Monday, May 4, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 5

     Come to Me for all that you need. Come into My Presence with thanksgiving, for thankfulness opens the door to My treasures. When you are thankful, you affirm the central truth that I am Good. I am Light, in whom there is no darkness at all. The assurance that I am entirely Good meets your basic need for security. Your life is not subject to the whims of a sin-stained deity.
     Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy. Come to Me with confident expectation. There is nothing you need that I cannot provide. 
Psalm 95:2
English Standard Version
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
    let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

I John 1:5
English Standard Version
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

My Prayer
Dear God, you are good, I am not. You are patient, I am impatient. You are faithful. I am often unfaithful. You are consistent and I am often inconsistent. You are perfect and I am a sinner. You always love me and I only sometimes love you. I often want my way first, then will give you my time, my resources. And yes, I'm thankful, as long as I get what I want. But, when I don't get what I want, I'm wondering what went wrong. Lord, you remind me today that, unlike me, you don't know sin. You know what it is, but you have not sinned. So, you are unable of messing up or making mistakes. So I can trust you. That doesn't mean I'm going to get what I want. But, I can trust in Your hand of providence in my life. I can still come into your presence with thanksgiving because you have given me abundant and eternal life. You have given me peace. You are light and there is no darkness in you. Lord, help me to trust you. Please help me to not get caught up in outcomes, to the point, that when I don't get my way, I abandon my walk with you. Forgive me for this God. You are the Light of the World and I have no hope apart from You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen. Your prayer was spot on. I felt embarrassed and convicted.

    1. Excellent prayer so in the Spirit and in agreement with today's message.

    2. The Prayer was really insightful & It was exactly how I have felt at times agree with it totally Praise God that that there is forgiveness & we can change with God's help πŸ™

  2. In your prayer there is the revealing sinful nature that exist in all of us.
    At times I feel like Paul who said "And I am the worst" but God knows our weaknesses and our need for Him and all that He is. I am thankful for his patience and I need His mercy and his unmerited favor.

  3. And I thought I was the only one who felt so low and unworthy of Gods love. I am reminded He is in charge, not me and to strive for progress not perfection. Only God is perfect

  4. There is nothing you need that I can't provide. Wow. I need to state this over and over again. He provides what I need ..not what I want, what I need. Thank you God for providing.

  5. He who knew no sin became sin for us . . .

  6. Dear Lord, Thank You for another great morning that You have blessed me to see. I come before Your Presence with a thankful and grateful heart, knowing that you didn't have to wake me up this morning, but You did. Thank You Lord!
    I am reminded what Your word says:
    in Phil.Philadel 4:19, "but my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus.

    Thank You that You know our needs and even gracious enough to grant us some of our wants. To know that You will use Your wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to provide for us, we Thank You. We choose not worry because we are promised that Your generosity exceeds ours in the Glory that pours from Jesus! Thank You.

    The song says:
    Give thanks with a grateful heart,
    Give thanks to the Holy One,
    Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son,
    And now let the weak say I am strong and let the poor say I am rich, because of what the Lord has done for us...GIVE THANKS!
    Thank You Lord for this body of believers (JC Family and their families) Thank You for answers to all the prayers and for meeting our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    "Now onto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be Glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever". Amen!

    Wishing all a great and Blessed Sunday!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. "Thank You that You know our needs and even gracious enough to grant us some of our wants." This speaks to me today! What do I really need? We are so blessed with wonderful experiences, with our health, with a loving family. How trivial my wants seem when they creep into my prayers. Holy Spirit, keep me in gratitude for this wonderful growing intimacy with my Lord and Father who makes all things new. Thank you for blessing all those in this JC blogging family with their needs and wants. We love you! We trust you!

    2. Dear Audra, Just had to say that I loved your reply to Maplewood. Amen. All we really need is filled by our Lord. I always wake up in gratitude. My prayers for good health and safety for those I love are always in my mouth as is my praise and thanksgiving. The beauty of faith is that if we stay close to Him, we know He stays close to us. As we wait on the Lord, we know He is making all things new and better. God is so good. Much love.

    3. Wow!How Blessed your words are and how blessed I am to be beautifully interwoven by Christ with astonishing hand detail orchestration of His Love! Blooming such a precious symphony perfectly tuned giving Any and All Glory to Christ! Thank you and all who read, and may God lift you up and move mountains in your lives as Well! Amen! God bless you all!

    4. Amen, anonymous!! Praying to the trustworthy God who can move mountains!! ❤️

    5. Mountains will move in Jesus name!

  7. AMEN!!!!!!!! Your prayer is exactly what I have prayed this bright beautiful morning I have been blessed with. Praying love and blessings for my JC Family

    1. After I read the days lesson and prayer I say, "OK"! let's see what "Sassy Mom" has to say!
      GOD bless you.

      GOD Bless you ALL! Stay Safe

    2. Auntie Jeanne - Jesus is all we need!!

    3. Amen Sassy Mom! Having Jesus covers everything. We lack nothing. People have been sending me videos and fear provoking notices and I say. No Thank You. I am resting in the Lord. I loved the prayer for today because we are so human and frail. We always fall short of pleasing God. Yet He just keeps blessing us and keeps showing us that He loves us as we are, with our flaws. It's okay to fall off the straight and narrow. But the important thing is we care and go to Him, and God helps us get up. Stay well and safe. God bless you and Auntie Jeanne and my JC Family!

    4. I really miss you Sassy Mom! Hope all is going well and you're feeling good.

    5. Agreed! Love to you Sassy Mom and Jeanne, too. ❤️

    6. Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice, presence, love, guidance and protection. Love and blessings to my JC Family. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    7. Blessings. Glad to be reading this post, again

  8. Thank you Paytonfamily for the pray today (actually everyday!). We are human with many deficiencies. We become whole with faith, and trust to be the best version of who we are. As long as we truly believe we are Gods beloved, we gain his blessings on our journey. Feeling unworthy is our human nature, but thats the lie! We ARE WORTHY of all God's wonderful blessings! Amen.

  9. This Word is always needed, but this prayer is exactly what I needed, I was convicted and corrected. Good loves us/me

  10. What excellent prayers. Journaling them, so they get deep in my heart. Key point: God is good, all the time! Colorado JC Friend

  11. Ditto 'God is good, all the time!' And Amen!

    1. And all the time God is good!

    2. Whoooop!!! There it is!!! :):):)

  12. It's been a long, and adventurous life that has unfolded much differently than I had in mind. Thank God for the leading that is being done in us all, because the path of life has a heavenly destiny.

    1. Sentence one, Noe Joseph, are so true for me as well. Adventurous and different than I thought and with all said and done, I wouldn't have changed a thing for He was directing this 'three ring circus' of my life from day one.

  13. Coming humbly into Your presence with a grateful thankful heart. You are all I need. Phil 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom. He can supply every need. He even knows our needs before we even ask Him for help.

      Hebrews 4:16 -Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace of help in time of need.

  14. I am so thankful. KS

  15. Thank you Maplewood, Bravo! Amen.


    In John's 10th chapter where he dwells on the imagery of Jesus being the Good Shepherd, he tells another story when Jesus used that metaphor.

    (John 10:22-30) Division was breaking out among the Jews concerning Jesus. It was the festival of the Dedication (Hanukkah) and we were in the temple when some Jews approached Him and asked Him to clearly identify Himself as the Messiah if that is who He truly is. Though He had done many works that reflected His divine nature, they still were seeking validation. Jesus' response to them was that it was not a matter of being convinced, rather, it was a matter of wanting to accept Him as the Messiah. Those who have accepted Him demonstrate they belong to His flock, those who do not want to trust in Him show they are not a part of His fold. Jesus went on to explain what true believing is all about. "It is a matter of the heart and the choice of what to hold dear within the heart. The ones that truly belong to me, have listened to what I have said and have chosen to embrace me and all for which I stand. In so doing, they have been sealed unto the Father, and that seal cannot be broken by anyone, no matter what you say. I am one with the Father. They have sealed themselves to me, they are sealed to the Father."

    I am blessed by reading the many posts in this blog for they reflect the people Jesus is talking about in this passage, people who have embraced Jesus as 'God-with-us'. This is evident in the heartfelt posts that are made though stages of faith may vary. In walking through the various posts, there is a bit of feel of what heaven will be like for there is a common affirmation of Jesus as Lord.
    Unfortunately, the religious element in similar fashion to the Jews Jesus encountered have established criteria to measure if a person is truly saved or not. In this passage which reflects John's desire to affirm those who are of God, faith is seen as an open heart toward God and that is the only criteria that matters. I write these words for the sake of those who doubt their salvation often attributed to the doubts raised by religion. You are here, you are seeking Him, you want to believe, you are one of His sheep. Stop letting outside influences cause you to doubt your being a child of God. You are a child of God, evident in your desire for God. Now go forth and live in the confidence of being a child of God.

    So glad to see you, my sister/brother in Christ, this AM. Be blessed this day! With love, Bob

    1. Well said Bob. Love the thoughts here, which reminded me of Mathew 6:33, where Jesus says, "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." The next verse is also meaningful to many of the posts of the last few days. Jesus gives us the admonition to not worry about tomorrow, which is often where anxiety and depression live... and he knows that is difficult given the human brain's unique ability to project into the future for buildings, investment, and our own mortality. Amen.

    2. Bob, I can not tell you how encouraged and loved I felt by your words. I didn't realize truly how badly I needed to hear them!!! Thank you brother!! D

    3. Beautiful words Bob. Being one of His sheep means everything. Baa! No one can take Jesus away from our hearts. He is with us always even unto the end of time. Madfox, I always sing Seek Ye First at the nursing home because I love Matthew 6:33. Seek Him and his righteousness and every little thing we need will follow. No worry or anxiety here! I'm not shaking because I am the beloved child of the King of Heaven.

    4. Bob (my twin 2nd bro.), I read your question to my post last night. If I am understanding the question correctly, the answer is YES, a hundred times YES (smiling), I have down times, but I try to be optimistic. My brother, I'm learning day by day to lean on the Lord. So much have happened to me over the years, and though the storms are not as severe now, I still encounter them, but I HAVE to hold on and live by faith, trusting God's original plans for my life. I experienced a very disappointing turn of event in my life a few years ago, and when I came through thanking God, a friend asked how I could be so positive despite what happened to me. I told her: I have a choice,
      1. Get mad at God or
      2. Move on from my own understanding to His grace and mercy that still got me here today!I chose the latter! He's still a great and faithful God, no matter what card life deals us. He has a great plan for us and will revail it at His perfect timing. I have to believe that, or I'll go insane!! My posts, yours, post of others and His Word, are food to my soul and helps to keep me sanely in His Presence.
      God bless you too Bob, as you walk this journey with Him. Thanks for all of your helpful insights!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Bleat! Would you please help me out of this rut and over this hurdle sweet Jesus? I can only do it with YOU, and I want to do it only with YOU: Thank YOU in advance e sweet Jesus for "Stop letting outside influences cause me to doubt my being a loved child of God." And
      THANKS BOB AND JC FAMILY for all of your prayers and encouragement in this regard. Love you!

    6. Dear Brilamar! Lean on your long suffering fruit of the spirit. Don't watch too much tv or pay attention to videos going around. The Spirit bears witness that we are truly God's children. You know that in your heart. Life right now is inconvenient and difficult. My good husband brought in the groceries today and it took me such a long time to get everything clean and away this morning. But I was grateful he was safe and home with washing his hands and about to take a shower. I was so thankful to have food because some people have nothing. I had to wait to do my prayers and eat my breakfast but God's blessings are so obvious to me every moment. Just sitting in peace at my computer reading all the beautiful things my JC Family fills me with each day fills me with so much light. This is my little prayer for you, dear Sister.
      Father God, You already know everything that is bothering your beloved daughter, Brilamar as she waits patiently for You to make all things right. Please show her some bright new light today and let her see You are in her corner fighting her battles. Help her to close her mind to negative thoughts and cast her worry and doubt onto Your strong Shoulders. Let her savor the peace You give her today so she will stand in confidence that You are already accomplishing Your will in her, and in this world. Thank You for this and Your faithfulness, in the powerful name of your son, Christ Jesus.

    7. Thanks again Bob, I feel the same way about reading the beautiful posts each day. They reflect the Christ in us and the hearts of love for Him. You wrote: I am blessed by reading the many posts in this blog for they reflect the people Jesus is talking about in this passage, people who have embraced Jesus as 'God-with-us'. This is evident in the heartfelt posts that are made though stages of faith may vary. In walking through the various posts, there is a bit of feel of what heaven will be like for there is a common affirmation of Jesus as Lord.

      We who come gather together here, love the Lord and trust in His promises. I feel a real bond to my brothers and sisters here and I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way. It is because we are of one accord. Thank You Jesus for leading me here.

    8. Dear MadFox, How are you feeling today? Hope each day brings you back to good health, joy and peace. God bless and heal you always. Much love.

    9. Thank you sweet Jeanne. Answered below.

    10. Thank You Brother/Friend in Christ BOB,
      I have been praying about this for a year now and am still praying in agreement with your post
      I was touched by a message I received from a young person which said, "You have been the example for a little girl who tried to carve out a very similar path but always faced the heavy burden of judgement…" and by today's DEVOTION, Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy.
      Being The Same One Who controls our dear ones lives, I was especially snagged by "Unfortunately, the religious element in similar fashion to the Jews Jesus encountered have established criteria to measure if a person is truly saved or not... I write these words for the sake of those who doubt their salvation often attributed to the doubts raised by religion."
      I squealed and squirmed.
      TRUTH BE TOLD, Is it not just the doubts raised by "religion" but also those doubts that are furthered by us, "Christians", self included? I am easily distracted whenever a judgment comment is made about who is saved and who is not; who is a believer and who is not. Our labeling and branding of others as one or the other, leaves me wondering and wandering and questioning, Is this similar to the logic that the torturers and murderers of Jesus used?
      Who are we to judge what is inside the "airplane's black box" located inside each heart (including the hearts of the children who came through us), except God, who placed His private space there and which He and only He can locate and read at the end? Who is The Author, Determinator, Giver and Finisher of Salvation? Who hired us in the Salvation Distribution Department? Who asked us what color to paint grass?
      We can plant the seed, but Who makes the SONlight, the rain, the dew sprinkles, the soil, and all that is required to feed, nourish, and grow the planted soul?
      Who determines what is inside that seed or soul? Whether A tree? A flower? a blade of grass? dog? cat? horse? human?
      Once another person or living thing is labeled, then that can also determine how we treat them. How we treat them can determine how we act around them. Once we "fittingly" act around them, they re-act back to us. Then all our earthly eyes may be narrowed to see, is that which fits inside our label, which could reinforce our own brand of righteousness, rather than HIS Righteousness@ Matthew 6: 33 But seek ye First the kingdom of God, and HIS Righteousness...
      Perhaps, another airline analogy I learned from flying could apply: First put the mask over my own nose and mouth, and then I can proceed to be a help to others. OUCH!
      I became re-snagged by "In this passage which reflects John's desire to affirm those who are of God, faith is seen as an open heart toward God and that is the only criteria that matters!"
      I am begging the Holy Spirit to stop nudging me to post this. But His urge is coming through strongly for me to Plant The Seed, and leave the rest to Him.
      Thanks for the sweet dessert ending BOB: "Now go forth and live in the confidence of being a child of God." and may I add, and let everyone else do the same, because we all are, so help me God. Jesus I believe You; please help my unbelief. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    11. Amen Brie! This part of your post reflects my current experience:
      Once another person or living thing is labeled, then that can also determine how we treat them. How we treat them can determine how we act around them. Once we "fittingly" act around them, they re-act back to us. Then all our earthly eyes may be narrowed to see, is that which fits inside our label, which could reinforce our own brand of righteousness, rather than HIS.
      Is anyone else seeing virtue signaling amongst family and friends, are we doing the same in our own bubbles?
      I thank you Lord for discernment and love in all my encounters.

    12. I was encouraged by your response sweet sister/friend Audra. I asked the Holy Spirit, would anyone see the elephant hiding under the living room rug? The Holy Spirit nudged me again to give Him the control and Leggo the delete button!
      I Love you and our JC Family!

    13. Thanks for pressing publish, dear Brie!
      Just had to say your awesome message blew me away! Who are we to judge peoples relationships with God? We know it is His intention that ALL come to Him in true repentance and faith. We may think someone is far from Him, when in truth they are closer to Him than we are.
      Amen! Only He knows what's in the blackbox of their hearts. Faith is so individual. We all are on an exclusive journey with Him. He is the only One Who understands how much we live for Him, and how much we live for ourselves. I pray each day that He make me a better person, so I grow closer to Him, trust Him more, give Him more of my thanks and praise, and lay more of my burdens on Him to handle so I can truly rest in His peace.
      I pray to hear His sweet messages to me more clearly in my busy days and to follow harder after righteousness and the Spirit.
      Very true Audra. Let us just keep treating all people as Brothers and Sisters, just like our Lord did when He walked this earth. Let us love as He loves.

    14. " Now go forth and live in the confidence of being a child of God" Amen Amen AMEN!!!

  17. Thank you Maplewood. Philippians 4:6 is always in my mouth and heart. I can relax because I bring my petitions to him in faith with gratitude and I know He loves me in my imperfections and will always provide my needs. I have seen His faithfulness through my whole life. My short prayer I often say is: Jesus, make me a better person and show me how I can serve You. He is molding me as I strive to stay in His sweet presence. I have felt from the get go that God permitted this thing to
    happen to test our faith and to bring us closer to him. We all need him so much right now. He wants us to stop following the world and it's trappings, and to get our priorities in the right order so He so reign in our minds and hearts. And Yes to humble us. For without Him, we are nothing but a piece of dry driftwood floating around in a big ocean. I always love your words and they echo the ones in my heart. You have such a beautiful gift to teach and encourage. You get His message out to us and your prayers are always my prayers. Thank you. Have a bright new beautiful day in His light and love. Thank you Jesus!!!

  18. There is nothing you need,that I can't provide,yes that's it, that's amazing! Never thought I would ever make it out of the wrath of alcoholism and addiction. But only by the grace of God was that possible. I am so grateful and thankful for that. I am one of God's beautiful miracles with a testimony. Thank you Lord for seeing fit to bless me with another day!

    1. Tiffany Grace --- Lord I just thank you that You have turned Tiffany's weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and a plan to comfort others. Surround her Lord with Your goodness and hope in Your faithfulness. Fill her with patience and joy in Your presence as she experiences the abundant life You have for her. In Jesus' Name AMEN and AMEN. Way to go Tffany!

    2. Thank YOU, GOD for the gifts of YOU, Tiffany Grace and my entire JC fam!

  19. One of the joys of the present time is some wonderful thoughts being shared. My wife received this from a friend and posted it on Facebook. If you haven't seen it yet, here it is for you. Be blessed!

    Me: Hey God.
    God: Hello.....
    Me: I'm falling apart. Can you put me back together?
    God: I would rather not.
    Me: Why?
    God: Because you aren't a puzzle.
    Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?
    God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason. Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.
    Me: You don't understand! I'm breaking down!
    God: No - you don't understand. You are breaking through. What you are feeling are just growing pains. You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back. You aren't falling apart. You are falling into place. Relax. Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don't need anymore to fall off of you. Quit holding onto the pieces that don't fit you anymore. Let them fall off. Let them go.
    Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?
    God: Only the very best pieces of you.
    Me: I'm scared of changing.
    God: I keep telling you - YOU AREN'T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!
    Me: Becoming who?
    God: Becoming who I created you to be! A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion. I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided to adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear. Let those things fall off of you. I love you! Don't change! ... Become! Become! Become who I made you to be. I'm going to keep telling you this until you remember it.
    Me: There goes another piece.
    God: Yep. Let it be.
    Me: So ... I'm not broken?
    God: Of course Not! - but you are breaking like the dawn. It's a new day. Become!!!
    ~Author Unknown

    1. I love this so much!!! Thank you Bob for sharing this and for sharing your heart and so many words of wisdom! God blesses us greatly using you as a vessel of His love . All of our JC family are greatly blessed with Gods perfect love and with our prayer warriors and special JC family. Always love your prayers, Maplewood, Madfox, Sassy Mom, JJ, Jeanne, Brilimar and each of you who wrote and for those who who not
      Loving prayers πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    2. Just absolutely love it too. I printed it out to give my Mom and sister later. Thanks Bob!
      I sure hope you're doing well. Miss you.

    3. Bravo Bob, very good! Thank you. Amen.

  20. God is good all the time. I long to be like Paul in letter to the Philippians he wrote, “In all circumstances I have learned to be content.” His faith in Christ allowed him to be serene and at peace regardless of the problems he faced.

    1. Amen Mary Theresa! We are not ruled by our circumstances because God is greater. He holds us steady when the storms rage around us.

  21. VERSE vs LIFE (Winner: Verse) I John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from HIM and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in HIM is no darkness at all.
    Beautiful view of the moon tonight, lighting up formerly unlit paths!
    So many nights I'd sit by my window
    Waiting for someone else to sing me his song
    So many dreams I kept deep inside me
    Alone in the dark searching for YOU all along
    Now YOU light up my life
    YOU give me hope to carry on
    YOU light up my days and fill my nights with YOUR song
    I was rollin' at sea, adrift on the water
    Could it be finally be, I'm turnin' toward Home?
    Finally a chance to say "Hey, JESUS I LOVE YOU, "
    Never again to be all alone
    For YOU light up my life
    YOU give me YOUR hope to carry on
    YOU light up my days and fill my nights with YOUR song
    Cause YOU, YOU light up my life
    YOU give me YOUR hope to carry on
    YOU light up my days and fill my nights with YOUR song
    Only YOUR light
    Makes it all feel so right
    'Cause YOU…..YOU light up my life!
    THANKS BE to God! Amen!

    1. Thanks for sharing that, dear Sister. Amen!!!

    2. He lights our lives with a never ending brilliant, steady light that never fails to shine.

  22. Father, thank You for giving me life and loving me unconditionally. You are so merciful, gracious, loving, and forgiving. Praise You Lord. There is no one that can ever take Your place in my heart or life. Remind me that You always have my best interest at heart and You always take the best care of me -- even when I don't realize it. Thank You for being in control of everything. It is so freeing to know that. I trust, love, and adore You. You are the most high and there is no one above You Lord. Bless and praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. Comfort and bless all Your children, servants, and missionaries that are doing Your work and being faithful to You. Let us all feel Your presence within us and share it with others. Let Your goodness and glory spread throughout the world. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. I have not stopped giving thanks for You, remembering You in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16)

    2. Beautiful prayer Janet.
      Amen! There is none greater than our God. Only in His presence do we find true peace, love, understanding, wisdom, mercy, joy and contentment. He cares for us more than anyone else and knows our hearts better than we know ourselves. So blessed to belong to Him.
      Hope all is going well dear sister. Praying that He is pulling all the loose ends of your life together and guiding you to a bright and sweet future. You have such a loving and trusting heart and He knows it very well.

    3. Yes, beautiful prayer and steadfast faith, Janet. So awesome to witness while dealing with life's circumstances. You are such a rock and testimony to trusting God at ALL times...even when things are not going our way. Praying for you and know God has a good plan He is putting in place.

    4. Amen Janet and Jeanne, How complete is his love and his mercy. Praise you Lord for your love for us.

    5. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD by Chris Tomlin and the world

      The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
      Let all the Earth rejoice
      All the Earth rejoice
      He wraps himself in light
      And darkness tries to hide
      And trembles at His Voice
      Trembles at His Voice
      How great is our God, sing with me
      How great is our God, and all will see
      How great, how great is our God
      Age to age He stands
      And time is in His Hands
      Beginning and the end
      The Godhead Three in One
      Father Spirit Son
      The Lion and the Lamb
      The Lion and the Lamb
      How great is our God, sing with me
      How great is our God, and all will see
      How great, how great is our God
      Name above all names
      Worthy of our praise
      My heart will sing
      How great is our God!

    6. Such a beautiful song, dear Brie! Thanks for sharing it. Amen!
      He is always worthy of our praise and our thanksgiving!
      How great is our God!

    7. Amen! Good is GREAT, God is GOOD, and I thank HIM for EVERYTHING, including our food πŸ˜‰

  23. Dear Maplewood, Your words continue to move me and bless me in so many way. While I was preparing this week's Bible group, I was thinking about all of the promises that God had made to David. And then I wrote about all the promises He has made to us. We must trust that He will fulfill them. He promises forgiveness, peace, guidance, protection, help, mercy and grace. On these promises we can rely. He is a promise keeper. We may have to wait on Him but He is always faithful.

    When we are attentive to His guidance, we make better decisions and accept changes in our lives without fear. We know God has His reasons for everything. Although we may not understand why certain things happen, we must trust Him completely. I sure do agree that He allows the difficult times and hardships because they could be a test to humble us and mold us and try our faith.
    We must find some quiet time in our busy days to speak to Him about all that is on our minds, including our worries, fears and doubts. In the stillness, He will speak to our hearts. His spirit will enlighten us and direct us. We are never alone. He is always with us. We have the blessed assurance that Jesus is our constant companion.

  24. Jesus I want to come to you this morning before I start anything today. I want to thank you for being so perfect and for being one that I can trust. Today I want to practice resting under the power of your Spirit. Everything around me is unpredictable but you know everything. Help me be sensitive to your direction Lord. I am positive that you can and will. I need your guidance. It is such a reward to know that you can take me exactly where I need to be. I’m keeping my eyes on you. Thank you.

    1. Amen, Lord answer the pleas from our hearts.

    2. Joining into your prayer and praying with you, Xavier Hill

    3. Amen! Joining in your perfect prayer, and continuing to pray for you dear Xavier. Let us all be sensitive to His Guiding Hand in our lives.

  25. Prayer Warriors. I'm now 5.5 weeks past the stem cell transplant and am doing well. Far ahead of schedule, my only real issue at this point is extreme fatigue. In 3 weeks from today, I will have a complete bloodwork analysis and bone marrow biopsy (+60 day eval) at Emory. Then about 10 days later, they will do the post stem cell treatment analysis and determine the maintenance program from those results. I reported that the Mult.Myeloma marker was at zero and thus achieved remission. The prayer for me warriors is that it remains so at this 60 day mark.

    I am hoping to resume a normal-ish life at the 90 day point where I should be able to take the covid vaccine to improve my ability to be out and about. At this point, I'm trying to stop the cancer updates and return to normalcy with the caveat that I have this nuisance that becomes a small part of my everyday life instead of an all consuming one which unfortunately it had to be to combat the significant amount of MM present, the aggressive trait genetics, and ultimately the challenges of a stem cell transplant. Miracles of an excellent response, minimal physical setbacks, and even getting to remission (even if for a short time) shows the power of so many praying for me and the grace of God. I'm holding His hand,, and been feeling his presence every day on this journey, and am grateful for each of you for your prayers. They were powerful and effective. For now, I will resume a role as fellow commenter with no updates to really report... so, will give a final report around the 9th of June. Again, I've had a terrific response and it is surely due to the prayers, love, and His grace. Godspeed JC Prayer Warriors and friends. Amen.

    1. At this stop in the junction, I am doing His Victory dance for you MadFox as I continue in prayer for you and yours. Blessings now and forevermore. Each day, you increase my Faith in Faith in a Good God and in the Good of Intercessory Prayer. I Thank You for that Brother Friend in Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you for the wonderful update MadFox. So happy to hear that things are going well. Continued prayers for you and your family. Godspeed.


    3. MadFox that is excellent news! I’ve been praying for you and will continue to pray that Jesus places His healing hands on you❤️ You are an amazing man of God and I’m in awe of your trust in Him and your positive attitude and sense of humor 😍 I’ll be thinking of you and praying πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    4. Joining the others in sharing this Joy and to God be this Glory. You've modeled such good faith and calm and gratitude. I'm blessed to be an observer and sister in Christ during this experience. Godspeed back to you MadFox!

    5. So happy for your update Madfox. God is good and He hears our prayers. May you be well, with all markers confirming that, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

    6. Great News Madfox. Prayers continue! Amen.

    7. What tremendous news. Thank you for the report and opportunity to praise God with you. We look forward to your “normal” commenting, too, but are glad to journey with you in all avenues! Thank you gracious Papa God! ❤️

    8. Hallelujah Madfox. God is always good.

    9. You truly made my night by your wonderful update! I am praying that in 3 weeks, the analysis and biopsy will go very well, and that the marker will still be zero at your 60 day evaluation. God has been so faithful to you, and all prayer from sincere hearts is so powerful. Trust in the Lord to continue to show you His magnificent faithfulness and give you renewed strength with the passing of each day. Always in my thoughts and prayers dear brother!

  26. Thank you for updating us. Praise God for his healing hand on you!! Looking forward with you to the days the health updates are in your past. God has used this time to do his work that reaches far deeper than human hearts, minds and eyes can perceive. Our God is far greater than we can imagine. Eager to be fed by the wisdom God has placed in you.

  27. So good to hear you're doing well. Praying the fatigue leaves the building for you sooner than later, MadFox. Daily prayers continue. Always enjoy and learn from your wise insight and commentaries and look forward to reading them! Praying you feel stronger and more energy with each passing day!

  28. Our dear MadFox, thank you for your updates....prayers are being answered in a marvelous way. Praying that your fatigue will be a thing of the past and your remission a constant in your future. Blessings to all.

  29. It's a new day, fresh, fresh anointing has fallen on me and it's all because of You, so Thank You Lord. What a joy and a privilege it is, to once more be in Your Holy Presence. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING this day holds. I know that no matter what, You are walking with me in and through it. The glory and honor are all Yours. In Jesus'name.

    "With a grateful heart, I lift my hands to You..,declaring Lord You reign, You reign...,great are You Lord and greatly to be praised, greatly to be praised..., Father You reign...." (Sinach)!

    "Praise the Lord all you nations, extol Him, all you people's. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. PRAISE THE LORD" (PSALM 117).

    Giving God the glory, thanking Him and staying in prayer for all the sick and other needs. He promised to meet them!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Lifting up my voice with my sisters and brothers in song and praise and gratitude.
      Lord Reign in Me-Brendan Brown

      Over all the earth you reign on high
      Every mountain stream, every sunset sky
      But my one request, Lord my only aim
      Is that you'd reign in me again
      Lord reign in me, reign in your power
      Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour
      You are the Lord of all I am
      So won't you reign in me again
      Over every thought, over every word
      May my life reflect the beauty of my Lord
      Cause you mean more to me than any earthly thing
      So won't you reign in me again
      Lord, reign in me, reign in Your power
      Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour
      'Cause You are the Lord of all I am
      So won't You reign in me again
      Lord, reign in me, reign in Your power
      Over all my dreams, in my darkest hour
      'Cause You are the Lord of all I am
      So won't You reign in me again
      In me again
      Come reign in me again
      Come reign
      Come reign
      Come reign

      Thank You Lord for Your saving power in our lives and the lives of our dear ones. May You reign in our hearts above all else.
      Thank You for healing all in need of every type of healing. We are all in need of Your help in our lives. You know your children who are lost, weak, weary and sorrowful. Thank You for making all things right again for them and all our JC Family. We pray for this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer King.

    2. Thanks Jeanne,
      I loved the song!

    3. Oh yes, this is one of my favorites. Sooo need this song to wash over me!

  30. God comforted and assured me by today's devotion: Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is totally trustworthy. Come to Me with confident expectation.
    At 8:15 I will get my hand surgery to remove a cyst from my finger. I know Who will be guiding the doctor's hands perfectly. I will rest in the comfort of knowing my Loving Father is in charge. Trusting that all will go well and also that we will receive more good news about Baby JoJo. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Praying with you Jeanne. God is always good and faithful. He is our rock, redeemer, love, provider, savior, friend, and everything. May His loving arms wrap around you and give you comfort, strength, and peace. God bless πŸ™.

    2. I know God is with you this morning, Jeanne, guiding the doctor's skillful hand! You will be on your way home in no time with a gloved finger/hand "accessory"! I picture you with your creative talents be-dazzling this glove or covering! May there be little to no residual pain. In Jesus' name, amen.

    3. Thank you dear sisters! God was faithful. I am home now all wrapped up and on ice and painkillers. The doctor said everything went fine except that the cyst was attached to a tendon. I know God guided his hands to carefully remove it without any harm to my finger. I must elevate it and ice it and not get it wet for 8 days. I will be a good and patient patient. God was with me through it all and and I felt your prayers surround me. The stitches come out on the 13th. God is so good and you are a great family to me. So thankful.

    4. Continuing in prayers for you our dear sweet sister friend in Christ. A song for you while icing your hand: Put your hand in The Hand of the Man who ices the water...

  31. Abba, Father, thank you for always loving me, even when I wander from you.

    Praying for you Jeanne! God will be with you and give you strength.

    I also have a consultation with my physician this morning that I am concerned about, when I know I shouldn’t be. God is good. After reading this devotional this morning I was reminded of His continual presence and strengthened by His love. Pray that it all goes well. Thank you!

    Blessings πŸ™

    1. Oh yes dear brother Rich, Will join our family here in prayer for this consultation. Jesus will be holding you through it, no worries He's got you! He faithful fully looks after his sheep. We stand dear Lord with Rich in petitioning you for "good news!" Amen! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Prayers for healthy outcomes for all JC family concerns today!

    3. Thanks for your prayers dear Rich. Joining prayers that you got a good report today. Be not afraid! He goes before us always. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

    4. Gathering into the prayers for you, Rich C. pray you are experiencing Jesus in our midst.

  32. Here is the latest of God’s AWE-some healing over Baby JoJo (from Alex)…
    “He is stable and doing amazing, normal baby things. We hope to bring him home sooner rather than later. He is currently on anti-seizure medication but the doctors are going to begin weaning him off it completely as it is not a long-term solution unless absolutely necessary. He will be monitored on an EEG for the next 48 hours as the medicine leaves his system. If we get no seizure activity over the next 48 hours plus one more MRI, he will get to come home!!!”

    Thank you, JC family & prayer warriors, for all of your prayers for this baby and family! So very grateful to you all.

    1. Praise the Lord! πŸ‘

    2. Hallelujah! Our prayers are being answered hour by hour! We serve such a faithful and compassionate God!

  33. We declare it NJS, NO SEIZURES! AMEN! In Jesus name! Hallelujah!

  34. " Come to Me for all that you need."
    I see my greatest need Lord Jesus is to have Your mind dwelling in me richly.
    Is to have Your nature replacing my old nature, becoming my new nature in Christ Jesus.
    Is to respond to others as You would respond.
    Is to be gracious and full of compassion as You are.
    Is to live in humility and to walk humbly as You.
    Is to declare Your Kingdom to at least one person today.
    That I may live my life as if it were You living Your life through me.
    Lord Jesus, beyond what I see my need is this day, what do You see as my need?
    Supply what ever You see I need, and I will be fully satisfied.
    I love You Lord, I thank You Lord, I trust You Lord Jesus. Amen.

    1. Supply whatever that you see I need... awesome. I have noticed that when He doesn't supply what I think I need, its because He is working on supplying a great need that I have and may not even realize!

    2. That snagged me too! Thank you Jesus, I trust you Jesus

    3. Amen brother Peter Amen! He knows the deepest places of our need. So deep that we can't even utter them, but He knows, He knows. Hallelujah!

    4. Wonderful and heartfelt prayer brother Peter! Thank you. Amen!!

    5. I am gaythering into this prayer circle. Oh do I ever need it now...That I may live my life as if it were You living Your life through me.
      Lord Jesus, beyond what I see my need is this day, what do You see as my need?
      Supply what ever You see I need, and I will be fully satisfied. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. Praying our day be blessed with the presence of Jesus. Continuing prayers for those mentioned and unmentioned, our baby JoJo and our beloved Jeanne. ABUNDANT LOVE AND BLESSINGS TO JC FAMILY.

    1. Amen and thanks dear Sassy Mom! All the sincere prayers were heard today. Waiting on the Lord patiently as He heals my finger. All is well with my soul. Praying with you and for you and all our dear Family and their loved ones.

  36. Dear heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your many blessings. A great trip to Northern Michigan. So many opportunities to see You in the beautiful outdoors. All the stunning beauty You create for us. Please bless all who seek You in ALL things. You are mighty. You are powerful. You are merciful. Thank you. Amen.

    1. So happy your trip to Michigan refreshed and renewed you Nothing compares to the peace and beauty of God’s creation. Tuck those memories into your beautiful heart dear ABC!

  37. Dear warriors am in need of some powerful prayer in the coming days. I'm being sued. A subpoena came to my door yesterday & just like that my serene, peaceful life took a turn. Some of you may remember my sister from another mother Loretta, whom I was caring for. She passed away last year, leaving me beneficiary in her will. Her estranged daughter who never visited her or even call her has now filed suit against me because of an inheritance that Loretta's mother left her. Loretta chose not to include her daughter in the will. The claim is that the will is invalid & I manipulated the drawing of it. The Lord knows that's not true. The list of accusations are alarming & it stings. Today's message was so soothing & so are so many if the post. I'm searching my heart for any validation of her accusations to the point where I'm questioning myself over &, over. The enemy has begun his campaign of discouragement. Jeanne, your encouraging post for Brie above was like a balm and so many more. I'm fighting tears as I write this plea for your prayers. Love, love my JC family! Bless each one dear LordπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    1. Jan, we know your heart of giving. And we stand with you as this to will pass. We stand with you in prayer and in the pain of it.

    2. Beloved sister Jan, Joining warriors in prayer. Praying you are covered with the armor of God and surrounded with the peaceful presence of Jesus.

    3. Absolutely Jan, prayers to you on this journey! God will provide you with what you need! Amen

    4. Covering you in prayer Jan. Remember who you are and whose you are! Christ’s peace be with youπŸ™

    5. Papa God, I come boldly into Your throne and Declare Psalms of protection: 91, 34, 61, 7 and 31 over Jan's situation in the name of Jesus. I apply these Psalms to each one in this Beloved JCFAMILY. We serve the GREAT I AM, and NO OTHER.. Jeanne and Ron, my Papa God has you in the palm of His hand. I Declare Great outcomes for you! Thank you Papa for the continued healing of baby Jo Jo. I thank You for Your healing hand upon each one in this JCFAMILY. Papa, You are sooooo ABSOLUTELY GOOD and You have Love, Grace and Mercy without measure for each of us! HALLELUJAH!!! "Bless the Lord , O my soul : and all that is within me, bless his holy name." Psalm 103 :1 In Jesus' name, For His Honor and Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.

    6. Dear JJ, Humbly receiving your anointed prayers and blessings for myself and my 2 daughters. Thank you for standing in the gap.

    7. Above post should read Rich and not Ron. Please forgive the fumbling fingers.

    8. Dear ones thank you. I feel so covered & looked after. JJ I'm going to read each of those scriptures. Thank you so much. Bless each of you & much love.πŸ’ž

    9. Dearest Jan! Joining in all prayers for God to cover your situation completely and guide it to all good. Thank you JJ for your prayers and your wonderful encouragement for Jan and all of us. We know God knows those accusations in the papers are false and that this woman was never there for dear Loretta. He will make things right as only He can. Do not be afraid sweet Jan, He walks beside you always. The truth will come out and be revealed. Trust in His faithfulness. You’re in good Hands! May He renew your peace of mind right now. Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

    10. Been there Jan gridley and it cut like a knife. It happened as I was going through breast cancer, surgery, radiation and recovery. The money spent on lawyers was astronomical, but the Lord sent me a good one.
      I prayed every step of the way and ended my prayer with, Lord You're The Way, You Know The Truth, help me rest in You, The Life until this nightmare is over. And give me only what you want me to have. I desire nothing more. I rose from my prayer contented, with HIS song in my heart. The JC Prayer Warriors are on it, our Jan. LOVE YOU DEARLY

    11. PS All ended well, thanks be to God and all the truth contained in today's devotion:
      The assurance that I am entirely Good meets your basic need for security.
      Relax in the knowledge that the One who controls your life is TOTALLY TRUSTWORTHY. Come to Me with confident expectation. EVERYTHING you need that I can provide! in Jesus' Name. Amen
      SHOO satan and take all your evil workers with you. Quit bothering our Jan, who belongs to God and will continue believing HIM, HIS WORD, HIS PROMISES and leaning on His Everlasting Arm.

  38. Praying with and for you, Jan. Keep your armor on, evil will not prevail in your legal battle with a disgruntled relative.

    1. Amen to that dear Audra! With His Armor, nothing and no one can harm us! He fights our battles for us! We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

  39. My Dear Jan Gridley, I have known you (through this blog), prayed for you, received your prayers and believed with you for miracles, which we've seen come to pass...for many years. Please know that the devil is a Liar. Anything wrong or bad said against you, has to be a lie. I remember the prayers. This 'estranged daughter' is a snare, that you can't fall for. Please know this JC Family is praying for you - that the truth be revealed and that your serene life WILL be reinstated. Tonight, my DH and I sat in on a teaching that revealed Lucifer, for who he truly is. I was attacked earlier this week, and that was my com-away: 'The devil is a liar.' My prayer is that you are sleeping, peacefully and that you don't allow that Peace to be stolen.
    We know you, Jan Gridley - you are the BEST! A Proverbs 31 Woman of God. Don't let anyone or anything tell you differently. I love you and I'm praying for you. We WILL hear a VICTORY REPORT! Brie will be dancing and Jeanne will be singing. All of us, on this JC Family Blog, will be rejoicing. The Victory is MINE, sayeth the Lord! Sleep sweet, Dear Sister - God is on the Night Watch...and so are His Night Owls. :) I love you, Jan Gridley!

    1. Echoing prayers for our beloved Jan Gridley. We love you Jan!!! WE WILL HEAR A VICTORY REPORT! We are celebrating "Victory in Jesus."

    2. Yes our Jan, when satan and its evil workers attack and club you at this level, you know you have a lot of good going on for God.
      Looking back, The hardest part of the whole ordeal was fighting satan's many tries to get me to renounce my God and His Goodness. This battle is truly the Lord's. None of us can beat satan, but we worship a God Who can. You are encircled in our prayers, so you know WHO is in our midst. Love You.

  40. Dear Norah, I’m praying with you for our beloved Jan! Jesus is indeed on the Night watch and He never sleeps! He is so much greater than he that is in this fallen world. Trusting in our Great and Mighty Way Maker to make all things right. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  41. I'm at an out of town conference that is related to work (Hallelujah) with a faith-based company that I've aligned with. I have experienced some very moving and emotional moments as my heart is so much more compassionate than 5 to 10 years ago because of the journey God has taken me on while firmly gripping my hand with His right one!

    I again love the message of light as His love and even His holy presence, for it is in His light that our love can shine more brightly as He uses me and you for His purposes. When we are thankful He shows us the light because there is no darkness in God. He is light - He is love... rejoice! Amen.

    1. May your paths be made straight by His hand and His presence be felt. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  42. Amen dear MadFox. You speak the truth that His light makes all the difference in our lives. Especially when times are rough. I'm glad that you're getting away even if it is for a conference. Keep you always in my prayers and I think of you often. My oncologist appointment is May 11th. Praying for God's faithfulness to shine like the sun. Or I should say, like the SON! May all your treatment be well tolerated because the Lord is at your side. Much love.

  43. Dear JC Family, I need some more prayers. My twin sister Janet just found out she has basal carcinoma in her nose. They took a piece and all the borders were positive. She must have more surgery in the first week of June. She is still coming to NY from Missouri on May 10th. Thanks for your prayers. My friend Rudy's surgery got cancelled because of an emergency. I told him God was in charge and it is all in His timing. I told him God could heal the infection in his incision from his heart surgery and he may not even need another surgery. We are praying for that. Thanks for your prayers. Well I have Gabriel for a sleepover so it will be a busy morning and I'm driving to my Mom's for the weekend too. Evelyn's Baptism is Sunday! Hallelujah! What a joyous day that will be! God bless you all and answer your prayers and give you strength to accomplish all He has placed before you.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.

    1. May our heavenly Father's presence be with you and your family and friends during these valleys and mountains in your lives. May His mighty hand touch you all! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Lifting your family up to our Lord.

    3. Blessings from NYMay 5, 2023 at 4:44 AM

      Praying for your sister , Rudy and your family this weekend- in the mighty name of Jesus! πŸ™❤️

    4. Joining warriors in prayer for Janet. We lean on His everlasting arms when trouble comes. Jesus is Janet's shelter in the midst of storms. This battle belongs to our Lord. Hallelujah! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    5. Jumping on this mighty prayer train, Jeanne, and praying for you and your loved ones. May God bring healing and blessings to you, Janet, Rudy, and Baby Evelyn. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    6. Joining the prayer warriors to rally prayers for your sister, Jeanne. May He lift up your family with blessings, grace and peace for you all. He is in control.

    7. Thank you my dear family! I sure do appreciate your prayers. I’m off to see my good Mom. Please pray for Scott too who is getting surgery for colon cancer on Monday. Thanks. πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜ŠKeeping you in my prayers dear ones. God is faithful.

  44. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. May Your light shine bright and overcome the darkness in the world! Let Your goodness and glory be revealed. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen! Thanks dear Janet! Walking in His light with much gratitude!

  45. Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1).

    1. Blessings from NYMay 5, 2023 at 4:45 AM

      Amen JanetπŸ™❤️Thank you

    2. Beautiful encouragement!

  46. Paytonfamily- timeless prayer that convicts us all. Thank you for sharing.
    SC Anonymous

  47. Blessings from NYMay 5, 2023 at 4:47 AM

    Amen SC Anonymous❤️Thank you Payton Family!!

  48. Amen and thank you. We come here to be filled and always leave satisfied. Thank You Jesus.

  49. My sister and I are trusting God to heal the basal carcinoma in her nose before she gets more surgery on 6/28. We are leaning on these verses as we all should. Thanking God for His continued faithfulness in all our lives in Jesus’ Name. Amen. .
    Lamentations 3-22-25
    It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
    They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
    The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
    The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

  50. Praying for you and your twin, soul mate, Jeanne! You are a faithful woman of God, as I'm sure your sister is. Love both of you, SO much.
    Love and Blessings to all of my JC Family. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch.

  51. Thanks dear Norah! You are a good sister to me! I love you too! Amen! God is on the Night Watch. Sleep well.

  52. I do come to the Lord with a thankful heart! He has been so very good to me. We are blessed that our oldest son and his wife are going to have their second child in October! One more reason to be thankful and rejoice and be glad. Leaving my mom’s in a few hours to drive home to sing for the Lord. My sister will be with her till 5/22. We all had a good weekend together. We are trusting God to make all things right. I pray He will heal my dear sister’s knees and strengthen my good mom and help her gain some weight. I know He will help me today with a new song we never sang before. It’s called In the Breaking of the Bread (Smith). Praying for you, dear JC Family. God knows our hearts and needs and He is mighty to save, heal, comfort and guide. Have a blessed day in His presence. We are dearly loved and well taken care of.

    1. Lovely song, Jeanne. Praying for your sister’s knees and your mother’s appetite.Also praying for Norah’s DH swollen legs and for Brie’s concerns that were brought yesterday. Continued prayer for the other needs that have been expressed in previous days and praising Him for answered prayer. Praying His blessing on each of your days.

    2. Thanks for your sincere prayers dear Websister! . We pray for each other. May God bless you too and answer all your prayers!!

  53. Thankful for a gratitude celebration for all our church volunteers today. Thank you for your Presence, intimacy and grace upon all who come through the doors at The Gathering. May our world see a revival in the Truth you so freely offer to us. Thank you Jesus!✝️

    1. Amen dear Audra! Revival Time is now! We all need His Grace and Faithfulness. Leaning on His promise that He’ll never leave or forsake us! We are His children. And we are loved perfectly, equally, and unconditionally.

  54. Lord God I thank you for all the prayers and all of the witnesses. Thank You Lord for your Love and kindness ❤️. Amen.

  55. Amen. πŸ™πŸ’—
