Friday, May 8, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 9

     Don't be so hard on yourself. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backward, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design.
     Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes. Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic of pride. Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses. Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me. I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes. Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do. 

Romans 8:28
English Standard Version

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Verse Thoughts
In his providence, God orchestrates every event in life--even suffering, temptation, and sin--to accomplish both our temporal and eternal benefit. "Health, beauty, vigor, riches, and all the other things called goods, operate equally as evils to the vicious and unjust, as they do as benefits to the just." - Plato

Micah 7:7
English Standard Version

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord;
I will wait for the God of my salvation.
My God will hear me.

Verse Thoughts
In spite of his dire circumstances, Micah, as a watchman would intently look for evidence of God's working, trusting God to act in his own time and way.

My Prayer (2018) - Lord, thank you for the reminder to not be so tough on myself. I admit that at times I look at your standard, see how I don't measure up and then get down on myself. Yet, you are not asking me to measure up. You love me and accept me for who I am and you are constantly working in my life to make me more like you. I can be confident that you are working life out for your purpose. You will hear me. You do hear me. You are there. My hope is in You. Thank you Lord for saving me and calling me to be your child. I do not have to worry about tomorrow. You are with me. Thank you Jesus. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. This message today hit the spot and your comments were so meaningful. I thank God for your daily blog. Thank you for sharing your faith with others daily

    1. Thank you Holy Spirit for putting this reading in front of me today. Yesterday I was feeling so remorse about the morass of me. Turning the corner this morning thanks to this blog and the reminder it brings.

    2. morass • \muh-RASS\ • noun. 1 : marsh, swamp, boggy hole 2: a situation that traps, confuses, or impedes b : an overwhelming or confusing mass or mixture of circumstances.
      I am relieved to know morass is situational rather than personal!

    3. Same here! I am relieved to know that God can take all my mistakes and failures, and weave them to create a beautiful mosaic! What a mighty God!!!!!

  2. Amen to that. You are really making my days brighter. God Bless You

  3. We were just talking last night about how sometimes, all we can do is wait on the Lord. In our fast paced world, that can be the hardest. Praying for our friend who had open heart surgery yesterday. Prayers for our JC Family and all of our loved ones.

  4. This devotional speaks to me today. I struggle sometimes letting go of past mistakes. It bothers me because it shows a lack of faith. God promises to forgive our sins if we repent. Why can't I let them go then? Lord please help me to get out of the past and live for today. Have a great day JC Family. Live life to the fullest.

  5. TJ, you are God's beloved, believe this! You are worthy of God's forgiveness. It is in our humaness, that our mind gets in there and "remembers" and it reopens a thought or wound in our past. This is something I am constantly struggling with myself (I am trying to practice what I preach!). Let us continue on our journey to accept and give mercy & forgiveness! ...."forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed agaist us...." Amen.

    1. It just dawned on me that this could pertain to me being Merciful to myself, perhaps? HMMM! How else could I be Merciful to my neighbor, as myself, unless I am merciful to myself?? HMMM! HMMMM! Hmmm! HMMM! HMMMM! HMMMM! "Blessed Are My Merciful for they shall obtain My Mercy" Dear Lord can You clarify this for me? In Jesus' name, I thank You.

    2. Amen ABC! Good advice for TJ! We all have made mistakes. It’s part of being human. And thankfully our loving Father cuts us some slack because He understands our weaknesses. Today’s devotion spoke to my heart.
      We are loved in our imperfections and He can turn even our mistakes into blessings. I too try to practice what I preach but very often fall short. Thank God He is so merciful.
      Yes Brie we must also show mercy to ourselves and not be so hard on ourselves when we goof up. Just gotta get back up and try again to please Him.

  6. A blessed day Father, THANK YOU for including us in it! All Glory to Your Holy name this morning.

    Father, Thank You for the reminder that I am human and will fall short of Your Glory and You are Faithful and Just to forgive me. I am so guilty of past sins and sometimes think that I am where I am today because of them. I am a believer and Trust You, but I tend to be hard on myself and when I knowingly sin, I feel ashamed and guilty to get on my knees and ask You for anything! Help me Holy Spirit, to overcome this because You overcame sin for me! Help me Jesus, Help me! I want to do right by You ALL the time, but it seems sooooo hard, but take me back to Your words that say: I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!
    I needed to read this today and be reminded, that You love me nevertheless and I will continue to depend on You! I surrender all to You and say,
    Father I Trust You, Thank You for fighting ALL my battles and forgiving me.

    Blessings to all my JC family, may our Great God watch over us today and guide our steps as we Trust and depend on Him, in Jesus name!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Your prayer really hit home for me! This is my prayer too! God bless you for sharing and for your prayers. I’m sending up prayers for our JC family, for our families and for our friends.
      In Jesus Holy and Heavenly name, Amen
      Texas friend

    2. I loved today's devotion and I was telling my Mom and sister this morning that God takes all our imperfections and flaws and still uses us just as we are to accomplish his will and purpose. It's okay not to be perfect. There is no perfection except in God. We will always fall short but that's okay because God loves the whole package, full of insecurities, tears, longings, and sin. He still loves us for what we are, his beloved children. The best thing He has ever said is I AM YOUR GOD. How blessed we are!! When I am weak in body and spirit, I remind myself that I am truly loved, understood and cherished. Nothing is too difficult for me to do or endure, because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  7. Thank you Payton and JC Family for your encouraging prayers and comments.

  8. Dear Jesus, I release my mistakes to you. There are many. I stand upon your word (Roman's 8:28) and trust you are weaving my mistakes into something good. We love you Lord. Amen
    Colorado JC Friend

    1. Yes! We thank you Lord for your perfect love and for your forgiveness for our sins. We love you so very much Heavenly Father
      In Jesus name,
      Texas friend

  9. Thank you Lord for yet another day to do your will. Help me to be a blessing instead of a lesson, lessons leave a bad taste in peoples mouths and I don't want to be responsible for that. Help us all to show Jesus to anyone we run into today. Help me to be okay when things don't go my way and help me not to boast when they do. Bless all in this JC Family, be with us as we go about our daily lives. Touch each person that is on here and also the people they are praying for. Thank You Lord for being YOU❣ I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. I join with you in this prayer!

    2. I also join with you in this prayer!πŸ™πŸ₯°

    3. Miss you JJ. Hope you’re feeling well.
      You too Brandy. Much love.

    4. I join in this is prayer again this year, thanks Pamela K!

    5. Amen! Praying for our JC Family. Thank You, Lord, for one more day to seek and serve You.
      Blessings from California

  10. Jesus help me to live in faith, hope, and trust that you are weaving everything in my life for Your good and to stop being so wirried about how everything will wirk out. JC family olease pray for me. Its really hard to stay out of doubt, worry, and fear. Praise God

    1. Special Prayers for you Mark. May Our Lord bless you with His perfect love and peace and remove fear and doubt. Let us be a beautiful blessings to others and shine Gods light.
      Texas friend

    2. Dear God, Thank You for Mercifully Blessing Unknown and our entire JC family. Amen

    3. Praying for Mark and Unknown and all our dear family especially MadFox.

  11. Besides this blog, my wife and I go to "Our Daily Bread" devotional. Today was centered on Ecclesiastes 4. Solomon talks about having a partner in our struggles. Not to negate confessing our shortcomings to God, it is good to have someone beside us to share with and provide accountability as we struggle. Lord, thank you for this blog that we can see others have similar struggles, and thank you for Christian friends around us to be "strands in our rope" that is not easily broken. Thank you for your Word and the tools we have to study it. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    1. So true 10-4. This dear page is a safe haven and refuge for us, and a place of love, comfort and the light of Christ.

    2. Amen! Thank you all who are here for being "the strands in my rope that are not easily broken". Together we stand as brothers and sisters in Christ, one JC Family.
      Blessings from California

  12. Beautiful prayer, Chris Payton. We are all so thankful for your daily prayers, verse thoughts, posts and friendship in Christ. May our good Lord continue to shower you with blessings. KS

  13. Almighty Father, it is with a heart of gratitude that I say Thank You for another day. Thank You for not just another day, but one filled with blessings and gifts planted all around me. A year ago today, I posted how I struggled with self-condemnation, I could not bring myself to pray or ask You for anything when I sinned and or knowingly sinned. Your Holy Spirited reminded that standing before You as a forgiven child means: There is NO Condemnation in Christ Jesus! Thank You Lord. Also, the Apostle Paul’s message of Christianity in the great conclusion of Romans 8:1-4 says:“Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and of death. For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit”. HALLELUJAH!

    Today, regardless of how many times I fall short of Your glory, I can pick myself up, repent and ask for Your mercy and forgiveness. You remind me each time that Christ died and became my condemnation! This is the heart of our Christian life and this is the gift of You, our Father! No Condemnation in Anything. Thank You, Thank You! I’m learning through every mistake and trial, not to waste my suffering because it is the making of my faith and someday my faith will become sight and I will fully understand and be eternally grateful to You.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding us that we are humans and will have failures and frailties, but these failures can become source of blessings causing us to humble ourselves and be empathetic towards our brethren in their failures and short-comings.Teach us how to respond in the right way to our failures because of the power it has to shape us. and not risk being shaped in a damaging way. Yes,“Best of all”, thank You that ‘our failures highlights our dependence on You, allowing You to bring beauty out of the morass of our mistakes’. We are Trusting in You Lord, and can’t wait to see what You have in store for us next! We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “The bitterness of every failure adds sweetness to every victory”.(T.N.).

    Blessings, blessings and tons of it are being sent your way this Saturday, JC family. Stay Safe.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks Maplewood. We are blessed to have our failures, flaws and scars, that mar our spirits and earth suits. God is so close to those who need him, just as a Doctor doesn't come to heal the healthy. Our Father waits for us to say we need You. He is our very present help and the greatest Healer of mind, body and spirit. In our days, we realize how human we are even when we are trying our best to follow the spirit and not the flesh. We're prone to explode at any given moment or situation. We strive to stay in His peace, but when something happens that infuriates us or upsets us, the human emotions get the best of us. Until we reel it in and tell ourselves that God is truly greater. No one or no situation can remove His peace from us unless we allow it. That is the daily battle. To remain in his presence when everything around us tempts us to lose our grip on Him. We must learn to be content in our cirumstances and trust like a child that the best place to be is in his warm embrace and sweet presence. It is where we find true refreshment of the soul, renewal of the mind and spirit and peaceful repose.

    2. Amen and Amen Again. Thank You Sweet Jesus!

    3. Amen! Thank You sweet Jesus for your great Sacrifice and Your endless and unconditional Love.

    4. Amen and Amen! Thank You, Jesus, for Your faithfulness and being our greatest example.

    5. Amen Maplewood and Thank You!

  14. So blessed reading this today... tears... thank you Jesus, I love You!

  15. Lord, thank you for this victory of Jesus over all the forces of evil. Thank you that the Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many. Thank you that all the powers of evil have been defeated and one day will be utterly destroyed.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! He is greater than this Pandemic and all the ungodliness and confusion in the world. He paid for all our sins. We are blessed that we look forward to His Victory over sickness and the darkness of this fallen world. Praying for your eye and hoping it is much better. Much love.

  16. Oh my goodness, how each and every post has blessed me this morning. I arose today laying in the bed thinking about all the mistakes I have made and if I had not done this or that things wouldn't be so bad right now, and I was truly condemning myself for my bad choices and mistakes. When I opened up today's message I had to stop in my tracks and shout THANK YOU JESUS! Because he hears every thought and knows exactly what we need, and it changed the tone of my day! Many of your prayers mirror my heart right now! Thank you for always being transparent so that each of are not left feeling alone and worthless because we can see others go through what we go through as well! We are connected in Jesus and I thank GOD for the day I found this blog, it has truly enriched my life. May each of you have a blessed beyond measure day and stay safe in our Lord's care!


    1. Amen, God's daughter! Blessed to be among my brothers and sisters here. God is providing our needs through his Word, his promises and the Christ in us in each other. God bless your day and spread brilliant light on your path.

  17. Welcoming this sunny day while reading everyone's beautiful thoughts and prayers. How blessed are we? And I learned a new word, "morass" - had to look it up and the pronunciation as well! 1) "An area of muddy or boggy ground," 2) "A complicated or confused situation." Do those words not describe condemnation? That feeling of, 'OH - what have I said, or what have I done? How can I be so foolish, silly,' - whatever the word you (I) choose to describe that awful feeling of failing to be good enough to save. Yet, we were all there: there are no degrees of sin - sin is sin, separation from our loving Father; failure to appreciate what God gave in order to free us of our old man nature.
    Maplewood, your ability to word your songs of praise and thankfulness always leave me blessed, my heart warmed. When I think of forgiveness or God's almighty love for us, I can only compare it to how I view my children and grandchildren. NOTHING could separate them from the love I have for them and yet it is just a 'smidgen' compared to His love for us and them!
    Enjoy this beautiful day, dear JC Family. And an early Happy Mother's Day to all of you loving saints - Moms, Grandmas, Aunts, Sisters, whether it is by giving birth, stepping in where needed, adopting that role to someone who needs it. How wonderfully God has made us to have hearts to love and nurture and yes, forgive, just as He so lovingly forgives each of us. Whether I see my beautiful children, daughters-in-love and grands, or not - not even this 'dumb 'ol virus,' (as my 5 year old Granddaughter refers to Corona), can separate me from their love. Our Father is the BEST example of how that works.
    God Bless you as you enjoy this beautiful day, my JC Family!

    1. Yes, Happy Mother's Day to women who are one, to those we are missing gone before us, and all those who nurture. And to the men beside them, thank you.
      And to that beautiful 5 year old, "dumb ol' virus" AMEN!


    John's remembrance of Jesus' final words in the Upper Room experience.

    (John 14:7-14) After Jesus spoke of what will be (14:1-6), He began to address what is. His words that followed spoke of His oneness with the Father and called us into the oneness that He has with the Father. This is will require a whole new way of thinking for us for we have become so conditioned to think as the world thinks. He used the verbs 'to know' and 'to believe'. We have grown to understand these words as the acquiring of facts from earthly life and thinking accordingly. When He used the verb 'to know', this was a word of intimacy for Him that exceeded just knowing about. It contained the element of becoming one with. When He used the verb believe, He was calling us to love from the deepest part of our heart. As we would draw closer into that way of being, we will find ourselves being drawn into the oneness that Jesus and the Father have. As we draw closer into that, the power of that union will flow out of us unto and into God's creation in a miraculous way. He wasn't asking us to do miracles, He was asking us to allow miracles to flow through us as we live out each day.

    Mary is the ultimate example of the last statement. She didn't bring about the incarnation; she was willing to let it take place in and through her. The daily readings of JC that we are here to read, show us the way to this oneness that Jesus spoke about that last evening of His earthly life. What Jesus was saying was far above earthly thinking. What the JC readings call us to is the same. We are on the way there, a little closer today than yesterday, not as close as we will be tomorrow. The fourth and final stage of faith as suggested by Bernard of Clairvaux is when we reach the point that we love ourselves as God loves us. One element in that stage is we cease condemning ourselves for He does not condemn us. In the oneness with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there is no condemnation. Yes, we are not perfect yet, He understands our weakness thus He does not condemn us, the world condemns us but He does not. We must allow His love that has no condemnation to fill us. As we do, we will find ourselves less condemning of the world which opens the door for miracles to flow through us.

    I am grateful for this blog and all of you which allows me to try to grasp more fully what Jesus is calling me to be. I don't contend to be right in what I post, I am simply trying to more fully appreciate to what Jesus is calling me. If you find something in my efforts that the Holy Spirit moves within you, so much the better. If you post a thought that raises my thinking even higher, I welcome that. Thanks for listening, you are a help to me in my faith journey. With love, Bob

    1. Nice! I agree two important words to one's faith are believe and know. To believe is the only way to know. Sounds incorrect! But once one begins a faith journey, you begin "to grow" in wisdom that only comes from being open to the Spirit within. At least that is how it worked for me... So I can say confidently, Bob knows Jesus!

    2. Amen and thanks MadFox! And you know Jesus too dear brother. Your words are always Spirit ordained.

    3. Indeed, Bob, you feed my growth in faith. This jumped out at me:

      We must allow His love that has no condemnation to fill us. As we do, we will find ourselves less condemning of the world which opens the door for miracles to flow through us.

      Bless you! ♥️

    4. Still being blown away by your teaching's Bob. Blessings surround as I know they are now. I thank you with a heart of gratitude. Praying with and for my Loving JC Family, your prayers are mine!!! :):):)

  19. Dear Sweet and Merciful Jesus. I am praying for Your Mercy for me, each of my dear ones which include my JC Family and all other Ninja Prayer Warriors. I am human, and I continue to need practice. Most of the time, I act like a newborn thinking that s/he can just get up and walk perfectly upright the first time without falling, or a dog chasing after a car thinking I can just get in the car and drive it perfectly the first time. Rather than a symptom of pride, would You help me view my practice sessions with You as a source of blessings? As a source of learning from the Merciful and Masterful Teacher? As a source of humbling free of grumbling in order to be a better student? While You are preparing my Personal Improvement Plan, would You include a lot of tutoring and meditation to help me maintain focus on doing my personal best, free of looking at, free of comparing my self and my journey, and free of trying to cheat by copying from someone else's paper?
    Would You help me freely receive Your Merciful Empathy and then flow it through me to other people on their personal journey? Thank You for Your bright yellow highlighter which helps me to better see my dependence on You and the beauty You bring out of every situation. You know how often I am in the slow group, so I truly appreciate Your highlights, they are my Cliff Notes! Since I am capable of better work, would you focus me on Trusting You, and watching INTENTLY, ALWAYS LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE OF YOUR MERCY WORKING IN MY LIFE?
    I ask because in our last Student-Teacher conference, You said, "So there is now My Mercy awaiting those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit—and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has released me to His Mercy circle of ABUNDANT life! This is my prayer. Thank You Jesus for Your Mercy and for accepting me, Just As I Am. Amen!

    1. I am so blessed by the way you share your faith journey; it makes me smile, I feel your heart, and I am blessed. God be with you, Brilamar!

    2. ME TOO, Brilamar!! You always make me smile; your posts are funny, light hearted, yet filled with applicable wisdom!

    3. Amen Brilamar! You just spill those words out with such humble simplicity. You even add many pictures to my mind. Loved the "bright yellow highlighter". Open our eyes, Lord to see our need for you and all the beauty, mercy and truth you provide. Thank you and Amen.

  20. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...Today's Evidence of God's MERCY working in my life is = ...

    1. Waiting with bated breath to hear...

    2. So Am I!
      And so are we both, along with our entire JC family, related to Micah 7:7 = But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me...

    3. Amen dear Brie! I will just keep waiting, seeking and watching. I know He hears every word in my heart.

    4. Thank you for this invitation to express gratitude, Brie!
      Today's Evidence of God's MERCY working in my life is all around me. I need only seek and acknowledge. A completed merging of two homes into one (well, still some purging must occur), worries subsiding, celebrations to look forward to, hearing expressions of the love of family and friends. And starting my day with Words, wisdom, and prayers amongst a growing number of prayer warriors in this blog.

    5. Today was so powerful. I've given put so many Jesus Calling books as gifts. I search this sight on my phone when I'm on the go. Thank u for this blog.

  21. Hi. Do you blog SARAH Young’s book Jesus Lives as you do Jesus Calling?

  22. Today my mom gave birth to me 65 years ago. It is bittersweet for me; 3 out of 4 of her children shared brother on the 10th sis on the 13th. We always celebrated Mother's Day/birthdays together. So many fond memories, miss my ma. Thank you for blessing me with the best madricita, Father God. Thank you Mother Mary for saying yes for your love and care over our Lord and Savior Jesus. Thank you for your forgiveness sweet Jesus for all the ways I have failed you. Thank you for your patience, your love for me. Thank you Chris Payton and all JC Warriors; you are a blessing. Happy Mother's Day weekend to all the moms and dad's too. Love you all very much.

    1. Have a blessed birthday, LCA, as you are a blessing to your family, friends and all of us who visit this blog. You are a gift of God to this world. God be with you!

    2. Loveconquersall - Happy birthday!!! Thanking and praising the Lord with you.

    3. Happy Birthday, Dear Loveconquersall!!!! I hope today and tomorrow bring as many blessings as you give to each of us. I can't imagine our loving Savior EVER seeing you as failing Him. Your heart is as pure as the driven snow. I love you, LCA (I have to abbreviate - HA HA!). <3

    4. Happy Birthday Love Conquers All. Sending Birthday blessing prayers your way for His Merciful Love to Conquer All for you.

    5. Loveconquersall--- Happy Birthday Blessings to you this glorious day! May the Lord draw you nearer to Him and fill your days with happiness and His amazing grace.

    6. Happy Birthday dear Loveconquersall! Wishing you more answered prayers and God’s faithfulness. Much love πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

    7. Happy Birthday our dear precious Loveconquersall. You are one of the beautiful souls our Good God has Mercifully provided to bring beauty into my life, and I am blessed. Have a wonderful day, week, year, and life, in Jesus' Name. Amen

    8. In joy your day, LCA! Happy birthday! πŸŽ‰

    9. Happy birthday dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    10. Happy birthday, Loveconquersall πŸ‘♥️ may your blessings overflow!

  23. One of the worst times in the day is early in the morning. Typically, I wake up at 5:30 and start to get agitated. I get so worked up that I can not lie still. But today when I woke up I thought of all the positive comments I have received from my JC brothers and sisters and said if I truly trust Jesus then I must demonstrate it by laying perfectly still in bed. I was able to do it for an hour and then I got out of bed feeling so much better. I could only have done this because of your support (Bob, Brilamar, Keith, Jeanne, ....). So thank you.

    God Bless everyone for their prayers and help.

    1. We love you very much SIS and glad you are here receiving His Merciful blessings along with all the other prayer warriors in your JC family,

    2. What a blessing it is to be used by God to bring wholeness to a sister in Christ. "I am the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be to me as you have said." Mary responded and the world was saved.
      So it goes when we have the same openness to God when He wants to enter and bring salvation. Thanks for sharing, Sis!

    3. I LOVED READING THIS, SIS!! The fact that you are applying the wisdom gleaned on this site, praying, making changes and accepting God's grace is WORKING! So proud of you for trying something different, calming your mind, praying and seeing the results of a new beginning of your day speaks volumes! Continued prayers, dear sister in Christ!

    4. Sis --- Lord I ask for Your peace that is beyond all comprehension to surround Sis's heart and mind. Help her to live Your way so she can walk in an upright manner and find the way of peace You have for her to walk. Help her to keep her eyes only on You so she can remain in Your peace. In Jesus' Name AMEN and AMEN "In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:37

    5. Sis, may our Lord pour his peace over you and calm your spirit with his love. My prayer that you seek Jesus tomorrow morning and feel his gentleness. We are lifting you up in prayer.

    6. Continuing to pray for you dear SIS. May your mornings be filled with God’s gifts of hope, peace and comfort. Every day is a new beginning.

    7. How are you today our dear SIS-ter in Christ? Hope you are maintaining your "Be Still And Know That I AM God" practice. Love you and would love to know how you are doing. Either way, I am STILL praying for you.

  24. Father, You deserve nothing but my best. I offer You my love, my worship, my respect. I trust Your plans for my life; I know Your instructions are for my good and for Your glory. I want to walk in integrity and obedience before You so that my love really looks like love and my worship comes from a place of truth.
    I came across this integrity prayer and really liked it so I wanted to share it.

    I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent. (1 Chronicles 29:17)

    Father, thank You for being in my life and accepting me as I am. Continue to mold me into the person that You created me to be. I am so grateful to You for all that You do and all that You are. You are always there and with me through everything and I would be lost without You. I can't make it without You Lord. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord. I pray that everyone in the world commits at least one act of kindness today to another. Let Your Spirit of peace, love, and joy be in our hearts as we walk with You through our lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Bless You Lord.

    1. Janet - AMEN and thank you for blessing our lives with LOVE and anointed prayers. "I pray that everyone in the world commits at least one act of kindness today to another. Let Your Spirit of peace, love, and joy be in our hearts as we walk with You through our lives." Your prayer is mine. Mother's day blessings to all.

    2. Amen dear Janet. Thanks for sharing. Praying for you dear sister. Your faith is unshakable and inspiring.
      Thank you Lord for this community of faithful believers.

      Blessings from France

  25. Just beautiful and heartfelt dear Janet. Amen and thank you!

  26. Thanking God My Mother:
    Loving Father, Today we celebrate Mothers and all the sacrifices they have made and still making. Their love, strength, courage, tenacity, hard work and so much more, are all because of Your grace and Love. On this day, I give You thanks for my mother. You chose her to give me life in this world and as I try to be the daughter that You called me to be, please help me to do the very best that I can and allow You to direct me to honor her even when it seems difficult at times. With Your own gift of life, she bore me, I love her and I want to thank You for giving her Life as well. You know her struggles and everything that she’s going through and I trust and thank You for taking care of her. My prayer for her today is that You give her the grace she most need to see Jesus through the work of Your Spirit, repent of all sin and receive her free gift of salvation. Strengthen her when she is down and give her hope when she is discouraged. She belongs to You and not to the enemy. May NO weapons fashioned against her, ever prosper and may she live in great health as You help her heart to understand the depth of Your Love and the importance of receiving and declaring Jesus as her Lord and Savior. I know nothing is impossible for You and I will not give up on praying and believing for her. Thank You Lord for another year to celebrate and love my Mom. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

    Thanking God For All JC Mothers:
    To our Honorable Mother SASSY MOM, and to ALL of the wonderful, blessed and highly favored mothers here in JC calling family: Sarah Young, Mrs. Payton, Norah, Brie, Jan, Jeanne, Janet, Audra, Terri, NJS, Blessings from France, Waiting, Bright Star, GraceTakesTimes, PEBGDesigns, Suzanne R, CO, KS, Susan Ellen, JJ, TJ, God’s daughter, Choose Joy, Colleen, Rose, Rebecca S, Annette, Debbie, Auntie Jeanne, Mary OKC, Angela, Mindy, Loveconquersall, all my sisters in Christ who names I’ve not mentioned, God knows you and to all the Anonymous women (whether you give birth or not, you are a mother to all those siblings, god-children, nieces, cousins, children in the neighborhood, adopted, fostered etc..), I pray in gratitude that God who became human through a woman, grant all of you mothers the courage you need to face the uncertain future, bless you exceedingly abundantly for the lives you nurture, impact, love and care for. May God grant you great health and strength to live and to be loved in return, not perfectly, but humanly. May God continue to give you the faithful support of husbands, family and friends as you care for the physical and spiritual growth of your family. Most of all, may He give you the wisdom to turn to Him for help when you need it most. You are Highly Appreciated! God Bless you.

    Thanking God For The Moms Who Are:
    To the Moms who are struggling, to those filled with incandescent joy.
    To the Moms who are remembering children who have died, and pregnancies that miscarried.
    To the Moms who decided other parents were the best choice for their babies, to the Moms who adopted those kids and loved them fierce.
    To those experiencing frustration or desperation in infertility.
    To those who knew they never wanted kids, and the ways they have contributed to our shared world.
    To those who mothered colleagues, mentees, neighborhood kids, and anyone who needed it.
    To those remembering Moms no longer with us.
    To those moving forward from Moms who did not show love, or hurt those they should have cared for.
    Today is a day to honor the unyielding love and care for others we call 'Motherhood,' wherever we have found it and in whatever ways we have found to cultivate it within ourselves (Hannah Kardon).

    May the blessing of the Divine be an especially bright benediction upon mothers everywhere, On your blessed day -On Mother's Day! Author Unknown.


    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom, Maplewood NJ, our dear sweet, constant, sister-friend in Christ, and to all of the above, and all who enter here today! Happy Mothering Day to all who show the tender care due Jesus to another human being!
      God took His Sonshine from the skies
      To make His Lovelight in your eyes
      From His honoured flowers he borrowed dew
      To make your tears generous and true
      Upon His Solid Rock your faith He built
      With His Angels' prayers, your breath He filled
      And with His Love He made your Heart Divine
      And Best of All He Made You His...
      ...and Mine!

    2. To my Heavenly Mom,
      May all the love you now have be as wonderful for you as your unstoppable faith always hoped it would be! May you now enjoy The Bounty of The Lord in the Kingdom of the Real Living. Remembering all the times you sang, Oh To Be Kept By Jesus, and now you are! You made the trip up yonder to be with Your Lord. I am Happy For You, although I am sad for me; my loss was truly Heaven's gain. I am hoping you remember your promise to save a seat for me!
      May your blessings continue forevermore. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Maplewood - God bless you. Thank you for blessings those you encounter with your love, encouragement and prayers. Praying Mother's Day is blessed with beautiful memories.

    4. Thank you sweet sister Maplewood πŸ’•. How heartfelt is this prayer. Bless you pressed down & running over for blessing us. We love you😘

    5. So absolutely beautiful and comforting, Maplewood. Thank you! Your words encourage and wrap around me this morning. Grateful more than you know. Love and blessings to you and your mom as well as all of the moms in our awesome JC family!

    6. Amen amen. Thank you Maplewood. Such beautiful words. Praying for your mother's salvation. And for all the JC fam and their loved ones.
      Happy Mother's Day to all of you my dear sisters. God bless you all abundantly.

      Blessings from France

    7. Just reading this again a year later after a very nice Mother's Day yesterday. I hope all here had a blessed day. Thank you Maplewood for a very nice post.

  27. What a lovely prayer for Mother’s everywhere! Thanks so much dear sister. I always pray for your Mom’s salvation and good health. May she see the Christ in you every day as we do. God bless you and your family.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all my sisters here seen and unseen! May God show His faithfulness to you every day and give you strength, guidance and peace in your lives. May He bless you in all things and bring you joy. πŸ’—

    1. To you as well Jeanne, our dear sweet loving sister-friend in Christ, always! Enjoy your time with your MOM and twin sister, Janet. My love extends to them.

    2. Jeanne - I hope you're having the best time with your dear sister and mother.
      Brie - praying for you and Larry and your brother Keith.

      You and yours are in my prayers sweet JC family. Much love.

      Blessings from France

    3. Thanks dear Brie and Blessings from France! It was nice quiet day with my Mom and Sister Janet. Missed my kids and their families but they all called so I was blessed. Praying you all had a special Mother’s Day.
      Brie! Happy Mother’s Day to your dear Mom in Heaven! You’ll be with her again. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ’—

  28. Heavenly Father, I depend on your hand to move and shift my furniture into the right direction. God I’m clueless as to what to do next. Forgive me for any doubt that I have lingering within me. I believe that you are completely ahead of my circumstance. You are omnipotent and omnipresent you are capable of shifting things! I ask your wise Spirit to guide me into where and what I’m intended for today. I ask your Spirit to remind me and help me today and assure me in what I’m doing moment but moment. Let me be as a child follows his parents because without you I’m truly lost. I sincerely submit this prayer through Jesus to your throne. AMEN

    1. Joining into your prayer Xavier Hill, knowing where two or more are gathered in His Name, He is in our midst. He who moves mountains, can certainly move our furniture. So when we hear the thunder sounds, we'll know it is our God moving furniture!

    2. Praying with my sister Brie and my family for our dear brother Xavier. Thank you Father for guiding him to all you have prepared for him. Give him eyes to see your light on his path and your guiding Hand. Take away his doubts and fears and show him clearly the way in which he should go. He’s seeking you in sincerity and truth and needs you with him each moment of the day. Thank you for Your help and your faithfulness in his journey. May Your Holy Spirit, instruct him and strengthen him along his way! Thank You Jesus.

  29. Happy Mother's day dear sisters in our JC Family! May each of you be celebrated for loving your children.πŸ’•πŸŽ†πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰

  30. Happy Mother's day to all the ladies in the JC family. It is wonderful that we can wake in this Christian journey and share our victories and challenges as mums ! I get so much encouragement from this posts . Thank you !
    Today was beating myself up and thinking maybe I should have worked harder in school then I could have had a high flying job and not be worrying about where am I going to teach next ! The message today reminded me that there is a purpose for everything and God is in the plan . This verse calmed my spirit. Romans 8:28
    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

  31. Today I'm thanking God for equipping me with the rest and strength I needed to get thru this very difficult work week. In the past I've let my stress get the best of me, but God knew exactly what I needed. I am so grateful.
    I'm trying to stay focused on praying for a family member that is going thru a very difficult situation. She means so much to me, and I know God is holding her in his hands right now. LORD, please help her thru this.
    After a long day at work I found myself in a negative mindset. My toddler running around, the house a mess, early mornings/ long days at work, and the concept of this being mothers day made me feel sad. But I have so much in life I am grateful for, and I'm trying to go easy on myself... while gently changing my mentality towards gratitude and prayer. Thank you Jesus, for never leaving our sides.

    1. Dear Tay, I’m praying with you for your dear loved one that God is indeed holding her tight in His love and guiding and healing her in all ways, and helping her through this hard trial.
      He knows her heart and her needs.
      He also knows exactly how you feel. He loves you unconditionally and can give you the blessed assurance that He is your God and will never leave your side. With Him and in Him you will realize the fullness of joy and peace. Trust Him always to guide you to the desires of your heart.

  32. Thanks dear Jan and Min Ahadi! Praying you both had a blessed and happy Mother’s Day too along with all the Mothers in our JC family, seen and unseen. Thank You Jesus!

  33. It was a nice but quiet Mother's Day. Say my good Mom on Saturday and my son and his 2 children came over for a little while and Rick cooked me breakfast and dinner. My other sons called me. Rick said the fact that they stay on the phone so long with me shows they really miss me. He said it's because I've always been a good mother to them. That made me happy. I'm blessed they love me and I love them. My Mom's tummy problems are getting worse. I will try to drive to Brooklyn after I get my stitches out on Friday. My finger is healing since the Dr took the cyst out. Still can't get it wet but all is well. The stye in my eye is very stubborn so I'll just keep putting hot compresses on it. Praying all your weaknesses are being healed and strengthened. I feel God's presence with me always. He helped me prepare for my first Bible group in the Church this coming Tuesday. We are in such good hands. He equips us for everything He puts before us. Thanking God little JoJo is home. Such a faithful God we serve! Thank You Jesus.
    The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD:
    and he delighteth in his way.
    Psalm 37:23

    1. Praying that your mom feels better. I'm glad that your doing better and had a nice day. God bless and peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Be blessed today dear Jeanne as you continue to heal. Joining our sister Janet in prayer for your mom's tummy troubles. Bless her oh Lord with an answer for this tummy issue, thereby finding the solution to correct it to bring about healing, in Jesus' name, amen. Have a safe trip dear Jeanne. Love & blessings πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Healing Prayers are on their way to you and Mom.

    4. Joining in prayer for his healing hands over you and your mom, Jeannie. πŸ™πŸ’ͺ

    5. So blessed by your prayers dear Janet, Jan, Brie and Audra. We are bound by our prayers and our faith. Waiting on the Lord with you.

  34. " I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes. Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do." Lord Jesus I hand you all my mistakes, l now wait in trust with keen antipation to see what You will do. I love You Lord and trust You. Amen

    1. Oh brother Peter, I echo your prayer indeed! It seems that I'm always asking the Lord to keep digging for the splinters in my character. Some really hurt, but dig He must, I want nothing less! If it's ignored that splinter becomes embedded even deeper, infected and problematic. Help me Lord to recognize my mistakes, own it, forgive myself and let go. Amen, Hallelujah!

    2. Oh Sweet Jesus! I surrender myself to you to take care of everything.

    3. Amen and Amen. Putting all my concerns into His Hands so I can really rest in Him. Thank You Jesus.

  35. While I've come to this entry for many years since receiving JC as a gift from a dear friend, I need to read and reread this entry (& verses) knowing that just as I don't see my kid's mistakes as changing my love for them...EVER, I need reminding for myself with rehashing mine through my mind. God forgave me the minute I asked and remembers them no more. It is me that needs to release those ashes versus the pondering thoughts of regret and feeling of failure they cause me. I am able to "fight back" with what God says about me so that helps but I wish they'd stay farther from my mind than they do.
    Hoping you all have a blessed Monday and great week! No word yet from the Ferguson household on how their first night at home went. I am thinking Alex & Kristen probably didn't sleep much...not just because of feedings/changings but nervousness. I pray they feel God's comforting reassurance that ALL is well and He will take the nightshift watching over "JoJo Bean" so they can catch some much needed Zs! Will let you know if I hear from Alex today. Again, I can't thank you all enough for your ongoing prayers for JoJo and his family!

    1. Keeping them in prayer dear NJSπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. I relate and pray for me to accept the beauty He brings out of the morass of our mistakes.
      I'm not there yet, but I pray to be. Let's continue holding hands and jumping this wave together.
      Speaking of continuing, Prayers are continuing for JoJo, Kristen and Alex.

    3. Continuing to pray for little JoJo and Alex and Kristen. May God find them sleep and restoring and much healing for the little guy.
      Amen Brie. Holding hands and jumping this wave together. Trusting in God's promises and leaning on His faithfulness.

  36. Yes NJS, "God forgives and remembers no more". There was a story (and I'm sure I'll mess it up!) But someone had a vision of God. And the non-believer said, "ask God what my last sin was then I will believe you saw God". The visionary asked God what was my friends last sin that asked you for forgiveness, and God replied, "I don't remember". Beautiful! Confessed sins are not held in an account to be used against us. That might be unconfessed sin but not when we bring them to God ask for forgiveness and alway try to sin no more. This provides comfort to me. I need to do the same for myself. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

    1. Great prayer! God is the lifeguard at the Sea of Forgiveness and Forgetfulness! Thank you Jesus!

    2. Just loved that ABC! Thanks.
      As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:12
      How Great is Thy Mercy!

    3. Thank you so much for your words, ABC, and that story. So spot on and welcomed! I appreciate you sharing that!

    4. How Glad I Am to have remembered to return to your post again this year ABC, to be reminded of the only remembrance I need: when it comes to my morass, God doesn't remember. He only sees the beauty He made from the morasshes. Thank You Jesus. AMEN!

  37. Happy B'earthday, Love Conquers All! Praying your day is filled with many of Gid's choicest blessings. You are a blessing and we miss your posts.


    2. Happy and blessed Birthday dear Love Conquers All! Hope God scatterered some special blessings on your path today. Much love.

  38. Through the LORD'S mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23). He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

    1. My favorites, sweet Janet! Thanks for the good breakfast!

  39. Jeanne - Praying your Oncologist appointment on the 11th goes smoothly. Expecting a miracle. Rest in Him.

  40. Janet, what a beautiful prayer this morning. Thank you for sharing.

    SC Anonymous

  41. Blessings from NYMay 9, 2023 at 4:23 AM

    Amen. Prayers for the 11th Jeanne πŸ™❤️

  42. Blessings from NYMay 9, 2023 at 4:25 AM

    Amen. Thank you Janet for this beautiful prayer❤️πŸ™

  43. So beautiful dear sis. I am right there beside you in asking the Lord to keep honing the rough sides of me. Micah 7:7, let's expectantly wait for the Lord, He will hear us. Hallelujah!πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  44. Continued prayer for Scott & full recovery. For Janet & for you dear Jeanne. You are standing on a firm foundation that will not crumble underneath you, your faith. πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  45. There are times when I (and I guess we all) have looked back to occasions when we made bad or unwise decisions. Our life path took a turn that led to unnecessary difficulties and trouble, even danger. Several times in my late teens I could have been arrested in foreign countries; at the age of 21 I could have been jailed in a Communist country and probably still there if alive.
    But when as now I do look back, I don't dwell with regret on the mistakes, instead I see and am so thankful for God's preservation of my life.
    I recall with thanks and praise His many rescues which eventually led me back to Him and the path of life He had for me, such that I can truthfully say ' I follow "The Way"':
    Jesus answered, “I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
    Proverbs 3:16 "In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
    Psalm 16:11 "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
    Psalm 37:23 "The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;"
    Isaiah 61:3 "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion,
    to give unto them beauty for ashes,
    the oil of joy for mourning,
    the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
    that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified."

    1. Thanks Peter for your honesty and sincere gratitude to our merciful God. And for sharing God’s Word. I am also amazed and thankful that He has saved me from harm and danger because of my bad decisions. His faithfulness has been my story and continues to be. Hallelujah!

  46. 'Put on the Garment of Praise':

  47. Let us all seek "perfection" in Jesus our savior, not in our human world. We are all broken and can only be comforted by Gods unique plan for each of us, that includes mercy and forgiveness. Many blessings on all requests for prayers listed here, as well as those in our hearts! Amen.

    1. Yes dear ABC. Amen to that! Our Hope is in the Lord. Just as He is merciful, so also we should be. We are called to forgive even those who have done us wrong. We must forgive them as we have been forgiven. Let God make it right. Thanks for the blessings! God bless you!

  48. Another perfectly worded and heartfelt prayer, Janet, that I can so relate can others I see. Thank you!

  49. Joining my sisters in prayer for Scott's recovery, Janet's dx will need little to no surgery, and your appointment on the 11th be a resounding "all clear"! Enjoy your visit with your sister and BIL, Jeanne.

  50. Thanks dear Sassy Mom, Blessings from NY, Jan and NJS! I’m also praying for that miracle. Thanks for your prayers for Scott and Janet too! Don’t know when my pet scan will be scheduled for but I believe it will reap good results. We pray for each other because we serve such a good and faithful God. Sassy Mom, praying always for your comfort and for a smooth tooth extraction on Friday.
    Love you all! God bless and keep you always.

  51. Covering my armor of God with garments of praise this morning!
    Blessings and prayers covering y'all. πŸ™✝️

    1. Thanks sweet Audra! Joining you in Praise and gratitude.

  52. Praying for each of you and yours...Jeanne - your Scott and Janet and your upcoming appt. Yours too, Sassy Mom on the 12th. Love to each of you.
    I am asking for prayers for my Best Man as we go to his Oncologist tomorrow - same Dr., different hospital. Please pray that all goes well - the travels, his labs and our appt with the Dr. I'd love to hear those great words, "We're going to kick this can down the road a while longer!" I'll update everyone as soon as we know something.
    So thankful for this great Family of God. Heading to bed - we all know Who is on the Night Watch!

  53. Continuing to pray for a good report for your Best Man, and to be told to kick this can down the road a while longer. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

  54. Prayers please that Larry's colonoscopy today will yield all clear B9 results, or better yet, Nothing to See! Thanks Family in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. The above request is from me, Brie, standing in the need of prayers for Larry!

    2. Praying dear Brie for your Larry. B9,B9,B9! Thank You JesusπŸ™Œ❤️πŸ™

    3. Praying for Larry’s colonoscopy today, Brie. We place Him in your hands, Lord. Cover and protect him, let your Healing Presence and Peace wash over him throughout the procedure and following. In Jesus name, Amen

    4. πŸ™ nothing to see here! For Larry, and Jeanne today!

  55. Praying for dear Larry’s good and clear B9 results. All will be well because our faithful God is in charge. May He guide his Colonoscopy and my Echocardiogram to good and cover all of us with His peace. Thank You Father for this and for answering all our prayers in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And He shall direct your paths.

    John 14:13-14
    And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it

    1. Blessings from NYMay 9, 2024 at 6:11 AM

      Praying in unity with our JC family for Larry’s (Brie) colonoscopy and Jeanne’s echocardiogram- in Jesus name we pray all results return favorably ❤️πŸ™

    2. Adding prayers for Jeanne’s echocardiogram, strengthen her heart, Lord and provide your peace throughout.

    3. Thank you for your sincere prayers. I will find out in a few days how my echocardiogram went but I could feel the Lord's presence in the room so I wasn't worried. Joining your prayers for Larry's good results.

  56. Thank you warriors for your prayers for my appointment yesterday. My daughter took me & what a blessing to shop & spend time with her at the same time. I have turbinate hypertrophy, never heard of it. When I lay down blood pools in the nose vessels & becomes inflamed. Mine are large & can be reduced through surgery. For now I'm to use steroid nasal sprays. No thank you! Makes absolutely no sense to prescribe something that will take up to 2 weeks to kick in and your not suppose to use it for a long time! Sooo, continued prayer. Praise You Jesus. You are faithful. I trust in You.πŸ™ŒπŸ™

    1. Blessings from NYMay 9, 2024 at 6:15 AM

      Continued prayers for you dear Jan. πŸ™ Have a blessed day

    2. πŸ™ for you to win πŸ† a trophy for something other than turbinate hyper. Prayers will continue until you are all clear.
      Love you 😍

    3. Lord, we ask that you will remove the source of the inflammation in these blood vessels from Jan’s body through your Healing hand. You are the Great Physician and we trust you. In Jesus Name, Amen!

    4. I hear Jesus saying, "stop and smell the roses". Who knows, maybe a preferred prescription over steroid spray? Stay πŸ’ͺ and pray, as I will for you, Jan!

    5. Continuting to pray for you, dear Jan! I read that allergies can cause large turbinates. Maybe after the pollen goes away your turbinates may decrease in size. I'm so sorry you must deal with this. May God make a way for you to get better without surgery. I agree with Audra. There may be a better med that isn't bad for you like steroid spray. Praying our Way Maker will show His faithfulness to you and open another door. Thank You Jesus!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. "Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me."
    Thank You Lord that our failures result in dependence on You. We can depend on You as You will never let us down.
    Hebrews 13:5 AMP "He [God] Himself has said, I won't in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]."

    1. Blessings from NYMay 9, 2024 at 6:17 AM

      Thank you Peter- this is just what I needed to hear today . God bless you

    2. Thanks dear Peter! God can even turn our failures into good. From ashes He brings blessings. From tears He brings dancing. Amen He will not fail us or leave or forsake us. Leaning on His promises and trusting in His Word.

  59. I admit I am totally powerless to fix my past mistakes πŸ˜”
    My continual focus on the morass of my mistakes and my prideful thinking that I "should/could" fix them and/or live an error-free life is unmanageable.

    1. We are all in this place to one extent or the other, Brie. Condemnation is not from the Lord, He may provide correction or conviction at times however he also provided forgiveness of all sin and His love is unconditional.
      At a recent family dinner the Lord provided me with an example of His love and forgiveness for us and how He longs for us to approach Him when we have made mistakes.
      My 8 year old grandson was waiting for a break in the conversation so he could talk and was growing impatient. Suddenly he blurted out “Blah, blah, blah, blah blah”. My son was sitting beside him and looked at him and said his name, then explained that his comment had been rude. My grandson is very sensitive, his face crumbled into silent tears. Then he turned towards his father and was met with loving arms that enfolded him onto his lap. He found acceptance, forgiveness, consolation, peace and love there. If an earthly father can provide this for his son, how much more can our Father provide for His children?

    2. Thank You Websister. What a Beautiful inspiring story from a beautifully inspiring Websister!
      In answer to your question, If an earthly father can provide this for his son, how much more can our Father provide for His children? The Final Answer is 🎢 MORE Than The Greatest Love The World Has Known! 🎢
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Beautiful sharing Websister. Love it😍. Great example of our Father's unconditional love. πŸ™Œ❤️

    4. Thanks dear Websister! What a beautiful testimony to the love of a father for a son, and we know Our Heavenly Father loves us as His sons and daughters and understands our human failings. He loves us anyway. Amen Brie! He loves us with the Greatest Love The World Has Known. He gave us His Son.

  60. Another example of how God shows us how much he loves us:
    The other night I needed to use the bathroom at a rest stop off the Interstate. I was hurrying in and my DH said "WAIT! I'm coming in to make sure there's no one in there lurking." When I came out, DH was standing like a sentry at the ladies room entrance to protect me. God showed me not only how i need to believe how much my husband loves and protects me, but also a momentary glimpse of how much MORE my Father in Heaven, Lord of the Universe loves me. Brought me to tears.

    1. 😹 Happy ❤️ warming tears.
      Thanks for sharing.
      🎢 Nothing You Can Say Can Tear Me Away From My Guy 🎢

    2. Sweet Audra, You have a Knight in Shining Armor who protects and loves you with a beautiful sincere heart of true love. You made me smile! Yes our Father loves us even more! How blessed we are!
      Hey Brie! I Love that song too! And I always sing: My Guy. You made me smile.
