Thursday, May 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 8

     Do not long for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you will have trouble. You have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for you in heaven. Rejoice in that inheritance, which no one can take away from you, but do not seek your heaven on earth.
     Begin each day anticipating problems, asking Me to equip you for whatever difficulties you will encounter. The best equipping is My living Presence, My hand that never lets go of yours. Discuss everything with Me. Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I am on your side, and I have overcome the world. 
John 16:33
English Standard Version

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Verse Thoughts
From MacArthur Study Bible - The word "peace" reflects the Hebrew "Shalom," which became a greeting to his disciples after the resurrection. This peace secures composure in difficult trouble, dissolves fear, and rules in the hearts of God's people to maintain harmony. From Gray and Adams Bible Commentary - Tribulation is sorrow, trial, and persecution, but "in me" victory is already realized. Jesus will give us strength and aid and will supply the means to completely subdue it. 
In the Pitti Palace, at Florence, there are two pictures which hang side by side. One represents a stormy sea with its wild waves, and black clouds and fierce lightnings flashing across the sky. In the waters a human face is seen, wearing an expression of the utmost agony and despair. The other picture also represents a sea, tossed by as fierce a storm, with as dark clouds; but out of the midst of the waves a rock rises, against which the waters dash in vain. In a cleft of the rock are some tufts of grass and green herbage, with sweet flowers, and amid these a dove is seen sitting on her nest, quiet and undisturbed by the wild fury of the storm. The first picture fitly represents the sorrow of the world when all is helpless and despairing; and the other, the sorrow of the Christian, no less severe, but in which he is kept in perfect peace, because he nestles in the bosom of God's unchanging love.
(S. S. Times.)

Isaiah 41:13
English Standard Version

For I, the Lord your God,
    hold your right hand;
it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
    I am the one who helps you.

Verse Thoughts
He holds our right hand against our enemies.  

Philippians 4:13
English Standard Version

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Verse Thoughts
From MacArthur Study Bible - The Greek word for strengthen means "to put power in." Because believers are in Christ, he infuses them with his strength to sustain them until they receive some provision. Dr. Raffles - The Christian, is the strength of Christ, can perform any service, make any sacrifice, and endure any suffering for His sake. From Gray and Adams Commentary - The believer is weak in himself. But he is not alone. Allied to Christ he is strong to overcome evil and to do good.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to not be in shock when I experience problems. I too quickly want to quick or change my surroundings so that life will be easier. But, you will hold my right hand. And I can let you carry me. Help me to see the victory I already have with you, in me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I can so relate to this message (as well as many others!). Struggling to live a life that is "smooth"with out struggles or challenges. This is life! Life that God gave us wth free will to choose a path and make choices. It is comforting to know God is with me, each step of my problem filled journey. Encouraging, guiding, and revealing himself to me among the hardships. Thank you Jesus for keeping me grateful and aware of your presence, making my problems shrink so they are much more manageable! Jesus I Trust in You!

  2. I am doing devotions after listening to the president withdraw from the Iran deal not only leaving our allies but also ignoring the advice of people that he chose to help him make decisions.

    While trying to combat my own fears, I am reminded in Deuteronomy 31:6 to be strong and courageous and not be afraid for the Lord God goes with me he will never leave nor forsake me. I'm also reminded of John 16:33 the world has troubles but God has overcome the world

  3. Thankfully remember, that He has overcome the world. Needed devotion today. Jan Gridley, I thank you for praying for my cases with me. My one lady in her 70's (losing everything) is also having pain (jaw, neck problem) and my heart so goes out to her. I shared this JC devotion with her this morning in an email. It seems that one thing starts getting resolved and another crops up. And then I read, "Do not long for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you will have trouble. You have an eternity of problem-free living reserved for you in heaven. Rejoice in that inheritance, which no one can take away from you, but do not seek your heaven on earth." There it is again - what I'm always guilty of - expecting heaven on earth! Once again - I turn to Him, who has all of the answers.
    Anonymous! So exciting to read, "Day 28 and I have a sponsor!" Remembering Days 1 and 2 and rejoicing with you!
    Prayers for all of my JC Family and a friend who is having quadruple bypass surgery today and of course my case, who awaits the Judges decision on her future (mentioned above). HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD!

    1. Your lady in this case is definitely meeting trouble head on. The Lord has already provided the first help for her, you Norah, praying & sharing God with her. I will be praying πŸ™. Also for bypass surgery for your friend. "Lord place your hands on the hands of the surgeon for this loved one today". Amen

    2. And so I sing...Put your hand in the hand!
      ♥️🎢 Put Your Hand In the Hand

    3. This is off topic. I've searched the internet and the library of artworks at The Pitti Palace and I am unable to locate these paintings. Does anyone know of the artist? I SO want to see them. Thank you in advance. Melanie

    4. I have dinner the same with no luck. Chris Payton?????

    5. Still would love a reference to see images of these paintings...πŸ™

    6. And still I look, although the descriptions were very vivid.

  4. May God bless this JC community, today and everyday with His guidance and strength! Amen.

  5. Thanking You Lord this morning, for overcoming the world so that we can be free!
    You never promised us that it will be all smooth sailing, but You did promised in Isaiah 43:2,"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, it will sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze..., (v. 3) For I am the Lord thy God"..... Now that's a promise! Thank you Lord.
    As we go through this day, whatever problems we may encounter, Father we know and trust that You will be right there holding our hands through it and never letting go. Thank You!
    We take heart, because You have overcome the world for us in Jesus name!

    Blessings to all this morning, JC Family.

    Maplewood, NJ

  6. Thank you Lord, for this day. It is May 8, 2019, there has never been a day like this before and this day will never come again, like all other days. But you are always here with us and for each of us everyday 24/7, 365 a year. He will never leave us, but we could leave Him. When we feel He is not there, we have to look and see where we went, not God, He never leaves us. Thank you Lord for the year round protection you give us whether we ask or not. I always know when something happens that You Lord were there to catch me if I fell and will always be but a whisper away. As the bible says, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ and the selfless way He gave Himself as a sacrifice for the world. They did not take His life, He gave it, knowing all the pain and humiliation He would face on the day of His sacrifice. For that Lord I am very thankful. Thank you for our JC Family and please hear their prayers and give them peace and comfort throughout this day. Watch over and protect us as we go about our day, never forgetting your love for us. Thank you Lord, I ask this in the precious name of Jesus, Amen❣

  7. Thank you for this day, my family, and my JC family. Please give us wisdom today Lord. Help us be patient and grace filled as each moment unfolds. Help us to lend a hand where needed and to let go any lingering resentments hiding in our hearts. May we shine YOUR light as we go about our day and perhaps someone "on the edge" will take hold of that light and have the courage to step back take hold of your hand. In Jesus Name, Amen. Colorado JC Friend

  8. Thank you HEAVENLY FATHER, for surrounding us with your love, guidance and protection. Assurance you are in our presence and will equip us with any challenges today will bring. Love and blessings to my JC Calling family.

  9. Praying for the many prayer requests mentioned. Special prayers for the lady in her 70's with neck problems. I take a loved one to the pain clinic for montlyly injections for her neck pain.

  10. Blessed assurance for Your eternal presence, equipping me with all challenges I encounter. Praying love, peace, comfort, and protection for my beloved JC Family.

  11. Loving Father, this is another great day You have made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You for all of the many, many gifts You have set before me. May my eyes and heart be opened to receive each of them. Thank You for overcoming the world for me! I cast all of my troubles at the foot of the cross and thank You for them! In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    God never promised us a trouble free world. However, if we remain faithful, there are favorable results to our troubles that can occur, such as: IT ALLOWS US TO PROVE OUR COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION TO GOD. Troubles and problems are for both believers and non-believers. For believers, when faced with troubles, it shows those who are willing to stay faithful, despite how hard it may be(see 1Peter 1:6,7). Secondly, trouble causes us to GROW SPIRITUALLY. Trials in the life of some, may defeat them, while in others, it strengthens them. It however depends on how we deal with them as they come. James 1:2-4 tells us to: “Count it all joy when we face trials (which is hardly our natural reaction), because this leads to patience and completeness in God's service.” Romans 5:3-5 also says: “…we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame…”.
    And, trouble causes those who trust in God to BECOME HUMBLED AND DEPENDENT ON HIM. The Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 12:7-10, experienced "thorn in the flesh" and God allowed it to stay in order to humble Paul. What Joseph went through at the hands of his brothers, God used that as a means to save his family from famine. Satan puts problems/troubles in our lives to hurt us, but our Jehovah God demonstrates one of His great power to take those very problems and use them to accomplish good for us. The greatest of His demonstration was the death of His Son Jesus on that cross. The devil wanted it to turn out as a defeat for God, and His children, but the good news is, it ended in SALVATION for all who receives it (1 Peter 2:21-24), HALLELUJAH!
    Next time you are faced with troubles of any sort, remember God’s promises in Psalm 34:19, Romans 8:35-39, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 1 Pet. 5:8,9; James 4:7; Eph. 6:10-18; and Prov. 24:10. There are so many to list! Also remember that as a faithful believer, you too will suffer troubles, but you have the blessed assurance that you will endure because your Father God will turn the result into good for you!

    Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for correcting us, inspecting us, directing us and protecting us in the midst of every trouble we face. Holy Spirit, keep us grounded in our faith to endure the times of trials, in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Twin bd Sis, in light of what you shared yesterday, the significance of this post is amplified immensely. In my prayer time this AM, you came to the top of my list when I prayed for the circumstances of the pandemic. Again, thanks for letting us know. God be with you.

    2. Amen! Bob, Maplewood NJ and JC family. Maplewood: thanks for your honest, heartfelt sharing yesterday. Your posts always help me make another step on this JOURNEY. I was happy to be able to yield something good for you! You went to the top of my prayer list! This morning, I am so happy to see you securely nestled inside "The Christian Refuge" during this storm. I am also thankful to see you wearing God's Holy Spirit's help, strength and overcoming until His Victory is won.. My prayer is that you keep wearing it; it looks good on you :) With love to you and our JC family here, there, and everywhere!

    3. What a perfect prayer my sister Maplewood! Praying it with you!
      Yes Brie! All our family’s posts mean so much to me and I am so grateful to receive inspiration and truth and encouragement and love every day from the sincere and heartfelt words from them. I feel the prayers from the ones that post and the unseen ones who are sweetly praying and blessing us every day. Love all of you so much!

  12. Trying to maintain peace and faith as I continue to hang on in this pandemic. Governor has just extended stay at home orders until June, no financial assistance from SBA, no unemployment $$ yet, no stimulus check. I pray that God gives me the strength to handle anything that comes my way and so far I haven't completely broken down! This site is so important to so many folks, I start every day with reading all of your posts! This new "normal" has affected all of us in so many ways, I pray that things will be better on the other side of it. Thank you thank you to the Peyton family and all of you ❤️ LJ

    1. I have prayed for you, LJ, even before reading this post. Now I will pray again. God be with you!

    2. LJ, Praying for you on this side of "it". Thanks for sharing.

    3. Anonymous, I stand in agreement with our JC family and lifting you up in prayers, to the Only Perfect ONE, JESUS!! God bless and keep You!

      Maplewood NJ


    4. Dear LJ, Praying God has provided for you and things are going better for you and yours. God bless and keep you and your family safe, blessed and in good health.

  13. Anonymous - Praying you are encouraged with the blessed assurance of His LOVE, PRESENCE, STRENGTH, GUIDANCE and PROVISION.

    1. Anonymous LJ --- Joining Sassy Mom and the rest of the JC WARRIORS in prayer for your circumstances and all those struggling at this time. I praise You Lord and proclaim that You are Lord over everything in our lives. Thank you that You are more powerful than any of life's storms that we encounter. Thank you, Lord, that when we cry out to You, You hear our prayers and will answer. I ask that all that are struggling with circumstances to walk through them successfully or lift them out of them completely. I thank You Lord for the miracles You will do in each of these lives in the process. In Jesus' Name AMEN and AMEN

    2. Thank you JJ..your prayer is my prayer. LJ, Maplewood and all struggling due to this storm. Keep the faith, don't lose hope for Sweet Jesus loves you very much and is holding us together. Our prayers are not in vain.

  14. Thank you Jesus for this new day, a chance to begin again. In your name I declare Your Peace fills out hearts and minds on this day!

    Did y'all catch the description of the art work in the Pitti Palace at the beginning of today's reading? The name made me laugh so I read on, and found the Peace of our Lord waiting for me. Here it is again, enjoy:
    In the Pitti Palace, at Florence, there are two pictures which hang side by side. One represents a stormy sea with its wild waves, and black clouds and fierce lightnings flashing across the sky. In the waters a human face is seen, wearing an expression of the utmost agony and despair. The other picture also represents a sea, tossed by as fierce a storm, with as dark clouds; but out of the midst of the waves a rock rises, against which the waters dash in vain. In a cleft of the rock are some tufts of grass and green herbage, with sweet flowers, and amid these a dove is seen sitting on her nest, quiet and undisturbed by the wild fury of the storm. The first picture fitly represents the sorrow of the world when all is helpless and despairing; and the other, the sorrow of the Christian, no less severe, but in which he is kept in perfect peace, because he nestles in the bosom of God's unchanging love.
    Peace be with you! ✝️♥️

    1. Thanks, Audra! I never had heard of that. What a wonderful depiction of what is available to us in our faith. God be with you.

    2. Thanks Audra, I, too was awed by The Pitti Palace's name as well as the imagery Chris painted with the descriptive words! Does anyone have a picture of the actual painting? Lord, help us choose to be like the dove! Amen

    3. Thanks Audra, our Father has so much more in store for us! Let's keep walking by faith, trust and Thank Him! Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

  15. Praying for you LJ that God will provide all your needs and comfort your heart. Thank you, Maplewood! I loved your beautiful message and I grabbed all your verses up, put them onto my computer and printed them to put up in my kitchen. I also sent them to my Bible Group and my Mom and twin sister. Thanks for your encouragement. Love to all.

    1. My sis Jeanne, always so delighted on your spirit. Thank You, we are all in this walk of faith and trust together! God has us in His perfect care. Blessings and more blessings to you!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Dear!! Much love to you, Maplewood. You always give me my daily dose of inspiration and encouragement. You truly bless my heart.

    3. I sure feel the same about you my wonderful sister! God bless you always.πŸ’—


    The foot washing has been completed, Judas has abruptly left, Jesus has given a new commandment, and Peter's denial has been foretold. All of this is not normal to what we are use to when we have celebrated the Passover in years gone by. We are all on edge. So Jesus speaks His final (earthly) words of instruction to us.

    (John 14:1-6) "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me," He begins. (These words will be completely forgotten in a matter of hours.) Then He goes on to talk about where He is going. To fully understand the significance of His words, it would help you to understand the way of matrimony in our day and age. When a couple had an eligible son for marriage, they would contract with a couple who had a daughter of marrying age. The two couples would meet and agree upon their respective children being united in marriage. The agreement would be sealed by sharing a simple meal of bread and wine. Then the young man would return to the homestead where he lived with his parents and begin to add on a dwelling place in which he and his future wife will live. When the place was prepared, he would then return to where the young woman was living with her parents and the ceremony of marriage would take place. The young man would then take his wife to the place he had prepared at his parent's home. With that in mind, now listen to Jesus' next words: "In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you may be also." As Jesus is informing us, unbeknownst to us, of His eminent departure, He is doing so using language of marital union. As I look back on this, His opening words are filled with the highest form of love we knew. His words were always filled with love for us but with this last instruction, He took that love to a whole new level. Thomas blurted out, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus responded by saying, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life. I am returning to my Father's house, and I am one day going to return in My love for you to take you to our new home with My Father." I have written to you in the end of the book of Revelation, how the final event in time is a great wedding between the bridegroom, Jesus, and His bride, the Church. He was using the same thought when He began His final instruction to us in the Upper Room.

    To you who is reading this blog, see how much love He has for you in a final eternal union that awaits you with Him. Hallelujah!!! Heaven is going to be an eternal wedding reception and you will be sitting at the head table with Him. (It will be quite the table for we will all be sitting there.)

    "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe!" With love, Bob

    1. My bd twin brother Bob, thanks for the prayers, as ABC said, "all is well". The messages in your posts and the posts of all my JC family (I read them before going to bed and have time to pray) are encouraging and keeps us all in His Presence!. Thank you, God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. No greater Love than His Love for us. He prepared us a place with Him for all eternity! What a blessing He promises that will never end. Looking into His Face some sweet day is what I long for. And to realize the fullness of His perfect Love, unending Joy, and Glory.

    3. This year I am much better at receiving the analogy you offer, Bob. Thank you! What a reception awaits us, thanks to Jesus!

    4. I'm not sure I saw this in 2020, but it was good to read in 2023. I read the passage about a room in my Father's house 19 years ago at my father's funeral since it was one of his favorites. I love that I now have a better understanding. Thank you,Bob.

  17. Thanks Bob, timely wisdom and reminder for me since it appears to parallel our current pandemic in many ways, culminating with the ending = Believe in Me! Yes! Lord!

  18. John 16:33 I have said these things to you, = that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation = But take heart; I have overcome the world!
    Isaiah 41:13 For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “TRUST ME" and Fear not, = I am The One who is helping you!
    Philippians 4:13 Through Him who strengthens me = I can do all things!
    Today the verses were Call = Response practices for me - His call = My response.
    VERSES vs LIFE: Help me yield to You, Help me to turn all your gifts into = yielding good fruit/produce. Help me make it worth Your while to give me good things, = because You can trust me enough to know whatever You give me will consistently produce more good things in ABUNDANCE for others. Help me want to and make Your space that I inhabit and Your air I breathe = worthy of Your Gifts in Your Eyes. Help me want to and actually practice performing thankful Acts which = match and solidify my thankful words. Help me want my deeds = to match Your Doctrine. Help me want to always yield fruit = You consider good! Thank You in advance for all the help You give me in this regard. I made one small leap yesterday when the Holy Spirit shut my mouth from saying something negative about another person. Thank you God's Holy Spirit for helping me, strengthening me, overcoming me, through "What Not To Wear" of the mouth! This road is long and hard for me, = help me walk it with You ONE DAY AT A TIME; ONE STEP AT A TIME In JESUS' NAME! Amen

    1. PS. I know, thanks be to God, I don't HAVE to be worthy of Your Gifts to receive them = IJS, I WANT to be made worthy, in the name of Jesus! Amen

    2. Thank you sis Brilamar!! I stand with you in your yesterday's post also. We are indeed "YESSING for our BLESSING"! God bless you much!!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. And as Maplewood NJ pointed out: thanking God for "correcting us, inspecting us, directing us and protecting us" in the midst of all situations! Amen

    4. Amen Brie and Maplewood!

  19. Good Morning, JC Family. I wrote a post yesterday morning in response to Maplewood's post and it was too long! I copied it and pasted it into a Word document so that I could reduce and the rest of the day is history! So, in short, dear Maplewood, know that you are in my prayers and that you were all throughout the day yesterday, as was the rest of my dear JC Family. Maplewood, you've not shared anything that you are going through before, or if you have, very little. As Bob said, the fact that you were singing praises this morning, is even more of a testimony of your rich faith. And as someone else said, (Jan? JJ?) - I can't wait either to read this time next year.
    Love and Blessings to all of you!

    1. Thanks Norah, God is indeed in control and Satan will NOT keep me away from HIM! I am indeed looking forward to God's next plans and my testimony!!

      God bless you my sister.

      Maplewood NJ

  20. ...and by the time I got to hit 'send' on my post, I see several more! Can't wait to read them. :)

  21. Our Father in heaven we trust in you; thank you for giving us your beloved son Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know you are listening to all
    JC Warriors' beautiful and so uplifting they are. Keep them safe and strong in you.

  22. Incredibly relevant today. Jesus does not live in time and space. He is eternal. It is always Today... Today is the Day of Salvation... A thousand years is as a day... Jesus came at an appointed time in history. That is why His Word is as fresh today as when it was written. Glory to God!!

  23. Jesus, please guide me through each day, giving me all the tools I will need to do Your will and face the troubles and problems presented to me. I strive to be Your obedient and faithful servant.

    1. Hope you are doing well my dear brother Mark. Had you and Keith on my mind. I just keep praying for you both that God is leading you to all joy and peace in His presence.

  24. Waiting May 7, 2021 at 5:20 AM
    Q. How are you Brie, I've been waiting for you to show up today. How is your brother's situation going? I hope the best for you and yours.
    A. Thanks for asking Kathy. We had a few setbacks, but plan to continue our path in the right direction with respect to moving Keith into new apartment and selling our former homestead.
    Nobody told me that the road would be easy; I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me! So I'm proceeding :)
    How are you making out with your and your Mom's move? You are always in my prayers along with our entire wonderful JC Family. Love You

    1. Peace be with you, Keith, and Larry.

    2. Thank you Brie. I love you back!
      You remain in my prayers and thoughts. I'm experiencing a pretty parallel situation as yours still. We too have had some difficulties and now I'm sure evil is doing an attack on my family now that I'm about to take us to go live near them. I've fought off second thoughts with my faith that God took me this far so he has a plan that we should proceed with. We will overcome the attempts by the evil forces - Praise The King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!! I prayed a lot over the last couple days and searched for some truth from the WORD and the story of Egypt kept coming forward in a sermon and worship music. We have to go through this and we will end up better for it through our Lord. I feel better today and a week from today my mom and I will fly across the country and see how this goes. Love to you and all of our JC Family. God Bless you all!!

    3. Keep in touch, twin journey-situation sister in Christ, and let me know how it goes. Also let us know the day you'll need traveling Mercy prayers, what helps and what didn't and what not to wear! I am right behind you. I am trying to differentiate myself from the complaining desert walkers in the Bible, since it makes the journey feel more arduous, more treacherous, and longer, and loads up the minefields for satan. I am still trying to practice doing the Word like Joseph did in yesterday's post, being a lot more like Jesus, and a lot less like me! Love to all. Praying you are receiving your meteorite showers and showers of His New Mercy Blessings on this Glorious Morn. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    4. The "BOOK" Answer: Take a lighthearted view of trouble, seeing it as a challenge that you and I together can handle. Remember that I AM on your side, and I have overcome the world. Thanks Be To God! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  25. Praying for a smooth transition for your brother, and for your strength and guidance, and for amazing healing and God’s faithfulness.
    Thank you Father for this and for healing all our infirmities and strengthening all our weaknesses. We trust you and love You so much. You are everything to us. Amen.

  26. Thank You Jesus. Praise God.

  27. Father, You have me on a path in my life right now that is completely new to me. I have never lived like this before in my life and You know that I have always had a problem with change. Thank You for being with me every step of the way. I'd be so lost without You in my life. Thank You for all that You are teaching and showing me during this time. I am learning to lean on You and seeing so many of Your wonderful miracles and all Your beauty that surrounds me. You are so amazing. Earth isn't heaven. If it was, there would be nothing to look forward to. The best part is that You are always there with me -- no matter where I am or what is happening in my life. I can call out Your name at any given time and there You are. Thank You Jesus. I bless and praise You. You deserve so much more than what I can give You, but I give You myself and all that I have. I submit to You. Use me as Your vessel and let Your wonderful love and peace flow through me and touch others. Let me reflect Your glory Lord. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one and together we will walk through this day. Thank You, thank You, thank You. Praise You Lord continually and always.

    1. I have tried hard to find You -- don't let me wander from Your commands. (Psalm 119:10)

    2. You remain in my thoughts and prayers Janet. It must be so hard and I admire your faith. May God bring you through this season quickly. My heart is with you and God's hand is holding yours. Love, Kathy

    3. Touch Through Me, Holy Spirit, Touch Through Me.
      In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    4. Sweet Janet, I see such a beautiful surrender in your words and know God’s Spirit is leading you to wonderful opportunities to give Him glory and lead others to Him. You’re trusting Him to prepare each day! And coming to Him with love, sincere thanks and praise even in uncertain times. That’s all He wants from us Sometimes it takes a real jolt in our life to truly give ourselves to Him. He waits to hear us say: I need You Lord. He is always there to help us in every way and comfort and lift as only He can.

  28. Janet - "Use me as Your vessel and let Your wonderful love and peace flow through me and touch others. Let me reflect Your glory Lord." Amen!! Your prayer is mine. Thank you for blessing JC Family with your prayers.

  29. I just finished watching yet another of Our Father's Amazing Heavenly SONRISES! I am basking in an untold number of NEWMERCIES, which are being sent out all over the universe, including you and yours! While the SONLIGHT is rising, I am singing "SHINE, JESUS, SHINE" and practicing shining for Jesus, like Joseph did in yesterday's post.
    Later today, DH and I will be meeting Daughter and Son-In-Love. We are going into a sit down restaurant (with tablecloths!) for the 1st time since the beginning of covid shutdown in March 2020. We will be celebrating Mother's Day plus. I plan to practice rolling with the flow. Please pray for me and us to the Lord our God, my dear sisters and brother friends in Christ. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Happy New Mercy Morning to all. Love You. Amen.

    1. Enjoy your special meal! All will be well for you and yours under God's watch. Happy Mother's Day weekend πŸ˜‰♥️

    2. Cool beans! I too am trying to go with flow....fighting the rapids has been exhausting and contrary to His Perfect Peace. God bless you and your family as you share the love light in each others eyes.

    3. Praying you had the very best time at that fancy restaurant with your loved ones. I know God’s Spirit gave you all the words to bless your dear ones. I have no doubt you were a sweet bright beacon to them. God bless and keep you all, and heal, strengthen and guide Keith.

  30. Like every morning, I got my coffee and signed into this site. I had left my phone on my desk last night and didn't wake up one until 8 hours later. When I checked it, there was a message from Dottie's son, "Mom went to be with Jesus at 5:34 this morning." Bless his heart, Lord and all of her family. They hadn't slept for 36 hours, as of yesterday afternoon. They transported her to Hospice yesterday afternoon. Her children, grandchildren and brothers will miss her and they know she is at Peace and that they will see her again. Mother's Day will be hard for them this year. Please pray with me for their peace and that they get some sleep, now.
    "The best equipping is My living Presence, My hand that never lets go of yours."

    1. Thank you Jesus for your loving arms around Norah's friend Dottie and her extended family during this time. You are a good, good Father, and know exactly what they need.

    2. Peace be with you sweet Norah! You are an amazing wife, mother, grandma, friend, sister in Christ. Praying for you!

    3. I had Dottie on my mind today as I was praying for her in hospice. Joining prayers for God’s peace and comfort for her family and loved ones. May she rest in a place of peace and beauty. No more pain and no more tears. She was a faithful servant and I’m sure she received a warm welcome and will realize God’s promises.

  31. How are you doing today, Loveconquersall ?

    1. Thank you Brie; I'm fine. My first covid shot was a breeze; 2nd one coming up next week. I've been with you all in spirit; reading and praying over your post requests. You always make me smile and so admire your faith and strength in Jesus. Keith has the bestest sister! I haven't been posting as much..sooo two grandsons keep granny busy...those two little rascals bring me much joy! Thank you Jesus for all my blessings..too many to list. I will mention this site that Mr. Chris Payton created that has given me so many wonderful friends that I cherish with all my heart!! Keep them safe Lord; help them to be strong in you to accept your will with a peaceful heart! May your Holy Spirit touch all! Thank you Jesus! Thank you! Amen! Amen! Much love to all!

    2. ❤️ Thanks for your post Loveconquersall ❤️
      You are always in my prayers, and I am offering a few extra prayers for your next covid shot to also be a breeze! Love to you and yours and our entire JC Family!

    3. Always in my prayers too dear Loveconquersall. Those two little rascals are blessed to have such a sweet loving Granny. Praying also for no side effects after your second vaccine and good health dear sister.

  32. Replies
    1. Thanks sweet Brie! It’s getting better thank God! Hope you had a great meal with your family! You sure deserve it!

  33. I dont know how to post a prayer request, but I need to. I've lost my keys to my car. Three of my 4 children moved in with me a few months ago and I'm struggling to adjust to all of it. I'm in pain, all I want to do is sit down or lie down. I just want things to go smoothly.

    1. I just said a prayer for your car keys, BusyMom73, and for my brother who lost his.
      I am also praying today's devotion for God's "equipping" to Reign down on you, to Victoriously Handle whatever difficulties you are encountering.
      We have the Ultimate best equipping, which is HIS Living Presence, HIS Hand that never lets go of ours. Discuss everything with HIM.
      What More could we ask for. dream of. or imagine about?
      Then, take a lighthearted view of situations and circumstances, seeing them like Prayer Warrior Challenges that Jesus and all of us together can handle as we remember what HE SAID:
      I AM on your side.
      I have VICTORIOUSLY overcome the world.
      Go forth with His Blessings, In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    2. Busymom73, this is for you. πŸ™πŸ™
      Dear Lord Jesus, sweet sweet Jesus please help busymom73 with her children and please send your special angels to watch over them and help them and strengthen them and touch their hearts! Lord please bless them and give them peace and joy from your heaven! I love you Jesus and I praise you my lord. You are my lord and my savior.
      Jesus is with you my friend wherever you go. Just invite him into your life. Jesus you deserve all the glory and all the praise. πŸ™

    3. Joining in prayers for finding your keys and getting you some rest and finding Brie’s brother’s keys too. Thank You Father for granting our prayers for dear BusyMom73.
      Take her hand and lead her right to those keys! Comfy her and give her peace. Smooth out her new situation with her children abd turn it into a blessing by strengthening their faith a d trust in You. Supply her needs and give her much needed rest. Praying In the Name of Jesus. Amen

    4. Thank you, thank you. I found my keys a couple of hours after this post and was able to take my kids on a short road trip with the beautiful weather. My older daughter and I did stretching and strengthening exercises today. I am very blessed! Please keep me in your prayers. I get scared that I won't be a good enough single mom. Thank you Jesus and thank you Jesus Calling community.

  34. Amen! Searching for my light heart today in all things, and prayers that all in the JC family find theirs as well.

    1. Your love light has touched me in many ways, dear Audra. Just "Let Your Love Flow" 🎢

    2. Thanks dear Audra! You always add light and love to my day as well. God bless you Sis.

  35. How is JJ? Missing her comments, hope all is well.

    1. #METOO. Oh JJ, how are you?

    2. Continuing to pray for our dear JJ. πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

  36. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Hallelujah ❤️
    Philippians 4:13

    1. Amen to that sweet sister. We are more than conquerors in Him. πŸ’—

  37. YUUP!! Do not long for the absence of problems in your life. That is an unrealistic goal, since in this world you will have trouble. YUUP! Just found out I need 4 new tires, the auto store does not stock tires anymore, I have to hurryup and order them, and then wait (my fave patience practicing pasttime ;) for them to be delivered and installed...
    Thank You Lord for Your Hand that never lets go of mine, and for all Prayer Warrior Challenges that You and I together can handle.
    And would You continually jog my remembery that You are always at my side and on my side? Because You are The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever, I believe The Same You Who have overcome the world will overcome my tire-safety-all I have to do this week situation. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    1. Amen. πŸ™

    2. I’m so thankful you are getting them replaced. I sure wouldn’t want you to be driving around on bad tires. Praying you get them very soon and God will provide all your needs. Get some rest too!

    3. I’m so thankful you are getting them replaced. I sure wouldn’t want you to be driving around on bad tires. Praying you get them very soon and God will provide all your needs. Get some rest too!

  38. So glad you are joining me in RE-TIREMENT, Brie! Safety first ♥️πŸ™

    1. Thanks Sister-Friend in Christ, for always giving me a lighthearted view. Love You!

  39. Happy Mothers Day to all my dear sisters and your Moms, Grandmas, daughters and daughters in love. May God bless all of you today with a special blessing, heal all your weaknesses, and fill your path with a flood of light. Thank You Jesus.
    Much love to all.
    I got to see my sweet Mom yesterday and bring her some flowers, a pair of earrings from our Church thrift shop and 5 little chocolate cupcakes. She loved everything and ate the mini cupcakes. The gifts she gave me were her loving presence, a box of sleepy time tea and a great big hug. God bless and keep her always. Enjoy your special day in His presence!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the day with your mom and were able to celebrate Mother's day together. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Thanks dear Janet. Hope you had a good day too. Peace and God's blessings to you, sweet sister.

  40. Thank You Jesus for your in dwelling living presence. I trust You Lord Jesus.

  41. Happy Mother's day dear sistersπŸ’πŸ’ž. Let's savor this special day no matter what the circumstances, thanking God for each of the children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren some of us are yet to look forward to. To be grateful for the mother's who are still here to honor & love up & for the mother's God gave us who have gone to be with Him. Hallelujah! Love & blessings dear onesπŸ’“.

    1. Happy Mother’s Day to all…no matter what the situation. God is good and he gave us the joy and difficulties of motherhood and sister and daughters. May He bless each one today. Ellen

    2. Echoing your beautiful prayers. Blessings to all.

    3. Adding my prayers for a special day for all the moms, the to-bes, the young and the old and the departed. Everyone has one, cheers to them all. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for blessing them and us as children today.

    4. Thanks for all the blessings and prayers. Joining in and hoping everyone had a special day and God added sweet light to every situation. Amen. God bless all the mothers and all the children.

  42. To my beautiful, strong and God fear Jesus Calling Mothers,
    I greet you on this beautiful day in the name of Jesus and wish you ALL of God's abundant Blessings, Favor and Love as we celebrate Mother's day today!
    You mothers are God's blessings to the world, and I pray that your children and all those you nurture, will honor, celebrate you and know how blessed they are. I pray for all those whose mothers are no longer here, but that the loving memories will give you peace and rest.
    To our Honorable Mother, Sassy Mom, Blessings to you always and may the Joy of the Lord be your strength today and the days ahead! Sending much Love from across the miles!
    I look forward to filling you all in about my adventure a d walk with the Lord.

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, I celebrate you ALL and Remain Blessed.

    Blessings and Peace,

    1. Maplewood - Thank you for blessing me with your love and friendship. Love and blessings to you and your mom. You are very much LOVED and MISSED.

    2. What she said πŸ˜‰♥️πŸ™

    3. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift to receive a beautiful post and blessing from our dear sweet Maplewood! Always in my prayers, dear one. Hope you and your Mom had a special day. May God always bless and protect you and your family and give you peace. Much love. We sure do miss you, good sister.

  43. Happy Mothers Day to all who have reason to celebrate the day with someone, or their memory of someone, who s'mothered them with love, as best they could. Amidst your day, may you be like the Dove in Florence, in a cleft of The Rock, among tufts of soft grass and green herbage, with sweet flowers, sitting on your nest, remaining steadfast, quiet and undisturbed by the wild fury of any and all storms that may come or winds that may blow, singing Great Is Thy Faithfulness To Me!
    Much Love, Brie

    1. I feel the peace, thanks for painting it again, Brie

      To go along with your words, Brie, I love this powerfully sung video and lyrics! Happy Mother’s Day to all our JC family-mommas!

    3. That was so very beautiful sweet Brie! I could really envision it. You have such a gift with words and a generosity of spirit. Love you sister!
      Dear NJS, I have always loved that song and video. You lifted my heart very high! Thanks so much

  44. Happy Mother’s Day! May your day be filled with much joy and the peace of Christ. Thankful for the special love a mother brings to the life of her child, the same type of unconditional love our Heavenly Father gives to us, manifest in Jesus our redeemer. Blessed be his Holy name.

    Here’s a little poem to share for all moms:
    I said a Mother's Day prayer for you
    To thank The Lord above
    For blessing me with a lifetime
    Of your tenderhearted love.

    I thanked God for the caring
    You've shown me through the years,
    For the closeness we've enjoyed
    In time of laughter and of tears.

    And so I thank you from the heart
    For all you've done for me
    And I thank The Lord for giving me
    The blessing of the best mother there could ever be!


    1. Beautiful tribute. Thanks Rich C

    2. Thanks dear Rich! Beautiful poem, My Mom loved it too!

  45. UPDATE!…Baby Joseph, aka “JoJo Bean” IS HOME!!! I received photos from Alex this morning of them at their front door carrying THE BEST Mother’s Day present possible…JoJo! Thank you for all of your prayers, my awesome and incredible JC fam! You guys just ROCK! I know Alex and Kristen have appreciated and felt every prayer you’ve prayed. If possible, could you keep them all in your prayers. God is simply and wonderfully AWE-mazing!

    1. Hallelujah! One more victory to celebrate. They are all in my prayers to stay dear NJS. So very happy that little JoJo is home and doing well. God is so very faithful!

  46. Better is a little with the fear of the LORD, than great treasure with trouble. (Proverbs 15:16). You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah. (Psalm 32:7).

    1. Wonderful verses!

    2. Blessings from NYMay 8, 2023 at 4:48 AM

      Amen Janet. Thank you!

    3. Thanks dear Janet! He is so much greater than any trouble. He is our very present Help.


    I was regretting the past, I was fearing the future
    Suddenly my Lord was speaking

    My name is "I am"
    He paused, I waited, He continued,

    When you live in the past with mistakes and regrets
    It is hard, I am not there.
    My name is not "I was"

    When you live in the future with it's problems and fears
    It is hard. I am not there
    My name is not "I will be"

    When you live in the moment
    It is not hard, I am here
    My name is "I am"

    Helen Mallicoat.

    1. Amen, amen, amen, Blessed.

    2. That was awesome, dear Sassy Mom!! Thanks for sharing it! I’m gonna rest in Him even though this month is so very busy. One day at a time in His presence and peace.

  48. AMEN!! Thank you for blessing JC WARRIORS with your prayers.

  49. My wife Karen loves falling asleep hearing the Word read out through her earbuds on an audio Bible.
    While she's busy during the day she will often have an audio Bible playing on laptop or other device.
    As the Word of God permeates the air at these times we sense His Living Presence throughout our home.
    I mentioned this as a help for those suffering from insomnia, for those calling out to God in bereavement, upset and distress, who just don't know what to do or where to turn or who to turn to.
    Play an audio Bible either out loud on your device, or through earphones, ear buds etc, it will surely be a blessing and help to you.

    Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?
    Psalm 119:114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
    John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
    John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
    Proverbs 4:20-21 My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart.
    Colossians 3:16 Let the Word of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
    Psalm 102:20 He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

    1. You are blessed with a good and godly Wife who is your sister in Christ! You feast together on the Word of God each day! You are if one accord. Thanks for always filling us so well too!

  50. Jesus is coming again.

  51. Ain't nobody loves me like Jesus

    1. Listening to this right before bed, Sassy Mom. You are in my prayers, as always, as all of my JC Family is. We are blessed. I know this will be a touch Mother's Day for you....please know tht you are in my (our) prayers. Love you SO much!

    2. Joining your prayers, dear Norah. for God’s comfort and peace to rain down in our good Sassy Mom as Mother’s Day approaches.
      Dear sister, I know you miss your sweet Debbi every day. You’ll be with her again. May God continue to bless and guide your path, and fill your days with His bright light. Thank You Jesus. Amen

    3. Thank you for loving me with comforting prayers.

    4. Amen! Ain't nobody loves me like Jesus!!! <3

  52. Amen! So much truth! The garden of all of our hearts needs to be weeded. Anything that isn’t pleasing to Him has got to go!!

  53. Thanks dear Sassy Mom! You added light to my day!

  54. We must trust in His promises and really rest in Him.

    Isaiah 41:13
    For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

  55. Dear JC family please can you pray for my 95 years old grandmother's who's been sick for a week now, she went to the hospital for one day and then she felt better so she went home but now she's been sick again for the past 2 days, she didn't eat much and says she can't see clearly and feels vers weak. Please pray for her healing and salvation, as my family membres are not believers... thank you for prayers JC fam, praying for you and yours too.

    1. Praying for your grandmother's healing and salvation. May our heavenly Father touch her and heal her and draw her to Him. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Lifting up your grandmother to our loving Father. Thank you Father that this grandchild is praying for her grandparent. Praying that this grandmother will see your face and receive You. Praying for healing and the hearts of Anonymous’ family to find You.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Blessings from NYMay 8, 2024 at 4:52 AM

      Anonymous- Praying in unity for your grandmother. In Jesus name

    4. Praying for your grandmotherπŸ™.

    5. Joining in and praying for your grandmother's healing, Anonymous, as well as her salvation. May she feel God's presence with her. In Jesus' name, amen.

    6. Joining warriors in prayer for your dear grandmother Anonymous. Have faith that Jesus is hearing our prayers right now from the throne of grace. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ™Œ

  56. Praying that God is already healing your good Grandmother, dear Anonymous, from the inside out, of every infirmity and weakness, and bringing her back to good health, joy, comfort and peace. She is covered by the Blood of Christ and she is healed by His Stripes. Wait on the Lord and trust in His promises. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord and Savior. We trust in You. Amen.

    Psalm 107:20
    He sent out his word and healed them,
    and delivered them from their destruction.

    Psalm 120:1
    In my distress I called to the LORD,
    and he answered me.

    Psalm 145:9-10
    The LORD is good to all,
    and his mercy is over all that he has made.
    All your works shall give thanks to you, O LORD,
    and all your saints shall bless you!

    Isaiah 40:31
    But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
    they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
    they shall run and not be weary;
    they shall walk and not faint.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you;
    be not dismayed, for I am your God;
    I will strengthen you, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    1. Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ™Œ. Thank you dear Jeanne for feeding our souls this morning πŸ’•πŸ™

    2. You’re welcome dear Jan! We feed each other as our loving Father feeds us.

    3. Wonderful filling meal served up this a.m., Jeanne. Love His provision πŸ™‚

  57. But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (Genesis 50:20).

    1. Had this scripture pretty much in my head for the past week. Thank you for sharing dear sister ❤️πŸ™Œ

    2. Amen! He can turn every situation or problem or hardship to good!

  58. Good morning πŸ˜ƒ please pray for my family as we step into a new season of our lives. Pray for us to sell our house and to make enough profit to pay off some debt. My husband starts his new job in a different city a couple of hours away from where I will be. He will work Monday-Friday and commute home on weekends. Also, prayers for my daughter who will leave the nest making us empty nesters. I am so excited for this next chapter and I know God’s timing is perfect. Thanks everyone!! ❤️πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸŽΆ

    1. Blessings from NYMay 8, 2024 at 4:56 AM

      Praying for you and your family as you all step into this new season in your lives- in Jesus name we pray❤️πŸ™

    2. Joining in prayer for these changes coming to your family Anonymous. Find the Holy Spirit's guiding hand through every step. Then it becomes an adventure! πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Thank you, Lord, that the buyer of this home not only wants and qualifies for this home but offers more than the asking price, Father! Keep her husband safe in his commute to and from his new job. Please protect their daughter, Lord, as she takes off and flies from the nest. I ask this in Jesus' name, AMEN.

    4. Praying that God is in, and will direct and lead you all in this season of change, in Jesus Almighty Name.

    5. Joining in this prayer train for you dear Anonymous! May God guide the sale of your house and may the profits get you out of debt. And may God lead you to all joy and fulfillment in this next empty nest chapter and protect your husband as he commutes back and forth to his new job and guide him to success. The best is yet to come. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    6. Agreeing with the prayers above and thanking Him for the answer He will bring in this situation.

  59. Prayers please dear warriors. I have an ENT appt. This afternoon for nose evaluation. I may have a deviated septum or maybe it's just constant nasal congestion from allergies. Just so tired of sleeping on my right side to breathe clearly. Right shoulder now has bursitis. Still calling on the Lord for healing. Thank you so muchπŸ™Œ❤️

    1. May God guide your ENT appointment to good. Be not afraid. He goes before you always. Praying for a good report. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Praying for your ENT appointment and for His healing power to touch and heal you, in Jesus name, Amen!

  60. Praying that your ENT appointment this afternoon proves to be helpful and has a plan of action to ease your congestion, Jan. May God also ease and heal your right shoulder pain. He IS our Jehovah Rapha, the GREATEST physician who can do all things! In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

    1. Amen! No one can heal us like our amazing Healer!

  61. Isaiah 26:3-4 AMPC‬
    3 You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.
    4 So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].
    Psalm 62:8 NIV
    "Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge"
    Rom. 15:13, NIV
    "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you Trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
    Psalm 37:3-7 AMPC
    "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; Trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass.'

  62. Amen! You fed us well, dear Peter! Thanks.

  63. A breakfast buffet this morning πŸ™‚. I especially loved seeing trust defined as ‘hoping confidently’. We can trust Him who gave His life for us and loves us more than we can comprehend with these finite human minds of ours.

  64. Amen to that! We will understand it all by and by.
