Saturday, April 25, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 26

     Welcome problems as perspective-lifters. My children tend to sleepwalk through their days until they bump into an obstacle that stymies them. If you encounter a problem with no immediate solution, your response to that situation will take you either up or down. You can lash out at the difficulty, resenting it and feeling sorry for yourself. This will take you down into a pit of self-pity. Alternatively, the problem can be a ladder, enabling you to climb up and see your life from My perspective. Viewed from above, the obstacle that frustrated you is only a light and momentary trouble. Once your perspective has been heightened, you can look away from the problem altogether. Turn toward Me, and see the Light of My Presence shining upon you.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
English Standard Version

16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

Psalm 89:15
English Standard Version

Blessed are the people who know the festal shout,
    who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,

My Prayer
Your word tells us O God to count it all joy whenever we encounter trials. Sometimes it is only when I am low that I lift up and see You over me, carrying me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.   

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I travel for a living and read your posts when I dont have my book. I like your prayers that conclude the reading when you add them. Thank you for posting.

    1. The same w/me!

    2. Thanks for making this available! I have one of the authors books, and I have read your posts everyday for a long tome,. Blessings!

  2. I know it has been a couple of years since you posted these daily devotionals but I wanted to say thank you for your past work. In January I had to move in to live with my father and take care of him because of his failing health. I was introduced to Jesus Calling in October of last year. It has been a godsend literally for me. I'm going through a divorce and with that on top of my responsibilities for my father is home and a disabled brother I count on these readings everyday. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you 4 these posts.

  3. YESSSSSSSS. thank you for posting. I pray that you are feeling peace that passes all understanding. I'm so grateful for your posts, but I do wonder how you and your family are doing. Your blog is often what gets me motivated to get up in the morning . God bless

    1. Thank you. Here is a picture of us from my daughter’s wedding last year:

    2. Beautiful picture. Beautiful family Chris! You have enriched all of our lives - blessings to your entire family. KS

    3. What a beautiful family you have, Chris! You are indeed richly blessed. May God protect them all and strengthen their faith always.

  4. I'm awake most mornings around 4 a.m. and this is the first thing I do is usually it's read Jesus calling for the day it lifts me up it gives me a closer walk with the Lord I thank you all for your comments

  5. If I had welcomed all of the obstacles thrown in my path this week, I would be singing from the roof top. A skunk in our crawl space, a favorite co-worker leaving for another job, and then yesterday, my husband back in the ER. It was a long day and ended well, with him back home, the skunk apparently moving on and my dear co-worker being the one to fill in for me so I could be with my husband. Family and friends praying and making offers to help heard my "festal shout" last night, giving thanks that all ended well. I can wonder and worry about our finances or I can be quiet knowing He is God and our needs are always met. Thank you for another day, Lord. Let me use it wisely and call on You each step of the way. Blessings to my JC Family.

  6. To God be ALL the Glory and Honor this morning! As we come to the end of the Holy Resurrection week, father, we pray never to depart from Your Presence nor ever forget the sacrifice You paid to set us free. Let us be reminded that EVERYDAY is a day of Thanksgiving to You. Thank You for the gift of life and forgiveness through Jesus our Savior . We reverence You, Love You and thank You. This is the day You have made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. You have given us a Spirit of love, peace and a sound mind, NOT fear! Thank You!

    Holy Spirit, help us to turn towards You and see the light of Your Presence shining on us no matter what problems we encounter in this world. Keep us from self-pity (I am so guilty and struggle with this sin and confess it to You) Help us to look away from the problems, but to the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus the Christ! Let us be reminded that You are our 'Way Maker, Miracle worker, Promise Keeper and Light in the darkness'. That is who You are! Thank You Lord!

    JC family, I lift everyone of you and your family up in prayers this morning. I declare and decree in the name of Jesus, that No weapons fashioned against you will ever prosper and every tongue that rises against you is condemned, you and your family are covered in the Precious blood of Jesus, greater is He that is in you than He that is in this world, you are Blessed and Highly favored, and God's chosen. May the Peace of GOD and the power of the Holy Spirit rest upon all of you today and guide your steps, in Jesus name!

    Thank You Heavenly Father for forgiving our sins and hearing our prayer and Honoring it to Your Glory in Jesus name!

    Dear Lord, we also lift up all the families that lost love ones in Sri Lanka on Easter morning and other parts of the world. You said that we will be crucified for Your sake, but You promised a greater reward! Grant them Your peace and comfort in Jesus name. Help them through this horrible pain, to see Your Light at the end of the tunnel because You are Faithful! We send prayers, comfort, love and peace towards them and say THANK YOU for hearing us in Jesus name! Amen!

    1. I needed to read these posts this morning. Thank you Anonymous for being used of God to leave the "pity party" today. I'm tripping all over myself! Ugh😫. It comes on so quickly! Time to change my vantage point. Thank you Jesus for my JC family, bless the socks off every single soul today!πŸ₯°

    2. Thank you Anonymous, your prayer is great. I claim it in the name of Jesus, Amen!

    3. Anonymous. This prayer demonstrates you are God's beloved! In you He is well pleased! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    4. Thanks to all for the comments, the Glory belongs to God! Stay Blessed.

      Anonymous (4:34am post)from Maplewood, NJ

    5. I love this prayer! God bless you all! Colorado JC Friend

    6. Maplewood, Your prayer even a year later echoed the words in my heart. Let us never fall into a pity pool but always see His guiding Hand before us. He can make any problem into a victory and blessing. God truly teaches us through your words. You are very generous with your spirit and your gifts. God bless you always.

    7. Thanks Anonymous. We must remember to pray for all those who are dealing with the loss of their loved ones and suffering all other effects of Covid, physical, mental, emotional and financial. Thank You Father for providing healing, comfort and guidance to Your children. And we pray that You will call them to You and they will say YES.

    8. Your prayer is my prayer Jeanne. Loving prayers

    9. Thank you for the prayer Anonymous

    10. Thank you Maplewood for your beautiful prayer. God bless you and yours always
      Prayers for our JC family

  7. I can't tell you how much this blog has blessed me these past few months. I too have the book, but started going to this blog and a few others because of the convenience. God does work in mysterious ways because he is using this blog written 4-6 years ago to bring a community of believers together from all over. If I read correctly, we have Louisiana, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, California,and I think I remember the Paytonfamily is from Arizona. I'm adding Pennsylvania to the mix. The disadvantage of being from the east coast is I only see the older posts and maybe a few from today when I check in. I do, however look forward to checking in again at the end of the day and am amazed to see how much has been added. Thanks for all the reminders to be patient and that God always provides.Blessings to my JC family.

    1. Add Va. To your list, formerly Pa.

    2. Add Oklahoma! ��

    3. I am in Pennsylvania also. Formally New York City New York.

    4. Add Tennessee. Formally Washington DC and Illinois.

    5. Actually, I'm in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but close to Arizona.

    6. Thank you for your beautiful prayer. Today’s message was perfect. It gave me heave hope and restored my faith. Thank you for being here.

    7. I’m in AZ!

    8. Ohio...never miss a day. Thank you all for sharing.

    9. Add Texas formerly N.j
      Currently in Florida.
      Peace be with you where ever you have landed.

    10. I'm in White Plains, NY and blessed to stand on the same Cornerstone with all of you.

    11. I am so happy that I found this family of believers because it has been such a blessing to me. I am in Florida. Thank you everyone for your encouragement to others who are on their journey with the Lord.

    12. Still on the road again - Destination Heaven: journeying through Katrina, with long stops living in Canada and Georgia, currently in Mississippi via Louisiana!

    13. Rio Rancho nm REBECCA pena

    14. This family is a blessing to me all the way in Nairobi, Kenya in Africa. We love God on this side of the continent too !

    15. Still here in Pennsylvania 3 years later. Still visit this site daily and lift up prayers, although I don't post often. Still blessed by this family of believers.

    16. It is great to see your post again PEBGDesigns! πŸ˜€ Along with the posts from this entire JC Family,, I still draw strength from your posts about your brother's earthly transition to Heavenly realms. Thanks for all your prayers.

    17. I’m from Missouri 🩷

  8. I’m from Pennsylvania too!! I read the blog everyone morning after reading the book and look forward to everyone’s comments which lift me up for the day. So thank you all for being here

  9. Day 16! Halfway to 30

    1. Yeay! Keep it up😁. God loves you!

    2. I second Jan's reply for Anonymous! I ask for great blessings today upon Anonymous and this wonderful JC family!!!

  10. Thank you Anonymous for your prayer this morning. It was very inspiring and helpful. I also love this blog and find that I enjoy it so much more than just the book by itself.

    1. Angela--I agree with you wholeheartedly! Couldn't of said it better. Great blessings to everyone this day!!!

  11. Add IL to the list. Thru this site the Lord took me by the hand and led me to another great blessing after much pain. I am so grateful for this husband of my “later years” and the daily reminder of all that is good in my life here on earth until heaven is my home!! We must never lose site of all the blessings that fall on us from the Lord even in our darkest times.

    1. gma- By His stripes you are already healed of that pain in Jesus name!
      I'm 53 (never been married, no children) and praying for a godly husband in this my latter years. God can do the impossible!

      Blessings to Him for yours!

    2. Happy for you gma b.
      Dear Anonymous, I pray God has guided you to that good Christian man or He has guided him to you. God bless you dear!

    3. God's timing is best ! We thank God for your husband in later years Gma . Anonymous ....wait upon the Lord , He has heard your prayer and mine too . Godly perfect plan is on the way , begin to give thanks .... This song is a blessing

  12. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You watch over and keep each person on this blog safe in Your loving arms as we go about our daily business.

    I ask that You heal Nora's husband of what ails him.
    Thank you Lord on Nora's part, for the skunk leaving her crawlspace without reeking havoc by spraying it and making a horrible mess.

    I ask that You grant each prayer request from this blog and thank you Lord in advance for each one answered. It may not be the answer we want, but You know our needs more than we do, so it will be the right answer whether we know it or not.

    I can't thank You enough Jesus, for giving your life for the sins of the world. Help us as we go about our day to be the examples of Christ to each person we meet. I ask these things in Jesus precious name, Amen.

    1. Thanks dear Pamela K. You are always in my prayers. May God give you answers to your prayers too.

  13. Add Ohio! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and blessings. Anonymous, I went back to bed and checked in again. What a lovely prayers. And Jan, I'm with you on everyone getting their socks blessed off today! Each and every prayer is heard and our Father has promised to deliver. One of my Prayer Partners texted me, "The Lord does not deliver by sword or spear, for the battle belongs to the Lord. Facing our giants today in all confidence!" These words and prayers are a healing balm. AND, Anonymous - congratulations on Day 16!! YOU CAN DO IT through Christ's stripes you are healed. God Bless JC Family!! <3

  14. Blessings. Add Florida to the list. Such wonderful comments and prayers. I dearly love and appreciate this post. Thank you JC Family

  15. After reading about all the different states that the JC FAMILY hails from, one can see the Lord has this wonderful blessed nation to be awash in powerful prayer! Praise the Lord for the Army of God!

    1. It seems we have JC prayer Warriors from North, East, West and South along with other parts of the world. Looks like we may have the world covered and smothered in prayer. Praise be to God in Jesus Name, He's got the whole world in His Hands...

    2. Amen to that Brie!! We’re spreading His love, comfort and peace everywhere.

    3. Feeling the widespread coverage this morning lifting souls in prayer πŸ™♥️

  16. Yay! JESUS YOU ARE AMAZING! Colorado JC Friend

  17. Jesus Calling... I’m from NC this morning I am reading really late and decided to read the prayers from yesterday (I read EVERY morning) usually I am reading prayers in the evening but I didn’t last night because I was praying long for my 21 year old daughter who suffers from depression and possibly stomach ulcers / anxiety. And my 23 yr old daughter both girls true miracles. My oldest girl came 6 wks early and doctors told us she would not make it through the day, if she did they knew she would have mental and physical conditions for life. Before having her my husband and I lost five children it was only after much research that a researcher found I have an autoimmune disorder that causes my body to extinguish anything foreign in my system. My youngest daughter we had after loosing yet another child, only this time a set of twins that we had lost at our first daughters First birthday party. This daughter we were highly recommended to abort the specialists knew she was down syndrome and possibly be accompanied by physical problems. We chose not to abort, after all God had already sent for seven of the children at this point we just thought if he wants her he would take her at his time not the doctors choosing.
    BOTH girls extremely healthy, BOTH honor students all through school (well until middle of college for each) BOTH played every sport offered in our region and BOTH top players at each of their game. Most IMPORTANTLY each gave their heart to God at young ages and loved the Lord their God with all their hearts BOTH until around the end of their freshman yr in college. The younger frustrated at the older when she would come home and ask “why are you acting like this you are a follower of God, you better straighten up” and would pray for her. Yet she fell in the same pit. Please pray for these child God has entrusted my husband and I to raise. I feel like such a failure to them and my Lord. Our girls listen to the most disgusting foul worded lyrics ( I don’t refer to it as music). They used to live to get to church and they were BOTH proponents to bringing a youth ensemble band to our congregation BOTH have played at Carnegie Hall one of them TWICE. Now we have to beg them to come to church, each Sunday I’m looking over my right shoulder every five seconds praying they come.
    Please pray for them to look to Christ for guidance and pray they have a desire to serve and love our living God who loves them unconditionally and pray this Momma who is 50 will ONLY SAY words to them that he places on my tongue and my husband too. Thank you for your prayers, btw this request is from runaprilmae... April Mae

    1. April Mae, we miss you and praying for you. May God keep you safe and grant your heart desires. You are missed and loved!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. April Mae, you are loved and missed.

    3. April Mae you are blessed! God loves you and has a purpose for those girls, they are Not a direct extension of you. Our children have their own individual journey how can we take on their lives and choices as our own? That is playing God and not in alignment with Him. The devil whispers that we are to blame for others choices, that bears NO wisdom, it is a sharp lie that cuts our usefulness and leaves what influence we have damaged. Follow & trust the Lord with all your heart, repent of what is truly yours. Pray for the lost, especially those the Lord has put in our families. Feel the freedom from doing your part, being all God wants you to be Thru Christ, that alone is a lofty goal and can only be accomplished thru your attachment to The God of All creation not your attachment to another. Each of us has OUR journey to accomplish we were never asked to complete someone else's. God loves YOU and He loves them just as much, He is always faithful and will complete what He has started without your punishing yourself with guilt. I speak of this because I understand but the scales have been removed from my eyes and The Lord is moving powerfully within the lives of my dearest one, my flesh and blood.
      I am letting God be God and it appears that has always been the solution. My part is prayer and gratitude, hope and faithfulness and of course Showing great love in all circumstances. I can only do that thru Him! Controlling anothers life not on His list !
      I love this family of followers from all over the county and offer my prayers of peace and wellness for each of you.

    4. Fern, Your wise advice to April Mae touched my heart in a special way. Although my husband goes to Mass every Sunday, he just doesn't know if he believes in Jesus. I have put this in God's hands. Two of my three sons stopped going to Church and one wife who was in the Choir with me stopped going after our grandson was born. The other wife never went, and doesn't believe in God. She's a good girl but she actually asked me not to say
      God Bless you, in her presence. When my other grandson was born, he was never baptized. My son asked me not to try to baptize him myself. I have put all this in God's hands. We can only let our light keep shining before them and pray that they will come to the Lord in God's timing. We plant the seeds and then we wait on the Lord. April Mae should not feel guity because her girls have free will and they will find their own way. For a short time in college, I stopped going to Church but my heart brought me back. After I surrendered myself to Christ, I could never even imagine not belonging to Him. My life is in His Hands and I am so blessed knowing this each day. He is everything to me. Without Him, I would be like a piece of driftwood floating around in a dark sea. I can do all things through Him and I am so blessed. The true joy and peace is from above. I believe that the Lord is moving through my children and their wives, and in God's timing they will come to Him. We must truly let go and let God be God. There is no condemnation, so let's all just throw the guilt away, and while we're at it, there's just no room for any Fear. Our Lord has already conquered death and is at the right hand waiting for us when our time comes. He is mighty to handle our problems and this Pandemic. I love you, my dear family from all over the country, and I pray for you every day. Be blessed and continue to rejoice and be glad.

    5. Amen A poem for you all.

      For every pain that we must bear
      For every burden,every care
      There's a reason.
      For every grief that bows the head. For every teardrop that is shed.
      There's a reason.

      For every hurt, every plight,
      For every lonely, pain-racked night.
      There's a reason.
      But if we trust God as we should. All must work out for our good.
      He....knoes the reason!

    6. Thank You God, I too had to experience things that go bump in the night, i.e., my hard head hitting against the brick wall while in darkness.
      I wholeheartedly relate to sleepwalking in the dark, even in broad daylight until I constantly bumped into an obstacle that stopped me, and presented a fork in the road, where I had to be the one to choose my direction in order for me to stick with the course.
      Once I had enough with choosing trips down into the PIT-y Party, I learned to assume I had a ladder, and my ladder was Jesus. Once it became my choosing, I could give a sincere festal shout, walking up high above the snakepit, depending on Him, no turning back, no turning back, no matter what. No more life for me in the PITS, which is the only place one can attend the PIT-Y PARTY.
      Those who tried to lead me felt they failed, but to the contrary, prayers always succeed, in accordance with God swill and God sway in God's time on God's day. When I think back on the praying people, whose gift of prayer I shall always appreciate, I was searching to see if their trust in God was truly real. Did they trust God enough to believe He loves me just as I am and could guide me where I need to be? Did they really TRUST God enough to model His behavior and act like Him by loving me instead of nagging me, complimenting me instead of criticizing me, festal praising Him rather than continually lamenting in my presence? To that extent, I was drawn closer or pushed further away from their brand of God.
      In terms of a football game, my prayer warriors were like cheering fans in the stands, I was the running back they were praying on and cheering on to reach THE GOAL, and JESUS is my true highly skilled and most capable quarterback, rather than the cheering fans in the stands!
      I am now going through some tough estrangement issues with someone I dearly dearly love. I share in order to try keeping my experience on the front burner and keep on praying CONTINUALLY, JC family. As I navigate estrangement, and life, you are truly a blessing to me. I truly believe prayers worked on me and will continue working long after I am gone. Until I make it home, I am planning to keep on singing festal songs such as Change my heart O God, make it ever new; change my heart O God, I choose to live like You, trusting in Your Holy Word and in Your blessings on me and each of my dear ones, including all members of my JC family. Amen

    7. Brilamar praying over your pain of estrangement...interesting word. God bless you

    8. Brilamar. Thank you for sharing your broken heart but also your strength of faith. Praying that God in His compassion will resolve things between you and the one you dearly love. He sees your sincere heart and trust in Him. He knows your pain from your strained relationship with the one you love. Wait on the Lord. He will make all things right in His own timing.

    9. Still praying for you and your girls, April Mae.
      Dear Brie, God will fix the broken ties in your family and life. He knows how to put everything together right like a sacred Jigsaw puzzle. He is the Way Maker. Asking Him to heal Keith and bring you to joy, peace and fulfillment. I love you Sister.

    10. Love to you as well sweet sweet Jeanne, my sister-friend in Christ. With all of my JC prayer Warrior Family praying, I can always look forward to the outcome. All of you give me hope to carry on, Thanks be to God, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    11. Thanks for the Love! You lift me high every day. We pray for each otherπŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  18. Real Joy in You Father, does not always look or feel full, but this morning I say Thank You for:“The promise and hope we have in Christ is not that we will be affliction-free, but rather that we will be able to endure any kind of suffering because of the hope, the riches,and the power we have in Christ” (Ephesians 1:15-23).

    Dear Heavenly Father, We are told today to:“Welcome Problems as Perspective-Lifters”. Yes, we all have problems, none of whom are a surprise to You. However, it is how we respond to those problems that will determine our faith and trust in You. Trusting You is a moment to moment choice that we must make constantly every day, knowing that You can and will trade our fear for Your perfect Peace!
    The problems we face will either weigh us down or serve as a ladder giving us a higher perspective. When we choose to be weighed down, we have questions like: where is God? how can I appreciate good days when there are problems all around me? How can I turn towards You to see the Light of Your Presence shining on me when I am blinded by problems? Can I see You in the midst of a very bad day?
    The answers to all the above are good news when we fix our eyes on You, seek You and trust You! So please help us to maintain great attitude towards the problems that come into our life on a regular basis, to see each one as an important component of our trust in You, and enjoy our lives in the fullest possible way.
    You have offered us abundant life, our part is to trust You, refusing to worry about anything. When our thoughts become anxious with adverse events and how we are going to handle them, help us never to forget You and the fact that You are in charge of our life.
    May we reframe setbacks as opportunities opening our eyes to see that we gain much more than we have lost. Help us to trust that You know what You are doing so that we can be ready to follow. Regardless of our struggles and how many times we face them, You are always there to show us an unlimited level of compassion.
    Help us to remember that the pain, sufferings and problems are opportunities to demonstrate our trust in You and also remember that absolutely nothing is impossible with You. Satan may despise our suffering because he knows how often it backfires on him! That’s Victory for us, so thank You Father!
    This morning, we heighten our perspective and we choose to trust You and learned to laugh in the midst of this pandemic and the struggles we are facing. More importantly, we have learned that You are well aware of what we are going through and You are providing comfort to see us through. Therefore, may we not lose heart, and ask that You open our eyes to see that outwardly, we may be struggling, but inwardly we are being renewed. For our ‘light and momentary troubles’ are helping us to achieve an eternal glory. Thank you, God for helping us have a heavenly perspective in the midst of difficulties.
    Thank you for allowing us to focus on what is really important and Thank you for a perspective lifter and for giving us a chance to smile. We seal our prayer in the Precious name of Jesus. Amen.

    Let’s rejoice today because, more souls are coming to Christ through Christian TV (Daystar, TBN, The Church Channel etc..),livestreaming, radio etc., and this is pissing the devil off! But who cares? He knows his destiny (Hell) and we know ours (Heaven) through the One and only Christ Jesus, our Lord!

    Remain Blessed and stay safe!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood - We will rejoice!!! This is the day the Lord has made. Praising and worshipping Him. Amen!!!Love and blessing to JC Warriors.

    2. Amen and Amen Maplewood! Thank you! If you only knew how much bright light you just added into a dark rainy day. I sure do appreciate it.

    3. Amen! Amen! Maplewood NJ. Satan does not hang around when all he has to listen to are CONTINUAL festal praises to our Good God, that's the reason why I sing and I'm going to keep on singing, I'm going to keep on shouting, I'm going to keep on lifting my voice, thanking God for all His goodness! GoodBye Satan

    4. Thanks dear Maplewood. Amen Brie! So let's just keep shouting Halleluia and Thanks to the Most High. He is just so good to us and we will praise His Holy Name forever!

  19. Amen Maplewood! I thank God for His perspective, His Wisdom, His Word that sustains us, teaches us, and fills us. Thank God that we can have His view and look at our trials differently. In Him we have everything we need.

  20. Today's post could've yesterday's for me. I was in such a slump until (I'm sure God reminded me) that my life isn't all about my happiness, but my purpose is to serve The Lord. Shifting to a focus as a servant relieves any habit of self-pity and grows you spiritually. Another weapon He reminded me of was the weapon of thankfulness. We are created to worship and praise Him, so our whole being is darkened if we neglect this simple but powerful act. He is calling us higher. He doesn't want us to be a self-focused, self-serving Christian, that's practically an oxymoron. In this time of quarantine, I pray for my focus to be on His goodness and for each of you reading this to see our Father's love and goodness. Holy Spirit we need You. Please help our minds come into Your light; we give You control. Please help us turn our focus toward serving You and Your people. You are mighty and able. We trust You. We praise You for Your amazing love and mercy; You set us free Our Heavenly Father! Glory to You, Our Loving Savior <3 Please help us yield to Your plan and purpose. You know what we need. Help us serve You Lord. Set our hearts on fire for You. In Jesus's name. Amen.

    1. Thank you for reminding me. " Life isn't about my happiness" but serving the Lord is where I will find my life...and that makes me joy filled and happy.

    2. Wonderful truth free as can B. Our purpose is to serve The Lord and He is the one that brings joy and peace to our lives. But we may just have to walk through some mighty dark storms to follow Him. Even if we can't see the sun through the clouds, it is always there. Taste and see that the Lord is good. May we continue to focus our eyes on Him and take our burdens off of our shoulders and let Him carry them.
      I trust You Lord, You can have it all.
      Yes Fern! The joy sure does come from serving Him and loving each other as He has loved us.

  21. Father, Son and Holy Spirit... show me how to be Your hands and feet today. Open my eyes to see You and all Your goodness. Open my ears that I may hear Your words. Take my hand and show me Your ways.

  22. A shout out to CO, KS, Jan Gridley and keith. Haven't heard from you in awhile. Miss you all!! May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He smile
    upon you and be gracious to you. May He look your way and give you peace. Praying the Name of Jesus over your day and this Incredible JC FAMILY!

  23. I just laughed at myself, because I kept seeing the word, FILTER, as looking at life situations filtered through God colored glasses! After umpteen readings, I just noticed the word is LIFTERS Welcome problems as perspective-lifters, rather than Welcome problems as perspective-filters! HA HA! But, I am going to keep on my GOD colored glasses anyway to filter out whatever is not like Him and retain that which is! Happy Sunday JC family. I love and appreciate you!

  24. Hope all our dear family is doing better because the Lord is at your sides. Trusting in His faithfulness for my dear ones. Waiting for more victories.
    How are you dear MadFox? And how are you doing sweet Janet? Much love.

    1. I am still hanging in there dear, sweet Jeanne and giving it all to Jesus. I did get some wonderful news yesterday. My friend Patty, who has been going with me to my church on and off for the past few months or so, was spending time with her grown daughter and grandson the night before with some friends of her daughters and she decided to be baptized. I was totally amazed when she told me and she was so happy when I saw her yesterday, when she picked me up to go to church last night. Another victory in Jesus! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus. Praise God.

    2. Halleluia!!! That is the best news! So happy for your friend Patty. She is our sister now and we are blessed by her baptism. One more wonderful victory in Jesus! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His rightousness and all other things will be added unto you. God is leading you to the desires of your heart so just keep waiting on Him. Love you.

  25. Father, thank You for being in my life and showing me the way. Thank You for holding my hand and walking with me through all that life throws at me. Let me always look to You as we journey on, whether the times are good or bad, and let us rejoice in every step along the way. I am delighted by You and our times together. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with You and talking to You. Thank You for always being there for me and for listening to me, even when I ramble on. You are so merciful, gracious, and amazing Lord. No one could ever replace You. You are the most high. There is no one above You. Thank You Jesus. I bless, praise and rejoice in You Lord always and continually. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord and for all the people You have chosen to have in my life at this moment in time.

    1. Yes, AMEN, Janet and Brie! Your resilience, forward-thinking, and trust in Our Lord, dear Janet amazes me. While patiently waiting for God to change your present situation, you are always lifting others up. Whether here in our JC fam or your friends. Remarkable and inspirational. I keep you in my daily prayers, sweet Janet and I, too, am trusting God for His plan for your life. Be well and sending love and blessings to you.

    2. Your prayer is indeed my prayer too. Joining in with dear Brie and NJS. Amen your strength of faith and generosity of spirit at this difficult time, are quite amazing to me too dear Janet. You are a good witness to your faith. I'm believe you had a hand in leading Patty to Jesus. She saw your heart trusting in Him.

  26. Dear God. Thank you for another day of life. Please guide my thoughts words and actions on this day and show me how I can best be of service. You have given me more than I deserve. Thank you for this site and all the wonderful prayer warriors who gave me strength when I was weak. God bless them all. Amen

    1. I am joining into your prayer and thanking God for you our zfuntastic.

    2. Wonderful prayer, zfuntastic! May I, too, think before speaking, seek God's blessings He sets before me today, and look to be a blessing for others! You are so right when you say, "You (God)have given me more that I deserve". Prayers and blessings to you, zfuntastic, and to all the JC warriors/family!

    3. Zfuntastic. Praying for your continued success in this journey. You've shown that you got this! Carry on. Amen.

    4. Keep fighting the good fight Zfuntastic. My son reached his 2 year mark earlier this month. Everything is possible with God. Continued prayers for you and all of the Warriors.


    5. Love that prayer dear Zfuntastic! Thank you! Now you're encouraging us in a big way. We are all blessed with gifts we don't deserve, but He just keeps blessing us. We are deeply loved and cared for. Now you're caring for others. Paying God's love forward.

  27. All I need is Jesus. With His strength and courage I shall move through this day. He is with me. His spirit is in my heart and His hand is in mine and together we can soar like the eagles. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord πŸ™Œ πŸ™.

  28. What bounty in this reading today! You all spur us on toward love and good deeds. It so inspires us all as we read through the years of answered prayer!! May it continue to be so, Papa, for your glory and grace. Zfuntastic- I am always so excited to see your name here as we all prayed and witnessed your transformation. May God continue to be glorified through you. You are gracious and generous to us, Papa. We bless you and thank you.

    Dear Heavenly Father God ,
    Thank You for securing me in Your Witness Protection Program and giving me a new identity in You. I trust Your Word and believe that everything Your Word says about me is true, regardless of what I have been told or how I feel today.

    Today's devotion challenged me to lift my perspective to a healthy scriptural level and discern, which biblical chapter and verse reflect the bible based perspective that I have of myself in Jesus Christ today?
    I chose Philippians 1 as the Light of Your Presence that I now see shining within, upon, and through me, and most becomes me today:
    "I am sure that God Who began His Good Work within you will keep right on helping you grow in His Grace until His Task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns for you.
    And I am going to keep on being glad, for I know that as you pray for me, and as God's Holy Spirit helps me, this is all going to turn out for my good. For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will always be ready to speak out boldly for Christ and that my life will always be an honor to Christ." In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. You chose well. Amen! He is not finished with you and the best is yet to come. But there may be more rocky hills to climb. He is preparing your next journey. Rest assured that further down the road is a flood of the brightest light! Keep showing others your love, joy and trust. Let your light shine before all men, my friend and sister. God bless and heal Keith and all of your weaknesses too.

  30. Dear Father, thank you for all your many blessings even among hardships. I am so grateful for Your presence in my life. Help me to continue to look to you for my strength. Help me to see that "life bumps are momentary" Steady the ladder that You provide so I can view a situation from Your perspective. Amen.

    1. So true dear ABC. "life bumps are momentary". Wish we could see through the eyes of God. He knows what's around every bend. He holds our futures.

    2. Amen! I've also been reminded today that we are not Earth Dwellers; Heaven is our home, we are only on Earth for a short temporary season. Can't wait to go Home.

  31. So busy with my grandsons but I am blessed. No self pity here, I know God will be my strength and He will find me the time to do all that I need to do for the people I love. He even gave me a good nap today after I got home from helping my daughter in law. Such a good Father. Praying our great and compassionate God will continue to strengthen, heal, and guide all of you, my dear brothers and sisters and your loved ones. Thank You Jesus.

  32. My wife of 22 years asked me to leave last week. It’s been crushing to say the least. I’m focusing on God and my walk and trying my best to praise Him in this storm and not fall into pity. So many people hurting I pray that Jesus lifts these burdens and that You are glorified.

    Hurting in Indiana

    1. We lift up Anonymous Hurting in Indiana to You Lord. We know Your Wisdom, Guidance, Discernment and Direction will lead and guide him along Your Way. In Jesus' Name I pray for all of us. Amen.

    2. Continued... I pray for all of us to use our situations as a ladder, enabling us to climb up higher and higher until we see our life from God's perspective. The higher the view from above, (as from an airplane cruising 35000 miles above) the obstacle that frustrate and bewilders us on land, becomes light small and momentary.  Once our perspective reaches God’s heightened Altitude we can look up, up and away, toward Him, and see the Light of His Presence shining upon us. For this I speak the Name of Jesus over Anonymous Hurting in Indiana, and for all of us in Jesus' Name. Amen.
      by Katy Nichole

    3. Praying for you in IN...that you feel God's hand in yours as you try to understand and navigate logistics and emotions. Lean heavily on our Father, Anonymous in IN. He is there with you!

    4. Joining prayers for hurting in Indiana to be filled with hope and the comforting presence of God.

    5. So very sorry about your difficult circumstances, Anonymous. Joining prayers that God will guide you through this wilderness. Praying that He already is preparing a future that is full of joy and peace. He knows the words in your heart. Be not afraid. He is so much greater than your situation. Hold onto His Unchanging Hand and trust in His direction. Thank You Jesus.

  33. I am so sorry for you. I have had a similar experience. We will pray.

    1. Praying for you, Hurting in IN, with compassion that comes from experience. God never leaves us, so you can turn to, ask of, and talk with Him through this trial. His plan, not ours plays out in ways beyond our understanding. You just don't know what joy may come from this sorrow. The only way is through it, take His hand each day, one day at a time, and climb that ladder referenced in today's reading to help keep perspective. God Bless you!

  34. Please be in prayer for me today. I go to have a chemo treatment for ovarian cancer this morning . Please pray that I have no side effects, reactions or nausea. Pray that it kills all the cancer cells and that I recover quickly start feeling normal again. Please pray I can be a witness to someone in the chemo transfusion room. God has been so good to me and blessed me so much. I give Him all the glory and Praise for all the miracles. Thank for all the prayers. It means so much.

    1. Praying πŸ™ with you that all your prayers are answered by our loving God and more, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Now that two or more are gathered in your prayer, we can start looking for THE ONE in our midst. May we find Him now.

    2. Joining my sister, Brie, in prayer for you, our sister in Christ...May you have a shield around the rest of you keeping you from side effects but that the chemo obliterates the cancer! How awesome are you to want to be a witness in the room with others going through the same thing! May the others feel Jehovah Rapha's healing from you! In Jesus' name, amen.

    3. Anonymous, praying for you and those who are suffering with cancer, as I pray for 2 close friends Sandi, Ovarian cancer in Texas and (Nancy) my neighbor whose breast cancer returned after 25 years. Dear Warriors, thank you for joining me in prayer for my friends.

    4. Joining in prayer for these sisters having treatment that focuses on eliminating cancer cells from their bodies. May all who deal with these health issues be restored in Jesus' name I pray.

    5. Praying for you with my family here that the chemo will go smoothly with no side effects and that every cancer cell will be destroyed. May God hold you tight through your treatment and guide the doctors to make you better. Trust in God's faithfulness. You are a beloved daughter of the Most High. I am sure you will be a great witness to your faith to all those around you. Stand strong because the Lord is forever at your side. Thank you Father for a perfect recovery in Jesus' Name. Amen

    6. Joining this family of prayer warriors that the Lord of heaven and earth reigns over this sickness in anonymous and in Sassy Mom's friends. That He uses it as a testimony of his goodness and faithfulness. Please keep us posted on how the Lord our God turns this around. in Jesus precious holy, holy name amen. As we come together in agreement for wholeness in these 3 woman's bodies, healing and renewed health.

    7. Update on my friend Nancy the one I requested prayer for yesterday MORNING. (My neighbor whose breast cancer returned after 25 years.) I have had no communication with her for 3 weeks. Nancy has been very tired, sleeping a lot and suffering with a very sore mouth from the chemo.
      Nancy called yesterday AFTERNOON (very upbeat, sounding like her old self) asking if I would get their mail, she and her husband are taking a 3 day trip. We chatted for 30 or more minutes. I expressed happiness that she was well enough to take a short trip. PTL! Thank you dear Warriors for praying for my dear friend Nancy.

    8. AWESOME for Nancy! Sassy Mom. The Unstoppable Power of United Prayer to reign down the Power of our God! Thanks Be To God. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. Dear Anonymous, please know that you will be surrounded by the true ""Angels Among Us" as the Lord leads you into this brave, new chapter in your life. To God be the Glory and Hallelujah! You are HIS child. ♥️

  36. Praying for all those going through a valley time right now. God's light is still there guiding you through the wilderness. Don't get discouraged and lose hope. He is as near to you as your own breath. His Hand is outstretched towards you at all times. Take hold of it and don't let go. Your situation and other people may try to separate you from God's love, but know He is Sovereign and He understands your frustrations and fears like none other. Stay close to Him and He will stay close to you. You are dearly loved and cared for. He only wants to bless you and give you a reason to be glad and rejoice in your day. When the going gets rough, we continue to trust in His faithfulness. Hard times polish us and show us that we need Jesus at all times. Let us remain strong in our faith and not waver because of this world's trappings, empty promises, and the winds of change. Jesus is our immovable Cornerstone. Brighter days are on their way because He is in charge. He is the light at the end of the tunnel. He is our reason to live. He saves us and completes us, and some sweet day we will look upon His Face and our joy will be full, beyond all imagination. Hallelujah!

    1. Hallelujah and Amen πŸ™.

    2. Amen, Jeanne! You are an inspiration with your positivity despite your valley...I believe you climbed that ladder and are seeing it as "only light and momentary trouble". Healing prayers and blessings, Jeanne, and to all our JC fam. In Jesus' name, amen!

    3. Joining in the amens & hallelujahs for inspiring us dear Jeanne. The valleys can be rough as you know first hand. Through the cross we can move on step by step & change our vantage point. Amen! Hallelujah!

    4. Thank you Jeanne for this post today. It was exactly what I needed this morning.

    5. I'm glad dear Janet! We feed each other. Much love!

  37. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Let me be a living testimony to You and Your greatness Lord! Let my life emulate You Jesus! Take control of my mind and steps and lead me in the path of Your will. Use me as Your vessel Lord. Let Your truth guide me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. (Colossians 3:2).

    2. Amen and Amen! Thanks Janet!

  38. Perspective- plain and simple though not so easy to grasp when you are in the middle of a trial. This post is one of my favorite. It makes me stop, step back, and think about trials in a different way.

    SC Anonymous

    1. Amen dear SC! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Trials sure do bring you closer to the Lord. He allows them to do His work inside you.

  39. Psalm 46 AMPC
    1 God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble.

    2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas,

    3 Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling and tumult. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

    4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.

    5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God will help her right early [at the dawn of the morning].

    6 The nations raged, the kingdoms tottered and were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.

    7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is OUR Refuge (our Fortress and High Tower). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

    8 Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has wrought desolations and wonders in the earth.

    9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow into pieces and snaps the spear in two; He burns the chariots in the fire.

    10 Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!

    11 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is OUR Refuge (our High Tower and Stronghold). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

  40. Wishing a very Happy 75th Birthday to the nation of Israel. “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

    1. Yes! Bless Israel, the apple of God's eye. Keep watch over her Lord Jehovah. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Happy 75th Birthday to Israel. May God continue to bless and protect them in all ways.

  41. Amen Peter. Thank you for sharing. Bless your dayπŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  42. Beautiful Peter! And Happy 75th Israel!

  43. Dear friends, when I read of this idea of the synergy of the ages, it blew the top off my limited mind regarding the perspective of prayer. I'm certain there are some prayer warriors that visit this blog that might also be so moved and encouraged and may want to share it. Enjoy the read!

    1. ' Synergy of the Ages', Amen, much food for thought and prayer. Reminds me of 'links in a chain', stretching across generations in God's purposes.

  44. I’m thankful my mom had a good day yesterday. She ate a bit more than normal and sat in the sun and looked at the flowers. We celebrated Janet’s husband’s Birthday, and we listened to good old music, ate yummy chicken, and had pastry for dessert. And after I put my mom to sleep, Janet and I watched a lot of episodes of The Baxters, a great faith based series on Amazon Prime. Time with my family is so special. I’m grateful for my blessings! Going home today to be with 2 of my grandsons. Sleepover tonight. I must cook something they will eat. Gabriel helped plant my little garden so we will enjoy the beautiful pansies. Putting everything into God’s Hands. He will prepare it all and help me get those little ones to sleep too. Trusting in Him always.

    Psalm 90:17
    And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us,
    And establish the work of our hands for us;
    Yes, establish the work of our hands.

    1. PTL dear Jeanne. May you continue to be blessed with more days like that with your mom. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    2. Thanks dear Jan! I’m very thankful God is filling my mom’s heart with more hope and joy! Our morning prayer time was a blessing and she read very well too. God is even improving her vision! He is so good! I’m praying you are feeling better, dear sister.

    3. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your, Mom, sister and her husband. Enjoy your grandsons! I smiled when you mentioned you needed to cook something they would eat, maybe it is the way of us as grandmothers. I had lunch with a friend on Wednesday and she mentioned that the first thing that comes to her mind when she knows she will have grandchildren over is what she will feed them. May they also be fed spiritually during their stays, as I know they will. God bless

    4. Great times and great memories made.

  45. Prayers for my DH please and thanks. He is struggling for breaths of air through a sinus infection. If he needs an earthly Dr, may the God of all our days open that door now. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Lord, please place Your healing hands upon Larry and help him to breathe well. Remove this sinus infection that is causing him problems. You are the Great Physician! You are our Healer! We trust and believe in You! Our help comes from the LORD! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. You got it dear Brie. More important, God's got this! πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    3. Joining J & J with healing prayers for Larry, Brie. May the pressure ease in his sinuses, breathing, and may he be freed from the infection! Jehovah Rapha is in the house and making this so! In Jesus' name, amen!

    4. Praying for Larry for complete relief from these symptoms, in Jesus name.

    5. Joining all prayers for your dear husband!! Father God, Thank you for healing Brie’s DH and get rid of his sinus infection right away and clear his airways so he can breathe freely and return him to good health and comfort. He is covered by the Bloid of Christ and Your Promises are true! Thank You for Your faithfulness in his life and his family’s lives in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    6. Joining in prayer for Larry's swift recovery from infection.
      🎢All I need is the air that I breathe and to love You ✝️πŸ™

  46. The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe. (Proverbs 29:25). So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:6). Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? (Matthew 6:26).

    1. Wonderful encouragement today, sweet sister. Thanks for lifting me! Amen and Amen

  47. So thankful for the Friend we have in Jesus:

  48. Oh my goodness, or shall I say, oh my God's goodness! Thank you all dear warriors for prayers my way & to heaven for my " whaa whaa" moment. Love you allπŸ˜πŸ’•. I had to giggle at the JC devotion today. Wow! It fit me to a T. " Momentary affliction". What can I say, " still learning." Peter, I appreciated your words of encouragement & scripture dear brother & the advice. Each of your prayers felt "warm & fuzzy'. I am better. Slept well , no headache this morning & breathing well Bless you all. πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

    1. Such great news! Hallelujah! God heard every prayer! So happy you’re feeling better! Thank You Jesus.

  49. Good morning ☀️ I want to request prayer for my house to sell. My husband and I feel like it’s time to move back closer to home. My parents are aging and my son lives there. Our realtor is having an open house tomorrow please pray we get offers and are able to move on to the next chapter of our lives. Also for smooth transition into another home and his new job that he starts in May! Thanks so much! ❤️πŸ™

    1. We are going through this perspective lifting situation with you Anonymous ❤️ πŸ™. You and all JC Warriors are included in our Hey, It's Good To Be Back Home Again, Prayers, with much love to our phenomenal JC Family of Praywe Warriors.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Praying with our dear family here that you will get many good offers and God will guide your steps and all your decisions so you and all those seeking a new home and next chapter will feel His Faithfulness shining like the SON!! Thank You Jesus!πŸ™πŸ’—

      Proverbs 3:5-6
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
      And lean not on your own understanding;
      In all your ways acknowledge Him,
      And He shall direct your paths

  50. DH & I went through this same transition Anonymous. It's not easy. He will see you through it. Providing what you need with each step. Praying your house sell quickly & give you the price you need for it. Trust. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™Œ

  51. While we are sitting in the pit of self-pity, assume we have a ladder πŸͺœ, because we do.
    Jesus is our ladder, enabling us to climb up and out, until we see our life from His perspective, lifted up with Him. God Lifts Us Up Where We Belong!
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Amen dear Sister! You spoke the Truth! He lifts us so far above our problems that we can see reasons to be thankful even in the midst of adversity. Our Way Maker Always Makes a Way.

  52. Thank you Payton Family

  53. Living above our circumstances! Thank you, Jesus ❤️ πŸͺœ

    1. Always! His Light and Peace are unchanging and constant. Thank You Jesus.
