Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 6

     Do not search for security in the world you inhabit. You tend to make mental checklists of things you need to do in order to gain control of your life. If only you could check everything off your list, you could relax and be at peace. But the more you work to accomplish that goal, the more things crop up on your list. The harder you try, the more frustrated you become.
     There is a better way to find security in this life. Instead of scrutinizing your checklist, focus your attention on My Presence with you. This continual contact with Me will keep you in My Peace. Moreover, I will help you sort out what is important and what is not, what needs to be done now and what does not. Fix your eyes not on what is seen (your circumstances), but on what is unseen (My Presence). 
Isaiah 26:3
New King James Version

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

2 Corinthians 4:18
English Standard Version

as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

My Prayer (2018) - Lord, security and being safe is something in my world that I admit often is an idol. Our culture places such a premium on anything that threatens our safety to the point that I am not sure what this means to really ask you to keep me secure. At times, Lord, I run to you as a last resort or when all else fails. It is true Lord, I suffer from the sin of wanting to be in control of my life and my surroundings. In some ways, I've been trained by media to be fearful. And here is the reminder, once again, that there is a better way. Lord, you remind me once again how I need to be trained by you each day, even re-trained. Lord, I don't have it figured out. So I come to you, on this day, and ask you to shine a light into my life to help me understand that my security is in you, and that having your presence in my life is all I really need. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you so much for posting everyday!! I love reading your blog when I'm out and about everyday! I have the book on my bed side table and read it first thing every morning. Bur during the day I appreciate your posting and prayers to keep me focused!! Thanks again!

  2. Father, my prayer is simple. Keep me focused on You every moment TODAY. When family/friends or my desires divert my gaze from You, whisper peace is only found in You. When the media or any person says that "heaven' is found in luxury items in the here and now, whisper that my Home is eternal with You, the Son, and the Spirit. And when I forget to keep you close today, whisper that my folly is thinking that I can control anything in a fallen world. So, hold my right hand and guide me every moment of TODAY for I am weak and a sinner. Amen.

    1. Amen πŸ₯°πŸ‘Ό☁️🌈

    2. MadFox - HALLELUHAH!!!! AMEN!!!! Praise the Lord.

    3. Thanks MadFox!
      Your heartfelt prayer was just what I needed. May He hold my hand and take my reins, and lead me through this day. Keep my eyes only on Him and let me not be distracted from resting in his presence, for I am weak but He is strong. Amen.

    4. I sure do appreciate your prayer, dear MadFox. My sister flew in yesterday from Missouri and I was so busy but I had time to pray before we picked her up and we did pray together in gratitude that her flight was good and she was safely in NY. The whole day went so well because we stayed in His presence and peace. I too need Him to hold my hand all through my day. His Hand remains there to hold, and sometimes I let go. Praying that I hold it tightly through every moment.

    5. Love your prayers Madfox and Chris Payton
      Your prayers are mine as well! Praying your day and week are blessed in abundance! Loving and healing prayers for each of Our JC family

    6. Yes! Yes! Hold my right hand, Lord. Give it a tug if I get distracted from you!

    7. Every hour I need you, my one defense, my righteousness, oh God how I need you! ♥️✝️

    8. I too Audra, I echo your prayer. Bless you dear sister.πŸ™πŸ’ž

    9. https://youtu.be/LuvfMDhTyMA

    10. ♥️🎢 thanks Brie! I was too tired to do that when I posted last night πŸ€—

    11. Thank you MadFox. You nailed it!

    12. Praise YOU YAWEH for another day, I approach YOU, my HEAVENLY FATHER, through YOUR son YESHUA, my beloved savior, and seek YOU and YOUR will to be done in my life today (and always) help me to keep YOUR name and tasks such as reading YOUR living word at the top of my list always, focusing not on this world but on YOU & the promises YOU so lovingly have given us. LORD I surrender myself to YOU, let YOUR will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those that have trespassed against us, lead me away from temptation and deliver me from all the evil ways of the world, for the is the power and the glory forever and ever,
      Please help me to glorify YOUR name LORD in all actions and words spoken.
      I love YOU my beloved Father and Savior .
      In YESHUA/Christ’s mighty name I pray,

    13. My one Defense. My Righteousness.
      OH GOD HOW I NEED YOU!!!!!
      Praying with, and for my Beautiful JC Family today and every day. Blessings Abound!!! :):):)

  3. That is my prayer too! This weekend, the topic of food came up. I said, "I am from the generation that was taught, "Bless it, eat it, be thankful." My son said, "That is how you and Dad raised us...BUT" and went on to discuss additives, fast-food, etc. I hear the birds this morning and they are not "toiling" - no worries for them. My prayer is the same: focus on You. Starting this week with a calm heart, determined to listen to the One who holds my security.

  4. Good morning JC family πŸ₯°. Just a great big "thank you" for prayers lifted up for me for the EB virus & thyroid testing. "NEGATIVE"! Hallelujah, praise you Jesus. JC family, your prayers are busting down the gates of heaven for so many requests posted on here. Let's not get weary, the needs are many. Answers, even the unexpected ones are just around the bend! Hallelujah! Amen!

    1. Jan--I join you in praise and thankgiving to our Lord for your answered prayer! He watches over his word to perform it! I will keep praying for the many prayer requests on this site. It is such a privilege to pray! Great Blessings to the JC FAMILY this day!

    2. I anchor these prayers with love in the Holy name of Jesus. AMEN!!!! :):):)

  5. Happy Monday everyone! Didn't sleep well last night. My mind would not shut off. Tried to pray it away to no avail. I kept saying "Jesus" outloud thru the night. Must have been hand to hand combat with the enemy going on. Our God is greater! I'm counting on victory over whatever this is and that peace will come. Truth is, I'm worried for my granddaughter. Please pray protection over her. Thank you, Colorado JC Friend

    1. John 14:1 Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God, Trust also in Me.

    2. Trust, trust & more trust Unknown. Just like what I just posted above, the answer is just around the bend. πŸ₯°

    3. Amen! Just keep exercising those trust muscles because God already knows what lies around the next bend. No matter what, He will faithfully lead us through.

  6. Jesus, I trust in You! Amen.

  7. I wake thankful yet anxious this morning. Trying hard to leave my worry doubt and fear wirh Him and live in faith, hope, and trust. Such a long hard road the past 8 months after losing my job. Waiting to start a new one in June. Ive battled alcoholism with nuch success from His grace and mercy. Still I wake in worry. Like I have no compass or direction. Please pray for me for peace and confident direction. Thank you all for your prayers.

    1. My prayers are with you! Jesus is with you. Don’t listen to the enemy. I know it’s hard! Pray for those that don’t have a job lined up. Fight the good fight!!

    2. Amen, I get you. Same fears Let us stand together. God is stronger!

    3. Mark L. You got this! With God, you got this! Your faith and DESIRE TO DO GOOD, is seen by God. Keep pushing the desire to action. Your compass and direction IS your faith and trust! Look to the Light always, don't focus on bumps and shadows on this journey. Amen.

    4. Amen! With God all things are possible. Let us have eyes to see His bright guiding light on our paths, and ears to hear His soft voice directing us when we are lost. He lights the darkest wilderness, and never stops leading us. Amen Unknown, Let us stand together in faith. He is Greater than anything we could ever face.

  8. Monday morning, Lord I pray that everyday this week glorifies you. Thank you for reminding us that you are in control. Although we can not see your plans for us we must trust and decipher what is from you and what is from the enemy. I offer prayer for all who are struggling today. I pray that we are content in all circumstances and trusting that you have this! God has perfect timing! "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." .... And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Proverbs 3, 5-6. Praying for Mark L. for work. I also have applied for a new job. Please prayers for whatever the outcome that we know God is in control of our journeys here and trust the outcome is for our good.

    1. Purplemartin and Mark L--I will be lifiting up your job situations I pray for the doors of opportunity to open wide for you. Let unusual favor and success saturate your situations. I speak the name of Jesus and plead the blood of Jesus over you. The Lord watches over his word to perform it! Prayers from Kansas

    2. Amen! Dear generous Lord, please lead our friends to the BEST and right jobs. Jobs that will prosper them, know them, appreciate them, include them in strategic decision's, and value their talents. Amen

    3. Beautiful truth in your prayer, purplemartin. We must trust in His lead, and not get swayed by this world's trappings and temptations.
      Father give us hearts of discernment and trust. Thank You for this in the Name of Jesus.

  9. Dear Brilamar,
    Thank you for your posting on May 4 blog. You are right about the Secret Strength of Depression. Thanks to Keith, Bob, JJ and all the JC warriors. There are many days where to just get out of Bed or off the couch is near impossible. I have been suffering for most of my life but the last two years it has been severe. Before, I was able to function but now it is very difficult.
    However, I am going to follow the advise and instead of saying I can not do it, I will start saying Jesus my Shepherd help me out out of my hole. Also as Keith has stated I have to start taking responsibility for my life.
    Thanks to everyone for the prayers.

    1. Have you also asked Jesus to lead you through to a Christian Counselor or a group who uses the 12 steps of AA?? I asked because sometimes Jesus ministers through others, His wonders to perform. I will pray for discernment. Jesus You are now helping Your Dear Child, SIS.THANK YOU!

    2. SIS - praying for strength and guidance for you. God is great. He is lifting you up continually. Blessings and peace to you. KS

    3. SIS, like Brilamar suggested, Please also seek professional help and yes, stay close to Jesus. We are keeping you in prayers. God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. SIS, isn't it true that the reason you are not able to get out of bed some days is because you have exhausted your efforts? That you have fought so hard, so long, and in so many different ways without progress?

      I think of Job right now. Things were out of his hands. He had unsurpassed devastation and was in that place as well. And He fell down and worshipped. I don't think that was praise songs or glorious thankful prayers. I think it was with a weeping and at a point where there were no words to express what he was experiencing, just a groaning or wailing from the overcoming pain. But he turned to the One who had all in His hand and in his heart.

      I'll be blunt, there is more to life than function. By our society's standards, if we are functioning and prospering, then we have a success in their eyes. But I relate to you. There is much to be learned in this desert you are in.

      One thing is this. We are all, at the fundamental level, looking for happiness. The father, the mother, the pastor, the drug addict, the the adulterer, Mother Theresa; all are motivated to find a happiness and a fulfillment even if it is in a perverse way. The bottom line is God alone suffices. I have worked with that thought for 2 years and am now seeing that "The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need" because everything comes from and through Him. Everything comes through His love.

      You are in this desert and you will discover things, in time, that will be treasures to you just as I have. I am still in the desert but now I am discovering a true prosperity regaurdless if I "function" or not that day according to the worlds standards. The prosperity is Him and starting to taste His love like never before.

      This is not a short walk out of that desert for you. It is a journey to discovery of treasures that awaite you. The treasures of true happiness and success in God alone suffices.

      We cannot grasp what He is giving us quickly most of the time. I believe that is why our journey is so long some times. But you need not journey alone. You need companions on your journey. We are here and possibly counseling, church body, Dr's. I have many more thoughts from the discoveries on my journey but keep in mind what I said above. God has not removed you from your desert for a reason in my opinion and I believe that reason is He has treasures for you discover where you are. And ultimately, to learn of His love and happiness in a new and deeper way.

      "He humbled you by letting you go hungry... and then feeding you with Mana (Himself) in a way you have not known before."

      I and many others are praying. He will suffice.

    5. Praying for you, SIS,
      I've been there and understand how you feel. Each day when you're not yourself, is so difficult, just to get through it. God's strength is there for you to take when needed but you need to know how to tap into it. I remember desperately praying that I would see some light in front of me. In time, I saw tiny spots of light which got bigger each day. I needed to find the right Doctor and God guided me to that too. He answered all my prayers and more. Wait on Him and believe things are not as they seem to you because your vision is covered with a dark veil. But God will pull that veil away so you can see the truth and the beauty in front of you. The greatest truth being that He really never left me in my "desert". Sometimes we have to suffer a while before we are brought up out of the darkness. Then we appreciate that beautiful light all the more! Praying for you too, dear Brilamar. Thank you Keith for your wonderful post that made so much sense to me. Very insightful. God bless you. You're generous with your wisdom and understanding from above. Love to all.

    6. WOW! Jeanne and Keith. I Thank God for your sharings, which hit the ball so close to my home court, I got chills. I remember praying dear God, I am clueless to what You want me to learn. Would You just open my head and my heart, and put it there?
      In His time, and in His way He did! God knows what's best for me, unseen eternal things my weary eyes can never see, so I just want to say Thank You Lord, Thank You for drying all of my tears away and turning my darkness into your day!

    7. Thank you Keith - you are accurate in that I feel like I am climbing uphill in a sand desert. No end in sight and many days ask how I got here and when will I get out.
      Jeanne I also feel that there is no light - even though the good Lord is all about shinning light. Thank you Brilamar I am searching for counselling.
      As you all have or are experiencing Depression and Anxiety you they are complex illnesses.
      There is a saying from Milton that states that the mind can make hell on earth feel like heaven and heaven on earth feel like hell. Probably did not state it 100% correctly but it captures what the mind does.
      I feel only through strong prayer and help from all of you I too will exit the desert, Jesus will pull me out of the hole and I will see the light.

      Thank you all ever so much. These discussions help immensely.
      Love to all.

    8. God is helping you now this moment,
      Though you may not see it nor hear,
      Perhaps by a friend in the distant,
      Perhaps by a stranger near,
      Perhaps by a printed message
      Perhaps by a spoken word,
      In ways you know and know not,

    9. Thank you Brilamar.


    10. Another JC warrior joining the rest in prayers for you SIS. You certainly already have the fortitude to get through this. The Lord will give you more strength each moment you struggle. Take care. KS

    11. You are surrounded by love and light and prayer. You may not see it because of the illness. I was there and remember all the prayers and kindness my friends and family gave me but because I was sick with severe postpartum depression, I was not in a position to just "cheer up" and feel joy like I used to. I will pray very hard that God will guide you to the help you need. Only He can dry your tears and open your heart to joy in his own timing. He is ever faithful so keep your eyes upward from where your help cometh. It may be a journey back but you will get back. Sending so much love and many hugs.

    12. Praying for you dear SIS that you are feeling more like yourself now, and seeing more light in your life because of God's help and guidance. As Keith said, it may be a long journey out of the desert, but it will lead to many treasures. You will realize that the light was always there at the end of the tunnel, a light so bright that you almost forgot its beauty.

    13. Cat
      The thoughts and prayers of Keith, Bri and Jeanne for SIS have helped many who have stopped by this blog. They surely have spoken to me. Thank you so much. I have had this sad malaise that comes and goes randomly. I feel so much brokenness around me and wake up with a pit in my stomach. I just want to curl up in a ball and turn off my thoughts. I will pray unceasingly and for you all as well. I am so grateful for what I have read here. It helps greatly.

    14. Amen! May the power of prayer lift us in Truth and Light into the beauty of the unseen. Thank you Jesus!

    15. How are you doing today, our SIS ?

    16. Still praying Secret Strength of Depression prayers for all. Thank YOU SIS, for sharing a platform we all needed and from which we all benefitted through the Grace and Mercy of our Good Good Father God.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  10. Good Morning and God Bless, JC Family! Though I get on here and read and pray for each of your and yours, I've had little or no time to post. Once again, JC is so pertinent to our 'new' day to day lives. Refusing to fear can seem naive to some and yet, then I remember how hard our forefathers fought for our freedoms and think we can't let those go lightly.
    Remembering a year ago, Jan Gridley, our rejoicing over your negative tests! Sassy Mom - I'm sure your eye is getting better every day. Prayers for all of that, for answers for you, SIS; that you find the perfect way off that couch or out of that bed. I also read Joyce Myer this morning and one of the lines was, "Worry less, laugh more." What have we ever changed with worry?
    Please pray with me that our daughter finds 'her' perfect job. She has decided to stay here with family rather than go back to KC, MO. God will provide.
    Have a blessed day and whether I get to post or not, know that I'm reading and praying!

    1. God our Provider will make a way where there seems to be no way for your daughter Norah. His very best is on the way for her in Jesus name. When one door closes, He opens another amazing better one. Trusting Him to work all things out for good.
      God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you dear Father for leading Norah's daughter to the exact job that you have been preparing for her so she can use the gifts you gave her, for her fulfillment and Your glory. You already know what job that is, so thank you for pushing her in the right direction into that open door. Thank you for this and for healing Sassy Mom's eye, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

  11. Loving Father, I would not trade my security in You for anything in this world and if I should ever lose sight of this, please awaken me out of the daze. Thank You for another day to bask in this secured Presence that is Yours, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    God is in charge of absolutely everything at a complexity level that is so vastly beyond our comprehension. For believers in Christ, our deepest and most fundamental security is in Him. God is in charge. He may not be revealing everything, but He is definitely doing something. He is teaching us to trust Him. Most of those lessons are so much more intense, enhanced and effective when we face troubles. Of course we will not always see it as a lesson because we are indeed weak, feeble and broken. This is why we should be reminded where our real security lies. God wants us to know that it is all according to His will that everything here on this earth operates. This pandemic, was in His will, whether we believe it or not. However, everything that happens, turns out for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28), and ultimately for His own great glory. Romans 11:36 says: “All things are by Him and for Him,” If we belong to Him, it’s all going to work together for our good and all those things from biblical texts includes, the decisions of government the sickness of children and others, the loss of jobs and gain of money, the suffering of saints and of the poor, the repentance of souls, the gift of faith and the list goes on, but most importantly the crucifixion of His Son Jesus. He will not expose our future because it is too complex. We can’t even possibly handle our present troubles, let alone know the troubles of the world. God knew what He was doing when He spared us the knowledge of the future. Our Ignorance of the future compels His children to trust in Him, who has eternally secured it for us. This ignorance of our future is a one of a kind sweet gift from God to us. We would still not understand and appreciate it even if we knew it.

    Our Father in Heaven, thank You for securing our future with You and not revealing it to us. Thank You for being in charge of everything because we will not appreciate You had You given us that much control. Let the world know that You reign and even though we don’t know our future, we know the ONE who holds it and who is in control. Thank You for our blessings and the glory of Your great name. Our security lies with You and not the things and rulers of this world. This should be enough for us. Help us to keep our eyes off our circumstances, but fixed on Jesus and remain secured in His Presence, it’s the best place to be. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Sending peace and blessings to all this mid-week day.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen sweet sister! I loved these words: ...even though we don’t know our future, we know the ONE who holds it and who is in control.

    2. Thank you Maplewood! Well written reminder of the present of his Presence.

    3. Thank you Maplewood. A year later & your words rings true in my present circumstance. I coach my flesh to fix my eyes on the One who knows the outcome of this trial I'm experiencing. We miss you & blessing you this day.πŸ’ž

    4. 4 years later and I still need the reminders. Thanks Maplewood, πŸ‘ God is in charge. He may not be revealing everything, but He is definitely doing Something. He is teaching us to trust Him.
      And until I do, the lessons will continue...

    5. Amen okey dokey then
      Always need reminded!

  12. Our Father in heaven, thank you for giving us your beloved son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sweet Jesus thank you for your sorrowful passion, your divine resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins. Thank you for our helper the holy spirit. Lord you are our hope, our strength, our only need guiding us to eternal glory. Thank you for loving us our good shepherd. Keep this JC family (my blessing from you) safe and at peace and strong in you.

    1. Amen dear Loveconquersall, and thank you for your prayer. Hope you and your brother are feeling well after getting your vaccines.

  13. Dear Maplewood,
    Thank you, thank you and Amen!
    You comforted my heart with your encouraging words. I always lean on Romans 8:28 because I know that when all this is over and done, we will see how God worked all these things together for good. As I have said, I am already seeing His plan being revealed in the hearts of His people. We are all His instruments and He uses us, good and bad, to accomplish His will. His Spirit is giving you the wisdom and understanding, and the words you feed us each day. He is so good to provide our needs. There is a reason He is not showing us the future. He wants us to believe what we cannot see, and to trust like a child that He will make it all better, and even better than ever. We know our blessed assurance that the Lord is truly with us. God bless you and the rest of my JC Family, heal our loved ones, strengthen our weaknesses, put your light into our darkness, remove all fear and doubt, and keep our eyes focused on You. We will continue to rest in You because you love us. Amen.

    Isaiah 26:3You will keep in perfect peace, whosever mind is stayed on You, Because they trust You.
    2 Corinthians 4:18 As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

    YOU are every good thing and every good thing is You! Would YOU help me keep my focus on YOU, continually thanking and praising YOU above all others and above all else? Would You Help me to focus on THE UNSEEN ETERNAL GIVER more than I focus on the seen, tangible yet transient gifts? Transient because I have had many seen, tangible gifts, but I never had that one seen, tangible gift that was so high above all the other seen, tangible gifts that it ended my need for any more seen, tangible gifts forevermore. Most of which, I no longer remember. Yup! The thrill of them is long gone.
    On the other hand, only the UNSEEN ETERNAL GIVER fully filled me to the extent that I truly do not want nor need another UNSEEN ETERNAL GIVER! And Whose name I shall always remember, and Whose name shall forever remain on my lips and in my heart. That name above all other names, is JESUS!
    13 Jesus replied that people soon became thirsty again after drinking this water(a seen, tangible yet transient gift). 14 “But the water I give them,” He said, “becomes a perpetual spring within them, watering them forever with eternal life.(an unseen eternal gift)” Thank You Jesus. I am forever grateful because You love me eternally. And like the unseen eternal wind: when those trees bow low their heads, I know trust and believe the wind is passing through. Like the wind, although unseen by my eye, You are here eternally! I shall be forever thankful because You love me. Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift of Your Love. Amen!

    1. Thanks dear Brie, Praying Keith is doing better and all is well with you and the changes that are taking place in your life. Giving thanks for His great gifts and all those things that are unseen and eternal, that is, all those things that will never fade away. He is so good to us. And His love, peace, and mercy are forever.

  15. Asking for prayers the evening of this long Wednesday. So many cases involving the loss of a loved one. Each one has their own story and their own remorse. I try to cut the 'red tape,' and offer them prayer and comfort. For one who couldn't imagine not working, retirement is looking pretty good. JC, "If only you could check everything off your list, you could relax and be at peace. But the more you work to accomplish that goal, the more things crop up on your list. The harder you try, the more frustrated you become." Doing my best to stay my mind on Him.
    Praying for each of your requests; sharing in your victories; sending comfort to those who need it. Heading to bed early and praying to wake up revived.

    1. Father, spring up a well of energy in Norah. Allow her to finish strong so she can shout of Your provision to all who hear. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.
      God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)

    2. May you awaken refreshed, renewed and full of the energy you need for ALL you do each day for so many, Norah. You have so much empathy and compassion with each and every case/person. You're an inspiration. Truly. And the fact that you can pray with and for them, filling them up with God's Word for the time you have with them has to give them great comfort. What a blessing you are to them, Norah! You pour everything ounce of love, kindness, and energy into your cases but be sure to be taking time for you, too. Praying God blesses you and the people/cases you handle each day, Norah, giving you all the stamina, patience, and love you need.

    3. Bless you in all you do in your work sweet Norah. Many lives have been touched. As I write this I am sitting by my dad's memorial at the veterans cemetary in spokane Washington. Today has been 3 years since his passing during Bloomsday(a large running race here in spokane). He passed away just before the finish line. God called him to finish his course in heaven. I'm telling him about this great group of supportive family of believers, that help me get through each day. Peace to each of my JC family today. Lets keep our focus on God and not on our lists of stuff. I'm so thankful for each of you. All your requests get written in my notebook and prayed for daily. You each have your own page. Much love to you all today and every day. Mindy

    4. Our Dear Sweet Sister Friend in Christ, Mindy
      That is also my goal: to run the course, finish the race, and get the prize, life on high with Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing. On our mark. Get set. Go. Love you and our family!

    5. Bless you Mindy! I love the idea of a prayer book as you described! Thank you πŸ™♥️

  16. I will do my best to keep my eyes on the Giver of our lives, instead of on my circumstances and trials. Thanks sweet Maplewood!

  17. Dear Norah, I am sure your heart and mind are not only focused on Christ but on your dear cases. You care so deeply for their comfort, help and peace that you don't rest much. Retirement is looking good, but even after your "job" is over, God will continuing working through you to help all those in need. I understand very well how weary we can get in well doing. Let's just get our rest so we never faint. Thanks for your prayers. I am praying for your cases, especially those who have lost their children and spouses. They really need our prayers and so we lay them at the Throne of Grace.
    Thank You Father for your peace, direction and comfort for those who have lost their dear ones. Show them You are with them always, even until the end of time. Give them hope that they will be reunited with their loved ones, and thank You for drying every tear, and holding them close in Your Love.

  18. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2)
    Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. God is always good.

    1. Amen! Joining in prayers of strength for all who feel weary, may it be ever available in Jesus's name.

  19. ...and a lovely sleep I had! Thank you for your prayers, Janet and Jeannie. I woke up in time to see the beautiful sunrise and enjoy the Peace and Trust that I was blessed with in my sleep. Ready for this day and the blessing it is to walk hand in hand with my Lord. Let me be productive in a Peaceful setting, Father. Let me be your Light to the people with whom I speak and a reminder of Your never-ending Love, patience and confidence.
    Thanking the Lord for each of you, your blessed day and this wonderful JC Family. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

    1. Norah you remind me of the family support person we work with and value very much. You and she have a heart to offer them the best of you covered in Christ. I will tell you from my own experience your help reaches far past the tasks your earthly job has you performing. I'm sure many of your clients express their thankfulness to you, but I would like to add mine.
      Thank you that the love of Jesus pours out to them.
      Thank you that you present hope when life feels hopeless.
      Thank you for impacting the families of your clients by giving to their loved ones what they can't offer themselves.
      Thank you for having compassion when that is what's needed.
      Thank you for giving firm direction when that is what's needed.
      Thank you for not giving up when clients don't heed your advice.
      Thank you for not giving up when the worlds way and all the consequences of sin tries to flood over you.
      Thank you for seeking prayer for your clients and for wisdom yourself.

    2. Our Dear Sister Friend, Norah,
      I am joining in with TERRI's showers and showers of Thank You Prayers, for you and all who faithfully heed His Words to "Feed My Sheep" Take Care Of My Sheep" In Jesus' Name. Amen

    3. Amen! Words can't really describe the depths of your positive effect on others, Norah. Be encouraged and blessed dear sister in Christ. ♥️

    4. Dear Terri! Beautiful praise for our sister Norah for her hard work, love and good fruit! She surely makes a big difference in her clients’ lives and hearts. Joining my family in gratitude and praise.
      Thank you Father for lending us your beloved daughter, Norah! She means so very much to us.

  20. “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. (Psalm 62:1-2).

    Lord, Its another day to say Thank You. I find security in You by relying more and more on Your Love and grace, and the freedom to want to live radically for Jesus. Even though my security in the world can be attacked in many ways which can make it fragile because of its circumstances, my greatest security is found in You alone. I can pour out my heart to You and trust You with every detail of it. In Ephesians 2:6-7, Paul tells us that though believers find security in Christ, there is no guarantee that we will not face hardships. However, no matter what, Your security is real, steadfast, unshakeable and deep-roted than any kind of security out here. You’ve granted us salvation FREE of charge, transformed our identity and made us new with our hope and lives set on Jesus and the new creation that will come.
    Thank You Lord for raising us together with Christ and allowing us to be and seated together with Him in the Heavenly places. This is evident that we have security that absolutely Nothing can take away.
    Whenever I’m taking my eyes of Jesus, please remind me that my security in You is never disturbed by what people thing or say. I am Your chld and You are my Father.
    Thank You for Your promise in Isaiah 54:17; “But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord….”
    May I experience Your love to a deeper level and have the life of peace, joy and true security that You’ve planned for me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Remembering the sick and shut-in, staying in prayer and trusting God.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and thank you dear Maplewood. He is our Everything and we can do nothing well without His love, grace, guidance, peace and strength. Praying your beautiful prayer with you sweet sister.

  21. Thank Lord for your word that reminds us that the peace we seek is temporary, but the peace find in you is ever lasting . May we focus on you Lord , may the Holy Spirit prompt us when we are worldly things . We are not of this world ! Please pray for my friend Jackie who has been out of job for one year and is raising her late sister children . I had a lunch date with her yesterday and my heart felt so heavy . Of course I encouraged her and I pray for her and she has a fabulous relationship with God , however her savings are running out .....we have been praying for a longggggg time .

    1. Praying for Jackie to receive God’s provisions, comfort, faithfulness and guidance. She is our sister too.

    2. Joining warrior prayers for Jackie to be comforted with presence of God, His provision and guidance.

  22. Min Ahadi joining you in prayer for Jackie. Lord please continue to meet all of this families needs. Lord you know if she should be working now or not. Please keep them in your will and continue the work you are doing in them and through them. Amen

  23. Thanks for posting that, Terri and thank you Maplewood for your timeless encouragement and prayers. The Spirit always blesses you with the words we need to hear.

  24. Waiting on the Lord for more victories to celebrate because we serve a faithful and compassionate God Who cares for us, and loves us with an unfading and unchanging and unconditional Love. πŸ™

    1. Continue to heal dear Jeanne. Keeping you in prayerπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Thanks Jan, God is healing me but I must be patient and careful. Your prayers mean so much.

  25. Let me not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind in Christ Jesus. (Romans 12:2).

    1. Thank you dear sister for sharing this scripture. My mind has been a battleground of late. πŸ’ž

    2. Mine too! Fill us HOLY SPIRIT with the love and strength to overcome any negativity or evil influences!

    3. Have always loved this verse! Thanks dear Janet. Love you, my sisters. Praying that God will fill all your minds and hearts with His comfort and sweet peace, and all will be well because He's in control. Thank You Jesus.

  26. https://youtu.be/LLHaTZYViQQ a wonderful song

    1. Oh WOW! Beautiful song. My cup was empty, now it overflows. Thanks for posting Min Ahadi.

    2. Wonderful song dear Min Ahadi. He will keep us in perfect peace because we trust in Him. Amen!

  27. Dear Maplewood, you literally hugged me with your post above. Isaiah 54:17, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall show to be in the wrong.
    Thank you warriors for your hugs of prayers. I had a good night's sleep, where as the night before I wrestled with the enemy of the mind. "Strength for today & bright hope for tomorrow", is all I ask dear Lord.πŸ™

    1. I am coming late to this powerful prayer party, Jan, and I apologize. I wasn't able to get back on yesterday's posts. I am so sorry to hear this and have to say I understand that feeling of "being served" papers. An awful, awful feeling. Remember, Jan Gridley, YOU have the armor of God on each and every day and are covered! You and God know the truth and that truth WILL come out. May it come out sooner than later for everyone's sake. I am joining my JC family with prayers to cover you each day. God is your strength and song, yes?! He will walk by your side directing your steps and holding your hand tightly! Sending prayers, love, strength, and endurance, my sister! In Jesus' MIGHTY name, Amen!

    2. I taped this scripture to my prayer wall, Jan and took it many times each day. It was my take as needed for pain prescripture. I Love and surround you with prayers.

    3. Isaiah 54:17, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement you shall show to be in the wrong.

    4. Amen! Wonderful encouragement that we all need now in this fallen world. He is so much greater!
      Cast all your anxieties upon him;
      for he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

  28. Learning to TrustMay 6, 2022 at 8:57 AM

    I give thanks to the Lord for this blog and all the encouragement it gives. It is the first thing I go to in the morning.
    I once went to a church that believed that if you were depressed about something that it meant that you weren't trusting in the Lord. For the first time, I am having a very hard time not feeling sad and I'm easily brought to tears just thinking about things. I feel my job is where most of these feelings stem from.. It is a Christian ministry that I've been part of for over 15 years. Recently the staff has changed and in that change, I have come to feel invisible but also irritated at all the changes they want to make and have made without considering my input. The changes directly reflect my role in negative ways to the point that I just want to quit. I am wrestling with surrendering, trusting and giving these things to the Lord. I do not like feeling so sad.

    1. Praying that the Lord will open your heart and mind to His will for you and for His revelation to you on this matter that you are struggling with. May He open your eyes wide and let you see the answer clearly. May His perfect peace fill you as His loving arms wrap around you. In Jesus name,
      I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. In my opinion and observation, so much is being uprooted and reexamined and resulting in a new path that brings me closer to God. Especially as I age, I am seeing that I can't carry the burden of people, relationships, work or volunteer commitments at the level of a super hero any more. God is guiding me to authenticity of thoughts, and actions that are based solely in my trust and faith in HIM. My days look really different now and as long as I stay out of the way of judgement of self and others, it's a good day. I do appreciate this blog and scripture readings each day to anchor me. With love to this JC Calling Family, Audra.

    3. I’m right there with you Audra and completely agree and understand; I’m on the same path. Comforting to know that I’m not alone, spiritually and relationally. Peace!πŸ™

    4. Praying with you dear Janet for our sister, Learning to Trust. You are wrapped up in His Love and He cares for you. He will change your tears into dancing.
      Very true sweet Audra. Amen! As we age and our days are filled with new routines and struggles we see His Hand in everything more clearly. His plan for us just keeps unfolding as we trust in His ways. Just doing my best to keep Him reigning in my heart. Then all will be well.
      Rich, You're not alone. I believe we are trying ard to hold tight to His Unchanging Hand no matter what circumstances we may find ourselves in. I know we're well taken care of so we can get through the darkest storms because we never walk alone. Sending love to all of you my dear family. We are more than conquerors.

  29. Praying first in thanksgiving for the Lord‘s great love Grace and Mercy. I pray that your day is filled with Blessings and that your fears doubts worries and needs are all answered as you stay focused on Him, and that you may be blessed with the peace of Christ, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, as a child of the most high God, Elohim πŸ™.

    P.S. You might see this same post tomorrow as I posted on the wrong day this morning. Lol

    1. Thanks Rich. Amen. Blessed to be surrounded by His peace and filled with His Spirit and strengthened in my time of weakness. We are dearly loved and cared for. Hallelujah!

  30. Wanted to give my awesome JC Family of Prayer Warriors a Baby JoJo update from Alex (…just saying you might want to be thinking on what kind of victory dance you’re going to do, πŸ€”…)
    Alex: The team pulled him off the eeg after a successful 48 hours of monitoring and 36 hours of being off his anti-seizure medicine. Followup MRI this afternoon and potential discharge tomorrow or Sunday (what a great mothers day gift!). So all critical health issues have been mitigated. Praise God. The bigger question is what do the coming weeks months and years look like and how will he develop and what potential issues arise down the road. This changes nothing about our next steps or the joy we experience holding our miracle baby! We are assembling the super group of a support team (Avengers Assemble!!!!!) in seattle and found our primary pediatrician, who did his residency at Seattle children's and specializes in extra sick children. We will be meeting him Tuesday and start getting occupational therapy and outpatient neurology at seattle children's. We are thrilled to have our JoJo home soon and take him for a walk around the lake and let him have outside air for the first time in his life. We have been given an absolute treasure;time to make memories with our son. Thank you so much for the support and love. He has 9 pages of prayers at his bedside that we know helped. Things could not be going better given the circumstances. I asked the doctor: do I have permission to run around the house with my hands in the air in celebration? She gave me an emphatic yes. And I pass that gift to you. Now is the time to celebrate and more to come.

    1. What a blessing for Mother's Day and beyond. To see the faithfulness of God and a future for JoJo that just gets brighter every day. God is so good and prayer from a sincere heart of faith is so powerful.

  31. Praise God and joining you with raised arms. Happy Mother's Day awaits!

  32. For 2 hours beginning at 5 PM we endured a terrific rain, lightening and thunder storm in Eastern Tn. A tornado watch is in effect for my area. Many counties in close proximity are without power. Highest number is 12,000 down to 5,000. Thank you for praying a hedge of protection around our area.

    1. Praying protection all around you and yours, Sassy Mom.

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, Joining in all prayers for your protection and safety. Thank You Father for this in Jesus' Name. Amen
      Goodnight dear ones. Rest in Him Who loves you.

  33. It is now shortly after 7:00 PM in my world.

  34. Thank you dearest JJ. Amen and Amen! Your prayer was right in time! Had a difficult night because there was a plant in my room at my Mom’s that seemed to be the home of a million ants. I prayed and got rid of the plant and the ants with God’s amazing help. No obstacle or problem is too great for our awesome God!! Hallelujah! May He cover our JC Family with His peace, love, healing, comfort, protection, guidance, and faithfulness! We have nothing to fear because we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

    Psalm 46:1-3
    God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.

  35. Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as head over all. Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. (1 Chronicles 29:11-12).

  36. Blessings from NYMay 6, 2023 at 4:27 AM

    Thank you JJ for this powerful, timely prayer - it is just what was needed this morning! Thank you JesusπŸ™ Blessings to all of our amazing JC family this morning

  37. Blessings from NYMay 6, 2023 at 4:32 AM

    Thank you Jeanne and Janet for your continued prayers , blessings and scriptures every morning- I don’t always write but I am almost always here everyday starting the day with all these beautiful prayers and reminders- thank you thank you thank you! God bless you all!πŸ™❤️

    1. God bless you too dear Blessings from NY!

  38. Thank you dear JJ. Once again you have put the enemy on notice. We join you in pushing him back to the abyss where he belongs! Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ™πŸ™

  39. Bless you dear sisters for sharing the word. πŸ˜πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Thanks! Hope you’re feeling good dear sister!

    2. Beloved JJ, I receive your love, blessings and prayers.

  40. There are many things we can focus on; some are good, some not so good and some that really rile us up.
    The best is to:
    ..." focus your attention on My Presence with you. This continual contact with Me will keep you in My Peace."
    The moment I think 'Jesus', or 'Father', or 'Holy Spirit' I get the sense of Presence, and enveloping Peace. "Welcome Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

    C.H.Spurgeon quote: " There is Heaven in the depth of that word "Father!" There is all I can ask; all my necessities can demand; all my wishes can desire. I have all in all to all eternity when I say "Father."

  41. Thank You God for JJ and this prayer. Oh. How. I. Need. You. Every. Hour. I. Need. You. My. One. Defense. My. Righteousness. Oh. God. How. I. Need. You!

  42. Amen! Jesus! Your name is power, your name is healing, all glory to you, my Lord!

  43. Amen! Abba Father!!

  44. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! The Name of Jesus has the Power to heal and save and redeem. This song is so pretty:

    1. There's just something about that name!!! Amen Jeanne πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Amen! God bless your day too, sweet Janet

    3. Thank you for sharing, Jeanne and for your comment, Janet. After church yesterday a young woman who is new to attending came to speak to me. I’m not sure how we got to the subject but I told her that when I am anxious or fearful I find that speaking the name of Jesus calms those fears and anxieties.
      I lost my sister to cancer when she was 25. I have fond memories of us singing that song, ‘Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there’s just something about that name’ together, she had a lovely voice and made it easy for me to ‘float’ my voice on hers in the harmony. I miss her but I am so thankful for the strength He gave me as I cared for her before she passed. Many times I called on the name of Jesus and He was faithful every time in whatever way I needed Him.

    4. Been there, prayed that, spoke HIS NAME. Thank you, JESUS, and bless you, Anonymous ♥️

  45. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1). God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1).

    1. He is INDEED. Thanks, Janet, and AMEN to that!

    2. This really hit the mark for me this morning. Thank you all for your comments on the devotion for today and for the additional scripture and song references.

      Chris, thanks for taking JESUS CALLING and putting it out here on the web in this form. It serves to connect a family of believers. Thanksgiving be to GOD ALMIGHTY and may His blessing be on all who come to this blog. AMEN!

    3. Thanks for the good food, dear sister!

  46. JESUS. The most powerful Name in existence EVER...The Name of Jesus!
    At the Name of Jesus...
    Philippians 2:9-11
    9 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
    Romans 1:5: "We have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations.'
    Romans 9:17: "That my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
    Romans 15:9: "Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles, and sing to your name."
    Romans 10:13: "For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’"
    Mark 1: 24-26 ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!’
    25 ‘Be quiet!’ said Jesus sternly. ‘Come out of him!’ 26 The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.

    1. Amen and amen! Thank you for sharing, Peter

  47. What A Beautiful Name: https://youtu.be/gFhQpg-3_Iw?si=l-4pMpLyVYeDD6_y

  48. Thank you Peter. God's Blessings for all this day. John H.

  49. Amen and Amen! Wonderful truth and encouragement, dear Peter. Thanks!
    Thanks John H! May God bless your day too!

  50. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son ........... Thank You for loving me with the cross. Thank You Jesus for knocking on the door of my heart. I NEED YOU EVERY HOUR.

    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

    Romans 8:18 ESV

    1. Beautiful, dear Sassy Mom! He does knock at the door of our hearts. Amen! We need him every second, every minute, every hour, every day. The best is yet to come.

  51. I love we are all still here year over year in our father’s name! And thank you for this beautiful thread

    1. Still here and still blessed and thankful.
