Monday, July 24, 2023

TABLETALK - January 2018

I continue in my daily studies to be guided by Tabletalk magazine. 2018 was a study on the Gospel of John and its straightforward presentation of the person and work of Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and other doctrines. 
  • January 2018 (July 4, 2023 - ) John 1:1-2:22 - The preexistence of Christ, the ministry of John the Baptist and the person of Christ. 
Chapter 1
The Fourth Gospel - This gospel, like the others has similarities, but is also a more private discourse and understanding of Jesus the Christ so that we will believe and have Life in His Name. The Uncreated Word - Jesus, the Word, is at creation, with God and was God and was therefore uncreated. The Word of Life and Light - Jesus, the Word, is beginning, is eternal and complete life, is light to our way, which darkness cannot fully comprehend. The Witness to the Light - It was necessary and needed for John to first appear and prepare the way for Jesus to come. The Right to be Children of God - God calls many of His own to be born of God, as his Children - those that receive Him.  The Incarnation of the Word of God - The Word - Jesus - became flesh to dwell among us and through Him we see God's glory.  The Full and Final Revelation of God - All that we know of God we have in Christ. His grace is everlasting and greater than repeated annually through sacrificial system. John the Baptist Identifies Himself - John the Baptist states who he is not (Christ, Elijah, Prophet) and who he is - a voice crying out to make straight the way of the Lord/Jehovah/Jesus.- The Baptism of John - John’s baptism demonstrated the humble willingness to repent, be cleansed, and prepare for the coming Messiah. John the Baptist Bears Witness to Christ -  John, upon seeing Jesus, perhaps for the first time, testifies that He is the Son of God. Becoming Disciples of Jesus - John showed two disciples Jesus, proclaiming Him as the Lamb of God, and they followed Jesus. Jesus Meets Simon - Andrew introduces his brother Simon to Jesus who gives him a new name of Cephas/Peter. Good from Nazareth - Come and see Jesus and follow, something good to come from Nazareth. Seeing the Way of Salvation - Jesus proclaims that is present between heaven and earth, going back and forth, taking His people to heaven from earth, back and forth. We see him. We believe. 

Chapter 2
The Wedding at Cana - Jesus, His mother Mary, and the disciples attend a wedding at Cana and more wine is needed and Jesus responds that is not His hour yet. The First of Jesus' Signs - Jesus does a miracle, turning water into wine, and shows that He is better than the past; new is better than old. Jesus Cleanses the Temple - Here, Jesus alerts people and provides his authority about ensuring the Father's business is carried out, true worship occurs in the temple and nothing else. The Temple of Jesus' Body - The final temple is Jesus, His body, that will bear our atonement for sin, once for all and then He will rise in 3 days.

The Fear of the Lord - Buck Parsons (Editor of Tabletalk magazine) - We need to return to talking about the fear of God. Often sin, hell, condemnation, holiness, wrath or sovereignty is not mentioned from the pulpit. Instead we focus only on God being about love and peace. Fear is not to be slave-like but humble and reverential. We are told to fear God, but fear not, so we are not to be afraid of God. We need to have reverence and awe. 

God's Good Pleasure in Election - R C Sproul (founder of Ligonier Ministries, founding pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla., and first president of Reformation Bible College) Predestination was not invented by Calvin or Luther or Augustine for Ephesians 1:4-6 states God "predestined us for adoption..." Why does God elect some and not others to be His people? Some will say then that God is arbitrary (based on random or whim rather than reason). While I am not adopted because of anything I have done, scripture gives the pictures that there is a reason He chooses some for salvation. Ephesians 1:11 states, "according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will." Counsel suggests reason rather than arbitrary which alludes to no purpose. Purpose actually is mentioned in Eph. 1:4-6 as it mentions His will. We are meant to be a praise to Him. 

What are We Afraid Of - Matt Smethurst (Elder at Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky) - We live in fear, despite security systems, advanced medicine, organic food, and endless information, and material blessings. We are shocked when things are hard rather than easy. And then we think if we control it, we won't be afraid. Rather than follow science, we are now told to follow our heart and focus on self. We try to play God, steering the ship while figuring out the dials. What's the answer? Inerrancy of the Bible. We can believe that the One in charge of our lives is good and great. What sets apart our faith is God can and God cares. Our fear is being found out. The sin of idolatry has taken over. We need to fear God because He is holy; He's not mean. Luke 12:32, "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." God pursues us. The Lord/Lamb is my shepherd. The most repeated command in the bible is "Fear not." He has never failed one of His own. 

The God Whom We Are To Fear - K. Scott Oliphint (Professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia) - [Note: this is outstanding] - In a solar eclipse, the suns brightness is covered, but not the UV rays. Though it is eclipsed the full power is still there and can still hurt us. This is a good example of God's glory and how we as humans have been able to view it over time. Moses saw some of God's glory, but not all of it and God let him know if he saw all of it he couldn't live. In Christ, we have God's glory passed onto us through Christ. Again, it is an eclipse of it. Though I believe Jesus is God, what we see in him on this earth is part of that Glory. That Glory is a reason we fear God because it reveals God's power. There are many ways God provides for us, eternal life. He is eternal but gives us eternity after we die with him in heaven. But he is different. We are made in His image, yet still different. Oliphint mentions, "Christians fear God, in the first place, because we recognize that the radiance of His infinite, eternal and majestic character would, simply by its majesty, stamp us out of existence. We fear God because we know that if we were to see Him in all His glory, we would be no more." I like this article because it provides a very high view of God. God is separate from man. And we will never be God. We may be like him, but will never be God. That to me is fearing God. 

The Blessings of Fearing God - Kim Riddlebarger (Senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California) - What does it mean to fear the Lord? How is it related to God's love? How does it secure God's blessings for His people? Fear is Hebrew word yireh and means to be afraid, terrified or in awe. It is not respect. Wisdom is knowing who God is, His power, His righteous ways. Fools ignore God. Wisdom arises from fearing the Lord. We do not weaken fear to preserve the fact that God loves us. We fear God because He is holy, we are sinners and all sinners must be punished. And yet God promises to save us from our sin, thus alleviating our fear. 

Putting the Fear of God into Practice - Eric B. Watkins (Senior pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, Florida) - The Fear of God - a challenge to think about, especially in our world in which our pride and temptation to conform to the world challenges us to abandon God's principles. One purpose of the Law of God is to restrain evil, cultivating a fear of God and consequences to our actions. Instead, each person does what is right in their own eyes. 

Worship and the Fear of God - John P. Sartelle Sr. (Senior minister of Christ Presbyterian Church in Oakland, Tennessee) - Author remembers his father, as a reserved and quiet man, and yet a person that hugged and kissed him. There was reverential awe of his father, who set boundaries for him, gave direction and yet loved him unconditionally. The seraphim were sinless, and yet in awe of God. John was closest to Jesus, and yet still drop dead at his feet. Though we have been adopted into the family of God, and we can call God father He is still transcendent (supreme power). In our worship of him, we need to show the world our love for him, but also our fear and awe of him.

Profitable for the Kingdom - Aaron L. Garriott (Production manager of Tabletalk Magazine) - Parents teaching their children about stewardship. Luke 19 parable about ten minas is a great guide with the 3rd servant receiving the greatest thrashing for storing his gift. We must be servants that are wise about our use of gifts that the Father has given us. We will be accountable to the King when He returns for how we have used the gifts He has given us. Be like the two servants that put their minas to good use and procured a profit. 
Your Word Reveal Your Heart - Stephen Mueller (church planting pastor of Gospel Church Minchen in Munich, Germany) - 

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