Monday, May 11, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 12

     Learn to relate to others through My Love rather than yours. Your human love is ever so limited, full of flaws and manipulation. My loving Presence, which always enfolds you, is available to bless others as well as you. Instead of trying harder to help people through your own paltry supplies, become aware of My unlimited supply, which is accessible to you continually. Let My Love envelop your outreach to other people.
     Many of My precious children have fallen prey to burnout. A better description of their condition might be "drainout." Countless interactions with needy people have drained them, without their conscious awareness. You are among these weary ones, who are like wounded soldiers needing R&R. Take time to rest in the Love-Light of My Presence. I will gradually restore to you the energy that you have lost over the years. Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and you will find rest for your souls.

Exodus 33:14
English Standard Version

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Verse Thoughts - In the original manuscript the phrase with you is not present, so literally this is my presence will go up. Verse 14 is a response to Moses praying in verses 12, Bring up this people. Thus, God is saying He will literally be there, His presence. And this presence means His people have rest, both today and tomorrow and always. 

Matthew 11:28-29 
English Standard Version

28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Verse Thoughts - The idea here is that God provides a rest that no one else can, but here specifically, the context is the Jewish Christians were feeling a heavy burden from the works and toils that the Pharisees and scribes expected them to do. 

My Prayer -  
Lord, the world naturally places many demands on us. Our jobs, each day our lives, where we live, what we do - there is always something to do. Granted, sin resulted in this toil that sometimes has little dividend. Lord, you give us the promise that you will give us rest. I am reminded of the Sabbath day promise you have given us, which means we can rest and you will take care of our burdens. You are there Lord. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for being near.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Good morning JC family πŸ₯°. Happy Mother's to all the mom's! What a glorious day! No matter what each one is going thru, no matter the circumstances, I thank God for the blessings of motherhood. Through it He gave me a tiny glimpse, a peek at how much love & nurturing He stores up in His heart for His children. Thank you Lord for this precious privilege & honor! Amen!

    1. Happy Mother's Day, Jan, and to all the other moms as well including Norah, Sassy Mom, Trusting in the Lord, and all the others. Motherhood is so hard but, yes, you are right, Jan - it offers us a tiny glimpse of the Father's own love for us. Have a blessed day, JC Family.

    2. Happy Mothers Day!!πŸŒΈπŸ’–

    3. Happy Mother’s Day MOM

    4. Happy Mother’s Day

    5. Happy Mother's Day πŸ’❤️ Be blessed everyone!

  2. Good morning JC Family. Praying your day is blessed. Happy Mother's Day to all mother's and daughters.
    "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
    Proverbs 31:10, Proverbs 31:27 - 28.

  3. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flows!
    Father, I thank You for waking us up this morning. Thank You for Grace and mercy.
    You are a wonderful God and we acknowledge You this morning and Bless Your Holy name and say thank You for our mothers!

    JC family, this morning I cover ALL mothers, daughter, nieces, sisters, aunts, mother to be, those belieVing God for the fruit of the womb and all those women who sacrifice to make others feel loved by their acts of kindness and those morning their mothers to to think of the great memories and find comfort today,in the Blood of Jesus!
    May Your day be bright, joyful, may the blessings of our Great God chase you down today. We God reward you for ALL your endless sacrifice, may the bleedingsame flow in and through. May God grant you beauty for ashes, joy for mourning and a garment of Praise instead of a spirit of despair, may you know that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. God has your name in the palm of His hand. May all your prayers for your be answered, children who are struggling, who have disconnected from you, burdened and those you are praying for to get closer to the Lord. Whatever your prayers and desires are for your children, God has heard and working behind the scenes to put joy back in your life. You are Blessed and Highly favored in Jesus name. I Thank God for all you mothers, be celebrated today and everyday in Jesus name.



    1. Thank you Anonymous. I have one child that is disconnected from me, for a season. Thank you you for covering that in your prayer today. So many of God's children does not connect with Him. He still loves them unconditionally. Blessings to youπŸ₯°

    2. Amen to that. We also have distant children season. Thank you for including that part of the prayer. Colorado JC Friend

    3. Amen, amen Maplewood, NJ. You have so blessed me, thank you for your prayer. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ bless you immensely this day. In Jesus name

    4. Thank you lord for always being right there when we need u at any give time plz father help me to tame my tongue and I pray for all my JC family on this blog give them strength father to ensure and trial you allow us to go through to make us who we need to be in christ keep us safe and to the rite way to tell someone about you and your truths in your word Hope and pray everyone has a blessed day and keep focus on our lord and savior jesus christ in jesus mighty name I pray Amen

  4. A blessed Mothers Day to all who serve as Mom! With our earthly mothers, we also honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus. My prayer is that all Mom's are blessed for the role they play in Gods kingdom, nuturing and guiding your children on their journey of life AND faith. I love my Mom & miss her, who left me way way too early. She was one of last of the great "old fashioned" moms (please! no offense to modern day moms ;) ). , always serving & providing for her children, in which me and my siblings have been greatly blessed! Amen.

    1. Mine was too, ABC! Stay at Home Mommy who just loved raising her children and blessing my Dad with a lovely home that welcomed all!

    2. I miss mine too. She was this single, feisty Asian mom, who against all odds got me to the USA where a brighter, more promising future was waiting for us. Little did she know that she helped lead me straight to the cross. Oh how I miss you momπŸ’“.

  5. A great Happy Mothers Day to all Moms out there. I am forever grateful for the honor of the ability to be Mom to my Baby Girls and Son. Having children is the greatest gift God gave a woman, I pray for those that didn't get that privilege and so desired it. Watch over all of us this day as we celebrate our Moms and being Moms ourselves, Thank you Lord for the blessing to have had the Mom You blessed us with. She has been residing in heaven for the last 15 Mothers Days and I know she is in the best hands she could possibly be in. As a single Mom, raising 3 rascals (me and my two Brothers, we were stair step ages 1, 2 & 3 years old when our Dad walked out of our lives) in the 60's on a school teachers salary. My Mom came from a very respected family from small town America. She raised us and provided our needs by herself, as my Dad was chasing women and doing his own thing. Thank You Lord for giving us the best Mom in the world, selfless with her time and anything else she could help people with. I would say she could have been in the "drainout" stage, she was so busy helping others, she hardly took the time to take care of herself. Our whole family misses her so, except for my middle Brother that joined her in heaven at the age of 56 on November 1st, 2015, he is blessed to be withe her now. And we miss the heck out of him too. Thank God that I am the one his daughters come to for adult advice and also the privilege to keep an eye on them as both their parents are now gone to be with the Lord. Thank you Lord for us to have had such a great Mom and Brother. I know this post has been all over the place, I just type it as it comes to mind. Chasing rabbits and all, but God knows my needs and knows how my brain works. If you are traveling today, safe travels, just be careful and enjoy this day as we honor our Mothers. God bless and watch over each of us as we go about our day.

    1. I love your post Pamela. Colorado JC Friend

    2. What a beautiful story and testimony of a Woman of God, Pamela!

    3. We honor our strong & courageous mothers

  6. I have a question, is there a link to go to and see all the Devotional at one time or do I keep typing Jesus Calling May whatever the date is to get to it. This is the first blog I have followed and I was just wondering if there was a different way to get there. Thanks in advance, God Bless❣

    1. The quick answer to your question is "no." The reason being that I mostly use this blog to record my own personal bible study notes, but I also in the past did post the Jesus Calling Devotional on here, so that I could write out the verses and also provide my own commentaries (verse thoughts, prayer) for entries. So there isn't a simple way to see all the entries from start to finish. When searching through your favorite browser I would suggest typing "Bible Jesus Calling" and then the date. You can also scroll down to the end of this page, all the way down and you will see on the right hand side the heading "Blog Archive." Most of the entries I did were in 2015. If you hit the arrow to the left of 2015 it will expand for you to see the months and then for the month of May, if you hit the arrow to the left of "May" you will see most of the Jesus Calling entries for the month of May. But there are stragglers at time and if you don't see a date, the best thing to do is to search for it in a browser. Be blessed.

    2. I google the following.

      Jesus calling blogspot 366

      When it comes up, I then click on the date or the subject! VOILA, I'm here.

    3. Google Bible tags Jesus calling amd bookmark it if you have an IPhone

  7. Happy Mother's Day! I echo the beautifully written prayers above! Be blessed today and think of our Lord and all that He suffered for us. He's the best no matter what we're going thru. Whether on the mountain top or in the valley low.

    Also, the VRBO gave all but the service fee ($32) back to us. I am so thankful to God for overseeing the outcome of my mistake and to you for all your precious prayers. Colorado JC Friend

    1. Unknown---Great victory for the VRBO situation. The Lord watches over his word to perform it!Praise the Lord!

  8. Good Morning and God Bless, JC Family! Thanking the Peytons for this great blog that has brought us all together, for the loving family that has developed through answered prayers and heart-felt concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ! The first line of today's devotion reminded me that my big family, though conceived by the same parents, includes so many others now with in-laws, grandchildren, adopted grandchildren - so many from different ways of life, but all welcomed and loved as we see our children's lives blessed because of them. It is humbling and I thank God that I can continue to, "Learn to relate to others through My (His) Love rather than yours (mine)." As always, His ways are (usually) are not mine nor my thoughts His, but as I stay meek to His Word and the presence of my Lord and Savior, I learn better ways, the BEST way to bless each and every one of them and they, in turn, respond to His Love. Enjoy your day, dear JC mothers, sisters, et al! Sassy Mom, I thought the same verse this morning as I realized my children and husband do rise up and call me blessed. I see my sons emulating their father's love and honor toward their wives and significants and I see my grandchildren respond to their mothers the way mine did and do to me. We are blessed. Sassy Mom, Jan, ABC, IA and all of the Anonymous' - God's richest blessings to you today and always as you celebrate all that God calls us to hold near and dear. <3

  9. p.s. hallelujah, Unknown for the VRBO!! I was praying in the shower and came on to tell you I'd continue to pray when I saw that it was already resolved! That's our God!
    Also, Pamela K: I do type in the date each day and "Jesus Calling Bible Tags" (b/c sometimes I get other sites if I don't). I asked the same thing a while back when I had trouble getting this site. :)

    1. Thank you Norah! I'm so blessed by the prayers. Colorado JC Friend

  10. The internet searches are ever changing as the artificial intelligence evolves. I have found that "Bible Tags month and day" brings the most consistent results. Blessings mothers and all this blog's followers. From the upper Mojave desert.

  11. Dear JC Family,
    After a blessed MD I had to come back to read and pray for all the prayer needs mentioned.
    Mother's Day night 4years ago was very sad. My husband and I came home after celebrating a beautiful MD with both daughters and spouse. 2 hours later my husband was admitted to the hospital. We didn't know he was having a 6th heart attack. Both daughters told me to go home and get some rest. Unbeknownst to me the doctors told my daughters "all we can do is make him comfortable". The daughters put a prayer request on Face Book for their father. Immediate response! They begin to read the prayers that were prayed for him. He was awake long enough to say "I want to thank all those people who are praying for me". Our preacher came early the next morning and prayed what I have named "A POWER PRAYER". His primary care Dr. came a few hours later and said "I believe this man is ready to go home." PTL we witnessed a miracle. We had him for one more month. He is celebrating his soon to be 4th year in the arms of Jesus. Thank you allowing me to share this miracle with my JC Family. Blessing to all, I love you.

    1. What a testament to the power of prayer, Sassy Mom! I am so thankful you had him just a bit longer!

  12. We love you Sassy Mom, thank you for sharing that, I got tearful. God is so good! πŸ₯°

  13. “You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

    Heavenly Father, You have called us to come to You in all our weariness and burdens to find rest for our souls, so as not to suffer “drain-out and burn-out". Teach us to love others through Your love instead of loving each other through manipulations or for selfish gain. Help us to love and show love to others as in: You love us so much so that You sent Your Son to die for us. In our ‘natural’ human form, we don’t want to love our enemies or people who hurt us etc., but it is not what we want. As believers walking with You, we are to Honor Your command. Not only that, but we cannot say we love You and despise our neighbors/enemies. We are only able to love You because You first loved us (1John 4:19) and we can only give freely to others what we have received so freely from You. Loving You entails loving others (not manipulating them) because the two is the very depth of Your character and if we say we are believers, our character must reflect Your character. This love that You want us to have for each other is not limited to only those who love us back, our family or close friends, or fellow believers, but all peoples. Jesus made it very clear that If we love You, we need to love others just as You do. We are to love our enemies, those we dread, the unlovable, those who hurt us, those we have nothing in common with, those with different ethnicity, different color of skin, and different cultural backgrounds. This means no filter, no weeding out the people we want to love from those we don’t. We are all of one race, the HUMAN RACE and children of the most High God. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
    Please search us Father and move us to love others just as You love us. Help us to show love to others by forgiving (Colossians 3:13), accepting ((Romans 15:7) and honoring (Romans 12:10) them because when we do, we are demonstrating that we are full of Your love. Jesus loved all people. He loved thieves, murderers, harlots, tax collectors, diseased people, poor people, and even the very people that nailed Him to the cross. This love that He showed two thousand years ago is the same love today. We pray today that You will help us to actively love others.
    We pray that You lead us to places where You want us to shine Your light, and ask that You grant us courage and strength to share Your love with all who surround us in our daily lives. As Your Love shines in and through us to others, may they also actively love and guide others to Your beauty and unconditional love. May we be reminded that as we love others, we are able to show our love for You most in its truest, purest form that only comes from You because You are love (1 John 4:7-8). May we also follow the second greatest commandment which is like the first: if we love God with all our heart, we will love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-39), because the second naturally follows if we truly have the first. When we do this, we will be able to rest in the Love-Light of Your Presence and enjoy Your unlimited supply. Thank You for Your unconditional Love for us. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Thanks again for sharing, Maplewood. As always, you reflected God's light to me, igniting my dry spots. Thanks be to God, from Whom our blessings flow. Amen!

    2. Thanks Maplewood! You gave me so much to think about. It's easy to love those who are good and kind to us. But the test of faith comes when we are called to forgive those who have deeply wronged us. Some of us are presently suffering the consequences from those wrongs, and it's so hard to forgive those who caused our hard times. But think of all the times we sinned greatly and hurt others, yet our Heavenly Father mercifully forgave us and brought us back into his beloved fold. It's so easy to say: forgive your enemies, but so hard to do. God can give us the strength and courage to do so. We make our life better too by letting go of any resentment and anger that keeps us from coming to God in holiness and peace. We must keep loving because God keeps loving us unconditionally, just as we are. Praise God for his lovingkindness and mercy. He has equipped his children to come out of their comfort zones in this Pandemic to share love, and to feed, heal and protect his people, good and bad. I believe some of those who are ungodly, are considering the love and generosity they are receiving from God's faithful servants and indeed experiencing a change of heart towards Him.

    3. Lord Jesus, would you help me meditate on taking the hand of someone who caused me hard times and walking hand in hand with them to the foot of Your cross, kneeling so close to Your Feet, that Your drops of blood are falling on both of us, cleansing both of us and forgiving both of us for any and all the times each of us has caused hard times for any other persons? Whether verbal, physical, mental, etc. causing hard times in any form is still causing hard times. Free of comparing degrees of hard times, we both equally need Your forgiveness for any hard times we each caused, ultimately causing You, hard times. You Who know hard times without cause and remained good and true to our Father in Heaven. Help us Lord on our JOURNEY to becoming more and more like You, everyday in every way. Thanks to You for our JC family Lord. May we all stand forgiven by You. Amen

    4. Praying for you Brilamar for courage to forgive, sweet peace from forgiveness, and a new bond of love to spring up between you and that certain someone. God already knows the situation you have just laid at His feet to handle. Repent for any wrongdoing toward that person and forgive yourself too. Forgive that someone in your heart. Then wait patiently on the Lord. He is faithful to save and merciful to forgive.

  14. Dear Jesus, help me to access your unlimited supply of strength to care for those entrusted to me. Help me to know you are there meeting all my needs that in turn not only blesses those we care for but blesses me as well! This connection keeps me from "burnout and "drainout" Thank you for my daily nourishment! Amen.

    1. Be blessed ABC and entire JC family. You've got this because A living channel always absorbs and reflects whatever is flowing through it! When You channel care for others, you will absorb care for yourself!

    2. Yes Brilamar that is so true. Thank u

    3. Amen dear ABC, Jesus nourishes our souls, provides our needs every day and refreshes us every morning with the Sonrise.
      Sweet Brie, Reading your wonderful response to dear ABC moved me so much. It is so true that with God's spirit and light flowing through us, we are able to share it with all those we are blessed to care for and to guide. We take the same comfort, love and encouragement He gives us and we pay it forward.
      Btw, I am guilty of burnout so often. I'm definitely among the weary ones and God is telling me to catch up on my sleep right now. He is my strength, my comfort and my salvation.


    (John 14:27-31a) Jesus has just made a passing reference to the Holy Spirit being sent by the Father to teach and to guide us in the future. Without elaborating on that too much at this point, He goes on to say, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid." In the moment and in the hours to follow, that thought would become completely lost to us. What was about to happen to Him was nothing like how we wanted it and that is why we had no peace. The peace that He offered to us occurs when God's full authority is honored in all circumstances. But when personal agendas in any circumstance are the priority, peace will be fleeting at best. With allusions to what was about to happen to Him, He spoke of going to the Father and that if we loved Him, we would rejoice that He is going to the Father. Again, that was not our personal desire for Him thus minimizing our rejoicing. With respect to our feeble humanity, He told us of what was about to happen so that over time we would see the hand of the Father in control of all things. To any outside (of the Father) observer, it would appear evil had the upper hand but He made absolutely clear evil never is in control; influential yes, but never controls. The Father always is sovereign. He concluded by saying in His obedience to the Father, love reigns.

    As I meditated on these words, I realized so many times my peace was tied to 'my will be done'. Often times, this led to bouts of depression. Circumstances are going to be all over the place, sometimes delightful, sometimes painful but all too often I have defined how they are according to my wishes leading to either a worldly sense of peace or no peace at all. 'If you loved me...' is what I need to address within my soul. From my readings this AM, written by Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity, "(Jesus says:) Those who love me a little, have a little confidence in me. Those who love me much, have great confidence in me. Those who place no limit to their love have a confidence in me without bounds or limit. I cannot disappoint them." As I posted yesterday, this love is not a product of emotions nor does it rely on the senses as human love does. This love is a virtue that dwells within the heart. I feel the JC readings that we have gathered in this blog to read, shows us this kind of love. I am grateful to the paytonfamily for providing and maintaining this space and I am grateful for your posts or just your visits for the communion of saints (which we have here) is a source of great support in working toward having a love for God without limits which leads to full confidence in Him establishing the peace He wants for us.

    Have a blessed day today and everyday! With love, Bob

    1. Amen and thanks be to God for you and your posts, Brother Bob, reflecting much insight to me.

    2. Amen Bob! We may have our own agenda but He truly guides our paths. Often when we try to control things, He sheds his light in a different direction to follow in our day. Sometimes we get so intent on doing things our way that we are blind to his guiding light. God's will was done in the Passion and Death of His Son, and at this very moment, it is still being done. He has never left us and he will accomplish his purposes in his own timing. We must realize that God is above all, and stand on our faith. Don't be swayed by the media's fear tactics and the rising numbers. Even when our lives are turning upside down and we can't even hold our loved ones, He is holding us. Those who love God have great confidence in Him and we see them now showing selfless generosity, brave kindness, and inexhaustible strength. That is the greatest example of the love we give because He first loved us. It is a love without limits and it is offered to all, good or bad alike. God bless you and my JC Family. Praying for MadFox's daughter and all the needs of my Brothers and Sisters. Be blessed. We are loved.

    3. Bd twin, love how you keep us informed of the events of the weeks after Easter. Thank you!

      Also, thanks for the info regarding Psalm 46 and the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness", from yesterday's post. Didn't know that connection. Thank you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Thanks for the continual reminder Jeanne and JC family, that I may see d'evil but I will not share it; No thank you, d'evil, I refuse to participate in your negativity. I guess you think keeping us focused on this pandemic (and the paperwork I have to complete and turn in this Friday) would move us off our mark, but it seems to be winning more souls to Christ, more of us living like He did, more of us praying, more of us openly sharing Jesus, more of us doing GOD'S GOOD WORK to and for others, more of us putting our loved ones into God's Hands, more of us exchanging our weaknesses for His strength, more of us demonstrating our faith in God in the presence of our children while they are at home, creating yet another generation of believers, and on and on anon. I know little, but I promise this If you hang around me, d'evil you'll only hear my praise and thanks to a GOOD GOD! SEVERE WARNING:leave now d'evil before I deafen you with MY VOICE SINGING HIS Praises, beginning with the song Jan Gridley, a JC Warrior sang to us in a previous post, VICTORY IN JESUS...Oh victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever, He sought me & He bought me with His redeeming blood, He loved me ere I knew Him & all my love is due Him, He plunged me into victory beneath His cleansing blood"! 
      Yes! I choose to stay my mind focused on my Good God, Who moves mountains, parts seas, stills stormy waters, turns winter into spring, darkness into day, changes plain water into the finest wine, and so much, much more because He loves me. I trust He will get us through or get us out, just as He always has and always will, because He remains the same YESTERDAY, TODAY & FOREVER! Praise and thank You, Sweet Jesus! Amen.

    5. Amen Brilamar! God is so much greater, and remains so. Right now, we see the fruits of His love spreading like wildfire. He is our God forever, so we have nothing to fear. Lots of love. Praying for you to lift and heal you in all things.

    6. I am still seeing the fruits of the spirit in His people and His love light shining in this dark and fallen world. I see people's weary hearts becoming open, renewed and softened because of His promises. I trust in Him that we will all see a better world. He will guide us to be a big part of the change. If we could just look at each other as sisters and brothers and love as we have been loved.

    7. Jeanne -- I hadn't seen this post until after I posted down below. Isn't God amazing?!!!

    8. Yes He is amazing sweet girl!

  16. VERSES vs LIFE:
    Matthew 11:28-29 28 Come to ME, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take MY yoke upon you, and learn from ME, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    Today, I have to work diligently in order to complete lengthy complex paperwork that is due Friday. I am asking for the Lord's help and JC Warrior prayers! Would you pray for me to successfully complete this heavy labor? Thanks in advance. I appreciate all of you and your prayers tremendously!

    1. I'm with you Brilamar. Working right now on things for my Bible Group. But we're not working alone because we have our Great Helper. Hope your paperwork gets completed.
      Matthew 11:28-29 always makes me smile. We sing a song in our Choir, Come to Me, and the lyrics are all from Matthew 11. So true too. He is always ready to share and even carry our great burdens. True rest only comes from Him. It is a rest from our soul that this world cannot provide.

    2. Hello Brilamar,
      Firstly I pray that you will be successful. I am sure this is not the first time you have faced this situation. You have always succeed in the past and you will this time as well.
      God Bless

    3. Brilamar, you got it girl! Because God's got your back. Like Jeanne said, God is your Helper. It shall be well.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Prayers for Gods help in all areas and especially deadlines to be met. He often " reorganizes" me and the result is His and its best.

  17. A helpful hint, Brilamar. If you worry about getting it done, it will take longer. If you have confidence it will get done (yes, you will) then it will take less time because as you are more relaxed, the work can flow more freely through you. Carry on, sister in Christ.

  18. Greetings prayer warriors! Please join me as I declare healing in Jesus's name over Marc's body after he took a fall. Brow, wrists and knees took the impact and bruising and swelling need your healing. Thank you, Lord hear our prayers! πŸ™

    1. Father, place Your healing hands on Marc and remove the pain, swelling, and bruising. Let him be whole again. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise God.

    2. I am praying for His Healing Blessings to fall afresh on Marc right now, our Dear Audra.

    3. Audra, Praying for healing for Marc.


    4. Praying for complete and rapid healing for Mark.

    5. Adding my prayer of quick healing and peace for Marc. JE

    6. Thank you! PTL this was definitely a day that showed signs of relief and healing for Marc. Wrist pain lingering but knees and brow SO much better. Walking without support! Thank you all! πŸ™

  19. Father, open me up to be Your vessel for Your love and blessings to flow freely to others through me. Thank You for the opportunity to be Your servant and to do Your will. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are so amazing.

  20. Father God, We are asking you to take Marc's body and heal every weakness, of body, mind and spirit. You can see all things. Bring him back to pefect health. We know you can do this and we trust in your faithfulness. We ask as a family for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Thank you for another victory. We praise Your Holy Name and depend on Your healing power. Heal his brow, wrists and knees and any hidden bruises or injuries. Thank YOU dear LORD. We love you.

  21. Amen sweet Janet! You are on the Battlefield for the Lord and you are a mighty soldier in His Army. I have no doubt that you are shining His light to everyone you meet.
    Praying a hedge of protection around you and His guiding Hand upon your shoulder.
    God bless, protect and guide all of our dear family here. Amen.

    1. Thank you Jeanne. Everyone here on this blog is so wonderful and supportive of each other. We are family -- all my brothers, sisters, and me ... Peace be with you.

    2. Amen! Feeling so much love and support, thank you one and all!

    3. Yes we are God's Family and our Family. Always here for each other to share our joys, sorrows and problems. God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is with us in this beautiful room.

  22. “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinth. 13:4-8).

    Loving Father, I submit my will to You and ask that You wake me up to the things that are given to me by Your Holy Spirit. Help me to keep continuing to ‘action’ love from my heart, mind and spirit with all of my strength. If You are not the love of my life, there is no possible way that I will truly love my neighbor as myself. So, the most loving thing I can do for others is to love You more than I love them, because if I love You most, I will love them best in its truest, and purest form that only comes from You because You are Love. Thank You for revelation acknowledge through Your words, in Jesus name. Amen.

    When seeking God He always assures us that it is through the power of His Holy Spirit that we can love, conquer and overcome whenever we surrender our will to His. Through submission of the will, our faith emerges stronger and allows us to act out of obedience to Him and His endless love for us. It is this unconditional love that lets us see through God’s eyes in every circumstance we face in this life. It is in the security of God’s love that sets us free and is liberating to all who will surrender.

    Gracious Father, Thank You for the Empowering of the Holy Spirit. For there is no work or sacrament that brings on the Spirit, it is a gift of You. Thank You for working in our inner being and strengthening our souls with the Holy Spirit’s power and thank You that we can truly love You, ourselves and our neighbors because You first loved us (1 John 4:19).

    “The LORD sees not as man sees… the LORD looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

    “Let everything you do be done in love” (Corinthians 16:14)

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood! We were given the Holy Spirit to enable us to love, conquer and overcome according to His will and plan. He must be the leader and we must allow Him to lead.
      Thank you for your beautiful words: "So, the most loving thing I can do for others is to love You more than I love them, because if I love You most, I will love them best in its truest, and purest form that only comes from You because You are Love."

  23. Father, thank you for today. Thank you for allowing me to have communication with you. I really wonder what it is that I’m supposed to do today. Show me the way. Show me the way like you showed Moses. I really appreciate your grace.

    1. Dear Xavier Hill,
      Our slup and falls remind me to sing these lyrics. Hope they can help you sing along with love, Brie.
      I've been hard on myself lately
      Every morning I feel the weight, mmm
      When it's hard to just get out of bed
      Tell my heart, 'cause sometimes I forget
      That Your mercies are new today
      Your mercies are new today, oh
      I can rest on Your shoulders
      There is grace to start over
      Your mercies are new today, oh
      Your mercies are new today
      Help me rise like the morning sun
      Help me see that Your work's not done, oh-oh
      When I'm less, than what I want to be
      Lord, I need You, to keep reminding me
      Your mercies are new today (Your mercies are new today)
      Your mercies are new today, oh-oh (Your mercies are new)
      I can rest on Your shoulders
      There is grace to start over
      Your mercies are new today, oh
      I kept thinking You were angry
      But You were fighting just to hold me
      And picked me up every time I fell
      If Your love is here to lift me
      And Your blood says You forgive me
      Show me how I can forgive myself
      'Cause Your mercies are new today
      Your mercies are new again and again
      Your mercies are new today (Your mercies are new today)
      Your mercies are new today, oh yeah (Your mercies are new today)
      I can rest on Your shoulders (I can rest on Your shoulders)
      There is grace to start over (there is grace to start over)
      Your mercies are new, oh, new today
      I can rest on Your shoulders
      There is grace to start over
      Your mercies are new today
      Your mercies are new today, oh

  24. Dear Xavier, May God show you the way clearly so you can follow Him.
    Good share for Xavier, Brie! I really love that song too.

  25. JC family, I posted a prayer request on May 13th's post. Thank you and God Bless you all.

  26. This devotion spoke to me. Especially this: Take time to rest in the Love-Light of My Presence. I am a bit sleep deprived but it was a fruitful day and night. I am now following God's instructions to rest well in His presence and be renewed, strengthened and restored. Praying all my dear JC Family are getting the rest you need. We need to be strong to do His work and to help those who need us. Have a blessed Thursday.

    1. Rest well dear Jeanne. Ask Jesus to knock you out when your head hits that pillow. Love & blessings to you dear oneπŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Thanks dear Jan! Oh He sure knocked me out! I was thanking Him for my day and my rest and then it was morning. We have such a faithful God. Hallelujah

    3. You gave new meaning to down and out, our dear Jan gridley.
      When our heads go DOWN on the pillow, may The Good Lord knock us OUT! πŸ’ž

  27. Please keep my family in your prayers. My husband has greater anxiety every day and his negativity affects all of us. It is hard to have peace.

    1. God is peace. Stay close to Him, press in & lay all the concerns you have at His feet. Give hubby to Him, let go of him & you meanwhile can stay focused on Jesus. We will carry you & yours in prayer. Be blessed Anonymous & be held. πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. May God grant peace to your husband’s anxious heart and bring true peace of mind and rest to you and him in Jesus’ Name.

    3. I know this situation first hand and it’s difficult. Praying for a breakthrough and the peace you are searching for. May Christs peace that surpasses all understanding be with you as you cast all your burdens upon Him.

    I get to choose.
    In today's devotion, Jesus said: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. 29 Take My Yoke upon you, and wear My Yoke for It fits perfectly. Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My Yoke is easy and My Burdens are Light...

    THE JOKE: my will be done.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    I surrender my will to THY WILL, Oh Lord YOU decide as YOU see fit; YOU take care of it. So much higher above my thoughts are THY THOUGHTS and THY WAYS above my ways. I surrender both to YOU in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I choose the yoke. Because the last laugh is always on me when I choose the joke! Great comment dear Brie.πŸ‘πŸ’ž

    2. Awesome Brie! Amen! May He take you by your pretty hand and and lead you through these valleys and set you back on high ground where you can clearly see your blessings and the road He has set before you.
      Be too! I choose the yoke!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ™Lead me Lord and take my reins. You are my Good Shepherd and I will follow where You lead.

    3. THROUGH IT ALL by Andrae Crouch.

  29. Asking dear warriors for continued prayer for the court case for Loretta's estate. Now they will subpoena the lady that is named in the will also. She's also in her 70s, no money but gladly took Loretta in to care for her before I did. She's a good Christian, a sweet friend of mine & loved by both Loretta & I. Her name is Etta. Please cover her with prayer. Love & blessings πŸ’ž

    1. πŸ™ for Etta, et al...THY WILL BE DONE, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  30. Joining all prayers for Etta that God’s Spirit of wisdom and truth will guide her words and get testimony unto a good outcome. Thank You Jesus.

  31. Oh I need this reminder today as I meet with my physician about the next steps. Praying that there is better news, hope and healing and that I may be completely trusting in Christ who strengthens me.
    Appreciate your prayers family! May your day be blessed. πŸ™ Shalom.

    1. πŸ™ Praying with you Rich C. With 2 or more pray-ers, He is in our midst. Go forth guided by God's Blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Rich: God's Word is SUPERNATURAL. Mixing Faith with God's Word by speaking it out of your mouth is a means of applying God's medicine. God's Word is spoken of in Proverbs 4:22 as being medicine to all all flesh. It is the most powerful medicine available today! There are many scriptures that speak to our healing. Find those that speak to you and speak them over yourself two to three times a day. Here are some confessions and scriptures to get you started.
      Jesus bore my sicknesses and carried my pain. Therefore I give no place to sickness or pain. For God sent His Word and healed me. (1John 4:4, Rev. 12:.)
      You have given me Abundant Life. I receive that Life through your Word and it flows to every organ of my body bringing healing and health. (John 10:10 ;John 6: 63.)
      Heavenly Father, I attend to Your Word. I incline my ears to Your sayings. I will not let them depart from my eyes. I keep them in the midst of my heart, for they are life and healing to all my flesh. (Prov. 4: 20-22.)
      And remember: You are Washed in The Blood, Covered in The Blood, Saved by The Blood, Healed by The Blood. And devil, you CAN'T defeat The Blood! In Jesus' precious name, AMEN and AMEN. JJ

    3. Yes! our JJ. I am taking your prescriptures as often as needed. Wonderful side effects! Thanks for sharing dear one. Much Love, Brie

    4. Praying with our family for you Rich, that all will go well and you will recover completely. God is the best Physician and He is on your side.

  32. Rich C - Praying uplifting comforting presence of Jesus prayers full of hope, healing and VICTORY! Love and blessings to my JC Family.

  33. You got it Rich , but even better, God's got this! Peace & calm be yours in Jesus name. Amen! Hallelujah!

  34. Joining in prayers today for all requests. Negativity of one poisons those around if we let it. Turning to God in no joking manner πŸ˜‰ to keep my spirits positive. God's bless you, JC family!

  35. God bless you dear Audra and all our dear JC Family. Got my little Gabriel with me and all is well.

  36. I need your prayers dear prayer warriors for my Mom's good friend Dorothy who is in the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. I'll know more when I see my Mom tomorrow. Praying that God will heal her weaknesses and guide the doctors in their evaluation so they will give her the perfect treatment to bring her back to good health, May God grant Dorothy and her dear daughter Lisa rest, comfort and peace of mind. Thank You Jesus.

  37. Dear JC Family - I confess - I have not read one, single, prayer request today. It has been non-stop: family (sick), cases (sad), victories (in both situations). So, without more rambling, I will humbly ask for prayers: for my dear hubby, who I think is on the mend, but has had stomach bug issues all week; for my youngest son, who got his whole family through the stomach bug and now has symptoms. This youngest of mine: my kindred spirit, (we are both the eternal optimists in the fam), texted today, "Well, Prayer Buddies, I've got symptoms: body aches, yucky bathroom runs and, incredibly - an earache! But, I'm still working because, other than that, I feel pretty good!" Is that not the BEST. ATTITUDE? Then, my sister texted that her husband was in the ER with "Acute sigmoid diverticulitis with micro perforation and abscess." He is in the hosp with IV Antibiotics and we are praying, "NO SURGERY." Other than the severe pain, his greatest concern is the fact that he can't eat for several days. This is a guy who eats 3 squares a day - rain or shine! So, please pray for my dear family. The best part (SASSY MOM), was when I was just hanging up from talking to my sister and she said, "You know what? God is in control and you can't beat that!" Ahhh....balm to my soul. Love to all of you and trust me, even though I have not read past this morning's devotion and the scriptures, I have prayed for each of you. Just don't know the details - but our Loving Heavenly Father does and He sent his only, begotten Son to make sure those promises come to pass. Heading to bed. Praying for my cases - widows (some left FAR, too, young. The elders, wondering what to do next); people on disability and finding out they have an overpayment that they owe back; people trying to get Visas and Passports to come be with a loved one in their final days....were it not for God, I'd sink my head in the sand. I DO KNOW MY GOD and because of Christ Jesus - I know we have already WON THE VICTORY. Sleep sweet - God is on the Nightwatch.

  38. Great Blessings to you Nora! Thank you so much for your prayers. Yes, we do have The VICTORY! I love to see through the eyes of VICTORY! And I love it when you say "God is on the Nightwatch." That brings such great comfort! HALLELUJAH!!!

  39. Dear JC family,

    I wanted to thank all of you who prayed for the salvation of my great-uncle.
    He passed away last week, the day after he was admitted to palliative care.
    I want to believe that our prayers were answered and that God revealed Himself to him in his sleep, for I know that God is more than able and merciful.
    Again I thank you for your intercession and I continue to pray for the salvation of the souls of all people at the end of life as well as all unbelievers in the world, I know God can do wonders. He's a way maker and miracle worker.

    You are all in my prayers daily, I know this JC family is growing more and more as time goes by and even though some of us don't comment much or at all, we don't fail to pray for each other for all the requests posted or not. God knows each of our hearts and needs and He provides in ways above all we ask or think.

    Blessings and love to you all beautiful JC family.

    1. Blessings to you dear Anonymous! I’m so sorry you lost your Great Uncle. May God comfort your family and bring peace to your broken hearts. I trust our prayers were answered and I believe he was called and said Yes to Jesus at the end of his life. God is so merciful! I believe you’ll be with him again. Praying for this and for the salvation and faith of all our unsaved dear ones. Thank You Jesus!

    2. Sorry for the loss of your great uncle anonymous- sending prayersπŸ™

  40. Thanks for all your prayers! So happy to report my Oncologist said he believes I am in remission. I must see him in 4 months and he will review the blood tests results from today. No scans or tests or treatments are needed. Hallelujah! God is so good and faithful. Thanks for praying for my friend Rudy who is undergoing surgery this morning to remove the lines that were put in to hold his sternum together during his heart surgery. His body is rejecting them and the infection in his incision won’t go away.
    Please also keep my best friend Loretta in your prayers. She tested positive for colon cancer in her last colonoscopy and is having her second colonoscopy next week to find out if it’s a cancerous polyp or colon cancer. Praying also for our Sassy Mom’s tooth extraction today.
    Thank You Father for good test results for Loretta next week, and for a successful surgery for Rudy tomorrow and a smooth recovery, and for an easy extraction of dear Sassy Mom’s tooth and for her smooth recovery in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Hallelujah! Continuing prayers for you Jeanne, Loretta, Rudy, and Sassy Mom. May our heavenly Father's healing power be upon all their lives πŸ™. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining in thanks and prayer for medical victories. Thank you Father!

    3. Thanks dear Janet and Audra! And all those who prayed! We sure know God hears those prayers and answers them! Praying for you too and all the victories to come! Rudy came through his surgery just fine thank God, and he said the infection is gone. God us faithful! Thanked me for all the prayers. Tried to call Loretta but couldn’t reach her today. Scott is taking it day by day since his colon cancer surgery. He’s overwhelmed but hopeful. Told him to rest in Him Who loves him. Good advice for all of us.

  41. Jeremiah 29:11
    “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

    Nahum 1:7
    “The LORD is good,
    a stronghold in the day of trouble;
    he knows those who take refuge in him.

  42. Prayers for Rudy and Loretta Jeanne πŸ™- So happy to hear your good news!! Alleluia! Your faith, gratitude and praise for our Lord is so inspiring and now this wonderful testimony. May God continue to bless you- He’s got great things in store for you ❤️

    1. Thanks so much dear Blessings from NY! Thanks also for your kind words. God bless you dear sister!

  43. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Let my heart be open to You Lord and may Your perfect love flow through it to others in the world. Use me as Your vessel for Your purpose. Let Your will be done! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. (Colossians 3:14).

    2. Amen and thank you dear Janet!

  44. I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live:

  45. Praying for you SassyMom for your appointment today. May the Holy Spirit calm you & give you peace through the procedure & the entire day.πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. I'm seeing the tooth fairy with angel wings visiting you today, Sassy Mom! Let the Presence calm you during and after the procedure.

    2. Dear JC Warriors. Thanks so much for covering me with your much appreciated prayers. I didn't sleep a wink last night. No water or food after surgery. No problems occurred but I'm hooter than a drunk owl and ready to lay down and rest. So at peace and very thankful this is over. Thank You Jesus for surrounding me with your comforting presence.

    3. Correction, no food or water after midnight.

    4. Sweet Audra - Your vision came true!!! His peaceful presence, during and after the extraction. Thank You Jesus!!!

  46. TGIF, Dear JC Family (as our Dear Maplewood would say, not only are we thankful it's Friday, but "Thank God I'm Forgiven!"). I was so very blessed to read about your day yesterday, Jeanne. What a lovely testimony of our Father's great Love and your great believing! I am also praying for your appt today Dear Sassy Mom - and looking forward to another victory dance!
    I join everyone else Anonymous in prayer for your and your Great Uncle's family. Trusting that you will see him again and know how completely your prayers were answered.
    Continued prayers for your friends, sweet Jeanne and that healing is happening as I type this message. Believing for a great day and weekend for everyone - answers to prayers, peaceful hearts, confidence that what our Father promised, He will deliver.
    God Bless!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Praying with you and for you. Get some rest now. And our dear Sassy Mom, Sleep well. Let us all rest tonight in Him Who cares for us.

  47. One of my fave scripture reminders! Thanks for sharing, Peter!

  48. Lifting up the needs of each JCFAMILY member. Papa God, I ask you to afresh each won with Your Spirit of Healing and Restoration in body and soul. To let them know they are not what the world say they are. They are not what their minds say they are. They are not what their circumstances say they are. They are who God says they are, and God says THEY ARE OVERCOMERS!!! You are God's child who knows how to call on the Name of Jesus Christ, who changes everything. Thank You, Papa God, that we get to Love up on You, and give You Praise and Thankgiving! Bless, Bless, Bless the Lord! In Jesus's name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.
    1 John 5:5 "Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God?"
    Romans 8:37 "But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us."
    Great Love and Blessings to this Incredible JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Amen and thank you dear JJ! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! I have seen His faithfulness so many times! Standing with you and our JC family on the immovable Rock that never crumbles!

  49. Addendum. (Hours after the extraction.) I didn't sleep a wink the night before the extraction. I laid down at 2:00 pm when I got home. Slept like a log. No pain when I woke up, I thought it was the next day. Much love and thanks to JC Warriors for your powerful prayers.

    1. So great, Sassy Mom! God makes us lie down in green pastures and/or on our bed when we've been so stressed and haven't had a wink of sleep! So glad you had no pain when you awakened and felt rested! God is so good!

  50. Amen! Good nourishment, dear Brother! Thanks.

  51. Hallelujah for answered prayers for a smooth extraction and good recovery! You sure did need that rest!!! God provides. He keeps His promises.

  52. Good is worth repeating, as Mother's often do...

    Loving Father, It is great day, fresh anointing is flowing our way. As Your children celebrate this Mother’s day, I want to start with thanking You for the Blessed mother amongst all mothers, I thank You for Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, a mother so gracious and a woman of example in motherhood for all. I praise You and we thank You for the gift of our mothers, through whom You give us life and through whom we experience love. Through Your magnificent power and love, You gave each of us mothers. Today I honor my mother and thank You for keeping her well and alive. Thank You for loving her, sustaining her and uniting us after years of being apart. It is all by Your love, mercy and grace. You are the God who restores and put back those broken pieces. My mom is human and an imperfect vessel who fails from time to time, but she sacrificed a whole lot. For You Lord, are the only One who can show us what perfect parental love is. Thank You for her and thank You for giving me a love that is caring and compassionate, patient, forgiving and honoring her as You instruct me to do. Thank You for another year to celebrate her. I pray for a long and healthy life for her and a renewed spirit within her to accept Your free gift of Salvation through Jesus our Savior. Amen.
    blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Thank You Lord for mothers.
    I pray for those mothers who are separated from their children and children from their mothers. I pray for their safety and well being whether near or apart. As their hearts are connected to each other in mind, body and blood. Lord, I pray In Your perfect timing and in Your will, forgiveness and reconciliation be part of their life and in joy unite them as a family again. Isaiah 49:15: "Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne?”
    I pray for Your comfort and peace for all those who have lost their mothers, those who where abandoned and lost. Reminder them that You are their all in all. Strengthen them and wrap them in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteousness One. Isaiah 66:13: "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.”

    I thank You Father, for every mother who untiringly love and care for their children with every passing day, and on this important “Mother’s Day”, I lift up all mothers throughout the world and thank You for the very special role they play in the lives of their children. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY BEAUTIFUL, BLESSED AND HIGHLY FAVORED JC FAMILY MOTHERS! May you feel more of God’s love and that of your family. Happy Mother’s day! God Bless
    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Hello Maplewood! Happy Mother's Day. And Happy Return... Godspeed.

    2. Blessings from NYMay 12, 2024 at 6:12 AM

      Happy Mother’s Day Maplewood and I would like to thank you in real time for your life-changing posts in the past ( including todays!). God bless you and your mom on this beautiful day and always❤️πŸ™‚

    3. Sooo good to hear from you Maplewood!😍 It's been too long. We have missed your sharing. We know you are in the shadow of God's wing & His watchful eye is on you & whatever you're doing. You have blessed us. πŸ™ŒπŸ˜❤️

  53. Thank you dear Maplewood. I can relate to your prayer for your mother. I am thankful to still have my mother who is turning 96 on May 24th. We had a good day today and we build a sweet memory. May God bless your good mother and keep her safe and healthy and strengthen you as you care for her. Thank you for your blessing to all mothers!
    I was thinking of you today and then you blessed me with your beautiful prayer. God bless you, dear sister and God bless all our JC Family mothers and our own mothers, and our mothers in Heaven. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Proverbs 31:26
    She opens her mouth with wisdom,
    And on her tongue is the law of kindness.

    Proverbs 31:28-29
    Her children rise up and call her blessed;
    Her husband also, and he praises her:
    “Many daughters have done well,
    But you excel them all.”

  54. Maplewood, NJ!! SO great to see you in this day and time!! Thank you for your wonderful post and for you, Dear Jeanne - your Mom is SO blessed to have you by her side. Happy Mother's Day to all of you lovely JC Women. Going to bed so very thankful for my 5 and praying that I'll see all of them tomorrow (today!). It's the one day that I don't plan and just trust I'll get to see all of their sweet faces. Love reading your verses, prayer. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day with your 5 dear treasures and their families! God bless you and your big beautiful family. Going to my son Bryan’s and I’m excited that we will find out if God is sending them a boy or a girl in October! Thank You Father for a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  55. Blessed Mother's Day to all!❤️

    1. Thanks dear KY! Same to you! God bless your day.

  56. Happy Day to all you Moms. Blessed to have mine still here as well. May each of you be honored today and EVERY day, not just the Hallmark created day! Godspeed.

    1. You are a blessing MadFox. And you are blessed to still be able to wear a red flower today, because you still have your living MOM. 🎢 Cherish 🎢
      Love to you and all of us who celebrate Mother’s Day.
      Much ❤️ & Many πŸ™
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Thanks dear MadFox! God bless your good mother and all our mothers here and in Heaven. I’m blessed too! Every day with my mom is a gift! Yes dear Brie! They gave me a red carnation at Church so your comment made me smile! Happy and blessed Mother’s Day to you and all the mothers in our JC Family seen and unseen. Have fun today in God’s presence!

  57. Blessings to all of the mothers and those who mother… I give thanks for my mother who will soon be 101. She loves the Lord and is joyful even though her body is frail. May God bless all the mother’s hearts today and all year.

    1. God bless your mom, dear Ellen! She has been blessed with a good daughter and a long life and a strong faith!!

  58. Blessings from NYMay 12, 2024 at 6:06 AM

    Blessed Mother’s Day to all!! I am so blessed to be the youngest son to my amazing 90 year old Jesus- loving mom and brother to my beautiful older brother and sister. Thank you Jesus for such gifts in life!❤️

    1. God bless you and your mom and family! I love your sincere gratitude and God does too!

  59. "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.' Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates." God's Blessings for all this day. John H.

    1. Thanks dear John H! God bless your day!

  60. Happy & Blessed Mother's Day all!πŸ’πŸ₯€πŸ’

  61. Thanks dear Jan! Hope you and your DH are feeling good. Happy and blessed Mothers Day.

  62. Happy Mothers Day, All!
    May God RICHLY Bless You!

  63. Happy Mother's Day to ALL OF YOU!
