Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 13

     Thank Me in the midst of the crucible. When things seem all wrong, look for growth opportunities. Especially, look for areas where you need to let go, leaving your cares in My able hands. Do you trust Me to orchestrate your life events as I choose, or are you still trying to make things go according to your will? If you keep trying to carry out your intentions while I am leading you in another direction, you deify your desires.
     Be on the lookout for what I am doing in your life. Worship Me by living close to Me, thanking Me in all circumstances

I Peter 5:6-7
English Standard Version

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Verse Thoughts
One of the evidences of lack of submission and humility is impatience with God in his work of humbling believers. He exalts us at the proper time. While I wait, I come before him with humility. I wait for his timing. Christians are to cast (to throw something on something) all of their discontent, discouragement, despair, and suffering on the Lord, and trust him for knowing what he's doing with their lives. Along with submission (I Peter 5:5) and humility (5-6), trust in God is the third attitude necessary for victorious Christian living. 
I Thessalonians 5:18
English Standard Version

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Verse Thoughts
Thanklessness is a trait of unbelievers.  The first thing those that know God do when they begin to reject and replace God in their life is not giving thanks (Romans 1:21). To be grateful is a command and God's will in my life. 

My Prayer
Lord, too often I am not thankful. Teach me and remind me to be thankful, even in circumstances where my first instinct is not to be thankful. I want to trust You even though I don't see a way out. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you LORD for teaching me to be thankful.

    1. Thank you Jesus for my lessons and my blessings.

    2. Amen unknown. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got you and me baby in His hands. 🎡

    3. Thanks you God

  2. Thank you dear Lord, for the many blessings you provide.Help me to continue to see these blessings, even among life struggles. Help me to see that struggles are also an opportunity to be thankful, because it brings me closer to you, to be more dependent on you. I am grateful for your presence in my life!

  3. Gratitude always turns my attitude around and focuses my eyes on Jesus. Then I can see all the blessings in my life and express His love

  4. Thank you, God for allowing me time to grow closer to you and for helping me to keep my mind body and soul focused on becoming embedded in you words, your presence and most importantly seeking you will.

  5. God thank you for being ever present in my life. Help me to let go of control of this situation I'm facing. I trust you and love you Lord.

  6. Dear JC Family,
    Mother's Day night 4years ago was very sad. My husband and I came home after celebrating a beautiful MD with both daughters and spouse. 2 hours later my husband was admitted to the hospital. We didn't know he was having a 6th heart attack. Both daughters told me to go home and get some rest. Unbeknownst to me the doctors told my daughters "all we can do is make him comfortable". The daughters put a prayer request on Face Book for their father. Immediate response! They begin to read the prayers to their father that were prayed for him. He was awake long enough to say "I want to thank all those people who are praying for me". Our preacher came early the next morning and prayed what I have named "A POWER PRAYER". His primary care Dr. came a few hours later and said "I believe this man is ready to go home." PTL we witnessed a miracle. We had him for one more month. He is celebrating his soon to be 4th year in the arms of Jesus. Thank you allowing me to share this miracle with my JC Family. Blessings to all, I love you.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Thank you for that wonderful testimony! The Lord has blessed you richly. What a wonderful miracle! Praises to our marvelous Lord from Kansas.

    2. Thank you so much Sassy Mom for sharing this beautiful story! God shines through you brightly and lovingly. God bless you and God bless Our JC family! Will you please pray for me as I am still experiencing severe stomach pains and swelling. After 2 visits the Dr’s don't know and I do not have health insurance and am
      Not able to do these very expensive tests. I trust in Jesus
      Still feeling a little scared and really trying to give it all to our Lord
      Love and prayers for you all!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’–
      Texas friend

    3. Texas friend,
      It is an honor to pray for you. I'm no stranger to stomach or gastro pain. A few years ago I was hospitalized on Easter Sunday night for 1 and 1/2 weeks (What's with these holiday attacks?) Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, was told I would be on medication for the rest of my life. The GREAT PHYSICIAL healed me after 5 years. No more meds, PTL!

    4. Texas friend, I have a verse for you: Isaiah 41:10 King James Version (KJV)

      10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

    5. Spell check is at it again!!! Should be great physician.

    6. SassyMom I missed your post 2019, sharing that beautiful story about your hubby. The Lord ministered to you & your family in such a loving way. He was so gracious to you. Simply amazing. Thank you for sharing. Love you dear one πŸ’—

    7. Jan - I didn't realize this testimony was blotted from my memory on this year's Mother's Day until I read today's JC. Thank You Jesus for Your love and compassion to Your children.

  7. Good Morning, JC Family. Sassy Mom, your post blessed me so much - thank you, for sharing the miraculous recovery of your husband. I recently saw an artist's rendition of The Gathering of the Saints. 'What a day of rejoicing that will be!' My night was restless and I don't really know why, other than the cough medicine I took. It helped me not cough but I think I saw every 2 hours all night. So, I prayed. And prayed. And prayed. At one point I realized that my mind kept coming back to all of the plans we have in the next 4 weeks. I was worrying about everyone getting along, clothes, money, who is staying with who, why they are choosing to stay with who...you name it I had to keep pulling my mind back to God and doing that meditative breathing that Bob talked about (breathe in, "The Lord is my Shepherd;" breathe out, "I shall not want." Though I feel surprisingly rested, the lines, "Especially, look for areas where you need to let go, leaving your cares in My able hands. Do you trust Me to orchestrate your life events as I choose, or are you still trying to make things go according to your will?" jumped off the page at me! My prayer and goal is to commit I Peter 5: 6-7 to memory. I know in my heart, it will all work out: the time off work, the housing accommodations, the money for the dress, gifts, hotel expenses - all of it. Now - to train the brain! :) Prayers for all of us, this first day back to work and our schedules!

    1. You're telling my story! I too must "Train the Brain!" Thanks for the post. Prayers over you and the family. God bless, Colorado JC Friend

  8. Thanks to everyone for your Mother's Day posts. I plan to post this both places, if I can figure out how to do it, but I just wanted to thank you all for sharing. When I logged on on Mother's Day first thing in the morning, were no posts. I then spend a wonderful but emotional day watching my younger son graduate from college. I also heard from my older son who couldn't join us, I am truly blessed. But I woke up this morning feeling drained and realized I hadn't checked back on yesterday's posts. They were all wonderfully intimate and thought provoking. But I want to especially thank Norah today for the reminder to let God orchestrate my life. I keep going over the events of this graduation weekend and even though it was wonderful,I keep thinking, "we should have done that"or "I wish I had gotten that picture". Thank you for the reminder: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". Thanks.

  9. Good morning JC family, what a blessing to be amongst the living today! I Praise God for the gift of life today and thank Him that our legions of
    Angels are already encamped around us!

    Father, we gave You Thanks this morning for all things and all circumstances!
    We lift our voices this morning and sing:
    Give Thanks with a grateful heart,
    Give thanks to the Holy One,
    Give thanks, because He has given...,Jesus Christ, His Son..
    And now let the weak say I am strong,
    And let the poor say I am rich,
    Because of what the Lord has done
    for us.....GIVE THANKS......!!!

    Yes Lord, we give You Thanks this morning for Jesus our Lord and for all the blessings that comes with being under Your Grace. Thank You.

    To all the mothers, again I say Thank God for You! God used us as vehicles to birth life into this world and we are blessed and eternally GRATEFUL to Him for choosing us! My mother birthed 9 children and the thought of Your Grace upon her and all women, amazes me every time! Thank You Lord!

    Stay celebrated mothers, like the males, we are highly favored!

    Sassy Mom, thanks for sharing and God bless you and all my JC family! Blessed day to all!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for putting that song in my heart! I know I will be humming it all day serving as my reminder to GIVE THANKS to a GOOD GOD for everything and every circumstance!

    2. I thank you Maplewood along with Brilamar for giving me that beautiful song. I had never heard it before. I quickly found it on Youtube and it blessed me so much. Thank you! We are truly strong in our weakness, rich in our poverty and forever grateful!!

    3. An attitude of gratitude I put on today, and every day because God is so good! The Great Helper leads me on my path with a confident and gentle grip on my hand as I yield to the will so much greater than my own. Thank you Jesus! ♥️✝️

    4. Amen Maplewood and Brie and Audra, I wake up thanking God for the new day, I thank Him throughout the day for His help and blessings and at the end of the day the last words I say are Thank You Jesus! He is such a very present help in every situation. Thank You Jesus!!! <3

    5. I continue with an attitude of gratitude this year, and it is difficult at times facing a crucible (I looked it up to refresh the meaning: a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.)

      God is shaking things up in my life, and I am grateful. This shows me He has plans for me that might be in conflict with what I think I should do. The more I lean in and seek and trust, the more I am challenged to see things from His perspective to renew my mind and heart. I declare I trust, and keep getting opportunities to do so. Thank you Jesus, you are answering my prayers even though it might seem otherwise to my selfish mind. Now... for Training the Brain!

    6. Audra...thank you for sharing!. Two years I stumble across them on this blog..and they speak directly to my journey. I start this day with a nugget of wisdom...thanks!

    7. Bless you, KY_Bob! Listen to the Holy Spirit! I am 'training my brain' still to do so ;)

  10. Kiki, you ok? Gods blessings to all. Amen.

  11. What a beautiful sunny day the Lord has made and allowed me to wake up to enjoy it. I pray that each of your prayer request are answered and thank you Lord for the praise reports of the miracles you have performed. Each day is a miracle as we go about our business as the Lord holds us in His loving arms and keeps us safe from harm. Be with each person as they go about their daily lives, help us to show someone Jesus in us today that doesn't know Him personally. Thank you God for this beautiful day and help me to be more productive today than I was yesterday and so on. You know God, how hard it is some days to get my day started good because of my back pain, but you have healed it to the point I no longer need that triple fusion that 3 surgeons said I needed to be able to live without chronic pain. Thank you Lord for that healing, I know I griped and complained as I was in constant pain and little did I know you already knew I would not need the surgery. Now I want to thank you God for not allowing me to have it, as I have met many that did and was worse off afterwards. I just didn't know what You may have been saving me from and in my eyes, I believe You saved me from more pain that I had already dealt with. Thank you and forgive me for being antsy to have the surgery believing I would be healed and have a wonderful result, when You were more than likely saving me from worse things that could have been the outcome. This little pain that I wake up with is nothing compared to one minute of the pain and suffering our Lord and Savior suffered before and during the time He was nailed on that old rugged cross and gave His life for all to be saved. I love you Lord and thank You for all the blessings that have came my way and the protection You have us covered with and kept us from harm. Lord, bless each person in our JC Family this day as we start a day that has never came and will never come again. Everyday is a new beginning for each of us, help us to see that and not waller in self pity, but take the day and make something of it. Thank you Lord, in the precious name of Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen❣

  12. Dear Lord, I too offer my thanks and gratitude to you! Thank you for restoring our relationship with my stepdaughter to the point she had a party for us to not only celebrate Mother's Day, but to also celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary (May 18). You know our history as a blended family and yesterday was a victory hard fought!! Thank you that my sons and their families drove up for the party. That was a huge sacrifice on their parts. Thank you for the great weather after two weeks of cold and wet! Thank you for giving me this time off to sort thru my next steps. Thank you for never changing Lord. I'm a security nut and You being the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow is something I cling to. Thank you for answered prayer and the response of "no" or "wait" to other prayers. You have my best interest at heart. Thank you for my mom and husband, kids and grands. And thank you for my precious, unexpected, gift of the JC Community! Amen
    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Praise God Colorado friend for his miracles and blessings
      God bless you ♥️πŸ™
      Texas friend

  13. All thaks to you Lord Jesus. You are ever present in the midst of this storm of my life. Thabk you for the tough times tbat keep me dependent on You and draw me closer to You. I need You nw more than ever Jesus..... thank you for yYour presence in my life

  14. Mark L-- I am praying (Amp) 2 Thessalonians 5:23 over you and all the JC Family and their loved ones. " May the God of peace sanctify you through and through [that is, separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged-consecrated to Him --set apart for His purpose];and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and [be found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Great blessings to all from Kansas

  15. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
    “I will give You thanks in the great assembly; among the throngs I will praise You”(Psalm 35:18).

    When things go wrong, we forget to worship, praise and give thanks to God. However, we are instructed in the Word (Bible) to give thanks at all times through all things. We are to thank God while in the problem and when we don’t understand why something is happening to us, still declare our trust in Him to make something beautiful out of it. When we do this, we prove to Him that He is indeed our way Maker in all situation and it makes Him proud of us.
    This morning Father, we thank You for giving us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning and a garment of praise, instead of a spirit of despair (Isaiah 61:3). Thank You for allowing unpleasant circumstances and events in our lives for Your very own reason. Whether it’s to teach us a lesson or two, bring someone to salvation, mold and grow us, or to eliminate a major hurdle out of the way, we thank You.
    Lord, we stand convinced that absolutely nothing can ever separate us from Your love. Life can’t, death can’t, the Angels in heaven certainly won’t and all the powers in hell cannot separate us from Your love. Father, we will trust You and not allow our fears of today, worries about tomorrow, where we are, COVID-19 or anything to separate us from Your love that was demonstrated by our Lord Jesus when He died for us on that cross.
    We specifically ask in prayer for:
    CLEAR THINKING to not worry about anything (Philippians 4:7), but pray without ceasing, ask for anything in Jesus’name, give thanks to You for what we already have and stand guard over all our thoughts and feelings, because Your peace can do far better than our human minds.
    WISDOM to be very wise in fearing, obeying and respecting You and sing praises to You forever (Psalm 111:10).
    STRENGTH not to worry or be afraid because You are our God, You are with us always. You promised to make us strong, to help us and support us with Your right hand which brings us victory (Isaiah 41:10).
    STAMINA to never stop looking to Jesus who is the leader of our faith. He makes our faith complete. Help us to let go of our cares because Your Precious Son Jesus accepted the shame of the cross as if it were nothing, meanly because of the joy He saw waiting for Him and the freedom that awaited us. May we think about Jesus each time we want to get discouraged and stop trying (Hebrew 12:2-3).
    Every bump encountered on the road is an opportunity to Praise and thank You. We worship You this morning in the beauty of Your Holiness and say Thank You for Your love. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. THANK YOU for channeling God's blessings to us, including clear thinking, wisdom, strength, stamina, and the gift of YOURSELF, Maplewood NJ and THANK YOU, Lord for our JC family and all the unique individualized gifts You gave to each one of them, which they so honestly and generously share.

    2. Thanks Maplewood,
      I loved your prayer so much I shared it with my Bible Group and Mom and Sister. Thanking God for holding our hands and leading us through this brand new day, and showing us where our light needs to shine to help others. And also for equipping us to do His work today. Much love, Jeanne

    3. I just love your post Maplewood. The Spirit works mightily inside you to feed us the words we need to read that lift and encourage us. Thank You for reminding us of how good and faithful God is, and of all His blessings and gifts to us. We are so richly blessed that we can never thank Him enough.

    4. While your post was a year ago, Maplewood, it truly helped me this morning. Thank you! Such insight and wisdom in your words. It gave my anxious snow globe of a brain a good shaking. I cannot allow anxious thoughts to seep in and need to replace that with what I know of our faithful Father and His promises! Scripture mixed with a heavy dose of praise music will be my recipe for the day! Blessings and thanks to you, Maplewood, all my awesome JC fam! I find so much comfort and renewed strength from all of you!

    5. Agreed, Maplewood provides beautiful prayers I adopt as my own, year after year. So grateful! ♥️

    6. Thanks for the wonderful words Maplewood! It all starts with a thankful heart and a right spirit !

  16. Good Morning God and THANK YOU
    For the night that passed just like You said it would;
    THANK YOU for waking me up in a world to find You working all things together for good;
    THANK YOU for Your Light that's come like Your Light always does igniting my heart with light;
    THANK YOU for being here to share my day, You Who watched me throughout the night;
    THANK YOU for directing what lies ahead as I am sure You do;
    THANK YOU for holding my hand, and guiding me along the path set by You;
    THANK YOU for Joy and Gladness, forever here, because of Your Sweet Accord;
    And from the cradle of Your Arms, I'm saying GOOD MORNING LORD, and
    THANK YOU for the night;
    THANK YOU for Your early morning light;
    THANK YOU for rest and work and food and play;
    THANK YOU for Your Love everyday;
    THANK YOU for helping do the things I could,
    Being to others kind and good!
    And when this day, too shall pass and end,
    THANK YOU for having blessed me and all those I love! Amen!

    1. That was so beautiful dear Brilamar! Thanks for lifting my heart very high with your sweet gratitude.

    2. YES Brilamar, Let's keep THANKING HIM with our whole heart!

      Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen and Amen! Thank you again dear Brie!
      Thank you for being such a good Father to us. Thank you for lighting our way and directing our path and protecting us from harm and loving us with a perfect love and forgiving our many sins and strengthening us when we are weary, and healing our weaknesses, and even refreshing and restoring us. Your love is simply amazing to me.

  17. I wrote these thoughts to a friend before I read Jesus Calling today. They seem to compliment each other so I will share with this family...

    Lizzie, I am inspired by your vision of your former husband as God allowed you to see him in heaven. He discovered true fulfillment when he passed from this life. And God told me that fulfillment is already inside us. Many do not discover the fulfillment in this life and the freedom it brings.
    My circumstances are not what I have chosen. In a sense they are the thorn in my flesh and my cross. He is teaching me not to resist my circumstances or dread this death. I have resisted the cross all my life but the cross is our way into discovering more than we can ask or imagine, to discover His love beyond our comprehension or previous experience of that love. He is teaching me to let go, to not cling to my ideas or cling to certain feelings I think I need, and to not even resist melancholy or depression. To simply be aware of it, sit with it in love, and sit with Him in the atmosphere of love that sustains us. In this process, He is changing my perceptions and bringing a repentance of thinking and seeing a new reality I have heard of but never experienced.

    The way to fulfillment and freedom is through our cross. Love (God) has allowed our crosses and our thorns in the flesh. They are the way to discovering that fulfillment and satisfying Love that is inside us in new and deeper ways.

    What is your cross? God told me a year ago to "embrace the pain". That is not natural. Our normal response is to resist it and cling to our ways of coping and ways of thinking. Just sit with love and be aware of it all. God's ways we do not understand and seem unnatural to our conditioned thinking but His way is where we discover His love in ways that will blow our mind like the vision of your former husband dancing by Jesus.

    Pray, pray, and sit in silence with Him. It is when we do that that He is fashioning us.

    Whenever He asks me if I trust Him, I say "no, but I want to". And then He smiles at me and holds out His hand as if I am a child walking with my father. That is all we need.

    1. So beautiful! Thank you Keith for sharing
      God bless you you and loving prayers for our JC family

    2. Keith,
      God has taught you much through the cross of pain you bear. God's ways are far beyond our understanding and your gratitude is shining through your suffering because you see God's love encompasses everything, even our misery. He holds us gently through the hard times so we can see his amazing lovingkindness with a clarity that wasn't possible when our road was sweet and smooth. You're answering His call by simply being still and knowing He is God. He is molding us always right unto the very end. I loved your last line because it expresses human frailty at its best. Putting you right on my prayer list. Thanks for the spiritual food you fed me today. God bless and heal you.

    3. Keith --- Sharing your heart was an uplift to me. Sassy Mom shared this a few months ago which sums it all up for me; "Whatever and whenever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough!". Then she added, "God is in control and you can't beat that."

    4. Keith: The way you articulate the graces you receive on your spiritual journey is inspired. Thank you! Please continue to share your travel with us. You have been blessed to be on the path you're on, and hearing about your spiritual growth and your spiritual insights is a blessing to others. Are you keeping a diary, including what you write on these blog posts? Thank you again, and God Bless you.

    5. Oh JJ! Thanks and thanks, Sassy Mom! I love those statements of encouragement. I'm saving them to share and savor. God bless you both.

    6. Dear Keith, You have such a beautiful heart. I am sure God has a special plan for you. Keep fighting the good fight and trusting Him in all things. Believe the best is yet to come because our God is a faithful God.

  18. How beautifully true. I am THANKING GOD you shared this with us, Keith!


    Looking at John 14-16, John appears to have concluded Jesus' instructions in the Upper Room in chapter 14, but then he starts up again in chapters 15 & 16. Not sure how that happened but what John provides in 15 & 16, fits with what he wants us to know because he believed it is that important and it is.

    (John 15:1-8) Jesus, then, drew upon a very familiar image to us. There are many vineyards throughout the area and caring for them is a primary occupation for many. The point Jesus wanted to stress to us was how, in light of what we were called to fulfill as He disciples, it would be absolutely essential for us to practice habits that kept us fully united to Him. We can't expect to be fruitful by partially hanging on to Him, we must be fully attached. If we do not remain fully attached to Him, we will become like dead branches that have ceased to be productive and are only useful as firewood. He also wanted us to know that the owner of the vineyard will prune healthy branches so they can be even more productive. But, again, being healthy is dependent on remaining fully attached to Him for in not doing so, there will be no hope for us. In remaining firmly attached to Him, we will bear much fruit to the glory of God. No questions were asked about this analogy for His point was very clear.

    Remaining fully attached, what does that include? It is prayer, meditation, study, fasting, silence, solitude, submitting, serving, confession, fellowship, worship, celebration...it is practicing those things that affirm and enhance the relationship. It is everything that the JC readings talk about. Our relationship with Him is like any other relationship, it requires attention to certain details if it is to remain healthy. The spirit in which Sarah Young wrote JC has an emphatic nature to this which well it should. One interesting element of this section which may specifically speak to these times we are living in is the pruning. Our lives have undergone some very significant pruning. To prune a branch requires a sharp object which, if vines have nerve endings, will be painful at first but will serve to make the vine more productive in the long run. To what degree do you see your life being pruned through these times? And if the owner (the Father) of the vineyard (you) is pruning your life, it is because He seeks for you to be even more fruitful to His glory. Yes, pruning is initially painful but ultimately rewarding. May the Holy Spirit find a place for this point as is necessary in your own life.

    God be with you! With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob!
      I pray that God continues to prune me, and that I will remain fully attached to my life giving vine so I can bear much fruit for His glory. I was out tonight celebrating some birthdays, bringing cakes and singing with my friends. One woman, whose mother I have been praying for because she has Covid, said she loved my carrot cake and she thanked me for all the prayers and messages. She said I was her Angel. I thanked her and said God makes me who I am so He gets the glory for that lovely compliment. It blessed me to know that my prayers made a difference. Her Mother is out of the coma and doing very well. Her therapist said she is a miracle. God is so good.

    2. Thanks, Bob, again this reminds me why I love working in the garden, symbolically pruning and weeding as the Lord is doing with me!

  20. Thank you so much for sharing the Bible with us every day Bob! Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom too. I love reading this!
    God bless you
    Stay close to the vine friends
    Love and prayers for our beautiful JC family
    Have a very blessed day

  21. Bob,
    Your words held so much wisdom and inspiration for me. Thank you always for the Word and encouragement. We are all being pruned right now and we must wait patiently to see the new green leaves sprouting and our abundant harvest to follow. God's spirit is working mightily inside us to bring God glory by our fruit. When we remain "fully attached" God can bring all details of His plan to fruition. Without Him we are nothing, but with Him: we are like trees planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth our fruit in our season; our leaves also shall not wither; and whatsoever we doeth shall prosper.

  22. Almost everyday I get to see branches that are completely detached. They are easy to spot because they are quickly dried up and brittle, instead of fruitful lush and green like the branches that remain attached. We gather up the dry branches and throw them on the burn pile; how quickly they flame up, die down and become ash cast by the wind, which we never see again, like they never existed.
    Unlike the attached branches, which we prune back during their pruning season to find them producing much more flower or fruit during their growth season; more than we could have asked for or imagined, made possible only through pruning.
    To what degree do I see my life being pruned through these times?
    I see myself cut all the way back to the basics: God, His Kingdom and Kingship over me, Love, Family, Friendships, Thanksgiving and free of many things of this world, which heretofore competed for my time, attention and resources. For some reason, they are no longer as important to me as they once were. Every now and then, I have to combat FOMO with trust in a Good God with a Good Plan. The Book "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23" is really helping me through pruning season. Thanks be to God for you Bob, and our entire JC family! I appreciate all!

  23. I just read this and it made me get busier appreciating everything today:

    Every act of gratitude =(grateful+attitude) adds deposits into my JOY Account.

  24. Bob: Thank you very much for your daily reflections and insights. Your insights a few days ago into John 14:2 were especially moving. How moving to think of our relationship with Jesus as a betrothal, ourselves as the betrothed of Christ. While He is away preparing a place for us in His Father's house, we must remain faithful to Him and steadfast in our love. You also wrote about the cultivation of the virtue of Love of God, and how the Spirit guides us. You and Tiffany Grace suggested that gratitude is a way to open our hearts to the working of the Spirit in our lives. I was moved to do further reading on the Holy Spirit and the place of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Coming as it seems from many different Christians denominations, this 'JC Family' is yet one, one community of believers. Thank you, Bob, and thank you everyone who contributes to this blog.

  25. JC today starts with: "Thank Me in the midst of the crucible." I think Sarah is referencing Proverbs 17.3: “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.” A crucible is where impurities are separated by intense heat from the metal to purify it. This relates to today's message... when life's challenges or terrible tragedies come our way, how do we respond?

    No one wants to take the rough or steep path in life, and as Christians in today's world, many in the pulpit imply that life will be easier! Our teacher and Lord didn't say that to His disciples, in fact, He told them that they would suffer many things for His namesake. Why should we expect it to be any different?

    1Thessalonians 5:18: "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  If we believe that God truly has us by His right hand, and is by our side in the deep and rough paths between the valleys and peaks in life, then we must embrace as JC concludes by "thanking Me in all circumstances."

    And, yes far easier said, than lived, JC Warriors! In Him, and Amen.

    1. Amen dear Brother! Hope you are doing well. We all must carry our crosses and allow Him to test our hearts. We are so blessed that He holds our hands when the going gets rough.
      May we please Him in our thoughts, words and deeds.
      Psalm 139:23-24
      Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
      Following Him means we must suffer but also that we will reap the greatest reward at the end of this journey-to be in His presence forever.
      Thanking Him for lending us you, dear MadFox.

    2. Thank Bob for those words. May we see the pruning as a way to make us closer to God and removing areas in our life that are not fruitful in our lives . Ouch for a while it may hurt but its for the best !

    3. So true dear Min Ahadi. We all need His pruning. He knows exactly what to prune and what we don’t need in our lives. Anything that threatens to separate us from the love of God.

  26. Father, help me to let go of whatever is hindering me from moving forward in my walk with You. I cast all of my burdens onto You Lord. You always make things good. You take the best care of me and You know what's best for me. I submit myself and all that I have to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory and goodness. Let my heart reflect Yours. Father, grant us the ability to show at least one act of kindness to another today and to speak of You to others and share Your word. Put Your Spirit in our hearts and Your word in our minds. Let the words we speak be Yours. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for being in my life and for Your mercy and grace. I don't deserve any of it, but I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be Your child. Let others see You in me. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one and we will walk together through this day and every day. Magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow even stronger in me every moment of every day. You are the light. You are the truth, the life, and the way. Your will be done. Let our lights shine bright in the darkness of this world for Your glory Lord. May peace reign in our hearts and minds.

    1. Dear Janet! Amen. May He fill you with His brilliant light and may His Spirit continue to work inside you to enlighten, strengthen and guide you, and feed you all the words He wants you to share with others. You are walking your faith now and trusting completely in His guidance, provisions and loving kindness. Rest in Him who care for you dear sister. He is your Good Shepherd and He will protect you and take good care of you because you are His beloved child and always will be. Rest well.

    2. Thank you Jeanne. God is my saving grace. He is so wonderful and amazing. Peace be with you.

  27. Thank you! PTL yesterday was definitely a day that showed signs of relief and healing for Marc. Wrist pain lingering but knees and brow SO much better. Walking without support! Thank you all! πŸ™

    1. That's good news dear Audra. Walking without support! Halleluia! Praying for more victories. The wrist pain will be the next thing to go. Thank You Jesus.

    2. I am still praying for Marc and will continue praying until I can check the wrist from the list! In Jesus' Name. Love you Audra.

    3. Dear Brie, I believe you’ll be checking off Marc’s wrist very soon. Waiting on the Lord.

  28. Loving father, develop in me humility of heart and graciousness of spirit. Thank You for the example of Christ’s humility – may I become more and more like Him in the days that lie ahead., in His name I pray, AMEN.

  29. Thank you Lord for never leaving me. Even when my life gets hard and i feel like i cant go on any longer, there you are! There you been, there you will always be Father! I know you are there. Thank you for never leaving me.

    1. Yes! Andrea. God is THE SAME; Yesterday, Today, Forever!
      Thank God for God.

    2. AMADEO by Ryan Stevens
      Life can take our breath away
      Tragedy can leave a wake
      A broken heart won't ever beat the same
      Pain can stop us in our tracks
      Losing what we can't get back
      Shaking the foundations of our faith
      No matter what's in my way
      No matter the battles I face
      You are still my God
      You're still my rock
      My only hope Lord, You're all I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say hallelujah
      You're still my God
      You're still my God
      The questions keep us in the fight
      The answer's never black or white
      We may not know until the other side
      But even in this in-between
      We fix our eyes on what's unseen
      The shadows never overcome the light
      No matter what's in my way
      I know that You won't ever change
      You are still my God
      You're still my rock
      My only hope Lord, You're all I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say hallelujah
      You're still my God
      You're still my hope
      You're still my peace
      You're still my joy
      You're all I need
      You're still my strength
      When I am weak
      You're still my God
      I still believe
      You are still my God
      You're still my rock
      My only hope Lord, You're all I've got
      In every valley or mountaintop
      I'll say hallelujah
      You're still my God

    3. Thanks for sharing those beautiful lyrics Brie. God bless you, Larry, and your brother.

    4. Thank you Brie, and Ryan Stevens!

    5. OOPS! AMADEO is by Ryan StevenSON

    6. Beautiful Andrea! Amen to that!
      Great song and lyrics sweet Brie! Thanks!

    7. Brie I have listened to that song this week! One of my favs ❤️

    8. Link to song -

  30. So very thankful for another day with the sun shining and birds singing. My phone just DINGED and it was my Daughter In Love from son #4 saying it was just confirmed - they have a baby on the way. December 22nd. Head to toe goosebumps over here. There we go again, MadFox - paralleling lives. :) Your little Granddaughter will be 6 mos old when ours arrives.
    O Father - You are so very good to us.
    Prayers of gratefulness for each of you, dear JC Family!

    1. Congratulations Norah. God is always so good. Peace be with you and your family.

    2. Congratulations dear sister! I have been praying for that every day! Hallelujah for more answered prayers! So very happy for them and you! God is so faithful!

  31. Today is a milestone in Recovery for me with fourteen months of victory over drugs and alcohol. Praise God through Jesus. Today i'm very thankful.

    1. Along with you, I, too Praise God from Whom and Through Whom ALL BLESSINGS flow! I thank Him for leading us One Step At A Time and giving us enough Light for the Step we're on. Keep fighting the Good fight; with Him you always win. He is the Same God, Yesterday, Today, Forever! Amen.

    2. Praising and Thanking God for both your victories to God’s glory. You are both doing great because God is holding your hands, strengthening you and leading you! Congratulations! Onward and upward in the presence of the Lord. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    3. Two years later, I pray your sobriety continues and your growth in Jesus is stronger and sweeter! In Him we are more than conquerors! We are over-comers, Amen
      Helen in San Diego

  32. PTL for another day at a time adding up for you into milestones, Unknown. You inspire me! ♥️πŸ™

  33. Amen! What a great accomplishment! Thank You Jesus.

  34. JC family, will you please pray for my son? Hes 10yo. Hes been in the hospital since last Thursday with a broken femur. We are waiting for some biopsy results. Thank you in advance. Please strengthen us Lord and help us come near to you, our rock. In Jesus name. <3

    1. Praying for you and your son now, free as can B.
      Jesus is with both of you and we will be thanking Him.

    2. Absolutely, free as can B! Prayers for your son! Peace and healing. Amen.

    3. Sending prayers for your son Ree as can be ! God is our Healer !

    4. Praying for your dear little son for good results and God's amazing healing. May God comfort your worried heart and bring you both peace. Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers. We trust in Your faithfulness. Take care of this little angel and bring him back to perfect health. We are gathered together in Your Name O Lord and we trust in Your promises.

    5. free as can B - Comforting healing prayers for you and your precious little son.

    6. Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ <3 God is faithful. He answered prayers and, after a long road, my son, Rio, is doing much better. Glory to God our merciful, loving Father. Thank you, Lord. These JC entries this week do remind me of the crucible we were in last year and how Your mighty hand is able to preserve us in it teaching us You are with us even there. We can look back and say, "He brought us through that; He can bring us through anything." Thank you, Lord πŸ™Œ bless you all and thank you for praying for us

    7. I'm feeling the same gratitude as I read where we were last year and how God has had our hand thru thick and thin.
      The million dollar question remains: "Do you trust Me to orchestrate your life events as I choose, or are you still trying to make things go according to your will? "
      And my desired response...I give everyone and everything to you Lord. Everyone and everything.

    8. So glad to hear your son is doing well now and you have seen God’s faithfulness. Yes this year has had its hills and valleys and He has brought us through them. Hallelujah!
      Dear Audra, Your words are so true. Trying to be open to His Spirit’s guidance. Trying not to yank my reins out of God’s able Hands. His way is the best way.

  35. In Jesus's name we declare healing in the femur and all other health issues in this young man. Thank you Jesus!

  36. Dear Heavenly Father,I ask that you be with all who are weary, all who are faint at heart, all who are broken hearted. I ask for healing over this country and a blessing on the people and land. I ask that we all have discernment and are able to over our daily challenges. We stay hopeful in hopes that our futures become brighter and our faith grows stronger in wisdom and courage. We love you lord and thank you for all that you give us and do in our life’s. In the mighty name of Jesus I ask for your protection and guidance in all we do. In you name we pray Amen.

  37. Please keep me in your prayers. I have a medical test coming up on Tues and I'm nervous about it.

    1. Praying that our heavenly Father will place His healing hands upon you and bless you and keep you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Shalom.

    2. Praying for you and that this medical test provides answers for you. May you feel God's arms around you calming your nerves. In Jesus' name, amen.

    3. Keeping your prayer request in mind for peace surrounding the medical test you face.

    4. Amen. Be anxious in nothing. Joining in all prayers that all will go well because the Lord will guide your doctor and His Spirit will enlighten him. Praying He will calm your worried heart and grant you peace and comfort. Thank You Jesus.
      Trust in the Lord. No leaning on your own understanding.

  38. Lord Jesus, I trust You to orchestrate my life's events as You choose as You see fit. You are the Potter I am the clay. The more we are conformed to Your Image, the less there is of us that requires the crucible. You are perfecting us, fitting us for Your purposes. As Your Word says - Hebrews 12 verse 11 : No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
    Lord Jesus please continue to work Your way in me, I long to produce that harvest of righteousness and peace, train me Lord. Thank You Amen.

    1. Amen brother Peter. Gathering into that wonderful prayer!

  39. 🎢Righteousness, Peace & Joy https://g.co/kgs/ztVcgZ 🎢

    1. Righteousness, Peace, Joy and His Holy Spirit! What a blessed way to start our day. YES! I want to be a part of His Kingdom. Thanks for sharing, Peter

    2. Just what I needed to hear to lift me high today! Thank you so much

  40. Thanks to You, Oh Lord, we can always be on the lookout for what You have done, are doing, and will do in our life and the lives of each of our dear ones.
    I am on the lookout for Your Traveling Mercy Blessings on Jeanne, myself and all others in our JC Family of prayer warriors who are going somewhere today. I am on the lookout for Your Healing Mercies for Dorothy, Lisa, Jeanne's Mom, Keith and all others in our JC Family of prayer warriors who are hurting today.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Thank You for helping me choose to yoke my self with Jesus' all the time, on time, and every time. Thank You for helping me to let go, and let God, leaving all my cares in Your Able Hands, trusting You enough to desire and allow YOU to orchestrate all my life events as Thy Will. Thank You for helping me choose to Yoke myself with You, i.e., THY WILL BE DONE, rather than Joke myself with satan, i.e., my will be done. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Wonderfully and beautifully said, Brie! I will reread this in my day. Thank you! Thinking of you, sweet sister, Brie, and all you have on your plate. May God ease and answer your concerns for you today and may you feel His loving hand in yours. In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. Well prayed Brie! I receive your prayer with Great Thanksgiving. May my Heavenly Father Richly Bless this awesome JCFAMILY! AMEN and AMEN

    3. Thank you so much sweet Brie! Praying with you and all our sisters and brothers and for you! He walks before us so there’s no reason to be afraid. Whatever He brings us to, He will bring us through.

  41. We are the reason.

  42. Dear JC friends in Christ, I have a praise report that my suture line from my brain surgery has completely healed, and I can put a brush through my hair, it feels so good. I am learning to trust God and not fear, worry, or plan as much as it is my nature to do. He is helping me. I do ask for prayers for my husband…he is having some muscle issues in his legs, has a limp, and finally he is willing to look into it. He has an EMG muscle/nerve test soon, and I pray that this will be normal and there will be a clear understanding of what is going on. God knows and He is the healer, so I can trust Him. But prayer is powerful and the JC community of prayer is so powerful. I ask for your prayer! Thank you! Ellen

    1. Thank You Jesus for healing our friend Ellen's body Lord and giving her gratitude for big and small things that bring her joy. We praise You! And we pray for her husband and his body to be blessed and healed. We know You are able and we trust You. We thank You in advance for the healing You're sending. You know what we need better than we do. In Jesus name Amen πŸ™

    2. Dear Ellen: First, I praise the Lord for the healing of the suture line. HALLELUJAH!!! Our Heavenly Father watches over His Word to perform it! Lifting up your husband to The Throne of Grace. Heavenly Father. I ask Father for You to drive away ALL forms of sickness and disease in Ellen's husband. Restore strength to his body and joy to his spirit, so that in his renewed health, he may bless and serve you. Let that be for NOW and EVERMORE! In Jesus's name I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

      Check my post to Rich C. 5/12/22 for scriptures/confessions to speak over one's body for healing. May the Lord shower you and your husband with His Great Love and Blessings. And may His Glory be your covering today, and His Favor surround you as a shield! JJ

    3. God so blesses you Ellen, how wonder full! ♥️

    4. Joining our family in praise and gratitude that our prayers for your head have been answered and for healing and a good report for your dear husband! God bless and heal all your weaknesses and give you peace dear Ellen. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  43. Dear heavenly Father, help me to be thankful for the crucible I can find myself in, the crucible of life. Help me to always know there is learning and growth that can come from any perceived hardships. You are with us every step of the way. I believe in you and love you Jesus, son of the Father. Amen.

    1. Dear ABC, Trusting in God’s faithfulness in your life. He is greater than anything you may be going through. Continuing to pray for you and your dear ones.

  44. Thankful! Amen. I almost stopped writing after that as it seemed enough to just think about being grateful for the Cross and my salvation.
    But, I do have to say that I am also very thankful for all the faithful on this blog, and all the prayers and encouragement offered yesterday, especially the
    “prescriptures” (Never heard that before-thanks Brie) that JJ posted. Praying to hear some good news today before the weekend, while learning to be patient for answers. Why is that so difficult if one has true faith? Must be the evil one at work in this fallen world.
    I pray that each of you may receive all that your heart desires today and your path is blessed with grace and mercy.

    Sharing from a Billy Graham quote:
    “where God guides, He provides. Where He leads, He supplies all needs!”

    1. Hope you hear only good news! God wants you to be happy and blessed. May He put a smile on your face and more joy in your beautiful heart.

  45. I find my comments from 2020 very applicable and inspiring to me right now.

    My life has made an abrupt change... Monday morning I was going to give my 4 week notice at work but Saturday evening I became a burn victim of a grass fire.

    I was able to put the fire out and save the buildings and vehicles but not without paying a price.

    The Plastic surgeon will be in this morning to look at my wounds again and "make a plan" for surgery next week.

    I am not suffering any depression and as a matter of fact I feel like I am on vacation minus the pain. But deeper than that, and after reading my comments from 2020, I know this will turn into a great blessing for me and for others.

    Feeling the words, "embrace the pain" and with that thought I just recieved notice that the doc will be here in a half hour :-)

  46. Prayers for you, Keith! May your pain be bathed in the love of God's healing hands through your medical help.

  47. God knew I needed to hear today's devotion. There is a big decision coming up this next week within the ministry that I am on staff with. I have been with this ministry for many years and recently my coworkers have changed to much younger people with strong voices and different mind sets on adapting to the current culture. The upcoming decision affects my area of ministry and as I have gathered information, so far, I am in a minority or basically stand alone in the direction I would like to go. Many things like this have surfaced in the past, leaving me dealing with depression.
    So... is this God telling me to trust Him (yes), thank him for being in a crucible (yes, so very hard), let go, surrender (yes, haven't got there yet) does this mean quitting? I have thought many ugly things about the staff as I feel unsupported and hurt. I prayed for God to make me bitter-free, resentful-free, irritated-free, judgmental-free and surrender, cast and trust Him for "Thy will be done" instead of "MY will be done.
    If any of you have gone through situations like this and have had victory in fully trusting and surrendering difficult things to the Lord, would you encourage me and share your process? Thank you.

    1. Learning to Trust: The Lord brought this small paperback to my mind, while reading your post. I would highly recommend it for you. I have had my copy many, many years. It is probably one of the most practical and encouraging books I have ever read, except for the Bible of course. My copy is soooo marked up, it is trying to fall apart. Thank the Lord for book binding tape! This book has lifted me up so many countless times, when going through rough waters and daily life. On the net you can find it in several places. The paperback is: FAVOR THE ROAD TO SUCCESS by Bob Buess. It is a short and easy read! I pray Great Blessings and Peace to you, in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

  48. Dear Keith: Got you covered in prayer to my Papa God! I am in agreement with you that the Lord of lords and the King of kings will bring Great Blessings out of this situation--more than you can even imagine! I Declare complete restoration to your whole body and I thank you, my Papa God, that You will wrap Your healing arms around Keith and he will feel Your embrace!!! Thank You Papa God what You are doing in Keith's life! You, Papa, have plans for Keith's future that include hope, not harm; blessings not banishment. Keith, you belong to The Great I Am! John 8:47a tells us "He who belongs to God hears what God says" (NIV 1984). Log on to His truths daily! I Plead the Blood of Jesus over you and I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN.

  49. Been keeping you in my prayers and thoughts dear Keith. So very sorry for your injuries. May God’s healing balm wash over your whole body and bring you to a complete recovery. Time to rest and give it all to Him to handle. And that goes for your future. He holds you lovingly in His Hands. Joining these beautiful prayers and wishing you God’s best healing of mind, body and spirit. Thank You Jesus πŸ™
    Much love

  50. Joining prayers that things will go well. Time to let go of the flesh and all those emotions we all have to deal with. Dear Learning to Trust, Praying God will resolve your problems. Let His light shine in your heart and on your Coworkers and on the situation. Fear is not from God. Keep looking for the light in the darkness. He is greater., We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

  51. Update on my Mom’s friend Dorothy. Her daughter Lisa said she was feeling better from the iron they gave her at the hospital and her blood levels are better. The CAT scan showed something small by her colon but Lisa doesn’t want to put her Mom Dorothy through anesthesia and a colonoscopy because she’s almost 90 and her breathing wasn’t good. The Dr said she must be on an iron drip. Against doctors’ orders she released her Mom and is hiring a nurse to come to her home to administer the iron drip. Dorothy has 2 other daughters who are coming to stay to help her. She’s in God’s Hands and she’s surrounded by love and prayers.
    I got my stitches out and it will continue to heal. Got a little plastic finger guard to keep from banging it. I’m with my Mom. All is going well thank God. She even ate quite a bit of my spaghetti and meatballs. I’ll try to take her for a walk around the block tomorrow. Praying for you dear JC Family. Wait on the Lord. My sister Janet asked for prayers for her friend Jacob and his wife Kailey who were in a bad car accident. They both got injured badly. Thanks for your prayers. Thank You Father for your amazing healing power for these and for all your trusting children in Jesus’ Name we pray.

  52. So glad all is well, Jeanne. My brother-in-law is in the hospital - colon; severe diverticulitus, micro rupture and an abscess. We are praying for no surgery; they are treating it with IV antibiotics. no food; pain meds. Please pray for him (Chip). DH and youngest Son - on the med. My desk is still stacked - please pray for order in my life. SO need it! Love and prayers for each of you, JC Family.

  53. Our trials bring us so much closer to the Lord. He is greater than any problem or illness or circumstance. He leads us through the raging waters and calms our worried minds. He shows us the way to walk through the wilderness. Praying for so many dear ones and waiting on Him who can do all things. Whatever you’re going through, He is with you-anecer present help in trouble. He never sleeps and His Hand is always there to hold. Our loving Father waits for us to run into His Arms. When we come to Him with gratitude even during the storms, we bring Him joy and glory. He loves a humble and thankful heart.
    Have a sweet and blessed day in the Lord and expect miracles and answered prayers! Thank You Jesus!

    Psalm 18:2 — The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

    Psalm 145:8 — The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.

  54. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Let thoughts of You reign my mind. Open my eyes to see all Your beautiful miracles around me in the world. Grant me a grateful heart, full of compassion and love. Let Your Spirit embody me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    While you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. (2 Corinthians 9:11).

  55. O Lord You're Beautiful, Your Face is all I seek: https://youtu.be/uVgPQm06g2c

  56. AMADEO by Ryan Stevenson is also worth repeating

  57. I just loved your prayer dear Brie!!!! Amen and Amen! I love you too. Praise and gratitude to the Most High King Whose Reign is forever!

  58. Love the prayer, Brie!!! Covers it all. Great Blessings to you! JJ

  59. Today's Devotion ends with: Be on the lookout for what I am doing in your life. Worship Me by living close to Me, thanking Me in all circumstances. Well, I am thanking Him for a new baby grandson coming in October and also for the changes coming soon in my life. I trust Him with my future and everytime I get nervous about leaving so much behind, I thank Him for the time I will have with my good mom. He will make all things right and I will remain thankful in His care.
    It was a blessing to spend time with our oldest son and his dear wife and almost 2 yr old daughter. They found out their baby will be a boy and because Evelyn turns 2 on 5/16, we had a double celebration. So much joy and laughter! They both have a strong faith and that blesses me so much because my youngest son and his wife don't believe in anything but I pray that they will someday. He didn't even send me a card for Mother's Day but he texted me Happy Mother's Day.
    Hope all the mothers in our JC Family had a nice day. May God comfort all the mothers who were missing their children because they are no longer here or they are estranged from them. God knows how you all feel. Praying for my sister Janet that her daughter Megan will come back to her. She hasn't seen her in 5 years and it breaks her heart and mine. May God lead the children home again and protect them and guide their steps to good. Thank You Father for this and for healing us and our loved ones, and answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    Matthew 5:4
    Blessed are those who mourn,
    For they shall be comforted.

    Ephesians 6:1-3
    Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”

    Psalm 34:17-18
    The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears,
    And delivers them out of all their troubles.
    The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,
    And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

    1. Jeanne, congratulations on the new grandson arriving later this year. Thankful your family was able to have a double celebration. Thank you for lifting up all the mothers in this group. Hope everyone had a good Mother’s Day.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Thanks dear SC! We are so thankful! Hope you had a sweet day!

  60. Praying dear Jeanne for Janet & Megan. You & the warriors prayed for so long for my estranged daughter to reconcile with me. Prayers were answered! God brought her back to her father &, I . She's living on our property & helps to care for some of our needs. Who knew that it would come about in this manner. I get to see her everyday, redeeming the years that was lost, replenishing the years the locust have eaten. Oh glory to our God forever! Hallelujah! She is still somewhat estranged from the Lord but He's working on that. Hang on Janet, God is on it!❤️πŸ™πŸ™Œ

    1. Jan so happy to hear this praise report. God is good and definitely on it!

    2. DEAR Heavenly Father God,
      Bless them.
      Change me.
      I have come to know through experience that estrangement prayers change ME into one who is ready to receive.
      Thank You God for Jan gridley's TESTimony, life after The Crucible. Her TESTimony warms my heart and increases my belief in the power of prayer, especially when 2 or more are gathered into the praying! This JC Family of Prayer Warriors are some Power Prayers! Thank You God for the broken road that led me here.
      Thank You God for helping me choose God's temporary, refining crucible on earth in the here and now, rather than satan's permanent crucible in hell hereafter.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Such great news that your daughter is back living on your property and helping to take care of you. God was preparing the best for you. Amen! It's more glory to our God! He is so faithful, and we pray that He softens her hardened heart towards Him so she will seek Him and know how much He loves her unconditionally and perfectly. God is holding her future.
      Amen dear Brie! Thanks for both testimonies! Prayer is so powerful. He led us all here to lift and encourage each other as He does for us. Loved your prayer! Amen.

    4. Count me at least as number 2 in prayer! Change me Lord, bless them!!
