Sunday, July 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 20

Seek My Face, and you will find all that you have longed for. The deepest yearnings of your heart are for intimacy with Me. I know, because I designed you to desire Me. Do not feel guilty about taking taking time to be still in My Presence. You are simply responding to the tugs of divinity within you. I made you in My image, and I hid heaven in your heart. Your yearning for Me is a form of homesickness: longing for your true home in heaven.
     Do not be afraid to be different from other people. The path I have called you to travel is exquisitely right for you. The more closely you follow My leading, the more fully I can develop your gifts. To follow Me wholeheartedly, you must relinquish your desire to please other people. However your closeness to Me will bless others by enabling you to shine brightly in this dark world.
Psalm 42:1-2
English Standard Version

1 As a deer pants for flowing streams,
    so pants my soul for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
    for the living God.
When shall I come and appear before God?
Psalm 34:5
English Standard Version

Those who look to him are radiant,
    and their faces shall never be ashamed.
Philippians 2:15 
English Standard Version

that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.

My Prayer (2021)
O God, my soul pants for You, thirsts for You. As your child, I am still amazed each day that you accept me just as I am and love me no matter what. Thank you for the songs that you give me through the wonderful musicians and singers. You speak to me in a way that that excites me and yes, makes me yearn for You ever more. In your presence, I am at peace. Thank you for giving me that excitement to be in Your presence day by day. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Help me to recognize the gifts/talents you have given ME. Help me not to want "others gifts". You have chosen ME with my talents. Help me to use those talents for your greater glory!

    1. Amen, amen to this! We are all blessed and gifted in our own way and should acknowledge and appreciate that gift!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen! I've been thinking about my gifts lately and have more often chosen to work harder on my music than my artwork. But last night a friend put a photo up of himself in front of the most beautiful waterscape. I was so moved by it. I got on my Paint program and painted for over an hour and I was blessed by the fruit of my labor which will soon become another Bible card. Every day I pray I will have time to paint and God gave me just that. Blessed I am.

    3. Thank you for sharing. Love this.
      God Bless you and your art πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ™

    4. Praise God, I finished a small painting and gave it to my niece and I know I glorified God by it.
      Today's devotion and prayer really spoke to my heart. He gives me a peace that this world just can't give me. I want to be His light to others and I pray that I will focus on the Lord instead of my trivial concerns. He is the most important part of my life and He must reign in my heart above all else.

    5. Amen, Jeanne! I seek to follow Him wholeheartedly, and relinquish my desire to please other people in order to bless others and shine brightly in this dark world.

    6. Amen JC family. I also want to be His light to others and I pray that I will focus on the Lord instead of the concerns wearing me out right now. Praise God for his mercy and grace that comes every day.

    7. Yes God is awesome

    8. Amen thank you brother!!❤️

  2. We have come to the end of another week, but NOT by our power, might or strength, but that of You oh Lord. Thank You for taking us on the highways, through the streets, round and about, all the while protecting and shielding us from the dangers we may never know. Thank You Father !
    As we end this week, thank You for all the blessings, victories and trials.

    Thank You for taking care of my mom, protecting her and working in her to break every yoke and every bondage in The name of Jesus. The word says: Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed! Thank You Jesus!

    May the gifts You have given me, be used for You glory and never compare to others. I am specially and wonderfully made in Your image and desire to use my gifts to be a blessing to others all around me. Thank You Father.

    Thank You Lord for this growing body of believers, called my JC family!
    Thank You that we can come together to hear from You, read the words, share, pray and intercede together, with common goals: our love for Jesus, our trust in You, our desire to seek You and so much more. Thank You for ALL the VICTORIES and thank You for answers to ALL the pray requests and petitions. May Your name be glorified throughout the earth, now and forevermore!

    Love and blessings JC family, interceding for ALL and trusting our Father for His good will!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen my sweet Maplewood. Praying always for you and your Mother. Thanking God with you for all the victories and so many to come. We are truly blessed to belong to His family and to this wonderful JC Family. Praying for all our dear ones

    2. Thank you for your continued encouragement dear sweet Maplewood! Your words are timeless and true and Spirit anointed, You lift me always and bless my heart! Always in my prayers. Much love to you and yours. May God continue to bless and protect you all. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  3. Another great verse from Bible Gateway
    But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
    1 John 1:7 KJV Love and abundant blessings to my JC Family.

    1. Amen, Amen to that verse Sassy Mom, so true!!!!!

      Maplewood NJ

  4. Maplewood - JESUS, JESUS, JESSUS, Pleading the name of JESUS for your mother's salvation. We love you!

    1. Thank you, Thank you Sassy Mom! Trusting our Great God, thank you so much!! Sending blessings and love your way as well!

      Maplewood NJ

  5. Thank You Lord for what You are about to do for us today!!!

    1. I love that, "Happy in the Lord"!!!! Amen, amen, we should be happy in the Lord!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen! Always happy in the Lord. Rejoicing in His presence and giving thanks for every good thing and blessing He has bestowed on me.

    3. Loved, "Thank you Jesus for what you are about to do for us today"

  6. Thank You Lord for this beautiful day. Thank You for the blessings you have given throughout my life, some Lord, I didn't even know about, I was so busy living life. I know you have saved me many times, as I look back and wonder "what was I thinking", but You were there the whole way with Your hedge of protection. Help me to always appreciate the gifts You have blessed me with, although sometimes I wonder just what those gifts are. My husband always reminds me about how much his Mom and I were so much alike, as to how I can meet a stranger and before you know it, they are pouring their hearts out to me with all the pains and hurts they are struggling with. I didn't realize it was a gift untill Jeff pointed it out to me. I know there are other gifts and I thank You for them also. Thank you for blessing me with our JC Family, for the commom thread being You Lord and our love for you, the thankfulness we share for You and who You are and what You Amen in our lives.

    JC Family, I got a phone call at midnight last night from my middle daughter Kristin. She was in jail for getting a DWI, I am sick to my stomach as I type this. She has had issues, but not with the drug alcohol, but with illegal drugs and You helped her out of it with Your love. I know she has always ran to a drug just like I have, to ease the pain life hands out at times. And I know sometimes it is choices we made that got us there, while other times it was other peoples choices that put us there. In the end, it is us Lord that chooses to go to the drug to have a mind change over the pain. Help me Lord to deal with this as I should as her Mom. Knowing this is the first time she has ever been in trouble with the law herself, I ask that You be
    with her as she sits in jail for the weekend, as she has a lot of time to sit and think. I am not asking that she feels condemned but that You show her Your love over condemnation. You are not a
    God of condemnation, You are a very loving God, with unconditional love, she needs to feel Your love now more than ever. Lord You know that we have been praying to have her in Church with us, trying to show her that living for You is such a better life than all of this. I myself know that the only reason I have not gone to jail, is because I didn't get caught, as have many others out there haven't been caught either. That's what I tell someone that has been to jail or prison even, the difference between us is they got caught and I didn't. I will not sit here and condemn someone that got caught for doing the same sin than I did but didn't get caught for. There are so many people that think they are so much better than others because of their snow white record. I have one too, but I don't act as if I am better than them, because I just happened to have not gotten caught for the same thing they did. I know I am rambling Lord, as You know I have a tendency to do, especially when I really don't know what to say or how to say it. I am asking our JC Family to lift Kristin up in prayer. She doesn't even drink often at all, but we know it only takes one time and that one time could be when they got caught. Anyhow y'all I am sorry for the rambling, i was hoping when i woke up it was only a nightmare, but it isn't.

    Thank You Lord, I ask these things in your name, Amen!

    1. Pamela K--- Interceding for you daughter Kristin. Father God, I would ask you to help Kristin not accept anything into her soul that is unacceptable to You. I ask Father that you go before her and fight for Kristin against all opposition, anxiety, fear and addictions. Father, let her know You are her rear guard and You have always have her back. Open her eyes, and ears, Father, that she sees and hears You EVERYWHERE!! Keep her safe from the plans of the evil one. Lift her out of this troubling situation and guide her away from all that is harmful to her life. And, Father, give Pamela Your resting peace and let her know You've got this in Your hands AMEN AND AMEN

    2. Your life is like looking in a mirror. Thank you for this post. It's been a year since this and I pray things have gotten better for you. God bless you. Praise the Lord continously.

    3. Joining in that prayer for you Pamela. May God bring you and your family to all good things this year. And continue to bless and guide you and your daughter.

    4. Praying that your daughter has found Jesus and He has set her free. So sorry mom. Jesus Loves you.

    5. Continuing to pray for your dear daughter and for your own peace of mind. The Lord is always by your side. May He strengthen her faith and guide her to the path that leads to fulfillment, grace, joy and peace in believing. Thank You Jesus!

    6. Thank you Jesus for tugging at my heart daily to read this, Jesus Calling, and the word of God that follows each devotion. I long to draw nearer to you each day. I want to hear your voice oh God! I have prayed so many times to hear you. This is a gift, indeed. Our time together each morning is so precious. I love you Jesus, Holy Spirit. You are the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Alpha and Omega, the greatest physician, the prince of peace. May you hear and answer the prayers of our Jesus Calling Community. God bless them all. Thank you Jesus for Sarah Young, for her devotion and dedication to you, father. For bringing us all together to worship and thank you for your blessing of LIFE. We adore you, Father God. In Jesus’s holy name. Amen.

  7. Jc family- i have diligently pursued Christ for several years now. Just recently in this past year i have suddenly been blessed with several gifts! Its overwhelmingly amazing! And only by the lords will and his direction am i able to use them. The amount of opportunities i have been given to glorify Christ is unbelievable!! This Divine encounter with God has opened up an entire New passion and pursuit of what i love doing best, giving all glory to he who gave it to me! Jesus is in hot pursuit for his children and making it very clear the time is near for his return!. I know this sounds or looks crazy but its not its reality. I picked up a guitar and suddenly can play like a expert musician! Percussion as well. Music is the universal language and there happens to be divine weapons within that god is using to strike down his enemies and gather his sheep.. Theres so much more i can say.. Feel free to comment anything.. God bless yall. Thank you.

    1. Amen. Praise God. I don't think you are crazy at all. I feel the same way. He is herding his sheep for his return. Keep your eyes on him. I am so glad for you. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    2. Praise God! We shall keep our eyes on You Lord!

    3. Wonderful testimony, UK. So encouraging, so uplifting. God be with you.

    4. What an amazing happening, Unknown. God is showing you with gifts to glorify Him and lift others. What a blessing to pick up an instrument and be able to let it sing! God has richly blessed you and you know where the blessings come from. Without Him we are nothing, but with Him, we can do all things! Praise and Gratitude to our wonderful God! Let your light so shine before all men so they can see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. He is sooo good.

    5. Sometimes it just has to be a God given gift and that is clear.
      How wonderful that we get to share in the possibilities of God and His power thru you. God bless you known, not unknown!

    6. Amen! Wow i love the switch on that! And yes known is his eyes as someone i never imagined i could become! I can do all things through christ who strengthens me!

    7. And thank you all for yours replys! Some Absolutely life changing events have takin place since the lord has blessed me with these gifts! Ill share a big one with you all real quick.. My father, very angry and prideful all his life. Used drugs my entire life "30yrs". Never really payed us much concern nor did he Christ in fact tryed to keep us outta church none the less. The guitar i picked up was one of his he said he found. Well it was in pieces and with hours of hard work put it back together strummed it couple times and left it at my house. Now keep in mind hw knows ive never been able to tume a wind chime much less play a guitar.. I called him five months later "2 weeks ago" and showed him over video what Jesus has given me and he hit his knees and tears couldnt stop rolling down his face.. Ive never seen my father cry in my life.. Tears of joyful praise and thanks looking at his youngest son play like a veteran.. I told him "Dad... Christ used YOU to rebuild this guitar thats making such a impact out here!" I barely got a word outta him except i love you So much son! How overwhemling amazing that felt words cant express.. Jesus literally makes it so easy to love him if we truly desire him and want to change. Hes awakening and lifting up high those who thirst for intimacy in Him! Love Growth is the key! That unlocks and opens the door to unimaginable divine interaction with God! We must disapline ourselves passionately in all aspects of our Faith. Even though we live in the flesh, through the holy spirit we can break the chains the world and sin have ahold on us. Which enables us over disciplined time in our journey in Christ, to experience heaven Now! It takes a very strong and intimate relationship to reach those moments but its very real and can happen. I experience them often and it nearly paralyzes me its so breathtaking. Thank yall again so much God Bless you all! To Live Is For Christ And To Die Is Gain!!

    8. Thank you, Unknown. Your testimony raised me high today. Sitting here praising God for the amazing work he has done in you and your Father. What an amazing experience you shared to affirm the power and lovingkindness of our God. All things are possible through Christ Jesus. Glory be to His Name!

  8. Good morning Lord. Thank You for another blessed day in the Lord. Help me to not be afraid of being different from others Lord. Help me to follow Your leading more closely so You can develop my gifts more fully. Help me to let go of my desire to please other people. Draw me closer to You Lord and help me to bless others in Your name by shining bright in the glory of the Lord. Please keep me close in Your heart Lord. Thank You Jesus for everything You have done, are doing, and will do in my life. You are my everything Lord. I want and need You Lord. I am weak, but You are strong. I love and adore You Lord. You are my sunshine. You are so beautiful. Thank You for the gift of You Lord. Continue transforming me Lord. Praise the Lord continously and always. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet your prayer is mine! Have a blessed day dear sister!

      Blessings from France

    2. From last night into this morning, I’ve been thinking/meditating on Jesus’ Prayer for believers and how profound it was. He prayed for His disciples before leaving this world, but not forgetting those that were to come after (us included), He prayed for us as well. To recognize God in Christ’s mission is a great advance over anything this world can know. Jesus gave His glory to the world, just as His Father gave it to Him. The glory of God the Father and that of the Son are closely connected, and the death by which Jesus would glorify God led to eternal life for all believers. And as Believers, we are to be characterized by humility and service, just as Christ was. Jesus wants all believers to be one in unity just as He and The Father are One. When He said "I in them and You in Me”, it signifies that there are two indwelling: that of the Son in believers, and that of the Father in the Son. The Lord emphasized the importance of unity among His followers, and again the standard is the unity of the Father and that of the Son.

      Here is our Lord Jesus’ Prayer for us (John 17:20-23):

      “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one. I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

      I echo the Psalmist Prayer this morning:"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law He meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers……” May we take the word "Blessed “ (happy/inward joy) and seek the face of the Lord and find ALL we longed for in JESUS!

      Blessings and Peace!

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. Amen, Unknown...loved hearing about your guitar and percussion success! I, too, have a very similar success story! My dog was very sick and I didn’t want to leave her alone.,.i had purchased oil paints , brushes and canvases... just to experiment with.., I have been painting gorgeous , gallery worthy paintings ever since. Crazy! Before, I could barely draw a stick man.

    4. Thank you Maplewood for posting that beautiful prayer of our dear Saviour & Lord.

    5. Amen Janet, I could relate to so much of your prayer. Thank you.
      Maplewood, I love the Lord's Prayer for us. We were chosen before we were born and He knew we would belong to Him. I am blessed with that happy and indwelling joy and I will seek His face until I can look upon It in Heaven's realm. I have Psalm 1 engraved on my heart always. It is full of God's wisdom and instruction! Thank you always for your generosity of spirit and your insight and encouragment.
      Bright Star! What a great testimony to the goodness of the Lord. I am sure you are producing much beautiful fruit for His glory. Let it shine!!!

    6. God has brought us through the trials and difficulties of our lives and continues to guide us to use His gifts to glorify Him. It is not of our own doing that we produce good and beautiful fruit but that He has gifted us with the talents and wisdom, and has empowered us to use His gifts for His glory. I am forever grateful.
      Kimberly, I pray you continue to shine your light before all men, so they can see your good works and give glory to Our Father in Heaven.

  9. A blessed good morning to JC family🌞. Unknown- how cool is that! A special gift just for youπŸ€—. Strum that guitar in worship to the giver of all gifts. Please pray warriors. Our air conditioning gave out on the hottest week of July (105). We are waiting on a friend to rescue us. Hubby is very susceptible to heat stroke & is quite uneasy. Thank you dear family for all of your prayers that have been said for us. I treasure the posts & the nurturing Spirit we share here. Love to allπŸ₯°

    1. Jan- praying for a blessed turn around asap! JESUS is always on time!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Agree, Jan, went through a similar experience a week ago. It easily leads to anxiousness, especially when there are health factors involved. We are up and running again as you will be shortly. Fortunately, we are children of a God who does not measure our needs as greater or lesser; to our Lord, our need is His concern and He acts. Thanks be to God!

    3. Jan --- Continued prayers for your family situation and the Lord's solution for your air conditioner. "May the Lord Bless you and Keep you: the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24,26 NIV In Jesus's Name, the One Who is Faithful and True. AMEN and AMEN

    4. Jan, Joining in all prayers for you that God will quickly resolve this situation and continue to provide all your needs, and keep you and your family in good health, and cool in this heatwave. He is our Way Maker. In Him do we trust!

    5. Jan, praying for a successful outcome for your AC issues. Health concerns can multiply the problem exponentially, but God's got this. Had a similar issue with my mom's AC last week. Hers had been out for over a year, but God made it right. Waiting on the Lord for a victory report!

      Love and blessings to you from California.

    6. Praying for you and your husband Jan. May your AC issue be resolved as soon as possible, in Jesus Name Amen

      Blessings from France

    7. I join in prayer for you and your A/C unit. Lord cool their home.
      God bless you and your husband Jan.

    8. He is with you and your husband and will make sure that your needs are met. We have a good God that is always blessing us, especially in our times of need. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously and always.

    9. Dear Jan,
      Praying your A/C is in good working condition for the hot days ahead. Take care of yourself and your good husband.
      Thank You Jesus for guiding all things. We trust in You because we have seen Your Faithfulness.

  10. * lol, meant to post separately, not posted as a reply to Janet's already wonderful prayer.

    Maplewood NJ

  11. God is Amazing! What a beautiful gift he gave me..,totally sister called it a miracle...God Bless !

    1. Bright Star! Halleluia! It is nothing less than a miracle. Use your gift as much as possible to please Him who gave it to you, and to lift and encourage others. Let His good works be known. You will lead many to Him by declaring His wonderful deed!

    2. Love miracles bright star! They confirm our Lords power over anything!

    3. bright star that gives me so much joy!! I know the joy and excitement your experiencing is exactly what you needed right when it was first felt and everytime here on! The lords timing is perfect in his blessings he loves to pour out on his children! Prayers for you all inz your pursuit and victories in Christ!

  12. I wanna be in the light as you are in the light . . .

    1. Dear Kim, We are surrounded by His peace and light at all times. Even in the darkest hours, keep your eyes open for the light He places before you, and do your best to stay in His presence. He is the light that guides us in our wilderness. In this scary and uncertain time, He is our beacon. And we must be the same to others who are in fear, sickness, sadness and discouragment. We must share the light He gives us because that is His intention for us in Christ Jesus.

  13. Thanks to the many prayers from this JC family I reread last night, I slept peacefully. I wrote that some wildfires have broken out again in northern CA. Thank you Jesus for your protection and the safety of all in our region. In your name, Jesus, we rebuke any attempts by evil to throw our faith to the fire. Thank you Father, for the strength and courage you give me to fight my own battles with fear, to know that your influence on the outcome of tomorrow's surgery and the containment on these fires is in the greatest good. Thank you for making all things new and for blessing all those who gather here in love and support. Amen!

    1. May the peace of God which passes understanding be with you, Audra, as reflected in your post and concerning the surgery tomorrow. I have discovered through my years of ministry that when I prayed for people before surgery and they had a sense of peace going into surgery, the doctors were better able to work on the body because of the peace in the soul. Lord, in the surgery Audra speaks of, may it bring wholeness back to the body. May all the doctors and medical personal be tools in Your hands to pour out Your love upon her. Amen.

    2. Audra. Amen. He has the whole world in His Hands and He is working on the fires in CA. Praying along with our JC Family for your surgery tomorrow. May God guide the doctor's hands to do exactly what they need to, and lead you to perfect health and a quick recovery. Bob, Amen! God is working right through the doctors and nurses to accomplish His will. Rest in His ever present love and peace.

    3. Amen! Echoing your prayers Audra, Bob and Jeanne. God bless you

      Blessings from France

  14. Thank you all for remembering in your prayers the clergy couple at the church we attend as he has got a major battle going on with COVID-19 and she awaits test results. Nothing new yet from yesterday.

    (II Timothy 2:15b,c) 'A worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth.' Paul does not refer to his young disciple as a minister but as a worker. I appreciate that because too often the church can give the impression that only ministers are responsible for explaining the word of truth. We explain the word of truth as we live it in the presence of others and the responsibility belongs to all believers, we are all workers in God's plan of salvation.

    Further, Paul admonishes Timothy to not have any shame in his efforts. Is Paul encouraging Timothy to have a lifestyle that is totally transparent so others could see the truth in his life? Or is Paul encouraging Timothy to be bold in 'letting his light shine before all so they may see his good works and give glory to His Father in heaven.' (Matthew 5:16). Could it be both? Why can't it be both? Let us be willing to be transparent for transparency adds power to the testimony of God's work within us. (There is a lot of transparency in this blog though names remain hidden.) Let us ask the Spirit to lead us in who we are in all circumstances so the words we speak or the way we live is a witness to where we are coming from within. Always remain conscious of the fact that there always exists the possibility that the best witness is silence in certain circumstances. A wise minister friend of mine, attended a school board meeting in which the two prominent churches in town were going to press an issue before the board. He went to observe. The meeting got quite heated as emotions ran high concerning the issue. My friend sat quietly listening. After those who were most vocal had ran out of steam, one turned to my friend sitting quietly there and demanded he make a statement about the matter. He responded, "Love does not demand its own way." End of meeting. (That man was such a blessing to me as I came out of seminary, green as could be. His maturity was such a blessing, I continually give thanks for him.)

    Be blessed, sisters and brothers in Christ. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob. Praying for the Senior Pastor and his wife. Praying that his breathing improves and she gets a negative result. We are all workers in God's plan of salvation. It is our mission to use the words the Spirit gives us to lead others to salvation and to the peace, love and joy that only comes from believing. And yes to your question. It most certainly would be both. Let our brokenness attract other broken people so we can turn their tired eyes to the Lord. I also love that you said silence is the best witness in certain circumstances. I have found that people need someone with an open heart and ears to hear to listen. We have all been on the other side. That's when I speak to the Lord because He always listens quietly and always understands. Amen. Silence is golden and Love does not demand its own way. Thanks Bob!

    2. Amen Bob! Healing prayers for the pastor and his wife.
      God bless you

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining these warriors in prayer for pastor & wifeπŸ™

    4. Bob I am praying for your dear pastor and his wife!

    5. Continuing to pray, dear Bob, for your Pastor and his Wife. I also pray that you and yours are well and in good health. Thank You Jesus!

    6. Joining the JC prayer warriors, Bob.

  15. Thank you for sharing your prayers. I want to learn to be transparent. I want to be as the tree next to the river who’s fruits are ripe for harvest, whos leaves aren’t withered . I admit that my leaves wither at mere threats. I pray in Jesus name that we would all be bold today knowing who has our back. We stand united in the face of adversaries not in hatred but in love for our brothers and sisters. May God fight for us and shield us from fiery darts of the enemy. Lord we thank you for saving us.

    1. Amen Sisters Keeper. We can walk boldly because He has our backs and we never walk alone. He is a buckler to them who walk uprightly. Joining in your prayer because we need His power, peace and protection more than ever right now.

  16. Warriors I'm certainly filling up my quota on prayer request! Found out that the fellow who purchased our RV, Josh, is picking it up Tonite. We were moved to share the gospel with him. Please release the power of the Holy Spirit through your prayers that the soil of his heart is ready to receive the seed of salvation. Amen. Thank you dear onesπŸ₯°

    1. What the Spirit wants said, Jan, will flow naturally out of you. Let it flow. If words seem forced or hard to find, the Spirit is temporarily biting His tongue, as should you. God be with you.

  17. Praying that Josh will come with an open heart, ears to hear and a hunger for the Truth. May he be ready to receive and may the Spirit feed you the exact words he needs to hear. Thank you, dear Father, for this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

  18. Jan, Praying that Josh will arrive with an open heart, and ears to hear, and a hunger for the Truth. May the Spirit of God fill you with all the words he needs to hear, unto Salvation.

  19. Update warriors. RV is being picked up Saturday. More time for prayers.πŸ€—

  20. Too exhausted to read the last of the JC posts. Just got Lucie's results - NEGATIVE! Good God, give me SLEEP! Thank you, JC Prayer Warriors. Can't thank you enough.

    1. Jan, Praying his heart will be open to receive the Word of truth.
      Norah, I'm so glad Lucie's results were negative. God is so good. All the time! Halleluia!

  21. Norah - Joining the Warriors in praising the Lord for Victory in Jesus.

  22. Father, thank You for opening my heart and mind to the truth in You and Your perfect love and peace. I am so grateful to You. Guide me in the direction of Your will and grant me to walk more in the spirit and less in the flesh. I desire to know You even more deeply and be closer with You. Remove whatever may be hindering our relationship. I praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Janet - "I desire to know You even more deeply and be closer with You. Remove whatever may be hindering our relationship." Echoing your beautiful prayer. Thank You Jesus for the blessing of those who exalt Your Holy name.

  23. Joining in your beautiful prayer that echos the words of my heart. I am always longing for a Closer Walk with Him. Praising His Name and Thanking Him for loving me exactly as I am. Thank You Father for answering our prayers and all the prayers of our dear JC Family. Strengthen them in body, mind and spirit and heal their loved ones. Show them Your faithfulness as they wait in sincere hope and trust. Thank You dear Lord. We love You Jesus!

    1. Jeanne, beautiful prayer but what grabbed me was when you said “thanking Him for loving me exactly as I am”. That’s so powerful and I needed to hear that today. Thank you 😊 We are loved by an awesome God and I don’t know what I would do without His love for me everyday ❤️

    2. Yes we are loved in all our imperfections. He knows them all and forgives them but we must try to please Him in our thoughts words and deeds. That is the hard part. I'm sure He gives us a star on our foreheads for effort. Amen Sister! I feel the same way. I couldn't get through one day without His love :) <3

  24. Dear heavenly Father, thank you for continuing to develop my gift of hospitality. This is only developed with your blessing. Continue to give me the opportunity to use my gifts for your greater glory. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

  25. Amen ABC. May God answer all of your prayers and guide you to shine your light to glorify Him. Thank You Jesus!

  26. Hard to believe it was a year ago today that our Lucie received her NEGATIVE results. I can still hear her saying, "It was pwettie, Nonnie." God love her. She was over tonight, as vibrant and perky as ever!
    Asking all to please pray for my DH as we go to the Oncologist tomorrow. Expecting more miracles. Also, prayers for my dear friends, Mom, Janet. Tests - in the hospital right now, expecting to get out soon.
    Love and Prayers for all here and absent....God know what we need.

  27. Hello this is unknown from the year before who learned the guitar and the other instruments. So I'm commenting back on this post. First off I had no clue whatsoever that I had made this post today a year ago. It had completely left my memory, not that it wasn't important, it's just it has been a blazing Trail of Glory since that day! In fact the new instruments I now know how to play almost instantly is the piano a harmonica and I just bought my first electric guitar! And trust me it's pretty "Electric" if you know what I mean LOL. God is so great. Christ He reigns the power that Christ can use through his children is absolutely infallible, Unbreakable, untouchable, and in comprehendible to a dark world but very reachable if we desire a life of eternity in heaven. It's very evident now that the Lord's clear message he's sending through these amazing God sent gifts that he's given to me and my family to bring us back into his arms! Looking back and reading this post stumbling across it tonight has absolutely baffle me and brought me to joyful tears of praise! Because what do you know since that year has passed, me and my father are actually living together out-of-state far from home. And play guitar together, and work together. The amazing gift of music that he has blessed me with is jaw drop and beautifully shine and glorified Christ each and every step of the way! And what I love the most is that Christ is in the driver seat and is not letting his foot off of the gas! I have five children and suddenly every single one of them pick up an instrument and play it as if I've been sitting down and doing lessons with them on guitar, drums, piano, dancing, singing!! Suddenly five little prodigies just popped up in my living room!? My life has turned and flipped and bounced so beautifully relentlessly out of control( because Christ is in control), I can't even imagine what I'll be doing or where I will be this time next year haha! I do know one thing for sure though is that I will be craddled and lifted by Jesus' hands to shine so brightly for his glory for his purpose for his plan! Thank you so much each and everyone of you for your prayers throughout the year and for your endurance and perseverance in this cruel world! And for being light-bearers of good for the purpose of good! I know sometimes this world makes us feel so obsolete and tiny almost sometimes as you were the only one that exists but together we're out there in unity together in Christ in the father in all of us! He loves his children, he protects his children, and in the end his Wrath will pour upon everyone who has and tried to hurt his children.Dear Heavenly Father hold all of us here close to your heart and let your love touch syphonize our footsteps and our voices to be Frontline Battle ready at anytime! In Jesus name I pray AMEN!

    1. What wonderful gifts God has bestowed on you and your family dear Anonymous! You praise and glorify Him when you play so beautifully together! His faithfulness is shining in all of you. So happy to hear how well you have been doing. Please send us an update. Thanks! May God continue to bless you all in every way!

  28. Have Gabriel for a sleepover so I may be late in wishing you a joyous new day in God’s presence. Much love to all.

    1. So thankful our sleepover was such a blessing. Gabriel was a very good boy. We read books, prayed together, listened to lullabies and enjoyed a good long sleep. God is so good.

  29. Read somewhere that just as the Israelites in the desert, we don't live on yesterday's manna. We need fresh manna for each day. Yesterday morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon ( one of the hottest days of the year so far), I spent in worship, listening to the music of David Ruis, Leonard Jones, Kevin Prosch and partly I'm still there. My time alone with my Lord and Savior started today before I got out of bed. A song by Georgian Banov started playing in my head and before I knew it I was singing 'Ay O, I Will Praise Jehovah', and I'm sure there's more to come. Yesterday's manna was so good, today's will be just as good. Thank God we rely completely on Him for our spiritual nutrition; after all isn't He the Bread of Life ( come down from Heaven) and gives Living Water freely to all who come to Him? I sure am hungry and thirsty for Him today.

  30. You certainly stayed in HIS PRESENCE dear Peter. And you worshiped him in gratitude, praise and song! Even woke up with a beautiful song in your heart. Enjoy this brand new day with Him walking beside you. His mercies and blessings are indeed new every morning!

  31. Thank you Father, for this new day, a chance to begin again. Thank you for the opportunity for a play day, heading to the coast to clear our heads. May our time together mirror each other and our love for You. Thank you for so many blessings and your watchful protection over the newlyweds. ♥️πŸ™ In Joy the day, JC peeps! Beach buddy Brie, you're in my thoughts and prayers as I'll watch the waves of peace fall over us.

    1. Amen dear Audra! Every day is a new beginning. Going to visit my son in the Boston area this weekend. I may actually get to go to the beach. Hope you had a wonderul play day. I always loved Brie's posts when she was away at the beach. I could practically feel the waves and the peace and awesome beauty of God's glory through her beautiful words.

  32. Sometimes the words don’t come so easy when there is heaviness. In those times I seek your face and wait patiently for your guidance and grace, knowing that you will not leave me or forsake me. Today is one of those days Lord-help me to be still and know that you are God, a good God, full of grace and mercy. To you be all glory, honor and praise.
    Blessings familyπŸ™

    1. My Papa God, I lift up Rich to you and I thank You that the difficult situations in his life will NOT last forever. I pray You will cause them all to come to a good end and that each outcome will bring Glory to You. Help Rich to dwell on Your power and mercy, which he may not be able to see at the this time, but let him know it is always there for him. Let him know that his problems are temorary, but, Papa God, what You will do in him in the midst of them will last forever! In Jesus' name, For His Honor and His Purposes, AMEN and AMEN.
      "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
      2 Corinthians 4:17-18

    2. Amen JJ! Thank you for the prayer, for the reminder and the encouragement. Blessings to you my friend in ChristπŸ™✝️

    3. Dear Rich, Joining JJ's beautiful and heartfelt prayer for you that God will lift you to a place where you can clearly see all your blessings, and rest with the assurance that God is walking with you through these difficult days. He will make a way in your wildnerness. Trust in Him. The best is yet to come. Thank You Jesus.

  33. Hi folks, I have been enjoying your community for a bit. I used to look for Bob Malzak? due to the wisdom of his insights. Does anyone know if he is still writing?

  34. Continuing to pray for dear Bob. I am sure he is sharing his wisdom from above, according to God's Plan and guidance.

  35. Bob is alive and well and living in the suburbs! Ha ha. He is still in AZ. He felt led to lead elsewhere, but checks in here from time to time with a comment. Godspeed to all.

    1. Thank you for the update Madfox. It's good to hear such wonderful news! Miss you Bob! God bless πŸ™.

    2. Yes, include me in the many that miss Bob M,,look for his comments and the wisdom, nourishment they often provide!

    3. Thanks for the update MadFox. Someone else who's regular postings I miss is Maplewood NJ. Always blessed by Maplewood , is Maplewood still with us or maybe now serving the Lord in Heaven?

    4. I think the last we heard from MapleWood was that she was doing some international mission work. Sure do appreciate the ability to read her past posts that still inspire me.
      Thank you Mad 🦊 for bringing us up to speed on the whereabouts of our teacher preacher Bob. As above, love the timeless posts we can re-read.

  36. Thanks for the update, dear MadFox. I continue to pray for Bob and know he is still glorifying God with his good work. I know you are doing the same, dear brother. May God bless you always and keep you in remission and feeling good. Godspeed to all and traveling mercies to all those traveling.
    We are going to Boston this morning to visit our youngest son, Dylan and his wife Erica and our grandsons, Leo and Lucas. We're staying 2 nights with Rick's friends. Looking forward to it. May God's spirit instruct us and guide our words. Praying for God to open the hearts of my son and his wife to Jesus. And their children too. Giving it all to my loving Father to handle. God bless all of you and answer your prayers. Please pray for my Bible group member, Danuta's Mom who is undergoing a knee replacement. We thank God for guiding the surgery and the doctor's hands perfectly and bringing Danuta's Mom to a complete recovery. Thank You Jesus!
    Ephesians 1:17-18
    That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.

    Psalm 103:2-5
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

    1. Yes, thank you MadFox for update on brother Bob. We do miss him.

    2. Loved the update on Dear Bob, MadFox! We always have you in our prayers. I know you have my DH and me in yours. SO very thankful for our connection! <3

  37. The LORD is near to all that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. (Psalm 145:18). Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, "I have no pleasure in them." (Ecclesiastes 12:1). Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16).

    1. I left out "to help" in time of need. Sorry.

    2. We’re all human! Thanks for the delicious breakfast for my soul!

  38. Thanks for feeding me so well my brother! God bless your day and may we all have a safe and happy weekend in God’s presence and peace! He is with us always. If anyone is going through difficult times, God is close to you now. In the wilderness and trials, we realize His greatness, His tender mercies and loving kindness. He is close to the broken hearted! He will provide our needs and take care of us. Thank You Jesus.

    Philippians 4:19
    And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    Proverbs 30:5
    Every word of God is tested;
    He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.

    Psalm 5:12
    For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord,
    You surround him with favor as with a shield.

  39. Praying for your comfort, dear Sassy Mom and for the comfort and guidance of Sandi’s family and dear ones. May God hold her in His loving Arms. You will be with her again.

  40. Closing out this 24+ hr day, so very thankful to our Heavenly Father and what he wrought in Christ Jesus, His Son. Love to all of you. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch....and if it's me, Dear Lord, let me rise to the calling.

  41. Seek the Lord early and let Him reign in your hearts. Put everything into His Hands especially your reins. This is a new day so let Him lead you through it. Trust Him with every fiber of your being. He is the guiding Light that never fades , The Hope that carries you forward in the wilderness. The Strength that empowers you when you are weak.The Answer to every question. The Solution to every problem. Don’t listen to the lies of the evil one because our Awesome and Almighty God is so much Greater!! He makes our paths straight and protects us from harm and heals us in body, mind and spirit. He lifts us out of pain and misery because He loves His children. Rest in Him today and He will bring the best out of it. Thank You dear Lord and Savior.
    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! The Name Above Every Other Name!

    Deuteronomy 31:6
    “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

    Psalm 9:9-10
    “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

    Psalm 18:6
    “In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.”

    Psalm 50:15
    “and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

    Psalm 55:22
    “Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.”

    Psalm 94:14
    “For the LORD will not forsake his people;
    he will not abandon his heritage;”

    Psalm 100:5
    “For the LORD is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.”

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate you and I pray that the Lord gives you strength and peace as you take care of your mom. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!

  42. One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. (Psalm 27:4).

  43. "I hid heaven in your heart."
    Oh 🎢🎡, Heaven is in my heart,

    Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and have our being.
    Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
    Enjoy a foretaste of Heaven today.

  44. Thanks for adding much light to my day, dear Peter! Heaven is in my Heart is a sweet and uplifting song!
