Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 20

I am your living God, far more abundantly alive than the most vivacious person you know. The human body is wonderfully crafted, but gravity and the inevitable effects of aging weigh it down. Even the most superb athlete cannot maintain his fitness over many decades. Lasting abundant life can be found in Me alone. Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body. Instead, view it as the prelude to My infusing energy into your being.
     As you identify more and more fully with Me. My Life becomes increasingly intertwined with yours. Though the process of aging continues, inwardly you grow strong with the passing years. Those who live close to Me develop an inner aliveness that makes them seem youthful in spite of their years. Let My Life shine through you, as you walk in the Light with Me. 

Psalm 139:14
English Standard Version

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.

Colossians 1:29
English Standard Version

For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

I John 1:7
English Standard Version

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

My Prayer
Thank you O God that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to never doubt your creation. I often only praise your creation when I'm standing in a beautiful setting, but your creation is always correct, no matter how I may describe it. Even thorns have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to always live close to You. I pray that my faith does not change because of my circumstances. There will be tough days, tough roads, uncertain paths, unknown outcomes, but help me God to always stay close to you, realizing that you are still working in me, no matter how it may look. You are a great God and help me never to stop thanking you.   

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your constant love, support, fathering, and always being there for me. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things you have done for me and the rich gifts that You have given me. I pray that I do not fill my cup with these worldly gifts as many are temporary and short lived. I pray that I continuously walk in the light with You as my cup overflows with the abundant life you provide. Thank you for being the one anchor in my life that I can depend on forever.

    1. Beautiful Devotion and prayer today! Everything God created has been fearfully and wonderfully made. God equips us in every way to walk to rugged and rocky roads of this world. When our earthsuit gets snags, we should not get anxious or upset because we will be made perfect in Him when we reach the Glory Land. I can't get through my day without Him. May I remember to invite Him into every part of it.
      Amen Jeff! Let us fill our cups with those things that endure and walk in His presence with a cup full of His love, mercy, peace, compassion and promises.

    2. Wow Jeff, 4 years later and still oh-so good. Amen. Amen.

    3. Five years later, and your prayer is still spot on. Thank you.

      SC Anonymous

    4. AMEN! Chris & brother Jeff, thank you both for your timeless prayers. Bless you & yours. πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    5. Agreed! Amen! Such wonderful words and prayers, timeless and so appropriate for me in my walk with our Lord. I'm grateful for this incredibly supportive crew of Christians!❤️πŸ™

    6. Absolutely Amen Jeff! Again and again!

    7. Sooo glad I read ahead for tomorrow morning! Perfect entry to take to my pillow tonight and read again in the morning!

    8. 6 Years later and your prayers always resound, hit the spot, and fill the void. May you and yours be forever blessed. Thanks Jeff Hildreth, for sharing God's gifts of your sincere heartfelt prayers with your grateful JC Family of Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    9. Amen!!!
      Todays devotional and scriptures are perfect reminders. Chris, Jeff and Jeanne, your beautiful prayers are mine as well!
      Thank you Jesus for your abundant life and light that fills and shines within us! May we shine this for others to be your love and light in this world and with each person that you put in our path. Love, prayers and blessings JC family

  2. Thanks for the reading,it's right on the mark.Reminds me exactly where I need to be

  3. My Soul, Heavenly Father thirts for you and ONLY YOU. You are my light that lights my steps in the dark when I struggle what to do daily and I say to self, I trust You LORD. I need YOU daily and my prayer is that I will draw closer to you each day because there is no other place like it. I worship YOU with ALL that's within me because You are WORTHY! I πŸ’œ You Jesus and thank you for the CROSS.

  4. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  5. This is the day the Lord has made ..... REJOICING as I prepare my heart for worship, knowing what ever I go through YOU are forever in my presence and will go before me. Thank You Lord!!

    1. Every morning before my feet touch the floor the first words I utter are "Thank You Lord". I must not forget the Armor of God. This morning I was prompted to repeat "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice". I didn't realize this is what I prayed a year ago until I read todays blog. I know not what today will bring, but I'm confident I'm not alone, He is in my presence.

    2. Amen! I do the same thing. Wake up in thanksgiving. Every morning when I pray with my Mom and Sis, we pray This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Great way to start the day!!!
      Thanks Dear Sassy Mom. Amen: He is in my presence and I am in His.


  6. To You oh Lord, be ALL the glory and honor for the mighty works You have done. For sending Your Precious Son Jesus Christ to die for world. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow!
    Thank You for another blessed day, a blessed and successful weekend, for a great and anointing conference and for the victory we have over satan. May the closing service This morning manifest more miracles and breakthroughs and return us all home, safely, renewed, empowered and filled with blessings that it overflows. All to Your Glory, in the name of Jesus!

    Thank You for this earthly body that You gave us, strengthens each day, protect and live in. When we are weak in it, we become strong in You. May we embrace our years and mount up with wings like eagles. Thanking You for this body of believers, JC family. I pray strength, great health and a long blessed and happy life for all.
    Thank You for crafting us so beautifully and infusing Your energy in us. Be glorified oh Lord.

    Peace and love to all this Sunday morning.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood NJ; the holy spirit shines through you.

    2. Thank you Maplewood! You always make my heart sing with joy. I pray with you for strength, great health and a long and blessed and happy life for all! Amen!

  7. Mapplewood thank you for your prayer

  8. Growing older in appearance on the outside but being renewed into the child of God we are created to become

    1. Thank you Father for my GRACE FULL aging πŸ™♥️✝️

  9. I am so grateful that I found this site. I've had the book, "Jesus Calling" for over a year. I try my best to read it on a daily basis. On the days I forget, I am often away from the book and usually have to skip that day. With this site, I can simply click on the day and read the devotional and prayers. Very convenient. I also appreciate the very positive and encouraging comments. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Jeff

  10. Good morning Lord and jc family. God's Peace be with you all. Thank you lord for giving us inward strength as the years pass. Our closeness to you gives us youthful strength in our old age. AMEN!

    1. Amen Loveconquersall! May His Peace remain with you as well!

      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Give me eyes to see your YOUR LIGHT and STRENGTH in the body I see reflected in the mirror. Thank you Jesus!

  11. Dear Father! Thank you for loving me and bringing me to this day! Thank you for my life and the lives of others who journey with me. You are my hope, my strength, my safe harbour. Thank you for loving me through all my trials, victories and failures! There is nothing I can do that would make You love me less. Our God, our Father bless all on this day! Hear the prayers of our hearts. Your Will be done this day in Jesus’ name! ❤️❤️

    1. Wonderful prayer unknown! Praying blessings and peace upon you!

      Remain in His grace.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Amen! Thank you Jesus for this new day to spend time with your Presence here in earth and to marvel at God's pallette of many colors! Hear the prayers of our hearts. Your Will be done this day in Jesus’ name! ❤️❤️

    3. Amen Unknown! He sure is my safe Harbor and my sweet refuge! So blessed to be always loved and helped through every trial and problem. I am so grateful to receive His blessings, comfort and so many victories.
      Beautiful prayer dear Audra.


    As the Holy Spirit completes the inspiration of the reading of scripture and whatever meditation you have been led to read, the next step historically in the devotional time is the reading of the Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)

    Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was a devoted priest. His foremost prayer was for the coming of the Messiah (just as ours should be according to Revelation 22:20, 'Come, Lord Jesus'). His commitment to praying for the nation and its hope in the Messiah is evident to me in how his heart explodes with this canticle upon realizing that God is about to do what he has been praying for throughout his life. That is what prayer does to the heart. In this canticle, Zechariah expresses joy at all the promises of God concerning the Messiah coming to fulfillment. He celebrates the role his son will have in this taking place and he closes with a powerful affirmation of the nature of our Lord.

    Why has this been given to read over the centuries at the conclusion of the readings? I offer my own opinion as I reflected on it this AM. We have just read and meditated on our faith through the reading of scripture and expressions of faith from devout souls. Whatever the Spirit has spoken to us in this time, we then affirm through the Canticle of Zechariah that God is faithful to God's Word and what the Spirit has said IS coming to pass. By affirming this truth, we become filled with joy as Zechariah did in becoming certain of God's faithfulness. Through the canticle we fill our soul with the joy and hope of God fulfilling His promises. It seals God's faithfulness to our hearts. This is simply my take on using it in morning devotions.

    May you go forth with the certainty of God's faithfulness like Zechariah expressed in his song of praise to God. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. May God bless you.

    2. I dare to still HOPE through all my circumstances, because HE who promised, is FAITHFUL! May I too remain in faith and not grow faint.

      Blessings bday twin brother!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. He is faithful to complete the good work he started in us. Amen Maplewood

    4. Thank you Bob and Amen! His Word is not just ink on paper. It is alive and true. His promises are enough for us to stand on always. He is incapable of lying because of His divinity, and only in Him do I trust completely.

    5. This year, Bob, this post sent me to "the Google" to learn more about this Canticle of Zechariah. Some of it was familiar since I was raised as a Catholic. Sharing the text here in case others are curious:
      "Blessed be the Lord,
      The God of Israel;
      He has come to His people and set them free.

      He has raised up for us a mighty Saviour,
      Born of the house of His servant David.

      Through His holy prophets He promised of old
      That He would save us from our enemies,
      From the hands of all who hate us.

      He promised to show mercy to our fathers
      And to remember His holy Covenant.

      This was the oath He swore to our father Abraham:
      To set us free from the hands of our enemies,
      Free to worship Him without fear,
      Holy and righteous in His sight
      All the days of our life.

      You, My child shall be called
      The prophet of the Most High,
      For you will go before the Lord to prepare His way,
      To give his people knowledge of salvation
      By the forgiveness of their sins.

      In the tender compassion of our Lord
      The dawn from on high shall break upon us,
      to shine on those who dwell in darkness
      And the shadow of death,
      And to guide our feet into the way of peace.

      Glory to the Father,
      and to the Son,
      and to the Holy Spirit.
      As it was in the beginning.
      is now, and will be forever."

  13. Thank You Jesus. I am eternally grateful to You Lord for everything. Praise the Lord continually and always. Help lead me along the path You have prepared for me.

  14. Good stuff, Bob! At the hospital this morning for one of the diagnosis procedures and for tests to determine a prognosis and confirm the most probable diagnosis. May I and we embrace Zechariah's faith of the certainty of God's faithfulness.

    JC this morning is strangely (Not!) on point with my outpatient testing today, to wit: "Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body. Instead, view it as the prelude to My infusing energy into your being." May we all embrace His energy and His being in our lives through the Spirit, and gain peace in His healing often here in this life but ultimately in the life everlasting, to come. Be blessed today, and know I appreciate and feel your prayers and 'agape'! Amen.

    1. The Lord is with you. May the presence of His peace rest upon you. He is indeed faithful!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. We speak "Peace" to your mind, soul & body MadFox. God is indeed faithful to see you & yours through this path of uncertainty. One thing is certain, "you are loved with an everlasting love, and underneath are the everlasting arms", Elizabeth Elliot. Hallelujah!

    3. MadFox - may our good Lord shower you with blessings, comfort, no or little anxiety. We are all with you praying. KS

    4. MadFox - Praying that God's peace will settle over you and that the procedure would go well. God's got this! JE

    5. Echoing the prayers above, dear Madfox. Peace be still!

      I don't want to be afraid
      Every time I face the waves
      I don't want to be afraid
      I don't want to be afraid
      I don't want to fear the storm
      Just because I hear the roar
      I don't want to fear the storm
      I don't want to fear the storm

      Peace be still
      Say the word and I will
      Set my feet upon the sea
      Till I'm dancing in the deep
      Oh peace be still
      You are here so it is well
      Even when my eyes can't see
      I will trust the voice that speaks

      I'm not gonna be afraid
      'Cause these waves are only waves
      I'm not gonna be afraid
      I'm not gonna be afraid
      I'm not gonna fear the storm
      You are greater than it's roar
      I'm not gonna fear the storm
      I'm not gonna fear at all

      Blessings from France

    6. We know what we want for you, dear brother, because we love you and because of that love, we don't want to have to let go. But because love is forever, we will never lose you no matter what is His plan for you. For His plan is to the end of eternal love so I guess you could say, He and we are in the same frame of mind. And He allows us to keep praying mighty works on your behalf because He knows we can't help it. He delights in the love we share. God be with you!

    7. Good morning, good day, good news! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥️

    8. Praying for you dear brother. Be not afraid. He is right there with you holding you tight. May His peace and comfort reach every part of your tired but hopeful heart. Sending many prayers and so much love! Trusting always in His faithfulness.

    9. This is my third try to get this posted, Lord you want it posted, it will be posted, if not, then not.

      Amen to all the prayers and the words spoken over Madfox. Bob I think you hit the nail right on the head!!
      Madfox I believe through the Holy Spirit you are making contrails as he leads you through each appointment and each test. As you give your testimony over and over of God's faithfulness to you and your family that testimony reaches deeper than human eyes can see. God's faithfulness to you will be a testimony that reaches into the spiritual realm and changes lives. You may never see the outcome of your words but God does.

  15. You have the best energy infusing your being and flowing through you. May you continue to know God’s presence, power, and peace in this day!!

  16. Loving Heavenly Father, Thank You for another glorious day to magnify Your holy name and give You thanks. I know that “walking in the light” means that I am growing in holiness and maturing in the faith. As I follow You through every step, even falling along the way, You pick up. Thank You that the Light offers me hope, encouragement, kindness and compassion to help others regain their glow and to shine also. Thank You for Your sufficient grace. This is my prayer to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    God is the source and measure of all that is true, and whatever is true, is true because it conforms to Him.‘He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.’ When we seek God and draw to Him, we find freedom, hope and joy. It doesn’t matter what we go through, our goal of ultimate and eternal joy is secured in God because darkness doesn’t reside. In the midst of pain, suffering, illness, loss, disappointments, betrayals, injustice, and lack. We should still dare to hope in our pain and trials. Being in the spirit of worship, praise, gratefulness and thanksgiving, is by no means a form of denial of what we may be going through. We must still praise and thank Him. God is alive, He is not dead and when we live close to Him, He says, we will'develop an inner aliveness as compare to a youth'! Let’s praise Him in whatever circumstance we find ourselves, because as praises goes up, blessings come down.

    Dear Father, May we not hesitate to “walk in the light”, because everything that is of the darkness actually drives us closer to the center of the light. May Your Light shine before us so that your good works can be seen and You be glorified in Heaven (Matt. 5:16).

    “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen. I love "as praises goes up, blessings come down" ❤

      Blessings from France

    2. Thank you Sister for sharing His light always to revive and renew my Spirit. You pass on the Lord's encouragement to me always and I am so grateful for that! Holding hands with you as we follow where He leads.

  17. Thank you for this blog, it is so helpful to me. Difficult circumstances are managed so much easier the more we are identified with Him. I love the verse about being fearfully and wonderfully made and I know that God has made our bodies to heal. I ask for prayers for my 2 daughters. My oldest is having her second scan at Mayo after 8 grueling rounds of chemo for colon cancer that had spread. Please pray that her scan shows AMAZING astonishing improvement in all locations, that she is cancer FREE. She will need to have more treatment for maintenance and I pray that it is something her body can tolerate. Our second daughter is also going to Mayo for a hysterectomy next week. Please pray that it can be done laparoscopically without complications. She is single and it is hard to know that she won’t have children but this is very necessary. Thank you SO much for your prayers! God is good!

    1. Ellen- Thank you for coming back on the blog to seek continue prayers for your daughters. We pray with and for you, that the healing power of Almighty Jehovah Rapha rest upon them. Praying for favorable results for your 1st daughter and the peace of God for the 2nd, as she goes through her procedure. May God grant her other options to become a wonderful mother some day!

      Blessings upon you and family.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Ellen- praying for your 2 precious daughters. Yes! We stand in agreement with you, AMAZING grace & great news and quick recovery from surgery. As the mom Ellen, just be held and put your faith in the Almighty God. Your daughters are in good hands.

    3. Ellen - Joining Warriors in prayer for His comforting presence for you and your precious daughters.

    4. Ellen- lifting your daughters up in prayer. May the Lord grand you peace and strength today.

    5. Praying healing, comfort strength and peace for you and your daughter, dear Ellen.

      Blessings from France

    6. Thank you Jesus as we declare healing for Ellen's family all around in your powerful and loving name, amen!

    7. Ellen - praying with all JC family for your 2 daughters. May peace, comfort and healing surround them. Blessings to you all. KS

    8. Praying that your daughter's scan shows wonderful results to God's glory. Praying for her strength and healing. And your peace of mind. Praying for your other daughter's smooth hysterectomy in the arms of Jesus, without any complications. Amen.

  18. Prayers for healing and peace coming from Michigan. God Bless You and keep you!

  19. Amazing how this devotional applies specifically to me today. I am a runner and I am also about to turn 51 on Oct. 31. Yesterday I had an amazing and easy run because I took some Aleve before I went. Which I usually don’t do. Arthritis runs in my family and I am really starting to feel it. I was surprised how good I felt yesterday because I am usually sore. My mind has been preoccupied the past few days with my aging body. I just happened to read about how athletes can get addicted to Aleve because it helps soreness and inflammation. I was like wow that’s just great I finally found something that helps me now I have to not take it. Addiction also runs in my family I am 21 years clean and sober myself. Anyway, didn’t mean to chase rabbits with this just amazed at how God spoke to me through this. True consistent energy comes from Him not just the runners high. I hope everyone has a blessed day! ♥️πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸƒπŸ»‍♀️I PRAISE HIM for I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE! πŸ’–πŸŽΆGod IS good!

  20. Thank you all for sharing your prayers. I pray peace and positivity to all. I am so grateful to be on this blog. I have the Jesus calling book but reading the passages and your comments mean a lot to me. I’m not a great prayer though I do pray every day it helps to have the guidance. So again, I’m praying for every situation and person here. Be blessed!

  21. As I met with the Lord this morning, I shared with Him the weaknesses I have noticed as I age and of course petitioned Him to help me through it. Turned on to JC devotional & there it is! 😊. I love you LordπŸ₯° you answered me in a most loving way. You are so awesome! Magnificent in all your ways. No words created for human speach will ever be sufficient to describe your loving kindness, it's better than life!

  22. Dear Sharon. I'm thankful you found something to help your pain. I'm praying for your arthritis. Use the Aleve as you need it but please don't overuse. You may hurt your stomach. I was a marathoner for many years and only used painkillers when I was in great pain or if I had a fever. You have been beautifully made by God and you are not old at all. I wish I was 51 again. I'm still running and I'm in my 60's. I'm not too fast but blessed I can still run without pain. God can heal your arthritis. Trust in Him. Thank God you are clean and sober to God's glory. Thank you so much for your blessing. I am having a blessed day. I pray you have the same!

  23. Thank You Lord, for another reminder. Another of my daily devotions begin with Psalm 118:24 ESV

    "This is the day that the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it." Yes, Lord!!!!!!! I will rejoice.

  24. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. Your Presence is my saving grace. This world can be so hard at times, but to know that You are with me makes all the difference. Please hold my hand and walk through the day with me, reminding me of Your holy Presence with me. I need You in my life. Shine Your love light within me and remove any and all darkness and fear. Replace it with Your perfect peace and comfort. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. You are the best Father ever. I am so grateful, blessed, and honored to be Your child. Let the worries of this world and my life disappear in Your perfect love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Praying for you, Janet, that God is making a way for you as He IS our way-maker! There are definite days we may wonder if He's working on our behalf and that's when blind-trust and great love for our faithful God holds us up!

    2. Joining NJS in prayer for the blessing of God's nearness surround you dear Janet. Thank you for sharing your prayer πŸ™πŸ’•

    3. Sending loving virtual hugs and my prayers for you Janet. What you're thanking God for and asking for is yours. We are with you as well - every step of the way. Love, Kathy

    4. Thank You Father for granting dear Janet’s request and answering her prayers. Guide each and every step she takes, and refresh and renew her in all ways! Provide for all her needs, and direct her to the desires of her heart because she trusts in You and comes to you always in thanks and praise. We trust You to make her life one of joy, peace and light in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    5. Cheers to this new day, Janet et. Al. We are so blessed and in His Care.πŸ™♥️

  25. JC Prayer warriors: As I read through today's postings from last year, it's hard to believe the faithfulness of the Lord in truly keeping me at peace and low stress through a year of cancer chemo induction, then a stem cell transplant, and now maintenance therapy. Through faith and His firm grip of my hand, I'm still able to offer prayers and encouragement from an EMPATHETIC viewpoint to those who are very sick at the infusion center, as I'm still in stringent complete remission and look and am doing extremely well.

    JC hits home again this year: "The human body is wonderfully crafted, but gravity and the inevitable effects of aging weigh it down... Lasting abundant life can be found in Me alone. Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body." We all know that being anxious and stressed is a natural reaction to hearing or anticipating negative news about your health.

    In today's New world of patient web portals and APPS, I can truly say that they are both a curse and a blessing. As I've stated recently, the only significant side effect has been fatigue, which is common for the drug regimen that I'm currently "enjoying"!! 🀣  I had heart surgery 4 years ago this month and was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in "lucky October". The oncologists suggested a visit to the cardiologist to rule out Cardiac issues as part of, or to see if, my heart function is causing fatigue. So. last week I had an echo on what is my normal one year routine Checkup time frame. Last night the portal updated my record with the echo test results for my appt. on Thursday. It appears that there have been some changes that could be contributing to my fatigue issues and it also appears that I've got a change that may require surgery (uh-oh?!?!) as one critical measurement is now outside normal and close to the range that preventative surgery is recommended to avert a rupture of that area! So... "Lucky October" appears to be at work again!

    Prayer request for calm and that the cardiac measurements cause can be reduced by non-surgical means when I meet with the cardiologist tomorrow. Also, praying that I remain positive and the light in the room. In Him, praying for all here, and Godspeed.

    1. Madfox- I am sorry for the disappointing news and the ripple effects of more things. I prefer to only fight one battle at a time. I know this - God walks with you. You bear witness every time you write. I pray for his strength in you and will continue praying that his strength be made perfect in weakness. But as Jeanne said earlier about arthritis, God heals. Praying for that truth, too. ❤️

    2. MadFox, I am sorry to hear that October has reared its ugly head once again. I am praying for you brother that this cardiac issue can be remedied through non-invasive surgery. You continue to be a great example for us all with your positive attitude and faith. God bless.


    3. Joining warriors brother MadFox in your plight. "Praying oh great Jehovah Rapha that our brother be strengthened right this moment by the calming touch of the Holy Spirit, as You continue to hold his hand through this journey. Lead him to the Rock that is higher than all his circumstances. Show him mercy that's new every morning. May You be glorified and exalted through his suffering. Whatever happens may he count it as gain for the kingdom. Fill him with hope, trusting that You will never leave him or forsake him". Amen. We love you dear brother πŸ™πŸ’•

    4. GTT, TJ & Jan. Great thoughts and prayers. Thanks so much. Yes, it is "lucky" October! But I must and still remain focused on 3 steps in this process and really in life.
      1. Keep your faith in God.
      2. Stay positive and be outward focused.
      3. Trust your docs and the science to heal.
      When you go negative on anything, return to point #1!

      Blessings to all and Amen.

    5. It is a pleasure and an honor to be on this journey and pray along with all of you. MadFox, you are a light in this room too! We will get through this one together just like we did the other concerns. We've got our "good numbers" here. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Love, Kathy

    6. Prayers for you MadFox as you continue your journey. God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    7. Dear brother MadFox, Joining prayers that God will continue to show you His faithfulness in every area of your life, and guide you to the best non-surgical ways to resolve your problem. May He strengthen every weakness in your body, calm your beautiful heart and shine His bright light through you everywhere you go. Much love.

    8. Praying with our JC family for your requests Mad 🦊. You have a strong heart for God that stands the tests and challenges of aging. Peace be with you, my brother in Christ ♥️πŸ™

  26. So great to hear from you, MadFox. Your positive self and spirit continues to amaze me as you deem October "lucky" all the while it's when you've been hit with a not so nice or lucky diagnosis. Just wow. Praying for your cardiology appointment to have non-surgical options! There is a terrific song by Maverick City called "Promises" singing of God's faithfulness.

    Hope you and all of our JC family take a watch and listen to this video/lyrics. Powerful.

    God IS a faithful God. "He never runs out...." Sending love, healing, continued remission, energy and non-surgical ways! In Jesus' great name, AMEN!

    1. AMEN. Great voices and message. Just what was needed. Thank you NJS!

    2. Lovely truth in this song. Thank you NJS for sharing it with us!

    3. Amen NJS! He never runs out! Hallelujah!
      What perfect encouragement for our dear brother MadFox! Just listened to Promises and watched the video. Sent your link to my sweet twin sister whose knees hurt so much. Thanks!

  27. Continued prayers for you, Dear MadFox, as you embark on yet, another journey. God is with you as are our prayers.
    Love to all of you, JC Family. My "aging body," reminded me this morning that I can't do the heavy lifting I've done in the past. Clearing out an office requires just that. So thankful that I am fully equipped and our God is so faithful.
    Praying for each of you this lovely October morning.

    1. Praying for your strength physically and mentally as you prepare for your next chapter as well. Also hope your husband is doing the remission happy dance still! Amen.

    2. Joining in prayers for your strength sweet Norah! God is strengthening all of us every day from within. Our earth suits may get snags but the inner man is being renewed and refreshed each new morning. When you are weak, He is so strong. Thanking Him for healing your DH, grandsons, your friends recovering from COVID and your friend’s Mom’s recovering from hernia surgery. Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.

  28. Such an uplifting, hopeful, faith building song NJS. I NEEDED it this morning. Thank you for sharing dear sisterπŸ‘πŸ’•.

    1. Madfox thanks for your faithfulness, our dear friend God always brings you through. It might not be the way you desired but the way he knows is best for you. Think how far you're come in four years.
      God speed our friend

  29. Oct 11 was the last day I read or posted. Covid has hit us hard. I was in the hospital for a few days and just getting where I can think again, weakness and fatigue, kids doing better oldest son is still hard to breathe. God will bring us all through. I had a lot of different dreams. I think God has been giving me directions

    1. Terri. Thanks for your words... Sorry to hear
      about Covid. It is rough. Glad you're through it. Praying for complete recovery for all affected in your family and globally! Amen.

    2. Our dear sister Terri I've been watching for you to show up here and let us know how you are doing. You've been in my thoughts and prayers and to see your strength and health are coming back is what I was hoping to read. I'm continuing to keep you and yours in my prayers. Love, Kathy

    3. Terri - "God will bring us all through." Amen! Woke up this morning praying for you. Will continue prayers to Jehovah Rapha for your oldest son and your family. Thanks for the update.

    4. Thank God you have returned to us with good news. He indeed was giving you directions. He is your stronghold on shaky ground. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I too was waiting patiently to hear from you. I had a feeling you were going through your trials. But knew God was by your side through it all. May you, your hubby and children especially your oldest son recover completely to God’s glory.

    5. I haven't visited here for a few days but am glad when I can.

      Thank you for your report. As our bodies, minds, emotions, and even our spirit suffer from the effects of life events, these setbacks position us to grow inwardly. And as today's thoughts say, to grow young with life inwardly.

      Blessings and prayers

  30. Your prayer, Mr. Payton, ministered to me so much this morning. Bless you and all your readers. In Jesus name amen

  31. Lord, Are We Nearly There Yet?” (Apologies to Donkey)

    I’m walking the trail with my Lord and Savior,

    He leads, I follow

    As best I can.

    There are times I slip and take a tumble,

    He reaches down,

    Pulls me up with nail scarred Hands.

    Not long now,

    The trail end is nearer,

    Although I’m sure there’s still some way to go.

    He leads up steep pathways,

    And down into valleys,

    Answering prayer after prayer as we journey below

    Open with Him I have no defences,

    Knows me, loves me

    Upholds me with His right righteous Hand

    His love and His care will keep me still walking,

    Until at last I enter,

    That bright Promised Land.

  32. Praying for you, MadFox. Next step in your journey. Here is one of the obits for 1 of the 2 funerals we will be a part of tomorrow. What an awesome life lived!
    And, here is the other:
    Two men, whose lives will continue through their offspring. Much to be thankful for, though, those of us left here will grieve and miss them.
    Prayers for all of you, my JC Family

  33. Praying with you for our dear brother MadFox. God is leading him always because he trusts in Him. Arturo Johnson sounds like he was a wonderful man who had a full and blessed life, and a long and happy marriage. And best of all: At the top of his list was God’s Word.
    It was a shame that Tom Reams left this world at the young age of 60. He left a big loving family. May God comfort them and may both good men rest in God's peace and realize all of His promises. Praying for your comfort dear Norah. Get some rest now.

  34. Thank you, Dear Jeanne. I love you.

  35. Let His light shine through. I sure did my best today to let His light shine, despite the fact that I needed sleep. I saw some friends tonight and I told one of them that we must let His light shine before all so they can see our good works and give God the glory. I told them that is why I sing and paint. Even the dinners and cakes give Him glory. And the kind words we share from our hearts of God's love.
    Driving to Brooklyn this morning. Praying all will go well with my Mom's doctor appointment on Monday and that her vision will improve. My sister Patricia from my Bible group doesn't feel well and has coughing and congestion, and also my friend, Jessie had surgery today on her woman parts because she has been in a lot of pain. Praying that the biopsies will be benign.
    Thank You Father for healing them and giving peace of mind to them and their loved ones, and thank you for more answered prayers for our dear JC Family and so much healing and comfort in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Praying with you Jeanne. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon them and give them His perfect healing, love and peace. Mercy travels to you. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Jeanne, praying for you, your family, and friends today.

      SC Anonymous

    3. Praying dear Jeanne for safe travels & for your dear mom. Your requests have not escaped God's attention. He's on it. Anticipate His answer with hope & great excitement as He is faithful & eager to answer all prayers. AMEN! Thank You LordπŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    4. Thanks for your prayers and understanding hearts dear Janet, SC and Jan! I honestly don’t know what I’d do without your love, prayers and encouragement.
      I thank God for answering our prayers and for leading us to be sisters and members of this beautiful family in Christ. Thank You Jesus πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

  36. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. (Hebrews 3:14).

    1. Amen and thank you!

    2. Yes! Take care traveling Jeanne. Peace be with you.♥️

    3. Thanks dear Audra! You too! Praying for a safe and blessed trip!

  37. Today's JC calling is so true about aging. These days I can get frustrated at my forgetfulness. I rely more & more for the Holy Spirit to step in at those moments. He never fails me. Yesterday hubby wanted to take me to see the gorgeous fall leaves. I hesitated because of the twisty, windy roads up the parkway. I tried so hard to remember this one spot we took our grands to 2 yrs. Ago, gorgeous mountains, easy ride. Couldn't remember the place! Ugh! Well it wasn't but a minute or two & the name came up. Of course I second guess myself, " what kind of a name is that!" I googled, yep! Morris. I suddenly realized, wow Lord! Thank You! It certainly wasn't me, that's for sureπŸ˜ƒ! He's teaching me to lean in instead of getting frustrated by trusting Him in all circumstances. He cares. Hallelujah!

    1. Great testimony of God’s faithfulness. He remembers all the things we forget! I sure can relate! Not only do I forget a lot but I’m always losing things like my keys and glasses. Amazing how He sets our eyes right on the lost item. We smile and say: That was God!!! We are well taken care of! Hallelujah

    2. Hi Jan, I know that so well too. Some years ago I decided to roll with the aging process, after all, not much we can do to hold it back. I guess as most folks who are 'silver surfers' the memory recall function ain't what it used to be!
      A Harley Davidson used to be my thing, nowadays my thing is 'Hardly Dangerous'.
      What I do value, and what has deepened as hair disappears and beard grows is my relationship with my Lord Jesus. Incalculably more valuable and precious now than ever before, I would have loved to have been this age decades ago ( you might have to ponder on that awhile). When I can't see the tip of my tongue to recall a thought, I go thru A to Z slowly and usually come up with what I was trying to recall.
      I can't say I'm aging gracefully, although I may be in some areas, but I can say with absolute delight that each day that passes is a day nearer meeting my Jesus Face to face. All the years, joys, troubles aches and pains are oh so worth it!

  38. May God bless all requests mentioned here and those quietly in our hearts! Amen.

  39. Amen dear ABC! Thanks. May God bless your day in a very special way.

  40. Praying for your family, friends and safe travels, Jeanne. Jan, as always, had me laughing! Some days my DH & feel as if we're playing charades: sounds like; first syllable; trying to guess what we're talking about - LOL!! We laugh and one of us will say, "Just give me a minute," and then we are saying, "Father? WHAT am I forgetting?"
    On a serious note, I am asking for specific prayers for a newborn baby (in the family of one of my Mon Nt Ladies group), Ezekiel, who was born yesterday with an extremely rare heart condition (only one other in the world that the doctors knew of). Asking for comfort and peace for his parents and a miracle from God for little Ezekiel, knowing all too well, that God knows better than any of us. We are all asking for the peace that passes all understanding and trusting in our Father and not our own understanding.
    Also lifting my dear Daughter-in-love, who lost her father, way too young a year ago and our brother and sister in Christ who lost their dad, husband and loving brother. May their hearts be comforted with loving memories and may they know the peace of Eternal Life.
    Love and prayers to all of you as 'races begin,' to get my house in order for two of my besties coming to visit. They love DH and me, not the details of our construction site, yet I want them to be comfortable and blessed. Praying the My Father blesses the juggling act between work and home and family and that I stay peaceful and "youthful" in spite of my years!

    1. May God help you in getting the house treats for the arrival of your two Besties. It will be a sweet visit for sure!! Praying with you and for you. Just added Baby Ezekiel to my prayers. Praying for God’s healing power to wash over him and make him perfect, and also for God to guide and enlighten the doctors so Ezekiel will be healthy and strong so he can spend his life proclaiming the good deeds of the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

  41. May your light shine through me and in me, Lord, as I move forward and transition towards retirement. Grant me wisdom in the choices I need to make and bless all who are here coming to you in faithfulness and trust.

  42. Dear Rich C, Continuing to pray that all things will come together in your life and that God will guide your path to peace, contentment and fulfillment and a sweet retirement.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  43. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9). But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians 3:3). If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself. (2 Timothy 2:13). Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,for He who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23).

    1. Wonderful food for our souls, dear Janet! Better than the best cheeseburger and fries. God's encouragement remains inside of us. Thanks.

  44. Thank you JC Prayer Warrior's for praying for Wendy as per my request to you yesterday. Here's a healing testimony. Wednesday, Wendy had a scan with report showing a 3 times enlarged gallbladder plus shadows on the gallbladder where the specialist said gangrene and sepsis had set in. Another scan taken from a different position was immediately ordered. It showed exactly the same thing. Specialist said Hospital immediately. In Hospital she was put on Antibiotic drip waiting for operation. Before the operation the Hospital did another scan. Amazed the Doctor compared all 3 scans and said nothing in this last scan shows anything wrong, just slight inflammation. Wendy has seen the 3 scans and says only God could do this within 2 days. She was discharged late last night and although has painkillers said she can feel the area is not tender as before. Praise the Lord! (PJ)

    1. Wow! This is nothing short of a miracle from our Father Almighty. He can make the wrongs right when nobody else can. Continued prayers for a full recovery!

    2. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow!

    3. Our Awesome God works in amazing ways!!! Hallelujah for answered prayers and God's faithfulness for dear Wendy! May He bring her back to perfect health so she can continue to proclaim His good deeds.

  45. WOW, WOW, & WOW. Praise the Lord is right?! So happy for her and for you, her friend! Also so happy that his miracle was witnessed by many...Jehovah Rapha was and is IN THE HOUSE! Please extend this JC family's happiness and joy for her! Have laced up my victory dance shoes and dancing. God ROCKS!

    1. By our faith we are healed, in Jesus' name I pray. PRAISE THE LORD!

    2. PTL!!! Amen! Healed by His stripes!

  46. Isaiah 46:4 "Even to your old age and gray hairs I Am He, I Am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
    Psalms 92:14-15 "They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, To declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him."
    The last two weeks or so have been exceptionally demanding, physically, emotionally and mentally. My wife and I have been directly involved with family needs as no other help is available. We both have the need of many nights of deep sleep to catch up on.
    So today's JC reading is right on target.
    We will recover our strength and energy as we look to Him and allow His Life to flow through us. Thank You Lord, Your Goodness Never Fails:

    1. Prayers for peace and rest to you and your family, Peter. Lay it at His feet and let Him take over. Hope you all get caught up on your sleep this weekend.

    2. Yes, Peter...His goodness NEVER FAILS! He never gives up. Peace to you and your family in catching up on much needed rest. πŸ™

    3. Praying dear Peter, that God will find a way to restore and renew you and your wife and give you the sleep and rest you need as you faithfully help your family members. He knows what you are up against and He sees that your priorities are in the right place. Praying for a resolution to your family's problems and peace and strength for you and your dear wife. May you both have some sweet sleep. Thank You Jesus.
      I have always loved that song! And the blessing of it is God's goodness is running after us. It's present in every waking moment.

      Proverbs 3:24
      When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.

      Psalm 65:11
      You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

      Psalm 69:16
      Hear me, O LORD, for Your lovingkindness is good; Turn to me according to the multitude of Your tender mercies.

      Psalm 84:11
      For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
      The Lord will give grace and glory;
      No good thing will He withhold
      From those who walk uprightly.

  47. 'Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body'..... Jeanne, I feel like this entire JC passage was written for your good mom today. Praying that your travels will take you to her safely and that you can instill His mercy, peace and calm into her. Keep us posted with her progress, friend.

    1. Thanks so much sweet Suzanne. I've been cooking and baking with sea salt. I'm about to make roasted chicken and chicken soup with it too and bring it to my Mom. I really believe Jesus is holding her tight and healing her from the inside out. Soon she will be making more sense and feeling God's strength and healing. We thank God together for this in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

  48. Thank You God for Chris, who reminded us 8 years ago, These are tough days, tough roads, uncertain paths, unknown outcomes.
    Help me God to always stay close to you, realizing that you are still working all things together for good in me, no matter how it may look. You are a great God. Help me to always be thanking you. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  49. Joining in that perfect prayer. He will turn our tears into dancing. Holding hands with you, sweet Brie, as we praise and thank Him for His faithfulness to rain down on us and our loved ones and all our JC Family Wait on the LORD. !!!! Thank You Jesus. <3
