Sunday, April 26, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 27

     Come to Me with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive abundant blessings. I know the depth and breadth of your neediness. Your life-path has been difficult, draining you of strength. Come to Me for nurture. Let me fill you up with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me.
     My Power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for Me. Faltering steps of dependence are not lack of faith; they are links to My Presence. 

John 17:20-23
English Standard Version 

20 “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Isaiah 40:29-31
English Standard Version

29 He gives power to the faint,
    and to him who has no might he increases strength.
30 Even youths shall faint and be weary,
    and young men shall fall exhausted;
31 but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.

My Prayer (2018) - Lord, you know what is up with me, but I will say it. I am tired. I'm not sleepy, but I am tired. Renew me. Renew my strength. I want to fly like an eagle and not be weary. Rescue me. I let work drag me down. I let family life drag me down. I come to you Lord. Fill me up with your presence. I need that reminder that you are in Me. Holy Spirit, you have arrived and are living in me. So, raise me up. I don't want the world to see a tired person. I want them to see you living in me, giving me life, abundant life, through any circumstance. Raise me up, Lord. Raise me up. Give me power.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.   

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Lord I too am exhausted. Not nearly as physically tired as I am emotionally and almost spiritually drained. I feel like I have so much to do with my business and it is overwhelming. Lord you know I try my best to be a good father and husband and when I get home I shut it off the best I can. I also know Lord that you have given me the answer and that is to come to you. Like I've mentioned before help remind me Lord send Angels my way to tap me on the shoulder if need be. I know I don't want to live this life without your presence and I know you never leave me. So it's on me... I want my weakness to seek your strength. Thank you sir for providing this platform.

    1. Love this prayer. Thank you...

    2. Thank you RiseUp! You described soo many of us!!

    3. Amen! Great prayer for me as well. Help me to cling to your words and presence in my life, day to day, moment to moment. Build my faith by staying close to you through your Holy Spirit. ❤️πŸ™

    4. Amen πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

    5. Dear YAWEH I praise YOU for another dayπŸ™
      I humbly approach YOU through YOUR son Jesus Christ,
      Pleading for YOUR mercy and love to be showered upon my beloved and his family on this day and forever more.
      Stay near, as they seek to be near to YOU
      I praise YOU LORD and thank YOU for giving me another opportunity, for forgiving my sins
      and most importantly for loving me continuously and never giving up on me, for my heart, spirit and mind do desire to be with and serve YOU, I desire YOUR acceptance, approval, and assignment LORD. Lead me please to where I need to be and help me to see the task YOU have laid out for me to do. I LOVE YOU YAWEH & YOUR son YESHUA! Although this written prayer comes to a close I will continue to pray as I do, and sing praises to YOU throughout the day, so long as YOU have blessed me with breath I will sing my praises to YOU, my ALMIGHTY FATHER, my heavenly dad, my Savior my redeemer, great physician- oh how bless I am to know YOUπŸ™
      In Jesus Christ name I pray Amen

    6. Psalm 27:4 Just one thing
      Lord, help us to find You beautiful more than we find You useful!
      God alone satisfies us - He created us in this way.

  2. I feel a prayer answered. I had asked for an update from you and I see 2018 in your post. I'm sorry you are tired but you're sharing makes me feel less alone and reminds me to seek God first.
    I DO see the holy spirit living in you. Come to me those who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest .

  3. "My Power flows most freely into weak ones aware of their need for Me." Lord, it has taken many years to realize that I do not have the power to manage my needs in today's circumstances. Try as I might to "fix" my kids, work, church, life, etc. It was only after being humbled by life lessons and Your word that I realized only the Lord of all can heal me and the situations that I tried to fix apart from You. Help me to continue to see the need for you Father, Son, and Spirit. May all Your children come to understand the power of Your love to sustain us though the trials of today. Humbled by your patience, Amen.

  4. Good moring JC Family, It's a great beautiful morning here on the east coast. If you are reading this, our Awesome Lord woke you up and has a plan for you today. That plan is good, it is to prosper you in every area of your life ( health, strentgh, joy, peace, happiness, protection etc) and all things good, as only He can provide!
    He encourages us this day to come to Him empty, but with open hearts, ready to receive all He has for us! Let's give Him the Praise this morning and Thank Him for His Marvelous works.

    Precious Lord, we have nothing to give You this day, but to come before Your Presence just as we are, with open hearts filled with gratitude for all of Your goodness and mercy. Fill us with Your Presence so our souls can do nothing but rejoice and Glorify You today!

    Dear Father, I lift up my JC family to you this morning, their families and love ones and all their needs and desires. Thank You that we are growing and experiencing Your wonders through each person that post and or read this blog. Thank You for the Payton family that started it. Strengthen our Faith in You Lord, bless us to be a blessing and encouragement to each other. Thank You for this body of believers. Thank You for the joy in knowing and loving You! May all who have not yet made that decision to choose You (my mother included) receive a special visit from King Jesus himself and join in this Heavenly family to experience the Joy of Salvation!
    I will not give up praying and believing for my mother and others because it is NOT Your will that any should perish.
    May Your light so shine upon us, that others will see and know that we serve a Great and Awesome God, who is the 'the Alpha and Omega, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient Everlasting God and King of Kings. Thank You Father, In Jesus name I pray! Amen!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Anonymous--I stand with you in praying for your mother's salvation. I too have loved ones in need of salvation. I pray for any of the JC family with love ones that need Jesus. May the Lord speak the mysteries of Christ to each of their hearts and they say YES to Jesus!

    2. Colorado JC Friend stands with you and the JC family too. Let us not give up hope for our unsaved loved ones. I love this prayer, receive it as a gift this morning, and send it up to the throne room with you all! God has a plan and Father knows best. We patiently wait for His perfect timing.

    3. Thank you JJ, I appreciate your prayers for my mother and other non believers. God bless you!


    4. Thanks all, God bless!

      Maplewood, NJ

    5. Your gratitude and optimism is beautiful and inspiring. It is a beautiful day. We're alive and there's so much to be grateful for around us. The choice is ours. To focus on what's good and proclaim his glory or to focus on what's not good and remind ourselves to trust. Today I choose to stop telling God how big my problem is, but instead to tell my problem how big and great my God is.
      This was a timely reminder of the strength God provides always and forever if we seek him first.
      Thank you God for the people on this forum who believe and proclaim your greatness! God bless of us today and may we find the miracle in the day. πŸ₯°

    6. I agree, what a great prayer. I loved the devotional this morning and all of the responses. God is working through all of us. I pray that he also makes it into the hearts of those who don't yet know him. Continued blessings for this group and all of our loved ones.

    7. Julieanne-- absolutely love the line of thinking of telling my problems how big and great my God is! This will be my new affirmation to any of my problems. This gives me such encouragement!!! Our problems just don't stand a chance against our GREAT GOD!!! Thank you for sharing. Absolutely just love this JC FAMILY. GREAT BLESSINGS THIS DAY TO ALL!!! From Kansas

    8. Jesus never gave up on us, I am NOT giving up on Him either.
      Another year and I am still TRUSTING Him for my mother and all those who have not yet recieve Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

      Thanks to all of you for continued prayers. God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    9. Praying for Maplewoods mom, my boys and family & all our loved ones who dont know Jesus YET.
      Thanking God that He does know them in a personal and intimate way and that they will know Him also. Thanking Jesus that He is ministering to all the dear ones locked and isolated in homes, nursing homes, asst. Living, hospitals, prisons and shelters. Knowing they are not alone but in His care. Praying that every soul on a ventilator is experiencing a special, intimate, supernatural, life altering visit form "King Jesus" that will bring great comfort, change and restoration to their lives for ever and ever. That the choice of salvation be recieved in these dire situations. That beauty be indeed exchanged for ashes! God bless everyone today.
      Thank you all for the encouragement and truth.

    10. Dear Maplewood, I thank you along with Fern for your continual encouragement and truth. You never fail to inspire me. I'm praying that your Mother and any of your unsaved family members will come to seek and know Jesus, unto salvation. I am also praying without ceasing that God leads my unsaved family members to Him. It means so much to me that they will join me in the Kingdom someday. Let us not grow weary in praying for them. God can turn their hardened hearts around to Him. Our daily walk can also show them that we are the blessed ones. We have the Lord's sweet peace inside us, to sustain us even in this Pandemic. I always think of my faith and the fruits of the spirit that go with it as the best gifts we have. When I was a little girl, I would go to the candy store with fifty cents and buy 50 pieces of penny candy. When I came home, my sister would watch me eating those sweet morsels and she always asked if she could have some. Of course I shared. The blessing of our faith is like that. People see us enjoying the sweetness of it in our lives and they want some of that sweetness. Let the Christ in us so shine that they see Him more than us. If we shine that bright light to everyone we encounter, even just through words on the phone right now, they will be so blessed by our peace and joy in believing, they will want a piece of our candy too.

    11. Thanks Jeanne! I am receiving everything you shared. That all may see the good that we do and give GLORY to God. Oh my God, In the name of Jesus, I pray for Your grace: please let my deeds preceed AND match my doctrine. Amen

    12. Yes and Amen! I trust you Jesus, and your patience with those who have yet to recognize the Peace they can have with you. For my loved ones and all who are lost, we pray for you today and everyday. Holy Spirit, use me as you will to best serve our King in this never ending desire to gather us as one in Him. ✝️

    13. Thank you Jeanne! God bless you and yours. Keeping you in prayers. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    14. Amen Brilamar and Audra! Loved what you wrote too. Thank you dear Maplewood! Your prayers for my family's salvation mean so much to me. Especially for my husband.

    15. May the Holy spirit guides us every day! I

  5. Amen! What a beautiful prayer.✝️

  6. Isaiah 40:31
    One of my favorite scriptures and the perfect one I needed to hear this morning!


    1. I Trust You Jesus!

      Maplewood, NJ

    2. Enlightened to Jesus- I pray you are well. We miss you.

      I AM STILL TRUSTING IN JESUS and always Will!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Trusting along with my sweet JC Family.
      Trusting You my Lord with every fiber of my being. Thank you for Your continued faithfulness in my life.
      My twin sister is flying in from Missouri on May 5th for a month. We had our Bible group tonight and now they know I won't be able to lead them on the 24th. Our Birthday is the 21st but my Mom's is the 24th and it falls on a Monday when I have my Bible group. I'm up preparing for my next group because I must accomplish a lot before her visit and my son's 36th Birthday this Thursday. I baked his favorite chocolate chip cookies and he says he wants a strawberry shortcake this year and homemade pizzas. God will help me get everything done before my Sister comes. We'll be spending a lot of time in Brooklyn with my Mom. I am freeing up time for my dear sister Janet and I plan to stay with them as much as possible but I must come back for Church because our choir only has 3 people now and I must bake a few cakes. All will work well because God already is preparing my days. I'll be babysitting tomorrow for my sweet Gabriel while his good Mom is at the doctors. What a blessing! Thank You Jesus! I do trust You always and ever.

    4. Praying for your plate Jeanne that's about to get filled up. Partake of each morsel in good measure, be blessed by each bite, knowing that the Lord is serving you just the right portion for what you are able to handle. I too am trying to do the same. My granddaughter who's getting married this August asked me to do a tea party May 1st for her bridal party. Ever since she could hold a tea cup, she & I would delight in this ritual. How could I refuse. That was for 2! I have 12 coming😲! Tea sandwiches, scones, clotted cream is about to go in the oven, french macarons, italian rainbow cookies, lemon curd, just to name a few. After healing from surgery, I questioned my sanityπŸ₯΄. The Lord has helped me every step of the way. Jeanne, let's enjoy every bite. Bless your sister's visit. Let's do everything as unto that Lord & all will be blessed also. Hallelujah!

    5. Jan & Jeannie saying Ephesians 3:20-21 over you both and all of us today! Praying for the unsaved especially my close dear ones that I cannot imagine living without...praying for my friends Lynn, Jim, Lori & Patti who have lost spouses within these last 6 months. ( so very close to home) yes Father I see the limits of this life in human terms and this spurs the desire for us to accomplish more in our stay.
      Lord please help me to clear any part of my agenda that does not reflect you. Fill my heart with love Holy Spirit and sharing and caring. Lord help me to deal with the disappointments surrounding the timing of my "hopes." I read in 33 days to freedom that " When hope has been delayed our hearts can grow sick" please heal my Hope Lord, helping me to be careful with the words I think or say for these can deflate my hope. God bless who ever reads these words filling them with the " hope" of Jesus, our fulfillment in all areas!

    6. Thank you sister Fern for inspiring me. I accept your blessing. Your heart is in the right place dear oneπŸ’•. I give back to you the same blessing. That the Lord will fill you to overflowing with the hope that is rightfully yours through the sanctifying power of the blood. The enemy is bound at this moment from robbing you of this! Amen!!!πŸ™

    7. So many beautiful prayers! Thank you all for sharing your hearts and for your prayers of hope, love, healing, patience and joy!
      Love you all
      Be blessed and be the light JC family

    8. Bless you beautiful sisters and your plans to bless others! ♥️

    9. I continue to be humbled and amazed by how trust in Jesus = Peace and perfect outcomes. Thank you Jesus!

    10. I trust you Jesus!!! πŸ™Œ♥️

  8. Thank you for the wonderful prayer!

  9. Teach us to love YOU more, LORD, to pray continually for our lost loved ones. To center our lives and thoughts around YOU and grow in obedience. Love and prayers to my JC family.

  10. Oh how I love these mornings when I can feel His Presence in this amazing family!
    I read a story about a child having a chat with God one day.....and it is so how my time is some days. I will not write the whole thing except the important part the speaks to my heart!
    ‘I am talking to God’ she said ‘but I can’t think of the right words, so I’m just saying all the letters of the alphabet. God will put them together for me because He knows what I’m thinking’.
    With child-like faith ❤️ I pray for all of you this day and I hope you remember to look for the miracles!!!!

    1. Unkown--Thank you for the reminder to look for the miracles!!! May we all endeavor to have child-like faith!!!

    2. Saying my ABC's this morning! And joining still in prayer for all our loved ones to have undeniable encounters with the Holy Spirit that lead them to an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

    3. Saying my ABC's..some mornings that's how it is...! What a wonderful story!

  11. Replies
    1. Anonymous--Love your report!!! So encouraging!!! May the Lord Bless you richly today!!!

  12. Lord, i come to You with empty hands and an open heart, ready to receive Your abundant blessings. Thank You for knowing my heart and how much i need You. I repent Lord of my sins, and ask for Your forgiveness. Thank You that Your response is always Yes and Amen. Please fill me with Your Presence. Thank You for Your Power for all of us who are weak and in need of Strength. I remember Jesus all that You have done for me in the past and thank You for all the abundant blessings You have for me this day and forever. I am completely dependent upon You. All of my expectation is in You. Thank You for Your unfailing, unconditional, undeserved Love. I pray that all i think, say and do this day, pleases You my Father. I will fix my gaze upon You Jesus. The Author and Finisher of my faith. My ever-present Help, my Shield, my Strength, my Portion, Deliver, Shelter, Strong Tower, my Provider, thank You sweet, sweet Jesus! In Jesus name i pray, Amen.

  13. I trust You Jesus!♥️ Prayers for our JC family
    Thank you Lord Jesus for your never ending love and for taking such good care of us. Thank you for your healing
    In Jesus precious and heavenly name
    Texas friend

  14. Jesus_saves, This blog became my go to when my father became ill and I moved into his home to care for him. I had no idea that I would live with him for almost a year and then place him in a health care facility for 3 months. This blog helped me take each day as it came and find peace in the day in my service. I pray that you will find the strength that you need every day in your current situation. Many people will be praying for you. Know that God is walking with you every step of the way.He loves you.

    1. Bless you, Mel! I hope you continue to find comfort in this blog for years.

  15. Thank you I copy your Prayer for it fit me well . I'm French forgive me if my English is not good . So thank you God bless you.

    1. Welcome! You're perfect. We are one in God's world. Same Maker;Different Gifts!

  16. Good morning Jesus, Thank You for another blessed day filled with many of Your precious gifts. May I stop and appreciate each of them. Help me to see more in You and less in myself. I do not have what it takes to live a holy life, but I ask that You give me what I do not have. I Trust Jesus and look to You, believing Your promise that: “I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

    Few years ago, Pope Francis put it this way:"Before God, we present ourselves with empty hands," meaning that all the good works people have or haven't done throughout their lives aren't measured to determine entry into heaven. "A word of humble repentance was enough to touch Jesus' heart" and to make him promise eternal life in heaven even to a poor criminal.”

    There are blessings that comes out of appearing before God empty handed. But first, we must humble ourselves and understand that though we are heir to Christ Jesus, we cannot claim God’s blessing in a self-righteous manner as in I HAVE A RIGHT! God has wrapped us in His Righteousness through Christ Jesus the Righteous One to receive His blessings as a gift. God owes us NOTHING, but yet He has given us everything. These blessings are only for those who come before Him with humble and open hearts. Luke 18:13-14 teaches us what Jesus meant when He said, anyone who comes to Him acknowledging his need for divine help will be blessed and forgiven. 1 Peter 5:5 also reminds us that:“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." This teaches us that humility helps us to endure every affliction, be it sickness, poverty and other trials. It also teaches us to put away pride and love one another so that we can grow and thrive in the soil of a humble heart. When we recognize the weakness of our own position before God, we can see and receive the blessings of the glorious gift of our Lord Jesus.

    Dear Father, We come before You this morning, poor in spirit. Please open our eyes to see our own wants before perceiving Your wealth. Help us to look to Jesus for what we do not have, but seek to find Him in all that we need. May sincere humility in each of us help to see and diminish any pride. Thank You that coming to You empty-handed, releases us from the notion that You owe us, it opens the door for us to ask and receive in prayer, it helps us to bear trials, nourish love for each other and helps us to overcome temptations so that we can be filled with Your Presence as in: You in us and we in You. In Jesus name. Amen.


    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

  17. *TRUST

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Bravo, Maplewood! Thank you! Jesus I trust In you! Amen.

    2. Perfect prayer for all of us dear Maplewoood. Thank you!
      Let us come to Him with humble hearts of love, empty handed so He can fill and nourish us.

  18. Thank you for your beautiful greeting to this day, Maplewood. I think of Sassy Mom saying (singing), "All I have needed thy hand hath provided."
    So thankful to see the sun today, followed by a cleansing rain. I want God to be the only "expert" that I listen to.
    Here I am Lord.
    Oh, and Brilimar - the skunk apparently just left his 'home' in our basement. The man working on that whole situation could see where he got out and thankfully, he didn't spray on his way out. Ewww!!! :)

    1. :) Thanks for the update Norah. What a Mighty God we Serve!

  19. Dear Jesus,

    Thank you that you are my provider! You give me strength, when I grow faint and weary. You are within me and with your grace I can reach ever so slightly and grab your hand and pull me out of my low, tired, and worn out moments. Lord I know through every desperate measure of time, as we are in now, there are the most abundant opportunities so see your light, your miracles, and your love. Thank you Lord for revealing your grace to your world. Not only a few are downtrodden, we are all humbled, and grasping, and hopeful. With faith, hope, and charity, your beauty is revealed within these awful times! Thank you for reminding me to look up with gratitude, when I notice your grace in both small and momentous occasions. Your love can fill everyone’s hearts, now, more then ever, as we grasp for togetherness, and ask you to remember our needs. Thank you for always fulfilling your promises! In Jesus Name Amen

  20. Thank You, Lord for emptying me out until I am so light, empty and open that there is room for You to enter in and fly me around on Eagle's wings! Amen! Thank You for deepening my character by recognizing You as the central character in my life's story, instead of me, mine, and this pandemic. In Jesus' name I pray and I thank You for allowing our JC family to find and share all the buried treasures that You have so neatly tucked into today.

      And He will Raise You Up On Eagle's Wings!

  21. Thank you Lord that your strength and my weakness are a perfect match.
    I needed to know that today for I am feeling the need to be carried and understood and filled. I look forward to your provision for my needs Lord.
    I love you!

  22. Jesus, I trust you. Show me how I can be Your hands and feet today.

  23. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing all the love and humble prayers shared by JC Warriors. WE TRUST YOU.

  24. Lord, You know how tired and weary I am from the struggles of life I have endured. Two steps forward one step back feels ad though it has been most of my life, sometimes two steps back. I come to you with an open heart needing You to fill me with the Holy Spirit daily. I want to do Your will. Lord I bask in Your presence as it is all I have and need so badly. Please help me to stay I in you and You in me. I love You Jesus and accept You as my Savior

  25. All these comments bless me in such a big way. You all lift me and bring such great joy to my heart. I love you all!
    Father God, These are my family. They have so many needs and wants, dreams and goals. I thank you for granting their requests and prayers. We reach out together as your children for your help to rid our world of this Virus and get all things back on track according to Your amazing Plan. Let us see Your faithfulness. We're doing our best down here. We wait together on You, Lord. With You, all things are possible. Thank you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.


    (John 6:22-29) (John's perspective) I have told you the stories of the feeding of the 5000 and Jesus coming to us walking on water. These experiences led Jesus to some profound instruction on spiritual things. The people whom He fed, looked at the circumstances the next morning and realized that we had taken all the boats and gone over to Capernaum across the Sea of Galilee. They also knew Jesus had stayed behind. But now He was gone as well. So they hurried over to Capernaum where we were and to their surprise, they find Jesus is there as well. "Rabbi, how did you get here?" they asked. Jesus responded to their question by saying that they had not pursued Him because they were looking for God; no, it was because He had met their needs. He then encouraged them not to seek Him for the benefits in earthly life but for the heavenly rewards that come from being in relationship with God. Earthly benefits are temporal, heavenly benefits are eternal and can be found in the Messiah. This sounded good to His listeners so in typical human fashion they wanted to know what they needed to do to which Jesus simply said, "Believe in the One whom God has sent."

    (My perspective) I have shared with you in other posts, the stages of faith made famous in the writings of Bernard of Clairvaux. These are stages we all pass through as we grow into oneness with God. The people in this story are in stage two as Bernard taught. Stage two is defined by loving God for the benefits. That is seen in the people and Jesus recognizes it, they are chasing after Him for what they get out of Him, which makes their pursuit self-serving. Yes, I passed through that stage for it is the same in what drew me to first believe, to know I would get eternal life out of it. So I gave my life to Jesus to get something I desperately wanted. It was still all about me. But that is quite alright for it was a stepping stone in my faith development which is a natural part of the faith journey. As Jesus did in the gospel narrative, He called me to higher ground in not just loving Him for what I would get out of it, but to love Him because He loves me (which Bernard describes as stage three of faith). Let me put this in terms of human relationships. If I love my wife only for what she does for me, that is a very shallow and immature sense of the love upon which the covenant of marriage is based. No, a truer sense of that love is one that loves her because she is God's gift to me to bring about wholeness in who I am and I am called by God to be the same for her. That level of love is more like stage three of faith that Bernard taught and is being taught by Jesus in this teaching John shares with us.

    So what stage in the faith journey do you see yourself? I share the above not to be critical of the stage you may find yourself. No, the purpose is to show you there is so much more on higher ground and to encourage you to seek it. A comment I got once in response to this was, "I think most believers get stuck in stage two." One of the spiritual values of this time of pandemic is it can move people to stage three, to love God anyway because God is lovable and to find greater blessing in what is found in God which is far superior to the earthly things we have lost in this time.

    Some thoughts that require some chewing before swallowing. With love, Bob

    1. As I think about your words, Bob, I will "chew" further, but thought I'd share some things that may help those here. The pandemic has so many life lessons evolving in it. As someone who had major heart surgery, I've moved solidly into how can I serve the Lord in any and all that I do. How do I mentor or just "be there" for my kids, friends, and neighbors, in the broadest sense of that word. Being in this quarantine has severely limited our options so, one way is being here... sharing insights gained over many decades and hopefully blessing those in challenging circumstances with thoughts and responses.

      Today, I will mail a care package to our RN daughter in NYC as her birthday is later this week. She has been stuck in an apartment alone other than to work. Worse, she probably contracted covid19/coronavirus from working in the ICU and ER. She didn't tell us until Friday after being with mild symptoms since Monday. Thankfully being younger and healthy, she has simply had insomnia and fatigue/soreness. She must get 2 successive negative tests before returning to work. So, my "chew" (being in the south that may not be a good word to use!!) is that I need to be grateful in all circumstances. My wife and I did not have to fly to NY to assist, her case is mild, and she has used the time to study for a class she has this Thursday to Sunday... so she saw it as a blessing because she doesn't adjust well to night shifts. So not working means she is back to day shift!

      Thanks for your prayers, team. She hopefully did have it and now is somewhat immune (at least to that strain and ones closely resembling it). Thanks Bob for the inspiration! Hope this blesses those challenged by the pandemic that God is indeed still here holding our hands. While a reader may have lost someone to the disease, and it is still a fear with my daughter as there may be no immunity to the mutations, God will carry you and me through life with tender mercies and love. Godspeed.

    2. Very good Bob. Chewed, swallowed, and digested ;) Thank you.
      Dear Lord help me to follow and serve you ALWAYS, not only to avoid something bad or get something good. That should not be the motivator, but rather my relationship with you. Help me to continue to always trust in you, and strengthen that relationship. Amen.

    3. Wow Bob, So much to think about. Not sure what stage I'm in but I know Jesus loves me completely and He is leading me each day as His spirit flows through me.
      Dear MadFox, I remember when your dear daughter got Covid and it was a scary time for you. But God led her through it and protected you from getting it. He is so faithful to those who trust in Him. God is still here holding our hands. We can't get through one day without Him. I know you know exactly what I'm talking about. I pray you are seeing His faithfulness in your life and medical condition every day.
      Amen ABC!

    4. BOB asking the Holy Spirit to lead me to loving God for Gods sake. Loving Him for loving me. Loving Him for being Who He is which is also what he does. He is the only one who always loves me and without condition & that creates a desire within me to always love Him as well regardless of anything else. After all He died for me - still loving Him for what he did. difficult to overlook that. A tangle of words perhaps to some, but confident that God can translate my thoughts...that kind of love that surpasses mere words & sees the truth of the heart. I love you Father!

    5. Still very good words Bob. I continue to ask God for guidance on my journey. Help me to see all things as a way to strengthen my faith and relationship with YOU JESUS. Help me to avoid self serving efforts in striving for holiness. Amen.

    6. Thank you Bob for your thought provoking insight. When I first was drawn to the Lord, I was so amazed by everything and I pray that I will always be amazed by Him forever. He is so loving, merciful, and gracious. I am so grateful that He did not give up on me all those years that I was in darkness and blind to the truth. Praise God. Thank You Jesus. Peace be with you.

  27. Hey Prayer Warriors,
    I came last exam season for prayer for my law school exams, and the Lord was so faithful and poured out his blessings on me. So I wanted to come to you guys agains to join with me in prayer for my exams this week. I am just trying to follow the Lords calling on my life. Thank you guys.


    1. Father, help Landon to remember all the facts that have been learned and for concentration and the abilities You have given for a passing grade. You are sovereign and Your hand of blessing is on all things. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Peace be with you.

    2. Joining Janet's prayer for you Landon! You got this because the Lord hears our prayers and sees our heart of trust.
      Thank You Father for giving Landon clarity of thought, a strong memory and even some good sleep before the tests in the Name of Jesus we pray.

    3. I, too, am joining in prayers for you, Landon. Will look forward to the Victory Report!

    4. Lord I join with Janet, Jeanne and all the JC family in praying for Landon. Your word tells us that you'll work all things out for the good of those who love you and who are called for your purpose. Lord Landon seeking your help and your will in his life shows that he loves you and is desiring to do your purpose. Lord I ask that you give him clarity and sharpness in his thoughts. That the very mind of Christ through the Holy Spirit prevail in him. To prevail is to prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious. Lord we ask that you take what you have put into him and use it for your glory and his good. Lord not only as he takes his exams but in everything that you put his hand to. Lord use him for your truth and justice to be heard and lived out. Thank you so much Lord for caring about your children and providing what is good for each. Thank you Lord for favor and insight.
      Landon " When God is for us who can be against us." Romans 8:31

    5. With all of Landon's hard work and studying, Lord, please, on exam day(s) help to keep his mind clear of any unneeded clutter allowing the answers that he's learned to flow out easily! This I pray in your son, Jesus' name, Father, AMEN!

    6. Prayers for you Landon. Keep the faith. Amen.

    7. Praying with all of the above for you Landon. God's got this. The God we serve has never lost a battle and He never will. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    8. Landon, you came back to the place where prayer makes a difference. Bless you!

    9. Where and how are you now, Landon? Asking for a friend πŸ˜‰

  28. Father, thank You for the promise of eternal life with You. You have blessed me with so many good things here in this life, and there is so much more to come. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. I live because of You. Let me glorify and honor You with my life. Thank You Jesus. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord always and continually.
    All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation. (1 Peter 1:3)
    That faith and that knowledge come from the hope for life forever, which God promised to us before time began. (Titus 1:2)

  29. Amen dear Janet and thank you for filling me!
    We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words and promises. Praise and Gratitude to the Most High!

  30. Good Morning, JC Family. I have missed posting, but have faithfully read and prayed for each of you. Even as I post this, I am telling my mind not to get ahead of me. God has each situation regarding my future with work or retirement; financial needs, etc. Praying for my cases and knowing that only God can deliver. Praying for each of my family members and friends with needs/concerns. Celebrating this beautiful day and the Peace that passes all understanding. Picturing you cooking up a storm, Jeanne as you always work so hard to bless your family, church and your little Gabriel will surely reap many of those blessings with you today. It was fun reading about your plans with your Twin and your Mom. Early Birthday Blessings, Dear Sister!
    Bob, you and MadFox stirred my thoughts about my faith journey and while I don't have a solid answer as to what stage I'm in, I know that God has gone before me and my Lord and Savior knows all of my need, heart's desires and prayers. Tonight we will go to our little Grandson's last Soccer game and then hopefully all will come back to our house for some food and Birthday Celebrations for our dear Daughter in Love. It will be good to see our 3rd son and his wife.
    Going to the Lord with my empty hands and open heart. Laughing about the skunk from a couple of years ago and remembering the prayers for your RN Daughter, MadFox. How God has delivered your family and kept all of us tucked in His heart. We are blessed. Continued prayers for each of you this day that the Lord has made. Let's rejoice and be glad in it!

    1. Norah so good to read the update. I was also laughing about your little house guest from years ago. Time has went by so quickly and our world has changed so much. Praying that God gives you clarity as you continue on to the next step. It's a wonderful reassurance knowing how faithful God is, because he has brought us through so much. Thank you for your contribution to this family. May God continue to bless you and your hubby with abundant life.

    2. Indeed, a year ago RN daughter was still recovering from a severe case of covid19 from ER high exposure in NYC. A year later she has moved back to the south and will attend grad school in August. Answered prayers for sure.

      I continue to make progress but it's 3 steps forward and 1 step back with nuisance level side effects from the assault by the high dose 1 shot chemo and the stem cell transplant itself. Praying that high level of fatigue is now nearing its conclusion. Regardless, today's message applies to me exactly: "Your life-path has been difficult, draining you of strength. Come to Me for nurture. Let me fill you up with My Presence: I in you, and you in Me." Not so difficult necessarily but I need Him for strength. He in me makes all things possible. AMEN.

    3. Prayers for you MadFox. Amen.

    4. Dear Norah, Thanks for the early Birthday blessings. You're right to put everything into God's able Hands. Glad you're getting some fun in: That soccer game, family meal and Birthday celebration sound wonderful! Praying for Chuck's healing and his hearing. Praying for poor Dottie. God is holding them so tight. Be assured they are in the best of Hands.
      Dear MadFox, Isn't that the way life always goes. God carries us forward and then life pulls us back, but God is stronger so we will endure and overcome. Praying always for your strength in Him. Amen my brother. All things are possible because He abides in you and you abide in Him.

    5. Amen Terry, Joining in your gratitude and prayers for our sweet Norah. We are so blessed by her and our brothers and sisters here. Our God is such a faithful God. He has brought all of us here through so much and is already preparing our tomorrows.
      Let us give Him Praise and Gratitude together.

    6. Mad 🦊 you are the picture of strength by God's design. Thank you for that reminder for us all ♥️

  31. MadFox...praying and believing that this too, shall pass. And, Bob, still chewing on your commentary from a year ago. Excellent food for thought...I’ve shared with others . Thank you.

  32. Hi TERRI - it's good to laugh, right? MadFox, the fatigue is rough, I remember from my DH. Your strength will come back. Praying for you, Brother.

    1. Just never been a nap type of guy nor low energy. Was going to get an electrolyte IV Thursday on next visit but nurse called and said too busy/nearly full then can I come earlier. Decided why not get the hopefully fatigue helper today!? So in the IV chair again for 4+ hours. Thanks for the kind words Norah.

    2. I am hoping and praying that you feel better and get more energy soon, MadFox. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Those 4 plus hours were spent with the Lord. More special time together. Praying with God's help your electrolyte treatment did you wonders.

  33. This is so incredibly true. Something I came to terms with last year. I went thru something that showed me just how weak I was. And my relationship with God was redesigned, as I depended on His strength for survival. And to this day I still depend on it. I always will. My weakest points have sourced the biggest show of strength I've ever seen. I know that in Him I will always be okay. His grace knows no bounds. Thank you, Lord, for another day to enjoy Your kindness and mercy, regardless of what life is thrown at me. Thank you for rescuing me from my darkest moments. You deserve all of our praise for all of time.

    1. Amen Tay. I too have seen, and still see, The Goodness Of God

    2. Words of such truth that I also can relate to, dear Tay.
      Amen Tay and Brie. We continue to taste and see the goodness of God.

  34. What a day! Between non-stop work, God helped me make Ham Chowder and Chicken Salad for 2/3 of my Fam! We celebrated little Charlie's last Soccer game and came back to the house for BDay celebrations for our 33 yr old DIL. Our 3rd son and his wife were here and it was delightful along with our 2nd, his wife, daughter and our 4th and their 2 kiddos. So light-hearted and genuine. Jeanne, I felt like you today as I chopped and diced, whipped and mixed. The family was blessed - always my goal.
    I am still awaiting an update on one of my cases - the one that has kept me awake at night or woken me up in the early hours. Still no word. This afternoon, my DH ran to the store for me and returned with a couple of pieces of fried chicken for my lunch. While munching, I hit on something REALLY hard. Yep - half of my tooth. The one the Dentist said would need a crown. UGH! All I saw were $$ signs. But, I called and have an appt on Thurs at 8:15 a.m. God knew before I that this was going to happen. I have to TRUST, LISTEN and OBEY. That is my plan.
    Love and prayers to you, MadFox, as you recalibrate, rejuvenate and re-energize. It WILL happen, Brother. Just probably not fast enough for your Type A personality. :) Be patient with yourself; give yourself a break and know that God has you in the palms of His hands. Signing out and looking forward to a good night's sleep. Praying for my Tricia, her husband and 2 sons. Please, God - bring them back tomorrow in time for her son's birthday.

  35. Wish I could have tasted your yummy ham chowder and chicken salad! Sounds like you all had such a lovely full day of joy and love. Praying the update on your case will be a good one. About that tooth. That happened to me and it didn't end well. But I'm praying that God will guide your dentist to fix yours easily. God knows your needs and will provide them as always. Trust, listen and obey. Joining your prayers for our dear MadFox and for your Tricia's family to make it back for her son's Birthday. Thank You Jesus!!

  36. It must be tooth week! Hubby lost his crown two days ago. And yes...$$$ $! Well see, and trust.

    1. Eek. God of all, please assess these needs for some of your cattle. Please put these worries about money to the wayside Papa as your provision is recognized. Thank you.

    2. Audra, could it be we're seriously chewing on the post, Some thoughts that require some chewing before swallowing?

  37. After reading yesterday's posts, I prayerfully join the warriors, interceding for those who are in need of answers for broken relationship, cancers, chemo treatments. Lord we storm the gates of heaven for these loved ones. We trust in power to move these mountains.
    I🎢🎼 I speak the name of Jesus over you
    In your hurting, in your sorrow
    I will ask my God to move
    I speak the name 'cause it's all that I can do
    In desperation, I'll seek heaven
    And pray for you

    I pray for your healing
    That circumstances would change
    I pray that the fear inside would flee in Jesus name
    I pray that a breakthrough would happen today
    I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name, in Jesus name

    I speak the name of all authority
    Declaring blessings, every promise
    He is faithful to keep
    I speak the name no grave could ever hold
    He is greater, He is stronger
    He's the God of possible

    Come believe it
    Come receive it
    Oh, the power of His spirit is now forever yours
    Come believe it
    Come receive it
    In the mighty name of Jesus, all things are possible

    I pray for your healing
    That circumstances would change
    I pray that the fear inside will flee in Jesus name
    I pray for a breakthrough would happen today
    I pray miracles over your life in Jesus name
    I pray for revival
    For restoration of faith
    I pray that the dead will come alive in Jesus name, in Jesus name.

    1. Amen! Praying with you for Hurting in Indiana and Anonymous and all our dear brothers and sisters enduring much suffering. God is the unfading light in your wilderness. He is the strength in your weakness, He is the answer to your problems, He is the Way Maker. Trust in His Way. Praying miracles over all of you. Thank You Father for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    2. LOVE that song, Jan! "In Jesus' Name" (God of Possible)! Thanks for posting/suggesting!

    3. Love this song, and sing it often. Thanks for posting lyrics, Jan gridley. Much ❤, Brie

  38. This powerful song is on video by Katy Nichole

  39. Jan --- I join you in prayer for all the JCFAMILY prayer requests. Thank you for sharing such a powerful song. I speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus over each need. Thank You Father God, You watch over Your WORD to perform it! HALLELUJAH!

  40. Such an incredibly beautiful and powerful song! Thank you dear Jan.
    Amen dear JJ. Thank You Father God! Thank You Jesus!

  41. We the Chosen:
    Just as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has chosen us (and He chooses ALL who will follow Him), He chooses all the elements of our day, our circumstances; the trials we go through, the joys and delights we discover as we walk the Way - the King's Highway. Our lives are not arbitrary, accidental, haphazard or coincidental. As Sarah Young has written previously, our days and the contents of each day is select with loving care by the Lord of our life. Our days are not shaped or fitted to us, rather we are shaped and fitted bit by bit, trial by trial, joy by joy, God-instances (not coincidences) and by life-lessons to dovetail into the plan and purpose each day He has for our lives; to conform us to His image. Our lives, day by day, each day are a landscape to walk through on the King's Highway crafted by our loving God.
    Yes, there are steep slopes, seemingly impossible situations, pain, sorrows, difficulties and strength draining situations. However, this 'Way', the Way of His choosing will lead to each of us meeting Him Face to face, to be with Him forever.
    I trust You Lord Jesus.
    Joy unspeakable and full of glory.

      Please Take My Hand Precious Lord

    2. Thank you Peter! Wonderful message of truth. Good food to ponder.
      Is anyone having problems replying on their phone? I can only post by my computer as Jeanne. I can’t respond as Jeanne on my phone.

    3. The comment boxes look different on my phone and computer. It may be because of the latest update. Oh well. God is still in charge.

    4. No change in look for me except the comment box when you type your comments.

  42. Am in need of prayer also dear warriors. Funny to read about dental issues a year ago. 2x this month my upper left bridge has fallen off. I wait this morning for the call to see "what now?" Until then, I love You Lord Jesus of Who You are, my most beloved Savior. I love You because You are so lovable! Amen! Hallelujah!

  43. It is a fun blessing to gather here with all of you.

    Yes, He is so lovable, may we continue to discover that in and through our journey!

  44. Daughter of a KingApril 27, 2022 at 7:46 AM

    Good morning, I’m here today the day thank you Lord my God for this beautiful day. I’m so thankful that you have gotten me over this speed bump, mentally I have had a lot on my mind but no matter what I know you are there for me.
    Thank you for ever you have done.

    1. Thanking God for His faithfulness in your life, dear daughter of a King. He allows the bumps and trials but carries us over them. We serve a merciful and compassionate God. Hallelujah.

  45. Praying for you dear Jan! May God guide your dentist to resolve your problem and bring you comfort and peace of mind

  46. Heavenly Father, may our hearts, minds, and arms be open to receive all that You have for each one of us and let us be grateful while receiving Your blessings to us. You shower us abundantly in Your love and peace Lord. May we always remember Your greatest gift You have already given to us all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  47. Going for a walk with my daughter in love and my grandsons. We will enjoy the beauty of the flowering trees and flowers. Little Gabriel loves purple flowers so I'll keep my eyes open for them. Have a blessed and very happy day. Trust in God's healing and faithfulness. Even when you cannot see answers to His prayers, He is busy working on us inwardly, molding us according to His image and giving us a clearer vision to see over our problems, and above all the worldly trappings to those things that endure. Let us have an eternal perspective because someday we will realize God's promises and our joy will be complete.

  48. When your soul is tired, that’s weariness that’s weighs like a ton. The Holy Spirit prompted me to pray, “I rest in you Lord in my wilderness…I receive rest in my wilderness!” I felt fire well up in me. The Lord is calling us to posture our souls, to rest in His presence in our wilderness, barrenness, emptiness and he will then fill our cups. Pray thst for the Payton family, the man of God who pours out his prayers in this blog and everyone who visits this page. May the Lord supernaturally posture us to rest in our wilderness.

    1. Because resting is challenging for me right now, I thank You for your prayer. Let it fall afresh on me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you for that truth and I do pray for Chris and the Payton family. This dear JC Family means so much and his words lift and encourage me as do all the beautiful posts and prayers.
      I am indeed weary but I know my strength is from the Lord. I come back to him for refreshment so many times through my day. My life is so very busy and stressful. Was with the babies today and then had other things to deal with. But my husband enjoyed my dinner and we had time to talk a bit. He's feeling better, thank God. Must drive to Brooklyn tomorrow morning and then bring my sister back here for a big dinner. I'm preparing for so many things and wish I had more time to rest in the Lord and catch up on my sleep. But I know He already knows how I feel. In my weakness, He is strong.

  49. God,
    Thank you so much for your love, guidance and protection over my life, my children,my family/relatives, friends l, coworkers and all those I encounter and the world. I am so thankful for your presence in and around me. God you understand and saw what the enemy did to me as a child through today. I am so grateful that you were able to use satans viciousness for your good! Thank you for taking all my hurt and pain away Father. Thank you for allowing me to understand that although you had the power to stop the enemies attacks throughout my life, that in this season you would cleanse those hurts and restore it as trust knowledge understanding and most of all GROWTH. As I lay myself down tired at your feet, just to be near you ; I now smile feeling strengthened and more powerful and determined to kick satans butt with my praise, acknowledging you, my mind, my soul, my spirit! My transformation in my mind as you so lovingly showed me was the key to unlocking your vision for my life. Our mind God is the most important gift, with it we can change ourselves, our circumstances, our vision! Thank you for protecting me from all seen and unseen danger. Thank you for for TD Jakes, and Joyce Meyer who you sent into my life to teach me, encourage me, and help me to understand the what, when, why and how’s of what life looks like inside of your home. Thank you for the food you’ve provided for your family through the Bible, the nourishment we receive from our houses of worship and for allowing me to fall down!!!! Thank you for the scrapes and bruises that taught and are still teaching me that it is better to fall down and get back up, rather then lay down in the pit of life complaining and accepting that I somehow fell back in another pothole of life. I stand on all of your promises. Please cover and protect each eye that may stumble on this prayer. Continue to love me enough to take things, habits, people, attitudes, thoughts that are not pleasing to you or serving a Godly purpose with/in/for my life. Show off with me restore your vision and purpose on my life and please cover us( nn, rnb, anb, sne,avg,sk, tb,jh,kl). Thank you for your patience with me.

    1. Thank You for sharing, Anonymous. I am joining in your prayer. Blessings Friend, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. God knows you're seeking Him and coming to Him with praise and gratitude. The past is gone and I'm sorry you have had your crosses to bear. Like the thorn in Paul's flesh, He allows the hard times to draw you close to Him. He is preparing your future. Trust in His guiding Hand. He is your protection, your comfort and your greatest friend. He will never leave you. Stay in His presence and He will lead you day by day. Look for the light always. It is there in even the darkest day.

    3. Anonymous - Accepting and joining you in prayer for those whose paths we cross. Thank you for sharing praise and gratitude to Jesus. Blessings to you dear friend.

    4. Your prayer is also my prayer this morning… I know my scrapes and bruises will heal, and I have another day to try and get things right. Yet at the end of the day I’m forgiven for all I still haven’t quite gotten right… more bandaids for my scrapes!
      Thank you for sharing from your heart

  50. Lord, i need you. I know that though this world is passing away you never change. You remain the same. Refresh me & take away my worries. I feel weak & you are strong. May I just lean on you. I love you & worship you. In Jesus name I pray Amen

    1. Amen. We all need refreshment and renewal from the Lord and peace that covers every worry and concern and situation. Praying God will strengthen, refresh and guide you in every way dear Anonymous. You're just in a valley time. He will carry you through. Lean on His Faithfulness.

      Philippians 4:6-7
      Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

      Isaiah 41:10
      Fear not, for I am with you;
      Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
      I will strengthen you,
      Yes, I will help you,
      I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

      Psalm 94:19
      In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
      Your comforts delight my soul.

    2. Thank you dear Jeanne for the word. The breakfast of champions! Hallelujah!

    3. Anonymous, joining Jeanne in encouraging you this morning through prayer for your worries. I still remember when someone made it clear to me that worry is a sin against God & because I was beginning to harness &, understand my relationship with Him, I desired to please Him. So worry was on notice whenever it wanted to overtake me. It's so hard, but do it you must to please God! Just whisper, " I trust You Jesus". Blessings on your day dear Anonymous πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

  51. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. I need You Lord always! Let Your presence fill me up, overflowing and dripping from me. Let Your glorious light shine bright and radiate in the world through me. I want others to know You and all Your goodness! Reveal Yourself Lord! Let Your amazing power be seen in the world! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. All will see the Christ in you shining like the sun. Amen! Let His amazing power be seen in our lives and in the world.

    2. " Behold, He comes riding on the clouds
      Shining like the sun at the trumpet call
      Lift your voice, the year of jubilee
      And out of Zion's hill, salvation comes".

  52. Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins might be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19). Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore! (1 Chronicles 16:11).

  53. The time is now to look inside and change the things that don't please God. He's molding us each day so we should also examine ourselves and try to follow after righteousness and the Spirit instead of the world and the flesh. We all fall short because we're human, but God knows our hearts of trust and He loves us as we are, broken but trying to walk the right road, help others, and share His message.

    Psalm 139:23-24
    Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.

  54. @paytonfamily your prayer today is timeless- a perfect one for us all to embrace. Thank you for sharing.

    1. AMEN!!! Echoing your comment.

    2. Amen to that! Wonderful prayer for all of us. We need rest, revival and renewal. Thank You Jesus!!

  55. These are the Days of Elijah:

    1. Thanks dear Peter! Pretty song. Nice video too.

    2. Come Holy Spirit! Thank you, Peter, for the praise share.

    3. Audra - Echoing thanks to Peter.

  56. My friend Scott had colon cancer and went through treatments 3 times. He seemed to be in remission for years. He told me last night a recent test showed microscopic cancer cells in his colon. He's having a pet scan on May 8th. Thanks for praying for him and thanking God for removing every last cancer cell in his body, and for giving him peace of mind.
    Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    Psalm 103:2-4
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

  57. God works in strange ways and I do believe in Godwinks. I was just reading Psalm 103:1-5 and it blessed me so much that I wanted to share it so I copied it. Today’s devotion says to come to the Lord with empty hands and an open heart ready to receive His blessings. Well when I scrolled down to the last post it was my own from last year and there it was: Psalm 103:2-4. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 103:1-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

    1. Thank you, sweet Jeanne! Psalm 103 blesses me Greatly!
      AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. God bless!!!

    3. I love singing it too. Thank you dear Jeanne. It certainly beats repeating! πŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸ™

  58. On this Passover time, I offer up this prayer.
    My Dear Heavenly Father -- On this Passover, I want to be free. I want to be free from any area that enslaves me to this world. I want to be free to activate every area of my Book of Life that I haven't activated yet. I want to be free from demonic oppression. I want to be free from diseases and pains in my body. I want to be free from worry, fear and even panic. I want to be free to serve You. And I know that freedom is a Word. The Word in Hebrew is Yeshua and in English is Jesus. I will say out loud: "Jesus come inside of me. I make You my Savior and my Lord. I thank You Holy Spirit, fill me with God's Glory.
    Gratitude fills my heart as I express my sincere appreciation for the restoration of my body and soul from pain and weakness. Thank You for Your healing touch and boundless compassion.
    Thank You that hopelessness is gone. Thank You for your Goodness. Thank You for Your Peace. Thank You that I will fulfill everything You have for me in this life with Excellence. In Jesus's Name my King, Who is the Ultimate Authority and Ruler, AMEN and AMEN.

    Romans 6:4 "We were therefore buried with him through the baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too my live a new life."
    The verse illustrates how Passover symbolizes not only liberation from bondage, but also the opportunity of spiritual renew, protection and fresh start in the life through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. HALLELUJAH!!! GOD ALWAYS WINS!!! Satan, a Forever Loser!!!
    These are Glory Days not gloomy days!!!

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah!!! Peace be with you!!! Thank you for the most powerful prayer.

    2. Hallelujah dear JJ! I raise a Hallelujah as I join in your passover prayer. We are more than conquerors, we are free to conquer. The blood smeared on the doorpost of our hearts is now the blood of the risen Lamb! We are free to overcome fear, pain, illness, addictions, depression. We know our Deliverer! Amen! πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    3. Amen dear JJ! What a beautiful blessing and prayer. Thanking our Almighty God from freeing us from everything that threatens to separate us from His Love, Peace. Grace and Favor! We are in His loving able Hands. Amen dear Jan! We are more then conquerors in Christ Jesus and we are covered by His Saving Blood. Hallelujah

  59. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10). Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the LORD. (Psalm 31:24).

    1. Wow——-these words hit home……I am tired not sleepy!
      I overcommit, to work, to family, to friends,,,,it is my own fault. Lord, give me better boundaries. Help me make better choices. Let others see you through me. Amen

    2. Just what I needed to fill my heart. Thanks dear Janet. You feed us well.

  60. Just lovely, powerful words! Thank you for sharing πŸ’•πŸ™ŒπŸ™

  61. Through His grace we are washed and clothed in His righteousness. What a wonderful Saviour!

  62. A Drop of Oil in God's Hands

    By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.


    Read 2 Kings 4:1-7.

    When a situation seems impossible, we must remember that nothing is impossible for God. In trying times, we have an opportunity to flex our faith and lean into His supernatural power. God will provide. We just need to trust Him.

    Second Kings 4 tells us about a widow who was all out of options. The woman's deceased husband had left behind a debt, and his creditor was on his way to collect. She was facing shame and degradation and the loss of her sons—and then she remembered the promises of God.

    The widow's husband had been faithful to God, and as the head of his household, he had led his family to trust and obey the Lord. This poor woman knew God had promised to care for the righteous and provide for their needs. So, when she approached Elisha, seeking God's help, she knew her situation mattered to God. She placed her faith not in her good works or in the faithfulness of her husband, but squarely in the God who keeps His promises.

    She also displayed confidence in God's provision. When Elisha asked her what she had in her house as a starting point, she replied, "Your servant has nothing here at all," but then she thought for a moment more and remembered she did have something—"a small jar of olive oil" (2 Kings 4:2). The little bit of oil at the bottom of a tiny jar really was nothing in comparison to the size of her debt, yet she offered it to the Lord, knowing that in His hands it could be enough.

    Finally, this widow maximized her capacity for blessing. Elisha told her to borrow jars and containers from her neighbors—and not just a few. So she asked for as many as her neighbors could spare, and God blessed her accordingly. The oil in that small jar of hers filled all the containers, stopping only when the last was topped off. She prepared for a large blessing, and that's exactly what she received.

    As the world around you grows dark, God is still faithful. Now is the time to expand your capacity to receive. Don't be content with just a few jars—expect great things from the Lord. He is your loving Father who is supernaturally at work in your life for your good and for the blessing of those around you.

    Prayer: Lord, You are so faithful. Your blessings are overwhelming. You fill my cup to overflowing. Help me to see how You are at work in my life. May I have eyes to see Your goodness and confidence that You are able and willing to bless me as Your child. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    "Elisha said, 'Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few'" (2 Kings 4:3).

    1. Beautiful encouragement dear Sassy Mom! Thanks for sharing it! God’s provisions and promises are reliable. Much love!
      Amen sweet Audra! πŸ’—

    2. I receive ALL that you shared Sassy Mom, and I am thanking God that you did.

  63. Yes, HIS abundance showers down upon us. Thank you Father for your promises! ✝️♥️

  64. Amen! Thanks Peter and Anonymous

  65. Greetings of peace and blessings JC family. Checking in tonight as it’s been a while, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers.
    It’s been a challenging and weary season, but not without growth, even though the necessary pruning continues and is sometimes not so easy. So, it was so nice to be refreshed and strengthened by today’s devotion and your comments and I am thankful for your prayers.
    Stay strong and may you be blessed with His grace and mercy.

    1. May all your prayers and blessings for us be multiplied for you also, Rich C. It was so good to see you again today.
      It's going to be OK. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!
