Monday, April 27, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 28

     As you look into the day that stretches out before you, you see many choice-points along the way. The myriad possibilities these choices present can confuse you. Draw your mind back to the threshold of this day, where I stand beside you, lovingly preparing you for what is ahead.
     You must make your choices one at a time, since each is contingent upon the decision that precedes it. Instead of trying to create a mental map of your path through this day, focus on My loving Presence with you. I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it. 

Lamentations 3:22-26
English Standard Version
22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
    to the soul who seeks him.
26 It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.

Verse Thoughts
Lamentations is called the book of mourning. The verses quoted here come to us in the midst of darkness.

Psalm 34:8
New King James Version

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

My Prayer
Remind me Lord not to look too far ahead, but to trust you with each of my decisions. You will take care of my situations, in your way, by Your sovereign hand. Teach me to walk with you and trust you each day, each minute, each decision.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.    

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Good reading today and I like your prayer:)

    1. Amen! Always the perfect words to remind me to pray for steadfastness in pursuit of my Faith Building through the power of the Holy Spirit. Asking the Lord to direct my thinking and for His will in My life!❤️πŸ™

  2. Thank you. And I didnt know that about Lamentations. I like your prayer too. I neededto hear today that I just need to focus on what 'is' and direct my thoughts to God.

  3. Again, THANK YOU for doing this blog. It's so exciting to wake up and know that I get to read God's word, hear an authentic prayer and hopefully see comments afterwards. You have made such a difference in my life. Thank you God

    1. What s wonderful way to start the day with the words from Lamentations and Psalms. I will meditate on these verses today.

    2. This reading fits well today as we are in the home stretch of our merge/move. Thank you Holy Spirit for patience, teamwork and the big picture as we handle each task as it comes. I trust you Jesus!

  4. This is for me one of the hardest things to do. I am a micromanager. I try to figure out everything before it happens so that I'm prepared. Which I never am I'm caught off guard and then I'm devastated. I drive myself crazy along with those around me. This has been one of my prayers for a long time.

    1. Yea I know the feeling Just Keep Trusting in Jesus He got you always.

  5. The last two weeks of readings have been so appropriate and timely for me. Thanks for sharing as I do a lot of my morning quiet time on my phone even if I have a paper copy.

    I had actually just finished reading Jeremiah for the first time and loved seeing God's mercy in the midst of the warnings. I toyed with reading Lamentations next. I think this helped me finalize that decision.

  6. 'Great is Your Faithfulness oh Lord, morning by morning new mercies I see, all I have needed Your hands have certainly provided'!
    Thank You dear Lord for this beautiful day. A day in which Your saints (saved by grace) will gather in various places of worship this morning to hear from You through Your words, feed on it, and prayerfully leave filled with knowledge and understanding to Your Glory. Thank You for this blessed opportunity and privilege we have to be in a country where we can worship You without fear! We pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in other parts of the world that can't. Thank You for being their refuge and strength in Jesus name!

    Our Lord, You urge us to look into this day that stretches before us with many choice points. Please help us through the power of Your Holy Spirit, to make the right choices, because when we do, You promised to equip us to handle whatever comes our way!

    On This last Sunday of this Resurrection month, Father we thank You for the memories and Celebration of the 'True Event' that took place and the blessed joy in knowing that Salvation is ours! As we go through this life, we trust You to supply all of our needs. Instead of worry, fear or doubt, may we lean Not on our own understanding, but acknowledge You so that You can direct our steps and keep our eyes fixed on You! Thank You Lord.
    I Glorify Your Holy name this morning and THANK YOU for my JC family! I thank You for everyone who come on this blog to acknowledge You, hear from You via the devotion and Boldly share and lift up their prayers. Thank You that we can pray for each other, encourage each other, glorify You, thank You and Trust that You have our 'backs'.
    I cover each one and their families in the Precious blood of Jesus today. May the Blood and name of Jesus fight all of our seen and unseen battles and elevate us to a greater anointing and power that will break every yoke and destroy the kingdom of darkness over our lives, in Jesus name! We give You Thanks!
    Father, I declare that everyone here will speak positive words of faith and victory over themselves,their families and future. We will NOT use our words to describe our situation, but will use YOUR words to change it. We call in Favor, Good Breaks, Healing, Salvation for our love ones and Restoration! We will NOT talk to God about how big our problems are, we will tell our problems how BIG our GOD is!! I seal this prayer/declaration in the Blood of Jesus! Thank You Lord, Amen!

    Stay Blessed and Highly favored, JC family!

    Maplewood ,NJ

    1. Amen Amen Amen. Timely Prayer. Thank you. Blessings

    2. I'm just getting to read the comments from yesterday. This is a mighty and powerful prayer! Thank you! God bless! Colorado JC Friend

    3. AMEN! I love reading your prayers! Thank you for your prayers for others and your encouragement! In Jesus' name!

    4. Amen and Thank You!!! You said it all, dear Maplewood! I join in your words and your prayer of thanksgiving, hope and victory. We sure will tell our problems how Great our God is! Greater than he that is in this fallen world. Greater than the problems that attempt to pull us down. As long as our feet are firmly planted on the Rock, we will not stumble or fall. He is above all! Halleluia!

    5. Wonderful advice sweet Maplewood, to use His words to change bad situations instead of using our words to describe them. We are more that conquerors in Him. No situation is too great for our Great God. In Him we shall be victorious to His glory.

    6. Agreeing with this 100 percent. I love the perspective in God’s word. Thank you Maplewood. ❤️

    7. I am starting to see and feel how powerful this prayer room and devotional is after several years of reading it regularly. There is always something new and perfect in the Word for my present moments. Maplewood, your prayer is a game changer. I add my seal to it for all who are lucky enough to read it. God bless you and us! πŸ™

    8. Instead of using our words to describe our situation, we WILL use YOUR Words to change it! We call in Your Favor...
      Yes Audra, this is a game changer!
      I also seal this declaration in the Blood of Jesus! Thank You Lord, for coming through to us through our Maplewood NJ sister-friend in Christ. Amen!

    9. Beautiful prayer I'm reading today from yesterday from two years ago but it still stands true and strong! Thank you Maplewood..Thank you Jesus! Amen!

    10. Thanks Maplewood for the uplifting prayer. I really needed to hear that today,

    11. Amen Maplewood πŸ™ I receive that and pray it back over you. Thank you <3 God bless you all. He is good

    12. Still a game changer, I'm resealing it and sending blessings to you Maplewood!
      "We will NOT use our words to describe our situation, but will use YOUR words to change it. We call in Favor, Good Breaks, Healing, Salvation for our love ones and Restoration! We will NOT talk to God about how big our problems are, we will tell our problems how BIG our GOD is!!"

    13. So incredibly grateful for this Blog and these prayer warriors! Thank you all for uplifting me Daily. What an incredible resource and reminder! Thank you Lord for making your presence felt and known and experienced! ❤️πŸ™

  7. I am going through a very dark time right now. My mum is passing away. I haven't been seeking God very much, but I am still drawn to these devotionals. Thank you for reminding me of the ray of light amidst the darkness. Please keep my family in prayer. Thank you

    1. We will be praying for you and your mom. Seek God for comfort and know that he will take care of you in this difficult time. Amen

    2. With God ALL things are Possible!
      I lift you and your family up in prayers!

    3. Dear jesus_saves, Praying God has comforted your broken hearts and guided you and your family to the bright future He has prepared for you. He is the light in our darkness and losing a Mother is just about the most difficult trial you can go through. May God bless you and your family with joy, peace and contentment. You will always miss your Mom but life doesn't end with death and love never ends.

  8. Praying that you will feel the loving embrace of Jesus giving you peace.

  9. Thank you for this has become a part of my quiet Blessed

  10. Lord, I ask that you meet every need that is mentioned on this blog. Lead, guide and direct each footstep we make to be for your glory. Place a hedge of protection around each person and keep them safe throughout the day. In Jesus precious name, Amen❣

    1. Thanks dear Pamela K! Amen! Praying with you and for you.

  11. What a blessing to read yesterday's and today's JC before I have even used my voice today. My Father knows that I can do enough damage with just my thinking, so to not have even confessed verbally any negativity today is a blessing. All of you warm my heart with your gracious prayers and desire to care and pray. My husband is still sick and I find myself just puttering around the house waiting on him to get up, to feel better, to be himself again. I'm trying to purge the excess in our home, starting with my little office and I've only made more of a mess. I barely have room to put my hands on the keys of this computer. But, I have hope and prayer and belief that today, things will turn around. I can only control what I choose to do, so I am committing to that right now. One step at a time, one bag of junk at a time. I will insist on only positive words or keep my mouth shut! Renew my heart, Lord, renew my conviction to be the best wife for my dear husband. Praying for my loved ones, including my JC Family. And, Anonymous! Congrats on Day 18, today!!

    1. God bless you Norah. If I was closer, I'd come help you. I love to organize. Colorado JC Friend

    2. You sure are the best wife for your dear DH!
      This always turn around because He is in charge.
      One step at a time in His presence and peace.

  12. I have 18 days clean and sober today, thank you Jesus! Starting a BRAND NEW step study this morning in Celebrate Recovery that will be each consecutive Sunday. Already in a 36-week AA step study that started a couple weeks ago, each Thursday night. Also going to Celebrate Recovery on Wednesday & Sunday nights. Go to a candlelight AA meeting at 10pm on Saturday nights. The other nights of the week I work.

    God has been so, so good to me.

    1. Praying for you a beautiful day!

    2. Praying for you a beautiful day!

    3. Anonymous I am just reading your posts this year and am so hopeful for you! I am praying that today, in are 1 year and 18 days clean and sober! Blessings and peace to you!

    4. Praying for you always Anonymous. God bless you and strengthen you always.

    5. 2 years later and I just pray you’re still sober❤️

    6. Praying you are still on your road of sobriety after 4 years and growing stronger and stronger with the help of the Holy Spirit.
      Praying for encouragement when you do feel tempted and weak. Remember that His mercies are new EVERY morning in times of victory and when we fail. He never fails us! Praying you are surrounded by His love and strength. Lean into Him and know the peace and joy only He can bring πŸ™❤️πŸ™

  13. Lord help me to just stop making my own plans everyday and deciding whether a day is successful or not based on whether I did what I planned to do. Help me to understand your truth that there is a day that can be made out for me by the Holy Spirit and it is such a much better path. help me to dump my feelings plans and responses in this world and replace them with your Holy Spirit. As if I were riding a Wild Mustang in the open range only being guided by his free spirit.

  14. Thank you for prayers (This was my post on Friday’s but I made post this morning)Jesus Calling... I’m from NC this morning I am reading really late and decided to read the prayers from yesterday (I read EVERY morning) usually I am reading prayers in the evening but I didn’t last night because I was praying long for my 21 year old daughter who suffers from depression and possibly stomach ulcers / anxiety. And my 23 yr old daughter both girls true miracles. My oldest girl came 6 wks early and doctors told us she would not make it through the day, if she did they knew she would have mental and physical conditions for life. Before having her my husband and I lost five children it was only after much research that a researcher found I have an autoimmune disorder that causes my body to extinguish anything foreign in my system. My youngest daughter we had after loosing yet another child, only this time a set of twins that we had lost at our first daughters First birthday party. This daughter we were highly recommended to abort the specialists knew she was down syndrome and possibly be accompanied by physical problems. We chose not to abort, after all God had already sent for seven of the children at this point we just thought if he wants her he would take her at his time not the doctors choosing.
    BOTH girls extremely healthy, BOTH honor students all through school (well until middle of college for each) BOTH played every sport offered in our region and BOTH top players at each of their game. Most IMPORTANTLY each gave their heart to God at young ages and loved the Lord their God with all their hearts BOTH until around the end of their freshman yr in college. The younger frustrated at the older when she would come home and ask “why are you acting like this you are a follower of God, you better straighten up” and would pray for her. Yet she fell in the same pit. Please pray for these child God has entrusted my husband and I to raise. I feel like such a failure to them and my Lord. Our girls listen to the most disgusting foul worded lyrics ( I don’t refer to it as music). They used to live to get to church and they were BOTH proponents to bringing a youth ensemble band to our congregation BOTH have played at Carnegie Hall one of them TWICE. Now we have to beg them to come to church, each Sunday I’m looking over my right shoulder every five seconds praying they come.
    Please pray for them to look to Christ for guidance and pray they have a desire to serve and love our living God who loves them unconditionally and pray this Momma who is 50 will ONLY SAY words to them that he places on my tongue and my husband too. Thank you for your prayers, btw this request is from runaprilmae... April Mae

    1. 5 years later and I am still praying for you and yours, April May.

  15. April Mae, Thank you for allowing JC Family to pray for you and your precious daughters. BB BLESSED!

  16. Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning and thank you that we take this time to spend with You. Thank you for renewing our minds and thank you that by sitting in Your Presence and studying Your Word, You fill us, refresh us and sustain us.

  17. Dear Father, I thank You that I am alive to worship You today.I praise Your name because You have counted me as Your own.I praise and thank You because Your promises are ever with me and Your presence is above me, beneath me,and on all sides of me.Teach me to align myself with Your greatness, and give me a new way of looking at life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Someone Shared This With Me And I Thought It Is So Worth Sharing As Food For Thought!

    “Think, if you had a basketball in your hand, it’s probably worth maybe 10.00 dollars.
    But you put it in the hands of LeBron James, it’s worth 34-40 million dollars.
    If you had a football in your hand, it’s worth maybe 10-11 dollars.
    But you put it in the hands of Peyton Manny, it’s worth 50-60 mil.
    If you had a golf club in your hand, it’s probably worth 50 bucks maybe.
    But you put it in the hands of Tiger Woods, it’s worth 80 million.
    If you had a stick or rod in your hand, you might use it to beat a wild animal or something,
    But you put it in the hands of Moses, it parts the red sea.
    If you had a sling shot in your hand, it becomes like a kid’s toy.
    But you put it in the hands of King David, he slayed a giant with it.
    If you had in your hand 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, you’ll feed yourself and with a little bread left over.
    But you put it in the hands of JESUS, and it feeds 5 thousand (called: "miracle of the five loaves and two fishes")
    If you had a couple of nails in your hands, you can probably build a bird house, nail down a piece of wood.
    But if you put the same nails in the hands of Jesus,it leads to SALVATION and to ETERNAL LIFE, for folks who love Him and trust Him.
    But your worries and your cares and the things that got you stressed out, if you leave it in your hands, that’s all it’s ever going to be.
    But if you put those same worries, cares and problems in the hands of CHRIST, He’s going to see you through it. He’s going to take care of your every need.
    Have a bless day, but remember, it DEPENDS ON WHOSE HAND IT’S IN.
    Give everything you got to JESUS and let Him take care of it for you.”

    Heavenly Father, We thank You that Your truth dwells in the atmosphere of worship. We worship You in the splendor of Your holiness. Please help us to make the conscious choice of trusting You at all times and in all circumstances, casting all of our cares into the Hands of JESUS and stay focused on Your loving Presence. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Thank You Maplewood for putting the above thoughts in my head to put all my situations in His Hands, AND LEAVE THEM THERE!
      Thank You sweet Jesus for this aha moment of light and truth you channeled to us through Maplewood NJ!

    2. Thank you, my songbird, I really needed this today. My son in law that never misses work is feeling achy today (no fever). The evil one wants me to worry but as I just texted my daughter "I am leaving it in God's hands; I will just keep praying" Giving it to you my Savior Jesus and I trust in you.

    3. That was just beautiful. I copied the whole thing and sent it to my Bible group and also to my Mom and sister. Thank you, Maplewood. You fed my Spirit well today.

    4. This was a real blessing and the way it was written makes it so memorable. Thanks, Maplewood, NJ.

    5. Thanks again Maplewood NJ. I have been chewing on and sharing your post since I read it early this morning. Now, I am chewing on it again with my lunch :)
      JC states "You must make your choices one at a time, since each is contingent upon the decision that precedes it." Dear God, help me and all my JC family to choose wisely which Hands we decide to put things in. For once we make our choice of Hands, all our subsequent actions are contingent upon that decision. In Jesus' name I pray and I thank. AMEN!
      PS My husband has a rash in the middle of his back that started bothering him while he was outside cutting the grass. He went upstairs and came down with lotion the Dr prescribed for him. Yes you guessed it - he had the lotion bottle in his hands, but could not reach the spot on his back where it needed to be applied. Once the bottle changed hands - from his hands to my hand, I could see the irritation on his entire back, which he could not and once the lotion was in my hands, I applied the lotion exactly where he needed it to the tune of "He's got the whole world in His Hands, He's got the whole wide world in His Hands, He's got the whole world in His Hands, He's got the whole world in His Hands!"
      Your lesson to me is a life opener with no opposition - Hands Down!

    6. While this blog is a powerful source of inspiration in the many posts, I am finding it also a wonderful source of entertainment in the stories that are shared. A good story in these times is soooo welcomed. Thanks to everyone for sharing personally. It brings us closer together.

    7. Has it been a year already? Our Dear Sweet Maplewood NJ, This post is one of my favorites, Hands Down! Last year when I read it, I printed it out and posted it on my Prayer Closet Wall. It came in handy on countless occasions. I read it many many times, and sent many many copies to others. Your post "YOU SEE, IT DEPENDS ON WHOSE HAND IT’S IN" is in more hands than we will ever know. Praise God.
      Today my Brother's Health and Healing is in His Hands. Who Better? None but Thee, Dear Lord, none but Thee.
      Thanks again for this post, and for giving me a hand with living out today's devotion and verses.

    8. Still loving your post! Thanks Maplewood. I saved it and shared it last year and I will share it again. You always fill me up. Praying for you and hoping you are feeling good and getting your rest. Hope your Mom and son are opening their hearts to the Lord and your dear sister is feeling better.
      Dear Brie, God knows your brother's weaknesses and can heal every cancer cell.
      We are thanking Him together for this in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let us see another miracle, Lord. Thank You for Your faithfulness! Amen

    9. Maplewood, I somehow missed this post last year. It is great and so depends on whose hand it's in. A great reminder to put everything on God's hands. Also a great reminder that I am in his hands and therefore am safe and saved. Thank you.

    10. Hands clapping that this is available for us to read again this year! Thanks for sharing everyone!

    11. Just read it again and loved the post ! May we choose to let go and give our situations and our lives to God ! He can do a much better job that we can!!

    12. Maplewood, It depends whose HAND it's simple and so true! Thank you for sharing this message!

    13. Read this again this year. Still a good reminder and a blessing.

    14. I missed this somehow Maplewood. So timely, so inspiring, so needed. I will copy & share it. Love & blessings πŸ’ž

    15. Thanks again for this post. It remains one of my faves and year after year it still comes in handy ✋ 🀚 πŸ™‹‍♀️ πŸ’‍♂️ πŸ–

    16. High Five Maplewood and Chris Payton for the blog. Love this post, in my JC Hall of Fame archive. ♥️πŸ‘

    17. I've only recently started using this blog (I have the book) and this post of whose hands our situation is in spoke volumes and is never going to lose the impact it has made on everyone who's read it. Thank you in NJ from us in San Diego. This post has stretched across the nation with its beautiful truthπŸ₯°

  18. "I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way." Thank You Lord for Your PROMISES.

    1. My JC Warrior mom, a woman of great faith. Your prayers are always short and so sweet but always give me strength and hope. Thank you Jesus for my prayer warrior friends.

    2. Me too!! Short, unlike mine, but SO powerful. You always bless me too to both of you!

    3. Amen Sassy Mom! He makes sure we are ready for the road He has already walked for us today. His promises are reliable. Thank you!

    4. . Wonderful encouragement throughout the day.

  19. Thank you, Lord, for providing mercies that are new every morning, for your faithfulness to bless us, sustain us and all we have to do is wait and trust and then apply what you put before us.
    I enjoyed your sharing, as always, Maplewood and your reminder, Sassy Mom of Sarah's quote that we are equipped as we many promises and yet, on some days, I still doubt.
    Really enjoyed your sharing yesterday, Bob and while I think as a 'seasoned believer,' I am in stage 3 my prayers often sound solidly like a stage 2 child looking for only what's in it for me! UGH! It was interesting to think about and it is always my prayer to grow and continue to learn, for otherwise we are most likely 6' under, awaiting the Return.
    MadFox, your dear RN daughter remains in my prayers. How hard it must be to be so far away from her during this time. But, what a blessing to see the fruit of your labor as she obviously clings to the teachings of you and your wife. Always a parent's prayer.
    Our off-spring have continued to show more ready hearts to listen and believe since my sister-in-law's passing. There is a tenderness in my oldest's tone that gives me hope.
    I have to laugh when I read some of my earlier posts and realize that I am still shoveling out the little office, getting rid of excess and trying to get it all 'right' in our home. COLORADO JC Friend - I wish you lived closer too! :) It proves to me (again), that we never truly "arrive," but are always striving to be better. Again, the day I stop doing that, I won't be drawing breath. But, I do have to say that my prayers have shifted to a more moment-by-moment walk: "You must make your choices one at a time, since each is contingent upon the decision that precedes it. Instead of trying to create a mental map of your path through this day, focus on My loving Presence with you. I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it." I will keep reminding myself of these words all throughout the day, today. I've gone from peacefulness, reading all of these posts to the endless questions I ask God: When will I have to go back to the office? Wonder if...What if...Maybe if.... WOW, He must shake his Heavenly Head at me somedays! But, I know as a loving Father, He instead nudges me to just to the next thing. Leave those things up to Me!
    I am praying for 'runaprilmae,' as I re-read her post from last year. Wondering if there are any changes in your daughters? What a steadfast woman of God you are. As someone said recently, we will all have SO MUCH catching up to do at the Gathering! Each of you are priceless to me and I'm thankful.
    Enjoy this lovely spring day, JC step at a time. I'm praying for all of you.

    1. Thank you Norah, always for your honesty. You are so down to earth in your posts. You show me that beautiful human frailty that we all have. I too try to organize and clean but then I get distracted by other things. Truth be told, I have had a sign up in my hallway for a couple of years that says: Separate the Wheat from the Chaff. I have 3 closets that need cleaning. I just keep putting them off. But I am productive in my day and get a lot of good things done. I could really relate also to your questions to God about the uncertainty of our future after the Pandemic. Because of our weaknesses and because we're human, we all tend to look ahead of today and wonder and "yes" worry. But I really am trying to make a conscious effort to stay in the present and focus on God. He gives us each individual day to handle, and promises to handle the rest. Loved your words, and I will also wait and trust Him to bless and sustain me, and "leave those things up to Him." One step at a time. Praying for all of you too. Much love.

    2. I was truly touched by your post, Norah. You were totally in your heart and I could see Jesus there. I was blessed! God be with you (which includes my prayers for you and your family). With love, Bob

    3. Dear Norah, God gives us the strength to accomplish what we can in a day's time, and He will do the same thing tomorrow. So grateful that I will be strengthened, and also guided to what I really need to do.
      Miss you Bob!
      I have 3 closets that need cleaning and I sure can relate. But He will order my priorities because He knows what tomorrow will bring. Amen One step at a time! Praying for you too dear Norah.

  20. Why do I simply love you Norah? You bring a smile to my heart when nothing appears to be right or perfect such as it is in our daily lives but we don't give up..we just keep talking and talking to Jesus because he is our best of bestest friend forever the way he is to you so Norah I simply just love you.

    1. Ahhh - you are precious, Loveconquersall and I love you too. Just seeing your tag name, cheers me up so often because it is TRUE: Love Conquers All! :)

  21. I'm praying for all our JC Warriors, known and unknown and all reading such beautiful prayers. Father, you know our needs and we trust in you. Thank you for your protection and love over all of us and our world. Thank you for your guidance, your healing. Thank you, Lord, for our helper, your holy spirit. We are staying strong in you and praying without ceasing.

    1. Missing your posts. How are you today, Loveconquers all?

  22. Love you, Loveconquersall!! Thanks for the prayers. And also, for your beautiful prayer which I share in my heart. Amen

  23. Lord I will trust you to give me what I need when I need it. Thank you for another day Lord,in Jesus name, amen


    (John 6:30-35) (John's perspective) We left off yesterday with the people wanting to know what they should do (human nature is always so preoccupied with doing something). Jesus response was 'believe' which contains the sense of loving/embracing. The people are trying to get their head around Jesus; Jesus is calling for their heart to be wrapped around Him. The discussion continues. The people are reluctant to take a leap of faith before they have validation of who Jesus is. So they want a convincing sign before they are willing to do as He said, 'believe' (apparently they had forgotten the feeding of the 5000 which had occurred yesterday). Reference is made to Moses whom they say, 'gave us manna in the wilderness' as a sign of his authority. Jesus clarifies their thinking, "It wasn't Moses who gave you the manna, it came from the Father who gives the true bread from heaven. For this bread God will give will sustain life forever." Much like the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), the natural human response is 'give us this bread always'. The desire behind this response is to want it easy so 'if there is a way to avoid making bread everyday, please do that for us'. (It was the same for the Samaritan woman who responded to Jesus offer of water gushing up to eternal life, "Give me this water so I don't have to walk all the way here to this well everyday to get water.) Jesus responds to this request for 'easy bread' identifying Himself as the bread for which they are looking. In Him they will never be hungry or thirsty. Jesus is talking to them spiritually using physical metaphors to bring home His point which is in Him, they will be totally satisfied for all eternity. To be continued...

    (My thoughts) In yesterday's post, I quoted from Bernard of Clairvaux who taught that the development of faith occurs in stages. The second stage is one in which we believe for the benefits. That is seen in this passage and in the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. They are interested in what Jesus has to offer if He can make like easier for them. Believing in Jesus is no guarantee that living life will get easier, quite to the contrary, it may get a whole lot harder as it did for the disciples. But it will get easier in terms of now following the right path in life through obedience to His will. Many things that make life difficult are brought on by our efforts to go our own way. When we let Him lead, as the JC readings call us to, we are choosing to go with the flow which is always easier. Now the flow may take us into 'white water' situations but He has navigated these waters Himself and like a good guide, He makes sure all survive. When everything is completed, we will be richly blessed for we will have had the ride of our life through His 'will be done'.

    Strap yourself in (wrap around your heart the truths of scripture found in the JC readings), this is going to be a great ride that will require some work (obedience) on your part. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob, I am so grateful for your posts. And thankful that in Jesus, I will never be spiritually hungry or thirsty. He always fills me to the brim and my cup overflows. Giving Him my reins to lead me to the path He has already walked. I'm not afraid because I don't face anything alone. I feel richly blessed every morning when I rise and every night when my weary head hits the pillow. Strapped in and looking forward to a great ride even with the bumps.

  25. I just made a quick tally of the regular signed posters in this blog. There are at least 20 and more Anonymous and Unknown, each with a unique personality that we are coming to know. Each has a unique set of concerns and praises we are lifting up to the Lord. Who knows how many others there are that are "silently" involved. How wonderful that our God has each one under his wings and is marking a path for each to follow.
    God bless you Chris for your diligence in copying Sarah's interpretation of "Jesus Calling" plus Bible references written out. And then when it was evident some followers were having a time with search results to find the blog, you created and posted an index for the whole year. (No small undertaking)
    And, to the ones God has given special talent with words to encourage and enlighten, Bless You and thank God for your sharing. (Not to minimize the efforts of those of us with lesser talents who still try occasionally.) God hears us all and responds appropriately to each one. Lord help us to hear and heed your response.
    Not sure where I'm going with all this except to acknowledge appreciation for the input of each one to help us remember we are all on our trek toward our final Hope for eternity. Each one with a unique path but focused on the same goal.

    1. 10-4, maybe like one big blessed family?

    2. Thanks 10-4 and all God's poster children and His silent majority. We are truly one body with gifts differing!

    3. 10-4 - I have thought the same thing, so many times! Wonder if Chris Peyton knew what he was getting into, way - back - when? Chris, I thank God for you every day! For your diligence, your commitment and PRAISE to our one, true God and His Son, Jesus Christ! THANK YOU.

    4. We sure are one big blessed family!

    5. Indeed we are! Thanks be to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to blog maintainer, Chris Payton ♥️

  26. Oh, Bob! You always make me want to read the next chapter! I want (and am, if I refuse all of my creature-comforts!) to ride this out, regardless of my so many 'wants.' GROW UP, Norah! Ride with the wave! Thank you, again, dear friend!

    1. Don't every grow up Norah. I love you the way you are. When I'm feeling old, I remind myself I will always be a beloved Child of the Most High. Riding that wave with you.

  27. Today’s Devotion is an exact fit for me: As you look into the day (and the highway) that stretches out before you, see Me beside you, lovingly preparing you for what is ahead. Focus on My loving Presence with you. I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it. The steadfast love of the Lord and His Mercies are new every morning;
    Great is Thy Faithfulness.
    Today I will leave home about 5 AM to drive about 2 hours to my brother’s house to get him dressed, fed and drive him to the Hospital appointment for his Eligard Injection. The drive allows me ample opportunity to pray to God for him, all of you and to sing 😊 Because I’m living on a Loving Almighty God’s Promises, His Victories, Music, and your prayers, I appreciate all who are praying for my brother, Keith, Divine Healing, and the injection’s efficacy, with few or no side effects. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Thy Will Be Done. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    1. Brie, Continuing in prayers for Your brother, his healing and restoration, traveling mercy today and God's blessings and answers to all your prayers. Your brother is blessed to have a wonderful and caring sister like You! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining the warriors Brie in lifting Keith to the throne of grace. May he be drawn closer to the Rock of all ages as he waits on Him with renewed Strength. In Jesus' name, NO EFFECTS! Amen & amen!

    3. Joining in prayers with you all for Keith. May our Father bring him to wholeness with His healing hands and give comfort, strength, and peace to him, Brie, and Larry as they endure this time. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord.

    4. Continued prayers for your brother Brie. I pray that the injections will do what they are intended to do. God bless!


    5. I'm praying for God's hand in Keith healing and in your act if love taking the time to do this. I'm also praying that your time alone in the car with God will be a blessed one for you. Prayers for sale travels as well.

    6. Wrapping you and Keith in prayer and healing, Brie, on and in this journey yesterday and today. May this treatment have little to no side effects, somehow, some way and may it be effective! Enjoy your car time with God. I always love mine and look forward to my conversations with Him while I drive...whether I'm just listening to what He's saying to me, singing (badly, lol) praise music, or listening to sermons on my radio, I enjoy my car time with God. Prayers and healing for Keith, sweet Brie.

    7. Blessings Brie today as your HANDS are on the steering wheel, assisting your brother and in prayer for positive outcomes. Lay it all in God's HANDS and find His Peace. πŸ™πŸ‘♥️

    8. Prayers sent Brie and Keith. For no side affects and good outcome. Safe travels home again too. M

    9. As I look into the day that stretches out before me, I must navigate a narrow road leading from my home to the interstate. While on that narrow road, the thought crossed my mind that regardless of how directionally challenged I may be, I cannot get lost on a narrow one lane road... If I get turned around on the narrow road, I can be easily found and recalulated...the narrow road always leads to the same destination....Now I think I better comprehend The Word: Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate! Lord, I pray You get us on and keep us on the narrow road that leads to YOU. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    10. Dear Brie, I have kept you in my prayers and know you are going through your valley times but God loves you and cares for you and Keith and Larry and Al. He will lead you because you are his beloved child. Amen! May we stay on the narrow road that leads to Heaven, and keep our blinders on against all the worldly distractions and false promises. God knows your very beautiful heart and your trust in Him. Praying He will continue to lead you day by day according to His amazing plan. Praying Keith is finding healing, comfort and peace. You are a wonderful sister and I know he appreciates you so much. Love you.

  28. May God wake you up feeling refreshed and give you the strength to drive and carry out your mission to care for your good brother Keith. May the injection destroy the cancer without side effects, and restore him to good health. Enjoy the music, your pray time and the peace that passeth all understanding. And thanks for the prayers dear sister. God will be sitting right in the car with you. Have a lovely talk with Him. Praying traveling safety around you and your brother. Thank You Jesus!

  29. “You will seek the Lord your God and you will find Him, if you search after Him with all your heart and with all your soul” (Deuteronomy 4:29).

    The Psalmist said: It’s a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord and to sing praises unto His name (Psalm 92:1). Yes, it is indeed good to give Thanks to You oh Lord, You are Most High, Your Presence is real, You are full of Love and completely Transformational. Your Presence takes away what’s broken and brings me healing. Your Presence satisfy my weary heart and brings light into the darkest areas of my life. Your Presence pours out refreshing rain of Your love on the deepest parts of my soul. Someone once said Your Presence feels like “Liquid Love”, and I agree because of the lightness of Joy it brings to the heart longing for You. Knowing that You are always ever so present, gives me strength to face any difficult day. I know that through the death of Christ Jesus, there is nothing separating me from You. Your promise to be in Your children’s midst again, was fulfilled with the coming of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
    For me there is no life-giving pursuit I can embark on than the pursuit of Your Presence, so this morning I come with an open heart and mind to the truth about Your nearness, allowing my faith to be stirred for all the many ways You would transform my life through encounters with You.
    Thank You for granting me life in this new day, thank You for being my mom’s refuge and strength through her struggles and keeping her safe, thank You for granting her favor and blessings in the coming days, thank You being Lord of our lives, thank You for meeting all of our needs because You know every single one of them, and thank You for being God Omnipresent through the peace, joy, security and protection Your Presence brings to me. In Jesus' name, amen.

    “Where shall I go from Your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there!”(Psalm 139:7:8).

    “God is our refuge and strength [mighty and impenetrable], A very present and well-proved help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1 -amp.).

    Continuing in prayer for ALL the sick, those in need of other blessings and answers to prayers. God remains faithful, keep trusting in Him!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Sharing your prayer and thoughts. Beautifully said and continuing prayers for your mom. She's brought to our Father's throne and there is no better place than in His presence. May God and peace be with you both.

    2. Amen dear Maplewood. Joining prayers for your Mom and also for you sweet sister. May He surround you and your Mom with every kind of healing and give your Mom a strength of faith and the knowledge that the Lord is her Good Shepherd and nothing is too difficult to face when He is at her side. Thanking Him for everything He is to us. Thanking Him for you because you always fill me with His light, and so much encouragement. Praying with you for all the sick and the weak that God will heal them and strengthen them. Amen He is so good and faithful. Staying in His presence and peace is all we need.

    3. Still resounds in 2023

  30. Thank You Jesus. I bless and praise You Lord. You deserve all the worship. You are so wonderful and amazing. I am so grateful, honored, and blessed to be Your child. Thank You for everything You have done, are doing, and will do Lord. I depend on You for everything. I am nothing without You Lord. Thank You for being in my life and holding my hand always. Praise God always.

  31. Once again, Maplewood, such wonderful insight. You always give me and the others things to meditate on throughout our day. Thank you. And may your mom feel God's continuing protection and love that surrounds her.

    Update: My friend, Jamie, who had the CT scan Monday...while there seems to be another encapsulated tumor (which means it doesn't spread) is there but Jamie said she has a calmness about her knowing God will, once again, bring her thru this and will shrink this to nothing so she won't have to have yet another surgery. I admire her steadfastness and trust in our Lord. Thank you all for your prayers! May you all feel God's presence throughout your Wednesday! In Jesus's name, Amen.

  32. Hello JC family,

    I hope any pray everyone is having a beautiful day as we turn our heart's eyes to the Lord <3 A song that keeps going through my mind as I think about the verses of today is Promises by Maverick City. I think you all would like it. I hope everyone has a blessed day and that your mind stays on His goodness: His faithfulness, His unending love and mercy, Him. Here is the link to Promises

    1. That is such a beautiful praise song! I put my faith in Jesus. He never lets me down. Great is His faithfulness. It never runs out.
      Thank you so much, dear free as can B!

    2. AWH-MAZING praise song, B! Thank you SO much for sharing it. Boy, did I need that this morning. While you posted yesterday, I tend to reread the previous day's entry and any posts I didn't see. SO glad I did this this morning. Again, your suggestion re listening to that song has changed my morning. THANK YOU! Great is His Faithfulness to ME! Blessings, B, and to all of this wonderful JC family!

  33. 🎢 ♥️ GREAT worship song, thanks for sharing free as can B!
    I'm curious about Brie's prayer closet and wondering how to create a playlist of all the wonderful songs referenced in this blog...


  34. Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    Dear Lord thank you for giving us this day! keep us and protect us. Protect us from evils and evil people. and bless us with the power of your Holy spirit. Thank you for saving my soul. Protect their souls. Remind them that you are the only God. The God almighty! You are the creator of heaven and earth. God forgive our sin and others. Help us to fix our eyes on you only. Thank you for the gift of Life, Jesus Christ. Jesus is My lord, my saviour, and my shepherd.

  35. Amen, prayers to take to my pillow 😴

  36. Praying with you dear Woman of God and Audra. Amen and Amen.
    Rest well.

  37. May God bless and heal and lift and strengthen you all. Have a sweet new day and find time to rest in the Lord and also to renew your soul and refresh your mind. Off to Brooklyn at 10. You will be in my prayers. Stay well and blessed. I know He will equip us for everything in our paths today. Thank You Jesus.

  38. So glad this song helps me remember the verse of the day

  39. Praying over you for all your needs and intentions. May they all be filled as you walk through the day focused on His presence.
    I know I need a constant reminder of this as there are so many things swirling around the place I am in right now. Lots going on with health stuff, retirement, my marriage, And I’m marrying my stepdaughter this weekend. All the while, the evil one is putting lies and deceptions in my mind. It’s a daily battle, and like today’s devotional says, I need to trust and hold one, one issue, one moment, one day at a time, knowing His mercies are new each morning. It ain’t easy, but I know that my God is an awesome God! Shalom πŸ™

    1. As our dear Maplewood shared above Rich, put it all in the hands of the hands who parted the sea! πŸ™πŸ₯°

    2. Doing what we can to stay in the moment Presence and giving it all up to God. I see you there, Rich!

    3. Hold on tight to His Hand brother Rich. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Trust Him with every little detail. His mercies really are new every morning.

  40. I really appreciate today's reading. I trust You Lord Jesus. Help me make decisions that are aligned with You at all my choice-points today. Thank You Amen.

  41. Praying for each of us - for all of us, as we wrap up this month, knowing that our loving Heavenly Father will give us all we need, just in time. Please pray for my DH. He went to the Podiatrist yesterday and the Dr. cut the pad of his foot while working on a callous. I wanted to change the bandage last night, but didn't have the supplies. Keep his healthy, Father, please make sure nothing goes wrong. Prayers for each of you, this fine day. He has supplied all we need, just in time. Love and Blessings to each of you!

    1. Praying that the Great Physician will heal his foot completely and soon you will be rejoicing. Thank You Jesus.

    2. Rejoicing AND Dancing πŸ’ƒ πŸ•Ί On The Ceiling πŸ˜€

  42. Oops - my "Norah" didn't come up!

  43. "I will equip you as you go"
    Lord help us be mindful of your loving, friendship presence as we go through each moment of this day that you have prepared for us to discover.

  44. I love the Spirit of Julieanne (April 27) and Maplewood (April 28 ) when they said to stop telling God how big our problems are, but instead to tell our problems how Big and Great Our God Is!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
    I just Declare our God's Great Blessings and Abundance will chase
    down this JCFAMILY day and night. HE will give you beauty for ashes and a Garment of Praise instead of spirit of despair!!! In Jesus's precious name I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN
    In His Grip of Grace ---JJ

    1. Thanks JJ, Julieanne, and Maplewood, NJ. I just told them, and they are fleeing like rodents when the light gets turned on!

    2. Amen, Amen and Amen! Our God is so much Bigger and Greater than any of our problems. He fights our battles and leads us to victory. Halleluia.

  45. Beautiful song dear sister! Amen. Great is His faithfulness!

  46. So much to do this weekend and I am happy God is aware of everything. Going to my Mom's this morning and I pray I can help her with her errands and get Bible work done and make a nice Birthday dinner and cake for my middle son on Sunday. We have our family coming over. I'm grateful to be spending time with them. It will be a blessing to watch three of our grandbabies playing together. Great devotion today. Grabbed this:
    "I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it."
    I sure am trusting Him. I know all will go well because He is in charge and He empowers and strengthens me. His Spirit is my helper so I'm well equipped. May we all receive answers to our prayers because we serve a faithful God.
    Please pray for my dear friend Scott who had been in remission from colon cancer but just received bad news that it's slowly coming back. He is having a pet scan on May 8th. I thank God that He is already healing him and destroying every bad cell and replacing it with healthy tissue. May his pet scan be clear and God be glorified. Thank You Jesus.
    Proverbs 4:20-22
    My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
    Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
    For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

    Psalm 41:2-3
    The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.

    Psalm 147:3
    He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

    Jeremiah 17:14
    Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise

    1. Praying for you and Scott. May our heavenly Father's healing hands be upon both of you and make your bodies whole. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Praying for Scott. Continue to lead him through the road of healing. Draw him to you even closer through this trial. Amen! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Praying Scott is surrounded with His comforting presence, love and healing.

    4. I am joining in these prayers for Scott, and traveling mercies with strength for you, Jeanne ♥️πŸ™

    5. Adding more prayer coverage for Scott's healing and for the family's peace of mind. Thanking of God for what He can do . In Jesus' name amen πŸ™

    6. Thank you so much for your prayers for Scott. God has been so faithful to him in the past. Joining in your prayers thanking God for continued faithfulness and complete healing in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  47. The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. (Nahum 1:7).

  48. Praying all who read this Jesus Calling blog will experience Him today at work in your life and the lives of your loved ones, for His Glory and the good of His saints.
    Part of Isaiah 2:3 “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.”

    Psalm 46:1-3
    "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging."

    Psalms 121:1-2 (MSG)
    I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from GOD, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

    Psalm 121
    1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.
    3 He will not let your foot slip—
    he who watches over you will not slumber;
    4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
    will neither slumber nor sleep.
    5 The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
    6 the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
    7 The Lord will keep you from all harm
    he will watch over your life;
    8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

    1. Wonderful food for the soul, brother Peter! Amen

  49. 🎢The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases🎢

  50. Asking for prayers dear warriors. Gallbladder attack was very bad yesterday. Spent a very restless night as the pain was relentless. Hubby was great at taking care of me. Hoping for a better day today. The scriptures that Jeanne & Janet shared will be my sustenance as I continue to recover. Brother Peter this song fits the bill. Thank you.

    1. I'm praying for you, Dear Jan and giving thanks for your caring hubby! Picturing everything settling down internally and you receiving the peaceful rest that follows. I love you.

    2. Echoing prayers for our Dear Jan.

    3. Prayers for internal peace to you Jan. Literally and figuratively! ♥️

    4. Praying πŸ™

    5. Joining prayers for you dear Jan. God hears every one. Praying for His healing of your gall bladder and for removing all pain and bringing comfort and peace.

  51. I'm praying for your dear friend, Scott, Jeanne and for the fun-packed weekend ahead!
    "I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go." Jeremiah 45:5
    Love and Blessings to each you, Dear JC Family. Getting ready to listen to Peter's song.

    1. Thanks dear Norah! Your prayers are so appreciated. Peter’s song is very pretty. Enjoy

  52. Today's devotion reminds us to focus on His Loving Presence with us....
    by Brian and Jenn Johnson

    1. Awesome song, Brie. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Lovely, thanks for sharing. Our eyes are on Him, He is with us.

  53. 🌸❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Still me :/ recovery from pain meds to pain methods !! After almost 2 decades .. with help ofcourse
      Still very very hard
      Thank you Lord and hear my Prayer .. lead me to where to go πŸ™

    2. He will lead and you will follow. Your JC Prayer Warrior Family has you covered up in prayers to a Good Good Heavenly Father. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    3. Thank You God for Maplewood NJ's Golden Oldie from 2019...
      Father, I declare that EVERYONE here will SPEAK POSITIVE WORDS of FAITH and VICTORY over themselves,their families and future. We will NOT use our words to describe our situation, but will USE GOD'S WORDS to change it. We call in FAVOR, GOOD Breaks, HEALING, SALVATION for our love ones and RESTORATION! We will not talk to God about how big our problems are, we will tell our problems how BIG our GOD is!! I seal this prayer/declaration in the Blood of Jesus! Thank You Lord, Amen!
      Stay BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVORED, JC family!
      Maplewood ,NJ

    4. Loved the song Brie. Thank you for sharing it😘. Bless you.

    5. So great that you had this entry saved from Maplewood, Brie! Such a great prayer and reminder to focus on our God and how big He is vs our problems!

  54. This song is so comforting. Thank you, dear Brie. Just what I needed to hear. I keep playing it over and over. I know this song is for you too. You are stronger than you know. No matter what is going on, God is holding you and your family very tight. So many changes are coming in my life too. But like you, I'm trusting God and I'm taking it day by day. Today is my good brother in love David's Birthday. He had thyroid cancer a while back and Jesus healed him. He lives his faith and he is a true brother in Christ to me. Janet's husband David is good and caring. He's going back to Missouri in two days. Janet's knees are bad but one is much worse than the other. She will be going back to Missouri on 5/22. She found a good doctor there and she will talk to him when she gets back. She is considering a knee replacement. I pray this doctor helps her walk without pain again. One foot in front of the other. This is what we all must do. Onward and upward in God's presence. Today's devotion says: "... focus on My loving Presence with you. I will equip you as you go, so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it".
    If God brings you to it, He will equip you for it. I believe this. And when I move back into my mom's house on 5/21, I am taking everything one step at a time in His presence. No matter what happens, I'll be okay because God is holding my reins. May He guide all of your paths and turn every situation to good. He is trustworthy, faithful, and merciful. He understands us because He reads our hearts. We will be okay. We can do all things through His Strength. Thank You Jesus.

    Romans 8:28
    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

    1. Happy Birthday to David. Praying for Janet's procedure. Yes, it's good to know all things work together for good. Yes amen we love our God πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ’•

    2. May the burdens you and your sister carry be turned over to God leaving only your love to share with your mom and family. ♥️✝️

    3. Thanks dear Jan! I will let you know how her meeting with the doctor goes at the end of May or whenever it is scheduled. Amen Sister! We believe this doctor is a Godsend.
      Thanks Audra! My mom enjoyed herself this week. I pray God will guide me to be a sweet source of light, love and joy for her. It's not about me, but about the rest of her life.

  55. ❤️πŸ™Amen

  56. Amen Jeanne- blessings.
    Everyone, It is well worth going back and reading Maplewood’s posts from 2019, 2020- very impactful for me. Happy Sunday and God bless you all! ❤️

    1. #METOO Blesaings from NY!
      Before I read your post, I had just posted an excerpt from Anonymous April 28, 2019 at 4:24 AM. May every Prayer Warrior receive His Blessings and High Favor today. In Jesus ' Name. AMEN!

    2. Anonymous April 28, 2020 at 5:17 AM, is a post I have saved and often refer to it, especially during football season.
      In HIS HANDS, πŸ™Œ ❤️ , everything turns out differently than they do in my hands. Praise God from Whose HANDS, ALL BLESSINGS FLOW and FLOW and FLOW and...

    3. Brie ❤️

    4. Me too! I keep an archive of posts that knock it out of the park in baseball season, and land in the end zone during football season πŸ˜‰ Front line star players are Maplewood, JJ, Sassy Mom and many more of you who bless us with insight and prayer. Love y'all!

    5. Amen and thank you dear Blessings from NY, Brie, and Audra! Maplewood spoke to my heart today. Sharing this now because it relates to so many of us who look at our problems and situations instead of the most important factor which is Christ with us. Thanks dear Maplewood! Amen. You are still encouraging and leading us with your Spirit guided words!
      "Father, I declare that everyone here will speak positive words of faith and victory over themselves,their families and future. We will NOT use our words to describe our situation, but will use YOUR words to change it. We call in Favor, Good Breaks, Healing, Salvation for our love ones and Restoration! We will NOT talk to God about how big our problems are, we will tell our problems how BIG our GOD is!! I seal this prayer/declaration in the Blood of Jesus! Thank You Lord, Amen!"

    6. Thank you dear Audra, always for your kind comments. You are a blessing to JC Warriors and very much loved!!!!!!! Thank you for loving all.

  57. "Trust Me to supply what you need when you need it. "
    Psalm 121
    I lift my eyes up, to the mountains
    Where does my help come from?
    My help comes from You
    Maker of heaven, Creator of the earth
    Oh how I need you Lord
    You are my only hope
    You're my only prayer
    So I will wait for you
    to come and rescue me
    Come and give me life

    1. This Psalm blessed me today, Peter, thank you for sharing.

    2. Thanks for adding more light to my day!

  58. Amen and Amen to all of these priceless comments. "Instead of trying to create a mental map of your path through this day, focus on My loving Presence with you." Preparing for our Fellowship this morning and thanking God for the beautiful day. Two little boys, my grandsons, are starting to stir and my DH is up and read for the day. I've been reading for an hour, basking in the love for our Heavenly Father and His only begotten Son that he gave for each of us. Giving all of our needs, requests to Him Who cares so much. Praying for my DH to be able to hear this morning. Tomorrow we go to the ENT. I also re-read Maplewood's sharing again, Brie. Praying for all of us; for your upcoming stay at your good Mom's Jeanne, for your brothers, Brie and you, of course. Your 'lotion story,' made me think of my DH. I finally resorted to typing him messages, texting him or writing out what I was saying rather than shouting to be heard. It has worked and our prayer is that tomorrow he comes home with restored hearing. Praying for Janet's knees, Jeanne and your strength for all of the work you do to help others. Thank you, Peter for reminding me, as always, where my helps comes from.
    Love and Blessings to each of you as we embrace this day and all it holds.

    1. God bless your day, Norah. Praying for your DH’s hearing to be restored, in Jesus wonderful name, Amen.

  59. Thanks for your prayers, Sis! Praying for God's Healing to wash over your DH and restore his hearing. Jesus will be with you in the ENT's office and He will guide it all to good. You can either worry or you can pray. The first one does nothing, but the second one does Everything. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Heading to bed - finally. Rough night. SO sleepy. Love to all! Thank you, Dear Jeannie!
