Sunday, October 30, 2016

Jesus Calling: October 30

I AM with you. I am with you. I am with you. Heaven's bells continually peal with that promise of My Presence. Some people never hear those bells because their minds are earthbound and their hearts are closed to Me. Others hear those bells only once or twice in their lifetimes, in rare moments of seeking Me above all else. My desire is that My "sheep" hear My voice continually, for I am the ever-present Shepherd. 
     Quietness is the classroom where you learn to hear My voice. Beginners need a quiet place in order to still their minds. As you advance in this discipline, you gradually learn to carry the stillness with you wherever you go. When you step back into the mainstream of life, straining to hear those glorious bells: I am with you. I am with you. I am with you. 

Jeremiah 29:12-13
English Standard Version
12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

John 10:14, 27-28
English Standard Version 
14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

My Prayer
Help me to not get too big for my own britches and continually see that I am but a sheep and I need a shepherd daily to guide me. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I read this passage on the day of. I was homeless injecting drugs and I begged God to help me. I said I need you God, I need you, I need you. Then I read the top of the page and it said I am with you, I am with you, I am with you. Changed my life forever I really did hear heavens bells. And there no shame in any of it!

    1. Thank you Markus, I'm a mom with a homeless daughter who is on drugs. You have reminded me that there is hope. She could turn around at any moment and be restored to a right mind. I'm so happy for you seeking Jesus please stay close to him as your savior and friend.

    2. Praise the Lord for another soul saved! And I stand in agreement with you (A
      nonymous) for hope for your daughter.God bless and give you peace.

    3. Praise God Marcus. He will never leave or foresake us. Our God is AWESOME!

    4. We are in the presence of Jehovah!

    5. Thanks for sharing Markus. I work with men on this journey as well. I pray that you continue to hear heavens bells and for the men I see, to hear them as well!
      Faith & Hope....

    6. God bless you Markus! You are not alone! You are loved! Thank you so much for sharing your victory! Our God is mighty to save and by His Stripes we are healed!
      Sending up loving prayers for you and for our JC family to continually hear Heaven’s Bells! πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ™

    7. I love today’s devotional and scriptures! Warms my soul and fills me with love & peace! “Heavens Bells and I am with you, I am with you, I am with you!” I love you so much Jesus and thank you for taking such good care of me, my hubby to be, our family and Our JC family. I trust you Jesus and pray special prayers for all to know you and to feel your love. Hugs and love to you Sassy mom
      Prayers for blessing overflow for this beautiful family of believers.
      God bless

    8. Now you're a dope less hope fiend instead of a hopeless dope fiend. Keep living in the present and remember you're a new creature in Christ.

  2. Heavens Bells, what beautiful imagery! Praying for you, Brother Marcus, and for all! He is with us, He is with us, He is with us !

  3. People break promises. God does NOT. HALLELUJAH

  4. Our God is not man that he should lie! Try him and see he is good and he is with us. Commit your heart to him and he will lead you. You will never be alone again.

  5. Psychology has affirmed through study and experimentation that a person who practices regularly the discipline of contemplation becomes a more compassionate person. Jesus, though fully God-with-us, in His humanity, practiced the discipline of contemplation on a regular basis in order to listen to Heaven’s bells thus producing in His soul a powerful sense of compassion that was exhibited in His choices on our behalf. We may not be able to change water into wine as He did but that is not what God asks of us. Our calling is to show compassion as Jesus did and that ability is developed through the practice of contemplation as Jesus practiced or as stated above, “listening to Heaven’s bells”.

  6. How amazing is our God! To read words that I’ve read before but never focussed on. Thank you Bob for yours. God tells me He is answering prayers when I read...”we may not be able to change water into wine as Jesus did but that is not what He asks of us”. Thank you!

  7. Be encouraged and rejoice for this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad and be glad for helps me to know we all need this reminder.....

    Search artist or song
    Lyrics → Chris Rice → One Of Those Days
    Chris Rice – One Of Those Days Lyrics

    Oh, it's been one of those days
    When You walk with me
    So close I think

    I caught the scent of angels wings
    And my, oh my unsuspecting heart
    Leaps from it's place
    Begins to race
    I finally found the place I never want to leave, oh...
    Why can't every day, why can't every day
    Why can't every day, can't every day
    Be like today
    Oh, why do the good days end
    Makes me wonder now
    With the way I feel
    If yesterday was even real
    And why, oh why do You seem so far away
    Could it be that I've gone too far this time
    And can I make You change Your mind, oh...
    Why should any day, why should any day
    Why should any day, should any day
    Be like today
    Do I wallow in my insecurities?
    Do I trust what my feelings are tellin me?
    Or do I rest in the promise You made me
    That you'll never leave?
    Oh, today my heart believes
    That the truth remains
    You never change
    Your love for me is still the same, oh...
    Why can't every day, why can't every day
    Why can't every day, can't every day
    Be like today

    More Chris Rice lyrics

    ·Go Light Your World
    ·Untitled Hymn (Come To Jesus)
    ·My Prayer
    ·When Did You Fall
    ·Tell Me The Story Again
    ·You Don't Have To Yell
    ·Tick Tock
    ·Calling Out Your Name (From Awesome God: A Tribute To Rich Mullins)

    Contact Us / Privacy Policy / ToS / LyricsFreak © 2018


  9. God let's us live and each moment is new and different than all the last moments. I have traveled around the world, but I'm really just trying to get to heaven. Women are beautiful creations, but they have failed me through and through. God bless his people. We all have failed other people.

  10. Posting again today for those who didn't read it after I posted yesterday evening.

    Update on my precious friend Connie - asthma contributed to her breathing problems, weighed 86 pounds, couldn't eat. A recent widow and believer. Amen!! Received email a few minutes ago - Connie passed away last night.She's at peace. Thank You Lord.

    1. Sassy Mom, praying for you and Connie's family. May you all find peace and comfort, knowing that she is at rest. Blessings.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Sassy Mom--- Praying for you and Connie's family. May the Lord wrap is arms around you and Connie's family and know "God is God enough!" Blessings and love coming your way.

    3. So sorry for your loss, Sassy Mom. Praying for peace for you and Connie's family.

    4. Peace be with you Sassy Mom and with Connie's family. Eternal glory grant onto her Lord and may the perpetual light shine on her.

    5. My eater for you and her family ❤️

    6. Well..,,I meant prayers for you and her family ❤️

  11. Sassy Mom,
    I am so sorry to hear of your friends passing. She is no longer suffering but it is still so hard to lose someone we love. I will be praying for you and Connie's family. Lean on the Lord for comfort. Amen.

  12. Thank You Lord for the gift of life, another day to glorify You and say THANK You. I could not have awaken to a better devotion this morning, when my spirit was so troubled last night. So to arise to Your promise of:
    "I am with you, I am with you, I am with you...I am the ever-present Shepard", Lord, I say THANK YOU for this blessed assurance that You are with my family, protecting us from the plans of the enemy. May I rest in this truth, knowing that Victory us ours in Jesus name! Thank You fir directions.

    I declare this Exuberant Declaration of Faith over all of us this morning. Psalm 27:1-14 (NIV).

    1 The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?
    2 When the wicked advance against me
    to devour[a] me,it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall.
    3 Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
    4 One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
    5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.
    6 Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord.
    7 Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me.
    8 My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.
    9 Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, God my Savior.
    10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
    11 Teach me your way, Lord; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
    12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations.
    13 I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
    14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord!

    Blessings, Love and Peace to All this day.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood--- Bless you for posting Psalm 27:1-14. The Psalms always speak to me in a special way. It reminds me of a posting of Sassy Mom's " Whatever and whenever we are at any given moment of any given day, God is God enough! Much Grace and Mercy to you from Kansas

    2. Amen and thank you Maplewood! In times of trouble I am taken care of. Waiting on the Lord because I have already seen His great goodness and loving kindness in my life. I rest on His promises.

    3. Love, prayers and blessings to you MaplewoodπŸ™πŸ’•
      Thank you so much for posting Psalm 27:1-14
      You are such a blessing!

    4. Thank you for posting Psalm 27 Maplewood NJ, struggling today with my wayward self. Reading the Psalm helped me center on Jesus-Emmanuel-God with us

    5. God IS enough. HE is with us, HE is with us, HE is with us. Thank you Father! ♥️πŸ™

  13. I am with you. I am with you. I am with you. Such a simple, yet powerful message. This is another one I need to keep saying over and over again in good times and in struggles.

    Very powerful to read the comment from Marcus. Praise the Lord; He is good and always with us.

    Continued prayers today for you, Sassy Mom and for other friends/family of Connie. Rejoice in the fact that she was a believer and is now at peace.

    Praying for all on here today.May we accept Jesus as our Shepherd. Amen.CO

  14. Prayers for comfort and peace for you Sassy Mom and Connie's other friends and family. Peace to all my JC family. JE

  15. Blessings, JC Family. I saw your post, Sassy Mom and I'm praying for you. Many thanks to all of you for your prayers yesterday. I too, will repeat our victory from yesterday - my hubby received the "ALL CLEAR," from the Oncologist and we get to graduate to every 4 month visits instead of 3.
    I think of the time I waste toiling when "I AM HERE" is always being declared. So glad that my Father knows me and STILL loves me.
    Have a wonderful day, Prayer Warriors. I am praying for each of you.

    1. Norah, stay strong and be at peace. You are have His hand in yours, all is good. Hubby and you are blessed and continue to help others. Godspeed. Makes me think of my daughter's fave cartoon Sponge Bob: "Sweet Victory"

      Today's message was especially good for me as I too have been in a valley... not of self-pity but just a normal life where things change and not always for the better. He is with us, He is with us, He is with us. You are loved x 3. Be at peace!

  16. Thank You LORD for blessing me with JC Family. I love you.

    Blessed by A powerful Spiritual Warfare prayer sent to me this morning by my daughter.

    Jesus, sometimes I can almost sense the heaviness of pressure mounting and the ominous presence of darkness around me. I recognize my enemy is at work again. Whether he's trying to discourage me to get sidetracked, to fall into temptation, to give up, or to take my eyes off you, he's always hanging around.

    I need Your supernatural power, Lord, to stand strong and not surrender. Physical force won't help, because You've said the weapons of our warfare are different from those in this world. As believers, ours are powerful and can demolish strongholds and lies. These supernatural weapons originate from You. By Your precious name and blood, Jesus, I'm asking You to confuse Satan and cancel his attempts to shut me and my influence down. Help me not to become discouraged or to give in when heavy times of testing come.

    When I'm tired and weak, You are strong, Lord, and You are my only source of help. I cannot fight without You. Teach me how to pray and to trust You to pull down those strongholds that keep me or others helpless. Guard me from isolation that leaves me exposed and vulnerable. I believe You destroyed the power of my enemy by Your death and resurrection. But like a bad penny, my enemy keeps showing up, whispering lies, twisting the truth, and attempting to inflate my selfish pride. He never gives up.

    I am declaring the devil and his demons liars today, Lord. Through the power of Your precious name and blood, I agree with Your Word and the truth that You are in me and that You are greater than my enemy who wants to rule the world. You, Your Word, and prayer, Lord, are my secret weapons. I belong to You, and that fills me with a powerful God-confidence. I want to constantly dress in the spiritual armor You give me. Help me use it to defend others from Satan's fiery darts as well. No one and nothing can snatch me away from Your hand.

    Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be clean in Your righteousness. Make me brave, so I can stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me Your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in truth, You already have.

    In Jesus's powerful name before which every knee shall bow, Amen!

    1. Sassy Mom--- I am with you! Your prayer is my prayer. Praising and thanking the Lord for the VICTORY the Lord brings to us!!!

    2. Praise be to God! thanks Sassy Mom! needed to hear this and pray it out LOUD tonight when I get home! God Bless.

      Maplewood, NJ

    3. Amen Sassy Mom! Blessed that He is fighting my battles so I can remain in His peace at all times.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sassy Mom, your daughter is a powerful prayer warrior indeed! Please let her know this prayer lit me up this morning to the knowing that I AM A CHILD OF GOD. Lord remind me of my spiritual powers and weapons whenever I sense the influence of evil. Keep me from the vulnerability that attracts satan's plan of attack. Thank you! In Jesus's powerful name before which every knee shall bow, Amen!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Loved the chance to read this again today. I'm getting dressed in the armor of God, perfect outfit for travel!
      Thank you for your prayers on our journey home today and tomorrow.
      God bless you all. ♥️πŸ™

  17. I AM with you. I am with you. I am with you.....thank you, thank you, thank you! Amen

    1. I am with you. I AM with you. I am WITH you. I am with YOU. All four statements (with different emphasis) mean so meditation for today!

  18. Sweet Jesus you are the way, the truth, and the life. Thank you Father in heaven for giving us your only son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in union with the holy spirit. Thank you for this beautiful family of believers. Keep them close to you.

  19. Thank you for your reports; thinking of all who have shared in the last two weeks. Thank you Maplewood for that scripture. He has brought vs 13 & 14 to my mind many times and again, here it is when I need it. And thanks for sharing the prayer on spiritual warfare Sassy Mom. A timely prayer that I plan on saving and using.

    Last night, I looked at today's reading and repeated those thoughts through my restless night, "I am with you". Restless for many reasons; my dad, struggling to breathe with congestive heart failure and also my relationship with the woman I love. That relationship has seemed to take a turn for the worse again.

    It is more than just a relationship though. God has asked me if He could use me to bless her even if she marries someone else. That kind of love goes beyond my human love ability and has to be Him in me doing it. In the process, He said He would take my "precious" love for her and "change it". I see much spiritual warfare in the midst of this unfolding as I know He has a calling on my life and also on the life of the woman I love.

    I am defeated on my own and it is good to realize that. "I AM with you". Again, asking for prayers for God's will to be done as He is using this process to transform me. Thank you for standing with me.

    1. Keith--- I continue to pray for you and your life's circumstances. I stand with you against the forces of evil that tries to oppose you! I Praise the Lord for his work in your life to transform you. Even though, at times, the Lord's transformation can be very painful, it's still such a privilege to be in the Lord's Grip of Grace! I ask the Lord to surround you with His Warring Angels and Ministering Angels and give you His Peace. AMEN and AMEN I also will save and use Sassy Mom's Spiritual Warfare Prayer-a wonderful Prayer WARRIOR that speaks to my heart. Let all the Prayer WARRIORS give satan the worst possible day today!!! When we have done everything we know to do, WE STAND!

    2. Amen and Amen! Praying and praising for all on here. Some very powerful posts which I will take in and reflect on. Thank you all!

      Praise be to God, Norah! He absolutely knows you and loves you!

      Saying extra prayers for you now, MadFox and Keith! CO

    3. Appreciated CO. Be blessed. 3

    4. Praying for you Keith that God is leading you to love, joy and fulfillment and stengthening you in your body, mind, spirit and life. Amen!

  20. I feel rushed going through these. Trying to catch up. Amen to all of the above. praying for Connie's family.

    I've been away for a few days....had to work from our downtown office last week.

    I was told in August that I have cancer on the outside of my esophagus. Yesterday they did a biopsy of the inside of my esophagus. i will know more next week. The alternative protocol I started to fight cancer has reeked havoc on my liver enzymes. Now trying to get those down as well.

    1. Praying for you, Mary OKC!

    2. Mary OKC, how are you now? Hope you are healed. BlessingsπŸ₯°

    3. Joining in prayers for you, Mary, that God has healed you and you are doing better. Thank you Jesus.

    4. Praying for Mary healing is your portion ! May God restore your body and pray that you are feeling better.


    Epilogue to all that has been said. For me, one of the things I do in my quiet time that helps in creating a more ethereal focus is to listen to music written with that feel to it. The genre is primarily New Age. (This doesn't work for everyone, for some it is a distraction. You have to know what is best for you.) The other morning as I sought music to begin my devotional time I came upon a song by Tron Syversen & Runar Halonen entitled, 'My Journey to True Love'. I thought to myself, that is exactly why I am here in this time, it is my journey to the only true love that exists; to know and embrace the love of God for me and to respond with nothing less than my whole love for Him alone. That is the destination of my life's journey. Now that I am retired, I do not have the distraction of lesser accomplishments preoccupying my mind, I have only True Love to be my focus (oh, that I would have been filled with that thought then, my service of Him would have been so much easier). Needless to say, I touched that link and allowed the music to lead me into my focus on the only True Love in my life. That thought then pervaded my reading of scripture and prayers. It was a blessed time.

    I was now going to share a thought about the impact upon the soul of doing a quiet time but when I read through this day's past posts, I found that I have already said it in my post of 2018. So, if you haven't done so, scroll up and read the rest of my thought on how practicing contemplation moves us toward being more compassionate which is a blessed part of the one True Love to which all our journeying. You are blessed because the Spirit has enlivened your heart to know and believe in the one True Love. Be so very thankful! For the sake of all who do not yet know of the one True Love, let it fill who you are as the ancient hymn sang, 'Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim, til all the world adore His sacred name'.

    As you continue your journey to True Love, you will be blessed. I hardly need to pray that for you but I must because of the love I have for you. I can do no less. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. I love You Jesus and Thank You for everything. Thank you Bob 😊

    2. Thanks for the song and the artists, Bob. I am enjoying their music.

    3. Bob - Thank you for sharing your faith with all of us. I look forward daily to your message from Jesus. Amen! KS

    4. 🎢🎢 FROM TRUE LOVE
      While I give to you and you give to me
      True love, true love
      So on and on it will always be
      True love, true love
      For you and I have a Guardian Angel
      On high, with nothing else to do
      But to give to you and to give to me
      Love forever true!

    5. Thank you Bob. Your insight and words of instruction, comfort and encouragment always add much to my faith journey and my walk and talk with the Lord.

    6. Brie, That song is such a sweet reminder that God's true love will always be and never change. And we share it every day. We are so blessed to have a true and forever love.

    7. Link to song My Journey to True Love

  22. Thank all of you for your prayers and kind words I start to feel a little better and something happens and I'm subbing again, I want each of you to know I'm petitioning on your behalf. With all the heavy burden prayer requests I fill bad asking for prayer I'm not battlelog a serious illness, I'm just battling my own emotions and self-doubt. I'm normally the one who's trying to help someone else pick up their pieces. Honestly I have no intention of going anywhere for awhile, I don't want to talk to anyone or see anyone. I know I have to shake this but I'm having a very hard time.
    I don't think I'm going to read the blog comments for awhile. I just need prayer please. The police officer told my sister in law he thought I was having a nervous break down. I responded did you tell him who my Daddy is? I don't have time for that but I do need to take time to heal and forgive myself. With earnest love and respect to this awesome JC Family, love TERRI

    1. Terri, you should never feel asking for prayers is something less deserving because you are not seriously ill, or in jail unjustly, or both! I am glad to pray for you, we all struggle with our faith, our hope and our love of God, self, and others.

      God feels no less love for you when you have seemingly large or small problems. His grace is sufficient for any of us in whatever circumstance. My prayer for you is that you will recognize the first step in realizing no problem is too small to be lifted up to heaven, when you come with Jesus at your side and with even just a miniscule tidbit of faith. Godspeed, be at peace and know our God loves you just as you are today. Amen

    2. Father, please help Terri to let go of whatever is impeding Your child's heart. Give Terri Your peace, love, and strength to see this through to the other side Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    3. Bring on your prayer requests TERRI, along with all of our JC Warrior Family. I love praying for you and your requests help direct my prayers. God's Holy Spirit woke me up at 2 am and sent me in here to report for night duty. I pray you are also led by God's Holy Spirit TERRI and come in here as often as you need prayers, for whatever prayers you need. You are certainly worthy of them. After all, you are a child of The Most High God! When God says I AM HERE! I AM HERE! I AM HERE!, He means it. (Period) He doesn't put size requirements on nor parameters around, I AM HERE. There is no job too large or too small for Him. I pray you shut out satan when it tries to tell you otherwise. Praying for you to experience His showers and showers of blessings. You are worthy, God loves you and so do we.

    4. Terri- Jesus has reminded you in this morning's devotion that HE IS WITH YOU! No matter what, He's never leaving you. He wants you to cast ALL your cares upon Him, don't hold back. What may seem irrelevant to you to pray about, is relevant to God!
      We are in prayers with and for you. Remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Terri, you are loved, you are loved, you are loved. You are the treasure, the jewel, the prize He went after to present to the Father at the throne of grace. He left the 99 for you! The warriors will be praying against the powers of darkness who wants to steal & rob you of the "joy of your salvation"! We love you❣️

    6. Terri - All JC Warriors' words are so true and wonderful. We all love you. Our dear Lord is with you during your struggles. Praying for you. KS

    7. Terri, It is an honor to pray for you! I add my prayers for you with the others here. You are not alone! Every single day I cry out to the Lord for help with my emotions and then apologize because its only my emotions and not a serious illness or homelessness or hunger or something else big. Emotions are very real and very consuming and I can tell you dear sister in Christ that emotions are something we need the help and strength of God to get through. Its way too hard some days to turn our mind around on our own. What I've been doing is Seek First the Kingdom, then turn on a teaching or if you're a reader then you could read a teaching. Listening to praise music and picking out the bible verses in the lyrics also helps me get through the really tough moments. I wish I could say we can be strong enough, but we aren't and we all need prayer. Emotions can make us very sick so I pray that you will find comfort by the showing of Love in Christ and support that you find here from your brothers and sisters. Peace of Christ be with you! Love, Kathy

    8. Yes, TERRI, when satan is trying to ruin your day, then ruin its day by coming in here, where satan is on total lockout. I am sure it would like for all of us to stay away from this room and would tell us any kind of lie to make that happen. Therefore, if for no other reason than to lock satan and its lies out of our life, thoughts, feelings, etc., then into this room we MUST come. In here, we seek God, we pray God, we post God, we support God, we Glorify God, we Thank God, we sing God, we Victory Dance. And when we do these things in here, guess who wants no part and flees? satan, but not us. We remain.

    9. addendum to you Terri, When I got my mother everyone told me what a blessing it is. When you're in the heat of the battle 24/7 and the only break you get is when they are sleeping is very wearing on us. It is very difficult to find the blessing that they are all saying you have. I've been at the breaking point and nervous breakdown point a few times. I've had days-months-years where I wondered if I didn't want to live if this is how hard it was going to be and with no break or better days (until Heaven) in sight. People have told me countless times how they commend me for being so selfless for my mother. Honestly, I have selfish thoughts that I'm convicted of because I'm 61 and still have some life to live and can't go live it until I'm done with this season. Honestly, when I read you have grands I was envious that you get to see youth and growing life instead of imminent death and wondering if my mom is going to wake up and then when she does the stress and strain starts again for the day until night. Now that I wrote this I wonder if I'm being selfish talking about myself. My intention is to reach out to you and your VERY REAL problem that DESERVES prayer. My Bible study teacher told me 3 years ago when I was confessing all of this to her, that "we all carry our own cross." For whatever reason, that helped me. Carrying a cross is not easy or preferred. You are usually the one giving us encouragement. Please just tell yourself that this is a SEASON. We are promised the bigger plan that God has for us that we don't see yet with our human limitation. My whole heart is flying to you right now. I'm picturing God's wings wrapping around you to comfort you because that is what I've successfully used so many times. God Bless You dear sister in Christ.

    10. And God bless you too our dear Kathy. At 36 years old, I too was in the caregiver situation for both my mom, who lived with us, and my dad. I also had a 4 year old and a job outside the home. I went through a season very very angry with God and fantasized how my death may have been a better fate than my life. I felt robbed of my youth and felt guilt that I was robbing my daughter of hers and also robbing my husband of a wife.
      Somehow God got me through, and since I rarely look back, I don't know how, but I do have a great big compassionate place inside my heart for all who are on a similar journey. If knowing you have prayers and care-ers helps to keep your ship afloat on stormy seas, you got them.
      With love to you Kathy and all our fellow JC wayfarers, Brie

    11. Thank you sister Brie. Your words of your experience and survivorship mean a lot!

    12. PS. When you take a look around the beach, and see distressed wood, oxidized iron, old boats and dock posts bearing barnacles, say Hi Brie, because that would be me.
      I don't know how He brought me this far, but He did! While awaiting His Good and Wondrous Works to emerge in our line of sight, may we listen for and hear heavenly bells ringing, along with His Voice saying, I am here! I am here! I am here!

    13. You are in my prayers dear Terri and Kathy.

      Blessings from France

    14. TERRI, Lifting you high in my prayers because your words ring of discouragement and sadness. We all understand that very well. We are all affected and unfortunately led by our human emotions despite the fact that we try our hardest to follow the spirit. When we do things that we wish we had done differently, we are also wracked with guilt and that can drag you down. You have gone through a difficult and experience. Now you must be very kind to yourself. Forgive your self and remember how beloved you are in the eyes of God. He has not left you and He will bring you through this. Put your head up high, beloved daughter of the Most High. Praying that God is comforting you right now and strengthening you for the days to come. Be still in Him.

    15. Dear Kathy, I am praying for your situation too. I'm sure you lost a lot of your life in taking care of your Mother. You must still look for the spots of light in every day and do something for yourself. You're still the same inside, and you have much life to live. My Mom is 92 but thank God, she's doing alright. It is a difficult road you're on, and dear Brie has been on that road before. We are here to hold each other up, encourage, lift, comfort one another and above all to praise and thank the Lord in every situation together as a family. Amen Brie! He is here!

      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      I can feel His mighty power and His grace
      I can hear the brush of angel's wings
      I see glory on each face
      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      In the midst of His children the Lord said He would be
      It doesn't take very many
      It can be just two or three
      And I feel that same sweet Spirit that I've felt so many times before
      Surely I can say I've been with the Lord
      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      I can feel His mighty power and His grace
      I can hear the brush of angel's wings
      I see glory on each face
      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      There's a holy hush around us as His glory fills this place
      I've touch the hem of His garment
      I can almost see His face
      And my heart is overflowing with the fullness of His joy
      I know without a doubt I've been with the Lord
      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      I can feel His mighty power and His grace
      I can hear the brush of angel's wings
      I see glory on each face
      Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place
      Oh surely the presence of the Lord is in this place

    16. Thanks for posting this song, Jeanne. As I read and absorbed the words, I could hear it being sung inside my head and instantly I felt warmed on a dreary day, like a good tasty bowl of hot homemade soup. Thanks be to God, again!

    17. Glad the song warmed you up like a steaming bowl of butternut squash soup! You made me smile

  23. Terri - I love you, praying God's presence in your life. You are loved.

  24. Victory Report: Thanks Sassy Mom and all JC Prayer Warriors who included in their prayers, the people impacted by Hurricane Zeta. Sloshing in my galoshes, I am doing a Victory Dance. After being in a hurricane's cone for the 7th time this season, thanks be to God for your prayers. We are alive and breathing, and once again have electricity, water, telephone and internet service restored. Even though I couldn't see you, I knew you were praying and that increased my hope. In return, I also prayed for you. Continuing in prayer for you and all your dear ones and all your needs with much love, Brie

    1. AMEN! Praise be to God! Doing the VICTORY dance with you Brie! Great report to the glory of God, great is His faithfulness.
      Continue prayers for total calm, peace and restoration for ALL those affected by the storm, and thanking Him in the process.

      Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. We give You the sacrifice of praise & Thanksgiving oh Lord! Hallelujah!

    3. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you for the Praise Report Brie. Amen!

    4. HOORAY!!! Loved reading this, Brie!

    5. Thanking God for His faithfulness and your protection. God is so good! Halleluia!

  25. Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

    Loving Father, Thank You for the Indwelling Holy Spirit in those who believe in Christ Jesus, knowing that You are with us every moment of every day. This is personal and intimate, the God of all creation lives within me! You are with me in the good times and the bad times, teaching, leading, and enabling me to serve You. Thank You Father for loving me extravagantly that even in my darkest time, I can trust You to always be there with me and keep me safe. It’s a great privilege, thank You, in Jesus name. Amen.

    The truth is always with us, whether we sense His presence or not. When scripture say God is with us, we are being told that He is internal to His creation and not bound by it or to it. He is also active in His creation, in humanity, the church and believers. God is not just an observer of His creation, but also an active participant in everything that goes on within it. We see that in the old testament, He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. His presence with Israel in the wilderness was very obvious. In Exodus 33, Moses pleaded with God to go with Israel to Canaan after He did not want to, but because He is who HE says HE is, God always with us, He lead them with a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of smoke by day. No matter what goes on with us or around us, He’s with us! Sometimes we feel like Gideon and ask: “If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?”(Judges 6:13). He went on to ask the angels, “Where are all His wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us?” We are just as guilty of asking the same. Questions like this, delights Satan. He marvels at turning truths into doubt, he did it to Jesus, but never succeeded (Matt. 4:3). The good news is, Jesus undeniably knew the truth and the whole truth, so should we! Also in the New testament, we see that Jesus’ followers experienced the presence of God with them in the person of Jesus. He walked with them, ate with them and talked to them. Emmanuel, God with us, is our assurance that we have an even more intimate relationship with our Father now. May we always hear His voice through all our circumstances saying: “I am with you!”

    Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Amen! Amen! Thanking Jesus for you and your words, Maplewood NJ, and how good it is for me to be able to read them.

    2. Amen amen!! Thank you Maplewood.

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen!!! Just what I needed to hear today, dear sweet Maplewood! Thank you.

    4. Worth repeating and keeping notes: God is not just an observer of His creation, but also an active participant in everything that goes on within it. Thanks, Maplewood! Missing your current posts but so greateful for the ones in the archive! <3

  26. Waking early, I sought His Word, as always. Best way to start and finish every day, with heavy doses in between. Tension and pressures mount during this season of election, not to mention all of the other part of life we are all going through. A calm heart can hear His nudgings, reminders, praise and compassion and then we are equipped to share with others.
    Thank you, Bob for your continued sharing of how this intimacy with our One True Love develops. I looked for the song you mentioned, knowing I've enjoyed your chosen music before. I found it and have it looping as I read, pray and focus on His calling for my life and the lives of my loved ones. For anyone who wants to listen, here is the link I found on YouTube: So very peaceful - it made me think of "pairing" in other areas of my life: food, conversation, journaling - when you hit that best combination and you know, all is well.
    Terri, you may not see this soon = maybe next year when reading back on this time in your life. Just know, Dear Sister, that we have all been where you are at some point in our lives - you probably have been before this, too, when you think back to the decisions and happenings that led to you having your Grands. God has His loving arms around you, guiding you, comforting you as the lovely women who were there that day. May His Peace fill you as you focus on Him and His deliverance of what could have been so much worse. I was in an accident with my oldest son one, early morning on the way to school. I dashed out the door while my hub was in the shower, knowing I'd be back before he even got out - that's how close the school was. It is my habit to always pray when I get in the car and I don't remember if I did that day or not, but by the Grace of God my son and I were spared when hit by a speeding driver who was impaired. Our car was totaled, my son's window was crashed in on him, my glasses were in the back seat and it took the jaws of life to get me out. My son ran home to 'tell Dad,' and he met me at the hospital after delivering all of our kids to school, on time (they were on a 'perfect attendance roll' and didn't want to miss it - we all laughed about that later). That night my husband I wept, alone in our bed at the thoughts of what COULD have happened. My son and I were in His Hands, as we all are every minute of every day whether we acknowledge or realize it or not. This peaceful music has me reflecting on all of His Goodness. As today's scripture reminds us and promises us, we are not alone
    Love and prayers to and for all of you, my dear JC Family. Thank you for yours and for your sweet sharings and earnest requests. We are blessed.
    Jeremiah 29:12-13
    English Standard Version
    12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

    1. Thank you Norah for the link. I'm also finding it a blessing. Thank you Bob for bringing our attention to this and so many other things.

    2. That song is so soothing and beautiful. Thanks for sharing it. God was so faithful to spare you and your son. That accident sounded terrible. He is a Deliverer and will deliver TERRI too.
      TERRI, God will make a way for you. He knows how much you love your Grands. Comfort your heart with that blessed assurance.

  27. We have an Awesome Family here...praying for each other, sharing our life experiences...God Bless each of you...your gifts of expression are truly beautiful and eye opening. All is Well.

    1. Amen, bright star!! And God is with us. God is with us. God is with us. Every one!

    2. Yes, Bright Star and Grace Takes Time. It seems that the only difference in all of our life experiences is the one whose turn it is to tell the story.

    3. Amen dear Bright Star! We are blessed here to be united in our faith, love, hope and prayer. What a wonderful family we belong to and what a wonderful daily refuge to come together.
      Brie! That is so true. Amen.

  28. After being pummeled and distressed by Zeta's rains, I was through with the beach, but the Holy Spirit wasn't. Therefore,

    Taking a look around the beach, we may see distressed wood, oxidized iron, old boats and dock posts bearing barnacles. In another time earlier in life, these objects were considered new, pristine and pretty; now they are chipped, dented, tired, worn out and no longer considered new. But, their beauty remains. Through the Goodness of God, they wear the look of time, the experiences, and even the hardships, authentically well. Like distressed items found on the beach, in some seasons we too, may feel past our prime. Maybe we were once likewise considered pretty or handsome or had a great career, thrived on parenthood, had a positive identity, etc. but before giving in to the what-ifs and what-coulda-been guilt trips, remember the distressed items on our beach trips and let them remind us of the long haul. Our distress features imprint our past and then carry the goodness of God from our stories to the next step. Everything that altered our identity continues God's work through us. What we consider marks of distress are actually marks of distinction. Our good and less than good choices, our hurts, our victories and our joys are all a valuable part of our collective stories and necessary for our next step, i.e., our continued contribution to the world which declares His Good and Wondrous Works emerging. Through it all, may we hear heavenly bells ringing, along with His Voice saying, I am here! I am here! I am here!

    O Lord, you have been with me from birth. You  helped me through my earliest childhood. Innumerable are the times You faithfully rescued me.  I am still walking in Your Strength. My life testifies that You alone are good and do wonderful things. Thanks for more time to continue reflecting to others Your Power and Your Goodness that reach to the highest Heavens.

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You allow all our life stories to serve as a testimony to Your Goodness and Your Glory?  And would you help us move on to the next adventure hand in Hand with You, full in the knowledge that we are living in and through the goodness of God?

    1. Thank you Brie. Thank you for your safety. Grateful for your faithful dependence and your song. God is with you!

    2. Thank you for the laugh-out-loud brought by your first sentence Brie. I'm glad the Holy Spirit wasn't through with the beach yet. I'm thankful through your beach story you brought us through some stuff to the part where the Holy Spirit wants us to see you remind us of the "next step" and the "next adventure hand in hand with Him, full in the knowledge that we are living in and through the goodness of God." What a great reminder/reaffirmation of this most wonderful truth. Thanks so much Brie. God Bless you and yours. Love, Kathy

    3. I will share this with my Ladies on Monday night, Dear Brie, as that was much of the topic last week. The 3 of us who meet are different in many ways, but the same in the most important - our Faith in God. Two of us are 10 yrs older than the youngest, yet, we all see the changes Life has brought - the good, the bad and the ugly - ha ha. All 3 of us have different things we're groping with right now, but the one constant (other than the Best One - God), is that we often don't recognize that face in the mirror or wonder how we got Grandma's jiggly arms on our "young" bodies! "What we consider marks of distress are actually marks of distinction. Our good and less than good choices, our hurts, our victories and our joys are all a valuable part of our collective stories and necessary for our next step, i.e., our continued contribution to the world which declares His Good and Wondrous Works emerging." LOVE THAT! <3

    4. Add to that what Bob described as continuation of all our journeys to God's True Love!  
      It seems that, regardless of age, geography, and all the other differences the eye can see, the only real true difference in all of our life experiences is the one whose turn it is to tell the story.
      Blessings to the Ladies of Monday Nights!

    5. Wonderful Beach Devotion, sweet Brie! Your talk about distressed wood and such reminded me of something my sister told me. The body we have now is just our earth suit. It will get snags and tears along the way because our journey down here has it's pitfalls and war zones but the Spirit inside is where all the beauty is and it is unchanging. Let us give thanks for all we are right now, even with our flaws, infirmities and sins. God loves us completely just the way we are. And someday at the end of this journey, we will be made perfect in Him forever.

    6. Thanks for reminding me Jeanne, that we are really Spirits who happen to inhabit bodies, or earth bodysuits!
      Since all of us will have to unzip and get out of them when our earth journey is over, why careth we that these made-for-earth bodysuits are wrinkly, saggy, jiggly, distressed, well used, worn and rejected by ebay!
      Once we get Home, these earth bodysuits will be as useless to us as candy wrappers are to kids. The heart of the matter, that our Father cares about, is what is inside.

    7. useless to us as candy wrappers are to kids. Great visual for Halloween!

    8. Thanks Brie for BEACH VERSE: FROM PSALM 71. Amen, amen amen.

  29. Replies
    1. I know. Plus I don't get hung up over typos. We all make them. I figure that's the Holy Spirit's way of emphasizing His point, and making me reread and review until I get it, rather than skip the lesson! Love You!

  30. This is the day that the Lord has made...let us be glad and rejoice in it! I try to remember that every day, but I am especially joyful today as my daughters hysterectomy at Mayo Clinic went very well tuesday. It took over 4 hours but they were able to remove her very large uterus laparoscopically, so she has a much shorter recovery, She is a teacher and will look forward to getting back to her students. Thank you all SO much for prayers offered and answered!

    1. Thanks for the Victory and Praise Report Ellen! Still sloshing in my galoshes yet doing the Victory Dance!

    2. So thankful, Ellen!!! I'm dancin' in my seat!

    3. LOL NORAH at the new life you gave to the old song:
      🎢🎢 All we need is music, sweet music
      There'll be music everywhere
      There'll be swinging, swaying, and records playing
      With Norah Dancing in her SEAT!

    4. Hallelujah!!!! Joining in the victory dance!

      Blessings from France

    5. Joining in the victory dance! Such great newsπŸ€—

    6. BFF, How are you making out with the turmoil going on in France? Praying for you and glad to see you post, because it let me know you are ok. Love you.

    7. Rejoicing with you dear Ellen! So happy your daughter's hysterectomy went well and they were able to do it laparoscopically. Praying for her perfect recovery. May God heal your other daughter with cancer and give your heart comfort and rest.

    8. Thank you sweet Brie. I just posted on tomorrow's devotion to share my heart. God bless you

      Blessings from France

  31. Hubby & I woke up to see the pond almost overflowing from all the rain brought on by the hurricane. While reading the posts, I glanced out again through the window & the sun is gleaming through the trees as if to say, "storm? What storm? My soul Lord gets dry & thirsty like the trees, rain on my roots to help me grow & flourish. Like the pond I will overflow with Thanksgiving & praise as Your Son shines down on me. Hallelujah!

    1. Same here Jan. The Sonrise after the storm was spectacularly beautiful.
      🎢🎢 Jesus, Jesus, Jesus;
      there's just something about that Name.
      Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain!
      Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim
      Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
      But there's something about That Name!

    2. 🎢 singing that oldie but a goodie Brie πŸ₯°

    3. Beautiful song Brie! Singing with you and Jan.
      Here is a sweet rendition of it:

  32. Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."
    Some days I am so blown away from reading all the posts and insights they offer me that I have not enough words of thanks. They are here now along with my prayers and love for all of you. Blessings!

    1. Amen and thanks for your prayers and love, Audra! How is Rick doing? Praying for him and you. Is your calf all better? Hope so!

    2. Thank you for asking and your prayers. No news on one front and I'm taking my legs out for a little exercise today, carefully wrapped and won't over do it.

    3. Rick is still hanging in there, but continues with a depressed and bitter attitude. I only know what I hear from friends who he will still talk to. I continue prayers for his wife and primary caregiver, we read above how difficult that path can be for some.
      And I still can't remember what I did to my calf last year. All is well and strong in my body, thank God.
      Hubby's knee is getting stronger, PTL
      Brother Paul is slowing down physically and remains strong spiritually.
      Thank you all for your continued prayers!
      Another request for prayers for a friend "Bear" and his wife. He had brain bleeding and possible lung cancer, they are struggling through recovery time. Please pray for him, a lover of creation who may not yet know the salvation of the Creator and His Son Jesus.

    4. In 2022: Rick has passed, I'm told he began praying in the end and "just wanted to go home." Brother Paul has passed, and is certainly enjoying the presence of God and his savior in Heaven. Marc's knee is finally better. My friend "Bear" has had multiple brain surgeries and is back to enjoying the great outdoors. God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

  33. "I AM with you. I am with you. I am with you....." Aaaahhh. Nothing, absolutely nothing better! Dear Lord help me to know you ARE with me every step of way. Any shortage I see in my life will become an abundance of Your goodness. Thank you. Amen.

  34. Amen, Audra, ABC and Kmertens! I'm kind of giddy this morning - the SUN IS SHINING, it's Friday: TGIF - Forgiven and Friday, Maplewood! :), and I'm still playing that lovely music from Bob (there are several available - so peaceful), while I work. It's a quiet work day (prayer answered), but I need to get back to it. :)

    1. Blessings on your work today Norah πŸ€—

    2. So happy you're having a great and peaceful work day in the Lord's presence. Enjoy the sunshine too!

  35. Thank you, Father God, for always being with me wherever I go. Your love is all I need. Help me to sit quietly in silence so I may hear Your voice. Guide me, Father, and may Your will, not thine, be done. I surrender all that I am, all that I was, and all that I will be. Amen.

    Thank you all for your prayers for Blanca and her family. Our hearts are broken, but I thank God that she's not suffering any more. She's with the Lord. Until the days of heaven, my beautiful Blanca.
    Praying also for all of you and your prayer requests. God hears our prayers. May God bless you all abundantly.

    Blessings from California

  36. Dear Rose, Sending a big hug and asking God to comfort your broken heart. Blanca is in a beautiful place forever and you will be with her again. He lifted her high above her misery and called her to her Eternal Celestial Home. His sweet Mercy and Compassion.

    1. Thank you, dear Jeanne. Sending a huge hug back to you! God bless you! God is, indeed, healing my broken heart. I've lost so many family members this year alone, but I'm comforted in knowing I will see them all again. It is promised. In His love.❤

      Blessings from California

  37. Pastor Louie Update - After 5 days of diarrhea and nausea Pastor Louie has been admitted to The Med Center in the next town. The hospital in our town only admits Covid patients. His chemo treatment for colon cancer has been postponed for a week. Please continue prayers for Pastor Louie, his family and congregation.

    1. You got it SassyMom. Continued prayers for Pastor, his family & congregation.

  38. Praying for Pastor Louie. May God heal him, lead him to the right treatment and comfort and guide his concerned family and congregation. Thank you Jesus.

  39. Wonderful devotion. We must carry the stillness with us and feel Him at our sides. Especially when circumstances are threatening or challenging. He meets us wherever we are and whatever we’re doing. He understands us completely., Good verses and spiritual food: Fill us Lord and Lead us along paths of righteousness. Thank You Jesus.
    Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

    1. Amen Jeanne! God is always with us. He will not forsake us or leave us. He loves us unconditionally and always. God bless you sweet Jeanne!

    2. Amen dear Janet! Thanks for the blessing! <3

  40. Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10). Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6). Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me. You are the spirit that lives within me and around me that gives me my strength, love, courage, peace, patience, kindness, humility, compassion, and all that I need to endure and rejoice daily through it all. You are my Father and Creator. You are the One and Only God Almighty and there is no other God but You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. I can't do anything apart from You. I am so grateful for You and all that You do. Continue to do Your work in me and through me. I am so grateful to be Your child. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Your prayer is my prayer. It echoes the words of my heart. Amen and Amen! Beautiful verses and encouragement. Thank you dear sister!

  41. JC Warriors, please pray for me and this new job of mine. They are going to change their hours of operation and so my hours are going to change starting next week and I'm a bit nervous about it because my start time is changing to 6 am. I have very bad eyesight and I can't see well, let alone when it's dark outside. I prefer not starting until 8 am because it's daylight out, but it won't be at 6 am. I wish they would let us do start times at 7 (split the difference), but they don't do odd numbers for starts. I don't even really make enough money to live off of at this job either, but I feel like God has put me in this position because of the people that I am meeting. It is so amazing. Some days everyone that I meet has got a story that I enjoy and I am able to bring God into the conversation and they all praise Him. He is doing so much good work in so many lives and it always makes me feel so good to hear about it and meet all these people. Pray that all of this works, according to His will, and that I don't need to worry about my weaknesses, but that I continue to follow His path for me. I am so thankful for each and every one of you here on this blog. Thank You Jesus for all of these wonderful, amazing JC Warriors! Thank you all! God bless!

    1. Janet - “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” ~ John 8:12

      "I AM with you. I am with you. I am with you."

    2. Janet - Encouraging you. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

    3. Lord, God, give Janet the much needed eyesight she needs for this earlier shift, Father. While this may not be Janet's favorite job to earn money to live on, you are connecting believers via her! May Janet's path cross with a believer-passenger who has a job opportunity better suited for Janet...but in the meantime, thank you, Lord, for THIS opportunity! Fear not, Janet! God will be right there with you at 6a.m.! In Jesus' mighty name, amen!

    4. Let me know when/if your hours change to 6 am. I will make sure I am saying special prayers for you at that time. I'll be riding with you in prayer, and of course, singing. SHINE JESUS SHINE. Shine Your light on our sister, Janet's situation. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Janet, the time change on November 7th, may make your mornings a little lighter and brighter! At least my sometimes dyslexic brain thinks this is so.
      Continued prayers for you, you are touching lives as God uses you. Lucky riders!

    6. Joining all wonderful prayers for our dear Janet! Amen He is the light in the darkness. May He sharpen your eyesight and give you a smooth straight road ahead as you do your best to glorify Him. He only wants us to be blessed and prosper. This job is just a stepping stone to the job I am praying for that leads to your fulfillment and self sufficiency. Love you Janet. You are brave and steadfast in your faith. Keep trusting with all your heart, mind and soul. He is with you, always and forever.

  42. Janet Your faith is inspiring. I pray God sees you through. Leads you safely.

  43. Janet, you are such a special and courageous servant to our Lord. You've inspired me by sharing how you bring God into the conversation with the people you are meeting. And, your perseverance with a low paying job... again, serving our Shepard.
    Thank you for sharing and through Christ, being the Light unto our paths. Psalm 119:105 Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet and Light Unto My Path V2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Janet

  44. I marvel at ALL the scriptures and encouragements posted today. Each has filled a need. Each has nourished, each has echoed the theme ,"I AM with you". Thank you all for posting; thank you Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace, my Jesus.

    1. Amen! Praise and gratitude always. He is everything to us, and He is enough.

  45. Lifting you in prayer sister Janet. He is with you, He is with you, He is with you. In your weakness He is made strong. "Father, take our sister by the hand in the wee hours of the morning. Lead her through the fear of not seeing. You will be her eyes, her compass, her guide. Help her to trust You fully Lord, in Jesus' name, amen".

  46. Lifting you up In prayer, sweet Janet. There is a reason you’re in this position now though we don’t know what it is. This may be a stepping stone for you. Praying for God’s guidance to lead you through your days.

  47. Prayers for you, Dear Janet, as I go to sleep. God knows your needs and your heart's desires. He WILL fulfill your need according to His riches in Glory! Praying for His Peace in your heart - your beautiful heart.
    Praying for all of you, Dear JC Family and rejoicing in the victories. I thank you for your prayers as I complete my last day on Monday. I am so tired. Heading to bed and knowing that He will bless all of us with a sweet sleep.
    Please pray for my dear Sister in Christ, Paula, who is in the hospital with heart, lung and kidney issues. She WANTS to live and I am praying for a miracle. Bless her sister, Roberta as she cares for her daily and give her the strength to continue to encourage Paula. Also, please pray for my dear Susie, who has been my friend since I was 12 years old. She is moving and has done an incredible job of waiting on the Lord and believing for His incredible power, all along the way. Tomorrow is her last day to finish the move. Bless her with strength and dignity and the help of loved ones.
    So thankful to hear of your healing, Jeannie! And, Brie, as always you have me laughing, rejoicing and dancing in my seat - HA HA. I know I'm missing some victories that I've read throughout the day and last night - but know that I gave thanks for each one. Love to all of you!

    1. Dear Norah, Putting Paula on my prayer list. She is suffering with many issues, but God knows them all and is the Miracle Worker. He can turn her condition around towards recovery and perfect health. May she touch His garment and be healed.
      Father God, We thank You for your amazing healing power to wash over Paula and heal every weakness in her body, and strengthen Roberta as she ministers to her. Thank You also dear God for giving Susie strength and dignity as she completes her move and bless her with her loved ones' help in every little thing. Thank You Father for all this and all of our JC Family's prayers to be answered in the Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

  48. p.s. My sister and her husband received a miracle re: their roof job. Thought they may have to take the company to court, but God, again, paved the way and the owner of the Co. realized HE was in the wrong. THAT'S a miracle! :)

    1. Praying for you, Norah, with Monday being your last day. Praying too for Paula. May Jehovah Jirah see and feel her great will to live and the faith she has in Him to heal her! Joining Jeanne asking God to give strength and endurance for Paula's sister, Roberta. Being a caretaker is so, so hard on the body and the heart. And may Norah's dear friend, Susie, as she embarks on this move. Get her and all her belongings there safe and sound. How incredible to have a friendship that long, Norah! Lastly, I join you in a victory dance with your sister and husband, Norah. Love when God keeps nudging someone ever so slightly and they finally SEE and do what's right! In Jesus' awesome and mighty name, AMEN!

  49. Dear Norah, Celebrating that wonderful victory for your sister and husband. God must have heard all their prayers and your prayers, and changed the heart of the owner of the company to see the truth. Our God is so faithful! Halleluia.

  50. The Paula mentioned in 2021 is the same Paula that we are praying for this year, with her dear Sister, Roberta, still caring for her. Paula is still doing well, breathing on her own. She wants to live and Roberta wants her to, also. Roberta said, "All I can think of is having a house with a front porch, holding 2 rockers for Paula and me - sitting there together, watching God's beautiful nature and praising Him for all of his blessings." That is my prayer for them. One way or another, they will always be together...they know their future, if not here, in Eternity. I pray Paula makes it back with a healthy recovery and that she and Paula an await the Return on that front porch!
    Also praying for my friend who is caring for her patient who just had knee surgery. My prayer is that they both get some good sleep.
    'Nite Dear JC Family! God is on the Night Watch.

    1. P.S. Jeanne - I feel like you! I have two little boys - my 7 and 8 yr old - on our sofa tonight. They were pooped from Trick or Treating with their little cousin, who is also 8...such sweet kiddos - tomorrow will be a fun day for all of them!

    2. Joining in prayers with you Norah. May our heavenly Father place His healing hands upon His children and remove all afflictions and bring His perfect peace, love and strength into their hearts and lives. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless.

    3. Dear Norah! I’ll bet those little sweethearts on your sofa brought you so much joy and laughter! They are your sweet treasures. Continuing to pray for Paula and Roberta for healing, recovery, and strength, and more time to enjoy each other’s company and the beauty of God’s creation.
      Thank You Jesus.

    4. Amen to that sweet Janet!!

  51. The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. The LORD preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy. (Psalm 145:18-20).

    1. Amen!! He hears our pleas and prayers and He is so faithful! He reads all the words in our hearts. What a loving Father we have!

  52. JC Warriors, I was reading my post from last year and I wanted to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. God uses us right where we are to do His work. I'm still driving the cab, but I am also a caregiver as well. Both jobs have brought different things into my life and the Lord has blessed me greatly. My life has changed quite a bit in this last year. Many people have been touched by the Lord and that always brings joy to my heart. Thank you all for always being here and for your love of the Lord. Keep shining your lights in the world. Peace be with you πŸ™.

    1. Sweet Janet! Amen! God put you in those two jobs so you could be His bright beacon and lead them to Him! I have no doubt your strength of faith has opened many hearts to the Lord unto salvation! We all see how His Spirit is working mightily within you to give God glory and to add to His flock! You are such a blessing to us too! May God lead you to all the desires of your beautiful heart! πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™☀️πŸ’•

  53. You keep shining too dear sister. God is so good to provide a place & JC family to worship our Lord together & share one another's burdens & victories. Thank You Lord for our dear Janet & her total devotion to You. She has been such an inspiration to us in the sharing of what You have done, are doing in her journey with You. Bless her as she continues to look to You for all her needs in Jesus name, amen! Hallelujah!πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    1. Yes, amen.

      Janet, your job is more than making a living, your job is helping bring in the harvest.
      See the fields, they are white unto harvest

  54. "I AM with you"
    Isaiah 7:14 Immanuel 'God with us' is an awesome, awesome promise from God.
    This promise given in King Ahaz of the southern Kingdom, Judah's time, concerns the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah, Immanuel-God with us.
    This side of the Cross, from the moment we are born again, God lives within us, through His Holy Spirit. He becomes part and parcel of our being. He becomes irrevocably woven into the very fabric of our existence; closer than our breath, more permanent than the body we live in on Earth.
    There is no situation, no circumstance in any area of life that He is not with us; every second of every day throughout our whole existence, both here on Earth and eternally.
    This is the most personal intimate expression of God with us; that we carry Him IN us. "I AM with you".
    The Apostle Paul in Romans 8: 38-39 expresses 'God with us' as God's love (for God is Love) " 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
    " I AM with you".
    This fact, that nothing can separate us from Him is of staggering impact; that Almighty God, Creator of the universe, by His Holy Spirit is irrevocably part of us, part of you and I. This is much more than a WOW moment. This realization is life changing!
    'God with us' means that He affects every circumstance, every situation every moment of our lives. "I AM with you"
    Because of this, Hebrews 4:16 (Amplified Bible) applies "Therefore let us [with privilege] approach the throne of grace [that is, the throne of God’s gracious favor] with confidence and without fear, so that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find [His amazing] grace to help in time of need [an appropriate blessing, coming just at the right moment].
    'God with us' is a fact of our existence, not a hope or a wish; not subject to prayer, fasting, petition or ritual.
    Let us live this and all our future days confident in this fact, as Jesus said " I AM with you". He truly is.

    1. Beautiful and powerful thoughts Peter. I was reading something similar from John Piper about God’s promises. He was saying that the most magnificent promise is I Am Your God. If you just sit with that a moment, or I am with you, it’s not only reassuring, it’s magnificent, mind blowing and almost too hard to grasp. Yet, how blessed we are. I know I need to hold on to this promise a lot more. Praise Jesus, Praise God and the Holy Spirit! πŸ™!

  55. Amen, Amen and Amen! Gathering into your beautiful prayer dear Janet! Much love good sister!

  56. Thank you for sharing God’s Word and so much truth! Amen! He abides with us as we abide in Him. God bless you dear Peter!

  57. Just had to thank you all for your prayers. Today before we left Boston to go home we stopped for a few minutes to walk on the beach. I was with my son Dylan alone with Leo who is 3. Leo was digging in the sand looking for treasure. Dylan could see he was frustrated so he said: Have Faith! I repeated: Have Faith! I smiled because that is my prayer for Dylan and his whole family. Then I walked to where Erica and Rick were talking and Little Lucas was sitting in the sand. I gave him a shell to make designs in the sand. He is 18 months old. I took a rock and made a heart in the sand. I told him the heart means love. He took the shell and made lines in the heart. I said nice writing! I wrote his name in the sand and I made another heart. I said: Nani loves Lucas. Then I noticed Erica was kneeling by Leo so I left Rick with Lucas. I went by Erica and I heard her say to Leo: You found some treasure! And he pulled out a small piece of white beach glass! I said: Good job Leo! Beach glass is a real treasure! He put it in hid pocket to keep. Erica leaned over to me to tell me she had planted it into his sand to find. I told her that was so sweet and I said she is such a good mother. After the beach we parted our ways because it was time to go home. Dylan came over to hug me with Leo. He said I love you. Then I went over to say goodbye to Erica and Leo. She hugged me and gave me a kiss in the cheek! It blessed my heart! God is so good!! I felt your prayers! πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

    1. I love and cherish your TESTimony, Jeanne. It sounds like yet another one of His VICTORIES!
      I've heard Einstein never had to tell anyone he was a genius. He just did what genius' do.
      And so it seems to go with Jesus' Followers!
      Much Love, Brie

    2. Thanks dear Brie! Feeling love very from Erica and enjoying precious time with Dylan and his family was so special to my heart! To be a witness to God’s faithfulness so many times is such a gift and a blessing!! I know you see Him working in your life and in your family every day. He is holding your hand and guiding your decisions. Praying that God is leading you along the way He has prepared for you, Keith and Larry like a Neon Light. Thank You Jesus πŸ™

  58. Sounds like a wonderful day for all of you. Even if Dylan & Erica are not believers as yet. The Lord's Spirit was in you dear Jeanne & where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's peace, sweet peace, & who knows what else, eh?πŸ₯°. Bless you &, RickπŸ’ž

    1. Yes! He was with them. He was with them. He was with them. While I was reading Jeanne's TESTimony, I heard Heaven's bells!

    2. SO loved reading all of the blessings today! Heading to bed - thoroughly (but gladly), spent! Loved your beach time with the littles, Jeanne and your reflections, Janet! I agree with Peter or Rich...can't go back to read - too sleepy....anyway, yours is not a JOB - it's a CALLING! Love to all of you.
      Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch! zzzzzz

    3. Thank you dear Brie, Jan and Norah! Amen! God’s Spirit was moving and they saw His light in my peace and joy. Hallelujah!
      Hope you all had a sweet and restful sleep.

  59. Wonderful devotion for this day. Beth’s Funeral is this morning. I must pick my brother up so I’ll be getting up very early. I know our great God is with her and also with us. I have heard Him say: “I am with you” many times. Such sweet and Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine. He is all we need and He is our everything! Have a blessed day in the Lord. Keep going forward holding His Unchanging Hand. Rest in Him Who cares for us.

    Psalm 55:22
    Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

    1 Peter 5:6-7
    Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

    1. Sending prayers your way and to the whole family on this sad rainy day dear Jeanne πŸ™❤️

  60. Lord, thank you for this new day and all you have given us. I humbly ask for strength and faith for my brother and his wife as another piece of unsettling news has been thrown their way. Lord, you and only you know how this will ultimately play out. The metastatic cancer diagnosis was difficult to process and now the finding of new cancer in the bone is devastating. It has all happened so quickly. Please give them peace and teach them to fully rely on you. Please surround them with your angles for guidance as they go back to the dr this week to reassess the treatment protocol. Please shield their kids from the full understanding of what is happening. In your Son’s name, amen.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Dear SC anonymous praying for your brother and his family during this challenging time. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray for healing and restoration
