Monday, November 7, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 4

Walk peacefully with Me through this day. You are wondering how you will cope with all that is expected of you. You must traverse this day like any other; one step at a time. Instead of mentally rehearsing how you will do this or that, keep your mind on My Presence and on taking the next step. The more demanding your day, the more help you can expect from Me. This is a training opportunity, since I designed you for deep dependence on your Shepherd-King. Challenging times wake you up and amplify your awareness of needing My help.
     When you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way before you. Trust that I know what I'm doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with Peace. 

Exodus 33:14
English Standard Version
And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Deuteronomy 33:29
English Standard Version
Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you,
a people saved by the Lord,
the shield of your help,
and the sword of your triumph!
Your enemies shall come fawning to you,
and you shall tread upon their backs.”

Hebrews 13:20-21
English Standard Version
20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Psalm 29:11
English Standard Version
May the Lord give strength to his people!
May the Lord bless his people with peace!

My Prayer
Lord, it feels like, life, trains us at times to resist problems. We are trained to not deal with any difficult circumstances, but instead to remain in a state of ease, comfort, and being entertained. Lord, your Word tells us to count it joy when we encounter various trials. Lord, I want to be trained by you to respond to adversities in a way that honors You. As I do this, I'm sure I will stand out and you will get the glory. You have told me that your presence will go with me and you will give me rest. You will give me rest in the midst of struggles. You will give me peace. You will give me strength. You can keep me happy even as a traverse through struggles. Train me God, O train me. Thank you God.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I really appreciate your blog!! I have the book in my room, but when I need to reflect during the day when I'm at work I use your post! Thank you!

  2. The gospel lesson that will be read this Sunday in many churches is Mark 12:28-34, the story of the scribe who asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is. Jesus drew of the words of Moses recorded in Deuteronomy 6:2-6, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” The scribe fully agreed with Jesus leading Jesus to close the discussion by saying, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” The scribe is on the right track, was it now for him to more fully and one day completely embrace and be this love? This is the goal of life, this is why we were created. Nothing else matters. From an unnamed Trappist nun, “longing to comprehend God’s charity and a sadness that our egotism makes it impossible for us to share it fully in this world.” May the Lord bless you this day and every day. God be with you.

    1. Perfect advice on which we stand dear Bob.
      Today’s prayer spoke to me.
      Counting it all joy when facing trials. Let us rejoice when we have opportunities to test our faith. It is a time to trust in God’s provisions and faithfulness. Time to love others more deeply just as we are loved.

    2. I failed this test today. Couldn't shake the frustration, didn't have patience, didn't think before I spoke more often than not. Didn't love people but I did and do love God. Praying tomorrow I will do better.

    3. Thanks for sharing, Audra
      It's Going To Be OK.
      You are loved.

    4. Dear Audra, easy does it girl, you will land upright. We've all been there, just shake it off, command the devil to flee & run swiftly back under the shadow of His wings. You are loved ❣️

    5. You are still so loved dear Audra. A year later, I still bless you for your authenticity and for trusting us with your heart!! ❤️

    6. Agree. Audra thank you. I shutter thinking of the times I got angry. Especially earlier in marriage. Was not some thing I’d expected. How angry I got. But slowly and not always I am finding faith is THE only way to stay calm and so right. Rely on the lord. Start day and stay with..Jesus.

    7. Heeding His WORD and appreciating prayers. Looking to Him first more and more each day, by His Grace and your prayers. Thank you!

    8. All things are possible with God!

    9. Love you dear Audra! We are all flawed but perfectly loved!
      Amen, All things are possible with God. Trusting completely in His faithfulness.

  3. Thank you for sharing this blog. I have the book too, but it is so helpful to have the verses and other sisters and brothers comments and insights! Today's message gives me so much peace and hope... I am at a place where I am wondering how I'm going to live and cope with all that is expected of me in my family. The answer is 100% relying on the Lord. I completely need his help and guidance. I 100% trust that he will open the way before me and I am to just follow. Easy peasy! Blessings to all my sisters and brothers reading this morning! I love you Jesus!

    1. Amen unknown. Years go by but the mission is the same Easy peasy said than done tho. πŸ™πŸ’ͺπŸ˜πŸ‘

  4. thank you for your b we can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.

  5. It's a joy and a blessing to be back in Your Presence today Lord. Thank You for granting me and my family another day to glorify Your name. The new month started with trials and anxiety, but Your Love, mercy, forgiveness, peace and strength are paving the way for rest, hope and trust, thank You!
    It is true that my human self is wondering about what lies ahead, but when I put on the Whole Armour of Christ, I feel a sense of peace that comes from knowing that as I let go and let You, everything is going to be alright.
    Thank You for giving me strength and blessing me with Your peace. May Your strength, protection and peace be felt by my family as well, allowing Your Spirit to prepare us for the challenge in the days ahead.
    Thank You that as believers, we know that You have already given us VICTORY on Jesus' name. May we continue to exercise our trust in You and not waiver, but let the enemy know that greater is You that is in us than he that is in this world and that the forces that are for us are far more and greater then that which is against us. Thank You Father for the completion on what You've already started, in Jesus name.

    JC family, I am lifting all of you in prayers, covering you in the Blood and believing for the same peace, strength and blessings in all your circumstances. HE who Promised is faithful! Lets hold on to His peace that surpasses all our understanding and wait for our Saviour to open the way before us, when we don't know what to do. May His perfect peace rest upon all of us today, for the sake of His Son Jesus.

    Stay blessed and in His Presence.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. thank you Maplewood.
      I needed this entire devotion today and your prayer was icing on the cake.

    2. Your prayers Maplewood are mine and I look forward to them. You are a blessing. Peace be with you and your family.

    3. Thanks Maplewood for reminding me greater is He that is inside of us in our hearts than satan that is outside of us in this world.
      You're our Helper, our Peace, our Shield, and our Strength. I need You, how I need You. Thank You Lord.

    4. Amen dear Brie! We sure do need Him more than ever. But He already knows that. Thank You, Father for leading us to those things that will never fade away.

    5. I love that, Exodus, God will go before us!! One of my favorites. I found this devotional in prison and I absolutely love it. Any similar experience, message me.

    6. Mapleword. I can hear The lord speak through you. Armour. Never Waiver. VICTORY !

    7. Dear Maplewood, Really needed your encouragement and God’s truth that He is so much greater!! Greater Is He that is in us than he that us in the world. Hallelujah!

  6. Maplewood - Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful prayers. I am blessed and in His Presence. Blessings, love and peace to all.

  7. Amen Maplewood πŸ₯°. Bless you this day for blessing us with your loving post. PTL!

  8. Blessed as well by your thoughts and stories...

    I'm hearing these words in my mind as I read them, "count it all Joy, count it all Joy, count it all Joy. That is often how the Lord speaks to me, by bringing a phrase of scripture or song to mind. Also discovering new ways of Him speaking as well.

    That word count in that verse is used like an accountant would list items to add up for the record. Some things and situations are easy to count as Joy and obviously others are not. This last week a new phrase has entered my thinking and experience, "there is more going on here". The things that seem to not fit into the Joy column are not finished or we do not have His finished perspective yet. But as you count them, and look back on them in time, we begin to see where they can be counted as Joy. Some we will not see or understand through our earthly mind but through the mind and perspective of infinite Love, eventually we will be able to count it as Joy even if it is not while here on earth.

    So as I need His encouragement in this training process of taking one step in trust or sitting quietly in His presence, I offer my thoughts and experiences to you for encouragement as well.

    Lord may you help us trust that you are making a way before us and all we experience is filtered in your love to bring us closer to you and more aware of your loving presence with us. In Jesus name.

    1. Thanks Keith,
      I once heard
      It will all turn out OK and Joyous in the end; if it's not OK and Joyous, then it's not the end!

    2. Thank you, Keith, for this perspective!

    3. Amen! Yes Keith! There’s light and joy in every situation if you have eyes to see and a heart to separate the wheat from the chaff. Even in the darkest days, God’s love and light prevail.

    4. Brie!! Love that phrase. Fight the good fight. Keep pursuing the Lord.

    5. This hit me hard this year, so thank you, Keith and Chris Payton for the availability of an archive here on this blog. Just like God's voice, and reading HIS Word, these posts can come alive for us at the perfect time.
      <3 "there is more going on here". The things that seem to not fit into the Joy column are not finished or we do not have His finished perspective yet. But as you count them, and look back on them in time, we begin to see where they can be counted as Joy. Some we will not see or understand through our earthly mind but through the mind and perspective of infinite Love, eventually we will be able to count it as Joy even if it is not while here on earth."

  9. I am so thankful for all of you. Thank you Chris for this site and your prayers. Thank you to all the JC warriors for all your posts. I would list all your names but I don't want to forget anyone. I feel the presence of Jesus as I read everyone's posts. Thank you Jesus for your strength and peace. KS

  10. Doctors are expecting a decision from me on Friday. It has been a burden, but I don't know what lies ahead on Friday. They want to do complete laryngectomy for my cancer (my preop would be this Friday). I asked for alternatives. But that is Friday and I have 4 days to enjoy until then....and I pray I will keep my heart open to what Jesus' wants of me.

    1. Mary OKC, just put on the WHOLE Armour of Christ and stay in His Presence. Only God knows what tomorrow or Friday will bring. Our duty is to focus and TRUST in Him, not drain ourselves of the unknown. God is a miracle working Father. I lay your petitions before Him and Thank Him for His perfect love and intervention in Your circumstance. Rest and glorify Him. God bless you.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Mary OKC - Be blessed, knowing JC Warriors are lifting you up to the THRONE OF GRACE. YES!!! Put on that Armor!!

      My husband's favorite expression "God is in control and you just can't beat that. RDS"

    3. Mary, we are lifting you up in prayer today. We pray for strength for today. My the Lord be glorified in answering our prayers for your peace, guidance, and health. Today, I pray that you will feel the touch of the Lord as He gives you assurances as to the decisions you should make. I pray for the doctors, for God has allowed them to have intensive training and skills, may the Lord use them to help you make the right decision. Finally, I pray that if it's the Lord's will, that a physical healing will take place prior to surgery. In all cases, may your testimony be enhanced through this process. God's timing is perfect and I pray that He will give you peace in the decisions you are making this week. Always remember that the Lord has promised to never leave us or forsake us. Prayers for your family and friends as they walk through this process with you. May the light of God shine through you and onto others during this time.

    4. Now these words came to mind from last week, "I AM with you, I am with you, I am with you." A good reminder to us all.

      Praying you receive comfort knowing you are not alone and also that He is going ahead of you preparing things.

      Rom 15:13
      Now may the God of Hope fill you with all Joy and Peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    5. Merciful Father in heaven hold Mary OKC in the palms of your healing hands. We trust in you, in your love. Come Holy spirit.

  11. Mary OKC, lifting you up in prayer now! May you have guidance through this process in your heart and mind. May you feel the presence of Jesus as He holds your hand each step of this journey. Prayers of healing, comfort and love. CO

  12. Jesus, You are in control and that brungs me peace that I don't have to figure it all out. Every time I have tried that, I end up being overwhelmed with fear, doubt, and worry. Thank you for being Lord over my lufe with Your perfect plan for me. Today I will practice your presence abundantly. Please guide my sreps, words, and actions today. Amen

    1. I was relieved when I read, This is a training opportunity! As in all training there are multiple opportunities for practice and repeating until the trainee gets it right. I have been like a dumbbell in the wait training room for a long, long time and probably will be. When you pass the wait room, stop in and wave at me, humor me, encourage me to keep going, to keep training and saying, Thanks be to God for training opportunities instead of the Final Exam. Whew!

    2. Waving Sweetheart! We are all in training and we have the best Teacher!

  13. "When you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way before ready to follow My lead." I really struggle with this type of direction and instruction as seen in many scriptures, and also in writings by Christian "leaders." I'm in a season of having to wait or so it appears. I trust in the grace of the Lord but struggle with when will it be made clear or what path to take out of the many that may or could be before me. Pray? Trust? Certainly, but I feel more like Job than Jonah.

    I'm not sure what hit me in the recent past of my life, but there's no doubt, my path was forever changed... Job eventually did restart his life (I'm no Job and my situation is not nearly to his level). In Jonah's case, he refused to do what he was told, or Saul (Paul) was specifically told to stop persecuting His followers and, incredibly, to join them. So, today's JC devo is truly challenging for me and perhaps for others here. My trust is He does and will illuminate a path, I just need to "see" it. In His name, I pray. Amen.

    1. MadFox-- I trust the Lord and believe that a breakthrough is coming in the Lord's perfect timing to you. I pray He will speak to you in ways that is unique to you and you will see each step of your pathway
      lit with His Living Light! And you will not miss a step! Amen and Amen

    2. Praying for you MadFox..your words are what alot of us are feeling. Jesus help us; send us your holy spirit.

    3. Thank you. Agree and thanks. His path for me will be clear with each step in His timing. I have faith this is true.

    4. HELP ME LORD! You know I have major difficulty with waiting. Waiting requires Patience. And Patience requires trust. Yet You tell me, When you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way before you. Trust that I know what I'm doing, and be ready to follow My lead.  I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with Peace. Oh how I want to. Oh How I need Your help. Thank You Lord.

    5. I probably spend half my day waiting and looking for things I can’t find. But I prayer through those times which helps so much.

    6. Madfox. I too am in season of wait. But this time I’m determined to embrace it. Keep the faith my friend says. Love the simplicity in that. The Lord is sovereign πŸ™πŸ’ͺπŸ˜πŸ‘

  14. MadFox- don't we all as humans want to see the path well lit. But my friend I know in my case I have to put my foot out to it whether it's lit or not,then & only then will my foot hit solid ground. There "Faith" moves to a higher & stronger dimension. Hallelujah!

    1. JG. I don't seek a clear, well lit path. I pray to step out in faith on a path that pleases God. My "trouble" is worldly and my goal for this new path, built over the old, is to simply insure I stay in his grace and mercy. Thank you.

    2. Amen amen amen. So timeless is this prayer. Spiritual over Secular. Well documented in Bible. Yet many days I need that achievement. Let us all pray to ‘achieve’ by pursuing a direct relationship with the lord.

  15. Update..Jairo is 2 months old weighing 8 lbs. His personality is coming out slowly but surely. His little eyes are so bright. Thank you all for all your prayers through the rough times. Thank you Jesus.

    1. great news. Godspeed to all.

    2. Loveconquersall--- Fantastic news! All praise to our mighty Lord. He is FAITHFUL! Thank you Lord for Jario's bright eyes. Let him grow to be a mighty warrior for the Lord.

  16. Thank you all so much for your words and prayers.

    MadFox, praying for you as you boldly go where the next step takes you.
    Mark L, your prayer is my prayer.
    Loveconqueersall, praise the heavenly Father for his faithfulness!

    1. Mary OKC! Next steps boldly.. I like that sentiment. Living in His steps is humbling and done only by holding His hand. thank you for your prayers, and Amen

  17. ♥ ♥ Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)"
    Give me love
    Give me love
    Give me peace on earth
    Give me light
    Give me life
    Keep me free from birth
    Give me hope
    Help me cope, with this heavy load
    Trying to touch and reach You from within my heart and soul

    OM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M My Lord . . .

    PLEASE take hold of my hand, that
    I might understand You
    Won't You please
    Oh won't You please
    Give me love
    Give me love
    Give me peace on earth
    Give me light
    Give me life
    Keep me free from birth
    Give me hope
    Help me cope, with this heavy load
    Trying to touch and reach you from within my heart and soul


    LARGEST: Thank You for my sister-in-love taking such good care of my brother Blessing!
    SMALLEST: Thank You for Our children's restored  electricity Blessing!
    EASIEST: Thank You for my JC Family Blessing!
    HARDEST: Thank You for Waiting Blessings!
    SURPRISE: Thank Tou for Rest Blessings!

    1. Thanks, Brie, this touched my soul and gave me things to meditate on through the day. God be with you.

    2. Thank you for sharing your Thanksvember Brie! It is so important to remind ourselves that none of our blessings are granted. It is pure grace from our Lord ❤

      Blessings from France

    3. You are leading us Brie in our thanksgiving prayers! Good food to ponder too! Thanks! O

  19. Father, keep me close in You and do Your work in me. Help me to let go of my old ways and to embrace and walk in Your ways. Let me see the world through Your eyes and help me to love others like You love me. If I am distracted from You, bring my eyes back to You Lord. You are in control Lord, so I have nothing to fear. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. And Amen! Thanks, Janet, for a prayer that fits everyone. God be with you this day as you go forth to live in His love.

    2. Amen! God bless you all

      Blessings from France

    3. Amen! Joining in your lovely prayer dear Janet!

    4. Thank you for your prayer Janet. You are a blessings
      Loving and prayers of peace for our JC family, for our Country and for our countries leaders
      God is faithful and good, always.
      This brings peace to my soul.
      With love

    5. Praying you’re feeling better Brandy. Much love πŸ’•

  20. The light of God surrounds us
    The love of God enfolds us
    The power of God protects us
    The Prescence of God watches over us
    The abundance of God showers down upon us
    Wherever we are, God is, and all is well

    1. Amen Audra. Love this prayer!

      Blessings from France

    2. Thanks Audra. My mom taught me this prayer in childhood to help me get through all the things that went bump in the night! The rest of the story I learned later in life...
      The Wisdom of God guides us
      The Positive Ways of God flow through us
      The Guidance of God directs us
      The Mercy of God abides in us
      The Joy of God uplifts us
      The Strength of God renews us
      The Beauty of God inspires us
      The Acts of God prospers us...

    3. Perfect prayers Audra and Brie! Thanks for filling me today!

    4. Beautiful prayers Audra and Brie! Thank you for blessing us with sharing
      God bless you both

    5. Such perfect prayers, Audra and Brie! Thanks for sharing these prayers!

    6. Really needed these awesome prayers tonight. Dear Audra and Brie. Thanks for lifting me higher! God is everything to me and I am holding tight to His Hand.,

  21. Psalm 119:15 “I will meditate on Your precepts and have respect to Your ways.”

    Loving Heavenly Father, I praise and glorify You for this new day and for Your promise to walk with me daily. I also thank You for all the promises and hope of Your Word. Father, I thank You that You will teach, guide and let Your Word and truth turn my heart from all sin and renew my mind in goodness and truthfulness. The way can seem unclear, the path is sometimes filled with lots of twists and turns and confusion, but I trust You to help me walk in the hope that only You can give. Let Your ways be shown to me so that I can walk securely in them, as well as through the darkest valley and uncertainties of life. I need Your perspective so that I can walk in Your path of grace, mercy, integrity and love. Thank You for the answers to all I’ve asked, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Psalm 25:4-5 “Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths, guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are my Lord and Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.”

    I am staying in prayer with all you prayer warriors for all the needs, healing, restoration etc.. on this blog as I read them daily. Praising God also for all that He has already done. Those victories and testimonies. Praise will not depart from your lips, in the name of Jesus!

    Blessings and Peace

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks for all your prayers, Maplewood NJ ♥πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™♥

    2. Beautiful and just in time for the Election. Let us all walk together in His presence in love, mercy, truth, compassion, and hope.
      Thanks sweet Maplewood! Your prayers mean so much thank you!

    3. Amen Maplewood!! Thank you for this wonderful prayer.

      Blessings from France

    4. Still encouraging my weary heart dear Maplewood! Much love and gratitude.

  22. Pastor Louie update - He's feeling better. May get out of hospital today.
    I will praise YOU in the storm.

    1. Thanks for the update Sassy Mom.

    2. Hallelujah Sassy Mom! One more victory and one more answered prayer. God is so good. Every day!

    3. Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    4. Great news SassyMom πŸ€—. PTL!!! Will continue to pray.

  23. Challenging times wake you up and amplify your awareness of needing My help.
    When you want to know what to do, then
    ♥ Wait while I open the way before you;
    ♥ Trust that I know what I'm doing;
    ♥Be Ready to follow My lead! 
    ♥ I am your shield and I am your helper!  I will give My strength to you, and I will bless you with My Peace!
    Shield me O Helper with Your Strength and Your Peace! Yes, I'm ready!

  24. Ready for that and Amen and Amen!!! A very present help and a well of strength, peace, protection and guidance. Thanks Brie! Much love πŸ’•

  25. Thank you, Dear Brie, for these words of wisdom! I am on 3 hrs sleep; my US Rep WON (thank you, God!), but what a wild ride this Election has been. And, still is! Giving it all to Him and thanking each of you for your love and prayers. Please know I've been on here and praying for each of you, though no time to respond.
    Heading to bed that Pastor Louie is feeling better, Sassy Mom!

  26. Dear warriors, please pray for my Sil, she's suffering from migraine that just won't go away, inspite of medications. Please continue to pray for my sis, Loretta, she's sinking into depression. We are still waiting for a nursing home near me to open up. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Love to allπŸ’•

  27. Jan - Prayers to the GREAT PHYSICIAN, Jehovah Rapha for your SIL who is suffering from migraine, continuing prayers for your sister Loretta.

  28. Dear Jan. Praying that your sister in law’s migraines go away. May God give her sweet relief and heal all her weaknesses. Praying He lifts your dear Sister Loretta out of her depression too so she can feel joy and peace again. Thank you Jesus! Resting in Your mercy and faithfulness

  29. For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do nor fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13). Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6). In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. (Proverbs 16:9). My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26). I lift up my eyes to the mountains -- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2). He will not let your foot slip -- He who watches over you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me and there for me. Thank You for being my strength, giving me Your perfect peace, and enduring and walking with me through it all. You are my refuge and my heart. You are my everything Lord. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. I can't do anything apart from You. You complete me. I am nothing without You. Thank You for being in my life. Let me always be aware of Your Presence in everything, everywhere. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles that are all around me in the world. Help me keep my eyes on You first and foremost and to keep You the center of my life and to always look to You in all things. You are the maker of my ways and director of my steps. Be my guide as I walk and my words as I speak. Let me hear with the ears of an angel and tread lightly as You give me direction as my guide. Help me to not try to fix things as they come up, but to give burdens to You and Your capable hands as they come upon me. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. You are so amazing and wonderful. I am so grateful, honored, and blessed to be Your child. I can't thank You enough. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Align our spirits together as one and reveal to me what I need to know. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Dear Janet, love, "help me to not try to fix things as they come up, but to give burdens to You & Your capable hands as they come upon me". Bless your day of walking in the light of His gloryπŸ™πŸ’•.

    2. Praying for you, Dear Janet!

  30. Thank you dear Janet for those wonderful verses. They are among my favorites and His Word is a lamp on our feet and a light on our path. May He guide you through your difficult decisions. He already knows your future. His Spirit is moving through you. You are not alone. God bless you dear one.
    I will be busy with my little grandson. Picking him up from nursery school and keeping him overnight. You will be in my prayers dear Janet and dear JC family. Be blessed, stay safe, and rest in Him who loves you.

    1. You are blessed dear Jeanne by the Almighty and the JC family as well. Enjoy the gift of your little grandπŸ‘☺️πŸ’•

    2. Agreeing with Jan G. I pray for energy and sweet moments with your littles. ❤️

    3. Enjoy that Little, Jeanne!! I took two of my little grandsons to the grocery store yesterday evening after I picked them up. WOW. We got the Car Cart and one was riding on top b/c his legs were too long to be inside. It was something else and cost me more than if I'd gone alone. But very FUN!! I kept thinking the Cart Police would come after me for child endangerment, but they were safe and sound and boy, did we have fun! :)


    4. Thanks Dear Jan and GraceTakes Time! Counting my blessings.
      Dear Norah! You made me smile. I can just see you with those babies at the store. I'll bet they had a ball and you enjoyed the extra goodies.

      God gave me enough strength to make homemade little pizzas, cookies and muffins. He had a great time and it didn't take too long to clean up. My son and his wife and baby Nathaniel stopped by at dinner time and had a bite with us. We had fun and I got to hold the baby. Praying Gabriel and I will get some sleep tonight before I drive to Brooklyn in the morning. God will make it happen. Much love!!

  31. Prayer request dear warriors. My blood test keeps coming up as high in iron & vitamin D. Doctor & I are trying to figure out where the elevated iron is coming from. Also an allergy test came positive for environmental allergies, particularly dust/dust mites. Trying to seek the Lord's help in finding natural means to tackle everything. God be praised in all of it! Amen! Hallelujah! Blessings to each of youπŸ’•πŸ™

    1. It is so hard to wait on those answers, Jan. Praying for wisdom and next steps for you. May you also receive peace. ❤️

    2. πŸ’•πŸ™ From the wait training room, I am moving onto the football field, remaining in prayer for you to find natural means to "tackle" everything! πŸ™πŸ’• Love to you dear sister friend in Christ.

    3. Praying for you, Dear Jan - allergies - BE GONE in the name above all names, Jesus Christ. I know what it's like. Praying!

    4. Joining prayers that God will lead the Doctor to getting to the source of the problem and treating it naturally. God already knows the answer. We thank Him for revealing it. Thank You Jesus.

    5. Joining in prayers for you Jan. Our Lord will restore your health and remove all afflictions from upon you. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  32. Good morning my sisters and brother, I hope that everyone has a bless day. Know that God our Father is with you.
    Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. Joshua 1:9

    I pray that who ever reads this will be full in spirit and know that no matter what you are going through our Father is with you.

    1. A daughter of a KING - I receive your blessing. Clothed in the Armor of God, thankful for His presence, abundant undeserved "blessingssss" and praying "I will not be discouraged!!!!!" Praying for you as you pray for me.

    2. Amen dear A daughter of a King. His presence goes with us and we are blessed.
      Amen dear Sassy Mom. We may not deserve all that He blesses us with but God is a good and loving Father and we receive the blessings with thanks and Praise His Holy Name! Praying for you and Sassy Mom and all our family! May God answer all our prayers.

    3. Your prayers are answered A daughter of a King, who ever reads this will be full in spirit and know that no matter what you are going through our Father is with you. Amen. Amen. Amen!

    4. Thanks Daughter of a King! That prayer is timeless and I am joining into it. Amen.

  33. Dear heavenly Father, help me not to "rehearse my future". Help me to stay focused and dependent on you today who has planned each of my steps. Yes, be my "Shepard-King"! A life free of stress and hardship was never promised, but YOU being with me every step of the way is promised! Thank you, thank you! Amen.

  34. JC Prayer Warriors, please pray for my friend, Paula who is having a heart procedure in a half hour. I just heard about it.
    Praying for all of you and yours.

    1. Joining prayers for dear Paula's successful heart procedure, recovery and good health. Thank You Jesus!

    2. I just saw this post, but I am joining in prayers with you. May our Lord's healing hands be upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  35. Hello JC family. Praying for you Janet and your current situation, to know and hear God's voice and follow his lead. And forthe rest of the requests here, You are each in my daily prayers even if I don't post daily. This blog means so much to me to share our faith ,love and struggles on a daily basis. Asking for prayers for my daughter chloe and I as we travel to Portland Oregon for coffeefest. Itsa a convention fot all things coffee shop related. For travel mercies and for a blessed time together, just mom and daughter. Well return Sunday. Will be using drive time for prayer and praises!

    1. Praying for a lovely time for you and Chloe, Mindy!

    2. God speed dear Mindy. Thanking God for a hedge of protection around you both and a wonderful convention and trip. God bless you and Chloe in all things. Much love.

    3. Prayers are going up, out, and over for you and our daughter, Chloe as you travel underneath His Mercy Canopy to Portland Oregon for coffeefest, and for a blessed time together, just mom and daughter. Enjoy your blessed prayer and praises fest on the way there! Much Love to you, our dear sister-friend in Christ, Mindy,Spokane Wa. We are spiritually traveling with you. Buckle us up!

    4. Mercy travels for you and Chloe. May the Lord protect and lead you on your fun filled journey. May all your prayers and praises be heard and answered by our Father. Enjoy your precious time together. God bless!

    5. Praying for you our dear Mindy and Chloe and the coffee shop. Is it still open?

  36. Thank you, Brie and JC Prayer Warriors. I just received this message from Paula's sister, "Procedure is over. Just spoke with the Dr and all is well. She is breathing on her own!" Thank you, Father, thank you JC Family!

    1. Halleluia dear Norah. Our God is so faithful. Will keep her in my prayers. Thank You Father!! Amen.

    2. And another Alleluia! Prayers work every time, thanks to our good God. Amen.

  37. Mindy - Travel mercies for you and daughter Chloe. Be blessed and enjoy your fellowship.

    Tide pools can be wondrous things with their little fascinating bits and pieces of life that become accessible to us humans only when the tide is out. Some of the tidepool specimens draw us in because they only inhabit these tidepools, and we are unable to see them on dry land. How interesting, until we get trapped in many a number of life’s tidepools. Sometimes we go in willingly. Sometimes we get so intrigued by the offerings, we fail to notice the ebbing tide. Sports Season, Fund Raisers, Upward Mobility, Career Opportunities, Fitness, Friends, Ministries, etc. – all of which can take over our lives, throw us off centering on God, blinding us from seeing how we will cope with all that is expected, and then trapping us into a tidepool. We need freedom from tidepools but may fear saying “no” because of others’ reaction. As a result, we are now snared in one or many of life's tidepools, when all we desire is to walk peacefully with Him throughout this day. With the tide completely out, we can no longer see our own way out to do that. Has that ever happened to you, friend?

    Awareness of tidepools remind us to wake up and amplify our awareness of needing God’s help.

    What tide pools are keeping you confined?

    When we don't know what to do, we can ask God, and then wait on God while He opens the way before us, to get us out of our tidepools. While we wait, we can trust that God knows what He’s doing, and we can ready ourselves to follow His lead. Let us ask God to set our schedules and our commitments and help us crawl out tidepools that no longer fit us nor allow us to serve Him well and cheerfully. Our God still loves cheerful givers!
    Is it time to crawl out of one or several tidepools to get back on His shore, experiencing the full scope of living as God wants? Let us ask, seek, and knock, for Him to clarify our difficulties and our tidepools for us, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Fear of humans is a dangerous tidepool trap; to trust in God means safety!

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    As we go about our many earthly commitments, attempting to walk peacefully with You throughout this day, would you keep us free from tidepool entrapment based on satan’s intimidation, regardless from whom it comes, including ourselves?
    Would You remind us to commit and answer to You alone?
    In Jesus’ Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. I yield. Amen.

    1. What tide pools are keeping you confined?
      For me, it is caregiving for a person living with aphasia, cancer, and other immunocompromising situations, and making all decisions on their behalf while trying to remain positive, kind, patient, and merciful. WHEW!

    2. Mine is waiting on the FUTURE...opportunities - will they meet my expectations? I have specifics I'll be requesting. Praying that they respect my boundaries. And, if not, that I will have the guts to say, "Thanks, but no thanks." Please pray for my conviction.

    3. Praying for your Guts, Your Boundaries, Your convictions, and His Glory, Norah. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  39. Heading to Brooklyn with an old friend Diane early in the morning. Taking my good Mom to early voting. Then we will pick up pizza and stay at my Mom's. Hopefully we'll watch a good old movie. Then Saturday Diane and I go to our high school Reunion and see our three good old friends. Then we will return home to White Plains and Diane will stay over. I must sing in Church Sunday morning. Diane doesn't believe in God anymore but I pray every day that she returns to Him. And hopefully she will see the light of Christ shining in me. Busy weekend but it will be blessed in His sweet presence, and certainly a good distraction for me. God is so good. Praying for you dear ones.

    1. Mercy travels for you Jeanne and may the light of your presence shine bright and open Diane's heart to the Lord. Have a blessed time and enjoy all the precious moments with your friends and family. God bless πŸ™.

    2. Safe travels this weekend and enjoy spending time with Diane and former classmates. Praying that Diane will see God’s light shining through you.

      SC Anonymous

    3. Lord please give Jeanne & Diane safety in travel & a grand time at their reunion. Father in Your power I ask that the enemy steps away from Diane and allow her the freedom to reexamine her spiritual condition. Jehovah Rohi bring her back into the fold, in Jesus name, amen. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    4. Praying showers and showers of blessings for you, in you, and through you, especially flowing into Dianne along with traveling Mercy, and above all else, HIS JOY!
      PS Eye responded to your yesterday's post!

    5. Your light will surely shine over this weekend activities with your family and friends, Jeanne. Trust the Holy Spirit will follow through. Relax and haber fun!!!

  40. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:15).

  41. Jesus is Lord! Romans 8:28 tells us, “ALL things work together for the good, to them that love the Lord to those who are called to His purpose.”

  42. Jeanne, thank you so much for your beautiful prayer this morning. One of the many things I love about this blog is to read the prayers of others and learn.

    SC Anonymous

  43. I meant Janet! I’m so sorry. I can’t log in via my phone so I can’t edit the name in the above post.

    SC Anonymous

  44. Today Karen and I celebrate our 50th Wedding anniversary. Precious memories, God is faithful. We both cried as we hugged and wished each other Happy 50th Anniversary and thanked God for each other and His goodness all these years.
    We met at the YWCA in Durban. Living at the YMCA I was there for a midday prayer meeting, she was checking in to stay at the YWCA. I was stunned as this vision of lovelyness walked through the door. She must be a fashion model I thought. ( I found out later that she never wore makeup) I just had to get to know her.
    I had flown to Kenya, then travelled south in October '71. Karen, of Norwegian/Scottish/English/Dutch descent grew up in Durban. We 'clicked' pretty much immediately, Karen was 21, I was 23. We got engaged in May '72 then married November 4th '72. Blessed with three wonderful children in three years, and now six grandchildren ages 10 to 22, we now continue our adventure together. God is good, all the time, bless His Holy Name.

    1. Congratulations to you &, your KarenπŸ‘πŸŽ‰πŸŽ❤️🌈! What a sweet story of how God matched you guys! Many more years are wished for you today. Love to you bothπŸ’ž

    2. Happy Golden Anniversary, Peter and Karen! What a blessing it was to read of your blessed and fruitful life. My Best Man and I celebrate 49 in February. Enjoy your day, weekend and continue celebrating every day.

    3. Happiest Anniversary Blessings are being prayed for you and Karen today, Peter. Thanks for sharing!

    4. Happy anniversary! A beautiful and inspiring story of love and commitment. Well done!

    5. Happy Anniversary Peter and Karen!. May God continue to Bless you and your marriage richly.

    6. Such great news --- Happy 50th Anniversary!!! Wishing you an anniversary as special as the love you two share! JJ

    7. Such a blessed gift to celebrate 50 years with your one true love!!! So very happy for you both! May God continue to bless your marriage and your life together with more love, peace, and good health!

  45. A lot of us "Js" in this family. Thank you sis Janet for your earnest prayer. Love & blessings sending your wayπŸ₯°πŸŒˆπŸ’ž

  46. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family - and claiming all of God's greatness for each of us and ours. Jan G, believing to hear that Son #2 is progressing well. Asking for prayers for my dear sister/friend, Susie who was sick last night. We talk almost every morning around 6:20 am - pray for our families, our work day and anyone needed specific prayer. Thank you, Father, for healing Susie in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Praying for your long, exciting weekend, Jeanne; for safe travels and fun reuniting with long-time friends.
    Janet - you are on my heart and in my prayers. As Jan said, "Your earnest prayers," are a blessing.
    Must remind myself it isn't Saturday, as I sit here and work and write in my robe. Have to find a shower. Praying ours will be completed in the next day or so. In the meantime, we'll borrow one of our sons' showers either next door or up the road. LOL! Nothing like changing up the routine to remind us how much we rely on our Heavenly Father!
    Love and Blessings to all - praying for each of you "named or not" in my post! :)

    1. Dear Norah, Continuing to pray for healing and good news for Jan’s Son #2. God is in charge and may He heal your dear friend and sister Susie too. Thank You Jesus! Hope you found a shower! Much love. Thanks for your prayers.

  47. Thank you for your prayers. I'm kinda stuck in a different (Brie) where my hearing is not gone but muffled. Clogged sinuses? I am on medication but lacking patience for immediate relief. Help me Jesus, Father, show me what you are doing. Wearing my helmet of salvation and clothed in armor each day. Trusting You, to show me each next step to full recovery of all my senses. In Jesus's name I pray.

    1. I am in the (im)Patient Waiting Room with you, Audra...When you don't know what to do, wait while I open the way before you... OK Lord, we're waiting. Take Your Time, but hurry up!
      Much Love, Brie

    2. Dear Audra, Just keep praying and trusting in God’s faithfulness! Praying for your complete healing with Brie! Waiting on the Lord for you to feel like yourself again very soon!
      Thank You dear Jesus.

  48. "different" was supposed to read "tidepool" for the Brie reference...

    1. Audra, I've been praying for you (usually in the wee hrs before bed or just when waking up), but it keeps hitting me...aren't you on VACATION? And, Brie, I just now got it that you were battling the sinus invasion too! Everyone I talk to is and we have been sneezing, blowing and saying, "Whaaat???" 1,000 times a day. 'Tis the season. The weather change does it to me every year. I'm thankful that it's been manageable for all of us and will continue to pray for (quick, please, made me laugh Brie! 'Take Your Time, but hurry up!' EXACTLY!) ALL of us. Laughter is like medicine to the soul so keep your humor going, as always, ladies! Love you!

  49. Me too! I just loved your beautiful prayer dear Janet! Thanks good sister! You echoed the words in my heart too!!! Amen, Amen and Amen!πŸ™

  50. You all made me laugh! Thanks Brie with Take Your time but hurry up! Having problems with my bad eye watering and I can’t wait to get that Cat Scan on 11/9. God is on the Nightwatch. So I’m going to rest in Him. Goodnight dear ones!!

  51. Thank you dear Maplewood for your wonderful posts and prayers especially the one from 2019. Your timeless prayer really encouraged my weary heart. I know so many of my dear brothers and sisters are feeling overwhelmed, in need of healing, and very tired. God knows how we feel and really cares. I feel so worn out helping my Mom and sister as much as I can. All through the day yesterday I just kept praying for strength. And God answered my prayers and even brought me joy. He is so faithful. At one point last night my Mom took one hand and kissed it and took the other hand and kissed it and said “Thank you so much dear Jeanne for all your help”. I just said: I love you. She blessed my heart so very much! God blessed us both because He was with us.

    Isaiah 40:31
    But those who wait on the Lord
    Shall renew their strength;
    They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
    They shall run and not be weary,
    They shall walk and not faint.

    John 13:34-35
    A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
    By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

    1. I'm glad to hear of the Lord's faithfulness in your lives. God is so good ALWAYS! May He lift up your weary heart and give you strength, comfort, and His perfect peace. And how wonderful those precious moments are with your mom! God is so good to us! Have a blessed day πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Thanks sweet Janet! So much to be thankful for. He is good all the time. Wish I could be. I’m so human.

  52. For all who read Jesus Calling today : Numbers 6:24-26 - The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

  53. JC Warriors, I wanted to share this song of blessing with you πŸ™ ❤.

    1. Such a beautiful and powerful song! And a wonderful voice and message! He is for us!!!!!

  54. Thank you for The Blessing, Janet and talented vocalist! ♥️

  55. Aww. Thanks sweet Norah! Rest well. We’re a family here and I can feel the love. Love you and our brothers and sisters here. God bless and keep you all. Goodnight.
