Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Jesus Calling: February 9

Seek My Face more and more. You are really just beginning your journey of intimacy with Me. It is not an easy road, but it is a delightful and privileged way: a treasure hunt. I am the Treasure, and the Glory of My Presence glistens and shimmers along the way. Hardships are part of the journey, too. I mete them out ever so carefully, in just the right dosage, with a tenderness you can hardly imagine. Do not recoil from afflictions, since they are among My most favored gifts. Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. 

Psalm 27:8
English Standard Version
You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
“Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

2 Corinthians 4:7
English Standard Version
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Isaiah 12:2 
English Standard Version
“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.”

My Prayer
Lord, I seek your face, your presence, and your help. You are my salvation. Make it my daily desire and goal to treasure You and Your presence. Hardships will be present. I notice I always want to get out of those hard times as fast as possible, and yet You teach me so much during those times. Right now, with 2 children out of the house at college and one at home, and the challenges that are present with them, I am finding that my trust in You is growing. When things are good, I think I'm in control, so hard times reminds me that You are My Strength and Song. Retrain me in the idea that afflictions and trials are a good thing for Me. 

God, you are my salvation. I will trust and will not be afraid. You have the Power, not me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Lord, You know my heart. You know I don't want the hardships. But I pray Lord, that You help me embrace them and remember that Your greater glory will be made known thru them. Amen.

    1. beautifully said, Amen.


    3. Truly is tougher than it looks

    4. Come Holy Spirit! Build my trust and thanks for trying times. Help me to know you more dearly, see you more clearly, day by day by day.

  2. Many years ago as I was finishing my time as a coach of high school athletes, I was disturbed by a growing attitude I was seeing in them. I am not faulting them because they were what they were learning from the world in which they lived. That attitude was one that would rather have it easy than good. They asked for practices to be easy rather than demanding by which they could improve as individuals and as a team. They had little success as a team but they were fine with that because they did not want to work hard to be successful. When Jesus went into the Garden of Gethsemane, in His humanity, that thought crossed His mind, "Lord, if possible, take this cup from me." But His spirit nurtured in the love of God, would not tolerate His personal ease at the expense of the advancement of the Kingdom of God. So He quickly chose the difficult, "Thy will be done", for the sake of the eternal good it would accomplish. Our life on earth will not be heavenly because this world remains filled with many demons and their targets are us, the beloved children of God, thus comes all the struggles of life. In serving our Lord, it is unreasonable to expect life to be easy. But it will be good through the love of God within us. As the negatives of life assault us. let us be willing to face their challenges for in doing so the Kingdom of God comes by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us. And that is good, for ever and ever. God be with you this day and always.

    1. Hello Coach

      I also coach basketball, middle school. Maybe coincidental to read your comment today as I consider stepping away...very hard and sad to do after 15 years

      Your words are deep l, some great truth and food for thought!

      God Bless you sir ��

    2. William, coaching is a real privilege. I found I could get closer to young people in an athletic venue far better than I could from the pulpit on Sunday morning. I coached football and softball for 10 years, performed many marriages for the athletes I coached and now maintain contact with many of them through social media. God will let you know when it is time to move to another form of service to His glory. God bless!

    3. Amen Amen not even covid 19 can stand up against him...

  3. Lord you are my treasure & my salvation

  4. Seeking your face Lord...still, as the day winds down. Love and prayers to all. Loved your post, Bob.

    1. (Humbly) Thanks, Nora. God be with you.

    2. Miss you dear Bob, and your wisdom from above. You’re always in my prayers. Stay well and blessed.

    3. Me too ♥️πŸ™✝️

  5. This morning, my eyes are opened and I can see. I can hear with my ears, proving that it is functional. I opened my mouth and spoke saying: Thank You Jesus for waking me up. My Heart is beating in my chest. I am in my sound mind. My limbs are moving, I have planted my feet on solid grounds and lifted my hands to the heavens declaring how Great Thou art. These are all proof that I am alive again in Your Presence. Thank You Lord for another gift of life!

    Blessed to be in the Presence of the Lord another day is an opportunity to seek His face. 1 Chronicles 22:19 tells us to: "Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God".
    We should not make the mental and emotional effort to seek God, He is not lost. Seeking God is the conscious fixing or focusing of our attention and heart's affection on God. The heavens tells the glory of God, we can seek Him through that. He's revealed in His word, we can seek Him through that. God shows Himself to us in the evidences of His Grace and in other people.
    However, when we genuinely seek God's face, we are telling Him that we love Him and want to know Him better, not just to bring a list of our wants and needs.
    As we direct our minds and hearts crying out to Him, that's seeking Him because we trust Him enough with all of life's circumstances, for He is our Strength and Song.
    We can also seek His face by coming alone, humbly and still and come to this moment with thanksgiving.

    Father, thank You that we don't have to look too far to seek You. Isaiah 55:6 tells us to: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near".
    Thank You for Your Presence that is a 'treasure and the glory that glistens and shimmers' along the pathway of our lives.

    Blessings and Peace to all. Happy Sunday!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. You have captured so well the essence of 'seeking His face'. Thank you, Maplewood, NJ, for opening your heart to us all. We are blessed; may you be blessed this day as well. God be with you!

    2. AMEN and thank you for allowing GOD to use YOU to bless me!

    3. The answer is to seek JESUS with all our heart..thank you Maplewood.

    4. Wow! What a wonderful blessing in Maplewood NJ post today! It has lit me up to the intimacy of my relationship to God. Thank you! - Blessings Inspire

    5. Thank you dear Maplewood. Your posts could be written any year and they still inspire and lift me. Sometimes when I am trying to sleep I ask the Lord to let me see His face. The beautiful thought of it lulls me to a peaceful sleep. I tell Him I love Him often and that He is so good to me. I feel His presence and I am secure and content. He knows me completely and holds my future in His Hands. We who love the Lord are blessed beyond measure.

    6. Beautifully said Maplewood πŸ‘. God bless you and peace be with you πŸ™.

    7. Amen to all of these messages and our communion we get here. I'm so blessed to be among you.

    8. This lit me up again this year, Maplewood!
      We should not make the mental and emotional effort to seek God, He is not lost. Seeking God is the conscious fixing or focusing of our attention and heart's affection on God. The heavens tells the glory of God, we can seek Him through that. He's revealed in His word, we can seek Him through that. God shows Himself to us in the evidences of His Grace and in other people.
      However, when we genuinely seek God's face, we are telling Him that we love Him and want to know Him better, not just to bring a list of our wants and needs.
      FYI, for a short time last year, I posted as anonymous and signed "Blessings Inspire", a name we plan to foster in some way TBD on the internet to spread His Good Word. Now with extra time in"retirement" I am open to guidance as to how to do so.

    9. Amen. He is always with us and never lost.
      Amen Audra. We seek His face because we want a closer relationship with Him. He asks us to seek Him with our whole heart and mind and soul. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. That “Blessings Inspire” sounds like a wonderful way to serve Him and lead others to Him!

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. More of YOU LORD, less of me...
      "when we genuinely seek God's face, we are telling Him that we love Him and want to know Him better, NOT JUST A LIST OF OUR WANTS AND NEEDS."

    12. Thank you dear Maplewood! Still loving this post and your Spirit guided words so much. You speak to our hearts about how accessible our God is. He is always waiting for our voice. He longs for His children to sincerely seek to know Him better. May God bless you dear sister and all your family.

    13. Taking this post from Maplewood to our 24 Hr. Prayer event at @tgshasta tonight beginning at 6 pm. I'm open to hear, see and experience the Holy Spirit with His presence in my devotional time. Never done anything like this before, not aimed at corporate prayer, just as individuals gathering with the intention to get closer to God. Expectant, but not expecting from a needy place. You will all be included in my prayers! πŸ™✝️

  6. Maplewood - "Thank You for Your Presence that is a 'treasure and the glory that glistens and shimmers' along the pathway of our lives."

    Thank you for blessing JC Warriors - You are our "treasure"!!! We love ♥ you. My heart is happy,I will be attending church with my daughter.

  7. Thank you for your meaningful comments....All...Have a Blessed Sunday.

  8. Our Lord invites us to seek His face. As so well explained above by Maplewood, NJ, it is all about the orientation of the heart. This being Sunday, we have a special opportunity to orient our heart toward our Heavenly Lover, we are invited by the Holy Spirit to worship. What a privilege to worship Him. It gives us a special time with the family of God, to praise Him for all that He has done out of His love for us. It is a time to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of His love as Isaiah recorded in chapter 6 and to fall down humbly before Him, confessing our unworthiness and by doing so, feeling the cleansing of our soul by His grace; delivered from the clutches of the evil one. It is a time to adore Him, to increase our love for Him. This is worship.

    Brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray for your worship experience today. I pray you leave at the door of the sanctuary all distractions, preoccupations, and worries of your heart and soul. As you cross the threshold of the sanctuary, may your heart be overwhelmed by the glory of God into which you are entering. May it cause you to break out in song and may you sing from the depths of your heart. It is not about whether you like the music or not, it is about getting caught up in the spirit of the music so the heart yearns to experience God's Word when it is read and proclaimed. As the Word is proclaimed, it is not about the quality of the sermon, it is about what God wants to say to you as you are before Him. When/If the sacraments are experienced allow those elements which are His body and blood to become a part of your body and blood, physically and spiritually. In whatever way or form the service ends, be filled with thanksgiving. As you leave you can pick up again your distractions, preoccupations, and worries you left at the door...if you really want to. But if you were touched by His love in worship, those things will not be there waiting for you for He has taken care of them. Oh, the joy of seeking His face in worship. Be blessed my brothers and sisters. I now go forth to prepare to worship with you in spirit and in the Kingdom one day to worship with you side by side. With love, Bob

    1. AMEN and thank GOD for YOU and your wisdom!

    2. Just beautiful encouragement brother Bob! Thank you. God bless you always.

    3. Amen Bob πŸ™. God bless you.

    4. Amen and blessed...rather new to this Blog! That said, a dear sister in the Lord shared her heart with myself and four others a week ago using Jesus Calling to start a Jesus Discussion.

      Then i found this blog and comments anointed with God's Heart BLESSINGS!! Amen egrant

    5. Welcome egrant! A wonderful door has been opened to you. God bless you in all things.

  9. Thank you all for your sharing your insides with all of us. Our special thoughts towards God, our love for Him come out in many different ways. When I read your praise and worship toward Him it brings added joy to my experience as well. The body of Christ gladly and joyfully receives this holy nourishment as well through our hearts shares.
    The more difficult times allow God to be placed on the throne securely as we wait for His best not our guesses.
    God loves us too much to make life simple and easy..unchallenging. all of these things breed mediocrity at best and complacency. Far worse though as things sail along effortlessly we lose our backbone which needs to be the cross. We forget God and become useless to Him and his kingdom. LORD please continue to encourage us along the way to always " Seek first the kingdom of God" your way is the way to all glory on all sides ( ones unseen as well) not just for now but forever and ever and ever! Praise God He knows the way, trust your future to He alone your cornerstone.
    Love and blessings and gratitude to The most high and all His children reading this.

  10. Oh my goodness how I have been blessed this morning! I thank God for this blog and all the JC family that show up to share their hearts with transparency each day! BUT TODAY THOUGH! As I am preparing to travel to worship service, I have already worshipped GOD right here! You have truly blessed my heart with reminders of WHO GOD is and how irrelevant it is to focus on crying out empty prayers for issues he already took care of on the cross!.. HE is my strength and song and I too woke up this morning realizing how blessed I am to have the opportunity to wake up free and have HIM handle the big stuff while I stay focused on HIM! I can't wait to get to worship service and join in with fellow believers to PARTICIPATE in ACTION as I display the love in my heart for a GOD who loved me first! I agree HE is not lost and I am grateful for that as well! Bob both you and Maplewood pierced the depths of my heart this morning! thank you and bless each and every member of our JC family, may today be filled with blessings beyond measure as we Worship, Praise and Serve the true and living GOD!

    1. Amen God's Daughter πŸ™.

    2. Amen, I woke up today feeling His presence and I'm such a grateful and blessed believer.

  11. Amen dear Fern and God’s daughter! We are so blessed to come here each day and be filled by Bob and Maplewood and so many others of our family. And the devotions, prayers and older posts never cease to inspire us. Our love for the Lord is the same through the years as His love is to us. Our JC Family always lifts my heart and blesses my soul. Praying for our family’s needs and requests. Thank You Jesus for more answered prayers and protection, healing, strength and peace. Much love to all.

    1. Thank you my sweet Jeanne. Your prayers bring me much hope and joy. Thank you Jesus for Jeanne; all my J's and you Jesus, my number 1 J!! Amen and Amen!!

    2. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. May the Lord bless you and touch your heart in a very special way today. Peace be with you.

    3. Amen Jeanne. It is such a blessing to come here everyday and know that this is a safe place for us to pray and rejoice. Joining in prayers for our JC family.

      Blessings from France

    4. Thanks my dear ones. ☀️πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ˜ŠWhat a blessing to receive your love today just when I needed it. Lying on a bag of frozen broccoli because my back is out. But I got an appointment with my chiropractor tomorrow. God is helping me and I pray He is helping all of you! So much love to all and gratitude! Thank You Jesus!

  12. Our Father in heaven I thank you for your love and protection over my families..for your healing, your comfort, your peace, your grace. I haven't been posting lately; praying always for all..my heart broke over NJS's loss of her precious niece Jess. Comfort her Lord..her family; hold them ever so close to you. My daughter gets her 2nd covid vaccine Friday; her first one made her ill. Calm my spirit Lord. Jesus I trust in you; come holy spirit. Much love to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Maplewood I think of you often, praying for you; hope all is well.

    1. May the comfort, peace, strength, and protection of the Lord be with you and your daughter. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Glad to see a post from you LCA. Echoing Janet's prayer for you and your dear daughter.

      Blessings from France

    3. Dear LCA, Praying your daughter will have an easy time after her second vaccine and no side effects. Praying for God to calm your beautiful heart. Much love.

  13. Thank YOU LORD for this Jesus Calling family and their prayers for us all. I have a friend that is asking for prayer. Her name is Desiree' - "Please pray the Lord helps and guides me to be a good mom and a less
    stressed and overwhelmed, I feel as if I am turning into a bad mom that
    always yells and gets mad very easily. Anthony has informed me of this and I do not like seeing him cry because of me". jw MI

    1. Father, please bring Your peace, comfort, strength, and love to this family and strengthen their bond in unity and not division. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Amen Janet, echoing your prayer for Desiree and her family.

      Blessings from France

    3. Joining in prayer for this precious family. God is your ever present help in this time of trouble. Hallelujah!

    4. Thank you Father, for your Peace and blessings over all families feeling strife and worry. Bless Desiree and increase her desire to trust in you for answeres.

    5. Dear jw MI, God bless you and your family and heal your weaknesses.
      Joining in prayers for Desiree.
      Father God, You see all things and understand hearts so well and your mercy abd compassion are never ending. Thank you for strengthening Desiree’s faith and renewing her spirit and giving her peace, and new eyes to see she is a good mother. Please guide her to love and care for her Anthony in a calm and loving way so he can see the Christ in her and return her love. Bless her family in all ways and show them Your faithfulness. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen

  14. Heavenly Father, please help me to see You with the eyes of my heart and to enjoy the love and peace that You bestow upon me. Let me remember that as I am walking through this hardship, You are there, right beside me, every step of the way - I am not alone. If I start to stumble, let me call out for You and grip Your hand tighter and You will be right there to lift me up with You. Thank You Jesus. "Thank You " just doesn't seem like enough to say for how I feel, but I know that You know what's in my heart. I will Praise the Lord continually and always πŸ™.

    1. I know what you mean Janet. At times our human language doesn't seem to be sufficient enough to express our gratitude & worship to the Holy God of the universe. Good to know He knows our heart.

    2. Truth! Words fall far short.

  15. Amen Janet, I've been there too when "Thank You" just didn't seem enough and I knew that He knows our hearts. I will Praise the Lord continually and always along side you. God Bless you dear sister.

  16. I pray that the Lord will lead you through your hardship, dear Janet. He is walking with you every moment. He loves you so very much.
    My back went out yesterday and I could hardly get out of bed. But Jesus held my hand and lifted me up.
    Amen dear Waiting, How blessed we are that He walks by our side and is with us always.
    Praying for our dear ones, for my brother Frank, Helen and Janice with terminal cancer, NJS's family, Brie and Larry, MadFox and his friend Mark, Maplewood, Sassy Mom and Miss Pat and her son. Tommy, Norah and her husband, Jan, JJ, JE and her Mom, Bob, Mark, Mindy and her son, Keith, 10/4 and his friend with cancer. Audra and her friend Rick with cancer, BamaGrl's Mom and daughter, GTT, Loveconquersall, Choose Joy, Fern and Dan and her husband, Joe and Julie, Terri and her husband and friend Debbie, Rose and her Aunt Bertha, BMP and his son, Irene who just had a kidney transplant and my daughter in love's sister, Mariana with Covid. Thank you Father for your healing power for all these and for us too in the Name of Jesus Christ. We love You and trust You and Your promises. Amen

    1. Joining you dear warrior for prayer for all these loved ones. So many needs, but never too many for our mighty God! Hallelujah! May your back heal fast Jeanne.

    2. Thank you for including me in your prayers. It is always and forever appreciated!! God is my refuge and strength and ever present help in time of trouble. Joining you in prayer for all listed above and those who also seek prayer and assistance from our Lord. God bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and give you peace.

    3. Thank you Jeanne. Joining with you in prayers for all that you've mentioned (and those not mentioned). I pray your back heals Jeanne and that you are pain free. I also pray that your heart is renewed by our Lord, the healer and miracle worker. Father, I know You hear our prayers, please place Your anointing on this group of believers and their loved ones and friends. Let peace rule our hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    4. Amen, and THANK YOU, JC prayer warriors!

    5. Thank you so much dear family. I am doing pretty well and working on my Bible group prep as I rest my back. I am blessed that God gave me a trial to test my faith. I already Him that with a smile. He will lead me through it as He always does. Was thinking I forgot to pray for Ellen and her daughters, Camille’s eye, Linda and her daughter and Suzanne and so many more but we are all praying together for them. Lots of love. Thanks for your prayers and loveπŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  17. Prayed for quick healing/ recovery for you MadFox πŸ™πŸ₯°. Success in the procedure. Our God is an awesome God! He watches over us. Not one detail is overlooked.

    1. Amen Jan and praying with you πŸ™.

    2. Amen! Praying always for our beloved MadFox.
      Dear brother, God is equipping you for your transplant like He equipped David to fight Goliath. Continue to trust in Him and you will see another victory and we will all be rejoicing.

  18. Several months ago I asked for prayers for Joshua. He completed his 12 treatments for cancer. He is anxious as is his parents for his next set of scans. Some of his pre-treatment symptoms are returning. My heart aches for the them as they navigate this time. Please continue to pray for Josh and his parents (Mark & Kim). Help them to truly see God is with them every step of the way, even (especially) during this time of uncertainty. Amen.

    1. Father, please place Your hands on Joshua and remove this affliction in him and restore him. Bring peace, healing, comfort, and strength to him and his parents. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining JC warriors in healing and comforting prayers for Joshua, Mark and Kim. Thank you Lord for meeting their needs and showering them with your blessings and victories. We trust You Jesus.

      Blessings from France

    3. Dear ABC, Continuing to pray for Josh and his parents. Waiting on the Lord and remembering His faithfulness.

    4. Thank you kindly Janet and France! Pray! Amen.

  19. Praying for Joshua and his parents.. it is so hard to deal with symptoms, but it is not hard for God. Praying for full healing for Joshua.

  20. Praying ABC. Holding this family up to the throne of grace. Jesus, You sit at the right hand of the father interceding for this dear family. Show them Your mercy that's new every morning. Peace that cannot be understood, grace abounding, healing of this disease. Amen.

    1. Thank you kindly Jan and Ellen! Pray! Amen.

  21. Father, please forgive me. Help me to move aside and let You lead. Help me to remember that I am not the one in control - You are - only You - You do not need my help. Thank You Jesus.

  22. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth … did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17: 24, 27).

    Father, As I’ve come before Your Presence this day through Christ Jesus, Whom I have access by one Spirit (Ephe. 2:18), I want to say thank You for allowing me to wake up and seek You through prayer. Just as I have the desire to be loved, You desire that also, and when I seek You, I am richly blessed and You are blessed also. I seek and look to You for strength throughout this day, because I desire You, want to learn more of Your personal character and behold Your presence more than anything else. I have been called by You to enjoy continual consciousness of Your supreme greatness, beauty and worth. May I set my mind and heart to always seeking You in all my experiences. Amen.

    "Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always" (Psalm 105:4).

    “God, you are my God; I eagerly seek you. I thirst for you; my body faints for you in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water” (Psalm 63:1).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen and Amen! You comforted my heart and lifted my spirit πŸ’—

    2. Maplewood, from your lips to God's thrown. This is my heart's cry also. Thank you for being an oracle of God.

    3. Amen Maplewood πŸ™. Peace be with you.

    4. Maplewood, thank you again for your input as above in 2020 and in 2021. Others have mentioned this which I too experience, that I only have to read two words of your posting and instantly get the thought 'this is Maplewood', I then scroll to the end of the posting and there, sure enough is your name. All I can think is that the Holy Spirit dwelling in you connects with the same Holy Spirit dwelling in us, and we are blessed. Precious thought.

    5. Still so blessed by your encouragement and Spirit guided words dear Maplewood! Continuing to pray for you dear sister and for your Mom and son and sister.

  23. I will be anointed tonight at 6:30 pm for pain in my left rotator cuff area. At the moment it is 4:30 in my area. Please pray for Pastor Greg and Elders of my church. Thank you for praying.

    1. Praying for them and for you Sassy Mom. Thank you Lord for your healing power.

      Blessings from France

    2. Sassy Mom you are covered. Let the healing begin, continue and remain in Jesus Holy name amen.

    3. Sorry I didn't see this in time. I pray everything went well and that healing hands prevail.

    4. ***Sassy Mom, a year later, what were the results of your annoiting? Did you receive healing? Short or long term? Or was the answer akin to Paul's?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. MadFox - Thanks for asking, which allowed me to share my testimony.

  24. Praying for you dear Sassy Mom. May God heal them and your shoulder. Thank you Father in the Name of Jesus we pray.

  25. Requesting powerful prayers for Natalia. She got the results of the biopsies of the two lumps in her breasts. They were malignant. Her mother had had breast cancer too. She is hopeful and But trusts her doctors and they are doing some tests now. I told her not to be afraid but take everything day by day and pray for God's healing. I told her I would be her little prayer warrior and we would pray together. Please keep her on your prayer list for a complete recovery. Thanking God that they caught it early and He will guide her doctors to the perfect treatment. She is a beautiful mother of a little girl and she believes in God. God knows her heart and He will hold her close as we hold her in our prayers. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Prayers going out right now for Natalia. She is fortunate to have you as a friend and prayer warriors. Thank you Jesus for this blog.

    2. Praying for Natalia.

    3. Natalia will be in my prayers, too, Jeanne.

    4. Joining PEBGDesigns in prayer for Natalia dear Jeanne. Asking the Lord that with each visit she will hear good news, that this dreaded disease will completely leave her body! In Jesus' name! Amen! Hallelujah?

    5. Prayers for Natalia. These days early detection with specific new chemos and highly directed radiation are producing excellent long term remissions and cures. May she be blessed in that way, Amen.

    6. Prayers said and will continue for Natalia, her medical team, and God's healing hand in it all, Jeanne.

    7. Praying for Natalia and her family. My God shower her with His Peace and Healing. JE

    8. Thanks fir all the sincere prayers and well wishes. I just sent Natalia a message with Isaiah 12:2 “Behold, God is my salvation;
      I will trust, and will not be afraid;
      for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
      and he has become my salvation.”
      Your sincere prayers mean so much dear family. Much love and gratitude to you all.

    9. Adding Natalia to my prayers this morning ��

    10. Adding my prayers for Natalia and ber daughter while singing, Be not afraid. I go before you ALWAYS...

    11. Turn it up! Thanks Brie! ♥️🎢 Link

    12. Beautiful. Just the night cap I needed. Thanks for the link, Audra. The pics were worth 1000 words!

  26. Lord Jesus, take us deeper in intimacy with You. You alone are the Lover of our soul. You alone died to save us from sin and ourselves and saved us to live with You eternally. Thank you for Your passion, in loving us You persue us until we are fully Yours. You are the Bridegroom, we Your body are the Bride who You gave up everything for. Take us deeper in this Heavenly romance ,and as we respond to You, ignite us with Your fierce love to love the unsaved for Your sake, so that they may fall head over heels in love with You too, Amen.

    1. Amen Peter and Jan! Each day a closer walk with the Lover of our souls and the Keeper of our hearts. We must learn to love all people with His unconditional love so others will be led to give their complete hearts to Jesus unto salvation.

  27. Joining you brother Peter for the Lord to ignite each of us with the Holy Spirit fire! Hallelujah!

  28. Jan Gridley - Echoing your prayer, praying for JC Family as you pray for me.

  29. MadFox - I lift both arms as high as they will go praising and thanking my Jesus for answered prayer. Disappointed it wasn't instantaneous healing. I accepted the fact it was my Thorn in the flesh and prayed "As long as I can raise one arm, I accept your decision." Months later when preparing for bed, (never giving it a thought) I automatically raised my arm! I suddenly realized I wasn't supposed to be able to do that and thought "Jesus, I know I'm not supposed to tempt You,I wonder if I can do it again" I raised both arms as high as they would go, Thank You Jesus! The next morning at church everyone wanted to see me lift my arm in praise. I laughingly said "I'm afraid it will get stuck up there."

    1. Rise Up, Sassy Mom, and as you raise both hands up, I am raising both feet up for the Praise and Worship Victory Dance in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Hallelujah SassyMom! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! We love youπŸ’•

    3. Praises Sassy mom! And yes, Jeanne and Jan, may we love others unconditionally. Raising my arms in praise with my JC family.

    4. Adding my Hallelujah dear Sassy Mom! and joining my sisters Brie, Jan and Mindy and all our JC Family in raising my arms in praise and gratitude. We serve such a good and faithful God. Hallelujah!

  30. Always hard to hear hardships are part of the journey. Suffering is something we avoid, of course! but it does bring us closer to God. It strengthens our dependence on God for the the treasure, that is the glory and presence of God in our lives. Dear Lord help me to remember you are with me every step of the journey, good and bad. Help me to not turn away from You during good times but seek you always! Amen.

    1. Amen dear ABC. God permits the hardships to polish and test us but He takes our hands and leads us through them. We need him in the hills and the valleys.

    2. absolutely Jeanne! Thank you! Amen.

  31. In thanks to God, I declare all infections, sufferings be banished from our home. Turn this timid woman fearful of pain into the brave warrior you created her to be. Strengthen my trust in you Lord, in your will, in your timing. In Jesus name I pray! πŸ™✝️♥️

    1. #METOO πŸ™✝️♥️

    2. Amen to that. I put my whole family in His able Hands. You are a brave prayer warrior sweet Audra. We trust in Him because He is divine and cannot lie. We have already seen His faithfulness. But is sometimes hard to accept His will. That's where the trust comes in dear sister.

  32. Singing praises to God with all of you! Sleep sweet - your prayers are mind.

  33. When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid. Yeah thou shalt lie down and thy sleep shall be sweet. Goodnight dear ones.

  34. What a wonderful devotion and prayer today. Seek the Lord. Seek His Face forevermore. Maplewood was right that He is never far away because He’s always there waiting for His children to call to Him. He’s not waiting to hear an eloquent prayer. Just to hear our voice crying out to Him because we trust in His help and faithfulness. He hears us calling: “Jesus”. He’s as close as our own breath. He’s our best Friend Who loves us exactly as we are. Let us be still even in our busy days and know that He is God and He cares for us, His children.

    Psalm 119:10 - With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

    Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

    Jeremiah 29:13 - And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

    Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

  35. O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my soul thirsts for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. (Psalm 63:1). The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. (2 Chronicles 15:2). Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore! (1 Chronicles 16:11). And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13). For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel: "Seek Me and live". (Amos 5:4). I was sought by those who did not ask for Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me. I said, 'Here I am, here I am', to a nation that was not called by My name. (Isaiah 65:1).

    1. Thanks for feeding us dear Janet!

    2. Wonderful encouragement, thank you.

  36. Amen. Joining in your perfect prayer, good sister The words of your heart are beautiful. The Christ in you is beautiful too.

  37. Today's devo as a cancer patient can and is particularly challenging. First, the writer says: "Hardships are part of the journey..." Chemo and immunotherapy are and can be a real hardship, professionally, mentally, and spiritually. Further, writing as the Father, the devo adds: "Do not recoil from afflictions, since they are among My most favored gifts."

    It has only become a gift in my view over the past few months where looking in hindsight (usually the only way I've seen God actively in my life) I seem Him. I now understand how far my gratitude and faith have grown. I'm a changed person and this chapter was the only way that I would have reflected on my life and changed for the better. I'm now more by His side with a firmer grip of His hand... most of my life, I was barely holding on and one could say, "I was hanging by His fingertips. Grateful for the journey, I pray that we all face our challenges with faith that He is ever present and desiring to FIRMLY hold our hand... if we only will submit and do so.

    1. Appreciate you sharing your journey. Also, in His tenderness, while calculating and holding our suffering, we can often see that without our suffering, we would not be who He is fashioning us to be as we learn our identity and strength in Him.

    2. That was right on for me, dear MadFox! I was just telling my sister that this trial has brought me so much closer to the Lord. Holding onto Him for dear life. Trusting Him every step of the way and resting in His truth and Promises like never before. Your strength of faith through your health journey has inspired me all along. You really understand how cancer can through you into a wilderness mode But For God!! We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus! We are healed by His Stripes. I shall not die, but live, and proclaim His good works.
      Thanks my good brother. Much love πŸ’—πŸ™

  38. Wonderful reading today, "Seek My Face more and more. You are really just beginning your journey of intimacy with Me. It is not an easy road, but it is a delightful and privileged way: a treasure hunt."
    The sky on waking to day was a combination of pink, red and peach colored clouds; a delightful treasure. Next treasure was today's reading and time spent with Him. Some treasure requires digging, some's on the surface, some's all around and some's overhead. As we travel further into the day, so we'll come across more treasure. Thing about a treasure hunt is that we need to be looking for it.
    Our heart must be in our searching.
    Matthew 6:21
    "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".

    1. Thanks Peter! I was blessed to share the beautiful sunrise with my twin sister today. She was kind to call me over to her window to see its beauty. God is the best artist.
      What a blessing and a privilege to be gifted with His treasures every day! Amen! The joy is searching for them with an open heart of gratitude.

  39. Dear friends, please pray for my daughter who had the hysterectomy. She is now having severe cramps that have caused her to go to urgent care. Her physician is ordering tests. Thank you. My daughter who had colon cancer is doing well, working full time as a teacher and getting checked with scans every few months. We thank God that she is stable and healed and pray for continued hedge of protection around our family. God is good and has always been with us, as has this group of prayer warriors.

    1. Praying for your daughter πŸ™. May the Lord guide her and all the people that will be a part of her healing. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Continuing to pray for all of you, dear Ellen, and now praying that God is guiding the doctors to the source of your good daughter’s painful cramps and healing her unto a perfect recovery. Thank You Jesus.
      So blessed to hear your other daughter is doing well thank God! More answered prayers. Rest in Him Who loves you. We serve a merciful and faithful God.

  40. Prayers for your daughter's swift healing, Ellen. And always for you and your family. Your testimonies have endeared you to our JC family ♥️πŸ™

  41. Praying for Brie, Larry and Keith today as Keith gets settled into short them care facility so Larry and Brie can have a respite getaway. May your day go smoothly and your travels be blessed! ♥️πŸ™

    1. Joining your prayers, dear Audra, that Keith settles in beautifully, receives great care, therapy, and he feels comfortable in his temporary lodging so that our dear Brie and Larry can enjoy their well deserved rest and relaxation, and build some sweet and lasting memories.
      Thank You Father for all this and for answers to all our prayers in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

  42. Praying for all of those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. May God give them comfort.

  43. Praying with you Tom that God will save, shelter and protect His people, and heal the wounded, and comfort all those who are mourning lost loved ones. Father, Thank You for making a way in their tragic circumstances and wilderness in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  44. This devotion spoke to my heart. God really is polishing us through the trials and afflictions He allows in our lives. He draws us closer to Him through them and strengthens our trust and faith. So just like Paul we must rejoice in our tribulations because God’s grace is sufficient and His strength sustains us. He never leaves us. He is our strength and our song. And our salvation. We can do all things through His strength. We are well equipped. Praise Him for His loving kindness and compassion.
    May we continue to receive answers to our prayers and more reasons to rejoice and be glad in our day. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    2 Corinthians 12:9
    And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Psalm 118:14
    The Lord is my strength and song,
    And He has become my salvation.

    Philippians 4:13
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    1. So true dear Jeanne. How many times have I recoiled & squirmed under the pressure of afflictions &, circumstances. It seems to always be the first reaction. God in His mercy &, gentle guidance always assured me of the " treasure of trouble," and how He uses it to draw to me closer to Him. The world will never understand it but His sheep should. Hallelujah! Amen!πŸ’•πŸ™Œ

    2. So true, Jan, as I too dread and squirm when storms come. Always awe-mazes me after a trial/valley how my faith grew and the lesson learned. They are indeed treasures.

    3. So true, Jeanne, Jan and NJS. And Brie~ I laughed out loud at your 'baaaaa'.

    4. You all got that right. We sure don’t welcome trials. But…God permits the valleys to test our faith and to strengthen us in Spirit!

  45. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:44-46).

  46. Good morning- blessed to be reafing and praying with you this morning- Ned in MaconGa

    1. GM NED in Macon, GA. How blessed we all are to share Jesus this morning. He truly is our Strength and our Song!

    2. Welcome, Ned. So blessed to be sharing His word with you.

    3. Good morning and welcome, Ned!

    4. Good to "hear" from you, Ned! Be blessed as you bless us!

    5. So nice to have you with us, dear Ned! We are of one accord and all are welcome and blessed.

  47. Thanking and Praising God for all the miraculous help he gave us yesterday, and all the Angels He sent our way, when our vehicle tire was low on air while we are in another city away from home. God, and the Angels He sent were truly our Strength and our song! All Glory, Praise and Honor to Thee, Redeemer King..

    1. The Glory of His Presence glistened and shimmered along The Way.to our Safety, and we are grateful πŸ™

    2. I raise my hallelujah for you dear Brie. How great is our God!πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°

    3. Hallelujah! God sends His Angels to rescue us all the time. So happy you saw His faithfulness dear Brie!!

  48. Precious reading today.
    O The Glory Of Your Presence:

    1. Beautiful and soothing song! Thanks Peter!

  49. God's Blessings for all this day that He has made. John H.

    1. Received that Blessing! Thanks. God bless you too, dear John H.

  50. I'm going on a treasure hunt today!

    1. I'm coming to treasure hunt with you, Suzanne R. I'll let you know what treasures I found later on tonight. ❤️

    2. I found the Treasure of 9 people meeting virtually to honestly share the impact that this past Sunday's readings/sermon actually had in/on their lives, or not. Powerful treasure!

    3. I know you found some treasures sweet Suzanne!
      That was an awesome treasure, dear Brie! And more glory to God.

  51. With intermittent rain about us in Northern CA, seeing plenty of rainbows and treasure hunting opportunities.
    "Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Happy treasure hunting!

  52. Just loved your post and that quote! Amen to that! Every good thing comes from above and God is the best Artist!! I’m a sky watcher!

  53. Appreciate prayers for my mom who is struggling with atrial fibrillation and a heart rate that doubled a few days ago. She was admitted to the hospital and they helped with the heart rate, but because of her old age and the risk involved, they’ve been unable to help the AT. She now has developed pneumonia. She is at home now and is having a hard time taking a breathing. We need wisdom as to what to do.
