Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Jesus Calling: February 10

     Trust Me enough to spend ample time with Me, pushing back the demands of the day. Refuse to feel guilty about something that is so pleasing to Me, the King of the universe. Because I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to Me in rich communion. Also, as you align yourself with My perspective, you can sort out what is important and what is not.
     Don't fall into the trap of being constantly on the go. Many, many things people do in My Name have no value in My kingdom. To avoid doing meaningless works, stay in continual communication with Me. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. 

Luke 10:41-42
English Standard Version
41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

Psalm 32:8
English Standard Version
I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go;
I will counsel you with My eye upon you.

My Prayer
Lord, help me to start each day with you, making you the first priority, so that I spend time with you before I read the newspaper, turn on the TV, or even prepare and eat my breakfast. Lord, I want you to be my priority. I often fail to live like this, but I know the day is better when I begin with you. Lord, I want you to be my community and my most important time. Lord, when I turn to You, You show me what is most important in my life. 

Forgive me for the trap of being on the go, feeling like I'm lost each day if I don't check my facebook page or twitter. So much of those times drown you out. I want Your Name to have the most value in my life. Help me to choose you each day so that I am crying out to You. Thank You for being there always.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. You said my exact prayer. Thank you. I need to always put God first, and everything else will "fall" into place.

  2. Thank you for sharing. Great overview.

  3. A strong passage in today's devo: "I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to Me in rich communion."

    16 months ago, with the first and only major hospitalization and surgery of my life, God got my attention! The message was to SLOW down TODAY into segments that allow time for Him. I am now communicating with God regularly before getting started with my day and in the late evening to finish with Him. However, what I now realize is that during the day I need to reach out and hold His hand for steadying of what I can't see. If I do, it is likely that will lead me to a more efficient day. Praying He continues to lead me and you closer to Jesus in our faith. Amen

    1. MadFox, beautiful faith. YOU are his beloved in whom He is well pleased. Amen.

    2. ABC, missed this comment last year. Humbled by it, and gladly embrace being one of His beloved. Thank you and Godspeed to you.

      In seeing last year's post, realize that I've become much better at slowing down to listen to His whisper via His Word, in prayer, and here in the comments and prayers from our JC blog compatriots. Jesus Calling is one of the few ways that I'm able to open my mind to the Lord. In ever-growing faith, especially in the past 2+ years, feel much more at peace with my walk, family, and circumstances.

      As said before, disappointed that it took major surgery and an earthquake in my professional life, to reorder my spiritual life... but I'm grateful to our Lord for His Love and forbearance! Peace JC neighbors and friends, praying that your week is blessed and you make time for Him in new ways and seemingly odd times to be blessed and accomplish more! Amen.

    3. MadFox, your thoughts and desire are helpful to me. Psalm 119:164 says, "Seven times a day I praise You for your righteous ordinances." When St Benedict established the order for the monks, he incorporated that verse into the order by calling for prayer seven times a day: contemplation before dawn, morning prayer, mid-morning prayer, noon time prayer, mid-afternoon prayers, evening prayer, and night prayer. Psalms were read for the prayer time, he established a four week cycle to read through the psalms. I commend you for the times you have already established (you are farther ahead on that than I am). I have offered these thoughts as suggestions in helping you to find your own way that you can connect on a more frequent basis with our Lord and Savior. God be with you, my brother.

    4. Good Morning MadFox. I'm hoping you're doing well and will come here today to once again read this and see your progress. You've led us and blessed us countless times with your faith. Thank you for that. God Bless you and keep you in the comfort.
      I believe you've found your way to JOY as you've stated above; - acronym = Jesus first, then Others, then You. "In ever-growing faith, especially in the past 2+ years, feel much more at peace with my walk, family, and circumstances. " Take care and please check in when you're able. We are all praying for you. Love, Kathy

    5. Blessed again by this prior year post by mad🦊 and continuing in thanksgiving and prayer for our JC Calling compatriot! My life and awareness of God's Presence had been enhanced greatly by regular visits to this blog and daily reading of His Word. Thank you Jesus!

    6. Thank you Madfox and Chris Payton for yours prayers are mine as well! Hope that y’all are healthy and well! Prayers for you both and for our JC family
      God bless you
      With love

    7. Amen Audra. Praying with you for our dear brother, MadFox. πŸ’—πŸ™. Thanks be to God for his healing and for this sweet place of refreshment, peace and renewal, and for our JC Family. .

    8. All, in an effort to not be redundant, and honestly the impact of chemo on my energy level, I've seen where old posts have summed up my same feelings today. Will post tomorrow with update.

  4. Father, my grateful heart comes before Your throne of grace this morning to say Thank you for yet another day. Thank You for strength to carry out all my tasks for today. Including, putting You first and not tossing You aside in the busyness of a work day, but to worship and keep You in my Heart while I work. In doing so, I trust that You will 'bend time and events in my favor' to accomplish more in less time. Thank You for this day.

    Similar to yesterday's devotion (Seek My Face), today's telling us to "Trust me enough".
    Sometimes we think that believing in God entitles us to a problem free life or either one may think that they don't have enough faith or God is not holding up to His end of the bargain. But if you read the word well, you will find out that the Bible contradicts that thought. John 16:33 tells us: "In this world, we will have trouble". Many Godly men and women in the Bible went through terrible pain and sufferings:
    Job- God didn't answer Job when he asked why me?
    Joseph - sold by his own flesh and blood and when he thought his troubles have ended after being the king's 'right hand man', he was accused of rape.
    Ruth- lost her husband and became poor in a foreign land and so many other stories of sufferings in the Bible of God's people.
    God however, performed lots of miracles, but He did not protect His people from everything. God doesn't owe us any explanation when life becomes confusing and painful, so don't be surprise when you dont get an answer.

    What trust in God means, is NO matter what happens, we must turn to Him instead of away. God cares, even when it sometimes feels like He doesn't. Trusting God also means that whatever we suffer, in the end can be used for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28).

    I know, it's easier said than done, but this is when we need to dive into the word and take Him at His word. The more time we spend with God, the more peace He gives us in the midst of the storm.

    Whatever storm you may be facing, TRUST Him enough! He is preparing you for great things to come.

    May the blessings and Peace of our LordJ esus be with you today.

    Maplewood NJ

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood - so meaningful. Thank you for this beautiful message. "whatever storm you may be facing, Trust Him!" KS

    2. Thank you for your perspective Maplewood NJ. Its exactly what I needed reminded of today.

    3. Thank you Maplewood! Praying for all today!

    4. Oh my goodness this really hit me hard and served as a GREAT reminder that everything we need GOD has it and will provide IN HIS TIME! HE ALWAYS answers prayers but not always on our time or in a way we expect it, it can be yes, no or wait! I can truly testify that during my toughest storms I always came out better than I was when I went into it! thanks for sharing your heart today!

    5. Just what I needed to hear. Thank you so much, Maplewood. Praying things are going well. But the Lord is surely by your side and the Spirit is always at work inside you filling your heart with wisdom and instruction. You feed us very well to His glory. I trust in Him no matter what the storm.
      When I'm in pain the Lord is close to me and knows exactly how I feel. He holds me and lifts gently and comforts me. The very best company I could ask for. He knows my needs and fills them. Perfect contentment in His presence because I can just be myself and that is good enough for Him. How blessed to be loved exactly how we are.

    6. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for the perspective we sometimes forget.

    7. Amen Maplewood, so blessed to read your input, so appreciated in 2022

    8. Maplewood, this helped me today. I was asking hubby about trust and waiting vs. doing. I it appEARs that I now have an infection in the site of my ear where basal cells were removed 2 weeks ago today. It is very painful. I am under a doctor's care yet wanting to move so quickly through my own trial and also for my BIL to have the peace to surrender and let go. Hubby says as we go to bed he's got the stereo on. Wife on one side moaning about pain, Paul in the other room moaning as his body deteriorates. Jesus help us. I turn to you in expectation to gloify you for all the blessings you bestower upon us. Forgive me for my impatience. Forgive me for any doubt. Forgive me for any lack of gratitude. Restore me to better health so I can be the best servant and comfort those around me in their trials. In Jesus's name I pray.

    9. Oh dear Audra, I don't know how I missed your post the first time around: You do have alot on your plate right now, I pray for your own pain to abate and get better, and echo your own prayer: to restore you to better health so that you can be the best servant a d comfort..my prayers also for BIL. With ❤, Butterfly πŸ¦‹ ❤.

  5. Beginning my day with You. Whatever happens I know You are in my presence going before me. Thank you for loving, guiding and protecting me. Blessings love ♥ and peace to Warriors.

    1. Sassy Mom - glad you were with your daughter yesterday. Peace, prayers and comfort to her. KS

    2. Anonymous - Blessed beyond words visiting her church. The minute we entered I was overwhelmed with the "peace that passes all understanding" ..... My first thought .. In the presence of JEHOVAH "We are standing on HOLY GROUND". Thank You LORD for abundant blessings.

  6. JC family, I read the posts and comments left yesterday on my insights and want you to know that I was humbled by each.
    Growing in the Lord is a huge desire of mind. Having completed a 40 days prayer and fast yesterday (annual committment) with my church family, I took the time to read each last night.
    I am learning and encouraged by you all as well. Grateful to God for this blog (Payton family) and super blessed to be a part of this group of believers.

    Bob, I am always humbled by your daily insights and thankful that You are back on. God bless your knowledge and wisdom and keep you going for many more years to come.

    Sassy Mom, I wish to be half as wise, sharp and energetic as you are at Your age, loving the Lord and staying faithful to Him despite the challenge of losing your husband of many years etc.. some would have lost hope, but not you. God sees your faithfulness and will continue to stand by you till the end. You are our 'Sassy Mom' after God's heart. Love you ❤. Still kneeling in prayers for Your dear Lisa and TRUSTING the Saviour.

    To ALL JC warriors, much love❤ to you, we are on the right path, together we shall overcome and what a day of rejoicing that will be! Thank You for trusting God, for posting your thoughts and encouragements. God bless you all.
    I stand with and for you in trusted prayers.
    To God be ALL the Glory and honor!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood - Yes, I am blessed to be everyone's Sassy Mom. I have kids scattered all over. Thank you for your encouraging words. No update on our friend Lisa who is currently undergoing radiation 5 days a week. Lisa hasn't been to church, but we continue prayers for her.

    2. You are so generous with that love dear Sassy Mom. I could hug you. Praying Lisa is doing better.

    3. How did you ever fast for 40 days? You have such a strength of faith and the Spirit satisfies you in a most amazing way.

    4. God bless you Maplewood πŸ™. I pray that I have the strength and courage to fast like that one day πŸ™.

  7. Jesus, I am happy to be spending time with you in prayer this morning. Please help me to continue with you throughout the day, not only looking to you for help during difficulties, but also while I feel at peace. Trust in You and staying in continual communication with you are the answers. I need to stay focused on You.

    JC Family, I am praying with you and for you today. May each one of you feel the loving hands of God as he shows you the way through the rough terrain of this life on earth. Thank you, Jesus, for always being with us. CO

    1. Amen dear CO and God's daughter. He surely is leading me through some rough terrain and I am not going to let go of His Hand.
      Resting in His Love.

  8. Good morning, brothers & sisters in the Lord. The reading for the day is so true and that alone should motivate us to make that time with our Lord a priority for each day. It cannot be a 'have to' (that would make it sterile), it must be a 'want to'. When it becomes a desire of the heart, we don't want to live a day without it.

    My devotion time this AM added a further thought to the message of the reading. An anonymous nun was asked about her time with the Lord. Her response was, "We have received so much from the Lord that is it surely the least we might do to try to enter into communion with Him for those who hardly think of Him, these milliards of human beings who do not know Him at all and for whom, nevertheless, He has suffered and died. And how He suffered and died!" She concluded with this prayer, "My God, I believe You, I adore You, I hope in You, and I love You for those who do not believe in You, who do not adore You, and who don't love You." Brothers and sisters, we communion with our Lord not solely for the sake of surviving the day. Our communion with the Lord is a spiritual reparation of our soul so that we reflect the love of God in all the interactions we have with those whom we encounter. We communion with our Lord for the sake of the salvation of souls for whom He has died.

    Just another incentive to make this a desirable practice in your life. With love, Bob

    1. WOW!!!!!! :)

      That is something to meditate on in and of itself! thanks for sharing!


    2. Thank you Bob. God bless you πŸ™.

    3. Awesome post Bob! Never ever said that to the Lord.
      "I love You for those who do not believe in You, who do not adore You, and who don't Love You." That nun taught me a thing or two about worshipping the Lord for others who don't know Him. I pray they all come to Him someday in true repentence and with a hunger to belong to Him.

    4. Thank you , God bless you brother..

    5. This! We communion with our Lord for the sake of the salvation of souls for whom He has died.

  9. In God we trust! If currency passes through our hands today, may we be blessed with more than enough for everything we need and remember to sow into the kingdom of heaven our thoughts, prayers and good fortune for others. -Blessings Inspire

  10. Thank you JC family. I feel like I am in communion of heart with each of you as I read your thoughts. God is so good! Yet another way to feel His love. God loves the family! Peace to all

    1. I find it inspiring to wake up and spend time with the JC family. Very insightful thoughts from like minded people. Jesus help me to keep You 1st place in my life throughout each day. Help me to trust in You all that I have going on and to never let any of it become more important than our time together.

    2. Amen! We are all of one accord here. Jesus We Trust You. Jesus We Love You. Jesus, We adore You. Thank You for all You are to Us. Everything. Amen!

    3. Double WOW. Again the answer to all is LOVE.

  11. Humbled and encouraged! Slowing down to receive the blessings of his wisdom. Learning from all of you! Grateful for this life and highly favored by his grace! Love and light to you all, Scott

  12. Seriously, Maplewood? A 40 day fast?? Amazing! And you never said a word until today?? I feel like the 'Peter,' of the group - kind of loud-mouthed but AMAZED! Knowing you, as I do through JC Family, I know you don't want that to be the focus, but honestly, I can't imagine. I did a 48 hr Fast and was pretty flumixed. Love your heart, Maplewood - your heart-felt prayers and thankfulness for just waking up and breathing when I'm always asking/wanting more, more, MORE! And you, Dear Sassy Mom - I want to be you, for my family - the seasoned believer. You are the Sassy Mom to all of us (my goal!). Bob, MadFox, JJ, Janet, Loveconquersall, CO, ABC, and all who I can't name - you mean the world to me - the WORD to me - b/c that is what you bring to my life. In your prayers, in your walk, in your faith...I love you!

    1. Oh, Norah I love you bunches!!! Don't we have the most incredible JC FAMILY and WARRIORS!!! I anticipate the Lord's law of favor working in each of their lives. It is such a privilege and a honor to be in your company and that of the JC FAMILY!!! Great blessings to each JC FAMILY member!

    2. We sure do have an amazing JC Family and Prayer Warriors. Love you all!

    3. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. Yes we do! God bless all.

    4. Amen. God bless all and heal us and our loved ones. Thank You Jesus!

  13. Hi! My name is Lacey. I've been going thru a lot. I've been clean for 14years & 3 months. I will be 33 this month. I feel God w me & in me. Yet I feel horrible that I go thru these times of distance. My Aunt was killed brutally. So for the first time in a long time. I opened Jesus Calling yesterday & the page right in front was the date from the day her life was taken. I see her sometimes. & 2 nights ago,i felt her sweetly touch the top of my head as use to often when she first passed. I believe God used this to take me back to him

    GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!πŸ˜‡πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’œ❤

    1. Peace be with you Lacey and God bless you πŸ™.

    2. Praying dear Lacey that God has led you to a wonderful life of faith, and the joy and peace that comes with believing in the Lord. You have been through so much and God understands you completely and knows your love for Him. He loves you with an unconditional and everlasting love.

  14. Thank you Jesus for this holy place filled with love for you..trusting you completely accepting your will. I invision my brothers and sisters from all over the world overflowing with love for you..for each other. Thank you Jesus for everything. Amen!

    1. Amen! A body of believers all tethered to heaven by Jesus and faith and God's Word and Spirit. In this room there is a constant chain of Prayers being said because our hearts are filled with His light and love, and no one, or sickness, or tragedy, or situation can take that away from us.

    2. Amen Lca and Jeanne. Hallelujah.

    3. Nothing breaks this chain of prayer warriors. It holds back any attempts be the evil one to enter in. I am so grateful!

  15. Father, thank You for loving, forgiving, saving, and rescuing me. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for the gift of You and the holy spirit. Thank You for always being with me. Thank You for everything You have done, are doing, and will do. You are pure love, precious, timeless, compassionate, kind, merciful, gracious, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, lovely, magnificent, and awesome Lord. Thank You Jesus. I Praise You Lord. Forgive me for all the times I said something I shouldn't have or didn't say something I should have. Forgive me for all the times I did things I shouldn't have or didn't do things I should have. Forgive me for all the times my thoughts were wrong, bitter, or mean. Forgive me for not putting You first or thinking of You first, before letting my thoughts, actions, and in actions went astray from You. Please remind me to always look to You as my example of who I need to be and help me to follow Your lead. I'm so grateful for Your forgiveness. Help me not to take it for granted. Pray for me Lord. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You continually and always πŸ™.

    1. I will have to repeat your beautiful prayer many times today my beloved Janet. I wish I could pray like so many of you here. I wish I could give you a big hug.

    2. I share in your prayer Janet! ♥️✝️πŸ™

    3. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN Janet! May the praises of the Lord rise upon us!!!!

      Maplewood NJ

  16. He is so merciful and we all fall short. I love you Janet just the way you are, dear and loving Sister.

  17. Janet - GOD BLESS YOU!! Thank you for continually sharing your
    gratefulness for Salvation, adoration, love, praise to Jehovah. Echoing your prayers. We love ♥ ♥ ♥ you.

  18. Amen! Janet you're such a good example. Thank you for sharing your words. God Bless You!

  19. We all fall short Janet. Isn't wonderful that the same God who understood Peter's weakened faith on the water, surely understand our daily challenges & struggles? How I love You Lord for loving me inspite of my weakened flesh. Teach me now as I wait for healing not to fret or demand more of what Your will is for me at this moment in time. I declare it often enough, "You are Sovereign!". Do I believe it when the rubber hits the road? Or am I a "Thomas?", Help thou my unbelief? Like a child, I long for Your everlasting arms to hold me tightly through the storm. I pray this for those here sharing their heart & longing for a refreshing in the spirit & soul. Amen.

    1. Amen dear Jan! Thanks for that encouragement. Just what I needed.

  20. It is such a gift to dwell with all of you in the house of the Lord. May we all be a blessing as we love God and others today!! ❤️

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Dear Heavenly Father thank you for these JC words today...."I am able to bend time and events in your favor. You will find that you can accomplish more in less time, after you have given yourself to Me in rich communion. Also, as you align yourself with My perspective, you can sort out what is important and what is not...." I am hearing that "productivity" is not necessarily a bad thing. Be able to "accomplish more in less time"---your guidance, through time with you, helps me to prioritize what is important and what is not. Help me to spend time with you. Having an open heart to prioritize my honor to you and ignore the demands of worldly things that is so fruitless of the very precious time you give me. Amen.

    1. AMEN, ABC!!! I echo and share your prayer!!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Isn't that the best statement, ABC? I zeroed in on that, too. God is showing me how to prioritize. How not to be such a perfectionist about incidentals - especially when I can't even find a pen on my desk. LOL!!
      Today is our little red-headed granddaughter's 6th Birthday. Tonight we will celebrate with her, her folks and her 2 cousins - all of which we see on a regular basis. She is SO excited.
      Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family. My Best Man is doing really well - we pray daily that we will listen if nudged to have his leg looked at again. So far - no nudgings. Sassy Mom - praying that your shoulder has been healed. Janet, prayers for you dear sister. As Jan said, "We all fall short..." Our Father loves us anyway and sent his only begotten Son to provide the best example of what we strive for. He knows what we're made of and as a loving parent myself, I know the joy of having children (adults or grands) respond and try even harder and know they will always be loved and forgiven.
      My goals for today!!
      Prayers for each of you and that you are mightily blessed.

    3. Happy 6th birthday to your granddaughter Norah. Sharing your prayer ABC. God loves us and wants good things for us, but troubles are a part of the package. He turns that package into a gift for us by His marvelous ways and blessings. God bless you and peace be with all.

    4. Amen ABC. Well spoken and truth. We glorify Him with our good fruit everyday so let us be productive in Him.
      Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter. Hope you had a wonderful celelbration. Praying with you and for your Best Man's leg. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying for your shoulder and with you for Janet and Debbie. Please pray my back gets better. Could hardly get out of bed today but Jesus lifted me up. Amen Norah, We are so deeply loved by Him. Thanks for your prayers. Much love.

  23. Loving Father, Thank You for granting me another day to allow You to teach and instruct me in the way I should go. It is a joy and a blessing to have You counsel me and with Your eye upon me. I trust You Jesus, I trust You enough that when I fall, I can pick myself up, ask for forgiveness and run right back in Your open arms and be received. May Your Words be the pillar of my strength each and every given day, in Jesus’ name.

    “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].” Prov. 3:5-6.

    I asked God to take away my habit. God said, “No It is not for Me to take away, but for you to give it up.”
    I asked God to grant me patience. God said, “No. Patience is a by-product of tribulations; It isn’t granted, patience is learned.”
    I asked God to give me happiness. God said, “No. I give you blessings; happiness is up to you.”
    I asked God to spare me pain. God said, “No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to Me.”
    I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, “No. You must grow on your own, but I will prune you to make you fruitful.”
    I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life. God said, “No. I will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.”
    I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me. God said: “YES!”

    “Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.” (C. Stanley).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. That is beautiful, Maplewood. Thank you for sharing that. Hope you are doing well and feeling better every day! <3

    2. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Thank you for the inspirational lesson.

    3. Beautiful post! Thank you Maplewood!

      Blessings from France

    4. Wonderful food for my heart and soul sweet Maplewood. You always feed me well. Praying you are doing fine.

    5. Amen dear Maplewood! May God help us love others with His perfect love.That was beautiful.
      Thanks dear sister.You are always in my prayers. Stay well and safe..God bless your family. May they all seek the Lord and find Him fir themselves.Thank You Jesus.
      Taking this with me: I trust You Jesus, I trust You enough that when I fall, I can pick myself up, ask for forgiveness and run right back in Your open arms and be received. May Your Words be the pillar of my strength each and every given day, in Jesus’ name.

    6. So blessed by your posting Maplewood. Enable me too, to love others as you love me Lord. I know You will answer this prayer with "YES". Amen

    7. What a perfect lesson in perspective that is helping me today. This blog in itself is an answered prayer.

  24. That was a great post, Maplewood. Then again, yours always are. Thank you!

  25. Praying always for our dear Brie and Larry. Waiting on the Lord.

    1. Thank you dear Jeanne. Along with our JC Family, I also pray for you, Rick, Janet, Frank, your Mom, your 3 sons, their families, and all others for whom you have requested prayers.
      Much Love. Brie

  26. Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

  27. Dear Brie, You are such a treasure to me and your prayers mean so much. Thank you! We pray for each other. Just had to share some good news. Mayda was moved from ICU to a regular room. She is improving a little every day. Thanking God fir His faithfulness. More answered prayers. Thanks for your prayers for her and Emilio. I was just with Natalia and she said her Mom’s cancer came back and spread to her liver. Now they both have cancer but she doesn’t want to tell her Mom and burden her. Thanks for keeping them both in your prayers. Our faithful God is mighty to save and He’s holding them tight. Thank You Jesus for healing them unto perfect recoveries. You can do all things and we trust in You.

  28. Thank you for the update Dear Jeanne. I will continue to petition our Lord for each of these loved ones. He is in the midst of all their trials, never leaving them or forsaking them, always drawing them into Him every step of their journey. God be praised both now & forever more. πŸ™ Amen! Hallelujah!

  29. Your beautiful prayer warmed my heart sweet Jan! Thank you so much. Amen. They are in good and able Hands. We are all well taken care of. May God heal, guide and strengthen you and your dear ones in body, mind and spirit and give you peace.
    Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name.

  30. Thank You Lord for all answers to prayer recorded in this JC Blog. Thank You too for all prayer answers that are in the 'Pending' tray, for You to activate at the appropriate time. You are Faithful and True. You alone know the needs we don't mention, we trust you too to supply these needs in your perfect timing.Amen

  31. " I am omnipotent, I am able to bend time and events in your favor. " AWESOME!
    He made the Earth stand still for a day ( Joshua 10:12).
    He made the sundial go back 10 degrees ( Isaiah 38:8). NOTHING is impossible for God to do. If your situation seems impossible, Pray, TRUST, Wait. God WILL answer your prayer. Until you receive the answer, keep trusting. He has your best interests at heart.

    1. Thanks Peter. I am praying, trusting and waiting in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Me too Peter and Brie. Trusting that He is working hard behind the scenes to answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus!

  32. Jeane, I've been praying for your friends,Mayda,and Emilio, and glad of their continued improvement! I am also lifting up Natalia and her mother in prayer, and commend her loving, unselfish spirit for the love of her motherπŸ’•πŸ«‚.
    Jan, I'm taking a picture of your prayer to refer to, as well as Jeanne's lesson from her friend, a nun.
    Also, Happy Birthday to your little red red grand on her 7th birthday πŸŽ‚❣ I love to read the bits and pieces of your daily joys that you are celebrating πŸ€—.
    I have good updates on Margi, and her niece Brenna,(not Jenna). Brenna's surgery went well, and the doctors got it all, they are hopeful for Brenna, because they caught it at an early stage. Thank you Jesus ❣ Margi is finally out of the hospital, and is doing much better...Thanks to all who lifted them up in prayer.I kid with her, and say,"So, is Humpty Dumpty put back together again?" Margi is an amazing, special friend.πŸ’œ
    NJS and Waiting(Kathy), and Terri I continue to lift you gals up in prayer for your daily life, and circumstances.πŸ’–

    1. I am joining in Butterfly Love!
      THANKS to butterflies, there is always HOPE FOR THE FLOWERS!

    2. Dear Butterfly love! Thank you so much for your prayers for Mayda and Emilio and now for Natalia and her Mom. She is a wonderful daughter to her Mom. Trusting in His promises and I know He is in the midst of us as we pray together.
      Thank you for your updates on Margi and now I must remember when I pray for Jenna that her name is Brenna. I'm thankful Brenna's surgery went well and they seem to have gotten all the bad cells out. Thank God they caught it early. Such good news that Margi has been released and is improving. Hallelujah. Our God is so good and faithful. Continuing to pray with you for our dear NJS, Kathy and Terri and so many others. How is Tori? Always happy to see the updates. Thank You Father for more victories to celebrate and Your faithfulness in our lives and the lives of our loved ones in the Name of Jesus.

    3. Speaking of butterflies πŸ¦‹ πŸ’• I'm learning When one is willing to change, the possibilities become infinite.
      With Love,
      The Butterfly πŸ¦‹

  33. I just wanted to again thank you for your prayers in regard to my position at church and the depression that I've been facing. Couldn't sleep to well last night and during the early morning hours I was reminded of the 23rd Psalm that was on the wall of my grandmother's home. I memorized it as a young child, but this morning the words in the Psalm came alive! Here's the KJV-
    The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
    He leadeth me beside the still waters.
    3He restoreth my soul:
    He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
    4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
    for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
    5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
    Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
    6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
    And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

    What stood out to me was "He maketh, He leadith, He restores, and especially the being led by still and peaceful waters part where HE RESTORES MY SOUL! Although I'm not sure where God is directing me, I'm beginning to see His Light in this situation. Thank you again for your prayers. May God guide you all to His peaceful waters and give you rest.

    1. Thank you for keeping us updated, Learning To trust. Please know that you are continually in our prayers and His Light SHALL dawn on your, and all of our situations. Our patience during the wait is Job 1. Much Love, Brie
      In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Learning to Trust, The 23rd Psalm is my "go to". I lean on it often. It strengthens and comforts me. Praying with my Family here that His guiding light will see you through this dark wilderness. Thanking God that you're beginning to see His light in your difficult situation. He is the light in every darkness. The lighthouse in the storm. He is the Way Maker. Hold on tight to His words and promises. Be not afraid. Keeping you in my prayers. Much love.

  34. You can always know that you and yours always have my prayers. So happy to learn of Mayda's Victory and, praying for Natalia and her Mom to have His Victory as well. Much Lovw, Brie

  35. Thank you so much dear Brie! Much love right back. <3

  36. Praying Psalm 23 with you, Jeanne, for you, me, Brie, Learning To Trust. LONG, HARD, WEEK. But, great in many ways. Heading to bed - all of you are in my prayers.

  37. Heavenly Father, thank You for another blessed day that You have given for Your name to be praised in the world and for Your Word to be shared with others. Thank You Jesus 😊. I praise You Lord always and bless Your holy name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. You are God Almighty! You are my Creator and Lord and Savior! You give me the breath of life and my hearts' desires. Thank You for all the people here on this site and for all their families, friends, and loved ones. You are so amazing Lord! Let our hearts be filled with Your love and peace. Let Your words prick our hearts and resonate in our minds. Shine Your face upon us and bless us and keep us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the house tops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 10:27-33).

    1. Amen and Amen, sweet Janet! May He shine His Face upon us, and bless and keep us all. Thank you for your heartfelt and sincere prayer. May God grant your prayer and bless you in every little thing in your life and guide you step by step through every day as you follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit! You fill my weary heart with so much light. God’s Word is truth, light, and life. Thank you for sharing God’s glorious light.

      Psalm 119:105
      Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

      John 8:12
      Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

  38. Dear Janet! God guided me to read those beautiful verses when I really needed them. Thank you so very much for sharing them. Praying for so many people now. May God heal Ellen’s dear daughter who just had a hysterectomy who is in pain, and heal my friends Mayda and Emilio who are also in pain. Mayda’s hip is really hurting her and Emilio’s incision from his kidney transplant is giving him pain, and Rudy who had multiple heart surgeries may need an ablation because his heart keeps going into A-Fib, and my cousin Larry has many health issues and he has not been feeling good, and dear Brie’s brother Keith is in a healthcare facility for a few days while Brie and Larry catch some much deserved R and R for Valentine’s Day, May God heal these good people, give Keith a happy and comfortable stay and helpful physical therapy and a good and caring staff, and also bring dear Brie and Larry joy and peace on their much needed mini vacation. And also lead my sister Janet’s dear daughter in law Stephanie through a smooth delivery of their second child, a baby girl. Thank You Father for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

  39. What a wonderful invitation: "Trust Me enough to spend ample time with Me, pushing back the demands of the day."
    It's a question of priorities, put Him first or not.
    James 4:8 NIV "Come near to God and he will come near to you."
    Matthew 6:33 " But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

  40. Amen brother Peter! Time spent with Him alone is precious time indeed. He hears the words I keep in my heart. He understands me like none other.
    Psalm 139:1-4
    O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
    You know my sitting down and my rising up;
    You understand my thought afar off.
    You comprehend my path and my lying down,
    And are acquainted with all my ways.
    For there is not a word on my tongue,
    But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether

  41. Blessings Dear JC Family. Janet, Jeanne, Peter - thank you for the added blessings to Jesus Calling. I read this Jesus Calling before bed and woke up with it fresh on my mind, excited to keep Him my priority throughout the day. Thank you for the beautiful son, Peter! That is how I imagine your voice, Jeanne.
    Praying for each of you and thankful for Brie & Larry's little get-away. TGIF, dear Family and let's not forget our sweet Maplewood's reminder that it's not just about Friday, but Thank God I'm Forgiven.

  42. I loved today’s devotion because it reminds us to keep Jesus in the forefront of our minds, and reigning in our hearts. Yesterday was such a busy day but my mind kept coming back to Him Who rules my day. My dear twin sister Janet and I were up late last night talking about many things. She has been such a great friend and prayer partner all through my trial. I’m gonna miss her when she goes back to Missouri tomorrow. She has accomplished so much around my Mom’s house, and organized her papers, and bills, and she’s been wonderful company and a great caregiver. She’s a selfless person and she gives God a lot of glory. My Mom will be very lonely without her. While we were talking I told her what a blessing it was that her second grandchild, a girl, will be born very soon. God is so good! Her daughter in love’s due date is 2/20. Anyway while she was packing to leave, I went into my room to get myself ready to leave. Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my door. Janet came in to say her dear DIL Stephanie’s water broke and the baby was coming! She was upset that she would miss the birth. But we prayed that all would go well for Stephanie and the baby because our great God was in charge. We went back to bed and we just kept praying. God heard every prayer and Michael and Stephanie now have a perfect baby girl and 3 year old Trevor is a big brother! Hallelujah! Praise Him! We serve such a faithful God. We’re still waiting to hear the baby’s name.
    Thank You Father for your loving kindness and tender mercies! Thank You for adding one more sweet blessing to our family! My heart is overflowing with gratitude. My good sister can’t wait to meet her sweet baby granddaughter! What a homecoming gift!

    Psalm 89:1-2
    I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations.
    For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou establish in the very heavens.

    1. What a blessing to read, Dear Jeanne, especially after hearing and praying for Stephanie's upcoming delivery! JOY, JOY, JOY! Thank you, Father!

    2. Amen dear Norah! He is so faithful! Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other with love and trust.

  43. I feel like I could have written Chris' prayer as my own word for word. Although I've been more conscious of trying to stay connected to Him throughout the day, I am very much a work in progress.
    Jeanne~ so excited for Michael and Stephanie and their new baby. What a wonderful blessing to your family.
    Blessings to all of you, my dear friends who I consider to be my Jesus family.

    1. Thanks sweet Suzanne! I sure could relate to Chris’ prayer too!
      Thanks for your prayers. Yes, God guided it all and we are so thankful that Stephanie had a smooth delivery of a healthy baby girl. We just found out her name is Daphne. God bless and protect Baby Daphne and her good family.

  44. Lots of good news of our Lord's blessings today! Trusting in perfect outcomes for Keith's stay in short term care while Brie and Larry get a respite from 24/7 caregiving, for Ellen's daughter, for all those in pain.
    I had an ahah moment re-reading some posts today. "God doesn't give patience, it is learned." DUH! How do we learn? BY EXPERIENCE! Therefore, all the trials and tribulations are blessed opportunities to learn and strengthen the virtues behind them we are seeking to improve upon. I will stop praying FOR patience and strive to be better at learning to use it in all the circumstances that come my way. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Praying with you and for you. Thanks for your words of wisdom dear Audra. Thanks! God gives us the fruit of the Spirit, long suffering, but we must learn to react with patience when faced with stressful circumstances which threaten to rob us of God’s peace. It takes a real conscious effort to follow God’s spirit instead of leaning on our humans
      emotions. and getting frustrated, angry or anxious. For me, when I’m rushing to get somewhere when I’m already late, and I get caught in traffic jam, I must remind myself that God has equipped me well to rest in Him. I take a deep breath and say Jesus I need you. He helps us to be still with Him in trying situations. We are well taken care of. Thank You Jesus.

    2. I meant human emotions😊

    3. Thanks Audra. Your AHHA! Moment gave me cause to pause and go hmmmmm?

    4. Still pausing. Still hmmmm'g.
      From the back row in the remedial classroom.
      Borrowing from BOB'S playbook post from yesterday, I also fly into the worldly version of the Venus flytrap, of rather having it easy than good. I continually ask for my patience practices to be easy rather than demanding by which they could improve me as an individual soldier for Christ and as a difference maker on His Team.
      Jesus help me get it so I can move on with Your Purpose. In Your Name.

  45. The best time of the day is spent with the Lord. I tell Him I know You’re with me. Thank You for this day and my blessings. I love you, Lord and I know You love me. He lifts my heart like no other. He waits for our voices. We belong to Him. He knows our hearts better than we do. My good mom and I know Jesus is our Help and our Hope. We pray together in the morning and at night. It is precious time. When we have a problem, one of us always says. Don’t worry, Jesus will help us. What a Friend we have in Jesus. My sister is flying in to stay with our mom on 2/12 so I’m trying to get the sheets changed, laundry done and the house cleaned. I know from where my strength and Help comes from. From He who made Heaven and Earth. Thank You Jesus.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1. Thank 😊 You God for preparing me in advance to receive today's devotion. When our tire went bad while we were out of town, You bent time and events in our favor. Plus You sent Your Angels to help smoothe our journey ! How can I say thanks for this and for all You always are to us?

    2. Jeanne, Jesus is helping you now this moment so all will be well, you will get the basic necessities done and Janet's knees will be fine. I know because 🎢 I Was Talking To Jesus 🎡

  46. My favorite time of day too is early, with the Lord. But I've gotta learn to slowdown. Things, demands of the day do press in and I get squeezed and start rushing trying to get everything done at the same time; impossible of course. I try to push back the demands of the day, but they hover around the fringes of my mind. My prayers get rushed and I find myself saying constantly "Sorry Lord, sorry Lord". My antidote for the sense of being rushed is to stop! I sit in silence and say, "Over to you Lord. I've pushed the day away for a few minutes of You and me time. I'm not praying right now, just sitting in silence, I wait for You". Soon Peace descends, my heart rate becomes normal, racing thoughts evaporate, and I am calmed such that I can now enjoy His Word, worship, His Presence and rest in Him.
    'Resting Place': https://youtu.be/-WyrdGoiAC4?si=ovpUmsqhryR5k_et

    1. Amen, Peter. My day got shifted yesterday and apparently my plans weren't His plans. It's all good.

  47. I’m so glad to read so many comments that speak of God “bending” time and making things possible, when starting out the day with Him. I experience that often, but still need to remind myself to be faithful to Him when things get busy.

  48. Please pray for my little kitty. He had surgery yesterday and is not bouncing back too well with pain issues. Also, please lift my husband up in prayer to banish resentments of others in his thoughts and to dwell on the blessings he has received. It is becoming increasingly harder to keep myself up to go on every day with all of this negativity around.

    1. You have my prayers Anonymous, and so does your 😺 and your husband!
      I am πŸ™ the Serenity Prayer for you
      Dear God,
      Would You please grant me the Serenity
      To accept the things I cannot change,
      Courage to change the things I can,
      And Your Wisdom to know the difference.
      Living this day and each day, one day at a time,
      Enjoying this moment and each moment, one moment at a time.
      Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
      Taking this world as it is, just as You did,
      Not as I would have it or like it to be.
      Trusting and allowing You to make all things right,
      When I surrender all things to Your Will.
      That I may be reasonably happy with You in this world
      And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
      In Jesus ' Name. AMEN !

    2. This is beautiful! It’s so hard, but it’s so real! And when the glory shines, it shines bright

  49. Amen! Thank you Lord, I lay down all my concerns and worries at your feet today as I pray for and pass on your blessings to all that come to mind in prayer today. That includes all of you, JC Calling peeps ♥️✝️πŸ™

  50. Hi
    I am so thankful for this prayer group and community
    Every time I respond, I don’t know how to find my name I use lol
    Because I know, God made us for fellowship
    The beloved creatures, on earth and the beauty of nature.
    Thank you, Peyton family! This is getting me through so many Messy times
    Of course I could write a biography
    Point being we are here.
    I am in and starting recovery from some of my missteps in life
    I grew up Catholic with a good foundation for my grandparents
    Despite whatever divisions of faith I feel the goal is the same.
    I always talk to God despite immaturity and ignorance
    And now add early awareness!

    Please, Lord, let me put your armor on every day! Let me bounce off the evil that comes my way!
    Let me gently thinking, feel and help those that do not see the vision of you Lord
    I am grasping more and more and more and thankful for this community!
    When others have doubt in my life, I see the answers before the questions. It’s not an easy road.
    We are a fellowship and the safest one someone could have

    1. Praying for you, Auntie meesh. We were all at the point of writing our own biography! I still am on some days. Please know that you are in our prayers. Love to all of you JC Family. Heading to bed (finally!) and thanking God for sweet sleep.

    2. A Warm Welcome to you Auntie meesh. We are so blessed that The Holy Spirit invited you here, to join us as we pray without ceasing. We all share the same story. The only difference is the one who is telling it!
      Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™
