Monday, October 19, 2015

Jesus Calling: October 19

Come to Me with your defenses down, ready to be blessed and filled with My Presence. Relax, and feel the relief of being totally open and authentic with Me. You have nothing to hide and nothing to disclose, because I know everything about you already. You can have no other relationship like this one. Take time to savor its richness basking in My golden Light.
     One of the worst consequences of the Fall is the elaborate barriers people erect between themselves and others. Facades abound in the world, even in My Body, the church. Sometimes, church is the last place where people feel free to be themselves. They cover up with Sunday clothes and Sunday smiles. They feel relief when they leave because of the strain of false fellowship. The best antidote to this artificial atmosphere is practicing My Presence at church. Let your primary focus be communing with Me, worshiping Me, glorifying Me. Then you will be able to smile at others with My Joy and love them with My Love. 

I John 1:5-7
English Standard Version

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

Exodus 33:14
English Standard Version 

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Philippians 4:8-9
English Standard Version 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. One of the verses that I try to look at everyday Philippians 4:8-9

    1. Amen! In 2020 when the Covid hit and we were all so uncertain what to do, my pastor did a special message for us to remind us of this verse and recommended we use it moving forward in uncertain times.

      Philippians 4:8-9
      English Standard Version

      8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

    2. And if you are going to watch television find a channel whose content is this:
      whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, watch and think about these things.

  2. Heavenly Father, Help us surrender this day to You, releasing all fear and expectations that come with our own agenda and will. May we seek your guidance throughout the day, pausing at each crossroad to ask what your will for us is. Lord, help us remove the fig leaves that hid our true heart and the insecurities that encourage falsehoods of our actions. Let us turn to You, seeking your presence in this day.

    1. Wonderful devotion today. Thank you, Jeff, for your beautiful prayer. I join in it heartily as it echoes my heart.
      I love Philippians 4:8. It reminds me that "We are what we eat". So we must keep our mind clean, clear and full of those things that please God. We should only chew on those things that are sweet and true and good. Spit out anything that threatens to drag us down and separate us from the the love of God.

    2. Just tuned in early because I have a procedure tomorrow. I'm in the middle of getting an implant on my top left side of my mouth and tomorrow I'm getting the screw put in. I was surprised to see a comment from me until I realized I must have been confused on 10/10 I clicked on this date by accident. Oh well.

      I am grateful just because Jesus kept me. At my lowest times, He kept me. At my uncertain times, He kept me. When my mind was filled with conversation with the enemy telling me lies,and darkening my thoughts, He kept me. Fall is Harvest time and I am claiming my Harvest. The seeds He planted are over flowing. And I am reaping His Favor, Love, Peace, Wisdom, and Joy because He kept me! I love being a kept woman. Thank You Jesus.

    4. Thank you Jesus, God kept me

    5. Praying all goes well Jeanne. You commented a week or so ago about chewing on things that are good. That may be what your procedure allows you to do. God’s peace is with you. His heart adores you.

    6. Thoughts and prayers for a trouble free procedure for you today, Jeanne! I too am so blessed to be a kept woman in Jesus. A great reminder to start my day.

    7. Your prayers are so special. I hope that you don't mind that I share with family and friends. Thank you.

    8. Jeanne, pray for me also as I pray for you. Dental consultation for me. Lord we lift Jeanne up to you for tomorrow. May there be a calm in her spirit as she trust you with this procedure. We ask for a smooth sailing as this part of her tooth is corrected. May she recover & heal quickly. AmenπŸ™

    9. My God give you peace today, Jeanne and you under go your surgery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    10. Jeanne and Jan Praying for you both as you undergo the Sweet Chewers tune up!

    11. Thanks for your prayers GraceTakesTime, Audra, Jan, paulsenj and Brie! All went well thank God!
      Dear Jan, I'm praying your consultation went well. I pray every day you'll be able to keep your tooth. I did have a calm feeling as I felt the Lord saying there was nothing to fear. God kept me!

    12. He is such a Great Comforter!

    13. I too am so very thankful that He has kept me, safe and secure, despite my own inclinations. Now in my 9th decade,my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has brought me through very hazardous situations,many adverse circumstances due to wilfulness. Through it all He has protected, loved, forgiven, guided, admonished, cleansed and set me free. Meeting Him first thing each day is a joyful anticipation, settings the tone for the rest of the day. Troubles and difficulties still exist but He never fails to bring me through. All honor praise and glory to His Wonderful Name.

    14. GratefulFollower - "Meeting Him first thing each day is a joyful anticipation, settings the tone for the rest of the day." AMEN!!! Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful testimony.

    15. GratefulFollower thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony that also blessed me. You're in your 9th decade being a child of our One True King! What a great blessed life you can come here and speak of. All Honor, Praise, and Glory to our God!

    16. Thank you GratefulFollower, you remind me to be one ♥️

    17. I'm so grateful for all of you and your wonderful testimonials of God's grace and protection. This blog helps me each morning set my thoughts and prayers on God, asking his Holy spirit for Steadfastness.πŸ™❤️

    18. Praying the heart of God and heavenly solutions to all concerns today. Thank you Jesus!

    19. Dear Jeff, thank you for your prayer, 4 years later, this is my prayer today.
      God bless you and every faithful believer that passes here. πŸ™πŸΌ

  3. This was exactly what I answered when my small group leader, Yvonne, asked us, "What do you love MOST about Jesus?" This was my answer: I love that I can be comfortable with Him. I can be myself, warts and all, and know, for sure, that He loves me NO LESS. There is NO OTHER person I can be as open and authentic with, without fear of being loved less. Thank You, Jesus, for your unfailing, unchanging, unconditional LOVE.

    1. Still so true Ofelia! Thank you. I feel the same way.

    2. How do I love You, Jesus? Let me count some of the ways. What I love most about You is found in Psalm 139.
      Jesus, I love that only You truly care about me, yesterday, today, and forever.
      I Love how You love me, Jesus. I Love how only You, Dear Jesus can examine my heart and care to know everything about me. I love how only You know and care when I sit or stand. When far away only You know and care about my every thought. I love how only You carefully chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. I love every moment when only You know and careabout my whereabout. I love that only You know and care what I am going to say before I even say it. I love that only You care to both precede, go with and follow me to place Your Hand of blessing on my head. I love You for being glorious, and too wonderful to believe, yet You are true! I love that I can always be found by Your caring Holy Spirit! I love that I can always be near You, my God! If I go up to Heaven, I love that You are there; if I go down to the place of the dead, I love how You are also there. If I ride the morning winds to the farthest oceans, I love how even there Your Hand cares for me, guides me, and with Your Strength, You support me. I love when I try to hide from You in the darkness, and Your night becomes light all around me. I love that even my darkest hour cannot hide me from You because to you the night shines as bright as day and you seek me because You love me. I love how darkness and light are both alike to You. I love how You made and care for all the delicate, inner parts of my body and keep them knitted together as you did inside my mother’s womb. I love and thank You for caring enough to make me like You, so wonderfully complex it is amazing to think about. I love You for Your caring workmanship, how marvelous—and how well I know it. I love how You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! I love that You saw and cared for me before I was even born and You took the time to carefully schedule each day of my life before I began to breathe. You cared enough to record every one of my days in Your book! I love how precious I am in Your Eyes, Lord, and that You are thinking about me constantly! I love how Your thoughts turn toward me an infinite number of times throughout each and everyday. I love when I waken in the morning, You are still thinking of me!
      It is all these things that I love most about You and that joyfully make me Yours.

    3. PS And for all of the reasons outlined in David D's poem.

    4. Oh well OOPSY: I Love how only You, Dear Jesus can examine my heart and care to know everything about me AND LOVE ME ANYWAY.

    5. Amen sweet Brie! You sure said it all. There are limitless reasons why I love the Lord! He is everything to me.

    6. Brie, you have me singing this song
      I Love How You Love Me by Bobby. Vinton
      ♥️🎢 Link

    7. Brie πŸ˜‡and Audra πŸ˜‡.Thanks for the πŸ«‚πŸ’ž Jesus prayer, and 🎢 accompaniment: I'll be forwarding this on to Margi!πŸŒˆπŸ€—

  4. Everyone have a blessed weekend. I am praying for all of your requests this past week. God's love conquers all. Amen.

  5. BIG thanks to my JC Family for joining my 57th Anniversary Celebration (Oct. 18) with love and prayers. Thank you for creating more happy memories. Love, prayers and blessings to all.

    1. Sassy Mom - belated Happy Anniversary! I hope your day was filled with joy and fond memories. I'm sure your hubby felt blessed to be with someone as caring as you and who cherishes God like you do.

    2. Happy 58th Anniversary Sassy Mom! Remember all those sweet memories with your dear husband! You will be with your love again.

  6. Morning glory and blessings to the Lord of lords. It's a new day filled with Your mercy and many, many gifts. Thank You for the blessings of another day to glorify You.
    This morning, I come to You with a grateful heart, surrounding it all to You with my defense down and TRUSTING You for all the outcomes. Thank You Lord.
    As I've travelled to this church conference with my mother, it is with great joy and Honor to You and a blessing that she even agreed to come. I trust and Thank You for what You are about to do in her life. Thank You for the miracles that are on the way, in Jesus name.

    Praying for all the needs and concerns my JC family. May the Peace and Blessings of God saturate you all today, in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood .Just take it slow and easy and be patient. You planted the seed .praises

    2. Lol, yes unknown thank you, I really need patience and trust for God's timing, not mine. Thank You.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Thanks JJ, Sassy Mom and All my JC family for the prayers for mom, God bless you all and grant your petitions as well.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Maplewood. These words just came to mind, "Peace be still". Praying for your time at the conference with your mom. And let me know when you two are back in Minnesota!

    5. I needed to hear your encouragement today and I thank you for your words. I am trusting in the outcome of my dental procedure today because our Lord will be with me in that dentist chair with His loving arms wrapped around me. Praying always that your dear Mom and son surrender to the Lord. Thanks always for your prayers. They mean so much!

  7. Maplewood - Praying your mom opens the door of her heart when Jesus knocks.

    1. Joining Sassy Mom in prayer for your mom, Maplewood. I pray for the Lord to speak the mysteries of Christ to her heart and she will say "Yes" to Jesus! Amen and Amen

  8. Good Morning and blessings, JC Family. I've prayed for all of your requests but have been unable to get on here. I'm so happy you had a fun day celebrating with your friend, Sassy Mom! What a tribute to God's intended plan for marriage. My weekend is full but I will check in. Blessings! Norah

  9. Good morning Lord and jc family. Rejoicing for you and your mom Maplewood NJ; Thank you Jesus for sending your holy spirit. God bless JC warriors and may you feel Our Lords presence through everything that life gives; HE will lead us with his light. By your cross and resurrection, Lord, you have set us free.

  10. Anonymous --- I continue to lift up your 3 young boys and hubby(who is considering divorce). I pray the Lord brings Strength and Comfort to your heart and and Healing for your family. Remember, the Lord has a plan: Jeremiah 29"11 "For I know the plan I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." No matter what, take hold of the Word and don't let go of it. Write some verses that speak to you and put them where you can see them or put them in your pocket. Go over them several times a day! It only takes seconds and those seconds builds strength, courage and comfort in one's heart, mind and soul. Our Lord is faithful to His word!! Father, I plead the blood of our precious Jesus over this family. and bind up any of the enemies's tactics against them. Amen and Amen.

    1. Joining my JC family in continue prayers for you and yours, Anonymous. Let's keep holding on to the Lord, He's faithful.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Great advice JJ. I’m gonna try this. I’m with you in prayers. Amen

  11. Anonymous - Joining JJ in prayer for strength, comfort and healing for your family.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Your posting on Oct 17th about-- If you are having a crisis-- was, for me, beyond awesome. I copied it dowm on a note card, where I can see it. Somehow, it just says it all in a few short words. You just can't say it any better in the sentence, "Whatever and whenever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough!" That makes me to Shout and Dance for the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing those words. Throwing lots of blessings and love your way. In His Grip of Grace from Kansas

    2. Praying for all of you on the feed here I'm new with this I'm asking for prayer I start a new job travel is further than I like praying for traveling Mercy and I think this group for what they're doing I pray for peace at my job in the name of Jesus thank you guys again for all you do with your prayers. And thank you God for being on the throne I just asked you direct every thought and every step that I have in the name of Jesus I pray amen

    3. JJ - After read that in one of my David Jeremiah devotions, I thought it was worth sharing. I'm catching all the love and blessings thrown my way. Keep 'em coming, keep on throwing!!!!!!!

    4. Unknown --- You got the prayers of the JC WARRIORS for your new job! I pray that you will have THE LORD'S FAVOR with ANYONE that looks upon you and will have BLESSINGS upon the work of your hands. May traveling mercies be upon you be boundless! This is a time to-Let go and let God. AMEN and Amen

    5. Unknown - Your prayers are mine.

    6. JJ I sure do agree with you. Thank you Sassy Mom! I loved your beautiful words of encouragement and they are so true and absolutely timeless: Whatever and whenever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough!

  12. Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ! I apologize for not posting here more often, but want you all to know that I read the devotional and all of the posts here daily. I pray for all the people here daily that our Lord give everyone everything they need according to His perfect will for us.
    I have an exciting weekend ahead. A friend of mine who lost her husband has been coming to church with me lately. This past week, she asked me if I would baptize her. Obviously, I said yes. I am so humbled and grateful to be a part of God’s plan for all of us. My friend Tim is coming to watch the baptism. I’ve been praying for him to come back to the Lord, as he has been separated for quite some time. Please lift up my brother in prayer that the seer love and leave of Christ fill his heart.
    Throughout this past year, I have faced many trials, (divorce, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, depression, my daughter off the rails, etc.) but though it all, Christ has carried me through some of the darkest times of my life. I would like to share a poem that I recently wrote looking in the scriptures, I found 69 affirmations of who God says I am. I know today that each one of His children are blessed by these same affirmations.

    Not long ago, I believed myself nothing.
    The lies of the enemy filled me like stuffing.
    I had succumbed to fear, was chained to the floor. Darkness around me, I could not see the door.
    In desperation I cried, to a God I didn’t trust.
    “Help me!”, I screamed. “Or I will turn to dust!”
    A roar of silence descended, and I struggled to breathe. When a voice in head whispered quietly, “Just believe.”
    “But how can I?”, I asked. My heart filled with doubt. “All my life I’ve been told that I will be left out.”
    But there in the darkness, a pinprick of light,
    broke through the scales that had blinded my sight.
    “Come near Me.”, you said. “Let My arms surround you. Let Me tell your heart, what I know to be true.”
    Then your mighty arms, held me so tight.
    Peace overcame me. Everything felt right.
    “There is much I say about you, if you’d but dare look. I’ve written the Word, in my own Holy Book.”
    “I want you to seek Me with all of your might.
    I promise I’ll bring you from darkness to Light.”
    The still, small voice continued to speak.
    The truths about me I dared not believe.
    “Chosen. Redeemed. Forgiven. Predestined for good. Transformed. Renewed. Valuable. Part of the Royal Priesthood.”
    “Righteous. Justified. Humble. No longer a slave to sin. A holy temple built for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.
    For you are joined to Me, one spirit in the Lord.
    Salt of the earth. A light unto this world.”
    “Guarded by peace. A citizen of Heaven.
    I supply your needs, and with Me you’ve ascended.
    Free from sin. Free from death. A branch of the choicest vine. Holy. Blameless. Merciful. You are forever Mine.”
    “The blood of the cross, has cleansed all of you. Spotless. Free. Sanctified. In Me, you are made new. You are whole, My righteousness, called to be a saint.
    You have authority. Power. Faithfulness. Living in My grace.”
    “You are My workmanship. My hands and feet. Not to be condemned. Bold. Confident. Faithful. Blessed. With me in the end.
    A conqueror. An overcomer. Created in My image.
    My messenger. Disciple‐maker. An heir of Godly lineage.”
    “Sealed by the spirit. Spiritually alive. Jesus is your friend.
    Born of God. Knowledgeable. An ambassador to all men.
    You are hidden with Christ, a part of the Kingdom story. Beloved. Forgiving. Alive in Christ. Revealed with Him in glory.”

    “You are near to me. Surrendered. Your light shines in the Lord. Forgiving. Complete in Me. Created by My Word.
    For you, my son, are one with Me. My love cannot be measured. Apple of my eye. Desirable. You are my greatest treasure.”
    “Above all else. Importantly. You’re strengthened to run the race. And all I ask in return is for you to seek My face.
    My yoke is easy. My burden light. You’re not broken by the rod. Come to me, my chosen one. You are a child of God!

    1. Wonderful to read the way the Holy Spirit has spoken through you. Praise God.

    2. Thank you for sharing poem; I know God loves me; this beautiful poem brings tears to my eyes. Everlasting and forever love.

    3. Dave D! You blessed me so much with your wonderful Poem. We are blessed to belong to our great God in every sense of the Word. We are beloved and cherished and loved beyond our human understanding. Thank you and God bless your wonderful gift!

    4. WOW! Dave D. This is awesome! and I am printing it our for my prayer wall, for times when I forget to remember. Thanks so much for sharing your Holy Spirit's Inspiration. Praying Blessings for you. Your sharing has truly enriched and blessed me.

    5. Amen! ♥️πŸ™ God and His unconditional LOVE will ALWAYS draw us back to Him. His love is everlasting and unfailing. His mercies are NEW EVERY morning! I believe they are NEW EVERY moment! God is GOOD! Nice poem and SO TRUE! If we would meditate always on the words Redeemed Chosen Justified Sanctified Perfected Glorified Royal Holy, etc...instead of being sin conscious so much and be God conscious we would all experience the FREEDOM Christ died to give us. Not to say that so we are free to sin but because we will not want to if our thoughts are on Him and what He says about us. Joseph Prince is another great preacher to listen to about that. ♥️πŸ™πŸ₯°

    6. I love this scripture reference ♥️

      Romans 7:17-25
      New International Version
      17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.(A) 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.[a](B) For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.(C) 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.(D)

      21 So I find this law at work:(E) Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being(F) I delight in God’s law;(G) 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war(H) against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin(I) at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?(J) 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!(K)

      So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law,(L) but in my sinful nature[b] a slave to the law of sin.(M)

      As I read this I think Paul realizes his weakness to sin and of sin but in humility he also tries to focus on the ONE (Christ) Who lives in him and is delivering him while in reliance on Him.

    7. Great food for thought here this morning! Thank you all for these posts. This jumped out at me:
      If we would meditate always on the words Redeemed Chosen Justified Sanctified Perfected Glorified Royal Holy, etc...instead of being sin conscious so much and be God conscious we would all experience the FREEDOM Christ died to give us. Amen!

    8. So true dear Audra! We are taken care of in every way because we are beloved children of the King of Kings!

  13. That should say above ‘ the pure love and peace’ of Christ’ fill his heart.

    Doing this on my phone and the letters are very small to edit.

    Anyway, several of my friends have asked me to share a few of the other poems that I have written and through the encouragement of them, I am going to start a blog to get this going. Hoping to be able to share with you all soon.

    I lift up all of you in prayer today that the peace that surpasses all understanding wash over your lives today and the the Light of Christ shine through your hearts to bless those around you.

    Thank you Chris Payton for your diligence in keeping this page up and running.

    God Bless!

    Dave D.

    1. Dave D --- Wow! How the Lord speaks to your heart in a mighty way. Thank you for sharing. It always blows me away when I read the thoughts the Lord has about us.

    2. WOW! What a gift God has given you in writing that poem. Thank you so much for sharing. Learning to trust,OR

    3. Beautiful David D. Thank you! Amen.

    4. Amen Amen Amen. Great gathering today....JC Family. The communication is so encouraging. What a Joy to be apart of this group. Your prayers and poems and petitions are flavored with the Sweet Aroma of Our Savior. Thank you and Stay Encouraged. Blessings ❤

    5. Thank you Dave! I grabbed your beautiful words to savor later and share with my Bible Group.
      We are all so grateful that you came here to shine that beautiful light.

  14. Dave D - Welcome!! And thank you for sharing your gift God has blessed you with.

  15. Loveconquersall--- Just wanted to lift you, your daughter, Magdalena, and the boys to The Throne of Grace for healing ,strength and comfort. Jeremiah 30:17 "But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the Lord." Magdalena is blessed to have you as her mother. Great blessings of strength and stamina to you!

    1. Thank you JJ. Yes the posting that Sassy Mom shared is my prayer for you and JC warriors. "Whatever and whenever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough!"

    2. Loveconquersall. Praying God blesses you and heals your sister Ana. And that your husband is showing you love and respect, and that God is taking good care of Magdalena and your sons, and protecting your family. Much love!

  16. Praying tonight for all on here; for those that share by posting and for those reading and praying "in the background." Jesus, thank you for today. CO

    1. Oh, CO, I always look forward to your sweet prayees. So glad you are there to shower love to the JC FAMILY! Sending prayers of blessing and life breakthroughs your way.

    2. Thank you CO for reminding me to thank all those reading and praying "in the background". Father, Bless all our brothers and sisters who come here each day to read the post, fill themselves with Your Word, and pray. That is why we are doing well. We are surrounded by such a cloud of believers who trust in You and in the power of sincere prayer with faith and thanksgiving in Your Holy Name! Thank you for healing them and blessing them all. Amen

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You made me smile dear Brie! God bless you dear Sister. Every day I wanna sing and dance with you. You always brighten up my heart especially when it is weary. Love you!

    2. #METOO! I will be praying for your procedure tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll be praying tomorrow, it's only a day away!

    3. Thanks Sweetheart! That means a lot to me. Rest well, Sis :) <3

    4. Thank you for all your prayers. The Lord was with me through the whole procedure. And I felt your prayers too. I prayed all the way through it and the Dr said it went well..Just feeling blessed by God‘s faithfulness andyour love. I’m icing every hour. God is so good.

    5. Your Victory Report adds the ICING on the cake. My best and nICEst wishes go out to you and Audra!

    6. Praying for Audra's calf to heal quickly and for MadFox and Jan's consultation and so many more! Much love.

    7. Your prayers are so welcomed. Yesterday was so beautiful I just had to get out and about. Now back to square one with ice. Patience is not one of my strengths. Keeping everyone here in prayers and gratitude for the extended family that is jesUS calling!

    8. Glad you enjoyed being out. Ice is your friend. I'm immersed in it. God is so good to give us long suffering. Thanks for your prayers. I'm grateful for them, God's encouraging words and promises and my JC Family.


    Further thoughts on the Second Reading, reading from the historical works of devout believers often written in the face of great struggle and persecution. These works are with us because they have stood the test of time and are recommended reading.

    Many years ago, I went into a Christian bookstore and inquired of the owner if she carried 'The Imitation of Christ' written by Thomas a Kempis. She said, 'No'. I went on, 'Well by chance do you have a copy of 'The Cloud of Unknowing'? Again, she said, 'No.' I said, 'But these are some of the greatest works of Christian literature, I am surprised you don't carry them.' She told, 'You're the only person asking for them that is why I can't carry them.' In telling this story to an executive of one of the major Christian publishing houses, he told me, 'You wouldn't believe some of the great writings we have submitted to us that we cannot publish because we know they won't sell. The Christian public is primarily seeking shallow, 'feel good' books.'

    For my devotions this AM, the First Reading was Luke 12:8-12, where Jesus said, "When they take you before synagogues and before rulers and authorities, do not worry abut how or what your defense will be or about what you are to say. For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you should say." The Second Reading came from the works of St Ignatius of Antioch, a leader in the church during the later half of the first century. He was arrested and escorted to Rome, where he died for sport in the amphitheater around the year 107. On his trip to Rome, he wrote letters to the persecuted Christians for encouragement. In one he wrote, "Let me be food for the wild beasts for they are my way to God. I am God's wheat and shall be ground by their teeth so that I may become Christ's pure bread. Pray to Christ for me that the animals will be the means of making me a sacrificial victim for God."

    Some of the classic works of Christian literature similar to the one I quoted above are just that because they were written by individuals who's life was always on the line and they were totally devoted to Christ because of it. In their lives, they took no delight in earthly pleasures; their sole delight in life and in death was Jesus Christ. It is the works of these individuals by which I am most inspired. Recommended reading!

    A book that has been helpful to me in discovering these spiritual classics is, '25 Books Every Christian Should Read'. by Renovare, Inc., and published by HarperCollins Publishers. It includes selections from these 25 books to whet your appetite for these great works. Much like the Word of God, these works must be read in small bites because they are so juicy with faith.

    Just some thoughts written in love for you. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob. I've been noticing that people want to hear the truth, but only partly (like you said, "the feel good "). This practice makes me sad. I pray that their eyes will be opened to the actual truth, whether it feels good or not. God bless you. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. Bob, a church friend feels exactly as your bookstore owner and the executive stated. He believes nearly all modern Christian thought is "feel good", and classics are far better reading particularly those written in 100 to 400 AD! He suggests authors like: Origen, St.Augustine, Athanasius of Alexandria, Thomas Aquinas, etc.

    3. Indeed, brother MadFox, those individuals were some of the giants in the faith. What the reading of them has meant to me is to see what true love of our Lord looks like. Because of the affluence of our times, that kind of love is few and far between in the Church today. That is why we need to talk with these great people of faith from the past through their writings. God be with you.

    4. Amen Bob! Thank you so much!

      Blessings from France

    5. Reading here over the years has built a wonderful 🎢 play list, and now starting the reading list. Thank you Bob!

  19. Thank you for your love filled thoughts. I have a copy of The Imitation of Christ. I fell in love with it and a friend let me borrow it. Then later, I bought my own copy and it is filled with so much beautiful truth about being a faithful servant of the Lord and trusting in Him with every fiber of your being and putting HIm above everything else in your life. We have so much to aspire to, and many miles to travel to attain it. But we have great company along the way and He is ever at our sides. God bless you, Bob and all my JC Family. Thanks so much for your prayers. MadFox, Praying that God will show you everything is going to be OK. Much love to all! We sang this song in Choir this morning: Shelter me, O God; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
    You alone are my hope.
    When my foes surround me, set me high above their reach.
    Hear me when I call your name.
    Shelter me, O God; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
    You alone are my hope.
    As a mother gathers her young beneath her care,
    Gather me into your arms.
    Shelter me, O God; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
    You alone are my hope.
    Though I walk in darkness, through the needle's eye of death,
    You will never leave my side.
    Shelter me, O God; hide me in the shadow of your wings.
    You alone are my hope.

    1. Thank you for sharing Jeanne. May God be with you during your procedure today and all will be good. God bless you.

    2. Thank you, good thoughts and yours and all the others' prayers are cherished. It's gonna be okay!

    3. Thank you Jeanne! Praying for you and your procedure. He has it all in His Precious Hands and our trust is in Him.

      Blessings from France

    4. Thank you so much for all those prayers! They helped so much. God bless you all!

    5. Amen Madfox. It's going to be okay. We just keep waiting on Him in hope, trusting, believing, praising and thanking Him.

  20. Thank You Jesus for loving me and saving me from the darkness. I am eternally grateful to You Lord. Thank You for the gift of You and for the holy spirit. I am so blessed to be Your child. Praise the Lord continually and always. Amen πŸ™.

  21. Thank you, Bob. I will seek out the books that you have suggested. David O, i just read your poem posted one year ago...what a beautiful gift to others.Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. MadFox... praying for you, brother.

  22. Brother Bob, MadFox, Chris Payton & anyone else with God given wisdom who wants to chime in to this posts, please I welcome it. As scripture states, "we are healed by His stripes", my question, how do we walk in it? How do we claim that prize? That miracle? That promise bought with crimson price? The flogging, the beating, the mocking, the spat, the inhumane agony that led to hanging on a cross-shaped tree? I was praying this morning for MadFox, for others & myself, as on going health issues presented itself again. I was weary, so tired of asking. I would inquire at the Temple, so to speak, to seek healing, only to turn back around, head home with no victory in sight. I watch the 700 club at times & there it is! Someone would state that through a prayer by the hosts, they were healed. Again I would hear the words, "by His stripes we are healed"! Me- "Lord! How do I walk in this"? Show me how to get in line to claim this! Or is it that like Paul, this is to be a thorn at my side? Sufficient for now is Your grace for me? Or like that dear lady who tugged at the hem of your robe, shall I keep pulling? You know me Lord, if nothing else I am persistent. I'm being open, honest & vulnerable as JC devotional suggested today. You are my family, I know you love me & you understand. You take me as I am. Thank you. The conclusion I came to is that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying nonstop for me, for us, for MadFox, For all the requests posted or not. Not one prayer uttered by my lips or yours have ever been ignored. As for immediate healing? I don't know, except that the ultimate healing in "my" opinion is the final release & freedom from this body to a an incorruptible one in my heavenly home one day. 🎢 I know whom I have believeth, and am persuaded, that He is able, to keep that, which I've committed unto Him against that day!

    1. Jan. Miracles do happen but it is unclear to me and many how they occur in some situations and not in others. My past 3 years have been rough, and here I am again with a potential diagnosis and prognosis with a rare situation that will be potentially a shorter time here than I'd expected. I don't think God won't heal us, but then I'm also understanding sadly that I also may not be. Thus, one day at a time, I'm going to be thankful that the "manna" showed up for today.

      As Sarah has written, I can't help not thinking of the future and thus lamenting some of what I will miss (moist eyes perhaps at the moment) but I AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP. We all started dieing upon our birth, it's the nature of humanity. But, I will "fight the good fight" until He says, "come home". Godspeed. In Jesus name.

    2. Thank you MadFox for responding πŸ’•. So very inspiring to me. Bless you brother.

    3. #ME TOO, Madfox, in whatever manna it shows up, I, too am taking it one day at a time, and being thankful that the "manna" showed up for today. Blessings. Amen

    4. Jan, Just chiming in to say
      d) all of the above:
      Paul's life long Thorn, The 12 year Robe Tugger, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the Israelites, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel and many others. Personally, I am trying to beat the Robe Tuggers 12 year Record. To date I have done 3 sets of 12. How sweet it will be when I am finally healed, either here or There! Keep tugging. Love you.

    5. Oh Brie, me too. Since the birth of my first baby, who is now 48. Perseverance, we will sit together under one of your beach umbrella and wait for our Saviour to walk by. On ready set go! We will both go after the hem of His robe. Hallelujah!

    6. LOLOLOL! The Tassel Grab and Cape Tug is on for sure. I hope His robe is made from a bolt of indestructible fabric with tegenerating tassels! Once we are healed, do we have to give the tassels back? Asking for a friend! Love you

    7. OOPSY! Regenerating tassels. Oh well!

    8. Madfox, We all trust in God's healing but also lean on our own understanding. We have prayed for many who were not healed but we have also seen many miracles. I believe all is possible for our God and I will continue lifing you in prayers as we all will. May you touch the garment of Christ and be renewed and restored. Keep tugging and fighting the good fight. We love you!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. I recently heard that God heals everybody everytime. Yes, God always heals, so we are to continue in prayer for healing in accordance with His Will. Some, get temporary healing, in, and for, this world; some get permanent eternal healing in, and for the heavenly world. Regardless, everybody gets healed.
      All worldly healings are temporary, in that some suffering and or pain will happen again.
      All Eternal Healings are Permamemt, in that suffering and pain will never happen again.
      New Light inside an old head that made me go hmmmm!
      Much love and many prayers, Brie.

  23. JJ-still praying for your heart, dear girlπŸ₯°

  24. FROM PHILIPPIANS 4 And now, as I close this message, let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is TRUE and GOOD and RIGHT@ God. Think about things that are PURE and LOVELY, and dwell on the FINE, GOOD things in others.  Think about all you can PRAISE GOD for and be GLAD about. Keep putting into practice all you learned from Me and saw Me doing, and the God of Peace will always be with you!

    On the beach, fresh oysters right out of the shell are a big treat, when you are willing to work at them. Sharp oyster shells are sealed tightly, protecting the soft fragile oyster inside. The skilled oyster opener very carefully guides the knife tip to pierce the sharp tightly sealed shell and wiggle into the hinge. Once a little pop is heard, the blade slides in very carefully leaving the oyster intact. For oyster lovers, how lovely it is to discover what's inside.
    God sees our hearts much like the oyster inside its shell. When we experience pain or  loss, the sharp shell seals tightly in an attempt to protect the wounded fragile softness inside. We sometimes tightly close and seal our oyster shells to God. Yet of all the places He can reside, He chooses our heart. He desires our heart so much,  He risks prying open the sharp tight shutout shell surrounding it. He forms beautiful pearls from the painful hurtful irritants. And, He creates treasures when He has access to our heart.

    FROM PROVERBS 4 Remember and follow My words for a long happy life. Open yourself to My Wisdom and learn to be wise, develop good judgment and common sense. Cling to My Wisdom for your protection. Love her and she will guard you. Open up to Me and receive My ever brightening light of favor, giving way to splendor.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You pierce the hardened and sharp oyster shell that entraps our heart and then enter in even when the sharp tightly closed  shell tries to keep You shut out? We really want You dwelling inside and building on whatever treasure You find there; would You help us unhinge the outer shell and trust You enough to freely expose what is inside? Then together, underneath Your Light, can we both bask in and savor the full richness inside? In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. Amen.

    1. Brie! Thank you for sharing your beach devotions with us. It is such a blessing. They are so well written and you always have such great analogies! Thank you for letting the Holy Spirit inspire and lead you and sharing them with us. As I read your post, I was thinking these Beach Devotions would make such a good book and bless many. I would buy it for sure!
      God bless you dear sister,

      Blessings from France

    2. Dear Holy Spirit, I can hear You asking me four questions:
      1) How sharp and tightly closed is the oyster shell surrounding my heart?
      2) What causes the hinges to tightly close??
      3) What causes the hinges to freely open???
      4) What irritants am I trying to protect????
      To Be Continued...

    3. Thanks dear Brie, I feel so blessed that God knows my heart intimately even more than my husband does. In Him I am made complete and fully understood. May God open our shells and our hearts so we are ready to receive what His Spirit is feeding us. And help us to grow closer to Him we will be more like Him in our daily walk with love, mercy and compassion. Our light cannot shine through a closed shell. That's why we are broken vessels. God is close to the broken hearted.

    4. Do I remember that ground up oyster shells are an ingredient in fertilizer? Do you catch my cryptiic drift?

  25. Oh Dear Heavenly Father, My heart is bursting this morning from reading this devotion and being reminded to relax, feel relief and be totally open and authentic with You’! You know every thought even before we speak it! And yes dear Lord, You sure got me this morning, you got me real good! You knew what I poured out to You even before I poured out to Your servant seeking godly counsel! Thank You that Your presence goes with us wherever we go. Thank You for being available to us 24/7, 365 days, every second, and every awaken minute of our lives! Thank You that when that curtain split in half on that bless and faithful day, Jesus granted us direct access to YOU and there is nothing like the freedom in seeking and knowing You and ‘basking in Your golden Light’. I am blessed this morning by hearing directly from You again and I pray that your children here are also blessed and confident of Your love for them. Thank You for Jesus! Amen.

    God wants us to be brutally(as in respectfully not holding anything back) bold when coming to Him with our issues and concerns. And boy oh boy, I needed to hear that this morning because I’ve let my defense down to Him in my quiet alone time, seeking relief as only He can provide. It doesn’t matter if you share it or not, before you even decided to do so, He already knew and this gives me so much more confidence in His Power and Majesty!
    People all over this world are hurting and struggling with various issues not known to others, but certainly known to Him. He said we should cast ALL of our cares at the foot of the cross and there He will gather and help us, granting us His peace that surpasses ALL our understandings! We can put on our Sunday best, put on the fake smiles and pretend that all is well when it’s not. But it’s okay because not everyone has to know what you are going through and not everyone will even care to help you or can help you. So, the best One to commune with, is JESUS! He’s the ONLY One who understands and yearn for us to communicate with, worship, glorify and thank Him! Yes, there are very few that you can trust and turn to for earthly guidance through the Word, and I will say, please go ahead, but Put God first. When we do this, we are again able to smile at and with others in sincerity (our pain is all gone) and we are able to love them with God’s love and stop hiding behind our own pain!

    May our Father bless and keep all of you JC Family, as we seek Him with all our heart and receive His perfect Peace and abundance! Keeping you all in my prayers and trusting God to meet all of your needs is one of the highlights to my day!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen!! There's nothing like Him, nothing like His love, nothing like His comfort and peace. He is everything. The solid rock we can always take refuge and rest on.
      Oh what a friend we have in Jesus!

      Blessings from France

    2. Maplewood NJ and Blessings from France you are both highlights to my day along with our entire JC Family.

    3. Thanks dear Maplewood. There is no one we can trust except God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is no darkness in them, only light. There are all good, truthful and perfect. Lay your burden at the Throne of Grace and walk with a lighter load. We are indeed taken care of. But we must also accept His answers because He is the only One who knows our future and writes each page of our book. He loves us more dearly than anyone on this earth. He understands our fears and our dreams and our needs and our weaknesses. Blessed to be in His loving care and in this loving Family right here. I love you all!

  26. Lord, Have Mercy on us All. We kneel before you as an empty vessel. Fill us till our cup runneth over. You Promised to never leave us or forsake us. We Stand on Your Word. Remove All doubts and fears. You know, Lord. You know ... Keep us and We Will Be Kept. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. It's so good to "see" you again, Phoebe Quarterman. I missed your posts. Hopefully, you were praying with us behind the scenes. Love You.

    2. Amen Sister Phoebe! Trusting in His promises. We are in the best of Hands.

  27. May God answer all the prayers of our dear JC Family. Waiting to hear how some of our loved ones are doing. Trust in the Lord completely and do not doubt. He is working behind the scenes. His promises are reliable and we are His beloved children. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our needs, goals, dreams, fears and situations. Take your burdens to Him and leave them there. Rest in His presence and peace. Rest in Him who cares for us and loves us with an undying and unconditional love. We are all in His Mighty Hands. He holds our futures in Them. We are sheep in His fold. Nothing else is more important. He is our God.

    1. Amen sweet Jeanne! God bless you!

    2. Thank you Janet! God bless you dear sister.

  28. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. (Philippians 2:3). And the words of the LORD are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold reined seven times. You, LORD, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, (Psalm 12:6-7). But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today", so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. (Hebrews 3:13).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect Presence and for walking with all of us daily. You are so wonderful and perfect. Your loving presence is an absolute necessity in my life. I can't do anything apart from You. I am so grateful for You. Please don't let me take You for granted in my life. I praise You Lord always. Open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. Let me be aware of Your presence in everything, everywhere. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles that are all around me in the world. I am in awe of Your majesty and all You do in the world in and through us. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Let us walk together, holding hands, and help me to follow Your leading and not my own. Help me walk in Your Spirit and not in my flesh. I start my new job today and I'm nervous about it. Please fill me with Your perfect peace and comfort. Remind me of Your Presence always in my life. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Prayers for a great beginning to your new job today, Janet! God's got this with you!!!

    2. Joining in prayers for your new job dear Janet! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He has already prepared you for this so rest in Him.

  29. Dear holy warriors..So many powerfully, spirit driven prayers, poems, and declarations for living for and with Christ...Thank you, in his love, I share❣

    1. O Lord, You're Beautiful. I just love this song. Thank You dear Butterfly love.

  30. Amen ladies! I needed to hear these reminders today as the evil one is putting so much doubt in my mind about current situations and my decisions, even though I pray for guidance and wisdom, remain in God’s will and seek His voice, I still find myself questioning things. Someways I feel so lost and confused. Yet I still seek him in all things and just have to remember to not listen to all the negativity and truly focus on all those things mentioned in today’s verse. As I pray about the future for my wife and I, I ask for wisdom, clarity and grace. I pray that each of you may be blessed with peace, joy and health today. πŸ™

    1. Back at you, Rich C πŸ™♥️

    2. Rich C - AMEN! Echoing your prayer "I ask for wisdom, clarity and grace. I pray that each of you may be blessed with peace, joy and health today"

    3. Rich C - I receive your blessing. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    4. Thank you for your prayer and blessing. Keeping you in my prayers my brother. We all need the wisdom from above, and clarity of mind and heart, and to live in God's grace and favor. May God grant you and your wife all that and also peace, joy and good health. Don't let doubt cloud your vision. Keep your focus on His promises because He is the God of truth and faithfulness.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you for the lovely update to your perfect day! It was an honor to pray for you and yours!

    2. Dear JC Family, Thank you for joining me for a virtual celebration of my 59 th anniversary. Abundantly blessed with fond happy, joyful, funny memories. It was a perfect day. Thank you for loving me. Loving my JC Warriors with prayers.


  32. Thank You Jesus, You have saved my life, brought me from the darkness into glorious light..Thank You Jesus for the blood ...

    1. Such an amazing and powerful song! Just filled my heart to bursting. I just sent the link to my Mom and sister.

      Thank You Jesus for the blood applied (thank You Jesus)
      Thank You Jesus it have washed me white
      Thank You Jesus You have saved my life
      Brought me from the darkness into glorious light
      There is nothing stronger
      Then the wonder working power of the blood
      The blood
      That calls us sons and daughters
      We are ransomed by our father
      Through the Blood

  33. I'm listening now... so good! Thank you

  34. Sassy Mom! Did I miss your virtual celebration of 59 years? Was there a link? I'm listening to your song right now - so beautiful.
    Praying for all of my Dear JC Family. I thank you for your prayers in what has been hard for the last 7 days. As plans are being made to lay our dear ones to rest, I thank you for your love and believing as I go to bed - so tired, but very blessed to see Him work in so many ways.
    Two funerals on Thursday....never in my life have I had to do this. God gives us the strength; goes before us, in every situation.

    1. God knows exactly how you feel dear Norah. May God hold you very tight in your grief and fill your broken heart with His peace comfort. This is a beautiful song too. I hope it blesses you. I Speak Jesus.

  35. Norah - AMEN!!!!"God gives us the strength; goes before us, in every situation." Sorry you missed the ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Expecting you next year for the big 60 Anniversary.

  36. Amen! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

  37. My friend Kim has entered into eternal life. Prayers for Gods strength for her family. I thank you all for keeping Kim and her family in the JC family prayers


    1. Joining in prayer with you. May our heavenly Father place His loving arms around the family and heal their hearts and give them peace and comfort. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Praying for Kim’s family during this time.

    3. Thank you so much, ♥️ from my heart .

    4. Praying for Kim's family. Oh God of comfort & peace, hug this family with Your loving,caring ,everlasting arms. In Jesus name, amenπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    5. Sending prayers and condolences. πŸ™

    6. Healing prayers for Kim's family to be surrounded with HIS love, peace and comfort.

    7. Kim is now forever healed. You have my sympathy, and prayers for Jesus to Comfort you, in your loss of a friend, whose friendship will never end. In Jesus' Name

    8. I recently heard that God heals everybody everytime. Yes, God always heals, so we are to continue in prayer for healing in accordance with His Will. Some, get temporary healing, in, and for, this world; some get permanent eternal healing in, and for the heavenly world. Regardless, everybody gets healed.
      All worldly healings are temporary, in that some suffering and or pain will happen again.
      All Eternal Healings are Permamemt, in that suffering and pain will never happen again.
      New Light inside an old head that made me go hmmmm!
      Much love and many prayers, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Brie.

    9. Again...hmmm. Truth! May kind family be covered in it in this time of sorrow. πŸ™

    10. I'm praying for Kim's family and for your loss, Margaret. I'm glad that you know you will have Eternity with her.
      Brie - what an awesome post. "EVERYBODY GETS HEALED." What a blessing to read. Love you, Sister.

    11. Joining all prayers for comfort, guidance and support for Kim's family. May God rest her good soul and bless and comfort her loved ones. Thank You Jesus.
      Amen dear Brie! He is a Healer and He knows all our weaknesses. Everybody gets healed in the way we need it most.

  38. Heavenly Father, thank You for knowing me so deeply. Search me and cast out any and all darkness, wickedness and hardness that is in me. Remove any barriers that may be in the way of our relationship and remove anything that is hindering us moving forward along the path that You have prepared. I want to be so close and near to You Lord. I don't want anything in the way of that. Please let our relationship be loving, honest, open and obstacle free. Let me grow in You and Your Word and magnify my love and faith in You and let it grow stronger every moment of every day. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Janet - thank you for sharing your prayer. You eloquently put into words how many of us feel.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Yes, just beautiful Janet.

    3. Beautiful prayer, Janet. As was said earlier on this post, God hears every prayer and no words are wasted with him. I agree with your prayer for all of us….God bless each and every one of you with whatever you need. He knows and hears you.

    4. You nailed it Janet! AMEN and AMEN!

    5. AMEN sweet sister! My prayer alsoπŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    6. Beautiful prayer. You nailed it Janet. Thanks for sharing. Amen in Jesus Name.

    7. You took the words right out of my morning journaling, Janet! I'm joining you in this prayer!

    8. Beautiful prayer dear Janet. Amen.

  39. Worth sharing a prayer from Michael Youssef Devotions.
    God, help me to be on guard against those who are removing pieces of the Truth from Your Word. Thank You for being the only way, the Truth, and the life. Help me to proclaim this Good News lovingly and unashamedly. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Amen, Sassy Mom! Love and Blessings to you.

    2. Thank you dear Sassy Mom! Amen to that.

  40. Went back and read David D poem from 2019. How powerful and moving. Exactly what I needed to hear today as the evil one continues to tug at my marriage, my mind and my soul. Redirected me to remember whose I am and all his promises for me because Jehovah Rohi simply loves me. I pray I will hold on to this awesome truth!

    May your day be blessed with Christ’s peace. ShalomπŸ™

    1. πŸ™ you through it all, Rich C.

    2. Dear Rich, Joining Brie's prayer for you that our Way Maker will smooth out any wrinkles in your marriage and renew and restore your love, trust and joy. Thank You Jesus.

  41. My Beloved JCFAMILY/WARRIORS -- It's a time for Prayer, Praise and Worshiping like never before. Remember, Praise and the Worshipers were put on the front lines in a battle. God is on our side and He always WINS! Father God, hear my prayer for this precious JCFAMILY. No matter how hard their lives are right now; no matter the desperation they are facing or the impossible situations they are facing, You hear the cries of Your people and deliver them out of them all! So, Father God, I thank You for their Deliverance. I thank You for their Freedom. I thank You for their Overflow. I thank You for breaking the chains that have them bound. I thank You, Father God, for visiting their homes with Breakthroughs. I thank You for healing them and for setting them free. Thank You for their Redemptive rights -- no weapon formed against them shall prosper and every tongue that rises against them You will condemn. I want to thank You and Praise You for their VICTORIES and for their Strength. The Joy of the Lord is their strength. Let them see You are changing the course of their lives, changing it into their VICTORIES! Pleading the Blood of Jesus over each life. In Jesus's Holy name, AMEN and AMEN

    1 Chronicles 16:34 "Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever!"

    Sending Bunches of Love and Blessings to my JCFAMILY/WARRIORS

    1. Communing, Worshipping, Gloryfying, and Receiving along with you, JJ. When I read today's devotion, I thought, Yes! I'm Ready! Dear Lord, I'm ready to be blessed and filled with Your Presence, and then JJ's post appeared! Praying it again for our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors. In Jesus' Name. AMEN.

    2. Dearest JJ! Amen and Amen! He heard all my cries for help and strength and He got me through so much these past 2 days. I'm exhausted but ready to drive back to my Mom's tomorrow. God bless you dear sister for gathering us up in your prayer. May we realize more victories in our lives and health. Thank You Jesus.

    3. I'm coming a day late to the worship, glorifying, and praise party!...Thank you, JJ, for your AWEsome prayer!

    4. JJ’s prayer is so awesome, positive and powerful and speak’s about God’s power and majesty instead of lack and fear. He uses you greatly, JJ to speak healing and bless this group and I am sure many others.

  42. God's presence does go with us and we find rest. My mom did not do well in the ER yesterday. She just didn't want to be there. My good sister and my brother in love were with her. She gave everyone a hard time and her test results showed a low sodium level and a high sedimentation rate which is very bad. The doctors wanted to admit her for further testing because she is so confused and our Mom refused to stay. She's home and not doing well. The doctors told her to drink electrolytes and use sea salt. I feel so bad her problems were not resolved. Thank God, she is going to see the Neurologist tomorrow. My sister Janet and her husband David need some rest because our Mom isn't sleeping much at night because she sleeps during the day. I will be with them soon so I can take the night shift. May God strengthen and heal our Mom and Janet and David and guide the Neurologist to find out the source of our Mom's confusion and weakness. Thank You Jesus. Thanks for your prayers. God hears every one. We pray for each other because we trust in His faithfulness and compassion. Waiting on the Lord.

    Psalms 27:14
    Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!

    1. Jeanne, praying for you, your sister, brother in law, mother, and doctors as this journey continues. Praying for healing, rest, and answers.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Praying along with you Jeanne. For Mom, Janet, David and you.

    3. Joining in prayers for you, your mom, and your family. May our heavenly Father bring healing, strength, and comfort in this time of need πŸ™. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Continued prayer for your mom, Janet, David &,you dear sister. Our faithful God is sustaining all of you as you walk through these difficult time. May the Lord give you all discernment, wisdom & knowledge as you maneuver through trying to respect your mom's wishes & yet wanting to know what's wrong. God is with you. πŸ’•πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  43. Requesting prayer for Wendy, in pain for months.At last Doc agreed to scan. Found enlarged x3 gall bladder, with sepsis, gangrene and necrotic tissue. Now in hospital awaiting surgeons decision on operation.
    Thank you JC Prayer warriors. PJ

    1. Praying for Wendy to receive relief from the pain and wholeness brought to her body. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  44. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:27-28). Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. (1 Corinthians 12:27). For in Christ all the fullness of the deity lives in bodily form,and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. (Colossians 2:9-10).

    1. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. (Romans 15:7).
