Monday, October 31, 2016

Jesus Calling: October 31

Learn to listen to Me even while you are listening to other people. As they open their souls to your scrutiny, you are on holy ground. You need the help of My Spirit to respond appropriately. Ask Him to think through you, live through you, love through you. My own Being is alive within you in the Person of the Holy Spirit. If you respond to others' needs through your unaided thought processes, you offer them dry crumbs. When the Spirit empowers your listening and speaking. My stream of living water flow through you to other people. Be a channel of My Love, Joy, and Peace by listening to Me as you listen to others. 

Exodus 3:5
English Standard Version
Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”

1 Corinthians 6:19
English Standard Version 
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own

John 7:38-39
English Standard Version 

38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” 39 Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

My Prayer
Lord, I surrender to you this day. Help me to accept what you provide.  Help me to lean on you as I navigate through life, talk to people. Holy Spirit, be my guide into all truth. Speak to me and help my words be few rather than many. Take away the defensiveness I often have any time someone asks me a question. I pray that my behavior and responses would be a shining light to others and through my actions and words, You would be glorified. I want to be content with you getting the credit and not me. Take away my pride and boasting in my self. You Lord be glorified. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Today’s gospel reading is Luke 13:22-30. This passage contains Jesus call for you and me to enter the Kingdom of God through the narrow gate. Many interpretations have been offered to define that narrow gate. In my meditation on this narrow gate and some of the thoughts on it, this understanding was offered. God chose the narrow gate in choosing to love every single one of us. What drove God to choose us? Moses said to God’s chosen people, recorded in Deuteronomy 7:6-8, “It was because the Lord loved you...” There is no reason given, just because is the only answer to why the Lord loves us. When we hold sacred within our heart love for others as Christ loved us, “just because “, we have passed through the narrow gate into eternal life in this life and the life to come. As Jesus said, “when you have done it onto the least of these, you’ve done it onto Me.” Just because.

    1. Just because. His love for us is perfect in every way, shape and form. Thank you, Lord.❤

    2. Thanks Bob! Let our love be perfect and unconditional just because. We love because He first loved us. Let us share the same love, mercy and compassion with everyone as best we can to glorify Him. .

    3. Thank you Bob for keeping me aware

    4. Maybe the gate is narrow so we can go single file to see Him eye to eye? And because it is heaven and who we are, no anxious waiting, only joy.

      And Chris Payton, your prayer for today is so right on for me again this year. I ask the same in Jesus's name!

  2. Thank you for posting this and for your prayer. This was exactly what I needed today. Blessings to you!

  3. Thank you for sharing Holy Spirit's truth and prayer! I am going to say this prayer over myself daily.

  4. Today's devo prompted thoughts of these 2 scriptures as well: PROVERBS 18:13 To give an answer before hearing is foolish... JAMES 1:19 ...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

    While listening to Him in the still of an early morning, I'm reminded of the tendency to speak first to insure MY VIEW is heard. I've often thought: "I could have worded that better", or occasionally, "should have just left it alone". Worse I've pledged to listen more and talk less with little success.

    For whatever reason this "hit home" today. How wonderful would it be, in today's world of shouting via Twitter, FB, and other social media, if all prayed the shortest of prayers BEFORE SPEAKING OR WRITING, "Father, guide my words, Amen." JC brothers and sisters, we do that here, and look at the beauty of words and love that have flowed in this community. Today, I'm going to try this prior to every conversation (and with grace from now on). Will pray each morning that I'm slow to speak because I first prayed (in my head), "Father, guide my words, Amen." Godspeed and peace be with you today JC friends.

    1. MadFox-thanks for your additional thoughts on this.
      This whole devotion is good for me for every day. I have 11 grandkids, some of which come to me just to listen. I take that responsibility very seriously. I've been away from Jesus Calling friends for a few days. good to be back.

    2. MaryOKC, Praying for healing for you and for continued ability to talk with your 11 grandkids for years to come... nothing better than a grandmother full of great stories and wisdom. Godspeed.

    3. MaryOKC-praying for you & the testings. May victory be yours through the power & good will of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be still & know He is God. The One who formed you in your mother's womb is not sleeping nor slumbering through your hour of need. He's got you!πŸ₯° Amen.

    4. Mary OKC, lifting you and your family up to the most High God. He's the Best communicator and makes communication through us to others, possible! Stay blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Heavenly Father God,
      I want to. I need to. I'd love You to.
      Would You guide all my thoughts? What about all my words? What about all my actions? What about my patience since Grace Takes Time and Grace Needs Space to accomplish all of the above?
      I really need your help.
      In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and I thank You. Amen

    6. My prayer too, Brie! I pray to always take time to invite the Holy Spirit into my communications before I speak or write. And these proverbs!!!...PROVERBS 18:13 To give an answer before hearing is foolish... JAMES 1:19 ...Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

    7. Amen, MadFox! You fed my soul this morning with what I needed to read. Thank you for being His vessel today. I'm blessed by your words. May you and Mary OKC receive His healing grace and mercy. Covering you both with the Precious blood of Jesus. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    8. Great advice MadFox! Let the spirit fill me with the words to share! Praying for God’s amazing healing and every blessing for you and your family.
      Praying Mary OKC has received healing and has seen God’s faithfulness.
      Brie, I join in your wonderful prayer with Audra! Amen!

    9. Wonderful! Thank you MadFox.

  5. And mighty words they are, MadFox. I thank you for reminding me that I am loved x3!
    Sassy Mom - your daughter's prayer is powerful. Chris, your prayer, from 2016, is powerful.
    I thank all of you, my dear JC Family, for your continued prayers. Know that you are in mine. Keith, I pray for the woman you love to wake up and see the gem before her eyes. Either way, you are the Winner.
    I want to share with you a verse that I heard this morning in a teaching, from The Message. Philippians 4:8-9 "8-9 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies." My goal today is to Just Do It. Not to ask myself if I "feel" like it or if I "want to," but to just do what the Word says to do. It will be a victorious day, if I heed His Word.
    God Bless each of you.

    1. Amen, Norah. I needed this today. God bless you.

    2. Such perfect advice Norah! Thank you!

    3. Thanks Norah, I am all in to Just Do It. Swoosh!

    4. Putting on the Nikes today to Just Do It.

  6. To You oh Lord be ALL the glory and honor for allowing me and my family to see this last day of the 10th month. As we end this month, I look back and find so many reasons to glorify You from Jan. to Oct.. Through the good times, through the bad times, through the trials, through the joy, in my obedience and in my disobedience, Your faithfulness has remained the same. Your unchangeable nature never falters. Thank You Father for 10 months of Your mercy, love, peace, provision, protection, healing and restoration et al., I never would have made it had it not been for You mercy and grace. Your Spirit has been good to me.
    When this last day comes to an end, my grateful, grateful heart stands to cry out to You with THANKSGIVING!

    My JC family As we go through this last day of October, I pray that the Holy Spirit open our ears to be attentive to the voice of the Lord, to speak through the spirit and not on our own. May our thoughts be guided and our words be blessings to others in Jesus name. Let's take a second or two to Thank Him who guarded us through 10 months and while we are at it, invite His Holy Spirit to think through us, Live through us and love through us.

    God's Spirit is alive within us. Receive His streams of living water as it flows through you to others, enabling you to be a channel of His love, joy and peace.

    Blessings to all this last day of the month. Prepare to receive your Harvest!

    1. Posted by Maplewood NJ

    2. Read your post yesterday Maplewood. You listed "fightin'" words from the Bible, words of trust & peace in the midst of trouble, words we can use as weapons against the enemy. Those words will give you & your sisters & family all that you need to see the destruction of the evil against you. Will continue to pray. Blessings πŸ₯°

    3. Thank you so much Jan! I appreciate the thoughts and much needed prayers. God bless you and yours too as you stand in the gap for others.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. And a year later, still a great reminder, Maplewood! May all have eyes to see and ears to hear of the Glory of God! No longer masked by Covid fears or Halloween costumes, we come confidently in trust into November full of gratitude and thanks for God's will be done!

    5. Thank you for filling me up and lifting me high today, dear Maplewood. Had my grandson for an overnight. It was a joy but I am sleep deprived and very tired. Thanking God for His grace and blessings and for restoring me. Gonna take a nap. They’ll be coming over later to eat cupcakes and cookies. Can’t wait to see Gabriel’s skeleton costume! Everything is baked so all is well. May the Spirit work through me to add much light to my family. This holiday is always low on my list. We are all asked to be the light of Christ in the darkness. Let it shine my dear sisters and brothers!

    6. Not my favorite holiday either. I'll try to LIGHTEN UP in the spirit of fun and bless the littles (and adults) who want to play today. Ah... To not judge the behavior!

    7. It worked! Thank you Holy Spirit!

    8. I have to do this again this year... Help me Jesus πŸ˜‰

  7. Sharing Bible Gateway verse of the day.

    Be sober-minded; be WATCHFUL. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. RESIST him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. - 1 Peter 5:8-9
    Praying we are channels of His LOVE.

    1. Sassy Mom- was so comforted by your daughter's letter. She's a "warrior" through & through! You've been a mighty influence in her spiritual life I'm sure. I will join you & her as you war against the enemy. Please let her know how her prayer blessed the socks off of me. Have a blessed dayπŸ₯°

  8. Mary OKC - Prayers for perfect results on esophagus biopsy.

    1. Thank you, Sassy Mom.
      God is good. He is in the details.

  9. Asking for prayers warriors. Going to chiropractor today. Both my wrist are weakening & painful when I use them rendering me quite frustrated & anxious because the holidays are looming before me. I too need to be still before God & know He's got me. Please hold me up.

    1. Lifting you up to our Jehovah Rapha. His stripes have may you whole! Health and strength are your portion in Jesus name!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining Maplewood and Warriors in prayer.

  10. Another day of a beautiful devotion, wonderful scriptures and the best prayers and comments from this JC Family. Thank you all for helping me through each day. "Father, guide my words" is on my agenda today before each conversation. I say something similar before "important" conversations, but I realize today each conversation may be truly impactful.
    Saying prayers for all on here..for what each person needs and is grateful for today. Amen. CO

  11. Lord, help me to have words of faith, love, and encouragement when someone opens up to me about their troubles
    Please work in me and through me so I may be a channel of your peace.

    1. Mark L - praying you are a channel of God's love to those whose path you cross. Be blessed.


    This will bring to a close my thoughts for you on intimacy with our Lord. They were written for you in your relationship with our beloved Lord. In sharing these thoughts, I found my own devotional life enriched. I am grateful for that. When I write, I need to know someone is on the receiving end, that it is not my own private exercise. And you were there. The replies you made inspired me to go further. Thank you. If you only read and didn't reply, I felt your love. Thank you.

    Thank you, Chris, for this space which we all can use to bless each other and to be a true fellowship of believers. I am grateful for how this space provides me a chance to work through the Holy Spirit's lead in my devotional time.

    I am going to step away from writing as I have been to rest in preparation for the season of Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas) that will begin this year on November 29th. At that time, I will seek to be led again to write. This year, we need a good and wholesome preparation for the celebration of Christmas which is why Advent was created. Advent is all about hope that was fulfilled in the incarnation of our Lord. The world is in desperate need of good hope. I will not be stepping away from the blog. The writings I have been doing have been time consuming, time I usually spent in reading and replying to your posts. I look forward to getting back to doing that through the month of Thanksgiving, a.k.a., November. You are a reason to be thankful.

    Thank you for your friendship. Have a blessed weekend. I lift you up in prayer, may God bless you and keep you; making His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lovingly gaze upon you and give you peace now and forever more. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you so much for your dedication, Bob! Your thoughts on intimacy with our Lord have been a huge blessing that we were looking forward to read everyday.
      Thank you for taking the time to listen to the Holy Spirit and share with us. Thank you for being a faithful servant of the Good Lord. May He bless you and your loved ones abundantly. ����❤

      Blessings from France

    2. WHEW! BOB, I was relieved when I read,...I will not be stepping away from the blog...
      Relieved knowing you will still be with us and also relieved to know that with all Madfox has on his hands, he would not have to chase you down :)

    3. Hilarious Brie... and Bob, I would "hunt" you down, so don't even think about it. Yes, Navy flight tracking experience still finds its targets!! ha ha.

    4. Madfox: I saw MM on one of your posts and gasped! In many margins in my bible, next to passages where Jesus performed His Mighty Miracles, I wrote MM!! I am praying your MM turns out to be another one of His Mighty Miracles! Love you, Brie
      PS Dust off your Navy Flight Tracking Suit just in case we have an attempted runner aka Bob!

    5. I embrace the mighty miracles! MM will have a dual meaning from this point forward. Thank you. Peace.

    6. Thank you Bob. It's truly a blessing.

    7. Amen bday twin! Praying God's strength and direction upon you as you embark on the season of Advent prep. However, you can't get rid of us (LOL), an army of hungry JC family lions will be hunting you down! We need your insights, encouragement and more, but also respect your alone time to focus etc..

      We love you and praying with and for you. Remain blessed my brother.

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Thank you Bob for your writings of thoughts on intimacy with our Lord. You have richly blesses all of us with this special gift! I looked forward to each writing and learned much from them. Thank you for the love and care and may all of the wonderful blessings you gave us come back to you over and over again.

    9. Thank you Bob. I have looked forward to your inspirational messages daily. The Lord has blessed me through you. KS

    10. Bob, Thank you so much for your daily posts. They are uplifting and very much appreciated. Enjoy your break and we look forward to your next daily teachings. Your faith and love for others is inspiring. God bless!


    11. Thank you, Bob! We have been blessed through your postings! And thank our Lord for MadFox's tracking abilities!

      Prayers for all our JC family!

    12. M&Ms! The preferred disbursements for this Halloween day! Thank you Bob, Mad 🦊 (I love that little fox emoji!), And all for this intimacy thread in the blog. Lots of good stuff to help us all grow our relationship with God and each other. Bravo!

    13. Thanks Audra, I love M&M's. When I was a child, I thought they were made especially for me because my initials were M M ! I dared my brothers to touch them. Now those two alphabet M M take on yet another meaning. I'll be praying more of God's Mighty Miracles for all of us while treating myself to some M&M's tonight By The Light of The Silvery (and full) Moon. Love to all, Brie

    14. I am honored that you chose to share such beautiful and personal words about your intimate encounters with the Lord and all your heartfelt advice and research too! Thank you Bob! You certainly have enriched my relationship with Jesus. I’m glad you are getting a rest and a chance to read and respond to our posts and also to breathe and find time to pray and talk with the Lord. I’m so grateful you took the precious time to lead and instruct us as the Spirit has led you. Never leave us. We love you!
      MadFox and Brie, You got me smiling! I am praying for mor MM’s as in mighty miracles. Much love and prayers for all.

    15. Thank you brother Bob, have a nice R&RπŸ€—

    16. Bob, your teachings have inspired us all. Thank you for taking the time to help me deepen my relationship with Jesus. Your teachings and instruction have blessed me tremendously. Enjoy your restful time as we prepare for Advent. I look forward to reading your posts in the future. Brie and MadFox, you brought a huge smile to my face. Lol

      Blessings from California

  13. Good morning JC family!

    I have been more busy this month since I went back to University so I haven't post as much but I come here everyday and pray for each of you and your concerns.

    My heart has been kinda heavy these past few days. As you may know, there has been 2 attacks within the past 2 weeks here in France. One of them in a church. To be honest, my first reponse to this yesterday was sadness mixed with anger, and some bad words slipped out of my mouth. A few hours later I saw a post on the web saying that we should also pray for the assailant, for him to know Jesus. This was hard to do. At first I did not want to do it but I did, as the Lord wills.
    It breaks my heart and all I can do is pray, pray for the families of the victims, for my country and all the nations, this world is terrifying and people are lost, in need of Our Savior.

    We are also into a second lockdown since yesterday. So here we go again, staying home as much as possible. Universities are closed so I will have to follow the classes online.
    A lot of people have to stop working again after having started again just a few months ago, which is weighing them down. It's hard to handle this situation, especially for non-believers.

    I'm a little worried too about the future, I can't help it but I know He is there and will guide me to what He wants for me. I have to find an internship for next year but I don't see how will it be possible with this crisis and lockdown. I just have to trust, trust in the midst of the chaos, trust that He is the Good Shepherd and has my soul in His Hands.

    Sorry if this is a very long post, I needed to "talk" and I'm so thankful for all of you. This blog is one of the only place I can talk to believers since I'm the only believers in my family.
    Thank you for being who you are and who God wants you to be, I can't wait to meet with you all when this life is over and we'll fly away to our home on God's celestial shore.

    I love you all, you're always in my prayers,

    Blessings from France

    1. As are we all, you too are in the right place for caring, sharing, and prayer-ing, BFF.
      Thanks for letting us know what is on your heart so we can better direct our prayers in alignment with yours. All day yesterday, I continually repeated, I AM WITH YOU, I AM WITH YOU, I AM WITH YOU between choruses of Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper Light In The Darkmess...Even when I can't see You, You're working, even when I can't feel it, You're Working...Because You Never Stop, You Never Stop Working, on and on anon until my being finally grasped the truths my heart knows. My chants and songs also included the time I spent on my way to, during, and from the county tax office. It took awhile.
      I am continually praying for you and all of us to be free of corona virus, satan and everything/one else that negatively impacts our countries health, our health, and our peace. It's going to take some time, this time...but it's worth it, and the alternative is not. With much love to you and our entire JC Family of persistent Prayer Warriors. Onward Christian Soldiers. Pray like never before O my soul...

    2. In Chris' Closer Than A Brother bible tag, he stated a guiding post for me with:
      'God is in control. I need to keep my eyes on God and trust him for the outcomes of life.'
      Thanks Chris.

    3. May God be with you France and instill peace, love, and strength within your soul.

    4. We love you BFF. We are lamenting right along with you. It's hard to stay on course that God is doing a work in this universe. My "humanness" gets in the way. It's easy to lose sight that He is sovereign. He's got this! He's got us! Hold on BFF, let's tie another knot on the rope. Bless your day ❣️

    5. As for the rope comment, I don't mean the hanging kind but the climbing kindπŸ₯΄. For goodness sakes Jan, not everybody has heard of that saying 😯

    6. Our dear Blessings From France- You are our sister in Christ and we are on this journey together with Christ as our Head. Please know that we share your concerns and praying with and for you.
      As Brie stated, God reminded you in yesterday's devotion that HE IS WITH YOU, that means, EVERYDAY. He has offered His Spirit to go before you and make all crooked path straight. He knows your fears, and all that concerns you. He has you wrapped in His Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous ONE.
      Praying His peace, strength, love, comfort, and restoration on France, non-believers, believers, you and your family. The forces of darkness will NOT prevail in Jesus name! Remember your future is in the hands of the ONE who calmed the waters!

      Your JC family have you and all that concerns you, covered in prayers. Remain blessed, you know WHOSE you are!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Blessings From France - We are loving and praying for you and your country.

    8. Blessings From France - Our good Lord is always watching over you and showering you with comfort, strength and blessings. I am joining all our JC family in prayer for you. KS

    9. Dear Blessings from France. It is really hard to live through these days. I've thought many times about how sorry I feel for our younger ones to have this time in their life so much earlier than it happened in mine. We are connected across the world for the first time in the history of the world by a devastating event that affects all of us. You are very dear and a wonderful example to all of us here in your family. Your insights and Christian maturity are very special and I've admired this in you many times. I will join the others in prayer for protection from the issues of today and uncertainty of the future. God is with you as they've said and he knows the plans he has to prosper you. I too can't wait to meet you and all of our JC family some day in eternity. Love and Peace and Joy being sent from Michigan. Love your sister Kathy

    10. Blessing from France
      Praying for you and your country.
      Thank you for reminding me on a personal level that we are all in this, All of Gods creation. Sometimes I can be small minded only responding to areas which directly effect me & my loved ones. It feels good to expand my territory of prayer. God bless you and thank you for your ever present kindness and compassion on this site. You are indeed loved!

    11. Blessings BFF and prayers to you and my loved ones in France. I have extended family there and everytime I read your posts I feel closer to them. Our challenges are bigger than our personal bubbles. Our hope is not in this world, in an election, a vaccination, lifted lockdowns and wearing masks. Our hope is in Jesus, who guides us, saves us, and protects us. Stay the course with right action and focus on our Saviour who makes all things good. BFF love that song, "I will fly away" hallelujah!

    12. Dear BFF, My heart goes out to you. I can feel the pain in your words. I sometimes get so discouraged by looking at the news and hearing words of hatred, indifference, cruelty and ungodliness. This world is fallen but God is in our midst more than ever. He shines all the more brighter in this time of uncertainty and darkness. We in our JC family are His faithful remnant. Our prayers and daily witness to others make a real difference. Our love for Him and each other is a fact. We speak peace, encouragement, praise, thanksgiving, compassion and love every day to His glory. I am joining in all prayers for God to comfort, lead and guide His people in France and everywhere and for Him to cover this world with His saving power, love, comfort, healing and guidance, And May the Way Maker make a way to bringing us to a place of sweet assurance that everything is gonna be okay because He’s in charge. We are taken care of. I keep receiving these words from Him. I believe them. Wait patiently on the Lord. He will not disappoint us. The best is yet to come. Sending so much love to you and all our dear JC family..

    13. Thank you all so much for your kind words. I can feel His love and light through you. Thank you Lord for this precious family of believers and thank you for taking care of us. What a blessing.
      Sending love, prayers and blessings to you all. Love you.

      Blessings from France

    14. While listening to a Christian Radio Station, I heard Madfox's mountaintop song, INTO THE SEA aka IT'S GONNA BE OK. Afterwards the composer, Tasha Layton came on to share the message behind the music. Tasha said when her son was little and would run inside crying because he hurt himself playing outside, she would tale care of his hurt and afterwards, cup his little teary eyed face with her warm loving gentle hands, look into his eyes and say it's Gonna Be OK! In later years she herself was going through a really really tough season. On her knees she cried to God, and she imagined Him cupping her tear stained face into His Big Strong Hands, hearing Him say, It's Gonna Be OK. And Madfox's song was born!
      Hope listening to it will comfort you as it did the little son, Tasha, Madfox and many others!

    15. OOPSY! ...she would TAKE care of his hurt...

    16. Save us Savior of the world for by your cross and resurrection you have saved the world. Sweet Jesus you have the whole world in your hands and we trust in your love and care. BFF may God pour his amazing grace over you and yours and your beloved country. Much love to you.

    17. Dear Mon Ami, you pour out your heart to us in a language that is not your native tongue but you write so well, we all feel the sadness in your heart. Your pain has now entered our hearts and that is quite alright, it is what love is made of. We will carry the sadness with you. It is sad to see so much hatred being displayed by individuals who have lost their way and obviously have not received or have chosen to reject all love extended toward them, especially by God. Sometimes it is hard to keep in love mode within our heart but we must for if we lose it, where will be their hope.

      Where is everything going? Nobody, and clearly, nobody has a clue. But 'Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies (which indicates how significant they were viewed in the culture in those days)? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight (God does not do insignificant; if He created it, it is significant). 7 But even the hairs of your head are all counted (He doesn't have to work very hard counting my hairs). Do not be afraid; you are of more value (FAR MORE VALUE!!!) than many sparrows.' You have faithfully held us up in prayer, we will be holding you up faithfully in prayer. In fact, I have been even before you asked. God be with you. With love, Bob

    18. Thank you Brie, Loveconquersall, and Bob.
      Brie thank you for sharing the message behind this beautiful song. Yes it's gonna be ok. God is for us, who can't be against us?! ❤ As you remind us dear Bob, we don't understand but He does and He takes care of His precious children.
      Thank you for your kind words and prayers my dear friends.
      God bless you.

      Blessings from France

  14. Help me Holy Spirit. Take control of me, my steps, and choices to do Your will Lord and not my own. Think, live, and love through me for the glory of the Lord. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for the gift of You and for the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Amen Audra! Joining in your prayer!

    2. Always supporting you in prayer, Janet. God be with you.

  15. Please warriors pray for my sister from another mother. She's a convalescent & needs to be moved closer to me. No room at the inn, she's on a waiting list. She's losing heart. Sorry, so hurried this morning. Love to all.

    1. Jan - Joining warriors in prayers for your sister and your loved ones.

    2. Jan- Praying for your sister's strength and courage. May she be reminded that the Creator of this universe is with her and loves her too much that He will never leave her. May she never give up on Him either.
      Sending His peace her way.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Jan - praying with all JC warriors for your loved one that a place opens up for her. KS

    4. Joining in prayers for her. Hurried is okay. The bible characters seem to use 'bullet prayers' when needed so we can too.

    5. Praying now Jan. God is making a way

    6. Praying for your sister to be placed in the exact right place at the right time and to have complete peace as she, and you wait. Gods timing is perfect. Mindy

    7. Praying all of the above our dear Jan! God can make a way out of no way. And what He has done for others, He'll do for your sister. Blessings to all.

    8. Dear Jan, Praying that our Father will wrap your dear one in His Arms and guide her to the perfect place where she will find contentment, healing and peace, and be closer to you. God already knows where it will be. Thank you Father for this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

    9. Praying as requested, Jan. God's will be done to His glory and our best. God be with you.

    10. A year later, I marvel at how each of your prayer was realized for my sister Loretta. God granted us some much needed time to spend together before she went home to be in eternity with Jesus. No more suffering, just blessed bliss. I miss her so much. Thank you warriors for carrying us in prayer.πŸ™πŸ’•

    11. ♥️ I miss my sister too. And am grateful for all my sisters from other mothers, many of whom I have met here. God bless you all, brothers and sisters in Christ. Thinking about those "celestial shores" where we will wander in wonder remembering Brie's beach devotionals. πŸ˜‰✝️♥️πŸ™

  16. Sharing today's Bible Gateway verse - Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are. - 1 Peter 5:8-9 NLT

    1. Amen, our Honorary Momma! Great reminder verse! We all need to be on the alert and know who the real enemy is and cast him right back in the pit of hell where he belongs! He and all his little devils! Jesus won two years ago, and so have we!

      Thanks for sharing, God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom for this addition to our sharing today. It is appreciated and fits. Blessing to you and all others.

    3. Sassy Mom, one of my all time favorite passages of the bible is 1 Peter 5. I have committed it to memory. Very appropriate for today's devotion. And very applicable to BFF situation and out countries situation as well. Prayers for all our JC family during this pandemic and unrest. Seek his face always. So thankful for this Blog and connection that it brings to all who read and write here. Love and continued prayers to all my JC family. Mindy

    4. Amen! Sassy Mom! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world. We shall overcome!

    5. Thanks, SM. Yes, we must always keep our guard up; its shape is a cross.

  17. Sharing a prayer for our nation.

  18. Always Faithful, Always Loving, Always Merciful Father and Lord, I come before Your Presence this morning with a grateful and thankful heart!
    You have carried us through ten months. Along the way, we went through the waters, through the river, through the fire, through the dark valley, up the hill, down the hill, on the highest mountain, on the rugged road, through sickness, through health, through joy, through great testimonies and through praises to Your holy name!
    But, through it ALL dear Father, You never, never, never left us! Your tender mercy, loving kindness and Your sufficient grace, sustained us! THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU LORD, THANK YOU!!

    Oh, great indeed is Your FAITHFULNESS! When we are faithless, You remain faithful! Who are we, that You are mindful of us, that You call us Your friends and children, who are we, that You so tolerate us? Father, we know that it is ONLY by Your grace, Your unconditional Love and mercy that grants us that place to be called Your friend and children and because of that, we say THANK YOU for JESUS, THANK YOU for the HOLY SPIRIT and THANK YOU for being the GREAT I AM!
    Thank You for carrying us through this 10th month. We are here, and that means we persevere by Your grace. As we close/end this month, we are NOT departing from Your Presence, but rather excited for what the 11th month has in store for us! Excited about how blessed we will be to bless others, excited about which soul we will touch and encourage to come and recieve You as their Lord and Savior, excited about the joy of the Lord being our strength through EVERY situation, excited that we surrender our will to Yours, NEVER allowing our will to be done but Yours, now and forever, excited that the devil is defeated because we just know and believe that Your plan for us is GREAT!

    For You know the thoughts that You think towards us, thoughts of peace and not of evil, but to give us an expected end (Jer. 29:11)!
    As we prepare our hearts to be ushered into a new month, we thank You for ALL the many, many blessings of this month. Thank You for the grace that sustained us!
    Whatever comes next month, we trust that Your perfect will be done, in Jesus name!

    May we grow to love You more and more, and endure by Your side each blessed and trying day. In Jesus name. Amen!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen! May all have eyes to see and ears to hear of the Glory of God! No longer masked by Covid fears or Halloween costumes, we come confidently in trust into November full of gratitude and thanks for God's will be done!

    2. Thanks Maplewood NJ I'm praying in agreement with you, I too believe He brought us this far to stay on the journey with us. As you so aptly noted, with Him we went through the waters, through the rivers, through the fires, through the dark valleys, up the hill, down the hill, on the highest mountain, on the rugged road, through sickness, through health, through joy, through great testimonies and through praises to Your holy name! And through hurricanes! WHEW! Yet we are still here and still journeying and still looking forward to your prayer tomorrow that will lead us into November with Faith, Hope and Love in Him and His Eternal Home, rather than in this temporary earth home.

    3. Amen! Amen! Amen! He has brought us all to this point through thick and thin and He is not done with us until He completes His perfect work in us. Let the storms come and even threaten to shake us off the Rock, Jesus is our Lord and Savior and He is mighty to save. I’m not shakin’ in my boots because my Hope is in the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. And I got my Brothers and Sisters right here! And we’re not budging an inch. We are united in our faith, gratitude and praise. Blessed we are and blessed we shall remain!!

    4. So true Jeanne. We are one Family of Brothers and Sisters!
      🎢🎢 WE ARE ONE
      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
      And we pray the world's unity will one day be restored
      And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
      Yeah they'll know we are Christians by our love!

    5. Thanks, twin bd sis! Can't wait for the Thanksgiving month to begin tomorrow. We need a heavy dose of thanksgiving for though we have concerns, there is still very much that is good coming from His gracious hand. The more our attention is on our blessings, the smaller will be the concerns. God be with you.

  19. Pastor Louie Update - "Louie still cannot eat or drink. His digestive system is still not functioning correctly. He has not eaten anything in 9 days and anything he drinks going right through him. They are running tests and hydrating him but so far no diagnosis. Thank you for your prayers and love for us. Carol and Louie."

    1. πŸ™ for Carol and Pastor Louie as a new day arrives, may it be the turning point to better health and relief.

    2. Praying for God to heal and save Pastor Louie and comfort, strengthen and guide Carol.

    3. You, SM, prayed for my pastor who has recovered well. I pray for your pastor and his family. May he know the same grace of God that brought back my pastor from near death. God be with Carol and Louie!

    4. Thanks for the update on your pastor, Bob. I will start my Victory lap.

  20. Lord, help me to be a channel of Your Love, Joy and Peace by listening to You as I listen to others. Help me to pause before speaking to allow Your Spirit to enpower me. Amen.

  21. Thank you Lord through this site and all the comments of your reminder of your great love for us. What I got from todays reading was to think before I speak, think in prayer. Slowing down allows me to calmly and appropriately respond, sifting out the defensiveness, pride and protective quality that guards my secret sins. They are hidden deep within where light is not welcome. They are sometimes labeled denial,past hurts or fear but always fall under the bold lettered title SIN. I am sitting here with my precious husband and youngest son for his Birthday, trying to really listen when He speaks. Remembering how my Moms careless words still haunt me. She loved me, no doubt , but not always in the way that I needed....She had no idea that boundries between our children are important. That the opinion of our parents do matter greatly to us. I am using this message from Jesus calling to hopefully break a cycle, and learn from my Mom's ( unknowing) hurt fullness. Todays message is a great reminder. Also focusing on this moment right in front of me and enjoying it, rather than wishing for something more.
    My oldest Son is still my hearts deepest ache, I wish he were here with us. May I watch each word I speak to him if the good Lord allows it. May I not be offended by His response or lack of response. May I let Love be my highest goal. Lord help me, help us to watch, and preview the effects of our words before we utter a syllable, enable us to rest, pause, breathe in your spirit of truth before we respond. God bless each of you today and always. xxoo

    1. Praying with you our dear Fern,
      Just like the whales secret, mysterious, yet powerfully profound language is received by other whales across the wide open oceans, so too are our heartfelt calls heard by one another and God. I believe your deep profound love is reaching your oldest son. Keep sending out His goodness. Love to you and our JC Family.

    2. Praying for you dear Fern and for your son Dan. Someday he will realize your sincere love for him. Praying that your Mom will see the light of Christ in you and she will be changed by it. God bless you, your good husband and the Birthday boy in all things. Much love πŸ’• .

    3. Thank you Brie and Jeanne I love u both. I LOVE THE SEA AND THE WHALES TOO. I am greatful for what God is doing in all of our lives even though I dont know what it is yet. My sweet mom is with the Lord, she was a good Mom. We all have our stuff, I want to change the stuff I can, stuff that effected me. I am in communication w/ Dan regularly praise the Lord, there are many hidden things that leave me fearful. I just keep praying, praying , praying. Thank you so much For your prayers they mean so much, and God bless you.

    4. A mother's prayer never goes unanswered by our Lord. He is listening to your heart. Sweet Jesus give Fern and all mothers praying for their children and grandchildren the strength to accept your will. Come Holy Spirit.

    5. Yes loveconquersall. The Powerful Power of a Persistently Praying Parent!
      Like Whale communication, their prayers reach others with a secret, mysterious, yet powerfully profound language that can flow across quiet ocean waters into the ears and hearts of the recipients. This language allows others to hear a symphony of joy in their existence.
      When pray-ers Keep on asking, they keep on receiving; when they keep on seeking, they keep on finding; when they keep on knocking, doors keep on opening wide by The Lord. That is why we Persist in Prayer!

    6. Dear Fern, our parents are/were not perfect. For my father's failures with our family, I have become more determined never to let them happen to me. Too often people repeat the errors of their parents unless they make that conscious decision never to let that happen. Faith is essential for this decision to be upheld. Continuing in prayer for your son, Fern. God be with you.

    7. Powerful prayer, Fern! I was snagged this year by "May I not be offended by his response or lack of response. May I let Love be my highest goal. Lord help me"

    Whales are joyful gentle giants of the ocean.
    We loved watching them swim and glide in the water and then spin up into the air from out of the water, coming back down with a Glorious Splash!
    We also loved listening to them! Their calls and vocals sometimes resembled the deepest joyous belly laugh on the planet. They call to one another in their secret, mysterious, yet powerfully profound language which flows across quiet ocean waters into the ears of listening recipients. Their language allows others to hear a symphony of joy in their existence.
    A Joy that is a kin to Fruit of God's Holy Spirit rather than a feeling or emotion. God's Gift of Holy Spirit Joy fills! Just like water spilling into a whale's open mouth, filling up its gigantic empty cavity, rushing down into its belly and then bubbling back up, so too, does God's Holy Spirit Gift of Joy fill us up, overflowing out in our laughter.

    Our parched souls thirst for God's Holy Spirit's Presence.  When we come together here to worship, praise, fellowship and listen to and with one another opening up and revealing our souls,  then God's Holy Spirit Joy is welcomed and enters in filling us to capacity. When Songs of Heavenly Praise and Worship, along with unity and love resound from us, then God hears a symphony and earth becomes a dream. Just like the whales secret, mysterious, yet powerfully profound language is received by other whales across the wide open oceans, so too are our heartfelt calls heard by one another and God. And also like the whales, we share a secret, mysterious, yet powerfully profound language that belongs to those who listen and hear with Holy Spirit ears and Holy Spirit empowerment, rather than their own. When we empty ourselves of this world, then we create a gigantic empty cavity for Jesus to fill up with His Joy, His Love, and His Peace that He alone can give. It is Soul Speaking to Soul. It is for this God created us to be filled up with, just like He did for the belly laughing whales.

    When Jehovah brought back His exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! 
    ♥ How we laughed and sang with Holy Spirit Joy. And the other nations said, What amazing things the Lord has done for them! Yes! Glorious things! What wonder! What Holy Spirit Joy! We are refreshed with living water, as by everflowing streams through the desert.
    Those who sow, reap God's Holy Spirit joy. Yes, they go out carrying their seed for sowing, and return singing God's Holy Spirit inspired songs while carrying in their sheaves!

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You pour out Your Holy Spirit's Gift of Joy, Love and Peace on us, Your children? Would You make us sound like Your Angels and Saints in Heaven singing beautiful songs and sharing great laughter from Your Holy Spirit's Gift of Joy, Love and Peace? In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and thank You. Amen.

    1. Thanks sweet Brie! I have often thought we need to empty ourselves of all the unnecessary garbage and the chaff in our hearts so the Lord could fill us back up. I will lean on the fruits of the spirit and continue to seek, thank and praise Him! God bless you dear Sis! Keep singing and dancing and celebrating that He is with us and we are beloved!

    2. Love the analogy, Brie, and your description of the whales and their system of communication. How much longer will you be on the beach? Is it getting chilly there? God be with you.

    3. I'll be packing up and leaving the beach tomorrow, but I'm keeping all His beach treasures stored in my heart to go wherever I am.
      I finally got to wear a sweater but had to take it off by noon!

    4. Brie, thanks for sharing your beach experiences. My wife and I had early morning breakfast at the beach one day on my way to work. A small pod of whales slowly made their way past, not far from the shore, splashing, breaching, etc. Delightful! Later in the office a colleague approached me asking if I was ok. I said yes, why? He replied, we've been watching you, and you've been so quiet with this big smile on your face all morning.... Yeah, well and truly blessed by whales :) Thank you Lord for Your creation.

    5. Great story. I love it. And I am certain God loved how you delighted in his amazing creation!! Thank you for sharing, Peter!! ❤️

  23. Have read this blog for probably 4 years and have appreciated the Payton family and all who contribute comments. Have prayed consistently for all. When I have tried to comment before, it would never hope this works

  24. continued.....this is a long post I got from an Doug Pollack

    Years ago, I flew to Colorado to help people increase the quantity and the quality of their God conversations in a church in Colorado Springs. On the shuttle ride over from the Denver airport to my rental car company, I struck up a conversation with a young man in his early twenties. He had just flown back into the U.S. after a year of graduate study abroad. We started talking about his career aspirations after his studies were finished.

    We got off the shuttle bus and headed to the counter to pick up our rental cars. As I was getting my rental car, I couldn’t help but overhear the bad news this young man was getting about his. Unbeknownst to him, his driver’s license had expired while he was out of the country. Nudged by the Holy Spirit, I offered him a ride. He was totally taken back by my seemingly small offer of kindness.

    As we headed into Denver, he asked me what I did for a living. I had a “holy hunch” that if I told him I was an evangelist, our conversation might have ended quickly and awkwardly.

    So I told him I was an author and speaker. He quickly asked me what I write about and I responded that he could actually help me with what I was writing about. Intrigued, he asked, “How can I do that?” Here was my response: “I’m on my way to speak at one of the largest churches in Colorado. If I gave you 30 minutes to tell these Christians what not to do to have a spiritual conversation with you, what would you tell them?””

    Without any hesitation, he said, “I’d tell them if you are not willing to listen to me, I am not going to listen to you. Every conversation I’ve ever had with Christians has been one-sided. They always want to do all the talking and expect me to do all the listening.”

    I reflected back to him in my own words what I thought I’d heard him say: “It sounds like your conversations with Christians have left you feeling very disrespected and angry because it’s been more of a monologue than a dialogue. Am I hearing you correctly?”

    He replied, “Absolutely, and it ticks me off because it’s quite obvious all they are concerned with is getting their point across. It comes across as very arrogant and rude. You know what most Christians don’t get? The whole time they are talking I have already made up my mind. I don’t want their Jesus because I don’t want to become rude and disrespectful like they are.”

    Kaboom! God had just flip-flopped my 30-minute “Good Samaritan” ride into Denver. God used my attempts to reach out to someone to reach me instead. I was trained to be a teller, a presenter of the good news—an evangelist.

    This young man unknowingly helped me to realize that far too often I was reaping what I was sowing. People were often not listening to me because I was not really listening to them.

    More importantly, they were saying no thanks to Jesus because of the way I was coming across in the conversation. I was awakened to my great need to listen for heaven’s sake. I was on my way to becoming a “recovering evangelist.”

    Recent research by Barna validates what this man was saying to me. Listening without judgment is the number one thing not-yet Christians want but very rarely experience when talking to Christians.

    This has caused me to reach the following conclusion: In an increasingly polarized culture, the great need of the hour may be to embrace the admonition in James 1:19 to be “quick to listen and slow to speak.” If we truly want the message of Jesus to be heard in a world that is hard of hearing maybe then we’d get further ahead by listening than speaking.

    If this is true, the quality of our listening skills becomes extremely significant. Here’s a test to help you get in touch with what kind of a listener you are.

    1. Perfect for me. Wearing my covid prevention mask helps me greatly in this regard. I speak far less when I have it on. Now I have to practice the second part of that equation, which is listening far more. Thanks for this insight. I shall use it on the remainder of my journey!

    2. Good food to ponder. They won’t want some of the candy that brings us joy and peace if we try to jam it down their throat. I’ll have to pray before speaking and preaching.

    3. The mask does have some benefits indeed!

    4. Thanks Jeanne, for giving me the perfect visual of rejecting my favorite candy when it is jammed down my throat!

    5. Thank you for sharing, Anonymous. My father told me, 'you have two ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you speak.' I wish I could say I followed that advice faithfully but there is still hope. God be with you.

  25. When others are talking to me…

    1. I find myself finishing their sentences.

    2. I give my opinions before hearing them out.

    3. I get restless and impatient.

    4. I lose track of what is being said.

    5. I mentally rehearse what I’m going to say next.

    6. I take control of the conversation.

    7. I interrupt with frequent comments or questions.

    8. I try to diagnose and help them fix their problems.

    9. I worry about what I’m going to say next.

    10. I am suspiciously listening for hidden agendas.

    If you had three or more yes responses, then you may want to memorize James 1:19: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak” and ask God, the greatest listener of all, for some help by praying the prayer below.

    A Prayer to Listen

    God help me to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Grant me the grace to offer my ears to others so that I might truly listen for heaven’s sake. Help me to give up my agenda in conversations and to join the conversation you have been having with others. Amen!

    I am now well along on my path to recovery. I have learned that if I’m willing to listen to others, they will eventually be willing to listen to me.

    I have learned that when I humbly offer my ears as an act of kindness, “God Space” is created for spiritual conversations to happen naturally. I have learned that when I give up my need to steer conversations, the Holy Spirit allows me to join the conversation God has already been having with others.

    If this is all true, just imagine what might happen today if we learned how to lead with our ears instead of our words, if we spent more time in dialogue than monologue, if we sought to understand before we sought to be understood, if we lead with questions rather than answers. If the thoughts you’re having right now stir up Godly excitement in you, maybe you’re ready to join me on the road to recovery. For more info on how to join me, go to

    Bless you all....NC

    1. Awesome advice! Amen NC! I was checking off a lot of those. So thanks for opening up my eyes.

    2. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 are satan's landmines that snare me:(
      A test I get right, but it's wrong. Holy Spirit I need Your help or I'll never be able to take off this covid mask.

    3. Thank you NC. I am listening sweet my ears so I can hear your voice.

    4. Fantastic insight! Thank you NC!

  26. Our hearts are heavy this morning with news from a dear friend. Her cancer that was in remission has metastasized (or possibly a new cancer) into her neck and spine. She lost her husband just about a year ago and is expressing a desire to be with him in God's heavenly presence. We pray, Lord, that your will be done to heal her or take her graciously home. Please give her and her children peace as they endure the process. Be with the doctors as they consult and develop a plan of action. Give us wisdom as we stand by to support where we are needed. In Jesus name, Amen.

    1. God be with you, 10-4, in your support. You will be a blessing!

  27. 10-4, Praying for God to destroy every cancer cell in your dear friend. And to comfort your worried heart and give you wisdom through His indwelling Spirit. Amen.

  28. Praying for Gods very best in this situation. Please Lord hear our prayers in Jesus name

  29. Praying Happy Birthday Prayers for you all day today, SHARON, our dear sweet sister-friend in Christ. May your Birthday and everyday be filled with His Joy, as much joy as an athlete has when looking forward to a race! May your running stamina reach the end of the race and may you always receive the prize for which God is calling us, because of what Christ Jesus did for us. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Joining the party the JC birthday wish train for Sharon! Happy Birthday, Sharon! May your feel God's love and others who know and love you and want you to feel fully celebrated! In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. Cheering you on today, Sharon, with happy birthday wishes!πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

    3. Amen happy birthday Sharon !

      Blessings from France

  30. Happy Birthday dear Sharon. Joining Brie's prayer for you. Amen to that! May God give you a special blessing today and a year of good health and happy surprises to follow. May He strengthen you to run well and guide you to realize your dreams. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Joining in Happy Birthday wishes to you Sharon! May all your dreams come true and prayers answered sweetly. God bless you!

  31. JC Warriors -- thank each and every one of you for your all the thoughts and prayers. I appreciate them all and I am so thankful for all of you. Thank You Jesus for these beautiful, amazing people here on this blog that You have put in my life. God bless!

    1. You are such a sweet bright light to all of us! We are blessed to have you in our Family. Thank You Jesus for sending us dear Janet to bless us and encourage our hearts. We trust you are preparing a wonderful future for her. Thank You for your Faithfulness!!! Amen.

  32. No matter how many good things we obtain in life, no matter how many promotions we get or fame and popularity we achieve, these things pale in comparison to the hope and joy we experience in relationship with Christ. Lord, help me to keep my focus on You and You alone. Help me to be a channel of Your love. Thank You for Your presence, hope, love, joy and guidance. Thank You Jesus for loving me with the cross. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. Amen, amen, & AMEN, Sassy Mom! Yes! It is always so awesome when we feel the Holy Spirit working through us!

    2. You sure did speak right dear Sassy Mom! Amen and Amen!
      Amen dear NJS!

  33. I've been up for a couple of hours, enjoying all of the posts (many for a second time from yesterday) and all 154+ (& counting) from today's JC posts. Years ago, we were all praising, praying, asking, seeking, knocking, as Dear Brie often says. Sassy Mom, your prayer, shared yesterday and read for the 3rd time blesses me. Being reminded to seal my lips and grow my ears, is something I always need.
    Maplewood, hearing you give thanks for 10 full months and anticipating a new month of Thanksgiving, had me making of list of things for which I'm thankful. Bob, your lessons on Intimacy with our Lord, stirme every time. MadFox, I'm listening to "your" song by Tasha Layton and Brie, I had missed your story on this song, last year. What a blessing. It reminded me of a dear sister in Christ who I have not seen for over a year due to COVID and LIFE. I've tried, but she hasn't responded to my requests. But, this was her 'go-to' statement every time we shared hearts on something going on in our lives. I still pray for her and I she does for me. We text, now and then and the two times we would have seen each other were not available: once b/c she was sick & the 2nd b/c my DH was sick and we missed the wedding of a mutual friend.'s OK and it's going to continue to be OK. All of it; all things on our hearts; all family & friends for whom we pray. All fears, doubts worries about our futures, answers we're waiting's gonna be OK.
    Enjoy this day, Dear JC Family. I'm excited about our Fellowship in an hour and what God has planned for each of us - on this page, in our churches, in our homes. "This is the day the Lord has made!" I am rejoicing in anticipation and each of you are in my prayers. Much Love to each of you.

    1. Thanks dear Norah! It's all gonna be Ok because God is in charge. All things will happen in His perfect timing. No worries or fears here. Be Not Afraid! He is the peace in this day.
      MadFox and Bob, Hope you are both doing well and enjoying this pretty new day! Going out to rejoice and be glad in the midst of the changing leaves and in God's presence.
      Much love right back at you, Norah, Audra and all our Family!

  34. And back at you, Norah! ♥️πŸ™

  35. Ok, so I need to be a little selfish. I need prayers. God know what they are. So please if you could pray for me not to get discouraged and pray for my strength to handle a situation I need to handle. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday, and have a very blessed week.
    Thank you everyone.

    1. You got it! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. I'm heading to bed, praying for you, Daughter of a King. Go to sleep knowing that YOU are his Princess - loved, nurtured and cared for. It's never selfish to ask for prayer! That's what this whole JC Family is about! Whatever has you discouraged - give it to God. I'm praying for your STRENGTH; believing with you to have ALL you need to handle this difficult situation. Sleep sweet! God is on the Night Watch!

    3. Joining in prayers for A daughter of a King. May our heavenly Father answer your prayers soon and may the situation be handled justly. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

  36. Praying now dear daughter of a King. God knows all you are going through and is your stronghold. Trust Him to turn things around and resolve your problems. God bless you too dear sister.

  37. I have such amazing news of God's faithfulness to share. My oldest son Bryan and his lovely wife, Allie, had so much trouble conceiving. She had abnormal cells in her uterus and things didn't look good. But God heard all our prayers. They just told us tonight that they are expecting a child in May. How good our God is! Praise Him with every breath! So faithful. And your prayers were so powerful! Thank you dear brothers and sisters for your sincere prayers. We pray for each other.
    Thank You dear Jesus for your mercy and kindness. I am so grateful. My heart is filled with joy to overflowing.

  38. Awesome news! God is so great and knows our prayers. Blessings and a safe pregnancy to yours dear Jeanne!!

  39. Oh, Jeanne - just heading to bed (LOOONG DAY!!! But, such a blessing!!). How awesome is that?? Our prayers were once again, answered! I am so excited for you and that new little baby, who will receive ALL OF YOUR LOVE and wisdom!
    Pray for me tomorrow, LAST DAY 'OFFICIALLY' AT WORK! Ca-razy!!!

  40. Happy B'earthday, Sharon. May you experience His continual blessings today and everyday. We are blessed to have you as a sister friend in Christ Prayer Warrior! May His Stream of living water continue flowing through you to other people, as you channel His Love, His Joy, and His Peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Happy Birthday dear Sharon! May God shower you with some special Birthday blessings today and keep you safe and in good health. Thank You Father for this in Jesus’ Name.

  41. I read my post from 2019 and thought how woefully short I have been of the stated goal. Praying before even speaking... NOT! But, I will attempt that goal starting tomorrow. Father, Holy Spirit, Jesus, guide my thoughts and words as I speak and write to anyone tomorrow. Easy enough to say but will hope to be astounded by seeing it in action. In Him and Godspeed JC friends.

    1. Praying for you to meet all your goals, our dear brother friend in Christ, Madfox. With Much Love and Many Prayers, Brie

    2. Thanks Brie... May we all: pause, think, and pray before we speak tomorrow, the next day...and the next, etc.

    3. Madfox - as I read your prayer from 2019, I said it as my own. I will be with high schoolers today and immediately thought your prayer was what I needed today.

      Praying for the JC Warriors today. May we all listen for the Holy Spirit and think before we speak.

      SC Anonymous

    4. Dear MadFox! Just seeing your post made me smile. Amen!! May God lead us to share the words that His indwelling Spirit instructs us to say. Let us do more listening than speaking, and let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be pleasing to Him. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Dear friends, will you please pray for my daughter who is going back to Mayo for PET scan after her regular scan showed enlarged lymph node. Please pray that this does not show up as needing further treatment for her past colon cancer. She has been through so much since her diagnosis 2and 1/2 years ago…a year of chemo and 2 surgeries. She is now back to teaching and living her life. Thank you, it relieves my heart to ask you for prayer. Thank you.

    1. Joining in prayers for your dear daughter’s good results.
      Father God, we ask You to cradle your good daughter in Your loving Arms as she gets this Pet Scan and heal her every weakness and remove any bad tissue from her body and return her to perfect health so she can continue to praise You and tell of Your good deeds! Thank You for this and for giving her and her family peace of mind in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2. You and your daughter have our B9 prayers for a clear and clean scan.

  43. Praying Anonymous for your daughter to receive good news. Dear Lord, hold this dear one's hand through this time of testing. May she feel & hear You reassuring her all the way. I ask that any assignment from the enemy be cancelled & destroyed now & forever! In Jesus name I pray, amen! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

  44. Anonymous, joining in prayer for your daughter. May God's peace cover her during the testing and pray that the results will be good.

  45. Thank you Chris Payton for your prayer written just after the Scriptures. It's the kind of prayer to pray every day at the start of devotions. Glory be to God.

  46. Normally we say ( quoting Shakespeare) ' the eyes are the window of the soul'.
    I've never thought of a person's conversation as being insight into a person's soul. But, yes it is. Jesus said in Matthew 12:34b "For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
    It's wonderful to learn something new from the Bible.
    Yes Lord, I'll be sensitive and listening to you when I'm in conversation with other people.
    1 Samuel 3:9 'Speak Lord, your servant is listening'

  47. Happy belated birthday Sharon and happy birthday to me today 😊.

    As I was praying earlier it came to me to pray the salvation prayer again. And the Spirit spoke to me reminding me that this day of my birth was the start of my journey, my purpose planned by and for our loving Father and creator. And then as I listened to the You Version devotional, the speaker reminded me to trust this plan, to cease striving and controlling and let the plan of the Creator gloriously unfold. It’s not easy, but it’s certainly a good daily goal.
    Blessings to all this day-praying for you and your intentions. ShalomπŸ™

    1. Our Rich C! Praying a Happy, Blessed B'earthday for you. You are certainly a blessing to us as you channel His Love, His Joy, and His Peace in this room. So glad you are here! L

    2. Happy and blessed Birthday dear Rich C! May God lead you to all joy, love, fulfillment and the desires of your trusting heart! Thank You Lord. Amen

  48. All of our devotion today, made me think of Jeanne's Beach Encounter posted yesterday!

  49. Aww! Thanks dear Brie! What a blessing that was to me! As soon as Erica hugged me and planted that kiss on my cheek, I thanked our faithful God and I felt your prayers!! Love you, dear sisters and brothers- Brought together by the Grace of God, and our faith, according to His Divine Plan.

  50. Thanks for traveling mercies today. 2 flights and a drive to home base. PTL!

  51. Does anyone have the complete words to a prayer that started with,
    Dear Lord, Would You help me not to speak on every subject?
    It ended with,
    I'd like to have a few friends at the end!
    If so, can you please post it?
    Though slow, I am trying to Learn to listen. Thanks JC Family
