Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Jesus Calling: April 29

     Let Me teach you thankfulness. Begin by acknowledging that everything--all your possessions and all that you are--belongs to Me. The dawning of each new day is a gift from Me; not to be taken for granted. The earth is vibrantly alive with My blessings, giving vivid testimony from My Presence. If you slow down your pace of life, you can find Me anywhere.
     Some of My most precious children have been laid aside in sick beds or shut away in prisons. Others have voluntarily learned the discipline of spending time alone with Me. The secret of being thankful is learning to see everything from My perspective. My world is your classroom. My Word is a lamp to your feet and a light for your path. 
Hebrews 12:28-29
English Standard Version
28 Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, 29 for our God is a consuming fire.

Psalm 119:105
English Standard Version
Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path.

My Prayer
Lord, I thank you for a new day. This day is a gift from You. It is not owed to me and it is not expected, but rather it is a gift. I must admit Lord that I often don't approach each day like this but instead I think I am owed something each day as I arise - perhaps peace, safety, freedom from all trials -- whatever it is I open start each day with an expectation rather than an acceptance of the gift that the day is for me. Lord, too often I stare at my condition. I wake up poor, wanting to be rich. I wake up sick, thinking I must be well. Instead of beginning my day with You, I begin it with what I want. O Lord, please forgive me for not starting out my day in thanks and remaining thankful throughout the day. Lord, I have salvation, your grace, your Word, your Spirit in me. Forgive me for starting the day comparing me to others rather than starting each day with You and You alone and being thankful for You. Lord, when you created man and placed him in the garden you let him know that he was to cultivate and keep the garden, thus look outward. When man sinned, suddenly he began to look at himself. And this continues to be my problem today - I look at myself instead of looking out at the world you have created. I think this is why you told me my greatest commandment is to love others because you know my greatest goal often is to focus on me. O God, I start this day with thanksgiving. Thank you God for salvation, for grace, for Your Word, for My Savior and Lord, for the peace I have in Christ, and for living each day in the gift of your creation.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Today's Jesus Calling and Peytonfamily's prayer was so tailored to my state of mind that I had to scroll up and look at the date. I was amazed to read 2015! I feel as if I've fallen into the same trap that is described in your prayer. While I was waiting on my computer to start up, I was mentally listing all of the things I WANTED to see changed in my life. I only had one thing that I was thanking God for - the fact that my cough is better and I slept through the night. Forgive me, Father and let my heart be glad and thankful for all that you have provided. I will offer you gratefulness. I thank you for continuing to heal my husband. I thank you that I have such abundance that I have to give things away. I thank you for meeting every, single need and that I not receive it as a greedy child asking for more and forgetting to appreciate what you have already given. And, I thank you Peytonfamily, for snapping me out of myself this early in the day. Early enough that I don't set in motion the same state of mind I have been in for too many days and weeks. Blessings to my JC Family - I thank God for you.

    1. Norah, it’s now 2024, and as I read your post from years ago, I too, felt like the prayer was written for me. I, too, am going to start off being thankful this morning.
      SC Anonymous

    2. Ditto …….Lord, help me see what I have been blessed with rather than what I do not have.

    3. Same here, I want to be thankful for everything HE provides for me. It’s easy to forget where it all comes from!

    4. Thank you A for that beautiful prayer. I stand in awe of you, Lord! I thank you for this beautiful day full of opportunities and I wait in anticipation for everything you have planned for me.
      Thank you Lord for my husband's birthday today and the wonderful celebration we had this past weekend. For family, friends, laughter, and love that you provided.

    5. Joining in A πŸ™ ❤️ 's prayer. Thank You God for EVERYTHING!

    6. Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day and for all these encouraging words and prayers from my lovely family in Christ. πŸ™πŸ’•

  2. Well said Norah. I have so much I can give things away yet the world tells me I need new and more. Jesus tells me it all belongs to him and I have to express my gratitude instead of complaining about my job,divorce money, what’s wrong with me that the doors keep closing, what am I doing wrong! Yet my relationship with my daughters is blessed and I have plenty of Everything. My perspective need to be grateful and my eyes on God always. Thank you for this blog and a true family in JC.

  3. Oh Precious Lord, Thank You for the dawning of another new day, a gift from You. I went to bed last night, You gave me rest and has blessed me to see this day. You opened my eyes this morning, I can speak, hear, breathe and move my limbs, Thank You.
    I choose to Thank You this day and NOT complain or think about my problems! You said in ALL things I am to give You Thanks. That is not too much to ask of me considering how much You love and bless me. Thank You Lord.
    Thank You for the Spirit of Thankfulness that You have placed in me and reminding me again today that everything I have and all that I am belongs to You. I stand in faith, thanking You in advance for my mother'salvation and healing in Jesus name. Thank You Lord!

    This Monday morning, I thank You for this group of believers (JC Family), that come on this blog to pour out their hearts and be encouraged by other's words of Blessings and testimonies, but most importantly, to give You Thanks!
    May everyone here despite what they are going through, come before Your throne of Grace with GRATITUDE. Help us to be Thankful at ALL times so we can see everything from Your perspective and NOT ours! We bless and Glorify Your Holy name this morning. We Thank You not just for material possessions or health, or answered prayers, but most importantly so, for WHO YOU ARE, our loving, caring Father. There is no one like You. We Thank You and Honor You this morning Father. Thank You for Jesus, the Gift of Salvation, The Holy Spirit and Your Everlasting Love. Thank You!
    I lift up all the prayer requests and THANK YOU for answers to all of them FOR:
    The Payton family, Phoebe, jesus_save, TJ, Anonymous (19 days today),JJ,Jan,Pamela K., Norah, Maddox, Sassy Mom, RiseUp, runAprilMae, all the Anonymous and Unknown, in Jesus name.

    You know each one by name and have us inscribed in the palm of your hands. We reverence You, come to You with Gratitude in our hearts and say THANK YOU, THANK YOU for everything.

    May Your words be a lamp unto our feet and a light to our paths, today and always in the Precious name of Jesus I pray with THANKSGIVING to You. AMEN!!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you, Unknown! I receive your prayer with a humbled heart and thanksgiving. I just marvel at how the Lord works. I needed to hear your prayer--brings great peace and comfort!.

    2. Thank you Unknown, I claim the prayer you said for each one of us out here with the same goal, to reach others that don't know Christ as their Lord and Savior. God bless everyone's day today and be with each one as we go about our daily business, showing others the Love of Christ. Go with them as they go to work school, whatever their day includes and keep the hedge of protection around them, against the ones that go about trying to tear down Gods word and get us riled up because we love you so. Thank you Lord for answered and unanswered prayers, You know just what we need and how much of it we need. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross to cover my sins and those of the world. Thank you Lord for making a way for us to have salvation, in Jesus holy name I pray, Amen❣

    3. Unknown your prayer this morning touched my heart. I have taken your first paragraph and printed it out to keep on my bathroom mirror and next to my coffee maker so that I cannot fail to thank the Lord for all the blessings that I am given every day! You are a blessing to me this day and a reminder of the message of the sermon yesterday on why we should do what you have done in sharing.
      1) to give glory to God
      2) because He said to be thankful and share His word
      3) love for others

    4. AMEN Unknown. We (the JC Family) are grateful and thankful for your beautiful prayers. I tried to comment before 4 AM this morning and "IT" wouldn't let me. I'm getting "Prove your not a robot" Sassy Mom

    5. Thank you unknownπŸ₯° I feel so covered over by your prayer for our JC family. It put some things into perspective for me. Going through health issues & trusting God for it all. You put a voice to what I needed to focus on. The unbelievable goodness & mercy of our God!you be blessed Unknown, may what you prayed for all of us be given to you also pressed down & running over!

    6. Amen! Let us wake up in thanksgiving and praise Him before our feet hit the floor. Every gift and talent and blessing is from Him and every good thing I produce is because He equipped me well to bear much fruit. He is so good to us. Thank You Father for everything.

    7. Thank you Maplewood. 2 yes. Later the echo of your prayer here for this place where we share our hearts still rings true and much appreciated by those of us who are so blessed by this forum. Again I ask the Lord to bless you, mom & family with the same blessing, pressed down and running over. AmenπŸ™πŸ₯°

    8. Early morning focus on the power of prayers by the light of a late April moon. I woke up two hours ago with a song...PRAISE THE LORD. I did my best to go thru all prayer requests from the JC family in alphabetical order, from ABC to Zufantastic, you have all been included. Plus Anonymous and Unknowns, and those that read and don't ask, I pray in Jesus's name. πŸ™✝️♥️

    9. Thank you dear sister for the early morning prayer for each of us. I feel blessed & covered for this day. I cover you & bless you also by lifting your day up to the attention of the Lord πŸ™πŸ₯°

    10. Beautiful! Amen πŸ™πŸ©΅πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  4. In everthing give thanks. Thank you God for the beauty and blessing of a new day. A day we have never seen and the joy you have placed in my heart to be a part of your glorious works. Thank you for continually healing my daughter. You said in John 5:8, "now get up and walk." God I see this miracle in my daughter as you progress her from her wheelchair to her walker and cane. Lord truly by your stripes she is healed. We receive your daily moment by moment love and care. Thank you God for friends, family and even strangers that continue to pray for us. We are uplifted because you love and care for us. We thank for your daily abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness,self-control, gentleness, and faithfulness, the nine fruits of the spirit. Thank you God for helping me to keep my focus on you and when I start leaning on my own thoughts, I ask that you return my focus to You. Whatever thoughts and lists that I may have, let them be your will and the path that you want me to take. All the honor, praise and glory is You Lord. Thank you for your grace and mercy for all. God you truly are love.

    1. Servant Quilter, I wonder if you still visit here and how your daughter is doing? Your words moved my spirit today, in 2021. My husband had an accident nearly three weeks ago breaking both ankles and heels. Yesterday we met with one surgeon for the first time and he said my husband’s left foot was so challenging it was like a stale biscuit smashed by a 3 pound hammer 😬. Prior to that conversation, I held hope for his complete and certain recovery. But my heart broke with that description and I started doubting. Our oldest gets married in October and our goal is for her Dad to walk her down the aisle.

      Your words brought me back to hope. Thank you. What seems impossible, God can do. What seems unreachable, God’s arm is not too short for. Thank you dear SQ for allowing me to hear God’s truth through you.

      Please remember us as you can, dear JC family. I know the father of lies will heap discouragement our direction. We need your hope and faith as you are able. Thank you.

    2. You got it, GTT! There will be many tears of joy and gratitude walking that aisle in October!

  5. Thank you Lord for another day! Help me be a blessing along our way!fill me with love and your spirit my king, thank you for the opportunity and let Your light shine out of me, let Your light shine out of me, Let your light shine out of me! Thank you for the opportunity. A Song the lord gave me years ago still blessing me today. Tom Guthrie Eagle Point Oregon

  6. I am blown away with all the awesome prayers. Prayers are not my strong point regrettably, so these are doubly appreciated. I pray but not with the beauty of these on this site. πŸ™

    1. M.A., God doesn't care how you pray, your prayers are as precious to God as any eloquent words that come out of peoples mouths. All He wants is communication with us, He knows how we tend to get our words jumdled up as we go to him each day asking for protection and with our Praise. Just talk to God as you would your best friend. He doesn't care if it is the best said prayer or 20 words that have a lot if meaning to them. Just keep your communication open and you will be just fine. God bless!

    2. You are spot on Pamela! Thanks for the reminder. I tend to "groan" my heart prayers up to God. I ask the Holy Spirit to translate for me. His word assures me that He does. Colorado JC Friend

    3. So true Pamela K. He loves every word that we direct to Him in true love and faith. Even just saying "Jesus" is perfect and enough. He knows our hearts intimately. He just wants to hear from us and open our hearts to His words and message.

    4. Sometimes a simple
      Thank You Jesus
      Is prayer enough

  7. Thank you Paytonfamily, thank you Unknown, your prayer lifts me up and reminds me to always focus on the light, the many blessings we are given and not on any shadows or "bumps" on our journey! I am grateful to God and to all of you who follow, trust and believe! Amen.

  8. The Lord has "slowed me down" thru my recent job layoff and I am a novis at resting in Him. Please pray that I can rediscover Jesus in a deeper way during this season. Colorado JC Friend

    1. Unkown--lifing you up in prayer. Lord, thank You that You are close all who call on You. I call on You right now and ask for a special sense of Your presence in Unkown's life. Let it cast away all oppression, doubt, or instability. Thank you that You are a God who can be found, who draws near to those who draw near to Him. Today, Unknown is drawing near to you Lord. I know you will take good care Unknown!!!

    2. Bless you! Your prayer was heard and I truly rested in the Lord yesterday.

    3. Praying still for you Unknown. Rest in Him who loves you.

  9. Thank you for posting these, for another beautiful day and for getting baptized Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. I see the love and compassion humans are capable of and know of things to do in preparation for my testimonies. Much Love, Kindness, Prosperity and Blessings!
    I send my Greetings from the snowy mountains and canyons of Arizona

  10. What a beautiful prayer today. I love how God works. Because your prayer was exactly my prayer today... yet, I didn't quite know it until I read it. I've been struggling with trials this month and it's been a long one. Although I try and practice thankfulness all during the day, I had started to look at myself. Thank you for this healing website you have created. peace

  11. “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
    God’s will = Be thankful
    Thank you Lord for your Word and help us to absorb it and live by it. Help us to Praise you no matter what we see, think or feel. Thank you that you have given us everything we need to feed our spirit through Your Word and by sitting with You. “Be still and know that I am God” - Psalm 46:10

  12. Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Humbly thanking You Lord for blessing our dark evil world with Your love, PRESENCE, light, protection and forgiveness. Praying our lives reflect the beauty of Jesus.

  13. Thank you for this day, Jesus - and everything that goes with it - the good, the bad, the ugly. I will do by best. I trust you. KS

  14. My Father who is in heaven,
    It’s a joy and a blessing to wake up to one of my favorite topics (THANKFULNESS) to You.
    This morning, I offer You my heart of thanksgiving and praise.
    Thank You that there is no greater blessing that You could have given to me than the precious life of Your only begotten Son Jesus.
    Thank You for the times I fell and all the times You helped me up.
    Thank You for my life, my family and my friends.
    Thank you that even today, I am still standing in faith trusting You for my mother’s healing and her acceptance of Jesus as her Lord and Savior
    Thank You for health, strength, grace, forgiveness, peace, joy, and for loving me unconditionally and never failing me, but always sustaining me even at a time like this.
    Thank You for being a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
    Thank You for the armor that will help me to become victorious in Your Name.
    I give You thanks for all things Father, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    I also take this time to thank You for the strangers and friends in our lives, who become family in the body of Christ to bless and be a blessing.
    Thank You for speaking to Sarah Young to put in words Your promises, instructions, encouragements, directions, guide, reminders, expression of Your love for us and the path to follow in order for us to lead a fulfilled life in Your Presence.

    Thank You for the Payton Family for creating this blog that carries Your words through Ms. Young to folks who need to hear from You, to those who are hurting and need encouragement, but meanly to receive a daily dose of Your perfect Food (Your WORD).
    Thank You for each person, known or unknown, that comes here daily to be fed and lifted up through prayers and encouragement.
    Thank You Father for:Bob Malsack (my twin),for MadFox, ABC, Sassy Mom, Norah, Jeanne, JJ, Loveconquersall, Brilamar, Tiffany Grace, 10-4, Fay, Fern, Imac, Free as can B, Suzanne R., Keith, May May, TJ, Phoebe Q.,jesus_save, April Mae, Jan Gridley, Pamela K, RiseUp, M.A, gma b, Servant Quilter, Friend of Bill, Allen, CO, KS, Randy, Audra, M. Burns, PEBGDesigns, Cece, Brittanyomb, Bright Star, ALL the unknowns and Anonymous (God knows you best).
    I pray Father for these Your children and their families, that You will amaze them with Your power and work in their lives. Equip each one to continue to stand against the plans of the enemy, this pandemic and overcome any battle they may face. Thank You for Your goodness and for Your blessings over them.
    Thank you that you are able to bring hope to them through even the toughest of times and strengthen them for Your purposes.
    Thank You for Your great love, provision and care for them.
    Thank You for Your mercy and grace rendered to each and Thank You that You are always with them and never leaving.
    Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that they might have freedom and life. You alone are Lord. You alone deserve all honor, glory, praise and worship, not only today but in the eternal ages to come.
    Thank You for Your shield of protection over the First Responders (especially the doctors, nurses, aids and caregivers), essential workers, the sick, the volunteers, the government, pastors, ministers, the entire Body of Christ, the homeless, the prisoners, the widows and widowers, the young, the old, the broken, the hurting, the lost, all those who know You and all those who don’t, that they will know that now is the time to seek after You and we as believers will do our part to encourage them and leave the rest to You. Thank You for saving Your entire Creation!
    Thank You for comfort and peace to the love ones that have lost families and friends.
    Thank You for Your grace that is sufficient for all of us.
    Thank You that this COVID-19 will not rub us of the Victory we have in Christ Jesus, but encourage us to keep pressing forward.
    Thank You that Your Words will remain forever and we will testify to Your glory for years to come. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks, from your NJ born brother.

    2. Thank you, Lord, for creating my dear Sister, Maplewood, infusing her with your Spirit, and giving her the beautiful words that she bestows on us every day. I always pray along with her and her words are truth and light to me. God bless her and her loved ones and bring her Mom and all our unsaved loved ones to salvation. Let us be thankful in every facet of our lives, especially in the hard times when we are tested. Bless all my brothers and sisters in my JC Family and keep them focused on you and thankful. Thank you for each and everyone who puts their hearts up in sincerity and prayer every day. They bring me so much comfort and blessed assurance. Thank you for my blessings, your Words that bring so much light to me, my dear family who I love so much, my shelter, my sustenance, my talents, my good Husband that I trust will come to you in Your own timing along with my other unsaved family members. Thank you for your continued Faithfulness in my life and in the lives of my JC Family. May their needs be provided, their weaknesses be strengthened, their loved ones be healed and their hearts always filled with thanksgiving and true peace. Thank you that after the dark clouds of this Pandemic clear, your faithful remnant will be blessed and standing strong.

    3. And God bless YOU Maplewood! Your prayers leave not one out. Our gratitude overflows today as we wake up to a beautiful new day in Christ. I join in this all inclusive prayer for our world, in Jesus'name, your will be done, not ours. Amen! I trust you Jesus!

    4. A very healthy dose of thanksgiving as provided here by Maplewood, NJ, cures the viruses of the soul. Take as needed! Thanks, my twin sis!

    5. Thank you for your timely prayers. God has truly gifted you with sharing His Words. 🌹

    6. Thank You Jesus for all our Thanks to You that Maplewood channeled for us!
      And, Thank You for Bob's shot of thanksgiving, immediately curing the viruses in our souls! And Thanks to all our many other JC Warriors who give us the booster shots to keep the cure alive.
      Thank You for planting so many blessings especially for us throughout this current crisis. And thank You for helping us to find and appreciate all these blessings! There is a sense of peace here that my "thinking" mind would never associate with a pandemic crisis. I attribute this peace (that the world cannot give) to having Jesus and His JC warriors around my house, all day, everyday, bringing us all closer to You! Thank You for this gift. AMEN!

    7. Amen! Thank You Father for the new day you have set before us, the light that our eyes can see, the smell of coffee from the kitchen, a brand new opportunity to make things right, the words we should speak, the strength we need to complete our tasks, a love that lasts forever and a peace that transcends all understanding. Help us to focus on You today and leave all the hard stuff at Your feet. You can do all things and we trust in Your help and promises. Find time for us to rest in You and enjoy precious time together. Thank You Lord. You are so faithful.
      Dear Brie, Continuing to pray for you and Keith. Trust in His mercy and compassion. He will lead you and Keith through this difficult time because He cares for you. Thank You Jesus!

    8. Thank you dear Maplewood for your encouragement, inspiration, hope, trust, and peace.

  15. The scripture today in Psalm 119:105 was put to music by Amy Grant teamed with Michael W. Smith. Their talent to create a song put a melody that will be in my head forever. Years ago, I became a huge Amy Grant fan and there was a period of time where she seemed to have hit after hit. The lyrics are below, I've removed the repetitive parts (go to YouTube to hear it all!). I just felt adding this today would bring a smile... it always does for me.

    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...
    When I feel afraid
    Think I've lost my way
    Still you're there right beside me
    And nothing will I fear
    As long as you are near
    Please be near me to the end

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path...
    I will not forget
    Your love for me and yet
    My heart forever is wandering
    Jesus be my guide
    And hold me to your side
    I will love you to the end
    Nothing will I fear as long as you are near, Please be near me to the end.


    Thy Word lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Capitol Christian Music Group

    1. Took my daughters to many concerts while they were growing up. Hers was one of the best. Came away feeling so uplifted, so energized, so inspired. Amy performed her concerts with so much positive energy. Thanks for this post, MadFox. It brought back a good memory.

    2. Yes agree. Many good memories my daughter singing along with me in the car.

    3. Another song for the soul today! Just listened on YouTube. Thanks for sharing NJ brother MadFox! God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    4. I've heard this song before and I just love it! The lyrics echo the words in my heart.
      We have nothing to fear because our Lord and Savior is near.
      Please pray for my sister in Christ who is having surgery on her hip today and also my friend Colum who is donating a kidney to someone he cares about.
      Thank You Father for guiding the doctors to making Patricia better and stronger because she has osteonecrosis. Thank You that Colum with have a smooth surgery and will recover quickly. We ask that the recipient of his kidney will accept it and be restored to perfect health. Thank you dear God for all of this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You also for lifting up my JC Family in all ways, heal their weaknesses and their loved ones, and guide them on their path to a sweet future in You. We need you and trust you. Amen.

    5. Here's the link 🎢 Thy Word

    6. Thanks for the link Audra! 😊

    7. So much beautiful music! One song links to another. It's easy to get diverted from walking with our JC family through the rest of todays blog.

  16. Amen, Maplewood....again, you amaze me with your thoughts and prayers...God bless each and every one of you...deciples of our beloved, Jesus Christ.

  17. Thanks MadFox. These words are so beautiful and true. I love Amy Grant so I will listen to this song right now. God bless you always.

  18. Madfox, I listened to Amy Grant's wonderful song and I recorded it onto my phone because I loved it. Now I'll share a very cool thing that happened this morning. Each morning at 8:15, my twin sister, Janet calls me from Missouri and gets our 91 year old Mom from Brooklyn on the phone and we do our Jesus Calling and Jesus Always devotionals together which is such a blessing. Well today I mentioned that I love the verse: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
    Janet then said there is a pretty song we sing at Church and she started to sing Amy Grant's beautiful song. I told her it was really pretty. Well, this is just one more affirmation that we are all of one accord and nothing is an accident. Thanks and much love.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Jeanne. This is touching. God be with you.

    2. Jeanne, yes, we are all in one accord! An AMAZING God we serve!

      Let's not give-up on our love ones who still needs to recieve Jesus. We keep praying and believing, God will break through in His Son Jesus' name. I'm standing in prayers for yours too. God bless you!

      Maplewood NJ

  19. Thank you MadFox for reminding me that Jesus is the Word, our very Life. Thanks be to God. Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.


    (John 6:35-40) (John's perspective) Jesus continued in His teaching taking the truths He was sharing to a higher level which none of us would be able to grasp until the Cross and the Resurrection would be experienced. Picking up where we left off yesterday, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." One of the profound "I AM" statements in which Jesus showed He was 'God-with-us'. (I have included seven of them in my gospel.) The deepest longings of each soul will find absolute satisfaction in Him. Then He said to the people, "You have seen me and yet you do not believe." Do not hear these words as a chastisement of the unbelief of the people for the Cross and Resurrection were still to come; no, hear these words as a call to you to take to heart (believe) Jesus who shows such blessed love to you. Jesus went on. "The Father is in charge here for the purpose of drawing through His love all His creation back to Himself. I have come to show that love and I must stay true to it out of My love for the Father. The Father is going to bring His children back to Himself and His love is so great, none will be lost. In believing this within your heart, you enter into eternal life and I will raise you up on the last day."

    Allow me to include a few sentences from a person in Christian history who prayed these thoughts deep into her soul, namely, Catherine of Siena (late 1300's). My purpose is to provide a snapshot of what the words of John look like to someone known for devout faith. These thoughts come from letters she wrote.

    "I write to encourage you in His precious blood...that you become a true servant of the good gentle Jesus, bathed and clothed in the blood of God's Son, so that every garment of selfish love may be stripped from you, along with any ignorance and indifference."

    "Be like Mary Magdalene, who so clung to her Lord that she was incapable of loving anything but Him. Persevere in this. I want you to take up the staff of the most holy cross, upon which all the virtues are planted and rooted. Contemplate the Lamb, slain for us with such blazing fire that it must burn and consume whatever coldness or hardheartedness or self-love there might be in your soul."

    "Hide yourself within His open side and see that you are never found outside this opened heart. Upon entering, you will discover such joy and sweetness that you will never want to leave. It is an open storehouse filled with spices, overflowing with mercy. That mercy gives grace and leads to everlasting life, where there is life without death, satiety without boredom, hunger without pain, perfect and complete joy with no bitterness at all. There our appetite and taste are satisfied."

    Jesus calls us to higher ground. The JC readings constantly reaffirm that. I have shared the above with the same intentions. Sisters and brothers, we have gathered in this blog to seek the higher ground to which He has called us. We link our arms so we all can get there as one and none be lost along the way.

    With love, Bob

    1. WOW! Thanks Bob for that which fed me and reminded me to pray:
      Take it away from me Lord, take it away from me;
      Anything in me that is NOT like Thee, thank You for taking it away from me!
      Now, please re-place it in me, Lord, please re-place it in me;
      Everything that makes me exactly like Thee, thank You for re-placing that in me! AMEN

    2. Lord God, hear my prayer as offered by your dear child, Brilamar. Grant me the same grace you have granted her. Amen

    3. That really knocked my socks off, Bob! Thank you. Good food for my soul.

    4. Dear Bob, God's wisdom from above is sprinkled all through your lovely post and prayer. Thank You for sharing it with us. I humbly receive it. So grateful that our amazing God is in charge.
      Dear Brie, Praying with you. Father, Anything in me that does not please You, I ask that it to be removed from my sight. Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Amen!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Lord, Thank You for joining my thanks and praise to my JC family's thanks and praises, creating an ever-widening circle of our thanks and praises to YOU! Thanks to You, whenever two or more or gathered in Your Name, You are in the midst of them. We JC family members come into Your House and gather in Your Name to worship, thank and praise You for being in our midst!
      Thank You Lord, your night has passed, just like You said it would;
      And once again I wake up in Your world to find You working all things together for good;
      Your Light has come like Your Light always does, making my heart ignite;
      With Love For You Who share my day; The Same You, Who watched throughout the night;
      I know You know what lies ahead, in fact I’m sure You do;
      Would You take my hand and guide me along the path that’s already been set by You?
      Your joy and gladness are forever here because of You sweet accord;
      So cradled in the Comfort of Your Loving Compassionate Arms, I say “GOOD MORNING, LORD”
      “GOOD MORNING, LORD” and Thank You for the Night and for Your early morning light;
      For rest, for work, for good food, and play,
      And helping me grow more loving every day;
      Thanks for helping me do the things I could;
      Channeling to others, Your kindness and good;
      And when this day too, shall have passed to its end;
      I thank You for having blessed all those I love. AMEN!

    2. Beautiful prayer KWM. Amen! Praying with you.
      How blessed we are that He never changes. We wake up to the same glorious light and love and peace and protection every day. We must always wake up with thanks on our lips and praise in our mouths. The only true joy is from Him and in Him and it is forever. When we see His Face we will be overcome with perfect joy and finally understand the fullness of His love and glory.

      1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
      1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

  22. This is the day; This is the day; This is the day that my Lord has made; That my Lord has made; I am rejoicing; I'm singing my rejoices; I am rejoicingly glad in it; Yes! I’m glad in it! In Him, I’m happy, peaceful, positive, and alive! Yes! And I’m also surrounded by, those who love me just because I am I, and I’m living in the present moment. I’m welcome, worthy, wanted and valuable to God, and I am ready to make today a good day; Because this is the day that my Lord has made, I am rejoicingly glad in it! Yes, this is the day; This is the day; this is the day that my Lorrrrrd, hassss maaaade! (Singing the last 3 words like only Edith Bunker could :) With Love and Blessed Wishes To and For My JC Family

    1. Sometimes my day starts with a blah feeling..forgive me Lord. The moment I get on this site this feeling goes away. Thank you Happy Brie..I am rejoicing for this is the day the Lord has made!! Praying for you and your beloved brother Keith..for your family. Praying for all JC Prayer Warriors from all over the world. Thank you Jesus for pouring your Holy Spirit..your grace over this site where miracles happen!! Thank you Jesus for your everlasting love!! Amen! Amen!

    2. So very true dear Loveconquersall! I often stay up too late and wake up tired but I thank Him for the day, His guidance and my blessings. Coming here always refreshes me and renews my spirit. Looking forward to more miracles In Jesus’ NameπŸ™

  23. My word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path! Thank you Lord for another day! Please direct my thinking and guide my steps through this day! Please Lord give me the strength to get through this day! In Jesus name,amen!

    1. You asked for it,Tiffany Grace, you got it,Tiffany Grace! I am praying with you to receive all the strength the Lord is sending you today. Stay Blessed

    2. Praying with Brie for you, dear Tiffany Grace, that you have received the Lord's strength and you are glorifying Him with your fruitful days. Amen.

  24. Oh, my - what a day! MadFox, I just listened to Amy Grant's song. OH, MY HEART!!! Loved it! What a day this has been and I'm glad to read about all of the prayers and victories and requests! Love to all of you, my JC Family. The day is done....and so am I.

  25. My daughter returned to work today. Thank you Jesus. All three grandsons were awake waiting for granny. Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength and patience (boys will be boys) never a dull moment and always hungry. I love them; thank you Jesus for these precious gifts. Made it home and fell asleep; Thank you Jesus for my rest. I read all day; your prayers touched my heart overflowing with love; love for our Lord and Savior. Thank you all. Thank you Jesus for my friends; my cup overfloweth.

    1. Praying for you always dear LCA. You fill yourself with His Word and He fills you with His strength. I love your beautiful gratitude. Amen.
      I am blessed because my cup overflows too. So many blessings I can't even count them. Thank You Lord.

  26. I just want to say Thank You Lord.
    My drive time singing, praying, and thanking you on the drive in was special.
    Thank You for a wonderful Medical Staff.
    Thank You for So far so good. My Brother Keith is tolerating the injection.
    Thanks for Your perfect gift of JC Prayer Warriors, Maplewood NJ, Jan gridley, Janet, TJ, PEBGDesigns, NJS, Audra, Jeanne and all others who prayed. As a result, Thank You for granting traveling Mercy, and Eligard Blessings.
    Thank You in advance for a good night's rest. Thy Will Be Done. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. And thank you Mindy! This is Brie trying to use her brother's computer!

    2. HA! I knew I knew that writing to be yours, Brie! So glad to hear Keith is handling the injection well! Prayers for you and Keith continue, Brie. Wrapping you both in prayer, healing and love.

  27. Now I understand dear Brie on KWM's computer. So happy Keith is tolerating the injection. More Prayers are on their way, sweet sister. Rest well. Me too. Much love.

  28. Chris's prayer from years ago says it all. I would like to share in his prayer. Thank You Jesus! You are the best. You are worthy of all my praise, time, and focus. You have given me life. I need and want You in my life always. I'm nothing without You and can't do anything apart from You. You complete me. I am Yours and You are mine. We are one. Thank You for being Lord. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty that is in the world all around me and let me see the world through Your eyes. I bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord always and continually. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    1. I have not stopped giving thanks for You, remembering You in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16)
      Giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God. (Psalm 50:23)

    2. So, yesterday, free as can B suggested a song. WOW. Just WOW. I listened to it this morning as I didn't see her entry until now. (I often reread the previous day's entry and any thoughts I might've missed) SO glad I did this this morning. The song is called "Promises" by Maverick City. Boy, did I need to hear this this very morning! If you haven't googled it via YouTube, you must! I think, dear Janet, you will love it as well. Your incredible faithfulness to our Lord in the midst of a storm(s) is inspiring to say the least. Hope you all take a listen to the song free as can B suggested! Happy & Blessed Thursday one and all...To all who need healing, may you feel our Jehovah Rapha doing just that! Continued healing to MadFox!

    3. That song moved me to the soul too! Amen dear NJS. Praying for you and with you. Praying always for our dear MadFox and Keith and all those in need of healing!

  29. “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon h\His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!” (1 Chron. 16:8).

    Reading this devotion, I couldn’t help but think about 2 Corinthian 4:7-9 and how profound it is, and how we should want NOTING more in this world than to give Thanks to the Lord (“But we have this precious treasure [the good news about salvation] in [unworthy] earthen vessels [of human frailty], so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be [shown to be] from God [His sufficiency] and not from ourselves. We are pressured in every way [hedged in], but not crushed; perplexed [unsure of finding a way out], but not driven to despair; hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted [to stand alone]; struck down, but never destroyed;”)!!
    God carried the weight of accountability with us for while we were yet sinners, He died for us. He didn’t just give us the sacrifice of His son, but while we were in our worst state, He loved us enough to remain accountable to His claim of love for us. He loved us when we were unlovable and de-attached from Him and His intend for us by proving that He loved us, even when we were not worthy of that love.
    So YES, we are to give Him thanks in and through ALL things! Our God is so good, His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours. It is a VERY good thing to give Thanks to the Most High God. He grants us lovingkindness in the morning and further it by showing His faithfulness at night.
    He is the Lord Most High Today, Tomorrow and Forever! For this and so, so much more, I give Thanks to You Oh Lord. No page or book can hold the amount of THANK YOUS I have to render onto You, but I Thank You for my life, the free gift of Salvation through Christ Jesus my Lord, and the Holy Spirit.
    Thank You for ALL my Yesterdays, all of my Todays and all of my Tomorrows.
    Thank You for being with me through all my Victories, and in and through ALL of my trials, disappointments hardships and struggles.
    Thank You for never leaving my side for one second.
    Thank You for my Family, Friends, Love ones and ALL of the people You’ve placed in my life. The ones that stayed and the ones that left.
    Thank You for ALL the blessings small and big, known or unknown.
    Thank You for health and ALL of life’s necessities, Lord.
    Thank You for the waiting period that I’m in right now because I know Your perfect Will is going to be done in my life. No power on earth or underneath this earth can stop what You have destined for me. I already have the VICTORY IN CHRIST JESUS!
    I Love You, and Thank You for First Loving me the way You do.
    I Thank You for Jesus, because it is in His name that I have the blessings of offering my Thanks and Gratitude to You. Amen.

    Continuing in prayers for ALL the sick and for answers to all the needs. I thank God for giving ear to all our supplications and that in His faithfulness and His Righteousness, granting answers to all the prayers!

    “Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Gosh, Maplewood, JUST SO AWESOME once again! I needed your insightfulness and words today! Grateful for you and all who come here! Blessings and peace to you, Maplewood, and to this wonderful family we have in this blog group!

    2. Thank you dear Maplewood especially for your little explanations sprinkled through your post and your lovely prayer of gratitude and praise. Amen. I am so thankful to the Lord Most High Today, Tomorrow and Forever!

    3. *NOTHING

      Maplewood NJ

  30. Blessings from France, I just wanted to let you know you are thought of and praying that all is well with you and your family.
    Praying for ALL we have not heard from in a few days or weeks. Sending more of God's blessings your way.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. We miss you dear BFF. Always in my thoughts and prayers. Stay well, safe, healthy and blessed in the Lord.πŸ™

    2. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers sweet sisters. I'm okay and I still come here everyday and pray for everyone. I tried to post multiple times lately but it didn't work.. I'm trying to post now with a different browser, hopefully it will work.
      Keeping you all in prayers and lifting you all to the Throne of Grace ❤ (and praying it will let me post lol)

      Blessings from France

    3. Thinking you and your mum and your studies often. Prayers to you BFF. Mindy

    4. Thank you so much for those prayers dear BFF. Hope the new browser helps. Stay well, safe and blessed in His presence and peace.

  31. Heading out to the Dentist soon, please pray, JC Family! Praying for each of you and yours!

    1. Praying your procedure is completed quickly and painlessly, sister Norah!

    2. Praying all goes well because God has prepared it for you and He is faithful.

  32. Inspiring prayer, Maplewood. Praying for those in need.Amen.

  33. Thank you paytonfamily for your word/prayer above. Such a heartfelt response to todays JC. Dear Lord help me to always be grateful for your many many blessings. ALL of my day is from you. Help me to not think I deserve what you provide but accept and be humbled by it. Help me to love and look to others with compassion (...Some of My most precious children have been laid aside in sick beds or shut away in prisons....). Help me see Your face ALWAYS in others. Amen.

  34. Praise the Lord! Thankfulness is the key to peace. I humbly request prayers for my cousin David. He has had multiple strokes and is meeting with specialists today regarding treatment. Hypertension has taken a toll on our family and we pray for all who suffer this as well. Staying thankful keeps the storm down. God bless you all and thank you for your words of encouragement. ♥️

    1. Thanking our loving Father for guiding those specialists to the proper treatment to heal all of your Cousin David's weaknesses and for leading him to perfect health. May He remove the hypertension that is troubling your family. He can do all things and we trust in Him.
      Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  35. Thank you God for guiding the doctors with Amanda’s cousin David. Let your wisdom be shown through them and a cause determined so his healing will be complete. Amen

    1. Thank you. God Bless you and your family.

  36. Janet - AMEN!! Thank You for being Lord. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty that is in the world all around me and "let me see the world through Your eyes".
    The same prayer I prayed this morning.

  37. Heading to bed, listening to Promises, as recommended earlier. Thank you, Dear JC Family for your prayers today. My Dental Appt went so well, cost less than I expected and I'm not in pain. God is so faithful and so are all of you.
    Know your prayers are mine as I lay me down to sleep.

  38. Beautiful prayer dear Janet and Sassy Mom! If we could only see through His eyes of perfect unconditional love and mercy.
    So happy for you Norah! Thanking God for your good dental appointment and it didn't break your pocketbook. He is just so good! Praying with you and for you.
    Love you all, my dear ones.

    1. Happy birthday Mom, a young 61 year old who died in her sleep before Christmas in 1973. Forever in my heart.

    2. Dear SassyMom, my mom's birthday was the 25th. She passed in 1998, same year our house burned down. My little Asian momma who stressed out so much because she couldn't understand that we would have a home again. I miss her so much. Also forever in my heart.

    3. Praying for your comfort and peaceπŸ™

    4. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Sassy Mom's Sassy Mom, until we meet in Heaven. Hope you and my Mom have met. She was an Angel before she ever got her wings.

  39. You will see her again dear Sassy Mom. May God comfort your heart.

  40. Up till the wee hours working on a Bible group presentation, and my good sister helped me. Praying we will get many new members this weekend. Have a sweet and blessed new day dear JC Family. Trust in the Lord and wait on Him in all things. He is our strength and our salvation. We are His dear children and He loves us just as we are. He knows what we need more than we do. Praying for answered prayers and much healing of mind, body and spirit. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Bless you dear sister this day also. Praying for your group to grow accordingly in Jesus name, amen. πŸ’žπŸ™

    2. Thank you dear Jan. I've been leading this group for many years but we lost so many members especially through the Pandemic. Trusting in God's faithfulness.

  41. " If you slow down your pace of life, you can find Me anywhere."
    Yesterday I took a long slow walk in the nearby forest. At times I stood completely still for minutes at a time.
    I found Him in His creation everywhere. The carpets of Bluebells and Whitebells, the freshly cleaned entrance of the Badger's set. The trails of well trodden paths made by creatures through the undergrowth. The chittering of a Squirrel overhead warning me away from the drey. The glorious songs of competing Robins eminating from different places at the same time. Cooing of Doves, cry of seagulls; even Blackbirds burst into song on occasion.
    Psalm 19: 1: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
    Psalm 104: 24-25 O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom, you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.
    I am so, so thankful the Lord has placed us where my wife and I currently live (at least for this season).
    Slowing down to find Him, whether in prayer, His Word or out in His creation, enables an encounter with the Living God that no haste or rush can provide.
    One time, on traveling through an olde worlde little town, with tiny cobbled streets we crawled to a stop, then stop-start-stop as the traffic inched its way. We, stationary for several minutes, switched off the engine and wound the passenger window down. We were inches away from the stone wall and shrubs. Level with my wife's eyes we were blessed to see a Wren in her nest, three tiny chicks, beaks wide open crying to be fed. We watched as the Wren deposited small insects into the open mouths.
    At normal town driving speed we would have totally missed this blessing!
    Thank You Lord for all your lesson in thankfulness.

    1. Thanks for sharing the beauty of God's creation. His Word, and that lovely ordinary moment of seeing the Wren feeding her three babies in her nest. God gave you eyes to see that sweet scene and all His beauty. I love your gratitude!

  42. Thanks for sharing Peter. I always feel closest to God when I am outdoors, especially hiking, so I try to go everyday. I usually stop somewhere on a rock or log to journal and pray, offering praise to the Creator of the beauty that surrounds me. Like you, I stopped on my hike yesterday to slow down and just observe, and was blessed with watching a black and white warbler for several minutes. I thought of how Free that little bird was, cared for by my Heavenly Father, just as he cares for me and has set me free with the blood of Jesus. That made me smile.

    1. So happy you are feeling well and continuing to do the things you love, like hiking and watching God's beauty. Yes, dear Rich! Just like the little bird that is free to fly here and there, we have been freed from the bounds of sin, and made anew by the Blood of Christ. Hallelujah!

  43. Just want to thank you for your continued prayers; they are helping! A very positive day for me yesterday, even with all the craziness of wedding preparations for Saturday, which normally would be a struggle. I just felt lifted up, and can only attribute it to prayers and the Holy Sprit. I’m thankful, and pray for continued physical and emotional healing, knowing there will be ups and downs, but always trying to be focused on the power of the cross and the precious blood of Jesus✝️πŸ™

    May your day be blessed with the peace of Christ. Shalom πŸ™

  44. Shocked and amazed at the way God continues to use this site to encourage others and bring folks together for prayer and encouragement. God is so good. My wife and I are in Denver area this weekend. Our 24 year old daughter is graduating from college. Very proud. She will celebrate 5 years married in June and worked full-time the entire time while in school. Graduating Magna Cum Laude. Didn't get it from me. I was at the bottom of both of my classes in high school and college. And she is pregnant. She had two miscarriages - December 2020 and April 2021. About 15 weeks along. We keep praying, as always, for God to help us accept what He provides and believing for the best for her and her husband. Her name is Megan. Her husband is Brandon. Blessings to everyone as you continue to bless and support one another.

    1. Daughter of a KingApril 29, 2022 at 9:03 AM

      Wow, I know that you and your wife are proud to be her parents.
      I pray that God keeps her safe on her journey in life. I also pray that 1 day she will have the most wonderful, beautiful and blessed children our Father gives her.
      I hope you and your family stay safe on your journey.

    2. It is sooooo good to hear from you Payton Family. Thank you for letting God use you to spread His live and Word.

    3. Live=LOVE:-)

    4. Please congratulate Megan on her accomplishment! Along with our entire JC Fammily, I am happy to pray for Brandon, Megan, and baby, along with prayers for two amazing grandparents to be, In His Time. Thanks for keeping this platform up and running, so God can continue to use it, allowing us to encourage others and bring us Prayer Warriors together for prayer and encouragement, Warrior until He calls us Home, and then 10,000 years and forevermore! We love and appreciate you, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Thank You God for laughter. One year later, I am back on Keith's computer without logging in as Brie!

    6. KWM ---- Your prayer is my prayer for the paytonfamily! Thank you paytonfamily for all you do to maintain this platform! I Decree: That the Almighty God's glory is your covering paytonfamily and JCFAMILY and His Favor surrounds you as a shield! Let us go Forward in Faith and Boldness! HALLELUJAH!!!

    7. HALLELUJAH-ing with our JJ!!! Again and again. Amen,

    8. Congratulations to Megan for so many wonderful things to celebrate: Her college Graduation, her 5th Wedding Anniversary, and a new baby to come. How faithful our loving God is! So happy for the Payton family for so many reasons to rejoice and be glad! Thank You Jesus!

    9. Dear JJ and Brie! Adding my Hallelujah! So happy to hear of many gifts God's faithfulness in the Payton Family. God bless you all.

  45. Daughter of a KingApril 29, 2022 at 9:00 AM

    Good morning, I first want to say I hope that everyone has a blessed weekend. Know that God loves you and no matter what, He will not leave you or forsake you.

    I would love for anyone to say a pray for a young lady I meet on line last year. She had been through a very dig issue in her youth. She tried to kill herself, but our amazing Father saved her. She is going so good in life. Going back to school and has a new job. Our Father has completely turned her life around. I’m so thankful He is a healer.
    But the past few days she has had a hard time, just the normal bumps in life and remembering the tragic time she had to deal with. So I ask you all to say a prayer for God to give her the strength she needs to get through this touch patch. I know she will but all the prayers she can get will definitely help.

    Father I come to you today to ask for your help for my friend Tarry. I ask that you give her the strength to overcome this mental struggle she is having. Comfort her and let know her of Your presence. Help lead her and guide her.
    I pray that You take away her fears and replace them with joyful thoughts.
    Thank you in advance for your prayers.

    1. Joining all prayers for Tarry and trusting in God's faithfulness and mercy.
      Thank You dear Father for lifting dear Tarry out of this difficult situation and open her eyes to all you have blessed her with and all her accomplishments. Let her see she is in Your favor and surrounded by Your unconditional Love and many prayers. We all much climb over the bumps in the road. This too shall pass. Thank You for continuing to lead her to all joy and peace in believing and to the desires of her beautiful heart. Thank You for this in Jesus' Name.

    2. Praying πŸ™ for Tarry.

  46. Thank You Jesus for blessing my day with love, joy, peace, Your presence and love from my JC Family. DOAK - Praying the security of god's presence, comfort, love and guidance for your friend Tarry.

  47. Good morning God! Thank you, Peter, for the morning nature walk before my feet hit the ground. Bless you all and cheers to Chris Payton for checking in today! Prayers for all requests known and unknown, and for Tarry to be lifted up by the Holy Spirit more and more each day. Thank you Lord for giving me more than enough of everything I need, especially YOUR LOVE for me.

    1. Amen dear Sassy Mom and dear Audra! He just keeps blessing us! Praying with you and for you and Tarry and so happy about Chris sharing his good news! Yes He showers us with more Love than we deserve and He leads us always, and He is the strength in our weakness. Amen!

    2. Today is my son Greg's 37th Birthday. I went to the store looking for some plain yogurt to go with my lamb meatballs and there was a woman talking to her son and wishing him a happy Birthday. I thought it was not an accidental happening and as I listened, I understood that it was his 37th Birthday and he lived far away. I was amazed by this little Godwink. When she finally ended the call, we had a lovely talk and I wished her all of God's blessings. I told her I was babysitting for both his children so he and his wife could have fun tonight.We have them both overnight so they could really enjoy themselves and even get some rest. She said I was lucky. I say I am so blessed. God is so good!

    3. I am always thankfully πŸ™grateful πŸ™ when I read Good News, God Winks, Godincidences, and Divine Appointments πŸ˜€ Thank You for sharing.

  48. Love this devotion about gratitude. I am so thankful for my blessings. We serve such an awesome and loving God who takes great care of us and provides our needs. Praise Him with every breath. Just waking up to a new day is a great gift. Today is our middle son Greg’s 38th Birthday. I’m in Brooklyn with my Mom but Rick will watch both babies later so Greg and his wife can go out and celebrate. They’re coming over for a Birthday dinner with our oldest son’s family tomorrow so we’ll share in the Birthday fun. Thanks for all your prayers for my friend Scott. Praying for God to destroy every cancer cell in his body and keep him in good health and to heal our dear Jan’s gall bladder and remove her pain. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    2 Corinthians 1:4-5 — Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

    I Corinthians 15:57 — But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Joining in prayers for you Jeanne, Scott, and Jan. May our heavenly Father's healing power take control of all these health cares. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Thanks dear Janet. We know the power of prayer from sincere hearts of faith. I believe Scott will receive good news when he gets his pet scan in May. God is so merciful and kind.

    3. I have been praying with you and our dear JC Family for our sweet Jan. I’ll bet she woke up today without any pain. And all the prayers are working for me along with God’s healing power. Thanks!

  49. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

    1. Amen!! Our true joy is from the Lord and of the Lord so we rejoice in Him. We have already received His faithfulness so many times so we pray without ceasing. And our hearts are full of gratitude because He is our God at all times. We could never count our blessings. His peace, love and comfort cover all circumstances.

  50. Amen Janet❤️πŸ™

  51. "The earth is vibrantly alive with My blessings, giving vivid testimony from My Presence. If you slow down your pace of life, you can find Me anywhere."
    My day started early, before 3am messages from family on my cell. Even the Squirrels were up to their antics early.
    Additionally there were many interuptions while I strongly needed to 'steal away ' to meet with my Lord.
    Starting to thank Him for the day dawning as the sun broke through light cloud, Matt Redman's song '10,000 Reasons' came to mind, trusting it blesses you as it did me.

    10,000 Reasons

    1. I have always loved that song! Thanks for your encouragement and for adding light to this rainy day.

  52. Amen. Beautiful prayer.

  53. Thank you Lord, for joining me in my garden today as I tackle spring cleanup and let your beauty take over. I'm so grateful for a lovely home and the emergency of spring flowers and the songs and sounds of the birds. Thank you!

    1. Sounds like peaceful and productive day with the Lord. Your garden will be beautiful because you reap what you sow.

  54. Dear JC family,

    I would like to ask for your prayers for my great uncle. His health suddenly deteriorated last week because of a germ in his intestines which caused serious bladder and bowel problems. He was admitted to the hospital and the tests revealed that it was way too advanced to be cured... He is drowsy and can no longer eat, drink or speak. He was admitted to palliative care today...

    I did not know him very well but I know he was not a believer and I would like to ask for your prayers so that he can receive salvation on his deathbed. I know that everything is possible to God and that He can reveal himself to him and to all the patients in end of life, either through a vision, a dream or anything else, I want to believe that it is possible and I ask you to join me in prayers for the salvation and comfort of my great uncle as well as all the unbelieving patients in end of life ...

    Thank you very much JC family, God bless you all and your loved ones.

    1. Praying for your Great Uncle, Dear anonymous and for your sweet heart to believe with him to receive Holy Spirit. It's never too late. My prayer is someone will reach his heart and pray with him; that he can confess with his mouth and believe in his heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead - he will be saved. Romans 10:9,10. I'm believing with you, Dear Anonymous.
      9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    2. Standing with you in prayer, anonymous, for the salvation of your great uncle at this, his end of life here in his physical body. May the mighty blood of Jesus cover him and many others in this position at the end of their lives and wake them up to the reality of salvation. Together we pray this in Jesus name. God blessπŸ™❤️

    3. Amen. He will call to him and I am praying with all of you that his heart will be opened to Jesus and your great uncle will seek Him and confess that He is his Lord and Savior and believe in his heart that God rose Him from the dead. May God open his heart and all those unsaved people nearing the end of their lives. May they receive Jesus unto salvation and say Yes Lord. I believe. Thank You Jesus.

  55. Dear dear Anonymous, I feel your heart. I know of a preacher who was so curious about near death experiences that he did his own study of hundreds of people who had near death experiences. He found that the one thing they all had in common was that Jesus always came to each of them, who were non believers for one last appeal. I know Jesus will appeal to your uncle. I pray your uncle will run to Jesus. God bless you.

    1. HMM! I wonder while saying the Apostle's Creed. if that is the reason Jesus descended into hell before He Ascended into Heaven???
      I pray He comes for me and /or each of my dear ones, wherever we may land.

  56. My Heavenly Father --- I come to You and give You Praise and Honor. You are so worthy to be Praised! So I lift up the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS to You and I Declare over them that they trust in the Lord

    1. Thank You God for JJ 's declaration which I am receiving in joy.

    2. Thank you JJ for your posts and prayers.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Grateful for this, dear JJ! When I awoke this morning and went downstairs, I had it on my heart the need to hear CeCe Winans's song, I've Got Joy and immediately following that, Alexa added CeCe's rendition of Goodness of God after that. I swear her voice is that of an angel. Made my morning. Hope you take a listen too.


    4. Thankful that you reminded me to listen 🎢 πŸ™ ❤️ to Cece Winans, dear NJS, our sister friend in Christ!
      Both songs you linked help me take today's Words from hearing into heeding! Much ❤️ and Many πŸ™

    5. Trusting in and praising God, JJ, thank you. And thanks so much for the Cece Winans songs you shared, NJS, the blessed my heart ❤️

  57. Some malfunction, but continuing:
    I just Declare that the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS trust in the Lord and the Power of His Might. Father, they will hold onto Your WORD and won't give up, they won't back off and they won't quit. Thank You, Father God,
    for giving them Joy unspeakable. Thank You for giving them Peace that passes all understanding. Father God, right now You are Healing every person in their mind. You're Healing their bodies and giving them STRENGTH, Father God, that they have never know before. I thank You, Father God, You have raised them up for such a time as this. I thank You, Father, that whatever their enemies are doing there is NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM that will prosper!
    And Heavenly Father, I thank You that nothing the enemies are doing at our border, against our Nation, against our Freedom, against our Health, , against our Families, against our Children, against our Finances--IT SHALL NOT PROSPER AGAINST US IN THE AUTHORITY OF THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
    I thank You, Father God, that You have given us complete Authority and Power and Dominion in this earth and WE ARE TAKING BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS! And I thank You, Father God, that the TRUTH is setting each and every one of us FREE. I thank You, Father God, that You are a
    covenant keeping God and You are our Protector and our Defender. I thank You for all that You have done and all that You are doing in Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    Declaring Great Love, Blessings and Abundant Life over this Awesome JCFAMILY! JJ

    1. Joining in prayer with you JJ! Heavenly Father, please incline Your ear and hear this prayer! We are praying fervently and expectantly waiting for Your help Lord! We know our help comes from the LORD! Thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! In Jesus name, we pray, Amen πŸ™.
      Thank you JJ 😊. God bless!

    2. I, too, join with JJ and her mighty prayer. Lord, please keep us faithful and keep our eyes on You.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Continued appreciation for your powerful and awesome prayer, JJ! Thank you! It is so needed. Copying and pasting into my notes. Blessings to you and yours, JJ!

  58. God guided me to receive your blessing and His peace. Dear JJ, Your powerful prayer encouraged my heart and strengthened me. I was just telling my friend and sister in Christ, Danuta to put her trust in the Lord and remember His faithfulness. Her mom took a stress test and she may have a blockage so she will need an angiogram. She’s also going to have radiation for a basal carcinoma on her face. Danuta lost a dear friend Ken on Saturday. May God heal, strengthen and comfort her and her mom and may He rest Ken’s soul and cover all of them with His Peace. Thank You Jesus.
    Today is my middle son’s 39th Birthday. Praying God will lead him to a job very soon. Have a blessed new day in His presence. Our help comes from the Lord. We are well taken care of. Rest in Him. Praying Norah’s DH will get his hearing back and Brie and her family will receive God’s faithfulness. Thank You Father for all this and for answering our Prayers in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Praying with you, Jeanne for Danita. Happy Birthday to your 39 y.o. Middle son, my second son turned 39 in March πŸ˜‰. Praying for God to provide the right job for him in Jesus name. Trusting in His love and goodness, he knows our every need.

    2. Thanks dear Websister! Happy Belated Birthday to your son! Trusting with you that God will provide all our needs and answer our prayers. He is our Way Maker and He always makes a way.

  59. JC Warriors, today is my husband’s cardiology appointment to find out next steps with the aortic aneurysm. I have thanked God for this issue and will continue to trust in Him. I will be re-reading your prayers from last week as we sit in the doctor’s office this morning. Thank you for your prayers.
    SC Anonymous

    1. SC lifting you both up in prayer. May His Peace cover you as you navigate next steps.

    2. More prayers are coming your and your husband's way, SC Anonymous πŸ™ ❤️ ✌️

    3. As JJ'S post began, 'Some malfunction, but continuing...'seems to be our theme.

    4. To SC and your husband:
      My Father God, as SC and her husband approach this important doctor's appointment for husband's aortic aneurysm, I ask that your guidance and Your presence be with them. Grant the medical team wisdom and clarity as they assess his condition and determine the best course of action.
      May Your peace that surpasses all understanding fill their hearts, calming any anxiety or fear they may have. Thank You, Father God, for giving them Strength and Courage, knowing that You are with them every step of the way.
      May Your Healing hand and Divine intervention be upon SC'S husband and lead to the healing and restoration of the aneurysm. May they feel Your love surrounding them, Father God, offering Hope and Reassurance in the midst of uncertainty. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over all. I Pray and Believe in the Mighty Name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN.

      My dear SC -- May this appointment bring clarity and comfort, and a sense of peace to you and your husband.

    5. In agreement with JJ. You now have the 2 or more gathered in His Name, SC. God is in the middle of your hub's situation!
      As NJS posted, 🎢 We've Got Jesus, We've Got Joy AND The Goodness Of God! 🎢

    6. Agreeing with the prayers above and thankful for His goodness in covering and protection to bring your DH safely to this day of his appointment. May His peace and healing power be with you both.

    7. Yes, Yes, Yes! Thank you Brie and NJS for HIGHLIGHTING the GOODNESS OF THE LORD!
      Something GOOD is going to happen to me today!


      You've given Your angels charge
      over me and my family. They keep us in all our ways.

      I have the VICTORY in Jesus' Name against any form of attack and I have the FAVOR of God that goes before me that OPENS UP DOORS that NO MAN CAN SHUT. I WILL NOT QUIT! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!

      God ALWAYS causes me to TRIUMPH in Christ Jesus!

      I am the HEAD and not the tail. I am ABOVE and NOT beneath!

      He causes the GIANTS to FALL BEFORE ME!

      By the Authority given to me through Jesus Christ, I Decree and Declare Healing over my body, mind, and spirit. I claim the promises of RESTORATION and WHOLENESS, knowing that by His stripes I am HEALED!


      This INCREDIBLE JCFAMILY knows hundreds and hundreds more! Keep Speaking, Decreeing and Declaring them over your loved ones and your circumstances.
      When we Speak, Decree and Declare God's Word, His power dismantles the strongholds of
      Satan's kingdom, bringing forth LIGHT, TRUTH, and VICTORY!


      These are GLORY DAYS NOT gloomy days!!!

    8. WOO! HOO! πŸ’ƒ πŸ•Ί They'll be Dancing In The Streets 🎢
      Thank You God for JJ's prayer and the JC's pray-ers!

    9. Joining in all prayers for your husband, dear SC! JJ's prayer was so amazing and powerful. God's got this for sure! May He guide every second of the appointment and also guide our dear Norah's DH's appointment so he will be hearing soon, and dear Danuta's mom's tests and radiation will be good and effective. Thank You dear Jesus, our Blessed Savior and the Lover of our Souls and the Keeper of our Hearts. These are Glory Days Not gloomy days!!! Hallelujah!

    10. Simply AWESOME prayer and declaration, JJ! Thank you!

  60. Happy to report: my DH can hear again!! The Dr. was so sweet and he even cleaned my ears today so I don't have to make another trip next Monday. God answered our prayers - AGAIN! So good to have my DH back. Though his legs are swollen as can be and he has sores, we know that God will take care of that, too! I love you JC Family - typing in my sleep!

  61. Praise the Lord for His loving kindness in restoring your DH's hearing. May He remove all his swelling and his sores. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen. He's covered by His Blood and we serve a good and faithful God! Rest in Him sweet sister. Goodnight!
