Monday, November 7, 2016

Jesus Calling: November 5

You can live as close to Me as you choose. I set up no barriers between us; neither do I tear down barriers that you erect.
     People tend to think their circumstances determine the quality of their lives. So they pour their energy into trying to control their situations. They feel happy when things are going well, and sad or frustrated when things don't turn out as they'd hoped. They rarely question that correlation between their circumstances and feelings. Yet it is possible to be content in any and every situation. 
     Put more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My Presence. Don't let your well-being depend on your circumstances. Instead, connect your joy to My precious promises:
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. 
I will meet all your needs according to My glorious riches.
Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from My Love.

Philippians 4:12
English Standard Version
I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.
Genesis 28:15
English Standard Version
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.
Philippians 4:19
English Standard Version
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:38-39
English Standard Version
38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

My Prayer (2019)
Yes, Lord, I want my well-being to be defined by my closeness to you and not my circumstances. Forgive me Lord for letting worldly gains, money, define my mood. Lord, I want instead to be defined by the simple promised that you are with me...wherever I go. That you will not leave me...that you will supply every thing I need - forgive me for thinking life is about meeting my wants in order to be happy. It is Your Love God that I need. Convince me of this because Lord I get so distracted so much. But, as I arise this day and look to Your Words, may they not only bring me comfort, but define me. Give me the strength to walk each day in this definition. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you LORD for teaching me - my joy doesn't depend on my circumstances. MY JOY COMES FROM MY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!!!

    1. You know who I mean, Lord Jesus ♥️

    2. Could there be a more perfect reading for this day for me? Thank you, Jesus!

    3. Audra, when I read your reply late yesterday, I thought it was just God's Holy Spirit preparing you to receive today as He often does with me! When I read today's Devotion, I no longer thought it; I knew it! Blessings and love to you.

    4. Amen! All we need is our God! Seek Ye first and all things will be added unto you. .

  2. "I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound... of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need." It is our goal to reach this level of faith; but I find that I struggle with accepting the low and needy times in my life as my EGO gets trapped in the materialism of today's modern world. E.G.O. can be defined by the acronym: Edging God Out. In our lows, we pray for abundance but in our "plenty" we surely pray to sustain our situation or worse, fail to pray at all! May we find grace in whatever circumstance.

    1. I share your struggle. Yet on rare occasion I am able to thank Him for my difficulties as they bring me closer to Him. Now I'm trying to grow just for the sake of growth and not wait for the pain.

    2. MadFox - I've never heard of that E.G.O. Scary place to be actually. Thanks for sharing.

    3. Madfox, may we all continue finding Grace in all our circumstances!

    4. Thanks for that EGO insight dear MadFox. I only want to be in God’s presence, grace and favor. Let us not get distracted by the world. Let us continue to follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit!
      Amen dear Brie!

    5. EUREKA! Brother. You most certainly met your 2018 goal of finding grace in every circumstance. Thank you for so graciously sharing with all of us. In so doing, you help path us in His Direction. May I go and do likewise. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    6. Thank you Brie. It has been an amazing journey and I'm grateful for each of the warriors here and their kind words and sincere prayers. In Him. Thanks. Godspeed.

    7. I had to tell you ALL, after discovering this blog, over the last few months… what a GODSEND you guys have been!!! Just writing in my journal about E.G.O., MadFox!! So excited to now see comments from THIS 2023 Morning! I pray for you all…
      And am humbled and grateful to read your Godly wisdom, prayers, support for each other and just the fun, 😊 kind people you “regulars” are… God Bless You and Keep You… a sister in Christ ☝🏻

    8. Welcome Amonymous Sister in Christ. We are glad you are here. Come often and partake much. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  3. Thank-you Jesus that NOTHING can separate me from Your Love ❤️ in spite of myself and my stubbornness. You are AMAZING and AWESOME! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™

  4. Such powerful words. Lord, help them seep into my soul and help me walk in believing. Thank you for healing my husband and me from this crud that we have. Thank you Peyton family for your faithfulness in posting this daily! And Madfox - I will remember E.G.O.! Sassy Mom: do you have a blog?

    1. Hi Norah. I do not have a blog. I'm a blessed 85 year old widow continuing to grieve (3 years) the loss of my husband who loved me for 53 years. Thank you LORD for supplying my needs and surrounding me with YOUR LOVE. Thank you Payton family for daily reminder that nothing can separate us from God's Love.

  5. I was struck by the thought that our Lord puts no barriers up, has no limits to pouring out His love upon me. (Do I need to look anywhere else other than the cross to prove that truth?). If there be any barriers, they are of my own making. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” When I am possessive of anything or anyone, I am no longer poor of spirit and a barrier has just been erected. When I simply receive all things and appreciate them for the purpose for which the Lord has blessed me with them, the flow of God’s love goes uninhibited, the Kingdom of Heaven becomes mine. Sometimes when I write these things, I am not exactly sure how they apply but by writing them (with the awareness that someone might read them) I now have something to contemplate as I go through the day and quite possibly, something may occur that will provide further enlightenment. I am grateful for this blog which is a helpful tool on my spiritual journey and if, in my ramblings, the Lord enlightens you, I am content.

    1. @ Bob, You definitely touched my heart and helped me to look in MY Spiritual mirror in hopes to see what GOD sees when he looks at my heart! I am humbled by your words and have been enlightened to say the least as well as challenged to do better by a GOD who gave it all for me through HIS SON on the cross! I am still praising GOD through my difficulties but thankful I am not dwelling on them any longer! You my JC family are a blessing in my life! IN HIS LOVE :)

    2. Bob, I am so grateful for your generosity of spirit and wisdom. I am also praising God no matter what. His love and peace are unchanging. Blessed to be in a brand new day and thankful to be spending time with my dear Mom and Sister.

    3. This is beautiful, Bob. I will contemplate these thoughts. Blessed are the poor in spirit...I am not even my own, so you're right. This is interesting. Amazing. My favorite part, I love that we can be close to Him as we want. Be blessed!

    4. I look forward each day to read this blog especially your comments Bob. You and the Payton family are touching many people with your words

    5. Amen! Your words and teachings are timeless and true and never fail to inspire me dear Bob. Thank you for sharing your spirit filled messages of hope and truth. I receive them gratefully.

    6. Bob, I still appreciate your writings and go back to them each year. Thanks πŸ™

    7. ME THREE… grateful to you Bob!! .. …and the level of vulnerability and how God’s Love shines through you guys on this blog. Such a GIFT!!
      ~ sister in Christ

    8. Yes, Sister In Christ. Bob's gifts, as well as many others, keep on giving and giving, and giving, and giving , year over year over year over year, ad infinitum! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  6. From another perspective, I've heard, "If you feel yourself distanced from God, guess who moved." He is always constant and invariable. He is always "there" when we are willing to come back.

  7. God help me understand why life is so hard U need you alway πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  8. Continuing to repeat 2017.
    Thank you LORD for teaching me - my joy doesn't depend on my circumstances. MY JOY COMES FROM MY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!!!

  9. And I continue to be thankful, too, Sassy Mom! So very thankful that we are healthy this year. Healthy enough to celebrate tonight knowing that we will be blessed in every situation. My husband knows that well. He has run a good, clean race and the outcome is God's hands. The people will speak. His opponent is a good friend of ours. A good man. They often agree to disagree on political issues but they both told people as they went door to door, "He is a good man," and meant it.
    Please pray with me that this rash I have is gone in the name of Jesus Christ. I itch all over and will have to go to the Doc if it doesn't clear up soon. But - I'm blessed!
    Have a great day, JC Family! Prayers for all of you.

    1. Norah - prayers your rash disappears. And praying for a good election for your hubby. He certainly can be proud of running a good race with his opponent. KS

    2. Praying for positive outcomes all around. Where do you live?

    3. Norah- please let us know how the election turns out. Your family has been in my prayers.

    4. Standing in agreement with the prayer warriors for your healing Norah and cheering for your hubby's election as well!

      Maplewood, NJ

      Maplewood, NJ

  10. This morning, all that is in my spirit, is praise and gratitude. I woke up with this song in my spirit:

    “Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. “Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!” Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
    “Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me! Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
    Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside"!

    Thank you Lord for your light, Your Presence, and for your faithfulness that has NO barriers, to me, a sinner.

    JC family, what an awesome God we have. So faithful in all his dealings with his children. What mercy, what encouragement, what strength we have in our Father! He meets all our needs and Nothing in this world can separate us from His Love.
    Stay blessed today and connect your joy to His Promises!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I love that song dear Maplewood. Thanks Sis! Blessed to be feeling happy and grateful grateful for all my blessings. Enjoying this day and praising His Holy Name! His promises are reliable.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood. Absolutely nothing can separate us from His love and that is His Eternal Promise to us that we can stake our very life on.

  11. Praying with you Norah for today's outcome also & for your rash.

  12. Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ. The reading today resonated with me. There are no barriers that God creates, only barriers of my own making. It often seems as if there is no way through some of these walls, but I believe that is the work of the enemy. He will plant a seed of doubt. However, it is up to me to step out in faith, no matter my circumstance, and not give anything to that doubt that will cause it to grow. Despite a lot of harrowing experience over the past year, I have still been mightily blessed in the midst of it all. So, I pray in the good times and bad and thank Him for ALL that I have, including my trials. The trials give me opportunities to strengthen my faith and the good things in my life provide opportunities for me to express my gratitude and find rest in Him.

    If anyone is interested, I have started a blog to publish some of the poetry that I have written over the last year that describes some of the journey I have been on. From Darkness to Light and spaces in between. I would be humbled and honored if some of you would visit and leave a comment if you find anything that resonates with you.

    May you all have a blessed day confident in the knowledge that our Savior is with us ALWAYS and will not leave or forsake us. No matter our circumstance.


    1. Dave D - your poems are very meaningful and from the heart. Certainly enjoyed the little red wagon and many others. Not on twitter or facebook so just wanted to let you know. KS

    2. Dave your poems are definitely from the heart and I can relate to a couple that I read. Thanks for sharing. JE

    3. Will check it out Dave! thanks for sharing.

      Maplewood, NJ

    4. Thank you all for the feedback. I’m not on Twitter or Facebook either so, forums like this are really the only way I have to get the word out. I appreciate you taking the time to look.


  13. Joining JC Warriors in prayer for Norah's rash and City Council election.

  14. Yesterday was such a struggle for me. I wrestled with the Lord all night. Lost sleep. I did the "whaa, whaa, whaa" bit. Feeling sorry for myself. Got caught up in my circumstances, enjoying my pity party, no one came! What a night! There's JOY in the morning! Hallelujah, God showed up! Yes Maplewood, great is thy faithfulness, this morning His mercies I see. The fullness of His joy is also new every morning. My flesh wanted to push its way big time. Thank you Jesus for the cross where your blood ran red. At the very first drop the enemy ran for cover. I can approach the throne of grace
    Unashamed & forgiven. Praise your Holy Name! JC family I encourage you today to rise above your circumstances & let peace reign in your hearts. With Jesus at the helm we can be overcomers, redeemed by the precious blood of our Saviour, our Elohim, our Adonai, Yahweh, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, Shalom, Jehovah Rohi, Emmanuel, Eloi, Abba, Jehovah Rapha. He is our All in All, our Everything! Amen

  15. MadFox- I remember reading your post last year but re-reading it now makes such an impact in my life this year. Love the acronym and it's so true! Thanks for sharing.

    1. It came from the "Lead like Jesus" book and conference. It is indeed accurate! Knew that in my times of success, in the past, that I surely did edge God out. In the future, praying that I always stay connected to the Father and humble, regardless of circumstances.

  16. Wonderful JC message today and wondeful prayer as well!
    Dear Lord help me to not build barriers, help me to know that barrier-free is an open heart. A heart that is merciful, compassionate, and forgiving. Amen.

  17. Lord- help me identify and tear down barriers that I have erected between You and I for I desire a closeness with You with no barriers. Speak to me and give me direction You want me to follow. In Jesus' name I pray.

  18. Thank you for your prayer Chris. Be assured we are still praying for you and your family.

    Also what defines me? Our ego, or our thoughts and perception of ourselves, often does. And this can easily edge God out. But as we become aware of that, God can also use that to bring us closer to Him.

    So appreciate Bob's words as they kindly convicted me; "When I am possessive of anything or anyone, I am no longer poor of spirit and a barrier has just been erected." I am growing to love God's kind correction and teaching. Yes Mad Fox, it is hard to wait and when He identifies an area that needs correction, I get frustrated thinking it should come instantly. But often the correction takes time especially when it is engrained patterns of thinking or engrained perceptions. So therefore, as Maplewood said, I will purpose to connect my Joy to His promises and not "fixing" myself.

    For your glory Lord, we give you access to our thoughts, desires, passions, and even our discouragement and failures. If our failures bring us closer to you, then they are not failures but part of your loving correction. Lord, you are the Bread of Life. You are and supply all we need so may we come to know this and experience fulfillment in you alone. May our Joy be connected to your promises. In Jesus name.

    1. Well said. My prayer is that all of us, but especially myself, continue to remember the humbleness of Jesus and His acceptance of the Father's timing. No E.G.O. instead accept God's grace in all circumstances.

    2. Today I pray in Jesus'name that I will purpose to connect my Joy to His promises and not "fixing" myself.

    3. Amen! Since my shortcomings can be used by Him to bring me closer to Him then I rejoice in my many flaws and imperfections. Any true joy and peace I have stem from His faithfulness and His blessings. I ask Him always to make me a better person. I ask Him to help to slow down. I’m so busy that I must talk to Him in the kitchen, the bathroom, walking, waiting, or driving. Some days I find it so hard to simply stop and rest with Him. Such a blessing that my little grandson wants to talk about God and he sees my faith and understands it at 3 years old. I know that was in God’s amazing Plan.

  19. Lord, help me to dive deep into your presence each day and to recognize and knock didiwn any barriers I have put up between us. I love you

  20. AMEN! I too am praying that same prayer Suzanne!

  21. I'm in a sense of awe as an awareness came over me. We are in a fierce battle and the Lord is drawing us into prayer and honoring our prayers for ourselves and each other.

    If I look to closely at the battle, I can get lost in all that is going on in this great battle. But if I "Put more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My Presence", I am not consumed by all that is taking place in and around us.

    In this battle today, I see victories and losses. Both are important training exercises when we bring it back to Him.

    Have we suffered losses? "Where are you Adam?" God knew where Adam was. He wanted Adam to come to Him! The Evil One encourages us to hide in our failures but our loving Father calls us to come bodly to the throne of Grace that we might find mercy in our time of need. Heb 4:16.

    Have we had victories today? Let us keep our eyes on the author and finisher of our faith. Heb 12:2. Again, there is temptation be distracted from "Putting more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My Presence."

    So this is a call to prayer for ourselves and one another. These prayers are necessary and powerful because He is drawing us to pray and these prayers are pleasing to Him. So I desperately need your prayers and will also pray for you.

    Also remember, even if the Evil One wins a battle, he will not win the campaign.

    You are not alone fellow warriors

    1. Thank you Jesus! More perfect messaging for me today! You send me to exactly what I need to hear and see. Strengthen me with you Word and your love. I gratefully receive!

    2. Thanks Keith
      I had to triple check the date of your post. It is so fresh and appropriate, it could have been written this morning! I am also thankful God remains on the Highest Throne above all others and does not need reelection nor votes! Blessings now and forevermore.

    3. ... and He is the same, Yesterday, Today, and Forevermore. Amen.

    4. Amen! We COUNT on Him ✝️

    5. Amen and Amen! He is Sovereign and His Reign is forever!

  22. UPDATE to my JC Family: My hubby lost. 175/141 After work, we went to our 4 yr old granddaughter's first recital at church, which probably saved the night for us because she was so stinkin' cute. We clapped for the kiddies (Pre-K), thanked God for what they are learning at Sonshine and then went off to the campaign results party. UGH. We were both so tired that we just wanted to cut to the chase and hear the results, which we finally did. Driving home, I said, "I'm sorry, honey - you ran a good race." He said, "I'm OK with it, really. I mean, you never run a race expecting to lose, but I know what I WON'T be doing in the next few months, and I'm OK with that. I gave it to God and I got the answer." This 16 hour day feels like 24. I'm asleep as I type but had to give you all, the results. Thank you for your prayers. Tomorrow...

  23. JC Prayer Warriors, I finished my 1st day of the 1st Cycle of chemo! Doing my best to be a messenger of His joy. RN daughter got to sit with me, and was well pleased with procedures and proper drug administration by IV, etc. We also went to our favorite Dad/daughter (20 years) local doughnut/coffee shop and then brought 2 dozen for the medical staff, with a note saying, "You're now on Team MadFox, Thank you in advance!"

    Praises: No nausea or increased fatigue, no pain, no adverse side effects, walked 2 miles late today, staff were all superb, my hematologist Doc was fantastic with answering questions and said an awesome prayer for healing. In short, God has answered the prayers by all of you, my church, and family for an easy transition to chemo this 1st day. Thank you Team MadFox via Chris'JC blog!

    For all the others needing prayer, and there are many here, I will be outward focused tomorrow, and will pray over ALL names mentioned here in the past week or so. I will have time as my personal RN could only attend the 1st day!  :(  Will pray from 0800-ish to 1000CST. "...where one or more are gathered in my name..." Godspeed, Agape, and Amen.

    1. Father, please wrap Madfox up in Your loving, everlasting, and healing arms. Hold him close to Your heart and smile on him. Give him and his family and friends Your peace, love, comfort, and strength to endure this time in his life. You are the healer and miracle worker Lord and I know that You can do all things. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continually and always.

    2. MadFox it is an honor to have you for a brother and read what you offer here. Families come together and being a faith-family we join you in prayers and are gathered in name. Janet's words are what I hope for you too! Godspeed to you and yours.

    3. Thanks for the update Madfox.
      Joining my prayers to yours, Janet's, all of #TeamMadFox, God's and His Angels.
      Your dad/daughter/doughnut story reminded me of one when our daughter was little. We were out and about early one morning, and we needed to stop for breakfast. She asked for doughnuts. I said We need to pick something else first because Doughnuts are not a healthy breakfast food. She replied, They are when I'm with Dad!

    4. Awesome news MadFox! I'm so glad that you had no side effects and I pray that will continue to be the case. It's wonderful that you had your RN daughter there with you. I'm sure it was an extra comfort having her there. You are such a great example to us all with your positivity and strong faith. Thank you for that. God bless!

    5. Ditto and amen to all the prayers and encouraging words to Madfox. You are covered in prayers our brother. What an honor to be part of the team.

    6. Brie, I'm sure my wife could relate. We have a fave hot dog place too!!

    7. All good news, MadFox! Continued prayers for this Victory! If God be for us, who can be against us? NO ONE, NO ONE, NO ONE! Our family used to 'cheer' this in the car or anytime something threatened our peace. Still do! I love that your daughter was with you and that you had doughnuts and also took some to the staff. I'm sure they were thankful. Go #TeamMadFox !!

    8. Adding my prayers for you MadFox. You've been top of mind lately and saying quick prayers for healing and peace for you. JE

    9. How blessed we all are that our brother has taken us with him on this path God has allowed for him to walk to His glory. We will all be blessed as we pray for brother MadFox and thus experience God's grace that he will experience in the days and months ahead. What a team!

    10. Joining the saints and keeping you in prayer, while thanking our Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the darkest valley, our God of ALL possibilities. Jehovah Rapha is His name!

      Maplewood NJ

    11. I join in prayer for your victory in the race against cancer cells, Mad🦊! Sharing your experience has grounded me today to what is truly important, loving God, loving people. Love to you, kind Sir!

    12. Praising God for Victory over your first day of chemo, brother MadFox. May God continue to bless you and strengthen you on this part of your journey. Your faith is inspiring. Praying with you and for you with all JC prayer warriors for healing. It brought a smile to my soul to know that your personal RN was by your side and that despite what you are going through, you blessed your #MadFoxteam with delicious donuts. Godspeed, and proud to be part of the team.

      Blessings from California

    13. Dear MadFox, You are not only receiving care and comfort but bringing doughnuts and joy and gratitude to your caregivers! What a faithful and good servant! I’m so happy to hear your treatment went well and was well tolerated. God is so good. We love you our dear Brother! You are in the Best of Hands in Christ Jesus and wrapped up in our love and prayers.

    14. Dear MadFox! Your generous spirit in the midst of your trials always inspires me. Continuing to pray for more victories ahead. God is so faithful to those who sincerely seek Him. May He always bless, strengthen and lead you, dear brother.

  24. Father, help me to love You today, tomorrow, and always. Magnify my faith and love for You Lord and let it grow even more in me every day. Keep me close in Your heart Lord and draw me closer to You as I grow in You. Continue doing Your work in me; transforming, teaching, and guiding me Lord. Help me to always appreciate You in my life Lord. You are my reason for being and I can't imagine life without You, nor do I ever want to. You complete me. Thank You for always being with me Lord. I am honored and blessed to be Your child. Thank You Jesus. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in the Lord continually and always. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. For an unexplainable reason, you are penetrating my heart through your posts and prayers, Janet. Welcome to my heart. God be with you.

    2. Brie, Just my cup of tea, a heart filled with endless gratitude for EVERYTHING, big or small, to our Loving Father, without compromise!!
      Optimism, walking by Faith, not by sight, makes the heart merry!!
      Blessings to you my sister!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Amen and Amen, sweet Janet! I join you, and your prayer is mine. Be blessed!

    4. Amen dear Janet. Praying that right along with you and our family. Much love Sister

    LARGEST: Thank You for Alive and Breathing Blessings!
    SMALLEST: Thank You for purring kitten Blessings!
    EASIEST: Thank You for heat when I am cold Blessings!
    HARDEST: Thank You for taxes Blessings!
    SURPRISE: Thank You for a private haircut appointment Blessing! Amen.

    1. Brie, I pray you don't mind I'm going to use this format to help realign my thinking. I have so much to be thankful for. I've been beyond over whelmed and I'm trying to take my days and my need to dos and place them all in the Lord's hands. Please continue praying for me concerning the accident and all that follows, New car, insurance, emotions, finical, ticket, etc.. I know God is working this out but my husband and I need to have our ears tuned clearly to our Lord and what he wants us to do.
      On top of all this I have a child who is in a special needs class who is flipping desks over and clearing shelves. I talked to the teacher and I hear her baiting my grand daughter to be upset and act out. (and the workers that work with my grand daughter from outside the school hear it also). My grand daughter has gone through so much trauma that she is on guard and doesn't trust anyone. My prayers are that God heals her as though it never happened and takes the things that she went through and uses them for his kingdom. Please pray for wisdom and strength for my husband and I and to open up the eyes and heart of the teacher to him and to what our grand daughter needs. Thank you!

    2. Terri, will be praying for you and granddaughter but also your family today and each IV chemo day for months!!

    3. Terri, I'll be on my knees in prayer as soon as I click send. God Bless you and yours through all of the days moving forward.

    4. Terri, praying for your granddaughter's healing and restoration, in Jesus' name. Don't give up, 'prayer is life's greatest time saver'!!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Loving this little exercise, Brie, especially the smallest and easiest references. Our culture has so ingrained into our heads to think of the biggest and the best that we overlook God's grace in the routine and mundane (if God is at work can anything be mundane?). I look forward to this exercise this beautiful Thanksvember (why is there a red squiggly line under that word? It makes sense.). God be with you.

      TERRI, receive my prayers for the issues you face at the present time. Things are not as God has designed for you but He can take what has happened and work a greater good because of it. I am praying that for you, your family, and with a special prayer for your granddaughter. God be with you.

    6. Praying you and your Grands through it all Terri.
      Since most of the posts that come through me really belong to our One Holy Spirit, they are His Gifts, free for you to take and use whatever you need. I am always happy when someone else uses and benefits from lessons that cost me dearly!
      You and yours remain in my prayers.

    7. Love this format, Brie! Just beautiful and humbling. I'll incorporate it into my THANKSVEMBER gratitude thoughts. Thank you, dear sister!

      Terri, lifting you and your family up in prayer to the Throne of Grace. Asking God to be in the smallest details of your particular situation and for healing over your precious granddaughter from the top of her head to the soles of her feet; mind, body and spirit. May God bless you abundantly as you walk with Him holding tight to His hand. I'm getting my dancing shoes ready for your Victory Report. Much love.

      Blessings from California

    8. Thanks dear Brie! So very many things to be thankful for.”. Especially for you and your sweet words that bring them to my mind.
      Praying for you dear Terri and your granddaughter. God will make things right for you and your family. He knows your beautiful heart very well. Trusting in His faithfulness for you. May Ge give you peace and comfort today. Sending a hug and my love.

    9. Brie, i love this! I am definitely going to use this for my children's nightly prayers and for Thanksgiving...and for myself <3 be blessed!!

    10. Dear Terri, Keeping you and your family in my prayers for a complete recovery! Hold tight to His Unchanging Hand dear sister.

  26. Thank you all for your prayers the other day concerning my wife's disc replacement surgery. She had it Wednesday morning and the surgeon said it went very well. I will be leaving shortly to bring her home. Your prayers meant a lot and even though I don't post a lot I am here and I appreciate all of you. Thanks again for everything.

    1. TJ - so happy your wife's surgery went well. Praying for her comfort and healing during recovery. KS

    2. Awesome! and will cover her in prayers today and beyond!

    3. Thank you Lord for you are the great physician. We praise and thank you as you continue tending your patient.

    4. TJ, Praising God with the saints, for the VICTORY of healing and restoration. God be with you and your wife always! That's WHO we serve, the God of Wonders who heals. Jehovah Rapha is His name!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Any time you are able or led to post, we are blessed, TJ, as is the case with this one. Let the healing process begin for your wife and we will 'grease the skids' with our prayers. God be with you.

    6. Dear TJ. Thanks for the updated Victory Report. Always happy when I get to celebraye with Victory Dance and Victory Lap under God's banner. Alleluia.

    7. OOPSY! I get to CELEBRATE...
      Oh well!

    8. Thank you, TJ, for your update and Victory Report! Thanking and Praising the Lord for your wife's successful surgery. Praying all goes well with her recovery, in Jesus' name.

      Blessings from California

    9. Thanking God TJ for your wife’s successful surgery. Another victory! Praise God!! May He lead her to a perfect recovery. Amen.

  27. MadFox - Joining Team MadFox with encouraging prayers!!!!

    1. I'm in God's superpower list with your prayers for sure! Thank you.

    2. Blessed to be in Team MadFox!!!

  28. Thank you for the report TJ. Rejoicing with you. Joining Team Madfox!!

  29. GTT, I've always loved your pseudonym. I'm honored you and all here, who "grace" me with your willingness to be on the team. With gratitude, Thank you.

  30. Thank you paytonfamily for-My Prayer (2019). Great prayer-I am with you!

    Dear lord, thank you for being my source of wellness and happiness. Continue to move me to know that my circumstances are not the determining factor of those blessings. I need to and will be grateful in all things. I believe that your true and barrier free promises are what provides the happiness and wellness I seek. Amen.

    1. Amen!! Your prayer is mine. God be with you.

      Blessings from California

    2. Amen ABC and Rose, Rejoice and be glad that He is our God and all joy in all circumstance.

  31. Loving Father, Thank You for a new blessed day. I am humbled that You would sacrifice Yourself for my sins. Thank You for doing everything necessary for me to have a right relationship with You. I choose to live close to You everyday. Teach me to keep loving and following You all of my life because You are worthy of it all. Shape my heart and make me into a person that is full of love and compassion, willing and ready to forgive others just as You are always willing and ready to forgive me. May Your Holy Spirit help me to forget the past and all the disappointments that came with it, and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. I am so thankful that I have a relationship with You.
    Thank You for allowing me to experience Your glory. There are souls out there waiting and yearning to hear a word from You, please use me to bless someone with Your Love and spread the good news that they are loved and forgiven by You. I will not let the circumstances of life define who I am in You. I choose to connect my joy to Your promises, that are all Yes and Amen!
    I know You are always with me and aware of the areas that I still struggle with, help me see them clearly and give them up to You completely, because nothing will be able to separate me from Your Love. Thank You Lord for making me a new creation in Christ Jesus. Your grace is sufficient for me, and I thank You. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

    Nehemiah 8:10 "The joy of the Lord is my strength". Yes, because it is foundational in my relationship with God!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood. Your words touched my heart today. Working on forgiveness. Dear Lord, please continue to soften my heart. Forgiveness, compassion and mercy are key in relationships, and something YOU Father lived and taught. Amen

    2. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You teach us how to love those with whom we disagree? Would You teach us how to therewith be content in any and every situation and put more of our energy into trusting You and enjoying Your Presence rather than into disagreement? And would You redirect our disagreement energies toward rejoicing in Your precious promises?:
      I am with you and I will watch over you wherever you go!

      I will meet all your needs according to My glorious riches!

      Everything in all creation is able to bond you to My Love! 

      And last, but not least, would You bond us together in a unity that serves YOU well?
      In Jesus' Name, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise and I thank You. Amen.

    3. Amen and Amen, Maplewood, ABC and Brie! Joining my prayers with yours that I may find it in my heart to truly and completely forgive others for whatever happened in the past and not just in words, but deep, deep down inside. I'm working on it, and as I'm reminded by our fellow Christian, GTT. Grace Takes Time. I can feel God working in me and through me, transforming me, molding me. Thank you, Father God. Praising the Lord always and continuously. Praying for you all, JC family, as I know you pray for me because I feel it.❤

      Blessings from California

    4. Amen and Amen sweet Maplewood! What a wonderful spiritual meal you gave me today! We all struggle to follow Him closely and we get distracted. But we are empowered by Him and taken care of. Praying with you, Rose, Brie and ABC that He is molding us to His own Image and giving us hearts of mercy and compassion to forgive and love deeply. United in prayer! Much love.

  32. Prayers and more prayers for all of the above! TERRI, your grandchild is in my prayers as are you, your husband and all of the family issues. Praying that you experience the Peace that passes all understanding. TJ - so glad you are bringing your wife home! Continued prayers. MadFox - I answered your post earlier, but you remain on my heart. And Dear Jan Gridley - Loretta and your SIL remain in my prayers. Love and blessings to each of you!

  33. Praying for all listed above as well as those reading quietly. October was a tough month for me as I lost two people close to me. Their work here is done, but still a tough pill to swallow. Thanksvember will be better and Brie, I'm going to borrow your format if that's ok.

    Peace, love and blessings to all. Stay connected to The Vine.

    1. My sister in Christ, Suzanne R. Since most of the posts that come through me really belong to our One Holy Spirit, they are His Gifts, free for you to take and use whatever you need. I am always happy when someone else uses and benefits from lessons that cost me dearly! Sympathy and Prayerful Blessings going out to you and our entire JC Family.

    2. Suzanne R
      Thanks for all your reminders to stay connected to The Vine. It played in my head all day following downed trees and vines as a result of our last hurricane. The whole time we were gathering hundreds of branches and putting them on the burn pile for a bonfire later that night, I kept repeating to DH, this is why Suzanne R continually reminds us to stay connected to The Vine! We were real life witnesses to the truths in John 15:
      5 “Yes, I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit. For apart from me you can’t do a thing. 6 If anyone separates from me, he is thrown away like a useless branch, withers, and is gathered into a pile with all the others and burned.
      And yes my dear sisters and brothers in Christ, this was and is a true reality. Stay connected to the vine.

    3. Suzanne R., sending you much love and a huge hug along with my sincerest condolences for your loss. Prayers that you feel God's loving arms wrapped around you comforting you and His peace with surpasses all understanding. Through my losses this year, it's helped me to remember that our loss is their gain. They are in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. How beautiful that must be! Praying also that God will heal your broken heart and turn your tears to gladness. God be with you, and thank you for reminding me to stay connected to the Vine.

      Blessings from California

    4. Dear Suzanne, May God comfort your broken heart and may your dear ones rest in perfect and eternal peace as they realize God’s promises.
      We will all do our best to stay connected to the Vine from which all life, light, peace, strength, love and hope come from.

  34. ♥ 🎢🎢 ♥
    CHORUS: Bind us together, Lord, bind us together
    With cords that cannot be broken.
    Bind us together, Lord, bind us together, Lord,
    Bind us together in love.

    There is only one God, there is only one King,
    There is only one Body, that is why we sing:(Repeat CHORUS)

    Though there are many branches, there is only one vine,
    We are one in Christ Jesus, that is why we sing: (Repeat CHORUS)

    One with Christ in his death that, as one, we might rise.
    So we are but one people, that is why we sing: (Repeat CHORUS)

    There is only one table, Christ alone is our host.
    He invites us together, that is why we sing: (Repeat CHORUS)

    1. Singing and Praising along with you, dear Brie! ❤

    2. Singing with you girls! Such beautiful lyrics! Thanks dear Brie!

    3. And the link ♥️🎢

    4. Such a sweet simple song. Amen!
      Bind us all in Your Love.
      That’s a glorious little prayer. Thank You Jesus.

  35. Praying from Cape Cod for the best possible outcome with the fewest side-effects for you , Madfox. It is an honor to join with the others on your "team" .

  36. Happy and blessed Thursday, JC family! Sending up prayers for Brie and all those affected by Hurricane Zeta. May God bless you and protect you from all harm.

    Suzanne R. and all struggling with loss of a loved one. Heavenly Father, console and heal our broken hearts.

    Terri, praying for you and your sweet granddaughter. God is with you through the darkest of valleys. He wouldn't have brought you to it if He wasn't going to bring you through it. Trust in Him.

    TJ, celebrating with you that your wife's surgery went well and is going home to finish recuperating. Praise the Lord! Victory dance!

    Jan gridley, lifting up Loretta and SIL to the Throne of Grace.

    MadFox, you're in my prayers daily. God be with you and give you the strength you need to overcome any adversity, challenge, and health concern. May you feel His love and peace which surpasses all understanding through the process. Covering you with the blood of Christ.

    Praying also for my youngest son who is away at university. I spoke with him on the phone yesterday, and he's struggling with virtual learning, depression, anxiety and a broken relationship. My wish is that he was closer so I could hug him, but I know God is with him and will carry him through the valley. Praying also the prayer of many moms here, that our children will turn to God and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. May we be the Light that shines bright for them and all lost souls.

    Praying for every need written and in silence. Lord, you are all that we need! The simple fact that You granted me and this body of believers the gift of waking up to a new day is sufficient for me. Your love, mercy and grace are enough to sustain me through any trial or adversity. I trust in You, Father God, to make a way when I see no way. I surrender myself totally and completely unto Your care, and may Your will, not mine, be done. Thank You, Father God, for hearing all of our prayers. In Jesus' Holy and Mighty name, I pray. Amen

    May God bless you all abundantly, and may we always remember whose we are, Children of the Most High God, Jesus Christ!

    Peace be with you.

    1. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Joining in your prayer, Rose. Amen.

    2. Dear Rose, Praying you are doing well. God bless you always sweet sister.

  37. Rose - GOD BLESS YOU!!!! Your prayers are mine. Joining warriors in prayers for your son. Yes, God is with him.

  38. Me, too, Rose! Your prayers are mine! <3

  39. Praying for you with my Gabriel in my arms and asking for prayers as I will be driving to Brooklyn to be with my Mom. We are scheduled to get our 2nd Shingles shot this weekend but now my Mom seems to want her booster first so I will respect her wishes. My sons' families are visiting next week and plan to go to her house so it may be a good decision so she will not get sick. May God guide it all.
    Thanking God that He is strengthening all of your weaknesses, healing your infirmities, lifting your hearts and blessing you in all ways. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Mercy travels for you and your mom. May all your prayers and thoughts be answered according to His will and you and your family be protected and blessed. Peace be with you and God bless!

    2. Thanks dear Janet! Great drive and even got to do my prayers. Got here safely and took my Mom to CVS and we got our vaccines! Even got to watch 2 movies. God is so good. All is well with my soul. My dear Mom is already sleeping soundly. Praying your eyes are adjusting to the dark and things are improving because God is in charge. Love you my sister.

  40. Heavenly Father, help me like Paul to be contented in all circumstances of life.. whether I find myself in humble means or endowed with more prosperous surroundings. Help me to learn how to get along when I am abased or endowed with much prosperity. I pray that in all things I may be contented - whether I am being filled with good things or find myself facing hardship and hunger. Give me a contented heart that looks to Jesus for my strength, my support and my supply - and whether I live in abundance and or find myself in dire need.. I pray that I may live day by day to Your praise and glory, in Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

    1. Always and Amen Min Ahadi! God bless!

    2. Joining in your beautiful prayer dear Min Ahadi!
      Amen and Amen!

  41. Team MadFox! I'd forgotten that I'd said that to my friends, the JC Warriors. Reading above, I'm honestly stunned that it has been exactly a year now of treatments. The journey has been mostly along the "middle path" with a few highs and lows along the way but always firmly gripping His hand.

    The blessing has been the near absence of stress as I've learned to lean on my faith within His grace and mercy! Sure, I've worried now and then at certain test results, and projected inaccurate results, but mostly I've remained positive and have been a beacon of "Son-shine" in the treatment rooms or when interacting with staff. Having an aggressive strain, and thus 3 years of weekly IV's at a minimum, I still am the healthiest or tied for healthiest person in the infusion center. No cane, walker, crutches, or wheelchair. No Oxygen or special needs. Plus, I tolerate my drugs and don't get sick as many do each week, and I'm  blessed further with results that show a strong remission. Thus, I have no excuse to be anything other than positive and a  blessing to all I meet there.

    However, just six months from the transplant means the fatigue is still an issue. Further covid is just so dangerous for any cancer patient on chemo but even more so, when your immune system was wiped out and is having to rebuild! I'd forgotten that even baby vaccines can't be given to me until March. Thus this Type-A worker is most likely sidelined for many more months. I share this to say that the blog and the messages each day have continued to be central to my healing. THANK YOU.

    In thinking of what to share today on this one year anniversary... I determined that it can be summed up in one word: GRATITUDE. I'm so grateful for all of you, my friends, and an amazing family. And most importantly for the Man of the cross who made a path back to the Father possible. Today, Sarah writes as the Master: "Yet it is possible to be content in any and every situation."  MAY WE ALL strive to achieve this goal. Godspeed. In Him seek Peace today. Amen.

    1. Amen MadFox! So glad to hear about all your progress so far. You said it all and then some. God is good -- ALWAYS! Keep on thanking and praising Him and you shall be blessed and His face will shine upon you. God bless!

    2. I’m just in awe of your faith and positivity ❤️ You are such an amazing man of God and I’m so happy with your progress 😘

    3. God Bless you, MadFox! No doubt you are the SON-shine in those halls of healing!! Your gratitude abounds and is contagious. My DH and I continue to keep you in our prayers and thank you for yours. When I pray for you, I picture you in a bullet proof vest, and all things harmful bouncing off. You remind me to enjoy each day and take nothing for granted. God's Best and Love to you, Brother.

    4. Dear brother Mad 🦊, your story has and continues to have profound inspiration for my faith and trust and patience. God bless you kind sir! ♥️

    5. Dear MadFox, You just made my day and night so bright!! Praising God for His continued faithfulness in your treatment and life. You are a shining beacon of light to us and everyone you encounter, and a wonderful witness to your faith. Keep trusting in the Lord and holding His mighty Hand. He will keep your foot from being taken and make your way smooth. Praise His Holy Name! Great is His Faithfulness!

  42. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2). Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of all kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4). I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). Through Him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name. (Hebrews 13:15). As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything. (2 Corinthians 6:10). For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17).

    1. Beautiful encouragement dear Janet. I know you’re going through many trials. Be not afraid for your loving Father is always with you. His Spirit is guiding you day by day and the Lord is always at your side. May God bless and keep you and answer all your prayers.

  43. Heavenly Father, thank You for always being with me and placing Your perfect peace and joy within me. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. I am sorry that I was thinking about how I can't even make ends meet with this new job, but I feel like You are telling me to not worry about the lack of money and that You want me to stay the course right now. It was getting to me yesterday and please forgive me for my weakness and second guessing of what I am doing. Yesterday was not a good day as far as financially. After my expenses of having to take a cab to and from work and the gas that I need to replace in the cab, I only actually made $11 in about 8 hours of work. I can not live on this. I am not making anywhere near what I need to even survive in one aspect of my life right now. I don't understand why, but Your ways are higher than mine. Then I start to wonder if I'm hearing You right, but Your messages seem clear to me. Please give me good discernment Lord. I could have made other adjustments in my schedule and been able to work that second job at Lowe's when I went to that interview the other day, but I felt like that wasn't what You wanted for me at this time. Please help me to know if I'm doing what Your will is for me. It's so hard to know when I'm not even making enough money to pay for my shelter for the day. Lord, You know that I've always been bad at making the right choices. I want to do Your will and not my own. I just find it hard to understand why You would want me to stay working a job that I'm almost losing money daily and I'm certainly not making enough to live on. Please guide and direct me Lord. I need Your guidance desperately. Let me know if I'm doing the right thing or if I need to make some changes. You know everything and I know nothing. Help me to keep my eyes on You and to look to You in all things. Quiet my mind so I can hear Your thoughts and not my own. Reprogram my way of thinking to be like Yours Lord. I surrender myself and all that I have to You Lord. Use me as Your vessel for Your glory in the world. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Align our spirits together as one and walk with me through the day, rejoicing over You Lord. Take control of my mind, thoughts, words, ways, doings, steps, actions, and choices. Help me to follow You Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit and to do Your will and walk in Your ways and not my own. Pray for me Lord -- like You did for Your disciples. Let me feel Your Presence upon and within me. Help me to walk in Your Spirit and not in my flesh. Thank You for all my benefits and blessings Lord. You are my everything. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. Janet, God is in all things as the Creator, but He gave us, His children, free will. Thus, it's a choice whether to love Him or not. Love that is programmed would not be true love!

      So when we were given free will, we also had the choice in decisions like: careers, friends, good or bad habits, our attitudes, and our loves. It's our choice as to what job is best... he can redeem any choice but some of our past choices have earthly consequences. I know you've shared some of your past challenges, which may be impacting your available job opportunities... is there any state or local agency that can help you find a better job? With so many jobs unfilled, one would think there is a better paying job out there for you. Will pray to that end. Godspeed.

    2. You’re going through a hard season my sister. Keep doing your best but if things in your job remain the same and you can’t make much of a profit, you have a very present Help from above. Praying dear Janet that God opens a brand new door wide so you can find a better job. He knows you need to be self sufficient and He wants you to be blessed and prosper.for your peace of mind, comfort and to His glory. Thank You Jesus.

  44. Powerful reading, powerful scriptures, powerful comments. Lord Jesus, show me the barriers I have erected that keep You at a comfortable distance, and forgive me. I want NO barrier's between us, help me tear them down so that You and I can commune without let or hindrance and that I will be fully Yours. Amen.

  45. My Jesus -- Let us walk and talk together through this day. Do not let the things of this world interfere with our relationship. I delight in You and our time together. Reveal to me the joys and pleasures of Your heart and let me share them with You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.


  46. Continuing to repeat 2017.
    Thank you LORD for teaching me - my joy doesn't depend on my circumstances. MY JOY COMES FROM MY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU!!!

  47. "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" (Matthew 5:7)

    Father, I know mercy is beautiful because it is a part of Your character. I experience Your mercy every day as You forgive my sins and extend to me a love deeper than I can fathom. May I be a conduit of that incredible mercy to those around me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

  48. The only scars in HEAVEN Thank You Jesus.

    1. Such a beautiful song! I love it! Thanks dear Sassy Mom.

  49. Listening to your song, Sassy Mom before I jet on the fast track to finish preparing for my Ladies Weekend. I had so many misgivings about leaving my DH - we've not been apart for even one night in over a year. My heart is now calm, thanks to him and to Him! Our cell phone coverage will be spotty, but I am confident all will be well. Our sons will be with him off and on and I think he's looking forward to some alone time, as well. We're committed to prayerful time, Peace and I know I'll be happy to see him on Sunday! He said, "It will go so fast - you'll be amazed. Enjoy every moment."
    Praying for the Peace that passes all understanding, for a time to set goals that have been on my heart and fellowship with 2 of my dearest sisters in Christ. Each of us is in need of this time and it will be a blessing. Please pray for us - safe travels, nothing interrupting the quiet time we are seeking.
    Praying for each of you and will throughout the weekend.
    God Bless you, Dear JC Family!

    1. Have a blessed and prayerful time with your dear sisters. You are bound by His love and peace. Your DH will be just fine. He’s in good Hands. Thanking God for a strong hedge of Protection around all of you, traveling safety and only joy and peace and fellowship.
      Thank You Jesus.

  50. Norah - Praying safe travel mercies and a blessed fellowship with your dearest sisters in Christ. God bless you and DH's alone time with a sweet reunion.

  51. Thank you Jesus for bringing me comfort in the storm. Even though the winds of chaos are still blowing and waves of anxiety, fear, grief, and depression are still rocking the boat, you are right there with me and can calm the storm in an instant. But we know that a smooth sea does not make a skilled sailor! I’m praying for all your intentions JC family and ask for yours during this challenging season. “Be still and know that I am God.” Amen

  52. Keeping you in my prayers dear Rich.
    Keep trusting in His promises and resting in Him.
    God will guide you safely through the storms. He is the light in the darkness and in the wilderness.

  53. It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. (Isaiah 65:24). Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31).

    1. AMEN! Love the word of God &, those who share them freelyπŸ₯°. Thank you dear.

  54. Yes! Giving thanks right beside you sis. AMEN! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸŒˆ

  55. Praying for all of us with stuffed snozzels. Allergies BE GONE! Praying for Susie, Jeanne, Brie & Audra. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒˆ

    1. Thank you!!! Prayers for y'all as well!

    2. Thanks for your prayers for my eye. Praying for all your stuffed snozzels. Take very good care of yourselves.

  56. "You can live as close to Me as you choose."
    Thats precious thank You Lord Jesus.
    My heart's desire is a closer walk with thee:

  57. Amen… your prayer is my prayer this morning. I am thankful!

  58. Contentment in all circumstances is a lofty goal for me. Only with Your Help Lord, will it ever be my reality. Church sign said:
    Instead of asking You for all things that bring more contentment, I need pray for more contentment in all things.
    I need and want Your Divine Help. Would You please help me? Thank You. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Inquiring minds want to know why did my morning meditation say, "You are exactly where you need to be, to be content" ???

    2. My deceased husband says "God is in control and you just can't beat it." RDS

    3. Wonderful Church sign dear Brie!!! May we all be content in even our valley times. Praying you receive God's Divine help and everything He knows you need right now. Thank You Jesus!
      I had a blessed day today because I was just trusting in the Lord and not being afraid. He's got my back!
      Dear Sassy Mom! Missed you. Your husband in Heaven was very wise and it is so true. God is holding our reins and that is all we need! Amen!

  59. Live, Love, Laugh…..this is the sign outside the new church of our denomination that we are attending….it doesn’t say worry, perseverate, overthink things, which is my tendency. Live in the fullness of God’s gracious provision. I struggle to place my daughter’s frequent scans monitoring her after colon cancer into that place. God can help me.

    1. Yes He can and He will, Ellen. Much Love, Brie

  60. Amen! You were well taken care of then and you still are because you trust in Him! Hallelujah! <3

  61. Praying for your dear daughter Ellen, Let us see the light in even the hardest situations. Be strong and remain hopeful and Live life in God's Presence, Love the Lord with your whole heart, mind and soul, and Laugh at the challenges because you know they test your faith, and God is so much greater!!! Hallelujah.

  62. My good Mom was feeling better and stronger today. Janet and I are so thankful to see her walking better and thinking more clearly. Wish she would eat more. Oh well. Thanks for your prayers. Our brother Frankie is running in the NYC Marathon today. He’s seventy so it will be a challenge. God is with him. Keeping you all in my prayers. May God make all things right. Driving home to sing in Church and later Rick and I are going to a Wake for his deceased best friend Phil’s father in law who passed away peacefully at 96. He lived a good long life and was well loved. Phil died this year after suffering for a long time from many medical problems. God mercifully called him Home. His dear wife Sarah and her family really need prayers. God is a well of comfort and peace. Praying for Beth’s family too. May God dry all their tears, strengthen them and give them peace. Trusting He will answer our prayers and guide our paths to good. Thank You Jesus.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    Revelation 21:4
    And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

    1. Glad to hear about your mom. Praying for both families to be comforted, strengthened, and filled with love from the Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Amen. Thanks for your prayer dear Janet.

  63. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him. (Nahum 1:7). Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1).

  64. A New and Living Way
    Matthew 27:50-51
    50 And Jesus cried again with a loud voice and gave up His spirit.
    51 And at once the curtain of the sanctuary of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook and the rocks were split.
    Hebrews 10:19-23
    19 Therefore, brethren, since we have full freedom and confidence to enter into the [Holy of] Holies [by the power and virtue] in the blood of Jesus,
    20 By this fresh (new) and living way which He initiated and dedicated and opened for us through the separating curtain (veil of the Holy of Holies), that is, through His flesh,
    21 And since we have [such] a great and wonderful and noble Priest [Who rules] over the house of God,
    22 Let us all come forward and draw near with true (honest and sincere) hearts in unqualified assurance and absolute conviction engendered by faith (by that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness), having our hearts sprinkled and purified from a guilty (evil) conscience and our bodies cleansed with pure water.
    23 So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word.

  65. Reading and praying all of these wonderful prayers and celebrating the victories with each of you. Re-reading some of yesterday's posts and then moving on to todays, I glanced at the clock and realized I hadn't turned some of them back! How fun to have an hour more than I realized. And your anniversary was yesterday, Peter! #51, right? Did you and Karen celebrate?
    Continued prayers for your good mom, Jeanne, for your brother Frankie's participation in the Marathon and the comfort you and Rick will bring your dear friends at the wake.
    Praying for each of you and giving thanks for this day. We will have Fellowship at 10 and then on with the day which I pray will bring blessings as we give and share of God's great abundance. Lifting all whose hearts may be heavy or struggling with something. May we revisit today's devotion and remember that our circumstances don't determine the quality of our lives. God has blessed us so abundantly and in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, we are victors. Just as I read through all of the #TeamMadFox posts, I celebrated again. What a blessing.
    Enjoy this day, dear JC Family.

    1. Thanks for your prayers. My mom was doing well this morning.God is so good. I got home in time to sing the first song. We had 5 voices in the Choir today. What a blessing!! Good news- my 70 yr old brother Frankie finished the marathon in 5:21. I’m so proud of him. God heard all our prayers and strengthened him. Did my best to comfort our friends at the Wake. They were happy God called him Home. 96 years is a full life. Norah, I’m sure your fellowship was sweet and special and the rest of day went well in God’s presence. Rest well. Happy Anniversary to Peter and Karen. Keep celebrating your lasting love! I’m in the car with Rick on our way to go to Bryan’s for dinner. Greg’s family will be there too. Looking forward to being with my littles. God bless your night.

  66. What happens if I thank God for everything today?

    1. That’s a nice prayer of gratitude! He is our everything!! Love you sweet Brie.

  67. Goodnight to all. Rest in Him who loves you. He is on the Night Watch. Give Him every worry and burden. Sleep well in His loving care.

    Psalm 4:8
    I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
    For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
