Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 19

Bring Me all your feelings, even the ones you wish you didn't have. Fear and anxiety still plague you. Feelings per se are not sinful, bu they can be temptations to sin. Blazing missiles of fear fly at you day and night; these attacks from the evil one come at you relentlessly. Use your shield of faith to extinguish those flaming arrows. Affirm your trust in Me, regardless of how you feel. If you persist, your feelings will eventually fall in line with your faith.
     Do not hide from your fear or pretend it isn't there. Anxiety that you hide in the recesses of your heart will give birth to fear of fear: a monstrous stepchild. Bring your anxieties out in the Light of My Presence, where we can deal with them together. Concentrate on trusting Me, and fearfulness will gradually lose its foothold within you.

Ephesians 6:16
English Standard Version

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;

I John 1:5-7
English Standard Version
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Isaiah 12:2
English Standard Version

“Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.”

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. With thoughts to yesterday’s Jesus Calling, reality is, as expressed in the Isaiah passage, God is my salvation, my strength, my song. The verb is defines a present reality. Fear and anxiety are not reality. After 68 years of living, I confess to allowing fears and anxieties into my soul often leading to a state of depression and the temptations to sin that it produces. And none of the fears and anxieties I had never occurred because they were not real. Reality is I am saved, I have the strength through the Holy Spirit and I can sing the Lord’s praises with thanksgiving as regularly as I allow myself. “Holy Spirit, make Isaiah 12:2 a living reality within me.”

    1. Agreed Bob, that is my prayer too. Thank you for writing life-giving verses. God bless you.

    2. Please pray for me and my wife of 32 yrs. You all have been my JC family for over 5 years now and I need help to find a job and gain back the trust and respect of my wife. We are going backwards from my poor decisions and I am struggling with so many thoughts as the enemy attacks my mind. thank you for your prayers.

    3. Prayers for your well being, strength and perseverance,as well as discernment while searching for a new job. Prayers also for your wife and your marriage, to be able to communicate,build back your trust, and grow together in love. When you're feeling bombardment from the opposition, just saying Jesus, I trust in you, or just,Jesus. prayerfully trust, and pray for his peace, and love to surround you. As you know, we have been blessed with this site with many prayer warriors: those who use their gifts of sharing the gospel, their tidbits of life, intertwined with their joys, sorrows, humor, and blessed gift of love for each other. Thanks to Chris for his part in this blog, as well.May it continue to grow, for those who comment, or read silently to be blessed end enriched in his love. Amen

    4. So well stated butterfly love. Agreeing in prayer for you and your family John Lee.

    5. John Lee there are no coinencedences
      I’m on the other side of that spectrum where I’m struggling with having trust in my wife of 35 years because of her poor decisions
      I ask for prayers to guide my words and help to communicate the hurt and betrayal I feel without anger
      I pray for success in your job seeking and pray for your marriage as well as mine

    6. Thank You to ButterflyLove, Grace Takes Time and John S, along with the many others who are silently praying. I feel the love. John S, I pray for your marriage as well. You have helped me see from the other perspective and realize the fine line and how vulnerable we are to attack. I trust in our Jesus and will continue to say these heartfelt words. Thank You ButterflyLove for the reminder of this.
      With Love and appreciation.
      John Lee

    7. Thank you Bob for this prayer I need today:
      “Holy Spirit, make Isaiah 12:2 a living reality within me.”
      Joining in prayers for restored trust in Jesus, our marriages, our families, our friendships and dare I say our leadership? All things are possible in Christ!

    8. Heavenly Father, please lift John Lee up and help him with his job search. May his marriage be rebuilt by Your help and them gaining trust back through communication and prayer. Also, help John S and his marriage issues and help these families come together in love, peace, faith, and trust. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    9. JC prayer warriors. I'm new here. Plz pray for my son who is being attacked by satan. He fights against the evil of alcohol. He needs our Savior, Jesus Christ to enter his heart & soul to heal him. Thank you all for helping me with my journey with the Holy Spirit & praying for my son. In His Holy Name I pray for his salvation.

    10. Anonymous, Praying for your son and for you as his Momma. Addiction is not an easy thing to maneuver in families. Lord Jesus, intervene and help this young man in his attack with Satan. We acknowledge that you can do this with the help of our heavenly spirit. Be with his loving Momma and give her peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    11. Lifting you and your loved ones to our Father, who forgives us, and gives us His Spirit to guide us in discernment. I hear your anguish; take comfort in his love for you, and know that he works all things for good, even when we can't see it. Father, please cover our friend in your strength and goodness and comfort.

    12. Amen πŸ™

  2. Excellent verses for our reading.

  3. Thank you for your words Bob- they really made me think and brightened my afternoon.

  4. 98 days of sobriety and I am now in Colorado, less than 2 hours from my family. My job relocated me to be closer to my family, an example of God doing for me what I could not do for myself! Thank you, Jesus.

    Going to an AA meeting in 30 min.

    1. Anonymous --- Thank you so much for your update. Dancing for joy at your news! WAY TO GO ANONYMOUS! The Lord is doing such a work in your life! Praises to the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!

    2. Excellent news, Anonymous! I remember when you first joined in this blog asking for prayer. What a victory!! I asked myself what I have done in the last 98 days to improve the quality of my life. Staying in the Word, humbling myself to His Truth, asking for His help and that of my JC Family are all included. However, my house hasn't really improved, I haven't lost any of the weight that bothers me and I still struggle with niggling fears that is all mentioned in today's devotion. I have work to do and yet I know in my heart that it won't be of my own effort, but by His Grace, Mercy and Love. Wondering about Bob; I always enjoy his words of wisdom, honesty and points made in Truth. Hope all is well with you, Bob. Still practicing the suggestion you made one day: breathe in, 'The Lord is my Shepher," exhale, "I shall not want."

    3. Wondering news Anonymous. My prayers continue to be with you πŸ™. God rocks!

    4. This news brightened my day! God bless you, Anonymous!

    5. Good for you, Anonymous! If our God is for us...who can be against us? I haven't had a drink for 32 years and I give all of the glory to God and the many tools He has provided! Keep going! Life with Him is amazing!

    6. Congratulations Anonymous, with God all things are possible. So happy for you and your loved ones. God bless!

    7. JESUS,JESUS,JESUS over you and your family. Stay a it!
      Colorado JC Friend

    8. Congratulations! Keep striving for sobriety and let God continue to guide the way.

    9. Wonderful blessing! He always does way more for his kids then we could Even imagine! You are his favorite!

  5. Amen!! To all the comments, especially Anonymous 98 days. We are all doing the Victory dance.

  6. Isaiah 41:10 is one of my favorite verses I received this morning from Bible Gateway

    Fear not, for I am with you, Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Thank You Father for your promises!!! Love, prayers and blessings to my JC Family.

    1. Sassy Mom --- Absolutely love this verse! Have stood on it countless times for help.

    2. Sassy Mom, a great verse for when we feel that God isn't there for us. Fear not, He is always there!

  7. Update on Kathy. Her double knee replacement surgery went well and she is home and been doing rehab for 3 weeks. There have been ups and downs but things are going pretty well. Please continue to pray that she can recover completely and get her mobility back. She is off most of the strongest pain meds, which is a blessing. Thanks JC family.

    1. PEBGDesigns--- That is wonderful news. Will continue prayers for total recovery for Kathy. I went through the same surgery 2 years ago and absolutely have the BEST KNEES that take me everywhere! I praise God for them constantly.

    2. Great to hear Kathy is doing so well. Prayers for a full and speedy recovery,in Jesus name, Amen!

    3. I'll remind Marc of the prize. He's doing much better, thank you all for continued prayers on his knee replacement recovery. They are much appreciated and received. ♥️

  8. Anonymous so proud for you! God can do all things! I will have a year on August 6th. I started reading this blog last year around this time and when I finally surrendered, I kept coming back. I don’t comment a lot , but I am here every morning. It’s the first thing I do. Love these people and this blog! It really helps to keep me contented. Congratulations on you milestone!

    1. Helps keep me connected!

    2. Congratulations to yiy too, KM! I'm so glad you are a part of this family. God bless you.

    3. KM --- CONGRATULATIONS, That is so awesome. Thank you for sharing. You and Anonymous are such an encouragement! The JC WARRIORS lift you both up for the Lord to hold you tightly in His arms! You encourage me to work daily on things I need to improve in may own life. Norah said it well with "what have I done in the last 98 days to improve my quality of life." In your case KM what have I done in the LAST YEAR! You have stirred my soul-- and it needed stirred! Great Blessings to you and your family fron Kansas

    4. Congratulations to you KM, 1 year down and the rest of your life to enjoy without the addiction. Life is so much better when we solely depend on God to get us through. I have been sober for 2 1/2 yrs from a pain pill addiction. I am so happy to not go to bed or waking up knowing I don't have anything to keep that beast of addiction off my back. No on ever grew up saying they wanted to be an addict when they grew up. It is a very hard thing to do, praise God for His strength to overcome it. God bless!

  9. Heavenly Father, help me to bring my fears and anxieties to you. Help me to know you are with me every step of the way. I thank you also for how Your presence is found daily in my wifes support of my current state. Bless her too. Amen.

  10. ABC, God is there every step we make. He knows our fears and anxieties, it is the bringing it to Him and leaving it there that is the hard part. We get so used to trying it on our own, I can tell you, I have made some serious mistakes by trying to do it on my own. We cause more harm than good by taking it back to try to fix it. Rest in the Lord and let Him do His part, it is amazing how He works things out for our good. God bless!

    1. Dear Pamela, There is so much good advice and honesty in your post. I sure can relate. I was just telling my sister tonight that she must stop worrying about the things she can't fix and just give it to the Lord. Trust in Him enough not to keep yanking your reins away from Him. He can lead us better than we can. Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
      It is amazing how He works things out for good.
      God bless you always.

  11. Lord, thank you for this beautiful sun shiny day. This is a day that You have made, let us rejoice and be glad we did. Thank you for our JC FAMILY, thank you for setting it in motion for us to have this special place we can come to pray and have others pray for us. Thank You in advance for the prayers that You have and will answer, in Jesus name Amen!

  12. Good morning my JC family! God is Good! I was into my thoughts this morning frustrated because I could not find the words while journaling.....and so I read “Bring me all your feelings, even the ones you wish you didn’t have “. How often I still try to pretend that if I don’t think about them or write them down they are not there. God there is no thing I can hide from You and no where that I can run from Your Love! I can come back out into the light and hide no more!!! Thank You!
    These feelings come from being human and not being perfect .... Thank You God that you have given me another day to try again😊. Progress not Perfection is all that is asked of me! Thank You for these many second “first chances” !!
    I am grateful for this community of prayer warriors that God led me too!
    As you all pray for me, I will pray for you πŸ™
    God bless each and every one of you!!!!! ❤️

    1. Amen Monica B! Joining in your prayer for all πŸ™♥️

    2. Five years later Monica B your prayer speaks directly to me this I strive for 'progress' against my sin realizing perfection will always elude me. A new day unfolds as I start my '___' second chance..

  13. Wow! thank You dear Lord for this group that is growing and praying together for each other. It is said that a Family that prays together, stays together! THANK YOU LORD!

    We are blessed and highly favor and we acknowledge Your Sovereignty oh Lord. this bright hot beautiful day, we come to Your throne of Grace with ALL of our feeling, concerns, thoughts etc.. to say Thank You that You are working behind the scene to make all our crooked paths straight! Thank you Father for the many, many VICTORIES, Testimonies and Blessings that we have now and the ones to come!
    Thank You for Healing, strength, protection, provisions, health, deliverance, directions, peace, love and ALL that You provide for us every given day! Let the Heavens join us as we lift our voices and hands up to You for whom all blessings flows and say THANK YOU FATHER, THANK YOU even for the delays and trials we face, because they keep us closer to You on bended knees!

    Blessings and love to all. Staying in prayer and thanksgiving to the Father!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Amen and Amen! Well said. Father God let all the impossibles begin to become possible for each of us in every department of our lives. In that name that is above every name that is named-JESUS Great blessings to you and your mother from Kansas

  14. Anonymous what a joyous praise!
    Norah you got this, praying today you can take a step toward taking some of your weight off. One day at a time Norah.
    Y’all you will not believe I our daughter called me last night while I was playing pickle ball, she was sobbing could barely speak for trying to catch her breath. Kindale wanted to know when I was coming home she needed to talk to her daddy and me together. In the meantime her daddy is texting me to hurry home kindale needs us.I called my husband and asked how far out are you, about 10 mins he said. I said great wait on me at the end of our street so we can go together.
    Our daughter is confused about life, she got a call about an interview in Florida making 16.00 an hour. Florida is where the guy lives that went to college with her used and abused her mentally physically and emotionally since her sophomore year. The only good thing I can say for him is that recently he said he doesn’t want to see her anymore. But now she wants to move where he lives ( nearly 11 hour drive)
    She currently has a nanny position where she makes more in 3 days than she would make in a 40 hr work week in Florida.
    Prayer warriors please continue to pray for our girls Kindale and Kricket. Krick and I met this morning with financial aid and unless by July 31 her spring balance is paid in full 20,972.50 that she will be dropped from enrollment. I share with my students repeatedly year after year don’t let a number dictate who you are! I tell them numbers come in all sizes and all forms it can be wait it can be money it can be test scores it can be even a zero where you’re wanting a child so badly and you just can’t carry it to term or you want to child so badly and you’re unable to conceive. I request that they seek the number one… Which is the Almighty Emmanuel king of kings and Lord of lords. Please pray JC prayer warriors

  15. Repeating my prayer request from Saturday night. Please pray for our 5 yr old Granddaughter, Lucie, who was tested for COVID yesterday afternoon. She had a cough. My son and DIL took her to the Dr and they explained that she swims every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times and aspirated some water. The Dr. still wanted her tested. It was terrifying for her and for my son, who had to hold her down. They get the results today at 9:30 a.m. EST. God has this little darling in the Palms of His Hands. I'll share later the events of their visit. Thank you for your prayers. <3

    1. Will do. Reading Sat. night as part of my quiet time before bed. Godspeed Lucie and family. Amen

    2. Sending prayers to the Throne of Grace for Lucie. She's covered by the blood of our Lord. Strength, peace and comfort to you and your loved ones.

      Blessings from France

    3. Norah- I stand in agreement with our JC family and lifting your precious little grandbaby into the caring hands of God our Father. May the blood of Jesus flush out anything in her that is not of Him and restore healing and strength into her little body. Praying for peace for you and your family as you await the report. God bless!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Norah - praying with all our JC family for dear Lucie. And for you. Our good Lord is watching over you both. KS

    5. Norah, praying for Lucie, you and your family!

    6. Thanks be to God that He holds Lucie so lovingly in His hands. All will be well because of the love. God be with you, Norah, and all the family in this time in which the demon of anxiety is trying to meddle in each of your souls. Lord God, send the angel armies to fight off your enemies, the enemies of Your children. Amen.

    7. Praying along with our JC Family that God is healing your little granddaughter Lucie's cough and bringing her back to perfect health. Hoping and praying for a negative result and for a hedge of protection around her and your family, and much peace as they trust in Him. Amen!

    8. One year later Jeanne how is your grand daughter doing ? I pray she was healed from the cough completely. Let us know

  16. Norah - "God has this little darling in the Palms of His Hands." He has the whole world in His hands. Joining Warriors in prayer for Lucie.

  17. Norah - Continuing prayers for Lucie, her parents, you and your loved ones.
    Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. - Isaiah 41:10 NLT

  18. Loving Father, Thank You for another day to bask in Your Presence. Please remind me when fears and anxiety come knocking at the door of my heart, to answer and fight back with powerful Scriptures and to remember that You are a loving and faithful God, and You will always help me challenge those worries with life-building truth, instead of destructive thoughts. May Your peace guard my heart and mind in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Our fears can leave us feeling disturbed but the solution is putting our trust in God. We should control our fears, not be ruled by them. Praying honestly helps us to overcome the fears that feel so real. When our fears become our god, we can destroy our relationships with God, our family and friends. Fear, with its debilitating influence should not be given the first place in our lives. God is the only one we should fear. Most times it is our fears that get the greatest amount of attention from our hearts and minds. If we know God and His presence in our lives we will have the balance restored and fear Him and not fear all the earthly aspects of life. “Don't be afraid of those who can kill only your bodies, but can't touch your souls! Fear only God who can destroy both soul and body in hell”(Matthew 10:28). Fear anxiety and guilt rob us of the peace God intended for us to have. When we gave our lives to Jesus, that is the first step to an anxiety-free mind. In doing so, it’s always important to fix our thoughts on Jesus and the promise that He is preparing a place for His followers in heaven (John 14:2-3).The Apostle Paul encourages us to rely upon God’s care when we start to worry. He wasn’t telling us to deny our feelings. The comforting truth is that God is near us and when we feel anxious, He offers us His peace, a peace that will protect our soul and body from the destructive effects of continual anxiety. Our part in experiencing God’s peace is to ask Him for what we need and to thank Him for the good things He provides (Philippians 4:5-7). Trusting the Lord is at the heart of any antidote for anxiety.

    Dear Father, In order for us to be shaped into the image of Christ, we are to be shaped by Your Word, to be shaped to feel rightly, and to feel as Christ felt. He took and directed His feelings back to You, He prayed the Psalms to the You on the cross. We therefore have words to say back to You in our distress and anguish, and like the Psalmist, we declare:“I will go to God, my rapture; I will sing praises to You and play my strings, unloading my cares, unleashing my joys, to You, God, my God. O my soul, why are you so overwrought? Why are you so disturbed? Why can’t I just hope in God? Despite all my emotions, I will hope in God again. I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life, My Savior and my God” (Psalm 43:3-5). May the Holy Spirit help us use our “shield of faith to extinguish those flaming arrows”, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Your words, Maplewoood, reassure and comfort me. Thank you.

      I have been struggling with some feelings regarding both my son and DIL and my daughter and SIL. Too long to go into but it's been since my son and DIL had their first baby, my first grand, in May. A comment was made by my daughter (who they're living with my son and DIL since March after their year European volunteer adventure was cut short because of the pandemic). Her comment, which includes both couples and their thoughts, crushed me and hurt me deeply. After a couple of sleepless nights, I called her and told her how I hadn't slept and needed to let her know why. It wasn't a long or harsh conversation but just wanted to tell her it really stung. I know a conversation is necessary with each couple but the time isn't right at the moment due to my son and DIL are getting used to being new parents and my daughter and SIL just bought their first home and are in the busyness of preparing to close on the house and readying themselves to move. So, a conversation can't happen until mid-August, I'm estimating. That being said, sitting on this each day, I am consistently giving any anxious thoughts to God while reciting scripture and while that gives me great comfort, the anxiousness doesn't cease...especially while sleeping. In the early morning before rising, it creeps in. Our minds can create things that aren't really there. My sister said that a therapist told her and her daughter who had bumped heads at one point, that it's like each person creates a "movie" in their minds of what the other is saying or thinking and yet it most likely isn't anything close. So, I try not to add to my "movie", talk to God constantly, and look forward to airing this issue with both couples. So sorry for the lengthy reply but, again, can't tell you how much your words helped me today, Maplewood. Thank you! May God's blessings abound for you and your family.

    2. Dear NJS, obviously the Lord is not ready to move in the present moment. The Spirit will let you know when. Could it be He needs to do some work on you first? As you are doing, immerse yourself in prayer and meditation until the negative feelings/emotions generated by the issues at hand have quieted and you will be able to speak from love and not from hurt. When your heart and soul are at peace, then the truth can be spoken in love. God be with you.

    3. Amen Maplewood! Thank you. "When we gave our lives to Jesus, that is the first step to an anxiety-free mind." That is exactly what I felt after giving my life to God a year and half ago. I was so nervous about the decisions I had to make for my future, it was making me cry just thinking about it. When I gave all of these feelings/worries to God, I felt relief and my mind has been so much more filled with His peace since then.

      NJS, praying for you and your family. May God filled your heart mind soul and body with His peace and comfort as only He can, removing all anxiousness from you.

      Blessings from France

    4. Great advice, Bob. Thank you! I have thought that very thing...that God is indeed working on me in the interim. You are so right about quieting my hurt so that I come across from a place of love and not tension and hurt to where their guards would be up. I will take your advice to heart, Bob. Thank you and bless you for taking the time to offer your thoughts!

    5. Thanks dear Maplewood. We sure do need His peace right now and it is always available to us. He said Be not afraid and I will stand firmly on the truthfulness of His words. He is always near us and reads our hearts and knows when we are worried. Like the good Father He is, He soothes our fears and assures us that everything is alright. We need that more than ever right now. Thank you and Amen!
      NJS, Since God is guiding you not to speak until the right time, keep praying for Him to pull all the loose ends together and weave them into a sweeter picture. I agree with Bob that if you continue to pray and follow the Spirit, you will be brought to a better place with your family. Think about the good things that are still present in your relationships and build on them. Sorry your daughter said something that hurt you deeply. Try to put yourself in their situations too and understand what they're going through. Everyone is faced with fear provoking days. Share the peace God gives you and the love. When you open your mouth to speak at the right time, God's spirit will feed you words to encourage, comfort, edify, support, and bless the ones you love. Give them a good portion of the light you are given. Thanking God for this in the name of Jesus Christ.

    6. Thanks so much, Jeanne. (Your name and the exact spelling is the "J" in NJS! I always found it unique and special with how it was spelled.) This site and today's replies to my comment has really encouraged and helped me. I do think that this waiting period before talking to them is God working on me and those right words will come when I do talk to them. So grateful for your encouraging words, Jeanne! Be well and blessed!

    7. Dearest NJS! I am struggling with this very issue! Thank you for putting this into words! I drive myself crazy with these possible scenarios playing out in my mind! And without going into detail, am also dealing with a particularly hurtful situation! I also appreciate everyone’s reply to NJS as your prayers and advice spoke to my heart as well! May God bless all in this Holy place!
      Love BamaGrl

  19. God Bless you, MadFox, Sassy Mom and France. God blessed me with good sleep and God was the first thing on my mind this morning as I continued praying for Lucie, my son and daughter-in-love. We are all praying and I thank you for getting on here last night and this morning to pray with us. I tried posting on Sat's blog too and it wouldn't upload.
    I love Isaiah 41:10, Sassy Mom. Thank you, my French Sister, and everyone who prays this morning.
    As usual, JC is spot-on. I, personally, have not wrestled with fear over this, as much as anger. Both must be reigned in.
    Repeating the verse above:
    "Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
    for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2
    I didn't send out waves of prayer requests and hesitated all day to share this, even on here b/c of what it might do to others. However, I knew to have all prayer warriors rallying was the best course. God Bless....look for the VICTORY shout and my prayer is that it IS today. Lord, do not let my kids be strung out - let them be rejoicing early on. We have prayed since Friday for Godly people working on our granddaughter's tests. Someone like your daughter, MadFox...I again, have thought of her so often during this. So thankful that she is healing.
    As you said, Sassy Mom, He has the whole world in His Hands.

    1. Praying for Lucie and her parents. I know Having you in their lives has helped them see Jesus and His Peace first hand! Hugs and love from Maryville, Tennessee

    2. La Luz de Dios poderoso sobre Lucie. Our powerful God's light over Lucie. Peace be with our beloved Lucie and her family. JESUS JESUS we trust in you.

  20. The gospel lesson for this Sunday, used in many churches, is Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, the Parable of the Weeds among the Wheat. Jesus gives us a peek into the spiritual warfare that is going on above us and around us as Paul explained to the church at Ephesus in what we have marked as chapter 6. Our JC reading for today, nailed it. The best tools that evil has are fear and anxiety because they can lead to all kinds of unloving reactions. In the parable, the workers wanted to get aggressive and attack the weeds sown among the wheat. The owner of the field (representing God) said no; for to seek to destroy evil, the good is likely to be greatly harmed as well. The owner gave this order, 'let the wheat and weeds grow together for the time being, the weeds will be destroyed once and for all at the final harvest.' As I struggle to see what Jesus wants of us, I hear God saying, 'leave the ridding of evil in the world up to Me, you tend to the good things even amid the works of the Evil One.' I don't take that to mean that we do nothing about the many evils in our society but we must be careful here for Christian history is filled with aggressive efforts to root out evil that have hurt more than they have helped. We address the concerns about evil by seeking to correct things (seek justice) on behalf of those who are being harmed by evil. But the eradication of evil lies ultimately with God and the day is coming when God will act. We work toward it; He gets it done. These are my efforts to get a handle on this parable. Your thoughts would be welcomed. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Amen Bob! Thank you for sharing your thought!
      I like what you said "We address the concerns about evil by seeking to correct things (seek justice) on behalf of those who are being harmed by evil. But the eradication of evil lies ultimately with God and the day is coming when God will act. We work toward it; He gets it done."

      We can try to do good things but it won't change the root of the problem. Only God can do it.
      It made me think of a quote (I had to do a quick web research to find it again) from Martin Luther King : "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless."
      God's ways are higher than ours.

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you for this post. I have a lot to think about.

    3. Thanks Bob ! My eyes were opened up after I read this

  21. Dear beloved prayer warriors, I bring before you a need in the church I attend. The church opened up a month ago. Two weeks ago, the senior pastor came down with COVID19. He has been hospitalized for over a week now with great difficulty in breathing. His wife (they are a clergy couple) awaits at home for results from being tested two weeks ago. Next Sunday, I am scheduled to fill the pulpit for them, originally because they had hoped to be on vacation. I am still filling the pulpit but now out of great need. Thank you for your prayers! Will keep you posted.

    1. First Bob, so great to read your words here. Have missed your wisdom! Prayers are with you and your church, the senior pastor and his wife. God will greatly bless the congregation. Praying for you to stay safe and healthy as you gather for fellowship!! Love from Maryville, Tennessee

    2. Bob Malsack highly favored by God, lifting you and yours in prayer. Sweet Jesus pour your amazing grace over your faithful servant and your divine healing over senior pastor and wife. JESUS we trust in you.

    3. Sending healing prayers for the pastor and his wife.

      Blessings from France

    4. Praying for your pastor and his wife that he will be healed by the healer, our Lord, and that his wife isn't infected with the virus. Also praying for you that the hand of God is on you as you take on this task and can comfort your congregation during this trying time. May God be with you. Praise the Lord continously.

  22. Dear Bob, Praying for your senior pastor's health and complete recovery from Covid 19. May he be healed and may God open up his airways and strengthen his lungs. Also praying that his wife's results will be negative and she will remain in good health. You are being called to do God's work and He has prepared you well for it. Rest in Him as His Spirit gives you the words to share, as you preach His message to your congregation to His great glory.

    1. Bob Malsack - Echoing prayers for your pastor's health and his wife for complete recovery. Praying God gives you the wisdom to speak the words He wants them to hear.

    2. Bob. You are covered. Prayer warriors, we command the evil hold of Corona virus-19 in our world banished for all eternity in Jesus's name! Time to step it up again with the legions of angels and God just waiting for us to take authority over this evil attempt at control! In Jesus's name, we pray!

  23. Jesus,You know how long I used to run from all forms of fear, doubt, and worry. The only peace I have found is living in faith, hppe and trust in You. I strive each day to increase my faith as I crave the feeling of closeness to you while keeping a healthy remembrance of fear as it can become all consuming. Jesus please remind me that Your grace in enough and that as long as I call out and remain under Your hand, I am safe from fear that always originates with the evil one

  24. Thank You Jesus for listening to me this morning and always. I feel so much better now that I talked to You Lord. Thank You for everything Lord. You are the best teacher there is and I am learning so much from You. I can't thank You enough. Please help me to always keep my eyes on You Lord no matter what happens in my life. I trust You Jesus. I know You only want the best for me. Help me to let go of my old ways and thoughts and to embrace Your ways and the path that You have prepared just for me Lord. Bless Your holy name and bless me Lord. Thank You for everything You do Lord. Your will be done. I will follow You all the days of my life Lord. Thank You for the gift of You Lord. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.
    Please watch over all Your children Lord and keep them safe and protected, especially with all that is going on in the world right now. Thank You for Your perfect love, peace, joy, strength, mercy, and grace Lord. Glory be to the Lord. Amen.

  25. "AsIAs lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." I remember this prayer instilled fear in me as a child. Now I see it as a confirmation of hope. We have some fires burning again in northern CA. They stir up PTSD and fear in me. I fear we are vulnerable to catastrophe, firefighters lives in danger trying to race against wildfire. Thank you Lord for your Peace in this attack against your glory. Not on my watch! We rebuke these repeated attempts to throw our faith in the fire. We honor YOU Lord and King, we trust in YOU Lord and King, in Jesus's name amen!

    1. Dear Audra, I used to say the same prayer before I went to sleep as a child. And I felt the same fear when I would say it. The thought of dying scared me when I was small. I didn't want to think about it. And the fact that my parents were closer to dying frightened me too. But I know that God is the Bringer of peace and I trust His words: Be Not Afraid. When I lie down to sleep I say: Thank You Jesus for giving me the rest I need. And His presence leads me right to sleep. My son and daughter in law in Santa Monica are always on my mind when I hear of the fires. Praying for their safety and yours, dear sister.

    2. Amen Audra may God plant a hedge of protection as around you and your family and all those who are working to contain the fires

  26. Janet, Amen! May the Lord prepare and protect your path each day and keep you safe and in His peace and joy! May He reign in your heart above all. We are blessed, Sister because His mercy and compassion endure forever and He is our strength and our salvation.
    Dear Audra, Amen! Praying that your peace of mind in Christ Jesus will remain even as the fires rage in your area. Praying He will put His hedge of protection around the firefighters and the residents. He is so much greater. Thank you Lord for this and your faithfulness as we trust in you. Amen.

  27. Janet, I pray you are well protected from harm and surrounded by those who care about you. Remember even if you are by yourself, you are never alone and always deeply cared for. We all love you too.

    1. Sweet Jeanne, I actually am alone because my sister left Friday to go to work and hasn't been back. I believe she went back to her ex but is ashamed to admit it to me because she knows that it isn't good for her. All I can do is to continue to pray for her. It's quite miraculous though that you said those words to me and that the Jesus Calling today has this particular message. I know that it is God speaking to me through this message and through you as well. Thank you and I do know that the Lord is ALWAYS with me and He will never leave any of His children. Thank You Jesus! God bless you and peace be with you. Praise God always!

    2. Dear Janet, If your sister's ex is a bad influence on her, keep praying that God will open her eyes to the truth. I pray for her every day too. I know you feel the Lord always with you. He will always be by your side. We are His beloved children and I know we are well taken care of. So you have the best company of all and He is a forever companion. I love you my sister. God bless you too and bring your peace. Amen! Praise Him with thanksgiving!

  28. I call out to the LORD when I'm in trouble, and He answers me. (Psalm 120:1). Give all your worries to Him, because He cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7). You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3).

    Father, thank You for always being with me. I do get anxious and my thoughts start to roam where they should not go. Forgive my anxiety. I don't want to dishonor You, and I do trust You with my life. I give all my burdens to You Lord. Help me to not pick them back up again. I know that they are in Your care -- the best care! You are in total control of all things and I don't need to worry about anything. You've got it all. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You for all Your messages to me and for the people You use to send them to me. Please bless them Lord.

    1. Thank you Janet for this prayer today. Yours is mine today. God Bless all who visit this blog today. JE

    2. Amen! Put those worries right in the Hand of Him who loves you.

  29. Janet dear, thank you for sharing. I relate totally. It's so difficult to conquer anxiety, to let go & let God. I join you in prayer. Please pray warriors. I mentioned early on about my Loretta, my sister from another mother. She's my charge now as she's in a nursing home from years of abusive living. I love her dearly. Her mother died recently & Loretta will be seeing a lawyer tomorrow to sign some legal documents. Please pray that her mind & focus will be clear enough to function for this & shaky hands be stilled to to sign where she needs to. She loves the Lord & has made her journey to the cross to surrender the years of drug/alcohol addiction that plague her. The consequences are ever before her but she continues to receive God's grace & mercy for it all. Thank you all for the blessing of prayerπŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Dear Jan prayers for your friend Loretta❤️ It sounds like she’s overcome quite a lot and I pray this time of her life is full of love and peace πŸ₯°

    2. Father, please let Your heavenly presence be with Your child Loretta as she deals with these legal issues. Let her be lifted up by You and hold her in Your loving arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    3. Lord we bring Loretta to you humbly requesting that you go with her as she visits the lawyer. Grant her peace of mind and clarity as she goes through this process. Thank you for the support system she has with Jan. We thank you for going before them

    4. Praying that God's Spirit will guard Loretta's words during the meeting and give her a calm spirit and a clear mind to sign where she must on the documents. My heart goes out to her because she lost her Mother. May God comfort and guide her always. Thank You Jesus!

  30. A praise report! Thank you so much for your prayers for my daughter who had colon cancer surgery 3 weeks ago. She has had a rocky recovery but yesterday was the first day I saw joy in her eyes and comfort with doing some normal things. She is a teacher and wants so much to be healed enough to go back to teaching second grade in the fall. After a year of chemo and extensive surgery, keeping her kids home from school this past year to prevent covid exposure, she is ready to get her life back. We have all grown so much in faith and reliance on God and the prayers of others. Thank you so much for your prayer gifts for my family.❤️❤️❤️ God is good!

    1. It's so wonderful to hear another victory in Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! Praying for continued healing and restoration for your daughter so she can get back to doing what she loves and teaching the young. God bless.

    2. Yes and Amen! God is so good, blessings sent to your daughter Ellen for complete recovery.πŸ™

    3. We shout Hallelujah πŸ™ and praise God for the wonderful report Ellen . We will continue to pray for your daughter until she is back in the classroom doing what she loves.

    4. So blessed to hear that my prayers for your daughter are being answered. May she continue to see God's faithfulness in her healing, recovery, progress, and a bright light at the end of her hard journey.
      Thank You Father for guiding her to all joy and good health and the desires of her heart. Amen

  31. Oh Ellen I’m so happy to hear how God has taken care of your daughter ❤️ I’ll continue to pray for her healing but for her also to have that sense of normalcy back in her life. Praise Jesus for his healing! Thank you for the wonderful update πŸ₯°

  32. Thank God for the gift of life today . Thanks for the JC family all praise reports made my heart flutter with joy and for all the prayer requests we thank God for the answers that are on the way and are your will. Thank God for your Holt spirit, today my daughter showed me her cracked tooth and my reaction in my head was money has to be spent to sort this out! Then I felt God was telling me why do react in panic all the time and yet God is right here , turn to Him. Thank God for calming the storms in our lives when we turn to you. Thank God for your healing . Thank God for friends for my daughter to play with in the compound ! Thank God for your word that keeps us on track throughout the day. Pray with me as I go for an interview tomorrow, may God's favour be upon and may His will be done .Amen

    1. Thanking God in advance for the best possible outcome and the highest good of all concerned. His Help is on the way our Min Ahadi!

    2. Joining prayers that God will provide for your daughter's tooth repair and all your needs.
      Thank You Father for this and that our sister Min Ahadi will have a great interview, and that Your Spirit will give her all the right words to say. Thank You dear Jesus!

  33. AGood Soldier of Jesus Christ
    2 SOyou, My son,Daughters,
    Be Strong in The Grace that Is Christ Jesus.2 Share the things that have Changed you Be4 GOD and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who willJuge the Living and the Dead at His Appearing and His KINGDOM.2
    SO Flee Youthful Desires and Pursue, with those Who call on the LORD OUT a PURE HEART ❤BEE
    Erica Nadine Morales

  34. Listen i have engraved you in the psalms of my Hand... Listen in Childike Faith... Listen
    Is Stand at the Door and Knock
    AND YOU AND ME❤����������

    1. Thank you dear sister Erica! That was so beautiful and it encouraged my heart. We are imperfect but well loved.
      Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me.

  35. Blessed is the Lord God yous Blessed me on the Day n this day forward in Jerusalem in my Day In JESUS CHRIST MYLOVE MY TEACHER MYLOVER OF MY SOUL ENM

  36. But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from those who persecute me. Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies' sake. Do not let me be ashamed, O LORD, for I have called upon You; Let the wicked be ashamed; Let them be silent in the grave. (Psalm 31:14-17). But You are holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in You; They trusted, and You delivered them. They cried to You, and were delivered; They trusted in You, and were not ashamed. (Psalm 22:3-5). And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. (Psalm 9:10).

    1. Amen dear Janet. He is greater than any enemies or ungodly people who try to separate us from His love. We have a mighty God that fights our battles and wins. Trust in the Lord and do good! That is all we are asked to do. He is faithful to those who sincerely seek Him and follow after righteousness and the Spirit.

  37. Oh, Dear JC Family - I've had NO time to respond today, though I've read and prayed for each of you. Today, I dealt with my Retirement Consultant, sent my DH off to get blood work (without me - he did GREAT), dealt with Casework and had my Ladies tonight. MANY THINGS TO PRAY FOR! And, I just finished up by singing a song with my friend in FL, and I'm now turning my computer off. I leave you with these lyrics:

    I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
    Gaither Vocal Band
    I don't know about tomorrow
    I just live from day to day
    I don't borrow from its sunshine
    For its skies may turn to grey
    I don't worry o'er the future
    For I know what Jesus said
    And today I'll walk beside Him
    For He knows what is ahead
    Many things about tomorrow
    I don't seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow,
    And I know who holds my hand
    I don't know about tomorrow
    It may bring me poverty
    But the one who feeds the sparrow
    Is the one who stands by me
    And the path that be portion
    May be through the flame or flood
    But His presence goes before me
    And I'm covered with His blood
    Many things about tomorrow
    I don't seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow
    And I know who holds my hand
    But I know who holds tomorrow
    And I know who holds my hand

  38. MMmmm....not sure about that link I posted! Hopefully, it takes you to the song.

  39. If not, try this link to the song. Nite nite Norah, sweet dreams.

    1. Thanks. I really needed to drink in and weep out every word in that song.

  40. Just beautiful! Thanks Norah and Audra! Get some rest now. <3

  41. Good devotion that we can all relate to. The Lord is telling us: Concentrate on trusting Me, and fearfulness will gradually lose its foothold within you.
    When we allow the flesh to take over, we get overwhelmed with our circumstances, our futures, our infirmities, our shortcomings, our responsibilities, and our weaknesses. But just putting all in the Lord's able and mighty Hands puts our life back into perspective. Taking everything one day at a time in His Presence brings His peace back into our lives. Then we are following the Spirit. Be Not Afraid, He goes before us always. Take that worry, grief, anxiety and insecurity and place it at the Throne of Grace. Take your burdens to the Lord and Leave Them There. He can handle it so much better than we can. Have a blessed day dear brothers and sisters.
    My husband has Jury Duty today. Praying all goes well because God is in charge. I'll have my little Gabriel today and also for a sleepover. Letting the Lord lead me through it. God made me a Nani so I will just share His light with him and all will go well. May God answer all our prayers and may His Faithfulness shine like the sun. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Praying all goes well for your husband today with jury duty. May our heavenly Father be with him and with you as you both journey through the day. Enjoy your precious moments with your grandson. How sweet those times are. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Thanks my dear sister! I pray your day will be richly blessed and your path will be flooded with His bright light!

  42. Sing to me a love song
    One that's eternally long
    In You, my Lord, I belong
    It's true, in You, I belong
    As we smile and walk along
    In You I am so strong
    In You, there is no wrong
    All my fears are gone
    I can now face the dawn
    Since the Father has drawn
    Me to Him -- where I belong
    It's true, in You, I belong

    Heavenly Father, thank You. I praise You Lord always. You are my saving grace and my eternal salvation. Your word is like candy to my lips and like pure honey to my soul. Your word is living water. Let our lights shine bright in the darkness of this world and let it transform death and destruction into mercy and grace. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Amen! Lovely valuable words

    2. Such a beautiful poem and prayer dear Janet! Amen!!

  43. So much preparation for the wedding and now the void that follows. Please pray for us as we navigate feelings that have surfaced after a number of recent events and encounters. Thank you! I hold you all in my prayers.

  44. Remember the joy and the love of the wedding. We are all flawed and imperfect. If God can love and accept us in our sins and imperfections than we must also do the same towards our family members and friends. We have been forgiven so we must forgive and ask for forgiveness. I can relate because there are family members that just have not offered love to many of us and we must just love them as they are. May God lead it all.

  45. I agree and I ask that he becomes real in their lives!

    1. Amen! Praying for all those who do not know the Lord to be blessed with open hearts so they will say Yes to His call to come to Him. May He open their blinded eyes to His true message of Salvation.

  46. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (Hebrews 11:3). So we may boldly say: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Hebrews 13:6).

    1. Wonderful encouragement, dear Janet! Thank you for feeding us so well.

  47. YES to your prayer, Janet! And to Bob's from years past, Reality is I am saved, I have the strength through the Holy Spirit and I can sing the Lord’s praises with thanksgiving as regularly as I allow myself. “Holy Spirit, make Isaiah 12:2 a living reality within me.”

  48. Thank you , again, Janet for your beautiful prayers to start my day! Thank you all for your participation in this wonderful JC family. I’ve been reading for years ever since my mom gave me the book years ago( she’ll be 90 this year! Not as sassy as Sassy Mom I’m sure- but pretty sassy!!) My first post was 11/13/22 and I asked for prayers for my marriage. I mentioned my wife of almost 16 years at the time was moving out in 2 weeks and we were trying to figure out our children 10 and 12 yo girls. I could feel all the JC family prayers at that time - they sustained me and I am thankful. Update: she moved out as planned back in November- I never gave up hope - we have had a rough ride since then and are still separated -my faith has grown stronger over these months. Something I didn’t mention in the November post is that in August of last year we, as a family , we were water baptized and were flying high. Less than 3 months later, she’s out of the house. This is the enemy and my family has been under attack. I’ve been praying and have been prayed for all along. She just made an offer on a house to buy- after we just had a big divorce proposal conversation- rather than spend more money on lawyers.
    I’m asking for prayers, I’m fighting the enemy daily because I keep hearing -my life would be easier without her- but it’s not about me, it’s about what Jesus wants and it’s clear that Jesus wants this marriage in tact. I saw some light in our 3 1/2 hour conversation about the divorce proposal- she’s lightening up for the first time since she left and I feel I need to lean into even more prayer . I feel a miracle is in the making - this would be a miracle if it turned around. Thank you for staying with me - I feel like we have the enemy on the run and all your prayers would finish him off!!! Thank you all❤️πŸ™

    1. Dear Blessings from NY. First, Thanks for sharing so much with us. The best thing you said was that you now belong to the Lord and there was some of His light present in your last conversation with your wife. Seek Him in all things. Praying that our Way Maker and His love, mercy and compassion will make things right for you and your family. He is so faithful so just keep waiting on Him and trusting all will be well. Read His Word often and pray without ceasing. Proverbs 3:5-6 is my “go to” verse. Stay in God’s presence and guard your peace. May His Spirit guide your words to share.
      Thank You Father for making all things right in this marriage in the Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen

  49. Good morning everyone! I really would like to request prayer for a divine intervention for the path I need to take for the next chapter of my life. ♥️thank-you!!

    1. Praying for you anonymous that your path be guided- in Jesus nameπŸ™❤️

    2. Dear Anonymous, Joining all
      Prayers for you and thanking God for guiding your path and your decisions according to His Will and Plan. May His direction be as clear as a neon light. Follow as His Spirit instructs you. Trust in His Way. Thank You Jesus.

      Psalm 37:23-24
      The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
      Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.

    3. Joining in prayer with you for all of our journeys. Thank God He knows The Way because HE IS THE WAY! Praying to follow straightaway. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  50. Dear heavenly Father, please continue to walk with me and guard me from all evil. Evils of anxiety and fear is a frequent tool of satin the master of evil. I can conquer the evil one with you at my side and a strong faith that you are with me every step of the way on my life journey. I ask this in the mighty name of Jesus my Lord my savior! Amen.

    1. You are more than a Conqueror in Christ Jesus, dear ABC. No one can rob you of God’s peace unless you permit it. Guard it carefully. Give every burden and worry to Him. Rest in Him Who cares for you.

      1 John 4:4
      Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

  51. O God I thirst for Your Presence like a deer panting for streams of water.
    The deep need in me calls out to Deep fulfillness in You.
    spirit to Spirit.
    Satisfy the longing of my soul O Lord.

    Romans 8:38-39 AMPC. For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,

    39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    It's the presence of your Spirit Lord we need x2
    So help us Lord to worship You
    It's the presence of your Spirit Lord we need.

    It's the presence of your Spirit Lord we love x2.
    So help us Lord to worship You
    It's the presence of your Spirit Lord we love

    For the moving of your Spirit Lord we pray x2
    So help us Lord to worship You
    For the moving of your Spirit Lord we pray

    1. Amen and thank you, brother Peter. Listening to that peaceful song on a rainy road on our way home from NJ.
      It's the presence of your Spirit Lord we love.
      We’re safe in God’s good and loving Hands.

  52. Praying for you BFNY. The warriors of JC family are cheering you on as together in prayer we can push back the enemy. I claim the name of Jesus for this marriage, cover them Lord withe the blood You shed on the cross. Let no weapon formed against this family prosper in the name of Jesus! Destroy any wicked, destructive assignment against them! May the power of the cross & it's reconciling message show strong in their hearts. May the blood of Jesus drench this family from the top of their heads & tricked down their feet. Amen! Hallelujah! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Thank you Jan for this beautiful prayer❤️πŸ™

    2. Jan - Pleading the blood of Jesus, claiming and echoing your prayer for the many spoken and unspoken prayer requests. Satan's greatest tool is discouragement and confusion. Praying we are surrounded with His presence, peace, love, joy, and guidance. Praying for you dear JC Prayer warriors as you pray for me.

    3. Joining your prayers as I pray for you, my dear ones.
      Our awesome God is so much greater than the evil one and his devices. May God’s will be done. He turns even the most difficult situations into blessings. He turns our tears into dancing. Hallelujah.

  53. Hi everyone good morning! It’s always a blessing chatting with you all.. Prayers Warriors.. I need all the prayers y’all can give for me and my family. I’m going through heavy spiritual warfare right now. I can’t get into details though it would take many lengths to even summarize. Just my family has gotten death threats because of our outspoken love for Christ. God is shining through me and my family so much and blessed so many through us. So it’s made many in my town very angry. Love you all and god bless!

    1. Dear Justin, Be not afraid. God goes before you always. You are glorifying God with your strong witnessing and good work for furthering His Kingdom. The ungodly will reap their just rewards. God knows well their hardened hearts and motives.
      Father God, Thank You for surrounding Justin and his good family with a mighty Hedge of Protection as they follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit Make their paths straight and safe as they faithfully serve You. Remove any anxiety and restore peace in their beautiful hearts of faith. Change the dark hearts of the unbelievers who threaten to rob them of their peace of mind. Hold Justin and his family tight in Your love and comfort, and fight their battles for them. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

      Psalm 18:2
      The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
      My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge;
      My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

    2. May the Life of God surround you and yours. And may The Author of life pour out His Grace on you. This is my prayer.

  54. Praying for you Justin that the blood of Jesus will keep you safe. Praying in the mighty powerful name of Jesus!

  55. Beautiful and honest prayer! Amen

  56. Awesome prayer, Janet! Thank you!

  57. Praying without ceasing for Justin, BFNY and ALL out there who need the prayers warriors now more than ever. You know who you are. May He wrap His loving arms around you and give you peace among your anxiety.

  58. Thank you everyone for all your prayers and wisdom- and you all can count on my prayers for you. Good night all

    1. Thanks for your prayers dear Suzanne and Blessings from NY. We pray for each other because we know God hears every prayer and He is a faithful God. Goodnight and God bless you all.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Am unable to comment

  61. Your enemy has been brought to nothing because Jesus has guaranteed and given you the victory.

    You have the name of Jesus, the name above every name, and the Sword of the Spirit.

    You have been called to battle, but you
    are destined to win.

    We call on Jehovah Nissi --- The Lord Our Banner of Victory.

    Move forward and do not quit.

    Your enemy is under your feet. You have the high ground.

    When a child of God knows the truth, they are no longer dominated by the devil.

    You don't have to fight how the enemy fights. You fight the Good fight of Faith with God's power and ability.

    Speak God's Word, declare His Word.
    It is a weapon. Make God and His Word a priority. Decree and Declare: God's love, goodness, justice, freedom.

    When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, and gives more than we imagine.
    In His own time and in His own way.
    AMEN and AMEN.

    Great Love and Abundant Blessings to this AWESOME JCFAMILY!!! JJ

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Thank you for the encouraging words and reminder of our victory in Jesus Christ! Death no longer has a hold on us! Jesus conquered it and has overcome the world! Praise the Lord and thank You Jesus 😊.

    2. Amen! Hallelujah! Thank you dear JJ! Such encouraging words can only send me off this day fully armored against the fiery darts from the enemy. May you and yours likewise be blessed! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ’ž

  62. Thanks dear JJ! May God shower you with His Love and Abundant Blessings and answer all your prayers and bring your daughter close to you and make your paths straight and guide you to the desires of your beautiful heart!! I needed to read your prayer. My middle son Greg and his family came to visit us and stayed overnight. He has been out of work for a long time and his unemployment has run out. He applies for jobs every day. My dear daughter in love confided in me that he is getting depressed and discouraged. I pray every day for God’s faithfulness to cover him and for that new door to open. God knows the best job for him and I believe he will soon be guided to it. My dear sister said her BP is still not good and now her cholesterol is very bad. Total was 269. Her knees and neck hurt and she can’t take ibuprofen anymore. Your words and prayer blessed me. Amen! These are Glory Days so I will continue to wait on the Lord and trust in His promises. Loved this:
    Decree and Declare: God's love, goodness, justice, freedom.

    1. Praying for your son Greg and your sister Janet. May our heavenly Father make straight Greg's path and open the doors for him. May He light up the way before him and encourage his heart. May He touch Janet's body and remove the afflictions and pain. May He bring healing to her and strength. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you πŸ™.

    2. Joining Janet in prayer for circumstances to change for Greg & Janet. May God's favor shower down on them like a refreshing rain, washing away all the debris of doubts, depression, discouragement & disease in Jesus' mighty name! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Joining in prayers for Greg. Covering his situation with the Favor of God. My Papa God, open doors of opportunity, and guide him to a place where his skills and talents be used for Your Glory. In moments of discouragement and depression, fill him with hope and strength. Let him fill Your comforting presence and remind him that Your plans for him are good.
      Papa God, I lift up Janet and ask for Your healing touch upon her. Restore her health and give her Your strength and peace.
      And Papa God, give Jeanne the endurance and faith she needs to continue supporting her family. May she find solace in Your promises and strength in Your presence. I trust in Your wisdom and timing, knowing You work all things for good. Great Love and Blessings to you, Jeanne. In Jesus' name, AMEN and AMEN. πŸ’ž⚘πŸ’ž

    4. Agreeing with the prayers above, so thankful we can bring our loved ones to the Lord. Thankful for His love for each person we bring to Him, asking for Him to bring hope, peace, strength, health and employment in these situations. Ask glory and honour to your name, Lord.

    5. What a blessing to read your prayers and messages, dear Janet, Jan, JJ and Websister. Amen and Amen! You have covered Janet and Greg with your prayers and lifted my heart too. We are blessed to be able to join together here in Christ to pray for each other. Thanks dear family! God bless you all.

  63. Dear Brie, continuing in prayer for you & Keith. πŸ™❤️

    1. Joining, Jan, as well as this JC family in prayers for our Brie and Keith.

    2. Joining all in continued prayer for Brie and Keith. The JCFAMILY/WARRIORS got you covered Brie! Sending our love to you. πŸ’ž⚘πŸ™

    3. Prayed along with you during the night watch last night, Brie. Much love πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•

    4. Continuing to pray with all of you for our dear Brie, Larry and Keith. We know our merciful God hears every prayer and His plan and timing are perfect.

  64. " Bring Me all your feelings,"
    Reminds me of The Beast, Kings Island, Mason OH. Rollercoaster ride, someone actually so fearful fainted and had to be carried off. Feelings are the most unstable part of us, that's why so many times 'Fear Not' appears in the Bible.
    Isaiah 41:10 AMPC
    Fear not [there is nothing to fear], for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you; yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My [victorious] right hand of rightness and justice. [Acts 18:10.]

    1. Bless you Peter. This is one of my most Go-To scriptures! And how I love the translation AMPC!

    2. Me too! Thanks Peter! I have it up on my kitchen wall at home and now in my bedroom at my mom’s.

  65. Once again, I am attempting to activate today's devotion,
    "...Bring Me ALL your feelings, even the ones you wish you didn't have..."
    Lord I wish I did not have my grief; so I am exchanging my grief for YOUR JOY!
    Lord I wish I did not have my naked vulneralbleness; so I am exchanging it for your INVINCIBLE OMNIPOTENCE!
    Lord I wish I did not have the inability to heal myself and others; so I am exchanging my inability for YOUR OMNIPRESENT HEALING POWERS.
    Lord I wish I did not have my financial impoverishment angst; so I am exchanging it for Your Lavish and Abundant PROSPERITY!

    Was not it YOU WHO said, Bring your anxieties out into the Light of My Presence, where we can deal with them together, leaving you free to Only Concentrate on trusting Me?
    I'm bringing it God. Shine Your Light on me until I see YOUR LIGHT, O Lord. Help my lack of concentration when the final exam is too hard for my little brain and heart to grasp.. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Just love this Brie, just love it!!! I am STANDING STEADFAST with you and Decreeing and Declaring over you: You are DANCING WITH THE JOY OF THE LORD; you are REJOICING IN HIS INVINCIBLE OMNIPOTENCE; You are RECEIVING HIS OMNIPRESENT HEALING POWERS and you are ACCEPTING HIS LAVISH AND ABUNDANT PROSPERITY, because He is Jehovah-jireh "God the Provider", a giver and sustainer.You Will see His LIFE-LIGHT shining forth. It says in John 1:5 MSG:
      " The Life- Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn't put it out." I ask the Lord to DISPEL any darkness that surrounds you by illuminating your pathway with His Living Light. May His presence bring you Hope, Peace, and Clarity, driving away fear and despair. In Jesus' name; For You are the Rock of our Salvation and today we need a Gibraltar to cling to, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Thank you Brie and JJ for another uplifting prayer filled with truth and the power of the Holy Spirit.
      Such a beautiful reminder of how big our God is.
      I also enjoyed reading Bob’s post from 2018 and his experiences with fear and anxiety, ultimately coming to the realization that they are unfounded lies and deceptions that are overcome by the TRUTH. And a great reminder that we can come to God in faith, trust and thanksgiving as much as we ALLOW ourselves to do so!

      Rest well JC family. Covering you in prayer in Jesus name.

    3. Sweet Brie! I decree and declare that God’s got this and He will provide anything that you are lacking right now. He will bind up your broken heart and turn your tears into dancing and bring beauty out of the ashes and remove the grief and angst and cover you with His light, peace, comfort, and joy. It may take some time but you will know this is all part of His plan, even the suffering because the release will be an extraordinary blessing and Keith’s future and our future in the Lord will be our reward. I love you.
