Thursday, May 9, 2024

TABLETALK - September 2018

I continue in my daily studies to be guided by Tabletalk magazine. 2018 was a study on the Gospel of John and its straightforward presentation of the person and work of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and other doctrines. 

  • January 2018 (July 4, 2023 - July 23, 2023) John 1:1-2:22 - The preexistence of Christ, the ministry of John the Baptist and the person of Christ. 
  • February 2018 (July 24, 2023 - August 10, 2023) John 2:23 - 3:36 - Regeneration and our need to believe in Christ for Salvation
  • March 2018 (August 13, 2023 - September 30, 2023) John 4:1 - 5:29 - Christ is the incarnate Son of God
  • April 2018 (October 1, 2023 - November 6, 2023) John 5:30 - John 7:36 - Jesus is as necessary to our souls as food is to our body; Jesus teaches in the temple during the Feast of Booths
  • May 2018 (November 7, 2023 - December 22, 2023) John 7:37 - John 9:41 - Jesus experiences opposition and there is a sin-motivated resistance people have toward being enslaved to sin.
  • June 2018 (December 23, 2023 - January 21, 2024) John 10:1 - 11:57 - Jesus as our shepherd will lay down His life for His sheep, but some won't hear Him. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in order to impact the faith of the disciples. 
  • July 2018 (January 22, 2024 - March 14, 2024) John 12:1 - 13:20 - Jesus as Savior and Judge; salvation comes to Jesus' disciples and the judgment comes to all who reject Him. 
  • August 2018 (March 15, 2024 - April 12, 2024) John 13:21 - John 14:31 - Warnings Jesus gave on the night of the Last Supper and the blessed promise of the Holy Spirit. 
  • September 2018 (April 13, 2024 - May 9, 2024) John 15:1 - John 16:24 - Continuing Christ's Farewell Discourse and the meaning of abiding in Christ, the analogy of the vine and conviction/guidance of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 15
Vine and Branches (John 15:1-5) - Jesus confirms that He is the true vine of Israel to bear the fruit of salvation now to all. Our response is to trust in Him (abide). 
Burning Branches (John 15:6) - In abiding, we need to be people that our lives look like our faith. In trusting in Christ, abiding in Him is a life of living, asking God to prune, so that our lives are marked by fruit. 
How We Bear Fruit (John 15:7) - As the Father was abiding in Jesus and Jesus did good works, the same thing occurs for us as we abide in Jesus and He in us and good works will done as we ask for them to be done. 
Proving Our Discipleship for God's Glory (John 15:8) - Our purpose on earth is to be called Jesus' disciples, bearing fruit, and all for one purpose - the Glory of God. 
Abiding in the Love of Christ (John 15:9-11) - We love Jesus, we keep His commandments and we abide in His love, just like he showed in His relationship with God the Father. 
Christian Love Defined (John 15:12-13) - Christ-like love is passed on from Him to us to us to others and as He would lay down His life for all of us, I can practice the same sort of sacrifice though in different ways toward others. 
Friends of the Savior (John 15:14-17) - We are Jesus' friend, no longer slaves. He chose us to bear fruit, and we can ask Him in His name and He will give it. We are to love one another. 
The World's Hatred (John 15;18-21) - Like Jesus, the disciples will be persecuted and hated by the world, but this hate is first directed at Jesus. 
Inexcusable Sin (John 15:22-25) - Jesus remarks that no one has a reason to curse Him by hatred or persecution because He has presented Himself as the Son of Man who is equal to the Father. 
The Witness of God's Spirit and People (John 15:26-27) - Jesus sends the helper to testify of Jesus and His followers, the disciples, testify of Jesus as well, having been with him since beginning of His ministry. 

Chapter 16
The Persecution to Come (John 16:1-4a) - Persecution is coming, within the church and outside of it; Jesus encourages us to not stumble and remember the words of comfort He continues to speak. 
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 16:4b-11) - Jesus confirms it is better for him to leave to the Father, as the Holy Spirit will be with us and convict the world of sin, Christ's innocence and Christ the victor over Satan. 
The Spirit's Guidance (John 16:12-15) - Jesus confirms that the Holy Spirit will speak of the truth of Jesus, glorifying Him, giving us more insight as days go by into the future, and the Holy Spirit is also from the Father.
The Disciple's Confusion (John 16:16-19) - Jesus is telling the disciples He is departing to a place they cannot see Him, but they will see Him again another time, another place. And we can trust Jesus without knowing all the details.
Sorrow, Joy, and Answered Prayer (John 16:20-24) - Jesus states that the best thing for us is Him leaving. While grief hits, the heart will rejoice and no one can take this joy. We will ask according to God's will and also receive a full joy. 

Various Scriptures - What it Means to Grow in Holiness - We are to be intense in our desire to follow God, valuing righteous living and to resist the schemes of the flesh, Satan and the world. 

The Already and the Not Yet - We live now and wait between what our Lord has declared is already true and what has not yet been revealed. I long to be in a place (heaven) I have never been. "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man" (Revelation 21:3). While we live as pilgrims, aliens, strangers here, Christ is the light of this world and we are to shine His light. We are His ambassadors looking to gather up more for the future home. 

God's People in Exile - This is an interesting article. It reminds me of the words, "What is God doing for Heaven's Sake" or the Tom Nelson series on the "Decree of God." This is a great summary of the Bible. Life right now is a mix of exile and restoration. Once we left the garden, we live in a place of exile, not where we were originally intended. The Garden of Eden - The garden was set up with everything that we needed, and we were tasked to multiply people, and expand the borders of the garden to the end of the earth. But we disobeyed God's one and we were exiled. The Curse of Exile - Out of the garden, we fell into God’s curse, which resulted in hard work all of our days, pain in childbearing, and opposition to subdue the Earth. God promised a Redeemer to reverse the curse. The Flood - Man, however, became exceedingly wicked, including yielding to false worship, until finally God wiped out everyone except a remnant, Noah; we can return to God's favor, back to Eden, that it is different. Abraham's Sojourn - God chose Abraham. God lead Abraham to Canaan, but there was a famine that caused him to go to Egypt where He encountered challenges. He made a covenant with Abraham to give him Canaan along with numerous descendants and His kingdom to the entire world. Abraham though never saw it and lived as a foreigner. The Exodus - The promise of Canaan being a great nation was fulfilled, though after centuries of Israelites enslaved to Egyptians. This prolonged suffering not only for personal sin, but all sin of others. Israel was unfaithful during the exodus. He allowed them to leave Egypt, but still they wandered until all left Egypt. The First Kingdom - God made a covenant with David, promising Solomon to rule Israel forever. Israel rose to power and its people too numerous to count. Solomon built the temple - the place where God dwelled and met with His people, yet not walking them yet as He did in Eden. But unfaithfulness set in again, under Solomon's son Rehoboam the kingdom divided to Judah (south) and Israel (north). Both in exile, removed from his throne in Jerusalem.  The Last Kingdom - God did what His people could not, sending His son to lead His people out of exile and build the kingdom throughout the world. We remain in exile physically, struggle with our flesh and sin, but spiritually citizen's of God's kingdom, having the Holy Spirit and seated with Christ in heavenly places. The promise of Jesus returning and renewing heaven and earth, a fullness of God's kingdom resulting. Until then we suffer - but we live and walk by faith. 

Eternity in Our Hearts - The title of this article is taken from Ecclesiastes 3 as the Preacher gives words of God’s providence stating "God has made everything appropriate in it’s time placing eternity in our hearts." This article helps us to remember that we are living now for a future glory of being with Christ in glory. We can begin to love him now us the church, His bride, with a focus on the bride groom (Jesus). We must be careful not to simply stare at the dress only, and think that this dress is the ultimate point of the wedding. As we encounter difficulties living on this earth, it should remind us that this is not our home. Everything we are doing is preparing us for that future day, the bad reminds us of our future hope and the good gives us pause to thank God. Work while in the garden, before sin, had dignity, but after the fall it was toilsome and so in doing it is dissatisfaction which focuses us on a better day. God uses joys and sorrows for our good benefit, to work together for good. We don't understand everything, but we still can see a purpose in things - work is a gift, all is beautiful in its own time, we have eternity in our being, and that evil will be dealt with. There is purpose in history even if we don't understand it completely. Sin corrupts these longings as we focus instead on personal greatness, time is squandered and eternal life mocked. We should be moved to faith. 

Living as Dual Citizens - In the NT we have a contrast, living in the world, according to its ways and the government and yet not of the world and its ideals. We do need to respect government while looking forward to our eternal home. God rules the institution of the world and its governing powers and the church in different ways. Respect our leaders. Governance is God’s plan. 

Living in These Last Days - The last days started 2,000 years ago. God's promises are being fulfilled today. It affects our view of sanctification, family life, church, politics, and much more. 

Separationism - Christians are discouraged by what they see in the world and so some think a monastic life is in order. We are to be a separate people which is hard. But we are not to avoid sinners in the world. We need to be careful about being associated with anyone not our brother and live in a way that contradicts our faith. The church needs to unite and not argue so much within. We need to consider more our witness to the world. 

Living in the World to Come - Sabbath rest and worship offer an oasis for the weary and heavy-laden people of God. It shows us God is on high forever. 

How Providence Nurtures Death - Like a father to his children, God's providence is the Father's care for his children. Despite the hard events in life and trials which are promised to us, God's providence is still present as He nurtures faith in us and all things work together for good. As humans, we focus on the short-term and what is going on now, sometimes seeing that our obedience does not have good results of joy and happiness and freedom from harm. We get hurt by others and so we also learn a need to forgive. We can be generous with what He has given us. This might require adjustments to be made. But, regardless of what we are facing today, remember the Father cares for us. 

Renewing Your Mind - The story of Dr Sproul's show celebrating its 24th anniversary. 

Favoritism in the Church - God shows no favoritism or partiality in the covenant of grace so why do we size up people? 

Working unto the Glory of God - One way we can glorify God in our work is to do our very best. 

The Moment of Truth

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