Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 30

     When some basic need is lacking--time, energy, money--consider yourself blessed. Your very lack is an opportunity to latch onto Me in unashamed dependence. When you begin a day with inadequate resources, you must concentrate your efforts on the present moment. This is where you are meant to live--in the present; it is the place where I always await you. Awareness of your inadequacy is a rich blessing, training you to rely wholeheartedly on Me.
     The truth is that self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success. Health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. Rejoice in your insufficiency, knowing that My Power is made perfect in weakness. 
James 1:2
English Standard Version
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,

2 Corinthians 12:9
New American Standard
And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

My Prayer
Lord, You know me. You know me better than I know myself. And what you know about me would greatly embarrass me before others. You know my failures, my secret thoughts, everything about me. You know how hard I work many times to present myself before others as this person who looks good and plays the part and is highly esteemed and yet You know the real me. And that is the person that you love. I align myself so often with those that are strong or who exhibit strength and you accept me in my weakness. And in that weakness you make me strong. And what I need to be is that real person. I don't deserve you God. Your grace amazes me. I could never repay you and you don't even want me to try. Thank You for dwelling in me, for taking up residence in me. O God I thank you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.     

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Replies
    1. Amen! Jumping in at the top here today to ask you for your prayers for a smooth move to our merged home. We are blessed beyond measure. Thanking God for His protection over all aspects of this move. We give everyone and everything to you Lord. Thank you for the safety of all helpers, problem free truck rental, loading and unloading, traveling mercies, signs and wonders and your amazing grace that sets out lives in motion. Thank you JC family, starting my day with you and trusting Jesus. May all your prayers and needs be met today, in Jesus's name I pray πŸ™♥️
      God is on the Move in many mighty ways! 🎢

    2. Amen πŸ™

  2. I struggled with the statement "rejoice in insufficiency," because my mind immediately went to, "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." But, then I re-read the "self sufficiency" portion and remembered that it isn't because I AM SO GREAT, that I bring my mind back to God's Word, and I don't want to slip into 'the myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success.' I know that it's not by works, but by His grace that we are saved. An example is that I got the results back on my test that I a week ago and while 'all polyps were benign, one removed was 'pre=cancerous.' And that statement was followed with, "So, you have the 'cancer-gene' inherited from your family - just continue your tests every 3 years and stay on top of it.' Now my mind is repeating, 'that cancer-gene.' and I have had to boot it out a gazillion times in the last 12 hours! I'm praying about it and understood that hearing of that 'lack' it brings me back to God and what Jesus Christ accomplished for me. I resort back to my wanting 'heaven on earth,' mode. The Word says that the scriptures were throughly perfected so I am challenging myself to claim that perfect will of God and know that I, alone, will never be perfect enough to claim those promises of God. It is by HIS stripes that I was healed. I know I'm rambling & I apologize for the rant. Writing my thoughts...which is how I process (I guess). Any insight? Oh, and thank you for the comments last week on how to get to this site when Google doesn't post it! :) I, too, have my book, which I took with me out of town and rely on, but I love getting my coffee and tuning in to this blog! Have a blessed day and I will continue to bring my thoughts back to His Word - no matter how many times I have to do it until I 'get' it! :) Praying to be meek to receive.

    1. There is a contrast we all work through in life and that is Jesus calls us to be in the world and yet He states He has overcome the world. We live in a way of mixed messages. The world tries to train us to be independent, self-sufficient, relying often on our own strength to do things. Then as we begin the day reading from His Word we are reminded we can only do life through Him who gives us strength, that it is about submitting and surrendering, being dependent, finding our sufficiency in Him, and then He tells us we will do even greater things (John 14:12). It's about a right perspective and God is training you in this each day. Keep doing what you are doing. Writing it out and centering yourself daily on His Word. And he will make your paths straight.

    2. Norah,
      Paytonfamily’s reply was excellent. As Christians, we all know He has overcome the world but often we forget that includes cancer! My husband’s family also has “the cancer-gene” (Lynch Syndrome) and it has been an incredible way to share the Hope we have in Jesus. My father-in-law is battling for the 8th time and he has been an inspiration to so many others as he fights with Joy and Hope in a way that glorifies his Saviour. The world sees cancer as the ultimate enemy but we have chosen to see it as a platform to share that Christ overcame it all! Please contact me if you would like to talk more. We would love to unite “the cancer-gene” community!

    3. Now I understand how much greater God is than my cancer. I am more than a conqueror. Amen. We are healed by His stripes.

  3. Norah, You are not rambling! Keep praying to be grateful for the blessings, even among the struggles. Your faith will serve you well!

  4. My wife and daughter had been using Jesus Calling as their daily devo for many years. I had heart surgery in October. started using their daily devo about a month before the surgery as I leaned on God both in prayer and study. However, the daily messages were "heart stoppingly" (pun intended!) on target with my head at the time and STILL are to this day. I appreciate Mr. Payton posting this as the app doesn't appear to be very good and on days I don't have the hard copy, I come here! Also, it is interesting to see comments now several years after he started. Thanks again. Been a great and useful web posting for those days you forget or don't have time in the a.m. to read the book.

    1. Wow, didn't realize that I posted here a year ago. The day's message is still as relevant today... "The truth is that self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success." In the past year or more, I have come to see the wisdom of this thought. We should drop to our knees realizing that it is only in Him and through Him that we are able to achieve goals. Pride of your good fortune and thinking your success is solely on your talents is foolish. May we always thank our Lord for any blessings received. Peace to all that are here. Amen.

    2. Well said my dear brother. We can do nothing without his help. Every good thing we do is from Him. I baked some nice cakes today with His help and I thanked Him so much afterwards. He is always at my side helping me. Praying for your healing and His faithfulness in your life.

  5. This is the day the LORD has made, I WILL REJOICE!!!! Today is my deceased husband's 80th birthday. He has been in heaven almost 3 years. Thank you Lord for blessing my day with peace and happy memories.

    1. Happy Birthday to your husband in heaven. I wonder if they have cake up there. I know they have absolute joy and peace and Jesus.

    2. Jeanne - I'm confident he is enjoying his favorite chocolate cherry, sugar free cake with his mother, father and 2 brothers. Much thanks to my JC Family for joining the heavenly birthday celebration. Thank You Jesus for Your presence in our lives.

    3. Trusting in Jesus for the glory offered our departed loved ones. ♥️✝️

    4. Be glad in your heart SassyMom for all the wonderful years you celebrated your hubby's birthday with him. May the memories of those years bless you today.πŸ’ž

    5. Missing and loving my "forever" who is celebrating his 7th Heavenly BD with angel food cake, Devil's Food NOT ALLOWED IN HEAVEN. Dear Warriors, please join me in a virtual celebration. Happy birthday to all who are celebrating today.

  6. This is so great to see..I started reading jesus calling in jail for four months.before I got out I said I wasn't just going to use god while I was in there.I said iam taking him with me when I leave here.I have the book stayed in jail but thanks to the Payton family I come here and read it everyday still and bought the JESUS ALWAYS book thank yoh lord for everything you have done and everything you are going to do

  7. What a blessing, Peytonfamily & everyone on here. THANK YOU! I didn't get to read this until today - a day later. My day went so well yesterday. Prayer is a powerful thing!

  8. A New day has dawned on us,the end of April is here. An end and a beginning (a new month tomorrow).
    A great reminder of the Alpha and Omega (The Beginning and The end), Our Lord, that is Who He Is!
    Thank You for adding me in this day Lord, You didn’t have to, but You did. Thank You!

    Father, we are Grateful for this day and how Thankful we are for the past 29 days of Your Love and care in this celebrated Resurrection April month. Thank You!
    Today, You urge us to consider ourselves blessed when we lack basic needs because this is an 'opportunity to latch onto You in unashamed dependence'. Wow! You want us, Your children not to be ashamed or too proud to ask You for anything? Lord, many days I marvel at Your goodness and echoe King David in the entire Psalm 8 and join him and ask (v.5), " what is man that You are mindful of him...."? This love that You have for us, is beyond human comprehension! Thank You that You are this faithful and want us to live in the present, trusting, relying, depending etc.. on You and You alone! No earthly parent can give us (even if they try), all that we need. Yet, we forget how much You want us to depend on You, the giver of life and the One whose Power is made Perfect in our weaknesses. Ohhh, THANK YOU dear Lord!
    Thank You for ALL of my JC Family on this blog, Thank You Precious Lord for hearing us each and every time we call onto You, Thank You for needing us to need You and because we know that You hear us when we pray, we believe in the name of Jesus, that You answer us. Thank You! May our love for You move us to desire You more and more. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and ignite a fire in us that will elevate us to a level of Faith in You that we never dreamt of! Elohim, we bless Your name, El Shaddai, we Glorify You and THANK YOU!

    I encourage us to read, declare, believe and receive Joshua 1:3-9 today.

    May the Peace of Yahweh rest upon all today, may His Holy Spirit guide our tongues, our minds and our actions. May His Holy Spirit live in us, think through us and love through us, in the name of Jesus.

    *A Very Special Thank You Father for sparing my nephew's life from a motorcycle accident yesterday, that left his left hand broken! Oh dear Lord, I THANK You for giving us joy for mourning! I Trust You enough to know that by Jesus'stripes, I declare and believe that his hand is already healed and they will NOT amputate it in Jesus name. Thank You Lord!
    I cover all of us and our falimies in the Blood Of Jesus today. May His Blood be our shield and buckler.
    Father, Thank You for wrapping us in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One. Amen!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Love the Joshua verses! Please read them everyone!

    2. The Joshua verses were beyond Awesome!! So good to pray The Word!

    3. Praying that God healed your nephew's hand.
      Beautiful encouragement and instruction dear sister. Read all those wonderful Joshua verses. I love the last one.
      Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Amen.

  9. MadFox, I had the same thought when I read what was on my heart this time last year. I can see growth and I also see that I am having some of the same struggles. Why did I think life would get easier as I got older? My mind is filled with so many 'what ifs' and 'when this happens...' and I feel so unprepared. I want the trust and confidence in my faith that I had as an 20-something believer. Instead, I feel tired and old and like my life, my house, my marriage, my children, while, Great, are not what I imagined it would be in my 60's. I think of you Sassy Mom, today, on your husband's birthday, and I see that you have continued to live and celebrate God and His Word even though I am sure you had great heart ache when you your husband. When I face fear, I think I'm being silly because I know what the Word says, yet it is very real at times. Fear of the unknown. And then I remind myself that I know the end of the story, so why do I sweat the day-to-day? I think I need to heed your advice, MadFox and 'drop down' on my knees, thanking God for all my blessings and shelve the negatives. I know sickness (your own or a loved one) can bring on emotions that are difficult and perhaps that's all this is. I feel fickle in that yesterday I was kicking mad at the adversary for 'messing' with my family and my conviction brought the Word to my mind all day. But, it didn't last. I woke up an hour before my alarm, coughing, feeling kind of sick and as I've read the Word, I think I'm sick at heart. I must not be trusting, giving it to Him. As I was a year ago, I'm rambling. I'm seeking Him and He is right here. Telling myself to cast my cares and get on with my day. Requesting prayer, JC Family. Praying for you with a thankful heart that this blog is available.

    1. You never ramble dear one. You just spill out your heart so beautifully and I can relate to everything you are saying since I am also in my 60's now. We must just keep casting our cares, burdens, problems and heartaches at His feet and rise above them. He is in charge so we an rest a bit.

  10. Good morning JC family! Reading this blog with morning coffee is the best part of my day ever reminding me that our Lord reigns over all. The comments help me keep my focus off the world and keep my eyes and trust in the Lord for today. I must stay in the presence of God and be grateful for His grace. Thank you all for your postings and for this blog.

  11. Wow, there is a lot going on with our group today. It is so awesome that we all feel comfortable sharing our life struggles with one another. God has brought this group together for that very reason. I am praying for you all. May God bring us all comfort and healing. Stay strong JC family and focus on the Lord. He is the only one who can give us peace in a corrupted world.

  12. I am always amazed at how this devotional speaks to where I am. I woke up this morning with "inadequate resources". And I'm reminded that my strength is to come from Him. And the Paytonfamily prayer could be my prayer word for word. Thanks again for this blog.

  13. Repeating the same prayer of one year ago. This is the day the Lord has made. I WILL REJOICE! Happy Birthday to my husband of 53 years who is in heaven celebrating with JESUS. Thank you Lord, for blessing me with happy memories.

    1. Sassy Mom-- Your post today just warmed my heart! May the Lord bless you richly today!!! Love from Kansas

    2. Dear Sassy Mom. God bless you always. Enjoy the rich memories of your love filled life with your good husband until you see him again.

  14. This is a wonderful 'chair' prayer group. A very worthy cell phone use!!!

    1. M.A.-- A very loud Amen and a Hallelujah for this 'chair' prayer group! Thank you for your post. This is just the BEST group!!! Great Blessings to all in this JC family! Thank you Lord for attending to each need and concern.Amp Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to carry out His purpose and do superabundtantly more than all that we dare ask or think. Infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes or dreams, according to His power that is at work within us."

    2. Amen JJ! I agree wholeheartedly. KS

    3. Amen. This prayer group and family is my morning "go to". We seek Him early and we find Him in His Word and in all the hearts that come together here. Thank you Sarah Young and Payton Family and all my brothers and sisters here for your continual encouragement and daily bread. We know that every good thing comes from above. Without the Lord, we are nothing, but with Him we can do all things. God bless you and this wonderful blog that fills my heart and soul each day!

  15. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for the struggles that strengthen my dependence on you. I can do nothing without your guidance and light. I do believe that you never promised a life with out hardship or struggles, but You did promise You would be with me every step of the way. For that I am grateful! Amen.

    1. ABC. A year later and your words ring so true about this Pandemic. I am not afraid and I trust God is in charge and working to make all things right. He is with us every step of the way. So very grateful for His Faithfulness!

  16. Replies
    1. Anonymous-- Another wonderful post! So encouraging! Keep them coming. The Lord is faithful to his word!

    2. Nice! Well done. You and Jesus got this! Colorado JC Friend

    3. How are you doing a year later? I hope you are successful in your walk for you, your family and your community! God bless

    4. Praying you are doing well dear Anonymous. You are always in my prayers for God's guidance, help and faithfulness.

  17. Thank you all JC family!Norah your comments for both now and last year. I relate to so much with the thoughts you shared. I am also now in my 60's.Hard to believe how quickly life has gone by. I am grateful to be prayed for by my new-found Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I am praying for you All as well.Thank you Lord for today.Help me to always trust and rely on You.

  18. Dear JC Family, I get to the blog last everyday, so I'm blessed to see all the comments at once (Big Smile). Please pray for me as I try to help my grandchildren know Christ. Their parents are not believers and will not allow the kids to go to church with us. Thank you all and God Bless! Colorado JC Friend

  19. JJ, thank you. I am blessed. I'm having a great day, slightly envious of the celebrating in heaven.

    1. Sassy Mom-- I am with you on the "slightly envious of the celebrating in heaven". I sometimes wish the Lord would open just a small crack in a heavenly window so we could peek in. I know the Lord knows best.

    2. JJ, Your comment made me smile. My Mom always says she's living too long. She's 92 ane I'm blessed by her long life. She wonders if my Dad is dancing with their friend Jean up in heaven. I'm sure we will all be blessed when we get to realize God's promises and see all that awaits those that love Him.

  20. Amen to what MadFox wrote this morning!

  21. Greetings JC Family from TERRI I would like to add Michigan to the states that are part of the JC Family. Once again, I typed a post to have it deleted, before I could get it posted. God has made us a family of believers. We join as the body of Christ with no predetermined titles or requirements. I love my church and the family I have there, but the JC family is different because we have no social class, no dress code, no label over the door, no he said she said. Just believers in Christ joining together as we are called to do. I am very thankful for this blog and being able to share and pray as the Lord leads. Getting a post, posted is so difficult for me, for many reasons. I wonder is it God saying be silent or the enemy keeping me from contributing. On that note I’m going to start typing my post in word and then copy them over. If I still can’t get the posts through I’m going to hit my knees for guidance. LOL
    With all that being covered, When I read today devo and comments I checked the date to see if I was on the wrong day because it seemed so familial. Then I realized I was recalling it from when I read it last year. Sassy Mom you are truly an inspiration. I celebrate your husband life with you today on his birthday. Norah you are not rambling (my spell check kept putting in rebelling???) and I don’t think you ever do. I look forward to your updates and insight. Madfox is was great to here the progress you’ve made in a year’s time. Anonymous your prayers are very timely, they give us the words we often feel but can’t relay on our own. Everyone’s comments are very valuable and an important part of this blog. By the way Bob are you still out there? We miss hearing from you. Are you doing okay?
    Love and prayers to my JC family, your sister TERRI

    1. This is the second half of the first comment
      Some thoughts that I’ve wanted to post in the past; I believe it was TJ that asked for salvation prayer for his Dad and Anonymous for their Mom and I think there was a few others that requested prayer for a parent. I have a story I would like to share with you. My Dad was 83 and in the hospital with failing health. I had talked with him several times about God and Jesus. I would talk about heaven and he would say back to me “I wouldn’t know anyone in heaven all my friends would be in hell.” I would tell him his Momma would be there and his Aunt Bell and I would name various people who had already passed away. His mom had passed away when he was 4 years old and his Aunt Bell helped take care of him. When my Dad was in the hospital my brother told me, he felt we had one more shot at presenting Jesus to him. That evening my brother started out the conversation with my Dad about the thieves on the cross and how one mocked Jesus and the other realized he was the son of God and was joining him in paradise that day. Then he stopped talking and there was a long silence, I just started praying Lord please show me what to say. I asked my Dad if he wanted to give Jesus his life like the thief and he said yes. I asked him to repeat my prayer and he did. When we were done I told him he was going to get to see his Momma again. I explained how he would have a new body with no pain or sickness. His response was but I can’t bring it back down here though. I just said no and we all laughed but we knew he understood what he had done. I’m writing all this to give you encouragement. My Dad had lived opposite of God’s law his entire life and now God knew it was time for him to come to him. Sixteen days later my Dad got to meet his savior Jesus and be united with his Momma. My brother who was not serving God at the time even he knew the truth of Gad’s word. He now has returned to the Lord and has completely become a new creation. When I get discouraged about how other family members are living and denying God I remember these two answered prayers and that gives me great, great hope.
      By the way I need to tell you that during this typing session my computer chair broke and the electricity went out. When we lost power I said, “Lord if you want this to post please restore my word document” and he did praise God!!! Love and prayers to my JC family, your sister TERRI
      ps This whole process has taken 2 hrs to get these posts done, today I am determined!!

    2. A wonderful, inspiring and encouraging post. I know that there are many of us praying for salvation for our loved ones. I also know the Lord is watching over His word to perform it! Hallelujah!

    3. Thank you Anonymous (Sister Terri) and JJ. My husbands Birthday celebration in Heaven will be a packed house. Thank you for celebrating with me today and every day. Love and Blessings to my JC FAMILY.

    4. Sister Terri, I'm right there with you on not being able to post on this blog. The enemy is deleting my comments. Now, every time I try to comment I have to prove I'm not a robot, sometimes successful, other times I just keep clicking away until my comment is published.

    5. Thank you for the encouragement Terry. God has a plan our job is often to just suggest and leave it to our great Lord to ignite His purpose. Our job is often to be the light they need to see when theirs has been extinguised.
      God sets the stage, the timing, the lighting, He prepares the script The Holy spirit puts truth on our lips and The Lord gets All the applause! How great thou art Jesus. We are yours ..put the words on our lips, the courage in our throats to speak them and we leave the rest to you Lord.
      God bless this family, my family and specifically my dear son who is not yet saved but I trust in Gods plan He will be. Peace & safety during this new day.

    6. Thank you sweet Terri!
      What awesome inspiration you gave me with the story about your Dad! Halleluia! God is so faithful that He put the right words in your mouth to share with your father to open His heart and mind to Jesus. And to lead your brother to Him as well.
      That gives me so much encouragement as I continue to pray for my unsaved loved ones and all our dear ones who don't know the Lord.

    7. Yes. I agree Jeanne as we agree about Terri’s heart and story. God keeps proving his faithfulness. What an amazing God!!

    8. God loves us so much and it continues to amaze me how he hears our inner hearts and sometimes answers without us speaking words. I was reading through all the above posts from previous years. I was enjoying reminiscing over what God has done. How he's working out his perfect work in each of us. The thought came into my mind you know I very rarely see old post that I have posted. Just then I scroll down in lo and behold posts that I had posted. I enjoy so much those little gifts that God gives us like that. Thank you for your comments and encouragement that touches my days and that reaches into my years.
      Like my above post said I started typing my posts in another format first so that I wouldn't lose a post cause of it not posting and then disappears into cyberland forever. The problem with this has been I type up a post get sidetracked in my day and they most the time don't end up getting posted. Just yesterday I was considering looking at all those old un-posted posts and just posting them. My heart goes out to so many of you or all of you at some time and I've never shared it. I think that if I was the one who needed intercession and even if it was 3 months later someone posted a post that was meant for me, but they had never actually posted it. I think that it might touch me even more in the after fact then the day I requested it. Just the thought of someone interceding for me and caring about me and my life when they don't know me in the physical person at all is a gift that God can only project out. I know this is beyond mushy but it is my heart. I know I don't always post but I'm reading and I'm praying and I'm laughing and crying with you.
      Ps didn't read over or edit, because I wanted to get this posted today.
      With love and respect Terri.
      Oh, by the way Bob missing you and praying for you!!

  22. What an awesome experience today reading this blog and the comments. I love it. We are family . This blog is definitely a God Sent Blessing. I appreciate All of your prayers and comments. Trusting and Believing will result in receiving. I,too miss Bob. Praying All is well with him. Blessings to you all... We know the end of the story. Amen

  23. Love the perspective of James 1:2 “Count it all joy, when you meet trials of various kinds”
    I have learned from many trials that “His Grace is sufficient” He can fill every void and use every trial for His Glory.
    We have nothing without Christ but we have everything with Him.

    1. Imac - We have nothing without Christ but we have everything with Him.“His Grace is sufficient” AMEN!!!!
      Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me!!!

    2. Sassy Mom - Happy Birthday your husband celebrating in heaven and blessing you for all your wonderful heartfelt posts! KS

    3. Sassy mom Happy Birthday in heaven to your husband. It is my son Daniel's Birthday too. He is not saved and needs Jesus, prayers welcome. He is sweet but hasn't found His purpose here.

    4. Fern - Happy Birthday to your son Daniel. Praying he opens the door of his heart when Jesus knocks.

    5. Beautiful truth Imac: We have nothing without Christ but we have everything with Him. Amen.
      Dear Fern, Happy Birthday to your son, Dan.Continuing to pray for his healing and guidance. Adding salvation to the list.
      Much love.

  24. Amen to that, Imac! These are challenging times, but with God's help, we will prevail!

  25. Happy Birthday to my husband having a heavenly celebration with his mother,father and 2 brothers. What a GLORIOUS day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see. Thank You Lord for continued blessings.

    1. Happy Heavenly birthday to your hubby Sassy Mom. May the memories and Peace give you joy and laughter today!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Happy Birthday to your good Husband in Heaven! There must be much rejoicing singing up there today. The love you shared is forever and you will be with him celebrating some fine day.

    3. Sassy MomπŸ’. Praying your day is filled with love and joy. Happy Birthday to your husband in Heaven.
      God bless you and each of our wonderful JC family

  26. Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You with a thankful heart for the gift of this last day of April. Today, I need the wonders of Your love to be revealed within me, granting me motivation, energy and strength. I acknowledge that in my life, my strength is not enough for me. My strength and sufficiency fails me and I’m asking You to fill the void. I trust You, believe in Your Word, and know that I can’t do anything without You, but can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. May Your power be made perfect in all my weaknesses so that I can count it all joy when I am faced with trials. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Whatever storms or challenge we are in right now, let us be encouraged to remove all pressure from ourselves and don’t pull away from God, but surrender them to His will. Whether it’s loss of a friend, co-worker, family, lack, time, energy, job loss, distresses, difficulties or troubles, financial loss, sickness, insults and any form of hardships forced upon us, Jesus is calling us to allow His power to manifest in our weaknesses. The Apostle Paul puts it this way,"For in Him we live, and move and have our being…" (Acts 17:28). We know where we are headed and it is Jesus who is leading us. We will not crash into things because we are not walking by sight or by our power, but through the Spirit of our Almighty Father. Let us be reminded that we don't have to see the physical with our eyes, or try to achieve anything with the strength of our own labor. But be rest assured that our Father, through His Holy Spirit, promised to fulfill everything that He has ever promised we would become.

    Loving Father, During times we experience storms and resistance in our lives and feel overwhelmed and completely crashed, when all our energy is gone and there is nothing left to do, may we experience Your power taking over our weakness, whether it is You trying to slow us down or its the enemy that is coming against us. Let the power of the cross touch us and allow the sacrifice on Calvary to become sufficient for our sin. Like Paul, may we allow the weaknesses in our lives, to protect us from pride. Even when we ask You to remove our weaknesses and You don’t, cause us to be still and listen to You speak into our struggles, assuring us that, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is perfected in weakness." Help us to try not to be perfect because You are able to use less than perfect vessels, but rather surrender our inadequacy to You so that You can fill us with Your strength. May we not compromise our peace, because You already love us unconditionally and are faithful to Your Word. Please fill us with Your grace and strength, for You are the One who can do all things. We give thanks to You for the month of April despite the many challenges. By Your grace and mercy, may we cross over to the month of May with more thanksgiving, still trusting and allowing Your power to be manifested in our weaknesses. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Wishing all a bless and safe cross over to the month of May, according to the will of God.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Per last year, I encourage you again to please read and declare over you and your family, Joshua 1:3-9.

      God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Maplewood, Amen to your words.
      God give me the strength I seek in these uncertain and confusing times. Help me to know that a dependence on you makes these times more clear and so manageable. Help me to know...."My Power is made perfect in (my) weakness." Amen.

    3. Thank you Maplewood NJ for today's response. For my Bible study group today I need to bring something to share. Your response is perfect! Praise the Lord!

    4. Thank you Maplewood for ushering us so beautifully into the month of May. I will remember that if I happen to find a thorn in my side and God does not remove it, perhaps it is there for a reason so I will know without a doubt that His grace is sufficient. I lack nothing when I have Him.
      Jesus is calling us to allow His power to manifest in our weaknesses. Amen and Thank you!

  27. Thank You Jesus. Today when I feasted on Jesus Calling, my mind was in food-dance mode as my heart kept beating in tune with the cadence of Psalm 139:
    O Lord, You have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2 You know when I sit or stand. When far away You know my every thought. 3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am. 4 You know what I am going to say before I even say it. 5 You both precede and follow me and place Your Hand of blessing on my head.
    6 This is too glorious, too wonderful for me to comprehend! 7 I am always found in your Spirit! I am always with my God! 8 If I go up to heaven, You are there; if I go down to the place of the dead, You are there. 9 If I ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans, 10 even there Your Hand will guide me, Your strength will support me. 11 If I try to hide in the darkness, the night becomes light all around me. 12 For even in darkness God sees me; to You the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are both one to you.
    13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it. 15 You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! 16 You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your book!
    17-18 How precious it is, Lord, to realize that You are thinking about me constantly! Infinite times a day Your thoughts turn toward me. And when I awaken in the morning, You are still thinking of me!
    23 You search me, O God, and You know my heart; You test my thoughts. 24 Anything you find in me that is not like Thee, please take it away from me and lead me along Your path of everlasting life! AMEN!
    And the beat goes on pounding Psalm 139 into my brain!
    Blessed Wishes to you, my JC family as you make today Great because Our Father Who is in Heaven is Greater than everything on earth!

    1. Psalm 139 is such a source of blessing. It admonishes us to shift into "chill mode". The shift stick is in our hands. Thanks, Brilamar!

    2. I too love Psalm 139. Thank you dear Brie for sharing it. What lovely food for my soul. I pray Keith is tolerating his injection and doing well.

    3. Great recommendations for reading the Word today, from Sarah Young, Maplewood and Brie. Thanks for shining the light ♥️

  28. Amen Maplewood and Brilamar. I am happily full, and ready to face my day holding the Unchanging Hand. To God be the glory!

  29. Thank you Brilamar, Psalm 139, Granny has to read this one often over her 6 grandsons..holding my little Jairo as I'm typing. Don't worry, Granny, Jesus is in control and I trust him.

    1. God bless you dear LCA. What a wonderful Granny those 5 grandsons have. You are the one that fills their souls and opens their hearts with God's Word. How blessed they are.

  30. AMEN! Thank you Brilamar. This was very uplifting & encouraging. I have been reading & following this blog for the past 2 years. I just wanted to say thank you to this group and Payton Family for blessing me with this platform. I am fairly new to this walk of faith I have taken. I will continue to walk this path for the rest of my days. Thank you Jesus for ALL your grace; for restoring my life; for saving me and shining your light onto me. Blessed day to all & keep walking the spirit.
    Esther Marie

    1. Blessings on you, Esther Marie!

    2. Welcome to this JC table, Esther and Everyone! Come as much as you like. Feast, drink and be merry as often as you like! Stay as long as you like. Just ‘Come.’ Let the hungry one come; Let the thirsty one come; Let anyone else who wants to come, come; Let them all come and eat, drink and be merry with the Food, Water and Joy of Life Jesus gives, free of charge!
      Count it ALL JOY when you come to meet situations of various kinds. Amen

    3. Amen. Come to the Table of Blessings and leave joyful and satisfied. God provides all our needs and we are His instruments in this room of love to lift and encourage each other.

    4. Take a seat at the table, inspiration from Zach Williams


    (John 6:41-51) (From John's perspective) As the words of Jesus are continually being spoken on a higher level, those in the crowd who have locked down their minds to exactly how everything is, are having difficult with what they are hearing. As a result, they are starting to complain about the affirmations of Himself that Jesus is making. Jesus is fully aware of what is happening in their minds though they are trying to keep it to themselves. Jesus continues. "The Father is at work in Me drawing you to Me. This was all told by the prophets in days gone by. If you had listened to the Father when He had spoke through the prophets, you would understand what truly is expected of the Messiah. But if you decide what you wanted the prophets to say about the Father, you will miss what the Father is saying. If you had truly heard the Father in the prophets, you would accept what I am saying because I am revealing the Father to you just as the prophets did. In embracing what the Father has said, you will have eternal life." Jesus then goes on to draw upon a very common analogy to prove His point. A basic staple of food in our day was bread. Regardless of whatever else we had to eat, we always had bread. It was a necessity for our physical health. Jesus, speaking on a spiritual level, goes on to say, "I am the bread of life; I am the essential for the soul's health and wholeness. As bread is to the body, I am to the spirit. Though bread cannot sustain the physical self forever, I can sustain the soul forever for I have come from eternity." Then He finished this thought by saying, "The bread I will give for the life of the world is My flesh." Of course, you who are reading this understand what He meant because you know of the cross, which all of us did not in the moment. Thus, this statement really set off the close minded religious ones. I will cover that more tomorrow.

    (My perspective which I understand leaks into John's perspective above.) How does one keep from becoming like the individuals who cannot hear what Jesus is saying (indeed, a very frightening thought)? Our JC reading today cautions against a spirit of self sufficiency that does not stop and listen to our Lord. When someone knows it all, why would they need to take time to listen? But, when we open our hearts and minds to what He is saying, the Spirit will gladly enlighten us and in so doing will draw us to the Father. On the other hand, when the heart becomes hardened by self-sufficiency, the love of God through the Spirit hits a wall. May none of us ever become like that!

    Lord, purge our hearts of any shadow of self-sufficiency. We will take the time to listen. 'Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.' (I Samuel 3:10) Amen

    1. AMEN! Thanks for opening our hearts and mind to help us hear what Jesus is conveying.

    2. Your wonderful post reminded me of this song we sing in choir.

      I am the bread of life.
      He who comes to me shall not hunger;
      he who believes in me shall not thirst.
      No one can come to me
      unless the Father draw him.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

      The bread that I will give
      is my flesh for the life of the world,
      and he who eats of this bread,
      he shall live for ever,
      he shall live for ever.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

      Unless you eat
      of the flesh of the Son of Man
      and drink of his blood,
      and drink of his blood,
      you shall not have life within you.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

      I am the resurrection,
      I am the life.
      He who believes in me
      even if he die,
      he shall live for ever.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

      Yes, Lord, I believe
      that you are the Christ,
      the Son of God,
      who has come
      into the world.
      And I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up,
      and I will raise him up on the last day.

    3. Amen and Amen!! Love that song, Jeanne!! Glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!

  32. Sharing with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, from "You Are the Beloved" by Henri Nouwen:

    Dear God,

    I am so afraid to open my clenched fists! Who will I be when I have nothing left to hold on to? Who will I be when I stand before you with empty hands? Please help me to gradually open my hands and to discover that I am not what I own, but what you want to give me. And what you want to give me is love—unconditional, everlasting love.


    1. Wow! Bob that was awesome. It is not about anything that will fade away but about everything that will endure. He gives us all we need. Let us carefully separate the wheat from the chaff in our lives and focus on the eternal. So blessed to be surrounded by His love which is never ending and unconditional.
      Thank You Heavenly Father! Amen and Amen.

    2. I pray for many I know who have hardened their hearts. Come Holy Spirit
      ( when the heart becomes hardened by self-sufficiency, the love of God through the Spirit hits a wall. May none of us ever become like that!)

  33. Oh, JC Family, please pray for me if you see this tonight. I've tried all day to read your posts and have not had a second of 'calm,' to absorb your words, except in bites or bytes or bits.
    My counter top, delivered, is wrong, the back splash is "busy," & cost me my stimulus check, the sink is beautiful. I have two wonderful helpers who have a TON of energy and I've tried to juggle work, home and hub since 7 AM. I am worn out and afraid I'll be snarky if I don't get some food and RELAX. So - if you are reading this, please pray, that Norah doesn't lose it and let go on her loved ones, which would NOT be what we are all reading about on this wonderful blog. Early this morning, I read, " Awareness of your inadequacy is a rich blessing, training you to rely wholeheartedly on Me.
    The truth is that self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success." Father, YOU know how hard I've tried to take this to heart. Please, provide kindness and love in my words and don't let the sun go down upon my wrath. Deep breath, Norah!

    1. Norah - Joining Warriors in prayer for you.

    2. We got you, beloved Norah! More importantly, He has got you! Consider yourself gotten. Another deep breath, repeat as needed. For your consideration, what matters eternally? Those are the things to get your attention, let the rest go for their days are numbered. God be with you.

    3. May God richly bless you for asking for help in your weariness!

    4. Praying for you Norah.
      Thank you dear Father for resolving Norah's problem with her counter top and giving her renewed strength and rest for her weary soul. Surround her with your sweetest peace today and all joy and fulfillment. Let her heart not be troubled. Thank you for your faithfulness in her life in all things. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
      Much love and a big hug to you Norah.

    5. Still praying for you sweet Norah that you're getting some well deserved rest and food so you don't get snarky. Sending a hug too.
      Prayers for dear Chuck and Dottie.

    6. While it's May 1st, I try to go back to the previous day's post to reread the entry, for more learning, and to see what posts from our JC family I've missed. Sweet and wonderful Norah, you have so many plates spinning and that's never easy. Kudos to you, though, for keeping your cool in spite of a wrong countertop and a busy backsplash in addition to the other things going on! Hey, maybe the wrong countertop is a blessing in that you can exchange it for a "calm" countertop to compensate for the busy backsplash?? (Interior design/color, etc is what God blessed me with and I love doing. It's my coloring book, really, of fun.) It will all work out as will God give you a calmer day to counteract yesterdays! Sending hugs as well, Norah! Glad you shared so we can pray for you.

  34. Count it all joy! Norah
    Praying for you and yours.
    Let us know how it worked out. I am reminded of the "skunk" lesson from several years ago! Quick Question: Into whose HANDS have you placed this project? I learned earlier this week that HANDS do make a tremendous difference! Love You!

  35. The end of Maplewood's post stated:
    "But if you put those same worries, cares and problems in the hands of CHRIST, He’s going to see you through it. He’s going to take care of your every need.
    Have a bless day, but remember, it DEPENDS ON WHOSE HAND IT’S IN.
    Give everything you got to JESUS and let Him take care of it for you.”
    Heavenly Father, We thank You that Your truth dwells in the atmosphere of worship. We worship You in the splendor of Your holiness. Please help us to make the conscious choice of trusting You at all times and in all circumstances, casting all of our cares into the Hands of JESUS and stay focused on Your loving Presence. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
    The only other suggestion I have is :AND LEAVE IT THERE! if you decide to put all into the HANDS OF JESUS! Blessed Wishes

    1. Amen, Amen and Amen Brie! YES, we must worship Him in the splendor of His Holiness!! Amen!

      Continuing in prayers for Your brother Keith. Our God remains faithful!

      Maplewood NJ

  36. Amen sweet Brie. As long as we are in His able and loving Hands, we'll be okay.
    Father, We trust you to take our problems, our sickness, our confusion, our sadness, our loneliness, our pain, our fear, our weaknesses, our anger, our pride, our frustration, our worries and our difficult situations and lift us up out of them and set us on a high sweet place where all we can see are Your blessings and faithfulness. Then we can come to You with a lighter load in true praise and thanksgiving. And one more thing I ask of you is a good night's sleep. Thank You for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  37. Amen! Amen! He's got the whole world in HIS HANDS!! Divine most merciful Jesus we trust in you!! Come holy spirit!

  38. The Lord's Faithfulness Endures Forever!

    "O Praise the Lord, all ye nations, praise Him all ye people's. For His merciful kindness is great towards us and the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord" (Psalm 117).

    We have so much to give thanks and praise the Lord for. He has carried us through thirty days of this resurrection month. So whether all or some of our needs were met, we can rejoice in our insufficiencies because His power is made perfect in our weaknesses, our lack of understanding or anything that we will ever face.
    The good news is, His mercy endures forever!
    As we cross over to a new month, may the same power that raised our Lord Jesus from the grave, conquering death, sickness and having disarmed principalities and powers, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Col. 2:15), rest upon us and give us more reasons to Rejoice, Praise and Glorify the KING of kings and LORD of lords.

    Giving thanks to You oh Lord, for the blessings of this last day of April and trusting in Your power and might to lead and direct the path set before us.
    Thank you for the VICTORY of today! You are good and Your mercy endureths FOREVER! In Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood and Amen

    2. Amen sweet Maplewood. In our weakness we are strong in Him. Always! I have so much to do to get ready for the big family dinner and He is helping me get everything done. Thank you! His mercy endures till the end of time and forever.

  39. Sassy Mom, thinking of you today as you remember your dear hubby's birthday. May those great memories of your life with him, brings you peace and laughter today.
    Sending love and hugs your way.

    Maplewood NJ

  40. Happy birthday to my husband in heaven. I will always love you. Thank you for loving me with an everlasting love. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning – Psalm 30:5

    1. May our Lord wrap you in His loving arms and hug and hold you through this day while you remember good memories of your dear, sweet husband. Peace be with you.

    2. Gods blessings on you Sassy Mom as you continue to cope with your loss. Bake your hubby’s favorite cake to celebrate your love ;)

    3. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, beloved Sassy Mom.

    4. Happy Heavenly Birthday, RJS

  41. Father, thank You for the path You have me on right now in my life. Through all these difficulties You have placed in my life, You are showing me how to let go and live in the moment -- just like I asked You to. Thank You Jesus. As long as You are with me Lord, anything is possible. I give everything to You and with You and through You, we will make it together. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over You Lord. I bless and praise You Lord. You deserve all my worship, time, and love. Praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Amen! He is holding your beautiful hand and leading you forward into what he has prepared for you. Praise Him always dear Janet! Much love.
      Thank You Jesus!

  42. Hi everybody
    I'm still here every morning checking on you and praying for you, but just haven't written. I've had a busy mind full of a myriad of emotions and thoughts on the change happening here. We sold this house the 3rd day and I've been busy packing it up and downsizing to get ready for apartment living. This house has been in my family since my earliest remembrance so its bittersweet to be parting with it as well as downsizing and parting with my former family/mom life things I've been carrying around with me. The future is a question mark at this point. My mom expresses that she hopes we will like it there. I hope so too mostly for her sake. And I hope I stay strong enough to do this responsibility and bring Glory to God while I do what He gave me. She doesn't have much she can do except sit in a chair. Please pray for her peace and contentment.
    God Bless you all and keep you safely in His hedge of protection. Sassy Mom I'm sorry you're missing your husband. I'm glad you got to know he loved you like that.
    Sincerely, Kathy

    1. Waiting - Dear Kathy and your precious mother, please know we are praying God will equip you with the strength and knowledge needed to complete this responsible task that will Glorify our Lord.

    2. Joining prayers for you and your Mom as you move from a house to an apartment. One good thing is there is less space to clean and change is very good to renew your spirit. God will help smooth out the transition and you will see the best is yet to come dear sister.

    3. Hi Kathy! πŸ‘‹ I pray for you everyday and pray you are still here every morning checking on us and praying for us, but just haven't written to us.
      Blessings sweet sister friend in Christ. Much ❤, Brie

  43. Dear waiting, my hubby & I had to do the same thing. It's not easy at all. Our move was another state entirely to be closer to our children & grandchildren. That's what motivated
    Us along with the fact that our God was waiting for us at the next destination.πŸ™ For you & momπŸ₯°

    1. Good reason to move dear Jan. Those precious littles sure do bring joy to our lives and we can bring them Jesus just by living as a good witness to our faith. Amen! He was waiting for you at your new Home. Beautiful!

  44. Two things. Today, inexplicably, the notify me for emails on any post for today showed up on the website and is clickable, along with the ability to delete. So, bizarre, anyone else notice?

    Secondly, I'm doing terrific, doctor is amazed, except for fatigue, which is fairly significant. It is not uncommon post-transplant, the minor issue is I'm anemic with low RBC counts and I'm significantly deficient in magnesium (electrolytes) so, doc has me getting 4000 mg of mag. Today via IV, which takes 4 hours as mag. if administered quickly can cause heart arrhythmia. I had just done this on Tuesday. Pills and diet have been ineffective and IVs have only raised it slightly each time. He is hoping to get me above the min. normal today to see if that will help. As it is, I usually have to nap and cannot stay awake while watching TV. Can you prayer warriors get on this issue?!! Again, it is not abnormal in the process, but I'm ready to get busy on whatever the Lord has determined I need to be about professionally. Agape to all. ❤❤πŸ™πŸ––

    1. You have come to the right place, MadFox! Jesus is very very effective and we JC Prayer Warriors are lifting you up in prayer to the throne of grace! Peace be with you my brother. Thank you Jesus for your everlasting love and care! Amen!

    2. Restoring energy and strength is just one of God's super powers. May you be blessed with such today and moving forward in good health, Mad 🦊! In Jesus's name I pray.

    3. Dear Lord hear prayers for our brother ! Please bring healing and restoration. Lord you know the desires of his heart please grant the in Your way. May your blessings and peace surround Madfox . Thank God because you are a good and faithful father who will never leave our side .

    4. Father, give Madfox the rest in Your presence that You desire for him to restore him whole. Lift him and his loved ones up and give them the strength and peace that they need while they endure this time in their lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord.

    5. Joining prayers for you dear MadFox that your anemia will be gone and your RBC counts will increase along with your magnesium level. You are putting Him in the center so I believe all things will come together. I've been praying you will amaze the doctors and you are! Hallelujah! Praise Him for His faithfulness!

    6. As our Jan gridley would say,, Warriors are on it!
      How are you feeling today, brother friend in Christ, MadFox? Much ❤, Brie

  45. Okay Papa God, we bless you and thank you for this praise report of your healing and goodness for our Madfox. We know you have more for him. Speak to him in the stillness even as you resolve this other wrinkle of fatigue and anemia. We know you are beyond this already. We trust you. We thank you!

  46. MadFox - Joining all warriors in prayer to comfort your loved ones, strengthen, heal and restore your body, all to the glory of God. Thank You Jesus.

  47. Praising & thanking the Lord MadFox for your journey to wellness. The Lord know your needs before you or your doctors even have a clue. You've expressed them and we warriors join in faith as we storm the gates of heaven on your behalf. The goodness of our God has been with you & your family from the beginning & He will see you through to the end. His wisdom in what you need will be poured into the doctors, He will give them the discernment & the power of knowledge to be applied into every detail. Do not fear brother, be still as He calms your storm. Your strength will be found in waiting on the Lord. πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Amen sweet Jan! Our all knowing Father is guiding the doctors to give him the proper treatment to raise his levels and make him well. Be not afraid!!! Amen dear MadFox! All will be well because He's in charge and you're waiting on the Lord.

  48. Joining my fellow JC warriors and continuing my healing prayers for you, MadFox! Look at what you've conquered thus far! With God ALL things are possible. While the anemia and extreme fatigue has kicked you a bit, I'm betting you you and our Jehovah Rapha who knows all too well about this "hicup" and has a plan already in place! He has brought you this far and isn't going to stop now! Sending blessings of healing and returned energy! Thank you, Jesus, for MadFox's incredible journey of healing!

  49. Heading to bed...again, a thankful Woman of God. Thanking all of your for your prayers and PLEASE KNOW: all of you are in mine.

  50. *thanking all of YOU for your prayers. :)

  51. Thank you dear Norah. Heading to bed very late after a busy time in the kitchen for our family celebration. All is well with my soul but I sure am exhausted. Love you and all our dear Family. I prayed while I cooked and baked. God was in that room helping me.

  52. Since I'll be making pancakes with my grandson this morning, I just wanted to wish you all a sweet and blessed new day. I'll be making a big crumb cake with God's help because my son wanted one instead of a Birthday cake. He equips us for all we need to accomplish!
    God found me time for a much needed nap yesterday which proved very helpful because I don't sleep well when I have my grandsons overnight with me. I hear every tiny little breath. But God gave me that nap because he knew I would need it. Such a good Father! Enjoy this day in His Presence and do your best to hold onto His peace no matter what! We stand together on an immovable Rock and His Hand is always there to hold. We don't walk alone and we are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

    1. Hallelujah, Jeanne. I can taste and see all the love ❤ inside those delicious pancakes πŸ₯ž

    2. Thanks! They were yummy! All is well and I am full! Going to Church now to set up. It’s a beautiful day and I am grateful, happy and blessed!

  53. Today's devotion tells us,, When some basic need is lacking consider yourself blessed. Then I Am Blessed Beyond All Measure...
    I lack power to heal, therefore I am 100% dependent on God, our Source of All Power.
    Health and wealth disappeared instantly, and so will life itself. Thank You God, that I can still rejoice in your Sufficiency, knowing that Your Power is made perfect in my weakness. I believe I'm Going To See Your Victory. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen sweet Brie! You are always strengthened in the Lord. Rest in Him and trust He prepared your tomorrows and He will bring it to pass according to His marvelous Plan. All things are in His Hand and we are loved and taken care of!

    2. Anonymous is Jeanne

  54. I certainly lack something! I'm not sure it's a blessing.
    Psalm 37:7 "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes."
    Maybe I suffer from OPS? ( Older Person Syndrome)
    I find, I am less patient the older I get. I find that some kind of 'righteous indignation' rises with in me, I get riled up and really angry when someone does something that offends. Like the other day; someone parked their car accross our garage entrance, that was 3 days ago! We couldn't get into our garage. I saw the guy today, asked him to move his car, he started to give excuses ( no apology), I got really angry and said things I should not have said and had a real nose to nose argument. I told him what his Godless future is likely to be. He then said "I don't mind going to hell".
    I have noticed this trait in me before, I don't know how to handle it. Counting to three nor taking a deep breath before speaking just doesn't come to mind. I've sought the Lord on this month's ago, but still the 'righteous indignation' rises so easily. Please help me Lord Jesus. Prayer please.

    1. Praying for you Peter to find peace and patience through our Heavenly Father. I have been in your situation myself. I am not one who likes to take meds but I did try a very low dosage "happy pill" because of your very issue. My irritability issue improved greatly without changing me into a zombie. Chemical imbalances are something we have to deal with from time to time. I prayed on it before I started taking it.

      Good luck and God bless!

    2. Righteous indignation is typically a reactive emotion of anger over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice of another.

      Think on Proverbs 11
      [02] When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
      [03] The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.
      [11] Through the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.
      [12] Whoever derides their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue.

    3. Thank you, TJ & JAE. The Lord bless you.

    4. We’ve all been there. When we allow our emotions to guide us instead of the Spirit! So happy we are loved in our imperfections. Stay in God’s presence and peace to be bringers of peace.

    5. Praying for you and all of us in this arena, Peter. Many times my tongue overruled my senses, and I wish I had a delete key for it. I found help imagining myself going to the foot of The Cross holding the other person's hand and both of us, with head's bowed, letting the blood of Jesus drip on our heads while apologizing to Jesus for heaping more hurt on Him, and for letting satan have its way with my tongue. I'm still a work in progress.
      Chemical imbalances may require prescription meds. I am praying God leads you and us to whatever we need. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    6. PS Thank You for sharing, Peter!

    7. Brie - Supporting you in prayer for all warriors in this arena. Thank you for sharing a visual of your trip to the cross apologizing to Jesus. We are all a work in progress.

  55. Wedding day! I am blessed to be marrying my stepdaughter today. Praying that there is much peace, love and fellowship today with family and friends and the blending of our families. I’m praying that the anxieties and worries are kept to a minimum and we may focus on the blessing of matrimony. May the Holy Spirit guide my words and actions, allowing His message to touch and change the hearts and souls of those in attendance today.
    Blessings to each of you this day as you walk in the presence of the Lord. May the grace of God bless us with healing, hope and happiness today.

    1. Shalom, Rich C. It's gonna be a great day! Praise the Lord!

    2. Congratulations Rich! God bless your day and life with His joy and peace and so much love!

    3. Sorry! Anonymous is Jeanne

  56. The devotion today really got me thinking when trials come my way , let me not be discouraged and try to sort them out in my own strength , but seek help from the Holy Spirit because this is a lesson ! I am a teacher by profession and if my students dont do well on a topic , i reteach it and then I ask them to do a retake of the test .( the expressions on their faces when I tell them this ) It helps to make sure they have undrstood the concept . May we perserve in the trialsand tests, seek God's leading , open our eyes and hearts to learn the lesson and we may come out stable and pure in heart !

    1. Yes Min Ahadi, every great TESTIMONY begins with TEST.

  57. In case you may have missed it, asking for your prayers for our move today (posted at the top of the thread). Thank you! God bless your all. πŸ™♥️

    1. Missed the post but I was praying anyway. May God's Angels πŸ˜‡ surround you and yours until the VICTORY Report.
      Love and Blessings, Brie

    2. Victory REPORT! our move could not have gone smoother. Felt your prayers and I prayed for you all in transit. Blessed by two workers that rocked it out and then in. Got my feet up and thanking God and this awesome blog of prayer warriors.

  58. Praying for you, Dear Audra and that your move will be a blessing. No hiccups - God's got this! Looking forward to hearing the Victory Report.

    1. Joining Warriors in prayer for a VICTORY REPORT!!

    2. Audra --- Sassy Mom and Norah covered your prayer request beautifully! I will add PLEADING THE BLOOD of Jesus over the move and ALL those involved. THE BLOOD protects everything that you want protected. The Adversaries CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

  59. What a glorious day that will be.

    1. Thinking of you, Dear Sassy Mom, on this your sweet hubby's birthday. And yes! Great song - and Truth! What a day of rejoicing that will be!

    2. Can’t comment as Jeanne from my phone. Praying dear Audra that your move goes smoothly with God’s help and strength. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying for a Happy Birthday and extra blessings for your good DH! Much love to you and all our family!

    3. Yes, GLORIOUS with the King of Glory! πŸ‘

  60. This is NJS. I’m needing prayer for my son, Nick’s, best friend since middle school as well as his best man in his wedding. Alex and Kristen Ferguson were blessed by the birth of their son, Joseph McLane Ferguson, on 4/27/22. After many hours of pushing, Joseph was born. He had some glucose issues and an infection right off the bat so they kept them at the hospital. Just prior to them leaving the hospital they noticed the baby’s hand tremoring and he hiccuped. Doctors saw that he wasn’t breathing. Fast forward, Baby Joseph has been transferred to another hospital’s neonatal ICU (in Issaquah, WA) and has been out on life support to try and relieve his little body. They’re going to try and do a MRI when he is calm and stable to see what else could be going on. They’re already telling Alex and Kristen that they suspect some brain damage. JC family, this young couple is SO grounded in their faith even though neither of their parents believe. Their trust in God is amazing to witness. Could you, my JC Warrior family, pray for Baby Joseph as well as Alex & Kristen and Joseph’s medical team. *Side note, just before Joseph was born, Alex felt compelled to read Genesis to get further grounding in their baby’s name. These are Alex’s words: “ to try and ground myself in the name. As we all know it's a story of misfortune and tragedy followed by redemption. My family motto "Ferguson" is dulces ex asperis or sweeter after difficulties. Joseph was the perfect unity of these concepts and uniting our family trees together. God will redeem these difficulties for our benefit and for his glory and we will taste the sweet nectar of Gods love after and through these trials.” I thank you in advance for your prayers. I told Alex about this mighty family of ours and how I knew they’d pray along with me.

    1. Thanks for sharing the prayer need,, NJS. I am praying right now for Baby Joseph as well as Alex & Kristen and Joseph’s entire medical team. Heartfelt prayers will continue πŸ™ ❤

    2. I'm honored to join in these prayers for baby and family. Covered by our Father in Heaven!

  61. Praying for Baby Joseph that our Miracle Maker will guide the doctors to giving him the perfect treatment and healing every weakness in his tiny brain and body so he will be in perfect health. Thank You Father for turning their tears in rejoicing. They are trusting in your power and faithfulness as we are. May their life be so much sweeter after these difficulties because you are leading this situation to good. Thank You for all this in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  62. Joining warriors in prayer for Baby Joseph, as well as Alex & Kristen, their parents and Joseph’s medical team

  63. Interceding for Baby Joseph , parents Alex, Kristen and medical team.
    Heavenly Father, I lift up Baby Joseph to You for healing. You are the Doctor of all doctors. I come against the spirit of infirmity and cast it to a dry place . Father, I ask You to send Your Holy Fire and destroy it in Jesus' name. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I speak miraculous healing and life to this precious soul. I Plead The Blood of Jesus over all. Give the medical team supernatural wisdom for a plan of care. And give the parents strength, courage and faith. I know this is possible because Your mercy is absolutely good . I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN

  64. I have an eye infection. Please pray for me. Thanks. God bless you all.

  65. Thank you all for your prayers for this precious baby, Kristen, and Alex as well as their medical team. I cannot thank you enough. I KNEW my JC family would join me in prayer! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I will keep you all posted as I hear from Alex.

  66. Keeping them in my daily prayers. Looking forward to hearing of God’s faithfulness for Baby Joseph, and Alex and Kristen.

  67. Dear JC family,

    I would like to ask for your prayers for my great uncle. His health suddenly deteriorated last week because of a germ in his intestines which caused serious bladder and bowel problems. He was admitted to the hospital and the tests revealed that it was way too advanced to be cured... He is drowsy and can no longer eat, drink or speak. He was admitted to palliative care today...

    I did not know him very well but I know he was not a believer and I would like to ask for your prayers so that he can receive salvation on his deathbed. I know that everything is possible to God and that He can reveal himself to him and to all the patients in end of life, either through a vision, a dream or anything else, I want to believe that it is possible and I ask you to join me in prayers for the salvation and comfort of my great uncle as well as all the unbelieving patients in end of life ...

    Thank you very much JC family, God bless you all and your loved ones.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for your great uncle. May our heavenly Father reveal Himself to him and open his eyes to the truth, the life, and the way! May the veil be removed from him and his heart embrace the LORD! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying that your great uncle will find faith in God as his life here on earth nears its end.


    3. I have read and believe that many, many people come to Jesus in the last seconds of their life on earth.

  68. You're absolutely right dear. No gallbladder pain. Hallelujah! My issue now is, chills, fever & ribs got bruised from vomiting. Please continue to pray. Hubby is getting a covid test kit just in case
    I do have a fever & chills. Pulse is almost 90 & bp is elevated. Only the Lord knows what this is. Thank you dear ones for your prayers.πŸ₯°

    1. Joining with others in prayer for healing.

    2. I hope you feel better soon Jan and I pray your husband's test is negative.


  69. Beloved Jan - Sending my love and prayers for relief from bruised ribs, BP and Pulse to be normal, His warm presence, healing, love and guidance. We love you.

    1. Joining Sassy Mom in prayer for you, Jan, and hubby. Jesus was wounded that we might be healed. He took our infirmities; He bore our sicknesses; We are healed. HALLELUJAH! I Decree this over you, Jan and hubby. Pleading the Blood of Jesus over you and asking the Ministering Angels to surround you. In Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN. Great Love and Blessings to you! JJ

  70. Joining my prayers for you and your hubby to be healed of every weakness and brought back to perfect health in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  71. Driving back to White Plains in the rain to get to Church in time to sing. May God’s hedge of protection cover all of us traveling, and may He heal us and our dear ones, and answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 91:1-4
    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
    Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
    He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

  72. Unashamed dependence on Him is an open door to El Shaddai - the all sufficient One, the God of more than enough, the One who nourishes, supplies, and satisfies.
    Whatever need exists in our life He is more than able to satisfy it.
    Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

  73. AmenπŸ™ Joining you all in prayer today.

  74. This is the day the Lord has made, I AM REJOICING and missing my "forever"!!! Thank you for loving me for 53 years.
    Happy birthday to my dear husband who is celebrating his 9th birthday in heaven.

    1. Happy Birthday to your dear husband in Heaven dear Sassy Mom! You’ll be with him again and your joy will be full.

  75. Praying for each of us on this day that the Lord has made. I was thankful to read, Jan, that you are healing and I pray that today, it is completely, complete, in Him! Praying for you, Dear Sassy Mom and your forever love as you remember his birthday and the love you share. Praying for Anonymous' great uncle and his salvation and peace. Praying for your fun-filled family day, Jeanne. For Brie, Audra and each of you on here (or not). Love and Blessings!

  76. Blessings to all in this list of prayer requests, victory reports, longings for good health. Thank you Jesus!
