. Amen dear Jan! Praise Him who gave us so much and continues day by day to love us as we are, and lead us through every storm, and strengthen every weakness, and lift us out of the mire, because we are His. Halleluia. Love and blessings to you to dear sister.

  40. Dear Jesus, thank you for showing the disciples at the last supper the command of service to ALL. Washing their feet is a powerful (as all your teachings are) demonstration of what You have called ALL of us to do. Serve others in Your Holy Name. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    1. Amen!
      Dear Jesus, Lead us each day to do Your Will, not ours. Guide us to serve Your people according to Your Plan and for Your glory.

  41. I "hope" (lol) that I'm not sharing to much but sharing helps me recall what He is training into me and helps solidify these truths.

    My thoughts this morning on my way to work, were continuing on the theme of hope. My experience is that most often He brings truth slowly over time.

    A couple of verses He said to me in the past came to mind and they are part of the truth that I wasn't perceiving and experiencing consciously.

    Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I AM with you.

    May the God of hope, fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may super abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Even though I didn't understand at the time what He was showing me, there was a dawning of understand that began, and continues to get brighter over time and even as I write this.

    To begin to understand my identity in Him, to begin to loosen my hope from circumstances, and then to begin discover a hope affixed to my unitive identity in Him which allowed me to begin to discover my Hope growing in that relationship and not a hope in circumstances.

    This has been a slow and seemingly arduous process but the fruits of it are beginning to bloom. Some of those fruits are a newfound love, joy and peace and these are free to grow as my attitude (patterns of thinking) begins to line up with truth that I had known but didn't understand and experience.

    This process continues as I "keep showing up kid" and continues to grow as I seek His face rather than seeking Him only as a provider.

    I share this to honor Him, to testify what God (Love) is doing to me and to encourage you as you listen to and walk with Him.

    One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.
    Charles Chesterton

    What is He showing you in the valley?

    1. Dear Keith, Thank you for sharing your heart! It is always a delight to hear from you.
      What I have found experiencing " the valleys" is simply what my Father God wants is us. I have come to the place that what I want is what my Lord wants, His will, His way. We people, complicate things by tacking on rules and man- made laws that ensure frustration and kill the joy of following Jesus. God just want us to love Him with all our hearts and let our obedience stem from a heartfelt desire to be pleasing in His sight.
      I have found that this obedience allows me to step into the EXTRAVAGANCE of God.
      Lastly, I look to Micah 6:8 "He has told you O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" This is what fulfills me, no matter where I am!
      Great Blessings and Love to you Keith. One other thing that I know is that my Lord is just crazy about you!!!
      In His Grip of Grace and Mercy JJ

    2. Wonderful update dear Keith. He is working in your life and you are getting your priorities in the right order. You are "showing up" and allowing Him to walk with you through your days. Seeking His Face is something I do as I'm going to sleep. He has shown me His faithfulness today in two ways and I was so blessed by them. He continues to amaze me and all I can do is say Thank You Jesus. Continuing to pray for you dear Keith that He will guide you to all the desires of your heart and give you peace.

    3. Love this...."One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.
      Charles Chesterton". There can be so much pain and hardship in the valley, but growth and dependence on God as well. Dear Father help me to know this "valley" is when you are closest to me. Help me to see that you are with me every step of the way on my life journey. A journey that was written specifically for me. Amen.

  42. I ♥️ you guys. Nice recap to this day where we Praise the Lord for all things great and small. Peace. Out. 😴

  43. Love you too dear Audra! Praise Him for all things great and small! Amen!

  44. The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God. (Romans 8:16). Therefore He is also able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25).

    1. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ! I praise You Lord always! Thank You Jesus 😊. Thank You for You Lord! I don't deserve You, but I am so very grateful for You! I need and want You in my life. I can't make it without You and I don't want to! You are my everything Lord!
      You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11). One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4).

    2. AMEN, Janet, AMEM!!! I am also soooo grateful for my Father God, my Jesus and my Holy Spirit!!!

    3. Amen dear Janet. "To behold the beauty of the Lord". What a glorious day that will be! Hallelujah!

    4. Jumping on the "AMEN!" train with JJ and Jan, Janet...all the "J's"! I think of Zach Williams's song, "Face to Face"...

    5. Amen! 'Face to face' shall I behold Him, far beyond the starry sky. Until then, we keep on keeping on.

    6. Gathering into that beautiful prayer dear Janet. I loved your verses too. Had a sleepover with Gabriel so I’m a little late today! But we prayed together and thanked God for this beautiful day! God bless you and all our dear HC Family!

    7. Oops JC Family!

  45. Amen Janet, the reading today reminded me of this new song that's out on Christian radio how can you not see God.

    … I see the sun rise in the morning
    And a million stars at night
    I hear the birds, they can't stop singing hallelujah
    I see His goodness when I fall down
    And it's grace that picks me up
    Every day, I can't stop singing hallelujah
    … How can you not see God
    In every little thing, in every little moment?
    How can you not feel loved?
    How can you not? How can you not?
    'Cause He's in the middle of
    Every little thing and every little moment
    How can you not see God?
    How can you not? How can you not?
    … I see the sunset and I wonder
    If He paints it just for me
    Nobody else could make a world so beautiful
    How could I question His love when it's everywhere I go
    Wherever I look, I find another miracle
    … How can you not see God
    In every little thing, in every little moment?
    How can you not feel loved?
    How can you not? How can you not?
    'Cause He's in the middle of
    Every little thing and every little moment
    How can you not see God?
    How can you not? How can you not?
    … Everything is evidence (ooh-ooh)
    Showing me that You exist (oh-oh)
    All creation singing hallelujah
    Everything is evidence (oh, everything)
    Showing me that You exist (He's God)
    All creation singing hallelujah
    … How can you not see God
    In every little thing, in every little moment?
    How can you not feel loved? Hmm-mm
    'Cause He's in the middle of
    Every little thing and every little moment
    How can you not see God?
    How can you not? How can you not?
    … Oh, how can you not see God (everything is evidence)
    In every little thing, in every little moment? (Showing me that You exist)
    How can you not feel loved? (All creation singing)
    How can you not? How can you not? (Hallelujah)
    'Cause He's in the middle of (everything is evidence)
    Every little thing and every little moment (showing me that You exist)
    How can you not see God? (All creation singing)
    How can you not? How can you not?

  46. I'm still trying to figure out how to add my name consistently to the posts. I first heard this song last night as I was watching beautiful sunset. That is where I see God.

    Glimpse of Heaven on Earth

    1. Dear Violet --- Love the song! Thank you for sharing. Great Blessings on your day!

    2. Dear Violet ---- Love the song! Thank you for sharing. Great Blessings on your day!

    3. Just listened for the first time...not sure how I haven't heard this song since my radio is only playing Christian stations but maybe I was to be introduced to it now! GREAT song!

    4. "How Can You Not." By Leanna Crawford. Love her lyrics and music. She was one of the three artists' songs that played at sunset when I went to pray "on the mountain" after being diagnosed with "aggressive" cancer in the fall of 2020. The song was "Truth I'm standing on." I, too, listen to Christian radio and haven't heard it. Awesome message.

    5. Thanks for the link! ♥️🎢

    6. What a wonderful song to start my day! Thanks dear Violet!
      And thanks for the link.

  47. Dear Violet, I think when you comment, there's a little scroll down arrow beside your name. Try that. Keep in mind, I often ask my JC family to help. There's a few posting here who are very savvy technically πŸ˜„. Have a blessed dayπŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  48. My Father God, I Decree and Declare over my Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS --- I look toward their VICTORY! Justice will prevail!!! They are on the winning side. God, You are on their side, so they can't lose. They are undefeated because The Great I Am has defeated their adversaries and everything the adversaries had planned for them. Their VICTORY is HERE and NOW! The Greater One lives in them! The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is in them and reigns in their life. Their enemies fall before their face. I Decree and Declare COMPLETE RESTORATION IS THEIRS, in Jesus's name. And that time IS NOW! For Your Honor and Your Purposes, my Lord, AMEN and AMEN. Great Love and Blessings, JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!! JJ

    1. Beloved JJ, I receive your Love, Blessings and Victory in Jesus.

    2. Receiving as well, JJ. Thank you! Great love and blessings to you, dear and awesome JJ!

    3. Standing firm on JJs prayer!

    4. Thanks so much dear JJ! Amen!! Received it too and I was blessed by it! The Victory is ours and He fights all our battles and makes our ways straight and smooth! Hallelujah!

  49. I cant believe this was written for half sister passed away yesterday at 6:17 pm 😒 😞 tyyy Jesus

    1. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sending up prayers for you right now. Peace Be With You. What a beautiful song. I’m also inspired by this post and the shared and songs. Have a Blessed Friday

    2. So very sorry you lost your half sister. May God rest her beautiful soul and comfort your broken heart. You’ll be with her again. Hold His Hand and trust in Hus promises.

    3. Dear Anonymous ---- My heart goes out to you for the loss of your half sister. "Blessed are they that morn," taught by Jesus, "for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4).

  50. "As you walk along your life-path holding My hand, you are already in touch with the essence of heaven: nearness to Me."

    My very first thought when starting my meditation this morning was that He, our God is inextricably interwoven with our very being. To meditate on that fact is awesome!
    Bone and marrow can be separated, He and we can't.
    He and we are inseparable:
    AMPC Romans 8:39-39 "For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,
    39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
    Part of the Westminster catechism says:
    "The chief (main purpose) of Man is to know God and enjoy Him forever"
    1 John 4:12-14
    12. "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.
    13. We know that we live in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit.
    14. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world."
    All of this means that no matter what happens personally, in our circle of family friends and acquaintances; nationally and internationally, we are in relationship and constant and instant communion with Almighty God ( Father, Son and Holy Spirit) Creator of the universe and all that is in it.
    Our prayers and thoughts to Him do not travel millions of miles or light years.
    As He by the Holy Spirit lives in us communication is instant.
    Enjoy a precious day with your instant Companion, Jesus.

    1. Amen! Just wonderful encouragement dear Peter. Thank you

    2. Thank you, Peter, for your uplifting post! Love the AMPC!
      You just can't beat Romans 8:38-39. I also love Ephesians 3:14-20 in AMPC. The 20th verse reads: "Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundtantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest, prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]-"
      The Lord had me at
      "superabundtantly "!

  51. Thank you Peter! I will IN JOY this day!

  52. I just emailed the end of today’s devotion to my good mom. She is so anxious to leave this earth. She tells everyone: “I want to die”. We tell her every new day is a gift but she is not enjoying her life, She always seems to be in the bathroom and she has no appetite. So I sent her this and told her God is in charge and I love her.
    “At the end of your life-path is an entrance to heaven. Only I know when you will reach that destination, but I am preparing you for it each step of the way. The absolute certainty of your heavenly home gives you Peace and Joy, to help you along your journey. You know that you will reach your home in My perfect timing; not one moment too soon or too late. Let the hope of heaven encourage you, as you walk along the path of Life with Me.”
    We prayed a lot together. Today was a pretty good day. My mom seemed more content. The sun was shining but it was so windy. I gave my sister a break today and I planted pretty pansies in all the flower boxes and my mom was thankful. She ate a little more than yesterday and she had her two daughters with her all the time. She knows she is loved. We’re trying our best to help her feel better. Trusting the Lord to guide us through our days. Leaving for home in the morning to sing in Church. Janet got some well deserved rest and she is feeling better too. God is holding all of us tight! God bless your days, dear JC Family! Let us keep our eyes and ears fully open as we Journey with the Lord today.

    1 Corinthians 15:58
    Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

    1. When my DH's sister went through her constant 'l want to die' season, at our wit's end, we finally asked her to talk it over with God that night and let us know what God Said.
      The next day, we asked her if she talked it over with God. She said she did. We asked her what did God say.
      She told us God said, WAIT.
      She seemed more at peace after she had a talk with God. She was relieved to know, God didn't say No!

    2. That was so reassuring dear Brie! I just told my mom that God is preparing our futures, day by day and we are all waiting together on the Lord. Thanks for sharing that. It blessed me.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Loved that, Brie! Jeanne, I just ordered Mannose D and my good son, Chuck brought me some Cranberry Juice. Heading to be a thankful woman of God! I share this link with you, taken from the Joyce Meyer Women's Conference in TX. Beautiful woman of God, painting. Jeanne, she reminded me of you! Enjoy...'nite!

    1. Wrote this at 12:45 a.m. 4/14/24...WHAT am I doing awake? LOL!

    2. Thanks! That was pretty cool! Get some rest dear Norah. That Mannose D and cranberry juice will surely help you! So happy you're taking care of yourself. Praying for your DH and you. Your son Chuck is such a Gem!

  55. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118: 24
    The birds are chirping this morning, there is a gentle breeze, flowers are blooming, the trees are a beautiful spring green, there is a baby deer bedded down in the backyard, the sun is shining, squirrels are chasing each other.... Jesus I see you everywhere.

    1. Thanks for keeping your eyes open and sharing some hints of Heaven when you activated today's devotion, Suzanne R.,
      ...You can find many hints of heaven along your pathway, because the earth is radiantly alive with My Presence...
      I'm going outside to do likewise.
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™ In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. I could see it and feel it! I woke up to the birds singing and as I went home, I noticed all the tulips along the way and the flowering trees and I was blessed! Jesus, I see you everywhere! Amen!
      Yes dear Brie, My Bible group member is also in our choir and I take her home after Church. On the way home she said. Look at all the beauty around us down here! I wonder about the beauty up in Heaven! I said it will be so amazing and better than we could ever imagine. God's promises are true!
      Enjoy your Beauty walks dear sisters!

  56. Blessings on this beautiful morning, JC Family. I've so enjoyed reading through the years this morning. Happy 2nd Birthday, Dear MadFox! Praying for all of you and believing with you, Jeanne for your good Mom and that your day is a blessing. My DH is up, showered and ready for Fellowship and I must follow suit. Our 2 little Grandsons are here and very content. Looking forward to seeing the Family today to celebrate April BDs. Have a lovely day, keeping God's Word first in our hearts and minds.

    1. Good AM all. Very Blessed in 2024. Actually believe it or not, it has been 3 years. Feel for Jeanne with a mom wanting to find the door to heaven now. JC explains that well above I also loved the advice to ask God. Wish I had read that a decade ago with my 100+ year old grandmother. She kept saying, why am I here? And my response was she was still this amazing light of positivity... which she was, even with dementia, she was always smiling and positive. May we all walk this earthly path with the light and love of Christ. Amen

    2. Dear Norah! Have a wonderful day with your beautiful family, especially your littles! Happy April Birthdays! So happy Loren is feeling good. God is so faithful. Amen! Keeping His Word in the forefront of my mind. Today-This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! So many reasons to be grateful! I have my son's family coming over for dinner and I can't wait to be with little Nathaniel and Gabriel!
      Happy 3 years, dear MadFox and thanks for your understanding heart! Yes, May we all walk this earthly path with the light and love of Christ. May He lead us all through our lives right into eternity. Amen.

  57. God's Blessings for all this day. "Let us rejoice and be glad in it." John H.

    1. Amen! You and I are on the same page! Have a blessed day, dear John H.!

  58. Yes, anonymous, let God’s blessings flow to all this day and every day! As I read through this day’s posts, I was struck with this thought. When I find myself worrying about a small thing (which you can always find), I ask God to show me all the small things around me for which I can thank Him and be joyful! There are so many. May God richly bless you each one.

    1. Yes, dear Ellen! There is always something to be thankful for. We also we have the joy of the Lord which is unchanging, just like His promises. God bless you too, and your family!

  59. John 4:14 the living Word and the written Word will satisfy your soul's hunger and thirst.
    Do you have a favorite 4:14 scripture that goes with today's date?

    1. 2 Corinthians 4:14 KJV

      14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you

      Adding the rest of the verses to the end of the chapter -
      15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
      16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
      17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
      18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

  60. Googling John, Esther, Ephesians and can't decide πŸ˜‰ thanks for sending me on the hunt!

  61. Just wanted to share my Spurgeon Devotional for today. It was just so good!

    It Is Well…
    Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them.

    Isaiah 3:10
    It is well with the righteous ALWAYS.

    If it had said, "Tell the righteous that it is well with them in their prosperity," we would be thankful for so great a blessing, for prosperity is an hour of peril. It is a gift from heaven to be safe from its snares. If it had read, "It is well with them when under persecution," we would be thankful for such a comforting assurance, for persecution is hard to bear; but when no time is mentioned, all time is included.

    God's shalls must always be understood in their largest sense. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, from the first gathering of evening shadows until a new day dawns, in all conditions and under all circumstances, it will be well with the righteous. It is so well with him that we could not imagine it to be better, for he is well fed—he feeds upon the flesh and blood of Jesus; he is well clothed—he wears the imputed righteousness of Christ; he is well housed—he dwells in God; he is well married—his soul is knit in bonds of marriage to Christ; he is well provided for—for the Lord is his Shepherd; he is well endowed—for heaven is his inheritance. It is well with the righteous—well upon divine authority; the mouth of God speaks the comforting assurance.

    O beloved, if God declares that all is well, ten thousand devils may declare it to be ill, but we may laugh them all to scorn. Blessed be God for a faith that enables us to believe God when the creatures contradict Him. It is, says the Word, at all times well with you, righteous one; then, beloved, if you cannot see it, let God's Word assure you; believe it on divine authority with more confidence than if your eyes and your feelings told it to you. Those God blesses are blessed indeed, and what His lip declares is truth most sure and steadfast.

    1. Wonderful, thank you for sharing. It is well with me.
