Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 1

     You are on the path of My choosing. There is no randomness about your life. Here and Now comprise the coordinates of your daily life. Most people let their moments slip through their fingers, half-lived. They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place. They forget that they are creatures who are subject to the limitations of time and space. They forget their Creator, who walks with them only in the present.
     Every moment is alive with My glorious Presence, to those whose hearts are intimately connected with Mine. As you give yourself more and more to a life of constant communion with Me, you will find that you simply have not time for worry. Thus, you are freed to let My Spirit direct your steps, enabling you to walk along the path of Peace. 
Luke 12:25-26
English Standard Version

25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

Verse Thoughts - This statement is contrasting the words from 24 which speak of Jesus feeding the birds, providing them what they need. Just as he takes care of the birds he takes care of us. We do not have the ability to make ourselves taller nor lengthen our days. Again, as learned yesterday we tend to think we control our lives rather than God being in control. And that tension is present each day. That seems to be the consistent message of these devotions - the daily reminder that God is in control, right down to our individual lives.  

Luke 1:79
English Standard Version

to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death,
    to guide our feet into the way of peace.

My Prayer
Lord, you have rescued me from darkness and you are guiding me in the way of peace. Help me to trust in what you are doing in my life. Forgive my impatience. Forgive me for not being content and questioning your work in me. Help me to stay in today and not be so focused on the unknown of tomorrow, but instead let you take care of tomorrow. Keep me connected with You. Help me to embrace of life of praying, talking, conversing with You, so I'm reminded daily of your great love for me. I can walk each day with confidence, with peace.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Oh my goodness! I not only needed this devotion desperately today, but your prayer as well...which says all that I am feeling!! Thank you once again!!!

  2. I read these blog every day along with the book and need daily reminders of His presence in my life. I spend too much time complaining of work situations and struggles after a divorce 10 years ago. This message always helps me to remember to trust God just for today. All I can handle is 24 hours at a time. Thanks for being here

    1. Amen to that! being able to handle only 24 hours at a time. I'm currently reading a book called, Win the Day by Mark Batterson, and your statement struck a nerve, as that is the premise of this book - just focus on getting things right for one day. The rest will follow suit when we form the habit.

    2. E Dear Lord, please help me to embrace the path You have chosen for me. Help me to realize everything on this Earth is because of You. Help me to embrace each moment and fulfill every moment in Your name in which my mind can handle and not sit and watch time idly go by. Amen

    3. Breathe On E, O Breath Of God.
      In Jesus ' Name πŸ’–. AMEN!

    4. Amen
      Love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ
      May we always strive to stay in the moment with the LORD leading every action and words uttered.
      Let us not get caught up in the distractions of this world- for YOU, my beloved Savior and Heavenly Father Are our only hope
      Praise YOU YAWEH & YESHUA, for my life
      I’m Jesus Christ name I pray

    5. Edit above “in “ not I’m

  3. Listening to the birds sing as I read this was the perfect back-drop for my morning reading. Thank you, God. Thank you, Peyton Family!! First I read yesterdays comments. What a blessing. My heart is full.

  4. Peyton family, may you realize how much you are assisting me with my walk as well. This, along with other devotionals, I read before my feet hit the floor to start my day. My prayer is that I embrace every moment, good and bad, and know that God is there alongside me, and to not worry - since worry doesn't produce anything positive. Trust more. Worry less. Amen.

  5. The Marvel movies and all their supernatural abilities remind me of Christian mysticism, which relates to 'adding to our stature' one way or another. This is God, Christ our Creator who is proclaiming that adding an inch to our stature or time to our life is a 'small' thing...yet that is supernatural to us. Something to think about.

    1. Yes, what is impossible for us, is easy for God. Let Him Just Do It!

  6. Yesterday was a turning point in my husband's health! He was able to eat and drink and had no pain. The predicted rain never came and the sun came out - in many ways! Our sleep was sweet. The doom and gloom is gone and now I have some cleaning up to do! Blessings to all of you, my JC Family! I pray your day is victorious for all of us. Walking with my Lord. God Bless!

    1. Hallelujah! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! So glad to read the good news.

    2. Norah praise God that your husband is feeling better, what a wonderful praise report! We got your rain up here in Michigan. Our crawl space is flooded, and 2 sump pumps went out. I guess we will be buying a new 1 today. Please be praying for us this has been an ongoing issue that needs to be resolved. My husband is handicapped and unable to do the work that really needs done. My prayer is that God provides the finances and men that can come in and do what needs to be done so we no longer have this problem. We have water in our heat ducts again which is not good. Every year we say we need to deal with it, but it just continues. I claim in Jesus name this will be the year it is resolved once and for all. Thank you Lord,
      Prayers and love to al my JC family, TERRI

    3. Heading boldly in the Throne of Grace to lift up your situation. Our Great Lord is greater than anything!! He watches over his word to perform it!!! Blessings from Kansas

    4. Glory to God for your hubby's turning point Norah! Continuing in prayers for your family.

      Maplewood , NJ

    5. Years later, we are still lifting up your husband in prayer and Chuck and Dottie, and you too dear Sister. Get some rest.

  7. Norah... joy comes in the morning! How wonderful, praise to our Lord.

    1. Amen! I praise you lord! Lord almighty πŸ™
      Thank you Jesus.

    2. Amen Praise the Lord with every breath. He is worthy of our thanks and praise. Not a day goes by that I don't see His loving hand in my life. He is so good to me. Thank You Jesus

    3. Jeanne, I love your heart and your prayers! You are such a dear blessing sweet sister in Christ.
      Chris Payton, Thank you and God bless you and your family. God is using you as a vessel of love and light in this dark world. Loving prayers for each of our JC family πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ™

    4. Brandy, Thank you sweetheart! You really lifted my night with your sweet message of love!!! God bless you too.

  8. Good morning and Happy May to all. Great news Norah and I’m am so comforted by hearing everyone’s experience walking with the Lord. My heart is warmed and reminded to trust and look to heaven and not earthly pleasures where I’m valued by my income, looks or possessions. It wears me down. Thank you all for being here daily to lighten the load and continue the walk with Jesus. I have to remember today all my work is for God and not people. Good day

  9. Praise God from whom all blessings flows! It's a new day and a new month. This morning Lord, You have opened my eyes to see, my mouth to speak, my heart to beat, my ears to hear, my limbs to move, my mind is right etc.. I say Thank You!
    "Ascribe to the Lord the Glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His Holiness" (Psalm 29:2).

    Father, I thank You for crossing us over into this new month of May and for the past 4 months where You were right there beside us whether through trials or joy. We are here this morning only because of Your Grace and Your mercy, thank You!
    As we go through this day, we acknowledge You and ask Your Spirit to keep us in the present, allowing You to walk with us and not worry about the future because our future is in Your hand. May we walk in the path of Your Perfect choosing and NOT ours because it will be such a disaster!
    Holy Spirit grant us peace, joy, hope and trust in You this day so that worry and despair may be far from us.

    This new month, for everyone here and their families, I pray:

    Heavenly Father, I thank You that You know each person here, their families and circumstances and hear us when we call onto You. Thank You for answered prayers, prayers not yet answer, prayers that You've said no to because You know best and have better in store for us. Thank You!
    May Your abundant favor fall on us this month, may testimonies be our portion, may peace, joy, laughter and love chase us down, may the flood gates of Heaven rain down blessings upon us, may we receive beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of Praise instead of a spirit of despair, may Your shield of protection surround us, may we experience Victory over our enemies like never before, may Jesus the joy of our Salvation fight all of our battles and may Your peace that surpasses ALL understanding, rest upon us today and always in the name of Jesus, AMEN!
    'Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord our strength and our Redeemer', in Jesus name!

    Blessings and Peace to all, JC family. Jesus loves you and so do I!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. AMEN! Bless your day Anonymous!

    2. Amen! Blessings for a beautiful day !

    3. Amen! Blessings for a beautiful day !

    4. Amen! Blessings for a beautiful day !

    5. Powerful prayer. Thank God for Jesus.. .Thank God for you. Blessings to all of My JC Family. Never underestimate the Power of Prayer. Thank you and Amen

    6. Amen Maplewood. A year later and your prayers made my heart sing. I shared with my Mom and Sister. Thank you.

    7. Amen! Thank you, Maplewood. Your prayer is mine. Your prayer spoke to my heart. Blessings to all JC family.

    8. Amen! I love reading your prayers!

    9. Thank you for your beautiful prayers Maplewood. Love, prayers and blessings to our JC family
      God bless

    10. Thank you always Maplewood. Happy May to everyone, My Birthday Month along with my twin sister and Mother. A whole lotta celebrating will be going on. My Sis is flying in from Missouri on the 5th and we will enjoy our time with our Mom. We pray together every morning and today's devotion really moved me. Every moment is alive with My glorious Presence, to those whose hearts are intimately connected with Mine.

    11. That sounds divine Jeanne. Enjoy sweet moments together. May they be filled with joy and heartfelt conversations. Happy birthday month!!! πŸ₯³

    12. Thank you again dear Maplewood for ushering us into the Month of May so beautifully and prayerfully. Praying for you and your family that God has been faithful to all of you. Much love.

    13. Yes, this prayer lifts my heart again this year. Literally overnight, a cherry tree in our yard went into full bloom! God is so amazing!
      Receiving Maplewood's prayer declaration: "MAY Your abundant favor fall on us this month, MAY testimonies be our portion, MAY peace, joy, laughter and love chase us down, MAY the flood gates of Heaven rain down blessings upon us, MAYwe receive beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of Praise instead of a spirit of despair."
      THIS must be the month of MAY ♥️

  10. Oh glorious day😊! The sun is shinning on my garden, awakening it from it's winter nap. I too Father am awakening to the greatness of your mercy that's new every morning. I sowed seeds yesterday in faith that each one will pleasure me with flowers & fruits to nourish my soul & my stomach. The garden is where you wait for me Lord. With great anticipation I can't wait to talk with you there. There I tell you that as much as I enjoy the garden my aging body reminds me to rest in between tasks. You lovingly reply: "rest & receive", in resting in you everyday I will receive the strength I need for kingdom work. R&R JC family! Love to allπŸ₯°

  11. "Most people let their moments slip through their fingers, half-lived. They avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place."Sarah Young could not have said it better. That has been me more times than I would like to admit.This past Sunday I was listening to the song by Abba. The title happens to be"Slipping Through My Fingers" Today was just another nudge from God to let Him be in charge and control of my life. May it be so in Jesus's name. Your sister in Christ,Marie

    1. And this song has me thinking about and sending love to my beautiful daughter πŸ™

    2. Yes! Marie/Martha/Mary,
      Today's Devotion reminds us, Here and Now comprise the coordinates of our daily life, but Moments slip through our fingers, half-lived, by worrying.

      Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
      Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
      I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness
      And I have to sit down for a while
      The feeling that I'm losing her forever
      And without really entering her world
      I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter
      That funny little girl
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      I try to capture every minute
      The feeling in it
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      Do I really see what's in her mind?
      Each time I think I'm close to knowing
      She keeps on growing
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      Sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table
      Barely awake, I let precious time go by
      Then when she's gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling
      And a sense of guilt I can't deny
      What happened to the wonderful adventures
      The places I had planned for us to go?
      (Slipping through my fingers all the time)
      Well, some of that we did but most we didn't
      And why? I just don't know
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      I try to capture every minute
      The feeling in it
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      Do I really see what's in her mind?
      Each time I think I'm close to knowing
      She keeps on growing
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
      And save it from the funny tricks of time
      Slipping through my fingers
      Slipping through my fingers all the time
      Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
      Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile...
      ...Slipping through our fingers...

  12. Thank you for your wonderful prayer, Anonymous of Maplewood, N.J. From feisty Grandma of St. Pete, Fl.

  13. 21 days clean & sober. This is exhausting.

    1. I know it is. But your faith is not, as you are reading this devotion still seeking his face. He will guide you if you stay still and wait on the Lord. He's got this! Give it to him. Blessings to you on this day, warrior.

    2. I know it is. But your faith is not, as you are reading this devotion still seeking his face. He will guide you if you stay still and wait on the Lord. He's got this! Give it to him. Blessings to you on this day, warrior.

    3. May the Lord lift you up and reinvigorate you with His Love and energy, Anonymous. I am proud of you - 21 days! One day you will be able to say 21 years! God bless you, and one step at a time.

    4. Congratulations!! Stay steady AND strong! It will become exhilarating ! Amen.

    5. By the grace of God you're sober. We are reminded that recovery is based on spiritual principles. We cannot sustain without our dependence on God our higher power. As things in life rally for our attention, it is important to surrender these things to God and ask for his grace and direction. Step one. Breathe, Express gratitude for the struggle because it is here we recognize our need for God. Then finally trust. Trust the process of recovery. You are right where God wants you today. You are blessed with a desire to be sober. God bless you, anonymous! Stay close to those that have gone before you in their program of recovery. It is there that you will find peace.

    6. Look at this from the perspective of staying clean & sober "Just For Today"...
      Much Love, Peace and Blessings!

    7. You can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you! Hang in there Anonymous day 21.

      Continuing in prayers for you.

      Maplewood , NJ

    8. I pray that you are still sober 1 year and 21 days on your journey. You can do all things through Christ who strenghtens you and you can do it one day at a time. I hope the peace that passes all understanding envelopes you on your life journey.
      I live in the community where Bill W lived and developed AA. I see what a positive way of life this can be for those who struggle. Stick with your journey...the best is yet to come

  14. Good morning friends, I love the Luke 12:25-26 scripture today. It's funny how the Word describes the addition of an hour to our span of life "as small a thing as that." Small and simple for a mighty God, impossible for us! Worrying won't change anything and yet I keep worrying! Oh Lord, help me to rest in your divine plan and oversight of my life. You are in the present. That's where I will find you. I love that.

    Please also help Terri and her husband with the sump pump situation Lord. Please provide the equipment and workers they need to fix this problem once and for all. Surprise us Lord with how you will provide for Terri and her husband today. In your precious name dear Jesus, amen.

  15. Praising the Lord for the inspirational and uplifting answered prayers from JC family.

  16. Tkank you for numbering and guiding my steps Father

  17. Father God..I pray for my wife's eyes to be open to truth and that a Spirit of Conviction may come upon her to turn her from her wicked ways. Father God I pray this conviction will drive her to repentance. In Jesus name Amen.

  18. Open the πŸ‘€ of my ❤️May 2, 2019 at 7:41 AM

    Last night I resolved in my evening prayer to make a greater effort to keep my eyes on Jesus and put God first. I confessed that I had been finding my joy in my little granddaughter, when I should have been seeking it from the Lord. Earthly relationships change - people quarrel, people move away, people die. But God promises to never leave us or forsake us. When I read the first sentence of today‘s Jesus Calling (You are on the path of my choosing) I felt God‘s peace come over me and I know everything will be just fine as long as I do as I resolved last night and place God first. I pray for strength to do that, because y‘all know there‘re distractions everywhere, and would ask to keep me in your prayers as well. Thank you!

    1. πŸ™God bless you and keep you and bring more joy to your life! In Jesus name Amen πŸ™

  19. Good morning everyone! “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it” - Psalm 118:24 No matter what is going on around us, we can do this internally with Christ. “Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”- Romans 12:1-2
    We have Christ residing within us and we have the privilege of studying and absorbing His Word and having a relationship with Him. Thank you Lord that your Holy Spirit brings revelation, wisdom, comfort, strength and everything we crave- thank you for filling us to overflowing with Your joy and “Your Peace that surpasses all human understanding”- Philippians 4:7. His Word brings us light and life - He can truly set us free

    1. Amen dear Imac! Your encouragement and wonderful verses bless my heart! He is the only One who can set us free from the bonds of sin and this world's trappings.

  20. We welcome the month of MAY in the name of Jesus! Thanks Be to the ONE (our Father) who made it possible for us to enter. We call on Blessings and Restorations to spring forth throughout!

    Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for granting us the grace and mercy to be ushered into this new month. We commit our steps into Your care and ask that You take us throughout its entirety. While we journey through, protect us from the evils of the physical and spiritual. Let Your shield of protection be a covering for us as we dwell in the secret place of You, our most High. We submit our families, friends, government and the world to You. Help us to stand firm in Your Word, for Your Word is our shield and buckler(Psalm 91:4). For You have ‘given Your angels charge over us, to keep us in all our ways. In their hands they shall bear us up, lest we dash your feet against a stone’(Psalm 91:11-12). Help us not to lose faith and trust in You, but instead be strengthen in our faith more and more. You have already won the Victory for us through Christ Jesus our Savior. Teach us to rely on Your Will only and not ours. Guide our footsteps and the words of our mouths, so that we can only say and do those things that are acceptable to You and not those things that will grieve Your Spirit. May this new month bring peace and stability, restorations, healing and hope.
    For You are the giver of all things, even in the midst of hard times. We thank You for providing more than enough provision, happiness, peace, goodness of health and wellness of mind. Father, let this month be the starting point of our unlimited gratitude to You, unlimited songs of praise, and words of worship to You. Let this month draw us even more closer to you. You are our Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and Light in our darkness. We pray for incredible miracles this month, incredible breakthroughs in areas we have never imagine and non-stop testimonies to Your glory! Let the weak amongst us say they are strong in You,let the lost say they have found You and let the broken hearted declare Your peace and comfort. Let this month turn our mourning in dancing and put off our sackcloth and clothed us with gladness (Psalm 30:11). Grant unto us also,“beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.”(Isaiah 61:3).Let ‘every moment of our lives be alive with Your glorious Presence as our hearts stay intimately connected to Yours’! We stand AMAZED in Your Presence oh lord! We submit our prayers to You in the matchless name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
    We decree and declare that COVID-19 must bow in the name of Jesus this month, our afflictions and reproaches shall come to an end this month, we shall receive solutions to our cross roads this month, opportunities and breakthroughs shall spring forth this month and praise and thanksgiving to You oh Lord, shall never leave our hearts and lips, in Jesus name!

    Numbers 6:24-26
    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
    the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

    Wishing you all a safe, blessed and restored month, in Jesus name!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood!!! Your prayer is mine. D

    2. Absolutely Maplewood, your words are food we need right now. I pray with you in these requests! Amen.

    3. Amen Maplewood.
      I join in your beautiful prayers and thank you for them and for all of today's encouragement and inspiration. May this new month bring peace and stability, restorations, healing and hope.
      Father God, May we all see your faithfulness in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. May all our weaknesses be healed, and our faith and our family's faith be renewed and strengthened. Bless and guide our loved ones to come to you. Open their eyes and soften their hearts. May each day bring us closer to the New Beginning you are preparing for us after this dark storm. May we walk with our eyes on You and see with clarity your plan for us. Let us learn to rely on your control, and always trust in you as if we were little children, that is, with every fiber of our being. You made us according to Your Image, so there is no room inside for fear and doubt. In you, all our needs are met and our path is made straight. May this month bring so much joy and contentment within our hearts. Thank you that you are always there in every situation. Heal those on our ever growing prayer lists. Thank you for this new month of May. May it bring an end to the Pandemic and a bright new life for all of us. All praise and thanksgiving to You.

    4. A great post as we begin a new month which WILL be filled with our Lord's presence as we pray, 'Thy will be done'. We rest secure. Have a blessed month everyone. Thanks for this post, twin bd sis!

    5. Already seeing some miracles in this month in dear MadFox's recovery. Praying that his low red blood levels and magnesium will increase. Looking forward with my family here to hear of many more victories in this wonderful month of May. Already I am seeing a brighter world. Thank God that the vaccine is available to us. We are so blessed to be living a better life now. May God continue to heal those who are sick and lacking in many things because of the Pandemic, and those mourning for their loved ones. Thank You Jesus!

    6. Thanks for bringing us so beautifully into the Month of May! Love you, dear Maplewood! Your words are timeless and Spirit guided! You’re always in my prayers dear sister. God bless you always!

  21. The first sentence of today's devo is perfect for the times we live in. I am on the path of God's choosing. He has spared me thus far from the ravages of this deadly virus. I know that if it does darken my doorstep, it will be of His choosing. In the meantime, I will not be anxious about what is happening around me. Luke 12:25 "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?"

    1. Anonymous. God is love. I offer this alternative thinking to you humbly and not as confrontational. My daughter has been sick, I do not believe He chose to make my daughter sick or would choose to "darken" your doorstep. Man was given free will and that has consequences. We but specifically those in labs studying diseases may have accidentally sickened the world. But it could have also come from eating raw and exploited animals thought to give heightened abilities. God loves us. In Jesus he showed it. You can become sick and die and God will wrap His arms around you in the process but just as He grieved for His Son, He will grieve for you. But He did not create the virus to harm us. That would be the opposite of love. In Him, Amen.

    2. MadFox, a father who loves his daughter very much as most fathers do. My dad, my hero, carried me to doctor's appointment when mom could not. My heart goes out to you; your prayers are heard and Our Father in heaven is holding your beloved daughter in his hands. Peace be with you.

    3. So blessed that your daughter is doing better MadFox and you are amazing the doctors. So many reasons to praise our wonderful and faithful God!

  22. Lord, I believe your promises. May my actions be a reflection of my beliefs. Praying I will bless those whose paths I cross.

    1. Praying with you dear Sassy Mom. You always bless me.

  23. Luke 12:25-26: And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

    When I think about my or wife's anxiousness, it's rarely regarding ourselves, it's "the rest." To illustrate the point, our daughter, who works at an elective surgery private hospital in Manhattan, volunteered to work at an adjacent hospital in the ER department, the highest risk area for health care workers in the Coronavirus crisis. Her hospital was/is shuttered, and if it had been far worse used as an overflow. So, she and her team waited and were not called. On her own, she volunteered to take 6 shifts in ER, as she has experience in triage. Many here prayed for her.

    Wife and I worried, "the rest" was our fear of her getting sick and being single in NYC. The fears were realized when she got CV19 12 days ago. Fortunately, she did not end up being hospitalized, but has suffered all symptoms other than respiratory. On day 5, I was going to drive up there and get her as we have too many doctor friends here to advocate care and not have her alone in NYC (her roommate had left to live on Long Island with family). Also day 5 or so, is when it gets worse.... or better. She went five more difficult days, but had the device at home that measures oxygen. She remained at 99%.

    As a parent, we cannot help but worry; fellow JC warriors have shared those anxieties here. I have to admit to placing it in God's hands reluctantly, not trusting her judgment, and then understanding that my worry of the outcome was not founded in faith. Each day, the "today" of her illness, was an opportunity to put her via prayer in His hands. And so we and YOU prayed. As humans with the capacity to think of the future, we project negativity and Jesus is saying to us in today's scripture, ask ME to help you today... and then tomorrow WE together will take on tomorrow's problems. Hard to do but infinitely less stressful. Thank you for your prayers for her... we and you had no idea we were praying for her life, literally. Godspeed. Amen.

    1. Amen MadFox! I am so grateful to God that she is on the mend! Praying for your continued faith as you and your wife lead by example for her, with Love of our amazing Jesus!!! D

    2. Prayers to you and your servant daughter. Amen.

    3. MadFox, you have become a virtual friend and as a result, my heart aches for you. I name your daughter daily in my prayers (as a result of our friendship). As a father of three daughters, I understand your heartache. I applaud your daughter's dedication to service (obviously she has similarly dedicated parents). She has chosen the way of the cross, to suffer so others may live. God bless her! The Lord be with you all.

    4. MadFox, Thank God she is doing well. Praying for your dear daughter. It is human to worry about those we love. We all do. But, I have been saying "I trust you Jesus", whenever I realize I'm not resting in Him. It really helps Him reign in my heart, and helps to comfort and calm me. I pray each day brings her to a perfect recovery. God is so good.

    5. My dear NJ brother MadFox, Please take courage knowing that your JC family stand with you. Your daughter is being prayed for. I am in continue prayers and covering her with the blood of Jesus!!
      Keeping you and your wife in prayers as well. God is your refuge and strength.

      Maplewood NJ

    6. Madfox--- Going to The Throne of Grace to intercede for you, your wife and your daughter. The Lord hears our prayers and He has a plan. And it is a FABULOUS PLAN!!! The Lord's Great Blessings and Mercy upon you and your family!

    7. Our daughter is also an ALL NIGHT ER TRAUMA NURSE in the other hotspot area of New Orleans. She had COVID19 before it was declared a pandemic, so we did not know that was her situation. Therefore, our Lord got to do His thing without annoyance or interference from us.
      My prayer:
      I pray for the PEACE of a perfect trust
      My loving God in thee.
      A steadfast faith that always knows
      You choose what's BEST for me.
      BEST, when Your Plan overtakes my plan
      Best, when the road is rough
      Best, when my earthly store is scant
      In You there's plenty enough
      Oh for Your peace of a perfect TRUST
      That looks away from it all
      To see Your Hand in everything
      For Whom adding hours to lifespans is small!

      This is My prayer for all of us, JC family. Had a Long day today. Good Night!

    8. Thanking God that things appear to be getting better now that we have been vaccinated. We all have lost someone or know others that have lost dear ones. But we are still here together able to give Him thanks and praise for getting us through such a hard year and also bringing us into the beautiful month of May with all its glory. Thank You Lord.

  24. Dear JC Family, thank you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! A great night's sleep, waking up 3 hours ago and reading your prayers and words of encouragement...a new day, a new month, new mercies every morning.
    I'm happy to report that it WORKED LAST NIGHT! The deep breaths, Bob, the reminder of whose HANDS I put all of this in and the difference it makes; knowing Sassy Mom and all of you were praying. I was able to go join the rest of my peeps, hold my tongue and then the whipped cream topping was that I got to talk to a lot of my family before bed.
    Today, I will do better. I will admit that there is "no randomness" in my life. I will LISTEN as to when I turn off work and devote my labor and believing to getting this kitchen knocked out. I will TRUST my Lord and the people He has put in my Life.
    Thank you - each and everyone of you. Reading today's memories from last year and praying for each of you and your unique talents and gifts. Thanking my Father in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ...I do believe the sun will come out! Thank you again - I'm sure my whole family is very thankful, too. :)

    1. Thank you, Jesus, for Norah. I so admire this woman. She gives everything to you, Lord, without hesitation, no matter how small. She talks to you with so much trust and you truly are her best friend. It amazes me how fast you answer her prayers and if you don't, Lord, she doesn't hesitate to ask for prayer. Thank you, Jesus, for Norah, she has taught me so much by your grace.

  25. Madfox, thank- you for your words, they, along with Sarah's, really hit home this am. Our son, who has lost interest in Spiritual things,has just had his workplace closed due to the virus. Your saying that worry over his possible/probable exposure to the virus is " not founded in faith " and that I am busy " projecting negativity" as my mind ranges over all the possibilities of his situation ...It doesn't help that I'm in Florida and he's in Massachusetts ( not that being there would make a real difference ). I pray daily that he would turn to the Lord and this, on top of all the other other relational problems/ disappointments in his life, is in God's hands and may just cause him to look up and not around for answers ! Anyway, thank you for encouraging my Mothers' heart.
    Blessings to all as we faithfully navigate these challenging times.

    1. CapeCodGirl. We are 1000+ miles away from her in the south... so we "Feel your pain". Hold fast to the Lord, daily, pray for him to find God, to be safe, and then turn it over to Him, and be cheerful and about your routine today. Tomorrow, do the same.

      Pray for peace for you and all parents... it is NOT easy, but as Sarah often writes as Jesus, "He is holding your hand in this rough steep path." Godspeed.

    2. Dear CapeCodgirl, allow me to share a story from Christian history that may help you in the anguish of a loving mother's heart for her wayward son. One of the greatest figures in Church history is Augustine. But he was not always a believer. For many years, he lived his own life according to the ways of the world. His mother, Monica who was very devout in her faith, prayed without ceasing for her son's conversion. At God's appointed time, the Spirit moved in Augustine's heart and he repented of his sins and received the Lordship of Jesus Christ in his heart. As stated above, God then used him to be one of the great voices for the faith. His autobiography, "Confessions of St Augustine" is one of the foremost classics in Christian literature. Moral of the story, CapeCodgirl, just keep praying and now, we will be praying with you. God be with you.

    3. I sure do understand the pain of having loved ones far away and also dear ones who do not know Jesus. Wonderful encouragement, Bob. Anything is possible. Even St. Augustine through the faith and prayers of his good mother was converted. It is all in God's appointed time. Just must keep praying for their hearts to be open to seek Him.

    4. As my Mom said: Never underestimate the value of a praying parent.

    5. One day my daughter will know this and find her need for salvation in Jesus. I pray in Jesus's name with all my heart.

    6. I am praying with you dear sweet sister-friend in Christ, Audra. It will be. And she herself will choose Him from deep within her own heart's desire, which is how He prefers it, plus it could make her choice last forevermore.
      This MAY morning, one of my other readings and meditations was based on John 6:
      Jesus said, The truth of the matter is, I want you to believe in Me because you believe Me, not because I feed you, not because I clothe you, not because I shelter you, not because I give you things, and not because ("I'm The Mama and I said So") but because you want to be with ME!
      Joined together in His Name, we pluralized parent, so He is in the midst! MAY all of us enjoy His Blessings! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    7. Amen Brie! Praying that our unsaved loved ones will seek Him for themselves. He is always there so they just have to come to Him with an open and trusting heart of faith. They must have new eyes and a clearer vision to see those things that never fade away. They must leave this world's glitter behind. It means nothing.

    8. Love this attitude, loving God not for what we "get" but simply for who He is!

  26. Thank you Our Father in heaven for this new month of May. Your son is shining down on us giving us hope. We have faith in you Sweet Jesus and we know you are listening to our prayers. Pour your amazing grace over our world and all who are struggling financially, physically and spiritually. We love you; thank you for loving us.

    1. Amen Loveconquersall! We are standing with our feet firmly planted on the Rock, in Whom we Trust.

    2. Loveconquersall--- Amen!!! Your prayer is my prayer. Great Blessings upon you and your family!


    Today's reading moves into very sacred territory. Here are the words of Jesus that John recorded in his gospel because they are so essential to more fully being blessed in the sacrament of the Eucharist/Holy Communion. According to John, these words were spoken long before that night in the Upper Room when Jesus instituted the Eucharist/Holy Communion, thus the hearers, which included the disciples, were totally perplexed by what Jesus was saying. But over time and after much contemplation, John, led by the Holy Spirit, told of this experience so the sacrament could be a source of great blessing to all who receive it. Because there are differing beliefs about what is happening at the altar/table, I am going to simply record the words as John did and allow the Holy Spirit to direct them within you to where they have the greatest blessing.

    (John 6:52-59 NRSV) "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink. Those who eat My flesh and drink My blood abide in Me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats Me will live because of Me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live forever."

    Be blessed in the sacrament, brothers and sisters in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Amen dear Bob and thank you.

      The bread that I will give
      is my flesh for the life of the world,
      and he who eats of this bread,
      he shall live for ever,
      he shall live for ever.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

      I know I posted this but we must not forget that He is the bread that is always there for us and if we eat His bread we will not die but have eternal life.

    2. Hallelujah πŸ™

  28. Well, today is the "Tea party". My sweet Granddaughter and her bridal party will finally enjoy the fruit of the Lord & my labor from the kitchen. It never ceases to amaze me how our God is in the details. With all of the tea sandwiches & pastries down to the flowers & beautiful weather, He has guided my hands, my thoughts, and filled to overflowing the desires of my granddaughter's heart & mine. Now it will get gobbled up, doggie bagged and we prepare for the next event. The wedding!! Guess whose making the cake! Thank you for prayers dear ones πŸ₯°πŸ’•

    1. Hallelujah and Amen Jan! Peace be with you.

    2. Have a wonderful tea party for your granddaugher and her bridal party. They are blessed to enjoy your yummy tea sandwiches and pastries in a beautiful atmosphere that God helped you set.
      Rejoice and be glad in your day.
      Today is the big birthday celebration for my son. Been preparing for days and I can't wait to make my family smile! God is so good.

    3. Enjoy your celebration dear JeanneπŸ₯°. Tomorrow we "crash"! πŸ˜‚

    4. Oh my goodness, Jan! How absolutely wonderful to have a tea party for your granddaughter and her bridesmaids! You are something else with your generous heart and using the awesome creative talents God has given you! Wish pictures could be displayed her but I will envision your talents and the tea party in my head. And her wedding cake?! WOW. What an honor and your granddaughter obviously has immense love and gratitude for her Gram! Beautiful all the way around, Jan. The fruits of your labor will be enjoyed by all who attend. How full your heart will be!!! What a blessing to have those talents and to be able to share them with family!

    5. Such joy that will be shared today in special gatherings. God bless each and everyone!

  29. Father, thank You for being so wonderful, amazing, loving, forgiving, gracious, and merciful. I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. I'm nothing without You. You complete me. We are one together. Put Your Spirit in my heart and let it flow through me completely. As the Holy Spirit guides me, let me receive Your message and pass it on to others. Draw us to You Lord. Let us know the Spirit of the Lord deep inside our soul. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    1. Father, thank You for all the reminders You gave to me this day. You always hear my thoughts and prayers and You always answer. You are always there for me and You are always with me. I can't thank You enough. You mean the world to me. No one compares to You. No one even comes close. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord always and forever. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Amen dear Janet! No one could ever come close to our dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    3. I cover your sweet prayer & praise for the goodness of our God, dear Janet. Bless you & have an excellent day!

    4. Amen πŸ™

  30. There is always a beginning and an end to everything. In this case, it is the beginning of a new month, the month of May which brings enchantment with its seasonal changes. This month has the energy to help us go the extra mile partly because Spring ends and prepares us to jump into summer of sunshine with the sweet aroma of blooming flowers! Our God is a God of new beginnings and He has crossed us over Blessed and Highly favored, and for that and many more reasons, let’s give Him Praise, and Thanksgiving!

    Father, We give praise and thanks to You for blessing us with another day and a new month. We are here because You are not done with us yet. We commit all the days of this month to You and put the affairs of our lives into Your capable hands. We know that whatever we leave in Your hands never spoils or is ever placed on the sideline. Help us to take charge in praying without ceasing so that when trials and heavy storms come, it doesn’t take charge of our lives, but rather trust You to pave the way and command each day to be entirely in our favor.
    Help us to disconnect from all selfishness, resentment, critical feelings of others, self-condemnation and misinterpretation of our life’s experiences. May we continue to remain under Your unwavering protection, and experience incredible progress in doing Your will. Thank You for our families and friends that have also crossed over with us.
    We decree, declare, believe and receive wisdom and knowledge that will flow through us all the days of our lives, and we decree, declare, believe and receive all we have been asking for in the previous months that are not yet received in the physical, will be done by Your grace and according to Your Will this month. NO weapons of the enemy fashioned against us will ever prosper because You are with us always as our Refuge and Strength.
    Revelations 3:8 says, You have set before us opened doors that no one can shut! We pray that those open doors You have set before us never get closed, so that we can step through into unlimited songs of praise, incredible breakthroughs in areas we’ve never thought of, victories, blessings, joy, peace of mind, goodness of health, favors, appreciation, praise and gratitude, self-acceptance, enlightened understanding of life’s experiences, and possess our possessions. Thank You Lord for accomplishing all of Your purposes and plans concerning our lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


    Maplewood, NJ

    1. I'm officially ushered into May! Hallelujah! Thank you dear sisterπŸ’•

    2. Amen Maplewood, may your prayer be mine as I join you in praise and celebration for our Lord is mighty, no one can stand against his ways and succeed. Praise you Lord!!

    3. AMEN, AMEN, & AMEN, Maplewood! Such an awesome and wonderful ushering prayer into May! I always appreciate your wise words and prayers. Happy & blessed May to one and all in our JC family.

    4. Thanks for the grand entrance into May, our Dear Sweet Maplewood NJ. Now, May has officially begun. MAY it be good, come what MAY!

    5. Along with your beautiful prayer welcoming us to May, I thank God for the amazing beauty of His creation unfolding in nature all around me. Praise the Lord!

    6. Yes, earth is full of the A-MAY-ZING Beauty of our God!

    7. MAY all our MAYDAYS be blessed JC Family, 🎢 Come What MAY 🎢

    8. Dear Maplewood! No one can usher us into a new month like you!!! Thanks sweet sister! Welcome May! May God answer your prayers and bless, strengthen, guide, protect and heal you and your family. Thank You Jesus. Much love!

  31. Amen dear Maplewood! Thank you for the light you add to my life and for a share in the wisdom from above.
    He ushers us into this month of May and surrounds us with the most beautiful flowers and skies and warm breezes. We feel renewed and refreshed and so hopeful. I love the aroma of lilacs and I was blessed on my walk today to grab a little from a tree I was passing. It is right by my bed now to relax me and bring me joy.
    Thank God He is not done with us. He molds us every day. Praying He will make me a better person so I won't lean on my emotions, only Him.
    Thank You Lord for the opened doors that lead to all the beautiful blessings you bestow on us even though we don't deserve them. Thank You. I trust You Lord and Your Plan for me.

  32. What a blessing this meeting place is. I'm honored and oh so grateful to be among you. Praise God

  33. I, too, am honored to be here and read these beautiful words. I find myself thanking God, at times, as you do, Dear Maplewood. You are always in awe of the glory, the beauty, and never fail to give thanks. Each of you have a special place in my heart as I pray. I am picturing you renewed today, MadFox, with the energy you have been waiting for. Picturing your RBCs climbing and your Magnesium levels the best they've been in ages.
    My heart is full of His blessings and I find myself tossing the fear, doubt and worry that the adversary tries to plague me with....nope, not today - outta here! So very thankful for my DH, his steadfast love and believing, for all of my kids who surprised me with an early Mother's Day gift of abundance to help pay for my new crown. What a surprise. I had some difficulty receiving it - the 'ol, "Oh, no - I've got this!" I had to humble myself and remind myself of the joy of giving. Is that not the sweetest thing for them to do??
    Thanking the good Lord for all of my many blessings and preparing myself to slap down anything that tries to diminish that Truth.
    Praying for each of you and yours and a lovely weekend for all. Thank you for sharing your victories, your blessings, your concerns and fears so that we on this blessed site can pray specifically for you. Even if I don't have the details, God does!
    Love and Blessings on this beautiful first day of May!

    1. You hold a very special place in my heart! What great kids you have that helped you pay for your crown. They care about you and know what you need. I love your gratitude. Have a sweet weekend and be blessed. Praying with you for all our dear family and MadFox's amazing recovery and Dottie and Chuck's healing and recovery. Thank You Jesus!

  34. Even if I don’t have the details, God does! Amen and amen. We trust you, God! ❤️

  35. Thank you Maplewood for such a wonderful blessing in this new month. This was good to read this morning as we are getting ready to go to a memorial service for a young man who passed away suddenly a year ago. His family is having the catholic service today. This young man helped the raise my two sons in that he was their babysitter for a time. One blessing is that my two sons will be here for it. The last time we were together was Christmas. Please pray for this family.

    1. Praying for the family of the good young man who had been your sons' babysitter. May God comfort their hearts and may he rest in perfect peace and realize God's promises.
      I'm glad you will be with your two sons, dear PEBGDesigns.

  36. Praying that the memorial service went well, PEBGDesigns. I hope the weather is as beautiful where you are as it is here. That always helps. Praying for the family and all involved. It will be so meaningful for your sons to be there.
    Asking for continued prayers for our friend Dottie. Her Biopsy got postponed yesterday - after they had her prepped and everything, the family was told "a mistake was made in the office and we have to do it next Wed." Her son said it ended up being a blessing because the procedure they will do next Wed will be "less upsetting," to her. She was very anxious about it. So, we have all chosen to thank God for the mistake that ended up a blessing. Because God doesn't make mistakes!
    Jeannie - I hope you are at the height of your Family Birthday Party! You are something else when it comes to blessing your family.
    God's Best to all of you, JC Family. We are actually going to grill out this evening - first time this year.
    Prayers for all of you!

  37. Thanks Norah! All went well: deviled eggs, roasted cauliflower and brussel sprouts, caesar salad, pizzas and strawberry shortcake. I ate too much and it was fun. My son was so happy and said it was yummy.
    Praying for Dottie's biopsy next Wed. God knew what he was doing when it was cancelled.
    Very true about how God establishes our steps. He is always right so if our plans are changed, trust in Him that there is a good reason.

  38. Dear NJS, placing Alex, Kristen & baby Joseph at the throne of grace. Pleading the blood of Jesus to cover them from every angle, including the medical team. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on this family, shower the parents with calm, peace, trust & faith in the Waymaker & Miracle worker. In Jesus name. Amen

  39. Joining dear Jan's prayer for Alex, Kristen and baby Joseph. Amen!
    He is our Way Maker and our Miracle Worker. He can do ALL things and we are trusting in His amazing healing power. We believe He will bring this sweet baby back to perfect health and bring peace of mind to his good and faithful parents. Thank You Father for answering our prayers for this baby and family in Jesus' Name.

    1. Joining in prayer with you Jeanne.

  40. Bless this family in need of health miracles. I pray for them in Jesus name. πŸ™
    VICTORY REPORT. The move could not have gone smoother. Two great guys who worked non stop to get us out and in. Hubby and I now settled after two hot tub soaks and feet up. I could feel your prayers all day as I spent my transit time in total focus on gratitude for answered prayers on my behalf and yours. Amazing God we love and serve!

    1. Hallelujah and Amen. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Alleluia! Thanks 😊 for the Victory update, Audra. Let His Victory πŸ•Ί πŸ’ƒ begin...

    3. Hallelujah dear Audra! Yeay God and His host of angels. Now just rest & settle in. πŸ™πŸ’ž

  41. Thanking God for His faithfulness! So happy your move went well. Rest now dear Audra and take everything day by day in His presence. He will guide your unpacking and setting up. Put it in His able Hands.

    1. Indeed I am learning that the ONLY way to enjoy each day is in trust of His guidance for my every move. Including when to put my feet up and rest. (The hardest part for the "do-er" and "planner" aspects of my personality). Thank you so much, everyone, for covering is in your prayers.

  42. Please pray for no. I have an eye infection and it is such bad timing. I must sing in Church and then take part in a Church fair to get more members in my little Bible group. Celebrating my son’s Birthday today and getting a cyst removed from my finger Thursday. I have an appointment with my cardiologist on Wed as a clearing for the surgery because my heart rate was a bit slow on my Echocardiogram. Praying and trusting in our loving Father’s healing and help.

    1. Praying that Your eye is touched by our heavenly Father and is healed. Enjoy your time with the family. God bless πŸ™.

    2. We're praying πŸ™ you through it all, sweet sister friend in Christ.
      May you be led through it all by God's Holy Spirit. And when led, may you follow, follow, follow His Lead in Jesus' Name. Amen. Much ❤, Brie

    3. Praying for healing and restoration of both your eye and your heart rate, Jeanne! Happy Anniversary on the birth of your son! What wonderful memories must be playing through your mind today!

    4. Thank you so much for your prayers! All is going well.
      My son really enjoyed his Birthday celebration! I sent him home with all the leftovers but kept a little piece of his Birthday crumb cake for myself. So blessed to be sitting in my Eye Doctor’s office waiting to be seen. God is so faithful!

  43. Oops. The no should have been me.

  44. Heavenly Father, please remove the "what ifs" from my thought process and let me rest in Your perfect sovereignty. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

    1. Brie April 22, 2021 at 3:13 AM The day's devotion:
      I am training you to set your mind on Me more and more, tuning out distractions through the help of My Spirit.
      When I start to get overtaken with the "what ifs". Thank you for refocusing my mind to:
      What if God steps in and pleads our case for us?
      What if God ushers in the one thing that allows things to go in our favor?
      What if God levels our mountains with one breath?
      God often does step in and clears up our messes and our what ifs.
      Thanks dear friend in Christ for helping this whatiffer reframe whatifs, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen to that! We can’t go back and change the past but we can go forward in God’s presence and peace and strength knowing He already holds our futures. Trusting in all that lies ahead because it is all in His loving and able Hands.

  45. ICYMI,
    Thanks for sharing the prayer need,, NJS. I am praying right now for Baby Joseph as well as Alex & Kristen and Joseph’s entire medical team. Heartfelt prayers will continue.
    ❤ πŸ™ ❤, Brie

  46. You are on the path of My choosing. There is no randomness about your life...
    JC Family, I am having difficulties wrapping my heart around this part of today's devotuin. Dear Jesus, MAY You please help me see You more clearly with my heart more intimately connected with Yours?
    MAY You help me experience Your Freedom in letting my Spirit soar with Yours while letting Your Spirit direct my steps in Your Word, to walk along Your Path of Peace in mind and heart?
    I am nowhere near this destination, but I desire to be. I need Your Help and JC Prayer Warriors' prayers. In Jesus' Name I pray πŸ™ Amen.

    1. Prayers on the way Brie. With times like this, I keep in front of me Ephesians 6:10-13 and Proverbs 30:32. The Lord had just showed me how I was "tolerating" satan's garbage in a situation in my life. I didn't even realize I was letting that happen. I quickly repented and began to STAND AGAINST that situation. Now I am speaking Life IN EVERY situation around me. Great Peace surrounds me! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Thanks JJ, our dear sister friend in Christ. I shall print out those two verses and tape them on the prayer wall, so There Is Always Something There To Remind Me!

  47. You are on the path of My choosing. What an absolute blessing, absolute relief, absolute peace.
    Means I trust You Lord Jesus in all circumstances in life, in all situations and not to rely on my own understanding. I trust You implicitly Thank You Lord Jesus.

  48. Wanted to let you all know your prayers for Baby Joseph were so very appreciated by Alex & Kristen. Here's an update...get ready for a victory dance everyone...He is off of all life support and breathing on his own! WOO-HOO! God is SO AWESOME! Jehovah Rapha was and IS in the house!!! I received a picture of Alex actually holding his son and Alex had the biggest smile across his face. While Kristen has been actively pumping, she'll actually get to nurse Joseph today! The MRI will be in a few days but I still believe there will be no brain damage like they had talked about. I will keep you posted as I hear more but wanted to let you all know and, again, THANK YOU for your prayers! You all ROCK!

    1. Thanks for sharing our God at work,, NJS! I am going to keep on praying!

    2. NJS -- Thank you for that great update.! Our Lord watches over his word to perform it!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

  49. Happy and blessed month of May! May we all receive God’s faithfulness, answered prayers, and the peace and joy we only receive in Christ. This is the busiest month for us with Evelyn’s baptism this weekend and so many Birthdays. My oncologist appointment is on the 11th and Mother’s Day is coming. Janet flies in with her DH on the 10th. Our Birthday is the 21st and our Mom’s 95th Birthday is the 24th. May God lead us through this new month day by day according to His Will and plan. And may we stay in His loving and healing presence and peace. Thank You Father for this and for answering our prayers, healing us and our dear ones, and comforting and guiding all those who are broken hearted in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    1. Amen πŸ™. May our heavenly Father bring you and your family much joy in this month of May. God bless!

    2. Blessings from NYMay 1, 2023 at 4:41 AM

      Amen dear Jeanne and bless your family and you this monthπŸ™❤️

    3. Thanks sweet Janet and dear Blessings from NY! May God fill your month of May with answered prayers, happy surprises, good health, and many blessings. Thank You Jesus.

    4. MAY we be saturated in the Presence of God this month as we go about our daily routines, celebrations and challenges. Go with the flow, Jeanne πŸ˜ŽπŸ€—

  50. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. I bow my knee and head and lift my arms to heaven and praise You Lord! You deserve ALL worship and praise! You are amazing and wonderful! Let me embrace this moment with You and every moment that You grant me. Help me to keep my eyes on You at all times and when I get distracted, please bring me back to You Lord. Let my thoughts always be of You! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 1, 2023 at 4:43 AM

      Thank you Janet for these beautiful prayers this morning and every morning- God bless you today and always❤️

    2. Joining in with gratitude for feeding our souls with God’s Words and your prayers. Thanks dear Janet. Amen

  51. Thank You Lord got the path of your choosing. I don't want to be on any other. Frank Sinatra sang 'I did it my way', Lord I want to do it Your way. Your way is the way of Life that leads to Heaven. Praying a blessed May 1 on all, that you walk the path of His choosing today.

  52. Amen! He is so good to those in need.

  53. Thank you, Peter, and a blessed day to you and All on the Path of Peace.

  54. Thanks brother Peter! Happy and blessed month of May to you and all our JC Family. God is leading us through it day by day. Praise Him and stay close to Him. Forget not His benefits. They are too many to count. We are richly blessed.
    Psalm 103:2-4 “Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.

  55. Please pray for my dear friend Mike DiLeo who got eye surgery today to repair a hole in his retina. Trusting in God’s faithfulness to restore his vision so he can continue to glorify Him with his gifts of music and teaching.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  56. Thank You God for NJS, Websister, Jeanne, and all who prayed for Larry's Pulmonology appointment yesterday .
    The doctor was thorough. Listened.
    And the great news ...
    "His lungs are fine! A severe sinus infection is causing his breathing circumstances."
    Scheduled xray and CT of sinuses.
    Thanks be to God for
    Spirit directed steps, enabling us to walk along His Path of Peace,
    for all favors granted, for the intercession, and for all the intercessory pray-ers In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Such wonderful news dear sister!!! I love to hear that our prayers are being answered. Our God is so faithful and kind. May He heal Larry's sinus infection so his normal breathing will be restored. We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for His Spirit of guidance and comfort. Praying with you for all requests to be granted by our faithful God, and for you and your family. Much love.

    2. Thank you, Lord! Continued prayer for the sinus infection to be removed completely, in Jesus wonderful name.

    3. Blessings from NYMay 1, 2024 at 10:24 AM

      Thank you Jesus !!

  57. Thank You Father for this new day, and every good thing You set before us, and all the words we needs to share. Even trials test our faith and show us You equip us for everything you bring us to. We are never helpless in any situation. You are as close to us as our own breath. As today's devotions says: "Every moment is alive with My glorious Presence, to those whose hearts are intimately connected with Mine". I have a lot to do today and I'm sleep deprived because I had my Bible group last night and when I got home and started working on next week's prep I realized I had a whole lot of work to do. I expected to just start it and go to sleep in an hour but the Lord was at my side and I stayed up and actually finished all my prep. Thank You Jesus. My son is coming over this morning because he needs my help in registering Gabriel for gymnastics. All I wanna do is sleep but we all know that God is our strength and we can do all things through Christ Who Strengthens Us! Have a blessed day dear family. God is in charge so Give Him Everything. Nothing is too small or too large to set at the Throne of Grace. Thank You Father for answering all our prayers and comforting our hearts, leading our paths, and healing our weaknesses in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Romans 8:37
    Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

    Psalm 46:1-2
    God is our refuge and strength,
    A very present help in trouble.
    Therefore we will not fear,
    Even though the earth be removed,
    And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;

    Psalm 118:24
    This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

  58. Amen dear Jeanne. Please try to rest your body in between tasks. Jesus calls you to "R&R", rest &, receive. I myself need to remember this. πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Resting now and I’m planning to take a nap later. God is calling me to some R and R.

  59. So good to hear dear Brie for better diagnosis for your Larry. I have the same issue. I've made an appointment as well to see if I have a deviated septum. I'm so done with this. Praying for Norah & DH, SC Anonymous, Anonymous & surgery, John H & travels. Praying for all concerns. SassyMom, knowing that to your Debbie is with your DH waiting when Jesus calls you home has to comfort your longing , aching heart. We love you❤️πŸ™πŸ™Œ.

    1. Praying with you and for you, sweet Jan.

  60. This fresh new, one and only, 1st day of MAY, 2024 has me singing Come What MAY!

  61. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ‘πŸŽΆπŸŽ΅

  62. "Here and Now comprise the coordinates of your daily life"....
    "subject to the limitations of time and space."
    Having a career in engineering, and as all engineers, I am familiar with multi-dimensional references and coordinates; time and space (XYZ) in our physical world.
    We also know that every 3 dimensional object that is designed doesn't just appear arbitrarily in a specific place by itself; it needs datums (planes or points of reference) which needs an origin. Additionally we as Christians have Godly spiritual dimensions.
    As a Christian engineer(rtd) my origin is found in Acts 17:28: "For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring'", and
    1 John 5:1a "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God."
    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
    He, my God is my origin, my datums (planes or points of reference) are found between Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

  63. Resting with you in the Arms of Jesus come what may! πŸ™πŸ’—

  64. Thanks for the wonderful Breakfast, dear Peter!


    Something GOOD is going to happen to me TODAY!

    I am ALWAYS at the RIGHT Place at the RIGHT TIME!

    Even in the midst of evil, I choose to walk with God.

    No matter what our circumstances look like, God will intervene for His

    When the enemy has a plan, God will always overthrow that plan.

    God is still the same God that steps in,
    intervenes, heals, and cleanses.

    No matter what the enemy is doing, I WILL NOT FEAR!

    Failure and defeat ARE NOT IN MY FUTURE!


    My enemies can't stop me because they CAN'T STOP MY GOD WHO IS ON MY SIDE!

    I Decree and Declare that I am getting stronger spiritually, stronger in Your WORD, stronger in using the Sword of the Spirit, and stronger in knowing WHO I AM IN CHRIST!



    1. Blessings from NYMay 1, 2024 at 10:29 AM

      Amen to that JJ!!!! God bless you

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Just what I needed JJ, a re-manifestation that overtops the re-infestation! Thank You Jesus. AMEN!
      When I don't see His Son, ☀️
      I can still be His SonShine! 🌞

    4. Amen dear JJ! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world! Stronger in Christ! Stronger in the Word! Covered by His Blood!

    5. Amen!!!
      SC Anonymous
